E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 88 December 1, 1995

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
              ISSUE No. 88, December 1, 1995

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-2465995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-2434582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Modern industrial control course - Perth, Australia
        3.2  SDPSOL software available
        3.3  GELDA  software available
        3.4  ARPACK software available
        3.5  2nd Reid prize awarde - SIAM
        3.6  SCAD update

4.      Positions
        4.1  Tenure track position, EE dept., University of Bucknell Univ.
        4.2  Assistant professorship, Dept. Comm. Engineering, Holon
        4.3  Directorship institute for systems research, Maryland
        4.4  Tenure track position, EE dept., Un. of Texas, San Antonio
        4.5  Research fellowship in systems engineering, Australia Nat. Un.
        4.6  Research fellow in non-linear control designs and appl. Florida
        4.7  Position chairman, ECE dept. Wayne State University
        4.8  Tenure track position, ECE dept., Rice University, Houston
        4.9  Lectureship position Control Eng. dept, Queens University
        4.10 Postdoc position, Dept. Mech. and Aut. Engineering, Hong Kong
        4.11 Vacancies Industrial Control Center, Un. of Westminster

5.      Books
        5.1  Thesis annonucement
        5.2  New books - Birkhauser
        5.3  Adaptive predictive control - Sanchez and Rodellar
        5.4  Proceedings recent advances in mechatronics - Kaynak
        5.5  Transfiniteness for graphs, el. networks, random walks -

6.      Journals
        6.1  CFP special issue speech processing, Int. J. AC&SP
        6.2  Best paper award, Journal of complexity
        6.3  TOC Journal of complexity, vol.11:4
        6.4  TOC LAA, vol. 232
        6.5  TOC MCSS, vol. 8:1
        6.6  TOC SIAM Review, vol. 37:4
        6.7  TOC SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis, vol. 17:1
        6.8  TOC SIAM J. on Control and Minimization, vol. 34:1
        6.9  TOC CSSP, vol. 14:6
        6.10 TOC MIC, vol. 16:4
        6.11 TOC J. for Dynamical and Control Systems, vol. 1:3

7.      Conferences
        7.1  Historical session 1995 CDC
        7.2  Student travel awards SIAM conferences
        7.3  Website for 6th Int. conf. Linear Algebra Society
        7.4  CFP 10th IFAC Workshop Control Appl. of Optimization
        7.5  CFP Computer int. methods in control and signal processing
        7.6  CFP 4th IEEE Mediterranean symp. on control and aut., Crete
        7.7  CFP 11th IEEE Int. symp. on intelligent control, Dearborn
        7.8  CFP SYSID-1997
        7.9  CFP Conf. on intelligent systems, Montpellier
        7.10 CFP 4th Int. conf. on mathematics in signal processing
        7.11 CFP Int. conf. on technology mangement, Istanbul
        7.12 CFP 1996 Portuguese control conference

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 88 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear January 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

-2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message
    to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You
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    To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to
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    use your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to
    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and your old address will be removed
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    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and we will try to resolve the problem.

-4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an
    (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject
    'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.win.tue.nl"

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    for the string: *.**

              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *
Contributed by:  Vincent D. Blondel 

                   Change of address

I have moved from INRIA Rocquencourt to the Institute of Mathematics of the
University of Liege. My new address is:

                Vincent D. Blondel
                Institute of Mathematics
                University of Liege
                Avenue des Tilleuls 15
                B-4000 Liege
                Tel.:   +32 41 66 94 60 (direct) or +32 41 66 94 10 (secr.)
                Fax:    +32 66 95 47
                email:  blondel@math.ulg.ac.be             or

Contributed by:  John Hench 

As of the first of November, my new address is as follows:

             John Hench
             Dept. of Mathematics
             Univ. of Reading
             Whiteknights, PO Box 220
             Reading, RG6 6AF
             Great Britain

             Tel: (44) (1734) 875 123 x4001
             Fax: (44) (1734) 313 423
             E-mail: J.Hench@reading.ac.uk

Best regards, John Hench

Contributed by:  Guillermo Fernandez Anaya 

Change of e-mail address:
As from November 15, 1995, my new address is:

         < gfernandez@stafe-msm.uia.mx >

With best regards: Dr. Guillermo Fernandez Anaya

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *
Contributed by:  Lisa Crisafulli

                              PERTH, AUSTRALIA
                                 March 1996

Professor Graham Goodwin of the Centre for Industrial Control Science and
Dr Sam Crisafulli from  CICS  Automation will conduct a week long course
presenting modern control strategies in an industrial context. The course
is  aimed at  engineers and control  practitioners  providing  practical
knowledge  and tools for  design,  analysis and  implementation of  both
conventional and advanced control strategies. It would also be beneficial
to academics or research students in gaining exposure to how modern control
theory  can  be effectively  applied to  practical problems.   The course
features a problem based learning format where  the material is motivated
by and applied to real world problems, and then followed up by hands-on
laboratory sessions.

Review of Conventional Control
Introduction to Model Based Control
Advanced Model Based Control
Soft Sensing and Adaptive Control
Fuzzy Logic Control

For more detailed information and registration forms contact:
Lisa Crisafulli,
CICS AUTOMATION, LIC. PO BOX 1  Callaghan  NSW  2308,  Australia
Ph:Int + 61 49 217126   Fax:Int + 61 49 601712

Contributed by: Shao-po Wu & Stephen Boyd

           SDPSOL, version alpha available via anonymous ftp

SDPSOL is a parser/solver for semidefinite programming (SDP) problems
with matrix structure.

Semidefinite programs arise in several applications,  e.g., control
theory, statistics, and combinatorial optimization. SDPSOL allows the
user to specify SDPs in a convenient form that is close to the natural
mathematical problem description.  After parsing the problem description,
SDPSOL solves the SDP using a primal-dual interior-point method, and
reports the results in a convenient form.  SDPSOL works as a stand-alone
program, with ascii input/output, and can also read/write Matlab binary
data (.mat) files.

The current implementation DOES NOT exploit the matrix structure in the
SDP solver (which is SP, also available via anonymous ftp), and hence is
not particularly efficient.  But it is (we hope) easy to use, and does work
quite nicely on small and medium size problems (say, a hundred or fewer
variables, and matrices of size 30x30 or so).  We hope to develop a more
efficient version, with upward compatible syntax.

SDPSOL is available via anonymous ftp to isl.stanford.edu in
/pub/boyd/semidef_prog/sdpsol.  It can also be accessed via WWW from URL

Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome.

Shao-po Wu & Stephen Boyd
clive@isl.stanford.edu, boyd@isl.stanford.edu
November 1995, Stanford CA

Contributed by: Werner Rath 

    New Code for Linear DAEs with Variable Coefficients Available

I would like to announce the release of GELDA Version 1.1.

GELDA is a software package for the numerical solution of linear
differential-algebraic equations with variable coefficients. The
implementation is based on a new discretization scheme. It can deal
with systems of arbitrary index and with systems that do not have
unique solutions or inconsistencies in the initial values or the

The package includes a computation of all the local invariants of the
system, a regularization procedure and an index reduction scheme and
it can be combined with every solution method for standard index 1
systems. Nonuniqueness and inconsistencies are treated in a least
square sense. In our package we have implemented backward
differentiation formulas (BDF) methods and Runge-Kutta (RK)

DGELDA (a double precision version of GELDA) is available via
anonymous FTP


or the GELDA Home Page


GELDA is a joint work with Peter Kunkel, Volker Mehrmann and Joerg

Werner Rath                   |  Tel.: (049) (0)371-531-3953 (office)
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik     |        (049) (0)2151-308119  (private)
TU Chemnitz-Zwickau           | email: w.rath@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de
D-09107 Chemnitz, FRG         |        na.wrath@na-net.ornl.gov

Contributed by  Danny C. Sorensen


ARPACK is a collection of Fortran77 subroutines for solving large scale
eigenvalue problems. The codes are available by anonymous ftp from


or by connecting directly to the URL


The package is designed to compute a few eigenvalues and corresponding
eigenvectors of a general n by n matrix A.  It is most appropriate for large
sparse or structured matrices A  where structured means that a matrix-vector
product w  <- Av  requires order n  rather than the usual order  n**2
floating point operations. This software is based upon an algorithmic variant
of the Arnoldi process called the Implicitly  Restarted Arnoldi Method
When the matrix A is symmetric it reduces to a variant of the Lanczos process
called the Implicitly  Restarted Lanczos Method (IRLM).  These variants
may be viewed as a synthesis of the Arnoldi/Lanczos process with the
Implicitly Shifted QR technique that is suitable for large scale problems.
For many standard problems, a matrix factorization is not required.  Only
the action of the matrix on a vector is needed.

ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric,
and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas.
The software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified
features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude.
Storage requirements are on the order of n*k locations.  No auxiliary storage
is required.  A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional
eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working
Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request.

Important Features:

   Reverse Communication Interface.

   Single and Double Precision Real Arithmetic Versions for
   Symmetric, Non-symmetric, Standard or Generalized Problems.

   Single and Double Precision Complex Arithmetic Versions
   for  Standard or Generalized Problems.

   Routines for Banded Matrices - Standard or Generalized Problems.

   Routines for The Singular Value Decomposition.

   Example driver routines that may be used as templates to
   implement numerous Shift-Invert strategies for all problem types,
   data types and precision.

TO GET THE SOFTWARE:  Connect by ftp to ftp.caam.rice.edu and login
as anonymous.  Then change directories to


or connect directly to the URL as described above
and follow the instructions in the README file in that directory.

Users of previous versions of ARPACK are urged to replace what they
have been using with this new version.  This new software has improved
numerical performance and many new features.

Authors:  R. Lehoucq, D. Sorensen, P. Vu, C. Yang

For further information send e-mail to


Contributed by: blackmore@siam.org

                       Second Reid Prize To Be Awarded
                   at SIAM Annual Meeting in Kansas City

     SIAM is soliciting nominations for the 1996 W.T. and Idalia Reid
     Prize in Mathematics.  The prize, established in memory of
     long-time University of Oklahoma mathematics professor W.T. Reid,
     who died in 1977, recognizes outstanding work in the areas of
     differential equations and control theory.  The recipient will be
     asked to present a lecture at the 1996 SIAM Annual Meeting in
     Kansas City, where the prize will be awarded.

     The prize was awarded for the first time in 1994 to Wendell
     Fleming of Brown University, who was cited for his pioneering
     research in geometric measure theory, the calculus of variations,
     differential games, and stochastic control and filtering, as well
     as for his generous nurturing of generations of applied
     mathematicians and his loyal service to the mathematical sciences

     Letters of nomination for the prize should be sent to Reid Prize,
     SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA
     19104-2688; fax: (215) 386-7999.  Additional information can be
     obtained from Donna Blackmore at (215) 382-9800 or

     Nominations must be submitted to SIAM by January 1, 1996.

Contributed by  Raimund J. Ober 
                Xu Huang 

        UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- November 1995

                    ####    ####     ##    #####
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                   #    #  #    #  #    #  #    #
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               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas

                 gopher:          gopher.utdallas.edu
                 ftp address:     ftp.utdallas.edu
                 IP number:
                 Worldwide web:   URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/
                 queries (email): scad@utdallas.edu

New contents:

eletters: Number 87

  The following new link has been added:
          Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems

Links to systems and control groups:
  The following new link has been added:
          Arizona State University
                Center for System Science and Engineering Research
          Lehigh University:
                   Chemical Process Modeling and Control Research Center.

  The following new link has been added:
         Arizona State University:
            Matthias Kawski's preprint archive.

         University of Notre Dame
            Joachim Rosenthal's preprint archive


   Recently we have started an address list for systems
   and control people.

   About 430 people have added their addresses to the list.

   To register your, simply:
      - go to SCAD
      - go to the ADDRESS LIST link
      - click: add your address
      - fill in the form.

   You can check out addresses by using the search facility or
   by scanning through the full list.

   !!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, Add your Address to the SCAD ADDRESS LIST !!!!!!!!!!!

How to access scad:
 1.) Using gopher:
      gopher -p 1/research/scad gopher.utdallas.edu
      gopher gopher.utdallas.edu
   Select `UT-Dallas Research' and then `Systems and Control Archive at
 2.) Using ftp:
      ftp ftp.utdallas.edu
   Then cd /pub/scad
 3.) Using Worldwide Web:
      URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/

 More detailed instructions can be obtained by sending an email to


 After accessing SCAD you can find a README file which contains
 more information about SCAD.

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Maurice F. Aburdene

                    Position Announcement

Electrical Engineering: Bucknell University invites applications for a
tenure-track position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level,
with appropriate credit toward tenure.

Excellence in teaching and research are necessary qualities for this
individual.  Responsibilities include course and laboratory
development, supervision of design projects, and supervision of
master's theses.  The preferred areas include digital VLSI with
specialization in electronic design automation, optoelectronic
systems, or power electronics.

Qualifications include a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.  Bucknell is
a private university emphasizing quality undergraduate education in
engineering and liberal arts.

Review of applications will begin on November 15, 1995, and will
continue until the position is filled.  Please send applications to:

        Chair Search Committee
        Electrical Engineering Department
        Bucknell University
        Lewisburg, PA  17837

Bucknell University encourages applications from women and members of
groups (EEO/AA).

Contributed by: Ilan Sadeh


The Department of Communications  Engineering at the Institute of Technology
at Holon invites applications for an Assistant Professor position in the
areas of communications system, dsp, networks, or  information theory. In
particular we are interested in  the following specializations: wireless
communications, ATM, software  and wavelets technology. Appointments at the
Associate or Full Professor level may be considered for exceptionally well
qualified individuals. An earned doctorate in electrical engineering, cs
or a closely  related discipline is required.   Applicants should have an
interest in teaching and in conducting research. The candidates should have
a strong theoretical background and an experimental research orientation.

Please submit a letter of application, CV, and three letters of reference

Dr. Ilan Sadeh
Head of Communications Dept.
Institute of Technology at Holon
52 Golomb St., Holon 58102
Fax  972-3-5026643

Contributed by:  Susan Frazier 

The Institute for Systems Research would like to post a notice about our
Directorship vacancy on the E-Letter.  The test is as follows:

        Institute for Systems Research

Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Director of the
Institute for Systems Research (ISR) at the University of Maryland, College
Park campus. The Director provides both academic and administrative
for the Institute and reports directly to the Dean of the A. James Clark
School of Engineering.

The ISR was established by a National Science Foundation grant in 1985 as one
of the six original Engineering Research Centers. The Institute has worked
closely with industry to build one of the foremost cross-disciplinary
and education programs in the nation.  It is a joint activity involving four
colleges at the University of Maryland and the Division of Applied Sciences
at Harvard University.  The ISR has world-class faculty and facilities, in-
cluding  52  faculty, and  8  constituent laboratories involved in systems
research in intelligent control, intelligent signal processing and communica-
tion, and systems integration methodology. The ISR has active outreach pro-
grams in education, and university and industrial liaison. It conducts an
M.S. program in Systems Engineering. Currently the ISR has 256 participating
graduate students and 45 undergraduate research students. The 1995-96
Institute budget is about $10M.

The Director is a senior member of the University of Maryland faculty, who is
selected and appointed by the University to a five year renewable term.
Candidates should have an earned doctorate, be eligible for appointment in a
department of the School of Engineering at the rank of Professor with tenure,
have successful experience as a teacher and a distinguished record of
scholarly research, and have demonstrated leadership ability and management
skills. It is highly desirable that candidates demonstrate experience in
interactions with multiple disciplines and the ability to relate to

Applications should include a curriculum vitae and the names, addresses and
telephone numbers of at least four references.  For best consideration,
applications should be received by February 1, 1996.  Send to:

Dr. Herbert Rabin, Associate Dean
A. James Clark School of Engineering
2120 Potomac Building
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland   20742

The University of Maryland is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer.  Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

Contributed by: Sumit Roy (roy@voyager1.eng.utsa.edu)

       Divn. of Engineering, U of Texas at San Antonio:

Applications are invited for two tenured/tenure-track positions in Electrical
Engineering - one at the Assistant Prof. level and the other at the Assoc.
Prof. level. The successful applicants must have a Ph. D. in Electrical and
or Computer Engineering and keen interest in teaching at both the under-
graduate and graduate levels. Candidates for the Asst. Prof. position must
be dedicated to developing a strong program of funded research. Assoc. Prof.
applicants must demonstrate a strong track record of funded research and
show leadership in guiding the proposed Ph.D. program currently awaiting
final approval. Applications are invited in the following academic
disciplines: digital/computing, communications and control systems. Of
particular interest are candidates: for Digital/Computing in the areas of
VLSI Design and CAD Tools, High Performance Computer Architectures,
Multiprocessor Architectures, Parallel and Distributed Computing and
Hardware Design; for Communications, in the areas of Wireless Networks,
Multi-media Communications and Multiple Access (protocols, routing and
flow control); for Control, in the areas of Intelligent Control,
Robust/Adaptive Control, and Discrete-event Systems. Resumes and names
of three references (along with postal and e-mail addresses,
phone/FAX) and a description of teaching and research interests should be
submitted to:
                Chair, Search Committee
                Division of Engineering
                University of Texas
                6900 North Loop 1604 West
                San Antonio, TX 78249.
Applicants who are not U. S. citizens must indicate their visa and residency
status. In the cover letter, please indicate the position applied for. The
deadline for receiving applications is Feb. 15, 1996. UTSA is an equal
opportunity employer, and particularly encourages women and minority
candidates to apply.

Contributed by: James Ashton 

                Two Research Positions Available in the
        Research School of Information Science and Engineering
                    Australian National University
                       Canberra, ACT, Australia


A research fellowship (academic level B) is available in the Department of
Systems Engineering to work with Professor Brian D O Anderson and his
students in areas of control and signal processing. Outstanding communi-
cation skills are required.  This position is for two years, possibly
extendable to three. Suitably qualified women are particularly encouraged
to apply.

Salary   $42,198 - $50,111

A market related loading may also be payable.

Closing Date:    26 January 1996        Reference:      ISE 2/95

E-mail enquiries to Brian.Anderson@anu.edu.au

Potential applicants must contact the School Secretary's Office (email
School.Secretary@rsise.anu.edu.au) for selection criteria, further
particulars and the form of application.


Contributed by Zhihua Qu (quz@engr.ucf.edu):

Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Central Florida

Nonlinear Control Designs and Applications

A Research Associate/Fellow is available in the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering. The followship will be funded jointly by LINK
Foundation, is to commence on January 1, 1995 (or as soon as possible
thereafter) for one year, and is renewable through internal review and
competition. The project concerns various nonlinear control design
techniques and their applications in dynamical systems. Annual stipend
is around $26,000.

The successful candidate will be expected to have a Ph.D. or research
experience in nonlinear systems theory and nonlinear control techniques.
Some experience in application areas such as autonomous vehicles,
robotics, flexible structures, and dynamic modeling are desired.

To be considered for a post-doctoral appointment, applicants must submit
the following materials: one-page summary of past research experience,
curriculum vitae including a list of publications, statement of research
interests and goals, sample publications, names of references.

All materials must be received by December 31 for full consideration.
Applications should include the names, addresses, and email or FAX numbers.
Send application to

Dr. Z.Qu
Department of Electrical Engineering
Universty of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816
Phone: 407-823-5976
Email: quz@engr.ucf.edu

Contributed by Feng Lin 

                Chairman Position Open

The Wayne State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(ECE) invites nominations and applications for the position of Professor
and Chair. The new Chair will be expected to provide leadership in building
and enhancing the Department's research and teaching programs.
Candidates should have a strong research record, a commitment to teaching,
and good administrative skills.

The University, located in Detroit's Cultural Center, is a comprehensive
research university (Carnegie I) with an urban teaching and service mission
serving approximately 33,000 students. The Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, one of five departments of the College of Engineering,
currently has 19 faculty members, 400 B.S., 415 M.S., and 60 Ph.D. students.
In addition, there are four tenure-track faculty positions that will be
available to the new Chair for building strong and relevant research and
academic programs.
Current areas of sponsored research include control systems, parallel and
distributed computing, solid state devices, optics and neural networks.
The Department has strong ties to the automobile industry.

Persons wishing to be considered for the position should send a curriculum
vitae and the names of four references to
Professor Esin Gulari, Chair
ECE Chair Search Committee
College of Engineering
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202
Tel: 313-577-3767
EMail: egulari@chem1.eng.wayne.edu

Wayne State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Wayne State University - People  working together to provide quality
All buildings, structures and vehicles at WSU are smoke-free.

Contributed by: Behnaam Aazhang (aaz@rice.edu)

                Faculty Positions at Rice University

Rice University's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering invites
applications for a tenure tract faculty position at the Assistant Professor
level in the area of telecommunication and communication networks, to begin
in August 1996.  In addition to the tenure track position, there will also
be openings for Post Doctoral Fellows and Visiting Professorship in communi-
cations and signal processing areas in the ECE Department.  The initial non-
tenure appointment will be for one year with a possibility of extension for
a second year.   Applicants for these positions must have a doctorate in
Electrical Engineering, or a closely related field and should indicate in
their cover letter whether they would like to be considered for the tenure
track or the non-tenure position or be considered for both.  Please send
resume, summary of research accomplishments, and the names of at least three
references to the Chairman of the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, MS 366, Rice University, P.0. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251-1892.
Details of the Departments current research programs, as well as courses, can
be found at http//www-ece.rice.edu/.
Rice University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Contributed by George Irwin  (g.irwin@ee.qub.ac.uk)


The Queens University of Belfast School of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science.

Applications are invited for this post tenable from 1 March 1996 or such
other date as may be agreed, to undertake research which is relevant and
complementary to the Control Group's research activities which include the
following: Learning Systems, Advanced Control and Applications in aerospace,
electrical power plant, chemical plant and multiple arm robotics and to
undertake lecturing and other duties.

Applicants must have a  2.1  honours degree or equivalent in electrical/
electronic engineering or a related subject; three years relevant research
experience and evidence of a good research publication record related to
experience.  A PhD or equivalent recognised qualification in a relevant
subject,  experience in working with industry and University teaching
experience are desirable.

Informal enquiries may be made to
Professor G W Irwin,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
telephone +44 (1232) 335439 or email G.Irwin@EE.QUB.AC.UK

Salary scale:  Lecturer Grade A:  UKPounds 15,154 - 19,848,
                     or Grade B:  UKPounds 20,677 - 26,430
with eligibility for USS.  Assistance with relocation as appropriate.

Further particulars are available from the Director of Human Resources,
The Personnel Department, The Queen's University of Belfast, BT7 1NN
(telephone +44 (1232) 245133 ext. 3044/3246 or FAX (01232) 324944/310629).
Completed applications must be posted/faxed directly to this address.
Closing date:  12 January 1996.

The University is a charity, established in 1845 to advance education.
Committed to an Equal Opportunities policy and selection on merit, it
welcomes applications from all sections of the community.  Under its
affirmative action programme it particularly welcomes applications from
women for academic posts.

Contributed by: Dr. Wang Jun 

            Post-Doctoral Research Position Available

A post-doctoral research position is available immediately in the Department
of Mechanical & Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong
The candidates should have research experience in one or more of the areas of
neural networks, intelligent control and robotic systems, intelligent manu-
facturing systems, or intelligent transportation systems.  The salary is
ranging from  HK$330,780 to  484,596 per year (about  US$42,736 to  62,609)
commensurate with the qualifications and experience. The initial appointment
will be one year, renewable depending on the fund availability.  Applicants
should send a curriculum vita with a publication list and the names and
addresses of three referees via postal mail or e-mail to:
   Dr. Jun Wang
   Department of Mechanical & Automation Engineering
   The Chinese University of Hong Kong
   Shatin, New Territories
   Hong Kong
   Fax: (852) 2603-6002
   E-mail: jwang@mae.cuhk.hk

Contributed By Professor J R Leigh 

      Vacancies: Research Fellows/Assistants/Studentships

The Industrial Control Centre as part of its programme of research and
technology transfer for industry has the following vacancies:

1)  Research Fellow with strong theoretical background and sound track
    record in creative control research to expand the Centre's
    theoretically-based programme that underpins and interacts with its
    applications arm.

2)  Research Fellow with expertise in modelling, control and AI techniques
    to work on the development of a supervisory control and scheduling
    system for implementation and evaluation at a large biochemical
    production plant. Good first degree with significant demonstrable
    expertise (probably necessitating a higher degree) is required.

3)  Research Assistant strong in control and computing and able to support
    the developments outlined in 1) above.  Good first degree preferably
    including or followed by demonstrable success in projects is required.

4)  An experienced Control Engineer for the Advanced Control Club(ACC). The
    ACC's team of engineers provide a wide ranging service to industry in
    support of the application of control theory, data analysis and control
    engineering development.  A degree in control engineering or a related
    subject with demonstrable experience of applying control in a demanding

5)  EPSRC funded research students (2) to work with industry within the CASE
    scheme for 3 years registered for PhD degree.  These posts carry higher
    than normal grants and the close liaison with an industrial partner has
    many advantages. UK nationality is normally required.

Starting dates for posts 1 and 5 as soon as possible. Starting dates for
posts 2, 3 and 4 still to be decided, possibly Feb 1996.  Closing dates
will be announced in IEE News, but please contact us now expressing interest
and to receive further particulars.

For further information please contact:
Professor J R Leigh
Industrial Control Centre
University of Westminster
115 New Cavendish Street
London W1M 8JS
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-171-911 5178
Fax: +44-171-911 5150
email: icc@westminster.ac.uk

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Hsiang-Hsi Huang

           Announcement of Ph.D. completion by

                      Hsiang-Hsi Huang

Thesis Title:      Reconfigurable Intelligent Control for Reentrant
                   Flow and Job Shops
Advisor:           Dr. Frank L. Lewis
Institution:       Automation and Robotics Research Institute, the
                   University of Texas at Arlington
Current position:  Visiting Research Associate

Automation and Robotics Research Institute 7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S.,
Ft. Worth, TX 76118, USA

Tel: (817) 272-5933;    Fax: (817) 794-5952
E-mail: hhuang@arrirs04.uta.edu

Contributed by:  Lynn Kubert


G. Dullerud, California Institute of Technology

Hybrid systems are formed when continuous and discrete time systems are
interconnected.  Uncertainty analysis means achievable performance in the
presence of worst case uncertainty and disturbances.  In this book the
author provides a detailed treatment of uncertainty analysis for sampled-
data hybrid systems in the context of robust control theory.  The book has
a general scope in that it offers a widely applicable and unifying viewpoint
that considers a large class of structured uncertainty problems arising in
control, whether the system be hybrid, discrete-time or continuous-time.

1996   Approx. 170 pp., 20 illus.   Hardcover   $42.50
ISBN 0-8176-3851-2
Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications

H. Kimura, Osaka University, Japan

The advent of H-infty control was a truly remarkable innovation in multi-
variablecontrol theory.  A multitude of publications have now appeared
with applications of H-infty control to various real systems, many reaching
the commercial marketplace, beyond the level of laboratory experiments and
simulation studies.  However, even with this penetration of industry, very
few practical design engineers are familiar with the theory. Several
theoretical frameworks have been proposed, namely interpolation theory,
matrix dilation, differential games, approximation theory, linear matrix in-
equalities, etc.  But none of these frameworks has proved to be a natural,
simple, and comprehensive exposition of H-infty control theory that is
accessible to practical engineers and demonstrably the most natural control
strategy to achieve the control objectives.  The purpose of this book is to
provide such a natural theoretical framework that is understandable for
practitioners of control system design with little mathematical background.
The notion of chain-scattering, well known in classical circuit theory but
new to control theorists, plays a fundamental role in this book.  The book
is completely self-contained and requires little mathematical background
other than some familiarity with linear algebra.  It will be useful to
practicing engineers in control system design and as a text for a graduate
course in H=83 control and its applications.

1996   Approx. pp.   $49.50 (tent.)  ISBN 0-8176-3787-7
Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications

Second Printing, 1995
An Introduction
J. Zabczyk, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw,

"...the exposition is excellent...a joy to read.  The book is an excellent
one for introducing a mathematician to control theory."
                        - Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society

"The book is very well written from a mathematical point of view of control
theory.  The author deserves much credit for bringing out such a book which
is a useful and welcome addition to books on mathematics of control
                        - Control Theory and Advance Technology

Mathematical control theory is a separate branch of mathematics,which, over
a span of 150 years, has developed an extensive literature covering its
various concepts, constructions and applications. In particular, until now
a self-contained treatment of the following areas has been unavailable: the
basic theory of finite dimensional linear systems, of nonlinear systems,
optimal control and infinite dimensional linear systems. Mathematical
Control Theory: An Introduction presents, in a mathematically precise
manner, a unified introduction to deterministic control theory.

The author includes the stabilization of nonlinear systems using
topological methods, realization theory for nonlinear systems, impulsive
control and positive systems, the control of rigid bodies, the
stabilization of infinite dimensional systems and the solution of minimum
energy problems.

The book will be ideal for a beginning graduate course in mathematical
control theory or for self study by professionals needing a complete
picture of the mathematical theory that underlies the applications of
control theory.

Contents: Preface * Introduction * Part I. Elements of classical control
theory * Controllability and observability * Stability and stabilizability
* Realization theory * Systems with constraints * Part II. Nonlinear
control systems * Controllability and observability of nonlinear systems *
Stability and stabilizability * Realization theory * Part III. Optimal
control * Dynamic programming * Dynamic programming for impulse control *
The maximum principle * The existence of optimal strategies * Part IV.
Infinite dimensional linear systems * Linear control systems *
Controllability * Stability and stabilizability * Linear regulators in
Hilbert spaces * Appendix * References * Notations * Index

1993   260 pp.   Hardcover   $69.50   ISBN 0-8176-3645-5
Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications

New Edition!
A Dynamic Game Approach, Second Edition
T. Basar, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL & P. Bernhard, INRIA, Valbone,

"I believe that the authors have written a first-class book which can be
used for a second or third year graduate level course in the subject...given
how well the book is written and organized, it is sure to become one of the
major texts in the subject...highly recommended to both researchers working
in the field, and those who want to learn about the subject."
- SIAM Review (from the reviews of the first edition)

One of the major concentrated activities of the past decade in control
theory has been the development of the so-called "H-infty-optimal control
theory", which addresses the issue of worst-case controller design for
linear plants subject to unknown disturbances and plant uncertainties.

This second edition features a more streamlined presentation of the results
included in the first edition and also contains substantial new material,
reflecting new developments in the field since 1991.

Contents: Preface * A General Introduction to Minimax (H-infty-Optimal)
Designs * Basic Elements of Static and Dynamic Games * The Discrete-Time
Minimax Design Problem with Perfect-State Measurements * Continuous-Time
Systems with Perfect-State Measurements * The Continuous-Time Problem with
Imperfect-State Measurements * The Discrete-Time Problem with Imperfect-State
Measurements * Minimax Estimators and Performance Levels * Robustness to
Regular and Singular Perturbations * Appendix A: Conjugate Points and
Existence of Value * Appendix B: Danskin's Theorem * Bibliography * List of
Corollaries, Definitions, Facts, Lemmas, Propositions, Remarks, and Theorems
* Index

1995    412 pp., 7 illus.   Hardcover   $64.50   ISBN 0-8176-3814-8
Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications

G. Kaiser, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

"I found this to be an excellent book.  It is eminently more readable than
the books...which might be considered the principal alternatives for
textbooks on wavelets."
- Physics Today

"It is well produced and certainly readable...This material should present
no difficulty for fourth-year undergraduates...It also will be useful to
advanced workers in that it presents a different approach to wavelet theory
from the usual one."                                                     -
Computing Reviews

"The first half of the book is appropriately named.  It is a well-written,
nicely organized exposition...a welcome addition to the literature.  The
second part of the book introduces the concept of electromagnetic
wavelets...This theory promises to have many other applications and could
well lead to new ways of studying these topics.  This book has a number of
unique features which ...makes it particularly valuable for newcomers to
the field."
- Mathematical Reviews

This volume consists of two parts. Chapters 1-8, Basic Wavelet Analysis,
are aimed at graduate students or advanced undergraduates in science,
engineering, and mathematics. They are designed for an introductory
one-semester course on wavelets and time frequency analysis, and can also
be used for self-study or reference by practicing researchers in signal
analysis and related areas. The reader is not presumed to have a
sophisticated mathematical background; therefore, much of the needed
analytical machinery is developed from the beginning. The only
prerequisites are matrix theory, Fourier series, and Fourier integral
transforms. Notation is introduced that facilitates the formulation of
signal analysis in a modern and general mathematical language, and the
illustrations should further ease comprehension. Each chapter ends with a
set of straightforward exercises designed to drive home the concepts.

Chapters 9-11, Physical Wavelets, are at a more advanced level and
represent original research. They can be used as a text for a
second-semester course or, when combined with Chapters 1 and 3, as a
reference for a research seminar. Whereas the wavelets of Part I can be any
functions of "time," physical wavelets are functions of space-time
constrained by differential equations. In Chapter 9, wavelets specifically
dedicated to Maxwell's equations are constructed. These wavelets are
electromagnetic pulses parameterized by their point and time of emission or
absorption, their duration, and the velocity of the emitter or absorber.
The duration also acts as a scale parameter. We show that every
electromagnetic wave can be composed from such wavelets. This fact is used
in Chapter 10 to give a new formulation of electromagnetic imaging, such as
radar, accompanied by a geometrical model for scattering based on conformal
transformations. In Chapter 11, a similar set of wavelets is developed for

Contents: Preface * Suggestions to the Reader * Symbols, Conventions, and
Transforms * Part I: Basic Wavelet Analysis * Preliminaries: Background and
Notation * Windowed Fourier Transforms * Continuous Wavelet Transforms *
Generalized Frames: Key to Analysis and Synthesis * Discrete Time-Frequency
Analysis and Sampling * Discrete Time-Scale Analysis * Multiresolution
Analysis * Daubechies' Orthonormal Wavelet Bases * Part II: Physical
Wavelets * Introduction to Wavelet Electromagnetics * Applications to Radar
and Scattering * Wavelet Acoustics * References * Index

1994     300 pp.     Hardcover     $39.50     ISBN 0-8176-3711-7

Ordering Information:

In North America:
Birkhauser, 675 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel: 1 800 777-4643 / 201 348-4033;  Fax: 617 876-1272
E-mail: orders@birkhauser.com

Outside North America:
Birkhauser Verlag AG, Klosterberg 23, P.O. Box 133, CH-4010, Basel
Tel: 41 61 721 7400;  Fax: 41 61 721 7666

See our New Site on the Web: http://www.birkhauser.com

Contributed by: Jose Rodellar 


        From the concepts to plant optimization

        Juan M. Martin Sanchez(*) and Jose Rodellar(**)

    (*) Technical University of Madrid and SCAP Europa
   (**) Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona

   (Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13--514861-8, hardback, 368 pages)
                   (24.95 pounds or 44.94 US$)

The book is divided in three parts: Theory, Applications and Optimization.
Taking the concept of predictive control as its starting point, the book
presents the formulation of control laws derived from this concept.
The book also focus on adaptive systems from the theory of predictive
control, within a unified setting based on stability theory. A number of
applications of adaptive predictive control are detailed to see how the
theory is applied to practical problems. Finally, optimization systems are
described and implemented to real plants illustrating how these systems are
in continuous and systematic operation in the industrial arena.

 1. Introduction
 2. Basic strategy of predictive control
 3. Extended strategy and properties
 4. Adaptive systems within the context of predictive control
 5. APCS stability theory
 6. Multivariable control of binary distillation column
 7. Autopilot for the F-8 aircraft
 8. Control of a bleach plant in a pulp factory
 9. Active control of flexible structures
10. The APCS optimization: application to the cement industry
11. APCS optimization of a cement kiln
12. APCS optimization of milling processes

 A. Some basic concepts on system analysis
 B. Other predictive models and performance indices
 C. Input/output properties of stable linear processes
 D. APCS stability for processes with unstable inverse


>From US: Prentice Hall,     200 Old Tappan Road,
                            Old Tappan, NJ 0705, USA
                            Tel. 201 767 4992
                            Fax  201 767 5625

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                            Scarborough, Ontario MIP 2J7, Canada
                            Tel. 416 293 3621
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                   e-mail: Alison_Peacock@prenhall.co.uk

Contributed by : Okyay Kaynak

                        Recent Advances in Mechatronics
                         edited by Okyay Kaynak et al

This is the proceedings of the ASME/IEEE/IEEJ/IFAC/IFToMM/JSME/RSJ/SICE
supported conference, held in Istanbul on 14-16 August 1995.

The first volume contains papers by the plenary speakers ( F. Harashima,
J. R. Hewit, R. Isermann and M. Tomizuka) the invited speakers (P. Drews,
A. Erden, K.  Ohnishi, F. Pfeiffer, Z. Pedlowski and K. Youcef-Toumi ) and
the papers presented during the special sessions on topics such as
Mechatronics Research in Germany, Mechatronics Design, Macvhine Vision
Applications, Intelligent Machine Control, Piezomechanics, Hardware
/Software Co-Design and Balanced Automation Systems.

The second volume contains the papers presented during the regular sessions.

The 2 volume set (almost 1200 pages) is available for $80.00/set plus
postage. Please contact the address below

Prof. Dr. Okyay Kaynak                  Phone:  +90-212-287 2475
UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics            Fax:    +90-212-287 2465
Bogazici University,                    e-mail: kaynak@boun.edu.tr
Bebek, 80815 Istanbul, TURKEY

Contributed by:  A.H. Zemanian (zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu)

New Book Announcement:

by A.H. Zemanian

Published by
Birkhauser, 675 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 601, Cambridge, MA 02139-3309
Tel. in USA: 1-800-777-4643

Transfinite numbers were invented by Cantor over a hundred years ago, and
they profoundly affected the development of twentieth-century mathematics.
Despite this century-old introduction of transfiniteness into mathematics,
its implications for graphs has only been examined during the past decade.
This book is devoted exclusively to transfinite graphs and their
for several related topics, such as electrical networks, discrete potential
theory, and random walks.

A transfinite graph is one wherein at least two nodes are connected through
infinite paths but not through any finite path.  Such a structure arises
when two infinite graphs are joined at their infinite extremities by
``1-nodes.''  In fact, infinitely many graphs may be so joined, and the
result may have infinite extremities in a more general sense. The latter may
in turn be joined by ``2-nodes.''  These ideas can be extended recursively
through the countable cardinals to obtain a hierarchy of transfinite graphs.

Transfiniteness introduces radically new constructs and expands graphs and
their related topics far beyond their conventional domains.  For example,
a random walk may now ``wander through infinity.''  Also, a lacuna in the
conventional theory of infinite electrical networks can only be closed by
connecting resistors to ``different parts of infinity.''  In general, many
solved problems of conventional graphs and networks reopen into largely
unexplored research areas, and, on the other hand, the researcher of the
transfinite is confronted by questions having no counterparts in conventional

Chapter Headings (with brief descriptions):

Chap. 1: Introduction. (How transfinite networks arise naturally from
         conventional infinite networks.)
Chap. 2: Transfinite Graphs. (Their definitions and the hierarchy of
Chap. 3: Connectedness. (The nontransitivity of transfinite connectedness,
         sufficient conditions restoring transitivity, and the
         cardinality of the branch set.)
Chap. 4: Finitely Structured Transfinite Graphs. ( Properties of transfinite
         graphs that resemble locally finite conventionally infinite graphs.
         The existence of one-way transfinite paths - a generalization of
         Konig's lemma.  Existence of spanning trees.)
Chap. 5: Transfinite Electrical Networks. (Fundamental theorems on the
         existence and uniqueness of voltage-current regimes.  Conditions
         under which Kirchhoff's laws hold and unique node voltages exist.)
Chap. 6. Permissively Finitely Structured Networks. (A transfinite
         extension of discrete potential theory.  Conditions ensuring
         maximum principles for node voltages.)
Chap. 7. Transfinite Random Walks.  (Wandering through infinity.
         The analysis is based on the Nash-Williams rule relating
         random walks to electrical networks.)

Appendix A. Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers.

Appendix B. Summable Series.

Appendix C. Irreducible and Reversible Markov Chains.

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Abeer Alwan (alwan@icsl.ucla.edu).

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

             Adaptive Techniques in Speech Processing

                       A Special Issue of:

        The International Journal of Adaptive Control and
                        Signal Processing

Papers are solicited for a special issue on Adaptive Techniques in Speech
Processing Applications of the "International Journal of Adaptive
Control and Signal Processing".  Both short papers and regular papers
are desired. The format of the journal is identical to that of the
IEEE Transactions.

Adaptive techniques have the potential to significantly improve the
performance of speech processing applications. Applications include:
echo cancelation, speech coding, feedback cancelation in hearing
aids, and many others.

Papers which cover all aspects of the theory and application of adaptive
systems are of interest. Application papers are particularly encouraged
along with those which deal with the numerical aspects of the
algorithms. Papers on the related aspects of expert systems, intelligent
control and filtering algorithms are also sought.

The Special Issue will appear in September 1996.  Four copies of manuscripts
should be submitted for review by February 20th 1996 to:

Abeer Alwan                       phone: (310) 206-2231
Asst. Prof.                       secretary: (310) 206-4304 (Ms. Rogowski)
Dept. of Electrical Engineering   fax:(310) 206-4685, or:(310) 206-8495
66-147E Engr. IV, UCLA            email: alwan@icsl.ucla.edu
405 Hilgard Ave., Box 951594
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594

Contributed by:  Art Werschulz 

                    BEST PAPER AWARD

The Journal of Complexity is instituting an annual Best Paper
Award.  The Award will consist of a prize of $3000 and a certificate.
The first Best Paper Award will be for papers published in the Journal
of Complexity in 1996.

The winner of the first Award will be announced at the Foundations
of Computational Mathematics meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in
January, 1997.

The members of the 1996 Award Committee are Stefan Heinrich and
Steven Smale.  The Award Committee was chosen by Michael Shub, Henryk
Wozniakowski, and Joseph Traub.

For further information, contact the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal
of Complexity: traub@cs.columbia.edu.

Contributed by:  Art Werschulz 


            Journal of Complexity

         December, 1995  Volume 11, Number 4



TITLE:  The Optimal Error of Monte Carlo Integration
AUTHOR: P. Mathe

TITLE:  Complexity of Local Solution of Multivariate Integral Equations
AUTHOR: K. Frank


TITLE:  Complexities of Winning Strategies in Diophantine Games@*
AUTHOR: J.P. Jones and A.S. Fraenkel

TITLE:  The Fine Structure of the $n$-Widths of $H^p$-Spaces in $L_q(-1,1)$
AUTHOR: K. Wilderotter

TITLE:  Average Widths of $W^r H^\omega$ in $C(R)$
AUTHOR: F. Gensun

TITLE:  Ismagilov Type Theorems for Linear, Gel'fand and Bernstein $n$-Widths
AUTHOR: K. Osipenko and O. Parfenov

TITLE:  What is the Complexity of Solution-Restricted Operator Equations?
AUTHOR: A. Werschulz

Contributed by:  Richard Brualdi 

Contents Volume 232, January 1, 1996

Evgenij E. Tyrtyshnikov (Moscow, Russia)
A Unifying Approach to Some Old and New Theorems on
Distribution and Clustering 1

V. Kreinovich (El Paso, Texas), A. V. Lakeyev, and
S. I. Noskov (Irkutsk, Russia)
Approximate Linear Algebra Is Intractable 45

J. A. Dias da Silva (Lisboa, Portugal)
Flags and Equality of Tensors 55

P. Tarazaga (Mayaguez, Puerto Rico), T. L. Hayden, and
Jim Wells (Lexington, Kentucky)
Circum-Euclidean Distance Matrices and Faces 77

David A. Schmidt and Chjan C. Lim (Troy, New York)
Full Sign-Invertibility and Symplectic Matrices 97

Vlad Ionescu and Cristian Oara (Bucharest, Romania)
Generalized Continuous-Time Riccati Theory 111

M. Madalena Martins, M. Estela Trigo, and M. Madalena Santos
(Coimbra, Portugal)
An Error Bound for the SSOR and USSOR Methods 131

Miroslav Fiedler (Praha, Czech Republic)
A Note on the Row-Rhomboidal Form of a Matrix 149

Ma Asuncion Beitia and Juan-Miguel Gracia (Victoria-Gasteiz, Spain)
Sylvester Matrix Equation for Matrix Pencils 155

Miroslav Fiedler (Praha, Czech Republic) and Thomas L. Markham
(Columbia, South Carolina)
Some Results on the Bergstrom and Minkowski Inequalities 199

A. Hadjidimos (West Lafayette, Indiana), D. Noutsos, and
M. Tzoumas (Ioannina, Greece)
On the Exact p-Cyclic SSOR Convergence Domains 213

Raymond H. Chan, Michael K. Ng, and C. K. Wong (Hong Kong)
Sine Transform Based Preconditioners for Symmetric
Toeplitz Systems 237

William Y. C. Chen and James D. Louck (Los Alamos, New Mexico)
The Combinatorial Power of the Companion Matrix 261

Author Index 279

Contributed by Jan H. van Schuppen (J.H.van.Schuppen@cwi.nl)

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)

Volume 8, Issue 1

B.F. La Scala, R.R. Bitmead, and M.R. James,
Conditions for Stability of the Extended Kalman Filter
and Their Application to the Frequency Tracking Problem,

U. Helmke and R.C. Williamson,
Neural Networks, Rational Functions, and Realization

J.W. van der Woude,
The Generic Dimension of a Minimal Realization of an AR

J. Kogan and A. Leizarowitz,
Exponential Stability of Linear Systems with Commensurate

H. Gluesing-Lueerssen,
Continuous State Representations for AR Systems,

The new address for submissions is:

J.H. van Schuppen
Co-Editor MCSS
P.O. Box 94079
1090 GB Amsterdam
The Netherlands

E-mail inquires regarding submission should be addressed
to: mcss@cwi.nl.

Contributed by:  tschoban@siam.org

SIAM Review
DECEMBER 1995  Volume 37, Number 4


Korn's Inequalities and Their Applications in Continuum Mechanics
C. O. Horgan

A Rank-One Reduction Formula and Its Applications to Matrix
Moody T. Chu, Robert E. Funderlic, and Gene H. Golub

Historical Development of the Newton-Raphson Method
Tjalling J. Ypma

The Approximation Problem for Drift-Diffusion Systems
Joseph W. Jerome

Using Linear Algebra for Intelligent Information Retrieval
Michael W. Berry and Susan T. Dumais

Classroom Notes in Applied Mathematics

A Unified Proof of Two Theorems in Statistics
A. N. Al-Hussaini

Applying Elementary Probability Theory to the NBA Draft Lottery
Stephen G. Penrice

On Floating-Point Summation
T. O. Espelid

Problems and Solutions

Book Reviews

First-order Representations of Linear Systems (Margreet Kuijper),
J. D. Aplevich

The Mathematical Theory of Dilute Gases (C. Cercignani, R. Illner,
and M. Pulvierenti), Claude Bardos

A Friendly Guide to Wavelets (Gerald Kaiser), Michael Frazier
Periodic Motions (Miklos Farkas), H. I. Freedman

Parallel Computing Using the Prefix Problem (S. Lakshmivarahan and
Sudarshan K. Dhall), E. Gallopoulos

Statistical Methods for Groundwater Monitoring (Robert D. Gibbons),
Edward J. Gilroy

An Introduction to the Modeling of Neural Networks (P. Peretto),
Christopher W. Myers and Frank H. Guenther

Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Infinite Dimensional Systems
(Viorel Barbu), Philip Korman

Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear
Models (Ludwig Fahrmeir and Gerhard Tutz), Brian D. Marx

Laws of Small Numbers: Extremes and Rare Events (Michael Falk, Jurg
Husler, and Rolf-Dieter Reiss), George L. O'Brien

Measurement, Regression, and Calibration (Philip J. Brown), S.

Mathematical Aspects of Geometric Modeling (Charles A. Micchelli),
Ewald Quak

Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity (Stuart S. Antman), Michael

The Riemann-Hilbert Problem (D. V. Anosov and A. A. Bolibruch),
Yasutaka Sibuya

Dynamical Systems: Stability, Dynamics, and Chaos (Clark Robinson),
Russell Walker

Control Under Lack of Information (A. N. Krasovskii and N. N.
Krasovskii), Jiongmin Yong

Selected Collections

Later Editions


Contributed by:  tschoban@siam.org

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis
JANUARY 1996, Volume 17, Number 1

The Set of 2-by-3 Matrix Pencils - Kronecker Structures and Their
Transitions Under Perturbations
Erik Elmroth and Bo Kagstrom

On the Stability of Cholesky Factorization for Symmetric
Quasidefinite Systems
Philip E. Gill, Michael A. Saunders, and Joseph R. Shinnerl

Preconditioning Reduced Matrices
Stephen G. Nash and Ariela Sofer

Residual Bounds on Approximate Solutions for the Unitary
Ji-Guang Sun

A QL Procedure for Computing the Eigenvalues of Complex Symmetric
Tridiagonal Matrices
Jane K. Cullum and Ralph A. Willoughby

Total Least Norm Formulation and Solution for Structured Problems
J. Ben Rosen, Haesun Park, and John Glick

Solution of Vandermonde-Like Systems and Confluent Vandermonde-Like
Hao Lu

A Schur Method for Low-Rank Matrix Approximation
Alle-Jan Van Der Veen

Jacobi Angles for Simultaneous Diagonalization
Antoine Souloumiac and Jean-Francois Cardoso

Application of ADI Iterative Methods to the Restoration of Noisy
D. Calvetti and L. Reichel

Stability of Symmetric Ill-Conditioned Systems Arising in Interior
Methods for Constrained Optimization
Anders Forsgren, Philip E. Gill, and Joseph R. Shinnerl

Numerical Methods for Nearly Singular Constrained Matrix Sylvester
Ali R. Ghavimi and Alan J. Laub

Author Index

Contributed by:  thomas@siam.org

SIAM Journal on Control and Minimization
JANUARY 1996 Volume 34, Number 1

Infinite-Horizon Linear-Quadratic Regulator Problems for Nonautonomous
Parabolic Systems with Boundary Control
Paolo Acquistapace and Brunello Terreni

On the Averaged Stochastic Approximation for Linear Regression
Laszlo Gyorfi and Harro Walk

On a Certain Parameter of the Discretized Extended Linear-Quadratic Problem
Optimal Control
Ciyou Zhu

Bellman Equations of Risk-Sensitive Control
H. Nagai

Optimal Control of the Blowup Time
Emmanuel N. Barron and Wenxiong Liu

A Smooth Converse Lyapunov Theorem for Robust Stability
Yuandan Lin, Eduardo D. Sontag, and Yuan Wang

Deterministic Approximation for Stochastic Control Problems
R. Sh. Liptser, W. J. Runggaldier, and M. Taksar

Finite-Dimensional Filters with Nonlinear Drift IV: Classification of
Finite-Dimensional Estimation Algebras of Maximal Rank with State-Space
Dimension 3
Jie Chen, Stephen S.-T. Yau, and Chi-Wah Leung

Dynamic Programming for Nonlinear Systems Driven by Ordinary and Impulsive
Monica Motta and Franco Rampazzo

Asymptotic Stability of the Optimal Filter with Respect to Its Initial
Daniel Ocone and Etienne Pardoux

Nondegenerate Solutions and Related Concepts in Affine Variational
M. C. Ferris and J. S. Pang

Constrained LQR Problems in Elliptic Distributed Control Systems with Point
Zhongai Ding, Link Ji, and Jianxin Zhou

Average Optimality in Markov Control Processes via Discounted-Cost Problems
and Linear Programming
Onesimo Hernandez-Lerma and Jean B. Lasserre

Approximations in Dynamic Zero-Sum Games I
Mabel M. Tidball and Eitan Altman

On an Investment-Consumption Model with Transaction Costs
Marianne Akian, Jose Luis Menaldi, and Agnes Sulem

Adaptive Control via a Simple Switching Algorithm
Ji Feng Zhang and Peter E. Caines

Multiplicative Interior Gradient Methods for Minimization Over the
Alfredo N. Iusem, B. F. Svaiter, and Marc Teboulle

Contributed by: A.H. Zemanian (zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu)

Table of Contents for:


Birkhauser, 675 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 601, Cambridge, MA 02139-3309
Tel. (617) 876-2333

Fast algorithms for selection of test nodes on an analog circuit
using a generalized fault dictionary approach,
   V.C. Prasad and S.N. Rao Pinjala

A study of bounds on limit cycles in digital filters,
   Emad N. Shafik and Irwin W. Sandberg

On root structures and convergence properties of weighted median filters,
   Hexin Chen, Ruikang Yang, and Moncef Gabbouj

Study of Capon method for array signal processing,
   Petre Stoica, Peter Handel, and Torsten Soderstrom

Optimal reconstruction of ARMA signals with decimated samples under
noise by use of multirate Kalman filter,
   You-Li Chen and Bor-Sen Chen

Reachability of polynomial matrix descriptions (PMDs),
   G.F. Fragulis and A.I.G. Vardulakis

The $U$-function under lossless nonreciprocal imbedding,
   Yi-Sheng Zhu, Wen-Sheng Zhou, and Wai-Kai Chen

Simultaneous stabilization, tracking, and
disturbance rejection of SISO plants,
   Sanmin Wang and Frederick W. Fairman

Author index to volume 14.

Title index to volume 14.

Contributed by: Tor A. Johansen (torj@regtek.sintef.no)

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
Modeling, Identification, and Control (MIC), Vol. 16, No. 4, October 1995

B. H. Hjertager and K. Morud, "Computational fluid dynamics
   simulation of bioreactors" ............................... 177

H. C. Meisingset and J. G. Balchen, "Mathematical modeling
   of a rotary hearth coke calciner" ........................ 193

T. A. Johansen and B. A. Foss, "Semi-empirical modeling of
   non-linear dynamic systems through identification of
   operating regimes and local models" ...................... 213

O. J. Elle, K. Johnsen and T. K. Lien, "Mechanical Analysis
   of high precision manipulator" ........................... 233

Accumulated index and more information about MIC is available
at http://www.itk.unit.no/publikasjoner/mic/mic.html.

Contributed by: Matthias Kawski  

               Journal for Dynamical and Control Systems

              Table of Contents: Vol. 1, No. 3, July 1995

L. Ortiz-Bobadilla: Quadratic vector Fields in CP2 with Two Saddle-Node
                    Type Singularities at Infinity

A. Agrachev: On Regularity Properteis of Singular Extremals

A. Fursikov: Exact Boundary Zero Controllability of Three Dimensional
             Navier-Stokes Equations

M. Sevryuk: KAM-Stable Hamiltonians

W. Balser: An Integral Equation for Normal Solutions to Meromorphic
           Differential Equations

A. Pukhlikov: Hamiltonian Structures in  Optimal Control Theory

M. Villarini: Algebraic Nonsolvability of the Problem of Existence of
              Holomorphic First Integrals

A. Starkov: Fuchsian Groups from the Dynamic Viewpoint

For subscription information, guidelines for contributors, and general
information about the journal send e-mail to  kawski@math.la.asu.edu or
connect to the WWW-page for the journal:


              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *
Contributed by:  Linda Bushnell (bushnell@aro-emh1.army.mil)

                   SPECIAL CDC SESSION
"Historical and Fundamental Developments in Control Systems Part II"
           Thursday, 14 December 1995, EV02
                    at the 34th CDC
                     New Orleans

This year at the CDC we will have Part II of the popular session on
historical and fundamental developments in control systems.

Co-chairs: Linda Bushnell and Shahram Shahruz

Invited speakers:
(1)  Karl Astrom, Lund Inst. of Tech.
"The Emergence of Adaptive Control"

(2) Irwin Sandberg, Univ. of Texas at Austin
"Bell Labs in the 60s and Input-Output Stability"

(3)  Irena Lasiecka, Univ. of Virginia
"Control of Systems Governed by PDEs

(4)  Roger Brockett, Harvard Univ.
"The Fusion of State-Space and Transform Methods"

(5)  Arthur Krener, Univ. of California at Davis
"The Development of Geometric Theory of Nonlinear Control and Estimation"

(6)  Thomas Kailath, Stanford Univ.
"Least Squares:  Once Again, with Feeling"

Contributed by:  blackmore@siam.org

   Student Travel Awards for 1996 SIAM Conferences and Annual Meeting

During 1996, SIAM will make several awards for $300 to support student
travel to the following SIAM conferences:

     Seventh ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 28-30,
     Atlanta, Georgia

     Second Workshop on Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms: Theory
     Implementation, and Application, February 12-15, Santa Fe, New

     Sixth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, March 4-6,
     New Orleans, Louisiana

     Fifth SIAM Conference on Optimization, May 20-22, Victoria, British
     Columbia, Canada

     Eighth SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, June 17-20,
     Baltimore, Maryland

     SIAM Annual Meeting, July 22-26, Kansas City, Missouri

     Second SIAM Symposium on Sparse Matrices, October 9-11, Couer
     D'Alene, Idaho

The awards are to be made from the SIAM Student Travel Fund,
created in 1991 and maintained through book royalties donated by
generous SIAM authors.

Any full-time student in good standing is eligible to receive an
award.  Top priority will be given to students presenting papers at
the meeting, with second priority to students who are co-authors of
papers to be presented at the meetings.  Only students traveling
more than 100 miles to the meetings are eligible for the awards.

An application for a travel award must include:  (1) a letter from
the student stating the meeting for which support is being
requested; (2) a letter from the student's advisor or department
chair stating that the applicant is a full-time student in good
standing; (3) if applicable, the title(s) of the paper(s) to
be presented (co-authored) by the student at the meeting.

Applications should be sent to the SIAM Office (Attn.: SIAM Student
Travel Awards), 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia,
PA  19104-2688.  Students also may apply by e-mail to
blackmore@siam.org or by fax to 215-386-7999, but the letter from
the advisor or department chair must be an original, sent by postal

Complete applications must be received at the SIAM office no later
than one month before the first day of the meeting for which
support is requested.

Winners will be notified two weeks before the first day of the
meeting.  Checks for the awards will be given to the winning
students when they arrive at the given meeting and check in at the
SIAM Registration Desk.

For further information about these awards, please contact Donna
Blackmore in the SIAM office by phone at (215) 382-9800 or e-mail,

Contributed by:  Matthias Bollhoefer

                         Website for the
                   August 14-17, 1996, Chemnitz

A website has been installed for the ILAS conference. Information is
available at the URL


Contributed by: Arie Feuer 

Announcement of the:
                          10th IFAC WORKSHOP
                         CONTROL APPLICATIONS
                           of OPTIMIZATION

                        December 19-21, 1995
                  Israel Institute of Technology
                            HAIFA, ISRAEL

For inquiries:
Tel: 972-4-293-191,   FAX: 972-4-231-848
e-mail: AER4301@technion.technion.ac.il

Contributed by: berec@utia.cas.cz


                First Announcement
                 Call for Papers

         The 2nd IEEE European Workshop on
      (Can We Beat the Curse of Dimensionality?)

                August 28-30, 1996
              Prague, Czech Republic

                   Organized by
    Institute of Information Theory and Automation
       Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
     School of Engineering & Information Sciences
            University of Reading, UK

              Participating Society
          IEEE Control Systems Society

   The aim of this IEEE Workshop is to bring together
researchers and practitioners working in academical and
governmental institutions, and industry. Particular emphasis
is placed on the " curse of dimensionality", i.e. the
extreme dimensionality of computations
connected with implementation of theoretically optimal
mathematical procedures of inference and decision making.

   The extreme dimensionality of computations required by
theoretically optimal mathematical procedures
of inference and decision-making is a serious obstacle in a
variety of fields such as control, signal processing, image
reconstruction, pattern recognition, nonparametric estimation,
expert systems, etc. The "curse of dimensionality" has often
been cured by just ad hoc simplifications at the cost of
losing a lot from the theoretical properties of the optimal
solution. Recent progress in attacking high-dimensional
problems in the above mentioned fields makes it possible
to think of picking up widely applicable
principles and methods of handling or at least approaching the
problem. The key idea of the Workshop is that the problem is
common to a number  of different disciplines such as control theory,
mathematical statistics, system identification, information
theory, statistical mechanics, artificial intelligence (to name
but a few), and that we can and should learn from each other.

Because of a strongly inter-disciplinary character of the
Workshop, we plan to give a considerable space to invited
lectures by leading specialists in various fields. The Workshop
will further include several sessions of contributed papers,
poster sessions and computer demonstrations.

Topics relevant to the Workshop include:
   Parallel algorithms and architectures
   Neural nets
   Approximation methodologies
   Finite-dimensional estimation, filtering and control
   Multivariate integration and optimization
   Statistics and approximations
   Non-traditional approaches

   The registration fee is 300 Swiss francs. A reduced fee of 200 Swiss
francs applies to students.

   The working language of the Workshop is English.

   Related  hardware and software will be demonstrated during the
Workshop. This will appear as part of the poster session. The
exhibition and software presentation will be free to all participants.

   Receipt of extended abstracts itshape (3 copies about 2 pages)
                                                     15 February 1996
   Notification of acceptance                        31 March 1996
   Receipt of final papers                           15 June 1996

M. Karny
IEEE Workshop CMP'96
Institute of Information Theory and Automation
P.O. Box 18, 182 08 Prague, Czech Republic
Tel : +42-2-6641 3421, Fax : +42-2-6641 4903
E-mail: school@utia.cas.cz

K. Warwick
IEEE Workshop CMP'96
Department of Cybernetics
P.O. Box 225, Whiteknights
Reading RG6 2AY, Berkshire, UK
Tel:  +44-734-318210,  Fax: +44-734-318220
E-mail: kw@cyber.rdg.ac.uk

The more detailed information with the application form and
members of organizing comittee and its
postscript version can be also obtained on WWW on the

or asked for at

Contributed by: F. L. Lewis

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                             JUNE 10-14, 1996

                           CHANIA, CRETE, GREECE

The central themes of the IEEE Mediterranean Symposium are Control and
Automation.  The Symposium covers a wide range of topics including System
Theory, Robust and Adaptive Systems, Intelligent and Autonomous Control, and
Robotics and Automation.  The objective of the Symposium is to present and
discuss recent theoretical developments in Control and Automation, as well as
applications in industrial automation and elsewhere.  The aim is to bring
together researchers from diverse backgrounds and different countries to
identify open problems and future research directions.  Papers having a blend
of theory and practical applications are particularly sought.

     February 15, 1996: Full Papers and Proposals Due
     April 1, 1996: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
     April 25, 1996: Hotel Registration Due
     May 10, 1996: Advance Conference Registration Due
     May 15, 1996: Final Camera-Ready Papers Due

     The URL for the WWW home page for further information is

V. Kucera, Director, Inst. of Inf. Theory and Automation, Czech Academy
I. W. Sandberg, Dept. Elect. and Comp. Eng., Univ. of Texas at Austin

FIVE copies of the FULL PAPER must be received for peer review by one of the
Program Co-Chairs by 15 Feb. 1996. Papers will be reviewed by the
International Program Committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance or
rejection by 1 April 1996. The final camera-ready papers must be received by
the Publications Chair no later than 15 May 1996.

Four copies of proposals for: invited sessions, including extended abstracts
and a cover letter indicating the scope of the proposed session; or
tutorials, including a detailed outline of the proposed topic, must be
submitted to either Program Co-Chair by 15 Feb. 1996. Invited sessions
may include survey papers and possibly a panel discussion. Tutorials will be
held on Sunday, June 9, 1996.  Proposals for Panel Discussions will also be
received with great interest.

Submitted papers will be reviewed by two referees, with accepted papers being
published in a Proceedings that will be available to registrants at the
Symposium.  In keeping with past policy, after an additional review, selected
papers will be published in journal special issues (last year's special
issues appeared in "Kybernetika" and "J. Intelligent Automation and
Soft Computing".)

Crete is the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean.  Its mountains are in
excess of 2400 m. high, so that the winter snows melt throughout the spring
making it a fertile land producing olives, almonds, oranges, grapes, and
other fruits.  Cretan wine is excellent.  The steep mountainsides are
furrowed with deep gorges that run down to the sea; Samaria Gorge is the
deepest in Europe.  As a centrally located island, Crete has been a nexus of
civilization and trade in the Mediterranean for at least 6000 years.  The
Minoan civilization, with city-states at Knossos and Phaestos, had close ties
to the Egyptian and Hittite civilizations as well as the eastern
Mediterranean and the Peloponnesus.

Local Arrangements and Symposium travel will be handled by the official
                         Ge-eS Tours Chania Ltd.
                 P. O. Box 73133, Chania, Crete, Greece
                Fax: +30 821 43243, Phone: +30 821 58307
                  Mata Touli-Thimianou, General Manager

The Louis Maleme Beach Hotel is towards the west end of Crete approximately
45 minutes west of Chania airport by rental car.  Flights also arrive at
Heraklion near the middle of Crete's north coast.  The drive from Heraklion
west to Chania is about 2 hours.  However, Knossos and other sites are near
Heraklion, so that a good plan might be to fly into Chania, rent a car to
drive to Maleme, and then after the symposium fly out of Heraklion, leaving
a day or two for touring.  Boats also leave Pireaus near Athens every day for
Crete; the trip takes 10 hours.  The official travel agent Ge-eS Tours may be
contacted for further information.

Frank L. Lewis
Automation & Robotics Research Institute
The University of Texas at Arlington
7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S.
Fortworth, TX 76118, USA
Email: flewis@controls.uta.edu
Fax: (817) 272-5952, Phone: (817) 272-5972

P. N. Paraskevopoulos
Division of Computer Science
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
15773 Zographon, Athens, Greece
Email: parask@softlab.ece.ntua.gr
Fax: +30 1 772-2459, Phone: +30 1 772-2501

Peter P. Groumpos
Department of Electrical Engineering
Laboratory of Automation and Robotics
University of Patras
GR-26500 Rion, Greece
Email: groumpos@ee.upatras.gr
Fax: +30 61 997-309, Phone: +30 61 997-295

Kostas Kyriakopoulos
Mechanical Engineering Department
National Technical University of Athens
Patision 42, Athens 10682, Greece
Email: kkyria@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
Fax: +30 1 362-6354, Phone: +30 1 380-7180

Petros G. Voulgaris
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Coordinated Science Laboratory
1308 W. Main St.
Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
Email: petros@ktisivios.csl.uiuc.edu
Fax: (217) 244-1653, Phone: (217) 333-1368

Contributed by:  Marios Polycarpou 

        11th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC)

                          Call for Papers

                        September 15-18, 1996
            The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Dearborn, Michigan, USA

Sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society and held in conjunction with:
The 1996 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA)
and The IEEE Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD)

ISIC General Chair:     Kevin M. Passino, The Ohio State University
ISIC Program Chair:     Jay A. Farrell, University of California, Riverside
ISIC Publicity Chair:   Marios Polycarpou, University of Cincinnati

        Intelligent control, the discipline where control algorithms are
developed by emulating certain characteristics of intelligent biological
systems, is being fueled by recent advancements in computing technology and
is emerging as a technology that may open avenues for significant
technological advances.  For instance, fuzzy controllers which provide for
a simplistic emulation of human deduction have been heuristically
constructed to perform difficult nonlinear control tasks.  Knowledge-based
controllers developed using expert systems or planning systems have been
used for hierarchical and supervisory control.  Learning controllers, which
provide for a simplistic emulation of human induction, have been used for
the adaptive control of uncertain nonlinear systems.  Neural networks have
been used to emulate human memorization and learning characteristics to
achieve high performance adaptive control for nonlinear systems.  Genetic
algorithms that use the principles of biological evolution and "survival of
the fittest" have been used for computer-aided-design of control systems
and to automate the tuning of controllers by evolving in real-time
populations of highly fit controllers.

        Topics in the field of intelligent control are gradually evolving,
and expanding on and merging with those of conventional control.  For
instance, recent work has focused on comparative cost-benefit analyses of
conventional and intelligent control techniques using simulation and
implementations.  In addition, there has been recent activity focused on
modeling and nonlinear analysis of intelligent control systems,
particularly work focusing on stability analysis.  Moreover, there has been
a recent focus on the development of intelligent and conventional control
systems that can achieve enhanced autonomous operation.  Such intelligent
autonomous controllers try to integrate conventional and intelligent
control approaches to achieve levels of performance, reliability, and
autonomous operation previously only seen in systems operated by humans.

        This year the ISIC is being held in conjunction with the 1996 IEEE
International Conference on Control Applications and the IEEE Symposium on
Computer-Aided Control System Design.  Effectively this is one large
conference at the beautiful Ritz-Carlton hotel.  The programs will be held
in parallel so that sessions from each conference can be attended by all.
There will be one registration fee and each registrant will receive a
complete set of proceedings.  For more information, and information on how
to submit a paper to the conference see the back of this sheet.


Five copies of the paper (including an abstract) should be sent by Jan. 22,
1996 to:

Jay A. Farrell, ISIC'96
College of Engineering                              ph: (909) 787-2159
University of California, Riverside           fax: (909) 787-3188
Riverside, CA 92521                               Jay_Farrell@qmail.ucr.edu

Clearly indicate who will serve as the corresponding author and include a
telephone number, fax number, email address, and full mailing address.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by May 1996.  Accepted papers, in
final camera ready form (maximum of 6 pages in the proceedings), will be
due in June 1996.

Invited Sessions:

Proposals for invited sessions are being solicited and are due Jan. 22,
1996.  The session organizers should contact the Program Chair by Jan. 1,
1996 to discuss their ideas and obtain information on the required invited
session proposal format.

Workshops and Tutorials:

Proposals for pre-symposium workshops should be submitted by Jan. 22, 1996

Kevin M. Passino, ISIC'96
Dept. Electrical Engineering              ph: (614) 292-5716
The Ohio State University                  fax: (614) 292-7596
2015 Neil Ave.                                    passino@osu.edu
Columbus, OH 43210-1272

Please contact K.M. Passino by Jan. 1, 1996 to discuss the content and
required format for the workshop or tutorial proposal.

Symposium Program Committee:
James Albus, Karl Astrom, Matt Barth, Michael Branicky, Edwin Chong,
Sebastian Engell, Toshio Fukuda, Zhiqiang Gao, Dimitry Gorinevsky, Ken Hunt,
Tag Gon Kim, Mieczyslaw Kokar, Ken Loparo, Kwang Lee, Michael Lemmon,
Frank Lewis, Ping Liang, Derong Liu, Kumpati Narendra, Anil Nerode,
Marios Polycarpou, S. Joe Qin, Tariq Samad, George Saridis, Jennie Si,
Mark Spong, Jeffrey Spooner, Harry Stephanou, Kimon Valavanis, Li-Xin Wang,
Gary Yen.

Contributed by: Kiyoshi Wada 

           First Announcement and Call for Papers

        International Federation of Automatic Control


        11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
                    8-11 July  1997
                     Fukuoka, Japan

Organized by
 Science Council of Japan
 Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE)

Steering Committee:
  General  Chairman:  Y.Sawaragi (J)
  M.Blanke (DK)   H.F.Chen (PRC)  K.Furuta (J)    L.Keviczky (H)
  S.Sagara (J)    T.Soderstrom(S) N.Suda (J)      B.Wahlberg (S)


Following the tradition of previous symposia, SYSID'97,  the 11th IFAC
Symposium on System Identification, will bring together engineers, scientists
and mathematicians in the broad fields of system modelling and identification
from all over the world, under the sponsorship of the IFAC and the IFORS.
The scope of the symposium includes all aspects of system identification and
parameter/state estimation, from theoretical and methodological developments
to practical applications. The following list of topics is of obvious
relevance to the symposium:

- - Identifiability and convergence analysis;
- - Recursive identification;
- - State-space and subspace methods;
- - Frequency domain methods;
- - Nonparametric methods;
- - Identification with orthonormal basis functions and wavelets;
- - Fuzzy and neural network approaches;
- - Set membership identification;
- - Identification of uncertainty models;
- - Worst-case identification;
- - Control relevant identification;
- - Experiment-based controller tuning;
- - Adaptive control;
- - Applications of system identification to
        Nonlinear systems,  Large-scale systems,
        Distributed parameter systems,  Signal processing,
        Fault detection and isolation,
        Motion control systems,  Robot systems,
        Aerospace systems,  Industrial processes,
        Environmental systems,  Social and economical
        systems, Biological and medical systems, and
        Telecommunication systems.

Call for Contributed Papers:

Prospective authors are requested to submit four copies of  a draft paper to
the Secretariat. The draft paper should be enough elaborated to facilitate
the review process by the IPC.  Please consider that your  final paper will
be limited to six conference laysheets of length which is approximately 15
double-spaced A4 pages including tables and figures. Include on the front
the following information:
  1. Name and address of the corresponding author,
  2. Preference (if any) for a poster session or a lecture session,
  3. 4-10 Keywords.
Finally accepted contributions will be grouped into  Lecture Sessions or
Poster Sessions according to authors' preferences or the IPC decision.

Call for Invited Sessions:

The IPC is also soliciting proposals for Invited Sessions which are executed
in the Lecture or the Poster Session format.  Prospective organizers should
contact the IPC chairman and supply their suggestions and ideas as soon
as possible.  Each Invited session may be either a block of  six 20-minute
lectures or a 120-minute Poster Session including six to eight posters. The
proposal should contain the title and aim of the session and list of sub-
topics together with abstracts, the names, affiliations and addresses
(including fax, phone and e-mail) of speakers. All proposals should be
submitted to the SYSID'97 Secretariat by 30 April 1996, and will be reviewed
by the IPC.

Call for Software and Demonstration Sessions:

Computer software sessions will provide good  opportunities to experience and
evaluate the state-of-the-art in system identification. Software and
Demonstration Sessions will be organized for this purpose.  Those having
original research software, application software, or educational software can
demonstrate their software using posters and PCs/workstations in the
The IPC is soliciting prospective organizers of Software and Demonstration


Deadline for draft papers:        1      October        1996
Notification of authors:         15      January        1997
Deadline for final papers:        1      April          1997

Mailing Address:

SYSID'97 Secretariat:  Mrs. Y.Hayashi
Fukuoka Institute of Technology
3-30-1 Wajiro-higashi,  Higashi-ku
Fukuoka 811-02, Japan
Tel: (+81)-92-606-3131 (Ext.3183)
Fax: (+81)-92-606-1342
e-mail: y-hayashi@dw.ee.fit.ac.jp

For additional information, please contact
IPC Chairman at the above address
or by e-mail(ssagara@dw.ee.fit.ac.jp).

Information about SYSID'97 will also be available from
WWW:  http://dnksun5.dw.ee.fit.ac.jp:80/IFAC/

Contributed by:  mayel@lia.univ-savoie.fr

                      First Announcement
      Intelligent Systems / Systemes Intelligents '96
                           IS/SI '96

      Montpellier - France            20 - 24 may 1996

AFIA - The French Association for AI - will organise in May 1996 at
Montpellier under the label "Intelligent Systems / Systemes Intelligents
'96" four conferences dedicated to

- Artificial Intelligence/Intelligence Artificielle (AI/IA'96)
- Natural Language Engineering/Traitement Informatique des Langues
- Neural Networks/Reseaux Neuro-mimetiques/Neuro-Nimes (NN/RN '96)
- Applied AI (AAI'96)

These international conferences are the continuation of the conferences
that were organised in Avignon since 1981. Besides the move to the city of
Montpellier, the fact that AFIA coorganises these conferences with EC2 &
Co. and has now the complete responsibility of the scientific aspects, is a
major change. In parallel to IS/SI '96, the 5th conference "Interface to
Real & Virtual Worlds" will also take place in Montpellier.

The objective of AI/IA '96, NLE/TIL '96 and NN/RN '96 is to bring together
researchers and practitionners in AI to present theoretical results and to
assess state-of-the-art techniques and methods and evaluate their
applicability and their use on real-world problems.

The AAI'96 conference will mainly consist in presentations of operational
applications of AI within companies (industry, finance, service, etc).
These presentations will highlight the benefits that the european companies
are gaining by using AI techniques. They will deal with the managerial,
economical, strategic and technological aspects of the introduction of AI
systems at the workplace. They will also mention the exemplary
characteristics of the applications, so that the audience will directly
gain inspiration for new developments from the presentations.This
conference is coorganized with the AI associations from Italy and Spain.

The presentation of each conference and their Call for papers should be
sent in a few days. If you want to be sure to receive this information,
please contact:

    EC2 & Cie, 31 Place Ronde, F-92986 Paris la Defense
    tel: +33 1 41 02 82 40     fax: +33 1 41 02 82 33
    email: JeanClaude.Rault@utopia.fnet.fr

Contributed by: Marc Moonen  Marc.Moonen@esat.kuleuven.ac.be



University  of  Warwick            17th -  19th  December  1996


Signal processing  constitutes an important area for the application of
mathematical concepts and techniques fuelled, for example, by recent
developments in mobile communications and multimedia systems. The last
IMA conference on this subject was held in Dec. 1992 and the
intervening years have witnessed significant developments in many
topics such as time-frequency analysis, nonlinear signal processing,
higher order statistics, blind deconvolution, morphological analysis
and feature extraction. The aim of this conference is to bring together
mathematicians and engineers with a view to exploring recent
developments and identifying fruitful avenues for further research. It
is hoped that the meeting will also help to attract more mathematicians
into this important and challenging field.

The conference will comprise a keynote address and six non-overlapping
sessions each featuring
(a) four or five spoken papers with some tutorial content
(b) a related poster session for more specific research papers.

Keynote Speaker:            Prof. Bart DeMoor,
                Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium.

Contributed papers are invited on all aspects of mathematics in signal
processing and will be accepted on the basis of a 300-500 word summary
which should be submitted by 30th April 1996. Authors will be advised
of acceptance by 1st July 1996. The majority of contributed papers will
be presented in the poster sessions.

It is intended that a book based on the conference will be published by
Oxford University Press as a hard bound volume.  All authors are
invited to submit a written version of their paper by the date of the
conference. All papers received on time and in the required format will
be eligible for inclusion, subject to Editorial  review.

Suitable topics for presentation include:

Adaptive filtering
Inverse Problems
Pattern recognition
Numerical linear algebra
Array signal processing
Subspace Tracking
Nonlinear Optimisation
Fuzzy Techniques
Bayesian Estimation
Applications of finite mathematics
Statistical signal / image analysis
Approximation techniques
High resolution spectral analysis
Nonlinear signal processing and modelling
Time-frequency and time-scale analysis
Blind deconvolution / equalisation
Higher order statistics
Mathematical morphology

Applications to physical modelling, communications, financial
modelling, medicine, meteorology, radar, seismology, sonar, ocean
science, multimedia, instrumentation and control, etc.

The social programme will include a  reception to welcome delegates and
their guests, an optional visit to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in
Stratford and a conference banquet.

WWW Site
Up-to-date information about the conference programme, accommodation
and travel to Warwick can be found a our Web site (courtesy of the

For registation contact
Mrs. Pamela Bye,  Conference Officer
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Catherine Richards House,
16 Nelson Street,   Southend-on-Sea
Essex SS1 1EF,   England.
Email: imacrh@v-e.anglia.ac.uk

Final date for abstracts   30th April  1996

Contributed by : Okyay Kaynak, Bogazici University, Istanbul

                      International Conference on
  Technology Management: University/Industry/Government Collaboration
                               UnIG '96
                   June 24-26 1996, Istanbul, Turkey

Organized by:
   UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics at Bogazici University

Within the framework of:
   UNESCO UNISPAR (University-Industry-Science Partnership) Program

Objectives and the Theme
The changing global economy and the changing norms of scientific
research are strengthening the University/Industry/Government (UnIG)
cooperative ventures. The strategic planning in R&D environment is of
vital importance and requires the seeking of opportunities and
technology forecasting. The understanding of different modalities of
cooperation between universities and industry and the role of
governments in promoting this cooperation is therefore essential for
the policy-makers who desire to maintain a grasp of emerging
technologies. The main objective of this conference is to explore the
means and instruments to establish effective and lasting
University/Industry/Government collaboration and to present case
studies in this respect. The barriers that may hinder such a fruitful
collaboration will also be deliberated upon. The results of the
conference will be reported at the World Congress of Engineering
Educators and Industry Leaders to be held in Paris on 2-5 July 1996.

Scope of the Conference
The scope of the conference will include - but not be limited to - the

* Development and management of institutions such as industrial parks,
  high-tech corridors and incubators.
* R&D incentives and technology transfer mechanisms for small and
  medium sized firms.
* Entrepreneurship and financial instruments.
* Transfer and diffusion of technology.
* Technology pirating and patent rights.
* Development of legal and procedural frameworks.
* Development of tools and methodologies.
* Development of R&D consortia.
* Development of educational programs.
* Management of innovation.
* Management of technological systems.
* Multinational management of technology.
* Management of engineers and scientists.
* Management of projects.
* Environmentally sound technologies

Paper Submission: Prospective authors are invited to submit four
copies of 300-500 word abstracts to the contact address given

Abstracts are due by:                     5 January 1996
Notification of Acceptance:               1  March  1996
Full papers are due by:                  21  April  1996

Address for Correspondence:
Bogazici University
UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics
Bebek 80815, Istanbul, TURKEY
phone:     +90 (212) 287-2475
fax:       +90 (212) 287-2465
e-mail:      unig@boun.edu.tr

Contributed by: J. L. Martins de Carvalho

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                    1996 PORTUGUESE CONTROL CONFERENCE

                                CONTROLO 96

                            September 11-13, 1996
                              Porto, Portugal

The Portuguese Society of Automatic Control (APCA)

The Conference will be held in Oporto, the second large city in
Portugal, from Wednesday 11 of September till Friday, 13
of September 1996. Oporto is a city by the sea, in the North Bank
of Douro River and it is famous for its Port Wine. The meeting
will take place in Seminario do Vilar, a new conference centre,
right in the center of Oporto, overlooking the beautiful Douro River.
The Conference Centre  can accommodate many participants at
reasonable prices, in single or double rooms. However
such rooms have no TV sets. Participants may also reserve
accomodation in several Hotels at walking distance from
the Centre. Information regarding accommodation will be available
by mail and/or E.mail for those requesting it.

This Conference will bring together people working in
the fields of Control, Automation and related areas to present
and discuss recent developments. This Conference is the second
event in a serie which started in 1994 with Controlo 94, but
will be the first international conference of the serie.

The official language of the Conference will be English.

Topics of interest include:

        - Linear and Nonlinear Systems
        - Adaptative Control
        - Robust Control
        - Modeling and Simulation
        - Systems Identification
        - Optimal Control and Optimization
        - Stochastic Control, Filtering and Estimation
        - Automation Systems and Control
        - Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control
        - Robotics
        - Manufacturing Systems
        - Process Control
        - Electrical and Fluid Power Actuators
        - Signal Processing
        - Artificial Vision
        - Fuzzy Systems
        - Neural Networks

The Conference will include two plenary lectures,
invited sessions and contributed sessions.
The PLENARY LECTURES will be given by

Prof. Peter Crouch, Arizona State University, USA
Prof. Peter Fleming, Sheffield University, UK.

The Organizing committee is soliciting proposals for invited sessions
and contributed papers in all areas of control and automation.
All communications accepted for presentation at the
Conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings
as long as at least one of the authors register for the conference.
Only previously unpublished papers will be accepted.

The authors should submit 5 (five) copies of a draft
in English by January 31, 1996. Drafts should be sent to
the Local Organizing Committee (Contributed Papers, c/o M.R. Pinho).
Manuscripts should not exceed 6 (six) pages and should include authors'
title and affiliation, full address, telephone, E-mail address, an
abstract not exceeding 200 words and 5 keywords. Talks will be 20 min. in
length including discussion.

Proposals should be submitted by January 15, 1996 to Prof. J. L. Martins de
Carvalho. These must include an abstract of all papers proposed.
Prospective Organizers of invited sessions should
plan on a maximum of five speakers in a session. Forms are available
from Prof. J. L. Martins de Carvalho. Organizers of
accepted Invited Sessions will be responsible for all the
editorial work concerning the publication of the papers
in the Conference Proceedings.

Proposals for Invited Sessions due January 15, 1996
Contributed Papers due (five copies) January 31, 1996
Notification of paper acceptance to authors May 2, 1996
Camera Ready Copies due June 14, 1996

The registration fee of the Conference is (in Portuguese Escudos):
  Members of APCA:
        25 000
        15 000 for students
  Non Members of APCA:
        30 000
        17 500 for students
(1 US$ is aproximately 150 portuguese escudos)

There is a limited number of subsidies for students.

The address of all names below is:
        Rua dos Bragas 4099 Porto Codex
They can be contact through the E.mail address:
or by FAX:
        -351-2-200 0808

Invited Sessions:
Prof. J. L. Martins de Carvalho
Phone:-351-2-204 1852

Prof. Sebastiao Feyo de Azevedo
Phone:-351-2-204 1647

Maria Margarida Ferreira
Phone: -351-2-204 1847 or -351-2-200 7505, ext 1230

Contributed Papers:
Maria do Rosario de Pinho
Phone: -351-2-204 1847 or -351-2-200 7505, ext 1230
Paulo Gomes da Costa
Phone:-351-2-200 75 05, ext 1230

Paulo Lopes dos Santos

Paula Milheiro de Oliveira
Phone:-351-2-204 1923

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *