Bri's Valuable Life Lessons

What is this?

This perhaps could turn into yet another pointless www resource for someone who is mystified by life. I have created herein a compendium of truly wise insights which have been distilled from my intense search for truth, justice, and a good cup of coffee. Or whatever.

If I were truly bored, I could jazz this up with frames, graphics, sounds, applets, free gift giveaways, yada, yada, yada. But I'm not so I won't. Avoiding pointless work is perhaps the most valuable life lesson I could pass along to the perplexed.

Valuable Life Lessons

  • Never carry a live cat and hot coffee at the same time.
  • The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle always to the strong, but that's where the smart money is.
  • Don't draw to an inside straight.
  • When in doubt, blitz.
  • It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just whether you cover the spread.
  • "Elegance" is a term which should be reserved solely for the discussion of the merits of a ball gown.
  • The law, in all its majesty, forbids both rich and poor equally alike from sleeping under bridges.
  • When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
  • Diamonds are a bachelor's best friend. There are very few other luxury gift items which can be as reliably faked.
  • Fixed fortifications are monuments to the folly of mankind. (Courtesy of General Patton.)
  • It's always time to make the donuts!
  • Nuclear weapons can wipe out all life on earth, if used properly. (Courtesy of the Talking Heads.)
  • "Buy High, Sell Low": Runner Up, All-Time Most Boneheaded Get Rich Quick Scheme.
  • No matter where you go, people are people.
  • Unfortunately.
  • Click here for my home page.