E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 67, March 1, 1994

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Eng.
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582


1.      Editorial

2.      General announcements
        2.1   SIAM Student paper prizes
        2.2   Optimal controls for non-linear problems
        2.3   MIT Summer session course

3.      Positions
        3.1   Sabatical pos., EE Department Bucknell University
        3.2   Research fellow in control, EE Department Melbourne University
        3.3   Johnson Endowed Chair in Intelligent Systems, Un. of California
        3.4   Pos. Scientific Computation, College of Eng., Un. of California
        3.5   Reader, fac. of eng. and science, un. of Westminster
        3.6   Faculty position, mechanical eng. University of Minnesota

4.      Books
        4.1   LNCIS-191: Simultaneous Stabilization of Linear Systems
        4.2   Russian<->English Dictionary on Probability, Statistics
        4.3   Numerical linear algebra techniques for systems and control

5.      Scad Update

6.      Journals:
        6.1   Announcement Systems and Control Letters
        6.2   Table of Contents  MCSS  Vol. 6, nr. 2
        6.3   Table of Contents  SIAM J. Control & Opt. Vol 32, nr. 3.
        6.4   Table of Contents  SIAM J. on Optimization. Vol 4, nr. 2.
        6.5   Table of Contents  SIAM J on Matrix Anal. & Appl.
        6.6   Call for papers Special issue Optical Network Switching Techn.

7.      Conferences
        7.1    Call for papers 7th Symp. on Larhge Scale Systems -London.

*                                        *
*              Editorial                 *
*                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 67 !!!

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*                                        *
*        General announcements           *
*                                        *

Contributed by Allison Bogardo:

The annual SIAM Student Paper Prizes will be awarded during the 1994 SIAM
Annual Meeting.

If you are a student or know of a student who would like to take part in the
competition, here are the details:

The authors of the three best papers in applied and computational mathematics
written by students and submitted to SIAM will be invited to attend the 1994
annual meeting in San Diego, July 25-29.  Each winner must present his/her
paper at the meeting and will receive a $750 cash award as well as gratis
registration for the meeting.  Winners will be awarded calligraphed
certificates at a special prize ceremony at the meeting.  Papers must be
singly authored and not previously published or submitted for publication to
be eligible for consideration.  To qualify, authors must be students in good
standing who have not received their PhDs at the time of submission.

In submitting their work for publication, authors are asked to consider SIAM

Submissions must be received by SIAM ON OR BEFORE MARCH 15, 1994.

Submissions, which must be in English, can be sent by regular mail or fax.
Each submission must include (1) an extended abstract NOT LONGER THAN 5 PAGES
(including bibliography); (2) the complete paper, which will be used solely
for clarification of any questions; (3) a statement by the student's faculty
advisor that the paper has been prepared by the author indicated and that the
author is a student in good standing; (4) a letter by the student's faculty
advisor describing and evaluating the paper's contribution; and (5) a short
biography of the student.

Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, and quality of

The winners will be notified by June 1, 1994.

If you have any questions, please contact:

                Allison Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                Telephone: (215) 382-9800
                E-mail to bogardo@siam.org
                Fax to (215) 386-7999

Contributed by: Thomas I. Seidman 


Consider minimization of a standard quadratic cost function:
                  /T    2     2                  2
      J =(1/2) [ |  (|u| +a|x| ) dt  + C |x(T)-xi | ]
                / 0                              *
for an equation nonlinear in the control: x'=f(t,x,u) with x(0)= xi
(with some modification for the distributed parameter case). Existence of
optimal controls is standard when f is affine in the control [i.e., when
f(x,u)=f (x)+f (x)u or, equivalently, f   == 0], but is not so
        1     2                        uu
straightforward when f is truly nonlinear. I have gotten such results (e.g.,
for f   not too big) and would appreciate hearing about any prior
literature. Meanwhile, for anyone interested, I can provide preprints of a
preliminary (conference) version.

Contributed by:  MIT-Office of the Summer Session

6.43s:  Fundamentals of Detection, Parameter Estimation and Kalman
Filtering (with Applications in Tracking, Control and Signal Processing)

Alan S. Willsky
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT

July 25-29, 1994
Tuition $1,750

Problems of detection, parameter estimation, and Kalman filtering arise
in a wide variety of engineering and scientific endeavors, ranging from
well-established areas such as surveillance system design and guidance
and navigation to subjects such as failure detection, image processing,
and biomedical and geophysical signal analysis. The role of estimation,
detection, and statistical signal processing in these areas has expanded
significantly in recent years.  Program 6.43s has been designed to
provide a fundamental understanding of the foundations of these subjects
and an appreciation of how these methods can be applied.

Goals and Expected Background
The aim of the program is to present a relatively complete and
self-contained introduction to detection, estimation, and Kalman
filtering that can serve both professionals with limited or no previous
experience in estimation and detection who are seeking to obtain an
entry into or an overview of the field, and engineers who have worked in
the field but feel that they would benefit from a systematic and unified
presentation of the subject.  While a background in elementary
probability and linear algebra will be helpful, substantial facility and
expertise in these areas is not essential since an introduction to and
review of these subjects is provided at the start of the course.  Also
in addition to the inclusion of numerous illustrative examples
throughout the course, two application areas will be described in
significant detail on the last day of the program to provide
participants with a deeper understanding of the principles and
techniques they have learned as well as the way in which these
principles and techniques are used in engineering design.

Program Materials
Each participant will receive a complete set of the extensive class
notes for the week-long program, relevant reprints, suggested problems,
and other handouts.

Introduction:  Overview of the program and discussion of the basic
structure of estimation and detection problems.  Introduction to and
review of elementary probability and linear algebra.

Hypothesis Testing and Parameter Estimation:  General concepts and
structure of estimation and detection (hypothesis testing) problems.
Development of the basic machinery in the context of processing a single
static set of data.  In the discussion of hypothesis testing, we
introduce a methodology for optimum decision-making that leads to
likelihood ratio tests, receiver operating characteristics, and related
concepts.  In our development of the principles of estimation, we
discuss several alternative criteria for optimality, such as minimum
variance and maximum a posteriori estimation.  As a prelude to the
Kalman filter, we spend a significant amount of time discussing the
problem of linear parameter estimation.  In addition, error covariance
analysis and the Cramer Rao bound are developed to provide a basis for
performance analysis.

Linear Systems and Stochastic Processes:  To set the stage for the
discussion of estimation and detection of dynamically evolving
phenomena, we present an introduction to linear system theory, focusing
on those aspects of state space system models that will be needed later
in the course.  Topics such as solutions of state-space models and their
controllability and observability will be discussed.  In addition, we
also develop the basic concepts concerned with stochastic processes,
that is, random quantities that evolve in time.  Topics such as Markov
processes and correlation descriptions are developed, as is a method for
analyzing the effect of passing a stochastic process through a linear

Hypothesis Testing and Parameter Estimation from Waveform Observations:
The topics of estimating static parameters or deciding among a set of
static hypotheses are revisited in contexts where available data
consists of an entire stochastic process.  In extending the earlier
methods, we develop and discuss matched filtering and ambiguity

Kalman Filtering:  Using the machinery developed to this point, we
introduce and discuss at length continuous-time and discrete-time Kalman
filtering algorithms for estimating the state of a linear dynamic
system.  Time-varying and steady-state algorithms are both discussed as
are important properties of the Kalman filter, such as its stability and
the statistics of the filter residuals.  Connections with Wiener
filtering are also made.  Practical aspects, such as compensating for
potential filter divergence due to model uncertainties, will also be
discussed.  Several examples and applications will be included.

Extended Kalman Filtering and Nonlinear Estimation:  The estimation of
the state of a nonlinear system from nonlinear measurements will be
discussed.  The major focus of this portion of the course is on
developing and illustrating two practical suboptimal algorithms, namely
the extended Kalman filter and the second-order filter.

Identification:  Estimation of the parameters of a linear system.  The
role of the Kalman filter in computing the likelihood function for the
parameter values is described.  Algorithmic issues in computing optimal
or suboptimal parameter estimates are discussed, as are questions of

Failure and Event Detection:  Detection of abrupt changes in dynamic
systems.  An introduction to the major concepts and approaches is
provided, and in-depth discussions are included for two of the most
widely used approaches (both of which build on Kalman filtering).
Several applications, including aircraft sensor failure detection and
event detection in signal processing applications, are used to
illustrate how the methodology is applied.

Tracking:  Target tracking is addressed as a problem in nonlinear
estimation and multiple hypothesis testing.  Issues that have important
impacts on tracking filter design and performance, such as choice of
coordinate system and initialization, are discussed.  The problem of
multiple target tracking, in which a key element is the association of
measurements with specific targets, is analyzed using a hybrid
formulation employing both Kalman filters and hypothesis testing.
Application of this methodology to a variety of other problems will be
briefly discussed.

The program is directed and presented by Professor Alan S. Willsky of
the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at MIT and
Dr. Robert R. Tenney of Alphatech, Inc.  Prof. Willsky and Dr. Tenney
are also both affiliated with MIT's Laboratory for Information and
Decision Systems and are well known for their contributions to
estimation and detection theory and to the application of these theories
to problems in advanced aerospace systems, surveillance and tracking,
failure and event detection, biomedical signal processing, and image
processing.  Questions about the content of the program may be directed
to Professor Willsky at (617) 253-2356 or Dr. Tenney at (617) 273-3388.

This seminar will be held at the MIT campus in Cambridge, MA.  For
further information or an application form, please contact our office at
617-253-2101, or e-mail us at summer-professional-programs@mit.edu.
On-line information can be obtained by telnetting to techinfo.mit.edu
(choose Courses, Schedules & Calendars, then Summer Professional

*                                        *
*              Positions                 *
*                                        *

Contributed by: Maurice Aburdene
                Position Announcement

Electrical Engineering:  Bucknell University invites applications for
sabbatical leave and junior faculty leave replacement positions at the
visiting Assistant/Associate Professor level for at least one year.

We are seeking student-oriented individuals with excellent teaching
records in the classroom, in the laboratory, and with design experience.
Preferred areas include digital, control systems, instrumentation, power,
electronics, electromagnetics, machines, circuits, systems and VLSI.

Qualifications include a Ph.D. in Electrical or Computer Engineering.
Bucknell is a private university emphasizing quality undergraduate
education in engineering and liberal arts. Review of applications will
begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.  Please
send applications to:

       Chair, Search Committee
       Electrical Engineering Department
       Bucknell University
       Lewisburg,  PA  17837

Women and members of minority groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Contributed by: eecz@mullian.ee.mu.OZ.AU


Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Research Fellow in Control

Applications are sought for two Research Fellow positions in the
area of control system theory in the Department of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering at the University of Melbourne. The fellowship
is funded by the Australain Research Council (ARC). The Research
Fellow will form part of a team comprising academic staff and post-
graduate students, carrying out research on optimal and robust
performance of control systems.

Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. degree and have an outstanding
research record.  Experience in optimal and robust control theory and
hybrid dynamical systems is desirable.

There are two positions available:  one position for 3 years and one
position for 12 months.

Salary range:   A$36,285 - A$38,950  (Research Fellow Grade 1)
                               A$41,000 - A$48,688  (Research Fellow Grade 2)

Inquiries: Professor Rob J. Evans, telephone: (+61 3) 344 7208,
facsimile: (+61 3) 344 7412.

Closing date: 30 March 1994.

Reference number:  Y0000525, Y0000526

Applications should be sent in duplicate quoting three referees
(including facsimile numbers), to the Director, Personnel Services,
The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, 3052, Australia.

The University of Melbourne is an equal opportunity employer, and
has a smoke free work-place policy.

Contributed by: Jay Farrell 

Johnson Endowed Chair in Intelligent Systems

The College of Engineering at the University of California, Riverside is
conducting a worldwide search to attract an outstanding scholar for the
Endowed Chair in Intelligent Systems. Current research in the College is in
intelligent systems, artificial intelligence, robotics, visualization, and
advance manufacturing. We are searching for candidates with established
international prominence and interested in developing a strong research focus
in the newly-emerged College. Both applications and nominations are solicited
for this position which is to commence at the start of the 1994-95 academic

The candidate for the Chair should have qualifications commensurate with the
academic rank of full professor at the University of California. In
the candidate should possess:
#165#  Research Ability #209# demonstrated by major and internationally
recognized contributions in the area of Intelligent Systems;
#165#  Leadership #209# an interest in creating and leading an active
group and interacting effectively with other groups and institutions;
#165#  Commitment to Teaching #209# demonstrated by an interest and ability
providing high-quality instruction.

Please submit a resume, complete list of publications, a written statement on
research and teaching objectives, and names of at least three individuals
willing to write letters of reference by March 31, 1994 to: Chair, Johnson
Endowed Chair in Intelligent Systems, College of Engineering, University of
California, Riverside, CA  92521-0425.

Applicants from the United States and abroad are encouraged to apply.

The University of California, Riverside is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative
Action Employer.

Contributed by: Alan J. Laub 

   University of California, Santa Barbara
           College of Engineering

  Faculty Opening in Scientific Computation

The College of Engineering at the University of
California, Santa Barbara is in the process of
developing an interdisciplinary graduate program
aimed at education and research at the intersection
between applied mathematics, numerical analysis,
computer science, and the application of computational
methods to the solution of problems in science and
engineering.  The College is seeking a faculty member
to develop and lead the program.  The level of the
position is open and multi-departmental appointments
are possible.  Senior candidates should have
established an international reputation in an area
within the broad framework of the program.  Junior
candidates should have outstanding research potential.

Applicants should send their resumes and the names and
addresses of at least four professional references to:
   Search Committee in Scientific Computation
   Dean's Office, College of Engineering
   Engineering I, Rm. 1016
   University of California
   Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Applications and nominations will be received until
the position is filled.  UCSB is an equal opportunity
affirmative action employer.

Contributed by Prof. Ron Leigh

                      UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER




      (Re-advertisement - Previous applicants need not re-apply)

               Salary :  26,028 - 32,256 Pounds Sterling

The Reader will play a major role in expanding the current portfolio of
application-orientated control systems research.

The principle duties of the post are the supervision and prosecution of
research, the development of industrial contacts and the preparation of
bids for research funding.

The Reader will be eligible to apply to become a member of the Profess-
oriate of the University.

Closing date : March 11th 1994

Please send your CV as soon as possible by e-mail or by FAX and you will
be sent further particulars and an application form.

e-mail : leighj@uk.ac.westminster
FAX    : +44 71 911 5150
         (071 911 5150 in the UK)
Tel    : +44 71 911 5178
         (071 911 5178 in the UK)

Contributed by: Kim A. Stelson 

                        FACULTY POSITION AVAILABLE

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota
applications in the areas of a) vibration or system dynamics and b) control
mechanical systems. Candidates at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor
level will be considered. An earned doctorate in mechanical engineering or a
closely related discipline is required. Applicants should have an interest in
teaching and in conducting sponsored research. The successful candidate will
have a strong theoretical background and an interest in applications or
experimental studies.

Please submit a letter of application, CV, and three letters of reference

        Ms. K. Suzanne Sower
        Department of Mechanical Engineering
        University of Minnesota
        111 Church Street, S.E.
        Minneapolis, MN 55455

The deadline for the receipt of applications including letters of
is June 30, 1994. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity
and employer.

*                                        *
*                Books                   *
*                                        *

Contributed by: Vincent Blondel 


        Vincent Blondel, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 191
Springer-Verlag London Ltd 1994
xxi + 184 pages
ISBN 3-540-19862-8
ISBN 0-387-19862-8

The monograph deals with the simultaneous stabilization problem:

        Let P1, P2,..., Pk be k linear (monovariable) systems. Under what
        conditions does there exists a controller C that is stabilizing
        for each Pi (i=1,...,k)?

This question turns out to be more complicated than the corresponding one
for infinitely many systems. At the present time no computationally
feasible solution to the simultaneous stabilization problem is known,
except in the case of two systems (k=2). In the monograph we show in the
last chapter that no feasible rational solution exists for three or more
systems, i.e., there exists no necessary and sufficient conditions in terms
of expressions involving the coefficients of the three systems,
combinations of arithmetic operations, logical operations and sign tests.
The three first chapters introduce the problem, the Youla-Kucera
parametrization and a formulation of the problem as an avoidance question.
The next two chapters consider conditions that are necessary or
sufficient, the last chapter contains the result mentioned above.

Contributed by: borovkov@prob.mian.su

          I have recently published a book with SIAM,
          entitled Russian-English English-Russian Dictionary on
          Probability, Statistics, and Combinatorics, published in
          January 1994. It consists of approximately 216 pages,
          and is a softcover volume.  Those of you who are interested
          in this field may find my book very helpful.  Prepayment is
          required; shipping charge will apply.

          Please feel free to contact SIAM for further information:
          SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center,
          Philadelphia, PA  19104-2688; telephone:
          215-382-9800; fax: 215-386-7999; siam@siam.org.


Contributed by: Rajni Patel 

                      ***NEW from IEEE Press***


                       FOR SYSTEMS AND CONTROL

                              Edited by

                 Rajni V. Patel, Concordia University

        Alan J. Laub, University of California, Santa Barbara

          Paul M. Van Dooren, University of Illinois, Urbana

     With an extensive 35-page  introduction,  and  21  pages  of
     bibliography, this edited collection of 47 key papers incor-
     porates over 15 years of intensive research in the field  of
     modern  numerical linear algebra and its application to com-
     putational problems in systems and control.  The book illus-
     trates  the  importance  and  rapid  growth  of this area of
     research, and helps to focus  attention  on  the  directions
     that  future  research  should  take.   The introduction and
     papers presented in the book also provide a  thorough  back-
     ground   for   all  current  computer-aided  control  system
     analysis and design software and, in particular, address the
     following issues:

           *  How to assess numerical stability and  conditioning
              most effectively in numerical analysis.

           *  Efficient ways  to  translate  system  and  control
              ideas into reliable numerical algorithms.

           *  Using condensed  forms  to  check  controllability,
              observability, and other properties of a model.

           *  The effect of model uncertainties on various numer-
              ical properties of a given model.

           *  The most reliable algorithms for the  key  computa-
              tional problems in linear system theory.

     As the only collection of papers covering the broad scope of
     numerical  linear  algebra in systems and control, this book
     will be of interest to engineers and applied  mathematicians
     as  well  as  others engaged in any aspect of control system
     analysis and design.

     The book contains the following chapters:

             1.  Introduction and Survey

             2.  General Numerical Issues in Control

             3.  Controllability, Observability, and Realizations

             4.  ``Closeness'' Problems

             5.  Frequency Response, Transfer Functions,  Poles  and

             6.  Pole Assignment and Observer Design

             7.  Riccati, Lyapunov, and Sylvester Equations

             8.  Some Relevant Results from Numerical Linear Algebra

             9.  Bibliography


                          FOR SYSTEMS AND CONTROL

                                 edited by

                               Rajni V. Patel
                               Alan J. Laub
                             Paul M. Van Dooren

             IEEE Control Systems Society Member Price: $45.00
             Regular IEEE Member Price: $72.00
             List Price: $89.95
             Hardcover, 736 pp

             IEEE Order #: PC0340-0
             ISBN 0-7803-0443-8

        The book can be ordered by telephone or fax:

                Tel: 1-800-678-IEEE (in USA) or 908-981-0060
                             Fax: 908-981-9667

        or by mail:

                Customer Service Department
                445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331
                Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331

        The book is also available at a slightly higher price from:

                IEEE Technical Activities Brussels Office
                13, Avenue de L'Aquilon
                B-1200 Brussels
                  Fax:   32.2.770.85.05
                  Phone: 32.2.770.22.42

Contributed by  Raimund J. Ober 

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               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas

                 ftp address: ftp.utdallas.edu
                 IP number:
                 queries:     ober@utdallas.edu
                     or:      scad@utdallas.edu

New contents:

   - eletter issues: 66
   - cumulative table of contents (from issue 48 to issue 66) : content48-66

  All new book anouncements which appeared in past issues of the eletter are
  now available in this subdirectory. At the moment
  it contains information such as brief discriptions of a book, tables of
  contents, errata, etal. for more than 60 books published in the past few

  We welcome authors and editors in system and controls to send a description
  your recent publication to make this subdirectory more useful
  for researchers, instructors and students in this area. Please
  check the index file (=INDEX) to see if your books have been
  included in this directory. Please also inform us of any possible
  of the information that is provided.

*********** Remember to send your tech reports and other material! *********

How to access scad:
           you can obtain details about how to access SCAD by
           sending an (empty) email message to


           with subject 'info' to obtain information about the eletter
           which also contains information on how to access SCAD.
           Alternatively send an email request to:

           After accessing SCAD you can find a README file in /pub/scad
           which contains more info on how to submit material to SCAD.

*                                        *
*               Journals                 *
*                                        *

Contributed by: J.C. Willems

                        SYSTEMS & CONTROL Letters

The journal Systems & Control Letters is fighting a very serious backlog.
The papers already accepted will fill the pages allotted to the journal
over the next 12 months. The delay involved is clearly unacceptable for
a fast publication journal.

Notwithstanding our pleas to authors for utmost brevity and to the referees
and associate editors for high selectivity, the backlog keeps increasing,
because papers are being submitted in ever increasing quantities. Only about
one third of the submitted papers is accepted.

In order to cope with the backlog problem, we have decided to submit

                         FOR THE REMAINDER OF 1994

only a handful of papers to the referees. The selection of which papers will
and which will not be processed is based on a very cursory examination.
We realize that this procedure is objectionable, but given the circomstances,
there are no alternatives. We ask for your understanding.

Beginning 1995, the situation will be back to normal: high selectivity,
careful refereeing, and fast publication.

                  Sincerely, Jan C. Willems
                             Managing Editor, S&CL

Jan C. Willems
University of Groningen
Mathematics Institute
P.O. Box 800
9700 AV  Groningen
the Netherlands
Telephone: +31 50 633984
           +31 50 633987 (secretary)
           +31 50 633976 (telefax)
Email: J.C.Willems@math.rug.nl

Contributed by: Eduardo Sontag (sontag@hilbert.rutgers.edu)

             TABLE OF CONTENTS -- MCSS Volume 6, Number 2

Arkadii S. Nemirovskii,
Several NP-hard problems arising in robust stability analysis, pp. 99-105.

J-B. Pomet, R.M. Hirschorn, and W.A. Cebuhar,
Dynamic ouput feedback regulation for a class of nonlinear systems,
  pp. 106-124.

Hirosi Sugiyama,
A Sampling Theorem with Equally-Spaced Sampling Points on the Negative Time
  Axis, pp. 125-134.

Vincent Blondel and  M. Gevers,
The simultaneous stabilizability question of three linear systems is
   undecidable, pp. 135-145.

Andrea Baccioti and Paolo Boieri,
Linear stabilizability of planar nonlinear systems, pp. 146-165.

Y. Kannai and G. Weiss,
Approximating signals by fast impulse sampling, pp. 166-179.

Richard Vinter and J. Kotsiopoulus,
Dynamic programming for free time problems with endpoint constraints,
  pp. 180-193.

Contributed by: A.Anderson

                    SIAM J. Control and Optimization

                    Volume 32   Number 3   May 1994


On Generalized Second-Order Derivatives and Taylor Expansions in Nonsmooth
W. L. Chan, L. R. Huang, and K. F. Ng

Optimal Control on the L  Norm of a Diffusion Process
Guy Barles, Christian Daher, and Marc Romano

On the Game Riccati Equations Arising in H  Control Problems
Pascal Gahinet

Adaptive Boundary and Point Control of Linear Stochastic Distributed
T. E. Duncan, B. Maslowski, and B. Pasik-Duncan

Solution of Some Transportation Problems with Relaxed or Additional
S. T. Rachev and L. Ruschendorf

The Free Boundary of the Monotone Follower
Maria B. Chiarolla and Ulrich G. Haussmann

Generalized Solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation of Stochastic Control
Ulrich G. Haussmann

On the Nonlinear Dynamics of Fast Filtering Algorithms
Christopher I. Byrnes, Anders Lindquist, and Yishao Zhou

Controlled Invariance for Singular Distributions
Viswanath Ramakrishna

Differential Games With Information Lags
Xiaojun Qian

A Dissipative Feedback Control Synthesis for Systems Arising in Fluid
Kazufumi Ito and Sungkwon Kang

Decentralized Pole Assignment and Product Grassmannians
Xiaochang Wang

The Output-Nulling Space, Projected Dynamics, and System Decomposition for
Time-Varying Singular Systems
William J. Terrell

New Existence Results for Optimal Controls in the Absence of Convexity: The
Importance of Extremality
Erik J. Balder

Contributed by: tschoban@siam.org

SIAM Journal on Optimization Table of Contents 4-2


Line Search Procedures for the Logarithmic Barrier Function
Walter Murray and Margaret H. Wright

Superlinearly Convergent O( nL)-Iteration Interior-Point Algorithms
for Linear Programming and the Monotone Linear Complementarity Problem
Kevin McShane

Convergence Properties of a Class of Rank-two Updates
Paul T. Boggs and Jon W. Tolle

Can Parallel Branch and Bound Without Communication be Effective?
Per S. Laursen

Convergence Theory of Nonlinear Newton-Krylov Algorithms
Peter N. Brown and Youcef Saad

On the Resolution of Linearly Constrained Convex Minimization Problems
Ana Friedlander, Jose Mario Martinez, and Sandra A. Santos

On Optimization Problems with Variational Inequality Constraints
J. V. Outrata

Triangular Decomposition Methods for Solving Reducible Nonlinear
Systems of Equations
J. E. Dennis Jr., Jose Mario Martinez, and Xiaodong Zhang

Extension of Hoffman's Error Bound to Polynomial Systems
Xiao-Dong Luo and Zhi-Quan Luo

Globally Convergent Inexact Newton Methods
Stanley C. Eisenstat and Homer F. Walker

An Interior Point Column Generation Method for Linear Programming
Using Shifted Barriers
John E. Mitchell

Predictor-Corrector Methods for a Class of Linear Complementarity Problems
Sanjay Mehrotra and Robert A. Stubbs

Contributed by: nelson@siam.org



Strong Hall Matrices
Richard A. Brualdi and Bryan L. Shader

Computing the PSVD of Two 2 x 2 Triangular Matrices
Gary E. Adams, Adam W. Bojanczyk, and Franklin T. Luk

Nonlocal Perturbation Analysis of the Schur System of a Matrix
M. M. Konstantinov, P. Hr. Petkov, and N. D. Christov

An Algorithm for the Single-Input Pole Assignment Problem
Rafael Bru, Jose Mas, and Ana M. Urbano

Backward Error Estimates for Toeplitz Systems
J. M. Varah

Moore-Penrose Inversion of Square Toeplitz Matrices
Georg Heinig and Frank Hellinger

Fast Triangular Factorization and Inversion of Hankel and Related
Matrices with
Arbitrary Rank Profile
Debajyoti Pal and Thomas Kailath

The Arnoldi Method for Normal Matrices
Thomas Huckle

Unicity of Biproportion
Louis de Mesnard

Characterizations of Scaling Functions I. Continuous Solutions
David Colella and Christopher Heil

Linear Operators Preserving Complex Orthogonal Equivalence on
Roger A. Horn, Chi-Kwong Li, and Dennis I. Merino

A Parallel Algorithm for Computing the Singular Value Decomposition
of a Matrix
E. R. Jessup and D. C. Sorensen

Accurate Downdating of Least Squares Solutions
A. Bjorck, H. Park, and L. Elden

Dynamical Systems that Compute Balanced Realizations and the
Singular Value
U. Helmke, J. B. Moore, and J. E. Perkins

Iterative Consistency: A Concept for the Solution of Singular
Systems of Linear
M. Hanke

Algorithms for Computing Bases for the Perron Eigenspace with
Nonnegativity and Combinatorial Properties
Michael Neumann and Hans Schneider

On Rank-Revealing Factorisations
Shivkumar Chandrasekaran and Ilse Ipsen

Symmetric Toeplitz Matrices with Two Prescribed Eigenpairs
Moody T. Chu and Melissa A. Erbrecht

Perturbation Analysis of a Condition Number for Linear Systems
Zhi-Quan Luo and Paul Tseng

A Second-Order Perturbation Expansion for the SVD
Richard J. Vaccaro

Probabilistic Bounds on the Extremal Eigenvalues and Condition
Number by the
Lanczos Algorithm
J. Kuczynski and H. Wozniakowski

An Error Model for Swarztrauber's Parallel Tridiagonal Equation
Nai-Kuan Tsao

Trust Region Problems and Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Perturbations
Ronald J. Stern and Henry Wolkowicz

Contributed by: Julio Escobar 

                       CALL FOR PAPERS

                       SPECIAL ISSUE ON



The Journal  of  Fiber  and  Integrated  Optics (Taylor  and  Francis,
Publishers) is  looking for high-quality papers for a special issue in
the area  of Optical  Network  Switching Technology.  The  anticipated
publication  date for this  issue  is  mid 1994.  We  seek to  publish
sate-of-the-art papers describing research and development in the area
of network switching based on optical technology.

Effective development  of future information networks  involves issues
ranging  from  device  performance,  through  algorithms, to  economic
perspectives.  Optical switching technology is  central to the ability
to  distribute  information   over  optical  networks.   We  encourage
submissions on all aspects relevant to Optical Network Switching.  All
switching domains are  of  interest  (e.g.,  time, wavelength,  space,
code,  signal).   Relevant  papers can  present  new results,  work in
progress, surveys.   Their  focus can be on device technology, network
algorithms,  system  analysis,  architecture,  system integration,  or
economic considerations, among others.

Example  paper topics include, but are  not limited  to, the following

   - TDM, WDM, SDM, or hybrid switching
   - Algorithms for switch control
   - Switching hardware and device technology
   - Performance limits of switching devices
   - Models for switch performance
   - Economic incentives/obstacles
   - Multi-hop optical network routing algorithms
   - Nonlinear optic signal selection and switching
   - Protocols for in-band switch control
   - Review of existing optical switching networks


  Deadline for submission: 1ST JUNE, 1994
  Notification to Authors: 30TH JUNE, 1994

All  papers will be  refereed and papers  not included  in the special
issue will be considered for subsequent publication.  Mail  two copies
and the  original  to any  of the  co-editors below.   Electronic mail
submissions are also  encouraged.  Abstracts,  outlines,  or proposals
are  welcome.  Begin the address with  the line: JFIO, Optical Network
Switching Technology.  Manuscripts should  not have been submitted for
publication elsewhere.  Author instructions  are listed in the journal
cover and a summary is included in this page.  For further information
contact Julio Escobar at the address below.


Submit  an  original and  two  copies  (or one  electronic  mail),  in
english,  one-sided, double-spaced  (including references),  page size
8.5 by 11 in. (approx.) with 1 in. margins on all sides.  Number pages
consecutively throughout  the  paper.  On the title  page  include, in
order: paper title, names of authors, affiliations, and the address of
the author  to whom  proofs and  correspondence  should be sent.   The
abstract should not exceed 100 words.

Number equations on the right.  Submit all figures on separate sheets.
On their back or margin,  give  the figure number,  paper author,  and
title  of this  journal.  Each figure should have  its own caption and
all captions should be typed double-spaced on a separate page.  Submit
all tables on separate sheets.  List all footnotes on a separate page.
Type  references on  a separate sheet and number them consecutively in
order of appearance.  Within the text, reference numbers should be set
in  brackets  [  ].  On reference pages  use the  following format for
references: number,  first  initial,  middle initial  (optional), last
name,  paper  title  in  quotation  marks,  name  of  the  journal  or
publication, volume number, page numbers, and the month and year.


Julio Escobar
Associate Editor
Systems and Technologies Dvision
Bolt Beranek and Newman
MS:6-5b, 10 Moulton Street
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
(617) 873-4579

Carl M. Verber
Guest Editor
School of Elec. and Comp. Eng.
Georgia Institute of Technology
777 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332-0250, USA
(404) 894-4701

Jon Sauer
Guest Editor
Optoelectronic Comp. Syst. Center
University of Colorado
Campus Box 525
Boulder, CO 80309-0525, USA
(303) 492-6424

*                                        *
*              Conferences               *
*                                        *

Contributed by 



                City University, London, United Kingdom
                           11-13 July, 1995

Organized by the Control Engineering Centre, City University,
London on behalf of the United Kingdom Automatic Control Council


IFAC   - International Federation of Automatic Control
       - Technical Committee on Large Scale Systems


IFORS -       International Federation of Operational Research
IMACS -       International Association for Mathematics and
              Computers in Simulation


The symposium will be held in the premises of City University
located close to the heart of the City of London with easy access
from public transportation. Special rates are available in local
hotels. In addition accommodation is available in university
halls of residence. The university is in easy reach of major
sightseeing locations in and around London.

International Program Committee:

P D Roberts (UK) Chairman

J G Balchen (Norway), J Bernussou (France), A N Borisov (Latvia),
M A Brdys (UK), T Chen (P.R. China), E Davison (Canada), F
Davoli, (Italy), J E Ellis (UK), S Engels (Germany), F.G. Filip
(Romania), R Gessing (Poland), P Groumpos (Greece), G Guardabassi
(Italy), Y Y Haimes (USA), M Jamshidi (USA), G Kovacs (Hungary),
J R Leigh (UK), J Lin (UK), K Malinowski (Poland), M Mansour
(Switzerland), A Miele (USA  IFAC), F Milkiewitz (Poland), M
Papageorgiou (Germany), H Puta (Germany), J E Rijnsdorp
(Netherlands), Y Sawaragi (Japan), J Shinar (Israel), D.D. Siljak
(USA), M G Singh (UK), H Tamura (Japan), A Titli (France), S G
Tzafestas (Greece), B W Wan (P.R. China), Y P Zheng (P.R. China)

National Organising Committee:

J E Ellis (UK) (Chairman)
N Karcanias (UK), J R Leigh (UK), J Lin (UK), P D Roberts (UK)


In the field of Large Scale Systems special regard is taken of
the problems of structure, decomposition, nonlinearity,
complexity and uncertainty. The symposium will host a variety of
contributed, invited and plenary papers. It will cover all major
aspects of large scale systems from theoretical and
methodological developments to practical application. Topics
- Modelling and Model Reduction - Decomposition - Stability -
Decentralized Control and Estimation - Hierarchical Control -
Optimization (including multicriteria) - Complex Systems Theory
and Analysis - Intelligent Control - Decision Support Systems
(including use of artificial intelligence) - Production Planning
and Scheduling - Plant Wide Control and Management - Computer
Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering - Distributed and
Hierarchical Computer Systems - Supervision, diagnosis and
man-machine interaction - Discrete Event Systems - Manufacturing
Systems - Robotic Systems - Water Systems - Gas Systems - Power
Systems - Process Industry (Chemical, Oil, Metals) - Mining
- Communications and Information Systems - Agriculture and Food
- Management Systems - Socioeconomic Systems - Environmental
Systems - Transportation Systems


The working language of the Symposium is English

Call for Papers:

Submission of papers are welcomed on the topics outlined above.
Five copies of an extended and structured abstract (about 1000
words) in English should be received by the symposium secretariat
by 15 September 1994. The abstract should be structured as
- paper title
- authors names and addresses (including fax and email)
- four key words
- topic(s) addressed from the above list.
- background and main contributions (about 1000 words)

The abstracts will be evaluated by the International Programme
Committee. Selected full papers are to be prepared according to
the instructions sent to the authors (maximum 6 two-column
pages). Accepted papers must be presented in person at the

Call for Invited Sessions:

Proposals for topics of invited sessions are especially welcome.
These proposals should contain the title of the session, a list
of 5 speakers and titles of their papers, together with abstracts
completed according to the above instructions.

Copyright conditions:

Copyright of articles are transferred to IFAC on presentation at
the meeting. Permission to republish material presented at the
meeting should be sought from the IFAC Publications Office,
Pergamon Press in Oxford, UK. Permission to republish from
Automatica and Control Engineering Practice should be sought from
the Rights and Permissions Manager, Pergamon Press in Oxford, UK.
Please also note that papers cannot be published unless they have
been released from all patent and proprietary restrictions.

Important dates:

Immediately           Expression of interest
15 Sep 1994           Receipt of abstracts and proposals
                      for invited sessions (5 copies)
 1 Dec 1994           Notification of acceptance
15 Feb 1995           Submission of full papers
15 Mar 1995           Advanced Programme and Final Announcement
15 May 1995           Ist Registration
11-13 Jul 1995        Symposium


LSS'94 Secretariat
Control Engineering Centre
City University
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB

Tel: +71 477 8133
Fax: +71 477 8568
email: lss95@city.ac.uk

Return card:

IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications,
July 11-13, 1995, London, UK










____I wish to receive the program and registration form

____I plan to submit a paper titled___________________________



____I plan to arrange a special session titled:__________________



I suggest that information on this symposium is also sent to
(please indicate the full Name and Address)






*                                        *
*               THE END                  *
*                                        *