E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 70, June 1, 1994

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582


1.      Editorial

2.      General announcements
        2.1  New IFAC electronic information server

3.      Personals
        3.1  Kalman elected to N.A.S.
        3.2  Sabbatical

4.      Positions
        4.1  Post doctoral position INRIA
        4.2  Post doctoral position non-linear opt. process ctl. -London, UK
        4.3  Senior Progr. Analysts, Cray Research Center, Eagan, USA
        4.4  Fac. position in control, university of Cambridge, UK.

5.      Books
        5.1  Linear Robust Control --M. Green and D. Limebeer
        5.2  Global Controllability and Stabilization of Non-linear Systems
             -- Nikitin
        5.3  Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory --SIAM

6.      SCAD update

7.      Journals
        6.1  TOC: Linear Algebra and its Applications; Vol. 203-206
        6.2  TOC: SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization; Vol. 32-5
        6.3  TOC: Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control, Vol. 4-3

8.      Conferences
        8.1  SIAM Forum: Job Market in the Future -San Diego; July 23 '94
        8.2  Call for papers:   ACC-'95     --Seattle
        8.3  Call for papers:   ICIAM-'95   --Hamburg
        8.4  Call for papers:   IFAC Symp. on Nonlinear Control System Design
                                -- June '95
        8.5  Call for papers:   IFAC Workshop Advances in Automative Control
                                -- March '95 Monte Verita, Switzerland
        8.6  ????? Brussels, May '95
        8.7  IEEE Regional  NY/NJControl Conference -Piscataway, August 1994
        8.8  Call for papers:   Workshop on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems -Hamburg, '94
        8.9  Summer Course Non-linear Control Systems, Mexico, July '94
        8.10 Call for papers:   IFAC Conf. Youth Automation, Beijing, Aug,'95

          *                                        *
          *              Editorial                 *
          *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter Nr. 70 !!!

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              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Juan A. de la Puente 


A new electronic information server for IFAC, the International
Federation of Automatic Control, has been started as of June 1, 1994.
The server contains general information about IFAC as well as its
technical activities. The IFAC server can be used as a remote repository
of information, which can be reached from any computer with access to
Internet. The information can be accessed by means of popular Internet
public domain services, such as ftp, gopher or xmosaic (using the gopher
interface).  If you do not know if these services are available at your
site, consult your system administrator.

The server is operated by Goya Servicios Telematicos S.A., the Spanish
operator for Eunet. Its Internet address is ftp.eunet.es (or

To get access to the IFAC information, you simply type in your machine:

  ftp ftp.eunet.es

When asked for your name, type:


When asked for your password, type your email address:


Once you have gone through the login procedure, type:

  cd gopher/useful/ifac

and then you can use the standard ftp commands:

  dir       list directory
  cd            change to another directory
  get file      get a copy of file into your local directory
  quit          finish the ftp session

This information may be also accessed at

The user commands are:

  gopher gopher.eunet.es
        go-to Useful Services
          go-to International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)

To post additional information (e.g. IFAC conference, symposium or
workshop announcements) to the server, send an e-mail message to

  jpuente@gic.tat.upm.es (Juan A. de la Puente)

Problems and errors can be reported at the same address.

Juan A. de la Puente

Grupo de Ingenieria de Control
ETSI Telecomunicacion
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
E-28040 Madrid, SPAIN

E-mail jpuente@gic.tat.upm.es

              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Eduardo D. Sontag

                KALMAN ELECTED TO N.A.S.

R.E.Kalman has been elected to the US National Academy of Sciences.  (Kalman
was already a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and had been just elected as well to
the Russian [ex-Soviet] Academy of Sciences.)  This is an honor to Kalman,
who has been without doubt the most influential researcher in our field, as
well as a recognition that the field of Systems and Control is now an
established part of science.

In case you wish to congratulate him, Kalman's email address is:
             U9120@czheth5a.bitnet .


Contributed by : Grantham K.H. Pang 

Dear Colleagues,

        I am currently spending my eight-month sabbatical leave at
Hitachi Research Laboratory, Japan, as a Senior Visiting Researcher.
Here is my new contact address :

        Dr. Grantham Pang

        Hitachi Research Laboratory
        The 2nd System Department
        Hitachi Ltd.
        1-1, Omika-cho, 7-chome, Hitachi-shi
        Ibaraki-ken, 319-12  JAPAN

        Tel: 81-294-52-7576
        Fax: 81-294-52-7623
        Email : pang@hrl.hitachi.co.jp  OR

                                        Best regards,

                                        Grantham Pang

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Pascal Gahinet (gahinet@colorado.inria.fr)


   A one-year post-doctorate position is open at INRIA Rocquencourt
starting as early as August 1994. INRIA is the french research institute
in computer and control sciences. This position is in the area of
Robust Control Theory with emphasis on the development and application
of Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) techniques for the design of robust
control systems.

  The visiting scientist would take part in a research effort whose main
thrusts include:
  * a theoretical investigation of the applicability of LMI techniques
    to a variety of robust control problems,
  * the development and implementation of various LMI-based control
    design tools. This will build upon and extend  Matlab's
    forthcoming "LMI Control Toolbox" developed by P. Gahinet,
    A. Nemirovskii, and A.J. Laub. This toolbox already offers all
    the basic numerical algorithms needed to solve standard LMI
  * the refinement of LMI-based gain-scheduling techniques and their
    application to physically motivated problems.
  * various applications of LMI-based analysis and design tools to
    industrial problems in aeronautics, robotics, power generation,
This research is currently conducted by a team of three scientists
and several additional collaborators.

  INRIA is located close to Versailles, 7 miles away from Paris, and
is easily accessible via public transportation. The Institute is
equipped with uptodate computing facilities (Sparc/Dec workstations)
as well as a research library. Finally, the stipend for this
position runs around $2000/month.

  Candidates should have received their Ph.D. or equivalent in the
area of Control and Systems and have a strong background in linear
control theory and numerical computations. Although french will be
useful in the everyday life, it is not required in the work

  For further information, please contact

       P. Gahinet
       INRIA, BP 105
       78153  LE CHESNAY CEDEX
       Email: gahinet@colorado.inria.fr

Contributed by: Professor Peter D Roberts (p.d.roberts@city.ac.uk)


                   CITY UNIVERSITY, LONDON, UK



The above EPSRC (SERC) funded post - doctoral research post is available
from 1 October 1994 with a starting salary in the range 14,962 - 17,320
pounds. The work is concerned with the implementation and analysis of
novel optimal control techniques applied to nonlinear processes subject to
model reality differences. The work is closely associated with industry.
Applicants should have, or expect to have shortly, a PhD in Control
Engineering, preferably with experience in the process industry.

Potential applicants, requiring further information and application forms,
should contact:

Professor P D Roberts, Control Engineering Research Centre, City University,
Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB, UK
Tel: +71 477 8132
Fax: +71 477 8568
email: p.d.roberts@city.ac.uk

Contributed by: William J. Harrod

Mathematical Software Development at Position at Cray Research, Inc.

Position Announcement:  Senior Programmer/Analyst
                        Mathematical Software Group
                        Cray Research, Inc.
                        Eagan, Minnesota

The Cray Research Mathematical Software Group invites qualified
individuals to apply for a position as Senior Programmer/Analyst.
The particular development area of interest is signal processing

The Mathematical Software Group supports Cray Research's math and
scientific libraries.  Members of the group do research on algorithm
development, develop, optimize, and support numerical software, and
work with applications analysts to provide highly optimized
computational kernels for use as building blocks in application
programs.  Particular areas of interest within the group include direct
and iterative methods for solving sparse linear systems, in-core and
out-of-core solvers for dense linear systems and eigenvalue problems,
and signal processing.  Each individual participates in several
different projects, developing and supporting software for both
the scalable CRAY T3D and the vector/parallel Cray C90/YMP computing

The minimum requirement is a Ph.D. or equivalent experience in
computer science or applied mathematics.  Preference will be given to
candidates with the following additional qualifications:

1.  Experience in developing and optimizing software for
    high-performance computer architectures, especially scalable
    parallel computers.

2.  Expertise in numerical methods for signal processing, including
    FFT routines.

3.  Demonstrated ability to work independently and as a member of a

This position offers a competitve salary and benefits package, an
excellent working environment, and unmatched access to state-of-the-art
high-performance computing power.

Inquires or Resumes and other supporting documents
should be direct to:

Dr. William J. Harrod
Cray Research, Inc.
Mathematical Software Group
655F Lone Oak Drive
Eagan, MN 55121
(612) 683-5249

Contributed by: kg@eng.cam.ac.uk (Keith Glover)


Applications are invited for the post of University Lecturer or
Assistant Lecturer in Control Engineering, the position to be taken
up on 1 January 1995 or as soon as possible thereafter.  This position is
roughly equivalent to a tenure track Assistant/Associate  Professor in
US terms.

Cambridge University Engineering Department is divided into six divisions
which cover all of the main engineering disciplines.  This post will be
in the Information Engineering division which covers the areas of
signal processing, communications and computing as well as control.

Undergraduates in engineering now take a four year course leading to the
MEng degree.  Students take a common course in the first two years and can
then specialize in the third and fourth years.  The second year control
teaching includes one  course on Linear Systems and Control together with
related courses on Communications, Signal and Data Analysis, and on
There are courses in the third and fourth years which cover many  areas of
control and cater for both generalists and specialists.

All of the above are supported by extensive practical classes and design
projects.  In the fourth year, students also do a major project occupying
approximately one half of their time.  This may be in collaboration with
industry and it is expected that the above lecturer would be fully  involved
is this aspect of the teaching.

The person appointed to the post will be expected to teach in the
above areas and to assist in their further development; in particular
a significant contribution to the final year projects and experimental
work will be expected as well as to  the normal lecture courses.

The control group currently consists of one Professor and three
lecturers, and typically has about two research assistants and 15 PhD
students.  Active areas of research are in robust control, nonlinear
control, identification and computer aided design, with applications
in the aerospace, automotive and robotic industries.

Candidates should have an established research record in some area of
control, or outstanding research potential. In addition to the teaching
requirements outlined above, the successful applicant will be expected to
pursue research of distinction in control, supervise PhD students and
attract funding for their research.

This University appointment is not tied to a particular Cambridge College,
but it is expected that the successful applicant will  be invited
to become a Fellow of such a College.

For further information contact:

Prof. Keith Glover
Cambridge University Engineering Dept
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1PZ

Tel:    0223 332711 (from UK)        Fax:    0223 332662
     +44 223 332711 (international)       +44 223 332662

Email: kg@eng.cam.ac.uk

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: David J. N. Limebeer
                Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,
                Exhibition Rd.,
                London SW7 2BT,

                                NEW BOOK:

                         LINEAR ROBUST CONTROL


                            Michael Green
                            David Limebeer

                          ISBN 0-13-102278-4

                  To be published by Prentice Hall
            in the Information and System Sciences Series
                       edited by Thomas Kailath

        Solutions manual ISBN 0-13-133547-2 (YES, IT DOES ACTUALLY EXIST!)

For inquiries and advanced orders phone:

Prentice Hall customer service within the USA: 1800-922-0579
International customer service within the USA: +201-767-5185

For international customer service for Europe (Based in England) phone:

               +442-257115 (FAX)

To obtain postscript files which contain the table of contents and preface
for the main book and solutions manual execute the following commands:

  (1)  Login to the Imperial College anonymous ftp IP address
       by executing: ftp
  (2)  login as anonymous
  (3)  Enter your email address as the password
  (4)  Change directory to pub/djnl: cd pub/djnl
  (5)  Fetch the files preface_book.ps and preface_solman.ps by executing:
       get preface_book.ps
       get preface_solman.ps
  (6)  Preview using "Ghostview" or print on a 300 dpi postscript printer.

In the event of any difficulty email David Limebeer at d.limebeer@ic.ac.uk.


The aim of this book is to present a unified theory of feedback system
analysis, design and synthesis that is able to optimize the performance
and robustness of control systems. The development of the LQG and
H-infinity synthesis theories is split into two parts. In the first, we
analyze a finite-horizon version of the problem. The second part tackles
the infinite-horizon extension by invoking limiting arguments. Our approach
to the synthesis theory is based, therefore, on time-domain techniques
which are deeply rooted in the existing and widely known theory of linear
quadratic optimal control. We also deal with the approximation of high-order
systems by others of lower order. This approximation process is known as
model reduction. The inclusion of model reduction is motivated by our belief
that control system design cannot be separated from the process of plant
modelling. Any serious application of the optimal synthesis methods in this
book is bound to involve some model reduction.  In addition, the similarity
of the mathematical techniques involved in model reduction and H-infinity
optimal control makes it appropriate to include this material.

Each chapter ends with student exercises; some are straightforward,
while others are much more challenging. The easy exercises offer
practise in formula manipulation and are designed to help students
increase their confidence in the subject. On the whole, they add only
minor embellishments to the text. On the other hand, the more
difficult exercises expand the text and even develop aspects of the
subject we could not touch on in the main body. Answering the more
difficult problems requires real work---mastering control theory is
not a spectator sport! The exercises are an integral part of the text
and there is no doubt that a serious attempt to answer them will
greatly improve one's understanding of the subject. A solution to each
of the problems is available in a separate solutions manual, a preface
to which is also available via anonymous ftp.

Contributed by: S. Nikitin, nikitin@math.la.asu.edu

          Global controllability and stabilization
                  of nonlinear systems

                       S. Nikitin

This book is based on courses of lectures on nonlinear systems given
by author at the Moscow State University (1989 - 1990), at the Moscow
Institute of Steel and Alloy (1990 - 1991) and at the Kaiserslautern
University (summer 1990, 1991 - 1992). The main purpose of this book
is to provide a self-contained, complete and geometrically clear presentation
of recent results on global controllability and stabilization.

A good deal of effort was put into the development of geometrical
control intuition and inspiring the reader to think independently. That is
why, the book contains many pictures and exercises.

The material presented is organized in such a way that, for
 Part I, it is only assumed that the reader has mastered the very basic
notions of ordinary differential equations theory, general topology and
analytic geometry.
For Part II the reader is assumed to be familiar with the
elements of differential geometry.

The present book can serve as a two-semesters course for those
students and post-graduates specializing in automatic control theory
 and mathematical systems theory in applied
mathematics departments.

You can order this book  using the addresses listed below.

USA Office: World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., 1060 Main Street,
River Edge NJ 07661, USA. Tel:(201)487-9655. Fax:(201)487-9656

London Office:
 World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., 73 Lynton Mead, Totteridge,
London NN20 8DH, ENGLAND. Tel:(81)4462461 Fax:(81)4463356

 World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc.,
Farrer Road, P.O. Box 128, Singapore 9128

Part I : Two-dimensional affine nonlinear systems

Chapter 1     Controllability of cart
1.1   Prisons and mysteries of a plain domain
1.2   Controllability criteria for linear systems under phase constraints
1.3   Controllability analysis in a convex domain
1.4   How do control constraints change life ?
1.5   Exercises

Chapter 2     Nonlinear affine system on a plane as a cart garland
2.1   About one nonlinear system which is equivalent to a cart
2.2   Controllability of a cart garland
2.3   Affine nonlinear system with control constraints
2.4   Dynamic of populations under external influence
2.5   Exercises

Chapter 3     Semiglobal stabilization of cart garland
3.1   Stabilization of a system being equivalent to a cart
3.2   Stable covering and semiglobal stabilization
3.3   Some examples of adaptive stabilizers
3.3.1 Sliding stabilizer
3.3.2 High-gain adaptive stabilizer
3.4   A simplified auto-pilot system and tracking control problem
         of robotic manipulators
3.4.1 A simplified auto-pilot system
3.4.2 Tracking control problem of robotic manipulators
3.4.3 Exercises

Chapter 4      Two-dimensional systems with singularities
4.1   Normal forms of systems with singularities
4.2   Controllability and stabilization of systems with singularities
4.2.1 Controllability of systems with singularities.
4.2.2 Local stabilization at a singularity of type I
4.3   Classification of singularities, controllability criteria
         of bilinear systems on a plane
4.3.1 Classification of bilinear systems
4.3.2 Controllability criteria
4.4   Exercises

Part II :      Multi-dimensional nonlinear systems

Chapter 1      Global controllability analysis
1.1   A brief review of basic concepts of topology and differential
1.1.1 Topological spaces
1.1.2 Smooth manifolds
1.1.3 Tangent bundle and vector fields
1.2   Groups and monoids
1.3   Approximative groups and systems on foliations
1.3.1 Approximative groups
1.3.2 System on foliations
1.4   Necessary and sufficient conditions of global controllability
1.4.1 When does the existence of transitive approximative group
         imply controllability?
1.4.2 Full rank conditions of global controllability
1.4.3 Systems on foliations and controllability of nonlinear
1.5   Hypersurfase systems
1.6   Exercises

Chapter 2       Local stabilization of nonlinear systems
2.1   The simplest necessary and sufficiennt conditions of local
2.2   Liapunov's direct method
2.2.1 Sontag's formula of almost smooth stabilizer
2.2.2 Jurdjevic-Quinn approach
2.2.3 Stabilization of homogeneous systems
2.3   Decoupling normalizing transformations and local stabilization
         of nonlinear systems
2.3.1 Existence of decoupling normalizing transformations
2.3.2 Local stabilization of nonlinear systems and approximation of
         decoupling normalizing transformations
2.4   Exercises

Chapter 3       Semiglobal stabilization
3.1   Necessary conditions of smooth stabilization in the large
3.1.1 Some facts about degree of function
3.1.2 Multi - input systems
3.1.3 Single-input systems
3.2   The relationship between controllability and stabilization
3.3   Exercises

Contributed by: ragu@isl.stanford.edu (Venkataramanan Balakrishnan)

                     NEW BOOK AVAILABLE

     (Volume 15 of SIAM Studies in Applied Mathematics)

     Stephen Boyd, Laurent El Ghaoui, Eric Feron and
     Venkataramanan Balakrishnan

     Available June 1994 / Approx 220 pages / Hardcover
     ISBN 0-89871-334-X

     List Price $36.50 / SIAM Member Price $29.20
     All royalties donated to a fund to help students attend
     SIAM conferences

     To Order: Call 1-800-447-SIAM  Order Code AM15
               (outside the USA, call 215-382-9800)
               Via email: service@siam.org

The authors reduce a wide variety of problems from Systems
and Control Theory to a handful of standard convex and
quasiconvex optimization problems that involve linear matrix
inequalities.  These standard problems can be solved very
efficiently using recently developed numerical algorithms;
therefore the reduction constitutes a solution to the
original problems.

Chapter 1: Introduction.
  Overview; A Brief History of LMIs in Control Theory; Notes
  on the Style of the Book; Origin of the Book.
Chapter 2: Some Standard Problems Involving LMIs.
  Linear Matrix Inequalities; Some Standard Problems;
  Ellipsoid Algorithm; Interior-Point Methods; Strict and
  Nonstrict LMIs; Miscellaneous Results on Matrix
  Inequalities; Some LMI Problems with Analytic Solutions;
  Notes and References.
Chapter 3: Some Matrix Problems.
  Minimizing Condition Number by Scaling; Minimizing Condition
  Number of a Positive-Definite Matrix; Minimizing Norm by
  Scaling; Rescaling a Matrix Positive-Definite; Matrix
  Completion Problems; Quadratic Approximation of a Polytopic
  Norm; Ellipsoidal Approximation; Notes and References.
Chapter 4: Linear Differential Inclusions.
  Differential Inclusions; Some Specific LDIs; Nonlinear
  System Analysis via LDIs; Notes and References.
Chapter 5: Analysis of LDIs: State Properties.
  Quadratic Stability; Invariant Ellipsoids; Notes and
Chapter 6: Analysis of LDIs: Input/Output Properties.
  Input-to-State Properties; State-to-Output Properties;
  Input-to-Output Properties; Notes and References.
Chapter 7: State-Feedback Synthesis for LDIs.
  Static State-Feedback Controllers; State Properties;
  Input-to-State Properties; State-to-Output Properties;
  Input-to-Output Properties; Observer-Based Controllers for
  Nonlinear Systems; Notes and References.
Chapter 8: Lur'e-Postnikov and Multiplier Methods.
  Analysis of Lur'e Systems; Integral Quadratic Constraints;
  Multipliers for Systems with Unknown Parameters; Notes and
Chapter 9: Bounds for Systems with Multiplicative Noise.
  Analysis of Systems with Multiplicative Noise;
  State-Feedback Synthesis; Notes and References.
Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Problems.
  Optimization over an Affine Family of Linear Systems;
  Analysis of Systems with LTI Perturbations; Positive Orthant
  Stabilizability; Linear Systems with Delays; Interpolation
  Problems; The Inverse Problem of Optimal Control; System
  Realization Problems; Multi-Criterion LQG; Nonconvex
  Multi-Criterion Quadratic Problems; Notes and References.
List of Acronyms

The file ch12.ps.Z (available via anonymous ftp into
isl.stanford.edu in pub/boyd/lmibook) contains the table of
contents and the first two chapters.  It should give some idea
of the book.

Contributed by  Raimund J. Ober 

        UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE --  May 1994


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              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Richard Brualdi 

         Table of Contents Linear Algebra and its Applications
                   VOLUMES 203-204, MAY-JUNE, 1994

Third Special Issue on Linear
Systems and Control, Part I

Special Issue Editors:
A. C. Antoulas, M. L. J. Hautus, P. A. Fuhrmann,
and Y. Yamamoto

VOLUMES 205-206, JULY 1-JULY 15, 1994

Third Special Issue on Linear
Systems and Control, Part II

Special Issue Editors:
A. C. Antoulas, M. L. J. Hautus, P. A. Fuhrmann,
and Y. Yamamoto

Contents Volumes 203-204

Preface 1

Daniel Alpay and Vladimir Bolotnikov (Beer-Sheva, Israel)
On a General Moment Problem and Certain Matrix Equations 3

A. C. Antoulas (Houston, Texas)
A New Approach to Modeling for Control 45

J. A. Ball (Blacksburg, Virginia), M. A. Kaashoek (Amsterdam,
the Netherlands), G. Groenewald (Bellville, South Africa), and
J. Kim (Kwangju, Korea)
Column Reduced Rational Matrix Function With Given Null-Pole Data
in the Complex Plane 67

Joseph A. Ball (Blacksburg, Virginia), Marek Rakowski, and Bostwick F.
Wyman (Columbus, Ohio)
Coupling Operators, Wedderburn-Forney Spaces, and Generalized
Inverses 111

Wu Baowei (Xian, Shaanxi, People's Republic of China)
Some Properties of Linear Systems Defined Over a Commutative
Banach Algebra 139

Tibor Boros, Ali H. Sayed, and Thomas Kailath (Stanford, California)
Structured Matrices and Unconstrained Rational Interpolation Problems 155

Roger Brockett (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Differential Equations and Matrix Inequalities on Isospectral Families 189

Chin Chang and Tryphon T. Georgiou (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Geometric Aspects of the Caratheodory Extension Problem 209

Guanrong Chen (Houston, Texas) and Cetin Kaya Koc
(Corvallis, Oregon)
Computing Matrix-Valued Nevanlinna-Pick Interpolation 253

Gong-ning Chen and Hui-pin Zhang (Beijing, China)
More on Loewner Matrices 265

Carmen Coll, Rafael Bru, Elena Sanchez, and Vicente Hernandez
(Valencia, Spain)
Discrete-Time Linear Periodic Realization in the Frequency Domain 301

Ruth F. Curtain and Alejandro Rodriguez (Groningen, the Netherlands)
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for J-Spectral Factorizations With
a J-Lossless Property for Infinite-Dimensional Systems in Continuous
and Discrete Time 327

Leonid Faybusovich (Notre Dame, Indiana)
Rational Functions, Toda Flows, and LR-like Algorithms 359

Avraham Feintuch (Beer-Sheva, Israel)
Strong Graph Representations for Linear Time-Varying Systems 385

Sven Feldmann (Stuttgart, Germany) and George Heinig
(Leipzig, Germany)
Uniqueness Properties of Minimal Partial Realizations 401

Michel Fliess (Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
Une Interpretation Algebrique de la Transformation de Laplace
et des Matrices de Transfert 429

Ciprian Foias (Bloomington, Indiana), Arthur Frazho (West Lafayette,
Indiana), and Allen Tannenbaum (Haifa, Israel)
On Combined H-H2 Suboptimal Interpolants 443

P. A. Fuhrmann (Beer-Sheva, Israel)
A Duality Theory for Robust Stabilization and Model Reduction 471

Hisaya Fujioka and Shinji Hara (Yokohama, Japan)
State Covariance Assignment Problem With Measurement Noise:
A Unified Approach Based on a Symmetric Matrix Equation 579

Ton Geerts (Tilburg, the Netherlands)
Linear-Quadratic Control With and Without Stability Subject to General
Implicit Continuous-Time Systems: Coordinate-Free Interpretations of the
Optimal Costs in Terms of Dissipation Inequality and Linear Matrix
Inequality: Existence and Uniqueness of Optimal Controls and
State Trajectories 607

Tomomichi Hagiwara and Mituhiko Araki (Kyoto, Japan)
A Successive Optimal Construction Procedure for State Feedback Gains 659

Author Index 674

Contents Volumes 205-206

Shinji Hara, Hisaya Fujioka (Yokohama, Japan), and
Pierre T. Kabamba (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
A Hybrid State-Space Approach to Sampled-Data Feedback Control 675

M. L. J. Hautus (Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
Operator Substitution 713

J. Hoffmann (Kaiserslautern, Germany) and P. A. Fuhrmann (Beer-Sheva, Israel)
Remarks on Orthogonal Polynomials and Balanced Realizations 741

J. Hoffmann and D. Pratzel-Wolters (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Dipolynomial Minimal Bases and Linear Systems in AR Representation 777

E. W. Kamen (Atlanta, Georgia)
Block-Form Control of Linear Time-Invariant Discrete-Time Systems
Defined over Commutative Rings 805

Nicos Karcanias (London, United Kingdom)
Minimal Bases of Matrix Pencils: Algebraic Toeplitz Structure
and Geometric Properties 831

Tohru Katayama (Kyoto, Japan)
A Spectral Factorization Algorithm for Discrete-Time Descriptor
Systems via Generalized Eigenproblems 869

A. P. Kishore and J. B. Pearson, Jr. (Houston, Texas)
Kernel Representation and Properties of Discrete-Time
Input-Output Systems 893

Renee Koplon, Eduardo D. Sontag (New Brunswick, New Jersey), and
M. L. J. Hautus (Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
Observability of Linear Systems With Saturated Outputs 909

Hans-Andrea Loeliger (Linkoping, Sweden), G. David Forney, Jr.
(Mansfield, Massachusetts), Thomas Mittelholzer (Zurich, Switzerland),
and Mitchell D. Trott (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Minimality and Observability of Group Systems 937

Denis Mustafa (Oxford, United Kingdom)
How Much Integral Action Can a Control System Tolerate? 965

M. A. Peters and A. A. Stoorvogel (Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
Mixed H2/H Control in a Stochastic Framework 971

Giorgio Picci and Stefano Pinzoni (Padova, Italy)
Acausal Models and Balanced Realizations of Stationary Processes 997

Allen C. Raines III and David S. Watkins (Pullman, Washington)
A Class of Hamiltonian-Symplectic Methods for Solving the
Algebraic Riccati Equation 1045

Cheryl B. Schrader (San Antonio, Texas)
Dynamical Structures on Pencils, Poles, and Fundamental Subspaces 1061

J. A. Sefton and R. J. Ober (Richardson, Texas)
Hankel-Norm Approximation and Control Systems 1081

J. de Does and J. M. Schumacher (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Continuity of Singular Perturbations in the Graph Topology 1121

Alle-Jan van der Veen and Patrick Dewilde (Delft, the Netherlands)
On Low-Complexity Approximation of Matrices 1145

Xiaochang Wang (Lubbock, Texas) and Joachim Rosenthal (Notre Dame,
A Cell Structure for the Set of Autoregressive Systems 1203

Siep Weiland (Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
A Behavioral Approach to Balanced Representations of Dynamical
Systems 1227

Harald K. Wimmer (Wurzburg, Germany)
A Galois Correspondence Between Sets of Semidefinite Solutions of
Continuous-Time Algebraic Riccati Equations 1253

Q.-H. Wu and M. Mansour (Zurich, Switzerland)
On the Stability Hyperellipsoid of a Schur Polynomial 1271

Xin Xin and Hidenori Kimura (Osaka, Japan)
(J, J')-Lossless Factorization for Descriptor Systems 1289

Yutaka Yamamoto and Mituhiko Araki (Kyoto, Japan)
Frequency Responses for Sampled-Data Systems - Their Equivalence and
Relationships 1319

Author Index 1341

Contributed by:  tschoban@siam.org

Table of Contents:

                 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
                   Volume 32, Number 5, September 1994

On the Solutions of a Class of Continuous Linear Programs
Edward J. Anderson and Andrew B. Philpott

The Riccati Equation for Optimal Control Problems with Mixed
State-Control Constraints: Necessity and Sufficiency
Vera Zeidan

A Multistate, Multicontrol Problem with Unbounded Controls
J. R. Dorroh and Guillermo Ferreyra

Numerical Approximations for Hereditary Systems with Input and
Output Delays: Convergence Results and Convergence Rates
A. Manitius and H. T. Tran

Root Locus and Boundary Feedback Design for a Class of Distributed
Parameter Systems
D. Gilliam, Christopher I. Byrnes, and Jianqiu He

Optimal Controls of Navier-Stokes Equations
Mihir Desai and Kazufumi Ito

Necessary Conditions for Optimal Control of Stochastic Systems with
Random Jumps
Shanjian Tang and Xunjing Li

Nonsmooth Optimum Problems with Constraints
Zs. Pales and V. M. Zeidan

Stability of Recursive Stochastic Tracking Algorithms
Lei Guo

Uniform Exponential Stability and Approximation in Control of a
Thermoelastic System
Zhuangyi Liu and Songmu Zheng

Asymptotic First Hitting Time Distribution of Annealing Processes
Christian Mazza

The Asymptotic Behavior of Simulated Annealing Processes with
Tzuu-Shuh Chiang and Yunshyong Chow

Contributed by Edwin F. Beschler (beschler@spint.compuserve.com)


Volume four, Number Three

Interpolation by Rational Matrix Functions and Stability
        of Feedback Systems: the 2-Block Case
        Joseph A. Ball and Marek Rakowski  261

On Local Controllability of Hyperbolic Inclusions
        Feedback Linearization
              Hoang Duong Tuan  319

A Note on Regularizing Descriptor-Variable Systems
             by Proportional-Plus-Derivative Feedback
             V. Lovass-Nagy, D. Powers, and R. J. Schilling   341

Viewing Input-Output System Equivalence
        from Differential Algebra
              J. Rudolph   353

Summary: The Generalized Solutions of Ordinary
            Differential Equations in the Impulse Control
            Boris M. Miller   385

Summary: Singular Perturbation for Controlled Wave Equations
            Francesca Bucci   389

Summary: Discrete-time Gauss-Markov Processes with Fixed
            Reciprocal Dynamics
            Bernard C. Levy and Alessandro Beghi   393

Summary: Performance of RLS Identification Algorithms
            with Forgetting Factor-A\PHI-Mixing Approach
            Marco Campi    397

Readers are reminded that, once the unique code number of a
Summary has been obtained from the hard copy of the Journal, an
eletronic copy of the full paper may be obtained as follows:

Address:      trick.ntp.springer.de
User:         anonymous (personal e-mail address)
Access:       cd jmsec
              get ID#,ps  (The ID# is the five digit
              identification number of the paper desired.)

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: degiulio@siam.org

Third SIAM Forum on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Saturday, July 23, 1994, The Holiday Inn By The Bay, San Diego, CA


8:15 AM            Welcoming Remarks
8:30  - 10:00      Mathematicians In Small Cap Firms
10:30 - 11:30      Non-Mathematicians Who Do Mathematics In Industry
11:30 - 12:00      Mathematics in Industry Preliminary Results Presentation

1:00 - 2:00 PM     Hiring In Business, Industry, and Government:
                   The Manager's Perspective
2:15 - 3:30        Report From The Front:Experiences of Recent Industrial
4:00 - 5:00        Reaching From Academia To Industry
5:00 - 6:00        Networking Session

REGISTRATION FEE: $50 (Fee Includes forum materials, reception, lunch
                       and dinner.)


For a complete copy of the preliminary program & registration/hotel
please contact SIAM Conference Department.
E-Mail: degiulio@siam.org  Fax: 215-386-7999  Telephone: 215-382-9800


Contributed by:  Glenn Masada 

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

                1995 American Control Conference

                        June 21 - 23, 1995
                         The Westin Hotel
                       Seattle, Washington  USA

The American Automatic Control Council will hold the fourteenth American
Control Conference (ACC) Wednesday through Friday, June 21-23, 1995 at the
Westin Hotel in Seattle Washington.  Held in cooperation with the
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), this conference will
bring together people working in the fields of control, automation, and
related areas from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(AIAA), American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), American Society
of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Association of Iron and Steel Engineers
(AISE), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
Instrument Society of America (ISA) and the Society for Computer Simulation

Both contributed and invited papers will be included in the program.  The
ACC will cover a range of topics relevant to theory and practical
implementation of control and automation.  Topics of interest include but
are not limited to:  robotics, manufacturing, guidance and flight control,
power systems, process control, measurement and sensing, identification and
estimation, signal processing, modeling and advanced simulation, fault
detection, model validation, multivariable control, adaptive and optimal
control, robustness issues, intelligent control, expert systems, neural
nets, industrial applications, and control education.

Call for Contributed Papers
The 1995 ACC Program Committee is soliciting two types of contributed
papers in all areas of control and automation: (i) regular papers that
describe the work in some detail, and (ii) short papers that present recent
research results.  All papers accepted for presentation must appear in the
Conference Proceedings, where regular papers will be allotted 5 pages and
short papers will be allotted 2 pages.  Prospective authors of regular
papers should submit 5 copies of the complete manuscript (marked "1995
ACC") to a Society Review Chair by September 15, 1994.  At the author's
request, regular papers will be considered for publication in a society's
journal provided the submission rules for the journal are followed.  Short
papers consisting of a 3-4 page summary should be submitted to the Program
Vice-Chair for Contributed Sessions by September 15, 1994.  The author's
society affiliation, if any, should be indicated on the short paper
summary, along with a list of keywords.

Student Best Paper Award
Primary and first-listed authors of regular papers who are students at the
time of submission can apply for this award.  Up to five finalists will be
chosen based on the written paper and will be awarded limited travel grants
to attend the Conference.  The final selection will be made at the
Conference and will be based on both the written  paper and the student's
presentation.  The winner will receive a plaque at the closing reception.
To apply, submit your paper through the regular procedure.  Then send a
copy of the paper together with a cover letter from your major professor
(advisor), to the Program Chair.  The letter should be on University
letterhead and should certify that the eligibility conditions are
satisfied.  The deadline for application is the same as the deadline for
submission of regular papers.

Call for Invited Sessions
The Program Committee is also soliciting proposals for invited sessions for
the conference.  Prospective organizers should contact the Program
Vice-Chair for Invited Sessions before August 15, 1994 for the appropriate
forms.  The completed forms must be returned to him by September 15, 1994.

ACC Workshops
The Organizing Committee intends to arrange tutorial workshops to be held
in conjunction with the 1995 ACC.  Suggestions are solicited for
appropriate subjects.  Potential organizers should contact the Workshop

Schedule Summary
August 15, 1994: Deadline for contacting the Program Vice-Chair for Invited
Sessions regarding proposed invited sessions.

September 15, 1994: Deadline for submission of contributed papers and
invited session proposals.

January 20, 1995: Authors notified and authors' kits distributed.

March 15, 1995: Deadline for typed mats for Proceedings.

=46or further information contact:
General Chair
Masayoshi Tomizuka
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of California
Berkeley, CA  94720  USA
(510) 642-0870/FAX 643-5599

Program Chair
A. Galip Ulsoy
Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-2125  USA
(313) 936-0407/FAX 747-0079

=46inance Chair
Naim A. Kheir
Electrical & Systems Engineering
Oakland University
Rochester Hills, MI  48309-4401  USA
(810) 370-2245/FAX-4261

Local Arrangements Chair
Irving A. Hirsch
Research and Engineering
Boeing Defense & Space Group
P.O. Box 3999, M/S 82-24
Seattle, WA  98124-2499  USA
(206) 773-9104/FAX-4946

Registration Chair
Ka Chai Cheok
Electrical & Systems Engineering
Oakland University
Rochester Hills, MI  48309-4401  USA
(810) 370-2232/FAX-4261

Publications Chair
B. Wayne  Bequette
Department of Chemical Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY  12180-3590  USA
(518) 276-6683/FAX-4030

Publicity Chair
Glenn Masada
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Texas
Austin, TX  78712-1062  USA
(512) 471-3061/FAX-7682

Workshop Chair
Michael K. Masten
Texas Instruments
2309 Northcrest
Plano, TX  75075  USA
(214) 995-7986/FAX-2770

Exhibits Chair
Ching-Fang Lin
American GNC Corp.
P.O. Box 10987
Canoga Park, CA  91304  USA
(818) 407-0092/FAX-0093

Vice-Chair for Invited Sessions
Pierre T. Kabamba
Department of Aerospace Engineering
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-2140  USA
(313) 763-6728/FAX-0578

Vice-Chair for Contributed Sessions
Petros A. Ioannou
Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA  90089-2562
(213) 740-4452/FAX-4449

Program Committee
Mark Anderson
S.N. Balakrishnan
Marc Bodson
Dan Cobb
Shinji Hara
Homayoon H. Kazerooni
Douglas K. Lindner
Vasilios Manousiouthakis
John J. Moskwa
Lucy Y. Pao
Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
Zhihua Qu
R. Russell Rhinehart
Molly H. Shor
David G. Taylor
Lyle H. Ungar
Bruce Walker
Gary G. Yen
Evanghelos Zafiriou
M.A. Zohdy

Society Review Chairs
Victor H.L. Cheng
NASA Ames Research Center
MS 210-9
Moffett Field, CA  94035-1000  USA
(415) 604-5424/FAX-0174

James B. Rawlings
Chemical Engineering Department
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712-1062   USA

Christopher D. Kelly
Inland Steel
3001 East Columbus Dr.
East Chicago, IN 46312  USA

Wayne J. Book
School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA  30332-0405  USA
(404) 894-3247/FAX-9342

Michael Peshkin
Mechanical Engineering Department
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3111  USA
(708)467-2666/FAX 491-3915

Celal Batur
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Akron
302 East Buchtel Avenue
Akron, OH  44325-3903  USA
(216) 972-7367/FAX-6027

Naim A. Kheir
Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering
Oakland University
134 Dodge Hall
Rochester Hills, MI  48309-4401  USA
(810) 370-2245/FAX-4261

Contributed by: Volker Hardt

*** CALL FOR PAPERS ****************************************************
**                                                                    **
**        MMM   MMMM   MMM   MMMM   MM   MM      MMMM   MMMM          **
**         M    M       M    M  M   M M M M      M  M   M             **
**         M    M       M    MMMM   M  M  M      MMMM   MMMM          **
**         M    M       M    M  M   M  M  M         M      M          **
**        MMM   MMMM   MMM   M  M   M     M      MMMM   MMMM          **
**                                                                    **
**        THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON                         **
**        INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS                          **
**                                                                    **
**        July 3 - 7, 1995                                            **
**        HAMBURG, GERMANY                                            **
**                                                                    **
*** CALL FOR PAPERS ****************************************************

The  congress  organizers  are  developing  a programme  that will focus
worldwide attention on the importance of mathematical  and computational
methods  in the solution of real world problems.  A major exposition  of
computer hardware and software exhibits  and  demonstations  will enable
you to explore state-of-the-art technology.
In addition to a programme  highlighting  important advances in research
and applications, there will be  many opportunities for you to meet your
colleagues from other countries.
The first  International  Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
was held 1987 in Paris.  ICIAM 87  attracted eighteen hundred scientists
from  applied and computational mathematics  and  applied sciences. This
number climbed to over two thousand at ICIAM 91 in Washington, DC.
ICIAM 95 will be hosted by            GAMM.
ICIAM 95 President is        Oskar Mahrenholtz,
                             Technical University Hamburg-Harburg


Klaus W. Kirchgaessner, Chair,   Universitaet Stuttgart
Petter Bjorstad,                 University of Bergen
Cai Dayong,                      Tsinghua University, Beijing
John Chadam,                     McMaster University, Hamilton
Julio Claeyssen,                 Fed. Univ. of Rio Grande, Porto Alegre
Heinz W. Engl,                   Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet Linz
Gene H. Golup,                   Stanford University, Stanford
Julian C. R. Hunt,               Metereological Office, Bracknell
Iri Masao,                       University of Tokyo
Nancy J. Kopell,                 Boston University
Pierre-Louis Lions,              Universite de Pauris Dauphine, Paris
Jean Claude Nedelec,             Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau
John R. Ockendon,                University of Oxford
Etienne Pardoux,                 Universite de Provence, Marseille
Mario Primicerio,                Universita di Firenze
Alberto Tesei,                   Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"


The programme  consists  of invited and  contributed lectures,  minisym-
posia, poster presentations, and an exhibition.
The presentations  are  solicited  in  all areas of applied mathematics,
computer  science,   applied  probability   and  statistics,  scientific
computing, and applications in science, medicine, engineering, economics
and other related fields.


Akaike, H. (Tokyo)                 |   Meyer, G. (NASA, California)
Arnold, V. I. (Moskau, Paris)      |   Mumford, D. (Cambridge)
Baccelli, F. (INRIA, Valbonne)     |   Murota, K. (Kyoto)
Berry, M. V. (Bristol)             |   Neunzert, H. (Kaiserslautern)
Brezis, H. (Paris)                 |   Nilsson, L. G. (Linkoeping)
Cercignani, C. (Mailand)           |   Pfeiffer, F. (Muenchen)
Daubechies, I. (New Jersey)        |   Perelson, A. (Los Alamos)
Degond, P. (Toulouse)              |   Peskin, C. (Ney York)
Foellmer, H. (Bonn)                |   Quarteroni, A. (Mailand)
Hasselmann, K. (Hamburg)           |   Rannacher, R. (Heidelberg)
Hinch, E. J. (Cambridge)           |   Sivashinski, G. (Tel Aviv)
James, R. (Minneapolis)            |   Taylor, A. (Oxford)
Kahan, W. (Berkeley)               |   Trefethen, L. (Ithaka, NY)
Keller, J. B. (Stanford)           |   Van Dooren, P. (Urbana)
Lions, J. L. (Paris)               |   Ward, M. (Vancouver, BC)
Marsden, J. (Berkley)              |


Aircraft Flight Control            | Mathematics and High Technology
Applications of AIC in Industrial  | Mathematics in Industry
Technologies                       | Mechanics and Asymptotics
Combustion and Nonlinear Diffusion | Mechanics, Control
Computational Contact-Impact       | Modelisation of Semiconductors
Analysis                           | Phase Transitions
Computer Science                   | Queues and Networks
Fluid Dynamics of Elastic Liquids  | Rarefield Gasdynamics, Boltzmann
Fluid Mechanics and Applications   | Equation
Global Climate Modelling           | Robotics
Image Processing                   | Signals, Systems, Control
Kinetic Theory                     | Stochastic Discrete Event Systems
Liquid Crystals                    | Structure and Dynamic of Wrinkled Flames
Mathematical Basis of Mechanics    | Sytems Analysis by Graphs and Matroids
Mathematical Biology               | Vortex Flow, Computational Fluid
Mathematical Finance               | Wavelets
Mathematical Physiology            |


A minisymposia is a session of speakers focusing on a single topic.  The
organizer of a minisympoisium invites the speakers  and  decides  on the
topic they are to deliver.  If you would  like  to organize  a  minisym-
posium, you must submit a proposal on an ICIAM 95 minisymposium form.

To obtain a form and guidelines for submitting a minisymposium proposal,
please send a message to:
E-mail: iciam95@vax1.rz.uni-regensburg.d400.de
Fax: +49-941-943-4005

Deadline date for submission of minisymposium proposals: August 31, 1994


You are  invited  to submit a paper, which you may present in lecture or
poster format.  Authors  will have  approximately  15  minutes  for  the
lecture,  with additional  5 minutes for discussion.  Alternatively they
may elect poster presentations, which allow interactive discussions with
individuals interested in their work.

If you like to present a paper (lecture or poster format), please submit
a summary on an ICIAM 95 contributed paper form.

To obtain  a form and  guidelines for submitting a paper,  please send a
message to:
E-mail: iciam95@vax1.rz.uni-regensburg.d400.de
Fax: +49-941-943-4005

Deadline date for submission of abstracts:            September 30, 1994

For further information, please contact

     University of Regensburg, NWF I - Mathematik
     D-93053 Regensburg, Germany

     Phone:  +49-941-943-4918
     Fax:    +49-941-943-4005
     E-mail: iciam95@vax1.rz.uni-regensburd.d400.de

Contributed by A. J. Krener and D. Q. Mayne  

                       NOLCOS 95
    International Federation of Automatic Control
         26-28 June, 1995, Tahoe City, California, USA

Organized by:
Institute of Theoretical Dynamics, University of California, Davis
American Automatic Control Council (AACC)

Third IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design
Granlibakken Conference Center, Tahoe City, California
Monday-Wednesday, June 26-28, 1995

Sponsored by  IFAC, The International Federation of Automatic Control,
Technical Committee on the Mathematics of Control

Scope of the Symposium
The symposium will present the state of the art in the design of nonlinear
control systems. It will explore current  theoretical developments as well
as their latest applications to engineering problems. The symposium will
provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of papers which
describe new design methodologies for the control of nonlinear plants and
will feature novel applications of these methods . The program will include
invited survey papers by leading international authorities and encourage
wide ranging discussions by all participants on basic problems and future
directions. The beautiful location and excellent conference facilities will
facilitate this.

The range of topics to be discussed includes:
- Applications of nonlinear control
- Algebraic theory of nonlinear systems
- Geometric theory of nonlinear systems
- Discrete-time nonlinear control systems
- Stabilizabilty and feedback stabilization
- Nonlinear observers and filters
- Optimal control of nonlinear systems
- Variable structure systems
- Robust and H-Infinity control
- Adaptive control of nonlinear systems
- Singular perturbations in nonlinear control
- Expert control for nonlinear systems
- Computational methods for design & control


The Granlibakken Conference Center is located in a picturesque mountain
valley near Tahoe City, CA. It is an hour drive from Reno Airport, two
hours from Sacramento and four hours from San Francisco.  The Conference
Center has ample meeting rooms and lodging in one, two and three bedroom
townhouses with kitchens.  On the grounds is a large heated pool, six
tennis courts and nearby there is hiking, river rafting, golf and boating
on Lake Tahoe.  Accomodations are on the American plan with three full
meals. There are reduced rates for accompanying persons.  Participants may
wish to extend their stay and enjoy the scenic location.

International Progam Committee (IPC)

D. Q. Mayne (Ch.) (USA), A. Agrachev (R), A. Bacciotti (I), J. Burns
(USA), W. P. Dayawansa (USA), J. C. Dunn (USA), M. Fliess (F), H.
Frankowska (F),
W.  Gao (PRC), T. Glad (S), D. Hill (AUS), A. Isidori (I), B. Jakubczyk (PL),
I. Kanellakopoulos (USA), H. Kimura (J), A. Krener (USA), A. Kurzhanski
(R), F. Lamnahbi-Lagarrigue (F), S. Nikitin (R), W. Respondek (PL), W. J.
Rugh (USA), E. P. Ryan (UK), W. Shadwick (CND), E. Sontag (USA), T. J. Tarn
(USA), A. vanderSchaft (NL), M. Vidyasagar (IND), J. C. Willems (NL), M.
Zeitz (D)

National Organizing Committee  (NOC)
A. Krener, Chair, J. W. Helton, I. Kanellakopoulos, P. Kokotovic, G.
C. Martin, G. Meyer, R. Murray, S. Sastry

Instructions to Authors and Organizers of Special Sessions

Prospective authors are invited to submit 3 copies of a draft of the full
paper in English to the Chair of the IPC:

Prof.  David Q. Mayne
Institute of Theoretical Dynamics
University of California
Davis, CA 95616-8618, USA

Manuscipts should not excced 15 double-spaced pages and should include the
author's title and affiliation, full address, telephone, e-address, a 200
word abstract and keywords. Talks will be thirty minutes in length
including discussion.

A Special Session consists of four papers on a coherent theme within the
scope of the symposium.  Proposals for Special Sessions should include
title and affiliation, full address, telephone, e-address of the
organizer(s), a 500 word discription of the theme of the session and the
four draft manuscripts as described above.

Submission of draft manuscipts and
proposals for Special Sessions     August 31,1994

Notification of acceptance       November 15,1994

Submission of full paper             January 15,1995

Publication and Copywright
The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC meeting (symposium,
conference, workshop) must be original, not published or being considered
elsewhere.  All papers for presentation will appear in the Preprints of the
meeting and will be distributed to the participants.  Papers duly presented
will be archived and offered for sale, in the form of Postprint volumes, by
Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK.  The papers which have been presented
will be further screened for possible publication in the IFAC journals
Automatica and Control Engineering Practice, or in other, IFAC affiliated
journals.  The abstracts of all papers presented will also appear in
Control Engineering Practice.
Copyright of material presented at an IFAC meeting is held by IFAC. Authors
will be sent a copyright transfer form.  Automatica, Control Engineering
Practice and, after these, IFAC affiliated journals have priority access to
all contributions presented.  However, if the author is
not contacted by an editor of these journals, within three months after the
meeting, the author is free to re-submit the material for publication
elsewhere.  In this case, the paper must carry a reference to the IFAC
meeting where it was originally presented.

---------  cut here and return to nolcos@itd.ucdavis.edu  ----------------

Granlibakken Conference Center, Tahoe City, CA,   June 25-28, 1995

Mailing Address:_________________________________
__ I wish to receive further information
__ I intend to submit a paper
__ I intend to organize an Special Session entitled
I suggest further annoncements be sent to
Suggestions for the International Program Committee

*       Arthur J. Krener                *
*                                       *
*       Department of Mathematics       *
*       University of California        *
*       Davis, CA 95616-8633            *
*                                       *
*       (916)-752-3185 (Office)         *
*       (916)-752-0827 (Department)     *
*       (916)-752-6635 (FAX)            *
*                                       *
*       ajkrener@ucdavis.edu            *
*                                       *

Contributed by: guzzella@lvv.iet.envt.ethz.ch

      IFAC-Workshop on

            Advances in Automotive Control

      March 13-17, 1995
      Monte-Verita, Ascona, Switzerland

Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers

  This Workshop is the first workshop organized by the IFAC
Technical Committee on Automotive Control. Its intention is
to bring together leading specialists of this field from
industry and academia in an atmosphere which stimulates the
exchange of ideas.

  The workshop is organized as follows. Each day is dedicated
to one special topic and the day starts with a survey paper
followed by 3-5 regular papers. In the afternoon short papers
and panel-discussions offer the opportunity to interact in
smaller groups.

  Day       |  Topic                      | Survey given by
  Monday    |  Car-Electronics - A Survey | W. Kunerth
  Monday    |  Control of IC-Engines      | H.P. Geering
  Tuesday   |  Vehicle Dynamics           | J. Ackermann
  Wednesday |  Electrical Vehicles        | D. Mikovic
  Thursday  |  Hybrid Vehicles            | to be announced
  Friday    |  Traffic Management - IVHS  | J.K. Hedrick

  Both long and short papers (30-40 min. and 15-20 min., res-
pectively) are solicited in any of the above mentioned areas.
Papers from industry are especially encouraged. Other topics
related to the area of Automotive Control are welcome.

  The workshop will be held at the Monte Verita Hotel and
Conference Center which offers excellent conference facilities
in one of the most beautiful parts of Switzerland. The estimated
registration fee is 400 Swiss Francs plus 120 Swiss Francs per
day for lodging and all meals. Limited funds are available
for those authors presenting regular papers.

  Authors are invited to submit four copies of an extended
summary(2--4 pages) to the workshop secretariat for review. To
facilitate rapid communication, authors should provide a fax
number and an e-mail address if possible. Authors of accepted
papers will be asked to prepare a version for publication in the
conference preprints. After the workshop, selected papers will
be included in special proceedings which will be published by
Birkhaeuser Verlag.

  Authors' Schedule

    Submission of summary:             August  31, 1994
    Notification of Acceptance:        October 30, 1994
    Submission of camera-ready paper:  January 31, 1995

  Workshop Committee

  Uwe Kiencke, University of Karlsruhe

  J. Ackermann, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen
  H.P. Geering, Swiss Federal Inst. of Techn. (ETH), Zurich
  L. Guzzella, Swiss Federal Inst. of Techn. (ETH), Zurich
  J.K. Hedrick, University of California, Berkley
  W. Kunerth, Siemens AG
  L. Nielsen, University of Ljnkvping
  B. Powers, Ford Motors Company

  Workshop Secretariat

    Claudia Wittwer
    Institut fuer Energietechnik
    CH-8092 Zurich

    tel   : CH-1-632-2479
    fax   : CH-1-262-5207
    e-mail: guzzella@lvv.iet.envt.ethz.ch

Contributed by:  "HANUS Laboratoire d'automatique" 

                     MAY 9 - 12, 1995
                     BRUSSELS, BELGIUM

Organized by
Section interfacultaire d'Agronomie
Interfaculty Section of Agronomy
Universite libre de Bruxelles
Free University of Brussels

Co-sponsored by the Technical Committee on "Control in
Agriculture" of IFAC.

International Program Committee:

Local Organizing Committee



The symposium aims to provide a forum for presentation and
discussion of recent advances of Mathematical Modelling and
Simulation in Agriculture and Bio-industries


Animal Cells Cultures, Automatic Control of Processes, Biochemistry and
Applied Molecular Biology, Biomathematics, Bioprocess, Bioreactors,
Biotechnology, Brewing Industry, Cell Biology, Cheese Dairy, Computer
Integrated Manufacturing, Computer Assisted Drug & Protein Design,
Downstream Processing, Drinking Water Industry, Energy from Biomass,
Enzymology, Fermentation Processes, Fish Industry, Food
Industry, Genetics, Hormone Regulation, Immunology, Intelligent
Sensors, Metabolism, Micro- & Macro Economical Aspects in Bio-industries,
Micro-organisms Cultures, Microbiology, Oenology, Oil & Fat Industry,
On-line Measurements, Physiology, Plants Cells Cultures, Sugar Industry,
Transgenics & Risk Assessment in Bio-industries, Waste Water Management.

Agricultural Machinery, Agro-ecosystems, Agrochemistry, Agrometerology,
Animal Waste Management, Animal Pests in Forestry, Animal Pests in
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Selection & Management, Animals Nutrition,
Aquaculture & Fish Farming, Epidemiology, Farming Systems, Fertilization
& Mineral Nutrition of Plants, Fisheries, Food Hygiene & Meat Inspection,
Gas Exchange, Greenhouses & Protected Cultivations, Horticulture, Hydrology,
Irrigation, Landscape & Country Planning, Manure & Slurry Management,
Micro- & Macro Economical Aspects in Agriculture, Parasitology-Bacteriology-
Virology, Pathology, Pedology, Photosynthesis and Productivity, Plants &
Animals Growth, Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum, Silviculture, Transgenics &
Risk Assessment in Agriculture.

The symposium will be held in Brussels at

Palais des Congres
Mont des Arts
phone: 32+2-513.41.30

Conference language

The working language of the symposium is English.  It will be
used for all printed material, presentations and discussions.
No simultaneous translation will be provided.

Participation fee

Society members  (before March 31, 1995)              : BEF 16,000
Non-members      (before March 31, 1995)              : BEF 18,000
Students         (before March 31, 1995)              : BEF 05,000
Society members  (after April 1st, 1995)              : BEF 18,000
Non-members      (after April 1st, 1995)              : BEF 20,000
Students         (after April 1st, 1995)              : BEF 06,000
(Society means either: IMACS, IFAC, EFB, BBA, ESACT, BELACT, IIFET, EAFE,

It includes

- access to lectures and book exhibition
- receipt of a congress cover containing the Preprints and other information
- daily lunch and coffee breaks
- participation to conference reception

Cancellations and refunds

Before April 15: 50%
After  April 16: no refund.

Social events

The official banquet of the symposium will be held on Thursday
11 May 1995 in the restaurant "Chez Adrienne", situated in the highest ball
of the Atomium, near the underground station "Heysel". (price per person:
1,500 BEF). Accompanying persons may also participate to the opening
reception, which will be held on Tuesday 9 May 1995 in City Hall, situated
"Grand' Place". (price per person: 500 BEF).
A mini-trip in one of the Europe's loveliest cities, romantic
open-air museum of churches, elegant houses, famous canals and internal
ports, the "Beautiful Bruges", could be organized, subject to sufficient
number of participants. (price per person: around 1.200 BEF)

Submission and Selection of Papers

People wishing to present a paper should send an abstract
(300-500 words) in two copies to the Secretariat of the Symposium:

Conference Secretariat MMSABI'95
Lab d'Automatique
CP.165 - U.L.B.
av. F.D. Roosevelt 50
B-1050 Brussels

Deadline for submission of abstracts is: October 15, 1994.

Preliminary acceptance of the papers will be based on the submitted
abstracts which must clearly state the originality and importance of the
results.  Notification of acceptance and author's kit will be mailed by:
January 15, 1995.

Only previously unpublished papers will be accepted for presentation at the
symposium. IMACS holds the copyright for the publication of the papers in
the final proceedings. Full papers typed in camera ready form must be
submitted by: February 28, 1995.

The organizers reserve themselves the right to not accept low quality
papers.  Authors will be informed of the final decision by March 31, 1995.
Preprints of all accepted papers will be distributed to all registered
participants upon arrival.  Proceedings will be published by an
international publishing company selected by IMACS.  Authors may be
requested to provide improved manuscripts for the proceedings.

Contributed by: gajic@ramayana.rutgers.edu

             IEEE Regional NY/NJ Control Conference 1994

           Rutgers University, Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ

                        August 26--27, 1994

Announcement and Call for Papers

Rutgers University will host the 3rd IEEE Regional NY/NJ Control
Conference to be held on August 26--27, 1994. This conference is
sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society and hosted by the Rutgers
University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Areas of interest include
 control problems, robust control, neural networks, intelligent control,
large scale systems, adaptive control, filtering and stochastic control,
discrete time control systems, identification, mathematical modeling,
mathematical system and control theory, discrete event systems,
nonlinear control systems, fuzzy control systems, parallel and
distributed computations, numerical methods, and applications to
robotics, guidance and navigation, flexible structures, manufacturing,
routing and traffic networks, biological systems, process control,
vehicles and highways, communications, and signal processing.

Authors should submit 4 copies of extended summaries of contributed
papers by June 15, 1994 to the Program Chairman Prof. Zoran Gajic,
Rutgers University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Piscataway, NJ 08855--0909.

Camera ready accepted papers must be received by August 1, 1994. The
conference proceeding will be available at the conference site.
Registration fee is $70 for members of IEEE, $25 for students, and $90
for nonmembers.

Two plenary sessions featuring recent advances in the control field will
be held.

For further information or to propose a special session contact Prof.
Zoran Gajic, Rutgers University, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Piscataway, NJ 08855--0909, e-mail: gajic@ece.rutgers.edu,
tel. (908) 932--3415, fax (908) 932--2820.

Conference Chairs

General Chair: E. Sontag, Rutgers University; Program Chair: Z. Gajic,
Rutgers University; Finance Chair: D. Daut, Rutgers University;
Publicity Chair: M. Zhou, NJIT; Registration Chair: A. Fish, University
of New Haven; Publication Chair: H. Baruh, Rutgers University; Local
Arrangement Chair: H. Benaroya, Rutgers University; Advertising Chair:
S. Orfanidis, Rutgers University; Consulting Chair: T. Chang, NJIT.
Program Committee

N. Ansari, NJIT; J. Boka, M. Marietta Astro Space; J. Boskovic, Yale
University; B. Dickinson, Princeton University; M. Gursoy, Rutgers
University; L. Gurvits, Siemens Cor. Res.; B. Friedland, NJIT; D.
Haessing, GEC-Marconi; S. Hogan, FAA; E. Hou, NJIT; S. Kazunas, CTA-FAA;
F. Khorrami, Polytechnic University; S. Kolarov, NEC; S. Kulkarni,
Princeton University; X. Li, M. Marietta Astro Space; M. Lim, Rutgers
University; R. Longman, Columbia University; D. Ocone, Rutgers
University; N. Puri, Rutgers University; P. Ramage Princeton University
L. Trajkovic, Bell Com. Res.; C. Tsui, CUNY; K. Sobel, CCNY; R. Srikant,
AT&T Bell Labs; R. Stengel, Princeton University; H. Sussmann, Rutgers
University; S. Verdu, Princeton University


Submission of Paper Summaries: June 15, 1994.

Notification of Acceptance: July 5, 1994.

Final Manuscript Submission: August 1, 1994.

CONFERENCE: August 26--27, 1994.

Contributed by Ken Hunt, Daimler-Benz AG 

                CALL FOR PAPERS

                Workshop on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

                Hamburg, Germany, 8--9 September 1994

To be held following the International Conference on
Intelligent Systems Engineering ISE 94, Hamburg, Germany
(conference dates: September 5--8 1994).


The ISE conference will be followed by a set of four workshops
focussing on the relationships between methods of control
engineering and artificial intelligence in the development
of intelligent systems in engineering. The goal of the workshops
is to support the exchange of background  information and
the development of a common understanding of the relative merits
and limitations of the various approaches. The initiation
of further collaborative actions is expected as a major
outcome of the workshops with the long-term goal of bridging
the gap between the two classes of approaches. These are intended
to be highly interactive sessions leading to a better understanding
of the motivation and perspectives of each discipline.

The Neuro-Fuzzy Workshop

Fuzzy systems and neural nets have been successfully applied
to a wide range of application fields including signal processing,
control, image analysis, pattern recognition and diagnostics.
The combination of both paradigms allows the merging of
the sophisticated learning algorithms developed in the realm of neural nets
and the representation of qualitative and cognitive transparent rules in
fuzzy inference systems. Various architectures for hybrid neuro-fuzzy systems
have been proposed: serial and hierarchical coupling of fuzzy systems and
neural nets and heterogenous fuzzy-neural nets. This empirical
work on neuro-fuzzy combinations has recently been underpinned
by theoretical results establishing the direct functional equivalence
of certain types of networks and a class of fuzzy systems.

The workshop aims to present a balanced overview of this rapidly
expanding field both from a theoretical and an application
oriented viewpoint. Recent developments in design tools will
also play an important role.

Specific topics for the workshop include, but are not
limited to,

        -       Functional equivalence of neural and fuzzy systems
        -       Structure selection
        -       Common training algorithms
        -       Transparency/interpretation of trained systems
        -       Knowledge-based neural networks
        -       Fuzzy-neural adaptive control
        -       Computational issues and implementation
        -       Description of industrial applications
        -       Design tools for hybrid architectures

Papers will be selected according to their quality, significance,
originality and their potential to generate discussions on the major
theme of the workshop. Presentations should be specifically designed
to support an exchange of ideas and to indicate areas where
contributions from the respective other discipline are to be expected.
Informal working notes will be distributed during the workshop; no
copyright will be requested. A paper must not exceed 10000 words,
excluding references and abstract.
People who wish to attend the workshop without submitting a
paper should a send a letter describing their background and research
interests by the paper submission deadline.


Please direct enquiries and submit papers or
extended abstracts (3 copies please) to:

        Dr K J Hunt
        Systems Technology Research
        Daimler-Benz AG
        Alt-Moabit 91 b
        D-10559 BERLIN

        Tel:    (030) 399 82 275
        Int:    + 49 30 399 82 275

        FAX:    (030) 399 82 107
        Int:    + 49 30 399 82 107

        Email:  hunt@DBresearch-berlin.de


Submission deadline                    July 1st, 1994
Notifications sent                     July 31st, 1994
Workshop                               September 8/9th, 1994

Organizing Committee:

Ken Hunt (Daimler-Benz Research, Berlin)
Roland Haas (Daimler-Benz Research, Berlin and TU-Clausthal)
Dietmar Moeller (Technische Universitaet Clausthal)

Other Workshops:

The three other workshops and contacts are:

Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Model-based Diagnosis

Advanced Planning and Scheduling

Architectures for Intelligent Systems

Contributed by: R. Castro-Linares 


A two-week intensive summer course on nonlinear control systems will be
given at CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico, from July 4 to July 15, 1994. The
lectures will be given in English by Professors Claude H. Moog of the
Central School of Nantes, Nantes, France, and Ana Maria Perdon of the
University of Ancona, Ancona, -Italy. The tuition fee is $100 USD.

The summer course is designed to summarize the state of the art in the
analysis and control of nonlinear systems with emphasis on the so-called
algebraic approach. The following topics will be covered: realization,
accesibility, observability, system transformations, system structure,
feedback linearization, disturbance decoupling, noninteracting control and
model matching. Vugraphs and lecture notes are provided.

For more information, full description of the course and an application form,
please contact:  

Prof. Rafael Castro-Linares and/or
Prof. Bernardino Castillo-Toledo
Dept. of Electrical Eng.
Automatic Control Section
Apdo. Postal 14-740
07000 Mexico, D. F., MEXICO
Phone: (+52)-5-754-02-00, Ext. 3205
FAX: (+52)-5-586-62-90
E-mail: rcastro@ctrl.cinvestav.mx

Contributed by: Jianzhong Wu


                  YOUTH AUTOMATION
                   BEIJING, CHINA

                  AUGUST 8-10, 1995

     Chinese Association of Automation (CAA)
     Youth Committee of CAA

     IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control)
     IFAC Technical Committee on Automation in Developing Countries
     IFAC Technical Committee on Control Education

     NSFC-National Natural Science Foundation of China
     IEEE Beijing Section Control System Chapter
     CAST Enterprises, Inc.
     Beijing Institute of Technology
     Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
     Tsinghua University

     Barmish, B. Ross (USA)     Kaya, A. (USA)
     Cainea, P. B. (Canada)     Kinura, H. (Japan)
     Chen, H. F. (China)        Kunar, P. R. (USA)
     Fasul, K. H. (Germany)     Ljung, L. (Sweden)
     Hang, C. C. (Singapore)    Lu, Y. L. (China)
     Ho, Y. C. (USA)            Tarn, T. J. (USA)
     Isidori, A. (Italy)        Yang, J. C. (China)

     Chairman: Lei Guo (China)  Jianzhong Wu (china)

     Chairman: Li Sun, Jie Chen
     Members: Guo, Rocky J.     Wang, Hong
              Luo, Yahua        Wang, Qinglin
              Wang, Bo          Xiao, Li

    This is the first time that IFAC convenes the international youth
    automation conference. The YAC'95 is armed at providing an
    opportunity of exchanges, discussions and communications to all
    young scholars and specialists in the automatical technology, also
    giving them a chance to know more information about this field.
    In consideration of the character of the conference, the delegates
    of YAC'95 are expected to be under 40 years old. We would also
    like to invite some internationally acclaimed scholars and
    specialists (no restriction on age) to take part in as advisors
    and to present their plenary papers.
    The scope of the conference includes all aspects of automation
    technology, ranging from fundamental research to real applications.
    The topics as follows, not limited to:
    1. Linear and nonlinear control
    2. Systems modelling and identification
    3. Adaptive control
    4. Optimization methods
    5. Robust control
    6. Discrete-event dynamical systems
    7. Filtering and digital signal processing
    8. Automative control
    9. Robotics
   10. Computer-aided control systems design
   11. Intellgent control
   12. Neural networks applied to control
   13. Process control
   14. Algorithms & architectures for real-time control

   Authors are requested to submit 5 copies of the typed abstracts in
   1000 words with 3 key words according to the above topics no later
   than October 1, 1994. In case of joint authorship, the first author
   mentioned will be used for all correspondence, unless otherwise

   Proposals for invited sessions are welcome to be submitted by
   October 1, 1994. An invited session should comprise 4 or 5 lectures.

   The official language of the conference is English. Simultaneous
   interpretation is not available.

   The registration fee of the conference is expected not to exceed
   US$250. The registration fee for the students will be under US$150.

   Copyright of articles is transferred to IFAC on presentation at
   the conference.

   Today          Complete and send the enclosed reply form
   Oct.1, 1994    Submission of abstracts and proposal of invited sessions
   Jan. 15, 1995  Notification of acceptance
   Apr. 1, 1995   Submission of final papers
   Aug. 8-10, 1995 Conference

   Abstracts and proposal for invited sessios should be sent to:

          YAC'95 Secretariat
          Mr. Bin Zhang
          China Association of Automation
          c/o CAST Auto Tech Co., Ltd.
          22 Baiwanzhuang Street
          Beijing 100037, P. R. China
          Fax: 86-1-8326042   Tel:86-1-8341486


      Name:__________________   Surname:_______________



      City:_______________ Postal Code:__________ Country:__________

      Tel:________________ Fax:________________


      1. Send me______ copies of all circulars about the YAC"95
      2. I plan to attend the conference
      3. I intend to submit a paper, Title:_________________________

    Send your reply form to:

          YAC'95 Secretariat
          Mr. Bin Zhang
          China Association of Automation
          c/o CAST Auto Tech Co., Ltd.
          22 Baiwanzhuang Street
          Beijing 100037, P. R. China
          Fax: 86-1-8326042   Tel:86-1-8341486

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *