Control Group

Cambridge University Department of Engineering

Jeremy Watson

Background - Research - Publications

Position: PhD student and Research Assistant

Office Location: BN3-08

E-mail: jdw69 [at]

Thesis Title: Control and Optimization of Modern Power Systems

Supervisor: Dr Ioannis Lestas


I received the B.E. (First Class Hons.) degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Canterbury (New Zealand) in 2015. I was a research intern at the University of Canterbury (2013-2014), Vector Networks (2014-2015), and a research engineer at Unison Networks (2015-2016), and I have been involved with the major smart grid project in New Zealand, GREEN Grid. I am currently studying towards a Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge in the Control Group as a Cambridge Trust Scholar and William Georgetti Scholar under the supervision of Dr Ioannis Lestas.

Research Interests

My current research focuses on the control and optimization of power networks. In particular I am interested in designing distributed controllers for low-inertia and hybrid AC/DC networks. I also have interests in areas such as integration of new technology into distribution networks, hosting capacity of electrical networks, power quality, and computer modelling of electrical power systems.

Selected Publications

J.D. Watson and I. Lestas, "Frequency and voltage control of hybrid AC/DC networks," 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Miami Beach, FL, USA, 17-19 Dec. 2018 (accepted).

J. D. Watson, N. R. Watson and I. Lestas, "Optimized dispatch of energy storage systems in unbalanced distribution networks," in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 639-650, April 2018.
doi: 10.1109/TSTE.2017.2752964

A full list of my publications may be found at either Google Scholar or ResearchGate.