Workshop on Control, Optimisation and Networks
A workshop to mark the contributions of Professor Jan Maciejowski to the control field on the occasion of his retirement
Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 September 2016, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge Confirmed speakers: K.J. Astrom, M. Deistler, R. Findeisen, M. Gallieri, M. Gevers, J. Goncalves, P. Goulart, B. Hanzon, W. Heath, C. Jones, E.C. Kerrigan, I. Lestas, D. Limon, K.V. Ling, L. Ljung, S. Longo, J. Lygeros, M. Morari, R. Ober, J. Raisch, A. Richards, P. Roberts, R. Shekhar, G. VinnicombeThe workshop has a registration fee of £60 which includes: attendance at all sessions, lunch and refreshments on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 September, opening reception on Sunday 18 September. A banquet is organized at Pembroke College on Monday 19 September. One or two tickets for the dinner can be purchased at registration at £50 per ticket. Accommodation at Pembroke College can be booked during registration, subject to availability, at a reduced cost of £33 per night (free to invited speakers). Please register online at the University's e-sales site following the instructions below. There are six options to choose from (1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C). To register for the Workshop on Control, Optimisation, and Networks, select one of: 1B Delegate Registration: "Control, Optimisation, and Networks", 19-20 Sept (£60) 2B Invited Speaker Registration: "Control, Optimisation, and Networks", 19-20 Sept (free) The workshop on 4th Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Network Synthesis will also be held at the same venue on Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 September. There is an early bird registration fee of £90 to attend both workshops. To register for both the 4th Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Network Synthesis and the Workshop on Control, Optimisation and Networks, select one of: 1A Delegate Registration: Joint registration for both workshops, 19-22 Sept (£90) 2A Invited Speaker Registration: Joint registration for both workshops, 21-22 Sept (free) A credit or debit card is required for payment. The payment will be taken and confirmation emailed at the time of booking. Deadline for Registration is 1 September 2016