E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 60, July 23, 1993


E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995        

           Siep Weiland          
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582        

Welcome to this E-letter number 60 !!


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals                    Carlos de Souza
                                     Vincent Blondel

3.      General announcements        Nominations George Polya Prize
                                     White house electronic addresses
                                     Internal Reports SISTA
                                     Course on Numerical Methods in Control, 
                                        Signal and Image Processing

4.      Positions                    United Technologies Research Center
                                     Postdoc at University of Newcastle,

5.      Books                        Discrete event systems: modeling
                                       and control
6.      Journals:                    Call for papers, Neural Networks for
                                     Table of Contents Automatica
                                     Table of Contents IEEE Trans. on Automatic
                                     Special issue on data fusion techniques and
                                        applications in Control Engineering 
7.      Conferences:
                                     1993 American Control Conference 
                                     1994 American control Conference  
                                     31-st Allerton Conference on Communication,
                                        Control and Computing
                                     Int. Symp. of Young Investigators on
                                     Int. Conf. on Control Theory and its 
                                     IFAC Workshop on Integrating AI/KBS in 
                                        Process Control

*                                        *
*              Editorial                 *
*                                        *

The next issue of E-letter will appear around September 1. 
Please send contributions before this date. 

We remind you about a few changes:

1) Contributions have to be sent to the following E-mail address:

   It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we 
   use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the 
   next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please 
   respect the maximum length of 10Kb per contribution. 

2) You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message to 
   ELETTER@WIN.TUE.NL carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You will
   be automatically included in our mailing list.
   To unsubscribe from this list just send an (empty) e-mail message to 
   ELETTER@WIN.TUE.NL carrying the subject 'remove', 'delete' or 

   If your address changed first unsubscribe (using your old E-mail address) 
   and then subscribe again (using your new E-mail address). If you can't use 
   your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to 
   ELETTER-REQUEST@WIN.TUE.NL and your old address will be removed manually.

   In case of any problems please send an E-mail to ELETTER-REQUEST@WIN.TUE.NL
   and we wil try to resolve the problem.

3) Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an (empty)
   e-mail message to  ELETTER@WIN.TUE.NL carrying the subject 'info' or
   via finger command: finger eletter@wsbs08.bs.win.tue.nl

4) If you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you 
   wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching 
   for the string: *.**

We regard it as a positive development that reports are made available
electronically via anonymous ftp. Although the ftp-addresses can be announced
in the E-letter, we prefer to no longer include an overview of the reports that
are available. These can be easily included as an INDEX file, also available via
ftp. Moreover, these lists are often quite lengthy and in order to keep the size
of the E-letter reasonable we need to make choices. 

Finally, please take note of the fact that the IEEE Review Chair for the 1994
ACC has changed. See the corresponding item in this E-letter.

*                                        *
*              Personals                 *
*                                        *

contributed by: Carlos E. de Souza

             Change of Address

My sabbatical leave at the Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble,
France, has ended and my address reverted to:

Dr. Carlos E. de Souza
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
The University of Newcastle
N.S.W. 2308

email: eeced@cc.newcastle.edu.au
Fax  : (61) (49) 601 712
Tel. : (61) (49) 512 697

contributed by: V. Blondel (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium)

Starting September 1st I will be at the Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm (KTH) for a one year postdoctoral position.
My new address:
KTH, Department of Mathematics
Optimization and Systems Theory
S-100 44 Stockholm


*                                        *
*        General announcements           *
*                                        *

contributed by: Allison Bogardo, SIAM 

                         CALL FOR NOMINATIONS


                          GEORGE POLYA PRIZE

The Polya Prize

SIAM will present the award at the 1994 SIAM Annual Meeting in San Diego,
California, July 25-29.  The award honors the memory of George Polya and will
be given for a notable contribution in one of the following areas:
approximation theory, complex analysis, number theory, orthogonal polynomials,
probability theory, or mathematical discovery and learning.


There are no restrictions except that the prize is broadly intended to
recognize specific work.

Description of the Award

The award will consist of an engraved medal and a $20,000 cash prize. 


A letter of nomination, including description of achievement(s), should be
sent by August 1, 1993, to:

                Professor Richard A. Askey
                Chair, Polya Prize Committee
                c/o Allison Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                Telephone: (215) 382-9800
                Fax:       (215) 386-7999
                E-mail:    bogardo@siam.org

contributed by: sontag@control.rutgers.edu (Eduardo Sontag)


Please don't send junk-mail to these (they get enough of that), but if you do
have something to tell them...:

president@whitehouse.gov (President Clinton)
vice.president@whitehouse.gov (Vice President Gore)

Note: these addresses are real, and they work.  If you send them mail, you
should get an immediate electronic acknowledgement of receipt.

One issue that may interest you is that there have been suggestions that
academic people in the US should start paying for using email (it is now
subsidized).  If this happens, it would have a very negative impact on
worldwide scientific use of email (and surely other governments would then
attempt to use the precedent to start charging as well).  You may want to send
a note to VP Gore (he is the one mainly interested in the issue of the
"electronic highways of the future") explaining why *free* email access is so
important to scientific and technological research.


contributed by: Geert.Schelfhout@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

The following list of internal reports of the research group SISTA are
available by anonymous ftp.

SISTA (Signals, Identification, System Theory and Automation) is the control
and SP group of the division ESAT (Electronics, Systems, Automation, 
Technology) of the department of Electrical Engineering 
of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

The reports can be obtained from gate.esat.kuleuven.ac.be (
Please type your email address at the password prompt.
The reports of a researcher of ESAT/SISTA are stored in a directory 
pub/SISTA//reports, where  is the first author's name.
Each 'reports' directory contains a file ABSTRACTS containing some information 
about each filed report, including an abstract. The documents are in
compressed postscript.

FILES:          pub/SISTA/demoor/reports/davidtllssyscont.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Bart De Moor, Johan David 
TITLE:          Total linear least squares and the algebraic
                Riccati equation 
STATUS:         System & Control Letters, Volume 18, 5, pp.329-337, May 1992

FILES:          pub/SISTA/demoor/reports/lasfinal.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Bart De Moor 
TITLE:          The singular value decomposition and long and 
                short spaces of noisy matrices.  
STATUS:         To be published in IEEE Transactions on Signal 
                Processing, 1993.

FILES:          pub/SISTA/demoor/reports/kak.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Bart De Moor 
TITLE:          Numerical Algorithms for State Space Subspace 
                System Identification 
STATUS:         To be published in the Proc. of the Koninklijke Akademie
                voor Wetenschappen, Belgie (Royal Academy of 
                Sciences, Belgium) 

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/89-13J.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Moonen M., Van Dooren P., Vandewalle J.
TITLE:          An SVD updating algorithm for subspace tracking
STATUS:         To appear in SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 13, No. 4, 1992.

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/89-013J.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Moonen M., Van Dooren P., Vandewalle J.
TITLE:          A systolic array for SVD updating
STATUS:         To appear in SIAM J.  Matrix Anal. Appl, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1993.

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/90-39J.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Moonen M., Vandewalle J.
TITLE:          A systolic array for recursive least squares computations
STATUS:         To appear in IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, February 1993.

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/89-27J.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Moonen M.
TITLE:          Implementing the Square-Root Information Kalman Filter on a 
                Jacobi-Type Systolic Array
STATUS:         To appear in Journal of VLSI Signal Processing

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/91-31J.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Moonen M.
TITLE:          Systolic MVDR Beamforming with Inverse Updating
STATUS:         To appear in IEE Proceedings F, Radar and Signal Processing

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/91-07J.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Moonen M., Ramos J.
TITLE:          A subspace algorithm for balanced state space system 
STATUS:         To appear in IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, August 1993.

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/92-31J.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        M. Moonen, P. Van Dooren, F. Vanpoucke
TITLE:          On the QR algorithm and updating the SVD and URV decomposition 
                in parallel

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/92-32J.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        M. Moonen, F. Vanpoucke, E. Deprettere
TITLE:          Parallel and adaptive high resolution direction finding

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/92-37C.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        M. Moonen
TITLE:          Systolic algorithms for adaptive signal processing
STATUS:         To appear in Proc. IMA Workshop `Linear Algebra for Signal 

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/93-12J.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Moonen M.
TITLE:          A systolic array for recursive least squares computations, Part 
                II~: Mapping directionally weighted RLS on an SVD updating array

FILES:          pub/SISTA/moonen/reports/93-20J.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Moonen M., McWhirter J.
TITLE:          A systolic array for recursive least squares by inverse 

FILES:          pub/SISTA/vanhuffel/reports/intrep9222.ps.Z
TITLE:          Enhanced resolution based on minimum variance estimation 
                and exponential data modeling.
STATUS:         Submitted to Signal Processing

FILES:          pub/SISTA/vanoverschee/reports/mtns.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Peter van Overschee, Bart de Moor
TITLE:          Subspace algorithms for system
                identification and stochastic realization
STATUS:         90-30C, Recent Advances in Mathematical Theory of Systems
                Control, Networks and Signal Processing, Proc. of the 
                International Symposium MTNS-91, June 17-21 1991, Kobe, 
                Japan, MITA Press., pp. 589-595
DATE OF ENTRY:  February 5, 1993

FILES:          pub/SISTA/vanoverschee/reports/cdc91.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Peter van Overschee, Bart de Moor
STATUS:         91-28C, Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference On Decision
                and Control, Brighton, England, 11-13 December 1991., 
DATE OF ENTRY:  February 5, 1993

FILES:          pub/SISTA/vanoverschee/reports/stoch_auto2.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Peter Van Overschee, Bart De Moor
TITLE:          Subspace algorithms for the stochastic identification
STATUS:         Automatica
DATE OF ENTRY:  February 5, 1993

FILES:          pub/SISTA/vanoverschee/reports/det-sto.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Marc Moonen, Peter Van Overschee, Bart De Moor
TITLE:          A Subspace Algorithm for Combined 
                Stochastic-Deterministic State Space Identification.
DATE OF ENTRY:  August 26, 1992

FILES:          pub/SISTA/vanoverschee/reports/cdc92.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        P. Van Overschee, B. De Moor.
TITLE:          Two Subspace Algorithms for the
                Identification of Combined Deterministic-Stochastic Systems.
STATUS:         92-12C, Proc. of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and
                Control, December 16-18, 1992, Tucson, USA, 
                Vol. 1., pp. 511-516
DATE OF ENTRY:  August 26, 1992.

FILES:          pub/SISTA/vanoverschee/reports/comb_auto1.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        P. Van Overschee, B. De Moor.
TITLE:          An Exact Subspace Algorithm for the
                Identification of Combined Deterministic-Stochastic Systems.
DATE OF ENTRY:  August 26, 1992.

FILES:          pub/SISTA/vanoverschee/reports/comb_auto2.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        P. Van Overschee, B. De Moor.
TITLE:          An Approximate Subspace Algorithm for the
                Identification of Combined Deterministic-Stochastic Systems.
DATE OF ENTRY:  August 26, 1992.

FILES:          pub/SISTA/vanoverschee/reports/comb_ext2.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Peter Van Overschee, Bart De Moor
TITLE:          N4SID : Subspace Algorithms for the Identification of Combined
                Deterministic-Stochastic Systems
STATUS:         92-34I, Accepted for publication in
                Automatica : special issue on statistical processing and 
DATE OF ENTRY:  February 5, 1993

FILES:          pub/SISTA/vanpoucke/reports/93-09I.ps.Z
AUTHORS:        Filiep Vanpoucke, Marc Moonen
TITLE:          A systolic algorithm for robust adaptive LCMV beamforming
                with an adjustable constraint.
STATUS:         ESAT-SISTA Report 1993-09
DATE OF ENTRY:  April 23, 1993

The email adresses of the authors above are :


contributed by: flores@siam.org


Numerical Methods in Control, Signal and Image Processing 

August 15, 1993

Organizer: Biswa Nath Datta, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Northern Illinois University, 

Tutorial Description and Objectives
In the last few years many numerically reliable algorithms
have been developed for important linear algebra problems arising
in the design and analysis of control systems, and in signal and
image processing. These methods do not seem to be widely known
and the software based  on these methods are not readily
available to control theorists, applied mathematicians and the
practising engineers.  The researchers and practising engineers
working in these important applications areas will be exposed to
these numerically reliable algorithms and the associated
softwares through this course. 

Who Should Attend
Mathematicians; computer scientists; and control, systems,
and signal and image processing engineers. Practising engineers,
graduate students and researchers looking for some future
exciting areas of research are especially encouraged to attend.

Recommended Background
A first course in linear and numerical linear algebra and
some basic knowledge in control and systems theory and/or signal
and image processing. No rigorous knowledge of control theory and
signal processing will be assumed.

George Cybenko is a professor of electrical engineering and
computer science at Dartmouth College.  His research interests
include numerical linear algebra and applications to signal
processing and neural networks.  He is the associate managing
editor of SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis.

Biswa Nath Datta is a professor of mathematical sciences at
Northern Illinois University.  His research interests include
linear algebra and numerical linear algebra in control, including
large scale and parallel computations in these areas.  He serves
on the editorial board of SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Applications and
Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control.  He is
the chairman of the SIAM conference associated with this course;
and is the vice-chair of SIAM Linear Algebra Activity Group. 

Alan J. Laub is a professor of electrical engineering at
University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests
are in computer aided control system design, linear and
large-scale control and filter theory, parallel computations in
control, etc. He was the past president and is a distinguished
member of the IEEE Control Systems Society.  He has served or
serves on the editorial board of five major journals.  He is a
fellow of IEEE Control System Society.

Robert J. Plemmons is the Z. Smith Reynolds Professor of
Mathematics and Computer Science at Wake Forest University. His
research interests include linear algebra, numerical linear
algebra and their applications to signal and image processing. 
He serves on the editorial board of SIAM Journal on Matrix
Analysis, Linear Algebra and Applications, SIAM Review, etc. 

Paul Van Dooren is a professor of electrical engineering at the
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His research interests
include numerical linear algebra and applications to control and
systems theory and signal processing.  He serves on the editorial
board of SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Linear Algebra 
and Applications, and Control Systems Letters.

The course will be divided into two parts. Part I -- Numerical Methods in 
Control and Systems Theory will be taught by Biswa Datta, Alan Laub, and Paul 
Van Dooren.  Part II -- Numerical Methods in Signal and Image Processing will 
be taught by George Cybenko and Robert Plemmons.

Part I will cover recently developed numerically viable methods for control
systems design and analysis, including methods for large-scale and parallel
computations. A brief architectural description of some of today's high
performance computers and ideas, and actual results of implementation of 
existing algorithms on those computers will also be presented.

Part II will be devoted to the applications of recently developed matrix
computations techniques to the solution of linear algebra problems arising in
signal and image processing.

Special attention will be given to large-scale structured matrix computations
such as techniques for block Toeplitz systems. FFT-based preconditioned 
iterative methods, etc. that have been successfully used in recent years to 
problems on restoration of images, etc.


Part I:  Numerical Methods in Control and Systems Theory 

8:00 AM   Introduction
          Biswa N. Datta

8:15 AM     Controllability, Observability, Luenberger Observer,
            Feedback Stabilization and Eigenvalue Assignment, 
            Control of Second Order Systems
            Biswa N. Datta

9:30 AM   Coffee

10:00 AM    Lyapunov, Sylvester and Riccati Equations
            Alan J. Laub

11:15 AM    Frequency Domain Versus State Space (GCD) Extraction,
            Minimal Realization, Spectral Factorization, Coprime
            Factorization, etc.)
            Paul Van Dooren

12:30 PM  Lunch

Part II:  Numerical Methods in Signal and Image Processing
2:00 PM   Structured Matrix Computations in Signal Processing
            Robert J. Plemmons

3:15 PM     Coffee

3:45 PM     Numerical Linear Algebra in Signal Processing
            George Cybenko

5:00 PM     Discussion

5:30 PM     Tutorial adjourns

Tutorial Registration Fees*

                              SIAG/LA**   SIAM Mbr.   Non-  
                              Member      (regular)   Member      Student

Advance (August 2)            $120        $120        $135        $55
On-Site (after August 2)      $135        $135        $155        $55

**Member of SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra.
*Includes Course Notes, coffee and lunch.

Attendees are advised to pre-register for the tutorial. On-site registration
cannot be guaranteed. Notes of the lecture materials will be distributed upon
check-in at the SIAM registration desk.

*                                        *
*              Positions                 *
*                                        *
contributed by: Carl Nett 

United Technologies Research Center, an internationally recognized R&D
facility for broad-range research in both basic and applied sciences and
engineering is currently seeking a talented individual with background and
experience in Control Systems, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and
System Diagnostics.

Individual will develop algorithms and architectures for intelligent
embedded systems that will be incorporated in future UTC products and
processes.  Responsibilities will include research in logic design methods,
development of system concepts, logic design, modeling and simulation of
mechanical electrical, thermal and fluid dynamic systems with associated
optimization studies.  Requires MS in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering
or a PhD, EE or ME.  Creative multi-diciplinary research experiences in the
laboratory and in simulation methods are desirable.

United Technologies Research Center offers a competitive salary and
benefits package designed to attract and retain talented professionals.
Send a resume and salary requirements to Professional Staffing, MS-35,
United Technologies Research Center, 411 Silver Lane, East Hartford, CT
06108, Attention:  Kirsten Fuchs.

contributed by: Dr. Minyue Fu 

Postdoctoral Position Available

An up to three year postdoctoral position is availbale in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of Newcastle,
Australia,  for research in robust control and estimation areas. 
Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. degree in Control and Systems. 
Special interests in H-infinity control, nonlinear systems, robust
stability and signal estimation will be particularly valuable.  
Approximate salary range:  $A35,000--$A38,000 (1A$=US$0.70).    For further
information, please contact Dr. Minyue Fu (eemf@cc.newcastle.edu.au) or Dr.
Carlos de Souza (eeced@cc.newcastle.edu.au).  

*                                        *
*                Books                   *
*                                        *

contributed by: Petr Kozak (kozak@cspgas11.bitnet)


Subtitle:       Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems 
                (WODES'92), August 26-28, 1992, Prague, Czechoslovakia

Editors:        S. Balemi, P. Kozak and R. Smedinga

Publisher:      Birkhauser Verlag, March 1993, 
                ISBN 3-7643-2845-2 (Europe) 0-8176-2845-2 (USA)

Price:          SFr 88.- (Swiss Francs)

BibTeX Item:

        title={Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control},
        editor={S. Balemi and P. Koz{\'a}k and R. Smedinga},
        publisher={Birkh\"auser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland},
        series={Progress in Systems and Control Theory},
        note={(Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Discrete Event
        Systems (WODES'92), } #aug# { 26--28, 1992, Prague, Czechoslovakia)},
        ISBN={3-7643-2845-2 0-8176-2845-2}

About the Book:

Research of discrete event systems is strongly motivated by applications
in flexible manufacturing, in traffic control and in concurrent and 
real-time software verification and design, just to mention a few important 
areas. Discrete event system theory is a promising and dynamically developing 
area of both control theory and computer science.

Discrete event systems are systems with non-numerically-valued states, inputs,
and outputs. The approaches to the modelling and control of these systems can 
be roughly divided into two groups. The first group is concerned with 
the automatic design of controllers from formal specifications of logical 
requirements. This research owes much to the  pioneering work of P.J. Ramadge 
and W.M. Wonham at the beginning of the eighties. The second group deals with 
the analysis and optimization of system throughput, waiting time, and other 
performance measures for discrete event systems.

The present book contains selected papers presented at the Joint Workshop 
on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'92) held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, on 
August 26-28, 1992 and organized by the Institute of Information Theory and 
Automation of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 
by the Automatic Control Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of 
Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland, and by the Department of Computing 
Science of the University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Thirty research papers of high quality were presented and discussed thoroughly
by the participants from fourteen countries. Five invited survey lectures 
given by leading researchers covered main topics of the discrete event system 
area. Nine different solutions to a simple control problem, stated at the
workshop announcement with the aim to stimulate comparison between different 
approaches, were presented during a special session.

The book reflects four main topics of current research: models of real-time 
system behaviour, methods for decreasing computational and model complexity, 
unifying approaches to modelling, and performance analysis of discrete event 

Content: (BibTeX Items)

        author={T. Ushio},
        title={Augmented Language and Supervisory Control in
        Discrete Event Systems},

        author={S. Balemi},
        title={Input/Output Discrete Event Processes and System Modeling},

        author={K. {\.I}nan},
        title={Supervisory Control and Formal Methods for Distributed Systems},

        author={R. Smedinga},
        title={An Overview of Results in Discrete Event Systems
        Using a Trace Theory Based Setting},

        author={Y. Brave and D. Bonvin},
        title={A Minimally Restrictive Policy for Deadlock Avoidance
        in a Class of FMS},

        author={J. Pik},
        title={Similarity of Events in Discrete Event Systems},

        author={R. Scheuring and H. Wehlan},
        title={Control of Discrete Event Systems by means of
        the Boolean Differential Calculus},

        author={P. Koz\'{a}k},
        title={A Unifying Framework for Discrete Event System Control Theory},

        author={G.J. Olsder},
        title={Synchronized Continuous Flow Systems},

        author={J.G. Braker and J.A.C. Resing},
        title={On a Generalized Asymptoticity Problem in Max Algebra},

        author={K.J. Williams and J.A. Gannon and M.S. Andersland and
        J.E. Lumpp and T.L. Casavant},
        title={Conditions for Tracking Timing Perturbations in Timed {P}etri
        Nets with Monitors},

        author={R. Sengupta and S. Lafortune},
        title={Extensions to the Theory of Optimal Control of Discrete
        Event Systems},

        author={R. Smedinga},
        title={The Workshop Exercise Using a Trace Theory Based Setting},

        author={F. \v{C}apkovi\v{c}},
        title={A {P}etri Nets-Based Approach to the Maze Problem Solving},

        author={O. K\v{r}\'{\i}\v{z}},
        title={The Cat-and-Mouse Problem as a System of Boolean Equations},

        author={G.J. Hoffmann and H. Wong-Toi},
        title={Symbolic Supervisory Synthesis for the Workshop Exercise},

        author={P. Koz\'{a}k},
        title={The Cat-and-Mouse Problem with Least Delays},

        author={S.L. Chung and S. Lafortune and F. Lin},
        title={Supervisory Control with Variable Lookahead Policies:
        Illustrative Example},

        title={Selected Bibliography},


Additional discrete event system references in BibTeX format (more then 600 
items) are available via anonymous ftp (file name: des.bib) from 
the following two servers:


or directly from 

        Silvano Balemi (balemi@aut.ee.ethz.ch)
        Petr Kozak     (kozak@cspgas11.bitnet)
        Rein Smedinga  (rein@cs.rug.nl)

*                                        *
*               Journals                 *
*                                        *

contributed by: David L. Elliott 

                Call for Papers, NEURAL NETWORKS FOR CONTROL
Special Volume in the Series "Progress in Neural Networks" (Ablex Publishing
Corp.; Series Editor O.M. Omidvar)

Special Volume Editor: David L. Elliott

Original manuscripts describing recent progress in neural 
networks research directly applicable to Control or making use 
of modern control theory. Manuscripts  may be survey or 
tutorial in nature. Suggested Topics:

        %New directions in neurocontrol
        %Adaptive control
        %Biological control architectures
        %Mathematical foundations of control
        %Model-based control with learning capability 
        %Natural neural control systems
        %Neurocontrol hardware research
        %Optimal control and incremental dynamic programming
        %Process control and manufacturing
        %Reinforcement-Learning Control
        %Sensor fusion and vector quantization
        %Validating neural control systems

The papers will be refereed and uniformly typeset. Ablex and the Progress 
Series editors invite you to submit an abstract, extended summary or 
manuscript proposal, directly to the Special Volume Editor:

Dr. David L. Elliott, Institute for Systems Research
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742  
Tel: (301)405-1241   FAX (301)314-9920 

      or to the Series Editor:
Dr. Omid M. Omidvar, Computer Science Dept., 
University of the District of Columbia, Washington DC 20008
Tel: (202)282-7345   FAX: (202)282-3677  
The Publisher is Ablex Publishing Corporation, Norwood, NJ

contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak - AUTOMATICA 

                LIST OF MATERIAL FOR THE 150th ISSUE OF
                      THE IFAC JOURNAL-AUTOMATICA

     Vol. 29                  No. 6               November 1993

G.S. Axelby         Editorial: The 150th Issue

                                  Survey/Tutorial Paper

V. Kucera           Diophantine Equations in Control - A Survey 


Y-P. Harn           Optimal Low-Order Controller Design via     
R.L. Kosut               'LQG-Like' Parametrization

D.L. Laughlin       Robust Performance of Cross-Directional      
M. Morari           Basis-Weight Control in Paper Machines
R.D. Braatz

Y-R. Hu             Dynamic Control of Coordinated Redundant   
A.A. Goldenberg     Robots with Torque Optimization

R.A. Freeman        Design of 'Softer' Robust Nonlinear          
P.V. Kokotovic      Control Laws

B.P. Furey          A Sequential Quadratic Programming Based     
                    Algorithm for Optimization of Gas Networks

D. Li               Hierarchical Control for Large-Scale        
                    Systems with General Multiple
                    Linear-Quadratic Structure

C. Commault         Output Feedback Disturbance Decoupling     
J.M. Dion           Graph Interpretation for Structured
M. Benahcene        Systems

S. Dasgupta         Characterizing Persistent Excitation for   
C.R. Johnson Jr.    the Sign-Sign Equation Error Identifier
A.M. Baksho

P. Zagalak          The Row-By-Row Decoupling via State         
J.F. Lafay          Feedback: A Polynomial Approach
A.N. Herrera-Hernandez

W. Schaufelberger   Low Cost Control Education Software For     
                    MS-DOS PC's

                                      Brief Papers

A. Zolghadri        A Two-Ellipsoid Overlap Test for On-Line 
B. Bergeon          Failure Detection
M. Monsion

P.M.J. Van den Hof  An Indirect Method for Transfer Function   
R.J.P. Schrama      Estimation from Closed Loop Data
A. Henderson        Symbolic Codes for Multifrequency Binary  
J. McGhee                Testing of Control Systems

H. Akcay            The Least Squares Algorithm, Parametric      
P.P. Khargonekar    System Identification, and Bounded Noise

A. Ailon            A Solution to the Disturbance Decoupling     
                    Problem in Singular Systems via Analogy
                    with State-Space Systems

P.W. Gibbens        Achieving Diagonal Interactor Matrix for    
C.A. Schwartz       Multivariable Linear Systems with
M. Fu               Uncertain Parameters

V. Cerone           Feasible Parameter Set for Linear Models   
                    with Bounded Errors in all Variables

Y. Tang             Adaptive Tuning to Frequency Response        
R. Ortega           Specifications

R. Lozano           Model Reference Adaptive Control with      
R.G. Moctezuma      Unknown High Frequency Gain Sign

M. El-Khoury        Influence of Zero Locations on the Number 
O.D. Crisalle       of Step-Response Extrema
R. Longchamp

H-S. Ahn            Iterative Learning Control for a Class of  
C-H. Choi           Nonlinear Systems
K-B. Kim

H. Ying             The Simplest Fuzzy Controllers Using         
                    Different Inference Methods Are Different
                    Nonlinear Proportional-Integral
                    Controllers With Variable Gains

                                      Book Reviews

M. Vosvrda          Discrete Random Signals and Statistical    
                    Signal Processing by C.W. Therrien

S. Tan              Modern Control System Theory and Design     
                    by S.M. Shinners

J. Bohm             Uncertain Models and Robust Control by     
                    A. Weimann

B. Wahlberg         Identification of Linear Systems, A         
                    Practical Guide to Accurate Modelling by
                    J. Schoukens and R. Pintelon

S.H. Starr          Concise Encyclopedia of Modelling and      
                    Simulation by D.P. Atherton and P. Borne

                    Biographies of Contributors to This Issue

contributed by: John Baillieul, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Trans. Auto. Control


        Table of Contents - Volume 38, Number 7 - July, 1993
Editorial ..................................................J. Baillieul
Scanning the issue .....................................................
Abstracts of Companion Papers Appearing in Automatica ..................


Meeting the Challenge of Computer Science in the Industrial Applications
of Control: An Introductory discussion to the Special Issue
                ..........................A. Benveniste and K. J. Astrom


Adaptive Automotive Speed Control 
        ...M. K. Liubakka, D. S. Rhode, J. R. Winkelman, and P. V. Kokotovic

The Application of Scheduled H0 Controllers to a VSTOL Aircraft
        ............................................R. A. Hyde and K. Glover

Supervisory Control of A Rapid Thermal Multiprocessor
        .. Balemi, G. J. Hoffmann, P. Gyugyi, H. Wong-Toi and G. F. Franklin

The Controlled Cooling of Hot Rolled Strip: A Combination of 
Physical Modeling, Control Problems and Practical Adaption
        ...................................................G. van Ditzhuijzen

Scheduling of Manufacturing Systems Using The Lagrangian 
Relaxation Technique..............................P. B. Luh and D. J. Hoitomt

Control Systems Software...........................................M. Boasson

Daily Generation Management at Electricit de France: From
Planning Towards Real Time..........................................A. Renaud

Use of A Kinematic Constraint in Tracking Constant Speed,
Maneuvering Targets.............................A. T. Alouani and W. D. Blair

On the Theory of State-Covariance Assignment for Single-Input
Linear Discrete Systems..........................V. Sreeram and P. Agathoklis

Transmission Zero Assignment Using Semistate Descriptions
        ..........................................V. L. Syrmos and F. L. Lewis

The Differential Field Associated to A General Analytic Nonlinear
Dynamical System.........................G. Conte, A. M. Perdon and C. H. Moog

On Sequencing Problems of Repetitive Production Systems
        ...............................................P. Xu, C. Liu and X. Xu
Pole Assignment of Linear Uncertain Systems in A Sector
A Lyapunov-Type Approach...............D. Arzelier, J. Bernussou and G. Garcia

Feedback Decoupling of Structured Systems...........J. M. Dion and C. Commault

Direct Predictive Adaptive Control with Stochastic Gradient
Identifiers...........................................L. Giarr\'e and E. Mosca

A Sufficient Condition for the Stability of Interval Matrix
Polynomials......................................W. C. Karl and G. C. Verghese

On Discrete-Time $H^\infty$ Control: A J-Lossless Coprime
Factorization Approach....................M.-C. Tsai, C.-S. Tsai and Y.-Y. Sun

On Weak Relative Degree and the McGehee Transformation
        .................................A. Fuchs, M. Varghese and R. Mukundan

Robust Stability Bound for Systems with Structured and Unstructured
Perturbations..........................................Y. K. Foo and Y. C. Soh

Robust Stability Analysis of Linear Continuous/Discrete-Time 
Systems with Output Feedback Controllers...............J.-H. Su and I.-K. Fong

contributed by: kokar@meceng.coe.neu.edu (Mitch Kokar)

                        CALL FOR PAPERS:

                Data Fusion Techniques and Applications

Control Engineering Practice, the new journal published by Pergamon Press
for the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), publishes
state-of-art papers on all aspects of the practical implementation of
automatic control. In response to the strong interest and activities in
the area of data fusion, the journal plans to publish a set of papers on
this topic.

Growing out of military applications, this technology has become one of the
emerging new fields, with diversified potential in many commercial and
industrial applications such as robotics, automated manufacturing, remote
sensing and image processing, among others.

This set of papers will provide a timely, appropriate answer to the need for
a unified overall perspective view of the technology. Application-oriented
papers are solicited in (but not limited to) the following topic areas:

- Survey and tutorial articles
- Theoretical foundations
- Multisensor fusion and integration
- Intelligence Fusion
- 3-D image construction and enhancement
- Speech and signal processing
- Distributed data fusion
- Database management
- Data fusion for system identification
- Manufacturing
- Business planning and management
- Air traffic control and flow management
- Seismic and meteorological prediction
- Data fusion test/evaluation and implementation

Four double-spaced copies of manuscripts should be submitted, with a covering
letter, to:

                Kwang H. Kim
                The MITRE Corp., M/S S221
                202 Burlington Road
                Bedford, MA 01730-1420, U.S.A.

For more information, contact Kwang H. Kim at the above address, by email
at kwang@linus.mitre.org, or fax number (617) 271-8522.

Detail instruction for authors are also available from the Editor-in-Chief
of Control Engineering Practice:

                Professor Mike Rodd,
                Institute for Industrial Information Technology Ltd,
                Innovation Centre,
                Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK
                email iiitrodd@pyr.swan.ac.uk
                fax number +44(0)792 29-5811

*                                        *
*              Conferences               *
*                                        *

contributed by: Bonnie S. Heck, bheck@ee.gatech.edu

    1993 American Control Conference Proceedings Available

The 1993 ACC Proceedings can be purchased from:

       The IEEE Service Center
       445 Hoes Lane
       P.O. Box 1331
       Piscataway, NJ  08855-1331
       (908) 981-0060 or (800) 678-4333
       fax (908) 981-9667

The price is $142 for members of any of the following societies:
AIAA, ASME, AIChE, AISE, IEEE, ISA or SCS.  For nonmembers, the
price is $284.  Please specify catalog number 93CH3225-0
when ordering.
Dr. Bonnie Heck        bonnie.heck@ee.gatech.edu          (404)894-3145
School of Electrical Engineering        Georgia Institute of Technology

contributed by: Pierre.Kabamba@um.cc.umich.edu
                1994 American Control Conference 
                        June 29 to July 1                
                   Stouffer Harborplace Hotel 
                       Baltimore, Maryland 
The American Automatic Control Council will hold the thirteenth American 
Control Conference (ACC) Wednesday through Friday, June 29-July 1, 1994 at 
the Stouffer Harborplace Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland.  Held in cooperation 
with the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), this 
conference will bring together people working in the fields of control, 
automation, and related areas from the American Institute of Aeronautics and 
Astronautics (AIAA), American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), 
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Association of Iron and 
Steel Engineers (AISE), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
(IEEE), Instrument Society of America (ISA) and the Society for Computer 
Simulation (SCS). 
Both contributed and invited papers will be included in the program.  The 
ACC will cover a range of topics relevant to theory and practical 
implementation of control and automation.  Topics of interest include but 
are not limited to:  robotics, manufacturing, guidance and flight control, 
power systems, process control, measurement and sensing, identification and 
estimation, signal processing, modeling and advanced simulation, fault 
detection, model validation, multivariable control, adaptive and optimal 
control, robustness issues, intelligent control, expert systems, neural 
nets, industrial applications, and control education. 
Call for Contributed Papers 
The 1994 ACC Program Committee is soliciting two types of contributed papers 
in all areas of control and automation: (i) regular papers that describe the 
work in some detail, and (ii) short papers that present recent research 
results.  All papers accepted for presentation must appear in the Conference 
Proceedings, where regular papers will be allotted 5 pages and short papers 
will be allotted 2 pages.  Prospective authors of regular papers should 
submit 6 copies of the complete manuscript (marked "1994 ACC") to a Society 
Review Chair by September 15, 1993.  At the author's request, regular papers 
will be considered for publication in a society's journal provided the 
submission rules for the journal are followed.  Short papers consisting of a 
3-4 page summary should be submitted to the Program Vice-Chair for 
Contributed Sessions by September 15, 1993.  The author's society 
affiliation, if any, should be indicated on the short paper summary, along 
with a list of keywords. 
Student Best Paper Award 
Primary and first-listed authors of regular papers who are students at the 
time of submission can apply for this award.  Up to five finalists will be 
chosen based on the written paper and will be awarded limited travel grants 
to attend the Conference.  The final selection will be made at the 
Conference and will be based on both the written  paper and the student's 
presentation.  The winner will receive a plaque at the dinner banquet.  To 
apply, submit your paper through the regular procedure.  Then send a copy of 
the paper together with a cover letter from your major professor (advisor), 
to the Program Chair.  The letter should be on University letterhead and 
should certify that the eligibility conditions are satisfied.  The deadline 
for application is the same as the deadline for submission of regular 
Call for Invited Sessions 
The Program Committee is also soliciting proposals for invited sessions for 
the conference.  Prospective organizers should contact the Program 
Vice-Chair for Invited Sessions before August 15, 1993 for the appropriate 
forms.  The completed forms must be returned to him by September 15, 1993. 
ACC Workshops 
The Organizing Committee intends to arrange tutorial workshops to be held in 
conjunction with the 1994 ACC.  Suggestions are solicited for appropriate 
subjects.  Potential organizers should contact the Workshop Chair. 
Schedule Summary 
August 15, 1993: Deadline for contacting the Program Vice-Chair for Invited 
Sessions regarding proposed invited sessions. 
September 15, 1993: Deadline for submission of contributed papers and 
invited session proposals. 
January 21, 1994: Authors notified and authors' kits distributed. 
March 15, 1994: Deadline for typed mats for Proceedings. 
For further information contact: 
General Chair 
Hassan Khalil 
Department of Electrical Engineering 
Michigan State University 
East Lansing, MI 48823-1226 
Phone:  (517)355-6689 
FAX:  (517)353-1980 
e-mail:  khalil@ee.msu.edu 
Program Chair 
Jeffrey Kantor 
Department of Chemical Engineering 
University of Notre Dame 
Notre Dame, In 46556 
Phone:  (219) 631-5797 
FAX:  (219) 631-8366 
e-mail:  jeffrey.c.kantor.1@nd.edu 
Workshop Chair 
Michael K. Masten 
Texas Instruments 
2309 Northcrest 
Plano, TX 75075 
Phone:  (214)462-3433 
FAX:  (214)462-3126 
e-mail:  m.masten@ieee.org 
Exhibits Chair 
Ching-Fan Lin 
American GNC Corporation 
9131 Mason Avenue 
Chatsworth, CA 91311 
Phone:  (818)407-0092 
FAX:  (818)407-0093 
e-mail:  american_-_gnc@cup.portal.com 
Program Vice-Chair for Contributed Sessions 
Bonnie S. Heck 
School of Electrical Engineering 
Georgia Institute of Technology 
Atlanta, GA 30332-0250 
Phone:  (404)894-3145 
FAX:  (404)853-9171 
e-mail:  bheck@ee.gatech.edu 
Program Vice-Chair for Invited Sessions 
James B. Rawlings 
Chemical Engineering Department 
University of Texas 
Austin, TX 78712-1062 
Phone:  (512)471-4417 
FAX:  (512)471-7060 
e-mail:  jbraw@che.utexas.edu 
Society Review Chairs 
Dr. C. F. Lin, President 
American GNC Corporation 
9131 Mason Avenue 
Chatsworth, CA 91311 
Phone:  (818) 407-0092 
FAX:  (818)407-0093 
e-mail:  american_-_gnc@cup.portal.com 
James B. Rawlings 
Chemical Engineering Department 
University of Texas 
Austin, TX 78712-1062 
Phone:  (512)471-4417 
FAX:  (512)471-7060 
e-mail:  jbraw@che.utexas.edu 
Christopher Kelly 
Inland Steel 
3001 East Columbus Dr. 
East Chicago, IN 46312 
Phone:  (219)399-6313 
FAX:  (219)399-6562 
e-mail:  cdkelly@inland.com 
M. Tomizuka 
Department of Mechanial Engineering 
University of California, Berkeley 
Berkeley, CA 94720 
Phone:  (510) 642-0870 
e-mail:  tomizuka@euler.berkeley.edu 
Michael Peshkin
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3111
Phone: (708) 467-2666
FAX:  (708) 491-3915
e-mail: acc94@nwu.edu

Celal Batur 
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 
The University of Akron 
302 East Buchtel Avenue 
Akron, OH 44325-3903 
Phone:  (216)972-7367 
FAX:  (216)972-6027 
M. Zhody 
Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering 
Dodge Hall of Engineering 
Oakland University 
Rochester, MI 48309 
Phone:  (313)370-2234 / -2177 
FAX:  (313)370-2286 / -4261 
e-mail:  zohdy@vela.acs.oakland.edu 
contributed by: D. Sarwate and P. Van Dooren 


                SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 1, 1993

The Thirty-first Annual Allerton Conference will be held September 29 -
October 1, 1993 at Allerton House, the conference center of the
University of Illinois.  Allerton House is located twenty-six miles
southwest of the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University in a wooded
area on the Sangamon River.  It is part of the fifteen hundred acre
Robert Allerton Park, near Monticello, Illinois.

Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of
communication systems, information theory and coding, detection and
estimation, communication networks, mobile radio, vector quantization,
source coding, image coding and data compression, control systems,
adaptive control, optimization, dynamic games, large scale systems,
robotics and automation, manufacturing systems, discrete event
systems, intelligent control, multivariable control, adaptive signal
processing, neural networks, parallel and distributed algorithms, 
numerical methods for signals and systems. Invited sessions organized 
on some of these topics are listed below.

Information for authors: Two kinds of papers are solicited.  The
first are regular papers for presentation in twenty minutes;
these papers will be published in the conference Proceedings.
The second are short papers suitable for presentation in ten
minutes; only summaries of these papers will be published in the
Proceedings.  The purpose of the short paper category is to
encourage authors to present preliminary results of their work.

For regular papers, a title and a five to ten page extended abstract,
including references and sufficient detail to permit careful reviewing
are required.  For short papers, a title and a thousand word summary
are required.  Manuscripts that are submitted as regular papers
but cannot be accommodated in that category will be considered in the
short paper category, unless the authors indicate otherwise.

Two copies of the manuscript must be received by July 12, 1993. These
should be mailed to 31st Annual Allerton Conference, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Coordinated Science Laboratory, 1308
West Main Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801.  Please specify the name and
address of the author who is to receive all subsequent correspondence.

Authors will be notified of acceptance by August 23, 1993, at
which time they will also receive special sheets for the preparation
of papers for the Proceedings.  The length of regular papers is
limited to the equivalent of ten single-spaced 8 1/2-by-11 inch pages.
The length of short papers is limited to two such pages.

      Conference Co-Chairs:  Dilip V. Sarwate and Paul Van Dooren




                                Invited Sessions

Session:        Discrete Event Dynamic Systems I and II
Organizer:      R.S. Sreenivas

P. Antsaklis; C. Cassandras; R. Decarlo; V. Garg; L. Holloway; R. Kumar;
S. Lafortune; F. Lin; U. Ozguner; K. Passino; P. Vakili; M. Zazanis;
M. Wonham**; K. Rudie**
Session:        Numerical Methods
Organizer:      P. Van Dooren

L. Petzold; R. Patel; R. Balak; M. Verma; G. Ammar; D. Boley
Session:        Some Analytic Methods with an Algebraic Twist
Organizer:      B. F. Wyman

B. Wyman; M. Sain; J. Ball; S. Giust; M. Rakowski
Session:        Intelligent Control
Organizers:     P. R. Kumar and T. Basar

P. Antsaklis, M. Lemmon,and J. Stiver; S. Mitter;
K. Buescher, R. Jones, and M. Messina; S. Kulkarni
Session:        Advances in Robust Control 
Organizers:     B. Bamieh and T. Basar

C. Foias, C. Gu, and A. Tannenbaum*; M. Dahleh; M. Rotea;
O. Toker and H. Ozbay*; K. Poolla**;
Session:        Advances in Nonlinear Control
Organizers:     B. Bamieh and T. Basar

J. Baras; P. Kokotovic; A. Isidori* and A. Tarn;
Z. Lin and A. Saberi*; W. Dayawansa
Session:        Queueing Networks
Organizers:     P. R. Kumar and S. Meyn

R. Tweedie; V. Anantharam; J. Dai; T. Konstantopoulos; K. Sigman
Session:        Control of Communication Networks
Organizer:      B. Hajek

A. Parekh; R. Ogier; N. Shacham; L. Tassiulas;
W. Szpankowski; R. Agrawal; E. Gelenbe;
Session:        Optical Networks
Organizer:      G. Sasaki

R. Barry; Z. Haas; A. Ramanan, H. Jordan and J. Sauer;
J. Sharony; G. Sasaki; N. Bambos; Y. Birk
Session:        High Speed Networks and Switching
Organizer:      J. Hui

P. Min; R. Cruz; S. Jordan
Session:        Surveys in High-Performance Networks and Switching
Organizer:      B. Hajek

J. Turner; M. Karol; R. Ramaswami
Session:        PCS/Wireless Mobile Networks 
Organizer:      S. Kumar

W. Massey* and W. Whitt; Z. Haas* and J. Winters; S. Kumar
Session:        Mobile and Personal Communication Systems and Networks
Organizers:     D. E. Borth and M. B. Pursley

L. F. Chang; K. Pahlavan; P. Monson; R. Peterson* and F. Ling;
L. Milstein and R. Pickholtz*; R. Kohno
Session:        Multiple Access Communications
Organizer:      S. Verdu

B. Aazhang; R. Cheng; A. Ephremides; B. Hughes; G. Pottie; B. Rimoldi
Session:        Advances in Communication, Control,
                and Signal Processing Education
Organizers:     T. U. Basar and M. E. Van Valkenburg

C. Sechrist; K. Craig; L. King; S. Mitra; B. Black; S. Franke; J. Hui
*   This author will present the paper
**  Attendance subject to confirmation

contributed by: Dr. Minyue Fu 
                            CALL FOR PAPERS
                          February 2-4, 1994
                            Beijing, CHINA

Motivation      Information\Computer\Control have been very exciting fields

                in science and  technology  and played  major  role in many
                areas of engineering applications. Many Chinese researchers
                over the world have  made eminent  contributions  in a wide
                spectrum of research  and  development.   The theme of this
                symposium  is  to  provide  a  forum  for the young Chinese
                worldwide   researchers  in  the  fields  to  report  their

                achievements,  to  exchange  ideas,  and  to discuss future
                directions of the fields.

Sponsorship     AYAS--Association of Youth Academic Sinica
                CNSF--The Chinese National Science Fundation
                CAL--The Chinese Academic Link

Host Institute  NLPR--The National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition,
                Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O.Box 2728, Beijing 100080

The symposium consists of three workshops and overlap of these 
workshops is provided for exchange of common interests and 
encouragement of cross-firtilizing. Suggested topics:

                           WORKSHOP I: INFORMATION
    . Image Processing
    . 3D Computer Vision
    . Speech Recognition 
    . Character Recognition
    . Sound In Atmosphere, Sea, and Earth
    . Ultrasonic And Sonar Systems

                            WORKSHOP II: COMPUTER
    . Foundation of Computer Systems
    . Parallel And Distributed Processing
    . Neural Computing And Its Applications
    . Knowledge Engineering And Expert Systems
    . CAD And Computer Graphics
    . Software Engineering

                            WORKSHOP III: CONTROL
    . Intelligent Processing Control
    . Robotics And Automation
    . Modelling Of Complex Systems
    . Robust Control, Adaptive Control, Self-Organizing Systems
    . Neural Network And Fuzzy Control
    . Discrete Event Systems

Abstract          Four copies of an extended abstract of four pages in 
                  English must be   submitted by  July 3, 1993  to the
                  program   chairman  for  review  and  approval.  The
                  extended abstract must headed as follows:

                  Title of the paper:
                  Author's name(s):
                  Speaker's name:
                  Name and address for correspondence:

Keynote Speech    Keynote speeches  are  solicited in all areas of the
                  suggested topics.  Keynote  speakers are not subject
                  to nationality or age. Leading researches and experts
                  are encouraged to submit proposed topics to the program
                  chair. Nomination  for  keynote speakers and subject
                  matter are also appreciated.

Important Date    July 3, 1993: Deadline of abstracts
                  September 30, 1993: Notification of acceptance
                  February 2, 1993: Deadline for paper limited to 15 pages

Chairs            Prof. SongDe Ma--General Chair
                  Prof. Yaotong Li--Program Chair
                  Mrs. Wenli Lou--Organizing Chair

                  All three chairs can be reached by mail, phone, or
                  Institute of Automation, Academy of Sciences
                  P.O.Box 2728, Beijing 100080, China
                  Tele: 86-1-255-5513, 86-1-256-6666 ext. 1952 or 1953
                  Fax: 86-1-255-1993

contributed by: Zvi Artstein (MTARTS@WEIZMANN.WEIZMANN.AC.IL)

  International Conference on Control Theory and its Applications
                    October 18 - 21, 1993
               Kibbutz Maale Hachamisha, Israel

                     Second Announcement

The International Conference on Control Theory and its Applications
will be held on October 18 - 21, 1993, at Kibbutz Maale Hachamisha
Guest House (10 kilometers from Jerusalem), Israel. The conference
is being organized by the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology.

The aim of the conference is to foster recent developments in the
Mathematics of Control Theory and to examine the possible Practical
Applications of the theory. Theoreticians and practitioners will
exchange knowledge and views on current developments, addressing
subjects such as Nonlinear Stabilization, Robust control, H-infinity
control, Identification and Design, Singular Perturbations,
Optimization, Robotics, Aerospace Applications and the like. There
will be special sessions on: Optimization, Applications and a session
on Electro-Mechanical Systems affected by nonsmooth nonlinearities.
Emphasis will be placed on bridging gaps between subfields of
Control Theory and the Applications.

The Scientific Program will include plenary and invited sessions,
contributed papers, a poster session, and panel discussions. we try
to keep the conference not overcrowded, and there will be
will be opportunities for informal gatherings and discussions.

Contributions of Scientists and practitioners from a dozen of
countries have  already been accepted. The following is a Partial
list of the speakers. The program is expected to be complete toward
the Beginning of August (but there are always last minute changes):

J. Ackermann, (DLR, Germany)
A. Bensoussan,( INRIA, France)
R. Brockett, (Harvard University)
B. Francis,(University of Toronto)
E. Kamen, (Georgia Institute of Technology)
P. Khargonekar,(University of Michigan)
E. Sontag, (Rutgers University)
J. Speyer, (UCLA)
G. Stein, (Honeywell Inc.)
H. Sussmann, (Rutgers University)
M. Araki (Kyoto University)
D. Auerbach (U. of Maryland)
M. Basin (Moscow)
F. Colonius, F. (Augsburg)
C.-H. Goh,  (Oberpfaffenhofen)
J. Kogan, (U.Maryland, Baltimore)
I.D. Landau,(Grenoble)
J.H. Lilly, (Louisville)
J.-B. Pomet (Spphia-Antipolis)
D. Limebeer (Imperial College)
J. Shaw, (Huafan Inst.Taiwan)
J. Tsinias,(National Tech.U.Athens)
PL. Zezza (DIMADEFAS,Firenze)
A. Ailon (Ben-Gurion U.)
D. Alpay, (Ben-Gurion U.)
I.Y. Bar-Itzhak (Technion)
N. Barlev (Servotech IL)
Y. Ben-Asher,(Ta'as IL)
E. Zeheb, (Technion)
F. Bruckstein, (Technion)
A. Drozdov Aleksey, (Inst.Ind.Math.)
A. Ioffe (Technion)
E. Keindler (Technion) 
A. Leizarowitz, (Technion)
H. Rotstein (Technion)
A.R.Tannenbaum (U.of Minnesota)
U. Shaked, (Tel Aviv U)
G. Weiss (Ben Gurion U)
P.O. Gutman (Technion)
C. Canudas (Grenoble)
S. Faibish, (Technion)
A. Harnoy, (New Jersey)
X. Hu, (Royal.Inst.Stockholm)
M. Nordin, (Royal Inst. Stockholm)
P. Kokotovic, (UCSB,USA)
G. Picci (Padova)
A complete (more or less) list of speakers and titles will hopefully
be available with the program. Registration without presenting a
talk is also welcome.

Program and Organizing Committee
Z. Artstein, The Weizmann Institute, Chair
Y. Ben Asher, Ta'as
P. Fuhrmann, Ben-Gurion University
U. Shaked, Tel-Aviv University
A. Tannenbaum, Technion
E. Zehev, Technion
G. Ariely, Ministry of Science
B. Shimoni, Ministry of Science.

Presentations. The program allows still for a small number of
contributions. Send a.s.a.p. the following information
   Authors' names and addresses
   Telephone, fax or e-address of contact
   Title of proposed presentation
   Extended abstract (up to two pages, with enough information),
A booklet of the abstracts will be handed out to the participants
upon arrival.

The material should be sent to the conference chair:
   Zvi Artstein
   Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
   The Weizmann Institute
   Rehovot 76100, Israel.
   fax: (972) 8 344122
   e-address: MTCONF@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il
   phone: (972) 8 342855

First Circular, containing information about registration,
accommodation, travel etc., is available. Final circular is
expected mid to end of August. Requests for it can be sent
to the chair (Zvi Artstein) at the above address,
or to Ms. Beki Shimoni
      Head,Conference Unit
      Ministry of Science and Technology
      P.O.Box 18195
      91181 Jerusalem, Israel
      fax: (972) 2 824022
      phone: (972) 2 811220

Venue: Kibbutz Maale HaChamisa, near Jerusalem
       Phone 972 2 342591/8
       fax   972 2 342144

Fees: Registration and hosting fees including participation at the
      conference, 3 lunches, refreshments,social events (festive
      dinner and folk evening) - $200
      Student registration (not including social events) $100
      Accompanying person, including social events $100
   These fees are valid if sent before the conference starts. An
   addition of $25 will be required if payment is done on sight
   (unless agreed otherwise).

   Kibbutz Maale Hachamisha accommodation (bed and breakfast)
     in Double occupancy $44 per person
     in Single occupancy $58 per person

   The Conference will be held in English

It is advisable to book the flights to Israel ahead of time, as October
is a heavy tourist season.

contributed by: Karl-Erik Arzen 


           International Federation of Automatic Control


                      2nd IFAC Workshop on
                 Computer Software Structures
                  Integrating AI/KBS Systems
                     in Process Control

                       AUGUST 10-12, 1994

                         LUND, SWEDEN 

                        Organized by

                Department of Automatic Control
                  Lund Institute of Technology

                        on behalf of

                     Swedish IFAC Committee

Sponsored by:

  IFAC Technical Committee on Applications

Co-sponsored by:

  IFAC Technical Committee on Computers
  IEEE Control Society
  SAIS Swedish AI Society

International Program Committee:

  Chairman: K.-E. Arzen (S)
  K. J. Astrom (S)         J. Morris (UK)
  D. Birdwell (USA)        L. Motus (EST)
  H. Bersini (B)           G. Pang (CAN)
  A. Van Cauwenberghe (B)  M. Rodd (UK)
  M. Fjeld (N)             G. Suski (USA)
  R. Fjellheim (N)         J. C. Taunton (USA)
  C. C. Hang (SGP)         T. Terano (J)
  E. Hangos (H)            A. Titli (F) 
  E. Hollnagel (DK)        V. Venkatasubramanian (USA)
  Y. Ishida (J)            H. B. Verbruggen (NL)
  B. Kuipers (USA)         C. Weisang (FRG)
  R. Leitch (UK)           E. Woods (N)
  M. Lind (DK)             H.-J. Zimmermann (FRG)
  T. McAvoy (USA)

National Organizing Committee:

  K.-E. Arzen, Chairman, Lund Institute of Technology
  E. Dagnegard, Lund Institute of Technology
  T Hagglund, Lund Institute of Technology
  C. Rytoft, Asea Brown Boveri AB
  B. Wittenmark, Lund Institute of Technology 


  The aim of the workshop is to inform about
   - where the leading edge is in the integration of 
     AI/KBS systems in real time process control 
   - what the primary challenges are to future 
   - how computer science, process control, and 
     related technologies can contribute to these 

  The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and knowledge-based
  systems (KBS) has created a strong interest in applying these
  technologies to process control.  The workshop will focus on solutions
  that meet the needs of real-time operations, data synchronization, and
  execution speed while satisfying control systems functionality and
  integration constraints.

  New practical and theoretical avenues (in architectures, languages,
  executives) that provide a basis for effective coexistence of, and
  execution of, real time and knowledge-based modules in modern process
  control systems are among the topics of interest.


   - The role of AI/KBS systems in the supervision, management, and
     control of industrial processes.

   - Software architectures and languages for joint applications of
     expert systems and process control algorithms, possibly high
     performance and time-critical.

   - Synchronous communication and real time needs in control
     systems incorporating AI/KBS.

   - Object-oriented structures. AI/KBS versus traditional software
     systems in process control.

   - Issues in hardware and software integration.

   - Software techniques that accommodate changes in process

   - Issues in knowledge acquisition and representation for
     process control.

   - Augmenting human decision making.

   - The hardware technology base for integrated systems. Neural
     networks and other new avenues.

   - Management issues (cost & economy, implementation, project

   - Process control applications of real time expert systems,
     neural networks, and fuzzy logic.

Key dates:

  Submission of draft papers      January 15, 1994
  Notification of acceptance        March 15, 1994
  Submission of full papers          June  1, 1994

  The Workshop language is English. All submissions must be written in
  English. Send three copies of the draft papers.


  The Workshop will take place in the  Palaestra building in the 
  university area in the center of the old university town Lund. 
  Lund is located in the southern part of Sweden and has good
  international flight connections via Copenhagen and/or Malmo.
  An exhibition will be arranged in connection with the Workshop.

Publication and Copyright:

  Only unpublished papers may be submitted. IFAC holds the copyright for
  publication of the papers. Accepted papers will appear in the
  Preprints and will be considered for possible publication in the IFAC
  Journals Automatica or Control Engineering Practice
  published by Pergamon Press. A paper will be released for
  (re)publication three months after the symposium unless the author has
  been notified that the paper is being considered for publication in
  either of the IFAC Journals. The abstract of all presented papers will
  be published in the IFAC Journal Control Engineering Practice.

  Copyright of articles are transferred to IFAC on presentation at the 
  meeting. Permission to republish material presented at the meeting
  should be sought from the IFAC Publications Office, Pergamon Press in 
  Oxford, UK. Permission to republish from Automatica and 
  Control Engineering Practice should be sought from the Rights and
  Permissions Manager, Pergamon Press in Oxford, UK. Please also note
  that the papers cannot be published unless they have been released
  from all patent and proprietary restrictions. 

Workshop Secretariat:

  Ms. Eva Dagnegard, Conference Secretary


  Department of Automatic Control
  Lund Institute of Technology
  P.O. Box 118
  S-221 00 Lund, Sweden

  Tel: +46 46 108787 
  Fax: +46 46 138118
  Email: ifac@control.lth.se


                             REPLY CARD

Surname: ......................  First name: ..........................

Company/Organization: .................................................


Address: ..............................................................
State/Country: ........................................................

Fax: ................. Phone: ............... E-mail: .................

I intend to

[ ] attend the Workshop. Please send additional information when

[ ] submit a paper. Three copies of the draft paper are enclosed.

    Provisional title: ................................................
    Name(s) of the author(s): .........................................


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*               THE END                  *
*                                        *