E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 81, May 1, 1995

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Short course modern industrial control, Newcastle
        3.2  Genetic algorithms available in Matlab
        3.3  SCAD update

4.      Positions
        4.1  Graduate research traineeships, Un. of Missouri-Rolla
        4.2  Assistent professor ETH Zurich
        4.3  Research and teaching position Systems and Control, Eindhoven
        4.4  Postdoctoral fellow in control, Canberra
        4.5  Postgraduate scholarships Un. of Glasgow
        4.6  Army research lab., Aberdeen

5.      Books
        5.1  Intelligent control, fuzzy logic applications, C.W. de Silva
        5.2  Approximation of discrete time partially observed control
             problems, W.J. Runggaldier
        5.3  VLSI digital signal processors, V.K. Madisetti
        5.4  Large deviations for performance analysis, A. Shwartz, A. Weiss
        5.5  Dissertation Zoran Fejzo
        5.6  Using Matlab to analyze and design control systems, N.E. Leonard

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC SIAM Review, vol. 37:2
        6.2  TOC MCSS, vol. 17:3
        6.4  TOC Automatica, vol. 31:5
        6.5  TOC J. of Mathematics, Systems, Estimation and Control, vol. 5:2
        6.6  TOC LAA, vol. 219

7.      Conferences
        7.1  ACC-1995
        7.2  Advance program ICCI-1995
        7.3  Symp. on large scale systems, City un. of London
        7.4  Industrial mathematics modeling workshop, Raleigh
        7.5  Workshop digital communications, s.p. in telecom, Viareggio
        7.6  Workshop automatic speech recognition, Snowbird, Utah
        7.7  CFP Workshop hybrid systems, Rutgers, Oct 22-25, 1995
        7.8  Neural adaptive control techn. workshop, Glasgow
        7.9  CFP Int. Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Hsinchu,
        7.10  CFP Methods & models in automation and robotics, Miedzyzdroje

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 81 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear June 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

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    'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.win.tue.nl"

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    for the string: *.**

              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Mark Davis (m.davis@ic.ac.uk)

                 CHANGE OF ADDRESS

I am moving on April 18 from Imperial College to

   Mitsubishi Finance International plc
   6 Broadgate
   London EC2M 2AA

   Tel: 0171-696 1510 (direct)
   Fax: 0171-782 9144
   email: markd@ukmfil.co.uk    (m.davis@ic.ac.uk will also still be

Please keep sending preprints, particularly anything relating to math

In connection with this move, I have stepped down as Editor of Stochastics
Stochastics Reports. The new Editor is

  Dr Saul Jacka
  Department of Statistics
  University of Warwick
  Coventry CV4 7AL, England        email: s.d.jacka@warwick.ac.uk

Referees' reports etc for papers already under review should be sent to
Doris Abeysekera at Imperial College. All new papers should be submitted
to Saul Jacka.

Contributed by:  Len Sciacca, 

                Change of Address

I have taken up a position as Senior Research Scientist in the Radio
Frequency Seekers group in DSTO as from March 1995. Interests in
tracking, antenna control systems, signal processing and realtime

Old Address:Director, Australian Systems Research (NSW) Pty Ltd

New Address:Senior Research Scientist
            Radio Frequency Seekers, WSD
            Defence Science and Technology Organisation
            PO Box 1500
            AUSTRALIA 5108

Phone : +61 8 259 5494
Fax   : +61 8 259 5688
Home  :    08 369 2648

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by:  Lisa Crisafulli 

                          SEPTEMBER 25 - 29 1995

Professor Graham Goodwin and colleagues from the Centre for Industrial
Control Science (CICS) at Newcastle University will conduct a week long
school presenting modern control strategies in an industrial context.  The
course is aimed at engineers and control practitioners providing practical
knowledge and tools for design, analysis and implementation of both
conventional and advanced control strategies.  It would also be beneficial
to academics or research students in gaining exposure to how  modern
control theory can be effectively applied to practical problems.  The
course features a problem based learning format where the material is
motivated by and applied to real world problems, and then followed up by
hands-on laboratory sessions.

Review of Conventional Control
Introduction to Model Based Control
Advanced Model Based Control
Soft Sensing and Kalman Filtering
Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Control

Description, motivation and solutions of actual industrial control

For more detailed information and registration forms contact:
Lisa Crisafulli, CICS, University of Newcastle, Callaghan  NSW  2308,
Ph:Int + 61 49 217126   Fax:Int + 61 49 601712

Contributed by: Flexible Intelligence Group 

              FlexTool(GA) M1.1 for MATLAB

We are glad to inform you of the following:

 (1) FlexTool(GA) M1.1, a genetic algorithm tool for MATLAB, and
 (2) Guidelines to Evolutionary Fuzzy Modeling, a document

now available from Flexible Intelligence Group, L.L.C.

Please contact FIGLLC@AOL . COM or send mail to
Flexible Intelligence Group, L.L.C., Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-1477,USA
for more details.


Flexible Intelligence Group, L.L.C.

Contributed by  Raimund J. Ober 
                Xu Huang 

        UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE --  May 1995

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               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas

                 gopher:          gopher.utdallas.edu
                 ftp address:     ftp.utdallas.edu
                 IP number:
                 Worldwide web:   URL: http://www.utdallas.edu/research/scad
                 queries (email): scad@utdallas.edu

New contents:
   Book announcement for:
   D.W. St. Clair: Controller Tuning and Control Loop Performance, A Primer.

   Number 80-1, 80-2

conference announcements:
   ICASAV'95: First announcement and Call for Papers
              IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Components
              for Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Vehicles.
              Toulouse, France. October 25-26, 1995.

jobs archive:
   links to AMS employment information and the IEEE job bank.

   link to Bill Helton's ftp preprints archive.

   links to:
   * Bill Helton's ftp software archive.
   * Visual Solutions, maker of VisSim a visual nonlinear dynamic simulation
   * Wor-toolbox, Weighted order reduction Matlab toolbox by Pepijn
     Philips Research.


   Pepijn Wortelboer, Weighted order reduction.

New activities:
   We keep expanding the information that we are offering.
   Check out our WWW and gopher pages!
   Information is available on: books, jobs, journal contents pages,
   conferences, software and much more.
   To improve our database we need your input with suggestions of
   what to add and how to improve SCAD!

************ Remember to send your tech reports and other material! *********

How to access scad:
  1.) Using gopher:
       gopher -p 1/research/scad gopher.utdallas.edu
       gopher gopher.utdallas.edu
    Select `UT-Dallas Research' and then `Systems and Control Archive at
  2.) Using ftp:
       ftp ftp.utdallas.edu
    Then cd /pub/scad
  3.) Using Worldwide Web:
       URL: http://www.utdallas.edu/research/scad

  More detailed instructions can be obtained by sending an email to


  After accessing SCAD you can find a README file which contains
  more information about SCAD.

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Professor K. Krishnamurthy 


     For Study Leading to the Ph.D. Degree in Mechanical Engineering
     in the field of Machine Tool Research (Intelligent Control of
     Precision Machining Operations)

Annual Stipend - $15,000 plus tuition and fee waiver

     * Traineeships is provided by the National Science Foundation
     * Awardees must be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents
     * Minorities and Women are especially encouraged to apply
     * Application Deadline for Fall Semester 1995 is June 1, 1995
     * Applicants with a B.S. degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0
       are expected to complete an M.S. degree in two years and then
       a Ph.D. degree in another three years
     * Applicants with an M.S. degree with a minimum GPA of 3.5 can
       directly pursue the Ph.D. degree

Contact Vicki Hudgins  for application
forms and more information.

Contributed by: Manfred Morari  

                Laboratory of Automatic Control

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) invites applications
for this position.  Teaching and research will focus on the analysis and
control of nonlinear systems.  Candidates should have a strong mathematical
background and a solid research record in the subject area.  The post of an
assistant professor has been established to promote the career of young
scientists. It is available for three years with the possibility of a
renewal for another three years.  Please submit your application, together
with a curriculum vitae and a list of publications, to the President of ETH
Zurich, Prof. Dr. J. Nuesch, ETH-Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, no later than June
30, 1995. The ETHZ specifically encourages female candidates to apply with
view towards increasing the proportion of female professors.  For additional
information please contact: morari@aut.ee.ethz.ch

Brigitte von Kaenel Tel: +41 1 632 2835 Institut fuer Automatik Fax: +41 1
632 1211 ETH-Z, ETL K10.1 8092 Zuerich e-mail: vkaenel@aut.ee.ethz.ch

Contributed by Jan J. Kok and Heinz A. Preisig 

                        IN THE
                  IN THE FACULTIES
                   APPLIED PHYSICS

              5600 MB EINDHOVEN
              THE NETHERLANDS

The Eindhoven University of Technology revived and enlarged the systems and
control group. Whilst the group was originally located in the Faculty for
Applied Physics, it is now defined as an interdisciplinary group with roots
in the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Applied
Physics. The group is strongly bound to the interdisciplinary institute
'Stevin Centrum', which also involves members of the Faculty of Mathematics.
Ties with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and other control groups
exist through the DISC (the Dutch Institute for Systems and Control).

The group will offer two to three positions, initially at the level of a
postdoctoral research and teaching assistant with the contingency for two
positions to convert into UD (roughly the equivalent to an assistant
professor) or UHD (equivalent to associate professor). Overall, the group is
expected to grow up to 25-30 people.

One, possibly two positions will be offered in Chemical
Engineering. Chemical Engineering is part of the Faculty of Chemical
Technology that houses classical chemistry, chemical engineering and a
number of specialised topics such as polymers and catalysis. Strong
backgrounds in dynamic systems, control theory and thermodynamics of
macroscopic systems are desired assets. The person will be involved in
generating new courses in Chemical Technology which will include modelling
of physical-chemical processes both on the introductory and the advanced
level and dynamic systems and control courses again both on the introductory
and the advanced level.

The other position is allocated to the Faculty of Applied Physics. Here a
solid background in modelling of dynamic systems and control theory is
required. A computer science and discrete-event dynamic systems background
is desirable.  Again the person would be involved in teaching. Current plans
are to combine courses of the three involved faculties.

All people are expected to participate strongly in a joint research program
with a current emphasis on
o   batch processes
o   multivariable model predictive control
o   discrete-event dynamic modelling and control
o   computer-aided modelling
+   active vibration control
+   control of nonlinear systems
+   control of chaotic systems.
The areas marked with o are to be strengthened by additional personnel.  The
areas marked with + are either not likely to be further extended or of
secondary priority.

Salaries are on the central European level and depend on experience and
position. Decision on promotion should be made within two years.

Eindhoven, a small city of approx. 300,000 inhabitants, is the home of
and DAF. Eindhoven is approximately on the same latitude as London in the
southern part of Holland, about 1 1/2 hours drive from Amsterdam, Rotterdam,
Brussels and Aachen.


Prof. Heinz A. Preisig or Prof. Jan J. Kok
Systems and Control Group
Faculty of Applied Physics, W&S 1.33
Eindhoven University of Technology
5600 MB Eindhoven

The Netherlands

fax        +31 (40)  43 71 70
tel        +31 (40)  47 25 30 / 47 21 50 / 47 27 98
e-mail     H.Preisig@ctrl.phys.tue.nl
  or       J.J.Kok@ctrl.phys.tue.nl

Contributed by irp@ee.adfa.oz.au


Department of Electrical Engineering
University College, University of New South Wales
Australian Defence Force Academy

This position is funded by the Australian Research Council under the grant:
"Robust Control for Uncertain Systems with Integral Quadratic Constraints"
and will  involve carrying out research in conjunction with Associate
Professor I.R. Petersen. The successful applicant will be appointed for a
period of two years.

Applicants should have a Ph.D in Engineering or Mathematics with a
specialisation in Control Theory. They should also have a demonstrated
ability to carry out research in one or more of the following areas: Robust
Control; The Control of Uncertain Systems; H infinity Optimal Control;
Stochastic Control; Differential Games;

Salary: In the range $Aust 37,345 - $Aust 40,087 (1$Aust ~= $US 0.73)
Further information can be obtained from Ian Petersen on email
irp@ee.adfa.oz.au or FAX 61 6 2688443. Applications close 26 May 1995.

Written applications should be sent to
Asst. College Secretary (Personnel) University College,
University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy,
Northcott Drive, Canberra ACT 2600 AUSTRALIA

Alternatively, applications can be sent directly to Ian Petersen via email
or FAX.

Applications should include the names, addresses, and email or FAX numbers
of two referees.

Contributed by: Yun Li 


                      UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW
                      FACULTY OF ENGINEERING


The Faculty of Engineering is offering Scholarships in any research
area of the Faculty, including Systems and Control Engineering.
Successful applicants will carry out research leading to the award of PhD.

Applicants should have a UK first or upper second class degree or
equivalent.  Awards will be made on the basis of merit.

The annual value of each scholarship includes fees and an maintenance
component.  The fee component corresponds to PhD fees for home/EU
students; applicants outwith the EU would have to find additional costs
from other sources, for example ORS awards.

General information about Glasgow University, the Faculty and research into
systems and control can be obtained on WWW with URLs:

Informal enquires should be made to
Prof. DJ Murray-Smith (D.Murray-Smith@eng.gla.ac.uk) or
Prof. PJ Gawthrop (P.Gawthrop@eng.gla.ac.uk).

Formal applications, including a CV and the names of two referees should be
sent as soon as possible and marked for the attention of P.J. Gawthrop to:

  The Clerk to the Faculty of Engineering
  James Watt Building,
  The University,

  +44 141 339 8855

Contributed by:  Brint Cooper 

                       ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY

       Research opportunities described below are available on the
       campus of the Army Research Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving
       Ground, Maryland. We are interested in offering appointments
       for one year to recent awardees of the PhD or to senior
       research associates, typically faculty on sabbatical leave.
       In the past, it has been possible to renew such appointments
       for a second year.

                        Research Description

   Research is needed in all aspects of digital communications to address
   the timely, reliable, and secure electronic transmission of information
   over battlefield computer networks.  Such networks operate in an
   environment of hostile and self-jamming; consist entirely of mobile
   nodes; exhibit time-varying topologies; and possess links of
   insufficient bandwidth to move expected volumes of traffic easily.
   Noise and interference typically are non-Gaussian and often unknown in
   any precise manner.

   Research problems can address any relevant topic.   Examples include:

                coding and modulation for noisy channels;
                joint source and channel coding for wireless channels;
                spread spectrum (CDMA).
                adaptive network protocols;
                network flow and congestion control;
                adaptive routing algorithms for mobile nets;
                communication and information theory;

 The Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is the Army's premier scientific
 research activity. ARL scientists enjoy access to many massively
 parallel and high performance computers as well as state of the art
 workstations on each desk.  Facilities are available to obtain any
 scholarly reference, and assistance with publication chores can be

 Aberdeen Proving Ground is located near the mouth of the Susquehanna
 River where it flows into the Chesapeake Bay, about 25 miles northeast
 of Baltimore, Maryland.  The area is rich in cultural events, and
 opportunities abound for outdoor recreational activity.

 For further information, please contact the undersigned.  Preliminary
 enquiries by electronic mail are encouraged.

        Dr A Brinton Cooper III
        US Army Research Laboratory
        Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD  21005-5067

 PHONE: 410-278-6883                    FAX:    410-278-2934

 INTERNET:  abc@arl.mil                 WWW: http://info.arl.mil/~abc

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: C. de Silva 

                A NEW BOOK (1995)


Author: Clarence W. de Silva, University of British Columbia,
        Vancouver, Canada.

Publisher:  CRC Press
            2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W.
            Boca Raton, FL  33431-9868, U.S.A.

        Tel: 800-272-7737 (Toll Free)
        Fax: 800-374-3401 (Toll Free)

Catalog No.: 7982NKY;  ISBN: 0-8493-7982-2

        This comprehensive new book provides an interesting combination
of research, teaching, and industrial applications in the field of
intelligent and fuzzy-logic control. The mathematical complexities are
minimized in the beginning of the text, but are subsequently integrated
for the benefit of advanced students and researchers without hampering
the book's readability for the novice.
        Applications are emphasized throughout the book. Intelligent
Control is filled with worked examples, exercises, case studies,
problems, solutions or answers to problems, an index, and references
for further reading. Software for developing intelligent control
applications are discussed, giving practical applications.
        The book which has about 350 pages contains ten chapters and
two appendices. Problems are given at the end of every chapter. The
traditional control techniques are introduced and contrasted with
intelligent control. Several methods of representing and processing
knowledge are presented, including fuzzy logic. Advantages of fuzzy
logic over other techniques are highlighted and limitations are
indicated. A hierarchical control structure appropriate for use in
intelligent control systems is described in detail. Several applications
are provided, with most falling into the areas of robotics and
mechatronics. Other applications such as air conditioning and process/
production control are also given.
        No prior knowledge of the subject is needed, and much of the
book can be comprehended without an advanced knowledge in mathematics.
Intelligent Control is suitable for an undergraduate or introductory-
level graduate course on the subject, and is also a convenient reference
tool for practicing professionals.

Table of Contents:

1. Conventional Control and Intelligent Control
2. Knowledge Representation and Processing
3. Fundamentals of Fuzzy Logic
4. Fuzzy Logic Control
5. Knowledge-Based Tuning
6. Knowledge-Based Control of Robots
7. Servo Motor Tuning
8. Hierarchical Fuzzy Control
9. Intelligent Restructuring of Production Systems
10. Future Applications
Appendix A. Further Topics on Fuzzy Logic
Appendix B. Software Tools for Fuzzy-Logic Applications

Contribuited by Wolfgang Runggaldier 

                   Announcement of the monograph

                       CONTROL PROBLEMS

   Wolfgang J.Runggaldier (Dept.of Mathematics,Univ. of Padova, Italy)
   Lukasz Stettner (Inst. of Mathematics, Polish Acad.of Sciences, Warsaw)

Table of contents :

1.PRELIMINARY RESULTS (1.1 The control problems; 1.2 The filter process;
  1.3 A general measure transformation).
2.FINITE HORIZON PROBLEMS (2.1 The idea of the approximation approach;
  2.2 Convergence, 2.2.1 Bounded cost functions, 2.2.2 Cost functions with
  polynomial growth; 2.3 The study of the approximating problem,
  2.3.1 Approximating finite state Markov chain, 2.3.2 Approximating
  operators separated in the variables).
3.INFINITE HORIZON WITH DISCOUNTING (3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Bellman equation;
  3.3 Construction of nearly optimal control functions, 3.3.1 Convergence:
  a) compact state space E, b) continuous control functions, 3.3.2 A specific
  approximation : a) compact state space, b) continuous control functions,
  3.3.3 Further discretizations : a) compact state space, a1) discretization
  of $P(E_m)$, a2) Sondik's algorithm, b) continuous control functions;
  3.4 Approximating operators separated in the variables, 3.4.1 Generalized
  Bellman equation, 3.4.2 Convergence of approximations, 3.4.3 The approxi-
  mating procedure; 3.5 Filter approximation and near optimal control values,
  3.5.1 Filter approx. and near optimal control values in the context of
  3.3, 3.5.2 Filter approx. and near opt. cont. val.in the context of
4.INFINITE HORIZON WITH ERGODIC COST (4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Bellman equation
  (discounted cost approximation), 4.2.1 Existence of sol.to the ergodic
  Bellman eq. for the case of a compact state space, 4.2.2 Control function
  approxim., 4.2.3 The case of a locally compact state space; 4.3 Mixed
  observation model, 4.3.1 Study of the associated filter process, 4.3.2
  Solution to the Bellman eq.; 4.4 Invariant measures for controlled
  processes, 4.4.1 A counterexample, 4.4.2 Embedded i.i.d. case, 4.4.3 Mixed
  observation case; 4.5 Construction of nearly opt. continuous control
  4.5.1 Approx. of invariant measures (general conv. result) : a) the mixed
  obs. case, b) the embedded i.i.d. case, 4.5.2 Specific approx.: a) control
  function approx., b) discretiz. of state and obs., b1) the mixed obs.case,
  b2) the embedded i.i.d. case, 4.5.3 Discretization of the simplex $P(E_m)$,
  4.5.4 Computational analysis of an example : a) the computational method,
  b) the implementation, c) numerical example, 4.5.5 Discounted cost approx.;
  4.6 Filter approx. and near optimal control values
APPENDIX (Bibliographical notes)

The monograph (XIX + 268 pages) is published by Giardini Editori of Pisa
ISBN 88-427-0267-6 and can be ordered through :
The Courier s.r.l (Italian Books and Journals)
Via L.A. De Bosis 25/27 - P.O.B. 67
50145 - Firenze, Italy (Tel.+39-55-300010,300443, Fax +39-55-300036)
Price is 80.000 ITL (about 50 USD)

Contributed by: Vijay Madisetti 

      An Introduction to Rapid Prototyping and Design Synthesis.

                        Vijay K. Madisetti
                Georgia Institute of Technology


               Butterworth Heinemann/IEEE Press April 1995

 "VLSI Digital Signal Processors: An Introduction to Rapid Prototyping
 and Design Synthesis" provides a cohesive, quantitative and
 clear exposition of the implementation and prototyping of digital
 signal processing algorithms on programmable signal processors,
 parallel processing systems, and application-specific ICs. Included
 in this book are both programmable and dedicated DSPs as well as
 discussions on the latest optimization methods, and computer-aided
 design (CAD) techniques, using a systems-based approach.

 This book is suitable for first/second year graduate students in
 signal processing, computer engineering, telecommunications or control
 engineering, and may also be used at the senior undergraduate level.
 It will also be useful for the practicing professional in the industry.

 The book has been class-tested for 4 years at Georgia Tech, and has
 been offered on NTU.  Basic digital design and an introduction to
 digital signals and systems is a sufficient background for this
 book, and no knowledge of VLSI design is assumed.

 Exercises for five chapters and an extensive list of recent
 references are provided.


        Chapter 1:  Digital Signal Processors
        Chapter 2:  Classification of DSP Architectures
        Chapter 3:  Data/Instruction Memories,
                    Communications, I/O
        Chapter 4:  VLSI Signal Processors:
        Chapter 5:  Datapath Design for DSP,
                    (High-Level Synthesis)
        Chapter 6:  Rapid Prototyping of Systems
        Chapter 7:  Digital Signal Multiprocessors (DSMP)
        Chapter 8:  DSMP Compilers and Schedulers
        Chapter 9:  Formal Optimization methods for
                    Scheduling, Assignment and Allocation
                    for DSPs (Constrained Behavioral Synthesis).
        Chapter 10: Examples of DSMP Prototyping
        Chapter 11: Video Signal Processors (VSPs).

              452 pp.,  Hardcover,  ISBN 7506-9406-8
                   April 1995.    $ 69.95.

 To order the book:

               Butterworth Heinemann
               (Reed Elsevier Group)
               Book Distribution Center
               225 Wildwood Avenue
               Woburn, MA 01801, USA

               Tel: 1-800 366-2665 (toll free)
               Tel: 617-928-2500
               Fax: +(617) 933-6333

 IEEE Members - call 1-800-678-IEEE
               for placing your order.

Contributed by Adam Shwartz 

New book announcement:


                      Queues, Communication, and Computing

Adam Shwartz and Alan Weiss

Chapman & Hall
April 1995: 6 x 9: 576 pp
Cloth: 0 412 06311 5: #B8827: $54.95/X [Can. cl $74.00/X]
Probability/ Applied Mathematics/ Operations Research
Order (800) 634-7064 from the US and Canada
GB Office: Telephone 0171 865 0066, Fax 0171 522 9623, 39.95 UK Pounds

The book is designed to be an introduction to the theory, and a compelling
collection of real engineering applications, for advanced undergraduate and
graduate students in engineering and applied mathematics. The book is also a
reference resource for mathematicians, researchers, and engineers. It is
self-contained, with detailed appendices to cover all the major tools used in
the book, and over 60 figures.

We enclose instructions for obtaining a Synopsis, suggestions for courses
on the book and sample chapters. We also enclose a table of contents.

The complete table of contents and Chapters 0 and 1 (together with a unique
cover which is not included with the printed version!) are available as the
Unix-compressed PostScript file bookintro.ps.Z in
You may prefer
which includes everything we have here, as well as a Synopsis, and
for courses based on the book.

Adam Shwartz is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

Alan Weiss is a member of the technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories,
Murray Hill, NJ.


Theory (pages 1-242):
1.  Large Deviations of Random Variables
2.  General Principles
3.  Random Walks, branching processes
4.  Poisson and Related Processes
5.  Large Deviations for Processes
6.  Freidlin-Wentzell Theory
7.  Applications and Extensions
8.  Boundary Theory

Applications (pages 243-470):
9.  Allocating Independent Subtasks
10. Parallel Algorithms: Rollback
11. The M/M/1 Queue
12. Erlang's Model
13. The Anick-Mitra-Sondhi Model
14. Aloha
15. Priority Queues
16. The Flatto-Hahn-Wright model

Appendices (pages 471-538):
A. Analysis and Probability
B. Discrete-Space Markov Processes
C. Calculus of Variations
D. Large Deviations Techniques


Contributed by Hanoch Lev-Ari (levari@cdsp.neu.edu)

Ph.D. Dissertation available:

Title           : Adaptive Nonlinear Laguerre-Based Filtering
Author          : Zoran Fejzo
University      : Northeastern University, Boston
Thesis Advisor  : Prof. H. Lev-Ari
Author's e-mail : zfejzo@aware.com
Publication     : December 1994


In this thesis we have developed two adaptive non-linear estimation
approaches that use the Laguerre filter bank to possibly reduce the
structural index $M$ of the non-linear model.  The first approach is related
to the Wiener-Laguerre model of non-linear systems.  This approach offers an
attractive performance-complexity trade-off.  In particular for a quadratic
non-linear model: (i) the Wiener-Laguerre-Transversal model with RLS
adaptation (WLT/RLS) has excellent steady state performance and fast initial
convergence at the cost of ~${\cal O}(M^{4}) $~ computations per time
iteration; (ii) WL-Lattice with order recursive adaptation exhibits excellent
convergence behavior and requires only ~${\cal O}(M^{2})$~ computations
however, it introduces a moderate steady state performance degradation; (iii)
WLL with the normalized LMS adaptation performs only ${\cal O}(M^{2}) $~
computations per time instant and has very good steady state performance but
with somewhat slower initial convergence.  As a second approach we have
developed an alternative adaptive non-linear estimation technique which
reduces the computational requirements of WLT/RLS (to ~${\cal O}(M^{3})$~
calculations for quadratic model) with negligible performance degradation.
The proposed technique uses a filter-banks-based expansion for non-linear
systems and utilizes a modular multichannel Laguerre-lattice structure to
obtain an computationally efficient algorithm for the adaptation of model
parameters. The resulting structure consists of arrays of cells, each
performing scalar computations.  As such this structure exhibits excellent
numerical behavior and a high level of regularity which makes it suitable for
the VLSI implementations.

The postscript file to print the dissertation is available through anonymous

ftp ftp.cdsp.neu.edu
(password is your internet mail address, like whoever@wherever.edu)
cd pub/papers/zfejzo
get thesisoff.ps

Contributed by: Naomi Ehrich Leonard 

         Announcement of Second Edition Book Publication:


        by Naomi Ehrich Leonard, Princeton University
        and William S. Levine, University of Maryland

        212 pages, softcover, published April 1995
        MATLAB files available at no cost.

        Publisher: Benjamin/Cummings
                   390 Bridge Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065
                   800/552-2499, Internet: bookinfo@bc.aw.com
        (Use Addison-Wesley ISBN 0-8053-2193-4)

>From the back cover of the 2nd edition:

Now your students can learn MATLAB 4.2, a remarkable time-saving tool
for anyone who studies or designs control systems.  Through extensive
interactive examples and exercies that demonstrate MATLAB fundamentals
and its plotting capabilities, students quickly learn how to use the
software to perform calculations and generate graphs essential to
control system analysis.  After mastering the basics, students discover
how to use the software and extend their understanding of control system
operation and design.  Accompanying the book is an introduction to
SIMULINK, software that allows students to simulate signals, perform
transforms on those signals, and then measure them.
The manual follows the organization of Norman S. Nise's Control
System Engineering, Second Edition and is an ideal supplement to
the text.  Leonard and Levine's book can also be used with other
control systems texts, or alone, as an independent guide to MATLAB
for students and professionals.

        Table of Contents:


CHAPTER 1    MATLAB Fundamentals

CHAPTER 2    Plotting

CHAPTER 3    Setting Up Control Problems

CHAPTER 4    Poles, Zeros, and Time Response

CHAPTER 5    Root Locus Plots

CHAPTER 6    Frequency-Domain Plots

CHAPTER 7    State-Space Computations

CHAPTER 8    Discrete-Time Control Systems


              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *
Contributed nelson@siam.org



          Software Libraries for Linear Algebra Computations on High
          Performance Computers
          Jack J. Dongarra and David W. Walker

          A Survey of the Maximum Principles for Optimal Control
          Problems with State Constraints
          Richard F. Hartl, Suresh P. Sethi, and Raymond G. Vickson

          Stabilization of the Inverted Linearized Pendulum by High
          Frequency Vibrations
          Mark Levi and Warren Weckesser

          Finite Catenary and the Method of Lagrange
          K. Veselic


          A Nonlinear Programming Algorithm for Hospital Management
          Frank H. Mathis and Lenora Jane Mathis


          BOOK REVIEWS

          An Introduction to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
          (J. D. Logan) Karen Ames

          Numerical Solution of Sturm-Liouville Problems (John D.
          Pryce) Alan L. Andrew

          Time Series: Forecasting, Simulation, Applications (Gareth
          Janacek and Louise Swift) David F.  Findley

          Introduction to Multidimensional Integrable Equations (B.
          G. Konopelchenko) J. D. Gibbon

          General Pattern Theory: A Mathematical Study of Regular
          Structures (U. Grenander) Daniel Keenan

          Non-Standard Rank Tests (A. Janssen and D. M. Mason)
          Jana Jureckova

          Markov Models and Optimization (M. H. A. Davis) Suzanne

          Linear Partial Differential Operators in Gevrey Spaces
          (Luigi Rodino) Otto Liess

          Fundamentals of Grid Generation (P. Knupp and S. Steinberg)
          C. Wayne Mastin

          Duality and Perturbation Methods in Critical Point Theory
          (N. Ghoussoub) Jean Mawhin

          Mathematical Computational Techniques for Multilevel
          Adaptive Methods (U. Rude) Steve McCormick

          Normal Forms and Bifurcation of Planar Vector Fields
          (Shee-Nee Chow, Chengzhi Li, and Duo Wang) Kenneth R. Meyer

          Model-Free Curve Estimation ( M. E. Tartar and M. D. Lock)
          Guy Nason

          Numerical Solutions of the Euler Equations for Steady Flow
          Problems (Albrecht Eberle, Arthur Rizzi, and Ernst Heinrich
          Hirschel) Paul D. Orkwis

          Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations
          (Peter E. Kloeden and Eckhard Platen) Matthias Gelbrich and
          Werner Romisch

          Box Splines (C de Boor, K. Hollig, and S. Riemenschneider)
          Amos Ron

          Numerical Hamiltonian Problems (J. M. Sanz-Serna and M. P.
          Calvo) Robert D. Skeel

          The Couette-Taylor Problem (Pascal Chossat and Gerard
          Iooss) Juergen Scheurle

          Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics,
          Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering (Steven H. Strogatz)
          Douglas S. Shafer

          The Fuzzy Systems Handbook: A Practioner's Guide to
          Building, Using, and Maintaining Fuzzy Systems (Earl Cox)
          Rod Taber


Contributed by Jan H. van Schuppen (J.H.van.Schuppen@cwi.nl)

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)

Volume 7, Issue 3

J.-M. Coron,
On the Stabilization of Controllable and Observable Systems by an Output
Feedback Law,
pp. 187-216.

R. Montgomery,
Singular Extremals on Lie Groups,
pp. 217-234.

P. Martin and R. Rouchon,
Feedback Linearization and Driftless Systems,
pp. 235-254.

Jyun-Horng Fu,
Liapunov Functions and Stability Criteria for Nonlinear Systems with
Multiple Critical Eigenvalues,
pp. 255-278.

The new address for submissions is:

J.H. van Schuppen
Co-Editor MCSS
P.O. Box 94079
1090 GB Amsterdam
The Netherlands

E-mail inquires regarding submission should be addressed
to: mcss@cwi.nl.

Contributed by Huibert Kwakernaak


                              Table of contents
May, 1995                                                Issue  31:5

Regular Papers

J.M. Berg, H.G. Kwatny          A canonical parametrization of the Kronecker
                                form of a matrix pencil

P. Banerjee, S. L. Shah         The role of signal processing methods in the
                                robust design of predictive control

D.S. Chen                       Adaptive control on hot-dip galvanizing

F. J. Doyle III, B. A.          Nonlinear model-based control using second
Ogunnaike, R. K. Pearson        order Volterra models

Brief Papers

Yu Tang, E. F. Camacho, J.      Frequency domain adaptive control: Band-wise
J. Flores                       compensation

Woo Sok Chang, IL Hong Suh,     Analysis and design of two types of digital
Tae Won Kim                     repetitive control systems

J. M. Koscielny                 Fault isolation in industrial processes by
                                dynamic table of states method

J. R. Partington, P. M.         Analysis of linear methods for robust
Makila                          identification in l_1

R. Tempo                        Worst-case optimality of smoothing algorithms
                                for parametric system identification

H. Abou-Kandil, G. Freiling,    On the solution of discrete-time Markovian
 G. Jank                        jump linear quadratic control problems

G. Bartolini, V. I. Utkin       Adaptive sliding mode control in
and A. Ferrara                   systems

P. Colaneri, S. Longhi          The realization problem for linear periodic

Jenq-Tzong H. Chan              Multivariable controller for redundantly
                                actuated systems: A numerical design approach
                                for open-loop data

Technical Communiques

Kaiqi Xiong                     Necessary and sufficient conditions for the
                                existence of a G-type Lyapunov function

Book Reviews

E.B. Lee                        J.E. Marshall, H. Gorecki, K. Walton, A.
                                Korytowski: Time delay systems: Stability and
                                performance criteria with applications

N. Karcanias:                   V. Kucera Analysis and design of discrete
                                linear control systems

Contributed by:  Edwin F. Beschler 

Table of Contents for Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control

                        Volume 5, Number 2 1995


Modelling and controllability of plate-beam systems
J.E. Lagnese   141

On relations between Schmidt pairs arising in robust control
Andrea Gombani  189

Errata: Chain-scattering representation, J-lossless factorization and H
Hidenori Kimura  203

Chain-scattering representation, J-lossless factorization and H control
Hidenori Kimura  204

Errata Summary: Necessary and sufficient conditions for nonlinear worst
case (H-infinity) control and estimation
Arthur J. Krener  257

Summary: H  control of nonlinear systems with sampled measurement
Sadanori Suzuki, Alberto Isidori, and Tzhy-Jong Tarn    259

Summary: Minimax estimation of statistically uncertain systems under the
choice of a feedback paramter
B.I. Anan'ev   263

Summary: System assignment and pole placement for symmetric realisations
Robert Mahony and Uwe Helmke    267

Summary: Legendre-Tau approximations for LQR feedback control of acoustic
pressure fields
H.T. Banks and F. Fakhroo

Contributed by:  Richard Brualdi 

Contents Volume 219

Carsten W. Scherer (Delft, the Netherlands)
The General Nonstrict Algebraic Riccati Inequality 1

Dragomir Z. Dokovic (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) and
Leonardo Legorreta (Ogden, Utah)
Congruence of Hermitian Matrices Over Some Localizations of C[z,"z_1] 35

Ali H. Sayed (Santa Barbara, California) and Thomas Kailath
(Stanford, California)
Fast Algorithms for Generalized Displacement Structures and Lossless
Systems 49

Darko Veljan (Zagreb, Croatia)
The Sine Theorem and Inequalities for Volumes of Simplices and Determinants

Chi-Kwong Li (Williamsburg, Virginia) and Paras P. Mehta
(Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Permutation Invariant Norms 93

Zuzana Nagyova (Kosice, Czechoslovakia)
On Classes of Normalized Matrices 111

Takayuki Furuta (Tokyo, Japan)
Extension of the Furuta Inequality and Ando-Hiai Log-Majorization 139

Miguel Lacruz (Mt. Pleasant, Michigan)
Norms of Schur Multipliers 157

Hiroyuki Ishibashi (Saitama, Japan)
Involuntary Expressions for Elements in GLn(Z) and SLn(Z) 165

C. Burgueno (Temuco, Chile) and C. Mallol
(Montpellier, France)
Morphismes de Peirce et Orthogonalite Dans les Algebres de Bernstein 179

Jan Hauke and Augustyn Markiewicz (Poznan, Poland)
On Partial Orderings on the Set of Rectangular Matrices 187

Suk-Geun Hwang (Taegu, Republic of Korea)
Minimizing the Permanent over Some Faces of the Polytope of Doubly Stochastic
Matrices 195

Isabel Cabral (Monte da Caparica, Portugal)
Matrices With Prescribed Submatrices and Number of Invariant Polynomials 207

P. Enflo, V. I. Gurarii, V. Lomonosov (Kent, Ohio) and Yu I. Lyubich (Haifa,
Exponential Numbers of Linear Operators in Normed Spaces 225

A. J. Duran (Sevilla, Spain) and W. Van Assche
(Heverlee, Belgium)
Orthogonal Matrix Polynomials and Higher-Order Recurrence Relations 261

Author Index 281

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by:  masada@mail.utexas.edu

June 21-23, 1995
The Westin Hotel
Seattle, Washington, USA

The 1995 American Control Conference will have over 1000 technical papers
presented to reflect the rapid growth and strong interest in the field of
control engineering. The program features strong representation in
applications areas such as aerospace, robotics and process control and in
theoretical areas such as estimation, robust control and artificial
intelligence. Plenary speakers are Dr. E. Stear of the Boeing Company,
Professor K. Poolla of the University of California at Berkeley, and Dr.
I.D. Landau of G.R. Automatique.

The conference will be preceded by seven tutorial workships which will be
held on June 19 and 20. The December, 1994 issue of IEEE Control Systems
Magazine has detailed descriptions of these workshops.

There will be a number of social events, luncheons and receptions.
Detailed information can be found in the February and April, 1995 issues of
IEEE Control Systems Magazine or by accesssing the World Wide Web at:


For any other information, please contact the General Chair,
  Masayoshi Tomizuka
  Department of Mechanical Engineering
  University of California
  Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
   Phone: (510) 642-0870
  email: tomizuka@euler.berkeley.edu

Contributed by: Floyd B. Hanson  

                    Short Version of ICCI95 Advance Program
            International Conference on Control and Information, 1995
                      The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
                        Chinese University of Hong Kong
                              Shatin NT, HONG KONG
                                 June 5-9, 1995

ICCI95 Conference:
The Conference will include invited keynote speakers, contributed sessions
and invited minisymposia, in broad areas of automatic control, system
Theory, information theory and applications.  Control and information are
important for progress in advancing technology, maintaining industrial edge,
and essential for understanding scientific progress in the Pacific Rim.
Recent developments in control and information have exhibited an expansion
of classical methods to more modern and innovative methods, along with
adaptation and integration of the classical methods to new methods.  The
emergence of new control and information methodologies has led to more
powerful procedures for solving challenging problems.

Keynote Invited Speakers:
Jian Song, System Science & Policy Making
Jagdish Chandra, Control Theory, Who Needs It: A Mathematician's Perspective
Eugene Wong, A Technology Policy for Hong Kong
Yu-Chi Larry Ho, Soft Optimization of Hard Problems
Sanjoy K. Mitter, The Limits of Universality in Problems of Inferenced
Jan C. Willems, Interconnection as the Central Concept in Control
Bruce A. Francis, Optimal Multirate Digital Signal Processing
B. D. O. Anderson, Sampled-Data System Description Using Frequency Responses
Suguru Arimoto, Nonlinear Circuit Theory That May Account for Dextrous
                of Nonlinear Mechanical Systems

Integrated Design for High Performance Systems, Chaired by F. Hadaegh
Parallel and Related Methods in Control, Chaired by F. Hanson and C.
Stochastic Theory-Adaptive Control, Chaired by B. Pasik-Duncan

Contributed Sessions
Robotic Control                                Neural Networks
Advances in System Theory                      Mathematical Techniques
Applications                                   Intelligent Systems
Stochastic Theory-Adaptive Control             Control Theory I, II
Filtering and Signal Processes I, II           Advances of Information Theory
Communication and Computer Systems             Stability Theory
Distributed Parameter and Large Scale Systems

Conference Sponsors:
The IEEE Control Society and the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society are
technical co-sponsors of the conference.  The conference is sponsored by
the US Army Research Office, the Army Research Office - Far East, US Office
of Naval Research, the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of the Chinese
University of Hong Kong, the K. C. Wong Education Foundation, the American
GNC Corporation, the International Press Company, Varitronix Limited,
Hong Kong Baptist University, as well as other foundations.

More Information:
A longer form of this advance program including brief local information,
registration form, or local information and registration forms alone, can be
found by Anonymous FTP using:

   ftp euler.math.cuhk.hk
   login:  anonymous
   password:  ``your-email-address''
   cd  /conf/icci95
   get  program.tex
   get  local-info.tex
   get  regis.frm

For more information, contact:
Dr. Kung Fu Ng
ICCI95 Local Arrangements Committee
Department of Mathematics
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin NT, Hong Kong
E-mail: ngkf@cuhk.hk

Contributed by P. D. Roberts 


                        BRIEF SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT

      7th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory
                            and Applications

The full program and further information is available from

Location and Dates:

City University, London, United Kingdom
Monday-Thursday, 10-13 July, 1995

Organized by:

The Control Engineering Centre, City University, London on
behalf of the United Kingdom Automatic Control Council (UKACC)

Sponsored by:
IFAC, The International Federation of Automatic Control
Technical Committee on Large Scale Systems

Scope of the Symposium:

In the field of Large Scale Systems special regard is taken of the problems
of structure, decomposition, nonlinearity, complexity and uncertainty. The
symposium contains three plenary lectures by leading international
authorities. Within the 36 contributed sessions, which cover a wide range of
major aspects of large scale systems from theoretical and methodological
developments to practical applications, there are also three invited
sessions which focus on strategic areas.


The symposium will be held in the premises of City University in Northampton
Square close to the heart of the City of London with easy access from public
transportation. The university is in easy reach of major sightseeing
locations in and around London.

Programme Topics:

- Computer integrated manufacturing and engineering
- Intelligent control
- Modelling and model reduction
- Optimizing control
- Production planning and scheduling
- Transportation systems
- Power systems stability
- Hierarchical optimal control
- Decision support systems
- Chemical and steel processes
- Hierarchical control
- Complex systems
- Power systems
- Multiobjective optimization
- Decentralized control and estimation
- Power systems modelling
- Management systems
- Robust decentralized control
- Water systems
- Intelligent power systems
- Optimization
- Manufacturing systems
- Robotics
- Decomposition
- Environmental systems
- Decentralized control
- Robotic systems
- Supervision and diagnosis
- Communications and information systems
- Discrete event systems
- Socioeconomic systems
- Stability

Invited Sessions:

- Structural approaches to large industrial systems modelling and control
- Traffic congestion control of traffic networks
- Methodologies and tools for operational control of water systems

Plenary Addresses:

"Advanced Information Technology: A Route to Competitive Process
Manufacturing", D Boland, ICI Engineering Technology, (UK)

"Decentralized Control and Computations of Complex Systems:
Status and Prospects", D D Siljak, Santa Clara University, (USA)

"Methodology and Systems for Environmental Decision Support",
Y Nakamori and Y Sawaragi, (Japan)

Contributed by: Hien T. Tran 

                            Announcing the

                         FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS
                          August 7 - 16, 1995

             Center for Research in Scientific Computation
                     North Carolina State University
                          Raleigh, North Carolina

The Industrial Mathematics Modeling Workshop for Graduate Students,
which is the fourth in the series, will take place at the Center for
Research in Scientific Computation at North Carolina State University
in Raleigh, North Carolina, 7-16 August 1995.  This workshop is being
held annually, the previous highly successful meetings was held at the
University of Minnesota in 1992 and at the Claremont Colleges in 1993
and 1994.  A description of the 1993 Claremont workshop can be found in
SIAM NEWS, November, 1993 issue.
In line with the previous workshops the goals of this workshop are:
      * to expose 30 graduate students in mathematics and
        statistics to the challenging and exciting real-world
        problems from industry and government laboratories;
      * to introduce students to the team approach to problem
Funding for this workshop has been requested with the National Security
Agency and the Army Research Office.  Additional support is anticipated
from the Center for Research in Scientific Computation.

In the workshop the students will be divided into six teams to work
on "industrial mathematics" problems brought on by experienced applied
mathematicians.  These problems are challenging, real-world problems
from industry or applied science and require fresh, new insight for
their formulation and solution.  The problem presenters, primarily
from industry and government laboratories, are being recruited and
their names will be announced subsequently.

Graduate students in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics or
operations research can be nominated for this program by a faculty
member by sending a letter of recommendation.  In addition, the
student is required to send in a copy of a recent transcript.  THE
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION IS JUNE, 30.  Students will be expected to
finance their travel.  The workshop will cover local living expenses
for U.S. citizens and permanent residents.


   Ben Fitzpatrick (Center for Research in Scientific Computation)
   Hien T. Tran (Center for Research in Scientific Computation)

Submit your complete applications or any inquiries you may have
concerning this workshop to:

              Hien T. Tran
              Center For Research in Scientific Computation
              Box 8205
              North Carolina State University
              Raleigh, NC  27695-8205
              Telephone: (919) 515-3265
              Fax: (919) 515-3798
              e-mail: tran@control.math.ncsu.edu

Contributed by: luise@iet.unipi.it

7th Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications


Viareggio, Italy, 10-14 September 1995 - Hotel Astor


Marco LUISE - University of Pisa - Dip. di Ingegneria
Via Diotisalvi 2 - 56126 PISA (Italy)
Phone: +39 50 568662  Fax: +39 50 568522  E-mail: luise@iet.unipi.it

Ezio BIGLIERI - Politecnico di Torino - Dipartimento di Elettronica
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi  24 - 10129 TORINO (Italy)
Phone +39 11 5644030 Fax: +39 11 5644099  E-mail: biglieri@polito.it


Scientific Secretariat
University of Pisa - Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Via Diotisalvi 2 - 56126 PISA - Italy


Organizing Secretariat
Via Carducci 62/E - 56010 GHEZZANO (Pisa) - Italy


Organizing Committee:
European Space Agency
European Union - Human Capital & Mobility Program
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario Telecomunicazioni CNIT
Riccardo De Gaudenzi (European Space Agency)
Mario Mancianti (University  of Pisa, Italy)
Giancarlo Prati (University  of Parma, Italy)
Franco Russo (University of Pisa, Italy)
Gregori Vazquez (Polytechnic de Cataluna, Barcelona, Spain)


This Workshop is the seventh in a series, launched in 1983 and held
every other year, devoted to different aspects of Digital
Communication. The goal of this edition is to provide a world-wide
forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances and new
applications of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques to the
different aspects of a telecommunication system. This Workshop will
be held at the Astor Hotel of Viareggio, on the seashore near Pisa,
and the Proceedings will be published in a volume by Elsevier
Amsterdam (NL). The technical program will feature both tutorial and
state-of-the-art presentations in the areas below:

* Signal Processing in Satellite Networks
Riccardo DE GAUDENZI - ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

* Joint Source/Channel Coding for Multimedia Applications
Prof. James MODESTINO - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY, USA

* Adaptive Signal Processing Techniques
Anibal FIGUEIRAS-VIDAL - Polytechnic of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

* Applications of DSP to Personal Communication Networks (PCN)
Ramjee PRASAD - Delft Univ. of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

* The Use of DSP in Channel Estimation/Equalization and Modem Design
Umberto MENGALI - University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

* Recent Applications of DSP Techniques
Gregori VAZQUEZ-GRAU - Polytechnic of Cataluna, Barcelona, Spain

The venue:

The city of Viareggio and the surrounding coastal area, the
Versilia, spreads out on a wide territory from the luxuriant forest
of Migliarino to Lido di Camaiore along the Tyrrhenian sea, close to
the beautiful cities of Pisa and Lucca.
The Hotel Astor is located on the sea front in the very heart of the
Viareggio promenade. Most of the rooms overlook the sea, others face
the wonderful setting of the Apuan Alps. All the rooms are furnished
with good taste and provided with every modern comfort (TV, minibar,
air-conditioning); it has spacious public rooms, an indoor heated
swimming pool.


For more information, please contact the co-chairmen at the address

Contributed by Barb Wheatley, wheatley@csc.ti.com
        IEEE SPS 1995 Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition

                        IEEE Signal Processing Society
                1995 Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition

                                Snowbird, Utah
                             December 10-13, 1995

                  Workshop Announcement and Call for Papers

The fifth Automatic Speech Recognition Workshop sponsored by the IEEE Signal
Processing Society will be held at Snowbird, Utah, on December 10-13, 1995.
The objective of the workshop is to review the state of the art, current
issues, and future directions in automatic speech recognition.  Topics

     Language Modeling (Beyond Static N-grams)
     Spoken Language Understanding
     Spontaneous Speech Recognition
     Next Generation Algorithms
     Multilanguage Recognition
     Application Developers' Needs

The workshop will comprise plenary sessions focused on specific topics and
poster sessions encompassing all aspects of automatic speech recognition.
The plenary sessions will consist entirely of invited presentations, with
ample opportunity for discussion.  Submissions for the poster sessions are
welcome; topics include but are not limited to the list above.  Attendance
at the Workshop will be limited to 130 people on a first come/first served
basis and will be by both invitation and application.  Priority will be
given to those who make presentations.

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a 2-page summary to the address
below.  Electronic submissions should be in postscript format.  Submissions
should include the title, authors' names, affiliations, address, telephone
and fax numbers and e-mail address if any.  Summaries accepted for
presentation will be included in the Workshop Proceedings to be distributed
at the workshop to all attendees.

Prospective attendees are encouraged to register early, as space is limited.
The workshop registration fee is U.S. $375 until July 15, 1995, and U.S. $425
after that date.  The registration fee includes refreshments, all meals from
Sunday evening through Wednesday noon, and a copy of the Workshop
Payment must accompany registration and must be made in US dollars.  Please
make check payable to IEEE 95 ASR Workshop.  Indicate with your registration
if you intend to submit a summary for poster presentation.

Please send registrations and poster session submissions to:

     Barbara Wheatley
     Texas Instruments
     P.O. Box 655474 MS 238
     Dallas TX 75265 USA

     e-mail: wheatley@csc.ti.com
     phone:  214-995-0651
     fax:    214-995-0304


     Preregistration deadline:         July 15, 1995
     Submission of 2-page summary:     July 15, 1995
     Notification of acceptance:       August 31, 1995

All workshop sessions will be held at Snowbird Resort, Snowbird, Utah,
located 29 miles from Salt Lake City.  Participants should stay at the
resort.  A block of rooms has been reserved for December 9-13, and a special
conference rate is available for December 7-15.  Housing and airport shuttle
arrangements should be made directly with the resort.  Mention IEEE ASR
Workshop to obtain conference rates.

     Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort
     Central Reservations
     7350 Wasatch Blvd.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84121-9829 USA
     phone:  800-453-3000
     fax:    801-742-3300

Contributed by: Eduardo Sontag (sontag@hilbert.rutgers.edu)

                            Call For Papers

         Workshop on Verification and Control of Hybrid Systems

                      Sponsored by DIMACS and SYCON

                           October 22-25, 1995
                        New Brunswick, New Jersey

The fifth of a series of workshops on hybrid systems will be organized at
Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, from October 22 to October
25, 1995.  The previous workshops of the series were organized in 1991 and
1994 in Ithaca, New York, in 1992 in Lyngby, Denmark, and in 1993 in Boston.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers from both
computer science and control theory, and to advance the theory of hybrid
systems and its applications to real-life problems.

The 1995 workshop will be organized as a part of the DIMACS 1995-96 Special
Year on Logic and Algorithms.  DIMACS is a Science and Technology Center
funded by the National Science Foundation, and the participating institutions
are Rutgers University, Princeton University, AT&T Bell Laboratories, and

The co-sponsor of this workshop is SYCON, the Rutgers Center for Systems and
Control.  SYCON is a Rutgers University Center dedicated to research in
control theory and closely associated topics.

The four-day workshop will combine invited presentations with accepted
submissions.  Submissions are invited in all areas pertaining to the formal
verification and control of hybrid systems, that is, systems in which digital
devices interact with continuous objects.  We are especially interested in
methods bringing together in creative ways concepts from computer science and
control theory.  Topics include, but are not limited to, formal models and
specification languages, algorithmic and deductive verification, control and
optimization, simulation and testing, design and synthesis, complexity and
decidability issues, probabilistic systems, automatic and interactive tools,
experimental results and applications.

Authors are requested to submit an extended abstract not exceeding twelve
pages, either six hard copies or a postscript file to the address below.
The abstract should start with a title page containing the title of the
paper, each author's name and affiliation, the contact author's physical and
e-mail addresses, and a one- or two-paragraph summary.  The full versions of
selected submissions will be published after the workshop as a volume of the
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

There will be no registration fee for the workshop.
Limited funds are available to cover the travel costs of students.

Important Dates

Submission deadline:         July 26, 1995
Notification to acceptance:  September 1, 1995

Workshop Organizing Committee

Rajeev Alur (alur@research.att.com)
Thomas A. Henzinger (tah@cs.cornell.edu)
Eduardo Sontag (sontag@control.rutgers.edu)

Submission Address

Rajeev Alur
2D-144, AT&T Bell Laboratories
600 Mountain Avenue
Murray Hill, NJ 07974
Email: alur@research.att.com (postscript only)

Program Committee

Rajeev Alur (AT&T Bell Labs, USA)
Albert Benveniste (INRIA-IRISA, France)
John Guckenheimer (Cornell University, USA)
Thomas A. Henzinger (Cornell University, USA)
Bruce Krogh (Carnegie Mellon Univ, USA)
Amir Pnueli (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Peter Ramadge (Princeton University, USA)
Shankar Sastry (Univ of California, Berkeley, USA)
Fred B. Schneider (Cornell University, USA)
Eduardo Sontag (Rutgers University, USA)
Hector Sussmann (Rutgers University, USA)
Joseph Sifakis (VERIMAG, Grenoble, France)

DIMACS Special Year Organizing Committee

Eric Allender (allender@cs.rutgers.edu)
Robert Kurshan (k@research.att.com)
Moshe Y. Vardi (vardi@cs.rice.edu)

Contributed by:  Rafal W Zbikowski 

        FINAL CALL

        Neural Adaptive Control Technology Workshop: NACT I
        18--19 May, 1995
        University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

   The first of a series of three workshops on Neural Adaptive
   Control Technology (NACT) will take place on May 18--19, 1995 in
   Glasgow, Scotland.  This event is being organised in connection
   with a three-year European Union funded Basic Research Project in
   the ESPRIT framework.  The project is a collaboration between
   Daimler-Benz Systems Technology Research, Berlin, Germany and the
   Control Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
   Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland.

   The project is a study of the fundamental properties of neural
   network based adaptive control systems.  Where possible, links
   with traditional adaptive control systems will be exploited. A
   major aim is to develop a systematic engineering procedure for
   designing neural controllers for non-linear dynamic systems. The
   techniques developed will be evaluated on concrete industrial
   problems from within the Daimler-Benz group of companies:
   Mercedes-Benz AG, Deutsche Aerospace (DASA), AEG and DEBIS.  The
   project leader is Dr. Ken Hunt (Daimler-Benz) and the other
   principal investigator is Professor Peter Gawthrop (University of

   Call for Participation, Provisional Programme, registration
   form and hotel booking can be found as the PostScript files:
        call.ps         Call for Participation
        proviso.ps      Provisional Programme
        register.ps     registration & hotel
   on the servers detailed below.

   -FTP server
   anonymous FTP to: ftp.mech.gla.ac.uk (
   directory: nact

   -World-Wide Web server

   WWW server provides a link to the FTP server.

   Rafal Zbikowski
        Control Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
        Glasgow University, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK

Contributed by:  Yu Hu 


       1995 International Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
        December 18-20, 1995, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China

Sponsored by National Chiao-Tung University in cooperation with
Ministry of Education, Taiwan R.O.C.
National Science Council, Taiwan  R.O.C.
IEEE Signal Processing Society

Call for Papers
The third of a series of International Symposium on Artificial
Neural Networks  will be held at the National Chiao-Tung University,
Hsinchu,  Taiwan in December of 1995. Papers are solicited for,
but not limited to, the following topics:

Associative Memory              Robotics
Electrical Neurocomputers       Sensation & Perception
Image/Speech Processing         Sensory/Motor Control Systems
Machine Vision                  Supervised Learning
Neurocognition                  Unsupervised Learning
Neurodynamics                   Fuzzy Neural Systems
Optical Neurocomputers          Mathematical Methods
Optimization                    Other Applications

Prospective authors are invited to submit 4 copies of extended summaries
of no more than 4 pages. All the manuscripts should be written in
English with single-spaced, single column, on 8.5" by 11" white
papers. The top of the first page of the summary should include a title,
authors' names, affiliations, address, telephone/fax numbers, and email
address if applicable. The indicated corresponding author will receive
an acknowledgement of his/her submissions.  Camera-ready full papers
of accepted manuscripts will be published in a hard-bound proceedings
and distributed at the symposium. For more information, please consult
at the MOSAIC URL site http://www.ee.washington.edu/isann95.html, or
use anonymous ftp from pierce.ee.washington.edu/pub/isann95/read.me

For submission from USA and Europe:

Professor Yu-Hen Hu
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI 53706-1691
Phone: (608) 262-6724, Fax: (608) 262-1267
Email:  hu@engr.wisc.edu

For submission from Asia and Other Areas:

Professor Sin-Horng Chen
Dept. of Communication Engineering
National Chiao-Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan
Phone: (886) 35-712121 ext. 54522, Fax: (886) 35-710116
Email: isann95@cc.nctu.edu.tw
Submission of extended summary:            July 15
Notification of acceptance:                September 30
Submission of photo-ready paper:           October 31
Advanced registration, before:             November 10


General Co-Chairs

Hsin-Chia Fu                           Jenq-Neng Hwang
National Chiao-Tung University         University of Washington
Hsinchu, Taiwan                        Seattle, Washington, USA
hcfu@csie.nctu.edu.tw                  hwang@ee.washington.ed

Program Co-Chairs

Sin-Horng Chen                         Yu-Hen Hu
National Chiao-Tung University         University of Wisconsin
Hsinchu, Taiwan                        Madison, Wisconsin, USA
schen@cc.nctu.edu.tw                   hu@engr.wisc.edu

Advisory Board Co-Chair

Sun-Yuan Kung                          C. Y. Wu
Princeton  University                  National Science Council
Princeton, New Jersey, US              Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Contributed by:  banka@we.tuniv.szczecin.pl and raf@ldhpux.immt.pwr.wroc.pl


                     The Second International Symposium
                        August 30 - September 2, 1995
                           Miedzyzdroje, Poland

Organized by:

Institute of Control Engineering, Technical University of Szczecin,
Szczecin, Poland


The objective of the Symposium is to bring together scientists and engineers
to present and discuss recent developments in the area of mathematical
modelling, simulation and identification in automation and robotics.
This Symposium is the second event in a series which started in 1994 with the


(P1)  Some aspects of Recursive Least Squares and Self-Tuning
      A. Niederlinski (Poland)
(P2)  Automata and languages
      T. Puchalka and P. Siwak (Poland)
(P3)  Mechatronic Approach to Robotic Modelling. Software Engineering
      O. Ravn (Denmark) and M. Szymkat (Poland)


(S1)  Infinite-dimensional systems
      Organized by H. Zwart (The Netherlands)

1.  Semigroup Criteria of Admisibility
    P. Grabowski (Poland) and F. Callier (Belgium)
2.  Optimal Control for Time-Varying Infinite Dimensional Systems
    B. Jacob (Germany)
3.  Mathematical Control Theory for Problems Arizing in the Models of Smart
    I. Lasiecka (USA)
4.  Boundary Control of PDE's
    M. Pedersen (Denmark)
5.  A Comparison between Approximate and Behavioral Controllability for
    Delay-Differential Systems
    P. Rocha (Portugal)
6.  Interpolation Theory for Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems
    H. Zwart  (The Netherlands)

(S2)  Singular 2-D systems
      Organized by T. Kaczorek (Poland)

1.  Infinite Dimensional Singular 2-D Systems
    J. Klamka (Poland)
2.  Approximation of Digital Model for Continuous Linear 2-D System
    J. Kurek (Poland)
3.  Pass Reachability of the Linear Discrete Repetitive Processes
    K. Galkowski (Poland), E. Rogers and D. Owens (UK)
4.  Generating Functions: A New Method for the Computation of 2-Dimensional
    Transition Matrices
    N. E. Mastorakis (Greece)
5.  N-dimensional Sampling As a Tool for Nonlinear Neurocontrol
    A. Dzielinski (Poland)
6.  Two-Point Boundary Problem for 2-D Continuous-Discrete Linear Systems
    T. Kaczorek (Poland)
7.  A Method for Determining n-Dimensional Parameter Tolerance Area for
    Optimal Start Controller of Induction Motors
    T. Niewierowicz (Poland)

(S3)  Recent developments in robotics
      Organized by K. Kozlowski (Poland)

1.  Design of a man-machine interface in teleoperation: a real-virtual
    F. Chavand (France)
2.  Dynamic identification and control of robotics manipulator
    M.Gautier (France)
3.  Robot motion planning with path space iteration
    D. Popa and J. Wen (USA)
4.  New concepts for mobile robot idoor navigation
    F. M. Wahl (Germany)
5.  Motion space analysis and trajectory planning for dual-arm system
    W. Szynkiewicz and A. Gosiewski (Poland)
6.  Avoidable and unavoidable kinematic singularities of robotic manipulators
    K. Tchon (Poland)
7.  Features of robot drive system and their influence on dynamicd and
    control of the arm
    E. Jezierski (Poland)
8.  Hybrid evolutionary approach to control of intelligent arm
    W. Jacak (Austria)

and REGULAR SESSIONS on the following topics:

(T1)  Distributed parameter systems (7 papers)
(T2)  Stability and robust control systems (9 papers)
(T3)  2-D systems (7 papers)
(C1)  Optimization methods (9 papers)
(C2)  Predictive and adaptive control (10 papers)
(C3)  Components and instrumentation in control engineering (7 papers)
(D1)  Operational, switching and discrete processes (10 papers)
(N1)  Neural networks and learning systems (11 papers)
(N2)  Neural networks and fuzzy logic applications (10 papers)
(I1)  Identification methods and algorithms (10 papers)
(I2)  Pattern recognition, diagnostics and fault detection (7 papers)
(R1)  Robot design and control (11 papers)
(R2)  Robot modelling and simulation (14 papers)
(M1)  Systems modelling and simulation I (10 papers)
(M2)  Systems modelling and simulation II (10 papers)

All papers chosen for presentation will appear in the Preprints which will
be distributed to the participants at the beginning of the Symposium and
also offered for sale.  The presented papers will be also considered for
publication of their extended versions in the quarterly "Applied Mathematics
and Computer Science", Zielona Gora, Poland

Location of the Symposium:
The Symposium will be held in Miedzyzdroje, a well-known seaside resort of
North-Western Poland.  The Meeting will take place at the Slavia Hotel
situated a few meters from the Baltic beach and at walking distance from the
Wolin National Park. The Hotel has conference facilities and can accommodate
all participants at reasonable prices (180-280 ECU). Accomodation will be
provided in single and double rooms, as well as in suites. Participants may
also reserve accommodation in the Slavia Hotel after the Symposium.

During the Symposium organized trips are planned to points of interest in
the Miedzyzdroje area and a cruise to the Bornholm Island, Denmark, with a
Symposium closing dinner on board will take place. In conjunction with the
Symposium a scientific book-display and exhibition of computer equipment
will be arranged. A Symposium banquet will be held for all participants *and
accompanying persons.

Registration fee:
The registration fee of the Symposium covering the costs of Symposium
ferry trip to the Bornholm Island and banquet is 150 ECU.

January 15, 1995        Submission of abstracts
March 30, 1995          Notification of acceptance
May 30, 1995            Submission of final papers
July 15, 1995           Distribution of the final programme
August 30, 1995         Start of the Symposium


After the Symposium a free coach transport to the Berlin airport will be
provided for participants of the European Control Conference ECC'95 in Rome
(September 5-8, 1995)


All correspondence should be sent to the Local Organizing Committee:

        Prof. Z. Emirsajlow - Chairman (Dr Roman Kaszynski - Co-Chairman)
        Institute of Control Engineering
        Technical University of Szczecin
        ul. Sikorskiego 37
        70-313 Szczecin

        Phone:  (+48 91) 49 47 04, 49 47 37
        Fax:    (+48 91) 34 09 32
        E-mail: emirsaj@uoo.univ.szczecin.pl

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *