E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 58, part 1, May 11, 1993

E-mail:	   eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995	

	   Siep Weiland           
	   Dept. of Electrical Eng.
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582	


**** FROM THE OLD EDITORS ****          

Contributed by: Brad Dickinson and Eduardo Sontag

Starting with the current issue, the Eletter will be jointly edited by
Anton A. Stoorvogel and Siep Weiland, who kindly agreed to take over the job.
We would like to thank our readers for their contributions, starting with
our first issue on September 2, 1986.  During these almost 7 years, Eletter
has established itself as a major mode of communication in the controls
and signals community, and is an "official activity" of both the IEEE Control
Systems Society and the SIAM Activity Group in Control and Systems Theory.
It now has over 1300 subscribers.  Moreover, many other "Eletters", such as
the one in Signal Processing, have been started following Eletter's example.
We could not be more delighted at this success.

We wish the best of luck to Anton and Siep!

Brad Dickinson and Eduardo Sontag


* Due to the change of Editors there has been a huge backlog in           *
* contributions of this E-letter. Hence we are currently sending this     *
* E-letter in four parts. This will remove our backlog. Because of the    *
* backlog we had, various contributions of this E-letter are slightly     *
* outdated. However, we decided to include all submitted contributions    *
* unchanged in this issue of the E-letter in order to provide you with    *
* all the information.                                                    *
*                                                                         *
* We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the length of this issue.  *

There are a few changes due to the editorial change.

1) Any contributions have to be sent to the following E-mail address:

   A REQUEST: It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format 
   that we use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in 
   the next line.  In addition, please provide a 60-character title for the 
   Table of Contents.

2) Subscription and unsubscription to the E-letter have been automated.

   You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message to 
   ELETTER@WIN.TUE.NL carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You will
   be automatically included in our mailing list.
   To unsubscribe from this list just send an (empty) e-mail message to 
   ELETTER@WIN.TUE.NL carrying the subject 'remove', 'delete' or 

   If your address changed first unsubscribe (using your old E-mail address) 
   and then subscribe again (using your new E-mail address). If you can't use 
   your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to 
   ELETTER-REQUEST@WIN.TUE.NL and your old address will be removed manually.

   In case of any problems please send an E-mail to ELETTER-REQUEST@WIN.TUE.NL
   and we wil try to resolve the problem.

3) Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an (empty)
   e-mail message to  ELETTER@WIN.TUE.NL carrying the subject 'info'.

4) From now on we will try to send out the E-letter at regular intervals of 
   time. At this moment we are thinking of mailing the E-letter every 6 weeks.

5) In order to keep the E-letter a reasonably sized and easily accessible
   medium in the Systems and Control Community, we will ask contributors to 
   make an effort to keep their contributions short and to the point.

6) NOTE: if you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point 
   you wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching 
   for the string: *.**

Welcome to this E-letter number 58 !!


	Changes to mailing list
		People on the move
		Awards and Recognitions

	CDC Best Student Paper Competition

	Linear Algebra and its Applications,
		Special Issue Honoring CHANDLER DAVIS

	Call for papers Asia-Pacific Engineering Journal
	Call for papers Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control

	Czechoslovakia -> Czech Republic and Slovak Republic

	NSF funding Neuroengineering program

	Survey differential algebraic equations

	The Polya Prize

	Ftp site for ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven, Belgium

	CESAME of the Universite Catholique de Louvain has 
	moved to a new address

	     3rd SIAM Conf. on Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and Control
	     2nd European Control Conference
	     31st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and 
	     IT Workshop on Coding, System Theory, and Symbolic Dynamics

	     12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition

	     1994 IEEE/IFAC Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System 
				Design (CACSD'94)

	     12th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research

	     Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference

	     Third International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior

	     Asia-Pacific Workshop on Advances in Motion Control

	     European Simulation Symposium
	     1993 IEEE Workshop on VLSI signal processing

	     1994 American Control Conference 

	     3rd Int. Conf. on Automation, Robotics, and Computer Vision


	     1993 Int. Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications

	     ASCC-Asian Control Conference

	     2nd Int. Workshop on  Intelligent Signal Processing and 		
				Communication Systems

	     2nd Int. Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer
 				and Telecommunication Systems

	Central European Graduate School in Systems and Control Theory 

	New Books Published:
             Large Deviations Techniques and Applications 

	     Robust Control: Dynamics, Motion Planning, and Analysis 
			(Spong-Lewis-Abdallah Eds.)
	     Using Matlab to Analyze and Design Control Systems  

	     Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering
			(Hunt Ed.)   

	     Mathematical Control Theory: An Introduction

	     Performance Evaluation of High Speed Switching Fabrics and 
	     Networks: ATM, Broadband ISDN and MAN Technology
			(T. Robertazzi, Ed.)


	     Detection of Abrupt Changes: Theory and Applications
			(Michele Basseville, Igor Nikiforov) 

        Positions Available/Wanted:

	     Dept. of Aerospace/Mechanical Eng., Boston University
	     I.N.R.I.A. Sophia - Antipolis
	     Electrical Engineering Department, Bucknell University
             Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne
	     Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

        Table of Contents of Journals:
		Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing
		SIAM Control and Optimization
		Linear Algebra and its Applications
		Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
	        ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Meas. and Control

	Update of SCAD Database

Contributed by the Editors: Changes/Additions to mailing list.

Changes and Updates:

cabrera@bart.eng.yale.edu (Joao Batista D. Cabrera)
margreet@math.rug.nl (Margreet Kuijper, Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Leonid.Faybusovich@nd.edu (Leonid Faybusovich, Math, Notre Dame)
teel@ee.umn.edu (Andrew Teel)
sandro@win.tue.nl (Alessandro Di Bucchianico, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology)
vanhuffe@esat.kuleuven.ac.be (Sabine Van Huffel)
hunt@DBresearch-berlin.de (Ken Hunt, Daimler-Benz AG, Berlin)
d.indjic@ic.ac.uk (Drago Indjic, Imperial College
mct@ttk.jpte.hu (Mathematical Control Theory Group, Hungary)
nihal@sws.sinet.slb.com (Schlumberger Well Services)


deluca@irmunisa.ing.uniroma1.it (Alessandro Di Luca, Informatica, U di Roma)
deluca@irmunisa.bitnet (Alessandro Di Luca, Informatica, U di Roma) [Alternate]
si@asuvax.eas.asu.edu (Jennie Si, Electrical Engineering, Arizona State)
aeyels@gpx.autoctrl.rug.ac.be (Dirk Aeyels, Univ. of Gent, Belgium)
u32790@uicvm.bitnet (Stephen Yau, Mathematics, U Illinois Chicago)
marty@research.att.com (Marty Reiman, Math Networks & Systems, AT&T Bell Labs)
70403.3070@compuserve.com (Jordan Berg, Mechanical Engineering, Drexel)
lagnese@gumath1.math.georgetown.edu (Jack Lagnese, Georgetown)
jiang@cas.ensmp.fr (Zhongping Jiang)
hepner@imrt.ethz.ch (Stephan Hepner, Measurement and Control Lab, ETH, Zurich)
ccfang@src.umd.edu (Chung-Chieh Fang, Univ of Maryland)
kmorris@riccati.uwaterloo.ca (K.A. Morris,Applied Mathematics,Waterloo,Ontario)
FACG002@saupm00.bitnet (Dr L.Cheded, King Fahd Univ, SAUDI ARABIA)
atesi@ingfi1.cineca.it (Alberto Tesi, Sistemi e Informatica, Firenze)
dsbaero@engin.umich.edu (Dennis S. Bernstein, Aerospace Engr, Michigan)
naomi@eng.umd.edu (Naomi Ehrich Leonard, Syst Res Ctr, Univ of Maryland)
sourlas@seas.ucla.edu (Dennis Sourlas)
peo@techunix.technion.ac.il (Per-Olof Gutman, Technion, Israel)
mattern@mars.lerc.nasa.gov (Duane Mattern, Sverdrup @ NASA Lewis)
langari@arya.tamu.edu (Reza Langari, Texas A&M University)
yuxm@duvm.ocs.drexel.edu (Xiao-Ming Yu, Drexel University)
rsua@snake4.uam.mx (Rodolfo Suarez C., Univ Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico)
ilchmann@AMRISC01.math.uni-hamburg.de (Achim Ilchmann)
wterrell@cabell.vcu.edu (William J. Terrell, Virginia Commonwealth University)
steinber@ivy.princeton.edu (Yossi Steinberg, Princeton University)
penco@ppc.ubc.ca (Rita Penco, UBC Pulp & Paper Centre)
i7020101@dbstu1.bitnet (Dr. Kai Mueller, Technical University of Braunschweig)
haddow@me.msu.edu (Alan Haddow, Mechanical Eng. Dept., Michigan State Univ.)
aranda@lan01.ensm-nantes.fr (Eduardo Aranda)

Contributed by the Editors -- PERSONALS

                ****** PEOPLE ON THE MOVE ************

(1)  Mark Davis (Imperial College, London) will be at the IMA, University of 
     Minnesota, Minneapolis, April 1 - June 30 1993 (email: mdavis@ima.umn.edu)
     and at Columbia University, Department of Statistics, April 19-25.
     Please continue to send correspondence relating to Stochastics and 
     Stochastics Reports or to Mathematical Finance to Mark Davis or Doris 
     Abeysekera at Imperial College, London SW7 2BT, England.

(2)  Carl Nett, currently an Associate Professor and Director of the
     Laboratory for Identification and Control of Complex Highly
     Uncertain Systems (LICCHUS, "like-us") in the School of
     Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Instititue of Technology,
     Atlanta, Georgia, has accepted a position with United Technologies 
     Research Center (UTRC) in Hartford, Connecticut, effective this Fall. 
     In this position Carl will lead UTRC's efforts in active control of 
     nonlinear distributed parameter systems, leading a research group which 
     will eventually include 6 Ph.D.'s. Initially his efforts will be 
     focused on modeling, nonlinear dynamics, and active control of unsteady 
     compressible flows, with special emphasis on active control of jet 
     engine aerodynamic and combustion instabilities. In this latter 
     capacity he will work very closely with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in 
     Hartford, Connecticut and West Palm Beach, Florida.

                 ********** PEOPLE GOING UP ************

(1)  David D. Yao has been appointed the Thomas Alva Edison Professor
     at Columbia University. He has been Professor of Industrial Engineering 
     and Operations Research at Columbia University since 1988. 

                ********** AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS ************

(1) The National Academy of Engineering announced this month the 
    election to membership of Manfred Morari, a chemical engineer from 
    Caltech. Morari is one of 73 new members and eight new foreign 
    associates elected this year.  

    Election to the academy is one of the highest honors conferred on engineers.
    Academy membership honors those who have made important contributions to 
    engineering theory and practice, and those who have demonstrated unusual 
    accomplishment in new and developing fields of technology.

    The academy cited Morari, the Ross McCollum-William H. Corcoran Professor of
    Chemical Engineering and executive officer for chemical engineering at 
    Caltech, for his "analysis of the effects of design on process operability 
    and the development of techniques for robust process control."

    The National Academy of Engineering, founded in 1964, is devoted to the 
    advancement and wise use of engineering and technology. It conducts its 
    activities jointly with the National Academy of Sciences, under the 
    congressional charter granted the NAS in 1863, to provide advice to the 
    federal government, whenever called upon, and to advance the health of 
    science and engineering.

(2) On the recommendation of the ILAS Linear Algebra Prize Committee, the
    ILAS Executive Board has awarded the first Hans Schneider Prize in
    Linear Algebra jointly to MIROSLAV FIEDLER (Czech Academy of Sciences,
    Prague), SHMUEL FRIEDLAND (U. Illinois, Chicago) and ISRAEL GOHBERG (U.

    The prizes will be awarded at the Pensacola meeting in March 1993.  The
    prize talks will be delivered at three consecutive meetings as
    follows:  Fiedler - Pensacola (March 1993), Gohberg - Rotterdam (August
    1994), and Friedland - Atlanta (August 1995).

    The prize committee consisted of Tom Laffey (chair), Gene Golub, Alan
    Hoffman, Hans Schneider (ex officio) and Robert Thompson.

    ILAS congratulates the prize winners on their outstanding and deeply
    influential research contributions.

            ******* CHANGES OF ADDRESS, PHONE, ETC *******

    ******* send us more information for the gossip column!!! *******

Contributed by: passino@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu (Kevin Passino)

1992 Conference on Decision and Control
Student Best Paper Competition Results

	This is the fifth year that the CDC Best Student Paper Competition has
been carried out.  This award was initiated by Steve Yurkovich, a past
chairman of student activities, to recognize outstanding student
	This year 36  students were nominated by their advisors for the award. 
The 36 nominated papers were sent to 19 reviewers for consideration, with
each paper being reviewed by four different researchers.  From the scores
received from these reviewers, four finalists were determined.  These four
finalists were then submitted to a Blue Ribbon Committee consisting of four
distinguished researchers within the Control Systems Society.  The task of
this committee was to choose the overall winner from the four finalists.

Certificates were given to the following three finalists:

(1) Z. Pan, Advisor: Prof. T. Basar, Hinfinite-Optimal Control for
Singularly Perturbed Systems, Part II: Imperfect State Measurements

(2) H. Siegelmann, Advisor: Prof. Eduardo D. Sontag, Some Recent Results on
Computing with Neural Networks

(3) Li-Xin Wang, Advisor: Prof. Jerry Mendel, Stable Adaptive Fuzzy Control
of Nonlinear Systems

A plaque was given to the winner:

Prof. X. Yun, Student: Y. Yamamoto: Coordinating Locomotion and
Manipulation of a Mobile Manipulator

The certificates and plaque were presented at the Awards Banquet in
December at the 1992 CDC in Tucson, AZ. 

Contributed by: Hans Schneider 


		   Special Issue Honoring CHANDLER DAVIS

Chandler Davis will reach the mandatory retirement age at the
University of Toronto this year. While he remains as vigorously active
as ever, this is an appropriate time to recognize his contributions to
this journal, to mathematics, and to our lives.  A special issue of
scheduled for publication in the first half of 1994.  The purpose of
this announcement is to solicit papers for this issue.

Papers are invited concerning any aspect of linear algebra, its
applications, and its interactions with the theory of operators on
Hilbert space.  All contributions will subject to the normal reviewing

Submissions should be sent by  March 31, 1993 to one of the special
editors of this issue:

     Rajendra Bhatia
     Indian Statistical Institute
     New Delhi 110016

     Shmuel Friedland
     Department of Mathematics
     University of Illinois at Chicago
     Box 4348,  M/C 249
     Chicago, IL  60680

     Peter Rosenthal
     Mathematics Department
     University of Toronto
     Toronto, Ontario  M5S 1A1

Papers may also be submitted to the editor-in-chief of this Journal.

Contributed by: eletansh@nuscc.nus.sg (Tan Shao Hua (Dr))

                       Call for Papers

to publish a special issue on Neural Control in March 1994. This special issue
will cover all aspects of neural control, including but
not limited to the following topics:

Adaptive control         Learning control
Nonlinear control        Process control 
Motion control           System identification 
Stability                System theory 
Hybrid control systems   Optimal control 
Robotics                 Control strategies planning

Authors are invited to submit their contributions to 

APEJ Managing Editor
Faculty of Engineering
National University of Singapore
Singapore 0511
Tel: (65)7722292
Fax: (65)7773847 or (65)7773117
E-mail: eletansh@nuscc.nus.sg

Submission Deadline: 15 September 1993

APEJ (Part A) Editorial Board (Control & Automation)

K.J. Astrom (Sweden), K. Furuta (Japan), G. Goodwin (Austrilia), Z.-J. Han
(P.R. China), C.C. Hang (Singapore), F. Harashima (Japan), R.N.K. Loh
(USA), M.G. Rodd (UK), Y.P. Shih (Taiwan), S. Yamamoto (JAPAN)

Instruction for Authors:

1. 3 copies of the manuscripts in English should be submitted to the
   Managing Editor. The manuscript, including an abstract of no more than
   100 words, references, tables, figures and figure captions should be clearly
   typed in double-space on A4 size paper with ample margins around text.
2. Each symbol must be clear, either typed neatly or written in ink
   and properly aligned to distinguish superscripts and subscripts.
   Section headings, references, tables and figures should be numbered in 
   Arabic numerals. Footnotes and references should be listed at the end of 
   the main text.

3. Each table or figure should occupy a separate page, and all tables and
   figures should be grouped at the end of the paper. Original indian-ink 
   drawings or glossy prints are preferred and they should be large enough 
   for reduction to a minimum of 50%. A list of figure captions should be 
   given on a separate sheet.

4. Once a paper is accepted, authors are assumed to have transferred 
   the copyright to the publisher. It is author's responsibility to obtain
   written permission to reproduce copyrighted materials.

5. All submitted papers will be acknowledged and refereed. There is no page 
   charge and 50 free reprints will be provide to the main author of each paper.

Contributed by: Carlos E. de Souza (desouza@lag.grenet.fr)

                   CALL FOR PAPERS

  Special Issue on H_infinity and Robust Estimation

There has been a growing interest over the past few years on
H_infinity and robust  filtering. A basic theory has been developed
which covers both  continuous and discrete time cases. A number of
important results have also been obtained on the related problems of
mixed H2/H_infinity filtering, robust smoothing, and identification.

The International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control plans to
publish a special issue on H_infinity and robust estimation covering 
recent developments in this area. This issue is expected to be 
published in early 1994.  The topics in mind for this special issue 
are: The theory of H_infinity  filtering and smoothing; robust signal
estimation; multi-objective estimation; game theory approach to 
estimation and identification; numerical considerations of signal 
estimation schemes. Both theoretical and applications-oriented 
research papers are sought.

The special issue will be organized by:

Dr. Carlos E. de Souza
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
The University of Newcastle
N.S.W. 2308, Australia
Emails: desouza@lag.grenet.fr (till June 30, 1993)
Fax: (49) 601 712

Prof. Uri Shaked
Department of Electrical Engineering-Systems
Tel-Aviv University
69978 Tel-Aviv
Email: f21@vm.tau.ac.il
Fax : (3) 642 37 55

Authors are invited to submit five (05) copies of the paper to 
Carlos E. de Souza at the above address. The deadline for submission
is 31st August 1993.

Contributed by: jiri rohn 

Dear colleagues, I wish to remind you that the state of Czechoslovakia
will cease to exist at the end of this month since it will be split
into two independent states on Jan. 1, 1993. From that date on, please
use in your mail the name "Czech Republic" for the west part (with capi-
tal Prague) and "Slovak Republic" for the east one (capital Bratislava).
With my best season greetings to all of you,

Jiri Rohn

Contributed by: Paul J. Werbos 

The Neuroenineering program element of the Engineering Systems Program
at NSF gives special priority to proposals in the areas of
"neurocontrol," "neuroidentification" and improved supervised learning.
In practice, this means that proposals which involve learning in
nonlinear adaptive control and approximate dynamic
programming, written by people with real expertise in the relevant
areas of control theory, have a relatively high probability of funding.
At NSF probability of funding is always relative, of course:
this program element has a total budget of about $1.5 million,
and an acceptance rate in the usual range of 10-20 percent for all
proposals.  Those who are interested in this are
are urged to look at the new Handbook of Intelligent Control, edited
by White and Sofge, Van Nostrand, 1992 (out since September) which
describes a lot of the work we have supported in the past.

This year, there are some special additional priorities, related to
initiatives. These are in the areas of High Performance Computing and
Communication, and Manufacturing. Proposals which qualify as related
to either of those areas will have a higher probability of funding
than do others. Thus test problems of interest to manufacturing
(e.g. with letters of interest from industry) are worthwhile, SO LONG as
the designs being tested are innovative, and the underlying work is
credible. Diagnostic kinds of analysis are certainly welcome.
In High Performance C&C, special emphasis is given to optical
technologies, and the needs of large scale future information systems.

This program element has a "soft" deadline of the end of February. This
means that proposals should be sent to the NSF proposal processing office by
that date (meeting the format requirements of the new GRESE!), and a
an extra copy should be mailed to me directly to arrive by March 1, if
possible, to help me schedule panel review. (Room 1151, NSF, DC 20550).
A typical proposal would be 60K or less per year for three years,
though proposals suitable for cofunding and the like might be 100K
/year. Proposals arriving too late in March may not make it to panel
review, or may receive less attention from reviewers; this would
reduce the probability of funding.

Good luck.

Contributed by: Steve Campbell, slc@math.ncsu.edu

I am in the process of compiling a survey of linear or nonlinear differential 
algebraic equations (also known as singular, descriptor, or semi-state systems)
of index four or higher which occur in applications. One way that these systems
occur is in path  or other constrained control problems where the relative 
degree is three or higher. I would be interested in any papers, preprints, or 
reports dealing with problems of degree three or higher.  Both general 
discussions and specific models are being sought.  Hardcopy or email can be sent
directly to the addresses below.    

The report will hopefully be ready for public distribution by sometime this 

Thank you for your assistance.

Stephen L. Campbell

Department of Mathematics
Box 8205
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8205 USA

Phone: 1-919-515-3300
FAX:   1-919-515-3798
email: slc@math.ncsu.edu (Fastest)
  or:  na.scampbell@na-net.ornl.gov
  or:  s_campbell@ncsu.edu  

>From bogardo@siam.org Wed Apr 28 22:11:29 1993
Subject: George Polya Prize

                         CALL FOR NOMINATIONS


                          GEORGE POLYA PRIZE

The Polya Prize

SIAM will present the award at the 1994 SIAM Annual Meeting in San Diego,
California, July 25-29.  The award honors the memory of George Polya and will
be given for a notable contribution in one of the following areas:
approximation theory, complex analysis, number theory, orthogonal polynomials,
probability theory, or mathematical discovery and learning.


There are no restrictions except that the prize is broadly intended to
recognize specific work.

Description of the Award

The award will consist of an engraved medal and a $20,000 cash prize. 


A letter of nomination, including description of achievement(s), should be
sent by August 1, 1993, to:

                Professor Richard A. Askey
                Chair, Polya Prize Committee
                c/o Allison Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                Telephone: (215) 382-9800
                Fax:       (215) 386-7999
                E-mail:    bogardo@siam.org

Contributed by: schelfho@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

Subject: ftp site for ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven, Belgium

Now available by anonymous ftp:

Internal reports and (p)reprints of the research group SISTA 
(Signals, Identification, System Theory and Automation) of the 
division ESAT (Electronics, Systems, Automation, Technology) of the 
department of Electrical Engineering of the 
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven (=Louvain), Belgium.

SISTA is the group of Prof. Joos Vandewalle and Prof. Bart De Moor,
and contains some 25 researchers working on topics in numerical linear
algebra, system identification, control system design, neural nets and
nonlinear systems.

1. Create an FTP connection from wherever you are to machine
   "gate.esat.kuleuven.ac.be". The internet address of this machine is , for those who need it.

2. Log in as user "anonymous" with your own e-mail address as password.
   This is not because we want to monitor you, but because we like to know
   when somebody is interested in our reports.

3. Change remote directory to "/pub/SISTA//reports", i.e. type:
   cd /pub/SISTA//reports
   where  is the name of the guy whose paper you are interested in.
   Of course one can get a listing of the authors by typing:
   ls /pub/SISTA

4. Get the report or (p)reprint you are interested in, typing:
   Here  is the name of the report, typically in the format 
   *.ps.Z (compressed Postscript). One can use the unix command 'uncompress'
   to uncompress them.
   A listing of the reports of  may be obtained by typing:
   ls /pub/SISTA//reports
   This directory also contains a file ABSTRACTS, where you find abstracts
   and some other info on each report

The exact FTP commands you should use may depend on your local FTP program.
Remember to use the binary transfer mode for compressed files.
All of this is also contained in more detail in the file /pub/SISTA/README

================== RFC 822 Headers ==================
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 93 16:01:21 +0100
Message-Id: <9302181501.AA13139@orwell.esat.kuleuven.ac.be>
Received: by orwell.esat.kuleuven.ac.be Thu, 18 Feb 93 16:01:21 +0100

Contributed by Michel Gevers (gevers@auto.ucl.ac.be)


The Centre for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics (CESAME) of the
Universite Catholique de Louvain was created in 1991 by the integration of
the Applied Mechanics Group (MEMA) and the Automatic Control Group (AUTO)
of the School of Engineering. CESAME is in charge of a Technology Transfer
Centre funded by the Regional Government. It is also the pilot team in
charge of an Inter University Pole of Attraction on ``Modeling, Simulation
and Control of Complex Systems'', funded by the Belgian Ministry of
Science. The associated teams involved in this Centre are at the
Universities of Leuven, Brussels, Gent and Namur. 

About 75 people work at CESAME, including about 15 permanent staff and 50
temporary research staff. The Centre attracts a large number of visitors.
The scientific activities cover identification and automatic control,
nonlinear systems, numerical simulation, fluid mechanics, parallel and
vectorized computing, optimisation, and discrete event dynamical systems.

On April 19, 1993, CESAME has moved into the new Euler Building funded in
large part by the Regional Government. The new address is: 

Centre for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Batiment Euler
4, Avenue Georges Lemaitre
B 1348 Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
Tel: +32-10-472597
Fax: +32-10-472180

The day-to-day operation of CESAME is administered by a Board of 5 members.
They are Professors G. Bastin, G. Campion, M. Crochet, M. Gevers and R.
Keunings. Prof Gevers is Head of the Control Group, Prof Keunings is Head
of the Applied Mechanics Group.

Contributed by: flores@siam.org

THIRD SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and Control
                     August 16-19, 1993
                  University of Washington
                    Seattle, Washington


          Conference Themes (Partial)

          Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Control
          Computer Vision
          Identification and Estimation
          Large-Scale and Parallel Computations
                in Control and Signal Processing
          Large-Scale Control Systems
          Linear Algebra and Wavelets
          Mathematical Control and Systems Theory
          Numerical Linear Algebra in Control
          Optimal Control
          Robust and H-Infinity Control
          Signal and Image Processing

If you are planning to give a presentation, and have not yet submitted your 
abstract, now is the time to submit it. SIAM encourages electronic submission. 
To help in formatting your submission, plain TeX or LaTeX macros are available.
If you are not using TeX, submissions can be made as plain text e-mail, but no 
embedded symbols from mathematics editor should be used.  
Contact SIAM now .....telephone  215-382-9800,   FAX  215-386-7999, and
                      E-Mail:   meetings@siam.org

Thank you and we look forward to your participation in the conference.

Contributed by: H.L. Trentelman 


             ECC '93, GRONINGEN, JUNE 28-JULY 1, 1993
At the end of January '93, the decisions of acceptance or rejection of 
papers submitted for the EEC '93 were mailed to the corresponding 
authors. To those authors whose paper was accepted, also instructions
on the type-setting of the final version of their manuscript were sent.
In addition, to all corresponding authors a copy of the preliminary
program, together with a registration form was sent.

Corresponding authors are asked to pay attention to the following:

1. Anticipating on possible delays in the postal service: if by the
   middle of February '93 you have not received the above mentioned
   documents, please contact one of the following Email addresses:


2. We would like to stress that, in case of joint authorship, the
   above documents were mailed to the corresponding authors only.
   All other authors can obtain a preliminary program together with
   a registration form upon request from:
      Congres Bureau Groningen
      P.O. Box 72
      9700 AB Groningen
      The Netherlands
      tel. 31-50-635453
      fax  31-50-635454/636300

3. Other persons that want to register for the ECC '93 should also 
   contact the Congres Bureau Groningen to obtain a preliminary
   program and a registration form

The ECC '93 will feature the following events:
 * An opening session
 * A keynote address by Prof. A.G.J. MacFarlane

 * 8 main lectures

 * 3 mini-courses of 3 hours each

 * 375 contributed papers

 * 23 invited sessions of 4 or 5 papers each

 * A reception
 * A conference dinner

The conference will be held in pleasant surroundings in the center of
Groningen in the Netherlands

Contributed by: D. Sarwate and P. Van Dooren 


                SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 1, 1993

The Thirty-first Annual Allerton Conference will be held September 29 -
October 1, 1993 at Allerton House, the conference center of the
University of Illinois.  Allerton House is located twenty-six miles
southwest of the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University in a wooded
area on the Sangamon River.  It is part of the fifteen hundred acre
Robert Allerton Park, near Monticello, Illinois.

Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of
communication systems, information theory and coding, detection and
estimation, communication networks, mobile radio, vector quantization,
source coding, image coding and data compression, control systems,
adaptive control, optimization, dynamic games, large scale systems,
robotics and automation, manufacturing systems, discrete event
systems, intelligent control, multivariable control, adaptive signal
processing, neural networks, parallel and distributed algorithms, 
numerical methods for signals and systems.

Invited sessions are being organized on the following topics: mobile
communication systems, multiple-access communications, decentralized
detection, high-speed packet switches for telecommunications, control
of networks with bursty traffic, queueing networks, discrete event systems,
robust and nonlinear control, fault-tolerant multivariable design,
intelligent control, robotics, numerical methods for systems and control,
adaptive systems, and software for communications and control.  Persons
interested in organizing sessions on other topics are encouraged to discuss
the proposed session(s) with the conference co-chairs.

Information for authors: Two kinds of papers are solicited.  The
first are regular papers for presentation in twenty minutes;
these papers will be published in the conference Proceedings.
The second are short papers suitable for presentation in ten
minutes; only summaries of these papers will be published in the
Proceedings.  The purpose of the short paper category is to
encourage authors to present preliminary results of their work.

For regular papers, a title and a five to ten page extended abstract,
including references and sufficient detail to permit careful reviewing
are required.  For short papers, a title and a thousand word summary
are required.  Manuscripts that are submitted as regular papers
but cannot be accommodated in that category will be considered in the
short paper category, unless the authors indicate otherwise.

Two copies of the manuscript must be received by July 12, 1993.  These
should be mailed to 31st Annual Allerton Conference, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Coordinated Science Laboratory, 1308 West Main Street,
Urbana, Illinois 61801.  Please specify the name and address of
the author who is to receive all subsequent correspondence.

Authors will be notified of acceptance by August 23, 1993, at
which time they will also receive special sheets for the preparation
of papers for the Proceedings.  The length of regular papers is
limited to the equivalent of ten single-spaced 8 1/2-by-11 inch pages.
The length of short papers is limited to two such pages.

      Conference Co-Chairs:  Dilip V. Sarwate and Paul Van Dooren



Contributed by: Jan C. Willems 

                       PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT
     IT Workshop on Coding, System Theory, and Symbolic Dynamics

                         October 18-20, 1993
                             Boston area

Recent results in coding, system theory and symbolic dynamics have
highlighted common concepts and results in the three fields.

* Although convolutional codes have long been characterized as linear
  systems over fields, coding theorists have recognized only recently
  that block codes and lattices also have dynamical (trellis)
  structure, and that many good trellis codes may be best
  characterized as systems over groups.
* Symbolic dynamics has become an essential tool for the design of
  codes for constrained channels; this coding application has in turn
  spawned new research areas for symbolic dynamicists.
* Willems has championed a behavioral approach to system theory in
  which a system is characterized by the set of its output sequences,
  from which the dynamics of the system are deduced.  This viewpoint
  is congenial to both coding theorists and symbolic dynamicists.

Each field has its own language and viewpoint, which has posed
barriers to sharing results and concepts.  The purposes of this
workshop are to promote communication between workers in these three
areas, to highlight commonalities, and to present cutting-edge
research problems in each field with the hope that cross-fertilization
will promote progress.

The organizers plan a number of invited tutorial lectures specifically
for interspecialty communication.  Leading workers in each field will
also be invited to present surveys of current research, with less
emphasis on solved problems than on open ones.  Finally, there will be
both invited and contributed papers presenting recent research
results.  A minimum requirement for any paper will be that it touch at
least two of the three areas.

The arrangements for the Workshop are currently underway, and more
information will be available soon.  If you have an interest in
participating in the Workshop, please contact one of the organizers
listed below; you will then be kept informed of Workshop plans.

Organizing Committee:

Dave Forney                       Chris Heegard
Motorola/Codex			  School of Electrical Engineering
20 Cabot Boulevard		  Cornell University
Mansfield, MA 02048		  Ithaca, NY 14853
email: David_Forney@mcimail.com	  email: heegard@ee.cornell.edu
phone: (617) 821-7500		  phone: (607) 255-7194
fax:   (617) 821-4211		  fax:   (607) 254-4565

Brian Marcus                    Mitchell Trott
IBM Almaden Research		Dept. of Electrical Eng. and Computer Science
Department K65/802		Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
650 Harry Road			MIT 35-213
San Jose, CA 95120		Cambridge, MA 02139
email: marcus@almaden.ibm.com	email: trott@lids.mit.edu
phone: (408) 927-2050		phone: (617) 253-2359
fax:   (408) 927-2100		fax:   (617) 258-8553

Jan C. Willems
University of Groningen
Mathematics Institute
P.O. Box 800
9700 AV  Groningen
the Netherlands
Telephone: +31 50 633984 
	   +31 50 633987 (secretary)
	   +31 50 633976 (telefax)
Email: J.C.Willems@math.rug.nl

Contributed by: David Malah 

                       CALL FOR PAPERS - 12th ICPR
              International Conferences on Pattern Recognition
                     Oct 9-13, 1994, Jerusalem, Israel

The 12th ICPR of the International Association for Pattern Recognition will be
organized as a set of four conferences, each dealing with a special topic. The
program for each individual conference will be organized by its own Program 
Committee. Papers describing applications are encouraged, and will be reviewed
by a special Applications Committee. An award will be given for the best 
industry-related paper presented at the conference. Considerations for this 
award will include innovative applications, robust performance, and 
contributions to industrial progress. An exhibition will also be held.
The conference proceedings are published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

GENERAL CO-CHAIRS:   S. Ullman - Weizmann Inst. (shimon@wisdom.weizmann.ac.il)
                     S. Peleg - The Hebrew University (peleg@cs.huji.ac.il)
LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS:  Y. Yeshurun - Tel-Aviv University (hezy@math.tau.ac.il)
INDUSTRIAL & APPLICATIONS LIAISON: M. Ejiri - Hitachi (ejiri@crl.hitachi.co.jp)

                          CONFERENCE DESCRIPTIONS

1. COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE PROCESSING, T. Huang - University of Illinois
   Early vision and segmentation; image representation; shape and texture
   analysis; motion and stereo; range imaging and remote sensing; color;
   3D representation and recognition.

   Statistical, syntactic, and hybrid pattern recognition techniques; neural
   networks for associative memory, classification, and temporal processing;
   biologically oriented neural networks models; biomedical applications.

3. SIGNAL PROCESSING, D. Malah - Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
   Analysis, representation, coding, and recognition of signals; signal and 
   image enhancement and restoration; scale-space and joint time-frequency
   analysis and representation; speech coding and recognition; image and video
   coding; auditory scene analysis.

4. PARALLEL COMPUTING, S. Tanimoto - University of Washington
   Parallel architectures and algorithms for pattern recognition, vision, and
   signal processing; special languages, programming tools, and applications of
   multiprocessor and distributed methods; design of chips, real-time hardware,
   and neural networks; recognition using multiple sensory modalities.

Notification of Acceptance: May 1994. Camera-Ready Copy: June 1994.

Send four copies of paper to: 12th ICPR, c/o International, 10 Rothschild blvd,
65121 Tel Aviv, ISRAEL. Tel. +972(3)510-2538, Fax +972(3)660-604

Each manuscript should include the following:
1. A Summary Page addressing these topics:
   - To which of the four conference is the paper submitted?
   - What is the paper about? - What is the original contribution of this work?
   - Does the paper mainly describe an application, and should be reviewed by
     the applications committee?
2. The paper, limited in length to 4000 words. This is the estimated length
   of the proceedings version.
For further information contact the secretariat at the above address, or use
E-mail: icpr@math.tau.ac.il .

>From CELLIER@cadmus.ece.arizona.edu Sat May  1 07:40:16 1993
Subject: Call for Papers for CACSD'94 (Computer-Aided Control System Design)



    1994 IEEE Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD'94)
   6th IFAC Symposium on Computer-Aided Design in Control Systems (CADCS'94)

                                March 7-9, 1994
                                Tucson, Arizona

                                  Sponsored by

                        The IEEE Control System Society

                                  Organized by

                        The IEEE Control System Society
          Technical Committee on Computer-Aided Control System Design


               The International Federation of Automatic Control
                   Education Technical Committee (IFAC/EDCOM)
              Systems Engineering Technical Committee (IFAC/SECOM)

      The 1994 Joint IEEE/IFAC Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System
Design brings together research paper presentations, panel sessions, surveys,
tutorials, large-scale industrial applications, and software/hardware
demonstrations of tools and techniques related to the automated design of
control systems.

      The spectrum of this conference covers all aspects of computer-aided
control system design including

    . Algorithms for CACSD
      The 1994 CACSD Conference places special emphasis on algorithms for
      intelligent controller design (algorithms for the automated design of
      fuzzy controllers, neural-network controllers, fault-tolerant controllers,
      high-autonomy system controllers), but papers in all other areas of CACSD
      algorithms are also welcome.

    . Data Structures for CACSD
      The focus of previous CACSD conferences was mainly on classical and
      modern time- and frequency-domain design methods.  Data structures
      necessary for such design algorithms were mostly limited to linear matrix
      algebra, polynomials and rational functions over complex variables, and
      polynomial matrices.  Discussions of data structures necessary to support
      the design of intelligent controllers are of great interest to this

    . Software Tools for CACSD
      We welcome contributions describing tools for the implementation of CACSD
      algorithms, such as Matlab toolboxes for specific CACSD methodologies.

    . Support Environments for CACSD
      In the past, controller design usually led to a simple matrix or transfer
      function that was easily implemented.  No computer support was needed to
      translate the control system design into a controller implementation.
      With the advent of more complex controllers for more complex systems, this
      is no longer true.  The 1994 CACSD conference will therefore provide a
      forum to discuss CASE 4 CACE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering for
      Computer-Aided Control Engineering).  Contributions that describe tools
      and techniques for the support/simplification of
        - the design of control algorithms
        - the integration of CACSD tools
        - the translation of CACSD algorithms into control implementations
        - the validation of controller designs/realizations
        - the design/implementation of fault monitors for plant and controller
      are therefore of strong interest to this conference.

      . July 31, 1993         Full papers due (five copies).
      . September 30, 1993    Notification of acceptance to authors.
      . November 30, 1993     Camera Ready Copies due.

      Manuscripts should be submitted to the General Chairman of the conference
together with a cover letter stating your name, affiliation, mailing address,
telephone number, FAX number, and e_mail address.  Electronic submission of
manuscripts is encouraged.  Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two
members of the International Program Committee.  After the conference, authors
may re-submit their papers for post-conference publication to either IFAC or
IEEE journals.

General Chairman:      Francois E. Cellier, Dept. of Electr. & Comp. Engr.
                       University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, U.S.A.
                       Phone: +1(602)621-6192   FAX: +1(602)621-8076
                       e_mail: Cellier@ECE.Arizona.Edu

Program Co-Chairmen:   John O. Gray, Dept. of Electr. Engr.
                       University of Salford, The Crescent, SALFORD, M5 4WT
                       United Kingdom
                       Phone: +44(61)745-5952   FAX: +44(61)745-5999

                       Sven Erik Mattson, Dept. of Automatic Control
                       Lund Institute of Technology, P.O.Box 118
                       S-221 00 Lund, Sweden
                       Phone: +46(46)10-8779    FAX: +46(46)13-8118
                       e_mail: SvenErik@Control.LTH.SE

Local Arrangements:    Paul Baltes, EPD, Box 9, Harvill Bldg.
                       University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, U.S.A.
                       Phone: +1(602)621-5104   FAX: +1(602)621-1443
                       e_mail: Baltes@BigDog.Engr.Arizona.Edu

Exhibition Chairman:   Ching-Fang Lin, American GNC Corporation
                       9131 Mason Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311, U.S.A.
                       Phone: +1(818)407-0092   FAX: +1(818)407-0093
                       e_mail: American_GNC@Cup.Portal.Com

                        International Program Committee

Joseph Aguilar Martin L.A.A.S./C.N.R.S.                          France
Pedro Albertos        Technical University of Valencia           Spain
Jim Albus             N.I.S.T.                                   U.S.A.
Karl-Johan Astrom     Lund Institute of Technology               Sweden
Derek Atherton        University of Sussex                       U.K.
Douglas Birdwell      University of Tennessee                    U.S.A.
Pierre Borne          Ecole Centrale de Lille                    France
Luc Boullart          University of Ghent                        Belgium
Francois Delebecque   I.N.R.I.A.                                 France
Karl-Heinz Fasol      Ruhr-University Bochum                     Germany
Gene Franklin         Stanford University                        U.S.A.
Dean Frederick        Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute           U.S.A.
Katsuhisa Furuta      Tokyo Institute of Technology              Japan
Torkel Glad           Technical University of Linkoping          Sweden
Fernando Gomide       State University of Campinas               Brazil
Georg Gruebel         German Aerospace Research Establishment    Germany
Guido Guardabassi     Technical University of Milan              Italy
Karan Harbison        Automation & Robotics Research Institute   U.S.A.
Rafael Huber          Technical University of Barcelona          Spain
John James            Intermetrics, Inc.                         U.S.A.
Chris Jobling         University College of Swansea              U.K.
Laszlo Keviczky       Hungarian Academy of Sciences              Hungary
Peer Martin Larsen    Technical University of Denmark            Denmark
Derek Linkens         University of Sheffield                    U.K.
Lennart Ljung         Technical University of Linkoping          Sweden
Jan Maciejowski       University of Cambridge                    U.K.
Wolfgang Marquardt    Technical University Aachen                Germany
Neil Munro            University of Manchester                   U.K.
Grantham Pang         University of Waterloo                     Canada
Ole Ravn              Technical University of Denmark            Denmark
Magnus Rimvall        General Electric Company                   U.S.A.
Walter Schaufelberger Swiss Federal Institute of Technology      Switzerland
Christian Schmid      Ruhr-University Bochum                     Germany
Jim Taylor            OraCorp, Inc.                              U.S.A.
Andre Titli           L.A.A.S./C.N.R.S.                          France
Arne Tysso            CAMO A/S                                   Norway
Ad van den Boom       Eindhoven University                       Netherlands
Paul van den Bosch    Delft University of Technology             Netherlands
Kimon Valavanis       University of Southwestern Louisiana       U.S.A.
Steve Vestal          Honeywell, Inc.                            U.S.A.
Michael Zeitz         University of Stuttgart                    Germany

=====virtual scissors==========================================================


 [  ]  I plan to submit a paper

 [  ]  I wish to receive the Preliminary Program

 Name: _____________________________________

 Title: ____________________________________

 Affiliation: ______________________________

 Address: __________________________________



 Phone Number: _____________________________

 FAX Number: _______________________________

 E_Mail Address: ___________________________

 If you wish to receive further information about CACSD'94, please, fill in
 the above form and return it to: Cellier@ECE.Arizona.Edu

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 58, part 2, May 11,1993

E-mail:	   eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995	

	   Siep Weiland           
	   Dept. of Electrical Eng.
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582	

Contributed by: fheyligh@vnet3.vub.ac.be (Francis Heylighen)

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

   *                       Symposium :                         *

                         as part of the	

    12th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research 
               EMCSR'94, Vienna, April 5-8, 1994

About the Symposium:

A symposium in collaboration with the Principia Cybernetica Project (PCP)
will be held at EMCSR'94. Chairmen are F. Heylighen (representing PCP) and
S. Umpleby. The theme is a cybernetic perspective on the creation and
evolution of knowledge, with special emphasis on methods of model
construction in science. We wish to focus on both fundamental principles
(what is knowledge, what is science, which criteria distinguish adequate
knowledge, how does knowledge originate and develop, what is the role of
induction, abduction, blind variation, selection, recombination, memetic
spreading...) and practical applications (which methods and tools can help
us to steer or improve the generation of knowledge). The latter is
especially important for the Principia Cybernetica Project, as a
collaborative computer-supported attempt to develop philosophical

The EMCSR meetings are possibly the most important and best organized large
congresses in their domain. Though they are traditionally called
"European", they really bring together researchers from all continents,
albeit with a relative large proportion of people from Central and Eastern
Europe. Among the distinctive features are the high quality,
well-distributed Proceedings, which are available at the start of the
Conference. This implies that papers should be submitted (to the Congress
secretariat, not to the chairpersons!) quite a while before the start of
the conference. The official CFP and preliminary programme of EMCSR'94 are
appended below.

After the succesful organization of a symposium at the 8th World Congress
of Systems and Cybernetics (New York, 1990), of the 1st Workshop of the
Principia Cybernetica Project (Brussels, 1991), and of a Symposium at the
13th Int. Congress on Cybernetics (Namur, 1992), this will be the fourth
official activity of the Principia Cybernetica Project.

For more information about the Symposium (not for paper submissions), contact:

Dr. Francis Heylighen
PO-PESP, Free University of Brussels, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. 
Fax: +32-2-641 24 89.
E-mail: fheyligh@vnet3.vub.ac.be.

Prof. Stuart Umpleby
Dep. of Management Science, School of Business and Public Management,
George Washington University, Washington DC 20052, USA.
Fax: +1-202-994 4930.
E-mail: umpleby@gwuvm.bitnet.

About Principia Cybernetica:

The Principia Cybernetica Project (PCP) is a collaborative attempt to
develop a complete cybernetic and evolutionary philosophy. Such a
philosophical system should arise from a transdisciplinary unification and
foundation of the domain of Systems Theory and Cybernetics. Similar to the
metamathematical character of Whitehead and Russell's "Principia
Mathematica", PCP is meta-cybernetical in that we intend to use cybernetic
tools and methods to analyze and develop cybernetic theory. 

These include the computer-based tools of hypertext, electronic mail,
electronic publishing, and knowledge structuring software. They are meant
to support the process of collaborative theory-building by a variety of
contributors, with different backgrounds and living in different parts of
the world. PCP will thus naturally develop in the "cyberspace" of data
shared through interlinked electronic networks, as implemented for example
in the World-Wide Web distributed hypertext software.

PCP is to be developed as a dynamic, multi-dimensional conceptual network.
The basic architecture consists of nodes, containing expositions and
definitions of concepts, connected by links, representing the associations
that exist between the concepts. Both nodes and links can belong to
different types, expressing different semantic and practical categories.

As its name implies, PCP will focus on the clarification of fundamental
concepts and principles of the broadly defined domain of cybernetics and
systems, which includes related disciplines such as the "sciences of
complexity", AI, ALife, Cognitive Science, Evolutionary Systems, etc.
Concepts include: Complexity, Information, Entropy, System, Freedom,
Control, Self-organization, Emergence, etc. Principles include Natural
Selection, and the Laws of Requisite Variety, of Requisite Hierarchy, and
of Regulatory Models.

The PCP philosophical system is to be seen as a clearly thought out and
well-formulated, global "world view", integrating the different domains of
knowledge and experience. It should provide an answer to the basic
questions: "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going to?". 

The PCP philosophy is systemic and evolutionary, based on the spontaneous
emergence of higher levels of organization or control (metasystem
transitions) through blind variation and natural selection. It includes:
  a) a metaphysics, based on processes or actions as ontological primitives,
  b) an epistemology, which understands knowledge as constructed by the
subject or group, but undergoing selection by the environment;
  c) an ethics, with survival and the continuance of the process of
evolution as supreme values.

Philosophy and implementation of PCP are united by their common framework
based on cybernetic and evolutionary principles: the computer-support
system is intended to amplify the spontaneous development of knowledge
which forms the main theme of the philosophy.

PCP is managed by a board of editors, presently: V. Turchin [CUNY, New
York], C. Joslyn [NASA and SUNY Binghamton] and F. Heylighen [Free Univ. of
Brussels]. Contributors are kept informed through the PRNCYB-L electronic
mailing list, and the Principia Cybernetica Newsletter. Further activities
of PCP are publications in journals or books, and the organization of
meetings or symposia. 

More information about PCP is available by anonymous ftp to is1.vub.ac.be,
directory /pub/projects/Principia_Cybernetica, or by email request to

About EMCSR'94:

              Twelfth European Meeting
          on Cybernetics and Systems Research

                   April 5-8, 1994
       at the University of Vienna (Main Building)

Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
in co-operation with:
University of Vienna, Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial
Intelligence, and:
International Federation for Systems Research

Chairman: Robert Trappl, President of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic

Conference fee :
Contributors : AS 2500 if paid before January 31, 1994
               AS 3200 if paid later
Participants : AS 3500 if paid before January 31, 1994
               AS 4200 if paid later
(AS 100 = about $ 9)

The conference fee includes participation in the Twelfth European Meeting,
attendance at official receptions, and the volume of the proceedings
available at the Meeting. Please send cheque, or transfer the amount free
of charges for beneficiary to our account no. 0026-34400/00 at
Creditanstalt-Bankverein Vienna. Please state your name clearly.

About the Congress:
The international support of the European Meetings on Cybernetics and
Systems Research held in Austria in 1972, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982,
1984, 1986, 1988, 1990 and 1992 (when 300 scientists from more than 30
countries met to present, hear and discuss 210 papers) encouraged the
Council of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies (OSGK) to organize a
similar meeting in 1994 to keep pace with continued rapid developments in
related fields.

A number of Symposia will be arranged and we are grateful to colleagues who
have undertaken the task of preparing these events. As on the earlier
occasions, eminent speakers of international reputation will present latest
research results at daily plenary sessions.

The Proceedings of the 10th and 11th European Meetings on Cybernetics and
Systems Research, edited by R. Trappl, have been published by World
Scientific, Singapore as :
   CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS '90 (1 vol., 1107 p.)
   CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS '92 (2 vols., 1685 p.)

A   General Systems Methodology
    G.J.Klir, USA

B   Advances in Mathematical Systems Theory
    M.Peschel, Germany & F.Pichler, Austria

C   Fuzzy Sets, Approximate Reasoning & Knowledge Based Systems
    C.Carlsson, Finland, K-P.Adlassnig, Austria & E.P.Klement, Austria

D   Designing and Systems, and Their Education 
    B.Banathy, USA, W.Gasparski, Poland & G.Goldschmidt, Israel

E   Humanity, Architecture and Conceptualization
    G.Pask, UK, & G.de Zeeuw, Netherlands

F   Biocybernetics and Mathematical Biology
    L.M.Ricciardi, Italy

G   Systems and Ecology
    F.J.Radermacher, Germany & K.Freda, Austria

H   Cybernetics and Informatics in Medicine
    G.Gell, Austria & G.Porenta, Austria

I   Cybernetics of Socio-Economic Systems
    K.Balkus, USA & O.Ladanyi, Austria

J   Systems, Management and Organization
    G.Broekstra, Netherlands & R.Hough, USA

K   Cybernetics of National Development
    P.Ballonoff, USA, T.Koizumi, USA & S.A.Umpleby, USA

L   Communication and Computers
    A M.Tjoa, Austria

M   Intelligent Autonomous Systems
    J.W.Rozenblit, USA & H.Praehofer, Austria

N   Cybernetic Principles of Knowledge Development
    F.Heylighen, Belgium & S.A.Umpleby, USA

O   Cybernetics, Systems & Psychotherapy
    M.Okuyama, Japan & H.Koizumi, USA

P   Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Systems
    S.Grossberg, USA & G.Dorffner, Austria

Q   Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
    V.Marik, Czechia & R.Born, Austria

R   Artificial Intelligence & Systems Science for Peace Research
    S.Unseld, Switzerland & R.Trappl, Austria

Submission of papers : 
Acceptance of contributions will be determined on the basis of Draft Final
Papers. These Papers must not exceed 7 single-spaced A4 pages (maximum 50
lines, final size will be 8.5 x 6 inch), in English. They have to contain
the final text to be submitted, including graphs and pictures. However,
these need not be of reproducible quality.

The Draft Final Paper must carry the title, author(s) name(s), and
affiliation in this order. Please specify the symposium in which you would
like to present your paper. Each scientist shall submit only one paper.
Please send three copies of the Draft Final Paper to the Conference
Secretariat (not to symposia chairpersons!).

In order to enable careful refereeing, Draft Final Papers received after
the deadline cannot be considered.

FINAL PAPERS : Authors will be notified about acceptance no later than
November 13, 1993. They will be provided by the conference secretariat at
the same time with the detailed instructions for the preparation of the
final paper.

PRESENTATION : It is understood that the paper is presented personally at
the Meeting by the contributor.

HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS will be handled by Oesterreichisches Verkehrsbuero,
Kongressabteilung, Opernring 5, A-1010 Vienna, phone +43-1-58800-113, fax
+3-1-5867127, telex 111 222. Reservation cards will be sent to all those
returning the attached registration form.

SCHOLARSHIPS : The Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research has
kindly agreed to provide a limited number of scholarships covering the
registration fee for the conference and part of the accommodation costs for
colleagues from eastern and south-eastern European countries. Applications
should be sent to the Conference Secretariat before October 8, 1993.

For further information about the Congress, contact:

EMCSR 94 - Secretariat :
Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Kybernetik
A-1010 Wien 1, Schottengasse 3, Austria.
Phone : +43-1-53532810
Fax : +43-1-5320652
E-mail : sec@ai.univie.ac.at

                     REGISTRATION FORM

Twelfth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research

Please return to : Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA (EUROPE)

o  I plan to attend the Meeting
o  I intend to submit a paper to Symposium ...
   o  I enclose the Draft Final Paper
   o  My Draft Final Paper will arrive prior to October 8, 1993
o  My cheque for AS .... covering the Conference Fee is enclosed
o  I have transferred AS .... to your account 0026-34400/00 at 
   Creditanstalt Vienna
o  I shall not be at the Meeting but am interested to receive 
   particulars of the Proceedings

Name : Prof./Dr./Ms./Mr. ......................................
Address : .....................................................
Fax : .............................E-Mail : ...................
Date : .......        


Contributed by: zeitouni@ee.technion.ac.il

Change of distributor for the book:
Amir Dembo and Ofer Zeitouni

Orders should be placed with:

AKPeters, LTD
289 Linden St.
Wellesley, MA 02181
Phone: (617) 235-2210 Fax: (617) 235-2404
email: kpeters@math.harvard.edu
price: 44.50 USD.

Contributed by : Omer Morgul (Bilkent Univ., Turkey), 

                   CALL FOR PAPERS

     Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference
                  April 12-14, 1994
                  Antalya, TURKEY

The Melecon'94 will be held in the beautiful resort city of
Antalya, which is situated on the Mediterranean coast, and in the
near vicinity of many historical and archeological sites.
The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for an
exchange of information on recent developments and trends in :

               Microwaves and Antennas
               Control and Robotics
               Power Systems and Electrical Machinery
               Telecommunications and Signal Processing

In addition to regular sessions, there will be invited speeches and
tutorials given by selected specialist including :

                  Prof. Dr. Peter J. B. Clarricoats, London, UK.
                  Dr. Jim Omura, CYLINK Corp., USA.
                  Prof. Dr. Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya, Japan.

Pre- and post-conference tours to the interesting historical and
touristic sites will also be organized.

Extended abstracts should be in English and typed on A4 size paper.
The total length, excluding the illustrations and the references
should be about 2 typewritten pages (about 800 words).
The extended abstract should include the title of the paper,
name and affiliation of the author(s), and mailing address
(include phone and fax numbers and e-mail address, if available).
Prospective authors are invited to send three (3) copies of
their extended abstract to the following address :

                    Prof. Dr. Onder Yuksel
                    Middle East Technical University
                                Dept. of Electrical and Electronics  Eng.
                                Ankara, TR-06531, Turkey
                                fax: (90)-4-210 12 61
                e-mail : melecon@trmetu.bitnet

The first named author will be used for all correspondence
unless otherwise requested. All papers accepted for presentation
at the conference will appear in the proceedings of the conference.

                 IMPORTANT DEADLINES

    1 July 1993      :  Submission of extended abstract
    15 Oct. 1993     :  Notification of acceptance
    15 Feb. 1994     :  Camera ready papers
    12-14 Apr. 1994  :  Conference

Organizers :
IEEE Region 8
IEEE Turkey Section
Middle East Technical Univ.
Bilkent University (BU)
The Chamber of Electrical
Engineers of Turkey

Steering Committee :
Tuncay Birand (Chairman)
Abdullah Atalar (Vice Chair.)
Aydin Ersak (Treasurer)
J. Baal-Schem (Publicity)
Onder Yuksel (Tech. Prog.)
Yildirim Uctug (Tech. Prog.)
Levent Onural (Student Act.)
Melek Yucel (Local Arr.)
Omer Morgul (Publications)
Roberto Sorrentino
Nezih Guven
Teoman Alpturk
Hasim Aydincak

For more information please contact :

Dr. Yildirim Uctug

Middle East Technical University
Ankara, TR-06531, Turkey
phone : (90)-4-210 12 05
fax   : (90)-4-210 11 05
e-mail : uctug@trmetu.bitnet

Contributed by: philh@cogs.susx.ac.uk (Phil Husbands)

             Conference Announcement and Call For Papers

                      FROM ANIMALS TO ANIMATS

 Third International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB94)

                  Brighton, UK, August 8-12, 1994

        The object of the conference is to bring together researchers in
        ethology, psychology, ecology, cybernetics, artificial intelligence,
        robotics, and related fields so as to further our understanding of
        the behaviors and underlying mechanisms that allow animals and,
        potentially, robots to adapt and survive in uncertain environments.

        The conference will focus particularly on well-defined models,
        computer simulations, and built robots in order to help characterize
        and compare various organizational principles or architectures
        capable of inducing adaptive behavior in real or artificial animals.

        Contributions treating any of the following topics from the
        perspective of adaptive behavior will receive special emphasis.

   Individual and collective behavior   Autonomous robots
   Neural correlates of behavior        Hierarchical and parallel organizations
   Perception and motor control         Emergent structures and behaviors
   Motivation and emotion               Problem solving and planning
   Action selection and behavioral      Goal directed behavior
    sequences                           Neural networks and evolutionary
   Ontogeny, learning and evolution      computation
   Internal world models                Characterization of environments
    and cognitive processes             Applied adaptive behavior

       Authors should make every effort to suggest implications of their
       work for both natural and artificial animals.  Papers which do not
       deal explicitly with adaptive behavior will be rejected.

Submission Instructions

  Authors are requested to send five copies (hard copy only) of a full paper
  to the Program Chair (Dave Cliff). Papers should not exceed 10 pages
  (excluding the title page), with 1 inch margins all around, and no smaller
  than 10 pt (12 pitch) type (Times Roman preferred).
  Each paper must include a title page containing the following: (1) Full
  names, postal addresses, phone numbers, email addresses (if available),
  and fax numbers for each author, (2) A 100-200 word abstract, (3) The
  topic area(s) in which the paper could be reviewed (see list above).
  Camera ready versions of the papers, in two-column format,  will be
  required after acceptance.  Computer, video, and robotic demonstrations
  are also invited.  Please contact Phil Husbands to make arrangements for
  demonstrations.  Other program proposals will also be considered.

Conference committee

        Conference Chair

          Philip HUSBANDS
          School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
          University of Sussex
          Brighton BN1 9QN
          e-mail: philh@cogs.susx.ac.uk

          Jean-Arcady MEYER
          Groupe de Bioinformatique
          URA686.Ecole Normale Superieure
          46 rue d'Ulm
          75230 Paris Cedex 05
          e-mail: meyer@wotan.ens.fr

          Stewart WILSON
          The Rowland Institute for Science
          100 Cambridge Parkway
          Cambridge, MA  02142
          e-mail: wilson@smith.rowland.org

        Program Chair

          David CLIFF
          School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
          University of Sussex
          Brighton BN1 9QN
          e-mail: davec@cogs.susx.ac.uk

        Financial Chair:   P. Husbands, H. Roitblat

        Local Arrangements: I. Harvey, P. Husbands

Program Committee

M. Arbib, USA; R.  Arkin, USA; R.  Beer, USA; A.  Berthoz, France; L.  Booker,
USA; R. Brooks, USA; P. Colgan, Canada; T. Collett, UK; H. Cruse, Germany;
J. Daugman, UK; J.  Delius, Germany; A. Dickinson,  UK; J. Ferber, France;
N. Franceschini, France; S. Goss,  Belgium; I. Harvey, UK;  I. Horswill, USA;
A. Houston, UK; L. Kaelbling, USA; H. Klopf, USA; L-J. Lin, USA; P. Maes, USA;
M. Mataric, USA; D. McFarland, UK; G. Miller, UK; R. Pfeifer, Switzerland;  H.
Roitblat, USA; J. Slotine,  USA; O. Sporns, USA;  J. Staddon, USA; F.  Toates,
UK; P. Todd, USA; S. Tsuji, Japan; W. Uttal, USA; D. Waltz, USA.

Official Language: English
Publisher: MIT Press/Bradford Books

Important Dates
         JAN 5, 1994:    Submission deadline
         MAR 10:         Notification of acceptance or rejection
         APR 10:         Camera ready revised versions due
         MAY 1:          Early registration deadline
         JUL 8:          Regular registration deadline
         AUG 8-12:       Conference dates

General queries to: sab94@cogs.susx.ac.uk

Contributed by: eletansh@nuscc.nus.sg (Tan Shao Hua (Dr))

                            Asia-Pacific Workshop
                         Advances in Motion Control
                               26-27, July 1993
                        Pan-Pacific Hotel, Singapore

                              Call for Papers

The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and the IEEE Singapore Section is
organizing and sponsoring the first Asia-Pacific Workshop on Advances in
Motion Control, to be held in Singapore 15-16 July 1993. This worskhop is in
collaboration with the Instrumentation and Control Society of Singapore
(IFAC local representative) and the National University of Singapore
(Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Magnetics Technology Centre).

The main objective of the workshop is to encourage interaction among
researchers from the many areas of research on advances in motion control.
The technical programme will include a core of invited papers from key
researchers in the field. The timing of this Workshop has been arranged so
that it is being held just before the IFAC Congress 1993, 18-23 July 1993,
Sydney, Australia. Delegates attending the IFAC Congress 1993 will be able
to participate in the Workshop by simply stopping over in Singapore on their
way there.


The workshop will focus on key issues in advances in motion control. Papers
will be presented in the areas of 

*	Intelligent Motion and Motor Drive Systems
*	Motion Control in Factory Automation
*	Motion and Force Control
*	Neural Network, Fuzzy Systems and Expert Systems in Motion Control
*	Sensor Fusion and Signal Processing
*	New Sensors and Actuators
*	Adaptation and Learning in Motion Systems
*	Other related topics in Robotics, Machine Tools and Industrial Drives


In accordance with the theme of the Workshop, the Organizing Committee
invites interested authors to submit 3 copies of the full manuscripts for
consideration for inclusion as contributed papers to the Workshop.  The
first page of the submission must contain the title of the paper, authors'
names and affiliations, and 4 keywords. Send contributions to: 

Dr. T. H. Lee, Technical Programme Chairman
Asia-Pacific Workshop on Advances in Motion Control
Department of Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 0511
SINGAPORE     Fax: (++65) 776-6527
E-mail: eleleeth@nusvm.bitnet

Full manuscripts due by: 		31 March 1993
Notification of acceptance by:		30 Apr 1993
A4-Sized (single space, single column, 1" margins)
Camera-Ready Manuscripts due by:	15 June 1993
All papers will be reviewed by a panel comprising of the 
honorary chairmen and the international advisory committee.


Honorary Chairmen:	
	Professor Fumio Harashima (University of Tokyo).
	Professor Hang, Chang Chieh (National University of Singapore)

International Advisory Committee:	
	Professor Karl Astrom (Lund Institute of Technology)
	Professor Ron Daniel (Oxford University)
	Professor Toshio Fukuda (Nagoya University)
	Professor Robert N. K. Loh (Oakland University)
	Professor Masayoshi Tomizuka (University of California, Berekeley)
	A/Prof. Poo Aun Neow (National University of Singapore)
	Dr. Lim Kah Bin (ICS Singapore)

Organizing Committee Chair:	
	Dr. Low Teck-Seng (National University of Singapore)

Contributed by Francois E. Cellier 

                            CALL FOR PAPERS

                         DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS
                           OCTOBER 25-28, 1993

                     Main themes of the conference:

                Dynamic Modelling and Information Systems
                  Multimedia Systems and Virtual Reality
                High-performance Computing and Simulation
                     New Trends in Methods and Tools

                           ESS SERIES AND SCS

The ESS series (organized by SCS, the Society for Computer Simulation
International) is now in its fourth year. ESS92 was held in Dresden and
attended by 165 participants. ESS93 is sponsored by SCS, and co-sponsored
by SiE (EC Special Interest Group "Simulation in Europe") and other
Simulation Societies (Eurosim, CASS/PR China, JSST/Japan).

SCS is an international non-profit organization founded in 1952. On a
yearly basis SCS organizes 6 Simulation Conferences worldwide, cooperates
in 2 others, and publishes the monthly magazine Simulation, a quarterly
Transactions, and books. For more information, please tick the
appropriate box on the reply card.

SiE was established in January 1992. Special Interest Groups are Working
Groups within the framework of the EC ESPRIT program to promote specific
areas in Information Technology. SiE focuses on computer simulation and
related fields.

                          CONFERENCE COMMITTEE

Conference Chairman
Dr. Eugene Kerckhoffs. Delft University of Technology. Knowledge-based
Systems Group. P.O. Box 356, 2600 AJ  Delft, The Netherlands.
Tel: +31 15 781315, Fax: +31 15 787141. E-Mail:

Program Chairman
Dr. Alexander Verbraeck. Delft University of Technology. Department of
Information Systems. P.O. Box 356, 2600 AJ  Delft, The Netherlands. Tel:
+31 15 783805, Fax: +31 15 786632. E-Mail: a.verbraeck@is.twi.tudelft.nl
or winfave@duticai.tudelft.nl

Program Co-chair (SiE representative)
Prof.dr. Ghislain Vansteenkiste, University of Ghent, Coupure Links 653,
B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. Tel: +32 91 645931, Fax.: +32 91 234941. E-mail:

Local Organizing Director
Frits Wedman. Delft University of Technology. Faculty of Technical
Mathematics and Informatics, P.O. Box 356, 2600 AJ  Delft,
The Netherlands. Tel: +31 15 783630, Fax: +31 15 787141. E-Mail:

Conference Coordination and Finances
Philippe Geril. The Society for Computer Simulation International,
European Office
Rainer Rimane, University of Erlangen - Nurnberg

Exhibition Chair
Frits Wedman, Dr. Alexander Verbraeck, Delft University of Technology


Dynamic Modelling and Information Systems
Valeria de Antonellis (Italy), John Evans (Hong Kong), Brian Hollocks
(United Kingdom), Kaj Juslin (Finland), Wilfried Krug (Germany), Bo-Hu
Li (China), Henri Muller (-Malek) (Belgium), Oscar Nierstrasz
(Switzerland), Ramana Reddy (USA), Sadao Takaba (Japan), Alexander
Verbraeck (The Netherlands), Folkert Wierda (Germany).

Multimedia Systems and Virtual Reality
Prof. J.D. Bolter (USA), John Hough (United Kingdom), Henk Koppelaar (The
Netherlands), John Latta (USA), Charles v/d Mast (The Netherlands),
Robert Stone (United Kingdom), Andy Tait (United Kingdom), Daniel Thalmann

High-Performance Computing and Simulation
Louis Birta (Canada), Peter Braspenning (The Netherlands), Felix
Breitenecker (Austria), Jurgen Halin (Switzerland), Giuseppe Iazeolla
(Italy), Walter Karplus (USA), Eugene Kerckhoffs (The Netherlands), Mirko
Novak (Czechoslovakia), Thierry van der Pijl (Belgium), Brian Unger
(Canada), Ghislain Vansteenkiste (Belgium), Mr. K.C. Varghese (Belgium),
Emmanuel Vergison (Belgium).

New Trends in Methods and Tools
Francois Cellier (USA), Roy Crosbie (USA), Florin - Gheorghe Filip
(Romania), Ralph Huntsinger (USA), Andras Javor (Hungary), Milan Kotva
(Czechoslovakia), Axel Lehmann (Germany), Paul Luker (USA), Yury
Merkuryev (Latvia), Mike Novels (United Kingdom), Tuncer Oren (Canada),
Dennis Pegden (USA), Frits Post (The Netherlands), Bernd Schmidt
(Germany), Thomas Schriber (USA), Rob Sierenberg (The Netherlands),
Helena Szczerbicka (Germany), Heinz Weigl (Austria), Chuan Yuan Wen
(China), Richard Zobel (United Kingdom).

                           SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM

The 1993 SCS European Simulation Symposium is structured around four 
major themes: applications of simulation in information systems,
simulation aspects of multimedia systems and virtual reality, high-
performance computing and simulation, and new trends in simulation
methods and tools. A parallel track will be devoted to each of the four

     Simulation is a fruitful approach for analyzing dynamic aspects
     of information systems, including the behaviour of actors and
     organizations employing information systems. The approach
     recognizes that activities happen concurrently in organizations,
     and that methods are needed to adequately model concurrency.
     Dynamic modelling techniques are useful for problem solving in
     production and administrative logistics. Topics include:

      -   dynamic modelling of information systems
      -   CAD, CAM, CIM, CIME, CAE systems
      -   simulation and scheduling
      -   concurrent engineering techniques

     Due to the decreased prices of powerful hardware and the
     introduction of specialized hardware, multimedia systems and
     virtual reality are currently in the focus of attention. As
     virtual reality has many aspects in common with simulation, and
     as simulation output and model building can benefit highly from
     multimedia technology, we are looking for papers on:

      -   multimedia, hypermedia, data compression / fusion
      -   virtual reality techniques and applications
      -   simulation in education and training
      -   simulation in entertainment and gaming

     Much research is spent nowadays on methods, algorithms and
     software for parallel and distributed hardware. There are strong
     relations between simulation and parallel processing. In
     large-scale, complex and real-time simulation, parallel
     processing is used to increase performance. On the other hand,
     simulation is useful in the analysis and evaluation of parallel
     processes. Conference topics include:

      -   parallel methods in (continuous, discrete) simulation
      -   software tools for simulation on parallel and distributed
      -   applications of simulation on parallel and distributed
      -   simulation of (massively) parallel processes, neural networks

     More and more fields recognize the importance of simulation
     nowadays. Conversely, other disciplines are being introduced into
     the simulation field such as graphics and knowledge engineering.
     This sets new goals for simulation methods and tools. The
     integration of simulation and artificial intelligence, object
     oriented analysis and design, visualisation technology, and other
     fields, remain relatively unexplored. We therefore would like to
     receive papers on:

      -   methods and techniques in simulation
      -   (object-oriented) simulation software tools, advanced
      -   DBMS, AI and neural networks in simulation
      -   iconics, animation, graphics, scientific visualisation

Simulation in EC projects
Sessions will be organized dealing with simulation in EC ESPRIT and
DELTA projects. These sessions will be included as separate sessions
in the above tracks.

Invited speakers
In each of the four tracks of the conference, an invited speaker will
give a special in-depth presentation, which will be included in the
proceedings of the conference.

Furthermore, two plenary presentations will be given by:

Henk G. Sol, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Dynamic Modelling of Information Systems

Ben Delaney, Cyberedge Journal, USA
The Relation between Simulation, Virtual Reality and Multimedia

                       DEADLINES AND REQUIREMENTS

Extended abstracts of the papers (two pages typewritten without
drawings and tables) are due to arrive IN QUADRUPLICATE at the SCS
European Office BEFORE MARCH 25, 1993. Please, mention in your
abstract the novel elements in your research and its contribution to
the field of simulation.

Only original papers, written in English, which have not previously
been published elsewhere will be accepted. In case you want to
organize a panel discussion, please contact the program chairman.

Authors are expected to register early (at a reduced fee) and to
attend the conference at their own expense to present the accepted
papers. Without early registration and payment, the paper will not be
published in the Conference Proceedings.

Each abstract will be reviewed by at least three members of the
International Program Committee. The notification of acceptance or
rejection will be sent by MAY 15, 1993.

An author kit with complete instructions for preparing a camera-ready
copy for the Proceedings will be sent to authors of accepted
abstracts. The camera-ready copy of the papers must be in by AUGUST
15, 1993. In order to guarantee a high-quality conference, the full
papers will be reviewed as well, to check whether the suggestions of
the program committee have been incorporated. The nominees for the
best paper awards will then be selected as well.

The official conference language and the language of the accepted
papers is English.

                            BEST PAPER AWARDS

The 1993 European Simulation Symposium will award the best four
papers, one in each of the four tracks. From these four papers, the
best overall paper of the conference will be chosen. The selection
procedure will be as follows: The Program Committee nominates the four
best papers in each track. The 16 chosen papers will be presented in
four special sessions, where the presentation of the paper and the
response to questions will be judged as well. In each track, one paper
will be chosen as best paper of that track. The awarded papers will be
published in an International Journal, if necessary after
incorporating modifications in the paper.

The Program Committee chooses the overall best paper of the conference
from these four papers. The author of the best paper will be awarded
at the conference dinner.

                            REGISTRATION FEE

                            |Author         |SCS member *) |Other partic. |
|Registration before        |BF 15000       |BF 15000      |BF 17000      |
|August 31, 1993            |(375 ECU)      |(375 ECU)     |(425 ECU)     |
|Registration after Aug 31  |preregistration|BF 17000      |BF 20000      |
|or at the conference       |required       |(425 ECU)     |(500 ECU)     |

*) or members of Eurosim, CASS, and JSST

Registration fees should preferably be paid in Belgian Francs or ECUs,
but can also be paid in the equivalent amount of US$, DM or FF.
Payment is possible by Creditcard (Visa, American Express,
Mastercard/Eurocard). The registration fee includes one copy of the
Conference Proceedings, coffee and tea during the breaks, all lunches,
a welcome cocktail, the conference dinner, and free participation in
one of the basic tutorials and open meetings on Monday, October 25th,

                         CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS

The Society for Computer Simulation International
European Office, c/o Philippe Geril
University of Ghent
Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Tel/Fax: +32 91 234941, E-Mail: scsi@biomath.rug.ac.be

                         CONFERENCE INFORMATION

The first day (Monday October 25th, 1993) consists of a preprogram
with tutorials and open meetings. The subsequent 2.5 days cover the
parallel sessions of paper presentations. Special sessions include the
plenary session, paper award sessions, vendor presentations and
sessions organized by the Esprit Special Interest Group "Simulation in

Monday morning, at least four tutorials will be given. Participation
in one of these tutorials is included in the registration fee of the
conference. These tutorials give a state-of-the-art overview of each
of the four main themes of this conference. Monday afternoon, a number
of advanced tutorials are scheduled. To attend advanced tutorials an
additional payment is required. If you have suggestions for advanced
tutorial topics, please contact the program chairman.

SiE Meeting
Monday afternoon, an open meeting of the ESPRIT Special Interest Group
"Simulation in Europe" (SiE) will be held. Discussion topics will be,
among others, methodologies, standards, interfaces, ease of use,
advanced environments, high-performance simulation, and simulation in
EC projects.

Other Meetings
Several User Group meetings for simulation languages and tools will be
organized on Monday. It is possible to have other meetings on Monday
as well. If you would like to arrange a meeting, please contact the
Conference Chairman. We will be happy to provide a meeting room and
other necessary equipment.

Vendor sessions, Demonstrations and Video presentations
For demonstrations or video sessions, please contact SCS International
at the European Office. Special sessions within the scientific program
will be set up for vendor presentations.

An exhibition will be held in the central hall, which connects the
lecture halls, and where all participants meet for coffee and tea.
There will be a special exhibition section for universities and non-
profit organisations, and a special section for publishers and
commercial stands. If you would like to participate in the exhibition,
please contact the SCS European Office.


Delft is one of the best preserved old Dutch cities. It is not far
from The Hague (10 km), Rotterdam (15 km) and Amsterdam (60 km), which
all can be reached from Delft by train (every 15 minutes). Delft is
famous for its canals, historical buildings, and its New Church with
the crypt of the Royal Family and the Mausoleum of Prince William I
(the architect of the Dutch independence). At the Royal Delftware
Factory "De Porceleyne Fles", one can visit the splendid permanent
exhibition and attend handpainting demonstrations. Delft can be
reached from Schiphol Airport (one of Europe's mainports) by train in
about 40 minutes.

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is the second largest
technical university in Western Europe with 12 Faculties, a teaching
and research staff of 1400, a support staff of 2400, and 13000
students. The university belongs to the leading technical universities
of Europe.

The conference location is the building of the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, where 6 adjacent lecture halls, an exhibition hall and a
restaurant together form the compact conference territory (on the
ground floor, immediately behind the main entrance of the building).
Across the road there are the Auditorium, with restaurants and a
travel agency office, and a post-office and bank.

                               REPLY CARD

Family Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

First Name:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Occupation and/or Title: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Affiliation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Mailing address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Zip: . . . . . . . . . . . . . City: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Country: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Telephone: . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fax: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

E-mail:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Yes, I intend to attend the 1993 European Simulation Symposium:

             _ Without presenting a paper
             _ Proposing a panel discussion
             _ Participating in a vendor session
             _ Contributing to the exhibition
             _ Proposing the following paper:

The provisional title of my paper is:

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

With the following topics:

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

The paper belongs to the conference theme (please tick one):

             _ Dynamic Modelling and Information Systems
             _ Multimedia Systems and Virtual Reality
             _ High-Performance Computing and Simulation
             _ New Trends in Methods and Tools

Please tick the following box when your research is carried out as an
EC (Esprit/Delta) project:

             _ The paper covers simulation in EC-projects

If you would like to receive more information about SCS and its
activities, please tick the following box:

             _ YES, I would like to know more about SCS

Please mail this reply card immediately to:
Philippe Geril, Society for Computer Simulation International,
European Office, University of Ghent, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent,
Belgium  (Fax number: +32 91 234941)

or send it by e-mail to:

SCSI@biomath.rug.ac.be  (Philippe Geril)

Contrubuted by Ed F. Deprettere < ed@dutentb.et.tudelft.nl>

              --   FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS  --

An activity of the IEEE SP Society's Technical Committee on VLSI
organised in cooperation with IEEE Benelux, IEEE Benelux Chapter
on Signal Processing and EURASIP

October 20-22, 1993
Koningshof, Veldhoven, The Netherlands


The objective of this Workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of new theoretical and applied developments in signal processing in its relation to implementation as Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits. The key note address and one panel session will focus on  "Industrial and Technical Challenges in Signal Processing for Consumer Applications". The aim is to have also one session devoted to this topic. A hard-bound record of the Workshop will be published.

Papers are solicited that relate to the technologies involved in the design and implementation of signal processing algorithms and systems as VLSI circuits:
y Digital Signal Processing
	  Algorithms		  Architectures
	  Languages		  Transformational design 
  y Signal Processing Applications
	  Speech and music
	  Digital audio
	  Image and Video/HDTV
	  Computer Graphics
	  Radar and Sonar
y Integrated Circuits and Systems
This area refers to the different phases, methods and tools (CAD) used in designing signal processing algorithms and systems that may lead to a final implementation in silicon: 
	y Specification			Design descriptions	  
   		Data and Control Flow
	y Design
      		Design methodologies
      		Cell/Silicon compilers
	     	Hardware/software co-design
		Formal proofing
		Testability and testing
Being organized for the first time in Europe presents a unique opportunity to demonstrate chip sets developed in the JESSI program and to discuss and demonstrate design methodologies that originated in the ESPRIT program. 

Prospective authors are invited to submit before April 1, 1993 seven (7) copies of a complete paper and an abstract for review category classification to:
     Mrs. M.  Emmers/Mrs. M. van Kessel,
     Philips International B.V./CPDC, Building VO-p, P.O. Box 218,
     5600 MD Eindhoven, The Netherlands

GENERAL CHAIR:		Ludwig Eggermont, eggermont@cpdc.philips.nl
	tel. +31(40)78 49 61, fax +31(40)78 64 22
	Patrick Dewilde, dewilde@dutentb.et.tudelft.nl 
	Ed Deprettere, ed@dutentb.et.tudelft.nl
	tel. +31(15)78 62 89, fax +31(15)62 32 71
	Jef van Meerbergen, meerberg@prl.philips.nl
	Stefaan Note, note@edc.mentorg.com
	Takao Nishitani, takao@tsl.cl.nec.co.jp
U.S. LIAISON:		Bob Owen, bob_owen@mentorg.com

Magdy Bayoumi
Maurice Bellanger 
Jichun Bu
Peter Cappello 
Luc Claesen
Hugo De Man
John Eldon
Gerhard Fettweis
Manfred Glesner
Manfred Gloger 
Costa Goutis
Iiro Hartimo
Otto Herrmann
Yu Hen Hu
Jenq-Neng Hwang
Leah Jamieson
Jochen Jess
K. Konstantinides
Thijs Krol
Sun-Yuan Kung
Tomas Lang
Ray Liu
Elias Manolakos
Peter Marwedel
John McWhirter
W. Mecklenbracker
Teresa Meng
Heinrich Meyr
Yrj Neuvo
Tobias Noll
Josef A. Nossek
Robert Owens
Keshab K. Parhi
Hans Peek
Peter Pirsch
Wojtek Przytula
Patrice Quinton
Jan Rabaey
G. Robert Redinbo
Bing Sheu
Jerry Sobelman
Ken Steiglitz
Michael van Swaaij
Earl E. Swartzlander, Jr.
Lothar Thiele
Johan Van Ginderdeuren
Kung Yao
Takao Yamazaki

The Workshop will be held in Conference Centre "Koningshof", Veldhoven, The Netherlands. Veldhoven is a 1.5 hour drive from the international airports of Amsterdam, Brussels and Dssel-dorf and 10 minutes from Eindhoven Airport.


    April 1, 1993       Submission of paper and abstract
    June 5, 1993        Notification of authors
    July 15, 1993       Receipt of final photo-ready paper

A proposal has been filed for NSF travel grants for US industry/research teams of two people each. 
Acquisition of other travel grants is in progress.

When you fax this page with the following information to 
fax number +31(40)78 64 22 you will receive in July the 
program booklet and the registration form of the Workshop:
Name:         __________________
Affiliation:  __________________
Address:     __________________
Postal Code: _____ City:  __________
Country:      __________________
tel./fax:      __________________
e-mail:         __________________

1993 IEEE Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing

Contributed by: Pierre.Kabamba@um.cc.umich.edu

		1994 American Control Conference 
		   Stouffer Harborplace Hotel 
			Baltimore, MD 
		      June 29 to July 1 
The American Control Conference (ACC), under the auspices of the AACC and 
IFAC, will be held with the collaboration of the AIAA, AICHE, ASME, AISE, 
IEEE, ISA, and SCS.  Topics of interest are all areas of control and systems 
research, including but not limited to: 
guidance and flight control,  
measurement and sensing,  
identification and estimation, 
signal processing, 
modeling and advanced simulation, 
fault detection, 
multivariable control, 
adaptive and optimal control, 
robustness issues, 
intelligent control, 
expert systems, 
neural nets, 
industrial applications, 
and control education.  
Two types of papers are solicited:  regular papers, which describe the work 
in some detail, and short papers, which present recent research results.  
Both contributed and invited papers will be included in the program.  A 
special prize will honor the best paper written by a student.  Submission 
deadline is September 15, 1993.  
	For more information, contact the general chair:  Professor Hassan Khalil, 
Department of Electrical Engineering, Michigan State University, East 
Lansing, MI 48823-1226, (517)355-6689, fax (517)353-1980, email 
khalil@ee.msu.edu;  or the program chair:  Professor Jeffrey Kantor, 
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN 
46556, (219)239-5797/5580, fax (219)239-8366, 
email jeffrey.c.kantor.1@nd.edu 
Contributed by: hw@ntu.ac.sg (Wang Han)

                               CALL FOR PAPERS

                              8-11 NOVEMBER 1994

     The Third International Conference on Automation, Robotics  and  Computer
Vision,  ICARCV'94, will be held in Singapore on 8-11 November 1994. The theme
of ICARCV'94 is "Intelligent Automation".  The conference will provide a forum
for automation professionals, manufacturing engineers and academic researchers
to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge  and  experience.   The  conference
will  focus  on  both  theory  and  applications. In addition to the technical
sessions, there will be plenary,  invited  and  tutorial  sessions.   Also  an
exhibition will be held in conjunction with the technical and poster sessions.

     Papers describing original work in, but not  limited  to,  the  following
research areas are invited:

       *ROBOTICS*                       *COMPUTER VISION*

Robot Control                        Image Processing and Interpretation
Mobile Robots and Navigation         3-D/Colour/Stereo Image Analysis
Task Planning                        Dynamic Scene Analysis
Intelligent Sensors and Actuators    Vision Systems
Micro-Robots                         Pattern Recognition & Applications
Robot Design and Simulation          Machine Intelligence
Multiple Robots

                                     *CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS*
Instrumentation Systems              *SIGNAL PROCESSING AND APPLICATIONS*
Flexible Manufacturing Systems       *AI & EXPERT SYSTEMS*
Process Automation & Networking      *NEURAL NETWORKS AND FUZZY SYSTEMS*
Man-machine Interaction              *REAL TIME SYSTEMS*
On-line Process Monitoring&Control   *PETRI NETS AND APPLICATIONS*
Factory Modelling and Automation

Submission Procedures :

     Papers must be written in English and should describe the work in detail.
Three copies of the full paper must be submitted for review. Please include in
the forwarding letter the author's name to whom the correspondence  should  be
addressed,  address  for  communication, contact telephone and fax numbers, e-
mail addresses and also the broad classification under which the paper can  be
included. Please indicate your preference for regular or poster session.

     Participants will be required to register upon notification of acceptance
of  their  papers. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings only
if at least one of the authors is officially registered.  The  length  of  the
final  paper in the proceedings will be limited to a max of 5 pages (5 mats B4
size), including figures, tables and references. There will  be  a  charge  of
S$100 per page for papers exceeding 5 pages.

| Selected papers will be published in International Engineering Journals.  |

Invited Sessions : The Programme Committee is also soliciting proposals for
invited sessions focusing on new or emerging technologies relevant to the
ICARCV'94 theme. Please submit proposals to the Technical Programme Chairman,
Professor N. Sundararajan, before 31 March 1994.

Exhibitions : Exhibition of products related to the ICARCV'94 theme is
invited. Information is available upon request.

     Please submit three copies of the full paper for review to :

Professor N. Sundararajan
c/o ICARCV '94 Conference Secretariat
Institution of Engineers, Singapore
70 Bukit Tinggi Road, Singapore 1128
Republic of Singapore
Tel : (65) 469 5000, Fax : (65) 467 1108
Telex : RS 22992 IESIN
E-mail: ensundara@ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg  (Internet)
        ensundara@ntuvax.bitnet     (Bitnet)

Author's Schedule :

30 April 1994   Receipt of full paper
31 May 1994     Notification of Acceptance
31 July 1994    Receipt of Camera Ready Manuscript
31 August 1994  Advance Registration Deadline


    School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University
    Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES)


    Defence Science Organisation(DSO)
    GINTIC Institute of Manufacturing Technology(GIMT)
    Instr. & Control Society, Singapore
    National Computer Board(NCB)
    National Science and Technology Board(NSTB)
    Singapore Computer Society(SCS)
    Singapore Industrial Automation Assoc.

In cooperation with:

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
    IEEE Neural Network Council

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 58, part 3, May 11, 1993

E-mail:	   eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995	

	   Siep Weiland           
	   Dept. of Electrical Eng.
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582	

Contributed by: Anthony Kuh 

                          Call for Papers

 1993 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications
                  Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, HAWAII
                       December 5 - 9, 1993

The 1993 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and
its Applications(NOLTA'93) will be held at the Sheraton
Waikiki Hotel, Hawaii, on Dec. 5 - 9, 1993. 
The conference is open to all the world.
Papers describing original work in all aspects of 
Nonlinear Theory and
its Applications are invited. Possible topics include, but
are not limited to the following:

Circuits and Systems      Neural Networks                 Chaos  
Dynamics                  Cellular Neural Networks       Fractals 
Bifurcation               Biocybernetics                 Soliton   
Oscillations              Reactive Phenomena             Fuzzy   
Numerical Methods         Pattern Generation             Information Dynamics  
Self-Validating Numerics  Time Series Analysis           Chua's Circuits 
Chemistry and Physics     Mechanics                      Fluid Mechanics 
Acoustics                 Control                        Optics 
Circuit Simulation        Communication                  Economics 
Digital/analog VLSI circuits   Image Processing          Power Electronics 
Power Systems   Other Related Areas 

    Research Society of Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, IEICE
              Dept. of Elect. Engr., Univ. of Hawaii

                  In cooperation with:
                 IEEE Hawaii Section
           IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
           IEEE Neural Networks Council
           International Neural Network Society
   IEEE CAS Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems
         Technical Group of Nonlinear Problems, IEICE
        Technical Group of Circuits and Systems, IEICE

Authors are invited to submit three copies of a summary of 2 or 3 pages to:

                  Technical Program Chairman 
                  Prof. Shun-ichi Amari 
                  Faculty of Engr.,
           University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan 
               Telefax: +81-3-5689-5752
             e-mail: amari@sat.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

The summary should include the author's name(s), affiliation(s) and
complete return address(es).
The authors should also indicate one or more of the above categories
that best describe the topic of the paper.

     Deadline for submission of summaries:   August   15, 1993
     Notification of acceptance:             Before September 15, 1993
     Deadline for camera-ready manuscripts:  November 1, 1993

HONORARY CHAIRMEN    Kazuo Horiuchi (Waseda Univ.)
                     Masao Iri  (Univ. of Tokyo)

CO-CHAIRMEN          Shun-ichi Amari (Univ. of Tokyo)
                     Anthony Kuh (Univ. of Hawaii)
                     Shinsaku Mori (Keio Univ.)

TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIRMAN   Shun-ichi Amari (Univ. of Tokyo)

PUBLICITY            Shinsaku Mori (Keio Univ.)

LOCAL ARRANGEMENT    Anthony Kuh (Dept. of Electrical Engr.,
                           Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa, Honolulu,
                           Hawaii, 96822 U.S.A.
                           Phone: +1-808-956-7527
                           Telefax. +1-808-956-3427
                           e-mail: kuh@wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu)

ADVISORY  L. O. Chua (U.C.Berkeley)
          R. Eberhart (Research Triangle Inst.)
          A. Fettweis (Ruhr Univ.)
          L. Fortuna (Univ. of Catania)
          W.J. Freeman (U.C.Berkeley)
          M. Hasler (Swiss Fed. Inst. of Tech. Lausanne)
          Tatsuo Higuchi (Tohoku Univ.)
          Kazumasa Hirai (Kobe Univ.)
          Ryogo Hirota (Waseda Univ.)
          E.S. Kuh (U.C.Berkeley)
          Hiroshi Kawakami (Tokushima Univ.)
          Tosiro Koga (Kyushu Univ.)
          Tohru Kohda  (Kyushu Univ.)
          Masami Kuramitsu(Kyoto Univ.)
          R.W. Liu (Univ. of Notre Dame)
          Tadashi Matsumoto (Fukui Univ.)
          A.I. Mees (Univ. of Western Australia )
          Michitada Morisue (Saitama Univ.)
          Tomomasa Nagashima (Muroran Inst. Tech.)
          Tetsuo Nishi (Kyushu Univ.)
          J.A. Nossek (Technical University Munich)
          Kohshi Okumura (Kyoto Univ.)
          T. Roska (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
          Junkichi Satsuma (Univ. of Tokyo)
          I.W. Sandberg (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
          Chikara Sato (Keio Univ.)
          Yasuji Sawada (Tohoku Univ.)
          V.V. Shakhgildian (Russian Engr. Academy)
          Yoshisuke Ueda (Kyoto Univ.)
          Akio Ushida (Tokushima Univ.)
          J. Vandewalle (Catholic Univ. of Leuven, Heverlee)
          P. Werbos (National Science Foundation)
          A.N. Willson, Jr (U.C.L.A.)
          Shuji Yoshizawa (Univ. of Tokyo)
          A.H.Zemanian (State Univ. of NY at Stony Brook)

SECRETARIATS   Shin'ichi Oishi (Waseda Univ.)
               Mamoru Tanaka (Sophia Univ.)


                     Mamoru Tanaka
            Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng.,
                     Sophia Univ.
                Kioicho 7-1, Chiyoda-ku,
                     Tokyo 102 JAPAN
                Fax:  +81-3-3238-3321
             e-mail: tanaka@mamoru.ee.sophia.ac.jp

Contributed by: Etsujiro Shimemura

           Call for Papers of ASCC

ASCC-Asian Control Conference is the new series
of International Conference in the field of control
science and technology, which is to be held regularly 
in Asia. The first conference will be held on 
July 27 to 30, 1994 in Tokyo.
The important dates are:
Organized Session Proposal     : Oct. 31, 1993
Extended Summary Submission    : Dec. 15, 1993
Acceptance Notification        : Mar.  1, 1994
Final Manuscript Submission    : May   1, 1994
All the interested persons are invited to join 
the New Conference. First Announcement and 
Call for Papers is available by request at the
Prof. Y. Mori
Dept. of Mechanical Eng., National Defense
Academy, 1-10-20 Hashirimizu, 239 Yokosuka
FAX: +81-468-42-6460
E-mail: etsujiro@cfi.waseda.ac.jp

Contributed by:  Vijay K. Madisetti (vkm@ee.gatech.edu)


	           ******* ISPACS'93 *****
               The Second International Workshop on 
       Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems: ISPACS'93
	                Oct.27-29, 1993
	        Aoba Memorial Hall, Sendai, Japan
                          (ISPACS 93)

	IEEE COMSOC, Signal Processing and Communication Electronics Committee,
	IEEE COMSOC, Asian & Pacific Committee
	IEICE, Technical Group of Digital Signal Processing
In co-operation with: 
	IEEE COMSOC Tokyo Chapter
	IEEE SP Society
	IEICE, Technical Group of Communication Systems
	KITE, Telecommunication Society, Korea
	IEEE Taipei Section, Region 10
	Tohoku University

     The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for the discussion
of new results and ideas on intelligent signal processing and their 
applications to communication systems. Topics also include  other related 
technologies to achieve intelligent and adaptable  communication systems.

     The three-day workshop will feature serial sessions for all the 
contributions. Each speaker will have about 20-30 minutes for presentation 
including discussion. 

     Prospective authors are invited to submit recent advances on the above 
topics and present them in the workshop.

Areas of interest include:

* Adaptive/Nonlinear Signal Processing
* Adaptive Processing for Signal Transmission
* Neural Network Applications for Communications
* Adaptive Signal Processing for Mobile Communications
* Intelligent Speech Signal Processing
   (Recognition based on Neural Networks, etc)     
* Model-based Video/Image Coding
* Visual Signal Processing
* Multidimensional Signal Processing
* Programmable DSP Systems for Communications
* VLSI/ASIC for Intelligent Signal Processing

Instructions and Schedule:

Authors are invited to submit five copies of a 500-word abstract in English to 
the TPC co-chair with address listed below. The title page must include the 
author's name, complete return address, telephone, and fax number. 
Final photo-ready manuscripts for accepted contributions will be in the 
form of a 4 - 6 page extended summary. 

Abstract of 500 words for review  Due:    	May 10, 1993
Notification of Acceptance mailed: 		June 20, 1993
Camera Ready Copy Due: 			        Sept. 5, 1993

Submission should be mailed  to: 
	TPC co-chair ISPACS93
	c/o Dr. Naohisa Ohta
	NTT Trans. Syst. Labs., 1-2356, Take, Yokosuka-shi, 238-03 Japan
	Tel:+81-468-59-2072, Fax:+81-468-59-3014
	E-mail: naohisa@ntttsd.ntt.jp

For further information, please contact:
	Masayuki Kawamata
	Dept. of E.E. , Tohoku University
	Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku
 	Sendai 980  JAPAN
	E-mail: kawamata@higuchi.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp

ISPACS 93 Committee Members (Tentative)

Workshop Co-chairs
	Tatsuo Higuchi               (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
	Byeong Gi Lee                (Seoul Nat'l Univ., Korea)
	Curtis A. Siller, Jr         (AT&T, USA)

TPC Co-chairs
	Naohisa Ohta                 (NTT Trans. Syst. Labs., Japan)
	Thomas Fischer               (Washington State Univ., USA)
	Sang Uk Lee                  (Seoul Nat'l Univ., Korea)

Technical Program Committee
	Robert R. Bitmead            (Australian Nat'l Univ., Australia)
	Hong Y. Chung                (AT&T, USA)
	Vladimir Cuperman            (Simon Fraser Univ., Canada)
	Jerry D. Gibson              (Texas A&M Univ., USA)
	Andre Kaup                   (Aachen Univ. of Tech., Germany)
	Hawang Soo Lee               (KAIST, Korea)
	Vijay K. Madisetti           (Georgia Inst. of Tech, USA)
	T. Meng                      (Stanford Univ., USA)
	Masao Nakagawa               (Keio Univ., Japan)
	Takao Nishitani              (NEC, Japan)
	Koichi Sakaniwa              (Tokyo Institute of Tech. , Japan)
	Henry Samueli                (UCLA, USA)
	Janusz A. Starzyk            (Ohio Univ., USA)
	Soo-Chang Pei                (Nat'l Taiwan Univ., ROC)
	Chien-Chung Yeh              (Nat'l Taiwan Univ., ROC)
	Dae Hee Youn                 (Yonsei Univ., Korea)

International Advisory Committee
	Tomonori Aoyama              (NTT Trans. Syst. Labs., Japan)
	Botaro Hirosaki              (NEC C&C Labs., Japan)
	Taejeong Kim                 (Seoul Nat'l Univ., Korea)
	Lin-shan Lee                 (Academia SINICA, ROC)
	P. Y. Lee                    (Telecom., MOC, ROC)
	Dave Messerschmitt           (UC Berkeley, USA)
	Tetsuya Miki                 (NTT Trans. Syst. Labs., Japan)
	Kazuo Murano                 (Fujitsu Labs., Japan)
	Doo Whan Choi                (Korea Telecom, Korea)

Local arrangements and Finance
	Masayuki Kawamata            (Tohoku Univ., Japan)

Workshop Notes
	Yoshikazu Miyanaga           (Hokkaido Univ., Japan)

	Takafumi Aoki                (Tohoku Univ., Japan)

Contributed by: Vijay Madisetti (vkm@ee.gatech.edu)

      2nd International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation 
          of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'94)

          (Sponsored by the ACM SIGSIM, ACM SIGARCH, ACM SIGMETRICS, SCS,
                         IEEE TCSIM, IEEE TCARCH, IFIP WG 7.3)

                  January 1994, Durham, North Carolina, USA.



           MASCOTS'94 is a workshop for  researchers,  practition-
       ers,  developers  and  experts  with  interests  in  systems
       design,  modeling,  analysis,  simulation,  and  performance
       evaluation  to  meet  and  discuss  tools, technologies, and
       methodologies for studying the performance of  computer  and
       communications  systems.  Performance, robustness and relia-
       bility predictions of current and future computer  and  com-
       munication  systems are both important and challenging.  The
       repertoire of the contemporary system designer must  include
       a  wide  spectrum  of theoretical and pragmatic tools.  This
       workshop provides a forum for researchers and  practitioners
       to  meet  and discuss the spectrum of theory and application
       of performance technologies.  Contributions to  the  program
       are  invited  in areas such as (but not limited to) the fol-

Advances in techniques, methodologies, and tools relating to:

--Performance models
--Discrete simulation
--Performance animation and visualization
--Trace collection and useage
--System tuning
--Application program tuning
--Numeric simulation and Visualisation Techniques
--Analytic modeling
--Specification and validation techniques 

Application and Case Studies might relate to systems such as:

--Parallel and distributed systems
--Parallel and distributed applications
--Computer architecture
--Memory hierarchies and network memory systems
--Database systems
--Massively parallel and scalable systems
--Telecommunication/communication systems
--Application systems like DSP/AI applications and expert
  systems/Vision and Image Processing Systems/Robotics and Control etc


Papers that deal with these themes, both methodological and specific
case study-oriented, are solicited.  We are especially interested in
papers on innovative modeling and/or simulation techniques that are
expected to survive the onslaught of technological advances and remain
current for a reasonable period of time.

The workshop will have prominent guest speakers, presentations of
refereed papers, panel sessions, tool and poster presentations. In
addition, there will be tutorials on introductory and advanced topics.

All submissions will be blind reviewed.
Put names, affiliations and addresses for correspondence (postal and
electronic) of authors on a separate cover. Papers must not exceed 20
double-spaced pages (and will normally be limited to 6 typeset pages
when they are published). Provide an abstract and 3-4 keywords.
An author of each accepted paper is required to attend the meeting
and to present the paper. There will be an award for the authors of
the best paper.

A limited number of posters/short papers may also be admitted.  For
posters, an extended abstract of maximum 4 double-spaced pages must be
submitted. Full-length papers and poster abstracts will appear in the

Proposals for tutorials must contain a brief description of the theme,
target audience, proposed time duration and an outline of the
presentation.  Panel proposals should be based on a current theme that can
generate a lively discussion. A brief position statement from the each
panelist of a panel will be included in the proceedings.

A selected set of high-quality papers, tutorials, tools,
state-of-the-art and invited lectures (revised and enlarged) will be
published in a major journal.

Send four copies of your papers and posters to the Program
Committee Chair at the address given below. Panel 
proposals, propsals for special sessions and proposals for tutorial,
and all queries related to the program may be sent to the Program Chair
Vijay Madisetti (vkm@ee.gatech.edu).

There will be a Tools Fair at MASCOTS'94. Tools accepted for
presentation should be demonstrated on a computer system or shown on a
video tape.  All submissions on tools must contain the details of the
necessary equipments. Send abstracts on tools to one  of the Tools
Fair Chairs.  Brief descriptions of selected tools including
pictures (max. 1 double-spaced page) will also appear in the


June 15, 93: Special sessions proposals due.
July 1, 93: Deadline for submissions of papers/tutorial and panel
proposals/tools to Program Chair.
September 1, 93: Notification of acceptance
October 1, 93: Deadline for camera-ready copy

General Chairs:
Erol Gelenbe                              Jean Walrand		          
Univ. of Paris                            EECS, UC Berkeley
gelenbe@masi.ibp.fr                       wlr@eecs.berkeley.edu

Technical Program Chairs
Vijay Madisetti                           
EE, Georgia Tech                         

Steering Committee:
Dharma Agrawal (NC State U)
Kallol Bagchi (AUC, DK) 
Giovanni Chiola (U Torino, IT)
Doug DeGroot (TI) 
Herb Schwetman (MCC)
Kishor Trivedi (Duke U)

Tools Fair Co-Chairs
(Parallel Processing, ANN, Vision and Image, Robotics, Visualization Tools
to Thomas Braunl and Computer Architecture, LAN, Telecomm, Real-Time
Systems, Ai and Expert Systems, VLSI and Data Base System Tools to Manu

Thomas Braunl                              Manu Thapar 
IPVR,                                      HP Research Labs,
U of Stuttgart,Breitwiesenstr. 20-22,      1501 Page Mill Road
D-7000 Stuttgart 80,Germany.               Palo Alto CA 94304, USA.
Email:braunl@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de   Email : thapar@hpl.hplabs.hp.com

Industry-Liasion Chair:
Darrell D.E. Long,
Computer and Information Sciences Board,
University of California, Santa Cruz,
California 95064, USA.
Email: darrell@cse.ucsc.edu


                       Vijay K. Madisetti
                    School of Electrical Engg.
                    GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECH.
                    Atlanta, GA 30332-0250, USA.
                     404) 853-9830 (phone)
                    (404) 853-9171 (fax)

N. Bagherzadeh (UC)
M. Bettaz(U. Constantine, Algeria)
Jim Burr (Stanford U)
Tom Casavant (U Iowa)
Ed Deprettere (U Delft, NL)
Larry Dowdy (Vanderbilt U)
Michel Dubois (USC)
Serge Fdida (University Rene Descartes, FR)
Paul Fishwick (U  Florida)
Jean Fourneau (Lab. MASI, FR)
Rhys Francis (CSIRO, Australia)
Geoffrey Fox (Syracuse U)
Mary Girard (MITRE Corp.)
Dave Harper (U Texas)
Mark Holliday (Duke U) 
Bob Jump (Rice U)
Charlie Jung (IBM, Kingston)
George Kesidis (Canada)
Charlie Knadler (IBM, Rockville)
Anup Kumar (U Louisville)
Benny Lautrup (Bohr Institute, DK)
Darrell Long (UC, Santa Cruz)
Guenter Mamier (Univ. of Stuttgart, D)
Marco Ajmone Marsan (Poly. Torino, IT)
Ben Melamed (NEC, Princeton) 
Tuncer Oren (U Ottawa, CA)
Mary Lou Padgett (Auburn U)
Gerardo Rubino (INRIA, France)
Alan J. Smith (UC, Berkeley)
Lambert  Spaanenburg (U. Stuttgart, D)
Shreekant  Thakkar (Sequent)
Manu Thapar (HP, Palo Alto)
Hamid Vakilzadian (U Nebraska)
Peter Wilke (U. Erlangen-Nuernberg, D)
Steve Winter (Poly. C. London, UK)
Felix Wu (UC, Berkeley)
Bernie Zeigler (U Arizona)
George Zobrist (U Missouri Rolla)


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Publicity Chairs.

Kallol Bagchi,                           Patrick Dowd 
Institute of Electronic Systems,         Dept. Electrical and
Aalborg University,                      Computer Engg.,SUNY, Buffalo, 
Fredrick Bajers Vej 7                    NY 14260, USA.
DK 9220 Aalborg Ost, Denmark.            Email: dowd@eng.buffalo.edu
Phone: +45 98 15 42 11, Ext. 4901        Phone: +1 (716) 636-2406
Fax:   +45 98 15 67 40                   Fax: +1 (716) 636-3656
EMail: kkb@iesd.auc.dk

Contributed by: Frantisek Hrncir from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, New York, to upgrade its facilities
and computing power.

The Institute participates in a number of international and national
projects concerning, among others, the environment protection, natural
gas distribution, and higher education in control engineering. Dozens
of research projects are funded by the Academy of Sciences. The
Institute is also involved in many contracts with the industry.

The Institute is in a close contact with many academic institutions
within the country and abroad. Joint research efforts currently exist
with Czech Technical University, University of West Bohemia, Charles
University in Prague, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Institut National
Polytechnique de Grenoble, INRIA at Rocquencourt, Reading University,
Computer and Automation Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Technical University of Wien, University of Florence, University of
Glasgow, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology,
University of Surrey, Queen's University of Belfast, Twente University of
Technology, Universitat Augsburg, Universitat Bayreuth, University of
Stockholm, Universidad de Caceres, Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya,
University of Texas at Arlington, University of Hawaii at Manoa and others
including couple of research institutes and universities in Polland and in
various republics of former Soviet Union.

The Institute publishes the scientific journal Kybernetika and is
represented on the editorial boards of thirteen leading international
journals. It takes part in higher education and regularly organizes
scientific events. It is the seat of national Committees for Automatic
Control (a member of IFAC) and Information Processing (a member of
IFIP). It is also the seat of the Czech Society for Cybernetics and

             Central European Graduate School
              in System and Control Theory

                   APPLICATION FORM
return to

Graduate School
c/o Institute of Information Theory and Automation
Czech Academy of Sciences, P.O.Box 18
182 08 Prague, Czechoslovakia

Family Name ..............Degree(s):....... First Name(s)...................
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I intend to study
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4.  photocopy of the last degree diploma
4.  request for support (if required)
5.  any other material supporting the application
6.  brief exposition of applicant's objectives and wishes

Contributed by: zeitouni@ee.technion.ac.il

Change of distributor for the book:
Amir Dembo and Ofer Zeitouni

Orders should be placed with:

AKPeters, LTD
289 Linden St.
Wellesley, MA 02181
Phone: (617) 235-2210 Fax: (617) 235-2404
email: kpeters@math.harvard.edu
price: 44.50 USD.

Contributed by: F. L. Lewis

                       NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT:

          IEEE Press Book on ROBOT CONTROL:  
          Dynamics, Motion Planning, and Analysis

editors:  M.W. Spong, F.L. Lewis, and  C.T. Abdallah 

INTRODUCTION - C.T. Abdallah and F.L. Lewis


[1]  J. Canny, "A New Algebraic Method for Robot Motion Planning
and Real Geometry," Proc. IEEE Conf. on Foundations of Computer
Science, Los Angeles, 1987.

[2]  J. Hopcroft and G. Wilfong, "Motion of Objects in Contact,"
Int. J. Rob. Res., vol.4, no. 4, 1986.

[3]  V. Lumelsky, "Effect of kinematics on motion planning for
planar robot arms moving amidst unknown obstacles," IEEE J. of
Robotics and Automation, vol. RA-3, no.3, June 1987.

[4]  J. Barraquand and J.C. Latombe, "Robot motion planning: a
distributed representation approach," Int. J. Robotics Res., vol.
10, no. 6, pp. 628-649, Dec. 1991.


[1]  Kreutz, K., "On Manipulator Control by Exact Linearization,"
IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., vol. AC-34, no. 7, p. 763-767, July,

[2]  Tarn, T.J., Bejczy, A.K., Isidori, A., and Cheng, Y.,
"Nonlinear feedback in robot arm control," Proc. IEEE Conf.
Decision and Control, pp. 736-751, Dec. 1984.

[3]  Deluca, A., "Dynamic control of robots with joint elasticity,"
Proc. IEEE Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp. 152-158, April 1988.

[4]  Spong, M.W., "Modeling and Control of Elastic Joint Robots,"
ASME J. Dyn. Sys. Meas. Cont., vol. 109, pp. 310-319, Dec. 1987. 


[1]  Abdallah, C., Dawson, D., Dorato, P., and Jamshidi, M.,
"Survey of robust control for rigid robots," IEEE Control Systems
Magazine, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 24-30, Feb. 1991.

[2]  Slotine, J.J.-E., "Robust Control of Robot Manipulators," Int. 
J. Rob. Res., vol. 4, no. 2, 1985.

[3]  Becker, N., and Grimm, W.M., "On L2 and Ll stability
approaches for the robust control of robot manipulators," IEEE
Trans. Automat. Control, vol. 33, pp. 118-122, Jan. 1988.

[4]  Singh, S.N., "Adaptive model following control of nonlinear
robotic systems," IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, vol. AC-30, no. 11,
pp. 1099-1100, Nov. 1985.


[1]  Slotine J.J.-E., and Li. W., "On the Adaptive Control of Robot
Manipulators," Int. J. Rob. Res., 1987.

[2]  Middleton, R.H., and Goodwin, G.C., "Adaptive Computed Torque
Control for Rigid Link Manipulators," Systems and Control Letters,
vol 10, pp 9-16, 1988.

[3]  Sadegh, N., and Horowitz, R., "Stability Analysis of an
Adaptive Controller for Robotic Manipulators," Proc. 1987 IEEE
Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1223-1229, 1987.

[4]  Craig, J.J., Hsu, P., and Sastry, S.S., "Adaptive Control of
Mechanical Manipulators," Int. J. Rob. Res., 6(2):16-28, Summer,


[1]  Arimoto, S, Kawamura, S., and Miyazaki, "Bettering Operation
of Robots by Learning," J. of Robotic Systems, vol. 1, no. 2, pp.
123-140, 1984.

[2]  Craig, J.J., "Adaptive Control of Manipulators Through
Repeated Trials," Proc. American Control Conference, San Diego,
June, 1984.

[3]  Atkeson, C.G. and McIntyre, J., "Robot Trajectory Learning
Through Practice," Proc. IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, San
Francisco, 1986.

[4]  Bondi, P., Casalio, G., and Gambardella," On the Iterative
Learning Control Theory  for Robotic Manipulators," IEEE J. of
Robotics and Automation, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 14-22, 1988.


[1]  Shin, K.G., and McKay, N.D., "Minimum-Time Control of Robotic
Manipulators with Geometric Path Constraints, IEEE Trans. Auto.
Contr.,  vol. AC-30, no. 6, June, 1985.

[2]  Bobrow, J., Dubowsky, S., and Gibson, J., " Time-Optimal
Control of Robotic Manipulators Along Specific Paths," Int. J. of
Rob. Res., vol. 4, no. 3., Fall 1985.
[3]  Slotine, J.-J.E., and Yang, H.S., "Improving the Efficiency of
Time-Optimal Path-Following Algorithms," IEEE J. of Robotics and
Automation, 5(1), Feb. 1989.

[4]  Sontag, E., and Sussman, "Time-Optimal Control of
Manipulators,"  Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation,
San Francisco, April, 1986.


[1]  Khatib, O., "A Unified Approach for Motion and Force Control
of Robot Manipulators:  The Operational Space Formulation,"  IEEE
J. Robotics and Automation, 1987, 43-53.

[2]  Anderson, R.J., and Spong, M.W., "Hybrid Impedance Control of
Robotic Manipulators," IEEE J. Robotics and Automation, 1988,

[3]  McClamroch, N.H., and Wang, D., "Feedback Stabilization and
Tracking of  Constrained Robots," IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., 1988,

[4]  Mills, J.K., and Goldenberg, A.A., "Force and Position Control
of Manipulators during Constrained Motion Tasks," IEEE Trans. on
Robotics and Automation, 1989, 30-46.


[1]  Canon, R.C., and Schmitz, E., "Initial Experiments on the End-
Point Control of a Flexible One-Link Robot," Int. J. of Rob. Res.,
1984, 62-75.

[2]  Book, W.J., "Recursive Lagrangian Formulation of Flexible
Manipulator Arms," Int. J. Rob. Res., 1984, 87-101.

[3]  Yurkovich, S. and Tzes, A.P., ``Experiments in Identification
and Control of Flexible-Link Manipulators, IEEE Control Systems
Magazine, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 41-47, Feb. 1990.


[1]  Montana, D.J., "The Kinematics of Contact and Grasp," Int. J.
Rob. Res.,  vol. 7, no. 3, June 1988, pp. 17-32.

[2]  Cutkosky, M.R. and Kao, I., "Computing and Controlling the
Compliance of a Robotic Hand," IEEE Tran. on Robotics and 
Automation, vol. 5, no. 2, April 1989, pp. 151-165.

[3]  Nakamura, Y., Nagai, K., and Yoshikawa, T., "Dynamcis and
Stability in Coordination of Multiple Robotic  Mechanisms," Int. J.
Rob. Res., vol. 8, no. 2, April 1989, pp. 44-61.

[4]  Li, Z., Hsu, P., and  Sastry, S.S., " Grasping and Coordinated
Manipulation by a Multifingered Robot Hand," Int. J. Rob. Res.,
vol. 8, no. 4, August 1989, pp. 33-50.


[1]  Klein, C.A., and Huang, C.H., "Review of pseudoinverse control
for use with kinematically redundant manipulators," IEEE Trans.
Syst., Man, and Cybern., SMC-13, no. 3, pp. 245-250, 1983.

[2]  Nakamura, Y., Hanafusa, H., and Yoshidawa, T., "Task-priority
based redundancy control of robotic Manipulators," Int. J. Rob.
Res., vol. 6, no. 2, pp 3-15, 1987.

[3]  Hollerbach, J.M. and Suh, K.C., "Redundancy resolution of
manipulators," IEEE J. Rob., Autom., RA-3, no. 4, pp. 308-316,

[4]  Baker, D.R., and Wampler, C.W., "On the Inverse Kinematics of
Redundant Manipulators," Int. J. Rob. Res., vol. 7, no. 2, pp 3-21,


[1]  Raibert, M.H., "Dynamic Stability and Resonance in a One
Legged Hopping Machine", 4th Symp. on the Theory and Practice of
Robots and Manipulators, A. Morecki, G Bianchi, K. Kedzior (eds.).
Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers. pp. 352-367.

[2]  Andersson, R.L., "Understanding and Applying a Robot Ping-Pong
Player's Expert Controller", Proc. IEEE Conf. Rob. and Aut., 1989,
pp 1284-1289.

[3]  McGeer, " Passive Dynamic Walking", Int. J. Rob. Res., vol.9,
no.2 April 1990. pp. 62-82.

[4]  Bhler, M., and Koditschek, D.E., "From Stable to Chaotic
Juggling: Theory, Simulation and Experiments", Proc. IEEE Conf.
Rob. and Aut., 1990. 

Contributed by:  Naomi Ehrich Leonard 



authors:  Naomi Ehrich Leonard and William S. Levine
	  University of Maryland at College Park

publisher:  Benjamin/Cummings 

Back cover of the book:

MATLAB is a remarkable time-saving tool for anyone who studies or
designs control systems.  With this new book you can quickly learn
how to use the software to perform calculations and generate graphs
essential to control systems analysis.  The book features extensive
examples and exercises that demonstrate MATLAB fundamentals and
plotting capabilities.  Once you've mastered the basics, the book 
shows you how to use the software to improve and extend your 
understanding of control system operation and design.

The book follows the organization of Norman Nise's Control Systems
Engineering and is recommended as a supplement to the text.  The
book can also be used with other control systems texts or alone as
a guide to MATLAB for students and professionals.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1	Introduction
Chapter 2	MATLAB Fundamentals
Chapter 3	Plotting
Chapter 4	Setting Up Control Problems
Chapter 5	Poles, Zeros, and Time Response
Chapter 6	Root Locus Plots
Chapter 7	Frequency-Domain Plots
Chapter 8	State-Space Computations
Chapter 9	Discrete-Time Control Systems

Contributed by: Ken Hunt  



editor:  K. J. Hunt

IEE Control Engineering Series Volume 49
Peter Peregrinus Ltd, 1993
ISBN 0 86341 295 5


Chapter 1:	The Algebraic Approach to Control System Design
		V Kucera
Chapter 2:	H_2 Control Problems
		K J Hunt, M Sebek and V Kucera 
Chapter 3:	LQ Controller Design and Self-tuning Control
		M Sternad and A Ahlen
Chapter 4:	Mixed H_2/H_infty Stochastic Tracking and Servo Problems
		A Casavola  and E Mosca
Chapter 5:	Optimal Filtering Problems
		A Ahlen and M Sternad
Chapter 6:	H_infty Filtering
		M J Grimble
Chapter 7:	n-D Polynomial Equations
		M Sebek
Chapter 8:	Eigenstructure Assignment in Linear Systems by State Feedback
		P Zagalak, V Kucera and J J Loiseau
Chapter 9:	Polynomial Equations, Conjugacy and Symmetry
		J Jezek
Chapter 10:	J-Spectral Factorisation 
		M Sebek

This book provides a broad coverage of the Polynomial Equation Approach in a
range of linear control and filtering problems.  Kucera's book of 1979,
Discrete Linear Control: the polynomial equation approach, is the landmark
work in this area. Although polynomials had been used much earlier in control
synthesis problems, Discrete Linear Control was the first text to rigorously
formalise the approach; it incorporated Kucera's earlier work on
parameterising all stabilising feedback controllers and, directly building on
this most fundamental result, derived the design equations for some key
multivariable regulation problems. The development, resting entirely on
polynomial matrix algebra, was completed by the inclusion of numerical
algorithms.  It is on these foundations that the range of subsequent work
described in this volume lies; we describe the extension of Kucera's ideas
into a very wide spectrum of control and filtering problems.

The principal feature of the approach is the description of systems in
fractional form using transfer-functions. This representation leads quite
naturally and directly to the parameterisation of all `acceptable' feedback
controllers for a given problem in the form of a Diophantine equation over
polynomials. In the Polynomial Equation Approach this direct parameterisation
is explicitly carried through to the synthesis of controllers and filters, and
further, to the computer implementation of numerical algorithms.  A detailed
discussion of these motivating factors is given in chapter~1 which, fittingly,
has been written by Vladimir Kucera.

Direct polynomial methods have received comparatively little attention in
relation to the alternative Wiener-Hopf transfer-function method, and to
state-space methods which rely on Riccati equations. It is the aim of this
book to demonstrate the power and breadth of polynomial methods in control and
filtering. Although our coverage is broad, we do restrict our attention to
linear time-invariant systems - a brief discussion of the extension to
non-linear and time-varying systems, together with the appropriate references,
is given in the introductory chapter by Kucera.

Contributed by Edwin F. Beschler (beschler@spint.compuserve.com)
Contents - New Book
Mathematical Control Theory:  An Introduction
Jerzy Zabczyk, Polish Academy of Sciences
A Volume in the Series Systems and Control:  Foundations and
>From the Back Cover:
Mathematical control theory is a separate branch of mathematics that, over a
span of 150 years, has developed an extensive literature covering its various
concepts, constructions and applications.  Even for deterministic systems, the
theory and application now involve several areas of which only a few are
typically presented from a unified viewpoint. In particular, until now a
self-contained treatment of the following areas has been unavailable: the
basic theory of finite dimensional linear systems, of nonlinear systems,
optimal control and infinite dimensional linear systems.  Mathematical Control
Theory: An Introduction presents, in a mathematically precise manner, a
unified introduction to deterministic control theory.  Moreover, with the
exception of a few more advanced concepts required for the final part of the
book, this presentation requires only a knowledge of basic facts from linear
algebra, differential equations and calculus.
In addition to classical concepts and ideas, the book offers many recently
published results.  In particular, the author includes the stabilization of
nonlinear systems using topological methods, realization theory for nonlinear
systems, impulsive control and positive systems, the control of rigid bodies,
the stabilization of infinite dimensional systems and the solution of minimum
energy problems.  Some of these topics appear here for the fist time in book
Table of Contents:
      Problems of mathematical control theory -  Specific Models
Part I. Elements of classical control theory
Chapter 1.  Controllability and observability
Chapter 2.  Stability and stabilizability
Chapter 3.  Realization theory
Chapter 4.  Systems with constraints

Part II Nonlinear control systems
Chaper 1. Controllability and observability of nonlinear systems
Chapter 2. Stability and stabilizability
Chapter 3. Realization theory
Part III. Optimal Control
Chapter 1. Dynamic programming
Chapter 2. Dynamic programming for impulse control
Chapter 3. The maximum principle
Chapter 4. The existence of optimal strategies

Part IV. Infinite dimensional linear systems
Chapter 1.  Linear control systems
Chapter 2. Controllability
Chapter 3. Stability and stabilizability
Chapter 4. Linear regulators in Hilbert spaces
References, Notations, Index

Contributed by: tom@sbee.sunysb.edu (Prof. Thomas G. Robertazzi)

Announcing a new research and design tool:

Performance Evaluation of High Speed Switching Fabrics and Networks:
 ATM, Broadband ISDN and MAN Technology

An IEEE Press reprint book  T. Robertazzi
 editor  450 pages


Chapter 1: Introduction (1 tutorial review paper)
Chapter 2: Foundations (4 papers)
Chapter 3: Nonblocking Switch Analysis (11 papers)
Chapter 4: Blocking Switch Analysis (5 papers)
Chapter 5: Knockout Based Switching (3 papers)
Chapter 6: Multicast Switches (5 papers)
Chapter 7: Toroidal Switching Networks (7 papers)
Chapter 8: Shuffle Network Switching Networks (2 papers)
Chapter 9: Hot Spots, Packet Trains and Other Extensions (8 papers)

For a complete (latex) table of contents reply to tom@sbee.sunysb.edu
IEEE Order No. PC0333-5 and ISBN 0-7803-0436-5
List $69.95 IEEE Member Price: $56.00  (Order at 800-678-4333)

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 58, part 4, May 11, 1993

E-mail:	   eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-465995	

	   Siep Weiland           
	   Dept. of Electrical Eng.
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31-40-434582	

Contributed by: Michele Basseville 

                        NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT


       by  Michele Basseville (IRISA/CNRS, Rennes, France)
       and Igor Nikiforov (Institute of Control Sciences, Moscow, Russia)

    Prentice Hall Information and System Science Series (T.Kailath, Editor)
              ISBN 0-13-126780-9; 550 pages; April 1993

Many monitoring problems can be stated as the problem of detecting a change 
in the parameters of a static or dynamic stochastic system. The main goal of 
this book is to describe a unified framework for the design and the performance 
analysis of the algorithms for solving these change detection problems. Also 
the book contains the key mathematical background necessary for this purpose. 
Finally links with the analytical redundancy approach to fault detection in
linear systems are established.

We call abrupt change any change in the parameters of the system that occurs 
either instantaneously or at least very fast with respect to the sampling 
period of the measurements. Abrupt changes by no means refer to changes with 
large magnitude; on the contrary, in most applications the main problem is to 
detect small changes. Moreover, in some applications, the early warning of 
small - and not necessarily fast - changes is of crucial interest in order to 
avoid the economic or even catastrophic consequences that can result from an 
accumulation of such small changes. For example, small faults arising in the 
sensors of a navigation system can result, through the underlying integration, 
in serious errors in the estimated position of the plane. Another example is 
the early warning of small deviations from the normal operating conditions of 
an industrial process. The early detection of slight changes in the state of 
the process allows to plan in a more adequate manner the periods during which 
the process should be inspected and possibly repaired, and thus to reduce the 
exploitation costs. 


I Introduction

 I.1 Introducing Change Detection
 I.2 Application Examples
 I.3 Content of the Book
 I.4 Some Further Critical Issues
 I.5 Notes and References

+++ PART 1 : Changes in the Scalar Parameter of an Independent Sequence +++

II Change Detection Algorithms

 II.1 Elementary Algorithms
 II.2 CUSUM Algorithm
 II.3 Bayes-type Algorithms
 II.4 Unknown Parameter After Change
 II.5 Change Detection and Tracking
 II.6 Off-line Change Detection
 II.7 Notes and References
 II.8 Summary

III Background on Probability and System Theory

 III.1 Some Results from Probability Theory
 III.2 Some Results from System Theory
 III.3 Notes and References

IV Statistical Background and Criteria

 IV.1 Statistical Inference and Information
 IV.2 Hypotheses Testing
 IV.3 Sequential Analysis
 IV.4 Formal Definition of Criteria
 IV.5 Notes and References

V Properties of On-line Algorithms

 V.1 Elementary Algorithms
 V.2 CUSUM-type Algorithms
 V.3 The GLR Algorithm
 V.4 Bayes-type Algorithms
 V.5 Analytical and Numerical Comparisons
 V.6 Notes and References
 V.7 Summary

+++ PART 2 : Extension to More Complex Changes +++

VI Introduction to Part 2

 VI.1 Additive and Nonadditive Changes
 VI.2 Modeling Issues
 VI.3 Introducing the Key Ideas of Part 2

VII Additive Changes in Linear Models

 VII.1 Introducing the Tools
        VII.1.1 Additive Changes in Linear Models
        VII.1.2 Innovation and Redundancy
        VII.1.3 Toward the Basic Problem
 VII.2 Statistical Approach
        VII.2.1 The Basic Problem
        VII.2.2 Regression Models
        VII.2.3 ARMA Models
        VII.2.4 State-Space Models
        VII.2.5 Statistical Decoupling for Diagnosis
        VII.2.6 Statistical Detectability
        Appendix: Signature of the Change on the Innovation
 VII.3 Properties of the Statistical Algorithms
        VII.3.1 Linear CUSUM Algorithm
        VII.3.2 Chi-squared CUSUM Algorithm
        VII.3.3 GLR Algorithm
        VII.3.4 Simulation Results
 VII.4 Geometrical Approach
        VII.4.1 Direct Redundancy
        VII.4.2 Analytical Redundancy
        VII.4.3 Generalized Parity Checks
        VII.4.4 Geometrical Detectability
 VII.5 Basic Geometrical/Statistical Links
        VII.5.1 Analytical Redundancy and GLR
        VII.5.2 Innovations and Generalized Parity Checks
        VII.5.3 Diagnosis
        VII.5.4 Detectability
 VII.6 Notes and References
 VII.7 Summary

VIII Nonadditive Changes - Scalar Signals

 VIII.1 Introducing the Tools
 VIII.2 Conditional Densities and Likelihood Ratio
 VIII.3 AR/ARMA Models and the Likelihood Ratio
 VIII.4 Non-Likelihood-Based Algorithm
 VIII.5 Detectability
 VIII.6 Implementation Issues
 VIII.7 Off-line Algorithms
 VIII.8 Notes and References
 VIII.9 Summary

IX Nonadditive Changes - Multidimensional Signals

 IX.1 Introducing the Tools
 IX.2 AR/ARMA Models and the Likelihood Ratio
 IX.3 Detection and Diagnosis of Changes in the Eigenstructure
 IX.4 Detectability
 IX.5 Properties of the Algorithms for Nonadditive Changes
 IX.6 Notes and References
 IX.7 Summary

+++ PART 3 : Tuning and Applications +++

X Implementation and Tuning

 X.1 General Methodology
 X.2 Scalar Case
 X.3 Vector Case with Linear Decision Function
 X.4 Vector Case with Quadratic Decision Function
 X.5 Notes and References

XI Applications

 XI.1 Examples of the Use of Some Algorithms
 XI.2 Examples of Potential Areas of Application
 XI.3 Notes and References



Contributed by: JOHNB@buenga.bu.edu

                        BOSTON UNIVERSITY

                        Faculty Position
         Department of Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering

The  Boston  University  Department  of  Aerospace and Mechanical
Engineering   invites  applications  for  an  anticipated  junior
faculty position in the area ofdynamics and control.   This  will
be a tenure track position and special attention will be given to
applicants  with  interest  and  experience  in  the  control  of
mechanical or aerospace systems.  This position requires a person
who can demonstrate evidence of becoming a  respected  researcher
and who shows promise of becoming an excellent teacher as well.
The  Department  currently has 19 full time faculty,  57 graduate
students (at both  the  doctoral  and  masters  level),  and  472
undergraduates.  The University has made major investments in new
facilities for engineering and science over the last  five  years
and  has  recently  made  significant  commitments to the further
growth of the College.

The successful candidate for this position will  be  expected  to
play a significant role in the continuing development of graduate
teaching and research,  to help strengthen ties  with  government
and industry, and to develop a recognized program of research.

A  letter  of interest or nomination,  curriculum vitae,  and the
names of at least three references should be sent to:

Professor John Baillieul, Chair
Department of Aerospace-Mechanical Engineering
Boston University 
110 Cummington Street 
Boston, MA  02215.

Boston  University  is  an equal opportunity,  affirmative action

Contributed by: Eitan Altman 

at I.N.R.I.A. Sophia - Antipolis


A postdoc position for one year is available starting Spring 1993.
The position is sought for research on stochastic modeling and 
performance evaluation of high-speed data networks. 
Strong record in queueing theory and basic knowledge on communication 
protocols (TCP-IP) are expected.
Applications, including a CV and a resume, shoud be sent to

Contributed by: Maurice F. Aburdene

                        Position Announcement
                Electrical Engineering Department
                        Bucknell University

Bucknell University invites applications for three tenure-track positions,
two at the Assistant Professor level and one may be at the Associate
Professor level.  One individual will also be selected as the recipient of 
the T. Jefferson Miers Fellowship which will provide support for summer
 research and professional development.  

Successful applicants will be able to show promise as teachers and researchers
in the areas of signal processing, optics, computer hardware, microprocessors
, and VLSI.  Responsibilities include course and laboratory development and 
supervision of design projects.

A Ph.D. (by the time of appointment) in electrical and/or electrical/computer
engineering is required.  Bucknell University is a private university
emphasizing quality undergraduate education in engineering and the liberal
arts.  Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the
 positions are filled.

Please send applications to:  Maurice F. Aburdene, Electrical Engineering 
Department, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, 17837

Women and members of minority groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Contributed by: bonvin@elia.epfl.ch  (Dominique Bonvin)

                     INSTITUT D'AUTOMATIQUE


The Institut d'Automatique of the EPFL is engaged in school-wide teaching
and research which results in a highly multidisciplinary approach to

A post-doctoral fellow with a strong background in robustness and adaptive
issues of control is sought to 

 - develop robust control schemes for plant characterized by parametric   
 - analyze the robustness of adaptive controllers, and  
 - synthezise robust pole-placement adaptive controllers. 

The initial appointment is for one year, but the position can be extended 
upon mutual agreement. It has a highly competitive salary and is immediately 
available. Please send application and inquiries to: 

Prof. Dominique Bonvin                  
Institut d'Automatique            tel:    +41-21/ 693 3843		  
EPFL                              fax:    +41-21/ 693 2574 
CH-1015 Lausanne                  e-mail: bonvin@elia.epfl.ch  

Contributed by: pjs@bvd.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Padhraic Smyth)

                              AT THE
                      JET PROPULSION LABORATORY,

 The Communications Systems Research Section at JPL has an immediate
 opening for a permanent member of technical staff in the area of
 adaptive signal processing and statistical pattern recognition.

 The position requires a PhD in Electrical Engineering or a closely
 related field and applicants should have a demonstrated ability
 to perform independent research.

 A background in statistical signal processing is highly desirable.
 Background in information theory, estimation and detection, advanced
 statistical methods, and pattern recognition, would also be a plus.

 Current projects within the group include the use of hidden Markov
 models for change detection in time series, and statistical methods
 for geologic feature detection in remotely sensed image data. The
 successful applicant will be expected to perform both basic and
 applied research and to propose and initiate new research projects.

 Permanent residency or U.S. citizenship is not a strict requirement
 - however, candidates not in either of these categories should be
 aware that their applications will only be considered in
 exceptional cases.

 Interested applicants  should send their resume (plus any supporting
 background material such as recent relevant papers) to:

 Dr. Stephen Townes
 JPL 238-420
 4800 Oak Grove Drive
 Pasadena, CA 91109.

 (email: townes@bvd.jpl.nasa.gov)

Contributed by: zeman@sbee.eng.sunysb.edu (Prof. Armen H. Zemanian)

		Vol. 13, No. 2, 1993

		    Special Issue:

         Guest Editors: W.A.Porter and S.C.Kak

Table of Contents:

Rapid backpropagation learning algorithms, 
     S.B.Cho and J.K.Kim

Morphology neural networks: An introduction with applications,
     J.Davidson and F.Hummer

Robustness of representations in multilayer feedforward neural networks,
     P.Diamond and I.V.Fomenko

Parallel, self-organizing, hierarchical neural networks with
forward-backward training,
	S.W.Deng and O.K.Ersoy

A neural network to the traffic control problem on reverse
baseline networks,
	F.C.Fu and K.T.Sun

Feedback neural network, new characteristics and a generalization,

Approximating nonlinear fading-memory operators using neural 
network models,

Recent progress on higher order moment neural arrays,

Neural network constructive algorithms: Trading for learning efficiency,

		Vol. 13, No. 3 (?), 1993

On the existence and uniqueness of solutions for implicit
linear systems on a finite interval,
     Andrzej Banazuk

Chained eigenstructure assignment for strongly controllable singular 
     Hung-Chou Chen and Fan-Ren Chang

Efficient derivation of the optimal mean-square binary morphological filter
from conditional expectation via a switching algorithm for discrete 
power-set lattice,
     A.V.Mathew, E.R.Dougherty, and V. Swarnakar

Order selection statistical test for nonstationary AR models,
	Mohamed L. Hambaba

N-order direct form digital filters with integer arithmetic,
	David P. Brown

Statistical performance analysis of a fast stochastic gradient for constrained
adaptive time delay estimation,
	K.C.Ho and P.C.Ching 

A lattice realization for 2-D separable-denominator digital
	Chyi Hwang, Tong-Yi Guo and Leang-San Shieh

A necessary and sufficient condition for right coprime factorization
of nonlinear feedback systems,
	Robert Danow and Guanrong Chen

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak 

                   TOC AUTOMATICA Vol. 29 No. 4 and 5 


                   LIST OF MATERIAL FOR THE 148th ISSUE OF
                         THE IFAC JOURNAL-AUTOMATICA

          Vol. 29                  No. 4                   July 1993
                                    Special Section
                         Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety
                                 for Technical Processes

G.S. Axelby         Introduction

R. Isermann         Preface
B. Freyermuth
                                     Tutorial Paper

R. Isermann         Fault Diagnosis of Machines via Parameter Estimation 
                    and Knowledge Processing

                                 Brief Papers

R.J. Patton         Optimal Unknown Input Distribution Matrix Selection 
J. Chen             in Robust Fault Diagnosis

T. Sorsa            Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Process 
H.N. Koivo          Fault Diagnosis



T. Hesketh          Adaptive Mould Level Control for Continuous Steel 
D.J. Clements       Slab Casting
R. Williams

J. Selkainaho       Tuning a Dynamic Positioning System

D.E. Miller         An Adaptive Tracking Problem with a Control Input 
E.J. Davison        Constraint

W. Yu               Robust Eigenstructure Assignment for the Extended 
J.E. Piou           Medium Range Air to Air Missile
K.M. Sobel

M. Keleman          Modeling and Feedback Control of a Flexible Arm 
A. Bagchi           of a Robot for Prescribed Frequency-Domain Tolerances

S.M. Veres          Predictive Self-Tuning Control by Parameter Bounding 
J.P. Norton         and Worst-Case Design

M. Bodson           Pseudo-Burst Phenomenon in Ideal Adaptive Systems

K.L. Moore          Capabilities and Limitations of Multirate Control 
S.P. Bhattacharyya  Schemes
M. Dahleh

J. Lieslehto        An Expert system for Multivariable Controller Design
J.T. Tanttu         
H.N. Koivo

A. Sideris          Single Input-Single Output H-inf-Control with Time 
H. Rotstein         Domain Constraints

Z. Qu               Robust Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems Under 
                    Generalized Matching Conditions

J.-H. Fu            Linear Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems 
E.H. Abed           with an Uncontrollable Critical Mode

T. Wigren           Recursive Prediction Error Identification Using the 
                    Nonlinear Wiener Model

M. Verhaegen        Application of a Subspace Model Identification 
                    Technique to Identify LTI Systems Operating in 

V. Havlena          Simultaneous Parameter Tracking and State Estimation 
                    in a Linear System

L. Jaulin           Set Inversion via Interval Analysis for Nonlinear 
E. Walter           Bounded-Error Estimation

C. Heij             System Identifiability from Finite Time Series

J.A. Sefton         Uncertainty in the Weighted Gap Metric: A Geometric 
R.J. Ober           Approach

                                      Brief Papers

C.-L. Chen          A Pneumatic Model-following Control System Using a 
P.-C. Chen          Fuzzy Adaptive Controller
C.-K. Chen

T.H. Lee            Implementation of a Knowledge-Based PID Auto-Tuner
C.C. Hang           
W.K. Ho
P.K. Yue

R. Doraiswami       Performance Monitoring and Fault Prediction Using 
                    Linear Predictive Coding Algorithm

V.L. Syrmos         On the Finite Transmission Zero Assignment Problem

V. Eldem            Parametrization of Multivariable Systems Using Output 
A. Duyar            Injections: Alpha Canonical Forms

L. Xie              Robust Control of Discrete Time Uncertain Dynamical 
C.E. de Souza       Systems
Y. Wang

H. Ying             General Analytical Structure of Typical Fuzzy 
                    Controllers and Their Limiting Structure Theorems

                                      Book Reviews

J. Stoustrup        The H-inf Control Problem, A State space Approach 
                    by A. Stoorvogel

P. Kopacek          Applied Robotic Analysis by R.E. Parkin

D. Stanton          Fundamentals of Manipulator Calibration
                    by B.W. Mooring, Z.S. Roth, and M.R. Driels

                    Biographies of Contributors to This Issue

                   LIST OF MATERIAL FOR THE 149th ISSUE OF
                         THE IFAC JOURNAL-AUTOMATICA

          Vol. 29                  No. 5                  September 1993

                          IFAC-IEEE Special Issue on

                   Meeting the Challenge of Computer Science 
                   in the Industrial Applications of Control

                  Guest Editors: A. Benveniste and K. J. Astrom

H. Kwakernaak           Introduction                                            

A. Benveniste,          Meeting the challenge of computer 
K. J. Astrom            science in the industrial applications of 
                        control: An introductory discussion to the
                        Special Issue

L. Thompson,            Real-time expert system         
G. Mertz                implementation at Monsanto-Krummrich                    

T. Harakawa,            Digital control in iron and steel making
T. Kawaguchi            processes

A. H. Glattfelder,      Hydropower reservoir level control  
L. Huser                a case study

P. Carpentier,          Applied mathematics in water supply
G. Cohen                network management

J. Richalet             Industrial applications of model 
                        based predictive control                                

I. Nikiforov,           Application of statistical fault
V. Varavva,             detection algorithms to navigation
V. Kireichikov          systems monitoring

K. Liu,                 Integrated modeling and controller
R. E. Skelton           design with application to flexible
                        structure control


Regular papers (not part of the Special Issue)

R. Isermann,            Intelligent actuators - Ways to
U. Raab                 autonomous actuating systems

K. J. Astrom,           Automatic tuning of digital controllers
T. Hagglund,            with applications to HVAC plants        
A. Wallenborg           

Brief paper 

J. F. Whidborne         EMS control system design for a
                        maglev vehicle - a critical system

Contributed by: SIAM 
Subject: Contents, SIAM Control and Optimization

			Table of Contents
   		SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
		    Vol. 31, No. 2, May 1993

Infinite-Dimensional Volterra--Stieltjes Evolution Equations and
Related Optimal Control Problems
Jiongmin Yong

Lipschitzian Stability in Nonlinear Control and Optimization
Asen L. Dontchev and William W. Hager

Pursuit--Evasion Problems and Viscosity Solutions of Isaacs Equations
Pierpaolo Soravia

An Optimal Control Problem with a Mixed Cost Function
V. I. Korobov, V. I. Krutin, and G. M. Sklyar

Optimality Conditions via Norm Scalarization in Vector Optimization
Phan Quoc Khanh

Controllability and Stabilizability of the Third-Order Linear
Dispersion Equation of a Periodic Domain
D. L. Russell and B. Y. Zhang

Dynamic Optimization Problems with Free-Time and Active State
J. D. L. Rowland and R. B. Vinter

Optimization of Queues Using an Infinitesimal Perturbation
Analysis-Based Stochastic Algorithm with General Update Times
Edwin P. Chong and Peter J. Ramadge

A Set Induced Norm Approach to the Robust Control of Constrained Systems
Mario Sznaier

The Four Block Model Matching Problem in l1 and Infinite-Dimensional
Linear Programming
Olof J. Staffans

Control of Planar Netowrks of Timoshenko Beams
J. E. Lagnese, G. Leugering, and E. J. P. G. Schmidt

Contributed by: brualdi@math.wisc.edu (Richard Brualdi)
Subject: LAA contents

	    Linear Algebra and its Applications

	   Contents Volume 179, January 15, 1993

Joseph R. Siler (Pittsburg, Kansas) and Richard D. Hill
(Pocatello, Idaho)
Reflectors on Vector Spaces 1

Enzhong Fu and Thomas L. Markham (Columbia, South Carolina)
On the Eigenvalues and Diagonal Entries of a Hermitian Matrix 7

Rajendra Bhatia and Tirthankar Bhattacharyya
(New Delhi, India)
A Generalization of the Hoffman-Wielandt Theorem 11

Isaiah L. Kantor (Lund, Sweden)
Description of the Optimal Solution Set of the Linear
Programming Problem and the Dimension Formula 19

Magolu monga-Made (Brussels, Belgium)
Analytical Bounds for Block Approximate Factorization Methods 33

Arieh Lev (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
Products of Cyclic Conjugacy Classes in the Groups 
PSL(n, F) 59

George-Othon Glentis and Nicholas Kalouptsidis
(Athens, Greece)
Efficient Algorithms for the Solution of Block Linear Systems
With Toeplitz Entries 85

D. A. Gregory, S. Kirkland, and N. J. Pullman
(Kingston, Ontario, Canada)
Power Convergent Boolean Matrices 105

Miroslav Fiedler (Czech Republic)
Structure Ranks of Matrices 119

Miroslav Fiedler (Czech Republic) and
Thomas L. Markham (Columbia, South Carolina)
A Characterization of the Moore-Penrose Inverse 129

Wenchao Huang (Madison Wisconsin)
On the Sandwich Semigroups of Circulant Boolean Matrices 135

Masatoshi Fujii (Osaka, Japan), Takayuki Furuta (Tokyo, Japan),
and Eizaburo Kamei (Osaka, Japan)
Furuta's Inequality and Its Application to Ando's Theorem 161

Xiao-Wen Chang and Jia-Song Wang
(Nanjing, People's Republic of China)
The Symmetric Solution of the Matrix Equations AX+YA=C,
AXAT+BYBT=C, and (ATXA, BTXB)=(C, D) 171

Ren-cang Li (Berkeley, California)
A Perturbation Bound for Definite Pencils 191

Teresa Cortes (Zaragoza, Spain)
A Note on the Lattice Definability of Bernstein Algebras 203

Joel E. Cohen (New York, New York), Yoh Iwasa (Fukuoka, Japan),
Gh. Rautu (Bucuresti, Romania), Mary Beth Ruskai,
(Lowell, Massachusetts), Eugene Seneta (Sydney, Australia),
and Gh. Zbaganu (Bucuresti, Romania)
Relative Entropy Under Mappings by Stochastic Matrices 211

Bernd Fritzsche and Bernd Kirstein (Leipzig, Germany)
Inverse Problems for Positive Hermitian Block Toeplitz
Matrices and Nondegenerate Schur Sequences 237

G. Corach (Buenos Aires, Argentina), H. Porta (Urbana, Illinois),
and L. Recht (Caracas, Venezuela)
Jacobi Fields on Space of Positive Operators 271

Author index 277


Contents Volume 180, February 1993

Richard A. Brualdi (Madison, Wisconsin)
>From the Editor-in-Chief 1

R. McEachin (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
Closing the Gap in a Subspace Perturbation Bound 7

L. Elsner (Bielefeld, Germany) and M. Neumann
(Storrs, Connecticut)
Monotonic Sequences and Rates of Convergence of Asynchronized
Iterative Methods 17

Erich Bohl (Konstanz, Germany) and Peter Lancaster
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Perturbation of Spectral Inverses Applied to a Boundary Layer
Phenomenon Arising in Chemical Networks 35

Andre C. M. Ran (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Lieba Rodman, and
Jonathan E. Rubin (Williamsburg, Virginia)
Direct Complements of Invariant Lagrangian Subspaces and Minimal
Factorizations of Skew-Symmetric Rational Matrix Functions 61

Jean-Pierre Mongeau, Gilles Deslauriers, and Serge Dubuc
(Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Continuous and Differentiable Multidimensional Iterative
Interpolation 95

Shu-An Hu, James F. Hurley (Storrs, Connecticut),
and Tin-Yau Tam (Auburn, Alabama)
Nonconvexity of the Permanental Numerical Range 121

L. Yu. Kolotilina (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Lower Bounds for the Perron Root of a Nonnegative Matrix 133

Carolyn Eschenbach (Atlanta, Georgia)
Idempotence for Sign-Pattern Matrices 153

Michael Eiermann (Heidelberg, Germany)
Fields of Values and Iterative Methods 167

Gerhard Starke (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Fields of Values and the ADI Method for Non-normal Matrices 199

R. Baeza-Vega and R. Benavides (Temuco, Chile)
Associative Bilinear Forms in Some Baric Algebras 219

Guorong Wang and Yuhua Lin (Shanghai, People's Republic of China)
A New Extension of Leverrier's Algorithm 227

Wenxin Ma (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
The Weak Identity T2n for nxn Symmetric Matrices 239

Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia), D. D. Olesky,
Michael Tsatsomeros, and P. van den Driessche
(Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
Spectra With Positive Elementary Symmetric Functions 247

Referees, Volumes 161-180 263

Author Index, Volumes 161-180 267


Contents Volume 181, March 1, 1993

William Watkins (Northridge, California)
The Cone of Positive Generalized Matrix Functions 1

Daniel J. Scully (Saint Cloud, Minnesota)
Maximal Rank-One Spaces of Matrices Over Chain Semirings.
II. (u, i)-Spaces 29

Helena Albuquerque (Coimbra, Portugal),
and Alberto Elduque (Zaragoza, Spain)
On the Generators of Lie Superalgebras 45

R. Gow (Dublin, Ireland) and M. C. Tamburini (Brescia, Italy)
Generation of SL(n, Z) by a Jordan Unipotent Matrix
and Its Transpose 63

Alan C. Wilde (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Nearly Commuting Projections 73

Wang Yan (Hebei, People's Republic of China)
Two Enumeration Theorems in Singular Symplectic Geometry
and a Class of PBIB Designs 85

Francisco Marcellan and Gabriela Sansigre (Madrid, Spain)
On a Class of Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line 97

Ton Geerts (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
Solvability Conditions, Consistency, and Weak Consistency for Linear
Differential-Algebraic Equations and Time-Invariant Singular Systems:
The General Case 111

Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia)
and Peter M. Nylen (Auburn, Alabama)
The Sprinkling Problem 131

Fumio Hiai (Ibaraki, Japan) and Denes Petz (Budapest, Hungary)
The Golden-Thompson Trace Inequality is Complemented 153

Zevi Miller and Dan Pritikin (Oxford, Ohio)
Eigenvalues and Separation in Graphs 187

J. Kastner and Ch. Zylka (Leipzig, Germany)
On Generalized Uniformly Tapered Matrices 221

G. Rousseau (Leicester, England)
An Expansion for Certain Symmetric Determinants 233

Paul Yiu (Boca Raton, Florida)
Maximal Normal Sets of n-Planes in R2n 241

D. W. Richardson (University Park, Pennsylvania),
B. D. O, Anderson (Canberra, Australia),
and N. K. Bose (University Park, Pennsylvania)
Matrix-Fraction Description From Frequency Samples 251

Richard Arens (Los Angeles, California) and Moshe Goldberg
(Haifa, Israel)
Quadrative Seminorms and Jordan Structures on Algebras 269

Author Index 279


Contents Volume 182

R. A. Bailey (London, United Kingdom) and
C. A. Rowley (Milton Keynes, United Kingdom)
Maximal Rank of an Element of a Tensor Product 1

I. Gohberg (Ramat Aviv, Israel), M. A. Kaashoek,
and F. van Schagen (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
On the Local Theory of Regular Analytic Matrix Functions 9

Fernando C. Silva (Lisboa, Portugal)
Matrices With Prescribed Lower Triangular Part 27

Bernd Silbermann (Chemnitz, Germany)
On the Limiting Set of Singular Values of Toeplitz Matrices 35

Dragos Cvetkovic (Belgrade, Yugoslavia),
Peter Rowlinson (Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom),
and Slobodan Simic (Belgrade, Yugoslavia)
A Study of Eigenspaces of Graphs 45

J. G. Braker and G. J. Olsder (Delft, the Netherlands)
The Power Algorithm in Max Algebra 67

R. Mathias (Minneapolis, Minnesota) and
G. W. Stewart (College Park, Maryland)
A Block QR Algorithm and the Singular Value Decomposition 91

R. B. Bapat (New Delhi, India)
Symmetric Function Means and Permanents 101

Alexander Sakhnovich (Odessa, Russia)
Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Equations and the
Method of Operator Identities 109

L. Grunenfelder (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) and
M. Omladic (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Linearly Recursive Sequences and Operator Polynomials 127

S. K. Jain and L. E. Snyder (Athens, Ohio)
Nonnegative Normal Matrices 147

Apostolos Hadjidimos and Dimitrios Noutsos (West Lafayette, Indiana)
On a Matrix Identity Connecting Iteration Operators
Associated With a p-Cyclic Matrix 157

Harald K. Wimmer (Wurzburg, Germany)
Pairs of Companion Matrices and Their Simultaneous
Reduction to Complementary Triangular Forms 179

Ren-cang Li (Beijing, People's Republic of China)
Norms of Certain Matrices With Applications to
Variations of the Spectra of Matrices and Matrix Pencils 199

L. Elsner (Bielefeld, Germany)
A Note on the Hoffman-Wielandt Theorem 235

Matjaz Omladic and Peter Semrl (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Additive Mappings Preserving Operators of Rank One 239

M. Eiermann and R. S. Varga (Kent, Ohio)
Is the Optimal *gu Best for the SOR Iteration Method? 257

Author Index 279


Contents Volume 183

Rafael Bru, Rafael Canto (Valencia, Spain), and
Bit-Shun Tam (Taiwan, Republic of China)
Predecessor Property, Full Combinatorial Column Rank,
and the Height Characteristic of an M-Matrix 1

Naomi Shaked-Monderer (Haifa, Israel)
Extreme Chordal Doubly Nonnegative Matrices With
Given Row Sums 23

K. Zietak (Wroclaw, Poland)
Properties of Linear Approximations of Matrices in the
Spectral Norm 41

Ton Geerts (Tilburg, the Netherlands)
Invariant Subspaces and Invertibility Properties for
Singular Systems: The General Case 61

Ehud Moshe Baruch and Raphael Loewy (Haifa, Israel)
Linear Preservers on Spaces of Hermitian or Real
Symmetric Matrices 89

C.-T. Pan (DeKalb, Illinois)
A Perturbation Analysis of the Problem of Downdating
a Cholesky Factorization 103

Leonya Livshits and Sing-Cheong Ong (Mount Pleasant, Michigan)
On the Invertibility of the Map 
T(right arrow)STS_1+S_1TS and
Operator-Norm Inequalities 117

AP. Bhimasankaram (Santa Barbara, California) and Thomas Mathew
(Baltimore, Maryland)
On Ordering Properties of Generalized Inverses of
Nonnegative Definite Matrices 131

Li Ching (Zhanjiang City, People's Republic of China)
The Maximum Determinant of an n(multi)n Lower Hessenberg
(0, 1) Matrix 147

T. S. Michael (Annapolis, Maryland)
The Structure Matrix of the Class of r-Multigraphs With
a Prescribed Degree Sequence 155

Tilo Finck, Georg Heinig, and Karla Rost (Chemnitz, Germany)
An Inversion Formula and Fast Algorithms for
Cauchy-Vandermonde Matrices 179

Richard A. Brualdi and Jennifer J. Q. Massey (Madison, Wisconsin)
More on Structure-Ranks of Matrices 193

A. M. Mathai (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Appell's and Humbert's Functions of Matrix Arguments 201

Roberto Costa and Henrique Guzzo, Jr. (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Indecomposable Baric Algebras 223

Paul Schweitzer (Rochester, New York)L and G. W. Stewart
(College Park, Maryland)
The Laurent Expansion of Pencils That Are Singular
at the Origin 237

J. P. R. Christensen, (Copenhagen, Denmark) and P. Fischer
(Guelph, Ontario, Canada)
Multidimensional Stochastic Matrices and Error-Correcting
Codes 255

Author Index 277


Contents Volume 184

Chjan C. Lim (Troy, New York)
Nonsingular Sign Patterns and the Orthogonal Group 1

Vlastimil Ptak and Zdenek Vavrin (Prague, Czech Republic)
Bezout, Hankel, and Loewner Matrices 13

Bryan L. Shader (Laramie, Wyoming)
Convertible, Nearly Decomposable, and Nearly Reducible Matrices 37

Daniel Hershkowitz (Haifa, Israel)
The Relation Between the Jordan Structure of a Matrix and Its Graph 55

Roy Mathias (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
An Arithmetic-Geometric-Harmonic Mean Inequality Involving Hadamard Products 71

Jiang Zeng (Strasbourg, France)
A Bijective Proof of Muir's Identity and the Cauchy-Binet Formula 79

Bernard F. Lamond (Quebec, Canada)
An Efficient Basis Update of Asymptotic Linear Programming 83

Robert E. Hartwig (Raleigh, North Carolina) and Michael Neumann (Storrs, 
Bounds on the Exponent of Primitivity Which Depend on the
Spectrum and the Minimal Polynomial 103

Zhe-xian Wan (Lund, Sweden)
On the Orthogonal Invariants of a Subspace of a Vector
Space Over a Finite Field of Odd Characteristic 123

Zhe-xian Wan (Lund, Sweden)
On the Orthogonal Invariants of a Subspace of a Vector
Space Over a Finite Field of Even Characteristics 135

W. Hasselbarth (Berlin, Germany) and E. Ruch (Gottingen, Germany)
On the Extension of Linear Contractions: Some Results
of the Hahn-Banach Type 145

Roland W. Freund (Murray Hill, New Jersey) and homas Huckle (Wurzburg, Germany)
A Restricted Signature Normal Form for Hermitian Matrices,
Quasi-Spectral Decompositions, and Applications 165

Scott McCullough (Gainesville, Florida)
Minimal Separators of 2-Chordal Graphs 187

Michael I. Gil' (Beer Sheva, Israel)
On Inequalities for Eigenvalues of Matrices 201

Wang Xinmin (Beijing, People's Republic of China)
Generalized Stein-Rosenberg Theorems for the Regular
Splittings and Convergence of Some Generalized Iterative Methods 207

LeRoy B. Beasley (Logan, Utah) and Larry J. Cummings (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
The Structure of Generalized Permanent Semigroups 235

Bo-Ying Wang and Ming-Peng Gong (Beijing, People's Republic of China)
Some Eigenvalue Inequalities for Positive Semidefinite
Matrix Power Products 249

Cheng Wang, Dao-Sheng Zheng, Guo-Liang Chen, and
Shu-Qin Zhao (Shanghai, People's Republic of China)
Structures of p-Isometric Matrices and Rectangular Matrices
With Minimum p-Norm Condition Number 261

Author Index 279


Contents Volume 185

J. William Helton (La Jolla, California)
and Hugo J. Woerdeman (Williamsburg, Virginia)
Symmetric Hankel Operators: Minimal Norm Extensions
and Eigenstructures 1

Adam W. Bojanczyk, Ruth Onn, and
Allan O. Steinhardt (Ithaca, New York)
Existence of the Hyperbolic Singular Value Decomposition 21

Mario Taboada (Los Angeles, California)
A Theorem in Linear Algebra With Applications to the
Geometry of Quadrics 31

Jean-Claude Evard (Laramie, Wyoming) and
Frank Uhlig (Auburn, Alabama)
Comparison of the Sets of Polynomials p and q
Such That X=p(A) and Y=q(B) Are Solutions of the Matrix
Equations f(X)=A and f(Y)=B 41 

Dragoslav Herceg and
Natasa Krejic (Novi Sad, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
On the Convergence of the Unsymmetric Successive
Overrelaxation (USSOR) Method 49

Elizabeth A. Kalinina and
Alexei Yu. Uteshev (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Determination of the Number of Roots of a Polynomial
Lying in a Given Algebraic Domain 1

Leonid Lerer (Haifa, Israel) and Leiba Rodman (Williamsburg, Virginia)
Sylvester and Lyapunov Equations and Some Interpolation
Problems for Rational Matrix Functions 83

Moody T. Chu (Raleigh, North Carolina)
The Stability Group of Symmetric Toeplitz Matrices 119

K. Zietak (Wroclaw, Poland)
Subdifferentials, Faces, and Dual Matrices 125

H. Valiaho (Helsinki, Finland)
The Boolean Pivot Operation, M-matrices, and Reducible Matrices 143

H. Miranda and Robert C. Thompson (Santa Barbara, California)
A Trace Inequality With a Subtracted Term 165

Peter Lancaster (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) and
Qiang Ye (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
Rayleigh-Ritz and Lanczos Methods for Symmetric Matrix Pencils 173

James W. Demmel (Berkeley, California) and
William Gragg (Monterey, California)
On Computing Accurate Singular Values and
Eigenvalues of Matrices With Acyclic Graphs 203

Gilbert Helmberg and Peter Wagner (Innsbruck, Austria) and
Gerhard Veltkamp (Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
On Faddeev-Leverrier's Method for the Computation of the
Characteristic Polynomial of a Matrix and of Eigenvectors 219

Wang Xinmin (Beijing, People's Republic of China)
Generalized Extrapolation Principle and Convergence
of Some Generalized Iterative Methods 235

Hongxiang Li (Shanghai, People's Republic of China) and
Gangsong Leng (Changsha, People's Republic of China)
Matrix Inequality With Weights and Its Applications 273

Author Index 279

Contributed by Aggelos K. Katsaggelos (aggk@eecs.nwu.edu)

            Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation

        	Volume 3, Number 4, December 1992

       	         Special Issue: Image Restoration
	Guest Editors: Aggelos K. Katsaggelos and Richard J. Mammone


305	Image Restoration and Reconstruction. Guest Editors' Comments
       	Aggelos K. Katsaggelos and Richard J. Mammone

307	Convex Set Theoretic Image Recovery: History, Current Status, and
	New Directions
	Patrick L. Combettes

316	On Methods for Maximum a Posteriori Image Reconstruction with a 
	Normal Prior 
	Gabor T. Herman, Alvaro R. De Pierro, and Neville Gai

325 	Iterative Restoration of MR Images Corrupted with Translational
	Mark Hedley and Hong Yan

338	Noisy Image Restoration Using Multiresolution Markov Random Fields
	P. Charbonnier, L. Blanc-Feraud, and M. Barlaud

347	Restoration of Images Degraded by Compound Noise Sources Using
	Markov Random Field Models
	M. Shridhar, M. Ahmadi, and M. El-Gabali

356	Multiresolution Image Gathering and Restoration
	Carl L. Fales, Friedrich O. Huck, Rachel Alter-Gartenberg, and
	Zia-ur Rahman

364	Modeling of the Point-Spread Function of Laser Scanning Microscopes
	Using Canonical Transforms
	Olle Seger and Reiner Lenz

381	Compression and Reconstruction of Spatially Invariant Linearly
	Additive Image Sequences with Suppression of Noise and Undesired
	John W. V. Miller, M. Shridhar, James B. Farison, and Youngshin Shin

392	Optimal Restoration of Multichannel Images Based on Constrained
	Mean-Square Estimation
	Michael E. Zervakis

412	Optimal Morphological Restoration: The Morphological Filter Mean-
	Absolute-Error Theorem
	Robert P. Loce and Edward R. Dougherty

433	A Cross-Validation Framework for Solving Image Restoration Problems
	Stanley J. Reeves

446	Iterative Evaluation of the Regularization Parameter in Regularized
	Image Restoration
	A. K. Katsaggelos and M. G. Kang

456	Author Index for Volume 3

Contributed by: tomizuka@euler.Berkeley.EDU (Masayoshi Tomizuka)

		   Transaction of the ASME
	Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control

Technical Editor:   Masayashi Tomizuka
               Department of Mechanical Engineering 
               University of California at Berkeley
               Berkeley, CA 94720
               (510) 642-0870

Information for Authors: See the last page of the journal
For subscription:   Call ASME at 201-882-1167 or send 
               orders to ASME, 22 Law Drive, Box 
               2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300.


1993 is the 50th Anniversary of the Dynamic Systems and
Control Division of ASME.  ASME is publishing a special
issue of J-DSMC to commemorate this occasion. The
table of contents of this special issue is given below 
(after the table of contents of the regular June 1993 issue).
This special issue will be made available to all 
participants of the forthcoming ACC in San Francisco at 
a remarkable discount price. If you are a regular Journal
subscriber, you may still want to purchase as many extra 
copies as you want at the discount price.  If you are
not a subscriber yet, it will be an excellent introduction
to the Journal and a valuable source to find
the past half-century and a snapshot of the present
status of ASME control activities.

**Advanced Table of Contents for Vol.114, No.4, (to be 
published in June 1993)**

Regular Papers

Real-Time Expert System for Fault-Tolerant Supervisory Control
by K. Ramamurthi and A. M. Agogino

Discrete-time Repetitive Control System Design Using the 
Regeneration Spectrum
by F.-R. Shaw and K. Srinivasan

Precision Tracking Control of Discrete Time Nonminimun-
Phase Systems
by C.-H. Menq and J.-J. Chen

Strong Diagonal Dominance by Quantitative Feedback Theory
by R. A. Perez, O. D. I. Nwokah and D. F. Thompson

Design Guide for Master Arms Considering Operator Dynamics
by Y. Yokokohji and T. Yoshikawa

Qualitative Matching Using Dynamic Process Models for State
Transition Recognition of Robotic Assembly
by B. J. McCarragher and H. Asada

A Miniature Mobile Robot Using Piezo Vibration for
Mobility in a Thin Tube
by S. Aoshima, T. Tsujimura and T. Yabuta

Dynamics of Flexible Manipulator Arms: Alternative
Derivation, Verification and Characteristics for Control
by B.-S. Yuan, W. J. Book and J. D. Huggins

Low Velocity Friction Compensation and Feedforward Solution
Based on Repetitive Control
by E. D. Tung, G. Anwar and M. Tomizuka

A New Sensor for Real-Time Milling Tool Condition Monitoring
by C. J. Li and S. Y. Li

Detection of Cracks in Turbo Rotors - A New Observer Based 
by D. Soffker, J. Bajkowski and Muller

Dynamic Properties of Load-Sensing Systems with Interacting
Complex Mechanical Loads
by B. Lantto, P. Krus and J. Palmberg

Interaction Between the Actuators in Loaded Multi-Channel
Electrohydraulic Drives
by S. Ramachandran and P. Dransfield

Technical Briefs

Robust Time-Delay Control
by T. Singh and S. R. Vadali

PD-Based Trajectory Tracking Control for Robot Manipulators
by B. Cal and H. Chen 

Experiments on the Tracking Control of a Flexible One-Link
by C.-H. Menq and Z. Xia

****Advanced Table of Contents for the 50th ANNIVERSARY 
          ISSUE OF DSCD******


Optimum Settings for Automatic Controllers. . . .N. Nichols and
J.G. Ziegler


A 50 Year History of the Dynamic Systems and 
Control Division. . . . . . . . . . .M.E. Franke, P.M. Lynch and
A.J. Healey


The Computer as Liberator: The Rise of Mechanical 
System Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D.M. Auslander

Fool's Paradise: The Wedding Dance of Physics and Control . . .
H.M. Paynter


Reflections on Engineering Systems and Bond Graphs. . . . . .
R.C. Rosenberg

Controlled Motion in an Elastic World . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.W.J. Book

>From Robots to Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D.E. Whitney

Human Centered Control in Robotics and Consumer 
Product Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. Asada, C. Federspiel
and S. Liu

Extenders: A Case Study for Human Robot Interaction via the 
Transfer of Power and Information Signals . . . . . .H. Kazerooni
and J. Guo

Modeling and Control of Manufacturing Processes: 
Getting More Involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D.E. Hardt

Control of Machining Processes. . . . . . . . . . . .A.G. Ulsoy
and Y. Koren

Lateral and Longitudinal Dynamic Behavior and 
Control of Moving Webs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.E. Young
and K.N. Reid

Modeling and State Estimator Design Issues for 
Model Based Monitoring Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J.L. Stein

Applications of Optimal Control to Automotive Design. . . . . . .
.D. Hrovat

Engine Control Using Cylinder Pressure: 
Past Present and Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.J.D. Powell


Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems . . . . . . . . . . .
J.K. Hedrick

Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M. Corless

On One Approach to the Control of Uncertain Systems . . . . . .
.G. Leitmann

Evolution of Adaptive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.I.D. Landau

Intelligent Control Systems: Are They for Real? . . . . . . . .
R. Shoureshi

Learning Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.R. Horowitz

On the Design of Digital Tracking Controllers . . . . . . . . .
.M. Tomizuka

Robust Internal Model Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Y.Z. Tsypkin

Linear, Multivariable Robust Control with a f Perspective . . . .
A. Packard

Frequency Domain Design for Robust Performance Under 
Parametric, Unstructured, or Mixed Uncertainties. . . . . . . .S.

Quantitative Feedback Design of Decentralized Control 
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.O.D.I. Nwokah

Advanced Table of Contents for Vol.115, No.1, (to be 
published in March 1993)

Regular Papers

A Chebyshev-Based State Representation for Linear Quadratic
Optimal Control
by M. L. Nagurka and S. K. Wang

Decentralized Control of a Class of Large-Scale Systems 
by Uncertainty Estimator
by Min-Shin Chen

Tracking Controller for Linear Systems with Time Delays 
in Both State and Control Variables
by Dong H. Chyung

On Self-Tuning Control of Nonminimum Phase Discrete-Time 
Systems Using Approximate Inverse Systems
by Takashi Yahagi and Jianming Lu

State Estimation Using Randomly Delayed Measurements
by Asok Ray, Luen W. Liou and Jenny H. Shen

Almost Decoupling by Quantitative Feedback Theory
by R. A. Perez, O.D.I. Nwokah and D. F. Thompson

Learning Algorithms for Neural Networks based on Quasi-Newton
Methods with Self-Scaling
by Homayoon S. M. Beigi and C. James Li

Dynamic Singularities in Free-Floating Space Manipulators
by Evangelos Papadopoulos and Steven Dubowsky

Exponentially Stable Tracking Control for Multi-Joint
Flexible-Link Manipulators
by Brad Paden, Degang Chen, Ragnar Ledesma and Eduardo Bayo

An Adaptive Approach to Motion and Force Control of
Multiple Coordinated Robots
by Yan-Ru Hu and Andrew A. Goldenberg

Dynamic Model and Response of Robot Manipulators
with Joint Irregularities
by R. J. Chang and T. C. Jiang

Output Tracking for a Nonlinear Flexible Arm
by P. Lucibello and M. D. Di Benedetto

Nonlinear and Adaptive Control of Flexible Space Structures
by William H. Bennett, Harry G. Kwatny, Chris LaVigna
and Gilmer Blankenship

Adaptive Velocity Control of DC Motors with Coulomb Friction 
by Yee-Pien Yang and Jwu-Shu Chu

Model Reference Adaptive Control of Dual-Mode Micro/Macro
Dynamics of Ball Screws for Nanometer Motion
by Paul I. Ro and Peter I. Hubbel

Modelling and Dynamic Characterization of the
Czochralski Crystal Growth
by Michael A. Gevelber and George Stephanopoulos

Control and System Design for the Czochralski Crystal 
Growth Process
by Michael A. Gevelber and George Stephanopoulos

Hierarchical, Knowledge Based Control in Turning
by R. Teltz and M. A. Elbestawi

Directional Response of a B-Train Vehicle Combination
Carrying Liquid Cargo
by R. Ranganathan, S. Rakheja and S. Sankar

High-Speed Vehicle Models Based on a New Concept of Vehicle/
Structure Interaction Component. Part I: Formulation
by L. Vu-Quoc and M. Olsson

High-Speed Vehicle Models Based on a New Concept of Vehicle/
Structure Interaction Component. Part II: Algorithm Treatment
and Results for Multispan Guideways
by L. Vu-Quoc and M. Olsson

Controller Gain Selection for an Electromagnetic Suspension 
Under Random Excitation
by Brian C. Fabien

On the Use of Robust Design Methods in Vehicle 
Longitudinal Controller Design
by Anna Soffia Hauksdottir and Guolang Siguroardottir

Multibody Systems with Loops: A Pseudo Constraint Approach
by Jean-Claude Samin and Pierre-Yves Willems

Technical Briefs

An Analysis and Improvement of the Predictive Control Integrating
by Thomas R. Kurfess and Daniel E. Whitney

Decoupled Control/Error Weighting for Predictive Control
by Thomas R. Kurfess and Daniel E. Whitney

Robust State Estimation for Linear Systems
by S. S. Garimella and K. Srinivasan

Neural Networks and Identification of Systems with Unobserved
by C. J. Goh and Lyle Noakes

Adaptive Control Robotic Manipulators Using
an Extended Kalman Filter
by Richard Gourdeau and Howard M. Schwartz

Robust Optimal Model Matching Control Design for Flexible
by Bor-Sen Chen and Tsang-Yi Yang

Approximate Decoupling of Weakly Nonclassically Damped Linear
Second-Order Systems Under Harmonic Excitations
by S. M. Shahruz and A. K. Packard

>From ERSICSIEP@er.ele.tue.nl Tue May 11 16:13:28 1993
Date: 11 May 1993 16:12:10 +0100
From: eletter 
To: ESEND@win.tue.nl
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT

From: eletter 
To:	IN%"ersicsiep@er.ele.tue.nl"

Dear Siep and Anton,

I wanted to meet your deadline but only had little time to look over
things. Also the last time that the eletter was sent out was so long
ago that I can't really remember when it was, let alone what precisely
happened to SCAD since....... 
BTW are there precise dates by which you are planning to have the eletter
appear? If so could you please let me know then I can have the SCAD update
ready for you in future.

Attached is a SCAD update. I have gotten rid of the information about
how to all the access SCAD and put in a - possibly incorrect - sentence
about how to get the information from your automatic email handler.
Could you please complete this to make sure that is makes sense and is 
ok with you. 

In your information the IP number seems incorrect. There was a change
some time ago to which could get changed back again to the old one,
but for the time being only this one seems to work.

Have fun with your new job!

All the best,

Contributed by  Raimund J. Ober 


                    ####    ####     ##    #####
                   #       #    #   #  #   #    #
                    ####   #       #    #  #    #
                        #  #       ######  #    #
                   #    #  #    #  #    #  #    #
                    ####    ####   #    #  #####

               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas 

                 ftp address: ftp.utdallas.edu
		 IP number:
		 queries:     ober@utdallas.edu 


New contents:

   subdirectory `letters'
    - Open CACSD vol 1 number 10:  cacsdv1n10
    - Open CACSD vol 1 number 11:  cacsdv1n11
    - Open CACSD vol 1 number 12:  cacsdv1n12
   subdirectory `papers'
      Martin Otter, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany 
      DSblock: A neutral description of dynamic systems. Vers. 3.2
      A revision of the public definition of the DSblock neutral file format
      first published in Open CACSD Vol.1 No.3. 
      filename:  dsblock32.txt  (text file) 
      submitted: 30 April 1993 
NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!


 A subdirectory `software' has been introduced. It contains the following

 contains a Matlab based program which computes H-infinity optimal and 
 suboptimal controllers for a class of possibly unstable
 infinite dimensional SISO plants.  This program is based on the
 formulae derived in `H-infinity Optimal and Suboptimal Controllers for
 Infinite Dimensional SISO Plants' by Onur Toker and Hitay Ozbay.

 The software is provided by Hitay Ozbay EE, Ohio State.  

 Art Krener's nonlinear systems toolbox has been moved to this subdirectory.


   - eletter issues: 56, 57 


 subdirectory syconreports:

 92abstracts.tex    latex file containing the abstracts of the 92 reports

 SYCON REPORT 92-07: "State observability in recurrent neural networks"
 by Francesca Albertini and Eduardo D. Sontag, December 1992. (8+i pp.)
 ABSTRACT: We obtain a characterization of observability for a class of
 (discrete-time) nonlinear systems which appear in neural networks research.

 "Weight identifiability in discrete-time recurrent nets"
 by Francesca Albertini and Eduardo D. Sontag, December 1992. (11+i pp.)
 ABSTRACT: This paper shows that, from its complete input/output behavior, one
 can in principle completely deduce the internal structure of a discrete-time
 recurrent neural network. The results presented here provide an analog of the
 continuous-time results given in a previous paper by the authors. However, the
 mathematical details, as well as the assumptions that must be made on the
 activation functions, are considerably different from those in the
 continuous-time case.

*********** Remember to send your tech reports and other material! *********

How to access scad:
           you can obtain details about how to access SCAD by 
	   sending an (empty) email message to 


           with subject 'info' to obtain information about the eletter 
           which also contains information on how to access SCAD.

           After accessing SCAD you can find a README file in /pub/scad 
	   which contains more info on how to submit material to SCAD. 
