E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing ISSUE No. 53, Part 1 (of 2); 3 Aug 1992 Editors: Bradley W. Dickinson bradley@princeton.edu or bradley@pucc.bitnet Eduardo D. Sontag sontag@hilbert.rutgers.edu or sontag@pisces.bitnet ******************************************************************************* *** TO WATCH FOR IN THIS ISSUE: ADVANCE PROGRAM FOR CDC IN SCAD DATABASE!! *** ******************************************************************************* Welcome. We remind you that items for posting can be emailed to either of the editors. PLEASE SEND CONTRIBUTIONS, since the eletter can only be useful if everyone participates. A REQUEST: It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the next line. In addition, please provide a 60-character title for the Contents. Thanks! ANOTHER REQUEST: Please DO NOT send articles to BOTH editors. This means that we have to work harder at eliminating duplications! NOTE: if you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching for the string: *.** Contents Changes to mailing list Personals: People on the move People going up Noted with regrets Journals: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems -- NO BACKLOG Table of Contents, MCSS Vol. 5, No. 4 (1992) TOC: SIAM J. Control and Optimization, Nov 92 Conferences: 1992 CDC - Program Information; Hotel and Registration Forms IFIP Conf Sys Modelling Opt, July 5-9, 1993, Compiegne, France Workshop on Coding and Quantization, Rutgers Univ., 10/92 Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, CA, 6/28/93-7/1/93 Robust Control Course in Oberpfaffenhofen Sep 14-18, 1992 Proposals solicited for 1993 CDC Workshops/Short Courses UPATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- 92 CDC PROGRAM ABAILABLE ONLINE ***NOW*** !! Misc: Input for Spectrum Article WANTED URGENTLY Call for Votes -- Discussion Group on Control Engineering Mailing list on wavelets DSP E-Letter -- Aug. 1 issue contents and information Technical Reports available via anonymous ftp COSY_PAK = Mathematica based COntrol SYstems PAKage Preprints & Programs: Nonlinear Dynamics, Signal Processing... MATLAB Primer, 2nd Edition Request for references --a priori knowledge in adaptive control *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the Editors: Changes/Additions to mailing list. Changes and Corrections: ------------------------ D.Clements@unsw.edu.au (David Clements, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia) johnk@cs.unsw.oz.au (John Kaye, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia) centrap@tamvm1.bitnet (Charles K. Chui, Texas A&M Univ., College Station) lakshman@umdsun2.umd.umich.edu (Sridhar Lakshmanan, U. of Michigan, Dearborn) cr57dxd@ctccummins.cummins.com (Dong Da, Cummins Engine Co.) howe@das.harvard.edu (Rob Howe, Harvard Univ.) janeye@sol.uvic.ca (Jane J. Ye, Univ. of Victoria, BC, Canada) zeger@uicsl.csl.uiuc.edu (Ken Zeger, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) yuandan@polya.sci.fau.edu (Yuandan Lin, Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton) ersicsiep@er.ele.tue.nl (Siep Weiland, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology) Additions: --------- poolla@jagger.berkeley.edu (Kameshwar Poolla, Univ. of California, Berkeley) nsadegh@gtme.courier.gatech.edu (Nader Sadegh, Georgia Tech) coxson@apollo.ece.wisc.edu (Greg Coxson, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison) rhkluwer@world.std.com (Robert Holland, Kluwer Academic) paulraj@rascals.stanford.edu (Arogyaswami Paulraj, Stanford Univ.) cabrera@corwin.eng.yale.edu (Joao B. D. Cabrera, Yale Univ.) datta@eemips.tamu.edu (A. Datta, Texas A&M Univ., College Station) riskin@ee.washington.edu (Eve Riskin, Univ. of Washington, Seattle) lillo@ecn.purdue.edu (Walter Lillo, Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, IN) kuschews@ecn.purdue.edu (John Kuschewski, Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, IN) ppw@egr.duke.edu (Paul Wang, Duke Univ., Durham, NC) eeljs@mullian.ee.mu.oz.au (Len Sciacca, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia) wangle@trace.eng.wayne.edu (Le Yi Wang, Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI) vish@phoenix.princeton.edu (Viswanath Ramakrishna, Princeton Univ.) slin@wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu (Shu Lin, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa) hellas@wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu (Vassilis Syrmos, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa) jyee@wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu (James Yee, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa) ali@odin.control.utoronto.ca (Ali Langari, Univ. of Toronto) raisch@odin.control.utoronto.ca (Joerg Raisch, Univ. of Toronto) branicky@lids.mit.edu (Michael Branicky, MIT) bobt@zeus.net.com (Robert Tykulsker, Network Equip. Technologies, Redwood City) nitish@cs.sfu.ca (Nitish Mandal, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, BC, Canada) drabik@solaris.gatech.edu (Tim Drabik, Georgia Inst. of Technology) umaurer@dgogwdg1.bitnet (Uwe Maurer, Univ. Goettingen, Germany) srv@athena.mit.edu (S.R. Venkatesh, MIT) liberati@ipmel1.polimi.it (Diego Liberati, Politecnico di Milano, Italy) rapisard@univ.trieste.it (Paolo Rapisarda, State Univ. of Trieste, Italy) shimo@bcl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Hidetoshi Shimodaira, Univ. of Tokyo) ephui@ntivax.bitnet (Hui Ping, Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore) gundes@eecs.ucdavis.edu (A. Nazli Gundes, Univ. of California, Davis) kabuli@isi.com (M. Guntekin Kabuli, Integrated Systems, Santa Clara) chang@eecs.ucdavis.edu (T. S. Chang, Univ. of California, Davis) humes@ime.usp.br (Carlos Humes, Jr., Univ. Sao Paulo, Brazil) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the Editors -- PERSONALS ********** PEOPLE ON THE MOVE ************ (1) Siep Weiland left the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Rice University, Houston, and accepted a position at the Measurement and Control group of the Electrical Engineering Department of Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. His new address: Siep Weiland Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands Telephone: +31.40.472300 Telefax: +31.40.434582 E-mail: ersicsiep@er.ele.tue.nl (2) Yuandan Lin received his Ph.D. at Rutgers, with a dissertation entitled "Lyapunov Function Techniques for Stabilization". He has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Florida Atlantic University, and his new address, effective mid August, is: Mathematics Dept. Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Fl 33431 email: yuandan@polya.sci.fau.edu (3) Frank Doyle, who is finishing up a post-doctoral position at DuPont in Wilmington, DE, will be joining the Chemical Engineering faculty at Purdue University for the Fall semester. Frank was recently named as a recipient of a 1992 National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award. His research field is nonlinear process control. (4) Carlos E. de Souza will be on sabbatical leave from July 92 to June 93 at the Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble. His work address is: Dr. Carlos E. de Souza Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble ENSIEG B.P. 46 38402 Saint-Martin-d'Heres France Fax (76) 82 63 88 - Tel (76) 82 62 36 Email: eeced@cc.newcastle.edu.au or desouza@lag.grenet.fr (5) New Address: Jane J. Ye Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Victoria Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2Y2 email: janeye@sol.uvic.ca (6) Ken Zeger has moved from the University of Hawaii to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His new coordinates: Ken Zeger Coordinated Science Laboratory University of Illinois 1101 West Springfield Ave. Urbana, IL 61801 Ph: (217) 333-1347 (office) (217) 244-1642 (FAX) zeger@uicsl.csl.uiuc.edu (email) ********** PEOPLE GOING UP ************ John J. Shynk was recently promoted to Associate Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. ******* NOTED WITH REGRETS ******* (Contributed by Rob Stengel ) DUNSTAN GRAHAM (1922-1992) DUNSTAN GRAHAM died on July 24, 1992, a victim of cancer. He was born in Princeton, New Jersey. He earned the B.S.E. and M.S.E. degrees in Aeronautical Engineering from Princeton University in 1943 and 1947. After working briefly in the Controls Group at Fleetwings in 1943, he became a navigator in the U.S. Army Air Force. In 1947 and 1948, he was an aerodynamicist with the Boeing Airplane Company. He then engaged in flying qualities research at the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory. From 1950 to 1955 he was with the Air Force's All-Weather Flying Division, where he ultimately was responsible for a broad flight research program in the mechanics of aircraft response to control, automatic pilots, radio and radar aids to navigation, and de- icing. At Lear, Inc. between 1955 and 1959, he was Chief Engineer for Flight Controls, in charge of development of the automatic flight control equipment for the Boeing KC-135 jet tanker, Sud Caravelle jet transport, SAAB J-35 fighter, Lockheed F-104 interceptor, and Northrop F-5 fighter. In 1959, Dunstan Graham was appointed an Associate Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Princeton University, where he taught courses in aerospace guidance and control and advised many graduate students in their research. He was promoted to Professor in 1965. At Princeton, Professor Graham established the Aerospace Systems and Mission Analysis Laboratory, which conducted pioneering research on space flight trajectory optimization. In 1971, he became a founding principal investigator for the FAA/NASA-sponsored Joint University Program on Air Transportation Research, a unique collaboration with M.I.T. and Ohio University that continues to this day. He also was a Technical Director of Systems Technology, Inc., a firm specializing in the analysis of aircraft flying qualities and the design of flight control systems. He retired from teaching in 1980, continuing his professional activities as an author, consultant, and investor in technological ventures. His most recent paper was "Retrospective Essay on Nonlinearities in Aircraft Flight Control," Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (1991), co-authored with Duane McRuer. Dunstan Graham was a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He wrote the books, Analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems (Wiley, 1961; Dover, 1971), with Duane McRuer, and Aircraft Dynamics and Automatic Control (Princeton University Press, 1973), with Duane McRuer and Irving Ashkenas. Both of these books were classics in their fields. His 1953 paper, "The Synthesis of Optimum Response: Criteria and Standard Forms," Transactions of the AIEE, written with R. C. Lathrop, was an important precursor of the developments in optimal control theory that followed. His first paper, co-authored by Ted Carter, was entitled "The Sikorsky Helicopter," and it appeared in The Princeton Engineer (1943). His engineering research spanned nearly half a century, focusing on human factors, air traffic control, and economic systems, as well as aerospace guidance, control, and dynamics. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: The Editors MATHEMATICS OF CONTROL, SIGNALS, AND SYSTEMS -- NO BACKLOG We are delighted to announce that we have been able to bring the current backlog (time from final acceptance to publication) to a minimal value, essentially the time it takes to produce issues of the journal. (Of course, the time it takes to evaluate a paper still depends on reviewers!) To maintain the highest possible standards of quality, and based on a goal of timely publication, *only a small fraction* of submitted papers can be expected to be accepted. Papers are assigned to an Associate Editor, who makes a publication recommendation on the basis of a detailed and careful evaluation by at least two referees. Evaluation criteria used include originality, substance, and quality of exposition. Papers submitted to MCSS must be no longer than 50 double-spaced typewritten pages, 20 pages of TeX or LaTeX in 12 point article style, or the equivalent. This limit should be considered an absolute upper bound rather than a suggested length; Associate Editors and reviewers are instructed to pay careful attention to conciseness as an important characteristic of good mathematical exposition. Longer papers will only be considered if the submission is accompanied by a letter justifying why an exception should be made. The scope of the journal is described in its inside cover page, and Tables of Contents are reproduced periodically in Eletter. Authors wishing to inquire about the suitability of a particular topic are encouraged to contact the Editors informally, preferably by electronic mail, prior to submission. Bradley W. Dickinson and Eduardo D. Sontag, co-Managing Editors, MCSS *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: the editors Table of Contents, MCSS Vol. 5, No. 4 (1992) Nonlinear Control of Planar Multibody Systems in Shape Space N. Sreenath 343-363 Invertibility of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems C. M. Ozveren and A. S. Willsky 365-390 Continuity of Dynamical Systems: The Continuous-Time Case J. W. Nieuwenhuis and J. C. Willems 391-400 Asymptotic Analysis of Nonlinear Stochastic Risk-Sensitive Control and Differential Games M. R. James 401-417 Factorization and the Nehari Theorem in Time-Varying Systems G. Tadmor and M. Verma 418-451 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: SIAM SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization -- Table of Contents Vol. 30, No. 6, November 1992 On the Time-Varying Riccati Difference Equation of Optimal Filtering Giuseppe De Nicolao Verification of the Self-Stabilization Mechanism in Robust Stochastic Adaptive Control Using Lyapunov Function Arguements Miloje Radenkovic and Anthony N. Michel Global Time-Varying Linearization up to Output Injection H. Hammouri and J. P. Gauthier Constrained Controllability of Linear Discrete Nonstationary Systems in Banach Spaces Vu Ngoc Phat and Trinh Cong Dieu Extended Quadratic Controller Normal Form and Dynamic State Feedback Linearization of Nonlinear Systems Wei Kang and Arthur J. Krener On the Exponential Stability of Singularly Perturbed Systems Martin Corless and Luigi Glielmo Variants of the Kuhn--Tucker Sufficient Conditions in Cones of Nonnegative Functions J. C. Dunn and T. Tian Extreme Points for Linear Optimal Control Problems with Diagonal Structure Edward J. Anderson and Andrew J. Philpott A Finite Fuel Stochastic Problem on a Finite Time Horizon A. P. N. Weerasinghe Sensitivity Analysis of Parametrized Programs Under Cone Constraints A. Shapiro and J. F. Bonnans Tracking and Restrictability in Discrete Event Dynamic Systems Cuneyt M. Ozveren and Alan S. Willsky Information Structures, Causality, and Nonsequential Stochastic Control I: Design Independent Properties Mark S. Andersland and Demosthenis Teneketzis Stochastic Approximations and Adaptive Control of a Discrete-Time Single-Server Network with Random Routing Armand M. Makowski and Adam Shwartz *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: TAMER BASAR THE 31ST IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL Westin La Paloma Tucson, Arizona December 16--18, 1992 The IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) is the annual meeting of the IEEE Control Systems Society. It is conducted in cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the Operations Research Society of America (ORSA). The thirty-first CDC will be held on December 16-18, 1992, at the resort hotel Westin La Paloma, Tucson, Arizona, and will be preceded by two days of tutorial workshops. The General Chairman of the Conference is Tamer Basar of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Program Chairman is Sergio Verdu of Princeton University. Below you will find some information on the Technical Program, Tutorial Workshops, Critical deadlines to meet, Receptions and the Awards Banquet, Special Rates on airfares and car rentals, as well as the hotel reservation and advance conference registration forms. The Advance Program of the Conference will be available in early to mid September, 1992. For further information, contact the General Chairman at 217-333-3607 (FAX: 217-244-1653; email: tbasar@black.csl.uiuc.edu). *** A PRELIMINARY ADVANCE PROGRAM IS CURRENLY AVAILABLE FROM THE SCAD DATABASE... SEE THE ANNOUNCEMENT ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE... _________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL PROGRAM The Program Committee has received a record number of submissions in various categories, and has put together an outstanding technical program, consisting of invited and contributed sessions on all aspects of the theory and application of systems, involving decision, control, optimization and adaptation. The conference will feature three plenary speakers: Plenary Lecture I Complexity-Theoretic Aspects of Problems in Control Theory by John N. Tsitsiklis, MIT, USA (Dec. 16, 8:30 AM) Plenary Lecture II Smart Cars on Smart Roads: Design and Evaluation by Pravin P. Varaiya, UC Berkeley, USA (Dec. 17, 8:30 AM) Bode Prize Lecture Controller Design: Getting from Theory to Practice by Brian D.O. Anderson, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (Dec. 18, 11:30 AM) _________________________________________________________________________ TUTORIAL WORKSHOPS Five one-day tutorial workshops are being planned for the Monday and Tuesday preceding the conference : MONDAY, December 14 * Intelligent Control with Applications (Acar, Valavanis, Berenji) * Modeling and Scheduling in Semiconductor Fabrication (Li) * Identification and Robust Control Interplay (Kosut, Gevers, Bitmead) TUESDAY, December 15 * Robust Control for State Space Systems (Yedavalli, Leitmann) * An Introduction to Control of Smart Structures (Knowles, Hagood) For the fee structure on the tutorial workshops, see the registration form. _________________________________________________________________________ CRITICAL DEADLINES Conference Registration: November 2, 1992, for reduced fees Hotel Reservation: November 21, 1992, for guaranteed reduced rates _________________________________________________________________________ RECEPTIONS AND BANQUET Following the CDC tradition, a welcoming reception (cash bar) will be held on Tuesday, December 15, 1992 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Westin La Paloma. The Awards BANQUET will take place on THURSDAY EVENING, December 17, starting at 7:30 pm. It will feature presentations of Control Systems Society and IEEE Awards, and brief remarks on the Conference and the state of the Society. Banquet tickets will be included in the registration packets of non student/retiree participants. Additional banquet tickets may be purchased by checking the appropriate box in the conference registration form. There will also be a closing reception starting at 6:30 pm on Friday, Dec. 18. _________________________________________________________________________ TRANSPORTATION 1. Airline: Reduced airfares have been arranged with American Airlines, for travel to Tucson from destinations within North America. When making reservations, either by directly calling the toll-free number 1-800-433-1790 or through your travel agency, mention the file STAR # S01D24J. 2. Car Rental: Special rates have been arranged with AVIS, for rentals at Phoenix or Tucson airports, to be returned to the same point. Call 1-800-331-1600 to make reservations, and mention the Worldwide Discount Number B146404. In both cases, early reservations are advised. The venue of the Conference, Westin La Paloma, is a resort hotel, located in the Northern part of the city, seventeen miles from Tucson International Airport. It can be reached from the Tucson Airport by regular limousine service, on which further information will be included in the Advance Program. For those who would prefer to rent a car, there will be ample (free) parking space at Westin. _________________________________________________________________________ ------------------31st CDC Hotel Reservation Form begins----------------- 31st CDC HOTEL RESERVATION FORM Westin La Paloma, Tucson, Arizona. December 16-18, 1992 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Affiliation: ______________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _______________Zip _____________ Country: __________________________________________________________ Please reserve ________________ single room(s) at $90 per room Please reserve ________________ double room(s) at $90 per room These special convention rates are valid 7 days before and 7 days after the conference. $10 additional if room is shared with a third adult (over age 18). Sharing room with: ________________________________________________ Arrival Date: __________________ Arrival Time: ____________________ Departure Date: ______________________ (Check out by Noon, 12:00 pm) Please send to: Reservations Department Westin La Paloma 3800 East Sunrise Drive Tucson, Arizona 85718/USA FAX: (602) 577-5887 or call: (800) 228-3000 (toll free) (602) 742-6000 (local) and mention 31st CDC. Reservations must be received by Saturday, November 21, 1992, and must include a deposit for one night. This can be paid by a check or money order in U.S. dollars or credit card. Mastercard ______ Visa ______ American Express ______ Other ______ Credit Card No: ______________________________________ Expiration Date: ___/___ Signature: ______________________________________ ------------------31st CDC Hotel Reservation Form ends----------------- ___________________________________________________________________________ ------------------31st CDC Conference Registration Form begins---------------- 31st CDC ADVANCE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM PART I: Registration Information Conference Registration: Deadline for Advance Registration: November 2, 1992 (Please circle the relevant amount) Society Non- Student or Member Member Retiree Advance Registration Fee $210 $280 $60 (Before NOV. 2, 1992) On-Site Registration $290 $375 $70 Registrations received after November 2, 1992 will be returned. Registration fee (except for student and retiree registrants) includes Welcoming and Farewell Receptions, Thursday's Dinner Banquet, and one set of Conference Proceedings. Additional Copies of Proceedings (Member @ $90; Non-member @ $115 each) $__________________________ Conf. Registration Total $_________________________________ Workshop Registration: Not Stud. Attend After Attend or (Please circle the relevant amounts) CDC 11/2/92 CDC Ret. Workship #1 (Mon) Intelligent Control with Appl. $140 $160 $200 $65 Workshop #2 (Mon) Modeling & Scheduling in SC Fabricat. $140 $160 $200 $65 Workshop #3 (Tues) Robust Control for State Space Systems $140 $160 $200 $65 Workshop #4 (Tues) Intro. to Control of Smart Structures $140 $160 $200 $65 Workshop #5 (Mon) Identif. & Robust Control Interplay $140 $160 $200 $65 WORKSHOP TOTAL $ __________________ Extra Banquet Tickets #______ @ $50 = $__________________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE = $ __________________ PART II: Name _____________________________________________________________________ (last) (first) (initial) Name on Badge ____________________________________________________________ Affiliation ______________________________________________________________ Department _______________________________________________________________ Street Address ___________________________________________________________ City ______________________ State ____________ Zip _______________ Country ________________________________ FAX: ___________________________ Accompanying Guest's Name ________________________________________________ Society Membership (Check one): _________ IEEE ________ SIAM ________ ORSA Membership # _____________________________________________________________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (from Part I) US $ _____________________ Please make check or money order in US currency payable to ``31st IEEE CDC'' and mail payment and this form to the Registration Chairman: Professor Sean P. Meyn University of Illinois Coordinated Science Laboratory 1101 West Springfield Avenue Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA Tel: (217) 244-1782; Fax: (217) 244-1653 e-mail: meyn@crime.csl.uiuc.edu Alternatively, you can charge the total amount to: ______ Mastercard _______ Visa____________ American Express Card No.___________________________________ Expiration Date ______/______ Signature________________________________________________________________ Proceedings Mailing: (Please check one:) __________ Mail Proceedings directly to the above address (for North American addresses only. No charge for mailing. No P.O. Boxes please). __________ Have Proceedings available at the Conference. (Mailing service will be available at the Conference, domestic as well as international.) ------------------31st CDC Conference Registration Form ends---------------- *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Francois.Tapissier@inria.fr IFIP Conf Sys Modelling Opt, July 5-9, 1993, Compiegne, France 16e IFIP Conference on system modelling and optimization, July 5-9, 1993, Compiegne, France Requested sponsorships SMF (Societe Mathematique de France) ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathmeatics) AFCET (Association Frangaise des Sciences et TEchnologies de l'Information et des Systhmes) IFAC (Internation Federation of Automatic Control) SMAI (Sociiti de Mathimatiques Apppliquies et Industrielles) Presentation IFIP TC-7 aims to foster theoretical and practical research into modelling and optimization problems in complex systems. Every two years it organizes its general conference which brings togerther its working groups and more widely researchers from the whole scientific community interested in optimization. This conference presents the state of the art of recent methodological developments in optimzation and modelling and examines these methods in the light of real implementations and applications in various domains. Information The conference will be held at the University of Technology of Compihgne. Accommodation will be provided in hotels or in student hostels. A social programme will also be organized. Refered papers will subsequently be publiqhed in conference proceedings. The second announcement will be sent only to people who have returned the attached reply-card. International programme committee Chairman P. THOFT CHRISTENSEN, University of Aalborg, DK A.V. BALAKRISHNAN, University of California, USA A. BENSOUSSAN, INRIA, F R.E. BURKARD, Technische Universitdt Grdz, A J. DOLEZAL, Czecholslovak Acad. Sciences, CS I.V. EVSTIGNEEV, Academy of Sciences, Russia E.G. EVTUSHENKO, Academy of Sciences, Russia S.D. FLAM, Universita di Trento, I U.G. HAUSSMANN, University of British Columbia, CND J. HENRY, INRIA-Rocquencourt, F M. IRI, University of Tokyo, J P. KALL, University of Zurich, CH A. KALLIAUER, Oesterr. Elekt. Wirtsch, A W. KRABS, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, D A.B. KURZHANSKI, IIASA, A I. LASIECKA, University of Virginia, USA C. LEMARECHAL, INRIA-Rocquencourt, F M. LUCERTINI, Universita di Roma, I K. MALANOWSKI, Polish Academy of Sciences, PL M. MANSOUR, ETH-Zentrum, CH M.J.D. POWELL, University of Cambridge, GB R.T. ROCKAFELLAR, University of Washington, USA W.J. RUNGGALDIER, Univ. degli Studi di Padova, I H.J. SEBASTIAN, Tech. Hochschule Leipzig, D J. STOER, Universitbt W{rzburg, D J.P. VIAL, Universiti de Genhve, CH J.P. YVON, UTC et INRIA-Rocquencourt, F J. ZOWE, Universitbt Bayreuth, D Organization C. GENEST, INRIA-Rocquencourt F. TAPISSIER, INRIA-Rocquencourt C. DEBLOIS, UTC C. FERET, UTC Local Organizing Committee A. BAMBERGER, IFP J. BLUM, Universiti de Grenoble J.-D. BOISSONNAT, INRIA-Sophia Antipolis J. CARLIER, UTC G. COHEN, Ecole des Mines de Paris B. CORNET, Ecole Polytechnique J.-C. DODU, EDF N. EL KAROUI, Universiti Paris VI G. FAYOLLE, INRIA-Rocquencourt J. HENRY, INRIA-Rocquencourt J.-B. HIRIART-URRUTY, Universiti Paul Sabatier G; JOLY-BLANCHARD, UTC C. LEMARECHAL, INRIA-Rocquencourt C. MALIVERT, Universiti de Limoges E; PARDOUX, Universiti de Provence M.-C. PORTMANN, Ecole des Mines de Nancy E. ROFMAN, INRIA-Rocquencourt C. ROUCAIROL, INRIA-Rocquencourt J.-P. UHRY, ALMA J.-P. YVON, UTC et INRIA-Rocquencourt Plenary speakers (preliminary list) J.I. DIAZ, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, E C. GONZAGA, University of Rio de Janeiro, BR P. KALL, University of Zurich, CH V. KUMAR, University of Minnesota, USA W.S. LEVINE, University of Maryland, USA K. MALANOWSKI, Polish Academy of Sciences, PL B. POLYAK, Inst. of Control Sciences, Russia R. TRIGGIANI, University of Virginia, USA Topics of the Conference Authors are invited to submit contributions on their most recent results. The main topics of the conference are listed bellow: A-Optimization and Systems - Theory Duality and optimality, stability and sensitivity, system analysis B-Optimal Control Distributed parameter systems, game theory, nonlinear systems, control and estimation, inverse problems, singularity perturbed systems. C-Linear and Nonlinear Programming Algorithms Global optimization, interior point methods, multicriteria programming, nonsmooth optimization, parallel computing, computational geometry, large programming problems. D-Discrete Systems Combinatory optimization, integer programming, discrete event systems. E- Stochastic Optimization Stochastic control theory, stochastic programming. F-Applied Modelling and Optimization Computer system modelling. Modelling and optimization in biomedicine, communication, ecology, economics, energy and engineering. Reliability and optimization of structural systems. Optimization based computer aided modelling. Modelling and optimization of flexible production systems. Distribution and logistic systems. Instructions to authors Five copies of extended abstracts should be sent to the Conference Office before October 15, 1992. They should be of 2-4 pages in length (typewirteen, single-spa ced) and should present original unpublished results. It would be appreciated to specify the reference IFIP 93 when sending papers. Important dates October 15, 1992 Extended abstracts available at the Conference Office January 15, 1993 Notification to authors February 8, 1993 Confirmation of participation by authors Conference Office INRIA-Rocquencourt Bureau des Cours et Colloques IFIP 93 Domaine de Voluceau B.P. 105 78153 LE CHESNAY Cedex (France) Til. +33-1- 39 63 56 00 Fax +33-1-39 63 56 38 e-mail: symposia@inria.fr *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: moayeri@alvand.rutgers.edu (Nader Moayeri) Workshop on Coding and Quantization, Rutgers Univ., 10/92 Following this message is the Preliminary Program for the Joint DIMACS/IEEE Workshop on Coding and Quantization, October 19-21, 1992, at Rutgers University. The organizers have done their best to distill the submissions into sessions with a common theme. Travel Support- DIMACS and the IEEE Information Theory Society have made some funds available for travel support. DIMACS is funded by the National Science Foundation and can only reimburse air travel on US airlines. The funds provided by the IT Society are reserved for members of that society. Both organizations prefer that travel support go to graduate students and to researchers without other means of travel support. Please apply to the organizers at this time for travel support, requesting a specific amount and giving IEEE membership number if appropriate. Lodging- Rooms have been reserved for the workshop participants at two hotels in the vicinity of the Rutgers Busch Campus. Both hotels provide free transportation to and from the location of the Workshop, once in the morning and once in the evening. One hotel is the Ramada Renaissance Hotel in East Brunswick, which charges \$81 per night, single or double occupancy. The other one is the Howard Johnson Lodge in Piscataway, which charges \$45 per night, single or double occupancy. To make reservations for rooms at the above special rates, call Ramada Renaissance at (908) 828-2000 and Howard Johnson's at (908) 561-4488. You should make your reservations before September 28, 1992, and make sure to mention that you are attending the Joint DIMACS/IEEE Workshop. Conference Services- DIMACS has developed considerable experience in hosting workshops of this type. Lunch and fruit platters in afternoon will be provided at no cost to the participants. There will also be a continuous hot beverage service. The organizers are in the process of arranging a banquet to be held in the evening of Tuesday, October 20. The banquet will certainly be free to all authors and quite possibly to all workshop participants. Please inform the organizers at this time if you expect to be attending the banquet. We look forward to seeing you in October at the Workshop. If you do plan to attend please inform the organizers ahead of time so that conference services can be matched to the number of participants. Questions regarding the workshop may be addressed to any of its organizers: Robert Calderbank G. David Forney, Jr. Nader Moayeri AT&T Bell Laboratories Motorola Codex Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng. 600 Mountain Ave. 20 Cabot Blvd. Rutgers University Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636 Mansfield, MA 02048-1193 Piscataway, NJ 08855-0909 (908) 582-5800 (617) 821-7500 (908) 932-5253 (908) 582-3340 (FAX) (617) 821-4211 (FAX) (908) 932-5313 (FAX) rc@research.att.com david_forney@mcimail.com moayeri@winlab.rutgers.edu *************************************************************************** PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Joint DIMACS IEEE Workshop on Coding and Quantization Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA October 19-21, 1992 Session I: LATTICES, DUALITY, AND SHANNON Monday Morning, 9:00-12:00 Chair: N.J.A. Sloane 9:00-9:30 Can you hear the shape of a lattice? N.J.A. Sloane 9:30-9:50 Existence proofs for good Euclidean space codes A. Loeliger 9:50-10:10 Asymptotically optimal noisy channel quantization via random coding K. Zeger and V. Manzella 10:10-10:30 BREAK 10:30-10:50 Duality between packing and covering problems for lattices G.D. Forney, Jr. 10:50-11:10 Generalized theta functions for lattice vector quantization P. Sole 11:10-11:30 A coding theorem for low-rate transform codes D.F. Lyons and D.L. Neuhoff 11:30-12:00 Tree structured signal space codes C.F. Barnes Session II: QUANTIZATION Monday Afternoon, 2:00-5:00 Chair: D.L. Neuhoff Part A: HIGH RATE THEORY 2:00-2:30 The other asymptotic theory of lossy source coding D.L. Neuhoff 2:30-2:50 Block-constrained quantizers: introduction and asymptotic analysis A.S. Balamesh and D.L. Neuhoff 2:50-3:10 Syndrome-based VQ codebooks P.F. Swaszek 3:10-3:30 BREAK Part B: FUNDAMENTALS AND COMBINED SOURCE-CHANNEL CODING 3:30-4:00 The quantization problem for coded systems E. Zehavi 4:00-4:20 The optimality of the natural binary code S.W. McLaughlin, D.L. Neuhoff, and J. Ashley 4:20-4:40 Multiple description scalar quantizer design: good index assignments V. Vaishampayan 4:40-5:00 Structured vector quantizers as generalized product codes W.-Y. Chan and A. Gersho Session III: TRELLIS-CODED QUANTIZATION Tuesday Morning, 9:00-12:00 Chair: T.R. Fischer 9:00-9:30 Pyramid cubic lattice and trellis codes T.R. Fischer and J. Pan 9:30-9:50 A new construction of trellis-coded quantizers R.J. van der Vleuten and J.H. Weber 9:50-10:10 Wavelet coding of images using trellis coded quantization P. Sriram and M.W. Marcellin 10:10-10:30 BREAK 10:30-11:00 Trellis-based scalar-vector quantizer for memoryless sources R. Laroia and N. Farvardin 11:00-11:20 Vector quantization using lattice and trellis bounded codebooks M.V. Eyuboglu and A. Balamesh 11:20-11:40 Bounds on the sizes of constant weight covering codes T. Etzion, V.K. Wei and Z. Zhang Session IV: FINITE-STATE MACHINES Tuesday Afternoon, 2:00-3:30 Chair: A.R. Calderbank 2:00-2:30 Sliding block codes for finite state machines with forbidden submachines R. Karabed and P.H. Siegel 2:30-2:50 Covering properties of convolutional codes and associated lattices A.R. Calderbank, P.C. Fishburn, and A. Rabinovich 2:50-3:10 Trellis codes, symbolic dynamics, and isometries C. Heegard and E. Rossin 3:10-3:30 The design of finite state machines for quantization using simulated annealing E. Ayanoglu and E.E. Kuroglu 3:30-3:50 BREAK 3:50-5:00 TENTATIVELY RESERVED FOR DISCUSSIONS. WORKSHOP BANQUET Tuesday Evening, 7:00-10:00 Session V: CODING APPLICATIONS Wednesday Morning, 9:00-12:00 Chair: D.J. Costello, Jr. 9:00-9:30 The M-algorithm, the failure of reduced-state sequence detection with good convolutional codes, and some implications for trellis coding J.B. Anderson and E. Offer 9:30-9:50 An algebraic approach to constructing convolutional codes from quasi-cyclic codes Y. Levy and D.J. Costello, Jr. 9:50-10:10 Table driven decoding of convolutional codes with soft decisions H. Koorapaty, D.L. Bitzer, A. Dholokia, and M.A. Vouk 10:10-10:30 BREAK 10:30-10:50 Rotationally invariant multilevel codes J.N. Livingston 10:50-11:10 Constellations for diversity K. Kerpez 11:10-11:30 Bounded expansion codes for error control A.S. Khayrallah 11:30-11:50 A bound on zero-error list coding capacity E. Arikan Session VI: QUANTIZATION APPLICATIONS Wednesday Afternoon, 2:00-4:00 Chair: J. Johnston 2:00-2:30 Geometric vector quantization for subband-based video coding C. Podilchuk and A. Jacquin 2:30-2:50 Quantization analysis in multirate filter banks by spectral theory C.W. Kok and S.H. Leung 2:50-3:10 Recursively indexed differential pulse code modulation K. Sayood and S. Na 3:10-3:30 BREAK 3:30-4:00 Quantization with perceptual criteria J. Johnston *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: R. Ravi (ravi@crd.ge.com) Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, CA, 6/28/93-7/1/93. CALL FOR PAPERS ASME Session on CONTROL AND ANALYSIS OF PROPULSION SYSTEMS at the 29th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit 28 June -- 1 July 1993 Doubletree and Marriott Hotels Monterey, California Papers are invited in all areas of linear and nonlinear control law design, system analysis and simulation, related mathematical sciences such as detection and identification lgorithms, and dynamic modeling for control purposes. Both theory and application papers are welcome, provided there is a connection to air, land, sea, or space propulsion. Send a two-page abstract to: Rajamani Ravi Control Systems Laboratory KW-D209, GE--Research & Development Center P.O. Box 8, Schenectady NY 12301 Ph: (518) 387 5354 Fax: (518) 387 5164 email: ravi@crd.ge.com ABSTRACT DEADLINE: October 21, 1992. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Juergen Ackermann Short Course on Robust Control in Oberpfaffenhofen SHORT COURSE ON ROBUST CONTROL September 14-18, 1992 in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany Course Description Four-wheel steering of cars, automatic steering of cars, a crane and a flight control problem are used as benchmark examples to illustrate analysis and design of control systems with uncertain physical parameters like velocity, vehicle mass and road surface condition, rope length and load of a crane, altitude and Mach number of the airplane. A first message of this short course is that it is worthwhile to trace the uncertainty in physical parameters through plant modelling, appropriate forms of the closed-loop characteristic polynomial, discretization etc. whenever possible. Thus results of robustness analysis are nonconservative (in contrast to the common over- bounding approaches that assume coefficient uncertainties in nominal mathematical models). Two tools for nonconservative design of robust control systems are introduced. Both are based on simultaneous design for a finite number of parameter sets (e.g. vertices of ''uncertainty box'') and subsequent robustness analysis for the continuum of parameters. A second message is that modern approaches for robustness analysis like Kharitonov's theorem, the edge theorem, the Tsypkin-Polyak locus, and the construction of value sets by tree- structured decomposition of the characteristic polynomial can make the robustness analysis more efficient and safe than brute-force gridding of all uncertain parameters. The application of the theory is illustrated by Matlab exercises. Lecturers: Juergen Ackermann, Dieter Kaesbauer, Wolfgang Sienel, Reinhold Steinhauser For course program and registration please fax to Carl-Cranz-Gesellschaft +49-8153-281345 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Christos G. Cassandras PROPOSALS SOLICITED FOR WORKSHOPS AT THE 1993 IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL The Program Committee of the 1993 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) is soliciting short proposals for one-day Workshops to be held during the two days (Monday and Tuesday) prior to the conference. The 1993 IEEE CDC will be held in San Antonio, Texas, on December 15-17. The Workshops are intended to cover areas of current interest to CDC participants, and should provide comprehensive coverage of a specific area, including theoretical foundations, solution methodologies, and applications. The Committe is particularly interested in seeing Workshops where explicit software or hardware tools are presented for the benefit of the attendees. The Organizing Committee will select the Workshops to be included in the Conference during its next meeting in December 1992. Decisions will be based on the following material: 1. A Workshop Title. 2. A brief statement (no more than 5 lines) of the Workshop objectives. 3. A brief summary (no more than 1/2 page) describing the Workshop content. 4. A brief tentative outline of the Workshop. 5. A brief Biographical Note (no more than 1 page) of the Workshop Organizer(s). 6. A list of other or similar Workshops/Courses on the same topic offered within the last 3 years. This material should be submitted to the 1993 CDC Workshop Chair by November 30, 1992: Christos G. Cassandras Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Massachusetts at Amherst Amherst, MA 01003 You may submit this material by FAX at (413) 545-1993, or electronically at cassandras@ecs.umass.edu. For additional information, you may contact the Workshop Chair above by FAX, e-mail, or telephone (413-545-1340). *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** End of Eletter 53, Part 1 (of 2); Aug 92 E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing ISSUE No. 53, Part 2 (of 2); 3 Aug 1992 Editors: Bradley W. Dickinson bradley@princeton.edu or bradley@pucc.bitnet Eduardo D. Sontag sontag@hilbert.rutgers.edu or sontag@pisces.bitnet ******************************************************************************* *** TO WATCH FOR IN THIS ISSUE: ADVANCE PROGRAM FOR CDC IN SCAD DATABASE!! *** ******************************************************************************* Contents of Part 2 UPATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- 92 CDC PROGRAM ABAILABLE ONLINE ***NOW*** !! Misc: Input for Spectrum Article WANTED URGENTLY Call for Votes -- Discussion Group on Control Engineering Mailing list on wavelets DSP E-Letter -- Aug. 1 issue contents and information Technical Reports available via anonymous ftp COSY_PAK = Mathematica based COntrol SYstems PAKage Preprints & Programs: Nonlinear Dynamics, Signal Processing... MATLAB Primer, 2nd Edition Request for references --a priori knowledge in adaptive control *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Raimund J. Ober UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- ******************************************************************************* #### #### ## ##### # # # # # # # #### # # # # # # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # #### #### # # ##### Systems and Control Archive at Dallas ftp address: ftp.utdallas.edu IP number: ( IMPORTANT: for technical reasons the IP number for the next few weeks is: queries: ober@utdallas.edu ****************************************************************************** New contents: ============= The following scad directories contain new material: eletters: ========= - eletter issues: 52-1, 52-2, 52-3 conferences: ============ - subdirectory: 92cdcprog this subdirectory contains two files: 92cdc-contributed.tex contains the program of the 1992 CDC of contributed papers 92cdc-invited.tex contains the program of the 1992 CDC of invited sessions both files are ASCII files. *********** Remember to send your tech reports and other material! ********* How to access scad: =================== Scad can be accessed using ftp. The ftp address is: ftp ftp.utdallas.edu (IP number: ( for the time being) You simply type: ftp ftp.utdallas.edu or: ( for the time being) When asked for your name, type: anonymous When asked for your password, type your emailaddress: me@mymachine.myuniversity To get to scad type: cd pub/scad To get more info about scad get the README file and examine it on your machine: get README To see the directories in scad type: dir To change to (e.g.) conferences: cd conferences To see the subdirectories: dir To change to the CDC91 subdirectory: cd 91cdc-prog To examine this directory: dir To get a file, type e.g.: get AdvPrgmFinal-Wed.txt To finish the session: quit What follows is an example of such a session: ftp ftp.utdallas.edu Connected to ASPEN.UTDALLAS.EDU. 220 aspen.utdallas.edu FTP server (Version 5.64) ready. Name (ftp.utdallas.edu:joe): anonymous 331 Guest login ok, please send your e-mail address as a password. Password: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ftp> cd pub/scad/conferences/91cdc-prog 250 CWD command successful. ftp> get README 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for README (77 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. local: README remote: README 79 bytes received in 0.04 seconds (1.9 Kbytes/s) ftp> get AdvPrgmFinal-Wed.txt 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for AdvPrgmFinal-Wed.txt (44311 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. local: AdvPrgmFinal-Wed.txt remote: AdvPrgmFinal-Wed.txt 45857 bytes received in 7.3 seconds (6.1 Kbytes/s) ftp> get AdvPrgmFinal-Th.txt 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for AdvPrgmFinal-Th.txt (42454 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. local: AdvPrgmFinal-Th.txt remote: AdvPrgmFinal-Th.txt 43909 bytes received in 20 seconds (2.1 Kbytes/s) ftp> get AdvPrgmFinal-F.txt 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for AdvPrgmFinal-F.txt (42111 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. local: AdvPrgmFinal-F.txt remote: AdvPrgmFinal-F.txt 43571 bytes received in 7 seconds (6.1 Kbytes/s) ftp> quit MORE INFO: There is README file in /pub/scad which contains more info on how to submit material to SCAD. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Kishan Baheti Input for Spectrum Article Input for Spectrum Article Dear Colleague: IEEE SPECTRUM Magazine is soliciting inputs from various IEEE Societies for January 1993 issue "Technology 93". The focus is on recent successes of technology that have made significant impact on devices/equipments/software and may contribute to further developments. We need your help in documenting technological successes of Control Engineering. Specifically, examples of how modern multivariable/adaptive, nonlinear and other control design methods have impacted new products, processes and systems. You may consider specific examples from the following: Aircraft Control System Jet Engine Control System Chemical Process Control System Automotive Control System Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligent Highways Others A letter from Spectrum is attached that provides more details. Please e-mail or FAX one or two pages of material ducumenting a specific application. Since time is very short, please give this task high priority and send the information as soon as possible (no later than August 10). Please indicate by e-mail if you are interested in responding to this request. You may send your reply to: Kishan Baheti Tim Johnson e-mail: rbaheti@nsf.gov e-mail: johnsontl@crd.ge.com FAX: 202-357-9498 FAX: 518-387-5164 Tel: 202-357-9618 Tel: 518-387-5096 Abe Haddad e-mail: ahaddad@eecs.nwu.edu FAX: 708-491-4455 Tel: 708-491-3641 SPECTRUM LETTER: Prof. Abraham Haddad Department of EE/CS 2145 Sheridan Road Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208-3118 Re: Control Systems Society Dear Prof. Haddad: Spectrum is beginning work on its January 1993 issue, "Technology 93". This year we will call upon those experts in your own field, particularly those members of your control Systems Society who have the time and experience to contribute. The final due date for submitted material is September 14. I hope you can provide background material (not a bylined manuscript) on the "status of technology" pertinent to your society that our editors can examine for possible use in preparing this issue. We want to highlight developments that are at the "cutting edge" of technology, but that are nevertheless real, not theoretical; hence we will be emphasising hardware and real (existing) software. It is our intention to cite actual systems, products, and manufacturesr where helpful and appropriate. The material each contributor submits may be of any length ; we will review, organize, and edit to suit. A final target length (8 words per line) might be 120-150 lines (1000-2000 words) , but this is nominal and will vary according to the relative significance of the material. You may wish to have several Control Systems Society members send separate inputs through direct staff contacts with manufacturers and/or users. While we will attempt to circulate final copy to all contributors, that may well prove a logistic impossibility. Therefore, we urge careful checking of material prior to submission. Whenever possible, however, final copy will be sent to the President of the germane Society. The information covered should help the reader answer these questions: (1) What existing technologies were best exploited during 1992 (or more accurately, September 1991 to September 1992) to improve devices/equipment/software or generate new devices/equipment/software? (2) Identify the improvements, or the characteristics of such hardware/software, explicitly. (3) What new or advanced applications does said hardware/software permit or suggest ? (4) Does the progress made in 1992 suggest further improvements in the same or similar areas in 1993? Cite what they might be. (5) What are the broad implications of the foregoing actual and/or projected developments on solutions to long-standing technical problems or needs, or to current sociotechnical (public interest) problems? Some of the areas with which your Society is concerned will undoubtedly not lend themselves to this treatment -- so please omit them. Finally, if you can obtain or suggest charts, illustrations or diagrams that will complement your submission, please do so. One of our staff editors will call you to discuss this project in greater detail. Thank you so much for your time. Sincerely, Trudy E. Bell Senior Editor Phone: 212-705-7575 fax: 212-705-7453 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: tale@uunet.uu.net (David C Lawrence) (Editor's note: this was extracted from a bboard) CALL FOR VOTES -- DISCUSSION GROUP ON CONTROL ENGINEERING This is the first call for votes for an unmoderated group for discussion of topics related to the theory and practice of control engineering. The request for discussion (RFD) was published about one month ago, and the discussion surrounding the group's creation was generally positive. It's now time to put it to a vote. NAME: sci.engr.control STATUS: unmoderated CHARTER: This forum aims to encourage discussion and free exchange of ideas amongst practicing control engineers, researchers and students on any subject related to the practice or theory of control systems and control engineering. The group aims to cover any subject related to control engineering including theory, research, and practice but particularly the use and future development o f computer-based applications for the analysis, design, simulation and implementation of control systems. Examples of suitable topics would be o data definitions for control systems design packages o user interfaces for control systems design packages o system modelling languages o simulation packages o environments for the integration of CAD tools for control o the application of new computer science techniques in control systems design and implementation o commercial control systems design and analysis packages o new theories o applications of control (e.g. process industries, aerospace, transport, manufacturing, ...) o real-time software o social and environmental impact of control systems o non-engineering applications (e.g. economics, social, ...) o control systems education * One aim is to stimulate the exchange of ideas about what software systems should be devloped to support the analysis, design and implementation of control systems with a longer term-aim of the development of guidelines or examples of good practice that will eventually bring freedom to users and developers of computer-based tools. * Another aim is to provide timely notice of new academic ideas and control methods and to encourage the take-up of advanced control by industry. * A further implicit aim is to try to break down the communication barriers that traditionally exist in the control community and to introduce them to the joys of the Internet, thereby widening their horizons and opening their eyes to the benefits of the free exchange of ideas that other users of computers have known for some time.` VOTING PROCEDURE: Send votes to: eeantono@pyr.swan.ac.uk Preferably your message should include one of the following lines in the body of the text: I vote YES for sci.engr.control I vote NO for sci.engr.control We will be flexible in accepting other wording providing your vote is made clear and unambiguous. If we receive more than one vote from the same account; o If the votes are for the same side of the issue, We will count the votes as one vote. We will send email informing the voter that their vote is only being counted once. o If the votes are for opposite sides of the issue, We will throw out both votes. I will send email informing the voter that their vote is being discounted in this case. The voting period ends at 00:00 BST (01:00 GMT) on Monday, Aug 31, 1992. In order for your vote to be counted we must receive it before then. COMMENTS: The guidelines for successful creation of a new newsgroup require that the vote taker receive 100 more YES votes than NO votes, and that the YES votes be at least 2/3 of all valid votes cast. We will post a mass acknowledgement of votes received and further calls for votes at approximately weekly intervals. Note, Votes are being counted by my friend and colleague Roumen Antonov. Please send your votes to him not to me. I am going on vacation and so any votes that are sent to me will not be seen until September, after the vote concludes. Chris *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: wavelet@isaac.math.scarolina.edu (Wavelets Mailing List) "WAVELET DIGEST" available by EMAIL Nowadays, wavelets are one of the most rapidly developing research areas both in pure/applied mathematics and signal/image processing. More and more people are becoming interested in using wavelets for a broad spectrum of applications. For researchers it is essential to stay informed on the latest developments. Hence we are planning, here at the University of South Carolina, to start an edited "wavelet digest." Topics we would like to cover in our digest are: - Announcements of: - future wavelet conferences, call for papers, etc. - talks on wavelets - wavelet courses - new preprints (and how to get them, e.g. by ftp) - wavelet articles appearing in journals - new books on wavelets - wavelet-related job opportunities - Questions (and answers) concerning: - mathematical background of wavelets - technical aspects of wavelets - references - addresses - Regularly updated reference lists - Reviews of recently published books on wavelets - Posting of open problems - Available wavelet software, where and how to get it If you would like to subscribe to this mailing list, send a message with "subscribe" as the subject to wavelet@math.scarolina.edu. If you want to submit something to the digest, send a message with "submit" as the subject to wavelet@math.scarolina.edu. Please pass this message on to others who you think might be interested. We are hoping to present the first wavelet digest to you soon. Wim Sweldens Bjorn Jawerth Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the DSP E-LETTER editors Table of Contents E-LETTER on Digital Signal Processing ISSUE No. 4, August 1, 1992 o Journal Table of Contents: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing: September 1992 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing: October 1992 o Conference Registration/Submission Information: IEEE 1993 International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) -- CALL FOR PAPERS ICASSP-93, Special Session on Education in Signal Processing -- CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Fifth DSP Workshop - Announcement IEEE Sixth SP and Array Processing Workshop - Announcement IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing -- ADVANCE PROGRAM o Book Announcements: Symbolic and Knowledge-based Signal Processing Alan V. Oppenheim and S. Hamid Nawab, editors Anatomy of a Silicon Compiler Robert W. Brodersen, editor Elements of Information Theory By Thomas M. Cover and Joy Thomas o Thesis Abstracts "Principal Component Learning Networks and Applications" By Konstantinos I. Diamantaras (Thesis Advisor: S. Y. Kung) To subscribe, please contact one of the editors: Editors: Vijay K. Madisetti Douglas B. Williams vkm@eedsp.gatech.edu dbw@eedsp.gatech.edu *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: roger@isy.liu.se (Roger Germundsson) Technical Reports available via anonymous ftp Some of the technical reports produced by Reglerteknik at Linkoping University (i.e. Lennart Ljung, Torkel Glad et.al.) are now available through anonymous ftp at: joakim.isy.liu.se ( Check the README file under /pub/reports for more information. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Narasingarao Sreenath COSY_PAK = Mathematica based COntrol SYstems PAKage Announcing COSY_PAK (A symbolic COntrol SYstems analysis PAcKage) Version 0.81 (NO USER FEE RELEASE) for Mathematica Version 2.0 and higher by C.K.Chen N. Sreenath ==> INTRODUCTION COSY_PAK is set of packages and notebooks for classical control and (some) modern (state space) control analysis and design methods. The notebooks in COSY_PAK follow a typical`Control Engineering I' course taught at many universities around the world for the junior/senior level undergraduates. There is NO FEE to use COSY_PAK but certain responsibilities are expected of the user (see Copyright notice in the README file included below). COSY_PAK is available via `anonymous ftp' from veda.esys.cwru.edu (INTERNET No : in the /pub directory. P.S.: A typical ftp session in UNIX is given after the README file. ==> FUTURE RELEASES If you would like to receive updates and newer versions of COSY_PAK please send mail to the address below. In addition, your comments and suggestions are appreciated and are invaluable to us. We will do our best to fix any reported bugs. However, we cannot fix those bugs that have not been reported to us and those we do not know of. We would very much apprecite you taking a few minutes to communicate to us via e-mail / US Mail / Telephone / FAX. This will help us to release bug-free versions in the future. Comments are welcome N. Sreenath Systems Engineering Department Case School of Engineering Case Western Reserve University ****************** e-mail: sree@veda.cwru.edu U.S. Mail: Prof. N. Sreenath Tel.: (216) 368-6219 Systems Engg., Crawford Hall FAX: (216) 368-3123 Case Western Reserve Univ. Cleveland OH 44106-7070 ...from README file (parts omitted --the editors): --> Copyright :Copyright: Copyright 1992 by C. K. Chen and N. Sreenath, Case Western Reserve University. Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in supporting documentation, and the name of the Case Western Reserve University, Case School of Engineering not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, without prior permission. Case Western Reserve University makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" with out express or implied warranty. --> Acknowledgements Support from CWRU Information and Network Services - Dr. Ray Neff, Case Alumni Association, The Lilly Foundation and the Systems Engineering Department of Case Western Reserve University is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks to Brian Evans of Georgia Tech for letting us use the LaPlace transform and signals packages which is a part of the Signal Processing Packages :Copyright: Copyright 1989-1991 by Brian L. Evans, Georgia Tech Research Corporation. ---> Version Update from 0.8 to 0.81 The directory structure where the packages reside have been changed in the notebooks. Now the directories are in line with the Signal Processing Packages by Brian Evans of Georgia Tech. Thus a user already using the Signal Processing Packages just have to set the correct path rather than having duplicate package files. --> Introduction This is an unsupported release of COSY_PAK - a COntrol SYstems analysis PAcKage for symbolic control systems analysis using Mathematica 2.0 and higher. Classical control systems analysis and design methods and some modern control systems methods have been implemented in this package. This package and the attendant notebooks were developed on a NeXT (TM) computer (an UNIX based workstation). They have been used as a supplementary teaching aid along with a standard control engineering text (Ogata [1991]) for an undergraduate course in `Control Engineering I' taught at the Systems Engineering Department of CWRU. In addition to the NeXT, they have also been tested successfully on Apple Macintosh computers (TM), and, IBM PC's (TM) running MS Windows(TM). We would be very much interested to hear from you if you or anybody you know uses this software on platforms not mentioned above. IBM users however will have to evaluate the notebooks first to visualize the graphics. Once installed (see below for instructions), this collection of Mathematica packages can be loaded by any user. Bundled with the packages are many notebooks ("COSY_Notes") which demonstrate the functionality of these packages. The notebooks follow a plan of many fine, standard, undergraduate Control Engineering text books listed in the references. Examples used in these notebooks have been collected from the various references given at the end of this file. The contents of the notebooks in the "COSY_Notes" directory are given below. ----------- Begin "COSY_Notes" Contents ----------- NOTEBOOK FILE NAME: 01_Introduction.ma CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Control Systems Sections: Analyticity Poles and Zeros Signals Forward Laplace Transforms Inverse Laplace Transforms Differential Equation With Zero-Valued Initial Conditions Differential Equation With Initial Conditions NOTEBOOK FILE NAME: 02_Math_Models.ma CHAPTER 2: Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Systems Sections: ODE to State Space Linearization of a Nonlinear System of Equations State Space to Transfer Function NOTEBOOK FILE NAME: 03_Transient_Response.ma CHAPTER 3: Transient-Response Analysis Sections: Time Response Analysis First order System First Order System (Step Response vs. Time Const) Second Order System Second Order System (Step Response vs. Damping Ratio) Third Order and Higher Order Systems NOTEBOOK FILE NAME: 04_Steady_State_Response.ma CHAPTER 4: Steady-State Response Sections: Routh's Stability Steady-State Error Analysis NOTEBOOK FILE NAME: 05_Root_Locus.ma CHAPTER 5: Root-Locus Analysis NOTEBOOK FILE NAME: 06_Freq_Response.ma CHAPTER 6: Frequency-Response Analysis Sections: Bode Plot Analysis Magnitude vs. Phase Plot (Nichols Plot) Polar Plot Nyquist Plot Combined Example NOTEBOOK FILE NAME: 07_State_Space.ma CHAPTER 7: State Space Methods Sections: Introduction State Transition Matrix Time Response Using State Space Methods Controllability Observability Output Controllability Pole Placement Design Observer Design ----------- End Notebook Contents ----------- --> Compressed Files The files that contain a complete set of the COSY_PAK packages and Notebooks for Mathematica are: COSY_PAK_081.tar.Z compressed tar file for Unix systems COSY_PAK_081.sit.hqx compressed archived .sit.hqx file for Macintosh systems (requires the shareware Stuffit file v 1.5.1 or higher) COSY_PAK_081.sit compressed sit (requires the shareware Stuffit file v 1.5.1 or higher) file for Macintosh systems COSY_PAK_IBM_081.zip zip file for the IBM PC running MS-DOS Once expanded the Mathematica files can also be used on Macintosh / IBM PC / Unix systems also. --> Installation of COSY_PAK, how to submit bug reports, etc... [Note: we omitted this -- readers should download this info --the Editors] NOTE : The files in "Laplace" directory are from the very fine Signal Processing Packages courtesy Brian Evans of Georgia Institute of Technology. We use their Laplace and Inverse Laplace transform in our packages instead of the buggy one in Mathematica 2.0. The complete Signal Processing packages are available in anonymous ftp site (gauss.eedsp.gatech.edu or IP# In addition we also use standard signals such as `impulse', `step' and `ramp' from this package. TYPICAL `ftp' session : ----------------------- %ftp veda.esys.cwru.edu Connected to veda. 220 veda FTP server (Version 5.20 (NeXT 1.0) Sun Nov 11, 1990) ready. Name (veda.esys.cwru.edu:sree): anonymous Password: ftp> cd /pub ftp> binary ftp> ls 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list. COSY_PAK_08.tar.Z COSY_PAK_IBM_08.zip Index README .places.wmd COSY_PAK_untar 226 Transfer complete. 78 bytes received in 0 seconds (15.35 Kbytes/s) ftp> get COSY_PAK_08.tar.Z 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for COSY_PAK_08.tar.Z (460822 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. local: COSY_PAK_08.tar.Z remote: COSY_PAK_08.tar.Z 460822 bytes received in 1.33 seconds (3.38e+02 Kbytes/s) ftp> quit 221 Goodbye. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: the editors PREPRINTS & PROGRAMS: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, SIGNAL PROCESSING, ETC This may be of interest to our readership (extracted from comp.theory.dynamic-sys) Hello there! I'm running an archive site of a preprints and programs for nonlinear dynamics, signal processing, and related subjects The node name is "lyapunov.ucsd.edu" ( at the Institute for Nonlinear Science, UC San Diego. Login in with anonymous FTP, username "anonymous" and password = your email address. You are looking at the pub/README file. I encourage other people to contribute what they might find useful. If you wish to do so, contact me at the email address below. Matt Kennel mbk@inls1.ucsd.edu 5/31/92 PS: It would be considerate if you download things and seriously use them, that you email me or whoever the contact is, perhaps to discuss what you're working on, or to clarify things. Just a way of keeping in touch with the others in this business. Thanks, matt. ========================================================================== New Things: 7/28/92 In directory "inls-ucsd" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) In directory "lyp-noise": Paper: Reggie Brown, "Computing Lyapunov Exponents for Short and/or Noisy Data Sets". Preprint submitted to PRL. This paper in fact describes a procedure for modelling using orthogonal polynomials that seems quite robust to noise and relatively easy to implement. The orthogonal function expansion ought to be useful for general modelling problems as well. *** NEW 7/28/92 *** In directory "univ-melbourne" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) In directory "embed", a program to do the Broomhead-King SVD embedding procedure, by Louis Mittoni. Completely self contained. *** NEW 7/28/92 *** In directory "univ-portland" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) In directory "mutinfo_fraser", Andy Fraser's program to compute mutual information. *** NEW 7/28/92 *** ========================================================================== Contents as of 7/28/92 ======================= In directory "univ-wuerzberg-germany" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) In directory "mutinfo-1.21" and tar file "mutinfo-1.21.tar.Z": And also directory "redund-1.0" and tar file "redund-1.0.tar.Z" Program to compute Mutual Information, using Andy Fraser's algorithm. Program package kindly provided by Thomas-Martin Kruel, Institute for Physical Chemistry, Wuerzburg University, Germany. Program "redund" is for higher dimensions. (Ed: Watch out though--mutual information requires lots of data in high dimensions) 2) In directory "hyperchaos_in_a_surface_reaction" and tar file hyperchaos_in_a_surface_reaction.tar. *NEW 7/16/92* This is a poster presented at the international conference "Dortmunder Dynamische Woche: Spatio-Temporal Organization in Nonequilibrium Systems" held at Herdecke near Dortmund (Germany) from June 21 to 26, 1992. Thomas-Martin Kruel, July 10th, 1992. 3) In directory "lce-1.10" and tar file "lce-1.10.tar.Z": This is LCE, a program package to compute the complete spectrum of Lyapunov exponents from time series of experimental data. The current version is 1.10 as of Oct 11, 1991. *NEW 7/16/92* For a complete description of theory and algorithms, see: Th.-M. Kruel, M. Eiswirth und F.W. Schneider, "Computation of Lyapunov Spectra: Effect of Interactive Noise and Application to a Chemical Oscillator", Physica D, to appear (1992). See also: M.Sano and Y.Sawada, "Measurement of the Lyapunov Spectrum from a Chaotic Time Series", Prog.Theor.Phys. 55, 1082 (1985). where the basic idea appeared first. {editorial note: See also "local_exponents" paper and "lyp-noise" paper below and references therein---mbk} In directory "inls-ucsd" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) In directory "lyp-noise": Paper: Reggie Brown, "Computing Lyapunov Exponents for Short and/or Noisy Data Sets". Preprint submitted to PRL. This paper in fact describes a procedure for modelling using orthogonal polynomials that seems quite robust to noise and relatively easy to implement. The orthogonal function expansion ought to be useful for general modelling problems as well. *** NEW 7/28/92 *** 2) In directory "embedding" and tar file "embedding.tar.Z": Program and paper text for minimum embedding dimension calculation. Paper by MB Kennel, R Brown, and HDI Abarbanel, program by MB Kennel. Published: Phys Rev A March 15 (1992). 3) In directory "fractal_image_processing", and tar file "fractal_image_processing.tar": Demo programs, and expository paper for fractal image decompression, SPARC & PC, by Yuval Fisher, UCSD 4) In directory "local_exponents" and tar fiel "local_exponents.tar.Z": Paper, "Local Lyapunov Exponents Computed from Observed Data", by HDI Abarbanel, R Brown, and MB Kennel, UCSD. To be published in Journal of Nonlinear Science, 1992. 5) In directory "noise_vs_chaos", and tar file "noise_vs_chaos.tar.Z" Paper, "A Method to Distinguish Possible Chaos From Colored Noise and Determine Embedding Parameters", by MB Kennel, and S Isabelle, UCSD & MIT To be published in Phys Rev A. In directory "univ-melbourne" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) In directory "embed", a program to do the Broomhead-King SVD embedding procedure, by Louis Mittoni. Completely self contained. *** NEW 7/28/92 *** In directory "univ-portland" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) In directory "mutinfo_fraser", Andy Fraser's program to compute mutual information. *** NEW 7/28/92 *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that all subdirectories have their entire contents duplicated in a ".tar.Z" file, so if you're getting the whole thing, it's faster and easier on my logs to just to pick up the single file instead. If you're downloading a .Z file, make sure to type "binary" on a line by itself to the FTP program before you download! Also note that this machine is just another workstation on our network and is sometimes slow because somebody's working on the console. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Good luck. If you're interested in submitting things and just have general questions, feel free to contact me, Matt Kennel mbk@inls1.ucsd.edu -- -Matt Kennel mbk@inls1.ucsd.edu -Institute for Nonlinear Science, University of California, San Diego *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: sigmon@math.ufl.edu (Kermit Sigmon) MATLAB Primer, 2nd Edition The Second Edition of the MATLAB Primer is now available. The plain TeX source of the latest version of the Primer will always be available via ---Anonymous ftp from math.ufl.edu as the file primer.tex in the directory pub/matlab, and ---Listserv: Send an email message to listserv@math.ufl.edu containing the single line: send matlab/primer.tex It should soon be available from NetLib by sending an email message to netlib@ornl.gov containing the single line: send primer.tex from matlab/teaching However, I cannot assure you that this file will be the latest version. It can also be obtained by sending a request to the author at the address below. The Matlab Primer is intended to help students---and others---learn to use Matlab. Extensive experience has shown that the Primer, along with the on-line help facility, usually suffice for the students to use MATLAB in a classroom setting. It is not intended to replace the complete MATLAB User's Guide which is assumed to be available for review at certain locations as a source of more in-depth information. The second edition retains the character of the first as described above. The primary changes from the first edition are inclusion of more informative examples of M-files and a much more complete section on graphics. While the Primer is based on version 3.5 of MATLAB, it is compatible with version 4.0 with the fundamental differences noted. An edition of the Primer based on version 4.0 is under development. The most convenient method of distribution seems to be through a local copy center where the student can purchase it spiral bound for about $3. Kermit Sigmon sigmon@math.ufl.edu Department of Mathematics University of Florida 904-392-6719 (my office) Gainesville, FL 32611 904-392-0281 (message) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Christian Omlin Request for references --a priori knowledge in adaptive control Request for references --a priori knowledge in adaptive control I am interested in the incorporation of a priori knowledge in (adaptive) control and signal processing problems. I would appreciate any references to such work. Replies will be summarized and reposted to all who respond. Thank you very much in advance. Christian *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** End of Eletter 53, Part 2 (of 2); Aug 1992