E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 62, October 1, 1993

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995        

           Siep Weiland           
           Dept. of Electrical Eng.
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582        


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals                    people on the move
                                     awards and recognitions

3.      General announcements        Information from Johns Hopkins available 
                                           by ftp
                                     Free educational software package
                                     3DVIEWNIX Software System
                                     Software package for Robotics
                                     SIAM Student Travel Awards 1994
                                     Richard C. DiPrima Prize
                                     SIAM Student Prizes Awards

4.      Positions                    Research Ass. Carnegie Mellon University 

5.      Books                        Quantitative Feedback Design Theory (QFT)
                                     Sigma Delta Modulators: Nonlinear Decoding
                                           Algorithms and Stability Analysis
                                     Numerical Linear Algebra
                                     Applied Algebra and Functional Analysis
                                     Robust Control: Systems with
                                           uncertain physical prameters

6.      Journals:                    Linear Algebra and its Applications
                                     SIAM Review
                                     Special Issue IJRNC
                                     SIAM J. Math. Anal.
                                     Journal of Systems Engineering,
                                        Special issue Motion Control Systems

7.      Conferences:                 Tutorial workshop on recent developments
                                        of input-output techniques in control
                                     Fifth SIAM Conf. on Applied Linear Algebra
                                     12th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Computer
                                        Control Systems
                                     Conf. on Feedback Control, Nonlinear
                                        Systems, and Complexity
                                     Int. Working Conf. on Cooperating 
                                        Knowledge Based Systems
                                     IFAC/IFIP Workshop Real Time Programming
                                     Data Compression Conference (DCC '94)
                                     Conference on Control and Information
                                     Tutorial Workshop Robustness of Systems
                                        with Real Parametric Unicertainty

*                                        *
*              Editorial                 *
*                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 62  !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will 
appear at November 1. Please send contributions before this date.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent by e-mail to: 
    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the maximum length of 10Kb per contribution.

-2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message 
    to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You will
    be automatically subscribed and included in our mailing list.
    To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to
    "eletter@win.tue.nl" with the subject 'remove', 'delete' or 'unsubscribe'.

-3- If your address changed first unsubscribe (using your old E-mail address) 
    and then subscribe again (using your new E-mail address). If you can not
    use your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to
    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and your old address will be removed manually.
    In case of any problems please send an E-mail to
    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and we will try to resolve the problem.

-4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an 
    (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject
    'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.bs.win.tue.nl"

-5- If you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you 
    wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching
    for the string: *.**

*                                        *
*              Personals                 *
*                                        *

1)  Dr. M. Sampei has moved to Tokyo Institute of Technology. His new
    address is:

                  Mitsuji Sampei
                  Dept.of Control and Systems Eng.
                  Tokyo Institute of Technology 
                  2-12-1 Oh-Okayama Meguro-ku Tokyo, JAPAN
                  Phone: +81(3)3726-1111 ex.2552
                  Fax:   +81(3)3729-1774

2)  In the next Academic Year (93/94) Dr. Josef Shinar will be
    on a sabbattical leave from the Technion. His mailing address will be:

                  Dr. Josef Shinar, Visiting Professor
                  Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
                  Princeton University
                  P.O.Box CN5263
                  Princeton, New Jersey, 08544,

                  Fax: (609)-258-1918
                  e-mail: SHINAR@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU

     He will return to the Technion (with the help of God) on 1 Oct. 1994.

*                                        *
*        General announcements           *
*                                        *

contributed by: Jack Rugh 

    Information from Johns Hopkins available by ftp

A postscript file "LST-rugh.ps" listing corrections to the
first printing of the text

Wilson J. Rugh, LINEAR SYSTEM THEORY, Prentice Hall, 1993

is available by ftp from the machine jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
( Log on using the name "ece_tr" and follow
instructions. Other files available include corrections to
an older book on Volterra Series, and, on a more positive note,
various technical reports from the ECE Department. Consult the
files "READ.ME" and "INDEX" for futher information.

contributed by:  Kurt Kosbar 


                             P. C. CONVOLUTION

P.C. convolution is a educational software package that graphically 
demonstrates the convolution operation.  It runs on IBM PC type computers 
using DOS 4.0 or later.  It is currently being used in schools of Mathematics,
Electrical Engineering, Earth Sciences, Aeronautics, Astronomy, Geophysics, 
and (believe it or not) Experimental Psychology.

Anyone may download a demonstration version of this software via anonymous 
ftp from (file name /pub/pc_conv.zip)

University instructors my obtain a free, fully operational version by 
contacting Dr. Kurt Kosbar at the address listed below.

Dr. Kurt Kosbar
117 Electrical Engineering Building, University of Missouri - Rolla
Rolla, Missouri, USA 65401, phone: (314) 341-4894
e-mail:  kk@ee.umr.edu

contributed by: Yair Censor  .


3DVIEWNIX is a transportable, very inexpensive software system
developed by the Medical Image Processing Group, Department of
Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. It has
state-of-the-art capabilities for visualizing, manipulating, and
analyzing multidimensional image data.  It is developed
to be as standard as one could possibly make.  This educational
software system will be distributed with source code for a fee of
$1,000.  For further information contact:

                 Dr. Jayaram K. Udupa
                 Medical Image Processing Group
                 University of Pennsylvania
                 Department of Radiology
                 418 Service Drive - 4th Floor Blockley Hall
                 Philadelphia, PA  19104-6021

                 Phone:  (215) 662-6780
                 FAX:    (215) 898-9145
                 email:  jay@jay.mipg.upenn.edu


   (1) To promote widespread use of 3D imaging
   (2) To promote cooperative research - technical and applied -
       in 3D imaging
   (3) To enable end users and researchers to set up a very
       inexpensive, state-of-the-art, 3D imaging system


   (1) Transporable - based on UNIX, X-window, and C
   (2) Based on multidimensional generalization of ACR-NEMA standards
       of data representation
   (3) Application-independent
   (4) Image dimensionality independent
   (5) Can handle rigid, non-rigid, static, and dynamic objects and
       object assemblies
   (6) Can handle object information from multiple modalities and
       longitudinal acquisitions
   (7) Multitudes of visualization, manipulation, and analysis
       methods incorporated
   (8) Open software system distributed with source code


   (1) Preprocessing
   (2) Visualization
   (3) Manipulation
   (4) Analysis



    . To specify subset of the n-dimensional (nD) volume image
    . To specify an intensity-interval-of-interest for reducing
      the number of bits


    . To create isotropically sampled data of lower or higher
      resolution than input
    . Many interpolating functions
    . Interpolation in n dimensions
    . Both grey-level and shape-based methods


    . A variety of forms of enhancing and smoothing filters
    . Used for filtering surfaces, for normal estimation, for
      interpolation, and volume renderning
    . Filtering in n dimensions


    . For assisting segmentation
    . Quick operation using "paint brushes"


    . Multiple intervals can be specified
    . Iso-surface generation at any resolution


    . 2-feature cluster partitioning
    . Quick gesture-controlled (user-guided) boundary segmentation


    . 1-feature multiple material classification for opacity assignment
    . 2-feature multiple material classification for opacity assignment

Boundary Formation:

    . Connected, oriented, closed nD surfaces are formed
    . Surfaces may have any resolution



    . Sophisticated form of slice display
    . Multiple input volumes of any dimensionality can be handled
    . Multiple color maps
    . Static montage viewing and dynamic cine viewing of slices
    . Arbitrary magnification


    . Guided by 3D display
    . Reslicing through multidimensional volumes

Surface Rendering:

    . Multitudes of methods
    . Multiple objects with translucency and color
    . Based on the notion of a structure system: A
      structure system may be a collection of static objects,
      dynamic rigid objets, dynamic non-rigid objects or any
      of these coming from multiple modalities
    . Structure systems are visualized in their natural form,
      e.g., a beating heart is displayed in that manner
    . Viewing properties of objects can be changed independently

Volume Rendering:

    . A new very fast method called shell rendering
    . Interactive rendering
    . Interactive opacity and color modification
    . Interactive measurement of fuzzy surfaces


    . One of the most sophisticated set of operations in 3DVIEWNIX
    . A variety of complex operations including cut away, reflect,
      separate, move, surface marking, measure, animation
    . Complex surgical procedures can be simulated



    . A variety of inter and intra structure morphometry
    . A variety of image intensity-based measurements such as density
      profile, time density curves, region-of-interest statistics
      and their variation with time


    . Based on matching homologous features - points, curves,
      entire surfaces
    . For merging information from multiple modalities
    . For motion description and analysis

Motion Analysis:

    . Rigid object assemblies
    . Animation of motion and its quantification
    . Comparison of motion of two assemblies of objects such as
      two joints
    . Relationship between moving surfaces

contributed by: Mark W. Spong 


                  *                            *
                  *          ROBOTICA          *
                  *   A COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN  *
                  *     PACKAGE FOR ROBOTS     *
                  *                            *

Robotica is a computer aided design package for robotic manipulators 
developed in the Coordinated Science Laboratory at the University of 
Illinois at Urbana--Champaign.  Robotica requires Mathematica 2.1, or
later, and encapsulates over 30 functions into a Mathematica package 
allowing efficient symbolic computation, numerical calculation, and 
graphical animation for kinematics, dynamics, and control of 
multi--degree--of--freedom manipulators.  An X-Windows front end that 
utilizes the interprocess communication features of Mathematica 2.1 
has also been created for ease of use.  Currently, the X-Windows GUI 
runs under OpenWindows 3; however, a Motif version will soon be available.

If you would like to read about Robotica before trying it:

A copy of the Robotica manual in PostScript format is available 
via anonymous ftp.  Login to   as `anonymous';  
give your email address when asked for a password.  The manual is 
approximately 93 pages with figures and is contained in the file 
 in the directory /pub/robotica.

To request Robotica:

Also in the directory /pub/robotica at  is the
PostScript file .   The University has asked
me to include this license agreement because it currently has too
many lawyers on the payroll with not enough work to do.  The
license agreement basically states that you can have Robotica free
of charge to do with as you see fit (except to sell it).  We will
use the license agreement to keep track of who has Robotica for
future upgrades, etc.  Print out the license agreement, include
your name and address on the second page, sign it, and mail or
FAX it to me.  Please include your email address.  The package
will be sent to you (sans the manual) via email.

contributed by: ddilisi@siam.org

       Student Travel Awards for SIAM Conferences and Annual Meeting

    During 1994, SIAM will make several awards of $250 to support student
    travel to the following SIAM conferences:

       Fifth ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms;
       January 23-25 in Arlington, VA

       Conference on Emerging Issues in Mathematics and Computation from
       the Materials Sciences; April 18-22 in Pittsburgh, PA

       Fifth Conference on Applied Linear Algebra;
       June 15-18 in Snowbird, UT

       Seventh Conference on Discrete Mathematics;
       June 22-25 in Albuquerque, NM

       Annual Meeting; July 25-29 in San Diego, CA

       Symposium on Inverse Problems and Applications: Geophysical Sciences;
       December 12-14 in Fish Camp, CA

    The awards are to be made from the SIAM Student Travel Fund, created in
    1991 and maintained through book royalties donated by generous SIAM

    Any full-time student in good standing is eligible to receive an award.
    Top priority will be given to students presenting papers at the
    meetings, with second priority to students who are co-authors of papers
    to be presented at the meetings.  Only students traveling more than 100
    miles to the meetings are eligible for the awards.

    An application for a travel award must include:  (1) a letter from the
    student stating the meeting for which support is being requested; (2)
    a letter from the student's advisor or department chair stating that
    the applicant is a full-time student in good standing; (3) if
    applicable, the title(s) of the paper(s) to be presented (co-authored)
    by the student at the meeting.

    Applications should be sent to the SIAM office (Attn: SIAM Student
    Travel Awards), 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA
    19104-2688.  Students also may apply by e-mail to siam@siam.org or by
    fax to 215-386-7999, but the letter from the advisor or department
    chair must be an original, sent by postal mail.

    Complete applications must be received at the SIAM office by no later
    than one month before the first day of the meeting for which support
    is requested.

    Winners will be notified by no later than two weeks before the first
    day of the meeting.  Checks for the awards will be given to the winning
    students when they register at the given meeting.

    For further information about these awards, please contact Allison
    Bogardo or Donna DiLisi in the SIAM office.

                                   * * * * *

    SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA  19104-2688
           siam@siam.org; (215) 382-9800 (phone); (215) 386-7999 (fax)

contributed by: ddilisi@siam.org

                             CALL FOR NOMINATIONS


                         THE RICHARD C. DiPRIMA PRIZE

    The DiPrima Prize

    SIAM will present the award at the SIAM Annual Meeting in July 1994.
    The award honors the memory of Richard C. DiPrima, long-time chair of
    the department of mathematical sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic
    Institute and past-president and energetic supporter of SIAM.  The
    award, to be given to a young scientist, will be based on an
    outstanding doctoral dissertation in applied mathematics.


    Nominations, along with a copy of the dissertation (in English), should
    be sent by December 31, 1993 to:

                     Richard C. DiPrima Prize
                     c/o Donna DiLisi
                     Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
                     3600 University City Science Center
                     Philadelphia, PA  19104-2688


    The award is made to a young scientist based on Ph.D. research in
    applied mathematics (defined as those topics covered in SIAM journals
    or series).  The Ph.D. thesis and all other Ph.D. requirements should
    have been completed in the time period from July 1, 1991 to June 30,
    1993.  The Ph.D. degree must be awarded by December 31, 1993.

    Description of the Award

    The award will consist of a certificate and a cash prize of $1,000,
    which will be awarded when a paper based on the Ph.D. thesis is
    accepted for publication by the editors of a SIAM journal or series.
    The president will notify the recipient of the award in advance of the
    award date and invite the recipient to attend the annual meeting to
    receive the award.

Contributed by bogardo@siam.org

                       SIAM Student Paper Prizes

The annual SIAM Student Paper Prizes will be awarded during the 1994 SIAM
Annual Meeting.  

If you are a student or know of a student who would like to take part in the
competition, here are the details:

The authors of the three best papers in applied and computational mathematics
written by students and submitted to SIAM will be invited to attend the 1994
annual meeting in San Diego, July 25-29.  Each winner must present his/her
paper at the meeting and will receive a $750 cash award as well as gratis
registration for the meeting.  Winners will be awarded calligraphed
certificates at a special prize ceremony at the meeting.  Papers must be
singly authored and not previously published or submitted for publication to
be eligible for consideration.  To qualify, authors must be students in good
standing who have not received their PhDs at the time of submission.

In submitting their work for publication, authors are asked to consider SIAM

Submissions must be received by SIAM on or before March 15, 1994.

Submissions, which must be in English, can be sent by regular mail or fax. 
Each submission must include (1) an extended abstract NOT LONGER THAN 5 PAGES
(including bibliography); (2) the complete paper, which will be used solely
for clarification of any questions; (3) a statement by the student's faculty
advisor that the paper has been prepared by the author indicated and that the
author is a student in good standing; (4) a letter by the student's faculty
advisor describing and evaluating the paper's contribution; and (5) a short
biography of the student.

Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, and quality of

The winners will be notified by June 1, 1994.

If you have any questions, please contact:

                Allison Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                Telephone: (215) 382-9800
                E-mail to bogardo@siam.org
                Fax to (215) 386-7999

*                                        *
*              Positions                 *
*                                        *

contributed by: Bruce H. Krogh 

          Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE)
                 Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

I am looking for a Ph.D. student to work on a 3-year project on
"Advanced Control Strategies for Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor
Deposition (PECVD)".  This project, funded by the National Science
Foundation, is an interdisciplinary effort to apply recent advances in
multivariable control theory to a critical process for semiconductor
manufacturing.  An experimental system is being built by other members
of the project team to incorporate new in situ sensors for real-time
control.  The appropriate Ph.D. candidate for this project should have
a strong background in control theory, combined with an interest in
extending and applying the theory to deal with the difficulties and
constraints that arise in process control applications.  The research
will include the implementation and evaluation of the control
strategies on the PECVD system.  A background in semiconductor
processes is desirable but not crucial as other members of the project
team will be working on the physical modeling and process development.

Applications for January admission to the Ph.D. program in ECE at CMU
can be obtained from Lynn Philibin:  lynn@gauss.ece.cmu.edu
The application deadline is November 1, 1993.  

For further information, contact me (Bruce Krogh, krogh@des.ece.cmu.edu).

*                                        *
*                Books                   *
*                                        *

contributed by: Isaac Horowitz 

"Quantitative Feedback Design Theory (QFT)" by Isaac Horowitz.
This book emphasizes that plant uncertainty (parameter & disturbance) is the
principal reason for using feedback in control, so quantitative statements of
the plant uncertainty and of the tolerable closed-loop system uncertainty, are
important parts of the design process. Quantitative, rigorous, detailed design
procedures are presented for SISO and MIMO, LTI, linear time-varying and 
nonlinear highly uncertain plants, single loop and multiple-loop.  Much 
attention is paid to "cost of feedback" in terms of loop-bandwidth and sensor
noise effects at the plant input.  There are 14 chapters, 505 pages & problems
are included.  The price is $50.00, available from I.Horowitz, 4470 Grinnell
Ave., Boulder, CO 80303, USA, --prepaid .    Thank You.  I.Horowitz

contributed by: Soren Hein 

     SIGMA DELTA MODULATORS: Nonlinear Decoding Algorithms
                             and Stability Analysis

                Soren Hein and Avideh Zakhor

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 1993.
ISBN 0-7923-9309-0, $79.95.

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Order Dept., PO Box 358, Accord Station,
Hingham, MA 02018-0358  // Kluwer Academic Publishers, PO Box 322,
3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Analog-to-Digital  (A/D) converters are key components in Digital Signal
Processing (DSP) systems, and are therefore receiving much attention  as
DSP  becomes increasingly prevalent in telephony, audio, video, consumer
products, etc.  The varying demands on conversion rate,  resolution  and
other  characteristics  have  inspired  a  large number of competing A/D
conversion techniques.  This book is concerned with the particular class
of A/D techniques called Oversampled Noise-Shaping (ONS) or Sigma  Delta
Modulation  that  has  recently  come  into  prominence  for a number of
applications.  The popularity of ONS converters is due to their ease  of
implementation and robustness to circuit imperfections.

An  ONS  converter  consists  of  an  encoder that generates a high-rate
low-resolution digital signal, and a decoder that  produces  a  low-rate
higher-resolution  digital  approximation  to  the analog encoder input.
The conventional decoding approach is based on  linear  filtering.   The
book  addresses the problem of optimally designing a decoder for a given
encoder.  It is shown that nonlinear decoding  can  achieve  significant
gains  in Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) over linear decoding, depending on
the oversampling ratio and the  encoder  architecture.   The  book  then
addresses   the   instability  problem  that  plagues  higher-order  ONS
encoders.  A new stability concept is introduced that is well-suited  to
ONS encoders, and it is applied to the double-loop encoder as well as to
the  class  of  interpolative encoders.  It is shown that there exists a
trade-off between stability and SNR performance.  Based on the  results,
explicit design examples are presented.

252+xii pages, 110 figures, 12 tables.


1. Introduction
   1.1 Analog-to-Digital Conversion
   1.2 Conventional Conversion
   1.3 Oversampled Noise-Shaping Conversion
   1.4 Contributions and Outline of Work

2. Properties of ONS Converters with Constant Inputs
   2.1 Introduction
   2.2 Single-Loop Encoder
   2.3 Double-Loop Encoder
   2.4 A Modified Cascade Structure for Constant Inputs
   2.5 Summary

3. Optimal Decoding for ONS Encoders with Constant Inputs
   3.1 Introduction
   3.2 Optimal Decoding Under Ideal Conditions
   3.3 Decoding in the Presence of Non-Idealities
   3.4 Summary

4. An SVD-Based Method for Band-Limiting Finite-Extent Signals
   4.1 Introduction
   4.2 SVD-Based Band Limitation
   4.3 Implementation of the SVD
   4.4 Computational Properties of Band Limitation Methods
   4.5 Results
   4.6 Summary

5. Optimal Decoding for ONS Decoders with Band-Limited Inputs
   5.1 Introduction
   5.2 Reconstruction Algorithm
   5.3 Results
   5.4 Decoding in the Presence of Non-Idealities
   5.5 Summary

6. Halftone to Continuous-Tone Conversion of Error-Diffusion
   Coded Images
   6.1 Introduction
   6.2 Error Diffusion Coding
   6.3 Decoding Algorithm
   6.4 Results
   6.5 Summary

7. Stability of ONS Encoders
   7.1 Introduction
   7.2 Framework for Stability Analysis
   7.3 Double-Loop Encoder
   7.4 Interpolative Encoder
   7.5 Summary

8. Conclusions
   8.1 Summary
   8.2 Extensions
   8.3 Future Directions

A. Appendix to Chapter 2
   A.1 Derivations for Single-Loop Encoder
   A.2 Derivations for Double-Loop Encoder
   A.3 Proofs of Theorems

B. Appendix to Chapter 3
   B.1 Performance Measures
   B.2 Only Codewords Yield Compatible Bounds
   B.3 Form of Non-Idealities

C. Appendix to Chapter 4
   C.1 Energy Concentration
   C.2 Resolution of the DFT
   C.3 Effect of Windowing

D. Appendix to Chapter 5
   D.1 Quadratic Programming Approximation

E. Appendix to Chapter 6
   E.1 Stability of Error Diffusion Encoders
   E.2 Two-Dimensional SVD Band Limitation

F. Appendix to Chapter 7
   F.1 Upper Bounds on Double-Loop Limit Cycles
   F.2 Design of Double-Loop Encoder
   F.3 Describing Function Method
   F.4 Proofs of Statements in Section



contributed by:  L. Reichel 

Title:          Numerical Linear Algebra
Editors:        L. Reichel, A. Ruttan and R.S. Varga
Publisher:      W. de Gruyter, Berlin, 1993. 
ISBN:           3-11-013784-4

About the Book:

On March 13-14, 1992, a meeting of the Western Pennsylvania and Eastern 
Ohio Section of SIAM, with the title Numerical Linear Algebra and Scientific 
Computing was held at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.

In the short period of two days, the roughly 60 participants heard new 
research results in Numerical Linear Algebra from acknowledged leaders in the 
field. The talks displayed the present activity in this area of Numerical 
Analysis and illustrated the wide diversity of the ongoing research. 

Some of the topics covered in papers of the proceedings:

* Iterative methods for large linear systems of equations. Papers
  present new variants of the QMR, GMRES and SOR methods.

* Preconditioning of linear systems of equations. Papers discuss block
  circulant preconditioners with application to image restoration and the
  use of the block-ADI iterative method for preconditioning.

* Generalized M-matrices and ultrametric matrices.

* Algorithms for eigenvalue problems. A new more stable variant of 
  Rutishauser's qd algorithm is presnted, as well as a divide-and-conquer
  algorithm for the generalized symmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue problem.

* An algorithm of interest for the computation of the singular value 
  decomposition of products of matrices.

* Ill-posed problems in image resoration.

* Implementation of iterative methods on sequential and parallel computers.

Contributing authors:

A. Bojanczyk, C.F. Borges, D. Calvetti, M. Eiermann, K.V. Fernando, 
R.W. Freund, W.B. Gragg, M. Hanke, S. Ma, R. Nabben, N.M. Nachtigal,
J. Nagy, B.N. Parlett, J. Petersen, R. Plemmons, L. Reichel, Y. Saad,
P. Van Dooren, R.S. Varga

Information on ordering:

                   For the USA, Canada and Mexico:
                   Walter de Gruyter,Inc.
                   200 Saw Mill Road
                   Hawthorne, NY 10532, U.S.A.
                   Phone (914) 747-0110
                   Telex 646677
                   Fax (914) 747-1326
                   Price: US $79.95

For other countries:

                   Walter de Gruyter & Co.
                   Postfach 303421
                   10728 Berlin
                   Phone +49-30-26005-161
                   Telex 184027
                   Fax +49-30-26005-222 
                   Price: DM 168,- 
contributed by: Charles Herget 

                             PAPERBACK REPRINT
                             BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT                             

Title:          Applied Algebra and Functional Analysis
Authors:        Anthony N. Michel and Charles J. Herget

Publisher:      Dover Publications Inc., Mineola, New York


About the Book:

This Dover edition is an unabridged, corrected republication of the work first
published by Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1981, under the title
Mathematical Foundations in Engineering and Science: Algebra and Analysis.

Written for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in engineering
and science, this book focuses primarily on set theory, algebra and analysis.

The book is essentially divided into three parts: set theory (Chapter 1),
algebra (Chapters 2-4), and analysis (Chapters 5-7).  The
first two chapters deal with the fundamental concepts of sets, functions,
relations and equivalence relations, and algebraic structures. Chapter 3 and 4
cover vector spaces and linear transformations, and finite-dimensional
vector spaces and matrices.  The last three chapters investigate
metric spaces, normed spaces (Banach spaces) and inner product spaces
(Hilbert spaces), and linear operators.




Chapter 1: Fundamental Concepts
Chapter 2: Algebraic Structures
Chapter 3: Vector Spaces and Linear Transformations
Chapter 4: Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces and Matrices
Chapter 5: Metric Spaces
Chapter 6: Normed Spaces and Inner Product Spaces
Chapter 7: Linear Operators



ISBN: 0-486-67598-X  Paperback 484 pages.

Information on ordering:

In the USA:

Dover Publications Inc.
31 East 2nd Street
Mineola, NY  11501

Phone:  (516) 294-7000

Price:   $ 10.95

contributed by: Juergen Ackermann 

                           ROBUST CONTROL:

Juergen Ackermann 

in cooperation with Andrew Bartlett, Dieter Kaesbauer, Wolfgang Sienel
and Reinhold Steinhauser 

Springer-Verlag, Communications and Control Engineering Series
ISBN 3-540-19843-1/ISBN 0-387-19843-1, 406 pages, \$ 99.

* From the Back Cover:

Eigenvalues of linear feedback control systems indicate if responses 
are composed of rapidly decaying and well damped terms without too high 
a frequency content. This condition should be robust with respect to large
variations in operating conditions.

Robustness analysis deals with the answer to the following question:
Is the control system nicely stable for all admissible operating conditions?
An up-to-date account of methods for robustness analysis is given in the 
book. Topics covered include:

. Practical Problems of Robust Control
. Stability Analysis of Polynomial Families
. Robustness Analysis of Feedback Systems
. Design Tools for Robust Control Systems

Synthesis of controllers to achieve robustness is scientifically an 
unsolved problem. There are, however, useful design tools. Two approaches, 
developed by the authors, are presented and successfully applied to the 
control of mechanical systems. The recommended practical approach to robust
control design is to be an optimist in design and to be a pessimist in the 
analysis of the resulting closed-loop system. 

* Table of Contents

I Introduction to Some Practical Problems of Robust Control              1

 1   Examples for Modelling of Plants with Uncertain Parameters          3
 1.1 Crane                                                               4
 1.2 Four-Wheel Car Steering                                             9
 1.3 Automatic Car Steering                                             15
 1.4 A Flight Control Problem                                           19
 1.5 Notation for Uncertain Plants                                      21
 1.6 Exercises                                                          23

 2   Control System Structures                                          25
 2.1 Robust Controllability and Observability                           26
 2.2 State and Output Feedback                                          29
 2.3 Choice of Sensors                                                  35
 2.4 Further Aspects of Controller Structures                           40
 2.5 Robust Decoupling of Car Steering Dynamics                         44
 2.6 Gain Scheduling Controllers                                        49
 2.7 Problem Classes of Parametric Polynomials                          54
 2.8 Exercises                                                          55

 3 Analysis and Design                                                  57
 3.1 Eigenvalue Specifications                                          57
 3.2 Introduction to Robustness Analysis                                67
 3.3 Introduction to Robust Controller Design                           71
 3.4 Three Basic Rules of Robust Control                                76
 3.5 Exercises                                                          76

II Stability Analysis of Polynomial Families                            77

 4   Classical Stability Tests Applied to Uncertain Polynomials         79
 4.1 Root Set Problem Formulation                                       80
 4.2 Boundary Crossing                                                  87
 4.3 Algebraic Problem Formulation                                      90
 4.4 Singular Frequencies                                               99
 4.5 Parameter Space Problem Formulation                               106
 4.6 Frequency Plot Problem Formulation                                112
 4.7 Exercises                                                         121

 5   Testing Sets                                                      123
 5.1 Interval Polynomials: Kharitonov's Theorem                        124
 5.2 Affine Coefficients: Edge Theorem                                 135
 5.3 A Warning Example                                                 140
 5.4 Jacobi Conditions                                                 142
 5.5 The Mapping Theorem                                               147
 5.6 Exercises                                                         153

 6   Value Set Construction                                            155
 6.1 Sequential Set Operations                                         155
 6.2 Simplification of Elementary Value Set Operations                 157
 6.3 Computer-Aided Execution of Value Set Operations                  162
 6.4 Color Coding of Value Sets                                        164
 6.5 Tree Structured Decomposition                                     166
 6.6 Animation of Value Sets                                           174
 6.7 Exercises                                                         176

 7   The Stability Radius                                              178
 7.1 Tsypkin-Polyak Loci                                               179
 7.2 Affine Dependency: The Largest Hypersphere in Parameter Space     186
 7.3 Polynomial Dependency                                             192
 7.4 Exercises                                                         198

III Robustness Analysis of Feedback Systems                            201

 8   Single-Loop Feedback Structures                                   203
 8.1 Interval Plants with a Compensator                                205
 8.2 Positive Interval Plants with a Positive Compensator              211
 8.3 Tree Structured Transfer Functions                                216
 8.4 Robustness with Respect to Sector Nonlinearities                  226
 8.5 Exercises                                                         231

 9   Gamma-Stability                                                   234
 9.1 Boundary Representation                                           234
 9.2 Boundary Crossing                                                 238
 9.3 Algebraic Problem Formulation                                     238
 9.4 Gamma-Stability Boundaries in Parameter Space                     239
 9.5 Value Sets for Gamma-Stability                                    245
 9.6 Gamma-Stability Radius                                            248
 9.7 Testing Sets                                                      250
 9.8 Exercises                                                         253

10   Robustness of Sampled-Data Control Systems                        255
10.1 Plant Discretization                                              256
10.2 Discrete-time Controllers                                         258
10.3 Eigenvalue Specifications                                         259
10.4 Classical Stability Tests                                         263
10.5 Testing Sets                                                      276
10.6 Construction of Value Sets                                        280
10.7 Real Radius of Stability                                          280
10.8 Single-Loop Feedback Structures                                   280
10.9 Circle Stability                                                  284
10.10Exercises                                                         288

IV Some Design Tools for Robust Control Systems                        291

11   Parameter Space Design                                            293
11.1 Introduction to Design by Simultaneous Gamma-Stabilization        293
11.2 Pole Region Assignment                                            295
11.3 Intersections in Controller Parameter Space                       304
11.4 Selection of a Controller from the Admissible Set                 310
11.5 Case Study: Automatic Steering of a Bus                           318
11.6 Case Study: Flight Control                                        330
11.7 Exercises                                                         338

12   Design by Optimizing a Vector Performance Index                   340
12.1 Formulation of Design Specifications for a Finite Plant Family    341
12.2 Concept of the Design by Optimizing a Vector Performance Index    346
12.3 Case Study: Car Steering                                          356

V   Appendix                                                           369

A   The Four-Wheel Car Steering Model                                  371
A.1 Single-Track Model                                                 371
A.2 Linearized Single-Track Model                                      375

B   Polynomials and Polynomial Equations                               378
B.1 Polynomials in One Variable                                        378
B.2 Polynomials in Two Variables                                       381
B.3 Some Properties of Two-dimensional Curves                          381
B.4 Two Polynomials in Two Variables                                   382
B.5 Several Polynomials in Several Variables                           384

Bibliography                                                           385
Index                                                                  398
Color plates                                                           405

*                                        *
*               Journals                 *
*                                        *

contributed by: Richard Brualdi 


Preface 1

Wayne Barrett (Provo, Utah), Charles R. Johnson
(Williamsburg, Virginia), and Pablo Tarazaga (Mayaguez, Puerto Rico)
The Real Positive Definite Completion Problem for a
Simple Cycle 3

Don Coppersmith (Yorktown Heights, New York)
Solving Linear Equations Over GF(2): Block Lanczos Algorithm 33

Ludwig Elsner (Bielefeld, Germany), Daniel Hershkowitz
(Haifa, Israel), and Hans Schneider (Madison, Wisconsin)
Spectral Radii of Certain Iteration Matrices and Cycle
Means of Digraphs 61

Dennis R. Estes and Robert M. Guralnick (Los Angeles, California)
Minimal Polynomials of Integral Symmetric Matrices 83

Peter Fleischmann (Essen, Germany)
Connections Between the Algorithms of Berlekamp and
Niederreiter for Factoring Polynomials Over F*Dq 101

Schmuel Friedland (Chicago, Illinois)
Rational Orthogonal Similarity of Rational Symmetric Matrices 109

Holger W. Gollan (Essen, Germany)
Conjugacy Class Sums for Induced Modules: Construction
and Applications 115

George Havas (Queensland, Australia), Derek F. Holt
(Coventry, United Kingdom), and Sarah Rees
(Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
Recognizing Badly Presented Z-Modules 137

Nicholas J. Higham and Philip A. Knight (Manchester, England)
Finite Precision Behavior of Stationary Iteration for
Solving Singular Systems 165

Victon Klee (Seattle, Washington), Balder Von Hohenbalken,
and Ted Lewis (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
On the Recognition of S-Systems 187

W. Lempken and R. Staszewski (Essen, Germany)
A Construction of 3McL and Some Representation Theory
in Characteristic 5 205

S. A. Linton (London, England)
On Vector Enumeration 235

Sean S. B. Moore, Dennis M. Healy, Jr., and
Daniel N. Rockmore (Hanover, New Hampshire)
Symmetry Stabilization for Fast Discrete Monomial
Transforms and Polynomial Evaluation 249

Harald Niederreiter (Vienna, Austria)
Factorization of Polynomials and Some Linear-Algebra
Problems Over Finite Fields 301

Barry W. Peyton (Oak Ridge, Tennessee), Alex Pothen
(Waterloo, Ontario, Canada), and Xiaoqing Yuan
(North York, Ontario, Canada)
Partitioning a Chordal Graph Into Transitive Subgraphs
for Parallel Sparse Triangular Solution 329

K. W. Roggenkamp (Stuttgart, Germany) and L. L. Scott
(Charlottesville, Virginia)
Automorphisms and Nonalbelian Cohomology: An Algorithm 355

List of All Speakers and Titles at the Conference
``Computational Linear Algebra in Algebraic and Related 
Problems'' 383

Author Index 387



Eduardo Marques de Sa (Coimbra, Portugal) and Maria-Jose Sodupe (Bilbao,
Espana) Characterizations of *Orthant-Monotonic Norms 1

Gerhard Schmeisser (Erlangen, Germany)
A Real Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix With a Given Characteristic
Polynomial 11

Dietrich von Rosen (Uppsala, Sweden)
Homogeneous Matrix Equations and Multivariate Linear Models 19

John A. Kaliski and Yinyu Ye (Iowa City, Iowa)
An Extension of the Potential Reduction Algorithm for Linear
Complementarity Problems With Some Priority Goals 35

Zinovy Reichstein (Berkeley, California)
On Automorphisms of Matrix Invariants Induced From the Trace Ring 51

Karla Rost (Chemnitz, Germany)
Generalized Lyapunov Equations, Matrices With Displacement
Structure, and Generalized Bezoutians 75

M. C. Gouveia (Coimbra, Portugal)
Generalized Invertibility of Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices 95

L. J. Landau and R. F. Streater (London, England)
On Birkhoff's Theorem for Doubly Stochastic Completely Positive
Maps of Matrix Algebras 107

Karlheinz Grochenig (Storrs, Connecticut)
A Discrete Theory of Irregular Sampling 129

Karla Rost (Chemnitz, Germany)
Generalized Companion Matrices and Matrix Representations for
Generalized Bezoutians 151

Vlad Ionescu and Martin Weiss (Bucharest, Romania)
Continuous and Discrete-Time Riccati Theory: A Popov-Function
Approach 173

R. Kit Kittappa (Millersville, Pennsylvania)
A Representation of the Solution of the nth Order Linear
Difference Equation With Variable Coefficients 211

Author Index 223


Special Issues in Progress

1. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Linear Algebra 
Society at Lisbon; special editors are J. A. Dias da Silva, Chi-Kwong Li, and 
Graciano de Oliveira. To appear as Volume 197, January 15, 1994. 

2. Special Issue Honoring Ingram Olkin: special editors are Friedrich 
Pukelsheim, George P. H. Styan, Henry Wolkowicz, and Ion Zaballa. To appear as 
Volume 199, March 1, 1994. 

3. Special Issue Honoring Marvin Marcus; special editors are Bryan E. Cain, 
Moshe Goldberg, Robert Grone, and Nicholas J. Higham. Submission deadline: 
December 31, 1992. Details in Volume 161, January 15, 1992. 

4. Linear Systems and Control, Third Special Issue; special editors are A. C. 
Antoulas, P. A. Fuhrmann, M. L. J. Hautus, and Y. Yamamoto. Submission 
deadline: November 30, 1992. Details in Volumes 162-164, February 1992. 

5. Special Issue Honoring Chandler Davis; special editors are Rajendra Bhatia, 
Shmuel Friedland, and Peter Rosenthal. Submission deadline: March 31, 1993. 
Details in Volume 169, May 1992. 

6. Proceedings of the Third Conference of the International Linear Algebra 
Society at Pensacola; special editors are Dianne P. O'Leary, Leiba Rodman, and 
Helene Shapiro. Submission deadline: June 30, 1993. Details provided with the 
conference announcement. 

7. Proceedings of the conference ``Matrices and Graphs'' in honor of John 
Maybee's 65th birthday, held at Boulder, Colorado, May 7, 8, 1993. Special 
editors: C. R. Johnson and J. R. Lundgren. Submission deadline: August 31, 
1993. Details provided with the conference announcement. 

8. Fourth Special Issue on Linear Algebra and Statistics; special editors are 
Jeffrey J. Hunter, Simo Puntanen, and George P. H. Styan. Submission deadline: 
June 30, 1993. Details in Volume 177, December 1992. 

9. Proceedings of the workshop ``Nonnegative Matrices, Applications and 
Generalizations'' and the Eighth Haifa Matrix Theory conference held at Haifa, 
Israel, May 31-June 4 and June 7-June 10, 1993, respectively. Special editors: 
S. Friedland, D. Hershkowitz, and R. Loewy. Submission deadline: September 15, 
1993. Details provided with the conference announcement. 

10. Special Issue Honoring Miroslav Fiedler and Vlastimil Ptak; special 
editors are Wayne Barrett, Angelika Bunse-Gerstner, and Nicholas Young. 
Submission deadline: August 31, 1993. Details in Volume 179. 

11. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the International Linear Algebra 
Society at Rotterdam; special editors are Harm Bart, Ludwig Elsner, and Andre 
Ran. Submission deadline November 30, 1994. Details provided with the 
conference announcement. 

12. Special issue honoring J. J. Seidel; special editors are Aart Blokhuis, 
Willem H. Haemers and Alan J. Hoffman. Submission deadline: August 30, 1994. 
Details in Volume 193, November 1, 1993. 

Special issues are available to individuals at a reduced rate. For further 
information, please contact Yusuf Guvenc, Journals Customer Service, Elsevier 
Science Publishing Co., 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010; Tel. 
212-633-3955; Fax 212-633-3990.
contributed by: tate@siam.org

SIAM Review
Table of Contents, Vol. 35, No. 4, December 1993


On the Early History of the Singular Value Decomposition
G.W. Stewart

On the Stem Curve of a Tall Palm in a Strong Wind
Donald P. Winter

An Equilibrium Theory of Dislocation Continua
A.K. Head, S.D. Howison, J.R. Ockendon, and S.P. Tighe

Propagation of an Electromagnetic Field Through a Planar Slab
Harry E. Moses and Reese T. Prosser

Classroom Notes in Applied Mathematics

Problems and Solutions

Book Reviews


Author Index

contributed by: H. Nijmeijer & A.J. van der Schaft 

Special Issue, International Journal of
Robust and Nonlinear Control

During the last two decades nonlinear systems and control theory
has witnessed a tremendous development. Key issues which have been
addressed include nonlinear controllability and observability,
nonlinear decoupling, feedback linearization, tracking and regulation,
feedback stabilization, nonlinear optimal control, and more recently
nonlinear adaptive and H-inf. control. The potential applicability
of this theory has already been demonstrated in various areas of 
applications. Especially the area of control of mechanical systems
has proved to be excellent playground for modern nonlinear control theory. 
Convincing examples include the control of wheel-controlled carts and
trailers (attitude) control of (interconnected) rigid bodies and the control
of robotic manipulators. Very interesting features of this area are
the interplay with mechanics together with its notions of stability,
symmetry, reduction, bifurcation etc., as well as the possibility for 
physical interpretation of the obtained control laws. This latter fact
can hopefully contribute to bridging the gap with engineering practice.
The aim of this special issue is to promote and stimulate this rapidly
expanding area of research, and make it more accessible to a large
audience. Especially sollicited are papers which survey recent 
developments, as well as papers devoted to fundamental research and 
applications in this area.
Contributors should send their manuscripts of at most 25-30 pages
following the Journal-instructions directly to the Guest Editors:
H. Nijmeijer & A.J. van der Schaft
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Twente
PO Box 217
7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Fax: +31-53-340733

Time schedule:   
           Now: Call for papers
           May 1, 1994: Deadline for submission
           May-July 1994: Reviewing and Revisions
Estimated Publication date: January 1995.

Marja Langkamp
University of Twente,                        
Dept. Appl. Mathematics,                   
P.O. Box 217,                             
7500 AE ENSCHEDE.                        
The Netherlands.                        
Tel    : +31 (53) 89 3370
Fax    : +31 (53) 34 0733                
E-mail : M.Langkamp@math.utwente.nl 

contributed by: tate@siam.org

Table of Contents
SIAM J. Math. Anal., January 1994, Vol. 25, No. 1

On Nonstationary Motion of a Compressible Barotropic Viscous Capillary Fluid
Bounded by a Free Surface
W.M. Zajaczkowski

Solutions for Two Dimensional System for Materials of Korteweg Type
Harumi Hattori and Dening Li

Instability of Planar Interfaces in Reaction Diffusion Systems
Masaharu Taniguchi and Yasumasa Nishiura

Tikhonov Regularization for Finitely and Infinitely Smoothing Operators
B.A. Mair

Regularizing Microscopes and Rivers
Marc Diener

A New Standard Isometry of Developable Surfaces in CAD/CAM
Erwin Kreyszig

Existence of a Homoclinic Orbit of the Lorenz System by Precise Shooting
Brian Hassard and Jianhe Zhang

The Addition Formula for Continuous q-Legendre Polynomials and Associated
Spherical Elements on the SU(2) Quantum Group Related to Askey-Wilson 
H.T. Koelink

Basic Hypergeometric Functions and the Borel-Weil Construction for UQ(3)
M.A. Lohe and L.C. Biedenharn

Contributed by: eleleeth@nusvm.bitnet

                        FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS

                    Journal of Systems Engineering


Papers are solicited for a special issue of the Journal of Systems
Engineering covering the multidisciplinary area of *Motion Control
Systems* to be published in September 1994. The special issue will cover
all aspects of motion control systems. Topics of special interest
include, but are not limited to, the following:

     *Intelligent Motion and Motor Drive Systems
     *Adaptation and Learning in Motion Systems
     *Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Expert Systems in Motion Control
     *Intelligent Sensors and Actuators (for Motion Control)
     *Motion and Force Control
     *Other related topics in Robotics and Industrial Drives

Papers concerned with new developments in the above topics which are
supported by *both* theoretical analysis and real-time experimental
results are particularly encouraged. To be considered for the Special
Issue, prospective authors should submit 4 copies of their complete
manuscript by 15 December 1993 to the Guest Editor:

     Dr. T. H. Lee
     Guest Editor, Journal of Systems Engineering
     Special Issue on Motion Control Systems
     Department of Electrical Engineering
     National University of Singapore
     10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 0511

Detailed Instructions for Authors are available from:

     Dr. T. H. Lee
     E-mail: eleleeth@nusvm.bitnet

*                                        *
*              Conferences               *
*                                        *

contributed by: R. Ortega and R. Lozano 

                      TECHNIQUES IN CONTROL THEORY 

NOVEMBER 25-26, 1993

This is a two day tutorial workshop aimed at providing researchers,
students and potential users of this theory with a tutorial account
of its latest developments. It will consist of four tutorial talks 
of 4 hours with the following speakers and topics: 

Robust Control of Linear Systems: An I/O Approach. 
K. Poolla, (Univ. California, Berkeley)

Nonlinear State Space H-infinity Control Theory. 
A. van der Schaft, (Univ. Twente)

Applications of Input-Output Techniques in Robotics, 
Adaptive Control and Stabilization Problems. 
R. Lozano and R. Ortega, (Univ. Compiegne)

Dissipative Dynamical Systems
D. Hill (Univ. of Newcastle)

The registration fee is 600FF, and includes the technical sessions 
and one copy of the Workshop Proceedings.

Advance registration is possible sending a money order to: 
Agent Comptable du CNRS-Lille, 
33 Av Charles Saint Venant
59800 Lille, FRANCE
 CCP Lille 20041 01005 0570535 S 02608.

For further information you may contact:

Romeo Ortega
Universite de Technologie de Compiegne
Genie Informatique
BP  649-60206, Compiegne, FRANCE
Tel: (33)44-23-44-79, FAX: (33)44-23-44-77

contributed by: flores@siam.org

          Fifth SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
          June 15-18, 1994
          Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort
          Snowbird, Utah

          Organized by Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
          Sponsored by SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra

          The Call for Papers is on press now. To obtain a copy, or if
          you wish to have the E-Mail version of it, contact SIAM now!
          E-Mail:  meetings@siam.org
          Fax:     215-386-7999
          Telephone: 215-382-9800, Extensions 331 and 332.

contributed by: Juan A. de la Puente 

  |                                                                |
  |                      12th IFAC Workshop on                     |
  |                                                                |
  |              DISTRIBUTED COMPUTER CONTROL SYSTEMS              |
  |                                                                |
  |                             DCCS'94                            |
  |                                                                |
  |              Toledo, Spain, 28--30 September, 1994             |
  |                                                                |
  |              FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS            |
  |                                                                |

International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Technical Committee on

Chair:   Prof. M.G. Rodd
         University of Wales, Swansea SA2 8PP
         United Kingdom
         E-mail: eerodd@pyr.swan.ac.uk

Members: A. Bondavalli  (Italy)   A. Burns      (United Kingdom)
         A. Crespo      (Spain)   F. Cristian   (USA
         F. DePaoli     (Italy)   M. A. Inamoto (Japan)
         H. Kopetz      (Austria) W.H. Kwon     (Korea)
         G. Le Lann     (France)  I. MacLeod    (South Africa)
         A. Mok         (USA)     L. Motus      (Estonia)
         S. Narita      (Japan)   D. Powell     (France)
         R. Puigjaner   (Spain)   K. Ramamrithan(USA)
         R. Reyero      (Spain)   G. Suski      (USA)
         T. Williams    (USA)     G. Zhao       (Singapore)

General Chair: Prof. J.A. de la Puente   
               ETSI Telecomunicacion
               Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
               E-28040 Madrid, Spain
               E-mail: jpuente@gic.tat.upm.es

Members: A. Alonso                S. Dormido 
         A. Jimenez               J.A. Cerrada 

The Workshop will consist of formal presentations, discussion and
informal meetings covering recent advances and current issues in theory,
applications, and technology of distributed computer control systems.
The topics to be covered include, but are not restricted to:
 * The role of real-time in DCSS specifications.
 * Analysis and design methods for DCCS, including
   software design methods for predictable behaviour.
 * Scheduling methods for DCCS.
 * Real-time distributed operating systems and databases.
 * Real-time communication system architectures.
 * Current and future impact of advanced computer system architectures.
 * Testing and validation of DCCS, including timing properties.
 * Dependability issues of DCCS.
 * Industrial applications and experience with DCCS.

Attendance will be limited by invitation to a maximum of 60 participants.
Preference will be given to those who submit abstracts or express
interest in organising specific sessions or panel discussions.

Participants are requested to register in advance not later than 
30 June 1994.

Toledo is located 70 km south of Madrid. It can be easily reached by
train or motor car from Madrid.

English will be the working language for the workshop and will be used
for all printed material, presentations and discussions. No simultaneous
translation will be provided.

Offers of papers are welcomed from individuals and groups on the topics
outlined above.  Five copies of an extended abstract (1000--2000 words)
should be received by the workshop secretariat not later than 1 March
1994. Please include e-mail and fax number with the author's address.

The invitations to the Workshop will be based on the assessment of the
extended abstracts by the Programme Committee. The abstracts should
outline the contribution that the author intends to make at the

Full papers are to be prepared according to the instructions that will
be sent to the authors together with the letter of invitation.

Accepted papers must be presented in person at the Workshop.

Each registered participant will be provided with a copy of the preprint
volume including all accepted papers.

The copyright of all accepted papers is automatically transferred to
IFAC. Papers published in IFAC preprint volumes will also be considered
for publication in the IFAC Journals Automatica and Control Engineering
Practice , which have priority access to all such material.

DCCS'94 is an IFAC event organized by CEA-IFAC, the Spanish National
Member Organization of IFAC, with the support of:
  Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.
  Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia.
  Fundacion  Universidad-Empresa.

All correspondence should be addressed to:

DCCS'94 Secretariat  
Fundacion  Universidad-Empresa 
Serrano Jover, 5-7  
E-28015 Madrid, Spain

Tel: +34 1 542 9003 
Fax: +34 1 547 0652 
E-mail: dccs94@gic.tat.upm.es

                            IMPORTANT DATES

  Extended abstracts due by ......................  1 March 1994 
  Selection and invitation ....................... 15 May   1994 
  Registration ................................... 30 June  1994 
  Full papers due by ............................. 30 June  1994 
  Workshop ............................... 28--30 September 1994 

The 2nd IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Real
Time Control (AIRTC'94) will be held in Valencia,  3-5 October, 1994 .

  DCCS'94   Reply form  

  Please send this form before 1 March 1994

Name: ______________________________________ First name: ________________

Position: _______________________________________________________________

Organization: ___________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________



Postal Code: ______________City: ________________________________________

Country: ________________________________________________________________

Fax:      __________________________ Phone: _____________________________

E-mail:  ________________________________________________________________

   |_| I am planning to attend the DCCS'94 Workshop
   |_| I intend to submit an abstract. 
       Preliminary title:



contributed by: Bruce Francis (francis@control.utoronto.ca)

Announcement of a conference entitled 


George Zames will turn 60 on January 7, 1994.  To celebrate this event, we 
are organizing a two-day conference with the above title, three themes on 
which George has made fundamental contributions.  The conference will be 
held on Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7, 1994, at McGill University in
Montreal.  The general chair is Pierre Belanger and the local organizer
is Peter Caines.  The conference is sponsored by the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council and by the Canadian Institute for Advanced

The format is that there will be four half-day sessions, all plenary, by 
invited distinguished researchers.  There will be a banquet on the Saturday
evening.  The following speakers are confirmed:

        M.   Athans            S.   Mitter
        J.   Baras             A.S. Morse 
        R.   Brockett          J.B. Pearson
        P.   Caines            K.   Poolla
        M.A. Dahleh            M.   Safonov
        E.J. Davison           M.   Smith
        J.C. Doyle             E.   Sontag
        T.   Georgiou          L.Y. Wang
        P.P. Khargonekar       J.C. Willems
        R.H. Kwong

The conference is open to anyone who would like to attend.  Information
concerning hotels etc. will be announced at a later date.

If you wish to register for the conference, please contact either of us.
There is no registration fee.

                        Bruce Francis (francis@control.utoronto.ca)
                        Allen Tannenbaum (tannenba@ee.umn.edu)

contributed by: Peter B. Luh, 

                                Call for Papers

     International Working Conference on Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems

                                Call for Papers


                        International Working Conference on


                                June 15 - 17, 1994

                            University of Keele, England


CKBS'94, the second International Working Conference on Cooperating 
Knowledge Based Systems (CKBS) will be held, from June 15 to 17 
(Wednesday to Friday) in 1994 at the University of Keele. A special 
emphasis will be placed this year on a CKBS approach to intelligent 
manufacturing systems, but papers from other areas are also invited.

The objective of the CKBS series of conferences is to bring the 
researchers from Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI), Distributed 
Databases (DDB) and industry together to discuss issues and solutions of 
real-world problems that are inherently distributed. Such problems can 
benefit from a CKBS type approach, which amalgamate ideas from DAI 
and DDB for high-performance and robust solutions. Examples of 
interesting application domains are: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, 
Air-traffic Control, Telecommunications Network Management, 
Distributed Sensor Networks, Distributed Decision-making Systems, 
Distributed Banking Systems, Distributed Office Procedures, Distributed 
Fault Diagnosis. 

CKBS'94 is the successor to CKBS'90 which was held at Keele in 1990, 
and in which both DAI and DDB researchers participated. CKBS'90 was 
considered by the attendees to be very successful and led to the 
formation of the International Special Interest Group CKBS-SIG, which is 
managed by the DAKE Centre at Keele.

Conference Themes

For CKBS'94, we have selected the application domain of intelligent 
manufacturing systems (IMS) as a special theme, because of a growing 
need for a CKBS approach in many areas of this field, such as agent-
based and flexible manufacturing, concurrent engineering design and 
knowledge and systems integration for manufacturing. A number of 
Programme Committee members are researchers in the IMS area. It is 
hoped that the conference will provide a forum for the cross-
fertilisation of ideas leading to better solutions of CKBS problems in the 
various branches of IMS and other application domains.

Finally, despite our special focus on research in intelligent 
manufacturing systems, we invite papers from other application 
domains as well. In fact we may run in the conference different 
streams, one for the research related to intelligent manufacturing and 
other(s) for the other domains, depending on the number of quality 
papers received. If necessary, the conference could be extended to 
Saturday, June 18. 

Topics of Interest

We seek not only papers from completed research work, but also papers 
on novel ideas even if the work is not yet complete. In addition, we 
would also like to see papers describing industrial problems of interest. 

It may be observed here that the CKBS research distinguishes itself 
from the traditional multi-agent research by having a stronger 
emphasis on real-world problems, where issues such as performance, 
reliability, consistency, organisational constraints, security and end-user 
facility are important. The conference wishes to address three 
important (though not necessarily disjoint) areas which should comprise 
the CKBS technology of the future: (i) techniques, (ii) applications, and 
(iii) systems infrastructures - the latter providing the essential core 
technologies for the support of CKBS applications and techniques. A 
partial list of topics of interest to this conference is:

CKBS Techniques

* Agent Modelling
* Representations of Knowledge, Beliefs, Behaviours, Reasonings and Learning 
* Planning, Task Decomposition and Scheduling 
* Cooperation, Coordination and Negotiation 
* Result Integration and Disparity Management 
* Preferences and Constraints Propagation 
* Coherence and Performance Optimisation 
* Languages and Communications Protocols 

Real-world Applications

* Application Requirements
* Experience with CKBS Applications
* Application Simulations
* CKBS Prototypes
* Imaginative Case Studies
* Cooperating and Active Databases
* Cooperative Transactions and User-interfaces 
* Cooperative Concurrent Design

Infrastructures for CKBS Applications

* Generalised Models and Architectures
* Interoperable Environments
* Directory Systems, Knowledge Consistency and Systems Integrity 
* Flexibility, Adaptability and Scalability 
* Systems Resilience, Reliability and Recovery 
* Systems Responsiveness and Reconfigurability 
* Systems Development Methodology
* System Development Shells and Tools

Inclusion of topics in different areas is meant to give a flavour, but not 
a definitive classification; also some topics can fit into more than one area. 

Submission and Selection

The list of topics cited above is only a guide; your paper need not belong 
to any of these topics, provided it falls in the general CKBS area 
explained earlier. If you have any doubt, please contact the address 
given below. 

Please submit an extended abstract, not exceeding 2000 words, to reach 
here by February 14, 1994. The abstract should include a 
comprehensive summary of the intended full paper to help evaluation. 
Email submission is preferred. If you intend to submit a poster on your 
work or project, or if you wish to demonstrate your system, please 
write to us (preferably by email), again by February 14. We shall make 
the necessary arrangements for you. 

As was in CKBS'90, papers will be accepted for presentation on the basis 
of extended abstracts, and will be selected again (full papers) - 
following their presentation at the conference - for publication as 
proceedings. A special feature of the conference will be the extensive 
discussion of ideas, for which specific time will be reserved for each 
presentation. The authors will have a chance to revise their papers 
before submission for the final selection, in the light of the comments 
received during the conference.

Further Information

CKBS'94 will be a fully residential conference, as was CKBS'90, giving 
greater opportunity for the delegates to get to know each other and 
more time for discussion and the exchange of ideas. 

Key Dates
* Abstracts (under 2000 words) by Feb 14, 1994. 
* Intention for Posters and Demonstrators by Feb 14, 1994. 

If you are interested to receive further information on this conference, 
please contact:

Prof. S.M. Deen.
DAKE Centre (Department of Computer Science), University of Keele, 
Keele, Staffs, ST5 5BG, England. Tel: +44 782 583076,   Fax: +44 782 713082
Email: deen@cs.keele.ac.uk

Programme Committee

        S. Misbah Deen [Chairman]

        Mohamed M. Bayoumi (Canada)     Cristiano Castelfranchi (Italy)
        Sharma Chakravarthy (USA)       Keith Clark (UK)        
        Daniel D. Corkill (USA)         Rose Dieng (France)     
        Jim Doran (UK)                  Edmund H. Durfee (USA)  
        Kari-Pekka Estola (Finland)     Brian Gaines (Canada)   
        David Griffiths (UK)            Michael Hatzopoulos (Greece) 
        Hans Haugender (Germany)        Michael N. Huhns (USA)  
        Ichiro Inasaki (Japan)          Toru Ishida (Japan)     
        V. Jagannathan (USA)            Paul Kearney (UK)       
        Larry Kerschberg (USA)          Stefan Kirn (Germany)   
        Mark Klein (USA)                Victor R. Lesser (USA)  
        Witold Litwin (France)          Peter B. Luh (USA)      
        E. H. Mamdani (UK)              Rainer Manthey (Germany)        
        Yoshio Matsumoto (Japan)        Rainer Mittmann (Germany) 
        Heinz Jurgen Mueller (Germany)  Erich J. Neuhold (Germany)
        Douglas H. Norrie (Canada)      H. Van Dyke Parunak (USA)
        Charles Petrie (USA)            Gunter Schlageter (Germany)
        Pierre-Yves Schobbens (Belgium) Evangelos Simoudis (USA)        
        Munindar P. Singh (USA)         Larry M. Stephens (USA)         
        Katia Sycara (USA)              Makoto Takizawa (Japan)         
        Shinsuke Tamura (Japan)         Edwin Van Leeuwen (Australia)


        DTI (Department of Trade and Industry, UK)              
        CEC ESPRIT (anticipated)

contributed by: wolfgang.halang@fernuni-hagen.de (Wolfgang Halang)

  |                                                                |
  |                   19th IFAC/IFIP Workshop on                   |
  |                                                                |
  |                     REAL TIME PROGRAMMING                      |
  |                                                                |
  |                            WRTP'94                             |
  |                                                                |
  |  Isle of Reichenau, Lake Constance, Germany, 22--24 June 1994  |
  |                                                                |
  |                                                                |
  |             FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS             |

International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC),
  Technical Committee on Computers, Working Group on Real Time Programming

International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP),
  Working Group 5.4 on Industrial Software Quality and Certification


Chair:    W.A. Halang
          FernUniversitaet, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
          D-58084 Hagen, Germany
          Tel.:   +49-2331-987-372
          Fax:    +49-2331-987-375
          E-mail: wolfgang.halang@fernuni-hagen.de

Members:  S. Bologna, I           M. Colnaric, SLO
          W. Ehrenberger, D       C. Heitmeyer, USA
          Ph. Laplante, USA       H. Lawson, S
          K. Man, HK              L. Motus, Estonia
          J. de la Puente, E      M. Rodd, GB
          W. Schaufelberger, CH   H. Schweinzer, A
          L. Simoncini, I         J. Skubich, F
          J. Szlanko, H           T. Szmuc, PL
          H. Wedde, D (Panel chair)


Chair:    K. Mangold, ATM Computer GmbH, Konstanz

Members:  R. Henn          H. Rzehak
          Th. Tempelmeier  H. Weber

A.D. Stoyenko, USA

The workshop will consist of formal presentations, discussions and
informal meetings covering recent advances and current issues in
theory, applications, and technology of real time programming. It
is to promote interaction among researchers and practitioners and
to evaluate the maturity of new directions in real time software.
The topics to be covered include, but are not restricted to:
 * Advances in real time programming languages
 * Requirements engineering methods for real time systems
 * Software design methods for predictable behaviour
 * Real time scheduling and resource management
 * Real time operating systems
 * Real time communication architectures, incl. MAP and Fieldbus
 * Verification and validation, esp. of timing properties
 * Dependability issues
 * Industrial applications and experience
 * Evaluation of current real time systems
 * Real time (control) systems coping with challenging time constraints

The submission of extended abstracts (800 -- 1200 words) is invited.
They should address the topics outlined above and focus on insights and
lessons gained from recent research and practical experience. Position
papers describing new ideas, promising approaches, and work in progress
are considered particularly appropriate. The abstracts should outline
the contribution that the author intends to make at the Workshop. The
submitted texts are to be sent by electronic mail in the form of plain
ASCII files, i.e., without any mark-up. If e-mail is not available,
plain ASCII files may be mailed on MS-DOS diskettes.

The full papers have to be prepared according to the instructions
(using a certain LaTeX style and electronic submission) that will
be sent to the authors together with the notification of acceptance.
Accepted papers must be presented in person at the Workshop.

Hardbound proceedings will be published in advance by Pergamon Press
and provided to each registered participant at the workshop site.
The best papers will be selected for publication in a special issue
of the new IFAC journal "Control Engineering Practice". The copyright
of all accepted papers is automatically transferred to IFAC.

Attendance will be limited to approx. 60 active workers in the field.
Participants are requested to register in advance not later than
28 February 1994.

The Reichenau is an island in Lake Constance, the latter being shared by
Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The island can easily be reached by
frequent boat services from Konstanz, which is also the closest major
train station. The most conveniently located and nearest international
airport is Zurich. There are frequent train departures from the station
located in the airport to Konstanz.

English will be the working language of the workshop and will
be used for the proceedings, the presentations and discussions.
No simultaneous translation will be provided.

All correspondence should be addressed to the IPC chairman.
Electronic mail should be used whenever possible.

  Extended abstracts due by ................... 31 December 1993
  Notification of acceptance ................... 31 January 1994
  Registration ................................ 28 February 1994
  Full papers due by ............................. 15 March 1994
  Workshop .................................... 22--24 June 1994

contributed by: JULIA@onr-hq.navy.mil

                      *** CALL FOR PAPERS ***
                Data Compression Conference (DCC '94)

             (Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society TCCC
                  in Cooperation with NASA/CESDIS)

                         Snowbird, Utah
                      March 29 - 31, 1994

GENERAL CHAIR: J. Storer, Brandeis U.
PROGRAM CHAIR: M. Cohn, Brandeis U.

A. Apostolico, Purdue/Padova
J. Abrahams, ONR
R. Arps, IBM
R. Baker, PictureTel Inc.
A. Bookstein, U. Chicago
M. Cohn, Brandeis U.
R. Gray, Stanford U.
D. Hirschberg, UC Irvine
G. Langdon, UC Santa Cruz
A. Lempel, Technion
B. Lucier, Purdue U.
J. Reif, Duke U.
D. Renner, TRW
E. Riskin, U. Washington
K. Rose, UCSB
D. Sheinwald, IBM
J. Storer, Brandeis U.
J. Tilton, NASA
M. Vetterli, UC Berkeley
J. Vitter, Duke U.
I. Witten, U. Waikato
X. Wu, U. W. Ontario
J. Ziv, Technion

THEME:  An international forum for current work on data compression and
related areas.  Topics of interest include but are not limited to:  Coding
theory, quantization theory, parallel compression algorithms and hardware,
lossless and lossy compression algorithms for specific types of data
(including text, images, video, speech, music, maps, instrument data,
graphics, animation, and bit-maps), data compression standards, bi-level
coding, transform methods, wavelet and fractal techniques, string searching
and manipulation, closest-match retrieval, theory of minimal length encoding
and applications to learning, system issues relating to data compression
(including error control, data security, and indexing), medical imagery,
scientific and space data.

SUBMISSION:  Authors are requested to send by mail (NOT fax or email) four
copies of an extended abstract of 8 to 10 pages (please include your
affiliation, address, phone number, fax number, and email address) by
November 15, 1993 to:

Prof. Martin Cohn
Computer Science Department
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA  02254
(phone: 617-736-2705, email: marty@cs.brandeis.edu)

NOTIFICATION:  Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection via email
(or fax if necessary) on 12/15/93.  A final camera-ready draft is due 1/14/94.

ADVANCE REGISTRATION:  Includes registration reception (Monday evening),
poster session reception (Wednesday afternoon), coffee breaks, and
proceedings. The fee is $325 for IEEE or affiliate members, $395 for
non-members, and $250 for students (ID's will be required); there is an
additional $100 late fee for all registrations after 2/15/94. For additional
information, call Myrna Fox, 617-736-2700.

HOTEL: Special air fares are available from Delta Airlines; call 800-241-6760
(File. No. HO562). May be reached by taxi, limousine, or public bus from the
Salt Lake City Airport.  Space is limited; rooms may NOT be available after
2/1/94. Rooms are $46 per person double and $91 single; student dorm rooms
are $25 per person.  Call the Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, UT 84092, 800-453-3000
or 801-742-2222.

WORKSHOPS:  An industrial applications workshop will be held on Friday
(contact Rob Renner, 310-812-4868, renner@spf.trw.com) and a NASA workshop
will be held on Saturday (contact Jim Tilton, 301-286-9510,

                        DCC REGISTRATION FORM






IEEE MEMBER:  NO___    YES___ (membership no. ____________)

STUDENT:  NO___   YES ___ (ID's will be required at registration)


MAIL TO: DCC Regisatration
         Computer Science Dept.
         Brandeis University
         Waltham, MA 02254

Payment is non-refundable and must be a check to DCC that is

contributed by: Floyd B. Hanson 
                    Conference on Control and Information
                               Summer 1995
                        Preliminary Announcement

We are writing to solicit your support for the Conference on Control and
Information to be held in Beijing, People's Republic of China during the
summer of 1995, tentatively during the first week of June 1995, or soon 
after.  This conference will be jointly organized with the Institute of 
Systems Science, Academia Sinica.  The theme of the conference will cover 
a wide spectrum of topics in following main areas:

                             Automatic Control
                             System Theory
                             Information Theory

Some particular suggested areas include 

   Adaptive Control, Advanced Methods for Control, Algebraic-Geometric
   Methods for Control, Biomedical Control, Communication Network Control, 
   Fuzzy Logic Control, Optimal Filtering, Nonlinear Filtering, H-infinity 
   Control, Intelligent Control, Parallel Computational Control, Robotics, 
   Robust Control, Stochastic Control.

   Expert Systems, Failure Detection and Diagnosis, Distributed Systems, 
   Hybrid Systems, Hierarchical Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Intelligent 
   Systems, System Identification.

   Signal Processing, Data Compression, Information Network Analysis, 
   Neural Networks, Performance Evaluation, Wavelet Analysis.

   Applications:  Aerospace, Industrial and Manufacturing, Marine Navigation,
   Multimedia Communications, Satellite Communications, Telecommunications,
   Transportation, Image Denoising.

We hope to obtain co-sponsorship of the conference by the IEEE, along with
support from other agencies.  We would like to request your support for our
efforts, stimulate your interest in participating and give you sufficient
time for long range planning.

Please contact one of the organizers for further information or for passing 
along suggestions for the conference.

Stephen S. Yau, University of Illinois at Chicago, Stephen.S.Yau@uic.edu
Wing S. Wong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, wswong@ie.cuhk.hk
              (formerly at AT&T Bell Labs, New Jersey)
Allen R. Tannenbaum, University of Minnesota, tannenba@ee.umn.edu
John Baillieul, Boston University, johnb@buenga.bu.edu
Enping Wang, Institute of System Science, Academia Sinica, PRC
Lei Guo, Institute of System Science, Academia Sinica, PRC
Floyd B. Hanson, University of Illinois at Chicago, hanson@math.uic.edu

contributed by:  B. Ross Barmish 
                 Christopher V. Hollot 
                 Roberto Tempo 

                        TUTORIAL WORKSHOP



         B. Ross Barmish, University of Wisconsin-Madison  
     Christopher V. Hollot, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
           Roberto Tempo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

             1993 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
                        San Antonio, Texas
              Monday and Tuesday, December 13--14, 1993

This workshop has two primary objectives.  The first is to overview
a number of developments in the robust control area which were sparked  by
Kharitonov's four polynomial result. The second objective is to explain
these results within the unified framework of value sets.  One of the
highlights of the workshop will be ``extreme point results'' for stability
analysis of control systems. That is, we give conditions under which one can
infer that various performance specifications are robustly satisfied by
checking if they are satisfied on a distinguished subset of ``extreme

                        Workshop Schedule 
 8:00 -  8:30  Preliminaries:  Models and Parametric Uncertainty

 8:30 -  9:00  Uncertainty Structures and Robustness

 9:00 - 10:00  Robust Stability with a Single Parameter

10:00 - 11:00  Kharitonov's Theorem

11:00 - 12:00  Embellishments of Kharitonov's Theorem

12:00 -  2:00  Lunch

 2:00 -  3:00  The Value Set Concept

 3:00 -  4:00  Affine Linear Uncertainty Structures

 4:00 -  5:00  The Edge Theorem

 5:00 -  6:00  The Convex Direction Theorem


 8:00 -  9:00  Schur Stability and Kharitonov Regions

 9:00 - 10:00  Spherical Polynomial Families

10:00 - 11:00  Multilinear Uncertainty - Interval Matrices

11:00 - 12:00  The Spectral Set and the Robust Root Locus

12:00 -  2:00  Lunch

 2:00 -  3:00  Robust Stabilization with First Order Compensators

 3:00 -  4:00  Robust Gain and Phase Margins

 4:00 -  5:00  Parametric H-infinity and SPR Problems

 5:00 -  6:00  Concluding Remarks and Discussion

*                                        *
*               THE END                  *
*                                        *