Brian G. Romanchuk


As of the end of August, 1995, I will have ceased employment at the University of Cambridge, and started work at McGill University. The address is:

Department of Electrical Engineering,
McGill University,
Montreal, PQ
H3A 2A7.

Research Keywords

  • Robust control theory
  • Nonlinear operator theoretic approaches to control
  • Theory of piecewise linear systems
  • Publications

  • "On the Computation of the Induced L_2 Norm of Single Input Linear Systems with Saturation", to appear as a journal publication, available as a Technical Report: CUED/F-INFENG/TR. 184. Click here for the abstract. (A version appeared at the 33rd CDC.)
  • "Input-Output Analysis of Feedback Loops with Saturation Nonlinearities" (Ph.D. Dissertation (big),.ps file) Click here for the abstract.
  • "Notes on the Computation of the Incremental Gain of Linear Systems with Saturation", to appear in a shorter form at the 34th CDC (short paper). Click here for the abstract.
  • "Analytic Comparison of Nonlinear H_\infty-Norm Bounding Techniques For Low Order Systems with Saturation" ", to appear at the 34th CDC, available as a Technical Report: CUED/F-INFENG/TR.208. Click here for the abstract.
  • "A Polytope Based Algorithm to Compute Regions of Attraction: Planar Case", Technical Report CUED/F-INFENG/TR.228, and to appear in Automatica. Click here for the abstract.
  • Other Stuff

  • Dilbert! Dilbert! Dilbert!
  • Bri's Hard Boiled Quote Page!
  • Bri's Valuable Life Lessons!
  • Ettiquette Hint for Graduate Students:

    If asked how you misspent your youth, the best explanation is that you were incarcerated. After all, a convict can be rehabilitated.

    Contact addresses
    Telephone: +44 223 339 222

    Department of Engineering,
    Cambridge University,
    CB2 1PZ,

    Click here for the Control Group Home Page.