ERNSI Research Team UCAM

Welcome to the home page of the University of Cambridge (UCAM) team of the European Research Network on System Identification (ERNSI).


The UCAM team members pursue research into various areas of systems theory and control engineering.
Those specific to system identification are:

Identification for control
Subspace methods for identification
Identification of nonlinear systems, including bilinear systems
Modelling of hybrid systems
Bayesian methods


All email addresses are of the form, where userid is specified in the following table.
Prof W.J. Fitzgeraldwjf
Prof K. Gloverkg
Dr S.J. Godsillsjg
Dr A. Lecchini Visintinial394
Dr J.M. Maciejowski (Team Leader)jmm
Dr G. Vinnicombegv


General enquiries to the UCAM Team should be addressed to the Team Leader, Dr J.M. Maciejowski, by email (see above) or by post at the following address:

Cambridge University Engineering Department
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1PZ

or by FAX: 01223 332662 (from the UK), +44 1223 332662 (international).

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Back to the CUED Control Group Home Page.

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Back to Jan Maciejowski's Home Page.

This page last updated on 14 September 2005.