E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
ISSUE No. 87 November 1, 1995
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
ISSUE No. 87, November 1, 1995
E-mail: eletter-request@win.tue.nl
Editors: Anton A. Stoorvogel
Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
the Netherlands
Fax +31-40-2465995
Siep Weiland
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
the Netherlands
Fax +31-40-2434582
1. Editorial
2. Personals
3. General announcements
3.1 Quanser Consulting
3.2 1996 IEEE Fellow Nominations
3.3 SCAD
3.4 Ph.D. Dissertation Yesildirek
4. Positions
4.1 Faculty position department aerospace engineering, Princeton
4.2 Faculty position, dept. of communication engineering
Holon Institute of Technology
4.3 Faculty positions at Polytechnic University, Brooklyn
4.4 Postdoctoral and research positions, EE Dept., Singapore Univ.
4.5 Postdoctoral position in control theory, Univ. of California.
4.6 Research associates and Ph.D position at Univ. of Leicester
4.7 Ph.D. position at Mechanical Engr. Dept., Delft Univ.
4.8 Postdoctoral and Ph.D position, S. Fraser University.
4.9 Chair in Computer Vision, ETH
5. Books
5.1 Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary
Differential Equations, U. Ascher, B. Mattheij and B. Russell.
5.2 Nonlinear Programming, D.P. Bertsekas
6. Journals
6.1 TOC IEEE Transactions on AC, Vol. 40:11.
6.2 TOC LAA Vol. 223/224/230/231
6.3 TOC J. on Math. Systems, Estimation and Control, Vol. 5:4.
6.4 Special issue Intl. Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
6.5 No backlog System and Control Letters
6.6 TOC Automatica, Vol 31:12
7. Conferences
7.1 Student funding for IEEE CDC 1995
7.2 Student funding for IEEE CDC 1996
7.3 CFP Symposium Computer Aided Control System Design, Dearborn.
7.4 CFP European Symposium on Advanced Imaging and Networks,
7.5 CFP 15th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Mierlo
7.6 CFP 6th Intl Symp. on Measurement & Control in Robotics,
7.7 CFP AMS-SIAM summer seminars in applied math.
7.8 CFP Int. Symposium on Automation and Robotics
7.9 CFP Conf. on Stochastic Differential and Differentia Equations
* *
* Editorial *
* *
Welcome to E-letter number 87 !!!
We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear December 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.
We remind you of the following.
-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"
It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.
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* *
* Personals *
* *
Contributed by: Duncan Mcfarlane
Change of address
As from 2 October 1995 my new address is as follows:
Duncan McFarlane
Manufacturing Engineering Group,
Cambridge University Engineering Department,
Mill Lane,
England, CB2 1RX.
tel: 01223 338190 (office)
01223 338069 (direct)
fax: 01223 338076
email: dcm@eng.cam.ac.uk
My old email address (mcfarld@westminster.ac.uk) will forward any
emails that arrive over the next couple of months.
With best regards, Duncan McFarlane.
Contributed by: Felipe M Pait
On sabbatical
During the (Northern) academic year 1995 / 96 I will be at
Rutgers University
Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering
Piscataway New Jersey 08854 USA
Phone: (212) 223-5131 (home - leave messages here)
(908) 445-5015 (office)
(908) 445-2820 (fax).
Mail send to the University of Sao Paulo or to pait@lac.usp.br
will be forwarded to the address above.
Contributed by: L.Faybusovich
Department of Mathematics
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN, 46556
Dear Colleagues,
I am glad to inform you that Jennie Si of Arizona State University
was a recipient of the 1995 Presidential Faculty Fellows Awards. Through
the Presidential Faculty Fellows awards the President annually recognizes
young faculty members who demonstrate excellence and promise both in
research and teaching. Jennie Si received her Ph D at Notre Dame in
Electrical Engineering. Tony Michel was her dissertation adviser.
Congratulations, Jennie!
* *
* General announcements *
* *
Contributed by: quanser@netaccess.on.ca
World Wibe Web: http://netaccess.on.ca/~quanser/index.html
Quanser Consulting
email: quanser@netaccess.on.ca
430 York Blvd, #3
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8R 3K8
Tel: (905) 527-5208
Fax: (905) 570-1906
Contributed by: flewis@arrirs04.uta.edu (Dr. Frank Lewis)
Recognition by peers is a vital function of IEEE, with election
to the grade of IEEE Fellow one of the most visible mechanisms for
acknowledgment. The nomination of highly qualified individuals for
Fellow status is one of the most important services one can render to
the Control Systems Society. Nominations for IEEE Fellow are due at
IEEE Headquarters by 15 March 1996, so that the first steps must be
taken well prior to that date.
Fellow nominees must be active IEEE Senior members, and have been
an IEEE member for at least 5 years in any grade. A successful
nomination requires a qualified candidate and a well-prepared
nomination package. A key preliminary is a careful reading of the
IEEE Guide for Fellow Grade Nominations, which contains the nomination
forms and can be obtained from the IEEE Fellow Committee, 445 Hoes
Lane, POB 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, tel. 908-562-3844, fax
908-981-9019. Five references are required for the nomination; they
must be IEEE Fellows. A list of Fellows is contained in the IEEE
Membership Directory and the Feb. 1987 issue of the Control Systems
Magazine. More recently elected Fellows are listed in the June issues
of the Magazine since then.
If you plan to make an IEEE Fellow nomination, please contact
Frank L. Lewis, Chairman, Control Systems Society Fellow Nomination
Committee, Automation and Robotics Research Institute, The University
of Texas at Arlington, 7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S, Ft. Worth, Texas
76118-7115; tel 817-272-5972, fax 817-272-5952, email
Contributed by: Raimund J. Ober
Xu Huang
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Systems and Control Archive at Dallas
gopher: gopher.utdallas.edu
ftp address: ftp.utdallas.edu
IP number:
Worldwide web: URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/
queries (email): scad@utdallas.edu
Please remember the URL change which is in effect for one
month now:
New contents:
Number: 86
Links to systems and control groups:
The following new link has been added:
Rice University
Digital Signal Processing Group
Laboratory for Communications Research
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
SISTA (Signals, Identification, System Theory
and Automation)
Recently we have started an address list for systems
and control people.
More than 380 people have added their addresses to the list.
To register your, simply:
- go to SCAD
- go to the ADDRESS LIST link
- click: add your address
- fill in the form.
You can check out addresses by using the search facility or
by scanning through the full list.
!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, Add your Address to the SCAD ADDRESS LIST !!!!!!!!!!!
How to access scad:
1.) Using gopher:
gopher -p 1/research/scad gopher.utdallas.edu
gopher gopher.utdallas.edu
Select `UT-Dallas Research' and then `Systems and Control Archive at
2.) Using ftp:
ftp ftp.utdallas.edu
Then cd /pub/scad
3.) Using Worldwide Web:
URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/
More detailed instructions can be obtained by sending an email to
After accessing SCAD you can find a README file which contains
more information about SCAD.
Contributed by: Aydin Yesildirek
By: Aydin Yesildirek
Title:Nonlinear Systems Control Using Neural Networks
Advisor: Prof. Frank L. Lewis
Institution: The University of Texas at Arlington
Current Location: College of Engineering, Idaho State University,
Pocatello, ID 83209-8060
* *
* Positions *
* *
Contributed by Gina M. Sapienza
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton
University invites applications for faculty positions in the general areas
of dynamics, control, continuum mechanics and aeronautical/space
propulsion. Preference will be given to candidates who have a close
interest or involvement with experiments. A doctorate is required, and
post-doctoral experience in research and teaching is desirable. The
search is directed at the assistant or associate professor rank, although
more senior appointments can be considered. Please send your resume and a
list of references to:
Professor Garry L. Brown, Chair for:
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
D-218 Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544
Princeton University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer,
Contributed by: Ilan Sadeh
The Department of Communications Engineering at the Institute of
Technology at Holon invites applications for an Assistant Professor position
in the areas of communications system, networks, or information theory.
Appointments at the Associate or Full Professor level may be considered for
exceptionally well qualified individuals. An earned doctorate in electrical
engineering, cs or a closely related discipline is required. Applicants
should have an interest in teaching and in conducting research. The
candidates should have a strong theoretical background and an experimental
research orientation.
Please submit a letter of application, CV, and three letters of
reference to:
Dr. Ilan Sadeh
Head of Communications Dept.
Institute of Technology at Holon
52 Golomb St., Holon 58102
Fax 972-3-5026643
Contributed by: Farshad Khorrami
Polytechnic University (Brooklyn, New York): The Department of
Electrical Engineering invites applications for five tenure track
faculty positions at both junior and senior levels. We are interested
in strong candidates committed to teaching and research with the
following specializations: 1) Telecommunications, 2) Wireless
Communications, 3) Control, 4) Signal Processing , and 5) Power
Electronics. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in EE or a closely related
field. For senior positions, applicants should have a demonstrated
ability to interact and provide leadership in national/international
academic and scientific arenas. The Department has active research
programs in telecommunications (with a state sponsored center),
control, robotics, digital signal processing, electro-optics,
electromagnetics, power, and communications. Polytechnic University is
an affirmative action equal opportunity employer. Applicants should
submit a curriculum vitae including names of four references to the
C/O EE Faculty Search Committee, Electrical Engineering Department,
Polytechnic University, Five Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, New York
Contributed by: Ben M Chen (bmchen@ee.nus.sg)
Post-Doctoral Fellows and Research Positions Available
A few Post-doctoral and Research Assistant positions are now available under
our research project on fingerprint recognition in the EE Dept, National
University of Singapore.
We are interested in recruiting those with expertise in software development
(extensive PC Windows development experiences), hardware design (MCU, DSP,
audio and vedio, etc.), and image processing. Previous experiences in finger-
print recognition is an added advantage.
An ideal candidate for research assistant should be possessing a Master's
degree in a relevant field, and preferably with a few years of R&D
experiences. The contract of these positions will be for 18 Months. The
starting salary will be determined based on qualifications and experiences,
which ranges from S$2500 to S$3000 per month (current exchange rate
Candidates for the post-doc positions should have Ph.D. degrees and
preferably with R&D experiences. The duration of these positions is two
years with a basic salary of S$3500 per month plus some other benefits.
As the project has direct relevance to industry, there is a good chance
that after the termination of the contract, the candidates can find a job
in local companies.
If you are interested in these positions, please send your CV by e-mail to
bmchen@ee.nus.sg or eletansh@nus.sg
Please include the names and addresses of three references in your CV.
Those short-listed will be requested to fill up a formal application form,
and to submit necessary supporting materials for further consideration.
The application is accepted till the positions are filled.
Contributed by: Jie Chen (jchen@engr.ucr.edu)
A postdoctoral research fellow position is available in the area of
systems and controls at University of California, Riverside, starting
immediately or in the near term. The initial appointment for this
position will be for one year, but may be renewable to the second year.
The successful candidate should have a strong theoretical background
in control theory, and have conducted research work in one of the broad
areas, ordered below by priority, of system identification, robust
control, and nonlinear control. While research experience or exposure
to the more specific area of robust control relevant identification is
preferable, applications in all the aforementioned areas will be considered.
Prior experimental experience will be particularly desirable.
Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualification, and generally,
will be competitive. In addition, the University will provide fringe benefit
package generally believed to be very good. UC Riverside is one of the nine
campuses in the University of California system, and is located about 50
miles east to the metropolitan area of Los Angels. The city of Riverside,
unlike some other southern California areas, is very affordable in living.
The interested persons are invited to send a curriculum vitae including a
list of publications and the names of references. For inquiries and
please contact
Dr. Jie Chen
College of Engineering
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
Tel: (909)787-3688
Fax: (909)787-3188
Email: jchen@engr.ucr.edu
Contributed by : Da-Wei Gu
University of Leicester, Engineering Department
Applications are invited for two posts of Research Associate and one
Ph.D. Project Studentship each tenable for three years in the Department
of Engineering. The successful candidates will work on the development
and application of novel gain-scheduling techniques to improve the
wide-envelope performance of nonlinear controllers based on linear
operating point designs. This EPSRC funded research will be applied to
the design of helicopter flight control systems, and will be carried out
in collaboration with Westland Helicopters, the DRA at Bedford, the
National Research Council Flight Laboratories of Canada, and Carleton
University, Ottawa.
Candidates for the RAs should possess, or be completing, a Ph.D. in
Control Engineering or a related field. Salary will be within the range
stlg14317 to stlg21519 a year depending upon qualifications and experience.
Candidates for the Studentship, which will operate under the normal
EPSRC terms and conditions, should possess a first or upper second class
honours degree in a related field.
Letters of application, including a CV and the names of two referees
should be sent to Mrs Lesley Dexter, Engineering Department, Leicester
University, Leicester LE1 7RH, as soon as possible.
Contributed by: Paul Van den Hof
Within the Mechanical Engineering Systems and Control Group of Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands, there is an open position for a
Ph.D.-student for a research project on
for the period 1 January 1996 - 31 December 1999.
Project Topic:
Development of a systematic procedure for the design of optimal
(orthogonal) basis functions for parameterised models/signals in view of
their use in problems of multivariable system identification and
model-predictive control.
General Information:
Within the Mechanical Engineering Systems and Control Group, a project has
recently been started directed towards the development of integrated
methods for identification and control of industrial production processes.
In cooperation with industrial partners we will build on recent research
developments, concerning the use of orthogonal basis functions for
parameterising dynamical models and signals in problems of identification
and control design.
The research project is financed by the Dutch Technology Foundation (STW),
and encompasses 2 Ph.D.-projects and a part-time postdoc position, as
well as contributions of the staff members of the research group.
The project will be part of the research programme of the national
graduate school DISC (Dutch Institute of Systems and Control).
The first Ph.D.-student has started his activities recently, directed
towards the industrial application part of the project.
The vacant research position will be directed towards the development of a
systematic procedure for the design of optimal basis functions in the
considered problems. It is expected that relations will be explored with
recent developments within the signal processing area concerning the
wavelet theory.
The Ph.D.-student will be part of a closely collaborating research team,
including the staff members Dr. Paul Van den Hof, Prof. Okko Bosgra and
Dr. Carsten Scherer.
In the scope of his research training, the Ph.D.-student will pass through
a Ph.D.-program composed of courses offered by the national graduate
school DISC.
Appointment will follow as an AIO (Ph.D.-student) for a period of 4
years, with a probationary period of one year. A salary will be paid
that rises from Dfl. 2078 per month before taxes in the first year, until
Dfl. 3710 per month before taxes in the last year (1 Dfl = +- US$ 0.60).
You have recently finished a university degree in mathematics, electrical
engineering, mechanical engineering or physics, in which you have obtained
very good results. You are either a mathematician who is interested in
application oriented aspects of his work, or a scientific engineer with a
strong interest in the fundamental mathematical aspects of engineering
problems. Preferably you have finished your studies with a project within
system theory and/or control engineering.
Information and Application:
For information concerning this position you can contact
dr. Paul Van den Hof, tel. +31-15-2784509 (work),
+31-71-5316869 (home), E-mail: vdhof@tudw03.tudelft.nl.
Interested candidates are invited to send their written application,
accompanied by 2 letters of recommendation and a curriculum vitae, before
30 November 1995, to
Dr. Paul M.J. Van den Hof, Mechanical Engineering Systems and Control
Group, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The
Contributed by: Professor Mehrdad Saif (saif@cs.sfu.ca)
Post Doctoral Position and Ph.D. Research Assistantships
Post Doctoral Position
The School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University invites
applications for a post doctoral position in the general area of control
systems. The research project which is funded by Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, involves investigation of
based approaches to automotive engine diagnostics and control.
The successful candidate is expected to have a Ph.D. with a good publication
record. In addition, the candidate should have proven expertise in at least
of the following areas:
* Nonlinear and adaptive control/estimation techniques.
* Intelligent control and diagnostic (e.g. neural network, fuzzy based,
* Modeling and air fuel ratio control of automotive engines.
* Model based techniques for fault detection and isolation (FDI).
The initial appointment is for one year, and could be renewed for up
to two additional years subject to satisfactory performance and
continued funding. Applicants should send all the relevant materials
plus names of three referees to Dr. Mehrdad Saif, School of
Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C. V5A 1S6,
CANADA. Email: saif@cs.sfu.ca, Phone:(604)291-3119.
Graduate Research Assistantships
The School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University has a number of
Ph.D. positions with full financial support available. The general area of
interest is systems and control. The student candidates who hold a master
degree in the control area should forward their applications along with GRE
scores and names of three referees to Dr. Mehrdad Saif, School of Engineering
Science, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C. V5A 1S6, CANADA. Email:
Contributed by: Manfred Morari morari@aut.ee.ethz.ch
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) invites
applications for a
Duties of the new professor include research and teaching in representative
areas of computer vision. Research methodology is focused on the
development of theoretically well founded, generally applicable procedures,
and their practical validation.
Apart from completed university studies, candidates are expected to have
achieved significant research work leading to successful applications. A
further prerequisite is the willingness and ability for directing a
research unit, and for interdisciplinary collaboration.
Please submit your application, together with a curriculum vitae, a list of
publications, a table of conducted projects, and a brief description of
your research interests, to the President of ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. J.
Nuesch, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, no later than January 31, 1996. The
ETHZ specifically encourages female candidates to apply with a view towards
increasing the proportion of female professors.
For further information see http://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch
* *
* Books *
* *
Contributed by: Uri Ascher
Dear Colleagues,
Our book,
Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems
for Ordinary Differential Equations
has recently been published with SIAM in the Classics series
and is now available. The first edition of this book, published
in 1988 by Prentice-Hall, became unavailable in 1993.
The current edition contains many small corrections but
no major ones. Also, it's in a softcover volume and is significantly
cheaper than the original edition. Those of you who are interested
in this field may find the book very helpful.
Please feel free to contact SIAM for further information:
ISBN 0-89871-354-4
Uri Ascher, Bob Mattheij and Bob Russell
Contributed by: dimitrib@mit.edu (Dimitri Bertsekas)
by Dimitri P. Bertsekas
(640 pages, Due December 15, 1995)
This textbook develops in depth nonlinear programming, a central
algorithmic method for optimization. The treatment focuses on
constrained and unconstrained iterative algorithms, Lagrange multiplier
theory, duality theory, and large scale optimization methods.
Among its special features, the book:
** provides extensive coverage and a unifying analytical framework for
iterative optimization methods
** provides a detailed treatment of interior point methods for linear
** covers in depth duality theory from both a variational and a
geometrical/convex analysis point of view
** includes much new material on a number of topics, such as neural
network training, discrete-time optimal control, and large-scale
** includes a large number of examples and exercises. Has been
developed through extensive classroom use in first-year graduate
1. Unconstrained Optimization
1.1. Optimality Conditions
1.2. Gradient Methods -- Convergence
1.3. Gradient Methods -- Rate of Convergence
1.4. Newton's Method
1.5. Least Squares Problems
1.6. Conjugate Direction Methods
1.7. Quasi-Newton Methods
1.8. Nonderivative Methods
1.9. Discrete-Time Optimal Control
1.10. Some Practical Guidelines
2. Optimization Over a Convex Set
2.1. Optimality Conditions
2.2. Feasible Directions and the Conditional Gradient Method
2.3. Gradient Projection Methods
2.4. Two-Metric Projection Methods for Simple Constraints
2.5. Manifold Suboptimization Methods - Quadratic Programming
2.6. Affine Scaling Methods for Linear Programming
2.7. Block Coordinate Descent Methods
3. Lagrange Multiplier Theory
3.1. Necessary Conditions for Equality Constraints
3.2. Sufficient Conditions and Sensitivity Analysis
3.3. Inequality Constraints
3.4. Linear Constraints
4. Lagrange Multiplier Algorithms
4.1. Barrier and Interior Point Methods
4.2. Penalty and Augmented Lagrangian Methods
4.3. Exact Penalty Methods - Sequential Quadratic Programming
4.4. Lagrangian Methods
5. Duality and Convex Programming
5.1. The Dual Problem
5.2. Convex Cost - Linear Constraints
5.3. Convex Cost - Nonlinear Constraints
5.4. Conjugate Functions and Fenchel Duality
6. Dual Methods
6.1. Dual Derivatives and Subgradients
6.2. Dual Ascent Methods
6.3. Nondifferentiable Optimization Methods
6.4. Decomposition Methods and Nondifferentiable Optimization
Appendix A: Mathematical Background
Appendix B: Convex Analysis
Appendix C: Line Search Methods
Appendix D: An Implementation of Newton's Method
Publisher's Information:
Athena Scientific, P.O.Box 391, Belmont, MA, 02178-9998, U.S.A.
Email: athenasc@world.std.com
Tel: (617) 489-3097, FAX: (617) 489-2017
Nonlinear Programming ISBN: 1-886529-14-0 (640 p., Hardcover, $69.00)
Free 30-Day Exam. Copy to Prospective Instructors (N. America only)
Free Deskcopy and Solutions Manual Upon Classroom Adoption
Part of a series of textbooks for MIT graduate courses.
Additional titles in the series:
1) Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control, (2 Vols.), 1995 by Dimitri
2) Linear Programming, by Dimitris Bertsimas and John Tsitsiklis
(due Spring 1996).
3) Neuro-Dynamic Programming, by Dimitri Bertsekas and John
Tsitsiklis (due Spring 1996).
* *
* Journals *
* *
Contributed by: John Baillieul,
Table of Contents - Volume 40, Number 11 - November, 1995
Scanning the Issue
Mixed L_\infty / H_\infty Suboptimal Controllers for
SISO Continuous-Time Systems.................M. Sznaier and F. Blanchini
A Complete Parameterization of All Positive Rational Extensions of A
Covariance Sequence
............. C. I. Byrnes, A. Lindquist, S. V. Gusev, and A. S. Matveev
Best Achievable Decentralized Performance..D.D. Sourlas and V.Manousiouthakis
Robust Steady-State Tracking.................................. M. H. Khammash
Optimal H2/l2 Control Via Duality Theory........................P.G.Voulgaris
Stability and Convergence of Moments for Multiclass Queueing Networks
via Fluid Limit Models........................... J. Dai and S. P. Meyn
Decentralized Blocking Zeros and Decentralized Strong Stabilization
..........................K. A. Unyelioglu, A. B. Ozguler, and U. Ozguner
A Note on an LQG Regulator with Markovian Switching and Pathwise Average Cost
...........................M. K. Ghosh, A. Arapostathis, and S. I. Marcus
Corrections to "On the Structure of $ {\cal H}_{\infty} $ Control Systems and
Related Extensions" .............................G. Meinsma and H. Kimura
Sampled-Data Controller Reduction Procedure
....................................A. G. Madievski and B. D. O. Anderson
Simultaneous Stabilization of Linear Systems Under Stable Additive or
Feedback Perturbations .................A. N. Gundes and M. G. Kabuli
Resource Optimization and (min, +) Spectral Theory.............S. Gaubert
A Framework for Robust Parametric Set Membership Identification
.....................................M. M. Livstone and M. A. Dahleh
Hankel Norm of Sampled-Data Systems..............K. Chongsrid and S. Hara
Adaptive Predictive Control Policy for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems
.......................................N. M. Filatov and H. Unbehauen
Static-State Feedback Control of Discrete-Event Systems Under Partial
Observation .........................S. Takai, T. Ushio, and S. Kodama
Best Conditioned Parametric Identification of Transfer Function Models in the
Frequency Domain..........Y. Rolain, R. Pintelon, K. Q. Xu, and H. Vold
A Note on Direct Interpolation Algorithm for a Strictly Positive Real
Function ........................................V. V. Patel and K. B. Datta
Forward Accessibility for Recurrent Neural Networks
..............................................F. Albertini and P. Dai Pra
Robust Control with Rejection of Harmonic Disturbances
...........................................A. V. Savkin and I. R. Petersen
Lyapunov Iterations for Optimal Control of Jump Linear Systems at Steady
.................................................Z. Gajic and I. Borno
Fast Time-Varying Phasor Analysis in the Balanced Three-Phase Large Electric
Power System.........V. Venkatasubramanian, H. Schattler, and J. Zaborszky
Kalman Filtering: Theory and Practice--M. S. Grewal
..................................................Reviewed by R. W. Bass
Contributed by: Richard Brualdi
Contents Volumes 223/224
Special Issue Dedicated to Miroslav Fiedler and Vlastimil Ptak
Preface 1
Zdenek Vavrin (Prague, The Czech Republic)
Miroslav Fiedler and Vlastimil Ptak: Life and Work 3
Daniel Alpay and Vladimir Bolotnikov (Beer-Sheva, Israel)
Two-Sided Interpolation for Matrix Functions With Entries
in the Hardy Space 31
T. Ando (Sapporo, Japan)
Majorization Relations for Hadamard Products 57
H. Arizmendi (Mexico D. F., Mexico) and V. Muller
(Praha, Czech Republic)
On Algebras Without Generalized Topological Divisors of Zero 65
Wayne W. Barrett, Michael E. Lundquist (Provo, Utah),
Charles R. Johnson, and Hugo J. Woerdeman
(Williamsburg, Virginia)
Completing a Block Diagonal Matrix With a Partially
Prescribed Inverse 73
LeRoy B. Beasley and Shumin Ye (Logan, Utah)
Linear Operators Preserving L-Matrices 89
Roberto Bevilacqua, Nazzareno Bonanni, and Enrico Bozzo
(Pisa, Italy)
On Algebras of Toeplitz Plus Hankel Matrices 99
Rajendra Bhatia (New Delhi, India) and Chandler Davis
(Toronto, Canada)
A Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality for Operators With Applications 119
Alberto Borobia (Madrid, Spain)
On the Nonnegative Eigenvalue Problem 131
Richard A. Brualdi (Madison, Wisconsin) and
Amelia Fonseca (Lisboa, Portugal)
Colorability of Induced Matroids 141
Aniekan A. Ebiefung (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Existence Theory and Q-Matrix Characterization for the
Generalized Linear Complementarity Problem 155
Miroslav Englis (Prague, Czech Republic)
Toeplitz Operators and the Berezin Transform on H2 171
M. I. Gekhtman and M. Shmoish (Rehovot, Israel)
On Invertibility of Nonsquare Generalized Bezoutians 205
Andrea Gombani (Padova, Italy)
On the Schmidt Pairs of Multivariable Hankel Operators
and Robust Control 243
Michael M. Green (Stony Brook, New York) and
Alan N. Willson, Jr. (Los Angeles, California)
Transistor Circuits and Potentially Stable Operating Points 267
Peter Gritzmann (Trier, Germany), Victor Klee (Seattle,
Washington), and Bit-Shun Tam (Taiwan, Republic of China)
Cross-Positive Matrices Revisited 285
Martin H. Gutknecht (Zurich, Switzerland) and
Marlis Hochbruck (Tubingen, Germany)
The Stability of Inversion Formulas for Toeplitz Matrices 307
Sy-Ming Guu (Taiwan, Republic of China) and
Richard W. Cottle (Stanford, California)
On a Subclass of P0 325
Georg Heinig (Safat, Kuwait)
Matrix Representations of Bezoutians 337
Roger A. Horn (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Norm Bounds for Hadamard Products and an Arithmetic-
Geometric Mean Inequality for Unitarily Invariant Norms 355
Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia), William D. McCuaig
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada), and David P. Stanford
(Williamsburg, Virginia)
Sign Patterns that Allow Minimal Semipositivity 363
Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia) and
Pablo Tarazaga (Mayaguez, Puerto Rico)
Connections Between the Real Positive Semidefinite and Distance
Matrix Completion Problems 375
Jaroslav Kautsky and Radka Turcajova (Adelaide, Australia)
Discrete Biorthogonal Wavelet Transforms as Block Circulant Matrices 393
Udo R. Krieger (Darmstadt, Germany)
On a Two-Level Multigrid Solution Method for Finite Markov Chains 415
Monique Laurent (Paris, France) and Svatopluk Poljak
(Passau, Germany)
On a Positive Semidefinite Relaxation of the Cut Polytope 439
Chi-Kwong Li (Williamsburg, Virginia) and Nam-Kiu Tsing
(Hong Kong, People's Republic of China)
Linear Maps Relating Different Unitary Similarity Orbits or
Different Generalized Numerical Ranges 463
Raphael Loewy (Haifa, Israel) and Stephen Pierce
(San Diego, California)
Linear Preservers of Balanced Nonsingular Inertia Classes 483
Ivo Marek (Praha, Czech Republic)
On Square Roots of M-Operators 501
Reinhard Nabben (Bielefeld, Germany) and Richard S. Varga
(Kent, Ohio)
On Classes of Inverse Z-Matrices 521
Barry W. Peyton (Oak Ridge, Tennessee), Alex Pothen
(Norfolk, Virginia), and Xiaoqing Yuan (North York, Ontario, Canada)
A Clique-Tree Algorithm for Partitioning a Chordal Graph
Into Transitive Subgraphs 553
Jiri Rohn (Prague, Czech Republic)
Checking Bounds on Solutions of Linear Interval Equations is NP-Hard 589
Karla Rost (Chemnitz, Germany) and Zdenek Vavrin
(Praha, Czech Republic)
Recursive Solution of Lowner-Vandermonde Systems of Equations. II 597
Ronald L. Smith (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Some Results on a Partition of Z-Matrices 619
P. G. Spain (Glasgow, Scotland)
A Discrete Variation on Kronecker's Theorem 631
P. G. Spain (Glasgow, Scotland)
Tracking Poles, Representing Hankel Operators, and the Nehari Problem 637
Roman Sznajder and M. Seetharama Gowda (Baltimore, Maryland)
Generalizations of P0- and P-Properties, Extended Vertical
and Horizontal Linear Complementarity Problems 695
Reha H. Tutuncu and Michael J. Todd (Ithaca, New York)
Reducing Horizontal Linear Complementarity Problems 717
George Visick (Northwood, Middlesex, England)
A Weak Majorization Involving the Matrices A B and AB 731
Author Index 745
Contents Volume 230, November 15, 1995
Announcement: Alston S. Householder Award VII 1
K. R. Davidson (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada), K. J. Harrison
(Perth, West Australia, Australia), and U. A. Mueller
(Mount Lawley, West Australia, Australia)
Rank Decomposability in Incident Spaces 3
Helmer Aslaksen, Eng-Chye Tan, and Chen-bo Zhu
(Singapore, Republic of Singapore)
Free Resolutions of Generic Symmetric Matrices 21
Pierre Semal (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
Monotone Iterative Methods for Markov Chains 35
Xiezhang Li (Statesboro, Georgia)
The Convergence Rate of the Chebyshev sim Under a
Perturbation of a Complex Line-Segment Spectrum 47
James W. Demmel (Berkeley, California) and
Alan Edelman (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
The Dimension of Matrices (Matrix Pencils) With
Given Jordan (Kronecker) Canonical Forms 61
Jonq Juang (Hsinchu, Taiwan)
Existence of Algebraic Matrix Riccati Equations
Arising in Transport Theory 89
Collette R. Coullard (Evanston, Illinois) and
Peh H. Ng (Morris, Minnesota)
Totally Unimodular Leontief Directed Hypergraphs 101
Enrico Bozzo (Pisa, Italy)
Algebras of Higher Dimension for Displacement
Decompositions and Computations With Toeplitz
plus Hankel Matrices 127
Axel Boldt (Santa Barbara, California)
Methods to Determine Coxeter Polynomials 151
L. Vaserstein and E. Wheland (University Park, Pennsylvania)
Products of Conjugacy Classes of Two by Two Matrices 165
Author Index 189
Contents Volume 231, December 1995
Stephen H. Friedberg and Arnold J. Insel (Normal, Illinois),
Characterizations of Subnormal Matrices 1
Jong-Shenq Guo, Wen-Wei Lin, and Chern-Shuh Wang
(Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China)
Nonequivalence Deflation for the Solution of Matrix
Latent Value Problems 15
Leonid Gurvits (Princeton, New Jersey)
Stability of Discrete Linear Inclusion 47
Alain Duchamp (Le Mans, France)
Circuit Separation for Symmetric Matroids 87
B. Z. Shapiro (Stockholm, Sweden) and
M. Z. Shapiro (Rehovot, Israel)
On the Boundary of Totally Positive Upper
Triangular Matrices 105
Jin-Hsien Wang (Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China)
Factorization of Matrices Into Quadratic Ones. II 111
M. H. Lim (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
A Uniqueness Theorem on Symmetric Tensors 153
William H. Gustafson (Lubbock, Texas)
Quivers and Matrix Equations 159
William C. Waterhouse (University Park, Pennsylvania)
Orthogonal Similarity and Pairs of Quadratic Forms 175
Martin Ohsmann (Aachen, Germany)
Fast Transforms of Toeplitz Matrices 181
Author Index 193
Contributed by: Edwin Beschler
Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control
Volume 5, number 4 1995
Table of contents
On the Characterization and Parametrization of Minimal
Spectral Factors, P.A. Fuhrmann 383
On the Existence of a Least and Negative-Semidefinite Solution of
the Discrete-Time Algebraic Riccati Equation,
Harald K. Wimmer 445
Conditions for Average Optimality in Markov Control Processes
with Unbounded Costs and Controls,
Rafael Montes-de-Oca and Onesimo Hernandez-Lerma 459
Summary: Approximation for an Integro-Partial Differential Equation
with Strongly Singular Kernel, Richard H. Fabiano 479
Summary: Graph Structure and Recursive Estimation of Noisy
Linear Relations, Ramine Nikoukhah, Darrin Taylor,
Bernard C. Levy, and Alan S. Willsky 483
Summary: Global Solutions for Differential/Algebraic Systems
and Implications for Lyapunov Direct Stability Methods,
Robert Mahony and Iven Mareels 487
Summary: Regions of Attraction of Closed Loop Linear Systems
with Saturated Linear Feedback, Rodolfo Suerez, Jose Alvarez,
and J. Alvarez 491
Index 1995 495
Contributed by: dennis s bernstein
Special Issue Announcement
The International Journal on Robust and Nonlinear Control is planning a
Special Issue on a Benchmark Problem for Nonlinear Control. Papers for
this issue will apply nonlinear control methods to a low-dimensional
mechanical system involving an eccentric rotational inertia mounted on a
translational oscillator. The control input is the torque applied to the
rotational inertia. The system can thus be viewed as a rotational/
translational actuator (RTAC).
A detailed description the benchmark problem statement including a biblio-
graphy of prior work on this problem by several researchers can be obtained
at the RTAC Home Page, located at
in the "Benchmark Problem for Nonlinear Control" section. Alternatively,
the problem statement can be obtained by anonymous ftp at
in the /pub/misc/RTAC directory. If you experience any trouble downloading
the problem statement, please contact Robert Bupp at rbupp@umich.edu.
Papers for the Special Issue should be submitted to:
Dennis S. Bernstein
Department of Aerospace Engineering
3020 FXB Building
1320 Beal St.
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2118
(313) 764-3719
(313) 763-0578 (fax)
Special Issue deadline: June 1, 1996
Contributed by: A.C. Antoulas
Contributed by the Editors of Systems and Control Letters
We are pleased to announce that the publication backlog
of Systems and Control Letters has been eliminated.
Henceforth, papers will appear approximately three months
after final acceptance.
Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak
Table of contents
December, 1995 Issue 31:12
T. Soederstroem, K. J. Trends in system identification
Special Section
P. van Overschee, B. de Moor A unifying theorem for three subspace system
identification algorithms
P.M.J. van den Hof, P.S.C. System identification with generalized
Heuberger, J. Bokor orthonormal basis functions
P. van Overschee, B. de Moor About the choice of state space basis in
combined deterministic-stochastic subspace
M. Deistler, K. Peternell, Consistency and relative efficiency of
W. Scherer subspace methods
P.M.J.Van den Hof, R.J.P. Identification and control - closed loop
Schrama issues
M. Viberg On subspace-based methods for the
identification of linear time- invariant
B. Ninness, G. C. Goodwin Estimation of model quality
P. M. Makila, J. R. Worst-case control-relevant identification
Partington, T. K. Gustafsson
L. Ljung, A. Benveniste, B. Nonlinear black-box modelling in system
Deylon, H. Hjalmarsson, et identification: A unified overview
A. Juditski,H. Hjalmarsson, Nonlinear black-box models in system
A. Benveniste, B. Deylon, et identification: Mathematical foundations
Technical Communiques
P. FitzSimons Reducing the computation required to solve a
standard minimax problem
J.L. Maryak, J.C. Spall, Uncertainties for recursive estimators in
G.L. Silberman nonlinear state-space models, with
applications to epidemiology
A. Bartoszewicz A comment on "A time-varying sliding surface
for fast and robust tracking control of
second-order uncertain systems"
* *
* Conferences *
* *
Contributed by: Joe H. Chow
Application of Funds for Attending the 1995 IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control for Students From US Universities
The National Science Foundation has provided limited funding for
a travel grant for students to attend the 1995 Conference on
Decision and Control to be held during December 13-15, 1995,
at the New Orleans Hilton Riverside. There will be funds for
approximately 32 travel awards with a cap of $500 per award.
Priority will be given to students who are co-authors and
presenters of their papers, and who have not attended a
CDC/CCA meeting previously.
To be eligible, a student
1. must be currently a full-time undergraduate or graduate student
at any US college, and
2. attends a college located beyond 200 miles of conference site.
The selection criteria are:
1. statement of reason for attending the meeting.
2. a support letter from the department chair. (There is a maximum
of two students from a department who can apply).
3. level of cost sharing by university and industry.
4. geographical locality and estimated cost of attending the meeting.
5. student's GPA.
The application form can be requested by sending an email message to
chowj@rpi.edu. The completed form should be sent to
Professor Joe H. Chow
Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180-3590
The deadline for application is November 10, 1995. It would be very
helpful if students from within a department can co-ordinate their
submissions. The final decision will be made by November 27, 1995.
Questions on the student travel grant should be addressed to
Professor Joe Chow at chowj@rpi.edu.
A postscript version of this announcement with the application form can
be obtained by anonymous ftp from: ftp.cs.wright.edu . Its coordinate
is: pub/pmisra/conf/CDCTravel.ps .
Contributed by: Yutaka Yamamoto
FOR 35th CDC, 1996
Financial aid in the amount of 50,000 Japanese yen (approximately $500
according to the exchange rate as of August 16, 1995) is available to
student authors of accepted papers for 35th Conference on Decision and
Control (35th CDC, 1996) residing outside Japan and who have the
endorsement of their advisor. Preference is given to paper presenters.
Applicant should obtain the application form by sending an
(empty) message to the auto-response address:
fill out the form, and send it to:
Professor Tohru Katayama
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Engineering
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-01
Email: katayama@kuamp.kyoto-u.ac.jp (inquiry only)
FAX: +81 75 761 2437 (inquiry only)
by September 15, 1996 (should be received by this date). Print
the form and fill in the information. Application must be sent
by regular (air) mail.
The student will be notified of the result by October 15, 1996.
The accepted grantee should contact the secretariat during the
conference and pick up the grant by presenting the acceptance
letter and a valid identification.
Takeo MIURA Chairman, Organizing Committee of the
35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Hidenori KIMURA General Chair
35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Contributed by: A. Varga
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
September 15 - 17, 1996
Sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society
Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD) is the discipline
concerned with providing control engineers with the theoretical
foundations and software engineering environments for the design
and development of complex control systems. Today's control engineering
software tools and techniques can greatly improve the efficiency in
iterative system design cycles, using open-framework software
architectures, object-oriented data and model management, high
performance numerical computation tools, parallelization, and
decision-support systems. Currently, the design of hybrid systems
and of large-scale systems are of great interest. Other activities
of interest include real-time control techniques and support tools
for the formal specification and automatic control code generation,
control task scheduling, supervisory control development tools,
the design and implementation of model-based fault monitoring systems,
modeling and simulation of discrete-event dynamical systems, reliable
numerical techniques and robust numerical software tools for CACSD.
The bi-annual Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design
will take place, under one meeting venue, jointly with the International
Symposium on Intelligent Control and the International Conference on
Control Applications. All three conferences emphasize
"Control of Automotive Systems" as a special theme. This is the reason
why this triple conference will be held at Dearborn, close to the main
US automotive manufacturers.
There will be individual conference proceedings, but only one registration
fee (approx. $250) for the entire event, including the full set of
The CACSD'96 Symposium is a forum for all timely aspects of CACSD.
However, due to the special emphasis theme, papers on all aspects of
CACSD linked to the system-dynamics and mechatronics engineering
development life cycle for automotive systems are invited.
The technical program of the Symposium will feature:
A plenary lecture
Technical sessions with contributed and invited papers
Special sessions and lectures
- survey papers
- case studies
- benchmark sessions
- panel discussion sessions.
An invited session is a set of papers on a well-defined subject of
current interest. It normally contains 5-6 papers.
A survey paper summarizes the state of the art in a technical
area of special interest; it is to be presented in a lecture
session of contributed or invited papers where it usually takes the
slots of two regular papers (about 40 minutes).
A case study describes a particularly important application in some
depth; its length may be an hour.
A benchmark session compares several methods using a previously
defined example; its length may be an hour.
A panel discussion is a discussion session on a subject of current
interest, usually with a strong industrial emphasis, with the
participation of the audience and several recognized experts in the
"panel". Its length is usually an hour.
Papers are solicited for technical and special sessions which include,
but are not limited to:
- Algorithms for CACSD - Data Structures for CACSD
- Software Tools for CACSD - CACSD Support Environments
- System Modeling and Simulation - Intelligent controller design
- Control System Design Methodology - Design of Automotive Systems
- Symbolic and Numerical Computations - Hybrid, Discrete-Event and
Real-Time Systems
Authors of regular papers are invited to submit contributions in any of
the topics listed above. The submissions should identify the corresponding
author, telephone, fax and email information, and full mailing address.
Organizers of invited sessions must contact the Program Chair (see below)
by Jan. 1., 1996 to obtain information on the required invited proposal
format. Five copies of regular papers, and invited session proposal
packages (in the proper format) are due Jan. 22, 1996, and should be sent
to the CACSD Program Chair Prof. G. Gruebel (address below).
Detailed typing instructions and sample sheets
will be provided together with the acceptance notification.
Proposals are also welcome for
- survey papers
- case-studies
- benchmark sessions
- panel discussions.
Organizers of benchmark and case studies sessions as well of panel
discussions must contact the Program Chair by Jan. 1., 1996 to obtain
information on the required proposal format.
January 22, 1996 ........ All submissions and proposals
May 1, 1996 ........ Notification of acceptance
June 17, 1996 ........ Camera-ready paper
Organizing Chair Program Chair
---------------- -------------
Prof. Grantham Pang Prof. Georg Gruebel
Dept. Electr. & Comp. Eng. DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
University of Waterloo Institute for Robotics and System
Waterloo, Ontario Postfach 1116, D-82230 Wessling
Tel: 519-885-1211 (ext.3994) Tel: (+49) 8153-28-2484
Fax: 519-746-3077 Fax: (+49) 8153-28-1441
Email: pang@kingcong.uwaterloo.ca Email: georg.gruebel@dlr.de
URL: http://www.op.dlr.de/FF-DR/dr_er/CACSD96.html
Where to submit:
Prof. Georg Gruebel
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
Institute for Robotics and System Dynamics
Postfach 1116, D-82230 Wessling
Contributed by: Aggelos Katsaggelos
Announcement and Call for Papers European Symposium on
(sponsored by EOS/SPIE)
Conference on Digital Compression Technologies and Systems for Video
Communications Oct. 7-11, 1996, Berlin, Germany
Conference Chair: Naohisa Ohta (NTT Optical Network Systems Labs. Japan)
Conference Co-chairs: Aggelos Katsaggelos (Northwestern University, USA),
Ralf Schaefer (HHI, Germany)
Papers are solicited on the following topics:
1. Image and video sequence coding
2. Image and video coding standards
3. Devices for image and video compression & communications
4. Applications of image and video sequence coding audio-visual
services and systems
5. Image and video compression for special applications, e.g.:
Tentative Schedule
Abstract Due Date: Jan. 29, 1996
Notification of Acceptance: April 1, 1996
Manuscript Due Date: July 15, 1996
Note: late submissions may be considered, subject to chair's approval and
programme time availability
Submission of Abstracts
To qualify for acceptance, you must either fax one or mail all
four copies of your abstract by Jan. 29, 1996 to:
Conference on Digital Compression Technologies and Systems for Video
Communications (Advanced Imaging and Networks, EUROPTO)
c/o Direct Communications GmbH
Xantener Stra e 22
D - 10707 Berlin, FRG
Phone: ++49-30-881 50 47
Fax: ++49-30-883 88 11
E-mail: 100140,3216@CompuServe.com
For further information, please contact Mr. Heckel
at the above address.
Contributed by: Siep Weiland
First Announcement and Call for Papers
15th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
Conference Center `De Brug', Mierlo, the Netherlands,
March 6--8, 1996
The next Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control will take place from
March 6 to March 8, 1996, in the conference center `De Brug' in Mierlo
(Brabant, the Netherlands). The aim of this meeting is to promote the
research activities and the cooperation between researchers in Systems
and Control in the Benelux. It is the fifteenth in a series of annual
conferences that are held alternately in Belgium and the Netherlands.
The meeting takes place under the auspices of the Dutch Institute of
Systems and Control (DISC), the Dutch Foundation for Measurement and
Control Technology (SMBT), and the Belgian Federation of Automatic
Control (BIRA-IBRA).
The technical program consists of the following items.
1. Main Lectures.
- Prof.B.D.O. Anderson
- Prof.F.E. Cellier
2. Minicourse on Closed-Loop System Identification by
- Prof.M. Gevers
- Dr. P.M.J. Van den Hof
3. Contributed Lectures covering all aspects of systems and control
theory and its applications.
Call for Papers
Contributions for part 3 of the program are now being solicited. Each
submission consists of a one page abstract of the presentation and must
be headed with the title, the name and the complete mailing address (if
possible including electronic mail address) of the authors. Proposals for
Special Sessions consisting of four or five lectures centered around a
specific topic are also solicited for part 3 of the program. Decisions on
the conference program will be made by the organizing committee. Upon
acceptance of contributions, authors will be asked to send in a one-page
summary for inclusion in a `book of abstracts' which will be distributed
at the conference. All submissions must be sent to the address below and
are due >>> NOVEMBER 10, 1995 <<<
Conference information
The participation fee, including registration, preprints, meals, and lodging,
will be approx. Dfl. 500.-- [US$ 300.--] (twinbedded room) and approx.
Dfl. 575.-- [US$ 350.--] (single room) for registrations received before
January 15, 1996. There will be special participation fees for one day
attendance and non-lodging arrangements. Registration forms will be sent out
in December.
Address for submissions
S. Weiland
Department of Electrical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513 Tel: (+31)(0)40.247.3577
5600 MB Eindhoven Fax: (+31)(0)40.243.4582
The Netherlands E-mail: s.weiland@ele.tue.nl
Additional information
Contributed by: Peter De Smedt
Technical Committee on Robotics TC-17
First Announcement and Call for Papers
6th International Symposium on
Measurement and Control in Robotics
- ISMCR '96 -
Brussels, 9 - 11 May 1996
You can also view an extended version of this file by
the Internet on the site
(Prof. L. Boullart)
Scope of the Symposium:
ISMCR'96 is the 6th edition in a series of international conferences on
Measurement and Control in Robotics; this event which will be held in
Brussels succeeds ISMCR'95 held in Slovakia on 12-16 June 1995.
The objective of this symposium is to bring high quality papers on relevant
topics for reporting new research results, together with
cross-fertilization among experts in each speciality.
Special sessions will be included in the symposium, dealing with sensor
fusion, dynamic motion control, micro robots, robots for health care and
telerobotics. Proposals on topics of current interest are welcome.
Main Topics:
Robotic Sensors
Sensory Systems
Human Interface
Motion Control
Artificial Reality/Virtual Reality
Kinematics and Dynamics
Micro Machines/Micro Robots
Intelligent Manipulation
Micro Sensors/Micro Actuators
Robot Language
Space Robotics
Robots in Hazardous Environment
Autonomous Navigation
New Applications of Intelligent Robots
Sensor Fusion
Home Robots
Robot Measurement
Robots for Health Care
National Projects/R&D Projects
Intelligent Robot Control
Real-Time Aspects of Measurement & Control
Emergent Architectures for Robot Control
Submission of Abstracts:
Abstracts, in English, must be headed as follows: Title. Topic (max. 3
keywords). Author's Name(s) and Affiliation(s). Speaker's Name. Address.
Telephone. Facsimile. E-mail.
Six copies of the abstract (250-400 words) should be received by the
Conference Secretariat before 1 December 1995.
Submission of Abstracts 1 December l995
Notification of Acceptance 15 January 1996
Receipt of Final Papers 15 March 1996
Early Registrations 8 April 1996
Registration Fees:
All participants, including authors/speakers have to pay a registration fee.
Members of BSMEE / IBRA-BIRA / Fabrimetal: Non-Members:
Before 8 April 1996: 12000 BEF (400 US$) 14000 BEF (467 US$)
After 8 April 1996: 15000 BEF (500 US$) 17000 BEF (567 US$)
Rates include admission to all sessions and the international exhibition
EUROTECH96, lunches and refreshments during the breaks, social event(s),
and proceedings.
One-day fee for Members Non-Members
Before 8 April 1996: 7000 BEF (234 US$) 8500 BEF (284 US$)
After 8 April 1996: 8500 BEF (284 US$) 10000 BEF (334 US$)
Rates include admission to the sessions, lunch and refreshments during the
selected day, a permanent ticket for the exhibition EUROTECH96 and a copy
of the proceedings. Participation in the Social Event(s) is NOT included.
This symposium is organized in parallel with EUROTECH 96 which will take
place from 7 till 11 May 1996, in the same buildings.
EUROTECH is the most important industrial trade fair in the Benelux.
Several industrial sectors are presented: hydropneumatical technology,
motion and power controls, logistic and machine tools. The presence of 900
exhibitors and 40 000 trade visitors makes this event one of the most
efficient fair in Europe ! A permanent ticket for EUROTECH 96 is included
for every participant at the symposium.
Brussels International Exhibition Center: Hall 7
Place de Belgique / Belgieplein,
B-1020 BRUSSELS Belgium
Brussels, of course, is easily accessible by all kinds of transport (air,
rail, road, ...)
Conference Secretariat:
Belgian Society for Mechanical and Environmental Engineering
21 Rue des Drapiers
B 10SO Brussels, Belgium
Tel. + 32 2 511 82 86
Fax +32 2 51217 48
E-mail: Baudoin@mapp.rma.ac.be
Contributed by: blackmore@siam.org
The AMS-SIAM Committee on Applied Mathematics is seeking proposals for
a seminar in applied mathematics of (typically) two weeks duration
in Summer, 1997.
The AMS solicits grant funds to pay travel and subsistence costs of
speakers, administrative costs, and partial travel and subsistence for
These summer seminars are held annually. This year, the seminar was held
in Park City, Utah on "Mathematics of Numerical Analysis," organized by
Steve Smale (UC Berkeley).
The 1996 seminar, organized by Gang George Yin (Wayne State University)
and Qing Zhang (University of Georgia), concerns "Mathematics of Stochastic
Manufacturing Systems."
The proposal should consist of a title, paragraphs descriptive of
the subject, proposed dates, and a proposed organizing committee.
The deadline for proposals for 1997 has been extended to November 10, 1995.
For proposals for consideration for the 1998 summer seminar, the deadline
will be September 1, 1996.
Please send proposals, or requests for further information, to Jim Demmel,
UC Berkeley, demmel@cs.berkeley.edu, 510-643-5386.
Contributed by: Ewaryst Rafajlowicz
The 3rd International Symposium
September 10-13, 1996
Miedzyzdroje, Poland
Organized by:
Institute of Control Engineering, Technical University of Szczecin, Poland
Sponsored by:
Polish Academy of Sciences:
- Committee of Automation and Robotics
- Committee of Metrology and Instrumentation
- Commission of Cybernetics, Poznan Branch
The objective of the Symposium is to bring together scientists and
engineers to present and discuss recent developments in the area of
mathematical methods, modelling, simulation and identification in
automation and robotics. This Symposium is the third event in a
series which started in 1994.
Main topics:
Control theory:
- distributed parameter systems
- H-infinity and robust control
- 2-D systems, nonlinear systems
- optimization methods
Control engineering:
- adaptive and predictive control
- neural networks and learning systems
- computer-aided control system design
- components and instrumentation
- robot design and control
- assembly and task planning
- path planning and mobile robots
- intelligent sensors and actuators
- robot applications
- identification methods and algorithms
- time-varying systems
- fault detection
- diagnostic measurements
- dynamic measurements
- recovery of measurement signals
- modelling of measuring transducers and sensors
Modelling and simulation:
- mathematical modelling
- model representation and quality
- robot simulation
The PLENARY PAPERS will be given by:
- S.J. Elliott (Southampton, UK)
- D. Hinrichsen (Bremen, D)
- P.C. Mueller (Wuppertal, D)
- S. Townley (Exeter, UK)
and the INVITED SESSIONS will be organized:
- on Diagnostic Measurements
by K. Badzmirowski (Warsaw, PL)
- on Active Noise Control
by S.J. Elliott (Southampton, UK)
and A. Niederlinski (Gliwice, PL)
- on Distributed Parameter Systems
by H. Logemann (Bath, UK)
- on Robotics
by F. Wahl (Braunschweig, D)
General information for participants:
The Symposium will be held in Miedzyzdroje, a well-known Baltic seaside
resort of North-Western Poland. The Meeting will take place at the Slavia
Hotel situated a few meters from the Baltic beach and close to the Wolin
National Park. The Hotel can accommodate all participants at reasonable
prices. During the Symposium a social programme for partcipants and
accompanying persons is planned.
The registration fee of the Symposium covering the costs of Symposium
Proceedings and reception is expected not to exceed 150 ECU.
January 31, 1996 Submission of abstracts (2 copies, 3 pages)
March 31, 1996 Notification of acceptance
May 15, 1996 Lower registration and accommodation fee
May 31, 1996 Submission of camera-ready manuscripts
July 15, 1996 Distribution of the final programme
September 10-13, 1996 Symposium
For more information contact:
Prof. Z. Emirsajlow - Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Prof. S. Banka - Secretary of the Int. Programme Committee
Phone: (+48 91) 49 47 04, 49 47 37, 49 41 68
Fax: (+48 91) 34 09 32
E-mail: mmar@we.tuniv.szczecin.pl
Contributed by: Raimund J. Ober"