E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 75, November 1, 1994

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  AACC Awards Nominations due December 1, 1994
        3.2  IEEE Fellow Nominations
        3.3  Update on SCAD Database
        3.4  Neural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT) World-Wide Web and FTP Servers

4.      Positions
        4.1  Applied Probability Position at NCSU
        4.2  Chair Dept. of Electrical Eng., University of Maryland
        4.3  Research Opportunities at the US Army Research Laboratory
        4.4  Fellowships European Research Network System Identification
        4.5  Research Assistent Department EE, Queen's University Belfast
        4.6  Position university of Westminster, UK

5.      Books
        5.1  Virtual Reality Technology
        5.2  Adaptive Signal Processing Algorithms: Stability and Performance

6.      Journals
        6.1  Change of Editor in Chief System and Control Letters
        6.2  Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
        6.3  Mechatronics, Special Issue on ``Developments in Intelligent Mechatronic Systems''
        6.4  IEEE JSAC, Special Issue on Optical Networks
        6.5  Journal of Real-time Systems
        6.6  Mechatronics
        6.7  Table of Contents Lin. Algebra Appl. Vol. 212/213
        6.8  Table of Contents Automatica

7.      Conferences

        7.1  Int. Workshop on Parallel Applications in Statistics and Economics
        7.2  European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design
        7.3  14th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
        7.4  1995 IEEE Workshop on Information Theory, Multiple Access and Queueing
        7.5  Int. Conference on Image Processing
        7.6  Int. Conference on Control and Information
        7.7  13th World Congress Int. Federation of Automatic Control

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 75 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear December 1. Please send contributions before this date.

Contributions tend to get increasingly long while part of the provided
information is not always relevant to include in the E-letter. In order
to keep the E-letter a reasonably sized medium we encourage contributors
to provide essential information only. We reserve the right to require
contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution. As you can see
we had to cut the E-letter in two parts which is not what we want to do!

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

-2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message
    to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You
    will be automatically subscribed and included in our mailing list.
    To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to
    "eletter@win.tue.nl" with the subject 'remove', 'delete' or

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    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and we will try to resolve the problem.

-4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an
    (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject
    'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.bs.win.tue.nl"

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    wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching
    for the string: *.**

              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Peter J. Ramadge (ramadge@ee.princeton.edu)

        Professor W. Murray Wonham celebrates his 60th birthday
                        on November 1st 1994.

On October 22nd a group of his present and former graduate students
held a reunion at his home to celebrate his forthcoming birthday.
Present were doctoral and masters graduates spanning a period of more
than 20 years. The birthday cake featured a commutative diagram and
the inscription `Persistence of Thought' as well apposite phrases
in Murray's other languages: Greek, Latin, Spanish and Chinese.
A good time was enjoyed by all.

Many of you may want to join us in wishing Murray Wonham a happy
60th birthday.

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Michael G. Safonov (safonov@bode.usc.edu)


Nominations for the four AACC awards for 1995 are now being solicited.
The awards consist of a certificate and an honorarium, and they will
be presented at the 1995 American Control Conference in Seattle.
Nomination packages should be prepared in accordance with the AACC
Award Nomination Form (which can be obtained from the AACC
Secretariat, Abraham Haddad) and include the following: biographical
information, a statement identifying and evaluating the
accomplishments on which the nomination is based, a minimum of three
and a maximum of five reference letters, a current list of
publications and patents, and any additional supporting material that
could have bearing on the award.  The nomination package is due by
December 1, 1994 and should be sent to:

                       Professor Abraham Haddad
                          Department of EECS
                       Northwestern University
                          2145 Sheridan Road
                       Evanston, IL 60208-3118
                  (708) 491-3641  Fax (708) 491-4455
                      Email ahaddad@eecs.nwu.edu

The awards are described as follows.

contributions to the theory or applications of automatic control.  The
nominee is to have spent a significant part of his or her career in
the United States.  Posthumous nominations are not allowed.

DONALD P. ECKMAN AWARD: For outstanding accomplishments by a young
engineer in the field of automatic control.  Nominees must be younger
than 35 years at the time of the award.  The award is based on
contributions made while the nominee was a resident of the United

EDUCATION AWARD: For outstanding contributions to automatic control
education in any form.  The awardee normally is a teacher, but there
is no formal requirement that nominees be members of a university

O. HUGO SCHUCK BEST PAPER AWARD: For each of the best two papers
presented at the previous year's American Control Conference.  The
award winning papers must have been presented by the author or a
co-author at the conference.  Selection criteria include quality of
the written and oral presentation, technical contribution, timeliness,
and practicality, with one award emphasizing contributions to theory
and the other emphasizing significant or innovative applications.


Contributed by: Frank L. Lewis (flewis@arrirs03.uta.edu)


     Recognition by peers is a vital function of IEEE, with election to the
grade of IEEE Fellow one of the most visible mechanisms for acknowledgment.
The nomination of highly qualified individuals for Fellow status is one of
the most important services one can render to the Control Systems Society.
Nominations for IEEE Fellow are due at IEEE Headquarters by 15 April 1995,
so that the first steps must be taken well prior to that date.

     Fellow nominees must be active IEEE Senior members, and have been
an IEEE member for at least 5 years in any grade.  A successful nomination
requires a qualified candidate and a well-prepared nomination package.  A
key preliminary is a careful reading of the IEEE Guide for Fellow Grade
Nominations, which contains the nomination forms and can be obtained from
the IEEE Fellow Committee, 445 Hoes Lane, POB 1331, Piscataway, NJ
08855-1331, tel. 908-562-3844, fax 908-981-9019.  Five references are
for the nomination; they must be IEEE Fellows.  A list of Fellows is
contained in the IEEE Membership Directory and the Feb. 1987 issue of the
Control Systems Magazine.  More recently elected Fellows are listed in the
June issues of the Magazine since then.

     If you plan to make an IEEE Fellow nomination, please contact Frank
L. Lewis, Chairman, Control Systems Society Fellow Nomination Committee,
Automation and Robotics Research Institute, The University of Texas at
Arlington, 7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S, Ft. Worth, Texas 76118-7115; tel
817-794-5972, fax 817-794-5952, email flewis@arrirs03.uta.edu.


Contributed by  Raimund J. Ober (ober@utdallas.edu)
                Xu Huang (huangxu@utdallas.edu)


        October 1994


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               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas

                 ftp address: ftp.utdallas.edu
                 IP number:
                 queries:     scad@utdallas.edu

New contents:

   - eletter issues: 74

New activities:
We are trying to make SCAD more user friendly, by extracting information
from the eletters and collecting it in different subdirectories. In addition
to the new subdirectories books, jobs and journalcontents which were
discussed in the last SCAD update the subdirectory 'conferences' has now
been updated.

   This subdirectory contains information about conferences. At the moment
   most of the information that is provided is collected from past issues
   of the eletter. Currently there is information about more than 25 future
   conferences in this subdirectory. We also welcome any information about
   conferences that is directly submitted to SCAD (scad@utdallas.edu).

************ Remember to send your tech reports and other material! *********

How to access scad:
           you can obtain details about how to access SCAD by
           sending an (empty) email message to


           with subject 'info' to obtain information about the eletter
           which also contains information on how to access SCAD.
           Alternatively send an email request to:

           After accessing SCAD you can find a README file in /pub/scad
           which contains more info on how to submit material to SCAD.


Contributed by: Rafal W Zbikowski (rafal@mech.gla.ac.uk)

                Neural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT)
                World-Wide Web and FTP Servers

   The ESPRIT III Basic Research project Neural Adaptive Control
   Technology (NACT) is a joint undertaking of Daimler-Benz (Berlin,
   Germany), Coordinating Partner, and Glasgow University (Glasgow,
   Scotland, UK). It is a three-year project, which started in April
   1994, and is funded by the Commission of the European Communities.

   Project overview
   The Project aims at a synergy of adaptive control and neural
   networks.  Similarities of both technologies on an abstract
   conceptual level constitute a basis for fundamental, engineering
   orientated research. Basic aspects of the fusion of technologies
   are investigated in the context of multiple computing agents and
   industrial automation environments.

   The focus is on delivery of transparent, constructive and
   engineering orientated design methods resulting from the
   consistent and consolidated theory of Neural Adaptive Control
   Technology (NACT). Emphasis is put on dynamic nonlinear plants and
   adaptive feedback through neural networks.

   World-Wide Web server

   FTP server
   anonymous FTP to: ftp.mech.gla.ac.uk (
   directory: nact

   WWW server provides a link to the FTP server. The latter currently
   hosts two files in /nact directory:
        README          basic info
        nact_tp1.ps     PostScript version of the first NACT technical
                        report: "A Review of Advances in Neural Adaptive
                                Control Systems" (June 1994)

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Kazufumi Ito (kito@crsc1.math.ncsu.edu)

              Applied Probability Position at NCSU

The Department of Mathematics expects to make a tenure-track
faculty appointment in applied probability, subject to budgetary
approval. Strong preference will be given to candidates whose interests
lie in financial or biological applications of stochastic differential
equations and control. The appointment will be at the rank of
assistant professor or above, and will begin on July 1, 1995.
Applicants should have substantial experience beyond the Ph. D.
(i.e., tangible records of significant research contributions
and outstanding teaching in postdoctoral appointments).

The Department of Mathematics has an outstanding group of
applied mathematicians, with interests in numerical analysis, control
and optimization, differential equations, and probability and
stochastic processes.  Research in probability at NCSU is highly
interdisciplinary, encompassing the work of members of the Mathematics,
Statistics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Industrial Engineering
Departments, as well as members of the interdisciplinary Programs
in Operations Research and Biomathematics. The successful candidate
will be expected to interact with applied probability researchers across
the campus, and to participate in innovative instructional
programs such as the Applied and Industrial Mathematics Seminar,
in which students solve ``real world'' problems posed by
scientists and engineers from industry and government labs.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to  become
a member of the Center for Research in Scientific Computation,
which facilitates interdisciplinary  graduate education and
research collaboration among applied mathematicians, scientists, and
engineers from academics, industry and government labs.

Applicants should send a vita and have three letters of recommendation
sent to Ben G. Fitzpatrick, Department of Mathematics, Box 8205,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205; 919-515-7552;
crsc@math.ncsu.edu. The selection of candidates from the pool of
completed applications will begin February 1, 1995.

North Carolina State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer. In its commitment to diversity and equity, NCSU seeks
applications from women, minorities, and the disabled.


Contributed by: K.J. Ray Liu (kjrliu@src.umd.edu)


     Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Professor
and Chairperson of the Department of Electrical Engineering.  The
University of Maryland is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer.
Women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
Candidates should have an earned doctorate in electrical engineering or a
closely related field, strong leadership ability, a proven research record,
and a commitment to electrical engineering education.

     The Department of Electrical Engineering consists of 61 full time
faculty and a number of research associates and lecturers.  The faculty
includes 32 Fellows of the IEEE and the American Physical Society and 11
Presidential Young Investigator Award recipients.  The Department awards
approximately 45 Ph.D., 70 M.S. and 200 B.S. degrees annually.  The research
expenditures by the department are in excess of $14M per year in areas
including communication and signal processing, computers, controls,
electrophysics and microelectronics.  The department plays a major role in
the Institute for Systems Research, a NASA Center for Satellite and Hybrid
Communication Network, the Institute for Plasma Research and the
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.

Applications should include a complete curriculum vitae and names
of references.  Applications and nominations should be sent to:

          Professor  Aris Christou
          Chair,  E.E. Department Chair Search Committee
          Department of Materials and Nuclear Engineering
          University of Maryland
          College Park, Maryland 20742-2115

For best consideration, applications should be received prior to
January 15, 1995.



Contributed by: Brint Cooper (abc@arl.mil)

                     US ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY

       Research opportunities described below are available on the
       campus of the US Army Research Laboratory at Aberdeen
       Proving Ground, Maryland. We are interested in offering one
       appointment for one year to a recent awardee of the PhD and
       one to a senior research associate, typically a faculty
       member on sabbatical leave.  In the past, it has been possible
       to renew such appointments for a second year.

                        Research Description

   Research is needed in all aspects of digital communications that address
   the timely, reliable, and secure electronic transmission of information
   over battlefield computer networks.  Such networks operate in an
   environment of hostile and self-jamming; consist entirely of mobile
   nodes; exhibit time-varying topologies; and possess links of
   insufficient bandwidth to move expected volumes of traffic easily.
   Noise and interference typically are non-Gaussian and often unknown in
   any precise manner.

   Research problems can address any relevant topic.   Examples include:

                coding and modulation for noisy channels;
                network protocols;
                network flow and congestion control;
                routing in mobile nets;
                communication and information theory;
                spread spectrum (CDMA).

 The Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is the Army's premier research
 activity. ARL scientists enjoy access to many massively parallel and
 high performance computers as well as state of the art workstations on
 each desk.  Facilities are available to obtain any scholarly reference,
 and assistance with publication chores can be provided.

 Aberdeen Proving Ground is located near the mouth of the Susquehanna
 River where it flows into the Chesapeake Bay, about 25 miles northeast
 of Baltimore, Maryland.  The area is rich in cultural events, and
 opportunities abound for outdoor recreational activity.

 For further information, please contact the undersigned.  Preliminary
 enquiries by electronic mail are encouraged.

        Dr A Brinton Cooper III
        US Army Research Laboratory
        Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD  21005-5067

 Ofc:   410-278-6883                    FAX:    410-278-2934

 INTERNET:  abc@arl.mil


Contributed by: Jan H. van Schuppen (j.h.van.schuppen@cwi.nl)

issued by the

Applications are invited for two post-doctoral fellowships at
research teams of the European Research Network System Identification.
Please show this call to potential applicants.

The Commission of the European Communities has made funds available
for the Program Human Capital and Mobility (HCM). The aim of this
program is to invest in the scientists and researchers of European
countries. The European Research Network System Identification
(ERNSI) has a contract with the Commission that through the HCM
program provides financial support for post-doctoral
Research Training Fellowships.

Post-doctoral researchers are invited to apply to the network for a
fellowship. Applications from post-doc researchers living in the less-
favoured regions of the European Community are particularly welcome.
     Fellowships are available at this time
only with the research teams at:
- the Institute IRISA in Rennes, France with Prof. J.-J. Fuchs,
- the Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-a-Neuve, Belgium
  with Prof. M. Gevers.
An appointment can start in the summer of 1995 at the earliest
and the duration is at most 8 months.
An appointment should end at the latest by the end of April 1996.
     Eligible is any national of a member state of the European
Community, or of a country treated as a member state, or a resident
in the European Community (see the Information Package mentioned
below for the precise rules). Not eligible are persons living
in Eastern Europe, Finland, Norway, or Sweden.
For an applicant to visit a research team it is necessary that
he or she is a national of a country other than
that in which the research team is established.

The Call for Fellowship Applications with information on the
application procedure and an Information Package for fellowship
applications to selected host institutes, may be requested from
the coordinator of the network, see below for the address.
Applications must be submitted to the coordinator.
     For an application to be considered in the next selection
round it must reach the coordinator by November 17, 1994.

The council of project managers of the network will make a selection
of the applications.

Several research groups in system identification have formed the
research network. This network comprises nine research teams in
seven European countries.
The aim of the network is to stimulate cooperation between the
research teams in the research area of system identification.

The coordinator of the network is Prof. J.H. van Schuppen.
Address: CWI - Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science,
P.O. Box 94079, 1090 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
Tel. +31-20-5924085 (office), +31-20-5924189 (secretary),
+31-20-5929333 (switchboard), Fax +31-20-5924199,
email schuppen@cwi.nl.


Research team of the
Laboratoire d'Automatique, Dynamique et Analyse des Systemes,
Universite Catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve.
Team leader is Prof. M. Gevers.
Tel. +32.10.472590,
Email gevers@auto.ucl.ac.be

Research team of the
Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systemes Aleatoires (IRISA),
Universite de Rennes, France.
Team leader is Prof. J.-J. Fuchs.
Tel. +33.99847223,
Email fuchs@irisa.fr


Contributed by:   s.shaw@ee.qub.ac.uk


  Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
       The Queen's University of Belfast

This post funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council is available from 1 January 1995 for up to three
years and will explore innovative methods of planning and control
of robotic systems. The research will involve development of
environments, planning, theory and controllers for multi-arm
robotic systems engaged on manufacturing and other tasks.
Applicants must have at least a 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent
in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Control Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering or equivalent. A Ph.D. in a relevant area
is desirable. The successful candidate must also have
demonstratable knowledge/experience of robotics, control or
appropriate experience of task and movement planning methods.
Experience of large software systems, real-time systems,
visualisation and virtual reality will also be desirable.

Salary range: U.K. Pounds 13,941-19,326 per annum, initial placing
depending on age experience and qualifications.

Applicants quoting Ref. 94/ , may obtain further particulars from
the Personnel Officer, The Queen's University of Belfast, BT7 1NN.
Closing date: 9th December 1994.

The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes
applications from all sections of the community. The University
reserves the right to interview only those applicants who appear
from the information available, to be the most suitable in terms
of experience, qualifications and other requirements of the post.

Stephen Shaw
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Room 8.12A, Ashby Building
Stranmillis Road
The Queen's University of Belfast
Belfast BT9 5AH
N. Ireland.

voice:  +44 (0)232 245133 Ext 4480
fax:    +44 (0)232 667023
E-mail: s.shaw@ee.qub.ac.uk


Contributed by: Duncan McFarlane


                U N I V E R S I T Y     O F     W E S T M I N S T E R

Position Description:

As part of its interdisciplinary research project : Intelligent Modelling
and Control applied to Scientific and Technical Systems, the Faculty of
Engineering and Science will make the appointment of a researcher in
and Control applied to Transport Studies.

A well-qualified researcher with experience in data interpretation, modelling
and control is required to work closely with Control Systems and Transport
Studies specialists to undertake initial research that is expected to lead to
the establishment of further interdisciplinary research projects.  The
appointment is initially for one year with the strong possibility of
employment in the further research projects that are expected to become


The successful candidate is likely to have control-related qualifications to
Masters level together with four years of relevant application-orientated
research experience.  Previous involvement in applications to transport
is not necessary.


UK 12,204 to 17,730 pounds (dependent on experience and qualifications).

For an application form and further details please apply to the Recruitment
Section, Personnel Department, University of Westminster, 115 New
Cavendish St, London, England, W1M 8JS. Alternatively, informal enquiries
can be made to Professor Ron Leigh or Dr Duncan McFarlane via fax or email:
        c/o Industrial Control Centre
            University of Westminster
            FAX: +44 71 9115150
            EMAIL: mcfarld@westminster.ac.uk

Closing Date for Applications: 1 December 1994

The University of Westminster is an equal opportunities employer and
operates a "No Smoking" policy which limits smoking to designated areas.

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *


Contributed by:  burdea@telerobo.rutgers.edu

           Grigore Burdea and Philippe Coiffet
           John Wiley & Sons, 400 pp, 23 color plates,
           212 drawings and tables,
           ISBN 0-471-08632-0 (Cloth) June 17 1994.
           Call: 1-800-225-5945 or 1-212-850-6418 FAX: 1-212-850-6088
                 1-800-263-1590 (Canada)

           T A B L E   O F  C O N T E N T S


2. VIRTUAL REALITY TOOLS. Position Sensors.
   Sensing Gloves. Stereo Viewing Devices.
   3-D Sound Generators;

3. TOUCH AND FORCE FEEDBACK. Touch Feedback Is Different From  Force
   Feedback. Requirements. Touch Feedback.
   Force Feedback. Combining Force And Touch Feedback.

4. COMPUTING ARCHITECTURES. Frame Rate Vs. Computational Load. Graphics
   Graphics Performance Vs. Scene Complexity.
   PC-Based VR Engine.
   Workstation-Based Architectures.
   Distributed VR. Supercomputer-Based Systems;

5. MODELING. Geometric Modeling.
   Collision Detection; Object Hierarchies; Physical Modeling.
   Object Behavior. Model Segmentation.

   Event Scheduling. Real-time Distributed
   Simulation. Task Decomposition;
   Graphical Programming. Non-Commercial VR Toolkits.

7. HUMAN FACTORS IN VR. VR Evaluation Methodology.
   Vision And Graphics Feedback;
   Audio Feedback;
   Force And Tactile (Haptic) Feedback;
   Simulation Sickness. VR And The Society.

8. APPLICATIONS. Medicine and Rehabilitation.
   Entertainment, Arts and Education.
   Military and Aerospace.
   Business Applications.
   Robotics and Manufacturing.




Contributed by: Xuan Kong (kong@ceet.niu.edu)

                      NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT:

TITLE:          Adaptive Signal Processing Algorithms:
                     Stability and Performance

AUTHORS:             Victor Solo and Xuan Kong

ISBN:                      0-13-501263-5

PUBLISHER:                 Prentice Hall
(in the Information and System Sciences Series edited by Thomas Kailath)

To order directly from publisher:
Prentice Hall customer service within the USA: 1800-922-0579
International customer service within the USA: +201-767-5185

For international customer service for Europe (Based in England) phone:
               +442-257115 (FAX)

To obtain a copy of preface and table of contents, email to


This book is chiefly concerned with the analysis of the behavior
(i.e., stability and performance) of adaptive signal processing
(ASP) algorithms.

The book is intended for use as a graduate text while providing a
bridge to and overlapping with more advanced research monographs.
More generally the book should be of interest to practitioners and
researchers in signal processing, communication, and control. The
book is divided into three parts:

The first part of the book introduces ASP through its applications,
shows how to construct ASP algorithms, and gives a detailed global
stability and performance analysis in both deterministic and
stochastic settings. The stochastic analysis is done under very
restrictive assumptions but requires little background and enables a
whole range of issues to be investigated. Further, the conclusions of
the stochastic analysis turn out to have wider applicability.
An important feature of the discussion is that time varying
parameters are explicitly treated.

The second part turns to deterministic stability analysis by means of
averaging methods, which are necessary to handle more complicated
algorithms. Averaging is capable of providing a stability analysis of
just about any adaptive algorithm that can be constructed and is
certainly robust enough to allow a full treatment of time varying
parameters.  Furthermore, it has not been well appreciated that
averaging also is capable of providing global stability results.

The third part treats stochastic stability and performance by
averaging methods. Some continuity is provided here with the second
part because the arguments used are stochastic versions of the
deterministic ones. In this way we hope to make a step towards
bringing the deterministic viewpoint (prevalent in the control
community) and the stochastic viewpoint (prevalent in the
communication and signal processing communities) closer together.

Two important adaptive signal processing application examples,
channel equalization and time delay estimation, are used throughout the
book to illustrate the averaging analysis methods
Each chapter is ended by a set of notes that direct
the reader to additional references. A carefully selected set of
exercises are also provided at the end of each chapter.


Chapter 1       INTRODUCTION

        1.1     Motivating Adaptive Algorithms
        1.2     Application Examples
        1.3     Basic Features of Adaptive Algorithms
        1.4     Notes

Chapter 2       OFFLINE ANALYSIS

        2.1     Utility of Offline Calculations
        2.2     One-Sided FIR Filter
        2.3     Two-Sided FIR Filter: Channel Equalization
        2.4     Time Delay Estimation
        2.5     Two-Sided FIR Filter: Interference Cancelling
        2.6     IIR Filters
        2.7     Notes


        3.1     Introduction
        3.2     Quadratic Error Surface
        3.3     Nonquadratic Error Surface
        3.4     Notes


        4.1     Algorithm Classification
        4.2     Filter Structure
        4.3     FIR Filters and Single Time Scale LMS
        4.4     IIR Filters
        4.5     General Adaptive Steepest Descent Algorithms
        4.6     Improvements to Adaptive Steepest Descent
        4.7     Newton's Method Algorithms
        4.8     Generalizations
        4.9     Notes


        5.1     Gaussian White Noise Assumptions
        5.2     LMS with Time Invariant Parameters
        5.3     LMS with Time Varying Parameters
        5.4     Notes


        6.1     Single Time Scale LMS and Persistent Excitation
        6.2     Mixed Time Scale LMS and the Positive Real Condition
        6.3     Notes


        7.1     Introduction
        7.2     Finite Time Averaging --- Time Invariant Parameters
        7.3     Finite Time Averaging --- Time Varying Parameters
        7.4     Infinite Time Averaging --- Preliminaries
        7.5     Infinite Time Averaging --- Hovering Theorem
        7.6     Infinite Time Averaging
                --- Stability via Perturbed Lyapunov Function
        7.7     Infinite Time Averaging
                --- Stability with Time Invariant Parameters
        7.8     Infinite Time Averaging --- Time Variant Parameters
        7.9     The ``ode'' Method
        7.10    Notes


        8.1     Introduction
        8.2     Finite Time Averaging --- Time Invariant Parameters
        8.3     Finite Time Averaging --- Time Variant Parameters
        8.4     Infinite Time Averaging --- Hovering Theorem
        8.5     Infinite Time Averaging
                --- Stability via Perturbed Lyapunov Function
        8.6     Infinite Time Averaging --- Time Invariant Parameters
        8.7     Notes


        9.1     Introduction
        9.2     Finite Time Averaging: Time Invariant Parameters
        9.3     Finite Time Averaging: Time Variant Parameters
        9.4     Infinite Time Averaging: Hovering Theorem
        9.5     Infinite Time Averaging --- Stability
        9.6     Steady State --- Preliminaries
        9.7     Steady State Analysis --- Time Invariant Parameters
        9.8     Steady State Analysis --- Time Varying Parameters
        9.9     Notes


        10.1    Introduction
        10.2    Finite Time Averaging --- Time Invariant Parameters
        10.3    Notes


              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Thanos Antoulas and Iven Mareels

                     Systems & Control Letters

               Announcement of Change of Editors-in-Chief

Jan C. Willems who co-founded Systems & Control Letters in 1982 together
with Roger W. Brockett  has served as its Editor-in-Chief continuously
since then.  He will now be stepping down. Starting January 1, 1995 he
will be succeeded by Thanos C. Antoulas and Iven M. Y. Mareels.

The editorial and review policy of SCL will remain unchanged. Timely and
concise papers covering the whole area of system and control theory and
engineering are solicited.

Papers of a tutorial nature and papers reporting practical applications
of novel control ideas are within the scope of the journal. Furthermore,
submission of papers by e-mail is encouraged. E-mail submissions should
comply with the instructions given below.

Starting January 1, 1995, papers should be mailed by regular mail
(3 copies) or e-mail (see below), to one of the Editors-in-Chief
according to areas as follows:

 Prof. A.C. Antoulas (Area: linear systems)
 Systems and Control Letters
 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Rice University
 Houston, Texas 77251-1892, USA
 e-mail: scletters@rice.edu
 fax: +1-713-524-5237

 Dr. I.M.Y. Mareels (Area: non-linear systems)
 Systems and Control Letters
 Department of Engineering
 Australian National University
 e-mail: scletters@anu.edu.au
 fax: +61-6-249 0506

 E-mail submission

 The LaTeX files of papers submitted for possible publication in SCL
 may be sent to the Editors by e-mail. The articles should be encoded
 in Elsevier-LaTeX, standard LaTeX, or AMS-LaTeX (in document style
 ``article''). The Elsevier-LaTeX package, together with instructions
 on how to prepare a file, is available from the Publisher. This package
 can also be obtained through the Elsevier WWW home page
 (http://www.elsevier.nl/), or using anonymous FTP from the Comprehensive
 TeX Archive Network (CTAN). The host-names are:
 ftp.dante.de, ftp.tex.ac.uk, ftp.shsu.edu; the CTAN directories are:
 /tex-archive/macros/latex209/contrib/elsevier, respectively.

 If the file is sent by e-mail, the name Systems & Control, followed by
 the title should be mentioned in the ``subject field'' of the message to
 identify the paper. Authors should include an ASCII table (available
 from the Publisher) in their files to enable the detection of
 transmission errors.


Contributed by: Ewaryst Rafaj\lowicz (raf@ldhpux.immt.pwr.wroc.pl)


 Aims and Scope

AMCS strives to meet the
demand for presentation of interdisciplinary research concerned
with applications of mathematical methods to computer science and
engineering. The journal publishes high quality original research
results in the following areas:
* mathematical methods in computer science and engineering,
* modern control theory and applications,
* artificial intelligence techniques,
* applied mathematics and mathematical optimization techniques.

Editor--in--Chief: J\'o zef Korbicz
Department of Robotics and Software Engineering
Technical University of Zielona G\'o ra, Poland

                   ELECTRONIC VERSION

Electronic version of AMCS is now available in LaTeX
(*.tex files and *.dvi) and PostScript.
At present abstracts of four issues of 1993 volume are accessible.

Readers can read or copy files in one the following way:
1) using Mosaic (X Windows terminals only) type:
   Mosaic ftp://ldhpux.immt.pwr.wroc.pl/www/appl1993/appl1993.html
   or using lynx
   lynx ftp://ldhpux.immt.pwr.wroc.pl/www/appl1993/appl1993.html
   or open URL: gopher://ldhpux.immt.pwr.wroc.pl:70/11/periodicals/appl
2) by ftp, type:
   ftp ldhpux.immt.pwr.wroc.pl
   login as  anonymous  and give your return address as password, then
   change to directory periodicals/appl .

   In case of any difficulties in access to e-version contact please:
   Professor Ewaryst Rafajlowicz,
   Associate Editor for Electronic Version
   e-mail raf@ldhpux.immt.pwr.wroc.pl
   fax: (48 71) 20 34 08

AMCS  1994  Volume 4  Number 1  ISSN 0867--857X  Contents

Lasiecka I., Lukes D. and Pandolfi L.
 STRUCTURAL     DAMPING                   1

Kowalewski A. and Krakowiak A.
 TIME LAG SYSTEM                          19

Siwczy\'nski M. and Pasko  M.
 TRANSMISSION LINE                        29

Korbicz J., Podladchikov V. and Bidyuk P.

Nied\'zwiecki M.
 RANDOM FIELDS                            53

Kaczorek T.
 BILINEAR SYSTEMS                         79

Szkodny T.
 IR b--6 MANIPULATOR                      87

Grzech A. and Kasprzak A.

Luba T. and Lasocki R.
 BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS                       125

Aghdasi F.
 PARALLEL CONTROLLERS                    139


Contributed by: T.H.Lee (eleleeth@leonis.nus.sg)


Mechatronics Journal (Pergamon Press, U.K.)



Papers are solicited for a special issue of Mechatronics Journal
covering the multidisciplinary area of Developments in Intelligent
Mechatronic Systems to be published in October 1995. The special
issue will cover all aspects of intelligent mechatronic systems,
and papers concerned with new developments in the area which are
supported by both theoretical analyses and real-time experimental
results are particularly encouraged. Topics of special interest
include, but are not limited to, the following:

*Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Expert Systems in  Mechatronics;

*Adaptation and Learning in Mechatronic Systems;

*Intelligent Sensors and Actuators;

*Intelligent Motion and Motor Drive Systems;

*Other related topics in emerging paradigms and
technologies applicable to intelligent mechatronic systems.

To be considered for the Special Issue, prospective authors
should submit four copies of their complete manuscript
by 15 January 1995 to the Guest Editor:

Dr. T. H. Lee
Guest Editor, Mechatronics
Special Issue on Developments in Intelligent Mechatronic Systems
Department of Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 0511

Please refer to a regular issue of the journal for
a copy of the Instructions for Authors.
Prospective authors should note these instructions.
For the Special Issue however, the submissions should be sent
directly to the Guest Editor.


Contributed by:  Galen H. Sasaki (spectra.eng.hawaii.edu)

                              CALL  FOR  PAPERS
                        for a Special Joint Issue of
              IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
                    IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology

Recent advances in photonic technology have brought us to the reality of
economical networks, which deliver large bandwidths to each of a very large
number of geographically dispersed users. Although such large scale, high
speed networks have become technologically feasible, economic impediments
remain. The development of network architectures that exploit the
capabilities of cutting-edge photonic and electronic technology is vital to
reduce costs.  Clearly, this will require a synthesis of principles from
diverse disciplines.  The purpose of this issue is to  bring together these
principles in the context of MAN/WAN and telecommunications network
architectures.  This is a  companion issue to the special joint issue
"Multiwavelength Optical  Technology and Networks"  of the Journal of
Lightwave  Technology and the Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
which will be published in late 1995.

Topics of particular interest include:

   * Reports of field and laboratory demonstrations of fiber optic networks
     and discussion  of key  system  problems  which arise  in large  scale
     high speed optical networks

   * Identification of key  system problems  and solutions to  deploy large
     high speed optical networks at reasonable cost.

   * Application  of  optical   networking  techniques  to  future  network

   * Scalable optical wide area network architectures (TDM, CDMA, WDM)

   * Local Access

   * Network Management and Control

   * Fault location and supervisory subsystems

   * Novel  exploitation  of  optical and  electro-optical devices  for the
     delivery of high speed network services

   * Photonic Packet Switching

   * Theoretical Limits of Optical Networks

Prospective authors should submit five double-spaced copies to one of the
Guest Editors listed below according to the following timetable:

               Submission Deadline:           March 15, 1995
               Notification of Acceptance:    July 1, 1995
               Final Manuscript Due:          August 1, 1995
               Publicaton:                    Second Quarter 1996

     Rene L. Cruz                          Goff Hill
     Dept of Elec & Computer Engr          BT Laboratories
     Univ of California, San Diego         Martlesham Heath
     La Jolla, CA 92093-0407, USA          Ipswich
     cruz@ece.ucsd.edu                     Suffolk IP5 7RE, England

     Albert L. Kellner                     Rajiv Ramaswami
     Dept of Elec & Computer Engr          IBM Research, Room H3-D52
     Univ of California, San Diego         P.O. Box 704
     La Jolla, CA  92093-0407, USA         Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
     akellner@bragi,ucsd.edu               rajiv@watson.ibm.com

     Galen H. Sasaki                       Yoshiaki Yamabayashi
     Dept of Elect Engr                    NTT Optical Network Systems Labs
     Univ of Hawaii at Manoa               1-2356 Take
     2540 Dole St, Holmes Hall 483         Yokosuka 238-03, Japan
     Honolulu, HI  96822, USA              yama@ntttsd.ntt.jp


Contributed by: s.shaw@ee.qub.ac.uk

                     JOURNAL OF REAL-TIME SYSTEMS

  Special Issue: Engineering of Complex Real-time Computer Control Systems

Complex computer control systems are applied in many fields like aerospace,
manufacturing, robotics, environmental, chemical, electric power and economic
systems. The complexity arises from the engineering requirement to integrate
computers, actuators and sensors for control, signal processing and
data networks, visualisation and display with the technology of the
application domain. Further, real-time control systems, employing embedded
and distributed computing, as opposed to centralised supervisory computers,
have the added difficulty of correct task computation to time deadlines and
associated reliability specifications.

Papers are solicited for a Special Issue of the Journal of Real-Time Systems
on the Engineering of Complex Real-time Computer Control Systems. The aim is
to provide a state-of-the-art Special Issue devoted to this important and
rapidly changing research field which will be of mutual interest and benefit
to researchers in both the control systems engineering and real-time
computing disciplines.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

* industrial applications and mature case studies
* distributed and embedded computer control systems
* architectures and algorithmic engineering for real-time control
* heterogeneous and parallel processing
* fault tolerance, fault diagnosis and safety critical systems
* standards, specifications and verification
* tools

Authors are invited to submit their complete contributions to the
Guest Editor:

Prof. George Irwin
Control Engineering Research Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The Queen's University of Belfast
Belfast BT9 5AH

Tel: +1232 335439 (direct)
        +1232 245133 ext 4058

Fax: +1232 663992

email: G.Irwin@ee.qub.ac.uk

Deadline for Submission of Papers: 1st April 1995
Notification of Referees Decisions: 1st November 1995
Expected Publication Date: late 1996

Latex instructions are available from the publisher

Robert Holland
email: rhkluwer@world.std.com


Contributed by: T.H.Lee (eleleeth@leonis.nus.sg)

Mechatronics, Pergamon Press
Vol.4, No. 6, 1994


"Study on optimization of mechanical and electronic synthesis
for the antenna structural system."
by B.Y.Duan, Y.H.Qi, H.Xu and W.T.Wang

"A self-tuning adaptive feed-forward control for a retrofit
milling machine."
by S.-J.Huang and C.-C.Chen

"Kinematic analysis of a three-degrees-of-freedom spherical
wrist actuator."
by K.-M.Lee, J.Pei and R.Roth

"An expert system to control the humidity and temperature of a
laboratory scale greenhouse."
by O.S.Turkay

"Hydraulic compliance identification using a parallel
genetic algorithm."
by N.Sepehri, F.L.K.Wan, P.D.Lawrence and G.A.M.Dumont

"Catresian trajectory control of a flexible manipulator using
sliding mode."
by W. Yim

The purpose of Mechatronics journal is to provide rapid publication
of topical papers featuring practical developments in
mechatronics. It will cover a wide range of applications
areas including consumer product design, instrumentation,
manufacturing methods, computer integration and process and
device control, and will attract a readership from across the
industrial and academic spectrum.
Particular importance will be attached to aspects of innovation
in mechatronics design philosophy which will illustrate
the benefits obtainable by an a priori integration of
functionality with embedded microprocessor control.


Contributed by:  Richard Brualdi (brualdi@math.wisc.edu)

         Contents Volumes 212/213

Special Issue: Proceedings of the
3rd ILAS Conference

Preface 1

Nicholas J. Higham (Manchester, England)
The Matrix Sign Decomposition and Its Relation to the
Polar Decomposition 3

Jean Dazord (Villeurbanne Cedex, France)
On the C-Numerical Range of a Matrix 21

Thomas H. Pate (Auburn, Alabama)
Inequalities Involving Immanants 31

Tomaz Kosir (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Finite-Dimensional Multiparameter Spectral Theory:
The Nonderogatory Case 45

Chi-Kwong Li (Williamsburg, Virginia)
Some Aspects of the Theory of Norms 71

Zhongshan Li, Frank Hall, and Carolyn Eschenbach (Atlanta, Georgia)
On the Period and Base of a Sign Pattern Matrix 101

Wasin So (Huntsville, Texas)
Commutativity and Spectra of Hermitian Matrices 121

Paul Van Dooren and J. Sreedhar (Urbana, Illinois)
When is a Periodic Discrete-Time System Equivalent to a Time-Invariant One?

Dianne P. O'Leary (College Park, Maryland) and A. Yeremin (Moscow, Russia)
The Linear Algebra of Block Quasi-Newton Algorithms 153

A. C. M. Ran and D. Temme (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Dissipative Matrices and Invariant Maximal
Semidefinite Subspaces 169

Peter Kunkel (Oldenburg, Germany) and Volker Mehrmann (Chemnitz, Germany)
A New Look at Pencils of Matrix Valued Functions 215

Robert M. Guralnick (Los Angeles, California)
Invertible Preservers and Algebraic Groups 249

n'Ekwunife Muoneke (Prairie View, Texas)
Doubly Stochastic Powers of Nonnegative Irreducible Matrices 259

Mark Krupnik (Haifa, Israel) and Leiba Rodman (Williamsburg, Virginia)
Completions of Partial Jordan and Hessenberg Matrices 267

Jerrold W. Grossman (Rochester, Michigan),
Devadatta M. Kulkarni (Prune, India), and
Irwin E. Schochetman (Rochester, Michigan)
Algebraic Graph Theory Without Orientation 289

Daniel Hershkowitz (Haifa, Israel)
Paths in Directed Graphs and Spectral Properties of Matrices 309

Scott H. Hochwald (Jacksonville, Florida)
Multiplicative Maps on Matrices That Preserve the Spectrum 339

R. B. Bapat (New Delhi, India)
Konig's Theorem and Bimatroids 353

J. A. Dias Da Silva (Lisboa, Portugal), Daniel Hershkowitz
(Haifa, Israel), and Hans Schneider (Madison, Wisconsin)
Existence of Matrices With Prescribed Off-Diagonal
Block Element Maxima 367

LeRoy B. Beasley (Logan, Utah), Gwang-Yeon Lee
(Seosan, Korea), and Sang-Gu Lee (Suwon, Korea)
Linear Transformations That Preserve the Assignment 387

Jeffrey L. Stuart (Hattiesburg, Mississippi) and
James R. Weaver (Pensacola, Florida)
Diagonally Scaled Permutations and Circulant Matrices 397

Riaz A. Usmani (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
Inversion of a Tridiagonal Jacobi Matrix 413

Charles R. Johnson, David P. Stanford (Williamsburg, Virginia),
D. Dale Olesky, and P. van den Driessche
(Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
Dominant Eigenvalues Under Trace-Preserving
Diagonal Perturbations 415

Eugene M. Russakovskii (Kharkov, Ukraine)
The Theory of V-Bezoutians and Its Applications 437

Ion Zaballa (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain)
Similarity and Block Similarity 461

J. Ding (Hattiesburg, Mississippi) and
L. J. Huang (Rockford, Illinois)
On the Perturbation of the Least Squares Solutions
in Hilbert Spaces 487

Javad Faghih-Habibi (New Concord, Ohio)
The Spherical Gap of the Graph of a Linear Transformation 501

A. V. Pesterev and G. A. Tavrizov (Moscow, Russia)
On Inversion of Some Meromorphic Matrices 505

Mei-Qin Chen (Charleston, South Carolina) and
Chichia Chiu (East Lansing, Michigan)
Region-Dependent Optimal m-Stage Runge-Kutta Schemes
for Solving a Class of Nonsymmetric Linear Systems 523

Conference Report 547

Author Index 553


Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak (automat@math.utwente.nl)


                                Table of Contents

Volume 30, No 11                                             November, 1994


E. Ono, K. Takanami, N. Iwama,          Vehicle Integrated Control for
Y. Hayashi, et al.                      Steering and Traction Systems by

M. Lundh, K.J. Astroem                  Automatic Initialization of a Ro-
                                        bust Self-Tuning Controller

S. Kotob, M. Badran, I. Al-Atiqi,       Analysis and Applications of Self-
M. Juraidan                             Tuning Controls in a Refining Pro-
                                        cess: Case Study

F. Badano, M. Betemps, D. Thomasset     Control of a Planar Fine Positioner
                                        Actuated by Metal Bellows

L. Christian, J.S. Freudenberg          Limits on Achievable Robustness
                                        Against Coprime Factor Uncertainty

M. Krstic, I. Kanellakopoulos,          Passivity and Parametric Robustness
P.V. Kokotovic                          of a New Class of Adaptive Systems

M. Yamashita, K. Fujimori,              Application of H-infinity Control
K. Hayakawa, H. Kimura                  to Active Suspension Systems

L. Pronzato, E. Walter                  Minimum-Volume Ellipsoids Contain-
                                        ing Compact sets. Application to
                                        Parameter Bounding.

Chun-Hsiung Fang, L. Lee, F.R. Chang    Robust Control Analysis and Design
                                        for Discrete-Time Singular Systems


A. Malmgren, K. Nordstroem              Optimal State Feedback Control with
                                        a Prescribed Contraction Property

J.C. Gille, S. Wegrzyn, P. Vidal        On Developmental Systems: Multile-
                                        vel and Parallel Development

J. Ackermann                            Robust Decoupling, Ideal Steering
                                        Dynamics, and Yaw Stabilization of
                                        4WS Cars

P.P. Wang, Ching-Yu Tyan                Fuzzy Dynamic System and Fuzzy Lin-
                                        guistic Controller Classification

V.Z. Filipovic, B. Kovacevic            On Robust AML Identification Algo-

Y.W. Wang, D.S. Bernstein               H-2 Suboptimal Stable Stabilization

Y.Z. Tsypkin, D.J. Hill,                A Frequency Domain Robust Instabi-
A.J. Isaksson                           lity Criterion for Time-Varying and
                                        Non-Linear Systems

O. Morgul                               A Dynamic Control Law for the Wave

Ming Hou, P.C. Mueller                  Design of Decentralized Linear
                                        State Function Observers

Jaehong Park, G. Rizzoni,               On the Representation of Sensor
W.B. Ribbens                            Faults in Fault Detection Filters


J. van Amerongen                        R.J. Leigh: Applied Digital Control
                                        - Theory, Design and Implementation

I. Troch                                D. Matko, R. Karba, et al.: Simu-
                                        lation and Modelling of Continuous
                                        Systems - A Case Study Appraoch

C.J. Harris                             H. Tolle and E. Esru: Neurocontrol

R.A. Kennedy                            W.J. Rugh: Linear System Theory


                         Table of Contents

Volume 30, No 12                                             December, 1994


M.V. Kothare, P.J. Campo, M. Morari,    A Unified Framework for the Study
C.N. Nett                               of Anti-Windup Designs

Jie Chen, Guoxiang Gu, C.N. Nett        Worst Case Identification of Con-
                                        tinuous Time Systems via Interpo-

K.D. Mease, M.A. van Buren              Geometric Synthesis of Aerospace
                                        Plane Ascent Guidance Logic

R. Nikoukhah                            Innovations Generation in the Pre-
                                        sence of Unknown Inputs: Applica-
                                        tion to Robust Failure Detection

H. Krishnan, N.H. McClamroch            Tracking in Nonlinear Differential-
                                        Algebraic Control Systems with
                                        Applications to Constrained Robot

P.M. Young                              The Rank One Mixed mu Problem and
                                        Kharitonov-Type Analysis

P. Misra, P. van Dooren, A. Varga       Computation of Structural In-
                                        variants of Generalized State Space

A-L. Elshafei, G.A. Dumont, et al.      Adaptive GPC Based on Laguerre Fil-
                                        ters Modelling


T.S. Schei                              Automatic Tuning of PID Controllers
                                        Based on Transfer Function Estima-

O.P. Palsson, H. Madsen,                Generalized Predictive Control for
H.T. Sogaard                            Non-Stationary Systems

M.S. Ahmed                              State Space Based Dual-Rate Self


L. Chisci, et al.                       On the Stabilizing Property of

Se-Hwa Park, Z. Bien                    H-infinity Control with Performance
                                        Bound for a Class of Uncertain Li-
                                        near Systems

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Diethelm Wuertz (wuertz@ips.id.ethz.ch)

                            5th Anniversary
                          First Announcement

                       International Workshop on
           Parallel Applications in Statistics and Economics

                      Non-linear Data Analysis 

                         Trier - Mainz, Germany
                      August 29 - September 2, 1995


  The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested
  in innovative information processing systems and their applications in the
  areas of statistics, finance and economics. The focus will be on in-depth
  presentations of state-of-the-art methods and applications as well as on
  communicating current research topics. This workshop is intended for
  industrial and academic persons seeking new ways of comprehending the
  behavior of complex dynamic systems. The PASE'95 workshop is concerned
  with but not restricted to the following topics:

   o  Applications in finance, economics, and natural science
   o  Statistical tests for finding deterministic and chaotic behavior
   o  Statistical tests for measuring stability and stationarity
   o  Sampling and retrieving techniques for high frequency data
   o  Modeling and analysis of non-linear multivariate time series
   o  Statistical use of neural networks, genetic algorithms and fuzzy


  The workshop will be held on a comfortable ship running from Trier to
  Mainz on the scenic rivers Mosel and Rhine in Germany. The best connection
  to Trier is to fly to Frankfurt and then to take the train. It will take
  about 2 1/2 hours. From Mainz there are direct trains to Frankfurt Airport
  (~ 30 minutes). Detailed traveling possibilities will be announced later.


  All participants will be accommodated on the ship. The price of the
  accommodation in a double room for 4 nights is Sfr 870.- for the main
  deck (920.- for the upper deck) including breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
  The welcome and workshop dinner are also included. The service begins
  on Tuesday afternoon, August 29th, in Trier with registration and ends
  on Saturday morning, September 2nd in Mainz. Since the facilities of
  the ship are dedicated to the workshop the price is unique and no
  reductions can be provided for a shorter participation. Since the number
  of participants is limited to about 100 persons, early registration is
  recommended. All applications will be handled on the basis "first come
  first serve". Registration will only be accepted after a pre-payment of
  Sfr 300.-. The rest of the accommodation expenses of Sfr 570.- or 620.-,
  respectively, and the workshop fees must be transferred to our account

             PASE Workshop - Dr. Diethelm Wuertz
             Schweizerischer Bankverein, Zurich, Switzerland
             Number of Account: P0-206066.0

  before May 31st 1995. No currencies other than Swiss Francs will be
  accepted.  In the case of a later remittance we cannot guarantee your


  The workshop fee is Sfr 580.- for profit-making companies and Sfr 230.-
  for others. It includes the Proceedings, published as a Special Issue of
  the Journal "Neural Network World - International Journal on Neural and
  Mass-Parallel computing and Information Systems".


  For students and a limited number of participants from "post-communist"
  European countries some support and scholarships will be available:
  please contact the organizers.


  Regular abstracts of one page (approximately 30 lines with 60 characters)
  must be submitted before December 1st, 1994.  All contributions will be
  refereed. The deadline for the full papers (about 10 pages) is April 1st,
  1995. We cannot guarantee that papers submitted later will be printed in
  the proceedings. The proceedings will be available at the conference. It
  is also possible to submit an extended abstract of 4 pages. From these
  contributions we will select, besides the regular invited speakers,
  3 further speakers for an invited talk. The deadlines are the same as
  in the case of regular abstracts. If you plan a soft- or hardware
  demonstration please contact the organizers. Please send the abstracts
  and full papers to:

    Hynek Beran, ICS Prag
    Pod vodarenskou vezi 2                FAX:    +42 2 858 57 89
    182 07 PRAGUE 8, Czech Republic       E-mail: pase@uivt.cas.cz


  The Workshop will be organized by the Interdisciplinary Project Center
  for Supercomputing (ETH Zurich), Olsen & Associates (Research Institute
  for Applied Economics, Zurich) and the Institute of Computer Science
  (Academy of Sciences, Prague)

  Further information will be available from anonymous ftp "maggia.ethz.ch"
  ( or world wide webb


Contributed by: Omer Morgul (morgul@bilkent.edu.tr)

                  FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS

                           ECCTD 95
                 European Conference on
                     Circuit Theory and Design
                       27-31 August 1995
                       Istanbul, TURKEY

The 12th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design
will consist of tutorials, regular and special sessions
focusing on recent trends and advances on all aspects of :

. Circuits
. Signals
. Systems
. Mathematical Methods
. Computational Methods

European Circuit Society (ECS) Meeting :

The European Circuit Society founded during the ECCTD-93 conference in
Davos,Switzerland will hold its First General Meeting in Istanbul,Turkey
with the occasion of ECCTD-95. Participants will have the opportunity to
become a member of ECS for a reduced fee.

Best Paper Award:

A prize will be awarded by ECS to the best paper presented during the
conference.  The selection will be done by the council of ECS on the
basis of originality and scientific contribution of the paper as well as
the quality of the presentation.

Submission of Papers :

Prospective authors should send 5 copies of their paper by 30 November
1994 to:

I.T.U.-ETA Vakfi (ECCTD-95), P.K. 34. Ataturk Havalimani, 34831 Istanbul

The papers must not have been published elsewhere, and the cover sheet
of the manuscript should include

1)  Title of the paper,
2)  Author's name(s), address, affiliation,
3)  Name, e-mail address, telephone and fax number of the author to
4)  The technical area of the paper and keywords.

Author's Schedule:

Submission of full papers    30 November 1994
Notification of acceptance   15 March 1995
Camera ready copy            30 April 1995

Proceedings :

The proceedings of ECCTD-95 will be pre-published and distributed at the

Tutorials and Special Sessions :

The first day of the conference will be devoted to half or full day

Topics planned will include:

Knowledge Based Signal Processing, Application of Artificial Neural
Networks, Fractal Techniques for Image Compression, and Capacitive VLSI
Techniques for Engineered Intelligence.

Participants interested in organizing a special session should contact
the Conference Chairman or the Special Sessions Chairman.

This conference is being organized in cooperation with the IEEE Circuits
and Systems Society.

Post-conference tours to Cappadocia, Ephesus and Antalya, as well as
city tours are being planned.

Conference Chairman :
Prof. Izzet Cem Goknar
Istanbul Technical University
Electrical and Electronics Eng. Faculty
Maslak, 80626, Istanbul, Turkey.

Special Sessions and Tutorials Chairman :
Prof. Dr. Kemal Inan
Middle East Technical University
Dept. of Electrical and Electronics. Eng.
06531, Ankara, Turkey.


Contributed by: Bart Motmans (Bart.Motmans@esat.kuleuven.ac.be)

                 First Announcement and Call for Papers

14th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
March 29-31, 1995, Houthalen, Belgium

The next Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control will take place from
March 29 to 31, 1995, in the conference center `Hengelhoef' in Houthalen
(Limburg). The aim of this meeting is to promote the research activities
and the cooperation between researchers in Systems and Control in the
It is the fourteenth in a series of annual conferences that are held
alternately in Belgium and the Netherlands, and are organized under the
auspices of the Dutch Research Community in the Mathematics of Operations
Research and System Theory (MBST), the Dutch Foundation for Measurement and
Control Technology(SMBT), and the Belgian Federation of Automatic Control


The technical program consists of the following items.

1. Main Lectures.

-Subspace Algorithms in Systems Identification and Telecommunication
 by Prof. B. Ottersten (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)

-Adaptive Control, have we learned anything yet ?
 by Dr. R.L. Kosut (Integrated Systems Inc.,Santa Clara, U.S.A. and
 Stanford University, Stanford, USA)

2. Minicourses:
-Convex Optimization and Control
 by Prof. S. Boyd (Stanford University, Stanford, USA)

-Numerical Linear Algebra for Control
 by Prof. P. Van Dooren (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

3. Contributed Lectures covering all aspects of systems and control theory
  and its applications.

The language of the technical program is English.

Call for Papers

Contributions for part 3  of the program are now being solicited. Please send
in a title and one page abstract of your talk to the address mentioned
You may also propose a Special Session consisting of three or four short
lectures centered around a specific topic. Decisions on the conference
will be made by the organizing committee. Upon acceptance of their
contributions, authors will be asked to send in a one-page summary for
inclusion in the `Collection of Summaries' which will be distributed at the
conference. New for this year is that the session chairmen will select the
contribution of their session for possible publication in {\em Journal A}
(the Benelux Quarterly Journal on Automatic Control).

Important dates

December 15, 1994 : Deadline for submitting proposals for Special Sessions,
                    and abstracts for short lectures.
January 15 , 1995 : Authors are notified regarding acceptance of their
February 15, 1995 : Deadline for submission of one-page summaries,
                    deadline for early registration.
March 29, 1995    : Start of the Meeting.

Conference information

The meeting will start with lunch on Wednesday, March 29, 1995, and
end on Friday, March 31, 1995, in the afternoon. The participation fee,
including registration, preprints, meals, and lodging, will be
approx. 14.000,- Bfr.(single room) and approx. 11.000,- Bfr. (twinbedded
Registration forms will be sent out in January, along with more detailed

Organizing committee

A list can be obtained at the workshop secretariat.

Workshop secretariat

B. Motmans
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Dept. ESAT-Elektrotechniek
Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94
B-3001 Leuven
Tel. (+32-) (0)16-22.09.31 (after 1/1/95 : 016-32.11.11)
Fax. (+32-) (0)16-22.18.55 (after 1/1/95 : 016-32.19.86)
Email: Bart.Motmans@esat.kuleuven.ac.be


Contributed by: Bruce Hajek (hajek@shannon.csl.uiuc.edu)


Wednesday, April 19--Friday, April 21, 1995
Adam's Mark Hotel, downtown St. Louis, Missouri

CONTRIBUTIONS ARE SOUGHT for the session on Open Problems and Recent
Results.  A limited number of travel grants may be available.
For complete information see World Wide Web site, URL:
http://ee.wustl.edu/~itw/ or send an e-mail note to itw@ee.wustl.edu

            FEATURED TALKS

Multiaccess Information Theory on Multipath Fading Channels
 Robert G. Gallager (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Information Theory of Queueing Systems
        Sergio Verdu (Princeton University)

Is Collision Resolution Practical?
        James L. Massey
        (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-ZENTRUM)

Robert J. McEliece  (California Institute of Technology)


SESSION: Source Coding and Network Interplay
Organizer: Ken Zeger (University of Illinois

Methods for Matching Compressed Video to ATM Networks
   Robert Safranek (AT&T Bell Laboratories)

Video Coding in Queueing Networks: Source Coding,
   Buffering Delay and Network Policies
   Maria Simon (University of Uruguay)

Variable-rate Lossy Compression under Delay Constraints
   David Tse (AT&T Bell Laboratories)

Joint Source and Channel Coding for Time-Varying Channels
    Masoud Khansari and Martin Vetterli
    (UC Berkeley)

Source and Channel Coding Issues for ATM Networks
    James Modestino (RPI)

Applications of Coding in Networks
     Ender Ayanoglu (AT&T Bell Laboratories)

SESSION:  Communication Limits and Efficient Design of Networks
Organizer:  G. Sasaki (University of Hawaii)

In Search of Models For New Realities
     --- From Bits-and-Queues to Bits-in-Space
     Tony Ephremides  (University of Maryland)

Fundamental Limits and Practical Designs of Integrated
        All-Optical Networks
        Rick Barry (MIT Lincoln Labs)

Architectural Issues in Broadband Packet Switching
        Paul Min (Washington University)

Approximate Dynamic Programming in Complex Data
        Dimitri Bertsekas  (MIT)

Searching Spider-Webs
        Nicholas Pippenger  (The University of British Columbia)

Coding for Distributed Computation
        Leonard Schulman  (The Weizmann Institute of Science)

Fault Diagnosis in Communication Networks
        Steve Low  (AT&T Bell Laboratories)

SESSION: Multiuser Communication Systems
Organizer  Behnaam Aazhang  (Rice University)

Information Theoretic Considerations for Cellular Multiple-
        Access Channels in the Presence of Fading and Inter-Cell
        S.Shamai  (Technion)

On the Bit-Error Rate of MMSE Multiuser Detection
        H. V. Poor  (Princeton University) (Joint with S. Verdu)

Interaction of Adaptive Radios in Interference-Limited
        G. Pottie  (UCLA)

A New Class of CDMA Systems for Fading Channels
        G. Wornell  (MIT)

Near-Far Resistant Acquisition and Demodulation for
        Direct-Sequence CDMA
        U. Madhow  (University of Illinois)

On Complexity Constrained CDMA Receivers
        M. Varanasi  (University of Colorado)

SESSION:  Open Problems and Recent Results
        (Based on contributed papers)
Organizer  J. Hui (Rutgers University)

   Dinner cruise on the Mississippi River

SESSION:  Control, Dimensioning and Traffic Models for High
        Speed Communication Networks
Organizer  Venkat Anantharam
        (University of California, Berkeley)

Self-Similar Models for High-Speed Network Traffic: Fad or
        Walter Willinger  (BellCore)

Admission and routing control for two-class traffic in ATM
        Jean Walrand  (University of California, Berkeley)

Entropy, Energy and Effective Bandwidth: Relationships
        between Queueing Theory, Information Theory and Statistical
         Joy Thomas  (IBM)

A Thermodynamic Theory of Networks
        Joe Hui  (Rutgers University)

Some Recent Advances in the Design and Control of ATM
        Debasis Mitra  (AT&T Bell Laboratories)

Making Greed Work in Networks: A Game-Theoretic Analysis
        of Switch Service Disciplines
        Scott Shenker  (Xerox Parc)

SESSION:  Performance Limits in Multiuser Communication
Organizer: B. Hughes, (Johns Hopkins University)

Randomization in Multiuser Coding
        Roger S. Cheng  (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Performance Limits for Blocking Multiuser Communication
        Robert J. McEliece
        (California Institute of Technology)

Limits of Coding and Modulation in Spread-Spectrum
        Wayne E. Stark  (University of Michigan)

Title to Be Announced
        I. Emre Telatar (AT&T Bell Laboratories)

Capacity of a Network of Receivers with Macrodiverisity
         Stephen Hanly  (AT&T Bell Laboratories)

General Chairs: Bruce Hajek and Bixio Rimoldi
Local Arrangements: Paul Min
Registration and Travel Grants: Joseph O'Sullivan
Publicity/Publications: Leandros Tassiulas


Contributed by: Maureen Quirk  (quirk@ccr-p.ida.org)

             IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING SOCIETY                   _______
                                                             /|      /|
                 October 22-25, 1995                       /__|____/  |
     Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Washington, D.C., USA     |  |____|__|
                                                           |  /    |  /
                                                           | /  95 | /
                PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS                |/______|/

Sponsored by the  Signal Processing  Society of the  Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, ICIP-95 is an international
conference on theoretical, experimental and applied image proces-
sing.  It provides a unique,  centralized, forum for presentation
of technological  advances and  research results by engineers and
scientists working in Image Processing and associated disciplines.


1.  GENERAL TECHNIQUES & ALGORITHMS:    Filtering,   Enhancement,
Restoration,  Coding,  Segmentation,  Multiresolution Processing,
Multispectral Processing, Image Representation,  Image  Analysis,
Interpolation  and   Spatial  Transformations,  Neural  Networks,
Noise Modeling, Architectures and Software.

2.  COMPUTED IMAGING:   Acoustic,  Radar,  Tomographic,  Magnetic
Resonance,  and  Geophysical Imaging,  Radio Astronomy,   Speckle
Imaging,   Computer Holography,   Confocal Microscopy,   Electron
Microscopy,  X-ray Crystallography,  Coded-Aperture Imaging,  and
Real-Aperture Arrays.

Quantization  and  Halftoning,   Color Reproduction,   Rendering,
Graphics and Fonts, Architectures and Software for  Display  and
Printing, Visualization.

4.  VIDEO:  Multimedia,  HDTV, Packet Video, Video Signal Proces-
sor Chips,  Motion Estimation,  Image Sequence Processing,  Video
Data Base, Low Bit Rate and Very Low Bit Rate Coding,  Video over
Wireless Channels.

5. APPLICATIONS:   Application of  image processing technology to
any field,  including the biomedical sciences,  astronomy and the


Prospective  authors are  invited to propose papers in any of the
technical areas listed above. To submit a proposal, prepare a 2-3
page summary of the paper including figures and references.  Send
five copies of the paper summary and a cover sheet  (see the form
at the bottom of this  message)  stating the   (1.)  paper title,
(2.) technical area(s), (3.) contact author's name, (4.) address,
(5.) telephone number, (6.) Fax number, and (7.)  electronic mail
address to:

             Prof. Rama Chellappa
             Center for Automation Research
             Rm. 4417, A.V. Williams Building,
             University of Maryland
             College Park, MD  20742.

             Attn.  ICIP' 95

Each selected paper (4-page limit) will be published in the Pro-
ceedings of ICIP-95.  Style files in  LaTeX will be provided for
the convenience of the authors.

Paper summaries due:                1 February 1995
Notification of Acceptance:        24 April 1995
Camera-Ready papers:               15 June 1995
Conference:                     22-25 October 1995


GENERAL CHAIR:          Bede Liu,            liu@ee.princeton.edu

TECHNICAL PROGRAM:      Rama Chellappa       chella@eng.umd.edu

SPECIAL SESSIONS:       Murat Tekalp         tekalp@ee.rochester.edu

TUTORIALS:              Michael Unser        unser@helix.nih.gov

FINANCES:               Fred Mintzer         mintzer@watson.ibm.com

LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS:     Ajit Singh           asingh@scr.siemens.com

PUBLICITY:              Maureen Quirk        quirk@ccr-p.ida.org

PUBLICATIONS:           Jerry Prince         prince@mashie.ece.jhu.edu

REGISTRATION:           Philippe Thevenaz    thevenaz@helix.nih.gov

EXHIBITS:               Emil Modugno         modugno@lfs.loral.com

FAR EAST LIAISON:       Takao Nishitani      takao@dsp.cl.nec.co.jp

EUROPEAN LIAISON:       Jan Biemond          Biemond@et.tudelft.nl

ICIP-95  will be held in  the  Hyatt  Regency  Crystal City, near
Washington National Airport, about ten minutes from the center of
Washington, D.C.  As the center of the  federal government of the
United States, Washington, has many imposing government buildings
beautiful monuments,  and parks.   It is a  major cultural center
with numerous museums, libraries, and houses of worship.

For further details, please send an electronic message to:



Contributed by: Floyd Hanson (hanson@cfm.brown.edu)

                ** Last Call for Papers Due 15 November 1994 **
                             ICCI95 Call for Papers
     International Conference on Control and Information, 5-9 June 1995
                      The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
                          Chinese University of Hong Kong
                               Shatin NT, HONG KONG

Conference Scope
The Conference will include contributed sessions and invited minisymposia, in
broad areas of automatic control, system theory, information theory and
applications.  Control and information are important for progress in
technology, maintaining industrial edge, and essential for understanding
scientific progress in the Pacific Rim.  Hence, a genuine international
conference is vital to the interest of all nations and to promote the
of scientific information.

Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings.  General topics
of interest will include, but are not limited to:

*  Adaptive Control, Advanced Methods for Control, Algebraic-Geometric
Methods for Control, Communication Network Control, Fuzzy Logic Control,
Optimal and Nonlinear Filtering, H-infinity Control, Intelligent Control,
Parallel Computational Control, Robotics, Robust Control, Stochastic

*  Expert Systems, Failure Detection, Distributed Systems, Hybrid and
Hierarchical Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Intelligent Systems, System

*  Signal Processing, Data Compression, Information Network Analysis,
Neural Networks, Performance Evaluation, Wavelet Analysis, Image Denoising.

*  Applications: Aerospace, Biomedical Control, Industrial and Manufacturing,
Marine Navigation, Multimedia Communications, Satellite Communications,
Telecommunications, Transportation.

Key Dates
November 15, 1994:        Paper Submission Deadline
January 20, 1995:         Notification of Acceptance
February 20, 1995:        Submission of camera-ready mats
June 5-9, 1995:           ICCI95 Conference

Registration Fees:
-----------------                               Before June 1    After June 1
Regular Registration                               US$375           US$425
Student (not including banquet or proceedings)     US$40            US$40

Invited Keynote Speakers
Brian D. O. Anderson (Australia)               Yu-Chi Larry Ho (USA)
Suguru Arimoto (Japan)                         Sanjoy K. Mitter (USA)
Jagdish Chandra (USA)                          Jian Song (China)
Charles K. Chui (USA)                          Jan C. Willems (Netherlands)
Bruce A. Francis (Canada)                      Eugene Wong (Hong Kong and

Submission of Contributed Papers and Minisymposia Proposals
Authors should submit four copies of full papers for review no later than
November 15, 1994  to the Programme Coordinator Dr. Wing-Shing Wong, at
the address given below.  The same date holds for submission of minisymposia
session proposals and associated papers.  The first page of all papers must
contain the paper title, three key words, and the name, affiliation, and
complete mailing address of each author.  If available, include telephone and
Fax numbers, as well as E-mail address.  Notification of acceptance and
authors' kits will be distributed by January 20, 1995 with final mats due
soon after.  All papers accepted for presentation will be included in the
conference proceedings.

Full papers and minisymposia proposals with papers should be submitted to:
Dr. Wing-Shing Wong
ICCI95 Programme Coordinator
Dept. Information Engineering
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin NT, Hong Kong
Phone: +(852) 609-8378
Fax:   +(852) 603-5032
E-mail: wswong@ie.cuhk.hk

Conference registration should be sent to:
Dr. Hing Sun Luk
ICCI95 Registration Chair
Department of Mathematics
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin NT, Hong Kong
Phone: +(852) 609-7975
Fax: +(852) 603-5154
E-mail: b084795@vax.csc.cuhk.hk

For general information, send an E-mail  message to ICCI-95@cuhk.hk or
Dr. Kung Fu Ng
ICCI95 Local Arrangements Committee
Department of Mathematics
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin NT, Hong Kong
Phone: +(852) 609-7968
Fax: +(852) 603-5154
E-Mail: ngkf@cuhk.hk

Conference Steering Committees:
General Co-Chairmen:  Prof. Stephen S. T. Yau (USA)
                      Prof. Shing-Tung Yau (USA & Hong Kong)
General Associate Chairman: Prof. Floyd B. Hanson (USA)
Honorary Chair:  Dr. Ching-Fang Lin (USA)
Financial and Registration Chair:  Dr. Hing Sun Luk (Hong Kong)
Publication Chair:  Dr. Raymond H. F. Chan (Hong Kong)
Publicity Chair:  Prof. Floyd B. Hanson (USA)

Technical Co-Sponsors:
   IEEE Control Society
   IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

Financial Sponsors:
   US Army Research Office
   Army Research Office - Far East
   Institute of Mathematical Sciences of CUHK
   K. C. Wong Education Foundation
   American GNC Corporation
   International Press Company
   Varitronix Limited
   Hong Kong Baptist University
   other foundations and agencies anticipated


Contributed by: A. H. Haddad   (ahaddad@eecs.nwu.edu)
(A FULL version of the CFP may be obtained from ifac96@eecs.nwu.edu)

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

                        13th WORLD CONGRESS


                The San Francisco Marriott Hotel

                        SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, USA

                        JUNE 30 - JULY 5, 1996

        Hosted by the American Automatic Control Council


The technical program of the Congress will feature:

    Plenary lectures
    Regular paper sessions
        - contributed and invited sessions
        - sessions in lecture and poster format
    Special sessions and lectures
        - survey papers
        - case studies
        - benchmark sessions
        - panel discussion sessions.

    Lecture  and Poster Sessions. In addition to the usual lecture
sessions, the Congress will feature poster  sessions.  Accepted
papers  will be assigned to lecture or poster sessions according to the
kind of presentation  that  fits  the  nature of work better; no value
ranking is implied. Authors will also be asked to indicate  their
preference.   Poster and lecture papers will be allowed the same number
of pages in the Congress Preprints/ Proceedings.

    An  invited session is a set of papers on a well-defined subject of
current interest; in case of lecture  presentation, it normally
contains 5 papers.

    A  survey  paper  summarizes the state of the art in a technical
area of special interest; it is to be  presented  in  a lecture
session  of  contributed or invited papers where it usually takes the
slots of two regular papers (about 40 minutes).

    A case study describes a particularly important application in some
depth; its length may be an hour.

    A benchmark session compares several methods using a previously
defined example; its length may be an hour.

    A panel discussion is a discussion session on a subject of current
interest, usually with a strong industrial emphasis, with  the
participation of the audience and several recognized experts in the
"panel". Its length is usually an hour.

    Congress Symposia and Technical Areas

    All  technical activities of the Congress, with the exception of
the Plenary Lectures, will be organized in the  form of Congress
Symposia,  each one covering a coherent sub-field within automatic
control.  The  program  of  each Symposium  will be further  subdivided
into Technical Areas, following the  Technical Committee  structure  of
IFAC. All material submitted or proposed for presentation at the
congress will be reviewed by sub-committees  of the International
Program Committee (IPC), set up according to the Congress Symposium -
Technical Area structure.  Listed below are the Congress Symposia, with
their Technical Areas and International Program  Subcommittees Chairs.

1. Symposium on Manufacturing and Instrumentation
   Luis Basanez (Spain), Chairman

        Technical Areas:
   a. Manufacturing, Modeling, Management and Control
   b. Robotics
   c. Architectures for Enterprise Integration
   d. Components and Instruments
   e. Low Cost Automation
   f. Advanced Manufacturing Technology

2. Symposium on Design Methods
   Robert Bitmead (Australia), Chairman

        Technical Areas:
   a. Control Design
   b. Nonlinear Systems
   c. Optimization Methods
   d. Robust Control

3. Symposium on Systems and Signals
   Han-Fu Chen (China), Chairman

        Technical Areas:
   a. Modeling, Identification and Signal Processing
   b. Adaptive Control and Tuning
   c. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
   d. Stochastic Systems

4. Symposium on Infrastructure and Resources
   Katsuhisa Furuta (Japan), Chairman

        Technical Areas:
   a. Control in Agriculture
   b. Modeling and Control of Biomedical Systems
   c. Control Education
   d. Control Terminology
   e. Natural Resource Systems
   f. Automation in Developing Countries

5. Symposium on Systems Engineering and Management
    Gunnar Johannsen (Germany), Chairman

        Technical Areas:
   a. Large Scale Systems
   b. Modeling and Control of Biomedical Systems
   c. Computer Aided Control System Design
   d. Business and Management Techniques
   e. Modeling and Control of National Economies
   f. Supplemental Ways of Improving International

6. Symposium on Human Aspects of Automation
   Tomas Martin (Germany), Chairman

        Technical Areas:
   a. Social Impact of Automation
   b. Cultural Aspects of Automation

7. Symposium on Industrial Applications
   Mogens Kummel (Denmark), Chairman

        Technical Areas:
   a.  Chemical  Process Control
   b. Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing
   c. Control of Pulp and Paper Processes
   d. Power Plants and Power Systems
   e. Control of Biotechnological Processes
   f. Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of
      Technical Processes

8. Symposium on Transportation and Vehicles
   Michael Masten (USA), Chairman

        Technical Areas:
   a. Aerospace
   b. Automotive Control
   c. Marine Systems
   d. Air Traffic Control Automation
   e. Transportation Systems
   f. Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles

9. Symposium on Computer Control
   Leo Motus (Estonia), Chairman

        Technical Areas:
   a. Distributed Computer Control Systems
   b. Real-Time Software Engineering
   c. Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control
   d. Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control
   e. Safety of Computer Control Systems
   f. Distributed Intelligence Systems

   Preparation of Camera-Ready Manuscripts

    Authors  whose  papers have been accepted by the International
Program Committee for presentation at  the  Congress,  and thus for
inclusion in the Congress publications, will be required to submit
their  final  manuscripts  in camera-ready form. The printed
publications will be prepared from a photo image of the authors'
manuscript and the  compact  disk will be made by photographically
scanning the same. Detailed typing  instructions  and sample sheets
will  be provided together with the acceptance notification.

    Authors are urged to prepare their camera-ready manuscript in
target-size (A4 or 8.5"x11"), with  small-size  characters, using
advanced word processing software and a laser printer.  Exceptionally,
the  camera-ready  manuscript  may be prepared by a good quality
typewriter, on oversized special sheets (which will then be
photo-reduced before scanning and printing). Authors wishing to follow
this second path should indicate this when submitting their draft
paper. They will then receive special sheets together with their typing


    It is assumed that authors submit their papers in good faith, that
is, they do intend to attend the  Congress and  there  is  a reasonable
chance they will be able to. Acting otherwise would be  professionally
unethical;  an unpresented paper takes away a slot from another author
and holes in the lecture sessions cause serious  inconvenience to the
audience and the organizers.


    Limited  funds are expected to be available to assist a small
number of authors who would not  otherwise be  able  to  attend
the Congress. The exact conditions and procedures have yet  to
be  worked  out.  Prospective authors wishing to obtain more
information should contact

    Professor Peter Luh, Financial Aid Coordinator
    Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering
    University of Connecticut
    Storrs, CT 06269-3157, USA
    Phone: (203) 486-4821     Fax: (203) 486-2447
    e-mail: Luh@farside.ese.uconn.edu


Authors are invited to submit individual contributed papers in any of
the technical areas listed above.

What to submit:

* 6 copies of the manuscript
* 4 additional copies of the front page containing
      - title
      - authors (with address, phone, e-mail)
      - abstract
      - several keywords
* 4 copies of this form


Proposals are also welcome for
     - invited lecture or poster sessions
     - survey papers
     - case-studies
     - benchmark sessions
     - panel discussions.

What to Submit:

For Invited and Benchmark Sessions, 4 copies each of:
     - a description of the theme and significance of the session
     - the Congress Symposium (and Technical Area) where it
     - the name, affiliation and mailing address of the organizer
     -  the  list of papers and authors
     - an extended abstract (3-4 pages) for each paper
     - a completed Paper Submission Form for each paper.

For Survey Papers and Case Studies, 4 copies each of:
     - the description of the theme and significance of the paper
     - the suggested Congress Symposium (and Technical Area)
     - an extended abstract (3-4 pages)
     - a completed Paper Submission Form.

For Panel Discussions, 4 copies each of:
     - the description of the theme and significance of the
     - the Congress Symposium (and Technical Area) where it
     - the name, affiliation and mailing address of the organizer
     - the list of panelists, with affiliation and the status  of
       their agreement to participate.


All submissions and proposals should be received by:

        June 30, 1995.

Notification of acceptance of submitted papers and invited/special
paper/session proposals is expected in:

        First week of December, 1995.

Preliminary program and registration material are expected in:

        Late Fall, 1995.

Deadline for receiving camera-ready manuscripts of accepted papers:

        February 1, 1996.


- Title of paper __________________________________________________
- Corresponding author's title and name ___________________________
- Mailing address _________________________________________________
- phone _______________________    fax ____________________________
- e-mail ____________________________________________
- Signature of corresponding author _______________________________
- Suggested Symposium and Technical Area (e.g. 3/c) _________
- Preferred form of presentation: ___ lecture   ___ poster

The  paper  is  part of an invited session ___  yes       ___  no
        (Invited papers must be mailed together as a group)

Mark  here ___ if you need oversized typing sheets for the  final

Where to submit Michael Peshkin, IFAC '96
   Mechanical Engineering Dept.
   Northwestern University
   2145 Sheridan Road
   Evanston, IL 60208-3111 USA

Inquiries only:
   e-mail: IFAC96@nwu.edu (preferred)
   tel: (708) 467-2666
   fax: (708) 491-3915 (no manuscripts)

              *                                        *
              *              The End                   *
              *                                        *