E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 96, August 1, 1996

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 96,  August 1, 1996

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Homepage Monash university engineering control group
        3.2  SCAD update

4.      Positions
        4.1  Two one-year positions at Idaho State University
        4.2  Graduate researcher assistantship Texas A&M

5.      Books
        5.1  Algorithms for Linear-Quadratic Optimization, Sima
        5.2  Control of nonlinear multibody flexible space structures,

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC Systems and Control Letters, 28:2
        6.2  TOC SIAM J. Optimization, 6:3
        6.3  TOC SIAM J. Control & Opt., 34:5
        6.4  TOC European J. of Control, 3
        6.5  TOC Automatica, 32:7
        6.6  TOC LAA, 240-244

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CFP 2nd ACC, Seoul, Korea
        7.2  CFP Symp. Multi-technology Information Processing, Taiwan
        7.3  CFP Symp. Adv. Control of Chemical Processes, Banff, Canada
        7.4  Program 6th Conf. Lin. Alg. Soc. on WWW, Chemnitz, Germany
        7.5  CFP IFAC Conf. System Structure and Control, Bucharest, Romania

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 96 !!!

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-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Alex Zheng 

              Address Change

Effective July 31, 1996, my new address will be
                Alex Zheng
                Department of Chemical Engineering
                159 Goessmann Lab
                University of Massachusetts
                Amherst, MA 01003-3110
                email: zzheng@spock.ecs.umass.edu

Contributed by: Andrey V. Savkin  

                     ADDRESS  CHANGE

Andrey V. Savkin's new coordinates are

Dr. Andrey V. Savkin
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Western Australia
WA 6009

E-mail : savkin@ee.uwa.edu.au
Phone  : +(619) 380 1621
Fax    : +(619) 380 1065

Contributed by E. Aranda-Bricaire

                Change of address

Effective on august 3, 1996, my new address will be

Dr. Eduardo Aranda-Bricaire
Seccion de Control Automatico
Apartado Postal 14-740
07300 Mexico, D.F.

Tel/Fax: (+52)(5) 747-7089
E-mail:  aranda@ctrl.cinvestav.mx

Contributed by: Michael Athans 


Professor Michael Athans of MIT was awarded an Honorary Doctorate on July 1,
1996 from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, "for
outstanding contributions to teaching and research in the fields of control
theory and systems engineering."

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Francesco Crusca 

The Monash University Engineering Faculty Control Group was established in
1995. Its headquarters are in the Caulfield campus of Monash University, and
its members are drawn from the Caulfield, Clayton and Gippsland
campuses. The groups activities include teaching, consulting and research.

For more information, please refer to our home page:

Contributed by:  Raimund J. Ober 
                 Xu Huang 

        UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- July 1996

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               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas

                 Worldwide web:   URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/
                 queries (email): scad@utdallas.edu

New contents:

Eletters: Number 95

Systems and Control Groups worldwide:
      Links to:
         University of Paderborn
              Institute of Automatic Control

   Recently we have started an address list for systems
   and control people.

   About 900 people have added their addresses to the list.

   To register your, simply:
      - go to SCAD using the web
      - go to the ADDRESS LIST link
      - click: add your address
      - fill in the form.

   You can check out addresses by using the search facility or
   by scanning through the full list.

   !!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, Add your Address to the SCAD ADDRESS LIST !!!!!!!!!!!

How to access scad:
 Using Worldwide Web:
      URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/

 More detailed instructions can be obtained by sending an email to
 After accessing SCAD you can find a README file which contains
 more information about SCAD.

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by Kevin L. Moore

                     TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE

Two one-year positions are available with the Measurement and Control
Engineering Research Center (MCERC) in the College of Engineering at Idaho
State University.

The first position is a post-doctoral research fellowship involving applied
research in support of a funded project on the control of gas-metal arc
welding processes. Much of the work will be experimental and
U.S. citizenship is required for interaction with national laboratory and
industrial collaborators.

The second position is a visiting assistant professor and requires teaching
two courses per semester. The successful applicant for the second position
will collaborate with MCERC faculty to conduct interdisciplinary research
related to measurement and control and assist in proposal development, in
one of the following areas: Active control of flexible structures;
Modelling, measurement, and control of chaotic thermal-hydraulic systems;
Control of aerospace systems and spacecraft; Nuclear reactor measurement and

Both positions require a Ph.D. in engineering or a related area, with a
strong interdisciplinary background that includes: (i) knowledge of
measurement system design techniques; (ii) current state-of-the-art in
control theory (especially robust control theory and the principles of
intelligent control, including neural networks and fuzzy logic); and (iii)
subject area background in one of the areas listed above.

Positions begin September 1, 1996 and continue through Sept. 31, 1997 for
the post-doc and May 31, 1997 for the visiting professor.  Send inquires and
resume with the names of three references to: Dr. Kevin L. Moore, Director,
Measurement and Control Engineering Research Center, College of Engineering,
Box 8060, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209, Phone:(208)236-4188,
FAX:(208)236-4538, email:moorek@isu.edu

Contributed by: John Yen < yen@cs.tamu.edu >

              Research Assistantship in Image Processing

The Center for Fuzzy Logic, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems at Texas A&M
University has a position for graduate research assistantship in the area of
medical image processing through the support of the University of Texas
Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB).  The RA position is intended for a
graduate student interested in pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at Texas
A&M University.  The research is a joint collaboration between Texas A&M and
UTMB.  Applicants for this position should have a strong qualification in
image processing and pattern recognition. Knowledge about artificial
intelligence and/or fuzzy logic is preferred, but not required.

Interested applicants should send their vita to yen@cs.tamu.edu and
hying@beach.utmb.edu with a subject of "Apply RA for Medical Imaging".  More
information about the project can be found from our Web site:

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: V. Sima 

                          NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT

               Algorithms for Linear-Quadratic Optimization
                              by Vasile Sima
   Vol. 200 in "Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics"
              Earl J. Taft and Zuhair Nashed (Series Editors).

                 Publisher: Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York
                            ISBN 0-8247-9612-8
              March 1996 / 384 pages, illustrated / Hardcover

This book offers valuable theoretical, algorithmic, and computational
guidelines for solving the most frequently encountered linear-quadratic
optimization problems, providing an overview of recent advances in control
and systems theory, numerical linear algebra, and optimization.  It covers
fundamental issues in control theory and applications, such as regulator and
estimator design, state estimation, and robust control.  Topics of special
interest, including H-infinity and H-2 optimization, defect correction,
stability-enhancing scaling procedure for Schur Riccati solvers,
Hammarling's algorithms for non-negative definite Lyapunov equations,
ordering generalized real Schur forms, structure- preserving techniques,
finding eigenvalues of Hamiltonian matrices, and multishift algorithms, are
highlighted.  Theoretical treatment benefically combines with an insight
into algorithmic techniques, with relevant numerical issues, advanced
software tools, implementation details improving performances, practical
recommendations, and solution of specific problems.

The chapters have a similar organization: basic theory (with short proofs);
mathematical and computational problem(s); and associated numerical solvers.
Each particular solver has the following referred: algorithmic templates;
computational issues; applicability and limitations.  To be as
self-contained as possible, the book includes and examines state-of-the-art
numerical linear algebra algorithms and associated software tools, like
LAPACK.  All algorithms are written in a suggestive and concise informal
language, that facilitates computer implementation.

A summary of extensive numerical comparisons of various algorithms is
included.  Many worked numerical examples, based on published industrial
models, are used for illustrative purposes.  The book also contains 20
figures, 11 tables, an index of algorithm definitions (with over 80
entries), a subject index, and about 300 references.

By its emphasis on the latest algorithmic advances and areas of current
research interest, as well as by its broad coverage, methodological
guidances and practical guidelines, the book could be useful to applied and
industrial mathematicians, control engineers, electrical and electronics
engineers, computer programmers, researchers in automatic control and
dynamical optimization, and graduate students in these disciplines.


1   Linear-Quadratic Optimization Problems
1.1 Standard Linear-Quadratic Optimization Problems
1.2 Problems Reducible to Standard Linear-Quadratic Optimization
1.3 Robust Control
1.4 Basic Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms and Software
1.5 Overview of Algorithms

2   Newton Algorithms
2.1 Basic Theory
2.2 Computation of Real Schur Form and Invariant Subspaces
2.3 Solving Sylvester and Lyapunov Equations
2.4 Stabilization Algorithms
2.5 Newton-Based Riccati Solvers

3   Schur and Generalized Schur Algorithms
3.1 Basic Theory
3.2 Computation of Generalized Real Schur Form and Deflating Subspaces
3.3 Schur-Based Riccati Solvers
3.4 Generalized Schur-Based Riccati Solvers

4   Structure-Preserving Algorithms
4.1 Basic Theory
4.2 Matrix Sign Function Algorithm
4.3 Structure-Preserving QR-Type Algorithms
4.4 Multishift Algorithm

A   Comparison of Riccati Solvers
B   Notation and Abbreviations
    Index of Algorithms Definition

Additional information can be obtained from:

Promotion Department
Marcel Dekker, Inc.        or     Hutgasse 4, Postfach 812,
270 Madison Avenue,               CH-4001 Basel
New York, N.Y. 10016              Switzerland
(212) 696-9000                    Phone 061-261-8482

For Credit Card and Purchase Orders, and Customer Service,
CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-228-1160
Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. (EST)
or FAX your order to 914-796-1772

Contributed by: A.G. Kelkar (kelkar@ksume.me.ksu.edu) &
                S.M. Joshi  (s.joshi@ieee.org)

                             New Book Announcement


                          A. G. Kelkar and S. M. Joshi

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, London,
expected publication date: August 1996.

The objective of this book is to address the important but difficult problem
of controlling flexible spacecraft having multiple articulated appendages.
Such systems are needed for present and future space missions such as multi-
payload space platforms and autonomous space-based manipulators. These
systems are characterized by highly nonlinear dynamics, flexibility in
members and joints, low inherent damping, and modeling uncertainty.  A
complete nonlinear rotational dynamic model of a generic multibody flexible
system is derived, and is shown to possess certain passivity properties.
The main result of the book is a class of passivity-based nonlinear and
linear output feedback control laws that enable globally stable closed-loop
maneuvers. The control laws are robust to parametric uncertainties,
unmodeled dynamics, and in some cases, actuator and sensor
nonlinearities. Some preli- minary results in trajectory tracking control of
such systems are also given.  All the results given are also applicable to
flexible terrestrial manipula- tors.  This book is a follow-on of the book
by the second author (vol. 131, 1989, this series) which addressed
fine-pointing of linear, single-body spacecraft, and is intended to serve as
a reference to researchers, practicing engineers, and graduate students.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. Introduction
     1.1 Linear Mathematical Models of Single body FSS
     1.2 Controllability and Observability
     1.3 Controller Considerations
     1.4 Model-Based Controllers
     1.5 Model-Independent Controllers
     1.6 Organization of This Book

2. Mathematical Model
     2.1 Introduction
     2.2 Mathematical Preliminaries
     2.3 Model Derivation

3. Dissipativity and Passivity
     3.1 Introduction
     3.2 Mathematical Preliminaries
     3.3 Dissipative Dynamic Systems
     3.4 Stability of Passive Systems

4. Passivity-Based Controllers
     4.1 Introduction
     4.2 Some Properties of System Model
     4.3 Nonlinear Dissipative Control Laws
     4.4 Systems in Attitude-Hold Configuration
     4.5 Linear Single-Body Spacecraft
     4.6 Numerical Examples
     4.7 Summary and Remarks

5.  Trajectory Tracking of Spacecraft
     5.1 Introduction
     5.2 Tracking of Multibody Rigid Spacecraft
     5.3 Tracking of Multibody Flexible Spacecraft


              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by:  J.KASTELEIN@elsevier.nl

                    SYSTEMS AND CONTROL LETTERS;
                         Volume 28, No. 2,

   A.M. Bloch and P.E. Crouch, Optimal control and
   geodesic flows                                           65

   Z.-P. Jiang, D.J. Hill and A.L. Fradkov, A
   passification approach to adaptive nonlinear
   stabilization                                            73

   W. Su and L. Xie, Robust control of nonlinear
   feedback passive systems                                 85

   F. Blanchini and S. Miani, Constrained stabilization
   of continuous-time linear systems                        95

   F. Amato and A. Pironti, Quadratic stabilization
   with an $\cal H^{\infty}$ performance bound of
   uncertain linear-time-varying systems                   103

   A. Isidori, Global almost disturbance decoupling
   with stability for non minimum-phase single-input
   single-output nonlinear systems                         115

For a free sample copy of Systems & Control Letters please send the message
"SCL Sample Copy (E-letter)" with your professional postal address to

Only a few issues a year have larger print-runs to fulfil these requests,
therefore requests for one specific issue cannot be honoured.

Contributed by:  tschoban@siam.org

SIAM Journal on Optimization
August 1996, Volume 6, Number 3

Ill-Posedness and the Complexity of Deciding Existence of Solutions to Linear
Jorge R. Vera

An Asymptotical O(nL)-Iteration Path-Following Linear Programming Algorithm
That Uses Wide Neighborhoods
Pi-Fang Hung and Yinyu Ye

Two Infeasible Interior-Point Predictor-Corrector Algorithms for Linear
Jianming Miao

A New Finite Continuation Algorithm for Linear Programming
Kaj Madsen, Hans Bruun Nielsen, and Mustafa C. Pinar

A Conjugate Duality Scheme Generating a New Class of Differentiable Duals
Aharon Ben-Tal and Marc Teboulle

Asymptotic Convergence Analysis of Some Inexact Proximal Point Algorithms
for Minimization
Ciyou Zhu

Complexity Analysis of an Interior Cutting Plane Method for Convex
Feasibility Problems
Jean-Louis Goffin, Zhi-Quan Luo, and Yinyu Ye

Tensor Methods for Equality Constrained Optimization
Dan Feng and Robert B. Schnabel

Convergence Properties of an Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm for Optimization
With a Combination of General Equality and Linear Constraints
A. R. Conn, N. Gould, A. Sartenaer, and Ph. L. Toint

A New Merit Function and a Successive Quadratic Programming Algorithm for
Variational Inequality Problems
Kouichi Taji and Masao Fukushima

Co-Coercivity and Its Role in the Convergence of Iterative Schemes for Solving
Variational Inequalities
D. L. Zhu and P. Marcotte

Computing the Moore-Penrose Inverse for the Covariance Matrix in Constrained
Nonlinear Estimation
Wolfgang M. Hartmann and Robert E. Hartwig

The Effective Energy Transformation Scheme as a Special Continuation Approach
to Global Optimization With Application to Molecular Conformation
Zhijun Wu

Viscosity Solutions of Minimization Problems
Hedy Attouch

Incremental Least Squares Methods and the Extended Kalman Filter
Dimitri P. Bertsekas

Network Design Using Cut Inequalities
Francisco Barahona

A Bilevel Programming Method for Pipe Network Optimization
Jianzhong Zhang and Detong Zhu

Solving Multiple Knapsack Problems by Cutting Planes
C. E. Ferreira, A. Martin, and R. Weismantel

Contributed by: thomas@siam.org

SIAM JOURNAL ON Control and Optimization
SEPTEMBER 1996 Volume 34, Number 5

A Uniqueness Result for the Linear System of Elasticity and Its Control
Theoretical Consequences
Enrique Zuazua

New Necessary Conditions for the Generalized Problem of Bolza
P. D. Loewen and R. T. Rockafellar

Boundary Exact Controllability of Interface Problems with Singularities I:
Addition of the Coefficients of Singularities
Serge Nicaise

Approximate Feedback Linearization: A Homotopy Operator Approach
Andrzej Banaszuk and John Hauser

Perturbed Optimization in Banach Spaces III: Semi-infinite Optimization
J. Frederic Bonnans and Robert Cominetti

Viscosity Solutions and Viscosity Subderivatives in Smooth Banach Spaces with
Applications to Metric Regularity
Jonathan M. Borwein and Qiji J. Zhu

Optimal Relaxed Controls for Infinite-Dimensional Stochastic Systems of Zakai
N. U. Ahmed

Stabilization by Constrained Controls
Georgi V. Smirnov

Minimax Rendezvous on the Line
Wei Shi Lim and Steve Alpern

Polynomial Filtering for Nonlinear Discrete time Non-Gaussian Systems
Francesco Carravetta, Alfredo Germani, and Massimo Raimondi

An Entropy Formula for Time-Varying Discrete-Time Control Systems
Pablo A. Iglesias

On Markovian Fragments of COCOLOG for Logic Control Systems
Yuanjun Wei and Peter E. Caines

Model Simplification and Optimal Control of Stochastic Singularly Perturbed
Systems Under Exponentiated Quadratic Cost
Zigang Pan and Tamer Basar

Analysis and Optimization of Feedback Control Algorithms for Data Transfers
in High-Speed Networks
Rauf Izmailov

Heavy Traffic Analysis of a Controlled Multiclass Queueing Network via Weak
Convergence Methods
Harold J. Kushner and L. Felipe Martins

Stabilizability Does Not Imply Homogeneous Stabilizability for Controllable
Homogeneous Systems
Rodolphe Sepulchre and Dirk Aeyels

Modified Projection-Type Methods for Monotone Variational Inequalities
Michael V. Solodov and Paul Tseng

Contributed by:  Ms. Leslie HOLLETT 

              Contents issue 3, 1996


>From Output Feedback Pole-Assignment to Robust Stabilization
H. Kimura

On the Design and Implementation of a Rotary Crane Controller
T. Gustafsson

Observer Synthesis for a Class of Nonlinear Control Systems
G. Besanon, G. Bornard, H. Hammouri

On the Stabilization of a Class of Bilinear Systems in 3-space
M. Oumoun, J.C. Vivalda

Output Feedback Global Stabilization for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with
Unmodeled Dynamics
Z.P. Jiang, I.M.Y. Mareels, J.B. Pomet

Solutions of Nonlinear Optimal Regulator and Hinfty Control Problems via
Galerkin Methods
D. Georges

A Stabilizing Controller for Jump Linear Gaussian Systems with Noisy State
G. Pan, Y. Bar-Shalom

Design of Reliable Controllers for State Delayed Systems
J.H. Ge, P.M. Frank, C.F. Lin

Contributed by:  Huibert Kwakernaak


                              Table of contents
July, 1996                                               Issue  32:7


H. Kwakernaak                   New editorial appointments

Regular Papers

I. R. Petersen, M. R. James     Performance analysis and controller synthesis
                                for nonlinear systems with stochastic
                                uncertainty constraints

E-W. Bai, K. M. Nagpal, R.      Bounded error parameter estimation: Noise
Tempo                           models and recursive algorithms

F. Berthier, J-P. Diard, L.     Identifiability and distinguishability
Pronzato, E. Walter             concepts in electrochemistry

Brief Papers

A. V. Savkin, I. R. Petersen    Robust control with a terminal state

P. Gahinet                      Explicit controller formulas for LMI-based
                                H-infinity synthesis

O.M. Grasselli, S. Longhi,      Robust output regulation and tracking for
A. Tornambe, P. Valigi          linear periodic systems under structured

A. N. Gundes, M. G. Kabuli      Reliable stabilization with integral action
                                in decentralized control systems

P. Albertos, J. Salt, J.        Dual-rate adaptive control

B. D. O. Anderson, M.           Solution set properties for static
Deistler, W. Scherrer           errors-in-variables problems

Feng Zhao, V. I. Utkin          Adaptive simulation and control of
                                variable-structure control systems in sliding

K. Szafnicki, D. Graillot       Knowledge-based real-time fault detection and
                                supervision of urbain drainage systems

L. Chisci, A. Garulli, G.       Recursive state bounding by parallelotopes

Jin H. Seo                      Graph theoretic characterization of fixed
                                modes in frequency domain

C-M. Lin, M-H. Tu               Multivariable model reference linear quadra-
                                tic optimal systems

K. V. Ling, K. W. Lim           A state space GPC with extensions to multirate

Technical Communiques

Han Ho Choi, Myung Jin Chung    Observer-based H-infinity controller design
                                for state delayed linear systems

M-L. Ni, Y. Chen                Decentralized stabilization and output
                                tracking of large-scale uncertain systems

D. Mehdi, M. Al Hamid, F.       Robustness and optimality of linear quadratic
Perrin                          controller for uncertain systems

Z. Lin, A. Saberi, P.           Perfect regulation of linear discrete-time
Sannuti, Y. A. Shamash          systems: A low-gain- based design approach

Contributed by:  Richard Brualdi 

                          Contents of volume 240

Arioli, M., Codenotti, B., and Fassino, C.: The Pade Method for Computing
    the Matrix Exponential, 240:111_130
Botha, J. D.: Factorizations of a Matrix Into Symmetric Matrices With
    Prescribed Nullities, 240:79_86
Carvalho, L. A. V.: On Quadratic Liapunov Functionals for Linear Difference
    Equations, 240:41_64
Chalmers, B. L. and Shekhtman, B.: Extension Constants of Unconditional Two
    Dimensional Operators, 240:173_182
Cohen.: An Algebraic Approach to Certain Differential Eigenvalue Problems,
Gibson, Peter M.: Sign-Nonsingular Skew-Symmetric Matrices, 240:207_229
Hofmeister, Thomas and Lefmann, Hanno: Computing Sparse Approximations
    Deterministically, 240:9_19
Horn, Roger A., Li, Chi-Kwong, and Merino, Dennis I.: Distances Between the
    Graphs of Matrices, 240:65_77
Johnson, Charles R. and Zhang, Fuzhen: An Operator Inequality and Matrix
    Normality, 240:105_110
Kalantari, Bahman and Khachiyan, Leonid: On the Complexity of Nonnegative-
    Matrix Scaling, 87_103
Maesumi, Mohsen: An Efficient Lower Bound for the Generalized Spectral
    Radius of a Set of Matrices, 240:1_7
Olschowka, Markus and Neumaier, Arnold: A New Pivoting Stragegy for Gaussian
    Elimination, 240:131_151
Stoorvogel, Anton A.: Stabilizing Solutions of the H_8 Algebraic Riccati
    Equation, 240:153_172
Strakos_, Zdene_k: Review of Iterative Solution Methods, by O. Axelsson,
Wang, Jin-Hsien: Factorization of Matrices Into Quadratic Ones. III,
Zha, Hongyuan: A Note on the Existence of the Hyperbolic Singular Value
    Decomposition, 240:199_205

                        Contents of volume 241-3
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the International Linear Algebra
Society (Rotterdam, 1994)

Daniel Alpay (Beer-Sheva, Israel) and Harry Dym (Rehovot, Israel): On a New
    Class of Realization Formulas and Their Application
P. Amodio (Bari, Italy) and M. Paprzycki (Odessa, Texas): Parallel Solution
    of Almost Block Diagonal Systems on a Hypercube
T. Ando (Sapporo, Japan): Hadamard Products and Golden_Thompson Type Inequa
Joseph A. Ball (Blacksburg, Virginia) and Jeongook Kim (Kwangju, Korea): Bi
    tangential Interpolation Problems for Symmetric Rational Matrix Functions
A. Ben Artzi (Tel-Aviv, Israel) and I. Gohberg (Ramat-Aviv, Israel): Monotone
    Power Method in Indefinite Metric and Inertia Theorem for Matrices
Rafael Cant (Valencia, Spain) and Joan-Josep Climent (Alacant, Spain):
    Singular Graph and Extension of Jordan Chains of an M-Matrix
Luz M. DeAlba (Des Moines, Iowa): Inertia of the Stein Transformation With
    Respect to Some Nonderogatory Matrices
G. N. de Oliveira (Coimbra, Portugal): Linear Preservers of Schur Functions
J. A. Dias da Silva (Lisboa, Portugal): Multilinear Algebra: Recent Applica-
Robert L. Ellis (College Park, Maryland), Israel Gohberg (Ramat Aviv,
    Israel), and David C. Lay (College Park, Maryland): On a Class of Block
    Toeplitz Matrices
Sven Feldmann (Leipzig, Germany) and Georg Heinig (Safat, Kuwait):
    Vandermonde Factorization and Canonical Representations of Block Hankel
J. Ferrer and Ma. I. Garcea-Planas (Barcelona, Spain): Structural Stability
    of Quadruples of Matrices
G. Freiling, G. Jank (Aachen, Germany), and H. Abou-Kandil (Cachan, France)
    Generalized Riccati Difference and Differential Equations
Shmuel Friedland (Chicago, Illinois): Discrete Groups of Unitary Isometries
    and Balls in Hyperbolic Manifolds
K. A. Gallivan, S. Thirumalai (Urbana, Illinois), P. Van Dooren, and V.
    Vermaut (Louvain, Belgium): High Performance Algorithms for Toeplitz and
    Block Toeplitz Matrices
S. Gonzalez, J. C. Gutierrez, and C. Martinez (Oviedo, Spain): On Regular
    Bernstein Algebras
Bernard Hanzon (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Ralf L. M. Peeters
    (Maastricht, The Netherlands): A Faddeev Sequence Method for Solving
    Lyapunov and Sylvester Equations
Daniel Hershkowitz (Haifa, Israel), Wenchao Huang (Madison, Wisconsin),
    Michael Neumann (Storrs, Connecticut), and Hans Schneider (Madison,
    Wisconsin): Minimization of Norms and the Spectral Radius of a Sum of
    Nonnegative Matrices Under Diagonal Equivalence
O. V. Holtz and V. A. Strauss (Chelyabinsk, Russia): Classification of Norm
    al Operators in Spaces With Indefinite Scalar Product of Rank 2
Matthew Hudelson (Pullman, Washington), Victor Klee (Seattle, Washington),
    and David Larman (London, England): Largest j-Simplices in d-Cubes:
    Some Relatives of the Hadamard Maximum Determinant Problem
Yasuhiko Ikebe (Fukushima, Japan), Nobuyoshi Asai, Yoshinori Miyazaki, and
    DongSheng Cai (Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, Japan): The Eigenvalue Problem for
    Infinite Complex Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices With Application
Hiroshi Inaba and Weiben Wang (Saitama, Japan): Block Decoupling for Linear
    Systems Over Rings
Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia), Raphael Loewy (Haifa, Israel),
    D. D. Olesky, and P. van den Driessche (Victoria, British Columbia,
    Canada): Maximizing the Spectral Radius of Fixed Trace Diagonal Perturba-
    tions of Nonnegative Matrices
Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia) and Ronald L. Smith (Chattanoog
    a, Tennessee): The Completion Problem for M-Matrices and Inverse M-
D. S. Johnson, A. C. Pugh (Loughborough, United Kingdom), E. Rogers (South
    Hampton, United Kingdom), G. E. Hayton (Leeds, United Kingdom), and D.H.
    Owens (Exeter, United Kingdom): A Polynomial Matrix Theory for a Certain
    Class of Two-Dimensional Linear Systems
Nicos Karcanias and John Leventides (London, United Kingdom): Grassmann
    Invariants, Matrix Pencils, and Linear System Properties
Jose Mas (Valencia, Spain), Violeta Migallon, Jose Penades (Alacant, Spain),
    and Daniel B. Szyld (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania): Nonstationary Parallel
    Relaxed Multisplitting Methods
Volker Mehrmann (Chemnitz, Federal Republic of Germany): A Step Toward a U-
    nified Treatment of Continuous and Discrete Time Control Problems 09749
J. J. Seidel (Eindhoven, The Netherlands): A Sound Equilibrium for Linear
V. Simoncini (Bologna, Italy): Ritz and Pseudo-Ritz Values Using Matrix
Garret Sobczyk (Puebla, Mexico): Structure of Factor Algebras and
    Clifford Algebra
Ji-guang Sun (Ume, Sweden): Perturbation Analysis of System Hessenberg
    and Hessenberg-Triangular Forms
B. Uhrin (Budapest, Hungary): Inner Aperiodicities and Partitions of
David S. Watkins (Pullman, Washington): The Transmission of Shifts and
    Shift Blurring in the QR Algorithm
H. Bart (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), M. A. Kaachoek, and A. C. M. Ran
    (Amsterdam, The Netherlands): Conference Report
Author Index

        LAA Contents Volume 244

Shu-Chu Chang: Double Coset Decomposition for SL(r+s,Z) With Respect to
    Congruence Subgroups
Jian Shen: Some Estimated Formulas for the Frobenius Numbers
Jian Shen: A Bound on the Exponent of Primitivity in Terms of Diameter
Luca Dieci: Considerations on Computing Real Logarithms of Matrices,
    Hamiltonian Logarithms, and Skew-Symmetric Logarithms
Ji-guang Sun: On Two Functions of a Matrix With Positive Definite Hermitian
Guoliang Chen, Musheng Wei, and Yifeng Xue: Perturbation Analysis of the
    Least Squares Solution in Hilbert Spaces
Dnes Petz: Monotone Metrics on Matrix Spaces
Peter M. Gibson: Sign-Nonsingular Skew-Symmetric Matrices With the Most
    Nonzero Entries
Mei-Hsiu Chi: The Long-Run Behavior of Markov Chains
D.A. Gregory, K.N. Vander Meulen, B.L. Shader: Skew Rank Decompositions
Zlatko Drmac: On Relative Residual Bounds for the Eigenvalues of a Hermitian
Gong-ning Chen, Bin Zhao, and Hui-pin Zhang: The General Rational Interpola-
    tion Problem in the Scalar Case and Its Hankel Vector
Ton Geerts: Higher-Order Continuous-Time Implicit Systems: Consistency and
    Weak Consistency, Impulse Controllability, Geometric Concepts, and
    Invertibility Properties
Jian Shen: A Problem on the Exponent of Primitive Digraphs
Nir Cohen, Jerome Dancis: Maximal Rank Hermitian Completions of Partially
    Specified Hermitian Matrices
Steve Kirkland: On the Minimum Perron Value for an Irreducible Tournament
David London: On Diagonals of Matrices Doubly Stochastically Similar to a
    Given Matrix
Alexander Yastrebov: On a Construction of the Cliffordean Algebra
William H. Pierce: A Self-Correcting Matrix Iteration for the Moore-Penrose
Generalized Inverse
Diethard Klatte, Gisbert Thiere: A Note of Lipschitz Constants for Solutions
    of Linear Inequalities and Equations
Author Index

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: N.Y.Kim 

                                 Second Call for Papers
                              2ND ASIAN CONTROL CONFERENCE

July 22-25, 1997                                             Seoul, Korea

The Asian Control Conference (ASCC) is a triennial conference. The first ASCC
was held in Tokyo in 1994, and the Second ASCC will be held in Seoul in 1997.
The scope of the conference is broad, covering theories and applications.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Systems theory                  Optimal control
Robust and H8 control           Discrete event systems
Nonlinear control               Adaptive control
Learning control                Neural network
Expert systems                  Intelligent and AI-based control
Fuzzy control                   Computer-integrated control design
Identification                  Fault-tolerant control
Digital control                 Large-scale systems
Process control                 Automation and CIM
Robotics                        Motion control
Mechatronics                    Automotive control
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
Aerospace control               Guidance and Navigation
Active sensing                  Sensor integration
Human interface                 Machine intelligence
Computer vision

Prospective authors and invited session organizers must adhere to the
following schedule:

September 1, 1996       Four (4) copies of 1000-word session proposal due
                        (include 5 or 6 250-word abstracts)
October 1, 1996         Four (4) copies of 1000-word extended abstract plus
                        up to 2 pages of figures due
January 15, 1997        Notification of session and paper acceptance
April 1, 1997           Final manuscript on camera-ready mats due

Abstracts and session proposals should clearly indicate corresponding
author's mailing address, telephone, facsimile, as well as e-mail address.
The official language of the conference is English.

For further information please contact:

The Secretariat of ASCC'97
c/o INTERCOM Convention Services, Inc.
4Fl. Jisung Bldg. #645-20 Yoksam 1-dong, Kangnam-gu
Seoul 135-081, Korea
Phone: +82-2-567-3810, 566-6339
Fax: +82-2-565-2434, 3452-7292
E-mail: intercom@soback.kornet.nm.kr

Contributed by: Yu Hen Hu (hu@engr.wisc.edu)


     1996 International Symposium on Multi-Technology Information Processing

                            A Joint Symposium of
  Artificial Neural Networks, Circuits and Systems, and Signal Processing

      December 16-18, 1996  Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Republic of China

Call For Papers ---------------
The International Symposium on Multi-Technology Information Processing
(ISMIP'96), a joint symposium of artificial neural networks, circuits and
systems, and signal processing, will be held in National Tsing Hua
University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, Republic of China. This conference is an
expansion of previous series of International Symposium of Artificial Neural
Networks (ISANN). The main purpose of this conference is to offer a forum
showcasing the latest advancement of modern information processing
technologies. It will include recent innovative research results of
theories, algorithms, architectures, systems, hardware implementations that
lead to intelligent information processing. The technical program will
feature opening keynote addresses, invited plenary talks, technical
presentations of refereed papers. The official language is English.  Papers
are solicited for, but not limited to, the following topics:

1.  Associative Memory                2.  Digital and Analog Neurocomputers
3.  Fuzzy Neural Systems              4.  Supervised/Un-supervised Learning
5.  Robotics                          6.  Sensory/Motor Control
7.  Image Processing                  8.  Pattern Recognition
9.  Language/ Speech Processing       10. Digital Signal Processing
11. VLSI Architectures                12. Non-linear Circuits
13. Multi-media information processing 14. Optimization
15. Mathematical Methods              16. Visual signal processing
17. Content based signal processing   18. Applications

Prospective authors are invited to submit 4 copies of extended summaries of
no more than 4 pages. All the manuscripts must be written in English in
single-spaced, single column, on 8.5" by 11" white papers.  The top of the
first page of the paper should include a title, authors' names,
affiliations, address, telephone/fax numbers, and email address if
applicable. The indicated corresponding author will receive an
acknowledgement of his/her submission. Camera-ready full papers of accepted
manuscripts will be published in a hard-bound proceedings and distributed in
the symposium. For more information, please consult at the URL site


Authors are invited to send submissions to one of the program co-chairs:
For submissions from USA and Europe

Dr. C.-H. Lee
Multimedia Communications Research Lab
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
600 Mountain Ave. 2D-425
Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636  USA
Phone: 908-582-5226
fax:  908-582-7308
For submissions from Asia and the rest of the world

Prof. V. W. Soo
Dept. of Computer Science
National Tsing Hua University
Hsin Chu, Taiwan 30043, ROC
Phone: 886-35-731068
FAX: 886-35-723694

Submission of full paper:          July 15, 1996.
Notification of acceptance:        September 30, 1996.
Submission of camera-ready paper:  October 31, 1996.
Advanced registration, before:     November 15, 1996.

Contributed by: Denis Dochain 

     International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes

                          ADCHEM '97

                 Banff, Canada: June 9-11, 1997

                     Last Call for Papers

Deadline for submission of draft papers: September 2, 1996

Instructions on submission of papers are given below.

Three plenary and several keynote addresses will be given by a group of
distinguished researchers. Speakers include:

J. Balchen (Norway)
L. Biegler ( USA)
D. Bonvin ( Switzerland)
S. Boyd ( USA)
F. Doyle ( USA)
G. Dumont ( Canada)
B. Foss  (Norway)
T. Harris (Canada)
L. Ljung (Sweden)
W. Marquardt (Germany)

One/two day pre-conference mini-courses and tutorial sessions are being
planned. Please watch for updated announcements or look up the conference
plan at the web-site address given below.

The ADCHEM '97 Meeting will bring together engineers and scientists from
universities, R&D laboratories and the process industries to focus attention
on recent advances in the analysis and control of chemical process systems.
The main topics for the meeting include (but are not limited to) the
* System Identification using Open and Closed Loop data
* Robustness Issues
* Linear and Nonlinear Model-based Control
* Performance Assessment of Control Loops
* Process Monitoring and Fault detection
* Software Sensors
* Industrial Applications in:
     -Pulp and Paper
     -Metallurgical or other Continuous/Batch Processes
* Batch Process Control
* Real-Time Optimization
* Adaptive Control
* Multivariate Statistical Based Techniques
* Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Systems
* Control of Discrete-Event Dynamic Systems

In addition to the paper presentation sessions, the meeting will also
feature panel discussions involving the following themes:
* Industrial Needs: Control, Computing and Communication
* Process Control Education for the next Century

Call for Contributed Papers

Authors are invited to submit contributed papers in any technical area
relevant to the symposium. The length of the paper should be no more than 15
double-spaced pages (300 words per page), including references, tables and
figures. The front page of the paper should contain the title, an abstract,
3 to 5 keywords characterizing the subject of the paper, and the author's
affiliation including their e-mail address. Submit four copies of the paper
before September 2, 1996 to:

     IFAC ADCHEM '97 (E-mail Adchem.97@UAlberta.CA)
     Prof. Sirish Shah
     Department of Chemical Engineering
     University of Alberta
     Edmonton, Alberta
     Canada T6G 2G6

Detailed instructions for the preparation of camera-ready manuscripts will
be mailed to the authors whose papers are accepted for presentation at the


September 2, 1996: Submission of draft papers
January 15, 1997: Notification of acceptance
March 15, 1997: Submission of papers in camera-ready form
June 9-11, 1997: ADCHEM '97

General Information

The Conference Site

The conference will be held at the Banff Centre, which offers superb
convention facilities within the Banff townsite. Banff is located in
Canada's first national park 128 km west of Calgary, just inside the east
gate of Banff National Park. The park has over 6,500 sq. km. of mountains,
forests, rivers and lakes that are habitat to abundant wild life. Millions
of visitors from around the world experience the majestic splendour of this
world heritage site every year. The park is a hiking wonderland, containing
1,600 km of trails. It also offers recreational opportunities for mountain
biking, rock climbing, conoeing, fishing, horse-back riding, etc. The
organizers have planned a conference format that will provide opportunities
for the participants and guests to enjoy the beauty and scenery of the park.
The Trans-Canada Highway, the Banff-radium Highway, the scenic Bow Valley
parkway and the awe-inspiring Icefields Parkway are all major travel routes
that bisect the park, enhancing visitors' chances of viewing wildlife and
spectacularmountain scenery.

Preregistration and Inquiries

Those who intend to participate in the conference are invited to send the
following information via E-mail to Adchem.97@UAlberta.Ca

     Mailing Address
     E-mail Address
     Areas of Interest

Contributed by:  Matthias Bollhoefer

The second preliminary programme for the 6th Conference of the International
Linear Algebra Society in Chemnitz has just been put into the World Wide Web.
The programme is located at the URL:


At the same URL a PostScript-File and a DVI-File are available.
Some slight changes in the schedule were necessary.

For further questions you can send an e-mail to
or contact

       Heike Weichelt
       Fakult"at f"ur Mathematik
       TU Chemnitz-Zwickau
       D-09107 Chemnitz

Contributed by: SSC IFAC Conference 

                        FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT


                         CALL FOR PAPERS

          International Federation of Automatic Control

        3rd IFAC Conference "System Structure and Control"

                       October 23-25, 1997
                       Bucharest, Romania


The aim of this conference is to promote a fruitful exchange within
the comunity of scientist involved in the area of Systems and Control.
The topics of the conference are focused on those aspects that are
directly related to modern systems structure theory. Practical applications
in industrial process control are also included.


Linear Systems,Structural Theory,Singular Systems,Nonlinear Systems,
Time Delay Systems,Infinite Dimensional Systems,Riccati Theory,H-infinity
Control,Optimal Control,Numerical Methods and LMIs,Interpolation Theory,
Sliding Modes,Adaptive Control and Systems,Signal Processing,Identification
and Parameter Estimation,Distributed Parameter Systems,Computer Aided Design,
Artificial Intelligence,Process Control,Aerospace,Biotechnological Process

The conference will include minicourses, plennary lectures and invited


Please submit 5 copies of draft papers (4-6 pages) in English.
The first page must contain the paper title, authors names affiliations,
complete address of the corresponding author (including e-mail)
and an abstract of 200-300 words. Selected full papers will be prepared
according to the instructions sent to the authors (max. 6 pages).
Accepted papers must be presented in person at the conference.


        December 1, 1996        Submission of draft papers
        March 15, 1997          Notification of acceptance
        May 15, 1997            Submission of full papers


        IFAC SSC '97 Secretariat
        Politehnica University of Bucharest
        Faculty of Control and Computers
        313, Spl. Independentei
        77206, Bucharest

        Tel: +40-1-4100400/167
        Fax: +40-1-3124517
        e-mail: ssc97@indinf.pub.ro

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *