E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 65, January 3, 1994


E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582


1.   Editorial

2.   Personals

3.   General announcements
     3.1  MATLAB Primer, 3rd Ed. Available
     3.2  IEEE Newletter for Women in Engineering

4.   Books
     4.1  Variable structure and Lyapunov control

5a.  Faculty positions
     5a.1 Dept. Electrical Eng., Princeton University
     5a.2 Dept. Electrical Eng., Yale University
     5a.3 Applied Analysis Position at NCSU
     5a.4 Dept. head, Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Comp. Science
                The University of Illinois at Chicago
     5a.5 Positions Industrial control centre
                University of Westminster, London
     5a.6 Department of Mathematics,  Arizona State University

5b.  Ph.D. and Postdoctoral positions
     5b.1 Depts. Electrical Eng. and Computer Science and Eng.,
                University of Texas at Arlington
     5b.2 Dept. of Mathematics and the Center for Research in Scientific
                Computation at North Carolina State University
     5b.3 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow
     5b.4 Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland

6.   SCAD update

7.   Journals
     7.1  Table of Contents SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
     7.2  Table of Contents SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
     7.3  Table of Contents Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
     7.4  Table of Contents Automatica
     7.5  Table of Contents Lin. Alg. and its Appl.
     7.6  Table of contents for SIAM J. on Computing
     7.7  Table of contents SIAM Review

8.   Conferences
     8.1  5th MICROCOMPUTER School, Computer Vision and Graphics
     8.2  IEEE Workshop on VLSI signal processing
     8.3  International Workshop on low power design
     8.4  Rensselaer's Intnl. Conf. on Computer Integrated
                 Manufacturing & Automation Technology
     8.5  30th COSPAR MEETING, Hamburg, Germany

*                                        *
*              Editorial                 *
*                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 65 !!!

The editors wish you all a happy new year !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear February 1. Please send contributions before this date.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to:   "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 8 Kb per contribution.

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    (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject
    'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.bs.win.tue.nl"

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    wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching
    for the string: *.**

*                                        *
*              Personals                 *
*                                        *

Rob Vingerhoeds has moved from the University of Gent to
Delft University of Technology. His new address is:

           Rob Vingerhoeds
           Delft University of Technology
           Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics
           Knowledge Based Systems Group
           Julianalaan 132
           2628 BL  Delft
           The Netherlands
           Tel. +31-15-78.46.98
           Fax. +31-15-78.71.41
           E-mail vingerhoeds@twi.tudelft.nl

*                                        *
*        General announcements           *
*                                        *

Contributed by: Kermit Sigmon 

                  MATLAB Primer, Third Edition

The Third Edition of the MATLAB Primer is now available.  It is
based on version 4.0/4.1 of MATLAB and reflects an extensive revision
of the Second Edition.  It is available via anonymous FTP from:

  Address: math.ufl.edu    Directory: pub/matlab    File: primer.tex

  Address: ftp.mathworks.com   Directory: pub/doc/primer   File: primer.tex

Also available at these FTP sites are the PostScript file  primer.ps
and both
      English (primer35.tex,primer35.ps) and
      Spanish (primer35sp.tex, primer35sp.ps)
versions of the Second Edition of the Primer, which was based on
version 3.5 of MATLAB.  The Spanish translation is by Celestino
Montes, University of Seville, Spain. A Spanish translation of the
Third Edition is under development.

The MATLAB Primer was written to help students begin to use MATLAB.
It is intended to serve as an introduction to and *not* a manual for
MATLAB.  While its primary purpose is for use in courses which
require use of MATLAB, it could, of course, serve as an introduction
to MATLAB for others.  It is intended to be distributed via a local
copy center.

Contributed by: Carla Schwartz 

                       Issue No. 1
                     December,  1993

The IEEE Steering Committee on Women in Engineering
publishes this electronic newsletter to focus on the
activities of women in our profession.  Those wishing to
contribute articles should send via e-mail to:



          Board of Directors approves seven-point
          project plan for women in engineering initiative
          spearheaded by 1993 President Martha Sloan.


*    To receive Issue #1 of IEEE WOMEN-IN-ENGINEERING,
     including subscription information, follow these
     simple instructions:

     1.  Send an e-mail message

         To:  fileserver@info.ieee.org
         (The subject field is irrelevant, enter anything)

     2.  On the first line of the message enter the
         following command:

*                                        *
*                Books                   *
*                                        *

Contributed by: Alan Zinober 



                           Alan S.I. Zinober (Ed.)

Springer-Verlag London Ltd 1994

UKP 42.00; USD 78.00; DM 114

420 pages

ISBN 3-540-19869-5 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
ISBN 0-387-19869-5 Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg


This book covers a wide range of up-to-date sliding mode Variable
Structure Control (VSC) and Lyapunov Control research and design
techniques, for the robust control of uncertain systems. In direct
contrast to most adaptive controllers these deterministic controllers
employ  fixed nonlinear feedback control functions, which operate
effectively over a specified magnitude range of system parameter
variations and disturbances. For a certain matched class of nonlinear
and time-varying parameter variations and disturbances, complete
invariance to system uncertainty can be achieved. The book consists of
eighteen chapters covering topics which discuss, amongst many other
aspects, the theoretical and practical design of controllers for
uncertain multivariable systems, novel algebraic approaches for sliding
mode control, observer-control systems, discrete-time control and the
stabilizing VSC of uncertain infinite-dimensional systems. The main
areas of application of the deterministic control of uncertain systems
include electric motor drives, robotics, flight and space systems,
automotive engine control, magnetic levitation, power electronics and
chemical processes; many of these are described in the book. This book
should be of great interest to control engineers, advanced undergraduate
and graduate control students, and applied mathematicians.

The eighteen chapters are:

1.  An Introduction to Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control
    Alan S.I. Zinober
2.  An Algebraic Approach to Sliding Mode Control
    Hebertt Sira-Ramirez
3.  Robust Tracking with a Sliding Mode
    Raymond Davies, Christopher Edwards and Sarah K. Spurgeon
4.  Sliding Surface Design in the Frequency Domain
    Hideki Hashimoto and Yusuke Konno
5.  Sliding Mode Control in Discrete-Time and Difference Systems
    Vadim I. Utkin
6.  Generalized Sliding Modes for Manifold Control of Distributed
    Parameter Systems
    Sergey Drakunov and Umit Ozguner
7.  Digital Variable Structure Control with Pseudo-Sliding Modes
    Xinghuo Yu
8.  Robust Observer-Controller Design for Linear Systems
    Hebertt Sira-Ramirez, Sarah K. Spurgeon and Alan S.I. Zinober
9.  Robust Stability Analysis and Controller Design with Quadratic
    Lyapunov Functions
    Martin Corless
10. Universal Controllers: Nonlinear Feedback and Adaptation
    Eugene P. Ryan
11. Lyapunov Stabilization of a Class of Uncertain Affine Control Systems
    David P. Goodall
12. The Role of Morse-Lyapunov Functions in the Design of Nonlinear Global
    Feedback Dynamics
    Efthimios Kappos
13. Polytopic Coverings and Robust Stability Analysis via Lyapunov
    Quadratic Forms
    Francesco Amato, Franco Garofalo and Luigi Glielmo
14. Model-Following VSC Using an Input-Output Approach
    Giorgio Bartolini and Antonella Ferrara
15. Combined Adaptive and Variable Structure Control
    Alexander A. Stotsky
16. Variable Structure Control of Nonlinear Systems: Experimental
    Case Studies
    D. Dan Cho
17. Applications of VSC in Motion Control Systems
    Ahmet Denker and Okyay Kaynak
18. VSC Synthesis of Industrial Robots
    Karel Jezernik, Boris Curk and Joze Harnik

*                                        *
*         Faculty Positions              *
*                                        *

Contributed by: S. Verdu

Tenure track position Princeton University

Princeton University:     The Department of Electrical Engineering invites
applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistent Professor level.
Candidates  are  sought  in the area of  Information Sciences and Systems:
Control, Systems, Communications and Signal and Image Processing.

Applicants should have an earned Ph.D., demonstrated  research ability and
a strong  interest  in graduate  and undergraduate teaching.  Applications
should include a detailed resume and the names of references.  Submissions
should be mailed to Prof. Stuart Schwartz,  Chairman Depart. of Electrical
Engineering, Princeton University, NJ 08544.

Princeton is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Contributed by: Steve Morse 

                     YALE UNIVERSITY
                  Electrical Engineering

     The Department of Electrical Engineering invites applications for
 faculty positions at the Assistant or Term Associate Professorial
level in the Signals/Communications/Systems area
including telecommunications, interactive graphics, imaging science,
signal analysis & synthesis, and intelligent systems, with preference
given to those research activities which overlap some aspects of
computer engineering.

     Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Computer
Science, Applied Math, or a closely related field, and should exhibit
outstanding research accomplishments and a commitment to teaching.
Close collaboration with the existing research groups in the
aforementioned areas and interaction with the adjacent Department of
Computer Science are expected.

     Please send curriculum vita, including names, addresses, telephone
numbers, and email addresses (if available) of at least three
references, to Professor T.P. Ma, Chair, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Yale University, 15 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT
06520-8284.  Applications are accepted up to March 15, 1994.  Yale
University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.

Contributed by: Kazufumi Ito (kito@crsc1.math.ncsu.edu)

                Applied Analysis Position at NCSU

The Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University expects
to make a tenure-track/tenured faculty appointment in applied analysis.
Strong preference will be given to candidates in applied functional
analysis, partial differential equations, or applied probability and
stochastic processes. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant
Professor or above, and will start July 1, 1994.  The applicant should
have substantial experience beyond the Ph.D. (i.e., tangible records of
significant research contributions and outstanding teaching).

In addition to strong representation in pure mathematics, the department
has an outstanding group of applied mathematicians in the areas of control
and optimization, numerical analysis, ordinary and partial differential
equations, and probability and stochastic processes.  Much of the research
in these areas is analysis/functional analysis-based, and the successful
applicant will be expected to interact with members of the applied
mathematics group.

The successful applicant will have the opportunity to become a member of
the Center for Research in Scientific Computation, which facilitates
interaction between the faculty in the Mathematics Department and other
research institutions and industry.

Applicants should send a vita and have three letters of recommendation sent
to Professor H.T. Banks, Director, Center for Research in Scientific
Computation, Box 8205, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-
8205.  Phone: 919-515-5289. E-mail: crsc@math.ncsu.edu.  On January 15,
1994, we will begin to select candidates from the pool of complete

North Carolina State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative
action employer.  In its commitment to diversity and equity, North Carolina
State University seeks applications from women, minorities, and the

Contributed by: Floyd B. Hanson 

                               DEPARTMENT HEAD

The Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science at the
University of Illinois at Chicago seeks applicants for the position of Head.
The Department enjoys an AMS Group I classification, and has 68 faculty and
over 200 graduate students. Major research programs include applied
mathematics, mathematical computer science, mathematics education,
probability and statistics, and pure mathematics.  Located in the heart of
Chicago, UIC is a research university with 16,000 undergraduate, 5,000
graduate, and 3,000 professional students.

The Head is the chief administrative officer of the Department, with
responsibility for instructional programs, administrative, budgetary,
promotion, and recruitment matters.  The Head is expected to provide
leadership in the further development of research, teaching, and public
service.  The successful candidate will have an earned doctorate and be
eligible for appointment at the rank of full professor.  A strong record in
research and university teaching, a demonstrated commitment to equality of
opportunity, and substantial leadership and organizational skills are
required.  Women and minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
The desired appointment date is August 21, 1994.

Applications should be received by February 1, 1994 to receive full
consideration, although the search will proceed until the position is
Materials, including a full curriculum vitae and names and addresses of four
references, should be directed to:

                              Professor Vera Pless
                      Search Committee for Department Head
               c/o College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, m/c 228
                     The University of Illinois at Chicago
                            601 South Morgan Street
                         Chicago, Illinois  60607-7104

            UIC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

Contributed by: Prof J. R Leigh  


                        5 POSITIONS

The Industrial Control Centre has 5 vacancies as follows :

Reader (to 32,256 U.K. pounds) :
                      to undertake and supervise research, to
                      build industrial contacts and to develop
                      Masters and short courses. (ref.304/ES)

Advanced Control Club Manager (to 32,256 U.K. pounds) :
                      To manage a government supported technology
                      transfer club transferring research results
                      to industry. (ref. 304/ES)

Engineers for the Advanced Control Club (3 posts to 26,028 U.K. pounds) :
                      To undertake applied research in modelling,
                      control, AI and real-time systems within
                      the framework of the Advanced Control Club
                      to achieve transferral of research results
                      to industry. (ref. 303/ES)

Please send your CV to Kathy Morgan, Personnel Department,
University of Westminster, 115 New Cavendish Street, London, W1M 8JS.

Contributed by: Matthias Kawski (kawski@math.la.asu.edu)

                    ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCY
                   Arizona State University
                   Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics at Arizona State University invites
applications for tenure track / tenured positions at the Assistant
Professor / Associate Professor level, pending budgetary approval,
beginning in the fall semester 1994 or the fall semester 1995.
Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. in mathematics and are
expected to have a strong commitment to education on all levels
and a strong research record.  Candidates should show a strong
interest in instruction on an introductory level in a large
public university environment. Candidates at the Associate
Professor level must have a proven record of outstanding
achievements in research and teaching. Preference will be given
to candidates in the areas of applied analysis, control theory
and functional analysis.

The main campus of Arizona State University has approximately
43,000 students and is located in the rapidly growing metropolitan
Phoenix area, which provides a wide variety of recreational and
cultural opportunities.  The Department of Mathematics currently
has 56 full time faculty members.  Departmental computing
facilities include a networked cluster of highend workstations
as well as several graphics computers. In addition, access is
provided to the university=F9s central computing facilities
which include a massively parallel super computer.

Applicants should send their resume and arrange for at least three
letters of recommendation be sent to:
       Christian Ringhofer, Chair
       Department of Mathematics
       Box 871804
       Arizona State University
       Tempe, Arizona 85287-1804
Review of applications will begin December 1, 1993. The application
deadline will be extended on a month to month basis until positions
are filled.

*                                                         *
*               Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Positions          *
*                                                         *

Contributed by:  F.L. Lewis 




     The Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
and Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington invite
applications for NSF Graduate Research Assistantships in the areas
of planning and control for robotics and manufacturing automation.
Candidates must have coursework and/or experience in modern control
theory, artificial intelligence, or intelligent control.  GRAs will
pursue the Ph.D. degree and conduct research at UTA's Automation
and Robotics Research Institute.  Only U.S. citizens or permanent
residents are eligible.  Minorities and women are encouraged to
apply.  The stipend is $14,000/year plus remission of tuition and

     A letter of application, current curriculum vitae, and up-to-
date transcript should be submitted to:

                  Professor F. L. Lewis, NSF GRT
              Automation and Robotics Research Institute
                The University of Texas at Arlington
                     7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S
                      Ft. Worth, Texas 76118

                 817-794-5972, fax 817-794-5952

Contributed by: Kazufumi Ito (kito@crsc1.math.ncsu.edu)

            Announcement of Postdoctoral Positions

The Department of Mathematics and the Center for Research in Scientific
Computation at North Carolina State University expect to make several
post-doctoral appointments for the following positions (the availability of
positions is contingent upon fundings), starting July 1, 1994.

1. Two year Visiting Assistant Professorships in the department.
The department is interested in applicants who work in research areas
of ordinary differential equation, algebra, symbolic computation and

2. The appointments in the Center will be in the area of applied mathematics
and scientific computation. The research interests of the Center include
mathematical modeling, analysis and control of partial differential
numerical optimization, computational fluids and flow control and
high-performance computation and biomathematics.  The successful applicants
will be involved in research programs between the Center and other research
groups at NCSU which offer a unique opportunity for post-doctoral research on
mathematical projects arising in industrial/governmental laboratories.

Applicants should send a vita and brief description of research interests and
have three letters of recommendation sent to Professor K. Ito, Department
of Mathematics, Box 8205, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
27695-8205. Applications will be considered at any time after January 15,
1994, as funding becomes available.

North Carolina State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative
employer. In its commitment to diversity and equity, North Carolina State
University seeks applications from women, minorities, and the disabled.

Contributed by: Rafal W Zbikowski 


        Department of Mechanical Engineering
        University of Glasgow

It is expected that in the very near future approval will be
obtained for a research fellowship post in neural control systems.
The post is in connection with a three-year EC funded Basic Research
Project in the ESPRIT framework, and the start date is 1 April 1994.
The project is entitled Neural Adaptive Control Technology.

The project is in collaboration with Daimler-Benz Systems Technology
Research, Berlin, Germany. The opportunity will exist for close
cooperation with Daimler-Benz.

A study of the fundamental properties of neural network based
adaptive control systems will be carried out, where possible
exploiting the link with traditional adaptive control systems. A
major aim is to develop a systematic engineering procedure for
designing neural controllers for nonlinear dynamic systems. The
techniques developed will be evaluated on concrete industrial

To apply for this post send three copies of a CV, list of
publications, description of research interests and names and
addresses of two referees to Professor P J Gawthrop, Mechanical
Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland. The
deadline for receipt of applications is 24 January 1994.

Informal enquiries are welcomed and should be directed to Professor
Gawthrop (Tel: + 44 41 339 8855, ext 4960, Email:

Contributed by: Susan Frazier 

For Ph.D. recipients in Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, and
Related Areas

The Institute for Systems Research is an interdisciplinary research unit of
the University of Maryland and Harvard University.  Located at the University
of Maryland, College Park, the Institute adheres to the central theme of
conducting advanced interdisciplinary research in the analysis and design of
high performance complex automation and information systems.  Thrust areas
emphasized are:
o       Intelligent Control Systems
o       Communication and Signal Processing
o       Systems Integration

The Institute's research programs are at the forefront of advances in modern
systems engineering, and they incorporate sophisticated analytical and
computational methods with progressive experimental and modeling techniques.

A multi-disciplinary team of outstanding scientists and engineers is pursuing
in-depth studies in the implications and applications of modern computer
technology to control and communication systems technologies.  Extensive
industrial collaboration is an integral part of the program.

Projects encompass a diverse set of systems problems, including the design of
dextrous robotic manipulators with vision, tactile and force sensors; the
operations management of chemical plants; the realization of sophisticated
signal processing and understanding algorithms on micro-electronic chips; the
design, management and performance evaluation of communication networks; the
modeling and design of advanced aircraft and spacecraft; the management and
the information integration of the flexibly-automated factories of the

Departments participating in the research of Institute for Systems Research
include Aerospace Engineering, Business & Management, Chemical Engineering,
Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Materials and
Nuclear Engineering, Mathematics, and Mechanical Engineering.

PDoc Fellowships are available for Ph.D. recipients who have interests in
systems engineering and its applications.  Candidates must have received
their degrees by August 31 of the same year that the fellowship begins.

Typically, fellowships are effective from September through August.
Academic excellence and outstanding potential for basic research weigh
heavily in fellowship selection.

Fellows enjoy the unique opportunity of participating in state-of-the-art
research in systems engineering.  Exceptional opportunities exist for
research in collaboration with leading industrial and government
research laboratories.  Appointments offer generous stipends (approximately
40K per year) and provide excellent benefits.  They are typically for one
year and are renewable up to a second year based on performance and the
availability of funds.

To be considered for a PDOC appointment, applicants must submit:

-       curriculum vitae including a list of publications,
-       statement of research interests and goals, including the reason one
        wishes to participate in this program,
-       sample publications,
-       three letters of recommendation,
-       a transcript from the institution where the Ph.D. was (or will be)

All materials must be received by the Institute for Systems Research by
January 15th to qualify candidates for fall consideration.

Institute for Systems Research
A.V. Williams Building (115)
University of Maryland
College Park, MD  20742
Attn: Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Review Committee

For additional information, call 301-405-6599.

PDOC opportunities are also available with Dr. K. J. Ray Liu in the
following areas:
-VLSI algorithms and architectures for signal and image processing;
-video and multimedia signal processing;
- algorithms and architectures for sensor array processing; and
- signal processing for wireless communications.

Contributed by: Raimund J. Ober 



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               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas

                 ftp address: ftp.utdallas.edu
                 IP number:
                 queries:     ober@utdallas.edu


New contents:

   - eletter issues: 64


   subdirectory syconreports:

   Report SYCON 93-08
   H.J. Sussmann and Wensheng Liu

   Report SYCON 93-11
   Wensheng Liu

   Report SYCON 93-12
   Wensheng Liu

   Report SYCON 93-14
   Wensheng Liu

   Report SYCON 93-15
   Wensheng Liu, Yacine Chitour, Eduardo Sontag

*********** Remember to send your tech reports and other material! *********

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           you can obtain details about how to access SCAD by
           sending an (empty) email message to


           with subject 'info' to obtain information about the eletter
           which also contains information on how to access SCAD.

           After accessing SCAD you can find a README file in /pub/scad
           which contains more info on how to submit material to SCAD.

*                                        *
*               Journals                 *
*                                        *

Contributed by: Laura B. Helfrich (helfrich@siam.org)

Table of Contents
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Vol. 32, No. 1, January 1994

1  A General Necessary Condition for Exact Observability
David L. Russell and George Weiss

24  Exact Controllability for the Schr\"{o}dinger Equation
Elaine Machtyngier

35  Approximate Boundary Controllability for the Wave Equation in Perforated
Doina Cioranescu, Patrizia Donato, and Enrique Zuazua

51  Density Results for Proper Efficiencies
Deming Zhuang

59  Consumption-Investment Models with Constraints
Thaleia Zariphopoulou

85  A Super-Optimization Method for Four-Block Problems
P.-O. Nyman

116  Rates of Convergence for an Adaptive Filtering Algorithm Driven by
Stationary  Dependent Data
Andrew Heunis

140  Sharp Lipschitz Constants for Basic Optimal Solutions and Basic Feasible
Solutions of Linear Programs
Wu Li

154  A Relaxation Approach Applied to Domain Optimization
R. B. Gonz\'{a}lez de Paz

170  On the Existence of Optimal Controls of Hilbert Space-Valued Diffusions
Dariusz G\c{a}tarek and Jaros\law Sobczyk

176  Ergodic Control of Markov Chains with Constraints---The General Case
Vivek S. Borkar

187  Further Results on Lease Squares Based Adaptive Minimum Variance Control
Leu Guo

213  Topological Methods for the Local Controllability of Nonlinear Systems
W. Kryszewski and S. Plaskacz

224  On the Optimal Control of Systems Described by Evolution Equations
T. E. Baker and E. Polak

261  Redheffer's Lemma and $H_{\infty}$ Control for Infinite-Dimensional
Bert Van Keulen

279  On Dynamic Feedback Compensation and Compactification of Systems
Joachim Rosenthal

297  Finite-Dimensional Filters with Nonlinear Drift II:  Brockett's Problem
Classification of Finite-Dimensional Estimation Algebras
Wen-Lin Chiou and Stephen S.-T. Yau

  Table of Contents
  SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
  Vol. 32, No. 2, March 1994

Existence Theory and the Maximum Principle for Relaxed Infinite-Dimensional
Optimal Control Problems
H. O. Fattorini

Regular Unitary Dilation of Commuting Contractions and Markovian
of Gaussian Stationary Processes on $Z^2$
Philippe Loubaton

Linearized Control Systems and Applications to Smooth Stabilization
Jean-Michel Coron

Equivalence of Nonlinear Systems to Input-Output Prime Forms
R. Marino, W. Respondek, and A. J. van der Shaft

Stabilization and Exact Boundary Controllability for Maxwell's Equation
B. V. Kapitonov

On the Boundedness and Stability of Solutions to the Affine Variational
Inequality Problem
M. Seetharama Gowda and Jong-Shi Pang

Optimal Control of Unbounded Differential Inclusions
Philip D. Loewen and R. T. Rockafellar

An Evasion Game with an Infinite Number of States
V. J. Baston and F. A. Bostock

Linear Programming and Average Optimality of Markov Control Processes on
Spaces---Unbounded Costs
On\'{e}simo Hernandez-Lerma and Jean B. Lasserre

A Simple Free Boundary Problem in ${\bf R}^d$
Guillermo Ferreyra and Omar Hijab

On the Gradient Projection Method for Optimal Control Problems with
${\cal L}^2$ Inputs
T. Tian and J. C. Dunn

Continuous-Time Shortest Path Problems and Linear Programming
A. B. Philpott

Sensitivity Analysis of Parametrized Programs via Generalized Equations
Alexander Shapiro

Simultaneous Stabilization of Three or More Plants:  Conditions on the
Real Axis Do Not Suffice
V. Blondel, M. Gevers, R. Mortini, and R. Rupp

Contributed by: tschoban@siam.org

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Table of Contents 15-2


Data Analysis, Matrix Decompositions, and Generalized Inverse
Agnar Hoskuldsson

A Higher-Order Godunov Method for Mutidimensional Ideal
Andrew L. Zachary, Andrea Malagoli, and Phillip Colella

Timely Communication
Computing Large Sparse Jacobian Matrices Using Automatic
Brett M. Averick, Jorge J. More, Christian H. Bischof, Alan Carle,
and Andreas Griewank

Special Section on Iterative Methods in Numerical Linear Algebra
Tom Manteuffel and Steve McCormick

Residual Smoothing Techniques for Iterative Methods
Lu Zhou and Homer F. Walker

An Implementation of the QMR Method Based on Coupled Two-Term
Roland W. Freund and Noel M. Nachtigal

A Quasi-Minimal Residual Variant of the BI-CGSTAB Algorithm for
Nonsymmetric Systems
T. F. Chan, E. Gallopoulos, V. Simoncini, T. Szeto, and C. H. Tong

Max-Min Properties of Matrix Factor Norms
A. Greenbaum and L. Gurvits

GMRES/CR and Arnoldi/Lanczos as Matrix Approximation Problems
Anne Greenbaum and Lloyd N. Trefethen

Alternating Direction Preconditioning for Nonsymmetric Systems of
Linear Equations
Gerhard Starke

Semicirculant Preconditioners for First-Order Partial Differential
Sverker Holmgren and Kurt Otto

On Adaptive Weighted Polynomial Preconditioning for Hermitian
Positive Definite Matrices
Bernd Fischer and Roland W. Freund

A Robust GMRES-Based Adaptive Polynomial Preconditioning Algorithm
for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems
Wayne Joubert

A Comparison of Preconditioned Nonsymmetric Krylov Methods on a
Large-Scale MIMD Machine
John N. Shadid and Ray S. Tuminaro

Memory Aspects and Performance of Iterative Solvers
Claude Pommerell and Wolfgang Fichtner

A Parallel Version of a Multigrid Algorithm for Isotropic Transport
T. Manteuffel, S. McCormick, J. Morel, S. Oliveira, and G. Yang

Contributed by: A.H.Zemanian (zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu)

Table of Contents for:
              Volume 13, Number 1, 1994.

Digital image coding using Legendre transform,
     {Diaa M. El Rayess, S. Ghoniemy, and S. F. Bahgat

Regularity and singularity in linear-quadratic control subject to implicit
continuous-time systems,
     Ton Geerts

B-spline FIR filters,
     D. Pang, L. A. Ferrari and P. V. Sankar

Design of 2D FIR digital filters with flatness constraints
for the error function,
        Rudolph Rabenstein

Design of FIR digital filters with flatness constraints for the
error function,
        Rudoph Rabenstein

Nonlinear approximations using elliptic basis function networks,
        Jooyoung Park and Irwin W. Sandberg

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak - AUTOMATICA 

           Tables of contents for AUTOMATICA April and May, 1994.

                    LIST OF MATERIAL FOR ISSUE 30:4 OF
                        THE IFAC JOURNAL-AUTOMATICA

Vol. 30                                 No.4                        April


D.J.N. Limebeer       Control systems software reviews
H. Kwakernaak         Introduction to the Special Section

    Special Section: Robust and adaptive control of an unknown plant:
                         A Benchmark of new format

S.F. Graebe          Robust and adaptive control of an unknown plant:
                     A Benchmark of new format

L. Chisci            Indirect and implicit adaptive predictive control of
L. Giarrhe           the Benchmark plant
E. Mosca

P.A. Cook            Application of model reference adaptive control to a
                     benchmark problem

Ph. de Larminat      Application of ACSYDE (Automatic Control System
P. Houizot           Design) to the IFAC-93 benchmark

B.A. Foss            Benchmark IFAC 93: Adaptive predictive PI-control of an
S.O. Wasbo           unknown plant

O. Hecker            Robust adaptive control of a time varying process using
T. Knapp             parallel recursive estimators
R. Isermann

M. M'Saad            Partial state reference model (adaptive) control of a
I. Hejda             benchmark example

I. Postlethwaite     Robust control of the benchmark problem using H-infinity
J.F. Whidborne       methods and numerical optimization techniques
G. Murad
D-W. Gu

Tae-Woong Yoon       Adaptive predictive control of the benchmark plant
D.W. Clarke

Tong Zhou            Robust control of the Sydney benchmark problem with
H. Kimura            intermittent adaptation

                              Regular papers

A. Tesi              Design criteria for robust strict positive realness in
A. Vicino            adaptive schemes
G. Zappa

D.A. Linkens         FCMAC: A fuzzified cerebellar model articulation
Junhong Nie          controller with self-organizing capability

A.J. Koivo           Control of redundant manipulators with constraints using
S.H. Arnautovic      a reduced order model

R.G. Hakvoort        Approximate identification with closed-loop performance
R.J.P. Schrama       criterion and application to LQG feedback design
P.M.J. van den Hof

A. Messmer           Automatic control methods applied to freeway network
M. Papageorgiou      traffic

                               Brief papers

B. de Moor           L2-Overbiased, L2-underbiased and L2-unbiased estimation
M. Gevers            of transfer functions
G.C. Goodwin

T.Y. Chai            A new model reference robust adaptive controller in the
Zhang Tao            presence of unmodeled dynamics and bounded disturbances

Gang Feng            Stability of input amplitude constrained adaptive pole
C. Zhang             placement control systems
M. Palaniswami

J.S. Luo             Minimax guaranteed cost control for linear
A. Johnson           systems with large parameter uncertainty
P.P.J. van den Bosch

Seung-Bok Choi       A time-varying sliding surface for fast and robust
Dong-Won Park        control of second-order uncertain systems
Suhada Jayasuriya

L.F. Godbout, Jr.    Pole placement algorithms for multirate-sampled linear
D. Jordan            systems
M.E. Striefler

Chen Xiaotian        The analytic formulas of the ripple-free tracking
Li Zhang
J.C. Readle

                           Technical Communiques

Changyun Wen         Decentralized robust control of a class unknown inter-
                     connected systems

M. Boutayeb          Comments on  A computationally efficient technique for
M. Darouach          state estimation of non linear systems

                                Book review

S. Marshall          D. Vernon: Machine vision: Automated visual inspection
                     and robot vision

                              Software review

O.H. Bosgra          G.J. Balas et al.: Mu-Analysis and synthesis toolbox
F.F. Lambrechts      (Mu-Tools)
M. Steinbuch

                 Biographies of Contributors to this Issue


                      LIST OF MATERIAL FOR ISSUE 30:5 OF
                         THE IFAC JOURNAL-AUTOMATICA

Vol. 30                                 No.5                         May 1994

A. Bagchi          Parameter Identification in Tidal Models with Uncertain
P. ten Brummelhuis Boundaries

K.V. Ling          Expert Control of Air-Conditioning Plant
A.L. Dexter

J.E. Larsson       Diagnostic Reasoning Strategies for Means-End Models

Xianchun Ding      Frequency Domain Approach to Optimally Robust
P.M. Frank         Residual Generation and Evaluation for Model-Based
                   Fault Diagnosis

H.R. Rao           Two Schemes for Information Acquisition: An
                   Entropic Assessment

Po-Yuan Huang      Robust Tracking of Linear MIMO Time-Varying Systems
Bor-Sen Chen

F. van Diggelen    A Hadamard Weighted Loop Shaping Design Procedure
K. Glover          for Robust Decoupling

G. Lebret          Proportional and Proportional-Derivative Canonical Forms
J.J. Loiseau       for Descriptor Systems with Outputs

                                 Brief papers

V-T. Liu           Robust Stabilization for Composite Observer Based

H. Bleuler         New Concepts for Cost-Effective Magnetic Bearing
D. Vischer         Control
G. Schweitzer, et al.

P.R. Bilanger      Direct Performance Optimization Using Laguerre Models
O. Arafat
M. Gaber, et al.

Huaiqiang Zhang    Identification and Control of a Large Kinescope Glass
C.Z. Han           Furnace
B.W. Wan
R. Shi

                            Technical Communiquis

A. Hansson         A Stochastic Interpretation of Membership Fuctions

R. Lozano          Singularity-Free Adaptive Pole Placement for 2nd Order
Xiao-Hui Zhao      Systems
R.G. Moctezuma

S. Dasgupta        Persistence of Excitation Conditions for Partially Known
B.D.O. Anderson    Systems
R.J. Kaye

                                 Book review

J. Kadlec          D. Fabian, G. Nocetti and P. Fleming:
                   Parallel Processing in Digital Control

                               Software review

E.M. Kasenally     R.Y. Chiang and M.G. Safonov:
                   Robust Control Toolbox

                Biographies of Contributors to this Issue

Contributed by: Richard Brualdi 

Volume 196
Table of Contents

Stephen J. Kirkland (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) and
Bryan L. Shader (Laramie, Wyoming)
Tournament Matrices With Extremal Spectral Properties 1

R. B. Bapat and A. K. Lal (New Delhi, India)
Path Positivity and Infinite Coxeter Groups 19

Richard A. Brualdi (Madison, Wisconsin), Keith L. Chavey
(River Falls, Wisconsin), and Bryan L. Shader (Laramie, Wyoming)
Rectangular L-matrices 37

A. Deif (Giza, Egypt) and J. Rohn (Prague, Czech Republic)
On the Invariance of the Sign Pattern of Matrix Eigenvectors Under
Perturbation 63

Oscar Rojo, Ricardo L. Soto and Hector Rojo (Antofagasta, Chile)
A Decreasing Sequence of Eigenvalue Localization Regions 71

Thomas J. Laffey and Eleanor Meehan (Dublin, Ireland)
Factorization of Polynomials Using Commuting Matrices 85

Wang Xinmin (Beijing, People's Republic of China)
Convergence for a General Form of the GAOR Method and
Its Application to the MSOR Method 105

Ana Fuenzalida (Talca, Chile), Alicia Labra (Santiago, Chile),
andCristian Mallol (Montpellier, Francia)
Orthogonality in WBJ Algebras 125

J. W. van der Woude (Delft, the Netherlands)
Graph Theoretic Methods for the Computation of Disturbance
Decoupling Feedback Matrices for Structured Systems 139

Zhang Xian and Gu Dunhe (Nangjing, People's Republic of China)
A Note on A. Brauer's Theorem 163

D. R. Jensen (Blacksburg, Virginia)
Minimal Properties of Moore-Penrose Inverses 175

Jonq Juang and Mei Tzu Lee (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China)
Comparison Theorems for the Matrix Riccati Equation 183

Shmuel Friedland (Chicago, Illinois) and Wasin So
(Minneapolis, Minnesota)
On the Product of Matrix Exponentials 193

Joseph A. Ball (Blacksburg, Virginia) and Jeongook Kim
(Kwangju, Korea)
Stability and McMillan Degree for Rational Matrix Interpolants 207

Roberto Costa and Henrique Guzzo Jr. (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Indecomposable Baric Algebras. II 233

Herve Le Ferrand (Villeneuve d'Ascq, France)
Quelques Inegalites sue les Determinants de Gram d'une Suite
Vectorielle de Krylov Associee a une Matrice Orthogonale de R*gr 243

Ehrhard Behrends (Berlin, Germany)
On Matrix-Closed Families of Subspaces of a Banach Space 253

Aloys Krieg (Aachen, Germany)
Counting Modular Matrices With Specified Maximum Norm 273

Author Index 279

Contributed by: muccie@siam.org

Table of contents for SIAM J. on Computing 23-2

APRIL 1994     Volume 23, Number 2


227   A Linear-Time Algorithm for the Homotopic Routing Problem in
      Grid Graphs
      Michael Kaufmann and Kurt Mehlhorn

      Some Results on Elusive Graph Properties
      Eberhard Triesch

      Closeness of NP-Hard Sets to Other Complexity Classes
      Bin Fu and Hong-Zhou Li

      Complexity-Restricted Advice Functions
      Johannes Kobler and Thomas Thierauf

      Deterministic Simulations of PRAMS on Bounded Degree Networks
      Kieran T. Herley and Gianfranco Bilardi

      Lower Bounds for Randomized k-Server and Motion-Planning
      Howard Karloff, Yuval Rabani, and Yiftach Ravid

      An Alphabet Independent Approach to Two-Dimensional Pattern
      Amihood Amir, Gary Benson, and Martin Farach

      Trading Space for Time in Undirected s-t Connectivity
      Andrei Z. Broder, Anna R. Karlin, Prabhakar Raghavan, and Eli

      Bounds on the Costs of Multivalued Register Implementations
      Soma Chaudhuri and Jennifer L. Welch

      Parallel Information Dissemination by Packets
      A. Bagchi, E. F. Schmeichel, and S. L. Hakimi

      Generating Linear Extensions Fast
      Gara Pruesse and Frank Ruskey

      Randomized Parallel Algorithms for Matroid Union and
      Intersection, With Applications to Arboresences and Edge-
      Disjoint Spanning Trees
      H. Narayanan, Huzar Saran, and Vijay V. Vazirani

      On the Consecutive-Retrieval Problem
      R. Swaminathan and Donald K. Wagner

      Polynomial Root-Finding Algorithms and Branched Covers
      Myong-Hi Kim and Scott Sutherland

      Computing and Verifying Depth Orders
      Mark de Berg, Mark Overmars, and Otfried Schwarzkopf

      Erratum: Optimal Parallel Randomized Algorithms for Three-
      Dimensional Convex Hulls and Related Problems
      John H. Reif and Sandeep Sen

Contributed by: livewell@siam.org

SIAM Review

MARCH 1994       Volume 36, Number 1



An Extension of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Necessity Conditions to Infinite
R.A. Tapia and M.W. Trosset

Quasi-Random Methods for Estimating Integrals Using Relatively Small Samples
Jerome Spanier and Earl H. Maize

A Study of Indicators for Identifying Zero Variables in Interior-Point
A.S. El-Bakry, R.A. Tapia, and Y. Zhang

Geometric Statistics in Turbulence
Peter Constantin

Classroom Notes in Applied Mathematics

An Elementary Proof that the Biharmonic Green Function of an Eccentric
Ellipse Changes Sign
Harold S. Shapiro and Max Tegmark

On the Optimal Depletion of a Nonrenewable Natural Resource Under
Conditions of Increasing Marginal Extraction Costs
David Chappell and Karen Dury

Problems and Solutions

Book Reviews

Chemical Chaos (Stephen K. Scott) Dwight Barkley
Infinite Dimensional Morse Theory and Multiple Solution Problems (K.C. Chang)
George Bluman
Multivalued Differential Equations (Klaus Deimling and Walter de Gruyter)
Alberto Bressan
The Self-Avoiding Walk (Neal Madras and Gordon Slade) Krzysztof Burdzy
Solvability and Bifurcations of Nonlinear Equations (P. Drabek) A. Castro
Fundamentals of Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation (M. Medved)
D.R.J. Chillingworth
Inverse Problems in the Mathematical Sciences (Charles W. Groetsch)
David Colton
A Course on Point Processes (R.D. Reiss) Mostafa Ghandehari
Galois' Dream--Group Theory and Differential Equations (Michio Kuga)
Jeremy J. Gray
Handbook of Differential Equations, Second Edition (Daniel Zwillinger)
Don Hinton
Uncertain Models and Robust Control (A. Weinmann)
Charles Kenney and Roy Smith
An Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes (M.A. Berger)
Eric S. Key
Differential Equations Laboratory Workbook:  A Collection of Experiments,
Explorations and Modeling Projects for the Computer  (Robert L. Borelli,
Courtney Coleman, and William E. Boyce) Huseyin Kocak
Soliton Equations and Hamiltonian Systems (L.A. Dickey) B.A. Kupershmidt
Programs, Recursion and Unbounded Choice (Wim H. Hesselink) Gary T. Leavens
Controlled Markov Processes and Viscosity Solutions
(Wendell H. Fleming and H. Mete Soner) Jose Luis Menaldi
Mathematics in Medicine and the Life Sciences (F.C. Hoppensteadt and
C.S. Peskin) John Milton
PLTMG:  A Software Package for Solving Elliptic Partial Differential
Equations (Randolph E. Bank) H. Mittelmann
Perturbation Methods for Engineers and Scientists (Alan W. Bush)
James Murdock
Semigroup Theory with Applications to Systems and Control (N.U. Ahmed)
J.W. Neuberger
Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics (J.F. Rodrigues and A. Sequeira)
Michael Renardy
Boundary Integral and Singularity Methods for Linearized Viscous Flow
(C. Pozrikidis) Frank Rizzo
Stationary Stochastic Models (A. Brandt, P. Franken, and B. Lisek)
Richard Serfozo
Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties (Robert M. Gray)
Paul C. Shields
Symmetry in Chaos--a Search for Pattern in Mathematics, Art, and Nature
(Michael Field and Martin Golubitsky)
Ian Stewart
Continued Fractions with Applications (Lisa Lorentzen and Haakon Waadeland)
W.J. Thron
Singular Perturbation Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
(Robert E. O'Malley, Jr.) Wolfgang Wasow
Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN--the Art of Scientific Computing, 2nd Ed.
(W.H. Press) Elizabeth Greenwell Yanik
Selected Collections


*                                        *
*              Conferences               *
*                                        *

Contributed by: J. Mazurkiewicz 
                         5th MICROCOMPUTER School

                       Computer Vision and Graphics

                              February 1994

                           Second Announcement

Sponsored by

* Cooperation in Science and Technology
  with Central and Eastern European Countries

* Technical University of Wroclaw

Organised by
                    Technical University of Wroclaw
                 Institute of Engineering Cybernetics


Since 1985 four "MICROCOMPUTER School" workshops have been organised
by the Technical University of Wroclaw to promote the scientific
exchange in specific areas of computer engineering. This workshop is the
first of three to be organised with financial support from the CEC COST


   Participation will be by registration only and the number of
will be limited to approximately 100 persons including 12 invited
lecturers. For your registration please use the special form attached.
The workshop fee is:

- 2.4 million zloty (120 US$)   paid by December 31st 1993
- 2.5 million zloty (125 US$)   paid by February 1st 1994
- 2.8 million zloty (140 US$)   paid in cash at the desk.

   The registration fee covers the cost of attendence, School
accommodation and meals.

Time and Location

   The Workshop is planned for 15 - 19 February 1994 in a well-known
mountain resort of Southern Poland, in Zakopane. Winter sports
will be available between sessions. Accommodation will be provided
in 2 and 3 person rooms.

Venue address:
                            Dom Wczasowy HYRNY
                            ul. Pilsudskiego 20
                              34-500 ZAKOPANE
                   Tel.: (+48 165) 15575, (+48 165) 15778


   Pay the registration fee to the account:
                         Politechnika Wroclawska
                       Bank Zachodni II O/Wroclaw
                             No. 389219-3418
   with annotation:
                    Instytut Cybernetyki Technicznej
                            MICROCOMPUTER' 94


   English is the official language of the Workshop.


   The Workshop sessions will be led by 12 invited scientists,
who will present extensive lectures:

* Dr Martin Bolton, SGS-Thomson, France
  The MPEG Image Compression Standards - Principles,
  Applications and Implementation

* Prof Peter J. Hicks, UMIST, UK
  Integrated Sensors for Computer Vision

* Dr Jacek Jarnicki, TU Wroclaw, Poland
  A Probabilistic Approach to Image Motion Fields

* Prof Wojciech Mokrzycki, PAN Warszawa, Poland
  Reconstruction a 3D Depth Map with the Aid of Lateral Stereo System

* Prof Heinrich Niemann, University Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany
  Interpretation of Image Sequences

* Prof Mariusz Nieniewski, IEL Warszawa, Poland
  Mathematical Morphology in Image Processing

* Dr Jiri Sochor, TU Brno, Czech Republic
  Object Oriented Formulation of Classical Graphics Algorithms
  - Possibilities and Bottlenecks of Parallel Solutions

* Prof Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, AGH Krakow, Poland
  Computer Systems Dedicated to Image Processing - A Survey

* Dr Barry Thomas, University of Bristol, UK
  Neural Networks for Computer Vision

* Dr Karl Tombre, CRIN/INRIA-Lorraine, France
  Analysis of Engineering Drawings and their Conversion to CAD Models

* Andrzej Wojdala, TU Szczecin, Poland
  Hardware Support for Realistic Image Synthesis and Walkthrough

* Prof Jan Zabrodzki, TU Warszawa, Poland
  Computer Graphics vs. Virtual Reality

* Special Session on Programme COPERNICUS to be launched by CEC
  in January 1994 for cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe
  led by representatives of CEC on Tuesday, 15.02.94

   Discussion panels and sessions presenting the accepted papers
are scheduled throughout the Workshop. All the accepted papers
and invited lectures will be published in the Proceedings of the

Program Committee

Prof J. Blatny     Technical University of Brno (C)
Dr   D. Caban      Technical University of Wroclaw (PL)
Prof E. Dagless    University of Bristol (UK)
Prof V. Dvorak     Technical University of Brno (C)
Prof A. Ferrari    University of Aveiro (P)
Prof P. Hicks      UMIST Manchester (UK)
Dr   D. Milford    University of Bristol (UK)
Prof A. Proenca    University of Minho (P)
Dr   J. Szajna     The Higher College of Zielona Gora (PL)
Prof W. Zamojski   Technical University of Wroclaw (PL)
Prof F. Zboril     Technical University of Brno (C)

Organising Committee

Prof W. Zamojski   Technical University of Wroclaw (PL)
Prof V. Dvorak     Technical University of Brno (C)
Dr   J. Biernat    Technical University of Wroclaw (PL)
J. Mazurkiewicz    Technical University of Wroclaw (PL)

Contact Address

Jacek Mazurkiewicz, MSc
Institute of Engineering Cybernetics
Technical University of Wroclaw
Janiszewskiego 11/17
50-372 Wroclaw  POLAND

Tel.:   (+48 71) 203433, 202636
Fax:    (+48 71) 203408
E-mail: micro @ plwrtu11.bitnet
        micro @ plwrtu11.ci-pwr.wroc.edu.pl

                         5th MICROCOMPUTER School

                             Registration Form

Job Title:.....................................................

I intend to participate in the Workshop.


[]  I paid the registration fee to the account.
[]  I shall pay the fee by.....................................
                       Politechnika Wroclawska
                     Bank Zachodni II O/Wroclaw
                           No. 389219-3418
with annotation:
                  Instytut Cybernetyki Technicznej
                          MICROCOMPUTER' 94

                                  Financial Officer or Director

Please return this form to the address given overleaf before
December 15, 1993.

   The most recent information about MICROCOMPUTER'94 and all
documents - e.g. guide for authors - you can find as
ftp anonymous user in directory microcomputer-94 at
                                             Jacek Mazurkiewicz

Contributed by:  Jan Rabaey (jan@eecs.berkeley.edu)

   An annual activity of the IEEE ASSP Society's Technical Committee
                      on VLSI Signal Processing

                      Embassy Suites Hotel
                      La Jolla, California
                       October 26-28, 1994

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for discus-
sion of new theoretical and applied developments in signal pro-
cessing for very large scale integrated circuits. A hard-bound
record of the Workshop will be published.

Papers are solicited in the following areas, specifically as they
relate to integrated circuits used for digital signal processing:


        Analog/digital circuits         Design methodologies
        Automatic generation            Low power


        Algorithms                      Functional mapping
        Languages                       Architectures
        Simulation                      Performance Analysis
        Fault tolerance and testing


        Speech and music                Image
        Radar                           Coding
        Video                           Communications
        Sonar                           Wireless
        HDTV                            Digital Audio

   *  NETWORKING has been selected as the major theme of the
        workshop and will be highlighted in invited talks and
        panel discussions.

Prospective authors are invited to submit three copies of an ex-
tended summary (1000 words) or a complete paper to:
                        Mr. Corey Schaffer
                        Electronics Research Lab
                        University of California
                        Berkeley, CA 94720

The workshop will be held in the Golden Triangle district of La
Jolla, CA ("The Jewel of the Pacific") and at Scripps Aquarium,
University of California at San Diego.  The workshop site is lo-
cated 20 minutes from the airport and is conveniently close to
the La Jolla beaches, one of the largest San Diego County shop-
ping malls and the world reknowned attractions such as the San
Diego Zoo, the Wild Animal Park, Del Mar Racing, and Sea World.

                       SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
        April 1, 1994           Submission of summary of paper
        June 5, 1994            Notification of authors
        August 1, 1994          Receipt of photo-ready paper
        Oct. 26-28, 1994        Workshop

Jan Rabaey (jan@eecs.berkeley.edu)

Paul Chau (chau@ece.ucsd.edu)
John Eldon (eldon@lj.sd.ray.com)

Magdy Bayoumi           Leah Jamieson           Keshab Parhi
Ivo Bolsens             K. Konstantinides       Miodrag Potkonjak
Robert Brodersen        Jit Kumar               Viktor K. Prasanna
Wayne Burleson          Sun-Yuan Kung           Wojtek Przytula
Peter Cappello          Ray Liu                 Henri Samueli
Ed Deprettere           Ken Lutz                Bing Sheu
Ludwig Eggermont        Heinrich Meyr           Jerry Sobelman
Gerhard Fettweis        S. Naganathan           Ken Steiglitz
Manfred Glesner         Dick Lyon               Jef Van Meerbergen
Glenn Gulak             Takao Nishitani         Takao Yamazaki
Yu Hen Hu               Bob Owen                Kung Yao
Vijay Jain              Robert Owens            Earl Swartzlander

Contributed by:  Jan Rabaey (jan@eecs.berkeley.edu)

                The Inn at Napa Valley, Napa, California
                            April 24-27, 1994
                            CALL FOR PAPERS


Portable applications have shifted from conventional, low performance
products such as calculators and wristwatches to high throughput,
computationally intensive products such as notebook computers and
personal digital assistants. These new applications require low power
consumption, yet high throughput.  Another driver of the progress in
the area of low power design is the increasing need to reduce active
and/or standby power consumption in the full range of electronic systems.
Low power dissipation is also essential to reduce the packaging and cooling
costs and to prolong life of the ICs.

Topics of Interest

This workshop will bring together the technical contributors in all areas
of design, test and fabrication of low power electronic systems.  Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

    Power modeling and estimation --
        Techniques to simulate and analyze power consumption at the various
        abstraction levels: circuit, switch, logic and functional,

    Optimization techniques for low power --
        Algorithms and codes, behavioral synthesis, register-transfer and
        logic synthesis, physical design,

    Architecture and circuit design techniques for low power --
        Processor and module design, analog design, power management

    Technology trends and novel devices for low power --
        Low-voltage devices, technology scaling, thermodynamically reversible

Instructions to Authors

Prospective authors are invited to submit a draft version or a full paper
of at least 2,000 words but no longer than 15 double-spaced pages, including
figures, tables, references and abstract.  The submission should include key
ideas and results and a clear and precise description of the contribution
and why it is important.

Submission and Schedule Information

Send 6 copies of the submission to the General Chair by January 7, 1994.
Please state name, affiliation, and complete address for each author, and
a designated contact person with his/her telephone number, fax number,
and e-mail address.  Notification of acceptance will be sent to the contact
person by February 18, 1994. The final manuscript should be limited to 4
pages each and must be received for inclusion in the proceedings by March 18,

A workshop proceedings, which will include the final version of each accepted
paper, will be distributed to the workshop attendees, but will not be
separately published.  As a result, papers that appear in the workshop
proceedings  will be eligible for submission to conferences.  Proposals for
panels are requested in all areas of low power design. Contributors should
submit their proposals to the Program Chair.

Technical Program Committee

                Program Chair: Jan Rabaey, UCB

Robert Broderson, UCB               Ralph Merkle, Xerox PARC
Jason Cong, UCLA                    Farid Najm, UIUC
Srinivas Devadas, MIT               Massoud Pedram, USC
Alfred Dunlop, AT&T                 Bryan Preas, Xerox PARC
Mark Horowitz, Stanford             Deo Singh, Intel
Larry Jones, Motorola               Christer Svensson, Linkoping
Kurt Keutzer, Synopsys              Peter Verhofstadt, SRC

For further information concerning the workshop, please contact:

General Chair              General Co-chair         Program Chair

Massoud Pedram             Bryan Preas              Jan Rabaey
Dept. of EE-Systems        Xerox PARC               Dept. of EECS
Univ. of So.~California    3333 Coyote Hill Road    Univ. of California
Los Angeles, CA 90089      Palo Alto, CA  94304     Berkeley, CA 94720
Tel: (213) 740-4458        Tel: (415) 812-4845      Tel: (510) 643-8206
Fax: (213) 740-9803        Fax: (415) 812-4471      Fax: (510) 642-2739
massoud@zugros.usc.edu     preas@parc.xerox.com

Sponsored by: ACM-SIGDA and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.

Contributed by: Peter B. Luh  

                       CALL FOR PAPERS


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
October 10-12, 1994

Sponsored by the New York State Center for
Advanced Technology in Automation and Robotics

In Cooperation with the Connecticut State Advanced
Technology Center for Precision Manufacturing

Conference Chair:  Professor Lester Gerhardt, Associate Dean of
Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Program Chair:  Professor Peter Luh, Dept. of Electrical and Systems
Engineering, University of Connecticut
Local Organizer:  Ms. Sandra Stake, Coordinator - Center for Adv.
Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute announces the Fourth International
Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation
Technology to be held October 10, 11, 12, 1994 in Rensselaer's George
M. Low Center for Industrial Innovation.  The emphasis will be on
improving the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector.  The
technical themes include integrated product/process development,
flexible fabrication and assembly, system technology, information
Infrastructure, technology management, and industry, government, and
university initiatives and results.  The Conference will provide a forum
for researchers and practitioners from industry, government, and
academia to present research, development, and deployment
achievements, exchange ideas, and discuss new directions in the area of
computer integrated manufacturing and automation technology.

Papers are requested in the following technical areas:

Integrated Product/Process Development:  Design for
Manufacturing and Marketing; Design for Assembly and
Testability; Design for Disassembly and Reuse; Computer-Assist
Process Planning; Concurrent Engineering; CAD/CAM Integration;
Rapid Prototyping; Integrated Product/Process Modeling and
Simulation; and Product Life Cycle Analysis.

Flexible Fabrication and Assembly:  Agile Manufacturing
Processes; Part Fixture and Tooling; Complex Electro-Mechanical
Assembly Automation; Rapid Robotic Automation; Intelligent
Welding; Next Generation Control/Test/Inspection Systems.

System Technology:  Discrete Event Dynamic Systems; Planning,
Scheduling, and Inventory Management; Total Quality
Management; Factory Automation; Intelligent Manufacturing
Systems; Holonic Manufacturing Systems; Advanced Control

Information Infrastructure:  Data/Information Representation and
Standards; Database Architecture; Networking and Protocols;
Inter-Operability of Computing, Communication and
Manufacturing Systems; Security and Version Control; Information

Technology Management:  Manufacturing Strategy; Vender/Client
Interfaces; Managing System Development; Tools and Methods for
Business Re-engineering; Technology Implementation Process;
Education and Training.

Industry, Government, and University Initiatives and Results:
Advanced Technology Program Initiative; Intelligent
Manufacturing Systems Program; the ESPRIT Program;
Engineering Research Center Program; Agile Manufacturing
Research Institutes and Industrial Forum; Technology
Reinvestment Project.

Contributed papers and invited session/panel proposals are welcome.
Bound proceedings will be available at the conference.

        Each paper (either contributed or invited) should be submitted with
a 2-column format on 8.5-by-11-inch sheets.  Each column is limited to
3 1/4-inches in width and 8 7/8-inches in length with a 3/8-inches
border between columns.  The margins are 13/16-inches on the sides, 1
1/16-inches on the top and bottom.  Text is to be typed single space in
10-point Times-Roman (or a face closely resembling this type), with 12-
point interline spacing.  The first page of the paper, centered on the top
below the top margin, should include the paper title, the authors' names
and their affiliations.  Six pages are allowed for each paper.  Up to two
additional pages will be permitted for a charge of $150 for each
additional page.  Illustrations or photographs are counted in the page
count.  In the submission letter, the name, fax number and e-mail
address of the corresponding author should be clearly identified.  Each
paper of the invited session will be reviewed through the normal
procedure.  If an invited paper is rejected, it will be filled by a relevant
contributed paper.

        Four (4) copies of contributed papers, invited session proposals
(including four copies of each invited), or invited panel proposals should
be submitted by April 8, 1994 to

        Professor Peter B. Luh, Program Chairperson
        University of Connecticut
        Dept. of Electrical & Systems Engineering
        Storrs, CT  06269-3157, USA
        Phone: (203) 486-4821
        Fax: (203) 486-2447
        E-mail: Luh@farside.ese.uconn.edu

Authors will be notified the acceptance by June 13, 1994.  Final
accepted papers are due August 1, 1994.

Contributed by: A. Blackwell 


30th COSPAR MEETING, Hamburg, Germany

Life Sciences as Related to Space

Meeting Number F4.3, 11-12 July 1994

Modeling, Control, Simulation and Automation in Closed
Bioregenerative Life Support Systems

Main Scientific Organizer:  Dr. Ann L. Blackwell,  NASA
Ames Research Center, USA

Organizing Committee:

A. Blackwell, Mail Stop 244-10, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, USA

D. Barta, EC311 Life Support Systems Branch, NASA
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, 77058, USA

C. Blackwell, Mail Stop 239-23, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, USA

K. Nitta, Institute for Environmental Sciences, 504-20
Nozuki, Oduchi, Rokkasho-Mura, Aomori-Ken 039032,

G. Miles, Dept. Agricultural Engineering, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146, USA

V. Okhonin, Biophysics Institute, SB AS RUS,
Krasnoyarsk 660036, RUSSIA

The purpose of the invited and contributed presentations of
this three-part meeting is to address issues of modelling,
control and automation in Closed Bioregenerative Life
Support Systems (CBLSS).  The topics to be addressed

1) Mathematical models of CBLSS or of critical biological,
physical or chemical subsystems and related issues in

2) Methods of developing control laws which ensure
performance in the presence of uncertainty and tendency to
unacceptable behavior.  Methods of analysis to establish
that performance is assured.

3) Projections of the role of autonomous systems and
robotics in CBLSS  in planting, cultivating, harvesting,
processing, and recycling plant materials, including reviews
of existing technologies that may be adapted to CBLSS.

Abstract deadline: 15 January 1994.

Send abstracts to:

Copernicus Gesellschaft
30th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Postfach 49
37189 Katlenburg-Lindau

Copy to:  MSO
Dr. A. Blackwell
Mail Stop 244-10
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, USA

Along with my other colleagues on the Organizing
Committee, who are handling the emphases on control and
automation, I am looking for potential contributors in
modelling and/or simulation.  This covers many areas
including mathematical modeling of environmental plant
physiology.  We are particularly interested in issues related
to how the state of that art can be transferable to analysis
and synthesis of controlled ecological life support systems

Ann Blackwell
NASA Ames Research Center

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