Dr Ye Yuan
Research -
Position: Junior Research Fellow, Darwin College
Post-doctoral Research Associate, Department of Engineering
Personal Webpage: http://www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/~yy311
Ye Yuan received his B.Eng. degree (Valedictorian) from the Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 7.2008, M. Phil. and Ph.D. under the supervision of Dr. Jorge Goncalves from the Department of Engineering, Cambridge University in 10.2009 and 2.2012 respectively. Ye has been a visiting researcher in Caltech (2011, 2014, 2015), MIT (2013), Imperial College London (2011-2015), Lund University (2012), Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (2011, 2014, 2015) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2009).
He is the recipient of Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards, Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship, Cambridge Overseas Scholarship, Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad, Henry Lester Scholarship and a Best Paper Finalist in IEEE ICIA.
News: 1. I will be joining Prof. Claire Tomlin's Group at Berkeley as a postdoctoral scholar.
2. Yorie (a Ph.D. student of Prof. John Doyle at Caltech) will be visiting me at Cambridge Control Group from 1/7 to 30/8, welcome!
3. The code for [J9], [J12] can be downloaded from https://github.com/panweihit, why don't you try this for your own data?
Current Research Interests: On the unification of System Identification, Control Theory, Optimisation and Machine Learning with applications to the understanding and (re-)design of natural and man-made systems.
Co-supervised Students: (and where they are now.)
Yorie Nakahira (Summer visiitng student, Ph.D. Control and Dynamical Systems, Caltech, 2015) System identification and control in neuroscience.
Zuogong Yue(Ph.D., LCSB, 2014-) Granger causality, dynamical structure functions.
Wei Pan (Ph.D., Bioengineering, Imperial College, 2011-) Nonlinear identification using sparse Bayesian learning. Some hedge fund in London.
Peyman Gifani (Ph.D., Control Engineering, Cambridge, 2011-) Engineering design principle in synthetic biology. University of Cambridge, Wellcome Trust Senisor internship.
Dr. David Hayden (Ph.D., Control Engineering, Cambridge, 2011-2015) Network reconstruction using intrinsic noises. Some company in Sillicon Valley.
Dr. Alberto Carignano (Ph.D., Control Engineering, Cambridge, 2011-2014) Modelling of Circadian Clocks. University of Washington, postdoc researcher.
Dr. Xin Yang (Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Cambridge, 2011-2014) Robust stability analysis and design for IGBT.NUDT lecturer.
Dr. Neave O'Clery (Ph.D., Mathematics, Imperial College, 2011-2013) Graph Theory, Complex Networks. Fulbright researcher at Harvard University.
Jerry Thia (M.S., Control Engineering, Cambridge) Distributed Kalman Filter. Now working in the industry in Singapore.
Andreas Kasis (M.S., Control Engineering, Cambridge) Modelling Huntington's Disease Development in Patients. Now a PhD student in Dr. Lestas' group at Cambridge University.
I have also been discussing regularly with
Enoch Yeung,
Qingqing Huang and Ania Baetica.
Publications (* corresponding author)
Working Papers:
Y. Yuan and Y. Mo, Security in feedback control systems: Controller design against known-plaintext attack, CDC, 2015.
W. Pan, Y. Yuan*, L. Ljung, J. Gonçalves, and G. Stan, Identifying biochemical reaction networks using heterogeneous datasets, CDC, 2015.
W. Pan, Y. Yuan*, W. Dai, T. Ellis, J. Gonçalves, M. Barahona and G. Stan, Learning large-scale complex nonlinear dynamical systems.
Journal Papers:
[J13]Y. Yuan*, K. Glover and J. Gonçalves, On minimal realisations of dynamical structure functions, Automatica, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0072.
[J12]W. Pan, Y. Yuan*, H. Sandberg, J. Gonçalves and G. Stan, Online fault diagnosis for nonlinear power systems, Automatica, 2015.
[J11]T. Charalambous, Y. Yuan*, T. Yang, W. Pan, C. Hadjicostis, M. Johansson, Distributed finite-time average consensus in digraphs in the presence of time-delays, to appear, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.
[J10]X. Yang, Y. Yuan*, Z. Long, J. Gonçalves and P. Palmer, Robust stability analysis of active voltage control for high-power IGBT switching by Kharitonov’s theorem, to appear, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.
[J9]W. Pan, Y. Yuan*, J. Gonçalves and G. Stan, Bayesian approaches to the identification of nonlinear state-space systems, to appear, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
[J8]X. Yang, Y. Yuan, X. Zhang and P. Palmer, Shaping high-power IGBT switching transitions by active voltage control for reduced EMI generation, in press, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
[J7]W. Kuan, A. Kasis, Y. Yuan, S. Mason, A. Lazar, R. Barker and J. Gonçalves, Modelling the natural history of H untington’s disease progression, in press, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry (Impact Factor: 5.6).
[J6]N. O’Clery, Y. Yuan, G. Stan and M. Barahona, Observability and coarse-graining of consensus dynamics through the External Equitable P artition, Physical Review E, Volume 88, 042805, 2013.
[J5]Y. Yuan, G. Stan, L. Shi, M. Barahona and J. Gonçalves, Decentralised minimum-time consensus, Automatica, Volume 49, Issue 5, Page 1227-1235, 2013.
[J4]L. Shi, Y. Yuan and J. Chen, Finite horizon LQR control with limited controller-system commu- nication, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 58, Issue 7, Page 1835-1841, 2013.
[J3]J. Wu, Y. Yuan, H. Zhang and L. Shi, H ow can online schedules improve communication and estimation tradeoff?, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 61, Number 7, Page 1625-1631, 2013.
[J2]E. Herrero, E. Kolmos, N. Bujdoso, Y. Yuan, M. Wang, M. Berns, G. Coupland, R. Saini, M. Jaskolski, A. Webb, J. Gonçalves and S. Davis, Early F lowering4 recruitment of Early F lowering3 in the nucleus sustains the Arabidopsis circadian clock, the Plant Cell, Volume 24, No. 2, Page 428-443, 2012. (Impact Factor: 10.6)
[J1]Y. Yuan, G. Stan, S. Warnick and J. Gonçalves , Robust dynamical network structure reconstruction, Special Issue on System Biology, Automatica, Volume 47, Issue 6, Page 1230-1235, 2011.
More information on previously published paper citation may be found on my Personal Webpage and Google scholar page
Previous research interest: Systems and Synthetic Biology:
1. Network Reconstruction: how to obtain network structure from data;
2. Modelling in systems and synthetic biology;
3. Application of 1 to Plant Science and had successfully predict a new gene and its location in circadian clock.
Previous research interest: Decentralised Algorithms:
1) Decentrliased minimal-time consensus algorithm
2) Application of the minimal-time consensus algorithm to
2.1) a fast Pagerank computation scheme
2.2) a fast community detection algorithm
2.3) Car-platoon problem
2.4) Distributed Kalman filter