E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 64, December 1, 1993

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582


1.   Editorial

2.   Personals

3.   General announcements
     3.1  SIAM Optimization Software Guide
     3.2  Activities IEEE CSS' Vancouver chapter
     3.3  Ph.D. thesis Sanyogita Shamsunder

4a.  Faculty positions
     4a.1 Faculty position Information Technology, Cornell University
     4a.2 Lectureship position EE Dept. Imperial College London
     4a.3 Faculty position Dynamical Systems, Un. of Calif. Santa Barbara
     4a.4 Faculty position in Eng. Computation, Un. of Calif. Santa Barbara
     4a.5 Faculty position National Taiwan University
     4a.6 Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison

4b.  Ph.D. positions
     4b.1 Central European Graduate School in Systems and Control Theory
     4b.2 Ph.D. position Applied Math. Un. Texas at Dallas
     4b.3 Graduate Research Traineeship University of Wisconsin-Madison

5.   SCAD update

6.   Journals
     6.1  LAA Policy on publication of research
     6.2  Call for papers Data Fusion Techniques & Applications
     6.3  Call for papers Journal of Systems Engineering
     6.4  Contents IEEE Transaction AC, Vol. 38, nr. 11
     6.5  Contents SICOMP, Vol. 23, nr. 1
     6.6  Contents IFAC Automatica Vol. 30, issue 1,2 and 3
     6.7  Contents SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 4, nr. 1
     6.8  Contents SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Appl., Vol. 15, nr. 1

7.   Conferences
     7.1  Call for papers Workshop Robust Control, Benevento, Italy
     7.2  Call for papers BENELUX Meeting Systems and Control, the
     7.3  Workshop PC-IEW Bucknell University
     7.4  Call for papers IEE Colloquium Neural Networks for Control &
     7.5  Call for papers 33rd IEEE CDC, Orlando
     7.6  Conference Stochastic Systems and Applications, Newport
     7.7  3rd Int. Workshop on Algorithms & VLSI Arch., Leuven, Belgium
     7.8  3rd Int. Workshop on SVD's and Signal Processing, Leuven, Belgium
     7.9  Workshop Systems and Control, Univ. of Texas at Dallas
     7.10 System Theory Symposium, Rice University, Houston
     7.11 13th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace

*                                        *
*              Editorial                 *
*                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 64 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear January 2. Please send contributions before this date.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to:   "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 8 Kb per contribution.

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*                                        *
*              Personals                 *
*                                        *

-1-  DAVID J.HILL will leave his position in the Pacific Power Chair at the
     University of Newcastle, Australia to take up the (second) Chair of
     Electrical Engineering at the University of Sydney at the beginning of
     1994. He will set up an Applied Systems Science type laboratory
     specialising inter alia in nonlinear systems and applications to energy
     systems. Contact details are:

                        Professor David J. Hill
                        Department of Electrical Engineering
                        The University of Sydney
                        NSW 2006, Australia
                        Tel:+61 2 692 4647
                        Fax:+61 2 692 3847

     David J.Hill, Dept Elec and Comp Engg, Uni Newcastle, NSW 2308,
     Phone:+61 49 216083   Fax:+61 49 601712

     PLEASE NOTE From Jan 1, 1994 my addresses are-
     Dept Electrical Engineering, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
     Phone:+61 2 692 4647   Fax:+61 2 692 3847  E-mail:davidh@ee.su.oz.au

-2- MARC BODSON, currently an associate professor of Electrical and Computer
    Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, will take the position of
    associate professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Utah,
    starting January 1, 1994. His new address is:

                   Department of Electrical Engineering
                   Merrill Engineering Building, Room 3262
                   University of Utah
                   Salt Lake City, UT 84112
                   Tel: (801) 581 8590
                   E-mail: bodson@ee.utah.edu

-3- FRANCOIS LeGLAND, formerly at INRIA in Sophia-Antipolis, has moved to
    IRISA/INRIA in Rennes. His new address is :

                   Francois LeGland
                   Campus de Beaulieu
                   35042 RENNES Cedex
                   Email : legland@irisa.fr
                   Phone : +33 99 84 73 62
                   Fax :   +33 99 38 38 32

*                                        *
*        General announcements           *
*                                        *

Contributed by: Jorge More 


SIAM has just published the Optimization Software Guide by Jorge J. More'
and Stephen J. Wright. Part I is an outline of the major problem areas and
algorithms in numerical optimization, while Part II is a survey of 75
optimization software packages

This book is aimed at scientists and engineers that are interested in the
application of optimization techniques to their areas of interest. This book
will point them towards the software packages that can provide a solution,
and give them information that will help them understand the most important
algorithms.  The major optimization areas are covered: linear, quadratic, and
nonlinear programming; network optimization; unconstrained and bound-
constrained optimization; least-squares problems; systems of nonlinear
equations; and integer programming.

The list price is $24.50 (US); SIAM member price is $19.60 (US).

You can order the book via email by sending a message to


By phone, call 800-447-SIAM in the USA and 215-382-9800 from outside the

Jorge and Steve.

Contributed by: Fakhri Karray  and
                Clarence DeSilva 


The  newly created IEEE Control Systems Society Chapter in
Vancouver is off to a good start. The activities included the co-sponsoring
of Professor Karl Astrom's Visit to the University of British Columbia
(first week of October)  during which he gave four plenary talks on
different topics pertaining to future trends in control. The CSS Vancouver
Chapter also co-sponsored a plenary lecture by Professor William Gruver of
Simon Fraser University who spoke on November 24, on "Intelligent Robotics
with an Apllication Overview". The Chapter is also pleased to announce the
visit of Professor Hinodai Kimura of Osaka University, to Vancouver, during
which, on December 10 he will give a lecture on "Modeling and Robust Control
with Applications".

The members of the Chapter have been active in the 2nd IEEE Conference on
Control Applications, which was held in Vancouver during September.

Besides these activities, the Chapter has also been  engaged in scheduling
Industrial and Research Laboratory tours within the region, for the purpose
of  exposing  the members to the usefulness of control systems, with an
emphasis on practical applications. A membership drive has been initiated
as well.

Several activities are being scheduled for the year 1994, including the
co-sponsoring with  ASME, of the Workshop on "Intelligent Process Control",
to be held at the University of British Columbia in August 1994.

The 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
will be held in Vancouver, and we intend to actively participate in this as
well (General Chair: Prof. Bill Gruver; Program Chair: Prof. Clarence de

For more information on the Chapter and its different activities, please
contact any of the following  officers of the Chapter:

Dr. Clarence de Silva: Chapter Chair (email:desilva@mech.ubc.ca)
Dr. Fakhri Karray: Chapter Vice Chair and Technical Activities Coordinator
Dr. Ming Wu:Chair of Communications(emailmqwu@unixg.ubc.ca)
Mr. Vlad Scholz: Chair of Memberships(karray@unixg.ubc.ca)

Contributed by: Sanyogita Shamsunder 

The following Ph.D. thesis has just been completed:


Dept. of Elec. Engr., University of Virginia, Nov. 1993

For more information contact the author at :

Dept. of Electrical Engr.
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Tel.: (303) 491-5767
e-mail: sanyo@virginia.edu

*                                        *
*         Faculty Positions              *
*                                        *

Contributed by:  berger@frost.ee.cornell.edu (Toby Berger)


The Cornell University School of Electrical Engineering has faculty
openings at all levels in information technology.  We are especially
interested in applicants for senior positions.  Candidates should have
strong commitments to and outstanding achievements in research and
teaching.  Applicants' research areas should articulate with the National
Information Enterprise, broadly construed to include such disciplines as:
cable, fiber and wireless communication and computer networks;
processing, compression, recognition, interpretation, security,
distribution, retrieval and display of data, speech,
image, video and multispectral signals; machine vision, machine learning,
and architectures for parallel and distributed algorithms;
human-machine interfaces with emphasis on handicapped access;
broadband switching and high performance computing in support of such
applications as interactive TV and HDTV, teleconferencing and telemedicine.

Interested persons should submit a letter of application, professional
resume, and the names of at least four references to:

Director, School of Electrical Engineering
224 Phillips Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-5401

Cornell University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

Contributed by: Mark Davis (m.davis@ic.ac.uk)


It is highly likely that in the very near future we shall have approval
for two positions, in CONTROL and SIGNAL PROCESSING respectively. These
positions are at the Lecturer level (= tenure track Assistant Professor
in US terms). We are looking for people -- most probably at PhD
graduate or recent post-doctoral level, although more experienced people
are not ruled out -- who can bring a new dimension to the research effort
in the respective areas as well as taking a full part in Departmental
teaching at all levels.

The position in CONTROL is also associated with Imperial College's
Centre for Process Systems Engineering, a major SERC-funded research
centre covering design, planning, operations and control in the process
industries with an emphasis on optimization.

To apply, send a c.v., list of publications, statement of research plans
and names and addresses of two referees to Professor I. Aleksander,
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College,
London SW7 2BT, England.

Informal enquiries are very welcome.

For CONTROL, contact Professor M.H.A.Davis (m.davis@ic.ac.uk,
phone +44 71 589 5111 ext 5200, fax +44 71 581 4335)

For SIGNAL PROCESSING, contact Professor A.G. Constantinides
(a.constantinides@ic.ac.uk, phone +44 71 225 8506, fax +44 71 823 8125)

contributed by: Mohammed Dahleh 

                   Faculty Position in Dynamical Systems

University of California, Santa Barbara.  The Department of Mechanical and
Environmental Engineering invites applications for one tenure track
Assistant Professor position, effective July 1, 1994, in Dynamical Systems.

An appointment at a senior level may be considered if a candidate has
outstanding qualifications.  Responsibilities include teaching at both the
undergraduate and graduate levels, supervision of graduate students, and
the development and maintenance of a strong research program.  A Ph.D. or
equivalent degree and potential for excellence in teaching and research are

Applications will be received until the position is filled, but should be
submitted by March 1, 1994 to receive full consideration.  Applicants
should send a professional resume containing teaching and research
accomplishments and names of three references to:

Robert M. McMeeking, Chairman
Department of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action

Contributed by:  Alan J. Laub 

              FACULTY POSITION

   University of California, Santa Barbara
     Electrical and Computer Engineering

Applications are invited for a tenure-track faculty position in engineering
computation, available effective July 1, 1994.  The level of the position
is open.  It is expected that the successful candidate will interact most
strongly with faculty in communications, control, and/or signal and image
processing, but significant interaction with researchers in computer
engineering, computer science, solid state, and wave electronics are also
possible and desirable. Specific computational areas of interest include
partial differential equations, ordinary differential equations,
wavelets, and stochastic analysis. Normally, completion of a doctorate is
required at the time of the appointment.  Candidates should have an
research reputation or outstanding research potential, a record of or the
ability to attract external research funding, and a strong commitment to
teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  Applicants should send
their resumes and the names and addresses of at least four professional
references to:
   Faculty Search Committee
   Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   University of California
   Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9560
Applications will be received until the position is filled.  UCSB is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

Contributed by: bmechlw@bmsun.mc.ntu.edu.tw (LiangWeyChang)

      Faculty Position Opening at National Taiwan University

The Center for Biomedical Engineering in the College of Medicine at
National Taiwan University has fuculty positions available at all
levels in the areas of Biomedical Dynamic Systems, Medical Measurements and
Instrumentation, and Biosensors.  A Ph.D. degree is required.
Candidates must have exceptionally strong research and publication
records.  Please send a cover letter, research interests and plans,
a resume with a publication list, two recent paper reprints,
and three references to: Professor C.Y. Wang, Chairman, Center for
Biomedical Engineering, No. 1, Sec. 1, Jen-Ai Road, College of Medicine,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.  The closing date for
nominations and applications will be January 31, 1994, or until the
positions are filled.

Contributed by:  James A. Bucklew (bucklew@engr.wisc.edu)


The University of Wisconsin-Madison Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department has just been informed that we may expect to have
yet another position at the assistant professor level in signal
processing starting in the fall semester of 1994.  This is a separate
position from our current advertisement in Spectrum.  We are interested
in all areas of statistical signal processing.
If you are interested, please send a current curriculum vitae to:

Professor Bahaa Saleh
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Engineering Hall
1415 Johnson Drive
Madison, WI 53706

*                                        *
*               Ph.D. Positions          *
*                                        *

Contributed by: Lenka Kulhava 

             J O I N   U S  !

      Central European Graduate School
        in System and Control Theory


The Graduate School is a joint effort of universities and research
institutes active in system and control theory. The Graduate
School aims at providing top quality graduate education leading
to the Dr. degree (an equivalent to Ph.D. degree) in selected
fields of system analysis, modelling, identification and control.

Present partners in the Graduate School are CVUT, SZTAKI, UWB and
UTIA . Other institutions are expected to join the Graduate School
later on. Visits of universities in Florence, Grenoble, Reading and
Wien can be negotiated.


The aims of the Graduate School are:
 - To provide doctoral students with up-to-date knowledge of
   selected fields of system and control theory, deep understanding
   of underlying principles and used mathematical tools.
 - To train doctoral students so that they become independent
   researchers who are able to perform original research, to write
   a doctoral thesis, to present research results, and to establish
   contacts with other researchers.


The specific features of the Graduate School are:
 - The Graduate School puts together active researchers, experienced
   university lecturers and highly-qualified specialists belonging to the
   leading experts in the field.
 - The Graduate School offers both a full (regularly three-year)
   Dr. study and shorter postgraduate study stays.
 - The dominant teaching method of the Graduate School is to
   "learn by doing research". The student is expected to work with his or
   her supervisor on research topics of current interest.
 - The student may study in more than one of the partner
   institutions if he or she wishes so. This provides an opportunity
   to get a broader view of the chosen topic as well as to learn
   from different work styles.
 - Specially tailored, multi-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary
   curricula of postgraduate study can be arranged to meet specific demands.
 - Regular consultations with specialists in related areas
   (mathematical statistics, computer science etc.) can be organized.
 - The student may profit from a number of existing contacts
   with other academic institutions and industrial companies.
 - The official language of the Graduate School is English
   but in the case of interest courses may be organized for students
   to study languages of this region ( Czech, Hungarian, German,
   Russian, ...).


The program is managed by the Standing Committee of the Graduate
School which will select postgraduate students. The accepted
students will be assigned to research projects corresponding
to their respective fields of interest, chosen among the research
areas of the following list. A more detailed description of research
areas can be sent. The postgraduate study will
be guided by an experienced researcher. The present program will
start on 12 September 1994.

Research Areas:
Linear control, stochastic control, nonlinear control,
robust control, system identification, adaptive systems,
fuzzy control, AI in control, industrial control,
control simulations, modelling, large scale systems,
parallel computation, system theory, fault detection,
computer vision.


Applications can be made using the enclosed application form.
Applicants should
 - have an MSc (or corresponding) degree,
 - be fluent in English,
 - apply before 1 May 1994.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent before 15 July 1994.

   Graduate School
   c/o Institute of Information Theory and Automation
   Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
   P.O.Box 18
   182 08 Prague
   Czech Republic

   Telephone: (422) 6605 2286
   Fax: (422) 6641 4903
   E-mail: school@utia.cas.cz


The tuition fees are $ 5,000 in the academic year 1994/95.
The estimated living expenses are about $ 230 per month. A limited
number of fellowships for the best applicants are available.
The Graduate School will be helpful in finding housing for the
student and his/her family.


If you have any queries or like to know more about research
areas or involved institutions, please don't hesitate to contact
the coordinator Dr. Miroslav Karny
(tel. (422) 6641 3421, E-mail: school@utia.cas.cz) or the Graduate
School office (Mrs Duskova) at the address above.


CVUT     Czech Technical University, Prague

  Department of Automatic Control    Tel.:  (+42)(2)295664
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering  Fax.:  (+42)(2)290159
  Czech Technical University         E-mail: havlena@lab.felk.cvut.cs
  Karlovo namesti 13                         stecha@control.felk.cvut.cs
  121 35 Praha 2
  Czech Republic

SZTAKI   Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

  Systems and Control Laboratory     Tel.:  (+36)(1)1667483
  Computer and Automation Institute  Fax.:  (+36)(1)1667503
  Hungarian Academy of Sciences      E-mail: h124bok@sztaki.hu
  Kende utca 13 - 17, P.O.Box 63,
  Budapest XI, H-1518

UWB      University of West Bohemia, Pilsen

  Americka 42               Tel.:  (+42)(19)35551
  30614 Plzen               Fax:   (+42)(19)220019
  Czech Republic

UTIA     Institute of Information Theory and Automation,
         Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague

  P.O.Box 18,               Tel.:  (+42)(2)66052422
  Pod vodarenskou vezi 4                   66053421
  182 08 Praha 8            Fax:   (+42)(2)66414903
  Czech Republic            E-mail: school@utia.cas.cz


Please type or print
Family Name:.............................
First Name(s):...........................
Full Mailing Address:....................

Cross where appropriate:
I intend to study:  1 year
                    3 years

A support:  needed
            not necessary

I  am interested in research areas:
   1. ...................................
   2. ...................................
   3. ...................................
   4. ...................................
   5. ...................................
   6. ...................................

Specific comments or messages:

Date:                     Signature:

Please, attach the appendices according to this checklist:
   1.  professional curriculum vitea
   2.  two references
   3.  a copy of a recent paper (if any)
   4.  photocopy of the last degree diploma
   5.  request for support (if required)
   6.  any other material supporting the application
   7.  brief exposition of applicant's objectives and wishes

Return to:
  Graduate School
  c/o Institute of Information Theory and Automation
  Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  P.O.Box 18
  Pod vodarenskou vezi  4
  182 08 Prague
  Czech Republic

contributed by: Raimund Ober (ober@utdallas.edu)

       Ph.D. positions in Applied Mathematics
                      at the
           University of Texas at Dallas

Starting in the Fall Semester 1994, financial support will be available
for the study towards a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at the University of
Texas at Dallas.  Such support will be provided through the position as a
Teaching Assistant.

The Ph.D. program offers courses and research opportunities in many areas
of applied mathematics with particular emphasis on systems and control
theory, differential equations, inverse scattering, operator theory and

While our initial teaching assistant appointments are for the nine month
academic year, we have always been able to provide financial support to
those graduate students enrolled in summer courses and desiring
additional support for the summer.  We currently offer beginning teaching
assistants a stipend of $944.00 per month.  Those who have passed the
preliminary/qualifying exams earn $1100.00 monthly.  We anticipate being
able to provide support for two months during the summer. Higher stipends
are available for particularly well qualified applicants. The current
package includes health insurance.

The department offers excellent computing facilities through a network of
Sparc 10 workstations. Each student office is equipped with X terminals.

Interested students with a good background in mathematics should write for
furthur information and application forms to:

             P.O. BOX 830688
             RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75083-0688

             TELEPHONE (214) 690-2161
             email utdmath@utdallas.edu
(Please indicate in your request that you have seen this notice in the

Contributed by: Rajeev Agrawal 

                Graduate Research Traineeships in

            Mathematics and Computation in Engineering

                University of Wisconsin - Madison

The National Science Foundation has provided funding to support a
graduate training program in Mathematics and Computation in
Engineering at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.  The MaCE
program will provide the opportunity to pursue graduate study in
areas at the interface between engineering and the mathematical
sciences.  Students will combine study in an area of engineering
with related areas of the mathematical sciences.  Students may
choose from a variety of areas of engineering in which high level
mathematics and sophisticated computation is critical for future
progress and will pursue in depth study in the areas of the
mathematical sciences on which this progress depends.  Examples of
possible research areas are appended below.

Work in the engineering area and in the mathematical sciences along
with computational and other skill development will be directed at
preparing the student

*    To develop mathematical models of phenomena in the application
     area with a critical understanding of the significance of the
     assumptions employed in the model.

*    To analyze the models and their implications using a broad
     array of existing mathematical methods and to develop new
     mathematical methods as needed.

*    To explore models computationally in order to better
     understand their implications and to efficiently compute
     quantities of interest.

*    To effectively communicate the results of modelling and

This program will provide an excellent graduate study opportunity
for outstanding students with strong undergraduate mathematics
preparation and a demonstrated interest in the physical sciences
and/or engineering.  For further information and application
materials contact

Center for the Mathematical Sciences
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1308 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI  53715-1149


Examples of possible research areas:

ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (V. Lumelsky, Mechanical Engineering,
Computer Sciences)

ROBUSTNESS OF CONTROL SYSTEMS (B. R. Barmish, Electrical and
Computer Engineering)

( F.L.Alvarado, C.L. DeMarco, I. Dobson, W.A. Sethares,
Electrical and Computer Engineering)

CONTROL OF QUEUEING NETWORKS (R. Agrawal, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, T. Kurtz, Mathematics and Statistics, M. Vernon,
Computer Sciences) (Faculty with related interests:  P. Ney (Math),
M. Bramson (Math), L. Landweber (CS))

DISCRETE ALGORITHMS  (E. Bach, A. Condon, D. Joseph, P. Tiwari,
Computer Sciences.)

NONLINEAR FREE SURFACE FLOWS (J. Vanden-Broeck, Mathematics)
(Faculty with related interests: J. Strikwerda (CS),
S. Kim (Chem Eng))

SHOCK WAVES (M. Slemrod, A. Tzavaras, Mathematics)
(Faculty with related interests: P. Souganidis( Math),
W. Drugan (Eng Mech))

Engineering Mechanics & Astronautics, Rheology Research Center)
(Faculty with related interests: M.W. Johnson (EM&A, Math),
M. Slemrod (Math))

Engineering, Rheology Research Center) (Faculty with related
interests: M. Vernon (CS), M. Hill (CS, ECE))

Engineering and Engineering Physics, J. A. Tataronis, Electrical
and Computer Engineering, and P. W. Terry, Physics, Center for
Plasma Theory and Computation)

Contributed by: Raimund J. Ober   

                     UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE

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               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas

                 ftp address: ftp.utdallas.edu
                 IP number:
                 queries:     ober@utdallas.edu


New contents:

   - eletter issues: 63


   subdirectory syconreports:
   Report SYCON 93-09,
   Rutgers Center for Systems and Control, Nov 1993.(48+i pp.)

   Yuandan Lin, Department of Mathematics, Florida Atlantic University
   Eduardo D. Sontag, Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University
   Yuan Wang, Department of Mathematics, Florida Atlantic University



   a file that contains information about a nonlinear systems toolbox
   for matlab by Alexancer Fradkov, St. Petersburg.

*********** Remember to send your tech reports and other material! *********

How to access scad:
           you can obtain details about how to access SCAD by
           sending an (empty) email message to


           with subject 'info' to obtain information about the eletter
           which also contains information on how to access SCAD.

           After accessing SCAD you can find a README file in /pub/scad
           which contains more info on how to submit material to SCAD.

*                                        *
*               Journals                 *
*                                        *

Contributed by: Hans Schneider

                  Linear Algebra and its Applications

                   Policy on publication of research.

 This announcement discusses a certain aspect of the publication policy
 of LAA (which is probably similar to that of most mathematical
 research journals). The central point is that LAA publishes *original
 research* (plus some expository articles, book reviews etc. , which
 will not be further discussed in this announcment). The obvious
 consequence is that research previously published elsewhere cannot be
 republished in LAA.

 Our policy allows two kinds of previous appearance of this research.
 First, a preprint (hardcopy or electronic) is not considered to be a
 publication and therefore a paper that has been made available as a
 preprint can (of course) be considered for publication in LAA. Second,
 publication (in LAA or elsewhere) of an (extended) abstract or
 synopsis of the research does not preclude publication of the full
 paper in LAA.

 This sounds simple, but occasionally misunderstandings have arisen
 because there are grey areas which (in the nature of grey areas)
 cannot be delineated precisely. But below we shall attempt to give
 some indications on how to distinguish a publication from a preprint
 and a paper from an abstract or synopsis.

 1. What distinguishes a publication from preprint?

 An article (or series thereof) may be considered to have been
 published if any of the following hold:

    a. it bears the imprint of a recognized publisher,
    b. it is for sale and can be ordered through a bookstore,
    c. it is being reviewed by Math Reviews.

 In-house proceeding of conferences (available to participants only)
 are not normally considered to be publications.

 2. What distinguishes a paper from an abstract or synopsis?

 This is hard. Obviously, the length of an extended abstract is at most
 a few pages.  Normally, the absence of proofs of essentially all
 significant new results indicates the article is an abstract.

 But it should be understood that, when there is doubt, the
 editor-in-chief reserves the right to decide the above questions in
 each individual case.

Hans Schneider                                 hans@math.wisc.edu.
Department of Mathematics                      608-262-1402 (Work)
Van Vleck Hall                                 608-271-7252 (Home)
480 Lincoln Drive                              608-263-8891 (FAX)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison WI 53706 USA

Contributed by: Dr. T. H. Lee

                  FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS

             Journal of Systems Engineering


Papers are solicited for a special issue of the Journal of Systems
Engineering covering the multidisciplinary area of *Motion Control
Systems* to be published in September 1994. The special issue will cover
all aspects of motion control systems. Topics of special interest
include, but are not limited to, the following:

     *Intelligent Motion and Motor Drive Systems
     *Adaptation and Learning in Motion Systems
     *Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Expert Systems in Motion Control
     *Intelligent Sensors and Actuators (for Motion Control)
     *Motion and Force Control
     *Other related topics in Robotics and Industrial Drives

Papers concerned with new developments in the above topics which are
supported by *both* theoretical analysis and real-time experimental
results are particularly encouraged. To be considered for the Special
Issue, prospective authors should submit 4 copies of their complete
manuscript by 15 December 1993 to the Guest Editor:

     Dr. T. H. Lee
     Guest Editor, Journal of Systems Engineering
     Special Issue on Motion Control Systems
     Department of Electrical Engineering
     National University of Singapore
     10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 0511

Detailed Instructions for Authors are available from:

     Dr. T. H. Lee
     E-mail: eleleeth@nusvm.bitnet

Contributed by Kwang H. Kim 

                        FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS:

                Data Fusion Techniques and Applications

Control Engineering Practice, the new journal published by Pergamon Press
for the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), publishes
state-of-art papers on all aspects of the practical implementation of
automatic control. In response to the strong interest and activities in
the area of data fusion, the journal plans to publish a set of papers on
this topic.

Growing out of military applications, this technology has become one of the
emerging new fields, with diversified potential in many commercial and
industrial applications such as robotics, automated manufacturing, remote
sensing and image processing, among others.

This set of papers will provide a timely, appropriate answer to the need for
a unified overall perspective view of the technology. Application-oriented
papers are solicited in (but not limited to) the following topic areas:

                - Survey and tutorial articles
                - Theoretical foundations
                - Multisensor fusion and integration
                - Intelligence Fusion
                - 3-D image construction and enhancement
                - Speech and signal processing
                - Distributed data fusion
                - Database management
                - Data fusion for system identification
                - Manufacturing
                - Business planning and management
                - Air traffic control and flow management
                - Seismic and meteorological prediction
                - Data fusion test/evaluation and implementation

Four double-spaced copies of manuscripts should be submitted, with a covering
letter, to:

                Kwang H. Kim
                The MITRE Corp., M/S S221
                202 Burlington Road
                Bedford, MA 01730-1420, U.S.A.

For more information, contact Kwang H. Kim at the above address, by email
at kwang@linus.mitre.org, or fax number (617) 271-8522.

Deadline for submission of papers is 12/31/1993.

Detail instruction for authors are also available from the Editor-in-Chief
of Control Engineering Practice:

                Professor Mike Rodd,
                Institute for Industrial Information Technology Ltd,
                Innovation Centre,
                Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK
                email iiitrodd@pyr.swan.ac.uk
                fax number +44(0)792 29-5811

Contributed by: J. Baillieul, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Tr. on AC


        Table of Contents - Volume 38, Number 11 - November, 1993


   Direct Strain Feedback Control of Flexible Robot Arms: New
        Theoretical and Experimental Results ..................... Z.-H. Luo

   Robust Receding Horizon Control of Constrained Nonlinear
        Systems ................................ H. Michalska and D. Q. Mayne

   A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Explicit Force
        Control Strategies for Manipulators .......... R. Volpe and P. Khosla

   Minimality, Stabilizability and Strong Stabilizability of Uncertain
         Plants ............................. G. Chockalingam and S. Dasgupta


   Nonlinear Control of A Shunt DC Motor .......... J. Chiasson and M. Bodson

   On the Observer Design for Descriptor Systems .. P. C. M\"uller and M. Hou

   Expansion of det(A+B) and Robustness Analysis of Uncertain
        State Space Systems .......... S. J. Xu, M. Darouach and J. Schaefers

   Nonlinear Control of Induction Motors: Torque Tracking with
        Unknown Load Disturbance ..... R. Ortega, C. Canudas and S. I. Seleme

   On Invariant Polyhedra of Continuous-Time Linear Systems
        ..................................... E. B. Castelan and J. C. Hennet

   On Some Asymptotic Uncertainty Bounds in Recursive Least
        Squares Identification ................................ S. Gunnarsson

   A Closed Formula for the Determination of the Impulsive Solutions
        of Linear Homogeneous Matrix Differential Equations ..... G. Fragulis

   Defining MIMO Zeros Based on An Unreduced Matrix Fraction
        Description .............................. K. S. Yeung and C.-M. Kwan

   Eigenvalue Assignment Robustness for Systems with Structured
        Perturbations ........................................... Y.-T. Juang

   When is Adaptive Getter Than Optimal? .......... J. J. Fuchs and B. Delyon

   H$_\infty$ State Estimation for Linear Periodic Systems
        ........................................... L. Xie and C. E. de Souza

   Adaptive Robust Sampled-Data Control ............... R. Yu and M. E. Sezer

Contributed by: tschoban@siam.org

           Table of Contents for SICOMP 23-1

FEBRUARY 1994     Volume 23, Number 1


1     Computational Complexity of Sparse Rational Interpolation
      Dima Grigoriev, Marek Karpinski, and Michael F. Singer

      Tight Upper and Lower Bounds on the Path Length of Binary Trees
      Alfredo De Santis and Giuseppe Persiano

      Unique Binary-Search-Tree Representations and Equality Testing of Sets
              and Sequences
      Rajamani Sundar and Robert E. Tarjan

      A Complexity Index for Satisfiability Problems
      E. Boros, Y. Crama, P. L. Hammer, and M. Saks

      The Set Union Problem with Unlimited Backtracking
      Alberto Apostolico, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Giorgio Gambosi, and Maurizio

      The Profile Minimization Problem in Trees
      David Kuo and Gerard J. Chang

      Modifications of Competitive Group Testing
      D.-Z. Du, G.-L. Xue, S.-Z. Sun and S.-W. Cheng

      The Complexity of Decision Versus Search
      Mihir Bellare and Shafi Goldwasser

      Homeomorphism of 2-Complexes Is Graph Isomorphism Complete
      John Shawe-Taylor and Tomaz Pisanski

      On Collision-Free Placements of Simplices and the Closest Pair of Lines
              in 3-Space
      Marco Pellegrini

      Fat Triangles Determine Linearly Many Holes
      Jiri Matousek, Janos Pach, Micha Sharir, Shmuel Sifrony, and Emo Welzl

      Three-Dimensional Statistical Data Security Problems
      Robert W. Irving and Mark R. Jerrum

      An NC Algorithm for Scheduling Unit-Time Jobs with Arbitrary Release
              Times and Deadlines
      Greg N. Frederickson and Susan H. Rodger

      Broadcasting and Gossiping in de Bruijn Networks
      Jean-Claude Bermond and Pierre Fraigniaud

Contributed by Huibert Kwakernaak

                 LIST OF MATERIAL FOR VOLUME 30, NO 1, OF
                        THE IFAC JOURNAL-AUTOMATICA

                                January 1994

S. Kahne                A Message from the IFAC President (Editorial)

H. Kwakernaak           New Faces -  More Issues -  Increasing Service

V. Kucera               Automatica Prize Paper Awards 1993 (Editorial)

M. Dawes                A message from the publishers

Special Issue on Statistical Signal Processing and Control

Guest Editors: Bjorn Ottersten
               Torsten Soderstrom
               Bo Wahlberg

B. Ottersten            Statistical signal processing and control
T. Soderstrom           (Editorial)
B. Wahlberg


K. V. S. Hari           Effect of spatial smoothing on the performance of
U. Gummadavelli         subspace methods in the presence of array model

H. Krim                 Smoothed eigenspace-based parameter estimation
J. G. Proakis

F. T. Luk               A new matrix decomposition for signal processing
S. Qiao

Y. M. Cho               Fast recursive identification of state space models
G. Xu                   via exploitation of displacement structure
T. Kailath

M. Verhaegen            Identification of the deterministic part of state
                        space models given in innovations form from
                        input-output data

P. Van Overschee        N4SID: Subspace algorithms for the identification
B. De Moor              of combined deterministic-stochastic systems

Q. Zhang                Early warning of slight changes in systems
M. Basseville
A. Benveniste

M. Steedly              Statistical analysis of TLS-based Prony techniques
C. H. J. Ying
R. L. Moses

P. Stoica               Approximate maximum likelihood frequency estimation
P. Handel
T. Soderstrom

J.-J. Fuchs             Multiscale identification of real sinusoids in noise

H. Yang                 Statistical analysis of an eigendecomposition based
Y. Hua                  method for 2-D frequency estimation


Technical Communiques

M. Eslami               Stability robustness analysis of discrete-time with
                        multiple large parameter variations

S.K. Chang              Comments on  Sensitivity of Failure Detection Using
Pau-Lo Hsu              Generalized Observers

                        THE IFAC JOURNAL-AUTOMATICA

                                February 1994


Survey paper

H. Alla                 Petri Nets for Modeling of Dynamic Systems
R. David

Regular papers

A.H. Levis              Task Decomposition and Allocation Problems and
N. Moray                Discrete Event Systems
B. Hu

A.H. Levis              Theoretical Problems in Man-Machine Systems and
G. Johannsen            Their Experimental Validation
H.G. Stassen

B. Kuipers              The Composition and Validation of Heterogeneous
K.J. Astrom             Control Laws

P.G. Voulgaris          H-infty and H2 Optimal Controllers for Periodic and
M.A. Dahleh             Multi-Rate Systems
L.S. Valavani

L. Ljung                On Global Identifiability for Arbitrary Model
T. Glad                 Parametrization

P.M. Frank              Near-Optimal Control of Nonstandard Singularly
Y-Y. Wang               Perturbed Systems
N.E. Wu

C.W. Scherer            The State-Feedback H-infty-Problem at Optimality

T. Bohlin               A Case Study of Grey Box Identification

A. Bermudez             A State Constrained Optimal Control Problem Related
A. Martinez             to the Sterilization of Canned Foods

Brief papers

P.A.V. Ferreira         System Modeling and Optimization Under Vector-
T.C.D. Borges           Valued Criteria

E.P. Ryan               Universal lambda-Tracking for Nonlinear-Perturbed
A. Ilchmann             Systems in the Presence of Noise

M.E. Valcher            On the Structure of Finite Memory and Separable 2D
E. Fornasini            Systems
G. Marchesini

O. Morgul               Control and Stabilization of a Rotating Flexible

Technical Communiques

A. Dobnikar             On line search for optimal gain Kalman filtering

Book reviews

T.E. Marlin             J. Rijnsdorp: Integrated Process Control and

M. Rimvall              M. Jamshidi, M. Tarokh, B. Shafai: Computer-Aided
                        Analysis and Design of Linear Control Systems

A. Patra                Z. H. Jiang, W. Schaufelberger: Block Pulse Functions
                        and Their Applications in Control Systems

                        THE IFAC JOURNAL-AUTOMATICA

                                March 1994

Regular papers

L. Foulloy              Towards Symbolic Process Control
B. Zavidovique

M. Kam                  On-Line Estimation of Probabilities for Distributed
A. Naim                 Bayesian Detection

T. Zhou                 Simultaneous Identification of Nominal Model,
H. Kimura               Parametric Uncertainty and Unstructured Uncertainty
                        Robust Control

G.F. Wredenhagen        Piecewise-Linear LQ Control for Systems with Input
P.R. Belanger           Constraints

J. Lunze                Qualitative Modelling of Linear Dynamical Systems
                        with Quantised State Measurements

P.M.J. Van den Hof      Model Sets and Parametrizations for Identification of
                        Multi-Variable Equation Error Models

M. Niedwiecki           Identification of Time-Varying Systems with Abrupt
                        Parameter Changes

M.J. Er                 Gain Margin Improvement Using Generalized Sampled-
B.D.O. Anderson         Data Hold Function Based Multirate Output Compensator
W-Y. Yan

J.E. McInroy            Techniques for Selecting Pose Algorithms
G.N. Saridis

Brief papers

Daoyi Xu                Robust Stability of Neutral Delay Differential

W.H. Kwon               Fast Algorithms for Optimal FIR Filter and Smoother
K.S. Lee                of Discrete-Time State-Space Models
J.H. Lee

M. Morari               State-Space Interpretation of Model Predictive
J.H. Lee                Control
C.E. Garcia

T. Ishihara             A State-Space Parametrization of Discrete-Time Two-
H.J. Guo                Degree-of-Freedom Integral Controllers
H. Takeda

G. Tadmor               On the Robustness of H-infty  State Feedback Control
I.R. Gurov              to Non-linear Perturbations

P.N. Paraskevopoulos    Exact Model Matching of Linear Systems Using
K.G. Arvanitis          Generalized Sampled-Date Hold Function

A. Casavola             Minimax LQ Exact and Inexact Model Matching Problems
E. Mosca

A.M. Stamatelos         On-Line Regeneration Control for a Diesel Particulate

H. Ying                 Sufficient Conditions on General Fuzzy Systems as
                        Function Approximators

A. Datta                On the Transient Behaviour in Discrete-Time Model
                        Reference Adaptive Control: Analysis and Possible

F. Lin                  Analysis of Temporal Performance of Supervised
                        Discrete Event Systems

J. Ragot                An Algorithm for Obtaining the Redundancy Equations
D. Maquin               of LTI Systems

Book reviews

S. Bittanti             V. H. Mehrmann: The Autonomous Linear Quadratic
                        Control Problem

A. Vanecek              G. Basile and G. Marro: Controlled and Conditioned
                        Invariants in Linear System Theory

Contributed by: tate@siam.org

                         Table of Contents
             SIAM J. Optimization, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 1994

On Sensitivity Analysis of Nonlinear Programs in Banach Spaces: The
Approach via Composite Unconstrained Optimization
Alexander Ioffe

A Nonconvex Duality with Zero Gap and Applications
Phan Thien Thach

A Path-Following Projective Interior Point Method for Linear Programming
Dong Shaw and Donald Goldfarb

Fast Approximation Schemes for Convex Programs with Many Blocks and
Coupling Constraints
Michael D. Grigoriadis and Leonid G. Khachiyan

On the Use of Product Structure in Secant Methods for Nonlinear
Least Squares Problems
J. Huschens

Existence and Differentiability of Metric Projections in Hilbert Spaces
Alexander Shapiro

Approximating Oracle Machines for Combinatorial Optimization
Shmuel Onn

Strong Rotundity and Optimization
J. M. Borwein and A. S. Lewis

Local Minimizers of Quadratic Functions on Euclidean Balls and Spheres
Jose Mario Martinez

On the Maximization of a Concave Quadratic Function with Box
Ana Friedlander and Jose Mario Martinez

Short Steps with Karmarkar's Projective Algorithm for Linear
J.-L. Goffin and J.-Ph. Vial

On the Convergence of a Class of Infeasible Interior-Point Methods for the
Horizontal Linear Complementarity Problem
Yin Zhang

Contributed by: tschoban@siam.org

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

        SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Appl., Vol. 15-1, January 1994

Scaling Matrices to Prescribed Row and Column Maxima
Uriel G. Rothblum, Hans Schneider, and Michael H. Schneider

A Completed Theory of the Unsymmetric Lanczos Process and Related
Algorithms, Part II
Martin H. Gutknecht

A Bottom-Up Inductive Proof of the Singular Value Decomposition
C.-T. Pan and Kermit Sigmon

Predicting Structure in Sparse Matrix Computations
John R. Gilbert

Circulant Preconditioned Toeplitz Least Squares Iterations
Raymond H. Chan, James G. Nagy, and Robert J. Plemmons

Inverse of Strictly Ultrametric Matrices are of Stieltjes Type
Servet Martinez, Gerard Michon, and Jaime San Martin

A Linear Algebra Proof that the Inverse of a Strictly Ultrametric
Matrix Is a Strictly Diagonally Dominant Stieltjes Matrix
Reinhard Nabben and Richard S. Varga

Generalized Displacement Structure for Block-Toeplitz, Toeplitz-
Block, and Toeplitz-Derived Matrices
T. Kailath and J. Chun

On the Controllability of Matrix Pairs (A, K) with K Positive
Semidefinite, II
David Carlson

Reduction of a Transfer Function via an Observability Matrix
Stephen Barnett

The Schur Algorithm for Matrix-Valued Meromorphic Functions
Reuven Ackner, Hanoch Lev-Ari, and Thomas Kailath

Reducibility Condition of a Class of Rational Function Matrices
Kai Sheng Lu and Jia Ning Wei

Fast Plane Rotations with Dynamic Scaling
Andrew A. Anda and Haesun Park

Positive Definiteness and Stability of Interval Matrices
Jiri Rohn

ESPRIT Direction-of-Arrival Estimation in the Presence of Spatially
Correlated Noise
Haesun Park

Finding the Best Regression Subset by Reduction in Nonfull-Rank
Alan H. Feiveson

Numerical Solution of the Eigenproblem for Banded, Symmetric
Toeplitz Matrices
Susan L. Handy and Jesse L. Barlow

A Note on Jacobi Being More Accurate Than QR
Walter F. Mascarenhas

Large Least Squares Problems Involving Kronecker Products
Donald W. Fausett and Charles T. Fulton

A Shifted Block Lanczos Algorithm for Solving Sparse Symmetric
Generalized Eigenproblems
Roger G. Grimes, John G. Lewis, and Horst D. Simon

Factoring Symmetric Indefinite Matrices on High-Performance
Mark T. Jones and Merrell L. Patrick

Computation of Stable Invariant Subspaces of Hamiltonian Matrices
R. V. Patel, Z. Lin, and P. Misra

Sparsity Patterns with High Rank Extremal Positive Semidefinite
J. William Helton, Daniel Lam, and Hugo J. Woerdeman

Norms of Hadamard Multipliers
Carl C. Cowen, Michael A. Dritschel, and Richard C. Penney

Cyclic Reduction for Special Tridiagonal Systems
S. Bondeli and W. Gander

Dynamic Condition Estimation and Rayleigh--Ritz Approximation
Ping Tak Peter Tang

On the Structure of Generalized Singular Value and QR
Bart De Moor

*                                        *
*              Conferences               *
*                                        *

Contributed by:  VSLT94 organizing committee

                                Call for papers

                                  Workshop on
                               Robust Control via
                    Variable Structure & Lyapunov Techniques
                     September 7-9, 1994, Benevento, Italy

       with the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE Control Systems Society
                      and IEEE Central&South Italy Section

    The   aim  of the Workshop is to bring together researchers  working on
    robust analysis and control via variable structure techniques  or their
    continuous  counterparts which are often based on Lyapunov  techniques.
    This Workshop is the third in a  series.  The first one was  held March
    1990  in Sarajevo, in  the former Yugoslavia, and  the  second  one was
    held  September 1992 in Sheffield,  England. This  one   will  be  held
    September  7-9, 1994 in Benevento, Italy. Benevento  is  an  historical
    town  70 km  from  Naples  where  a  new  university  with  a school of
    engineering has been  recently established. The Universities of Salerno
    and  Naples  will  be  among  the  sponsors.  A weekend in  Ischia, the
    well-known island in the Gulf of Naples, will be part  of  the cultural
    and social events.
    Topics  of  interest  will  be  roughly  the  same as for  the previous
    workshops.  A non-exhaustive list follows:

       [*]  Variable structure systems
       [*]  Lyapunov analysis and control
       [*]  Analysis and robust control of uncertain (time-varying) systems
       [*]  Implementation

    In order to encourage  discussion, as well as the exchange and blending
    of ideas,  the  organizers  would  prefer  to  have  (relatively)  long
    presentations  and  no  parallel  sessions. Authors should submit three
    copies  of  an  extended draft for review. Papers can also be submitted
    via e-mail in TeX  or LaTeX format.
    Workshop proceedings will be published. A  selection of the papers will
    be published in a book after a further writing and  review  process. (A
    similar procedure  applied  to the workshop in Sheffield resulting in a
    book to be published shortly by Springer-Verlag).

    M. Corless (USA)                    F. Amato
    F. Garofalo (I)                     F. Garofalo
    L. Glielmo (I)                      L. Glielmo
    P. Kokotovic (USA)                  A. Pironti
    G. Leitmann (USA)                   S. Scala
    U. Ozguner (USA)
    H. Sira-Ramirez (Ven)
    V. Utkin (Rus)
    A. Zinober (UK)

    IMPORTANT DATES:      January 31, 1994    Deadline for submission
                          April 30, 1994      Notification of acceptance
                          June 15, 1994       Final version due

    ADDRESS:              VSLT94
                          Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
                          Universita` degli Studi di Napoli ``Federico II''
                          Via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli, Italy
                          Tel: +39(81)768-3169; +39(81)768-3181
                          Fax: +39(81)768-3186
                          E-mail: vslt94@disna.dis.unina.it

Contributed by: H.L. Trentelman 


******* March 2-4, 1994, Veldhoven (Noord-Brabant), The Netherlands ********

Aim and scope

The 1994 Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control is the
thirteenth in a sequence of annual gatherings, which take place alternatingly
in Belgium and the Netherlands. The conference provides a meeting place for
Dutch and Belgian researchers in the area of Systems and Control. Theoretical
as well as applied workers in this field have here the opportunity, through
formal presentations and informal discussions, to communicate their results
and to learn about new developments.


The technical program consists of plenary sessions in which
full-length lectures will be given, as well as parallel sessions
consisting of short presentations. There will be two speakers who
will each give two main lectures in a plenary session. This year's speakers
are prof. J.R. Partington of the University of Leeds, U.K, who will speak
about worst-case identification, and prof. H.R. van Nauta Lemke of the
University of Delft, The Netherlands, who will speak about fuzzy control.
Further plenary lectures will be given as part of a minicourse on adaptive
control. The minicourse will have two speakers: prof. L. Praly
(Ecole des Mines, Paris, France), and prof. J.W. Polderman (University of
Twente, The Netherlands)). In the parallel sessions, there will be about a
hundred short presentations with a broad range of subjects in system theory
and control technology.

Sponsoring and organization

The conference is sponsored by the
Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, by the Division for Automatic
Control of the Royal Institution of Engineers in the Netherlands (KIVI, afd.
Regeltechniek), and by the Systems and Control Theory Network in the
Netherlands. The meeting takes place under the auspices of
the Dutch Research Community in the Mathematics of Operations Research and
System Theory (MBST), the Dutch Foundation for Measurement and Control
technology (SMBT), the Contactgroep Automatica / Groupe de Contact
Automatique of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research
(NFWO-FNRS), and the Belgian Federation of Automatic Control (BIRA-IBRA).
The organization of the conference is carried out by the Mathematics
Institute of The University of Groningen and by the Centre for Mathematics
and Computer Science in Amsterdam.

Conference information

The Benelux Meeting will take place in the conference center `De Koningshof'

in Veldhoven (near Eindhoven), The Netherlands.
The meeting will start with lunch on Wednesday, March 2, 1994, and
end on Friday, March 4, 1994, in the afternoon. The participation fee,
including registration, preprints, meals, and lodging, will be
approx. Dfl. 550.- (single room) and approx. Dfl. 475,- (twinbedded room).

Registration closes January 8. Registration forms can be obtained from the
the secretary of the organizing committee:

                H.L. Trentelman
                Mathematics Institute
                P.O. Box 800
                9700 AV Groningen
                the Netherlands
                Tel. (+31-) (0)50-633998/-633987
                Email:  h.l.trentelman@math.rug.nl

Contributed by: Maurice Aburdene

           Workshops on PC Integrated Engineering Workstations
                  for Science and Engineering Faculty
                        Bucknell University

This workshop offers undergraduate faculty in all science and engineering
disciplines the opportunity to learn about PC based Integrated Engineering
Workstations (PC-IEWs).  PC-IEWs consist of:

        * A Microcomputer with:

                ** Data Acquisition Capabilities
                ** Control Capabilities
                ** Test Instrumentation
                ** Lesson Authoring Capabilities

In the workshop, participants will:

        *Get Hands-on Experience with PC-IEWs
        *Develop Experiments and Course Materials for their own Laboratory
        *Develop Programs for their own Laboratory using BASIC, C or C++
        *Write Multimedia Lesson(s) and Lecture(s) with the Authoring System
        *Get experience with easily constructed control experiments
             (Classical & Fuzzy)
        *Learn how to Use GPIB Instruments

Dates:  The workshop will be offered twice:

                July 24-29, 1994
                August 7-12, 1994

Location:  On Bucknell's picturesque campus in Lewisburg, PA.  Housing is
provided in air-conditioned residential areas on campus.

Expenses:  The workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and
Bucknell University.  On-campus housing and meals are covered by NSF.
Course materials are also covered and a nominal honorarium ($125) will be
given.  Participants or their home institutions are responsible for travel
and other incidental expenses.

Participant Selection:  Selection relies heavily on nominations by
department heads  of the participant's home institution.  The workshop is
intended for teachers of science and engineering in the US who are
committed to undergraduate education and who have not yet had extensive
exposure to the material covered in the workshops.  Early applications are
advised.  Participant selection will begin January 15, 1994.

Information:  Call or write Ms. Lois Engle, College of Engineering,
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, 17837 - (717)-524-1234
E-mail to laengle@mail.bucknell.edu
Faculty:  The workshops will be conducted by Professors William J. Snyder
and Darlene S. Schuster of the Chemical Engineering Department and by
Professors Maurice F. Aburdene and E. J. Mastascusa of the Electrical
Engineering Department.

Application Form:

The application form may be returned by electronic mail to:


or through US Mail to:

                Ms. Lois Engle
                College of Engineering
                Bucknell University
                Lewisburg,  PA   17837

Name of Applicant:

College or University:

Mailing Address:

E-Mail Address:

Please Indicate a Preference for:       Session 1 (July 24-29, 1994)
                                        Session 2 (August 7-12, 1994)

Name and Address of Department Chair:  (Would you please arrange to have
your department chair submit a letter of nomination to the above address?)

Special Needs (Dietary, Housing, etc.):

Brief description of experiment(s) to be undertaken/developed by the

Contributed by: Ken Hunt        

                CALL FOR PAPERS

                IEE Colloquium on Advances in Neural Networks
                for Control and Systems

                26-27 May 1994
                To be held at a location in Central Europe

A colloquium on `Advances in neural networks for control and systems'
is being organised by the control committees of the
Institution of Electrical Engineers with additional support from
Daimler-Benz Systems Technology Research, Berlin. This
two-day meeting will be held on 26-27 May 1994 at a central
european location.

The programme will comprise a mix of invited papers and papers received
in response to this call. Invited speakers include leading international
academic workers in the field and major industrial companies who will
present recent applications of neural methods, and outline the latest
theoretical advances.

Neural networks have been seen for some years now as providing
considerable promise for application in nonlinear control and
systems problems. This promise stems from the theoretical
ability of networks of various types to approximate arbitrarily
well continuous nonlinear mappings.

The aim of this colloquium is to evaluate the state-of-the-art
in this very popular field from the engineering perspective.
The colloquium will cover both theoretical and applied aspects.
A major goal of the workshop will be to examine ways of improving
the engineering involved in neural network modelling and control,
so that the theoretical power of learning systems can be harnessed
for practical applications. This includes questions such as: which
network architecture for which application? Can constructive learning
algorithms capture the underlying dynamics while avoiding overfitting?
How can we introduce a priori knowledge or models into neural networks?
Can experiment design and active learning be used to automatically
create 'optimal' training sets? How can we validate a neural
network model?

In line with this goal of better engineering methods, the colloquium
will also place emphasis on real industrial applications of the
technology; applied papers are most welcome.

Prospective authors are invited to submit three copies of a 500-word
abstract by Friday 25 February 1994 to Dr K J Hunt, Daimler-Benz AG,
Alt-Moabit 91 B, D-10559 Berlin, Germany (tel: + 49 30 399 82 275,
FAX: + 49 30 399 82 107, E-mail: hunt@DBresearch-berlin.de).

Contributed by: Steve Yurkovich

             The 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 
              Buena Vista Palace at Walt Disney World Resort
                         Lake Buena Vista, Florida
                            December 14-16, 1994

The IEEE CSS Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) is the
annual meeting of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS).  It is
conducted in cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics (SIAM) and the Operations Research Society of
America (ORSA).  The thirty-third CDC will be held on December
14-16, 1994, with tutorial workshops preceding the conference on
December 12, 13.  The CDC will be held at the Buena Vista Palace
hotel, near the Walt Disney World Resort, in Orlando, Florida.  The
conference will be an ideal occasion for attendees to bring their
families to the holiday season decorations at Disney.  The General
Chairman of the Conference is Mike Masten of Texas Instruments.
The Program Chairman is Harris McClamroch of the University of
Michigan.  The conference will include both contributed and invited
sessions.   Papers and sessions are hereby solicited in all aspects of
the theory and application of systems involving decision, control,
optimization and adaptation.


REGULAR PAPERS.  Regular papers describe completed work in some
detail.  Authors should submit seven (7) copies of the full paper for
review.  A regular conference paper may simultaneously be
submitted for possible publication as a regular paper in the IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control if requested.  Please consult the
Information for Authors which appears on the back cover of most
issues of the Transactions.  Submissions must be received no later
than MARCH 1, 1994, by the Editor for Conference Publications,
Professor M. Peshkin, at the address indicated below. Submissions must
follow the guidelines indicated below.

SHORT PAPERS.  Short papers describe important recent results which
require limited length for their development.  Authors should submit
four (4) copies of a 4-6 page detailed summary, including references,
for review. Submissions must be received no later than MARCH 1,
1994, by Professor G. Yin, at the address indicated below.
Submissions must follow the guidelines indicated below.

INVITED SESSIONS. The Program Committee also
solicits proposals for invited sessions.  Session organizers
should submit four (4) copies of proposals for invited
sessions  for review.  Submissions should be received no
later than MARCH 1, 1994, by the Program Chairman,
Harris McClamroch, at the address indicated below.
Submissions must follow the guidelines indicated below.
Submissions of cohesive sessions focusing on new or
emerging areas and/or sessions built around theme problems
are particularly encouraged.  Such session proposals will
have priority over those of a classical or mainstream flavor.
Proposals for invited sessions should contain the names,
affiliations and complete mailing addresses of the session
organizer(s), chairperson, co-chairperson and all authors,
paper titles, abstracts, and detailed extended summaries of
all papers.  The organizers must include in the proposal: (1)
a clear statement on the topic and the purpose of the session
and (2) a description of how the papers form a cohesive,
well-integrated exploration of the session topic.  Detailed
extended summaries, consisting of a minimum of 2000
words, covering all contributions of the paper in sufficient
depth to permit an informed review, must be included for
each paper in an invited session proposal..  The extended
summaries should contain the submission information
indicated below.  The initial paper in an invited session can
be a tutorial or survey paper, which can be allotted twice the
usual time for presentation.  Normally, the number of papers
in an invited session is six.  Proposals for technical sessions
are invited which make use of demonstrations, video tapes,
photographic materials and posters.   The organizers of
invited sessions may be contacted near June 1, 1994,
concerning the tentative disposition of their sessions.
Each submitted regular or short paper
or extended summary must be headed with paper title, the
names, affiliations and complete mailing addresses of all
authors, a list of three (3) keywords, and the statement "33rd
CDC".  The first named author of each paper will be used
for all correspondence unless otherwise requested; if
possible an electronic mail address and fax number of the
corresponding author should be included. Incomplete
submissions or submissions by fax or electronic mail cannot
be accepted.  Final selection of papers will be announced in
mid-July, 1994.  Authors of all accepted papers will be provided
with publication kits and instructions for preparation of
manuscripts for the Proceedings.  Authors  will be requested
to keep their manuscripts to six Proceedings pages
(approximately 6000 words) or less for regular papers or
two Proceedings pages (approximately 2000 words) or less
for short papers.  There will be a mandatory page charge for
each additional Proceedings page.  Authors of accepted
papers are expected to attend the Conference to present their
work.  Authors of all accepted regular and short papers will
be allocated twenty minutes for their presentations.
Address Information
Regular Papers:
Prof. M. Peshkin, 33rd CDC
Mechanical Engr Dept
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, Ill 60208-3111
Phone: (708) 467-2666
Fax: (708) 491-3915
email: cdc@nwu.edu
Invited Sessions:
Prof. N. H. McClamroch,  33rd CDC
Dept of Aerospace Engr
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140
Phone: (313) 763-2355
Email: mcclamroch@um.cc.umich.edu
Short Papers:
Prof. G. Yin, 33rd CDC
Dept of Mathematics
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: (313) 577-2496
Email: gyin@math.wayne.edu
General Information:
Dr. M. Masten, 33rd CDC
2309 Northcrest
Texas Instruments
Plano, TX 75075
Phone: (214) 462-3433
Fax: (214) 480-2405
Email: M.Masten@IEEE.ORG

Contributed by Adam Shwartz 


A conference in honor of Harold J. Kushner,
Newport, RI, April 15--16, 1994.

Speakers include I. Karatzas, R.Z. Khasminskii, P.R. Kumar, T.G. Kurtz,
                 L. Ljung, D. Mitra, M.I. Reiman, A.D. Wentzell, M. Zakai.

Organized by P. Dupuis, A. Shwartz and G. Yin.

For information please contact Janice D'Amico
The Lefschetz Center for Dynamical Systems
Brown University, Providence, RI 02912
Phone: 401 863 2358, e-mail JMD@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU

Contributed by: marc.moonen@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

                        3rd International Workshop on
                 Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures

                             August 29--31, 1994
                               Leuven, Belgium

                 Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers

  This third workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures addresses
  novel research in the area of highly parallel systems, focused on
  algorithms, architectures as well as design methodologies and compilation.
  Both custom realisation and programmable processor realisation will be

  This workshop is a continuation of two previous workshops of the same name
  which were held in Pont-a-Mousson, France, June 1990, and Bonas, France,
  June 1991, although the scope has been partly shifted and expanded.

  The workshop is partly sponsored by the EC (BRA project 6632) in
  cooperation with the IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Chapter.

  Papers are solicited for technical sessions on the following and related
  topics :
       Parallel Algorithms :
            linear and multilinear algebra, filtering and transforms,
            for sonar and radar, digital audio, image and video,
            communications, computer graphics, automatic control
       Parallel Architectures :
            arrays, programmable SIMD and MIMD architectures
       Parallel Compilation :
            design methodologies, automated architecture synthesis,
            parallelisation techniques
  Other related topics are welcome.

  Authors are invited to submit four copies of an extended summary
  (2-4 pages) to the workshop secretariat for review.
  The preferred presentation format -lecture or poster- should be indicated.
  To facilitate rapid communication, authors should provide an email address
  if possible.
  Authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare a version for
  in a conference proceedings.

  Authors' Schedule
      Submission of summary:            March 15, 1994
      Notification of Acceptance:       May 15, 1994
      Submission of camera-ready paper: August 29, 1994

  Conference Committee


  Marc Moonen
    E.E. Dept., Kath. Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
  Francky Catthoor
    IMEC Lab., Leuven, Belgium


  Ed Deprettere
    E.E. Dept., Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
  Patrick Dewilde
    E.E. Dept., Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
  Patrice Quinton
    IRISA/INRIA, Rennes, France
  Yves Robert
    Laboratoire LIP/IMAG, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France
  Joos Vandewalle
    E.E. Dept., Kath. Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

  Workshop Secretariat

  Filiep Vanpoucke
    E.E. Dept., ESAT/SISTA
    Kath. Universiteit Leuven
    K. Mercierlaan 94
    B-3001 Heverlee

    tel : 32/16/22.09.31
    fax : 32/16/22.18.55
    email : filiep.vanpoucke@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

Contributed by: marc.moonen@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

                        3rd International Workshop on
                          SVD and Signal Processing

                             August 22--25, 1994
                               Leuven, Belgium

                 Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers

  This Workshop on Singular Value Decomposition and Signal Processing
  is a continuation of two previous workshops of the same name which were
  held in Les Houches, France, September 1987, and Kingston, Rhode Island,
  U.S.A., June 1990.

  The workshop is organized in cooperation with the IEEE Benelux Signal
  Processing Chapter.

  Papers are solicited for technical sessions on the following and related
      SVD Algorithms :
           real-time and adaptive algorithms, continuous algorithms,
           complexity, accuracy, convergence,
           related decompositions, tensor SVD
      SVD Architectures :
           application specific hardware, parallel implementation
      SVD Applications :
           array signal processing, model identification, model reduction,
           spectrum analysis, harmonic retrieval, speech and image
  Other topics related to the SVD and its applications are welcome.

  Authors are invited to submit four copies of an extended summary
  (2--4 pages) to the workshop secretariat for review.
  The preferred presentation format -lecture, poster or video- should
  be indicated.
  To facilitate rapid communication, authors should provide
  a fax number and email address if possible.
  Authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare a version for
  publication in a conference proceedings.

  Authors' Schedule
      Submission of summary:             March 15, 1994
      Notification of Acceptance:        May 15, 1994
      Submission of camera-ready paper:  August 22, 1994

  Conference Committee


  Bart De Moor
    E.E. Dept., Kath. Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
  Marc Moonen
    E.E. Dept., Kath. Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


  Ed Deprettere
    E.E. Dept., Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
  Gene Golub
    Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA-94305,
  Sven Hammarling
    The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, U.K.
  Franklin Luk
    Dept. of Computer Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
  Paul Van Dooren
    Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at
    Urbana, IL-61801, U.S.A.

  Workshop Secretariat

    Lieven De Lathauwer
    E.E. Dept., ESAT/SISTA
    Kath. Universiteit Leuven
    K. Mercierlaan 94
    B-3001 Heverlee

    tel : 32/16/22.09.31
    fax : 32/16/22.18.55
    email : lieven.delathauwer@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

contributed by: Raimund Ober (ober@utdallas.edu)


                     UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS

                      SYSTEMS AND CONTROL WORKSHOP

Date:  Monday, December 13, 1993
Place: Engineering and Computer Science Building 2.126, University of
Texas at Dallas.


  *  9:00-9:30, F.L. Lewis, Automation and Robotics Research Institute,
     University of Texas at Arlington, "Controller Design for Discrete
     Event Manufacturing Systems".
  *  9:30-10:00, Peter Dorato, Department of Electrical and Computer
     Engineering, University of New Mexico, "Robust Linear Quadratic
     Multiobjective Design".
  *  10:00-10:30, Break.
  *  10:30-11:00, B. Hanzon, Department of Econometrics, Free University
     Amsterdam, "On the Projections Filters:  A Class of Approximate
     Nonlinear Filters".
  *  11:00-11:30, W.P. Dayawansa, Department of Electrical Engineering
     and Systems Research Center, University of Maryland, "Modeling and
     Analysis of Dynamic Effects Due to Impact".
  *  11:30-12:45 Lunch Break
  *  12:45-1:15, C.T. Abdallah, Department of Electrical and Computer
     Engineering, University of New Mexico, "Robust Control in the
     Presence of Structured uncertainties".
  *  1:15-1:45, N.H. McClamroch, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
     University of Michigan, "Feedback Control for Nonholonomic Caplygin
  *  1:45-2:00, Break
  *  2:00-2:30, V.I. Utkin, Institute of Robotics and System Dynamics,
     German Aerospace Research Establishment (on leave from the Institute
     of Control Sciences, Moscow), "Sliding Mode Control in Mechanical
  *  2:30-3:00, George Meyer, NASA Ames Research Center, "Modeling of
     Flight Vehicle Management Systems".

  This Workshop precedes the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  to be held December 15-17, 1993 at the Marriott Rivercenter in San

  The Center for Engineering Mathematics at the University of Texas at
  Dallas wishes to thank the Southwestern Bell Foundation and Northern
  Telecom Inc./BNR for their support.

  For more information or schedule changes, please call David Gilliam or
  Bob Hunt at (214) 690-2161.

Contributed by: A.C. Antoulas 

                     System Theory Symposium
                     Monday 13 December 1993
                     Rice University, Houston

In connection with this year's CDC in San Antonio, a one-day symposium
on system theory will take place at Rice University on Monday 13 December.
Speakers include:

Brian Anderson:  Lyapunov Functions for Uncertain and Time-Varying Systems
Thanos Antoulas: On modeling and control
Ron Chen: Controlling chaos: an overview
R. D'Andrea and F. Paganini: A behavioral approach to robust control
Jacob Hammer: Nonlinear control and fraction representations: an overview
Harry Trentelman:  LQ and H-infinity from a behavioral point of view
Jan Willems: System representations and LQ control

If you are interested in participating, please contact Thanos Antoulas at:

            e-mail: aca@rice.edu --- fax: +1-713-524-5237

Contributed by: m07046@mwvm.mitre.org (Satish Mohleji)

            13th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace

The International Federation of Automatic Control(IFAC) Aerospace and Air
Traffic Control Automation Technical Committees in cooperation with the IEEE
Control System Society are sponsoring the 13th Symposium on Automatic Control
in Aerospace.The Symposium will be held at the Hyatt Rickeys hotel in
Palo Alto, California U.S.A. from September 12-16, 1994.

Technical papers are solicited on topics relating applications of satellite
communication,navigation and surveillance technologies, artificial
intelligence and expert systems, and automatic control to the air
transportation systems. Interested authors are requested to submit five
copies of the paper (about 4000 words) to the symposium chairman at the
following address:
                      Dr. Kenneth R. Lorell
                      AEROSPACE CONTROL '94
                      Lockheed 92-30/250
                      3251 Hanover Street
                      Palo Alto CA 94304  U.S.A.
                      Fax: (415) 424-3106

Papers Due:              February 1, 1994
Acceptance Notification: May 1, 1994
Camera Ready Manuscript: July 1, 1994

*                                        *
*               THE END                  *
*                                        *