Control Group

Cambridge University Department of Engineering

Dr Francesca Paola Carli

Background - Research - Publications

Position: Visiting postdoctoral researcher

Office Location: BN4-76

E-mail: fpc23 [at]


Francesca Paola Carli received her Ph.D degree in Information Engineering in 2011 from the University of Padova, Italy. In 2011-2012 she held a postdoctoral position at Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy and in 2012-2013 at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. Since 2014 she is a Post-doc at the University of Liege, Belgium (FNRS). She is currently a research associate at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Further details at

Research Interests

Systems and Control - Machine Learning - Optimization

Selected Publications

Most of my publications can be downloaded from arXiv and Google scholar.

The complete list of publications is available at