On the Computation of the Induced L_2 Norm of Single Input Linear Systems with Saturation

B.G. Romanchuk

To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and available as Technical Report CUED/F-INFENG/TR. 184. A version was presented at the 33rd CDC.

In this paper, a means of determining an upper bound of the induced L_2 norm for a class of single input linear systems with saturation is given in terms of the existence of a candidate function which satisfies three differential inequalities. This amounts to a generalisation of finding the solution of a single algebraic Riccati equation in the linear problem. A technique to calculate such a function for systems with linear controllers is also developed. A worked first order example is then presented. The operator norm is tightly bounded by the use of a piecewise smooth candidate function which is quadratic within a certain region and cubic outside.
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