E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing ISSUE No. 56, 17 Dec 1992 Editors: Bradley W. Dickinson bradley@princeton.edu or bradley@pucc.bitnet Eduardo D. Sontag sontag@hilbert.rutgers.edu or sontag@pisces.bitnet NOTICE: This issue substitutes for the (long-awaited?) second part of Issue 55, which was dated Oct. 27, 1992. We are using a new mailing system; please notify eletter@ivy.princeton.edu of any distribution problems.) We plan to clean up the backlog of material submitted for distribution within the next week by sending out more issues. WELCOME! We remind you that items for posting can be emailed to either of the editors. PLEASE SEND CONTRIBUTIONS, since the eletter can only be useful if everyone participates. A REQUEST: It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the next line. In addition, please provide a 60-character title for the Contents. Thanks! NOTE: if you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching for the string: *.** Contents Changes to the mailing list Notice: ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division -- Announcement Journals: MCSS: Composite Table of Contents for Volume 5 Automatica: Special Issue on Robust Control, Jan. 1993 Contents of March 1993 issue LAA: Contents of Vol. 178, Jan. 1993 Fiedler/Ptak Special Issue Notice CSSP: Contents of Vol. 12, No. 1, 1993 JMSEC: Index to Volumes One and Two Stochastic Optimization and Design: Contents of Vol. 1, No. 1 Trans. ASME - J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control: Contents of Vol. 114, No. 3, Sept. 1992 IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology: Call for Papers for Air Traffic Control Special Issue *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the editors Changes and Additions to the mailing list Changes: -------- naderm@ee.princeton.edu (Nader Mohsenian, Princeton Univ.) norman@enel.ucalgary.ca (Steve Norman, Univ. of Calgary) RUNGGAL@PDMAT1.UNIPD.IT (Wolfgang Runggaldier, Univ. of Padova, Italy) yanli@sasa.rutgers.edu (Yanjun Li, Rutgers Univ.) wswong@ie.cuhk.hk (Wing S. Wong, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong) PMT6JRP@GPS.LEEDS.AC.UK (Jonathan Partington, Univ. of Leeds, UK) ywang@polya.math.fau.edu (Yuan Wang, Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton) fabrizio@shannon.jpl.nasa.gov (Fabrizio Pollara, JPL, Pasadena, CA) Additions: --------- glaum@unixg.ubc.ca (Michael Glaum, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver) unyeli@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu (Konur Unyelioglu, Ohio State Univ., Columbus) godbole@robotics.berkeley.edu (Dattaprabodh Godbole, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley) desilva@mech.ubc.ca (Clarence de Silva, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver) sourlas@seas.ucla.edu (Dennis Sourlas, Univ. of California, Los Angeles) buno@rascals.stanford.edu (Yagyensh Pati, Stanford Univ.) indjic@ic.ac.uk (Drago Indjic, Imperial College, London) alanl@ee.ubc.ca (Alan Lynch, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver) barbargires@olymp.ccf.auth.gr (C.A. Barbargires, Aristotle Univ., Greece) nisenzon@cerebrum.impaqt.drexel.edu (Yuri Nisenzon, Drexel Univ.) davis@siam.org (Jill Davis, SIAM Publications) manolis%ilos@omalos.ced.tuc.gr (Manolis Christodoulou, Tech. Univ. of Crete) adrian@fees.vut.edu.au (Adrian Stoica, Victoria Univ., Melbourne, Australia) govindg@ucunix.san.uc.EDU (Girish Govind, Univ. of Cincinnati) wu@husc.harvard.edu (Ernest H. Wu, Harvard Univ.) M034050@MARSHALL.MU.WVNET.EDU (Ermel Stepp, Marshall Univ.) semerz@lmcp.jussieu.fr (Michel T. Semertzidis, Univ. of Paris 6) veldhuis@prl.philips.nl (Raymond Veldhuis, Inst. Perception Rsch., Eindhoven) yuany%aesv01@gmr.com (Yi Yuan, General Motors Tech. Ctr., Warren, MI) s3castel@imerj.bitnet (Roberto Castelo Branco Jorge, IME, Rio de Janeiro) DAGL%AARDAL.DECNET@BG.HBG.HYDRO.NO (Dag Ljungquist, Norway) yongseok@ecn.purdue.edu (Yongseok Park, Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, IN) dduane@gmuvax2.gmu.edu (Darrell Duane, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA) jer101@syseng.anu.edu.au (Jeremy Matson, Australian National Univ., Canberra) herb_rauch@qm.is.lmsc.lockheed.com (Herb Rauch, Lockheed, Palo Alto, CA) bo@contrl.chalmers.se (Bo Egardt, Chalmers Univ., Gothenburg, Sweden) brucew@meceng.coe.northeastern.edu (Bruce Wilson, Northeastern Univ., Boston) ulsoy@um.cc.umich.edu (Galip Ulsoy, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor) slow@research.att.com (Steven H. Low, AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ) OLGAC@UCONNVM.UCONN.EDU (Nejat Olgac, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs) me10emf@vm.tcs.tulane.edu (Fernando Figueroa, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, LA) WYANG@smail.srl.ford.com (Woong-Chul Yang, Ford Motor Corp.) an@verbum.com (An Nguyen) DELONGA@OCNR-HQ.NAVY.MIL (David DeLonga, Office of Naval Research Arlington, VA) rakoto@laas.laas.fr (N. Rakoto-Ravalontsalama, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France) cao@ecse.rpi.edu (Tiehua Cao, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY) sandberg@emx.cc.utexas.edu (Irwin W. Sandberg, Univ. of Texas at Austin) larry@updike.sri.com (Larry P. Heck, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA) kozak@odin.control.utoronto.ca (Petr Kozak, Univ. of Toronto) sade@math.tau.ac.il (Ilan Sadeh, Tel Aviv Univ.) hanan@eng.tau.ac.il (Hanan Herzberg, Tel Aviv Univ.) FUND@MATH.AC.MSK.SU (Yuri Hohlov, Exec. Dir., Foundation MATHEMATICS, Moscow) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Jim Taylor ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division -- Announcement The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Dynamic Systems and Control Division (DSCD) is taking steps to become more formally involved in this E-Letter. We will regularly post the table of contents of our quarterly Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control (see below). We are appointing an Associate Editor of our DSCD Newsletter to contribute Calls for Papers and announcements for major conferences and symposia that DSCD organizes such as the Joint Symposium for Flexible Automation, FLUCOME (fluid power controls), etc. and other notices that are of general interest to the systems & controls community. The DSCD Sessions organized for the ASME Winter Annual Meeting will also be publicized. Finally, we also plan to encourage our members to "subscribe" to the E-Letter. This initiative is being undertaken to bring our activities more fully into the "mainstream" of the multidisciplinary controls community as represented by this E-Letter. We hope for and encourage participation in our functions by the broader community, and hope that publicizing the contents of our Journal will bring about a valuable interchange of information in cross- disciplinary fields such as robotics. Finally, I would like personally to thank the E-Letter Editors for welcoming our more active role in this forum. If anyone has questions and/or suggestions regarding this initiative or DSCD, please submit them to me. Jim Taylor ORA Corporation 301 Dates Drive Ithaca, NY 14850-1313 USA (607) 277-2020 ; (607) 277-3206 (Fax) e-mail: jim@oracorp.com *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the editors MCSS Composite Table of Contents for Volume 5 (1992) Issue No. 1 Stabilization of a Distributed System with a Stable Compensator O.J. Staffans pp. 1-22 Tracking the Condition Number for RLS in Signal Processing D. J. Pierce and R.J. Plemmons pp. 23-39 On the Relation Between Small-Time Local Controllability and Normal Self-Reachability K.A. Grasse pp. 41-66 Rate of Convergence of Schmidt Pairs and Rational Functions Corresponding to Best Approximants of Truncated Hankel Operators C.K. Chui, X. Lin, and J.D. Ward pp. 67-79 On Generalized Signal-to-Noise Ratios in Quadratic Detection R.J. Barton and H.V. Poor pp. 81-91 Singular Ergodic Control for Multidimensional Gaussian Processes J.L. Menaldi, M. Robin, M.I. Taksar pp. 93-114 Issue No. 2 Topological Aspects of the Partial Realization Problem W. Manthey, U.Helmke, and D. Hinrichsen pp. 117-149 An Algebraic Approach to Supervisory Control K. Inan pp. 151-164 Stable Hermitian Solutions of Discrete Algebraic Riccati Equations A.C.M. Ran and L. Rodman pp. 165-193 Continuous Dependence of Solutions to the Lyapunov Equation Relative to an Elliptic Differential Operator of Order 2 T. Nambu pp. 195-216 Optimality Conditions for Impulsive Control of Piecewise-Deterministic Processes D. Gatarek pp. 217-232 Issue No. 3 Nonlinear $H^\infty$ Control Theory for Stable Plants J. A. Ball and J. W. Helton pp. 233-261 Stationary Discrete-Time Covariance Factorization Using Newton-Raphson Iteration L. B. White and B. D. O. Anderson pp. 263-279 $L^1$ Sensitivity Minimization for Plants with Commensurate Delays M. A. Dahleh and Y. Ohta pp. 281-293 Global Asymptotic Stabilization for Controllable Systems Without Drift J.-M. Coron pp. 295-312 Toward Time Varying Balanced Realizations via Riccati Equations J. Imae, J. E. Perkins, and J. B. Moore pp. 313-326 Time-Scale Decomposition of the Reachable Set of Constrained Linear Systems A. L. Dontchev pp. 327-340 Issue No. 4 Nonlinear Control of Planar Multibody Systems in Shape Space N. Sreenath pp. 343-363 Invertibility of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems C.M. Ozveren and A.S. Willsky pp. 365-390 Continuity of Dynamical Systems: The Continuous-Time Case J. W. Nieuwenhuis and J. C. Willems pp. 391-400 Asymptotic Analysis of Nonlinear Stochastic Risk-Sensitive Control and Differential Games M. R. James pp. 401-417 Factorization and the Nehari Theorem in Time-Varying Systems G. Tadmor and M. Verma pp. 418-451 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak AUTOMATICA SPECIAL ISSUE ON ROBUST CONTROL Vol. 29 No. 1 January, 1993 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guest Editors: J. Ackermann, R. F. Curtain, P. Dorato, B. A. Francis, H. Kimura CONTENTS G.S. Axelby Introduction H. Kwakernaak Special Issue on Robust Control B.R. Barmish In Memoriam: Kehui Wei (1946-1992) POSTHUMOUS PAPER T. Tsujino, On the Connection Between Controllability and T. Fujii, Stabilizability of Linear Systems with Structural K. Wei Uncertain Parameters INVITED PAPERS B. R. Barmish and A Survey of Extreme Point Results for Robustness of H. I. Kang Control Systems M. A. Dahleh and Controller Design for Plants with Structured M. H. Khammash Uncertainty I. Kaminer, Mixed H2/H_inf Control for Discrete-Time Systems P. P. Khargonekar, and via Convex Optimization M. A. Rotea A. Packard and J. Doyle The Complex Structured Singular Value PAPERS R. Y. Chiang A Fixed H_inf Controller for a Super Maneuverable M.G. Safonov, Fighter Performing the Herbst Maneuver K. Madden and J. Tekawy S. Garg Robust Integrated Flight/Propulsion Control Design for a STOVL Aircraft Using H-Infinity Control Design Techniques M. Milanese, Robust Performances Control Design for a High G. Fiorio, and S. Malan Accuracy Calibration Device D. J. N. Limebeer, On the Design of Robust Two Degree of Freedom E. M. Kasenally, and of Freedom Controllers J. D. Perkins O. M. Grasselli, Robust Tracking and Performance for Multivariable S. Longhi, and Systems under Physical Parameter Uncertainties A. Tornambe R. Marino and P. Tomei Robust Stabilization of Feedback Linearizable Time-Varying Uncertain Nonlinear Systems J. S. Shamma Fading Memory Feedback Systems and Robust Stability and R. Zhao BIBLIOGRAPHY P. Dorato, R. Tempo Bibliography on Robust Control and G. Muscato BRIEF PAPERS D. Kaesbauer On Robust Stability of Polynomials with Polynomial Parameter Dependency: Two/Three Parameter Cases J.-L. Lin, Mu-K Interation: A New Algorithm for Mu-Synthesis I. Postlethwaite, and D.-W. Gu P.L.D. Peres and H_2 Control for Discrete-Time Systems Optimality and J.C. Geromel Robustness R. Ray and A Monte Carlo Approach to the Analysis of Control R.F. Stengel System Robustness R.K. Yedavalli Robust Root Clustering for Linear Uncertain Systems Using Generalized Lyapunov Theory E. Zeheb Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Robust Stability of Discrete Systems with Coefficients Depending Continuously on Two Interval Parameters Biographical Notes on Contributors to this Issue LIST OF MATERIAL FOR THE 146th ISSUE OF THE IFAC JOURNAL-AUTOMATICA Vol. 29 No. 2 March 1993 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TUTORIAL PAPER H. Kwakernaak Robust Control and H_inf -Optimization PAPERS G. Liu Application of EKF Technique to Ship Resistance Measurement H.J.A.F. Tulleken Grey-box Modelling & Identification, using Physical Knowledge and Bayesian Techniques K.J. Kyriakopoulos An Integrated Collision Prediction and Avoidance G.N. Saridis Scheme for Mobile Robots in Non-Stationary Environments G. Tao Adaptive Control of Systems with Backlash P.V. Kokotovic L. Qiu Performance Limitations of Non-Minimum Phase Systems E.J. Davison in the Servomechanism Problem Z. Zhang Discrete-Time Loop Transfer Recovery for Systems with J.S. Freudenberg Nonminimum Phase Zeros and Time Delays O. Yaniv Direct Control Design in Sampled-Data Uncertain Y. Chait Systems M.A. Rotea The Generalized H_2 Control Problem M. Corless New Results on Composite Control of Singularly F. Garofalo Perturbed Uncertain Linear Systems L. Glielmo Z. Pan H_inf Optimal Control for Singularly Perturbed Systems Perturbed Systems Part I: Perfect State T. Basar Measurements BRIEF PAPERS A. Halouskova Adaptive Cross-Direction Control of Paper Basis M. Karny Weight I. Nagy J.H. Shen Extended Discrete-Time LTR Synthesis of Delayed A. Ray Control Systems M. Sznaier Heuristically Enhanced Feedback Control of M.J. Damborg Constrained Systems: The Minimum Time Case D.D. Sworder Utility of Imaging Sensors in Tracking Systems R.G. Hutchins M. Kent Y. Tang Adaptive Frequency Response Identification using the Lagrange Filter R.A. Date A Parametrization Approach to Optimal H_2 and H_inf J.H. Chow Decentralized Control Problems P. Fessas On the Pole Placement with Decentralized Static Feedback G-R. Duan Robust Eigenstructure Assignment via Dynamical Compensators G. Conte Robust Disturbance Decoupling Problem for Parameter A.M. Perdon Dependent Families of Linear Systems R. Li Stability Robustness Characterization and Related E.B. Lee Issues for Control Systems Design J.S. Luo Stability Robustness of the Continuous-Time LQG A. Johnson System under Plant Perturbation and Noise Uncertainty P.L.D. Peres Quadratic Stabilizability of Linear Uncertain Systems J.C. Geromel in Convex-Bounded Domains J. Bernussou T. Ph. Proychev Transformation of Nonlinear Systems in Observer R.L. Mishkov Canonical Form with Reduced Dependency on Derivatives of the Input H. Ying A Nonlinear Fuzzy Controller with Linear Control Rules is the Sum of a Global Two-Dimensional Multi- level Relay and a Local Nonlinear Proportional- Integral Controller K.J. Hunt Polynomial LQ Optimisation for the Standard Control M. Sebek Structure: Scalar solution A. Iftar Decentralized Estimation and Control with Overlapping Input, State, and Output Decomposition S. Bittanti Spectral Factorization of Linear Periodic Systems G. De Nicolao with Application to the Optimal Prediction of Periodic ARMA Models I.W. Sandberg Steady-State Errors in Discrete-Time Control Systems L.Y. Xu F.N. Koumboulis On the Generic Controllability of Continuous P.N. Paraskevopoulos Generalized State Space Systems J.B. Lasserre Reachable, Controllable Sets and Stabilizing Control of Constrained Linear Systems N.S. Rousan Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Global Optimality for Linear Discrete-Time Systems A. Toola The Safety of Process Automation TECHNICAL COMMUNIQUES K.H. Kienitz Controller Design Using Fuzzy Logic - A Case Study B.E. Dainson A Non-conserative Stability Test for 2x2 MIMO Linear D.R. Lewin Systems Under Decentralized Control X. Kaiqi Comments on 'On Absolute Stability and the Aizerman Conjecture' L.T. Grujic Reply to 'Comments on 'On Absolute Stability and the Aizerman Conjecture'' BOOK REVIEWS P.C. Ojha Vector Lyapunov Functions and Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems, Mathematics & its Applications, Vol. 63 by V. Lakshmikantham, V.M. Matrosov, and S. Sivasundaram M. Machacek Control Sensors and Actuators by C.W. de Silva B. Wittenmark Adaptive Filter Theory, 2nd Edition by S. Haykin A. Varga Computational Methods for Linear Control Systems by P.H. Petkov, N.D. Christov and M.M. Konstantinov R. Li Decentralized Control of Complex Systems, Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Vol. 184 by D.D. Siljak Biographies of Contributors to This Issue *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Richard Brualdi LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Contents Volume 178, January 1, 1993 Alfredo N. Iusem (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Alvaro R. De Pierro (Campinas, Brazil) A Characterization of the Set of Fixed Points of Some Smoothed Operators 1 George Labahn (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) Inversion Components of Block Hankel-like Matrices 7 Alexei Yu. Uteshev and Sergei G. Shulyak (St. Petersburg, Russia) Hermite's Method of Separation of Solutions of Systems of Algebraic Equations and Its Applications 49 R. B. Bapat (New Delhi, India) and Donald W. Robinson (Provo, Utah) The Moore-Penrose Inverse Over a Cummutative Ring 89 S. W. Drury and B. Cload (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) On the Determinantal Conjecture of Marcus and de Oliveira 105 Lily Kolotilina (Leningrad, U.S.S.R.) and Ben Polman (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) On Incomplete Block Factorization Methods of Generalized SSOR type for H-Matrices 111 Ronald L. Smith (Chattanooga, Tennessee) Some Interlacing Properties of the Schur Complement of a Hermitian Matrix 137 Lucas Jodar (Valencia, Spain) On the Nonhomogeneous Second-Order Euler Operator Differential Equation: Explicit Solutions 145 Edward Bach (Dublin, Ireland) and Takayuki Furuta (Tokyo, Japan) Counterexample to a Question on the Operator Equation T(H1/nT)n=K 157 Wen Li (Guanzhou, People's Republic of China) On Regular Splittings and Graph Compatible Splittings of an M-Matrix 163 R. O. Hill, Jr. (East Lansing, Michigan) Certain Rank 2K Updates Act Like Rank K 173 Mark Copper (Miami, Florida) On the Gauss Decomposition of a Matrix 175 Arno van den Essen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and T. Parthasarathy (New Delhi, India) Polynomial Maps and a Conjecture of Samuelson 191 Peter M. Gibson (Huntsville, Alabama) Permanental Mates of Doubly Stochastic Matrices 197 Che-Man Cheng (Hong Kong) Cases of Equality for a Singular Value Inequality for the Hadamard Product 209 M. Pilar Benito Clavijo (Logrono, Spain) Lie Alegebras With a Small Number of Ideals 233 F. O. Farid (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) The Spectral Variation for Two Matrices With Spectra on Two Intersecting Lines 251 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Special Issue Honoring Miroslav Fiedler and Vlastimil Ptak In view of their major contribution to linear algebra and to this journal, LAA will publish a special issue in honor of Miroslav Fiedler and Vlastimil Ptak to mark the occasion of their retirement. The purpose of this announcement is to solicit papers for this issue. The deadline for submission is 30 August 1993 and the issue is expected to appear about 15 months later. Papers are invited concerning any aspect of linear algebra, its applications, and its interactions with graph theory or functional analysis. All contributions will be subject to the normal reviewing process. Submissions should be sent to one of the special editors of this issue: Wayne Barrett Department of Mathemtics Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 USA Email: wayne@math.byu.edu Angelika Bunse-Gerstner Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik Universitaet Bremen Postfach 33 04 40 D-W-2800 Bremen 33 Germany Email: angelika@mathematik.uni-bremen.de Nicholas Young Department of Mathematics Fylde College Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YF England Email: N.J.Young@uk.ac.lancs.cent1 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: A.H.Zemanian (zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu) Table of Contents for: CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Vol 12 (1993), No. 1 Editors: S.R.Parker and A.H.Zemanian Performance of direction-finding systems with sensor gain and phase uncertainties, Benjamin Freidlander and Anthony J. Weiss An improvement on the digital redesigned method based on the block-pulse function approximation, J.S.H.Tsai, L.S.Shieh and J.L.Zhang Interval-analysis techniques in linear systems: An application in power systems, A.N.Michel, M.A.Pai, H.F.Sun, and C.Kulig Some results on sensitivity and robust stability on input-output systems governed by integral and differential equations, Vaclav Dolezal Estimation and setting starting values in ARMA algorithms, Zoran M. Saric and Srbijanka R. Turajlic Comparative performance study of SVD-based and QRD-based high-order Yule-Walker methods for frequency estimation, Petre Stoica and Torsten Soderstrom A new family of biquads with applications to MOSFET-C filters, A.E.Said, N.A.Raslan, and M.Elkfafi Classification of infinite networks and its applications, Paolo M. Soardi and Maretsugu Yamasaki *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Edwin F. Beschler Cumulative Index for: Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control Volumes One and Two (1991/1992) Allen, L.J.S. Discrete and continuous models of populations and epidemics. 1(3), pp. 335-369. Astolfi, Allessandro, see Isidori, Alberto, 2(1) Ball, Joseph A., Israel Gohberg, and Leiba Rodman. Boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation for rational matrix functions, 1(2), pp. 131-164. Banks, H.T. and D.A. Rebnord. Estimation of material parameters for grid structures, 1(1), pp. 107-130. Battilotti, S. and W.P. Dayawansa. Stabilization of globally noninteractive nonlinear systems via dynamic state-feedback, 1(4), pp. 441-464. Bianchini, Rosa Maria. High Order variations of a reference trajectory. 2(1), 95-110 Boel, R. K. , see Mareels, I.M.Y., 2(1) Bowers, Kenneth L., Timothy S. Carlson, and John Lund. Fully sinc-Galerkin computation for boundary feedback stabilization, 1(2), pp. 165-182. Campion, Guy, and Schwartz, Carla A. Zero dynamics--another oxymoron? or enroute to adaptive control of nonlinear systems, 1(1), pp. 71-90. Carlson, Timothy S., see Bowers, Kenneth L., 1(2). Chabour, Rachid, and Abdelhak, Ferfera. Noninteracting control and disturbance decoupling with singularity for two dimensional bilinear systems, 2(4), pp 429-444. Dayawansa, W.P., see Battilotti, S. 1(4). Duncan, T. E. A solvable stochastic control problem in the hyperbolic plane, 2(4), pp 445-452. Fagnani, Fabio and Jan C. Willems. Representations of time-reversible systems, 1(1), pp. 5-28. Feng, Xiangbo, and Kenneth A. Loparo. A nonrandom spectrum theorem for products of random matrices and linear stochastic systems, 2(3), pp.323-338 Ferfera, Abdelhak, see Chabour, Rachid, 2(4). Fitzpatrick, Ben G. Approximation and control in integral equations of nonlinear viscoelasticity, 2(4) pp 483-501. Frankowska, H\'el\`ene and Marc Quincampoix. Viability kernels of differential inclusions with constraints: Algorithms and applications, 1(3), pp. 371-388. Gerencs\'er, La\'aszl\'o, and Zsuzsanna V\'ag\'o. A strong approximation theorem for parameter estimators in continuous time, 2(2), pp. 191-204. Ghosh, Mrinal K. and Steven I. Marcus. Infinite horizon controlled diffusion problems with some nonstandard criteria, 1(1), pp. 45-69. Gilliam. D.S. and B.A. Mair. Stability of a convolution method for inverse heat conduction problems, 1(4), pp. 487-497. Gohberg, Israel, see Ball, Joseph A., 1(2). Golec, J., and G. Ladde. On multitime method and the rate of convergence for a class of singularly perturbed stochastic systems, 2(2), pp. 245-262. Grossman, Robert. Evaluation of expressions involving higher order derivations, 1(1), pp. 91-106. Healy, D.M. and D.I. Wallace. Periodic solutions of differential equations on unipotent groups using Lie group deformations, 1(4), pp. 465-485. Helmke, Uwe. A several complex variables approach to sensitivity analysis and structured singular values, 2(3), pp. 339-351. Hill, David, J., see Mareels, Iven M.Y., 2(3). Horowitz, R., see Paice, A.D.B., 2(3). Isidori, Alberto, and Alessandro Astolfi. Nonlinear H-infinity control via measurement feedback, 2(1), pp. 31-44. Kang, Wei and Arthur J. Krener. Observation of a rigid body from measurement of a principal axis, 1(2), 197-207. Khapalov, A.Yu. and Kurzhanski, A.B. An observation theory for distributed-parameter systems, 1(4), pp. 389-440. Krener, Arthur J., see Kang, Wei, 1(2). Krener, Arthur J. and Yi Zhu. The fractional representations of a class of nonlinear systems, 1(2), pp. 183-195. Kurzhanski, A.B., see Khapalov, A.Yu., 1(4), pp. 389-440. Ladde, G., see Golec, J., 2(2). Levy, Bernard C. Regular and reciprocal multivariate stationary Gaussian processes over Z are necessarily Markov, 2(2). pp. 133- 154. Lindquist, Anders and Giorgio Picci. A geometric approach to modelling and estimation of linear stochastic systems, 1(3), pp. 241-333. Liptser, Robert Sh., and Sergey V. Lototsky. Diffusion approximation and robust Kalman filter, 2(3), pp. 263-274. Loparo, Kenneth A., see Feng, Xiangbo, 2(3). Lototsky, Sergey V., see Liptser, Robert Sh., 2(3). Lovass-Nagy, V., R. Mukundan, and R. J. Schilling. A note on controlling regularizable linear time-invariant continuous-time descriptor systems, 2(3), pp. 353-362. Lund, John, see Bowers, Kenneth L., 1(2). Mair, B.A., see Gilliam, D. S., 1(4). Marcus, Steven I., see Ghosh, Mrinal K., 1(1). Mareels, I.M.Y., and R. K. Boel. A performance oriented analysis of a double hybrid adapative echo cancelling, 2(1), pp. 71-94. Mareels, Iven M.Y. and David J. Hill. Monotone stability of nonlinear feedback, 2(3), pp.275-291. Martin, Clyde F. Editorial: A journal for the age of electronic publishing, 1(1), pp. 1-3. Moore, J.B., see Paice, A.D.B., 2(3). Mukundan, R., see Lovass-Nagy, V., 2(3). Nicosia, S., A. Tornamb\`e, and P. Valigi. Robust inversion of nonlinear maps, 2(1), pp. 45-69. Paice, A.D.B., J.B. Moore, and R. Horowitz. Nonlinear feedback system stability via coprime factorization analysis, 2(3), pp. 293-321. Pedersen, Michael. State space representation of non-local boundary value problems, 2(2), pp. 237-244. Picci, Giorgio, see Lindquist, Anders, 1(3). Picci, Giorgio, and Stefano Pinzoni. On feedback-dissipative systems, 2(1), pp. 1-30. Pinzoni, Stefano, see Picci, Giorgio, 2(1). Quincampoix, Marc, see Frankowska, H\'el\`ene, 1(3). Ramakrishna, Viswanath and Heinz Sch\"attler. Controlled invariant distributions and group invariance, 1(2), pp. 209-240. Rebnord, D.A., see Banks, H.T., 1(1). Rodman, Leiba, see Ball, Joseph A., 1(2). Rosenthal, Joachim. A compactification of the space of multi- variable linear systems using geometric invariant theory, 2(1), pp. 111-121. Ruymgaart, Frits H.. Regularized operator inversion as an approach to minimax rate density estimation, 2(3), pp. 363-380. Sch\"attler, Heinz, see Ramakrishna, Viswanath, 1(2). Schilling, R.J., see Lovass-Nagy, V., 2(3). Schwartz, Carla A., see Campion, Guy, 1(1). Shubov, Victor I. Long time behavior of infinite dimensional dissipative dynamical systems I, 2(4), pp. 381-427. Stefani, Gianna and PierLuigi Zezza. Optimal control problems with mixed state-control constraints: Necessary conditions. 2(2), pp. 155-189. Tessitore, Gianmario. Linear quadratic optimal control for a stochastic system with control on the boundary and hyperbolic dynamics, 2(4), pp. 453-482. Tornamb\`e, A., see Nicosia, S., 2(1). Valigi, P., see Nicosia, S., 2(1). Wallace, Dorothy I. and Joseph A. Wolf. Observability of evolution equations for invariant differential operators, 1(1), pp. 29-44. Wallace, D.I., see Healy, D.M., 1(4). Wang, Xiaochang. Pole placement by static output feedback, 2(2), pp. 205-218. Willems, Jan C., see Fagnani, F., 1(1). Wimmer, Harold K. Geometry of the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation, 2(1), pp. 123-132. Wimmer, Harold K. Monotonicity and maximality of solutions of discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations, 2(2), pp. 210-235. Wolf, Joseph A., see Wallace, Dorothy I., 1(1). V\'ag\'o, Zsuzsanna, see Gerencs\'er, L. 2(2). Zezza, PierLuigi, see Stefani, G., 2(2). Zhu, Yi, see Krener, Arthur, 1(2). *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: George Yin The contents of ``Stochastic Optimization and Design'' Vol. 1, No. 1, 1992 NOVA Science Publishers, Inc. A.A. Zhigjavski, Semiparametric statistical inference in global random search L. Pronzato and E. Walter, Experimental design for estimaing the optimum point in a response surface V.V. Nekrutkin and A.S. Tikhomirov, Several results on random search methods in metric spaces I.M. Sobol and Yu. L. Levitan, On stochastic modelling of error distribution in a crude global search *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: tomizuka@euler.Berkeley.EDU (Masayoshi Tomizuka) Transactions of the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Technical Editor: Masayoshi Tomizuka Department of Mechanical Engineering University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 642-0870 tomizuka@euler.berkeley.edu The Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control is published quarterly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. It publishes theoretical and applied original papers in the traditional areas implied by its name, as well as papers in interdisciplinary areas such as transportation and bioengineering. Applied papers are especially encouraged, provided a significant portion of their content can be transferred to a new situation or they cover an original and creative application of a currently used theoretical methods. Information for Authors is on the last page of every issue. For subscription, call ASME at 201-882-1167 (Fax: 201-882- 1717) or send orders to ASME, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300. Table of contents for Vol. 114, No. 3, September 1992 Regular Papers 329 A Two-Riccati, Feasible Algorithm for Guaranteeing Output L-infinity Constraints by G. Zhu and R. E. Skelton 339 Control-Oriented Modeling of Distributed Parameter Systems by A. J. Helmicki, C. A. Jacobson and C. N. Nett 347 Extended Bandwidth Zero Phase Error Tracking Control of Nonminimal Phase Systems by D. Torfs, J. De Schutter and J. Swevers 352 On the Implementation of a Continuous Controller via a Discrete Valued Controller by R. M. Desantis 359 On the Design of Finite Time Settling Control for Linear Systems by S. Choura 369 Closeness of the Solutions of Approximately Decoupled Damped Linear Systems to Their Exact Solutions by S. M. Sharuz and G. Langari 375 Control Under Uncertainty Through Zero Logic by K. Egilmez and S. H. Kim 390 A Controller Design for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using the Lyapunov-Ballman Approach by R. T. Yanushevsky 394 Estimation of Vehicle Shaft Torque Using Nonlinear Observer by R. A. Masmoudi and J. K. Hedrick 401 A Preview Steering Autopilot Control Algorithm for Four- Wheel Steering Passenger Vehicles by A. Y. Lee 409 On Time Delay in Noncolocated Control of Flexible Mechanical Systems by B. Yang and C. D. Mote 416 Point-to-Point Positioning of Flexible Structure Using a Time Domain LQ Smoothness Constraint by S. P. Bhat and D. K. Miu 422 Dynamics and Control of a Translating Flexible Beam with a Prismatic Joint by S. S. K. Takidonda and H. Baruh 428 Discrete-Time Tip Position Control of a Flexible One Arm Robot by S. Cetinkunt and S. Wu 436 Effects of Noise on Sensor Placement for On-Orbit Modal Identification of Large Space Structures by D. C. Kammer 444 Identification of a Simulation Model and a Control for a Coke Oven Battery Operating Under Transient Conditions by C. Benard and M-M. Rosset-Louerat 454 Synthesis of Actively Adjustable Springs by Antagonistic Redundant Actuation by B-J. Yi and R. A. Freeman 462 Application of a Generalized Actuator Model to the Study of Energy Regeneration Control Strategies by R. K. Heinzmann, B. Seth and J. Turi 468 Dynamic Analysis to Evaluate Viscoelastic Passive Damping Augmentation for the Space Shuttle Remote Manipulator System by T. E. Alberts, H. Xia and Y. Chen 476 Simplified Dynamic Model for Amount of Directional Correction of Small-Diameter Tunneling Robot by S. Aoshima and T. Yabuta 481 Reconstructuring Tethered Satellite Skiprope Motion by Bandpass Filtering Magnetometer Measurements by M. E. Polites 486 Sensor-Based Chatter Detection and Avoidance by Spindle Speed Selection by S. Smith and T. Delio 493 Comparison of Nonlinear Tracking Controllers for a Compressible Flow Process by M. J. Chaney and J. J. Beaman 500 Functional Persistence of Excitation and Observability for Learning Control Systems by J. B. Moore, R. Horowitz and W. Messner 508 Actuator Placement Using Degree of Controllability for Discrete-Time Systems by X. Guangqian and P. M. Bainum Technical Briefs 517 Linear Quadratic Regulator with Varying Finite Time Durations by U. Tasch and M. L. Nagurka 519 A Frequency-Domain Suboptimal Controller Design Methodology for Linear Time-Invariant Systems with Controller Structural Constraints by Y. Lin 522 Observability Gramian Assignment for Perturbed Linear Continuous Systems Using Output Feedback by H-Y. Chung 524 A Suboptimal Reference Generation Technique for Robotic Manipulators Following Specified Paths by J. Butler and M. Tomizuka 527 Deadtime Compensation and Zero Frequency Decoupling of a Thermal Hydraulic Process by J. Z. Liu, J. K. Pieper and B. W. Surgenor *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Steve Kahne CALL FOR PAPERS (Corrected version) IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology SPECIAL ISSUE ON AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL During the first year of this new IEEE Transactions there will be a Special Issue on Air Traffic Control. Guest Editor will be Dr. Stephen Kahne of The MITRE Corporation. He will be supported by a Distinguished Guest Editorial Board of ATC experts from throughout the world. The Guest Editorial Board will supervise the solicitation and review of papers. September 1993 is the target date for this special issue. Papers on all aspects of air traffic control are sought. Of special interest are papers on concepts and techniques which have been tested, prototyped, or appropriately simulated in ATC environments. Although purely speculative concepts are unlikely to be accepted, theoretical concepts with substantial simulation testing can be of interest. Since the audience for these papers is the world wide control engineering community, preference will be given to those papers which should be of particular interest to this audience. Topics which may be considered include, but are not limited to: traffic flow models, algorithms, and management techniques; airspace design; airport surface problem detection and control; simulation methodologies for ATC; airport capacity; radar and navigation; communications techniques for ATC including satellite-based air-to- ground and data link; special airspace regimes -- terminal, enroute, oceanic; human/computer interface concepts for ATC; system upgrade methodologies including test and evaluation; system integration; scheduling algorithms. Manuscripts must be double-spaced in single column format. The first page should include the title, the names and affiliations of all authors, an indication of the corresponding author, and a one- paragraph abstract which briefly describes the contribution of the paper. Papers should be no longer than 32 double-spaced pages, including figures. In general, manuscripts should follow the standards of the IEEE as described in Information for IEEE Transactions and Journal Authors, available on request from the IEEE Publications Department, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017- 2394, USA. Seven copies of the complete manuscript with a cover letter indicating the name and address of the corresponding author are to be sent before 15 December 1992 to DR. STEPHEN KAHNE, THE MITRE CORPORATION, 7525 COLSHIRE DRIVE, MCLEAN, VA 22102, USA Correspondence about this issue should be addressed to Dr. Kahne at this address or preferably by email to SKAHNE@MITRE.ORG or by fax to 703/883-6190 or by telephone at 703/883-6204. Reviewer's comments should be in the hands of the authors by 1 April 1993 with final manuscripts due by 15 June 1993. Normal IEEE copyright policy holds. Manuscripts exceeding the 32 page limit will not be considered. Reprints of published papers will be available for purchase. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SPECIAL ISSUE ON AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL GUEST EDITORIAL BOARD Guest Editor Dr. Stephen Kahne Center for Advanced Aviation System Development The MITRE Corporation 7525 Colshire Drive McLean, VA 22102 USA Tel. 703/8836204; Fax 703/8836190; Email skahne@mitre.org Members of Guest Editorial Board Dr. Igor Frolow Center for Advanced Aviation System Development The MITRE Corporation 7525 Colshire Drive McLean, VA 22102 USA Tel. 703/8837988; Fax. 703/8836809; Email ifrolow@mitre.org Professor Andrew Kornecki Aviation Computer Science Department Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach, FL 32114 USA Tel. 904/2266888; Fax 904/2266008; Email korn@erau.db.erau.edu Dr. Robert Machol Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue Washington, DC 20591 USA Tel. 202/2679451; Fax. 202/2675117 Professor Moriyuki Mizumachi University of Tokyo 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 113 JAPAN Tel. 81-3-38122111; Fax. 81-3-38185706 Dr. Heinz Winter DFL Institut fur Flugfuhrung Flughafen D-3300 Braunschweig, Germany Tel. 49-531-25001; Fax 49-531-3952550 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** End of E-Letter 56, December 17, 1992