Control Group Seminars
Past seminars
See also Current Seminars
- Friday, 30 November 2007, 2:00pm, LR3B
The evolution of altruism through beard chromodynamics
- Professor Vincent A.A. Jansen (School of Biological Sciences of Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Friday, 23 November 2007, 2:00pm, LR3B
Two different ways to implement a nonlinear model predictive controller
- Dr Eric Kerrigan (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College, London)
- Friday, 26 October 2007, 2:00pm, LR3B
Studies of feedback interconnections: A stability analysis result and systems biology modelling
- Dr Alexander Lanzon (Control Systems Centre, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Manchester)
- Friday, 5 October 2007, 2:00pm, LR3B
Performance Limitations in Formation Control of Autonomous Vehicles with limited Communications
- Professor Rick Middleton (The Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland)
- Monday, 10 September 2007, 2:00pm, LR11
Control over Complex Networks
- Professor Guanrong Chen (Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, P. R. China)
- Friday, 10 August 2007, 2:00pm, LR11
Nonlinear Systems Analysis and Synthesis by Polynomial Lyapunov Functions
- Professor Y. S. Hung (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, P. R. China)
- Friday, 22 June 2007, 2:00pm, LR5
Optimal control for linear systems with Markov jump parameters
- Dr Eduardo Costa (Imperial College London)
- Friday, 8 June 2007, 2:00pm, Board room (basement)
Economic assessment of advanced process control - a framework and survey
- Professor Ian Craig (University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa)
- Friday, 25 May 2007, 11:00am, LR6
Central pattern generators for locomotion control in animals and robots
- Professor Auke Ijspeert (EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Friday, 11 May 2007, 2:00pm, LR11
Two examples of industrial control
- Dr Johannes Reinschke (Siemens AG, Germany)
- Friday, 4 May 2007, 2:00pm, LR11
Convex parametric linear complementarity problems in control
- Dr Colin Jones (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
- Friday, 4 May 2007, 3:30pm, LR5
Design of set-invariant observers for linear discrete-time systems
- Dr Carlos Dorea (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil)
- Monday, 23 April 2007, 2:00pm, LR6
Characterizing and computing the Real Radical - An SDP Approach
- Philipp Rostalski (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
- Friday, 23 March 2007, 2:00pm, LR11
Boundary Control Approach to Inverse Problems
- Professor Sergei Avdonin (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
- Friday, 2 March 2007, 2:00pm, LR11
Structured Low-Rank Approximation and (Some of) Its Applications
- Dr Ivan Markovsky (University of Southampton - SIS Group)
- Friday, 23 February 2007, 2:00pm, LR11
Feedback control mechanisms in the tryptophan operon:
Modelling, Analysis and "Design"
- Dr Declan Bates (University of Leicester)
- Friday, 9 February 2007, 2:00pm, LR11
Stability Testing of Matrix Polytopes
- Dr Leonid Gurvitz (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Friday, 2 February 2007, 2:00pm, LR11
Model Predictive Control for Distributed Parameter Systems
- Dr Hai-Tao Zhang (Huazhong (Central China) University of Science and Technology)
- Friday, 19 January 2007, 2:00pm, LR11
State estimation with hard constraints
- Mr Emanuele Crisostomi (University of Pisa, Italy)
- Friday, 8 December 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Independent component analysis of gene expression data
- Dr Pierre-Antoine Absil (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
- Friday, 17 November 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Linear quadratic theory for distributed control - From telescopes to
vehicle formations
- Prof Anders Rantzer (Lund Institute of Technology - Department of
Automatic Control, Sweden)
- Friday, 3 November 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
25 Years of Passivity-Based Control: From Energy-Balancing to Power-Shaping
- Prof Romeo Ortega (CNRS-Supelec)
- Monday, 30 October 2006, 4:00pm, LR4
Flexible Tools for Control, Simulation, and Real-Time Implementation
- Dr Jeannie Falcon (Senior Engineer, Control and Simulation National Instruments)
- Friday, 20 October 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Methods of electrical circuit synthesis and their application to
- Prof Malcolm Smith (CUED)
- Friday, 13 October 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
The changing role and face of computer-aided control system design
- Prof Jan Maciejowski (CUED)
- Thursday, 3 August 2006, 2:00pm, LR5
Smart Landers
- Dr Homayoun Seraji (NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
Institute of Technology)
- Wednesday, 19 July 2006, 2:00pm, LR6
The IDeA Labs: Building an interdisciplinary program in Algorithmic
Decision Processes
- Prof Sean Warnick (Brigham Young University)
- Thursday, 29 June 2006, 2:00pm, LR6
RMMAC: Robust Multiple-Model Adaptive Control
- Prof Michael Athans (MIT)
- Thursday, 15 June 2006, 2:00pm, LR6
Coordinated control and collective optimization
- Prof Rodolphe Sepulchre (Université de Liège)
- Friday, 2 June 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
LTI internal models for input disturbance rejection for passive nonlinear systems
- Prof George Weiss (Imperial College)
- Friday, 26 May 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Control theoretical challenges in systems biology
- Dr Eric Bullinger (The Hamilton Institute)
- Friday, 19 May 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Global analysis and synthesis of oscillations: a dissipativity approach
- Dr Guy-Bart Stan (CUED)
- Friday, 12 May 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Continuous-time systems that solve computational problems
- Dr Pierre Absil (Université catholique de Louvain)
- Friday, 5 May 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Research activities in JAXA
- Yoshiro Hamada (JAXA - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
- Wednesday, 26 April 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
IEEE Control Systems Society UKRI Chapter Event
The Scenario Approach to Robust Control
- Prof Marco Campi (University of Brescia)
- Thursday, 20 April 2006, 2:00pm, LR2
The Partial Realization Problem for Hidden Markov Models
- Dr. M. Vidyasagar (Tata Consultancy Services)
- Friday, 17 March 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Tractable Problems in Optimal Decentralized Control
- Dr Michael Rotkowitz (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH))
- Friday, 10 March 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Joint Control/Engineering for the Life Sciences Seminar
Nonparametric identification of pharmacokinetic population models via Gaussian processes
- Prof Giuseppe De Nicolao (University of Pavia)
- Friday, 3 March 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Trajectory-based Assessment Problems for the Stability in Emergency Control
- Prof Yun Zou (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)
- Friday, 24 February 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Quadratic differential forms and (some of) their applications
- Dr Paolo Rapisarda (University of Southampton)
- Friday, 17 February 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Distributed Dissipative Systems
- Prof Jan C. Willems (K.U. Leuven)
- Friday, 10 February 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
On the state of behaviors
- Prof Paul A. Fuhrmann (Ben Gurion University)
- Friday, 3 February 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Joint Control/Signal Processing Seminar
Model-based signal processing: a brief overview
- Prof James V. Candy (University of California (UC) Santa Barbara / UC Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Friday, 27 January 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
Nonlinear System Estimation - with Automotive Applications
- Thomas Schon (Linkoping University)
- Friday, 20 January 2006, 2:00pm, LR11
An Information Theoretic Viewpoint to Performance Bounds of
Feedback Systems: Optimality Results and Open Problems
- Prof. Nuno Martins (University of Maryland)
- Friday, 9 December 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
Distributed Receding Horizon Control of Multiagent Systems
- Dr William Dunbar (University of California - Santa Cruz)
- Friday, 25 November 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
Model predictive control for air traffic management and satellite attitude control
- Dr Wen-Hua Chen (Loughborough University)
- Friday, 18 November 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
Multiobjective Control via Evolutionary Algorithms
- Dr Arturo Molina-Cristobal (CUED)
- Friday, 11 November 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
Schrodinger's Legacy: Systems and Life
- Prof. Peter Wellstead (Hamilton Institute, NUI)
- IEEE Control Systems Society UK&RI Chapter Event
- Friday, 4 November 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
MPC for max-plus-linear discrete event systems
- Ion Necoara (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- Friday, 28 October 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
Robust nonlinear model predictive control of finite-time processes under parametric uncertainties
- Dr Zoltan Nagy (Loughborough University)
- Friday, 21 October 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
A sequential particle algorithm that keeps the particle system alive
Dr Francois LeGland (IRISA/INRIA Rennes, France)
- Friday, 14 October 2005, 1:30pm, LT11
Model predictive control and multi-agent control of freeway
traffic networks
- Dr Bart De Schutter (Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- Monday, 3 October 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
Structure and function of large scale biological networks
- Dr An-Ping Zeng
- Monday, 5 September 2005, 11:00am, LT11
Metrology, Modeling, and Control for Semiconductor Manufacturing
- Prof. Kameshwar Poolla (UC Berkeley, USA)
- Friday, 15 July 2005, 4:00pm, LR11
- Symbolic Control of Dynamic Systems: from control quanta to
control encoding
- Prof. Antonio Bicchi (University of Pisa, Italy)
- Thursday, 14 July 2005, 11:00am, LR11
- State estimation in multi-agent decision and control systems
- Domitilla Del Vecchio (Caltech, USA)
- Monday, 11 July 2005, 2:00pm, LR11
- A Notion of Controllability for Uncertain Linear Systems with
Structured Uncertainty
- Prof. Ian Petersen (Australian Defence Force Academy)
- Thursday, 23 June 2005, 3:00pm, LR6
- Dynamic Embedded Optimization and Shooting Methods for
Performance Enhancement of Hybrid Systems (Abstract)
- Prof. Ian Hiskens (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
- Wednesday, 22 June 2005, 12 noon, LR5
- Powertrain control strategies
Prof. John J. Moskwa,
Director: Powertrain Control Research Lab,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- Friday, 3 June 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
- Modeling and MPC control of Homogeneous Charge Compression
Ignition(HCCI) Engine Dynamics (Abstract)
- Dr Johan Bengtsson (Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden)
- Friday, 13 May 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
- Marching or crawling towards an artificial pancreas (Abstract)
- Dr Roman Hovorka (Department of Paediatrics, University of
Engineering in the Life Sciences Seminar
- Friday, 22 April 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
- Computable analysis for control (Abstract)
- Dr Pieter Collins (CWI, The Netherlands)
- Thursday, 7 April 2005, 2:00pm, LT11
- Model Predictive Control and Communications Resource Assignment in Coordinated Systems (Abstract)
- Prof. Robert Bitmead (University of California, San Diego)
- IEEE Control Systems Society UKRI Chapter Event
- Wednesday, 23 March 2005, 11:30am, LT11
- Humanitarian Demining and Human Adaptive Mechatronics Projects at Tokyo Denki University
- Prof. Katsuhisa Furuta (Tokyo Denki University)
- Friday, 18 March 2005, 2:00pm, LT11,
- Efficient numerical solution methods for nonlinear model predictive
control and the effect of numerical approximations on stability (Abstract)
- Dr Rolf Findeisen (University of Stuttgart)
- Friday, 11 March 2005, 2:00pm, LT11,
- Modelling and Control of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (Abstract)
- Paul Roberts (CUED)
- Joint seminar with the Electronics, Power and Energy
Conversion Group
- Tuesday, 8 March 2005, 3:00pm, LT2
- Complexity and Fragility
- Prof. John Doyle (Caltech)
- Friday, 4 March 2005, 2:00pm, LT11,
- A model reference approach to safe controller changes in iterative
identification and control (Abstract)
- Dr Andrea Lecchini-Visintini (CUED)
- Friday, 25 February 2005, 2:00pm, LT11,
- The economic advantages of using Foundation Fieldbus
- John Morley (Emerson Process Managament)
- Friday, 18 February 2005, 2:00pm, LT11,
- Probabilistic Conflict Detection for Air Traffic Control (Abstract)
- Oliver Watkins (CUED)
- Friday, 11 February 2005, 2:00pm, LT11,
- Towards paradigm unification for systems modelling (Abstract)
- Manuela Bujorianu (CUED)
- Friday, 4 February 2005, 2;00pm, LT11,
- Mechanical Steering Compensators for High-Performance Motorcycles (Abstract)
- Prof. David Limebeer (Imperial College London)
- Joint seminar with the Dynamics and Vibration group
- Thursday, 2 December 2004, 10:30am, LT6
- A Conservation of Fragility Law and Its Consequences for
Biochemical Network Dynamics (Abstract)
- Dr Jorge Goncalves (CUED)
- Engineering in the Life Sciences Seminar
- Friday, 19 November 2004, 4:00pm, LT11
- Driver steering control and a new perspective on car handling
qualities (Abstract)
- Prof. Robin Sharp (Imperial College London)
- Joint seminar with Dynamics and Vibrations Group
- Friday, 29 October 2004, 2:00pm, LT11
- Prediction dynamics in model predictive control
- Dr Mark Cannon (University of Oxford)
- Monday, 25 October 2004, 3:00pm, LT2
- Global architectures of biological networks
- Prof. John Doyle (Caltech)
- Engineering for the Life Sciences Seminar
- Friday, 22 October 2004, 2:00pm, LT11
- A few thoughts about operators and gaps
- Prof. Malcolm Smith (CUED)
- Wednesday, 20 October 2004, 2:00pm, LR6
- Imaging single molecules in live cells
- Prof. Raimund Ober (University of Texas-Dallas)
- Engineering for the Life Sciences Seminar
- Friday, 15 October 2004, 2:00pm, LR11
- Analysis of coordination of mobile agents through partial difference equations
- Dr Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate (INRIA, France)
- Friday, 24 September 2004, 2:00pm, LR10
- Positive matrices and the internet: Asymptotic results (Abstract)
- Dr Robert Shorten (The Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland)
- Friday, 17 September 2004, 2:00pm, LR11
- Uniqueness of a Polyhedral Representation to a Continuous
Selection for Mp-QP Problems (Abstract)
- Jorgen Spjotvold (NTNU, Norway)
- Thursday, 9 September 2004, 11:00am, LR11
- All Stability Multipliers for Repeated MIMO Nonlinearities (Abstract)
- Prof. Michael G. Safonov (University of Southern California)
- Friday, 13 August 2004, 2:00 pm, LR11
- A Unified Approach to Control Synthesis Problems (Abstract)
- Prof. MC Tsai (NCKU, Taiwan)
- Tuesday, 6 July 2004, 12:00 pm, LR11
- Inverse optimal adaptive control for
spacecraft attitude tracking
- Dr YC Chu (NTU, Singapore)
- Friday, 18 June 2004, 2:00 pm, LR7
- Property estimator design for consistent inferential
control (Abstract)
- Dr Gabriele Pannocchia (Univ. of Pisa, Italy)
- Wednesday, 16 June 2004, 2:00 pm, LR0
- TCP Congestion Control for High-Speed Networks (Abstract)
- Prof. Doug Leith (Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth, Ireland)
- IEEE Control Systems Society UK&RI Chapter Event
- Friday, 11 June 2004, 2:00 pm, LR7
- Model Network Structures for Nonlinear Control (Abstract)
- Dr John Guiver (Aspentech)
- Friday, 4 June 2004, 2:00 pm, LR7
- H-infinity Inverse Optimal Attitude Tracking Control of a Rigid
Spacecraft (Abstract)
- Prof. Keck Voon Ling (NTU, Singapore)
- Friday, 28 May 2004, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Low-order modelling and control in fluid systems
- Prof. Gilead Tadmor (Northeastern University, USA)
- Friday, 21 May 2004, 2:00 pm, LR11
- A New Algorithm for the Projection of Polytopes with Applications to
Control (Abstract)
- Colin Jones (CUED)
- Friday, 7 May 2004, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Exact Solutions to Some l1 Robust Control Problems (Abstract)
- Dr Robin Hill (RMIT, Australia)
- Friday, 16 April 2004, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Two Decades of Adaptive Control Pitfalls (Abstract)
- Prof. Brian D.O. Anderson
(National ICT Australia Limited
and Australian National University)
- Friday, 19 March 2004, 2:00 pm, LR11
- A robust hierarchical control system (Abstract)
- Dr Richard Kennaway (University of East Anglia)
- Friday, 5 March 2004, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Online Tuning of Fuzzy Inference Systems Using Dynamic Fuzzy
Q-Learning (Abstract)
- Prof. Er Meng Joo (NTU, Singapore)
- Thursday 12 February 2004, 3:00 pm, LR0
- Tubes & Robust Model Predictive Control of Discrete Time
Systems (Abstract)
- Sasa Rakovic (Imperial College London)
- Thursday 12 February 2004, 2:00 pm, LR0
- Feedback Control of Hybrid Systems (Abstract)
- Pascal Grieder (ETH Zurich)
- Friday 12 December 2003, 2:00 pm, LR7
- Switching controllers: Realization, initialization and stability
- Jonathan Paxman (CUED)
- Friday 28 November 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Applications of Synchronous Tracking Control for Innovative
Mechatronic Systems (Abstract)
- Prof. M.C. Tsai (The National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
- Friday 21 November 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Balanced parametrizations for lossless systems, separable least
squares and system identification (Abstract)
- Dr Bernard Hanzon (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
- Friday 7 November 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Passive Interconnected Vehicle Suspension
- Nicholas Mace (CUED)
- Friday 8 August 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Robustness analysis of nonlinear dynamic inversion control
laws for flight control applications
- Christos Papageorgiou (CUED)
- Tuesday 24 June 2003, 2:00 pm, LR10
- Distributed coordination strategies for mobile
autonomous agents (Abstract)
- Prof. Ali Jadbabaie (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
- Friday 20 June 2003, 2:00 pm, LR7
- Calibratable Linear Parameter-Varying Control of the Airpath of
a Turbocharged Diesel Engine
- Merten Jung (CUED)
- Friday 13 June 2003, 2:00 pm, LR4
- Under a thin red sky: Aeromanoeuvring in the Martian Atmosphere
- Prof. Roy Smith (University of California, Santa Barbara).
- Friday 30 May 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Convergence analysis and optimal prefiltering in Iterative Feedback Tuning
- Dr Andrea Lecchini, (Université Catholique
de Louvain, Belgium)
- Wednesday 21 May 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- On common quadratic Lyapunov functions for switched
linear systems
- Dr Robert Shorten (The Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland)
- Thursday 17 April 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Application of system identification theory in the automobile industry
- Prof. Shuichi Adachi (Utsunomiya University, Japan)
- Friday 4 April 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- The Modeling of Uncertain Nonlinear Feedback Systems
- Prof. Roy Smith (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Tuesday 18 March 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Complexity Reduction of Model Predictive Control
- Pascal Grieder (ETH Zurich)
- Friday 14 March 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Determination of explicit control laws for constrained discrete-time
optimal control problems (Abstract)
- Prof David Mayne FRS (Imperial College)
- Wednesday 5 March 2003, 4:00 pm, LR6.,
- Research Activities at the Measurement and Control Laboratory
of ETH Zurich (Abstract)
- Lino Guzzella (ETH Zurich)
- Monday 24 February 2003, 8:30 pm, Cockroft
Lecture Theatre, New Museums Site
- Almost everything under control: feedback by design
- Prof. Keith Glover FRS (CUED)
- A lecture to the Cambridge Philosophical Society
- Friday 21 February 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- On Constrained Infinite- Horizon Model Predictive Control
- Dr Ognjen Marjanovic (Perceptive Engineering)
- Tuesday 11 February 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- A design methodology for the support of the automotive design chain
- Prof Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (UC Berkeley)
- Friday 7 February 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- A modified H-infinity loopshaping framework and flight control system
- Dr Kelvin Halsey (QinetiQ)
- Wednesday 5 February 2003, 2:00 pm, LR6
- Robustness of Finite State Automata: Design of Hybrid Systems
- Prof Alexandre Megretski (MIT)
- Friday 31 January 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Model Predictive Control - A New Paradigm for Automatic
- Dr Jan Maciejowski (CUED)
- Friday 24 January 2003, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Model Predictive Control of Autonomous Vehicles using Mixed
Integer Linear Programming.(Abstract)
- Arthur Richards (MIT)
- Friday 6 December 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Spectral principal component analysis (PCA) with applications
- Nina Thornhill (University College, London)
- Friday 15 November 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Control Systems under Constraints of Information of Signals
- Dr Koji Tsumura (Tokyo, visiting CUED)
- Wednesday 13 November 2002, 11:30 am, LR7 Cancelled
- Stability and feasibility of receding horizon control
- Prof. Manfred Morari (ETH Zurich)
- Friday 1 November 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Control of Quantum Systems
- Dr Sonia Schirmer (CUED and DAMTP)
- Friday 18 October 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Adaptive control and the gap metric
- Dr Mark French (Southampton, visiting CUED)
- Friday 11 October 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- LMI-based techniques for robust H2 control, with applications
- Dr. Herbert Werner (UMIST)
- Friday 6 September 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- On H-infinity Dead-Time Compensation
- Dr. Leonid Mirkin (Technion, Israel)
- Thursday 29 August 2002, 2:15 pm, LR6
- Conflict Probability and Incrossing Probability in Air Traffic
Management (Abstract)
- Dr. Bert Bakker (National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, Amsterdam)
- Monday 15 July 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- An Overview of LPG Injection Research at the University of Melbourne
- Dr. Chris Manzie (University of Melbourne)
- Friday 21 June 2002, 2:00 pm, LR4 - Note room change
- Closed-loop Quantum Control
- Prof Gerard Milburn (DAMTP and University of Queensland)
- Thursday 20 June 2002, 2:00 pm, LR6
- Observers and Behaviours
- Prof Paul A. Fuhrmann (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
- Thursday 30 May 2002, 11:00 am, LR11
- Spectral analysis and analytic interpolation
- Prof Tryphon Georgiou (University of Minnesota)
- Friday 24 May 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Optimisation Algorithms Exploiting Complex Orthogonality Constraints
- Dr Jonathan Manton (University of Melbourne)
- Friday 10 May 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Unification of Modeling, Estimation and Controller Design
- Dr Koji Tsumura (University of Tokyo, visiting CUED)
- Thursday 9 May 2002, 11:00 am, LR5
- Density and flow: A different view on nonlinear control
- Prof Anders Rantzer (Lund Institute of Technology)
- Friday 3 May 2002, 2:30 pm, LR6 Joint Control/Mechanics Seminar
- Decentralised Feedback Control of Sound and Vibration
- Prof. Steve Elliott (Institute of Sound and Vibration Research,
University of Southampton)
- Friday 26 April 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Analysis of a continuous car-following model for a bus route:
existence stability and bifurcations of synchronous motions.
- Henri Huijberts, (Queen Mary, University of London)
- Friday 8 March 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Active Insulin Infusion using Optimal and Derivative-Weighted Control
- Prof. Graeme Wake (University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and All
Souls College, Oxford)
- Friday 1 March 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- From Haber-Bosch to Creutzfeld-Jakob: a control engineer's perspective
- Prof. Philip Thomas (City University)
- Friday 22 February 2002, 2:30 pm, LR6
Joint Control/Mechanics seminar
- Motorcycle Steering Oscillations Due to Road Profiling
- Prof. David Limebeer (Imperial College)
- Friday 8 February 2002, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Min-max control of a class of constrained nonlinear systems
- Dr Eric Kerrigan (CUED)
- Friday 30 November 2001, 2:00 pm, LR11
Joint Control/Lab for Communication Engineering seminar
- Robust congestion control for the internet (Abstract)
- Dr Glenn Vinnicombe (CUED)
- Friday 23 November 2001, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Advanced Control of Aluminium Reduction Cells
- Fiona Stevens McFadden (Auckland University)
- Friday 16 November 2001, 2:00 pm, LR11
- Sliding mode control: overview and applications to aerospace
- Dr Yuri B. Shtessel (University of Alabama, Huntsville)
- Friday 9 November 2001, 2:30 pm, LR6
Joint Mechanics/Control seminar
- Synthesis of Passive Mechanical Networks
- Dr Malcolm C. Smith (CUED)
- Friday 26 October 2001, 2:30 pm, LT2
Joint Control/Signal Processing seminar
- Optimal representation and visualization of multivariable data
and functions in low-dimensional spaces
- Prof. Jian Song (President, Chinese Academy of Engineering)
- Tuesday 21 August 2001, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Model order reduction using maximal real part norms.
- Prof. Alexandre Megretski (MIT)
- Tuesday 12 June 2001, 11:00am, LT0.
- Power laws, statistical mechanics, and shear flow turbulence: a
radical rethinking
- Prof. John Doyle (California Institute of Technology)
- Monday 11 June 2001, 2:00pm, LT0.
- Robustness and complexity in biology and engineering networks
- Prof. John Doyle (California Institute of Technology)
- Click
here for some related work.
- Friday 25 May 2001, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Recent Advances in Nonlinear Predictive Control
- Prof B. Kouvaritakis (University of Oxford)
- Friday 18 May 2001, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Automotive idle speed control - Part 2: Solving the remaining problems using
sensible controller enhancements.
- Dr Richard Ford (CUED)
- Friday 11 May 2001, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Automotive idle speed control - Part 1: A difficult problem made easy using a new
controller framework.
- Dr Richard Ford (CUED)
- Friday 4 May 2001, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Towards human friendly hydraulics - a passivity approach
- Prof Perry Y. Li (University of Minnesota)
- Friday 9 March 2001, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Immersion and invariance:
a new tool for stabilization and adaptive control of nonlinear systems
- Dr A. Astolfi (Imperial College)
- Friday 2 March 2001, 2:00pm, LR 11. (Joint seminar with Micromechanics)
- Modelling and control of cross-directional properties in metal
- Dr Julian Allwood (CUED)
- Friday 23 February 2001, 4:00pm, LR 11.
- The Explicit Linear Quadratic Regulator for Constrained Systems
- Prof. Manfred Morari (ETH Zurich)
- Friday 23 February 2001, 2:00pm, LR 11. Note: Two seminars today.
- Systems Thinking in Bioinformatics
- Dr Olaf Wolkenhauer (UMIST)
- Friday 16 February 2001, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Receding horizon estimation
- Dr Keck Voon Ling (NTU Singapore, visiting CUED)
- Wednesday 7 February, 12:00, LR 6.
- Towards a General Theory of Hybrid Dynamical Systems
- Prof. Andrey Savkin (University of New South Wales)
- Tuesday 6 February 2001, 12:00, LR 5.
- Automotive Control System Development at Ricardo
- Dr. Andy Noble (Ricardo Consulting Engineers)
- Monday 5 February 2001, 2:00pm, LR 5.
- Recent work in modelling and transient testing of a V6 diesel engine
- Prof John J. Moskwa (University of Wisconsin at Madison)
- Friday 27 October 2000, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Robust Control of Constrained Systems
- Eric Kerrigan (CUED)
- Friday 13 October 2000, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Selected Problems in the Interplay between System Identification and
(Robust) Control Design
- Prof Paul van den Hof (Delft University of Technology)
- Friday 6 October 2000, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Hybrid Systems: Modeling and Control
- Dr John Lygeros (CUED)
- Friday 29 September 2000, 2:00pm, LR 11.
Joint Control and Structures Seminar
- Space Technology for the 21st Century
- Prof. Hironori A. Fujii (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology)
- Monday 11 September 2000, 4:30 pm, LR6.
- Array Algorithms,Displacement Structure and Fast Modems
- Prof. T. Kailath (Stanford University)
- Thursday 17 August 2000, 11:00 am.
- Multiple Model Adaptive Control for Switching Systems
- Dr Visakan Kadirkamanathan (University of Sheffield)
- Thursday 27 July 2000, 2:00pm, LR11.
- Stabilization of Linear Systems with Input Constraints
- Dr Li Qiu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Wednesday 12 July 2000, 12:00 noon, LR11.
- Subspace identification of bilinear systems
- Dr Huixin Chen (CUED)
- Thursday 15 June 2000, 2:00pm, LR5.
- Discretisation of feedback controllers in a pointwise gap metric
- Dr Michael Cantoni (CUED)
- Friday 9 June 2000, 2:00pm, LR 3.
- Intelligent Control Solutions !
- Prof Ron Leigh (Intelligent Control Solutions Ltd and Brunel University)
- Friday 26 May 2000, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Factorization principles in linear systems: theory and
- Dr Cristian Oara (CUED)
- Friday 12 May 2000, 12:00 noon, LR 11.
- Application of nu-gap techniques to flight clearance problems
- Dr Glenn Vinnicombe (CUED)
- Friday 28 April 2000, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- An approach to closing the gap between Prediction Error
Identification and Robust Control Theory
- Dr Xavier Bombois (Universite Catholique de Louvain)
- Wednesday 12 April 2000, 2:00pm, LR5.
- Fault-tolerant Control and Some Applications
- Prof Mogens Blanke (Aalborg University, Denmark)
- Monday 27 March 2000, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Model validation for control and controller validation : a
prediction error identification approach
- Prof Michel Gevers (Universite Catholique de Louvain)
- Thursday 23 March 2000, 11:30am, LR 5.
- Identification of Linear Systems
- Prof M. Deistler (Technical University of Vienna)
- This talk will give a survey of recent developments in the
identification of linear systems.
- Friday 17 March 2000, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Modules and Behaviours in n-D Systems Theory
- Dr Jeff Wood (Southampton University)
- Friday 3 March 2000, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Surge Tank Control: A Case Study in Robust Nonlinear Control
- Prof. Richard Vinter (Imperial College)
- Friday 19 November 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Simultaneous Optimisation of Performance Weights and
Controllers in mu-Synthesis
- Alexander Lanzon (CUED)
- Friday 12 November 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Model-Based EGR Control Development for an HSDI Engine
- Robert Bowyer (Cambridge Consultants Ltd)
- Friday 29 October 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Nonlinear Flight Dynamics Problems: Analysis and Control Design
- Prof. Mikhail Goman (De Montfort University and TsAGI, Russia)
- Friday 22 October 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Modelling and Control of Commercial Beer Manufacture
- Dr Paul Austin (University of Auckland)
- Friday 15 October 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- An Introduction to Nonlinear H-Infinity Control
- Matthew R. James (Australian National University)
- Tuesday 14 September 1999, 11:30am, LR 1.
- Complexity and Robustness
- Prof. John Doyle (California Institute of Technology)
- Wednesday 8 September 1999, 2:00pm, LR 1.
- Analysis and synthesis of uncertain time-varying control
- Dr Sanjay Lall (California Institute of Technology)
- Thursday 15 July 1999, 11:30am, LR 4.
- Dissipative systems and control.
- Prof J.C. WIllems (Univeristy of Groningen)
- Friday 25 June 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- H-infinity estimation, some old and new results.
- Prof Uri Shaked (Tel Aviv and CUED)
- Thursday 17 June 1999, 2:00pm, LR 4.
- Real-Time Strategies for Optimization in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
- Moritz Diehl (University of Heidelberg)
- Friday 21 May 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Control of combustion instabilities.
- Dr Y.C. Chu (CUED)
- Friday 14 May 1999, 11:00am, LR 11.
- Friction models and friction compensation.
- Prof. K.J. Astrom (Lund Institute of Technology)
- Friday 26 March 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Adaptive Switching Multivariable Control using a Family of
- Prof. E.J. Davison (University of Toronto)
- Friday 5 March 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Local Stability Analysis of Saturating Systems.
- Stuart Crawshaw (CUED)
- Friday 26 February 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Multivariable (nD) systems and repetitive processes: Basics of
the theory and practical applications overview.
- Prof. K. Galkowski (Technical University of Zielona Gora, Poland)
- Friday 19 February 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Worst Case Identification.
- Paresh Date (CUED)
- Friday 5 February 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- H-infinity control of spatially distributed systems.
- Johannes Reinschke (CUED)
- Friday 29 January 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Discrete-time stochastic system identification and its application to
sediment transport modelling.
- Dr H. Chen (CUED)
- Friday 22 January 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Quantifying uncertainty in nonlinear systems.
- Dr G. Vinnicombe (CUED)
- Friday 8 January 1999, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- MIMO H-infinity Sensitivity Limits.
- Thomas Brinsmead (University of Newcastle, Australia)
- Friday 4 December 1998, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Linear conditioning schemes for systems containing saturating
- Prof. I. Postlethwaite (University of Leicester)
- Friday 20 November 1998, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- On fault diagnosis for nonlinear systems - A geometric approach.
- Dr Pousga Kabore (UMIST)
- Wednesday 18 November 1998, 2:00pm, LR 5.
- New control methods for AC machines based on feedback
- Prof. S.J. Dodds (University of East London)
- Friday 13 November 1998, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Flight control law design for a civil aircraft using robust
dynamic inversion.
- Ir. Samir Bennani (Delft University of Technology)
- Monday 9 November 1998, 2:00-4:00pm, MET Seminar Room, Mill Lane
- Industrial Control.
- Mr A. Ogden-Swift (Honeywell)
- Due to space constraints, this talk is open only to MET
students and members of the CUED Control Group.
- Friday 30 October 1998, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Time-variable and state-dependent parameter estimation: new
tools for stochastic modelling, forecasting and control.
- Prof. P.C. Young (University of Lancaster and Isaac Newton
- Wednesday 7 October 1998, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Pseudo-state plant modelling and a new separation principle
for frequency domain optimal control.
- Prof. M.J. Grimble (University of Strathclyde)
- Friday 28 August 1998, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Minimax LQG control.
- Prof. Ian Petersen (University of New South Wales)
- Tuesday 4 August 1998, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Comparison of Models to Experiment for the Purposes of
Axisymmetric Control in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak.
- Gerasimos Tinios (MIT)
- Friday 17 July 1998, 2:00pm, LR 11.
- Use of neural networks and predictive control to determine
the steering control behavior required for racecar simulations.
- Chris Rijnders (TU Delft and Reynard Racing Cars)
- Monday 22 June 1998, 2:00pm, LR 2.
- Dangerous Encounters of an Aeronautical Kind
- Prof. R. Stengel (Princeton University)
- Friday 19 June 1998, 9:30 - 12:30, LR 4.
- Various short talks on control research topics
- Various speakers from TU Delft (Mechanical Engineering) and
- (Click here for programme)
- Monday 15 June 1998, 4:00pm, LR 2 (non-standard venue)
- Bounded power signal spaces for robust control and modelling
- Dr J. Partington (Leeds)
- Friday 12 June 1998, 2:00pm, LR 2 (non-standard venue)
- Robust and fault-tolerant flight control
- Prof. R. Stengel (Princeton University)
- Friday 22 May 1998, 2:00pm, LR11
- A New Class of Nonlinear PID Controllers with Robotic Applications
- Dr. Homayoun Seraji (NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- Thursday 23 April 1998, 2:00pm, LR11 (note non-standard day)
- Complex Systems and Multiple Levels of Abstraction
- M.M. Rene van Paassen (Delft University of Technology)
- Friday 13 March 1998, 2:00pm, LR11
- Necessity of Nonlinear Control for Robust Rejection of
Periodic Disturbances
- Dr R.C.H. Lee (CUED)
- Friday 27 February 1998, 2:00pm, LR11
- Some Comments on PID Anti-Windup Design via Linear Matrix Inequalities
- Dr B.G. Romanchuk (McGill University)
- Friday 20 February 1998, 2:00pm, LR11
- Performance limitations for active and passive suspensions
- Dr G.W. Walker (CUED)
- Friday 13 February 1998, 2:00pm, LR11
- A strategy for fault tolerant control
- Mihai Huzmezan (CUED)
- Friday 23 January 1998, 2:00pm, LR11
- The implicit daisy-chaining property of constrained predictive
- Dr J.M. Maciejowski (CUED)
- Friday 5 December 1997, 2:00pm, LR11
- Frequency-domain analysis of linear periodic operators, with
application to sampled-data control design
- Michael Cantoni (CUED)
- Friday 21 November 1997, 2:00pm, LR11
- Loop shaping using Pontryagin's Minimum Principle
- Dr Dan Davison (CUED)
- Friday 7 November 1997, 2:00pm, LR11
- Information Systems Modelling - an Engineering Approach
- Dr Gary A Bundell (University of Western Australia)
- THURSDAY 30 October 1997, 2:00pm, LR1 (note non-standard day and location)
- Closed Loop Identification Revisited
- Prof. Lennart Ljung (Linkoping University, Sweden)
- Friday 17 October 1997, 2:00pm, LR11
- Modelling, Estimating and Controlling IC engines
- Prof. John Moskwa (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Tuesday 9 September 1997, 2pm, LR4 (Note non-standard location)
- Frequency Response of Sampled-Data Systems.
- Prof. Yutaka Yamamoto, Kyoto University, Japan.
- Thursday 28 August 1997, 11.30am, LR5
- Filtering in the presence of rational probability densities.
- Dr B. Hanzon (Free University, Amsterdam).
- Wednesday 30 July 1997, 11.30am, LR5 (Note non-standard time and location)
- Predictive Adaptive control in the presence of unmodelled plant
dynamics, including evaluation of different schemes for identifying
- Prof. J.M.Lemos (INESC, Portugal)
- Tuesday 29 July 1997, 11.30am, LR5 (Note non-standard time and location)
- Relations between predictive and LQ control, including state deadbeat
predictive control and Fake Algebraic Riccati Equations.
- Prof. J.M.Lemos (INESC, Portugal)
- Friday 30 May 1997, 2.00pm, LR3. (Note non-standard location)
- Large-Scale Optimization of Dynamic Process Models.
- Dr V. S. Vassiliadis (Chemical Engineering, Cambridge)
- Friday 23 May 1997, 2.00pm, LR11
- Hierarchical H-infinity optimal control.
- Dr G.D.Halikias (Leeds University)
- Friday 16 May 1997, 2.00pm, LR11
- Process controllability analysis using linear programming.
- Dr S.P. Walsh (Imperial College)
- Friday 9 May 1997, 2.00pm, LR11
- Neuro-fuzzy modelling, control and estimation: theory and its applications.
- Prof. C.J. Harris (University of Southampton)
Friday 2 May 1997, 2.00pm, LR11
- A combined MBPC/H-infinity automatic pilot for a civil aircraft.
- Mihai Huzmezan and George Papageorgiou, CUED
- Friday 14 March 1997, 2.00pm, LR11
- Emission control of a spark ignited engine.
- Prof. H.P. Geering, (ETH Zurich)
- Friday 7 March 1997, 2.00pm, LR11
- Control structures using Spies to detect common failure modes of
control systems
- Dr J.M. Edmunds (UMIST)
- Friday 28 February 1997,
- Multi-repetitive periodic control.
- Dr G. Weiss, (Exeter University)
- Tuesday 18 February 1997, 2.30pm, LR4 (Non-standard time and place)
- Robust Air-Fuel Ratio Control For Combustion Engines.
- Markus Brandstetter (CUED)
- Friday 14 February 1997, 2.00pm, LR11
- Recent developments in constrained predictive
- Dr B. Kouvaritakis (Oxford University)
- Friday 22 November 1996, 2.00pm, LR1 (Note change of venue)
- Multi-body simulation software in the analysis of motorcycle dynamics
and control.(Abstract)
- Prof. D.J.N.Limebeer, Imperial College
- This will be a joint Control/Mechanics seminar.
- Friday 15 November 1996, 2.00pm, LR11
- H-infinity Sampled-Data Synthesis and
Related Numerical Issues.(Abstract)
- M. Cantoni, CUED
- Friday 8 November 1996, 2.00pm, LR11
- Process Optimisation using Predictive Control.
- Dr. V.M. Becerra, City University
- Friday 1 November 1996, No Control seminar today, but the following
Mechanics seminar may be of interest to Control people (at 4.00pm, LR10):
- Dynamics of the rattleback.
- Prof. Mont Hubbard, University of California, Davis
- Friday 25 October 1996, 2.00pm, LR11.
- Repetitive Control - A Survey
- Gunnar Hillerstrom, CUED
- Thanks to Gunnar for stepping in at the last minute!
- Friday 18 October 1996, 2.00pm, LR11
- Solvability and right-invertibility of implicit nonlinear
discrete-time systems.
- Dr Tomas Fliegner, CUED
- Thursday 20 June 1996, 2.00pm, LR11.
- Long-range predictive control using fuzzy process models
- Prof. D.A.Linkens, University of Sheffield.
- Friday 7 June 1996, 2.00pm, LR3B (Inglis Building).
- The Minimum Entropy Control Problem for Time-Varying Systems
- Dr P. Iglesias, The Johns Hopkins University.
- Wednesday 22 May 1996, 2.30pm (Note unusual time), LR11
- Subspace algorithms for the identification of errors-in-variables
- Dr C.T.Chou, Delft University of Technology
- Friday 17 May 1996, 2.00pm, LR11
- An Observer-based Sliding Mode Strategy for Robust Tracking
- Dr Chris Edwards, University of Leicester.
- Friday 10 May 1996, 2.00pm (for about 30 minutes only), LR11
- Symbolic analysis of nonlinear systems using Simulink and
- Prof. H.A.Barker, University of Wales
- Friday 15 March 1996, 2.00pm, LR11
- Robustness analysis of nonlinear systems: an input-output approach.
- Dr M.C.Smith, CUED.
- Friday 8 March 1996, 2.00pm, LR11 (Note change of date)
- The use of positive and diagonally dominant Lyapunov functions in
analysis of recurrent neural networks.
- Y.C.Chu, CUED.
- Friday 16 February 1996, 2.00pm, LR11
- Fieldbus and Sensor Validation.
- Dr M.Henry, Oxford University.
- Friday 2 February 1996, 2.00pm, LR11
- Matlab containers for control engineering.
- A.B.Saifuddin, CUED.
- Friday 10 November 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
- Subspace methods for multivariable system identification.
- Dr J.M.Maciejowski, CUED.
- Friday 3 November 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
- H-infinity robustness: pointwise results in the frequency domain,
and beyond.
- Dr G.Vinnicombe, CUED.
- Friday 27 October 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
- Robust time optimal control of constrained linear systems.
- Prof. D.Q.Mayne, UC Davis and Imperial College.
- Monday 23 October 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
- Regulation with robust stability.
- Prof. J.M.Schumacher, CWI Amsterdam.
Friday 20 October 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
Some control problems in astronomical telescopes.
Mr M.Fisher, Royal Greenwich Observatory.
Tuesday 19 September 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
A Faddeev sequence method for solving Lyapunov and Sylvester
Dr Ben Hanzon, Free University, Amsterdam.
Thursday 14 September 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
Approximate solutions to H2/Hinf problems via H2-cost/H2-constraint optimization problems.
Dr G.O. Correa, Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Monday 24 July, 2.00pm, LR11
On spectral factorization and geometric
Dr Andrea Gombani (LADSEB-CNR, Padova)
Friday 21 July, 2.00pm, LR11
Maximum Entropy Interpolants and Maximum Determinant
Completions of Associated Pick Matrices.
Prof Harry Dym (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel)
Friday 14 July 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
Generalized Riccati theory with applications: A Popov
type approach (The discrete time case).
Prof V Ionescu (University of Bucharest)
Friday 23 June 1995, 2.00pm, LR4
SimplicialVIEW, a package for robust stability analysis.
Prof E Jonckheere (University of Southern California)
Friday 16 June 1995, 2.00pm, LR4
Control System Implementation for:
(i) A Colliery Arch Bending Machine,
(ii) Engine Controller Prototyping.
Mr David Maclay (Cambridge Control)
Friday 26 May 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
Adaptive stabilizability of nonlinear systems
with homogeneous vector fields.
Dr Gene Ryan (University of Bath)
Friday 31 March 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
Desciptor Forms for Singular LQG Controllers.
Dr. I. Noell (Cambridge Control)
Friday 10 March 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
Neural network, fuzzy logic, and discrete event control.
Prof. F.L. Lewis (University of Texas)
Friday 3 March 1995, 2.00pm, LR11
Control Theory for Integrated Process Design