E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 99, November 1, 1996

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 99,  November 1, 1996

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Contents Direct: electronic service from Elsevier
        3.2  1997 IEEE fellow nominations
        3.3  Release of `the pendubot' software
        3.4  Request concerning report Techn. Committee on Control Education
        3.5  Introduction NICONET and WGS
        3.6  Announcement `robpole' software
        3.7  SCAD update

4.      Positions
        4.1  Position at ABB Corp. Research, Switzerland
        4.2  Faculty position control systems, Iowa State University
        4.3  Interdiscipl. postdoc positions, Boston University
        4.4  Postdoctoral research fellow position, Australian Nat. University
        4.5  Research fellow position, Australian Nat. University
        4.6  Research assistantship process control, New York State Center
        4.7  Director position ECE dept., Stevens Institute of Technology
        4.8  Postdoctoral fellowships, Inst. Syst. Research, Univ. of Maryland
        4.9  Senior/junior faculty positions EE dept. Yale University
        4.10 Senior/junior faculty positions, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio
        4.11 Director division of Engineering, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio
        4.12 Faculty positions Dept. of Mechanical Engr., Texas A & M
        4.13 Job opportunities at Scientific Systems
        4.14 Chair Dept. Mechanical Engr. and Materials Science, Rice Univ.
        4.15 ERCIM Postdoctoral fellowship program
        4.16 Faculty positions Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison

5.      Books
        5.1  Course in digital signal processing --B. Porat
        5.2  Subspace identification for linear systems - v.Overschee, de Moor
        5.3  A theory of learning and generalization - Vidyasagar

6.      Journals
        6.1  Journal of Complexity Contents, December, 1996 (Vol. 12, No. 4)
        6.2  TOC available online: Hybrid Systems III
        6.3  TOC Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol. 14:1
        6.4  TOC LAA, Vol. 247, 1-3
        6.5  TOC CSSP, Vol 15:6
        6.6  CFP special issue IJRNC
        6.7  TOC JDCS, Vol. 2:3
        6.8  TOC Dynamics and Control, Vol. 7:1
        6.9  Information on J. on Applied Math. and Computer Science on line
        6.10 TOC Automatica, Vol. 32:11.
        6.11 TOC Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 9:2

7.      Conferences
        7.1  Euromicro workshop on real time systems, Toledo, Spain
        7.2. CFP Intl. workshop on sampling theory and applications, Aveiro
        7.3  Announcement ECC-1997
        7.4  CFP IEEE SPS workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Princeton
        7.5  CFP 9th Informs Applied Prob. Conference, Boston
        7.6  CFP Intl.  Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, London
        7.7  CFP 4th WS on Algorithms and Architectures for Real Time Control
        7.8  CFP 36th CDC, San Diego
        7.9  CFP Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems
        7.10 CFP 6th IEEE Conf. on Control Applications, Hartford

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 99 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear December 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

-2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message
    to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You
    will be automatically subscribed and included in our mailing list.
    To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to
    "eletter@win.tue.nl" with the subject 'remove', 'delete' or

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    and then subscribe again (using your new E-mail address). If you can not
    use your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to
    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and your old address will be removed
    manually. In case of any problems please send an E-mail to
    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and we will try to resolve the problem.

-4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an
    (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject
    'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.win.tue.nl"

-5- If you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you
    wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching
    for the string: *.**

              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Ken Zeger (zeger@ucsd.edu)

                            ADDRESS CHANGE

Ken Zeger
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0407

phone: (619) 822-0440
email: zeger@ucsd.edu
internet: http://code.ucsd.edu/zeger

Contributed by: Ioannis Paschalidis (yannisp@ionia.bu.edu)

                        ADDRESS CHANGE

Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis
Boston University
Department of Manufacturing Engineering
15 St. Mary's St.
Boston, MA 02215

Tel.: (617) 353-0434    Fax: (617) 353-5548
e-mail: yannisp@ionia.bu.edu

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Louise Angelou 


- a free contents-alerting service for Elsevier Science journals.

ContentsDirect delivers the contents page of every issue of a journal
direct to your PC, via e-mail,  2-4 weeks prior to publication and is
available absolutely free to anyone with an interest in that journal.
In addition, it offers further benefits: discounts on new books, calls
for papers, announcements of special issues, news of editorial board
appointments and changes to aims and scope and  information on other
Elsevier Science activities. This service is available for many of our
journals within the fields of automation, control, electrical and electronic

If you would like to be added to this free, fast and direct service, simply
send a message to CDsubs@elsevier.co.uk

Or, for a full list of titles available in this service, send a message to

AUTOMATICA and CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE also have their own home pages
on the Internet:


These pages currently contain editorial contact details, aims and scope, a
cumulative table of contents from January 1995, abstracting and indexing
information, links to related Elsevier Science journals, subscription details,
sample copy request forms, instructions for authors and a guest book for your
comments. AUTOMATICA's home page also has a link to the Editor-in-Chief's

Contributed by:  Frank L. Lewis

                     CONTROL SYSTEMS SOCIETY
                  1997 IEEE FELLOW NOMINATIONS

     Recognition by peers is a vital function of IEEE, with election to the
grade of IEEE Fellow one of the most visible mechanisms for acknowledgment.
The nomination of highly qualified individuals for Fellow status is one of
the most important services one can render to the Control Systems Society.
Nominations for IEEE Fellow are due at IEEE Headquarters by 15 March 1997,
so that the first steps must be taken well prior to that date.

     Fellow nominees must be active IEEE Senior members, and have been an
IEEE member for at least 5 years in any grade.  A successful nomination
requires a qualified candidate and a well- prepared nomination package.  A
key preliminary is a careful reading of the IEEE Guide for Fellow Grade
Nominations, which contains the nomination forms and can be obtained from
the IEEE Fellow Committee, 445 Hoes Lane, POB 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-
1331, tel. 908-562-3843, fax 908-981-9019.  Five references are required for
the nomination; they must be IEEE Fellows.  A list of Fellows is contained
in the IEEE Membership Directory and the Feb.  1987 issue of the Control
Systems Magazine.  More recently elected Fellows are listed in the June
issues of the Magazine since then.

     Nominations for IEEE Fellow are submitted as directed in the Fellow
Nominating Package.  However, if you plan to make an IEEE Fellow nomination,
for coordination purposes please contact Frank L. Lewis, Coordinator,
Control Systems Society Fellow Nominations, Automation and Robotics Research
Institute, The University of Texas at Arlington, 7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S,
Ft. Worth, Texas 76118- 7115; tel 817-272-5972, fax 817-272-5952, email

Contributed by: Mark W. Spong (m-spong@uiuc.edu)

        MS, Inc. Announces THE PENDUBOT

Mechatronic Systems, Inc. announces the release of THE PENDUBOT, a two-link
underactuated mechanical system for control research and education.  The
Pendubot is similar in spirit to the classic inverted pendulum on a cart but
possess many attractive features and challenges not found in other systems.
The Pendubot can be used for instruction at all levels; as simple
demonstrations to motivate and instruct freshmen in the important concepts
of dynamics and the systems approach to engineering design; in junior level
courses in linear control systems; in senior courses in mechatronics and
real-time control; all the way to advanced graduate level courses in
nonlinear control theory.  The Pendubot is even sophisticated and
challenging enough for use in research in robust and adaptive control,
geometric nonlinear control, and intelligent control, including hybrid and
switching control, fuzzy logic control, neural networks and learning
control.  The Pendubot can also be used in Robotics classes to illustrate
kinematics, dynamics, and control of robotics and underactuated mechanical

For further information please visit our homepage at
http://www.prairienet.org/msi.  For prices and quotes, send email to
msi@prairienet.org or contact us at

Mechatronic Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 11196
Champaign, IL 61826-1196

Contributed by: M. Eslami 

           On behalf of the IEEE Control Society
           Technical Committee on Control Education

Dear Colleagues:

Hello!  Last month I brought to your attention the recent report of YOUR
"Technical Committee On Control Education", appeared in our Control Systems
Magazine (April '96).  Some of you have kindly responded and expressed your
interest to help.  However, many of you have not responded and I am asking
you please: not only take this matter seriously and help us, but also ask
your other colleagues to contribute as well.

Thank you and I await your replies.

Contributed by: Sabine Van Huffel 
                Ruth Kool 


                        N I C O N E T

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               Working Group on Software

                 Worldwide web:   URL: http://www.win.tue.nl/wgs/wgs.html
                 queries (email): rkool@win.tue.nl

More about WGS (http://www.win.tue.nl/wgs/wgs.html)
The objectives of WGS are first to bring together the existing numerical
software for control and systems theory in a widely available library,
called SLICOT, and to extend this library to cover as far as possible the
area of industrial applications.
The WGS started as a Benelux initiative in the early eighties, but now
operates on a more general European level.

More about NICONET (http://www.win.tue.nl/wgs/niconet.html)

The Commission of the European Communities has given an exploratory award to
WGS in order to set up a thematic Numerics in Control network in the field
of Industrial and Applied Technologies, entitled NICONET (contract number:
BRRT-CT96-0038). The aim is to formalise and extend our current collaboration
into a European network to coordinate the development of robust numerical
software for control systems analysis and design.
Such software is an essential ingredient in modern computer aided control
system design (CACSD) and thus for the future of high-tech European industry.

In order to evaluate the proposed network, we have set up a questionnaire
for obtaining:
   1. an inventory of existing research activities in the area of control
   2. a list of potential partners ready to contribute actively to the
      collaborative effort and NICONET aims,
   3. an assessment of the relevance of the NICONET objectives and network
We kindly ask you to fill in this questionnaire and return it to Sabine Van
Huffel via mail or e-mail (to sabine.vanhuffel@esat.kuleuven.ac.be),
no later than November 20, 1996. This questionnaire is available
by anonymous ftp (at wgs.esat.kuleuven.ac.be in the directory
pub/WGS/NEWSLETTER) and as a form on the World Wide Web
The results will be reported in our next WGS newsletter (available via
anonymous ftp from wgs.esat.kuleuven.ac.be in the directory
pub/WGS/NEWSLETTER or via World Wide Web at
http://www.win.tue.nl/wgs/niconet.html). We think that you will benefit
from this project and therefore we hope that you will find the time to
answer all questions. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Contributed by: Andre Tits 

              Announcing ROBPOLE: MATLAB code for robust
                  pole placement by state feedback

This code implements the algorithm proposed and analyzed in an article
that appeared in the October 1996 issue of IEEE TAC:

   A.L. Tits and Y. Yang, {\it Globally Convergent Algorithms for Robust
   Pole Placement by State Feedback,} IEEE Transactions on Automatic
   Control, vol. 41, No. 10, 1996, pp. 1432--1452.

This algorithm appears to perform better than its competitors, especially
when some of the prescribed closed-loop poles are complex (complex conjugate

The code is available from the authors.

Contributed by  Raimund J. Ober 
                Xu Huang 

        UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- October 1996

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               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas

                 Worldwide web:   URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/
                 queries (email): scad@utdallas.edu

New contents:

Eletters: Number 98

   Recently we have started an address list for systems
   and control people.

   About 1090 people have added their addresses to the list.

   To register your, simply:
      - go to SCAD using the web
      - go to the ADDRESS LIST link
      - click: add your address
      - fill in the form.

   You can check out addresses by using the search facility or
   by scanning through the full list.

   !!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, Add your Address to the SCAD ADDRESS LIST !!!!!!!!!!!

How to access scad:
 Using Worldwide Web:
      URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/

 More detailed instructions can be obtained by sending an email to
 After accessing SCAD you can find a README file which contains
 more information about SCAD.

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *
Contributed by:  Peter Terwiesch (Peter.Terwiesch@chcrc.abb.ch)

               Position at ABB Corporate Research in Switzerland

The Communication & Control Group at ABB Corporate Research in Switzerland
invites applications for a permanent position as an

         Automatic Control Expert

Candidates must have an excellent and recent (< 3 years) masters or Ph.D.
degree in a control-related engineering or computer science discipline. A
broad background in automatic control, including process modeling,
simulation, and advanced control and optimization techniques is
required. Successfull candidates should be able to analyze current
practices, identify improvement potential, and to develop innovative
modeling, simulation & control solutions.

Experience in the following areas is a prerequisite (please state level):
- mathematical modeling
- dynamic process simulation
- advanced control (e.g., robust, nonlinear, adaptive)

Furthermore, experience in the following fields is an additional asset:
- rail transport, power-plant, or chemical process applications
- nonlinear model-predictive control / on-line optimization
- advanced estimation and identification

Communicative skills are essential, since the candidate will often have to
interface between scientists, engineers, and managers in different fields
and different countries, advise them on improvements, and articulate ideas
in their own terminology. The position requires good working knowledge of
English or German at start and the willingness to learn German.

ABB is a world-wide leader in power generation and distribution, industrial
automation, and mass transportation.  In our Swiss Research Center near
Zurich, about 200 scientists and engineers from over 20 countries are working
on  the basics of new products for ABB.

Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae by e-mail
(ASCII and/or PostScript) to , or to
 Peter Terwiesch
 ABB Corporate Research
 CH-5405 Baden-Daettwil

Contributed by: M. Khammash 

                Faculty Position in Control Systems

Iowa State University: The department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
invites applications for a faculty position at the junior level in the systems
and control area.  Candidates must have an earned Ph.D. in Electrical
Engineering, Computer Engineering, or a closely related field. They must be
able to communicate effectively and work closely with undergraduate and
graduate students. Candidates must have a strong commitment and a demonstrated
potential to successfully pursue basic or applied research in electrical and/or
computer engineering, and must demonstrate potential for leadership in
professional activities in areas of specialty. Duties and responsibilities
include teaching effectively at both the undergraduate and graduate levels,
initiating and pursuing independent research at the cutting edge of areas of
expertise, publishing research results in leading journals and conferences,
guiding graduate students, seeking external funding, and participating in
outreach activities. The Department offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degree
programs in both electrical and computer engineering with 47 full-time faculty,
250 graduate students, and 1000 undergraduate students. The Department
maintains a strong undergraduate program with well-equipped instructional
laboratories, and has active research oriented graduate programs in the areas
of power, communications, signal processing, control and systems theory,
microelectronics, computer engineering, VLSI, applied electromagnetics, and
nondestructive evaluation. The total research expenditures for the Department
in the year 1995-1996 has been 5+ million dollars. The department houses
state-of-the-art computational facilities including Silicon Graphics
workstations, HP workstations, DEC workstations, and personal computers. The
Department is extensively involved in industrial research, and maintains
strong ties with industry which benefit from centers such as the Electric Power
Research Center, and the newly established VLSI design center. The department
is heavily involved in cooperative research with the University's Institute for
Physical Research and Technology centers in microelectronics, nondestructive
evaluation, computational and applied mathematics, advanced manufacturing,
materials processing, integrated materials, amorphous semiconductors, advanced
technology development, and theoretical and applied physics. The application
deadline is December 15, or until the positions are filled. Appointments will
begin on or before August 16, 1997. Salary and rank are commensurate with
qualifications. Applicants should send a letter of application and a resume
including names and addresses of at least 3 references to S. S. Venkata, Chair,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 201 Coover Hall, Iowa State University,
Ames, IA 50011.

Contributed by: Tasso Kaper

Interdisciplinary post-doctoral positions

Post-doctoral positions are available beginning 1 September 1997 for an
N.S.F. funded research program in ``Applied Mathematics for Systems of
Oscillators in Biology & Engineering" at Boston University.  The explicit
goal of this program is to provide the opportunity for collaborative
interdisciplinary research training with faculty in Mathematics (N. Kopell,
T. Kaper), Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering (J. Baillieul, M. Berkemeier,
A. Nadim), Biomedical Engineering (J. Collins, J. White), and Health
Sciences (J. Schotland). The specific problems to be addressed using this
approach fall into three classes of coupled oscillator systems: neural,
mechanical, and neuro-mechanical. It is expected that strong candidates will
have a substantial research interest in at least one of these areas. To
apply, please send 1) a 1-page statement that includes your career goals,
how this position satisfies those goals, and why you think you are a good
candidate; 2) your C.V.; and 3) three letters of recommendation to:

Oscillator Search Committee
Department of Mathematics
Boston University
111 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215

For more information, see our Web site
or write to the above address.
Please include your area(s) of research interest
(neural, mechanical, and/or neuro-mechanical)
in any correspondence.

Boston University is an Affirmative Action/
Equal Opportunity Employer.

Contributed by:  James Ashton 

                    Institute of Advanced Studies
     Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering.

                       (Academic Level A/B)

In 1997 and subject to availability of funds the School will offer a
two-year fellowship for an outstanding scholar who has recently completed,
or expects to complete, requirements for a PhD degree.  World-class research
within the School includes basic and applied activities in computer science
(tenured staff: Professor Brent, and Drs Krishnamurthy and Millar), systems
and telecommunications engineering (tenured staff: Professors Anderson,
Moore and Bitmead, and Drs Kennedy and Bartlett), and Automated Reasoning
(tenured staff: Professor Meyer and Dr Slaney), and includes the CRC's in
Robust and Adaptive Systems and Advanced Computational Systems.

Suitably qualified women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Salary will be in the range $34,008 to $51,777, depending on
qualifications and experience.  (candidates holding a doctorate will be
paid a salary no less than $38,587)

Closing date:  31 October 1996                          Ref:  ISE 7/96

Application forms and further information must be obtained from the
Business Manager, Research School of Information Sciences and
Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra  ACT  0200,
quoting the reference number above.  Telephone: 06 279 8819, fax: 06
279 8688, email: bm@rsise.anu.edu.au


Contributed by:  James Ashton 

                     The Australian National University
                       INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES



A research and graduate teaching position is available (subject to
availability of funds) for three years with possible extension to five
years at level B in the Department  of Systems Engineering in
discrete-event  systems with possible application to
manufacturing/robotics.  Suitably qualified women are particularly
encouraged to apply.

Salary:         Level B Research Fellow $A43,602 - $A51,777 per annum

Closing Date: 15 November 1996  Reference: ISE 8/96

A market related loading may also be payable.

Enquires may be made to Professor John Moore at phone (06) 279 8686,
fax (06) 279 8688, or email John.Moore@anu.edu.au.

Potential applicants must contact the Business Manager's Office (email
bm@rsise.anu.edu.au) for selection criteria and further particulars.


Contributed by:  Johh T. Wen 

                Research Assistantship in Process Control

The Aluminum Processing Program (APP) in the New York State Center for
Advanced Technology (CAT) in Automation, Robotics & Manufacturing at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) has a graduate research assistantship
position in the area of process modeling, identification, and control for
aluminum extrusion.  The RA position is intended for a graduate student
interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, or Materials Engineering at RPI.  Applicants for this position
should have background in control system analysis, design, and optimization.
Knowledge in heat transfer and mechanics of deformation is preferred, but
not required.  The student will be expected to have frequent interaction
with corporate sponsors; strong interpersonal skill is a must.

Interested applicants should send vita to wen@cat.rpi.edu with "RA
Application for extrusion process control" in the Subject line.  More
information about the project can be found from the web site:

Contributed by: Derong Liu 

Director,  Department  of  Electrical  and Computer  Engineering,
Stevens Institute of Technology:

Stevens Institute   of   Technology   invites  nominations    and
applications  for  the position of Director of the Department  of
Electrical   and   Computer   Engineering.  Stevens Institute  of
Technology,  a private institution founded in 1870, and a pioneer
of broad-based   engineering   education   in  the   nation,   is
located   on   the  western  banks of  the  Hudson  river  across
from midtown Manhattan. The department director will be  expected
to  provide  leadership  to the   department   and   to   further
its  distinctive  role   in   teaching,   research,  and   public
service.    The   Department   offers   accredited     Bachelors,
Masters,  and  Doctorate  degrees in Electrical  Engineering  and
Computer Engineering.  The  Department  Director is   responsible
directly to  the Dean of the School   of Engineering.  Candidates
must  hold  an earned doctorate in a related  field. A reputation
for  scholarship   and  leadership experience    are   desirable.
Letters    of  nominations   or  applications   including current
curriculum  vitae should be sent to: Professor Francis T. Boesch,
Chair, Director Search Committee, Dept. of ECE, Stevens Institute
of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030. Email:fboesch@stevens-tech.edu.
Tel: 201-216-5624. Web: http://www.stevens-tech.edu. Applications
will be accepted until the position is filled.  Stevens Institute
of Technology is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer
and welcomes applications  from qualified women and members    of
underepresented groups.

Contributed by: Susan Frazier 

         Post-Doctoral Fellowships

Contributed by the Institute for Systems Research
University of Maryland, College Park

Post-Doctoral Fellowships for Ph.D. recipients in Engineering, Computer
Science, Mathematics and related areas

The Institute for Systems Research is an interdisciplinary research unit of
the University of Maryland and Harvard University.  Located at the University
of Maryland, College Park, the Institute generates fundamental knowledge and
technologies of integrated design for control of complex engineering systems.
The following thrust areas are emphasized:

       Intelligent Control Systems
       Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems
       Systems Integration Methodology

The Institute's research programs are at the forefront of advances in modern
systems engineering, and they incorporate sophisticated analytical and
computational methods with progressive experimental and modeling techniques.

A multi-disciplinary team of outstanding scientists and engineers is pursuing
in-depth studies in the implications and applications of modern computer
technology to control and communication systems technologies.  Extensive
industrial collaboration is an integral part of the program.

The ISR's research projects encompass a diverse set of systems problems; they
include intelligent control of processes, electromechanical motion control,
wireless communication networks, high-speed satellite and terrestrial
communication networks, telemedicine systems, and virtual factories for the
manufacture of electromechanical devices.

The ISR Post-Doctoral Fellowships are available for recipients of Ph.D.
degrees who have interests in systems engineering and its applications.
Candidates must have received their degrees by August 31 of the same year that
the fellowship begins.  Typically, fellowships are effective from September
through August.  Academic excellence and outstanding potential for basic
research weigh heavily in fellowship selection.

ISR Post-Doctoral Fellows enjoy the unique opportunity of participating in
state-of-the-art research in systems engineering.  Exceptional opportunities
exist for research in collaboration with leading industrial and government
research laboratories.  Appointments offer generous stipends (approximately
40K per year) and provide excellent benefits.  They are typically for one year
and are renewable up to a second year based on performance and the
availability of funds.

To be considered for a post-doctoral appointment, applicants must submit the
following materials:
       curriculum vitae including a list of publications,
       statement of research interests and goals, including the reason one
       wishes to participate in this program,
       sample publications,
       three letters of recommendation,
       a transcript from the institution where the Ph.D. was (or will be)
       earned showing grades in courses taken.

All materials must be received by the Institute for Systems Research by
January 15 to qualify candidates for fall consideration.

Mail applications to:
Institute for Systems Research
A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD  20742
Attn: Post-Doctoral Fellowship Review Committee

ISR's WWW server address:     http://www.isr.umd.edu/

Contributed by: Stephen Morse 

Yale University's Electrical Engineering Department, in close cooperation
with the University's Computer Science Department, invites applications from
outstanding engineers and computer scientists for one senior and two junior
faculty positions in all areas of computer engineering including CAD, VLSI,
architecture, digital communications, graphics, visualization, and
real-time, fault-tolerant, or embedded systems. All candidates should be
strongly committed to both teaching and research. Senior candidates should
have distinguished records of research accomplishments and should be willing
and able to take the lead in the shaping of Yale's expanding program in
computer engineering. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to
apply.  Applicants should send a letter and curriculum vitae to

A. S. Morse, Chair
Computer Engineering Search Committee
Yale University
P. O. Box 208267
New Haven
CT 06520--8267

Yale University: The Department of Electrical Engineering invites applications
for existing and anticipated faculty positions , especially in the departments
active areas of communications, computer engineering, computer vision and
robotics, MEMS, microelectronics and optoelectronics, networks, electronic
materials, signal processing, systems, and VLSI and analog design. Applicants
should send a curriculum vitae and the names of at least 3 references to:
Professor Mark A. Reed, Chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering, Yale
University, P. O. Box 208284, New Haven, CT  06520. Yale University is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.

Contributed by Sumit Roy(roy@voyager1.eng.utsa.edu)

Division of  Engineering, The University of Texas at San Antonio:

Applications are invited for two tenured/tenure-track positions in
Electrical Engineering with one at the Professor level and one at the
Associate Professor level.  The successful applicants must have a
Ph.D. in Electrical, Computer Engineering or related area and an
interest in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  The
Associate and Full Professor applicants must demonstrate a strong
track record of funded research and leadership in guiding the proposed
Ph.D.  Program in Electrical Engineering. Preferred areas of
specialization are: Control Systems in Intelligent Control, Robust
Adaptive Control, and/ or Discrete Event Systems; Communications in
areas of Wireless and/or Multimedia Networks and Multiple Access
Communications (protocols, routing, flow control); Digital Systems in
the areas of VLSI Design, Microelectronics, Multiprocessor
architectures, Parallel and Distributed Computing and Hardware Design
Laboratories; Digital Signal processing in nonlinear signed processing
and/or Biomedical Signal Processing.  Resumes and names of three
references (including postal addresses, fax phone and e-mail if
applicable) and a description of teaching and research interest should
be submitted to: Chair, Search Committee, Electrical Engineering,
Division of Engineering, UTSA, 6900 N. Loop 1604 W., San Antonio,
Texas 78249.  Applicants who are not US citizens must state their
current visa and residency status.  PLEASE INDICATE THE POSITION FOR
WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING.  The deadline for receiving applications is
Dec. 15, 1996 for possible appointment no later than September 1,
1997.  UTSA is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.
Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

 Division of  Engineering, The University of Texas at San Antonio:

 Applications are invited for tenure-track positions in Electrical
Engineering, at the Assistant Professor level. The successful
applicants must have a Ph.D. in Electrical, Computer Engineering or
related area by Sept. 1, 1997 and an interest in teaching at the
undergraduate and graduate levels. Pending budget approval, the
Assistant Professor applicants must have a dedication to developing a
strong program of funded research.  Preferred areas of specialization
are: Control Systems in Intelligent Control, Robust Adaptive Control,
and/ or Discrete Event Systems; Communications, in areas of wireless
networks, ATM and/or Multiple Access Communications (protocols,
routing, flow control); Digital Systems in the areas of VLSI Design,
Microelectronics, Multiprocessor Architecture, Parallel and
Distributed Computing and Hardware Design Laboratories; Digital Signal
Processing in nonlinear signal processing and/or Biomedical signal
processing. Resumes and names of three references (including postal
addresses, fax phone and e-mail if applicable) and a description of
teaching and research interest should be submitted to: Chair, Search
Committee, Electrical Engineering, Division of Engineering, UTSA, 6900
N. Loop 1604 W., San Antonio, Texas 78249.  Applicants who are not US
citizens must state their current visa and residency status.  The
deadline for receiving applications is February 1, 1997 for possible
appointment no later than September 1, 1997.  UTSA is an equal
opportunity and affirmative action employer.  Women and minorities are
encouraged to apply.

Contributed by Sumit Roy(roy@voyager1.eng.utsa.edu)

     Director, Division of Engineering

Applications are invited for the position of Director of the Division of
Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).  The Division
Director is the chief administrator of the Division of Engineering and
reports to the Dean of the College of Sciences and Engineering.

The Division of Engineering offers the B.S. and M.S. degrees in civil,
electrical, and mechanical engineering.  A Ph.D. degree in Electrical
Engineering is being developed and we aspire to be a College of Engineering.
 Extramural funding has increased by 70 percent over the past three years in
the Division of Engineering.  It is the primary collaborator with the
College of Business in offering the M.S. in Management of Technology jointly
with the College of Sciences and Engineering.  Currently, the Division has
28 faculty, 1000 undergraduates, and 110 graduate students.   (See

Candidates must have earned a Ph.D. in engineering or a related field and
must qualify for appointment as a tenured professor.  Successful
undergraduate and graduate teaching experiences, proven management
capability, demonstrated achievement in research and effective communication
skills are requirements for the position.

UTSA is a comprehensive, metropolitan University which is one of the fastest
growing universities in the state.  The City of San Antonio combines a rich
cultural heritage with a modern focus on education, research, and
technology.  UTSA is a primary contributor to the region's economic vitality
and quality of life through its service to the multicultural population of
San Antonio and South Texas.

The position is a full-time, twelve-month appointment beginning September 1,
1997.  Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Applications should include a letter of interest, a resume, and the names,
addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses (if available) of at least
five references.  Send to:

          Chair, Engineering Director Search Committee
          Office of the Dean
          College of Sciences and Engineering
          The University of Texas at San Antonio
          6900 North Loop 1604 West
          San Antonio, Texas  78249-0661

Applications must be received by January 15, 1997.

UTSA is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

Contributed by: Suhada Jayasuriya


Department of Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas

Department of Mechanical Engineering invites applications for Assistant
Professor positions in the general area of Dynamic Systems and Control.
In exceptional cases, candidates for associate or full professor may be
considered. The successful candidates must have demonstrated scholarly
research accomplishments in at least one area of recent advances in
control theory or nonlinear dynamical systems and must have strong
interest in teaching engineering design. Preference will be given to
those with expertise in application of active control methodologies in
one or more of the following areas: acoustics and active noise control,
fluid-structure interaction problems, com- bustion, active control of
continua, and manufacturing. Some working knowledge of mechatron- ics
is desirable. The department has top-tanked undergraduate and graduate
programs with 52 faculty, 1100 undergraduate and 230 graduate students.
The department possesses a wide range of state of the art research
facilities which support an $8M dollar/yr. research program.

Send a complete resume and a list of five references complete with
addresses and phone numbers to:

                Professor Jerald A. Caton
                Department of Mechanical Engineering
                Texas A&M University
                College Station, TX 77843-3123.

The deadline for the receipt of applications is January 21, 1997. No
electronic submissions will be accepted.

Texas A&M University is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity

Contributed by :  Raman K. Mehra

                Job Opportunity at Scientific Systems

SCIENTIFIC SYSTEMS is a small growing Boston area company active in applied
research and development of emerging technologies in the areas of advanced
guidance controls systems, system identification, image and signal processing,
pattern recognition, and communication networks.
SCIENTIFIC SYSTEMS has many customers in government, industrial and commercial
sectors, and collaborates with recognized academic/research institutions
and large businesses to develop and apply new solution methods.
SCIENTIFIC SYSTEMS has a strong emphasis on becoming product oriented and
has a focus on specific vertical markets in the areas of ATM and
telecommunications, vibration analysis, and radar signal processing.

Please direct all correspondence, questions, etc. to

           Ms. Patricia Kelly, Human Resources Coordinator
           Scientific Systems Company
           500 West Cummings Park, Suite 3000
           Woburn, MA 01801

           Tel: (617) 933-5355
           Fax: (617) 938-4752
           Email:  info@ssci.com

Level:  PhD in Controls/Systems Engineering

Duties: Applied Research and Development of Advanced Controls and System
        Identification technologies.

Req'd Experience:     * Dissertation in one of the following areas --
                        Advanced Guidance Control Systems (stochastic,
                        optimal, robust, nonlinear or adaptive control);
                        System Identification; Optimization Methods;
                        Linear and Non-linear Systems Theory.
                      * Familiarity with Modern/Classical Control System
                        Analysis/Design, as well as topics listed above.

Desirable:    * Working knowledge of any of the following topics:
                Artificial Intelligence; Intelligent Control Systems;
                Neural Networks; Fuzzy Logic; Statistical Analysis;
                Discrete-Event Dynamic Systems; Robotics and Automated
                Manufacturing Systems.
              * Strong algorithm and software development skills (Matlab,
                Matrix-X, C, C++, etc.)
              * Experience in real-time implementation of advanced controls.

Job code: SSC-9622

Contributed by: Fathi Ghorbel 

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Rice University invites applications and nominations for Chair of the
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, effective
with the 1997-98 academic year, or as soon as a suitable candidate is

The Department consists of 14 tenure-track faculty with approximately 50
students enrolled in graduate programs and 40 undergraduate students receiving
degrees each year.  It is a multi-disciplinary department with graduate
education and research in the areas of computational and applied mechanics,
robotics and control, thermal and fluid sciences, and materials science and
engineering.  Degrees offered are the bachelors, masters, and doctoral
degrees in both Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science.  Additional
information about the Department is available on the internet at

Rice University is an independent, coeducational, nonsectarian, private
university committed to cultural diversity and dedicated to undergraduate and
graduate teaching, research, and professional training.  Current enrollments
are 2600 undergraduate and 1500 graduate students.

Candidates must have an earned doctorate in Mechanical Engineering or Materials
Science (or other materials-related discipline) which would justify an
appointment of full professor with tenure.  The Department is seeking a
dynamic individual with a distinguished record of research and teaching
accomplishments who will be a strong academic leader.  The candidate must have
an ability to work effectively with faculty and students, define long-term
directions for the academic programs, and enhance the research effort and
public service thrusts of the Department.  The process of interviewing
selected candidates will begin no later than February 1, 1997.

Applicants should send a letter of interest, a resume, and names, addresses,
phone numbers, and e-mail addresses (if available) of four references to:

                        MEMS Chair Search Committee
                        George R. Brown School of Engineering - MS 364
                        Rice University
                        6100 Main Street
                        Houston, TX  77005-1892

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

Contributed by: Jean-Baptiste.Pomet@inria.fr


GOOD NEWS !  Control is back among the topics covered by the
             ERCIM Post-doc Fellowship program. More precisely

  "  Control and Systems Theory :
      - Control of hybrid systems and of discrete event systems
      - System identification, realization, and signal processing
      - Control of nonlinear systems    "

These fellowships are for an 18 months period. There is no citizenship
restriction. The post-doc researchers will work in preferably more than
one of the european research institutions member of ERCIM.

Deadline for application: November 30.

Please visit http://www-ercim.inria.fr/activity/fellows/fellowship.html
for more details.

NOTE: Before submitting an application, please contact the research teams
      that interest you so that we may set up together the objectives
      of your stay. To have more information on the ERCIM research groups
      involved in control, click on the item "ERCIM Working Group Control
      and Systems Theory" on this page (or go to

(*) European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics.

Contributed by:  James A. Bucklew


FACULTY POSITION in Communications: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Applications are solicited for tenure-track faculty positions
in the general area of communications.  Specific areas include,
wireless and mobile communications, computer communication networks,
multiple access and cellular communications.
Qualifications include an outstanding academic record, significant
involvement in research, a strong publication record, a doctorate or
equivalent in electrical engineering, and a strong commitment to teaching
and research.
Applications consisting of a comprehensive resume, a list of
publications, a description of research interests, and the names
of at least three professional references should be sent to:

Professor Willis Tompkins
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53706

The University of Wisconsin is an equal opportunity employer.

FACULTY POSITION in Signal Processing: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Applications are solicited for tenure-track faculty positions
in the general area of Signal Processing.  All areas are of interest, but
of particular interest are multidimensional signal processing, statistical
signal processing, wavelets and filter banks.
Qualifications include an
outstanding academic record, significant involvement in research, a
strong publication record, a doctorate or equivalent in electrical
engineering, and a strong commitment to teaching and research.
Applications consisting of a comprehensive resume, a list of
publications, a description of research interests, and the names
of at least three professional references should be sent to:

Professor Willis Tompkins
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53706

The University of Wisconsin is an equal opportunity employer.

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by Boaz Porat 

                         Boaz Porat
          Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology

          (600 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 0-471-14961-6)
                        published by
                     John Wiley and Sons

                     Due October 15, 1996

The book is a text on digital signal processing, at a senior or
first-year-graduate level. My purpose in writing it was to provide
the reader with a precise, broad, practical, up-to-date exposition of
digital signal processing. Accordingly, this book presents DSP theory
in a rigorous fashion, contains a wealth of material---some not commonly
found in general DSP texts, makes extensive use of MATLAB software, and
describes numerous state-of-the-art applications of DSP.

The book contains 14 chapters, an index, a bibliography, a list of
symbols, nearly 400 problems (with full solutions in a separate
Solution Manual), about 280 figures, and 67 MATLAB programs.
Among its highlights are (not necessarily in order of importance):

* Discussion of physical aspects of sampling and reconstruction,
  including A/D and D/A converters.
* A chapter on practical spectral analysis, including frequency
  estimation of sinusoids.
* Presentation of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and the
  Discrete Sine Transform (DST).
* Design procedures for FIR and IIR filters.
* A detailed discussion of finite wordlength effects in fixed-point
  implementation of digital filters.
* A chapter on multirate signal processing, including filter bank
* A chapter on signal processing of random signals.
* A chapter devoted to DSP applications for signal compression,
  speech, musical signals, communication, and biomedical signals;
  this chapter also presents current DSP microprocessor technology.

The MATLAB programs are available by anonymous ftp from
   ftp.wiley.com /public/college/math/matlab/bporat
or from:
   ftp.technion.ac.il /pub/supported/ee/Signal_processing/B_Porat

Also available from these ftp sites is a PostScript file including
all figures in the book, ready for printing transparencies.

The chapters of the book are as follows:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Review of Frequency-Domain Analysis
Chapter 3: Sampling and Reconstruction
Chapter 4: The Discrete Fourier Transform
Chapter 5: The Fast Fourier Transform
Chapter 6: Practical Spectral Analysis
Chapter 7: Review of z-Transforms and Difference Equations
Chapter 8: Introduction to Digital Filters
Chapter 9: Finite Impulse Response Filters
Chapter 10: Infinite Impulse Response Filters
Chapter 11: Digital Filter Realization and Implementation
Chapter 12: Multirate Signal Processing
Chapter 13: Analysis and Modeling of Random Signals
Chapter 14: Digital Signal Processing Applications

Contributed by: Bart de Moor

                         NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT
                 Subspace Identification for Linear System
                    Theory, Implementation, Applications

                 Peter Van Overschee (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
                 Bart De Moor (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

                 Kluwer Academic Publishers, PO Box 17,
                 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands

254 pp. Hardbound/ISBN: 0 7923 9717 7
Contains floppy disk with Matlab files for subspace identification

Price:     USD: 105, NLG: 195, GBP: 74.75

Publication date: May 1996

More information: services@wkap.nl

Website with ordering form:



This book focuses on the theory, implementation and applications
of subspace identification algorithms for linear time-invariant
finite-dimensional dynamical systems.  These algorithms allow for
a fast, straightforward and accurate determination of linear
multivariable models from measured input-output data.

The theory of subspace identification algorithms is presented in detail.
Several chapters are devoted to deterministic, stochastic and combined
deterministic-stochastic subspace identification algorithms.
For each case, the geometric properties are stated in a main 'subspace'
Theorem.  Relations between existing algorithms and literature are
explored, as are the interconnections between different subspace
algorithms.  The subspace identification theory is linked to the theory
of frequency weighted model reduction, which leads to new implementations
and insights.

The implementation of subspace identification algorithms is discussed
in terms of the robust and computationally efficient RQ and singular
value decompositions, which are well-established algorithms
from numerical linear algebra.  The algorithms are implemented in
combination with a whole set of classical identification algorithms,
processing and validation tools in Xmath's ISID, a commercially available
graphical user interface toolbox.  The basic subspace algorithms in
the book are also implemented in a set of Matlab files accompanying
the book.

One application of ISID to an industrial glass tube manufacturing
process is presented in detail, illustrating the power and
user-friendliness of the subspace identification algorithms and of
their implementation in ISID.  The identified model allows for an
optimal control of the process, leading to a significant enhancement of
the production quality.  The applicability of subspace identification
algorithms in industry is further illustrated with the application of
the Matlab files to ten practical problems.  Since all necessary
data and Matlab files are included, the reader can easily step through
these applications, and thus get more insight in the algorithms.

Table of Contents:

0. Preface

1. Introduction, motivation and geometric tools

2. Deterministic identification

3. Stochastic identification

4. Combined deterministic-stochastic identification

5. State space bases and model reduction

6. Implementation and applications

7. Conclusions and open problems

Appendix A: Proofs
Appendix B: Matlab functions
Appendix C: Notation

Contributed by M. Vidyasagar (sagar@cair.ernet.in)

                             BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT

Title:      A Theory of Learning and Generalization
Subtitle:   With Applications to Neural Networks and Control Systems
Author:     M. Vidyasagar
Publisher:  Springer-Verlag London, 1997.
Details:    382 pages, 36 figures, 150 references

This book contains a comprehensive treatment of so-called statistical
learning theory and its applications both to neural networks and control
systems.  Other names for the subject are PAC learning theory and
computational learning theory.  In addition to a thorough treatment of known
results, the book also presents several new results for the first time, as
well as a list of sixteen open problems.

A postscript file containing the Preface, the Table of Contents, and the
first chapter is available via anonymous ftp at the site ee.princeton.edu,
under the directory pub/kulkarni, and the file name eletter.ps .

The Table of Contents of the book is shown below:

Preface                                                                 xiii

1. Introduction                                                           3

2. Preliminaries                                                            15
   2.1 Pseudometric Spaces, Packing and Covering Numbers                  15
   2.2 Probability Measures                                               19
   2.3 Large Deviation Type Inequalities                                  21
   2.4 Some Advanced Ideas                                                25

3. Problem Formulations                                                     29
   3.1 Uniform Convergence of Empirical Means                             29
   3.2 Learning Concepts and Functions                                    39
   3.3 Model-Free Learning                                                59

4. Vapnik-Chervonenkis and Pollard (Pseudo-) Dimensions                     69
   4.1 Definitions                                                        69
   4.2 Bounds on Growth Functions                                         75
   4.3 Growth Functions of Iterated Families                              87

5. Uniform Convergence of Empirical Means                                   95
   5.1 Restatement of the Problems Under Study                            95
   5.2 Equivalence of the UCEM and ASCEM Properties                       99
   5.3 Main Theorems                                                     101
   5.4 Preliminary Lemmas                                                108
   5.5 Theorem 5.1: Proof of Necessity                                   119
   5.6 Theorem 5.1: Proof of Sufficiency                                 124
   5.7 Proofs of the Remaining Theorems                                  136
   5.8 Uniform Convergence Properties of Iterated Families               140

6. Learning Under a Fixed Probability Measure                               153
   6.1 UCEM Property Implies ASEC Learnability                           155
   6.2 Shrinking Width is Equivalent to Consistent Learnability          161
   6.3 Finite Metric Entropy Implies Learnability                        167
   6.4 Examples                                                          176
   6.5 Learnable Concept Classes Have Finite Metric Entropy              179
   6.6 Model-Free Learning                                               185

7. Distribution-Free Learning                                               195
   7.1 Uniform Convergence of Empirical Means                            195
   7.2 Function Learning                                                 202
   7.3 Concept Learning                                                  207
   7.4 Learnability of Functions with a Finite Range                     219

8. Learning Under an Intermediate Family of Probabilities                   223
   8.1 General Families of Probabilities                                 225
   8.2 Totally Bounded Families of Probabilities                         235
   8.3 Families of Probabilities with a Nonempty Interior                246

9. Alternate Models of Learning                                             249
   9.1 Efficient Learning                                                250
   9.2 Active Learning                                                   264
   9.3 Learning with Prior Information                                   273

10. Applications to Neural Networks                                         291
   10.1 What is a Neural Network?                                        292
   10.2 Learning in Neural Networks                                      295
       10.2.1 Problem Formulation                                     295
       10.2.2 Reprise of Sample Complexity Estimates                  298
       10.2.3 Complexity-Theoretic Limits to Learnability             303
   10.3 Estimates of VC-Dimensions of Families of Networks               307
       10.3.1 Multi-Layer Perceptron Networks                         308
       10.3.2 A Network with Infinite VC-Dimension                    314
       10.3.3 Neural Networks as Verifiers of Formulas                316
       10.3.4 Neural Networks with Piecewise-Polynomial Activation Functions
       10.3.5 A General Approach                                      328
       10.3.6 Networks with Pfaffian Activation Functions             332
       10.3.7 Results Based on Order-Minimality                       335
   10.4 Structural Risk Minimization                                     337

11. Applications to Control Systems                                         343
   11.1 Identification                                                   344
   11.2 Robust Control                                                   352

12. Some Open Problems                                                      361

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *
Contributed by:  Art Werschulz 
To: eletter-request@win.tue.nl

       TABLE OF CONTENTS:  Journal of Complexity -- December, 1996
                          Volume 12, Number 4

A Special Issue for the Foundations of Computational Mathematics Conference
Rio de Janeiro, January 1997

Felipe Cucker and Mike Shub

Greg Wasilkowski, "Average Case Complexity of Multivariate Integration
and Function Approximation"


Homotopy Methods and Real Machines
        organized by Felipe Cucker and Herb Keller

  Pascal Koiran,  "Hilbert's Nullstellansatz is in the Polynomial Hierarchy"

Information-based Complexity
        organized by Erich Novak and Henryk Wozniakowski

  Karin Frank and Stefan Heinrich, "Computing Discrepancies of Smolyak
  Quadrature Rules"

  Peter Hertling, "Topological Complexity of Continuous Operations"

  Karl-Heinz K|fer, "On the Expected Number of Shadow vertices of the
  Convex Hull of Random Points

  Erich Novak and Ingo Roschmann, "Numerical Integration of Peak

  Erich Novak and Henryk Wozniakowski, "Topological Complexity of

  Sergei G. Pereverzev and Sergei G. Solodki, "The Minimal Radius of
  Galerkin Information for Fredholm Problem of the First Kind"

  Leszek Plaskota, "Worst Case Complexity of Problems with Random
  Information Noise"

  Arthur G. Werschulz, "The Complexity of Definite Elliptic Problems
  with Noisy Data"

        organized by Clovis Gonzaga and Michael Todd

  Shinji Mizuno, Mimrod Megido and Takashi Tsuchiya, "A Linear
  Programming Instance with Many Crossover Events"
  Yinyu Ye, "How Partial Knowledge Helps to Solve Linear Problems"

Systems of Algebraic Equations and Computational Algebraic Geometry
        organized by Thomas Lickteig and Marie-Frangoise Roy

  Dario Bini and Victor Y. Pan, "Graeffe's, Chebyshev-like and
  Cardinal's Processes for Splitting a Polynomial into Factors"

  John Dalbec, "An Algebraic Proof of Barlet's Join Theorem"

  Laureano Gonzalez-Vega and M'hammed El Kahoui, "An Improved Upper
  Complexity Bound for the Topology Computation of a Real Algebraic
  Plane Curve"

  Thomas Lickteig and Marie-Frangoise Roy, "Semi-Algebraic Complexity
  of Quotients and Sign Determination of Remainders"

  Victor Y. Pan, Myong-hi Kim, Akimou Sadikou, Xiaohan Huang, Ailong
  Zheng, "On Isolation of Real and Nearly Real Zeros of a Univariate
  Polynomial and Its Splitting into Factors"

Vision and Related Computational Tools
        organized by Jean-Michel Morel and David Mumford

  Olivier Catoni, "Simulated Annealing and I.E.T. Algorithms:  Theory
  and Experiments"

Contributed by: Eduardo Sontag, sontag@hilbert.rutgers.edu

        Table of Contents available online: Hybrid Systems III

The complete table of contents for the book:

Hybrid Systems III.  Verification and Control
(Lect.Notes Comp.Sci. no. 1066), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
(R. Alur, T.A. Henzinger, E.D. Sontag, eds.)

is available through the Web at the following URL:


Submitted by Mike Groth (mgroth@wkap.com)

            Journal of VLSI Signal Processing
            Contents, Volume 14, Issue 1, 1996



Jurgen Gotze and Pete Rieder, SVD-Updating Using
Orthonormal u-Rotations

Franklin T. Luk and Sanzheng Qiao, A Symmetric Rank-
Revealing Toeplitz Matrix Decomposition

Herve Lebret, Optimal Beamforming via Interior Point

Flavio Lorenzelli, Arthur Wang, Daniel Korompis, Ralph E.
Hudson and Kung Yao, Subband Processing for Broadband
Microphone Arrays

Julia A. Olkin and Paul J. Titterton, Jr., Using Semi-
Definite Programming for Multi-Constrained H2 Controller
Design in Active Noise and Vibration Control

Marc Moonen and Ed Deprettere, A Fully Pipelined RLS-Based
Array for Channel Equalization

Aleksandar Kavcic and Bin Yang, Subspace Tracking with
Adaptive Threshold Rank Estimation

Ronald D. DeGroat, Eric M. Dowling, and Darel A. Linbarger,
Bias Correction and Forward-Backward Averaging in
Frequency/DOA Tracking Problems

Sylvie Marcos, Messaoud Benidir, and Javier Sanchez-Araujo,
An Adaptive Tracking Algorithm for Direction Finding and
Array Shape Estimation in a Nonstationary Environment

For subscription information, aims & scope, instructions for
authors, and previous tables of contents, see our homepage
at http://www.wkap.com, or contact:

Mike Groth
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive
Norwell, MA  02061
Tel: (617) 871-6600
Fax: (617) 871-6528
e-mail: mgroth@wkap.com

Contributed by:  Hans Schneider 

Starting with LAA volume 247, the editors-in-chief of LAA will be
circulating the contents of LAA as received from the Elsevier service
CONTENTS DIRECT FROM ELSEVIER SCIENCE. This service is available also for
several other Elsevier journals; for more information see General
Announcements in this Eletter

                                                   Hans Schneider

Journal       : Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Volume Number : 247
Issue Number  : 1 - 3
Year          : 1996

Time-Dependent Linear DAE's with Discontinuous Inputs
P. J. Rabier, W. C. Rheinboldt

Dualistic Differential Geometry of Positive Definite Matrices and Its
Applications to Related Problems
A. Ohara, N. Suda, S. Amari

On Maximal Sign-Nonsingular Matrices
T. J. Lundy, J. S. Maybee, J. Van Buskirk

A Reverse Hadamard Inequality
S. Ambikkumar, S. W. Drury

Convergence Properties of Block GMRES and Matrix Polynomials
V. Simoncini, E. Gallopoulos

Polynomial Maps with Strongly Nilpotent Jacobian Matrix and the
Jacobian Conjecture
A. van den Essen, E. Hubbers

Algebraic Representations for Finite-State Machines. II. Module
T. L. Moeller, J. Milstein

Degree of Indecomposability of Certain Highly Regular Zero-One
D. de Caen

On Almost Nilpotent-By-Abelian Lie Algebras
K. Bowman, D. A. Towers

On Approximation Problems with Zero-Trace Matrices
K. Zietak

An Elementary Proof of Barnett's Theorem About the Greatest Common
Divisor of Several Univariate Polynomials
P. L. Gonzalez-Vega

Block Matrices and Multispherical Structure of Distance Matrices
T. L. Hayden, J. Lee, J. Wells, P. Tarazaga

Finding Norms of Hadamard Multipliers
C. C. Cowen, P. A. Ferguson, D. K. Jackman, E. A. Sexauer, C. Vogt, H.
J. Woolf

Parallel Chaotic Extrapolated Jacobi-Like Methods
R. Fuster, V. Migallon

The Maximum Row Length Nonsingularity Radius
B. I. Wainberg, H. J. Woerdeman

On Linear Preservers of Immanants
M. P. Coelho

On a Character Formula Involving Borel Subgroups
M. Maliakas

On the Smith Normal Form of D-Optimal Designs
C. Koukouvinos, M. Mitrouli, J. Seberry

Upper and Lower Bounds for Inverse Elements of Finite and Infinite
Tridiagonal Matrices
P. N. Shivakumar, J. Chuanxiang

On Polynomials Nonnegative on the Unit Circle and Related Questions
Y. V. Genin

A Note on Linear Transformations which Leave Controllable Multi-Input
Descriptor Systems Controllable
O. Fung

On the Matrix Equation X+ATX-1A=1
X. Zhan, J. Xie

Factorization of Banded Lower Triangular Infinite Matrices
I. Gohberg, M. A. Kaashoek, L. Lerer

Hermitian Solutions of the Equation X=Q+NX-1N
A. Ferrante, B. C. Levy


Contributed by: A.H.Zemanian (zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu)

Table of Contents for:


Vol. 15, No. 6, 1996:

Network approximation of input-output maps and functionals,
    Irwin W. Sandberg amd Lilian Xu

Infinite nonlinear resistive networks, after Minty,
    Bruce D. Calvert

Frequency response of PID-controlled linear interval systems,
    A. Karamancioglu, V. Dzhafarov, and C. Ozemir

Simple unified algorithm for estimating and tracking location of desired
talker by microphone,
    Ming Zhang and M.H. Er

Sensor location calibration for bearing estimation,
    Ming Zhang and M.H. Er

A formal language description and inference strategy
for analog circuit design,
    Krzystof Wawryn

Computation of the frequency response of interval systems,
    Chyi Hwang and Jyh-Jia Chen

Contributed by: Anton Stoorvogel 

                    CALL FOR PAPERS

                   Special issue on

      in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

The editorial board of International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
decided to have a special issue of the journal on "Controller Reduction and
System Approximation".

We invite high quality original papers on the topic to be submitted to either
one of the guest editors. Six copies of the manuscript must be received by
the guest editors by March 15, 1997. For details on the Journal's
submission policy, please refer to any issue of the journal.

The Team of Guest Editors:

Davut Kavranoglu
Department of Systems Engineering
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
  Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
 Tel: (966)-3-860 2689    Fax: (966)-3-860 2965
 e-mail: davut@ccse.kfupm.edu.sa

Kemin Zhou
Department of Electrical Engineering
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA
 Tel: (504) 388-5533
 e-mail: kemin@gate.ee.lsu.edu

Contributed by:  Yuri L. Sachkov (sachkov@sys.botik.ru)

                JULY 1996 Volume 2, Number 3


Stochastic Hamiltonian--Jacobi--Bellman Equation
and Stochastic Hamiltonian Systems                      299
V.N. Kolokoltsov

Exponential Mappings for Contact Sub-Riemannian
Structures                                              321
A.A. Agrachev

Small Sub-Riemannian Balls on $R^3$\hspace              359
El-H.Ch. El-Alaoui, J.-P. Gauthier, I. Kupka

Invariance Properties of Time Measurable
Differential Inclusions and Dynamic Programming         423
A.E. Rapaport, R.B. Vinter

Contributed by: Mike Groth (mgroth@wkap.com)

                Dynamics and Control
        Contents, Volume 7, Number 1, January 1997

S. O. Reza Moheimani, Andrey V. Savkin, and Ian R.
Petersen, Minimax Optimal Control of Discrete-Time
Uncertain Systems with Structured Uncertainty

M. Paskota, A. I. Mees, and K. L. Teo, Directing Orbits of
Chaotic Systems in the Presence of Noise: Feedback

Thomas A. Trautt and Eduardo Bayo, Inverse Dynamics of
Non-Minimum Phase Systems with Non-Zero Initial Conditions

Kevin L. Tuer, Ascertaining the Stability of
Internal-Resonance-Based Vibration Suppression Laws

For subscription information, aims & scope,
instructions for authors, and previous tables of
contents, see our homepage at http://www.wkap.com,
or contact:

Mike Groth
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive
Norwell, MA  02061
Tel: (617) 871-6600
Fax: (617) 871-6528
e-mail: mgroth@wkap.com

Contributed by:  Slawomir Nikiel 

AMCS - ONLINE provides full information about the journal
apart of editorial info and the author's toolkit you can find there
archives with short description of contents of the recent AMCS issues.
!!!NEW!!! - AMCS Volume 6 Number 3 is devoted to Computational Intelligence
The WWW site has changed and you should consider the new home address:
The site is created for the NETSCAPE 2.0 or higher browsers and
includes frames.

Contributed by Huibert Kwakernaak


                              Table of contents
November, 1996                                           Issue  32:11


H. Kwakernaak                   The Automatica and editor-in-chief's world
                                wide web sites

Regular Papers

J. Reiner, G. J. Balas, W.      Flight control design using robust dynamic
L. Garrard                      inversion and time scale separation

T.J. Harris, F. Boudreau,       Performance assessment of multivariable
J.F. MacGregor                  feedback controllers

R. F. Curtain, M. Weiss, G.     Coprime factorization for regular linear
Weiss                           systems

K. Hastrudi-Zaad, K.            An integral manifold approach to tracking
Khorasani                       control for a class of non- minimum phase
                                linear systems using output feedback

P.D. Christofides, P.           Compensation of measurable disturbances for
Daoutidis                       two-time-scale nonlinear systems

Brief Papers

K. B. Datta, V. V. Patel        H-infinity based synthesis for a robust
                                controller of interval plants

Xin Xin, Lei Guo, Chunbo        Reduced-order controllers for continuous and
Feng                            discrete time singular H(infinity) control
                                problems based on LMI

N.L.C. Chui, J.M.               Realization of stable models with subspace
Maciejowski                     methods

D. Yu, D.N. Shields             A bilinear fault detection observer

Guang-Hong Yang, Si-Ying        Decentralized robust control for
Zhang                           interconnected systems with time-varying

C. Schwartz, A. Yan             Smooth stabilization of nonlinear control

Technical Communiques

M. de Neyer, R. Gorez           Comments on "Practical design of nonlinear
                                fuzzy controllers with stability analysis for
                                regulating processes with unknown mathematical

H. Ying                         Author's reply

Book Reviews

B. Delyon                       Adaptive IRR filtering in signal processing
                                and control, by P.A. Regalia

Shaohua Tan                     Neurofuzzy adaptive modelling and control, by
                                M. Brown and C. Harris:

P. C. Young, W. Tych            Operational control of water systems:
                                Structures, algorithms and applications,
                                by M. A. Brdys and B. Ulanicki

Contributed by:  J.KASTELEIN

21 OCTOBER (1996)   (contents)

   J.W. Helton and M.R. James, On the stability of the
   information state system                                 61

   V. Lomadze, Linear system theory An algebraist's
   point of view                                            73

   A.V. Savkin, I.R. Petersen, E. Skafidas and R.J.
   Evans, Hybrid dynamical systems: robust control
   synthesis problems                                       81

   A. Bloch and S. Drakunov, Stabilization and tracking
   in the nonholonomic integrator via sliding modes         91

   W. Lin, Time-varying feedback control of nonaffine
   nonlinear systems without drift                         101

   Y. Yamamoto, K. Hirata and A. Tannenbaum, Some
   remarks on Hamiltonians and the infinite-dimensional
   one block {\it H}$^{\infty}$ problem                    111

   A. Hmamed and E. Tissir, Comments on ``delay
   independent robust stability of uncertain linear
   systems''                                               119

For a free sample copy of Systems & Control Letters please
send the message "SCL Sample Copy (E-letter)" with your
professional postal address to P.SCHRADER@ELSEVIER.NL

Only a few issues a year have larger print-runs to fulfil
these requests, therefore requests for one specific issue
cannot be honoured.

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Juan A. de la Puente 

                     Hotel Beatriz, Toledo, Spain
                          June 11-13th 1997

The ninth Euromicro Workshop on Real Time Systems is a forum aimed at
covering state-of-the-art research and development in real time
computing, which, through the progress in areas such as multi-media
systems, is more and more emerging as an essential discipline in the
field of computer science and engineering.  Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:

 Specification and Design: behavior specification; description
 formalisms; design and verification methodologies; performance
 evaluation and verification; concurrent engineering.

 Hardware: architectures; real-time oriented devices; coprocessors;
 timing engines; hardware assisted scheduling.

 Software: design and analysis; debugging; languages; operating
 systems; distributed systems;scheduling; monitoring; software reuse;
 object oriented approaches.

 Communication: communication protocols; protocol engines; analysis
 tools; development tools.=20

 Applications: multi-media systems; distributed real-time information
 systems / data bases; embedded systems for automation; sensors /
 actuators; knowledge-based systems; digital signal processing;
 animation and simulation.


Prospective authors are encouraged to e-mail the LaTeX or uuencoded
Postscript version of their full paper to the program chairman. When
electronic submission is not possible, five hardcopies of the full
paper should be sent. The material should be unpublished and not under
submission elsewhere. The paper should not exceed 12 pages (5000
words). The title page should clearly show the name, mailing address,
the e-mail address and fax number of the author to contact. In the
cover letter the topic areas should be pointed out, to which the paper
makes contributions.

The following declaration should be added:

  All necessary clearances for the publication of this paper have been
  obtained. If accepted, the author will prepare the final manuscript
  in time for inclusion in the proceedings and will personally present
  the paper at the workshop.

The closing date for submissions is

                          NOVEMBER 15, 1996

Authors will be notified of acceptance by February 7,1997.
Camera-ready versions of the full papers in 6 pages IEEE format will
be required by March 14, 1997. The proceedings will be published by
IEEE Computer Society.


Proposals of special sessions or panels are welcome. Please send
suggestions to the program chairman before the paper submission




Gonzalo Leon; E.T.S.I. Telecomunicacion; Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Ciudad Universitaria; 28040-Madrid, Spain
Phone   +34-1-336-7334
Fax     +34-1-336-6832
E-mail: gleon@dit.upm.es

Contributed by: Paulo J.S.G. Ferreira (pjf@inesca.pt)

                        CALL  FOR  PAPERS

       1997 International Workshop on Sampling Theory and Applications

                      June 23--26, 1997, Aveiro, Portugal

             URL: http://www.inesca.pt/conferences/sampta97.html

1. General information

The 1997 International Workshop on Sampling Theory and Applications,
SampTA-97, will be held at Aveiro, Portugal, from June 23 to June 26, 1997.
Aveiro is a charming town 70 km south of Oporto on the coast of Portugal.
Detailed information on accommodations, travel arrangements, excursions and
the technical program will be included in subsequent mailings.

2. Submission of papers

Papers will be reviewed on the basis of an extended abstract at least 2000
words in length, complete with figures and references. Four copies of the
submitted papers or abstracts should be sent to the following address:

  Prof. Paulo J. S. G. Ferreira
  Program Chair, SampTA-97
  Dep. de Electr\'onica e Telecomunicacoes
  Universidade de Aveiro
  3810 Aveiro PORTUGAL

  E-mail: pjf@inesca.pt

Do not send manuscripts through fax or e-mail. Include a one-page cover
letter containing the title of the paper, author names, a set of keywords
and the address and e-mail of the corresponding author. The final published
papers will be limited to a maximum of six pages, in a double-column format
similar to the one adopted by the IEEE Transactions.

3. Deadlines

The deadline for submission of all papers is December 1, 1996, with
notification of decision by February 15, 1997. The final papers are due
April 1, 1997.

4. Scope of the workshop

The theme of the workshop is Sampling Theory and Applications.  Papers
describing original research work are solicited. Topics for regular sessions
include, but are not limited, to the following:

SAMPLING THEORY: Sampling, wavelets and filter banks * Multirate and
multichannel sampling * Random and pseudorandom sampling * Sampling and
approximation theory * Sampling, frames and harmonic analysis * Sampling
point processes * Adaptive sampling * Adequate signal representation *
Sampling jitter * Error and stability analysis.

spectral and sequential transforms * Non-orthogonal transforms * Alias-free
filtering and waveform reconstruction * Signal reconstruction when sets of
samples are lost * Interpolation, extrapolation and prediction *
High-resolution spectral analysis * Data compression * Fractional-sample
delay and interpolation * Sample rate conversion * Unbiased estimation

encoding * Image reconstruction when sets of pixels are lost * Interpolation
and extrapolation * Alias-free array processing * Complexity-reduced large
aperture arrays * Geophysical and seismic signal processing * Data

APPLICATIONS: Information theory * Communications * Error control * High
performance instrumentation * ASIC based DSP preprocessing * Transient
recording * Event-time ranging * Laser-Doppler signal  processing * Control
systems * Robotics systems.

Contributed by: Bart de Moor 

                   4th EUROPEAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ECC97)
                        Brussels, July 1 - 4, 1997


The European Control Conference is organised every two years with the aim
to stimulate contacts between scientists who are active in the area of
Systems and Control and to promote scientific exchange within the European
community and between Europe and other parts of the world. The scope of the
conference includes all aspects of Systems and Control, and ranges from
fundamental research to applications in process control and advanced
An industry day, with a special focus on industrial control applications,
will be organised within the framework of the ECC 97.

                WEB SITE : http://www.auto.ucl.ac.be/ECC97.html


- I.D. Landau (LAG., France)
- F. Kubica (Aerospatiale, France)
- P.V. Kokotovic (Univ. of California, USA)

- S. Dasgupta (Univ. of Iowa, USA)
- S. Yurkovich (Ohio State Univ., USA)
- J. Maciejowski (Cambridge Univ., U.K.)
- R. Kulhavy (Academy of Science, CK)
- M. Vidyasagar (Centre for AI and Robotics, India)
- M. van de Panne (Univ. of Toronto, CDN)


- Differentially flat systems
         (R.M. Murray, California Inst. of Technology, USA,
          and P. Rouchon, Ecole des Mines de Paris,F)

- Control design using linear matrix inequalities
         (S.P. Boyd, Stanford Univ., USA,
         and Y. Nesterov, Univ. Cath. de Louvain, BE)

- Control of distributed parameter systems
         (J. Bontsema, Wageningen Agricultural Univ., NL,
          and H. Zwart, Univ. of Twente, NL)


The European Control Conference will take place from the 1st of July 1997
to the 4th of July 1997 at the Brussels campus of the Universit Catholique
de Louvain (Auditoires centraux, avenue E. Mounier, 1200 Brussels. Metro
station : Alma)


The registration fee of the conference is expected to be 11 000 BEF.  There
will be reduced fees for students.

Information about hotel reservations will be provided by the Conference


25 September 1996       Submission of papers and proposals of invited sessions
                        (deadline passed)
1 February 1997         Notification of acceptance of contributed papers
                        and invited sessions
1 April 1997            Final version of the papers due
1-4 July 1997           Conference


ECC 97 Secretariat
c/o Timshel Conference Consultancy and Management
JB Van Moonstraat 8
B-3000 Leuven
Tel.: +32-16-29.00.10
Fax : +32-16-29.05.10
e-mail : info@timshel.be


The industry day will be a special event organised within the framework of
the 1997 European Control Conference.  The aim is to bring control
applications closer to academic research, focusing on quality
application-oriented contributions.

The industry day will give engineers from industry the opportunity to
present genuine applications.

The industry day will give control scientists new and relevant research
problems and challenges based on applications.

After a special application oriented plenary session, the industry day will
consist of a coordinated sequence of targeted application sessions,
followed by a panel discussion on the (mythical ?) gap between theory and
applications in control science.

Preference will be given to papers reporting on a real industrial
application of control methodologies with full scale experimental results
or, at least, pilot plant experiments.

Preference will be given also to papers co-authored by at least one person
active in industry.

Contributed by: K.J. Ray Liu


               June 23-25, 1997, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

       Sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society

     Organize by the Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee
     in cooperation with:
     Digital Signal Processing Technical Committee
     Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee
     New Jersey Center for Multimedia Research


Thanks to the sponsorship of IEEE Signal Processing Society, the First
IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) will be held at
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, on June 23-25, 1997.
MMSP strives to bring together people in the signal processing society,
the communications society, and the computer society, and to offer a
forum for interaction.  This workshop will feature keynote addresses,
technical presentations, panel discussions, exhibit tours, and special
sessions by invited speakers.  To encourage interaction, we are
planning sessions with the format of presentation followed by technical
discussion on the same topic.  These topics include, from a signal-processing
viewpoint: integration of media, human/machine interfaces, and
multimedia networks.  In particular, papers are solicited for,
but not limited to, the following general areas:

  1 Multimedia Processing
  2 Multimedia Databases
  3 Multimedia System Design and Implementation
  4 Human-Machine Interface and Perception
  5 Multimedia Communications
  6 Multimedia Applications
  7 Standards and Related Issues

Prospective authors are invited to submit 5 copies of extended
summaries of no more than 4 pages. The top of the first page of the
summary should include a title, authors' names, affiliations, address,
telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address if any.  Camera-ready full
papers (each up to 4 pages) of accepted proposals will be published in
a proceedings and distributed at the workshop.  For further information,
please send email to kjrliu@eng.umd.edu or visit our home page at

Please send paper submissions to: Amy Reibman, Room 4e520,
AT&T Labs - Research, 101 Crawfords Corner Rd, Holdmel, NJ 07733-3030 USA;
phone +1-908-949-3470; fax +1-908-949-3697;
Text-only abstracts may be submitted electronically to: amy@research.att.com


Extended summary received by:                   December 20, 1996
Notification of acceptance:                     February  1, 1997
Camera-ready accepted papers received by:       March    15, 1997
Advanced registration received before:          May      15, 1997

Contributed by: Ioannis Paschalidis (yannisp@ionia.bu.edu)

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

            Marriott Hotel Cambridge, Massachusetts
                JUNE 30 - July 2, 1997, BOSTON

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
Applied Probability Section will hold its ninth conference at the
Cambridge Marriott Hotel on June 30 - July 2, 1997.


The topics of interest can be found on th internet page below

List of Plenary Speakers

Robert G. Gallager, Richard M. Karp, Stephen A. Ross,


Two kinds of submissions will be accepted:
1.  proposals for organized sessions;
2.  proposals for single papers.

A proposal for an organized session should include one-page abstracts for all
presentations.  A proposal for a paper should include a one-page abstract.
All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee.  The authors will
be notified of the program committee's decision by February 15, 1997.


November 1, 1996,  Submission of organized session title, list
                   of participants and title of presentations.

December 1, 1996   Submission of abstract(s) for single papers and
                   organized sessions.

February 15, 1997, Acceptance notification

The session proposals and abstracts may be submitted ELECTRONICALLY
(for abstracts that include mathematical symbols please use LaTeX)

or THREE TYPED COPIES may be sent to

                Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis
                Manufacturing Engineering Department
                15 St. Mary's Street
                Boston, MA 02215
                Fax: (617) 353-5548

This information and (future updates) is (will be) posted at INFORMS on-line
and the WEB page of the INFORMS Applied Probability Section under Conferences.

        INFORMS:  http://www.informs.org
        Applied Probability Section:  http://hong.commerce.ubc.ca/www/informs

Questions can be sent to



        INFORMS  Applied Probability Conference
        2 Charles Street, Suite 300
        Providence RI, 02904

Contributed by: Michael R. Berthold (berthold@ira.uka.de)

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

  The Second International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA-97)
                 Birkbeck College, University of London
                         4th-6th August 1997

                         In Cooperation with

               [ http://web.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/ida97.html ]

For many years  the intersection  of computing  and data  analysis contained
menu-based statistics  packages and not  much else.  Recently, statisticians
have embraced computing,  computer scientists are using statistical theories
and methods, and researchers in all corners are inventing algorithms to find
structure in vast  online datasets.  Data analysts  now have access to tools
for exploratory  data analysis,  decision tree induction,  causal induction,
function  finding,  constructing  customised  reference  distributions,  and
visualisation.  There are  prototype  intelligent  assistants  to  advise on
matters of design and analysis.  There are tools for traditional, relatively
small samples and for enormous datasets.

The focus of  IDA-97  will be  "Reasoning About Data".  We are interested in
intelligent systems that reason about how to analyze data,  perhaps as human
analysts do.  Analysts often  bring exogenous  knowledge about  data to bear
when they decide how to analyze it;  they use intermediate results to decide
how to proceed;  they reason about how much  analysis the data will actually
support;  they consider which methods will be most informative;  they decide
which aspects of a model are most uncertain and focus attention there;  they
sometimes  have  the  luxury  of  collecting more  data,  and plan  to do so
efficiently.  In short, there is a strategic aspect to data analysis, beyond
the tactical choice of this or that test, visualisation or variable.

See the Web page for topics of particular interest to IDA-97.

Participants  who wish to present a paper are requested to submit a manu-
script, not exceeding 10 single-spaced pages. We strongly encourage  that
the manuscript is formatted following  the Springer's  "Advice to Authors
for the Preparation of Contributions to  LNCS Proceedings"  which  can be
found  on the IDA-97 web page. This submission format is identical to the
one for the  final  camera-ready copy of accepted papers. In addition, we
request a separate page detailing the paper title, authors' names, postal
and email addresses, phone and fax numbers.

Email submissions in Postscript form are encouraged. Otherwise, five hard
copies of the manuscripts should be submitted.

Submissions should be sent to the IDA-97 Program Chairs:

Central, North and South America:        Elsewhere:
Paul Cohen                               Xiaohui Liu
Department of Computer Science           Department of Computer Science
Lederle Graduate Research Center         Birkbeck College
University of Massachusetts, Amherst     University of London
Amherst, MA 01003-4610                   Malet Street
USA                                      London WC1E 7HX, UK
cohen@cs.umass.edu                       hui@dcs.bbk.ac.uk


February 1st, 1997              Submission of papers
April 15th, 1997                Notification of acceptance
May 15th, 1997                  Final camera ready paper

Papers which are accepted and presented at the  conference will appear in
the IDA-97 proceedings, to be published by Springer-Verlag in its Lecture
Notes in  Computer Science  series. Authors  of the  best papers  will be
invited to extend their papers for further review  for a special issue of
"Intelligent Data Analysis: An International Journal".

Apart from presentation of research papers, IDA-97 also welcomes demonstr-
ations of software and publications  related to  intelligent data analysis
and welcomes those organisations who may wish to partly sponsor the confe-

Relevant enquiries may be sent  to appropriate chairs whose details can be
found in the above-mentioned IDA-97 web page, or to

                  IDA-97 Administrator
                  Department of Computer Science
                  Birkbeck College
                  Malet Street
                  London WC1E 7HX, UK
                  E-mail: ida97-enquiry@dcs.bbk.ac.uk
                  Tel: (+44) 171 631 6722
                  Fax: (+44) 171 631 6727
Contributed by: Antonio Ruano

                      IFAC Workshop AARTC'97 Late Breaking Papers

    4th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control
               Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 9 - 11 April 1997

Late Breaking Papers Sessions

This notice is for researchers who have recent work which they would
like the opportunity to present at this Workshop (details below).
Provision is made for authors to submit a 2-page extended abstract
for rapid review by the International Programme Committee. If
accepted, the papers will be presented at "Late Breaking Papers"
sessions to be held at the Workshop. The abstracts will appear
in the Preprints of the Workshop Proceedings.

What to do?

        Submit four copies of a 2-page extended abstract (2-column
format, in 10 points Times-New-Roman, with single  line spacing),
including author's title and affiliation, full address, telephone,
fax, E-mail address and 5 keywords (see Scope of the Workshop),
        to the AARTC'97 Secretary:
                Att. Mrs. Noemia Pereira
                Unidade de Ciencias Exactas e Humanas
                Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas
                8000 Faro - Portugal
                Tel. + 351 89 800908
                Fax + 351 89 818560
                email: aartc97@mozart.si.ualg.pt,
by the 25th of November 1996. Abstracts arriving later can not be considered.

Att. Mrs. Noemia Pereira
Unidade de Ciencias Exactas e Humanas
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas
8000 Faro - Portugal


The 4th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time
Control is organized  under the auspices of the IFAC Technical
Committee. This Committee is concerned with the use of emerging
software and hardware developments in real-time control.

Prominent manufacturers and developers have already promised their
cooperation. Other companies are invited to confirm their interest
by means of the attached reply form.

This Call for Papers and subsequent programme details can be
found on Internet address:

25  November  96        Submission of late breaking papers
15 December 96          Notification of paper acceptance /
                        Mailing Programme Brochure
31 January 97           Receipt of final papers
10 March 97             Early registrations
9 April  97             Workshop

Contributed by: Gary G. Yen, Publicity Chair, CDC97 


The IEEE Control Systems Society Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) is
the annual meeting of the IEEE Control Systems Society, conducted in coopera-
tion with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the
Institute For Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). The
thirty-sixth CDC will be held December 10-12, 1997, with tutorial workshops
preceding the conference on Monday and Tuesday, December 8-9. The venue is the
Hyatt Regency San Diego. San Diego is one of the most exciting meeting desti-
nations in the United States. With perfect weather year round, San Diego
boasts a beautiful harbor and a multitude of attractions and activities to be
experienced. Hyatt Regency San Diego located on San Diego Bay, offers a
resort-like setting with the convenience of a downtown location. The Hyatt
Regency is minutes away from San Diego Zoo, Wild Animal Park, Sea World,
Seaport Village, Balboa Park - the list is endless.

Contributed papers (in Regular and Short) are solicited in all aspects of the
theory and applications of systems, including decision-making, control,
adaptation, optimization, industrial automation, and manufacturing. Invited
sessions are also solicited. Cohesive proposals focusing on new or emerging
topics in the above-listed areas are particularly encouraged, and will have
priority over those of a classical or mainstream flavor. All submissions are
due 4 MARCH 1997.

Each submitted regular paper, short paper, or invited paper extended summary
must be accompanied by the Manuscript Submission Form. Addresses, deadlines,
submission requirements, and all future announcements may be found on our CDC97
home page:

    *.  http://master.ceat.okstate.edu/conference/cdc/cdc97.html  *

For general information please contact the General Chair:
    Anthony N. Michel
    College of Engineering
    University of Notre Dame
    Notre Dame, IN 46556
    Phone: 219-631-5534
    Fax: 219-631-8007
    Email: anthony.n.michel.1@nd.edu

Contributed by Jack Rugh (rugh@jhu.edu)

                      CALL FOR PAPERS


                     March 19-21, 1997

Authors are invited to submit papers describing new advances,
applications, and ideas in the fields of signal and image processing,
systems and controls, communications, and computer engineering.

Two kinds of papers are solicited.

(1) Regular papers requiring approximately thirty minutes for
presentation; these will be reproduced in full (up to six pages)
in the Conference Proceedings.
(2) Short papers suitable for presentation in approximately fifteen
minutes; one-page summaries of these papers will be published in the
Proceedings. (One Proceedings page is approximately two standard
double-spaced pages.)

Instructions for Authors: A "regular" or "short" designation, title,
summary, and a list of 2-3 keywords are to be submitted by
January 13, 1997. Summaries should be of sufficient detail and length
to permit careful reviewing. Authors will be notified of acceptance
by February 17, 1997. Instructions for the preparation of accepted
papers for the Proceedings will be sent to each author. All manuscripts
are to be submitted to:

1997 CISS
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218-2686

Program Directors:
Gerard G. L. Meyer
Howard L. Weinert

Conference Office:
Tel: (410) 516-7031
Fax: (410) 516-5566
Email: ciss97@ece.jhu.edu
URL: http://www.ece.jhu.edu/dept/ciss/97/ciss97.html

Contributed by: Albert D. Baker (bert.baker@uc.edu)

            The Sixth IEEE Conference on Control Applications
             Sheraton Hartford Hotel, Hartford, Connecticut
                          October 5-7, 1997


The Sixth IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA)  is being sponsored
by  the  IEEE Control Systems Society in cooperation  with the ASME Dynamic
Systems and Control Division,  to emphasize recent developments in advanced
control   technology.   For   this   event  we  are  highlighting  a  major
cross-disciplinary   area  that  has  gained  prominence  recently,  ACTIVE
CONTROL.  We have picked  a time and place where you may combine the technical
excitement  of  state-of-the-art  control  applications  with New England's
historical,  cultural  and  scenic  opportunities  --  in  particular,  its
spectacular Fall Foliage season.

The  program  committee  solicits  papers  presenting  original work in all
aspects of the application of control techniques such as

     Adaptive Control
     Artificial Intelligence
     Control & Modeling
     Decentralized Control
     Estimation Methods
     Expert Systems
     Fault Tolerance
     Logic/Neural Control
     Man-Machine Interface
     Robust Control
     Sensor Data Fusion
     System Identification

In accordance  with the ACTIVE CONTROL theme of the 1997 CCA,  we encourage
submissions  in  topical  areas  of  interest including but not necessarily
limited to the following: ACTIVE CONTROL OF

   - Flows (compressor stall, duct noise, nacelle drag, ...),
   - Structures (active magnetic bearings,  active chatter control,  active
     helicopter rotors, ...), and
   - Combustion processes (stability, NOx active control, ...)

emphasizing  applications  of  control  as  an  enabling,  as  opposed  to
supporting, technology.

To  establish a greater degree of continuity  from one CCA to the next,  we
are also particularly encouraging papers and invited sessions in

   - Automotive  Control Systems (1996 CCA) --  engine & emissions control,
     transmission  & drive-train control,  active suspensions,  intelligent
     vehicles and highways, ...

   - Power  and  Energy  Systems  (1995  CCA)   --  power system stability,
     turbine/generator  control,  protection  systems,  alternative  energy
     systems,  combined cycle/Cogen,  distribution,  environmental  impact,
     energy management, ...

The  Sixth IEEE CCA Program Committee invites authors to submit 5 copies of
complete  manuscripts  for regular papers or 5 copies of extended summaries
for brief papers.  The first page of each manuscript must contain the title
of the paper,  authors' names and affiliations,  and four keywords/phrases.
In  addition,  please  identify the corresponding  author with full contact
information, including fax and email if available.  Your manuscripts should
be sent to the Program Chair,

     Michael Fan
     School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
     Georgia Institute of Technology
     Atlanta, GA 30332-0250, USA
     Tel: (404) 894-9828
     Fax: (770) 939-8365
     email: fan@ee.gatech.edu

The Sixth IEEE CCA is featuring Best Student Paper Award.  To qualify,  the
student  must be the FIRST author of a REGULAR paper.  Also,  a letter from
the   student's   advisor   indicating  the  percentage  of  the  student's
contribution should be sent along with the manuscript to the Program Chair.

The  Program  Committee is also soliciting  proposals for invited sessions,
particularly in one of the above theme areas. Prospective organizers should
contact  the  Program  Chair  to obtain the forms for invited sessions,  by
January 24, 1997.  Five copies of the completed forms should then be mailed
to the Program Chair.

Persons  interested  in  organizing  or  participating  in a pre-conference
workshop should contact the Workshop Chair,

     Nejat Olgac
     University of Connecticut
     Department of Mechanical Engineering, U-139
     191 Auditorium Road
     Storrs, CT 06269, USA
     Tel: (203) 486-2382
     Fax: (203) 486-5088
     email: olgac@uconnvm.uconn.edu


     Obtain forms for invited sessions by      JANUARY  24, 1997
     Manuscripts and session proposals due by  FEBRUARY 15, 1997
     Workshop proposals due by                 APRIL    15, 1997
     Notification of acceptance                MAY      15, 1997
     Camera-ready manuscripts due by           JUNE     30, 1997

For further information, contact the General Chair:

     James H. Taylor
     Department of Electrical Engineering
     University of New Brunswick
     P.O. Box 4400
     Fredericton, NB, CANADA E3B 5A3
     Tel: (506) 435-5101
     Fax: (506) 453-3589
     email: jtaylor@unb.ca

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *