Difference: MER49 (1 vs. 12)

Revision 12
20 Mar 2023 - mer49
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Dr M. Everett Rule


Dr M. Rule


Priorities - Research - Background - Publications

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Rule, M.E., Sorbaro, M. and Hennig, M.H., 2020. Optimal encoding in stochastic latent-variable Models. Entropy, 22(7), p.714. [ PDF ]

Rule, M.E., O’Leary, T. and Harvey, C.D., 2019. Causes and consequences of representational drift. Current opinion in neurobiology , 58 , pp.141-147. [ PDF ]
Rule, M.E., O’Leary, T. and Harvey, C.D., 2019. Causes and consequences of representational drift. Current opinion in neurobiology , 58 , pp.141-147. [ PDF ]

Rule, M.E., Schnoerr, D., Hennig, M.H. and Sanguinetti, G., 2019. Neural field models for latent state inference: Application to large-scale neuronal recordings. PLoS computational biology, 15(11), p.e1007442. [ PDF ]

Revision 11
19 Dec 2022 - mer49
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Dr Michael E. Rule


Dr M. Everett Rule


Priorities - Research - Background - Publications

Position: Leverhulme Fellow
Position: Leverhulme and Isaac Newton Trust Fellow

E-mail: mer49 [at] cam.ac.uk

Revision 10
18 Dec 2022 - mer49
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Dr Michael E. Rule

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Research Interests

My research focuses on how neurons work together to generate emergent collective dynamics. I specialize in computational modelling of large-scale neuronal recordings from the sensorimotor system. My previous theoretical research focuses on machine-learning methods as algorithmic metaphors for neural computation, and the mathematical foundations of statistical tools for systems neuroscience. My ongoing research focuses on studying sensorimotor representations via brain-machine interfaces, building statistical tools for systems neuroscience, and building theoretical models of ongoing learning in closed-loop.
My research focuses on how neurons work together to generate emergent collective dynamics. I specialize in computational modelling of large-scale neuronal recordings from the sensorimotor system. My previous theoretical research focused on machine-learning methods as algorithmic metaphors for neural computation, and the mathematical foundations of statistical tools for systems neuroscience. My ongoing research focuses on studying sensorimotor representations via brain-machine interfaces, building statistical tools for systems neuroscience, and building theoretical models of ongoing learning in closed-loop.

My research philosophy falls within the tradition of biological cybernetics and computational neurophysiology. I aim to understand the algorithms that the nervous system uses for adaptive sensorimotor control. This understanding is vital for the principled design and optimization of therapeutic interventions for disorders of the motor system, ranging from brain-machine interfaces for paralyses, to improving the functional control outcomes of deep-brain stimulation for movement disorders.

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Since joining the Control Group, I've focused on learning and plasticity in sensorimotor cortex. I've studied how neural population codes over time ( 1, 2), and proposed theory of homeostasis that could explain how the brain keeps consolidated and plastic representations integrated.

I am currently looking for faculty and/or group leader positions. For reference, the sum of my fourteen years of research experience is roughly equivalent to a UK 3+1+3 Bachelor's-Master's-Ph.d., 6 years of junior/senior RA-equivalent experience in research, and 4 years as an independent research fellow, entailing directing my own small projects, assistant teaching, and training doctoral students; I've conceived of, authored, and secured five fellowships or grants to support myself and colleagues throughout this time in both research and outreach activities.
I am currently looking for faculty and/or group leader tenure-track positions.


Revision 9
25 Nov 2022 - mer49
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Dr Michael E. Rule

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My research focuses on how neurons work together to generate emergent collective dynamics. I specialize in computational modelling of large-scale neuronal recordings from the sensorimotor system. My previous theoretical research focuses on machine-learning methods as algorithmic metaphors for neural computation, and the mathematical foundations of statistical tools for systems neuroscience. My ongoing research focuses on studying sensorimotor representations via brain-machine interfaces, building statistical tools for systems neuroscience, and building theoretical models of ongoing learning in closed-loop.

My research philosophy falls within the tradition of biological cybernetics and computational neurophysipology. I aim to understand the algorithms that the nervous system uses for adaptive sensorimotor control. This understanding is vital for the principled design and optimization of therapeutic interventions for disorders of the motor system, ranging from brain-machine interfaces for paralyses, to improving the functional control outcomes of deep-brain stimulation for movement disorders.
My research philosophy falls within the tradition of biological cybernetics and computational neurophysiology. I aim to understand the algorithms that the nervous system uses for adaptive sensorimotor control. This understanding is vital for the principled design and optimization of therapeutic interventions for disorders of the motor system, ranging from brain-machine interfaces for paralyses, to improving the functional control outcomes of deep-brain stimulation for movement disorders.


Revision 8
25 Oct 2022 - mer49
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Dr Michael E. Rule

Line: 33 to 33

Since joining the Control Group, I've focused on learning and plasticity in sensorimotor cortex. I've studied how neural population codes over time ( 1, 2), and proposed theory of homeostasis that could explain how the brain keeps consolidated and plastic representations integrated.

I am currently looking for faculty and/or group leader positions. For reference, the sum of my fourteen years of research experience is roughly equivalent to a UK 3+1+3 Bachelor's-Master's-Ph.d., 6 years of junior/senior RA-equivalent experience in research, and 4 years as an independent research fellow, entailing directing my own small projects, assistant teaching, and training students; I've conceived of, authored, and secured five fellowships or grants to support myself and colleagues throughout this time in both research and outreach activities.
I am currently looking for faculty and/or group leader positions. For reference, the sum of my fourteen years of research experience is roughly equivalent to a UK 3+1+3 Bachelor's-Master's-Ph.d., 6 years of junior/senior RA-equivalent experience in research, and 4 years as an independent research fellow, entailing directing my own small projects, assistant teaching, and training doctoral students; I've conceived of, authored, and secured five fellowships or grants to support myself and colleagues throughout this time in both research and outreach activities.


Revision 7
20 Oct 2022 - mer49
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Dr Michael E. Rule

Line: 22 to 22

My research focuses on how neurons work together to generate emergent collective dynamics. I specialize in computational modelling of large-scale neuronal recordings from the sensorimotor system. My previous theoretical research focuses on machine-learning methods as algorithmic metaphors for neural computation, and the mathematical foundations of statistical tools for systems neuroscience. My ongoing research focuses on studying sensorimotor representations via brain-machine interfaces, building statistical tools for systems neuroscience, and building theoretical models of ongoing learning in closed-loop.

My research philosophy falls within the tradition of biological cybernetics and computational neurophysipology. I aim understand the algorithms that the nervous system uses for adaptive sensorimotor control. This understanding is vital for the principled design and optimization of therapeutic interventions for disorders of the motor system, ranging from brain-machine interfaces for paralyses, to improving the functional control outcomes of deep-brain stimulation for movement disorders.
My research philosophy falls within the tradition of biological cybernetics and computational neurophysipology. I aim to understand the algorithms that the nervous system uses for adaptive sensorimotor control. This understanding is vital for the principled design and optimization of therapeutic interventions for disorders of the motor system, ranging from brain-machine interfaces for paralyses, to improving the functional control outcomes of deep-brain stimulation for movement disorders.


I specialize in mathematical, computational, and statistical modelling of collective neural dynamics. I chose this career path in order to understand the human sensorimotor system and find new ways to repair it.
  I studied computer science, biology, and computational neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon University and the Pittsburgh Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, and hold a Ph.D. in neuroscience from Brown University, where I worked with applied mathematician Dr. Wilson Truccolo and the lab of Dr. J. P. Donogue applying computational statistics to collective dynamics in primate motor cortex ( 1, 2, 3, 4).

I worked on mathematical models of spatiotemporal wave dynamics in cortex ( 1, 2) with Drs. Bard Ermentrout and Stuart Heitmann, and developed theoretical connections between these models and machine-learning methods ( 1, 2) with Drs. Guido Sanguinetti and Matthias Hennig at the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation at the University of Edinburgh. With the Hennig group, I studied the statistical physics of artificial neural networks as a metaphor for neural coding ( 1, 2).

Since joining the Control Group, I've focused on learning and plasticity in sensorimotor cortex. I've studied how neural population codes over time ( 1, 2), and proposed theory of homeostasis that could explain how the brain keeps consolidated and plastic representations integrated.

I am currently looking for faculty and/or group leader positions. For reference, the sum of my fourteen years of research experience is roughly equivalent to a UK 3+1+3 Bachelor's-Master's-Ph.d., 6 years of junior/senior RA-equivalent experience in research, and 4 years as an independent research fellow, entailing directing my own small projects, assistant teaching, and training students; I've conceived of, authored, and secured four fellowships or grants to support myself and colleagues throughout this time.
I am currently looking for faculty and/or group leader positions. For reference, the sum of my fourteen years of research experience is roughly equivalent to a UK 3+1+3 Bachelor's-Master's-Ph.d., 6 years of junior/senior RA-equivalent experience in research, and 4 years as an independent research fellow, entailing directing my own small projects, assistant teaching, and training students; I've conceived of, authored, and secured five fellowships or grants to support myself and colleagues throughout this time in both research and outreach activities.


Revision 6
19 Oct 2022 - mer49
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Dr Michael E. Rule

Line: 36 to 36

Since joining the Control Group, I've focused on learning and plasticity in sensorimotor cortex. I've studied how neural population codes over time ( 1, 2), and proposed theory of homeostasis that could explain how the brain keeps consolidated and plastic representations integrated.

I am currently looking for faculty and/or group leader positions. For reference, the sum total of my fourteen years of research experience is roughly equivalent to a UK 3+1+3 Bachelor's-Master's-Ph.d., 3 years of junior-RA-equivalent independent research, 3 years of senior-RA-equivalent work which also included co-supervising students, and 4 years as an independent researcher, entailing directing my own small projects, assistant teaching, and training students; I've conceived of, authored, and secured four fellowships or grants to support myself and colleagues throughout this time.
I am currently looking for faculty and/or group leader positions. For reference, the sum of my fourteen years of research experience is roughly equivalent to a UK 3+1+3 Bachelor's-Master's-Ph.d., 6 years of junior/senior RA-equivalent experience in research, and 4 years as an independent research fellow, entailing directing my own small projects, assistant teaching, and training students; I've conceived of, authored, and secured four fellowships or grants to support myself and colleagues throughout this time.


Rule, M.E. and O’Leary, T., 2022. Self-healing codes: How stable neural populations can track continually reconfiguring neural representations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(7), p.e2106692119.
Rule, M.E. and O’Leary, T., 2022. Self-healing codes: How stable neural populations can track continually reconfiguring neural representations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(7), p.e2106692119. [ PDF ]
Scholl, C., Rule, M.E. and Hennig, M.H., 2021. The information theory of developmental pruning: Optimizing global network architectures using local synaptic rules. PLoS computational biology, 17(10), p.e1009458.
Scholl, C., Rule, M.E. and Hennig, M.H., 2021. The information theory of developmental pruning: Optimizing global network architectures using local synaptic rules. PLoS computational biology, 17(10), p.e1009458. [ PDF ]
Sorrell, E., Rule, M.E. and O'Leary, T., 2021. Brain–machine interfaces: Closed-loop control in an adaptive system. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 4, pp.167-189.
Sorrell, E., Rule, M.E. and O'Leary, T., 2021. Brain–machine interfaces: Closed-loop control in an adaptive system. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 4, pp.167-189. [ PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Loback, A.R., Raman, D.V., Driscoll, L.N., Harvey, C.D. and O'Leary, T., 2020. Stable task information from an unstable neural population. Elife, 9, p.e51121. [ more; PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Loback, A.R., Raman, D.V., Driscoll, L.N., Harvey, C.D. and O'Leary, T., 2020. Stable task information from an unstable neural population. Elife, 9, p.e51121. [ PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Sorbaro, M. and Hennig, M.H., 2020. Optimal encoding in stochastic latent-variable Models. Entropy, 22(7), p.714. [ more; PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Sorbaro, M. and Hennig, M.H., 2020. Optimal encoding in stochastic latent-variable Models. Entropy, 22(7), p.714. [ PDF ]
Rule, M.E., O’Leary, T. and Harvey, C.D., 2019. Causes and consequences of representational drift. Current opinion in neurobiology , 58 , pp.141-147. [ more; PDF ]
Rule, M.E., O’Leary, T. and Harvey, C.D., 2019. Causes and consequences of representational drift. Current opinion in neurobiology , 58 , pp.141-147. [ PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Schnoerr, D., Hennig, M.H. and Sanguinetti, G., 2019. Neural field models for latent state inference: Application to large-scale neuronal recordings. PLoS computational biology, 15(11), p.e1007442. [ more; PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Schnoerr, D., Hennig, M.H. and Sanguinetti, G., 2019. Neural field models for latent state inference: Application to large-scale neuronal recordings. PLoS computational biology, 15(11), p.e1007442. [ PDF ]
Rule, M. and Sanguinetti, G., 2018. Autoregressive point processes as latent state-space models: A moment-closure approach to fluctuations and autocorrelations. Neural Computation, 30(10), pp.2757-2780. [ more; PDF ]
Rule, M. and Sanguinetti, G., 2018. Autoregressive point processes as latent state-space models: A moment-closure approach to fluctuations and autocorrelations. Neural Computation, 30(10), pp.2757-2780. [ PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Vargas-Irwin, C., Donoghue, J.P. and Truccolo, W., 2018. Phase reorganization leads to transient β-LFP spatial wave patterns in motor cortex during steady-state movement preparation. Journal of neurophysiology, 119(6), pp.2212-2228. [ more; PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Vargas-Irwin, C., Donoghue, J.P. and Truccolo, W., 2018. Phase reorganization leads to transient β-LFP spatial wave patterns in motor cortex during steady-state movement preparation. Journal of neurophysiology, 119(6), pp.2212-2228. [ PDF ]
Heitmann, S., Rule, M., Truccolo, W. and Ermentrout, B., 2017. Optogenetic stimulation shifts the excitability of cerebral cortex from type I to type II: oscillation onset and wave propagation. PLoS computational biology, 13(1), p.e1005349. [ more; PDF ]
Heitmann, S., Rule, M., Truccolo, W. and Ermentrout, B., 2017. Optogenetic stimulation shifts the excitability of cerebral cortex from type I to type II: oscillation onset and wave propagation. PLoS computational biology, 13(1), p.e1005349. [ PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Vargas-Irwin, C.E., Donoghue, J.P. and Truccolo, W., 2017. Dissociation between sustained single-neuron spiking and transient β-LFP oscillations in primate motor cortex. Journal of neurophysiology, 117(4), pp.1524-1543. [ more; PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Vargas-Irwin, C.E., Donoghue, J.P. and Truccolo, W., 2017. Dissociation between sustained single-neuron spiking and transient β-LFP oscillations in primate motor cortex. Journal of neurophysiology, 117(4), pp.1524-1543. [ PDF ]
Rule, M. (2016). Collective neural dynamics in primate motor cortex. (Ph.D. Thesis) Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Available at Brown University Library, doi.org/10.7301/Z0KS6Q07. [ more; PDF ]
Rule, M. (2016). Collective neural dynamics in primate motor cortex. (Ph.D. Thesis) Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Available at Brown University Library, doi.org/10.7301/Z0KS6Q07. [ PDF ]
Guler, S.D. and Rule, M.E., 2013, June. Invent-abling: enabling inventiveness through craft. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 368-371). [ more; PDF ]
Guler, S.D. and Rule, M.E., 2013, June. Invent-abling: enabling inventiveness through craft. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 368-371). [ PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Vargas-Irwin, C., Donoghue, J.P. and Truccolo, W., 2015. Contribution of LFP dynamics to single-neuron spiking variability in motor cortex during movement execution. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 9, p.89. [ more; PDF ]
Rule, M.E., Vargas-Irwin, C., Donoghue, J.P. and Truccolo, W., 2015. Contribution of LFP dynamics to single-neuron spiking variability in motor cortex during movement execution. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 9, p.89. [ PDF ]
Rule, M., Stoffregen, M. and Ermentrout, B., 2011. A model for the origin and properties of flicker-induced geometric phosphenes. PLoS Comput Biol, 7(9), p.e1002158. [ more; PDF ]
Rule, M., Stoffregen, M. and Ermentrout, B., 2011. A model for the origin and properties of flicker-induced geometric phosphenes. PLoS Comput Biol, 7(9), p.e1002158. [ PDF ]
Nain, A.S., Chung, F., Rule, M., Jadlowiec, J.A., Campbell, P.G., Amon, C. and Sitti, M., 2007, April. Microrobotically fabricated biological scaffolds for tissue engineering. In Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pp. 1918-1923). IEEE. [ more; PDF ]
Nain, A.S., Chung, F., Rule, M., Jadlowiec, J.A., Campbell, P.G., Amon, C. and Sitti, M., 2007, April. Microrobotically fabricated biological scaffolds for tissue engineering. In Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pp. 1918-1923). IEEE. [ PDF ]

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mer49.jpg" attr="" comment="" date="1552567961" name="mer49.jpg" path="mer49.jpg" size="96213" user="rc516" version="1"
Revision 5
15 Oct 2022 - mer49
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Dr Michael E. Rule

Background - Research - Publications
Priorities - Research - Background - Publications
Position: Research Associate
Position: Leverhulme Fellow

E-mail: mer49 [at] cam.ac.uk

Office Location: BN4-76



[Profile on Google Scholar]
I studied computer science (and some biology), then did a neuroscience PhD with the Truccolo lab. Presently, I work in the lab of Tim O'Leary on motor control and homeostasis in neural population codes. [Profile on Google Scholar]

Research Priorities

I'm currently looking for experimental and clinical collaborators interested in formalizing control-theoretic models of disorders of the motor system. I am especially interested in rare movement disorders involving less-studied brainstem and subcortical structures. Please feel free to contact me you are if interested in collaborating.


Research Interests

Neuroscience studies how behaviour and conscious sensory experiences arise from neuronal activity. Prevailing dogma holds that our experiences and identities are encoded in patterns of neural activity and connections between neurons. The vision that we might one day 'upload' minds into computers hinges on this assumption, and current progress in building brain-machine interfaces seems to support it. New results, however, challenge this understanding: synaptic connections and neuronal responses reconfigure, even for fixed behaviours and sensory input. If neural connections and responses continually change, what is stable? The qualitative nature of conscious sensory experiences cannot be explained without considering how behaviour feeds back to affect those senses. Studying closed-loop sensorimotor control may therefore reveal how aspects of sensation and action remain stable despite reconfiguration within the brain.
My research focuses on how neurons work together to generate emergent collective dynamics. I specialize in computational modelling of large-scale neuronal recordings from the sensorimotor system. My previous theoretical research focuses on machine-learning methods as algorithmic metaphors for neural computation, and the mathematical foundations of statistical tools for systems neuroscience. My ongoing research focuses on studying sensorimotor representations via brain-machine interfaces, building statistical tools for systems neuroscience, and building theoretical models of ongoing learning in closed-loop.

My research philosophy falls within the tradition of biological cybernetics and computational neurophysipology. I aim understand the algorithms that the nervous system uses for adaptive sensorimotor control. This understanding is vital for the principled design and optimization of therapeutic interventions for disorders of the motor system, ranging from brain-machine interfaces for paralyses, to improving the functional control outcomes of deep-brain stimulation for movement disorders.


I specialize in mathematical, computational, and statistical modelling of collective neural dynamics. I chose this career path in order to understand the human sensorimotor system and find new ways to repair it.

I studied computer science, biology, and computational neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon University and the Pittsburgh Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, and hold a Ph.D. in neuroscience from Brown University, where I worked with applied mathematician Dr. Wilson Truccolo and the lab of Dr. J. P. Donogue applying computational statistics to collective dynamics in primate motor cortex ( 1, 2, 3, 4).

I worked on mathematical models of spatiotemporal wave dynamics in cortex ( 1, 2) with Drs. Bard Ermentrout and Stuart Heitmann, and developed theoretical connections between these models and machine-learning methods ( 1, 2) with Drs. Guido Sanguinetti and Matthias Hennig at the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation at the University of Edinburgh. With the Hennig group, I studied the statistical physics of artificial neural networks as a metaphor for neural coding ( 1, 2).

Since joining the Control Group, I've focused on learning and plasticity in sensorimotor cortex. I've studied how neural population codes over time ( 1, 2), and proposed theory of homeostasis that could explain how the brain keeps consolidated and plastic representations integrated.

I am currently looking for faculty and/or group leader positions. For reference, the sum total of my fourteen years of research experience is roughly equivalent to a UK 3+1+3 Bachelor's-Master's-Ph.d., 3 years of junior-RA-equivalent independent research, 3 years of senior-RA-equivalent work which also included co-supervising students, and 4 years as an independent researcher, entailing directing my own small projects, assistant teaching, and training students; I've conceived of, authored, and secured four fellowships or grants to support myself and colleagues throughout this time.



Rule, M.E. and O’Leary, T., 2022. Self-healing codes: How stable neural populations can track continually reconfiguring neural representations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(7), p.e2106692119.

Scholl, C., Rule, M.E. and Hennig, M.H., 2021. The information theory of developmental pruning: Optimizing global network architectures using local synaptic rules. PLoS computational biology, 17(10), p.e1009458.

Sorrell, E., Rule, M.E. and O'Leary, T., 2021. Brain–machine interfaces: Closed-loop control in an adaptive system. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 4, pp.167-189.

  Rule, M.E., Loback, A.R., Raman, D.V., Driscoll, L.N., Harvey, C.D. and O'Leary, T., 2020. Stable task information from an unstable neural population. Elife, 9, p.e51121. [ more; PDF ]

Rule, M.E., Sorbaro, M. and Hennig, M.H., 2020. Optimal encoding in stochastic latent-variable Models. Entropy, 22(7), p.714. [ more; PDF ]

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Rule, M., Stoffregen, M. and Ermentrout, B., 2011. A model for the origin and properties of flicker-induced geometric phosphenes. PLoS Comput Biol, 7(9), p.e1002158. [ more; PDF ]

Nain, A.S., Chung, F., Rule, M., Jadlowiec, J.A., Campbell, P.G., Amon, C. and Sitti, M., 2007, April. Microrobotically fabricated biological scaffolds for tissue engineering. In Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pp. 1918-1923). IEEE. [ more; PDF ]

Nain, A.S., Chung, F., Rule, M., Jadlowiec, J.A., Campbell, P.G., Amon, C. and Sitti, M., 2007, April. Microrobotically fabricated biological scaffolds for tissue engineering. In Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pp. 1918-1923). IEEE. [ more; PDF ]

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mer49.jpg" attr="" comment="" date="1552567961" name="mer49.jpg" path="mer49.jpg" size="96213" user="rc516" version="1"
Revision 4
17 Oct 2020 - mer49
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Dr Michael Rule Michael Rule


Dr Michael E. Rule


Background - Research - Publications

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I studied computer science (and some biology), then did a neuroscience PhD with the Truccolo lab. Presently, I work in the lab of Tim O'Leary on motor control and homeostasis in neural population codes. [Profile on Google Scholar]

Research Interests

Neuroscience studies how behaviour and conscious sensory experiences arise from neuronal activity. Prevailing dogma holds that our experiences and identities are encoded in patterns of neural activity and connections between neurons. The vision that we might one day 'upload' minds into computers hinges on this assumption, and current progress in building brain-machine interfaces seems to support it. New results, however, challenge this understanding: synaptic connections and neuronal responses reconfigure, even for fixed behaviours and sensory input. If neural connections and responses continually change, what is stable? The qualitative nature of conscious sensory experiences cannot be explained without considering how behaviour feeds back to affect those senses. Studying closed-loop sensorimotor control may therefore reveal how aspects of sensation and action remain stable despite reconfiguration within the brain.


Rule, M.E., Loback, A.R., Raman, D.V., Driscoll, L.N., Harvey, C.D. and O'Leary, T., 2020. Stable task information from an unstable neural population. Elife, 9, p.e51121. [ more; PDF ]

Rule, M.E., Sorbaro, M. and Hennig, M.H., 2020. Optimal encoding in stochastic latent-variable Models. Entropy, 22(7), p.714. [ more; PDF ]

Rule, M.E., O’Leary, T. and Harvey, C.D., 2019. Causes and consequences of representational drift. Current opinion in neurobiology , 58 , pp.141-147. [ more; PDF ]

Rule, M.E., Schnoerr, D., Hennig, M.H. and Sanguinetti, G., 2019. Neural field models for latent state inference: Application to large-scale neuronal recordings. PLoS computational biology, 15(11), p.e1007442. [ more; PDF ]

Rule, M. and Sanguinetti, G., 2018. Autoregressive point processes as latent state-space models: A moment-closure approach to fluctuations and autocorrelations. Neural Computation, 30(10), pp.2757-2780. [ more; PDF ]

Rule, M.E., Vargas-Irwin, C., Donoghue, J.P. and Truccolo, W., 2018. Phase reorganization leads to transient β-LFP spatial wave patterns in motor cortex during steady-state movement preparation. Journal of neurophysiology, 119(6), pp.2212-2228. [ more; PDF ]

Heitmann, S., Rule, M., Truccolo, W. and Ermentrout, B., 2017. Optogenetic stimulation shifts the excitability of cerebral cortex from type I to type II: oscillation onset and wave propagation. PLoS computational biology, 13(1), p.e1005349. [ more; PDF ]

Rule, M.E., Vargas-Irwin, C.E., Donoghue, J.P. and Truccolo, W., 2017. Dissociation between sustained single-neuron spiking and transient β-LFP oscillations in primate motor cortex. Journal of neurophysiology, 117(4), pp.1524-1543. [ more; PDF ]

Rule, M. (2016). Collective neural dynamics in primate motor cortex. (Ph.D. Thesis) Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Available at Brown University Library, doi.org/10.7301/Z0KS6Q07. [ more; PDF ]

Guler, S.D. and Rule, M.E., 2013, June. Invent-abling: enabling inventiveness through craft. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 368-371). [ more; PDF ]

Rule, M.E., Vargas-Irwin, C., Donoghue, J.P. and Truccolo, W., 2015. Contribution of LFP dynamics to single-neuron spiking variability in motor cortex during movement execution. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 9, p.89. [ more; PDF ]

Rule, M., Stoffregen, M. and Ermentrout, B., 2011. A model for the origin and properties of flicker-induced geometric phosphenes. PLoS Comput Biol, 7(9), p.e1002158. [ more; PDF ]

Nain, A.S., Chung, F., Rule, M., Jadlowiec, J.A., Campbell, P.G., Amon, C. and Sitti, M., 2007, April. Microrobotically fabricated biological scaffolds for tissue engineering. In Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pp. 1918-1923). IEEE. [ more; PDF ]

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mer49.jpg" attr="" comment="" date="1552567961" name="mer49.jpg" path="mer49.jpg" size="96213" user="rc516" version="1"
Revision 3
02 Apr 2019 - rff22
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Michael Rule Michael Rule


Dr Michael Rule Michael Rule


Background - Research - Publications

Position: PhD Student
Position: Research Associate

E-mail: mer49 [at] cam.ac.uk

Office Location:

Thesis Title:


Office Location: BN4-76


Revision 2
21 Mar 2019 - rc516
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META TOPICPARENT name="ControlPeople"

Michael Rule Michael Rule

  Background - Research - Publications

Position: PhD Student

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