E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing ISSUE No. 48, 17 Feb 1992 Editors: Bradley W. Dickinson bradley@princeton.edu or bradley@pucc.bitnet Eduardo D. Sontag sontag@hilbert.rutgers.edu or sontag@pisces.bitnet _____________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE: There will be another issue of the E-LETTER following shortly after this one; that issue will have detailed programs for two upcoming meetings: 1992 CISS (Princeton, NJ) and 1992 CACSD (Napa, CA). _____________________________________________________________________________ Welcome. We remind you that items for posting can be emailed to either of the editors. PLEASE SEND CONTRIBUTIONS, since the eletter can only be useful if everyone participates. A REQUEST: It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the next line. In addition, please provide a 60-character title for the Contents. Thanks! NOTE: if you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching for the string: *.** Contents Changes to mailing list Personals: People on the move Funding Agency Announcents: Intelligent Control (NSF) IEEE CSS News: Nominations for IEEE Control Systems Award sought Conferences: 1993 European Control Conf, June 28-July 1, 1993, Groningen IMA Wksp Linear Alg for Signal Proc., Apr 6-10, 1992, Mnpls IMA Wksp Linear Alg for Control, June 1-5, 1992, Minneapolis Boundary Control, June 3-5, 1992, Sophia-Antipolis, FRANCE Infinite Dim Sys, June 9-10, 1992, Sophia-Antipolis, FRANCE Generalized System Theory, June 9-12, 1992, Amsterdam Variable Structure & Lyapunov Control, Sep 7-9, 1992, Sheffield Internat. School on Optimal Control, Moscow, May 11-22,1992 IEEE CACSD 92, March 17-19, 1992, Napa, California Video/HDTV Signal Proc., May 14, 1992, Santa Barbara, CA Wksp on Discrete Event Systems, Aug 26-28, 1992, Prague Bond Graph Modeling & Simul., Jan 17-20, 1993, San Diego Journals: LAA Special Issue for Chandler Davis New Books Published: H-infinity Control Theory (Pandolfi, Ed.) Nonlinear Systems Analysis, 2nd edn., M. Vidyasagar Aircraft Control and Simulation, B.L. Stevens and F.L. Lewis Faculty Positions Available/Wanted: Faculty Position in Control Systems, ETH Zurich Visiting Position in Math at U. of Maryland, Baltimore Co. SCAD Update Reports available: ESSRL Research Monographs for 1991 Reports from F. Cellier Misc: Fire destroys CNR Lab in Padova -- request for help *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the Editors: Changes/Additions to mailing list. Changes and Updates: ------------------- etwgc@levels.unisa.edu.au (Bill W.G. Cowley, Univ. of S. Australia) alwan@ee.ucla.edu (Abeer Alwan, Univ. of California, Los Angeles) Denis.Mustafa@eng.ox.ac.uk (Denis Mustafa, Oxford Univ., England) mvelez@rmece01.upr.clu.edu (Miguel Velez-Reyes) Additions: --------- ioannou@bode.usc.edu (Petros Ioannou, USC, Los Angeles, CA) polycarp@bode.usc.edu (Marios Polycarpou, USC, Los Angeles, CA) villaseca@csvaxd.csuohio.edu (Eugenio Villaseca, Cleveland State Univ., OH) bchen@yoda.eecs.wsu.edu (Ben M. Chen, Washington State Univ., Pullman) ohernand@cinvesmx.bitnet (Onesimo Hernandez-Lerma, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico) izchak@imafs.ima.umn.edu (Izchak Lewkowicz, IMA, Minneapolis, MN) bbking@crsc1.math.ncsu.edu (Belinda King, N. Carolina State Univ.) allejan@dutentb.et.tudelft.nl (Alle-Jan van der Veen, Tech. Univ. Delft, NL) cwmpj@cwm120.rivm.nl (Peter Jansen, RIVM/CWM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands) sugato@cblpo.att.com (Sugato Ganguly, AT&T Bell Labs, Columbus, OH) balemi@aut.ethz.ch (Silvano Balemi, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) akella@montefiore.ulg.ac.be (Vijay Bhaskar Akella, Univ. de Liege, Belgium) vangelis@ksuvm.bitnet (Evangelos Triantaphyllou, Kansas State Univ.) carlo@paola.dei.unipd.it (Carlo Ferrari, Universita` di Padova, Italy) tibken@RZ.UNI-ULM.dbp.de (Bernd Tibken, Univ. Ulm, Germany) mennicken@vax1.rz.uni-regensburg.dbp.de (Reinhard Mennicken, Regensburg,Germany) eksong@ntuvax.bitnet (Patrick Ong, Nanyang Tech. Univ., Singapore) osuna@isi.ethz.ch (Jose Osuna, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) saberi@yoda.eecs.wsu.edu (Ali Saberi, Washington State Univ., Pullman) blanchini@uduniv.cineca.it (F. Blanchini, Universita' di Udine, Italy) malah@ee.technion.ac.il (David Malah, Technion, Haifa, Israel) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the Editors -- PERSONALS ********** PEOPLE ON THE MOVE ************ Ingrid Daubechies, formerly of AT&T Bell Laboratories, joined the faculty of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, as a Professor of Mathematics, effective January 1992. Current address: Department of Mathematics Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA E-mail: ingrid@fermat.rutgers.edu Phone: (908)932-3097 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Kishan Baheti INTELLIGENT CONTROL Announcement of Program Initiative A Cooperative Program between the National Science Foundation and the Electric Power Research Institute DEADLINE DATES: Letter of Intent: March 23, 1992 Formal Proposal: April 27, 1992 INTELLIGENT CONTROL A number of programs within the Engineering (ENG) Directorate, and the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate of the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have created a research initiative in the area of Intelligent Control Systems (ICS). The purpose of this initiative is to increase cooperation and cross fertilization of ideas between different disciplines of engineering and computer science, with a goal to address challenging research issues in the control of complex dynamic systems. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES This initiative supports analytical and experimental research on Intelligent Control Systems. The sponsoring agencies encourage multidisciplinary proposals dealing with engineering applications, control theory, real-time computations, and laboratory experiments to explore concepts in intelligent control. Control-oriented mathematical modeling of systems, new algorithms and architectures, and concepts from expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and other areas shall be used to reduce uncertainties and control the system in a safe and reliable manner. The emphasis should be on new ways to formulate problems to design intelligent controllers rather than piecing together traditional approaches such as a proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) controller at a lower level loosely connected to a rule-based controller operating at a supervisory level. The purpose of this initiative is to encourage the development of fundamental control engineering methods and not technology demonstrations. The applications may be selected from electrical, mechanical, manufacturing, chemical, or biological systems to develop simulations and/or laboratory experiments for validation, verification, and performance evaluation of real-time intelligent control systems. Collaborative research projects with industry and government laboratories are encouraged. However, the focus should be on basic analytical and experimental control engineering research, and student education, and not on complex hardware or system prototyping. RESEARCH TOPICS The research efforts must be directed toward increasing fundamental knowledge of intelligent control systems by cross disciplinary team efforts in developing analytical methods and laboratory experiments. Proposals dealing with one or more of the following topics will be considered under this initiative. - Modeling, identification, and control of uncertainties in dynamic systems from first principle models and experimental data - Analysis and design of hybrid systems with discrete events and dynamical elements in mutual feedback - Theory to analyze and design interactions between multiple agents including a human in the loop - Development of new engineering adaptive control systems based on biological prototypes - Theory of system reconfiguration following fault diagnosis - Automatic rule generation, rule modification and learning for real-time implementation of intelligent control systems - Integration of task level planning with real-time control - Mathematical and computational frameworks to cope with combinatorial complexity in intelligent control systems - Methods to iterate through requirements analysis, controller synthesis, and system performance verification - Theory and methods for performing validation and verification on intelligent control systems - Laboratory experiments and generic case studies to demonstrate intelligent control design methods. For more information send e-mail to rbaheti@nsf.gov. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Leonard Shaw, Polytechnic Univ. Nominations Solicited for IEEE Control Systems Field Award The IEEE Control Systems Field Award carries a prize of $3000 and is awarded for meritorious achievement or contributions to design, practice, techniques or theory, as evidenced by publications or patents in the areas of control systems engineering, science, or technology. Nomination forms can be obtained from Maureen Quinn, Manager, IEEE Awards and Recongnition: 212-705-7882. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: March 15, 1992 For coordination (e.g., to see if someone else is already nominating the person you have in mind), contact Hassan Khalil, (Phone: 517-355-6689, FAX: 517-353-1980, email: khalil@frith.egr.msu.edu ) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: H.L. Trentelman Call for Papers 1993 EUROPEAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ECC '93) June 28 - July 1, 1993, Groningen, the Netherlands The European Control Conference is an event that is organized every two years, with the aim to stimulate contacts between scientists active in the area of Systems and Control. The first conference took place in Grenoble in 1991 and the second one will take place in Groningen in 1993. The primary aim of the conference is to promote scientific exchanges within the European Community and between countries of the European Community and other parts of the world. The scope of the conference includes all aspects of Systems and Control, and ranges from subjects within the framework of fundamental research to applications in process control and advanced technology. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: A.G.J. MacFarlane (Heriot-Watt Un.) MAIN SPEAKERS: A.C.P.M. Backx (IPCOS B.V.), R.W. Brockett (Harvard Un.), M. Gevers (Un. of Louvain la Neuve), M. Morari (Caltech), H. Neunzert (Un. of Kaiserslautern), A.J. van der Schaft (Un. of Twente), Y. Yamamoto (Kyoto Un.). MINICOURSES: Industrial applications of robust and H-infinity control (I. Postlethwaite, Un. of Leicester, and S. Skogestad, Un. of Trondheim) Neural networks in control (E.D. Sontag, Rutgers Un.) An algebraic approach to linear and nonlinear control (M. Fliess, Ec. Sup. d'Electricit\'{e}, and S.T. Glad, Linkoping Un.) Prospective authors should submit four copies of their full paper by October 1, 1992. The length of the paper should be about eight typed pages. The cover page of the paper should contain: title, author's name, affiliation and address, (publications).fax number, email address, telephone number, an abstract and five keywords. In the case of joint authorship, the first name mentioned will be used for all correspondence, unless otherwise requested. Proposals for invited sessions should also be submitted by October 1, 1992. An invited session should comprise 4 or 5 lectures of 30 minutes each. The proposal should contain the title of each lecture as well as the name, affiliation, address, fax number, email address and telephone number of each proposed speaker. In addition, a four page extended abstract of each lecture is required. Papers, proposals for invited sessions, and requests for information should be sent to: ECC '93 Secretariat, c/o J.W. Nieuwenhuis, Faculty of Economics, P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, the Netherlands, telefax 31 50 63 39 76, email c.praagman@eco.rug.nl or h.l.trentelman@math.rug.nl DATES: October 1 1992 Deadline for submission of papers and proposals of special sessions. February 1 1993 Notification of acceptance of contributed papers and special sessions. March 1 1993 Final proceedings version of paper due. June 28 - July 1 1993 Conference. The ECC '93 is organized under the auspices of the European Community Control Association (ECCA, President: I.D. Landau). Groningen Organizing committee: J.C. Willems (chair), R.F. Curtain (co-chair), J.W. Nieuwenhuis (paper evaluation), C. Praagman (local arrangements), H.L.Trentelman (publications). -- H.L. Trentelman University of Groningen Department of Mathematics P.O. Box 800 9700 AV Groningen The Netherlands Telephone: +31 50 633987 (secretary) +31 50 633998 (extension) +31 50 633976 (telefax) Email: H.L.Trentelman@math.rug.nl *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Adam Bojanczyk IMA WORKSHOP LINEAR ALGEBRA IN SIGNAL PROCESSING April 6 - 10 Minneapolis, Minnesota The Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications at the University of Minnesota will sponsor a workshop on linear algebra in signal processing. There are five themes planned for this workshop with several invited and contributed talks addressing the themes. The invited talks are grouped according to the workshop themes: RECURSIVE SVD (G. Golub, F. Luk, D. Tufts) WAVELETS (R. Coifman, G. Strang, M. Vetterli) ADAPTIVE PROCESSING (S. Haykin, A. Steinhardt) STRUCTURED LINEAR SYSTEMS (T. Kailath, I. Koltracht, P. Comon) LINEAR ALGEBRA ARCHITECTURES (S.Y. Kung, R. Schreiber) There will be time set aside for informal discussions and exchange of ideas between signal processing practitioners and numerical linear algebra specialists. Questions about the workshop can be directed to Adam Bojanczyk (bojanczy@ima.umn.edu) or George Cybenko (gc@csrd.uiuc.edu). For details about local arrangements please contact Willard Miller, IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, (e-mail miller@ima.umn.edu or phone (612) 624 6066). *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Paul Van Dooren Subject: IMA Workshop on Linear Algebra for Control Theory IMA WORKSHOP on LINEAR ALGEBRA FOR CONTROL THEORY June 1--5 Minneapolis, Minnesota The Institute for Mathematics and its Applications will sponsor a workshop on linear algebra for control theory. This workshop is being held in the context of the Applied Linear Algebra Year. The number of talks has been limited in order to leave plenty of free time for informal discussions. In addition facilities will be made available for informal sessions in the late afternoons or evenings. Talks are grouped according to the following themes, with 4 or 5 speakers officially scheduled per theme : NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA FOR CONTROL (organized by A. Bunse-Gerstner and V. Mehrmann) A. Bunse-Gerstner, R. Byers, A. Laub, P. Van Dooren H-INFINITY CONTROL (organized by A. Ran) J. Ball, E. Jonckheere, D. Limebeer, H. Trentelman, M. Verma CANONICAL FORMS AND INVARIANTS (organized by D. Hinrichsen) A. Antoulas, P. Fuhrmann, U. Helmke, R. Ober, W. Praetzel-Wolters RING-THEORETIC METHODS IN LINEAR CONTROL (organized by E. Sontag and B. Wyman) J. Brewer, D. Cobb, G. Conte, E. Kamen MATRIX THEORY IN CONTROL (organized by L. Rodman) I. Gohberg, L. Lerer, V. Mehrmann, I. Zaballa Questions about the workshop can be directed to Paul Van Dooren, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801 (vdooren@uicsl.csl.uiuc.edu). For details about local arrangements, please contact Willard Miller, IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (miller@ima.umn.edu). *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by delfour@crm.umontreal.ca (Michel Delfour) BOUNDARY CONTROL AND BOUNDARY VARIATION Sophia-Antipolis, June 3-5, 1992 organized by J.P. Zol\'esio sponsored by IFIP Working Group 7.2 Main topics: Boundary stabilization and control, shape optimization, Free and moving boundary problems For information please contact: Ms. Micollier, CMA, Ecole des Mines, Sophia-Antipolis, 06565 Valbonne Cedex, France Tel. (33), FAX (33), e-mail: zolesio@cma.cma.fr *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: R. Curtain (curtain@riobravo.inria.fr) 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF SYSTEMS 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF SYSTEMS STATE AND FREQUENCY DOMAIN APPROACHES FOR INFINITE- DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS JUNE 9 - 10, 1992 ECOLE DES MINES SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS (FRANCE) Aims and scope of the conference -------------------------------- The aim is to bring together engineers and mathematicians working in the field of infinite-dimensional linear systems who are specialists in one or more of the following mathematical approaches 1. semi-group approach 2. p.d.e. approach 3. frequency domain approach Since these three approaches use very different, sophisticated mathematical techniques, it is unusual for a scientist to be an expert in all three. Indeed, scientists typically read papers using only one of these approaches. On the other hand, these different approaches all address the same control problems for the same classes of infinite- dimensional linear systems. It is therefore important to compare and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these different mathematical techniques. At present, this is hampered by the lack of a common mathematical language and by a lack of understanding of the different formulations and techniques. Therefore, we propose a series of introductory and survey talks of a tutorial nature which are aimed at engineers and scientists who are knowledgeable in one aspect of infinite-dimensional linear systems theory. These introductory lectures are to be given by specialists and will take up the mornings. The afternoons will be devoted to shorter presentations on current research in these areas, but good surveys are also be encouraged. As is customary, there will be a proceedings in which the introductory and survey lectures will play a prominent role. Outline of the conference ------------------------- Day 1 (9th June) THE SEMI-GROUP APPROACH Morning - Introduction to the semi-group description sessions and to controllability, observability and stabilizability concepts, (A.J. Pritchard, UK) - Linear quadratic optimal control problems and Riccati equations, (I. Lacieska, USA) - A state space approach to Hinf control (B.Van Keulen, NL) Afternoon Contributed papers and invited survey papers sessions for example "Robust stability radius", "Abstract linear systems", etc.). Day 2 (10th June) TRANSFER FUNCTIONS AND INPUT-OUTPUT DESCRIPTION Morning - The concept of transfer function in infinite sessions dimensions, (F. Callier, Be) - The coprime factorization approach to controller design, (H. Logeman, D) - Robust controllers, (R. Curtain, NL) Afternoon Contributed papers and invited survey papers sessions (for example "Relationships between input-output stability and exponential stability", "Transfer functions for abstract linear systems"). Day 3 (11th June) PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Morning - Formulation of controlled p.d.e.'s using the sessions Lions approach, (M.C. Delfour, Ca and J.P. Yvon, Fr) - The Hilbert Uniqueness Method, (A. Bensoussan, Fr) - Exact controllability and stabilizability using a micro-analysis approach (G. Lebeau and C. Bardos, Fr) Afternoon Contributed papers and invited survey papers sessions (for example : "Pseudo differential operator approaches to control of p.d.e.'s"). Day 4 (12th June) PURE FREQUENCY DOMAIN APPROACHES Morning - The Nehari Problem and Optimal Hankel Norm sessions Approximation, (N. Young, UK) - General Hinf problems using a frequency domain approach, (A. Tannenbaum, Il) - Topological approaches to robustness (graph topology, graph metric, gap metric), (M.C. Smith, UK) Afternoon Contributed papers and invited survey papers sessions (for example "Balanced realizations and Linf approximation"). Instruction to authors ----------------------- Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished contributions reflecting their most recent work. These contributions may focus on theoretical results as well as illustrative applications. The full contributions (12 pages, including title and abstract) should be submitted in 5 copies and sent to the Organizing Committee. Authors are requested to follow the instructions of Springer-Verlag (publisher of proceedings) for camera-ready manuscripts, typing instructions will be sent on request. Important dates --------------- March 31th, 1992 Deadline for submission of full papers (12 pages) April 30th, 1992 Notification of acceptance June 12th, 1992 The camera-ready paper should be received by the Organizing Committee (imperative date in order to include the paper in the proceedings). International Organizing Committee ---------------------------------- R. CURTAIN Chairperson University of Groningen INRIA-Rocquencourt (visiting) J. BALL Virginia University, USA J. BARAS University of Maryland, USA L. BARATCHART INRIA-Sophia, France J. BLUM Universite de Grenoble, France F. CALLIER Dept. Math. FUNDP, Namur, Belgium G. Da PRATO Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy M. DELFOUR Centre de Recherches Math. Montreal, Canada P. GAHINET INRIA-Rocquencourt, France W. KRABS Techn. Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany A.J. PRITCHARD University of Warwick, UIC M. SORINE INRIA-Rocquencourt, France J.P. YVON INRIA-Rocquencourt / Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, France J. ZABCZYK Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw, Poland Local Organizing Committee -------------------------- L. BARATCHART INRIA-Sophia, France J. BLUM Universite de Grenoble, France P. GAHINET INRIA-Rocquencourt, France M. SORINE INRIA-Rocquencourt, France J.P. YVON INRIA-Rocquencourt / Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, France Secretariat ----------- C. GENEST INRIA-Rocquencourt, France F. TAPISSIER INRIA-Rocquencourt, France Information ----------- INRIA RELATIONS EXTERIEURES "Bureau Cours / Colloques" BP 105 - 78153 LE CHESNAY Cedex (France) Tel.: (33)(1) 39 63 56 00 Telex : 697 033 F - Fax : (33)(1) 39 63 56 38 E-mail : symposium@cluny.inria.fr *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: verhaege@dutentb.et.tudelft.nl (Michel Verhaegen) International Colloquium of the Dutch Academy of Sciences Challenges of a Generalized System Theory June 9-12, 1992 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Announcement and Call for Papers SCOPE This international Colloquium presents new avenues to some old problems in system theory. One of the main topics is the extension and generalization of a variety of classical problems in system theory, such as Schur and Nevannlinna-Pick interpolation, H_inf control, model reduction and realization theory in a non-stationary, time-varying context. Other topics of equal importance during the Colloquium are the integration of system identification and robust control and wavelet theory. PLENARY LECTURES - KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Input-Output Systems and Dichotomy A. Ben-Artzi, Indiana University, IN Not yet fixed A. Benveniste, IRISA, Rennes Schur Analysis and Some of its Applications to System Theory T. Constantinescu, University of Minnesota Approximation and Interpolation of Matrices and Operators P. Dewilde, Technische Universiteit Delft Some new Directions in Interpolation Theory H. Dym, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Identification for Control M. Gevers, UCL, Belgium Interpretations of Coprime Factor Robustness in Control System Design K. Glover, University of Cambridge, UK New Results in Mathematical theory of Time Dependent Linear Systems I. Gohberg, Tel-Aviv University, Israel Nevanlinna-Pick Interpolation for Continuous Time Input-Output Maps M. Kaashoek, VU Amsterdam Robust Parameter Estimation Based on a New type of Excitation Signal E. Kamen, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Robust Control of Linear Time-Varying Systems A. Feintuch, Ben Gurion University, of the Negev, Israel Towards a Theory of Metric Organizations G. Zames, McGill University, Quebec PARTICIPATION FORMAT Interested scientists can participate in two different ways. Either by giving a short 1/2 hour lecture on one of the topics outlined in the scope of this colloquium. Also contributed papers on practical aspects related to these topics are of interest. Prospective authors are invited to submit the title of their contribution, a short abstract and correspondence address to one member of Colloqium Committee. Authors who present their paper will be asked to prepare a version for publication in a post-Colloquium book. These papers will be reviewed by a scientific committee. The other possibility is to just attend the Colloquium. The number of participants is however limited and the official participation is by invitation only. Therefore, we urge potential participants to act promptly. The decision on participation will be made by the Committee in cooperation with the Academy of Sciences in the beginning of March, 1992. LOCATION AND PARTICIPATION FEE The Colloquium will be held in the ``Trippenhuis'', Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam in The Netherlands. The registration fee, which includes lunches, beverages and a reception is 400 Dutch guilders. A reduced fee will be provided for Ph.D. students. COMMITTEE OF THE COLLOQUIUM Patrick Dewilde Dept. of Electrical Engineering Delft University of Technology Mekelweg 4 2628 CD Delft The Netherlands email: dewilde@dutentb.et.tudelft.nl Marinus A. Kaashoek Faculty of Mathematics VU Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1081a The Netherlands email: kaash@cs.vu.nl Michel Verhaegen Dept. of Electrical Engineering Delft University of Technology Mekelweg 4 2628 CD Delft The Netherlands email: verhaege@dutentb.et.tudelft.nl *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: ALAN S I ZINOBER (A.Zinober@pa.shef.ac.uk) IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS Variable Structure and Lyapunov Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems 7-9 September 1992 University of Sheffield England SCOPE AND AIMS OF THE WORKSHOP The IEEE International Workshop on Variable Structure and Lyapunov Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems will be held at the University of Sheffield from 7-9 September 1992. It follows the successful IEEE Workshop on Variable Structure Control held in March 1990 in Sarajevo. The Workshop will cover topics that are of current interest in Variable Structure and Lyapunov Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems. The Workshop will include plenary lectures, long and short presentations in regular sessions, and round table discussions. Theoretical papers are particularly welcomed. Proceedings of all the papers will be distributed at the Workshop. In addition to the technical sessions, current plans include a sherry welcome reception, informal dinner party, Workshop dinner, tour of steel plant and a tour of the Peak District countryside. Accommodation will be available in a University Hall of Residence, where the Workshop is to be held in a new conference facility. Abstracts of 2 - 3 A4 sized pages should be submitted by 20 March 1992 preferably by e- mail. Proposals are welcomed for invited sessions and round tables. LATEX abstracts would be welcomed. A suggested form is given at the end of this document. Authors will be informed of the acceptance or rejection of their submissions by 24 April 1992. Complete papers in IEEE CDC format on A4 paper should be sent by 19 June 1992. Please advise the Workshop Organizer as soon as possible if you think that you may attend and/or submit a paper for consideration by the Organizing Committee. Early registration before 22 May 1992 will be at a favourable discount. Topics of interest include : Deterministic control of uncertain systems Variable structure control Discontinuous control theory Sliding modes Singular perturbation methods Lyapunov methods Nonlinear approaches Combined robust and adaptive control Model reduction Infinite dimensional systems Discrete-time sliding modes Aerospace and robotics application Neglected dynamics Controllability and stabilizability Universal stabilizers Mail abstracts and address queries to : Dr Alan Zinober (Workshop Organizer) Department of Appplied and Computational Mathematics University of Sheffield Sheffield S10 2TN United Kingdom e-mail : A.Zinober@pa.shef.ac.uk fax : 44 742 739826 phone : 44 742 768555 % Suggested LATEX form of abstract.. % PLEASE fill in as appropriate, and include % Name, full postal address, e-mail, Fax % Type : Contributed paper (if Proposed Invited Session or Round Table, say so) % If you are a speaker in a proposed session, who is the organizer? \documentstyle{report} \hsize=25.5pc \vsize=50pc \textheight 50pc \textwidth 25.5pc \parskip 0pt \parindent 0pt \pagestyle{plain} \def\title#1{\bf{#1}\vspace{6pt}} \def\abstract#1{\rm {#1}\vspace{6pt}} \def\author#1{\rm {#1}\vfill\eject} \begin{document} \title{Major New Results in Control Theory} \abstract{This paper solves all open problems in control theory.} \author{\underbar{Joe E. Eletter}\\ Smart University, This City, OM, USA} \end{document} % end of example file. END OF CALL FOR PAPERS ************************** From: Alan Zinober Dept of Applied and Computational Mathematics University of Sheffield Sheffield S10 2TN England Phone: (0742) 768555 e-mail: A.Zinober@pa.shef.ac.uk Fax : (0742) 739826 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: blago@icm.msk.su (Blagodatskikh V.I.) INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON OPTIMAL CONTROL Moscow,11-22 May 1992 International School on Optimal Control will be devoted to the following directions of the Optimal Control Theory and Its Applications: Necessary an Sufficient Conditions for Optimality Differential Inclusions and Set-Valued Mappings Theory Differential Games Theory Extremal Problems Theory Stochastic Optimal Control Control under Uncertainty Numerical Methods in Optimal Control PROGRAM COMMITEE: Academician N.N.Krasovskii - The Chairman (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics,Ekaterinburg) Academician A.B.Kurzanskii - (International Institute for Applied System Analysis,Laxenburg) Academician E.F.Mishchenko - (Steklov Mathematical Institute,Moscow) Academician Yu.S.Osipov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) Professor V.I.Blagodatskikh (Steklov Mathematical Institute,Moscow) The following invited speakers have already confirmed their participation: V.I.Blagodatskikh - Optimal control problems for differential inclusions, F.L.Chernousko - State estimation and suboptimal control for dinamical systems, A.F.Filippov - Set-valued mappings theory and differential inclusions, Yu.G.Evtushenko - Numerical methods for solving of optimal control problems, N.N.Krasovskii - Program stochastic syntesis in differential games, A.B.Kurzanskii - The basic evolution equations for dinamics and control (from theory to simulation and visualisation), E.F.Mishchenko, - Conditions for optimality of Yu.S.Ledyaev stratagies in differential games, M.S.Nikolskii - Linear games of pursuit and evading. The direct Pontryagin methods, Yu.S.Osipov - (the title will be announce later), B.N.Pshenichniy - On the solutions of variational inequalities, A.N.Shiryaev - Stochastic calculus and stochastic optimal control, V.M.Tikhomirov - Base variational principles for extremal problems, Some other leading experts in Optimal Control are expected to deliver lectures. Planned schedule:the morning seccion - two lectures by the invited speakers, afternoon seccion - seminars with contributions The working language is English. Both as specialists in Optimal Control and young researches (as listeners) are invited to participate. GENERAL INFORMATION The International School is to be held in a nice picturesque countryside near Moscow.The participants will be accomodated in the hotel (single and double rooms).Sauna,swimming-pool,tennis courts and other sporting facilities are available.Excursions to Moscow and historical places nearby are planned. The participant registration fee is $ 800-950 depending on the type of accomodation and date of registration; and $ 600-750 for accompanying persons.These fees include the cost of accomodation, meals,transportation from the airport and back,excursions and using of sports facilities. Further information will be sent to those who have decided to participate. For visas formalities and to put your name in the participation list we would like to have the following information: 1.Surname,first name,date of birth, citizenship; 2.Degree and other academic qualifications; 3.Present positions and place of work; 4.Address,telex,fax,e-mail. The registration is scheduled to be closed on March,15 1992. The School will be organized by Informational Center "Mathematics" (ICM) under Steklov Mathematical Institute. The address of Orginizing Committee: ICM,Steklov Mathematical Institute,Vavilov str.42,117966,Moscow,Russia E-mail: , Telex: Ireland, Dublin, 30960 Fax: Ireland, Dublin, 01-37960 Committee Chairman: Director of ICM Academician Professor N.N.Krasovskii V.I.Blagodatskikh *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: John James (jamesj%mon1@leav-emh.army.mil) 1992 IEEE Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD 92) TIME: March 17-19, 1992 LOCATION: The Inn at Napa Valley Crown Sterling Suites Hotel 1075 California Blvd. Napa, California FAX: (707) 253-9202 PHONE: (707) 253-9540 RESERVATIONS: 1-800-EMBASSY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO ARRANGE FOR EXHIBITS CONTACT: Dr. Ching-Fang Lin, President American GNC Corporation 9131 Mason Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 TEL: (818) 407-0092 FAX: (818) 407-0093 E-Mail: American_GNC@cup.portal.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CACSD' 92 SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION FORM REGISTRATION: Advance - members $100.00 Advance - nonmembers $125.00 Conference - members $150.00 Conference - nonmembers $200.00 MAIL ADVANCE REGISTRATIONS TO: CACSD '92 Attn: Mrs. Rose Sefcik, 4820 West Durham Ferry Road, Tracy, CA 95376, U.S.A. Phone (510) 423-3369 (Mon-Wed), (209) 836-5577 (Thur-Fri) Fax: (510) 422-2283 Advance registration is encouraged. All attendees, including speakers, MUST register and present their papers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: ____________________ Name : _____________________________________ Title: ____________________ University or Firm: ______________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ City, State and Zip: _____________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Fax: ________________________________ Email:____________________________________ IEEE Member number:____________ Registration Fee enclosed: __________ Make the check payable to 1992 IEEE Symp. on CACSD in U.S. currency. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please send this form to : Mrs. Rose Sefcik, 4820 West Durham Ferry Road, Tracy, CA 95376, U.S.A. Phone (510) 423-3369 (Mon-Wed), (209) 836-5577 (Thur-Fri) Fax: (510) 422-2283 For additional information, please contact Mrs. Rose Sefcik. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PRELIMINARY PROGRAM 1992 IEEE Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design Tues 17 March 0830 Plenary #1 Dr. Eugene Wong 1000-1200 Session #1 : MATLAB & Simulation (6 papers) 1200-1330 Lunch 1330-1530 Session #2 : CACSD Environments #1 (6 papers) 1530-1600 Break 1600-1800 Session #3 : Control System Design (6 papers) 1930-2100 Panel Discussion on Standards in CACSD Wed 18 March 0830 Plenary #2 Prof. Gerald Sussman 1000-1230 Session #4 : DSSA Session (7 papers) 1230-1330 Lunch 1330-1530 Session #5 : Knowledge-Based Control & Learning (6 Papers) 1530-1545 Break 1545-1800 Social Event 1800-2100 Symposium Dinner Thur 19 March 0830 Plenary #3 Prof. Francois Cellier 1000-1200 Session #6 : Numerical Methods in CACSD (6 papers) 1200-1330 Lunch 1330-1500 Session #7 : CACSD Environments #2 (6 papers) 1530-1600 Break 1600-1800 Session #8 : Discrete-Event & Real-Time Systems (6 papers) Plenary #1 Dr. Eugene Wong, Associate Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy, the White House "High Performance Computing project" Plenary #2 Prof. Gerald J. Sussman, MIT; visiting professor, Theoretical Astrophysics, California Institute of Technology "Intelligence in Scientific Computing" Plenary #3 Prof. Francois E. Cellier, University of Arizona, Dr. Hilding Elmqvist, University of Toronto "The Need for Automated Formula Manipulation in Object-Oriented Continuous-System Modeling" Panel Discussion on Standards in CACSD ( Tues 1930-2100 ) -------------------------------------- Organizers: Dr. James H. Taylor, GE Corporate R&D Dr. Jan Maciejowski, University of Cambridge Dr. Magnus Rimvall, GE Corporate R&D A detailed technical program is included in the second part of this Eletter. CACSD '92 COMMITTEE GENERAL CHAIRMAN John James (USA) FINANCE CHAIRMAN Harold Javid (USA) EXHIBITS CHAIRMAN Ching-Fang Lin (USA) LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CHAIRMAN Charles Herget (USA) PROGRAM CHAIRMAN Grantham Pang (CDN) PROGRAM COMMITTEE James Albus, Ernest Armstrong, Karl Astrom, Derek Atherton, Ruzena Bajcsy, John Baras, Keith Belvin, Douglas Birdwell, Stephen Boyd, Zhen-Yu Chen, Norman Coleman, Ted Davison, Dean Frederick, Donald Gavel, Brian Glass, Suresh Joshi, Richard Klabunde, Alan Laub, Alexander Levis, Jane Liu, Lennart Ljung, Jan Maciejowski, Eric Mettala, Neil Munro, Anil Nerode, John Painter, Magnus Rimvall, Austin Spang, Paul Travers, James Taylor, Zheng-Zhong Wang, Karla Wong, W. Murray Wonham, Lotfi Zadeh phone: (804) 727-3948/3945 AV: 680-3948 FAX: (804) 727-4007 email: jamesj%mon1@leav-emh.army.mil *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Allen Gersho (gersho@ece.ucsb.edu) CONFERENCE SERIES ON ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATIONS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING ------------------------------ VIDEO/HDTV SIGNAL PROCESSING ------------------------------ MAY 14, 1992 Center for Information Processing Research University of California, Santa Barbara The Center for Information Processing Research (CIPR) of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Bsarbara is planning to organize a series of one-day conferences on the state-of-the-art and new research directions in various areas of communications and signal processing. The first such conference will be devoted to "Video/HDTV Signal Processing" and will be held on May 14, 1992 immediately after the 1992 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems in San Diego. TECHNICAL PROGRAM "The Zenith/AT&T HDTV System" ARUN NETRAVALI, AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, New Jersey "MPEG: A Generic Standard for Digital Video" DIDIER LEGALL, C-Cube Microsystems, San Jose, CA, "Personal Video Communications" TOM LOOKABAUGH, Compression Labs Inc., San Jose, CA "Multiresolution Coding and Transmission of Video MARTIN VETTERLI, Columbia University, New York City, New York. "Digital Video Tape Recording" SIDNEY MILLER, Ampex Corp., Redwood City, California, "Object-Oriented Coding of Video Signals" HANS G. MUSMANN, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany. "Motion Estimation in Video Coding" BEDE LIU, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, "Real-Time HDTV Simulator" TAKAO NISHITANI, NEC Corporation, Kawasaki City, Japan, "VLSI Architectures and Implementations for Video and HDTV" PETER PIRSCH, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany. "Real-Time Video Signal Processing" MING LIOU, Bell Communications Research, Red Bank, New Jersey, "Scan Rate Up-Conversion in Digital Television" YRJO NEUVO, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland, "Variable length Coding for Video Compression" KOU-HU TZOU, Comsat Labs, Clarksburg, Maryland, Low cost hotel information has been reserved for participants. Due to space limitations, advance registration is REQUIRED. TO RECEIVE A COPY OF THE COMPLETE PRINTED PROGRAM AND THE REGISTRATION FORM, PLEASE EMAIL YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO: hdtv@ece.ucsb.edu or contact: Mr. Buck Butler, Administrative Assistant E-mail: buck@ece.ucsb.edu For other inquiries about the conference, contact one of the organizers: ALLEN GERSHO, (805) 893-2037, E-mail: gersho@ece.ucsb.edu SANJIT MITRA, (805) 893-3957, E-mail: mitra@ece.ucsb.edu JOHN J. SHYNK, (805) 893-3977, E-mail: shynk@ece.ucsb.edu *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Petr Kozak FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PAPERS >>> JOINT WORKSHOP ON DISCRETE EVENT SYSTEMS <<< WODES'92 August 26-28, 1992, Prague, Czechoslovakia ORGANIZED BY Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia Automatic Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland Department of Computing Science, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands >>> AIMS AND SCOPES <<< The workshop will be a working meeting on discrete event systems. It will include several types of presentations, starting from invited survey lectures to workshop exercises with the aim of stimulating deep discussion and comparison of different approaches. The presentations should be both general and self-contained in order to be understood by participants without any prior deep interest in this research area. >>> TOPICS <<< Modeling and control of discrete event systems at all levels, i.e. at the logical and temporal levels including also stochastic aspects. Issues in identification, verification and scheduling. Contributions on applications or on possible applications. >>> PLENARY LECTURES <<< Five invited survey lectures will cover fundamental methods of discrete event systems modeling, control, and verification. The lectures will be given by: Prof. C. G. Cassandras, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, U.S.A. Prof. S. I. Marcus, University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A. Prof. G. J. Olsder, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Prof. P. J. Ramadge, Princeton University, U.S.A. The fifth invited speaker has not confirmed the invitation yet. >>> CONTRIBUTIONS <<< REGULAR PAPERS <<< These contributions should be submitted as extended abstract of at most 4 pages. WORKSHOP EXERCISES <<< A very simple real-world control problem is given below. Authors are asked to formulate and solve this problem using an arbitrary approach (preferably the one introduced or elaborated by the author). If necessary, the problem formulation can be extended, while preserving the basic interpretation, in order to include additional features e.g. time delays, stochastic aspects etc. The workshop exercises will be presented during a special session. >>> SUBMISSION <<< Abstracts of both regular papers and workshop exercises are restricted to 4 pages written in English and must be received no later than June 1, 1992 at the workshop address. Submission is possible via air-mail (3 hard-copies and a camera-ready version) or preferably via E-mail (in LaTeX using the style file mentioned below). >>> WORKSHOP ADDRESS <<< All abstracts and other correspondence are to be directed to: Petr Kozak WODES'92 Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Information Theory and Automation Pod vodarenskou vezi 4 182 08 Prague 8 Czechoslovakia E-mail: kozak@cspgas11.bitnet Fax: +42-2-847-452 Telex: 122018 Atom C >>> ORGANIZING COMMITTEE <<< S. Balemi (Zurich) P. Kozak (Prague) J. Pik (Prague) R. Smedinga (Groningen) >>> STYLE OF CONTRIBUTIONS <<< A style file and a sample document (workshop.sty, resp. workshop.tex) for preparation of the abstracts in LaTeX are available under anonymous ftp from ifa.ethz.ch or via E-mail from S. Balemi balemi@aut.ethz.ch Instructions for preparation of camera-ready documents can be obtained via air-mail upon request to the organizers. >>> PREPRINTS <<< Preprints of all accepted contributions will be available during the workshop or distributed upon request to the registered participants via air-mail by July 25. This should enhance the quality of discussions as participants can prepare for the workshop. >>> PROCEEDINGS <<< Full versions of selected contributions will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published after the workshop. The proceedings will consist of a collection of camera-ready documents prepared by the authors in LaTeX using the style file indicated above. >>> REGISTRATION FEE <<< A prospected registration fee of U.S.$150 will be due at registration time. >>> ACCOMMODATION <<< Accommodation will be available in a good academic hotel near the workshop location (single room about $15 per night). >>> VENUE <<< Prague, the capital of Czechoslovakia, ranks among the oldest and most beautiful European cities. Every historical epoch has imprinted its marks on the city. The wealth of heritage has been accumulated over the ages, marvelous and unique monuments of architecture as well as museums and galleries with interesting exhibitions. Prague has many faces and the contemporary one reflects a real process of complex social-economic system transformation. >>> SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT DATES <<< June 1 deadline for receipt of abstracts June 20 mailing of the program brochure and notification of acceptance July 20 deadline for early registration July 25 mailing of the preprints to the registered participants Aug. 26-28 WODES'92 Sep. 25 submission of full papers for the Proceedings >>> RELATED EVENTS <<< Sep. 1-2, 1992, Prague, IFAC Workshop on Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory (Deadline for submission of papers - April, 15 1992) Sep. 3-5, 1992, Prague, 2nd IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, (Deadline for submission of abstracts - January 10, 1992) The National Organizing Committees of the Workshops are at the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. >>> CONTROL PROBLEM FOR WORKSHOP EXERCISES <<< The following example was introduced by Ramadge and Wonham in SIAM J. Control and Optimization, Vol. 25, No. 3, May 1987, pp. 653-656, where more detailed formulation with figures and explanation can be found. A cat and a mouse are placed in a maze (see the figure in the mentioned journal, or write for a LaTeX version or hard copy of this announcement), with the cat initially in room 2 and the mouse in room 4. Each doorway denoted by 'm' and 'c' (with some indexes) can be traversed exclusively by the mouse and by the cat, respectively, in the direction indicated. Each door (with the exception of the door denoted by c7) can be opened or closed by means of control actions. A controller observes only discrete events generated by sensors in the doors indicating that an animal is just running through. The control problem is to find a feedback controller such that the closed-loop system satisfies the following two constraints: 1. The animals never occupy the same room simultaneously. 2. It is always possible for the cat and the mouse to return to the initial position (i.e. the state in which the cat is in room 2 and the mouse in room 4). If such solution exists then the controller should enable the animals to behave as freely as possible with respect to the given constraints. To unify the contributions, the symbols (written here in LaTeX form) $\Sigma$, $\Sigma_{c} = \Sigma \setminus \{ {\rm c}_{7} \}$, and $L \subset \Sigma^{\ast}$ are suggested to stand for the set of door names (i.e. the set of output event labels), the set of labels of controllable events, and the output logical behavior of the system, respectively. ------------ >>> The LaTeX form or HARD COPIES of this announcement can be obtained >>> upon request to the organizers (kozak@cspgas11.bitnet). ------------------------ Cut Here --------------------------------------- >>> WODES'92 PRELIMINARY REGISTRATION FORM <<< Please return the completed form by March 31, 1992 to kozak@cspgas11.bitnet Surname: Given name(s): Title: Company/Institution: Mailing address: Zip: City: Country: E-mail: Tel: Fax: Please change 'YES' to 'NO' as appropriate: YES --- I wish to receive ... copies of the program brochure with registration form. YES --- I intend to participate in the WODES'92. YES --- I wish to receive ... copies of instructions for preparation of camera-ready documents. YES --- I intend to submit a paper: Provisional Title: Name(s) of Author(s): YES --- I intend to submit an exercise: Provisional Title: Name(s) of Author(s): YES --- I suggest further announcements also be sent to: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: FRANCOIS E. CELLIER (Cellier@ECE.Arizona.Edu) 1993 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BOND GRAPH MODELING AND SIMULATION ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS January 17-20 1993, HYATT REGENCY (La Jolla) San Diego, California Part of the 1993 SCS Western Multiconference on Computer Simulation The 1993 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation brings together research paper presentations, panel sessions, tutorials, workshops, seminars, industrial applications, and software demonstrations that use Bond Graph modeling methods. There will be also featured plenary speakers and some special invited presentations. This conference will focus on Bond Graph modeling techniques for dynamic systems. Theoretical principles for electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and control system applications will be presented. Leading industrial users of the method in automotive, aircraft, fluid power, kinematics, multibody systems, and social and biological systems have been invited. Research papers are welcome in the following categories of presentation sessions. . Tutorials . Mechanical Systems and Robotics . Panel Discussions . Electrical and Power Systems . Software and Tools . Control Systems . Bond Graph Theory . Thermal and Chemical Systems . Advanced Bond Graph Methodology . Biomechanics and Prosthetics . Bond Graphs and Block Diagrams . Ecological Systems . Computer Graphics and B.G. Modeling . Social and Economic Systems . Qualitative Modeling Using . Industrial Applications Bond Graphs (Large, Nonlinear Models). DEADLINES: . May 31, 1992 Short Abstracts due (two copies). . June 30, 1992 Notification of abstract acceptance to authors. . July 31, 1992 Full papers due (five copies). . August 31, 1992 Notification of paper acceptance to authors. . September 30, 1992 Camera Ready Copies due. Abstracts and full papers can be submitted alternatively to the General Chairman or the Program Chairman. Please add a cover letter stating your name, affiliation, mail address, telephone number, FAX number, and EMail address. The short abstracts will be reviewed by the two chairmen for general suitability to the conference. Each full paper will be reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee. General Chairman Program Chairman Jose J. Granda Francois E. Cellier Department of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Electr. and Computer Engr. California State University, Sacramento University of Arizona Sacramento, Calif. 95819 Tucson, Ariz. 85721 Phone: (916) 278-5711 Phone: (602) 621-6192 FAX: (916) 278-5949 FAX: (602) 621-8076 EMail: GrandaJJ@ECS.CSUS.Edu EMail: Cellier@ECE.Arizona.Edu International Program Committee Peter Breedveld Tech. University of Twente Netherlands Marisol Delgado Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas Venezuela Hallvard Engja Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim Norway Peter Gawthrop University of Glasgow, Scotland United Kingdom Dean Karnopp University of California, Davis U.S.A. Lennart Ljung Linkoping University Sweden Francis Lorenz Lorenz Consulting, Liege Belgium Donald Margolis University of California, Davis U.S.A. Fernando Mejia Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota Colombia Henry Paynter formerly at M.I.T. U.S.A. Jean Thoma Thoma Consulting, Zug Switzerland Tong Zhou California State University, Sacramento U.S.A. If you are interested in receiving futher announcements of this conference, please, return (preferably by EMail) the "bingo"-card printed below. ------virtual scissors------------------------------------------------------ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BOND GRAPH MODELING AND SIMULATION (ICBGM'93): Please, put me on your mailing list for this conference. Name: _____________________ Affiliation: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Phone: ____________________ Fax: ____________________ EMail: ____________________ I intend to submit a paper to ICBGM'93: YES [ ] NO [ ] *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Hans Schneider LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Special Issue Honoring CHANDLER DAVIS Chandler Davis will reach the mandatory retirement age at the University of Toronto this year. While he remains as vigorously active as ever, this is an appropriate time to recognize his contributions to this journal, to mathematics, and to our lives. A special issue of LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS in honor of Chandler Davis is scheduled for publication in the first half of 1994. The purpose of this announcement is to solicit papers for this issue. Papers are invited concerning any aspect of linear algebra, its applications, and its interactions with the theory of operators on Hilbert space. All contributions will subject to the normal reviewing process. Submissions should be sent by March 31, 1993 to one of the special editors of this issue: Rajendra Bhatia Indian Statistical Institute New Delhi 110016 INDIA vikram!isid!rbh@shakti.ernet.in Shmuel Friedland Department of Mathematics University of Illinois at Chicago Box 4348, M/C 249 Chicago, IL 60680 U.S.A. u12735@uicvm.bitnet Peter Rosenthal Mathematics Department University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1 CANADA rosent@math.utoronto.ca Papers may also be submitted to the editor-in-chief of LAA. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Luciano Pandolfi LECTURE NOTES IN MATHEMATICS no. 1496 has appeared; the title is: H-infinity Control Theory. This lecture notes contains the lessons and seminars given at the 2nd session of the ``Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivi'' held in Como, June 18-26 1990. The content is as follows: C. Foias, Commutant lifting techniques for computing H-infinity controllers, pg. 1 B.A. Francis, Lectures on H-infinity control and sample-data systems, pg. 37 J.W. Helton, Two topics in systems engineering: Frequency domain design and nonlinear systems, pg. 106 H. Kwakernaak, The polynomial approach to H-infinity optimal regulation, pg. 141 J.B. Pearson, A short course in L^1 optimal control, pg. 222 P.A. Fuhrmann, On the Hamiltonian structure in the computation of singular values for a class of Hankel operators, pg. 250 J.A. Ball, I. Gohberg, L. Rodman, Nehari interpolation problem for rational matrix functions: The generic case, pg. 277 I. Gohberg, M.A. Kaashoek, H.J. Woerdeman, Time invariant extension problems of Nehari type and the band method, pg. 309 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by sagar@yantra.ernet.in (M Vidyasagar) New Book: NONLINEAR SYSTEMS ANALYSIS (2nd Edition) Prentice-Hall, 1992. Approximately 500 pages, price to be determined Contributed by: M. Vidyasagar, Centre for AI and Robotics, India (sagar@yantra.ernet.in) You have heard about it for a long time, but yes, it does exist. Prentice-Hall informs me that the book will be available by April. Given below are: the Table of Contents, and an extract from the Preface. NONLINEAR SYSTEMS ANALYSIS (Second Edition) M. Vidyasagar Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2. NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2.1 Mathematical Preliminaries 2.1.1 Linear Vector Spaces 2.1.2 Normed Linear Spaces 2.1.3 Inner Product Spaces 2.2 Induced Norms and Matrix Measures 2.2.1 Induced Norms 2.2.2 Matrix Measures 2.3 Contraction Mapping Theorem 2.3.1 Global Contractions 2.3.2 Local Contractions 2.4 Nonlinear Differential Equations 2.4.1 Local Existence and Uniqueness 2.4.2 Global Existence and Uniqueness 2.5 Solution Estimates 3. SECOND-ORDER SYSTEMS 3.1 Preliminaries 3.2 Linearization Method 3.3 Periodic Solutions 3.3.1 Introduction 3.3.2 Bendixson's Theorem 3.3.3 Poincare-Bendixson Theorem 3.3.4 Index Theorems 3.3.5 An Analytical Method 3.4 Two Analytical Approximation Methods 3.4.1 Krylov-Boguliubov Method 3.4.2 Power Series Method 4. APPROXIMATE ANALYSIS METHODS 4.1 Describing Functions 4.1.1 Optimal Quasi-Linearization 4.1.2 Describing Functions 4.1.3 Periodic Solutions: Informal Arguments 4.2 Periodic Solutions: Rigorous Arguments 4.3 Singular Perturbations 5. LYAPUNOV STABILITY 5.1 Stability Definitions 5.2 Some Preliminaries 5.3 Lyapunov's Direct Method 5.3.1 Theorems on Stability 5.3.2 Theorems on Asymptotic Stability 5.3.3 Theorems on Instability 5.4 Stability of Linear Systems 5.4.1 Stability and the State Transition Matrix 5.4.2 Autonomous Systems 5.4.3 Nonautonomous Systems 5.5 Lyapunov's Linearization Method 5.6 The Lur'e Problem 5.6.1 Problem Statement 5.6.2 The Circle Criterion 5.6.3 The Popov Criterion 5.7 Converse Theorems 5.8 Applications of Converse Theorems 5.8.1 Exponential Stability of Nonlinear Systems 5.8.2 Slowly Varying Systems 5.8.3 Observer-Controller Stabilization 5.8.4 Stability of Hierarchical Systems 5.9 Discrete-Time Systems 6. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 6.1 Lp-Spaces and their Extensions 6.1.1 Lp-Spaces 6.1.2 Extended Lp-Spaces 6.1.3 Causality 6.2 Definitions of Input-Output Stability 6.3 Relationships Between I/O and Lyapunov Stability 6.4 Open-Loop Stability of Linear Systems 6.4.1 Time-Invariant Systems 6.4.2 Time-Varying Systems 6.5 Linear Time-Invariant Feedback Systems 6.5.1 SISO Systems with Constant Feedback 6.5.2 The Set B^ 6.5.3 Coprime Factorizations 6.6 Time-Varying and/or Nonlinear Systems 6.6.1 The Small Gain Approach 6.6.2 The Passivity Approach 6.6.3 Necessity of the Circle Criterion 6.7 Discrete-Time Systems 6.7.1 Stability Definitions 6.7.2 Linear Time-Invariant Systems 6.7.3 Nonlinear Feedback Systems 7. DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRIC METHODS 7.1 Basics of Differential Geometry 7.2 Distributions, Frobenius Theorem 7.3 Reachability and Observability 7.3.1 Reachability 7.3.2 Observability 7.4 Feedback Linearization: Single-Input Case 7.5 Feedback Linearization: Multi-Input Case 7.6 Input-Output Linearization 7.7 Stabilization of Linearizable Systems APPENDICES A. Prevalence of Differential Equations with Unique Solutions B. Proof of the Kalman-Yacubovitch Lemma C. Proof of the Frobenius Theorem References Index %%%%%%%%%%% Extract from the Preface to the Second Edition "It is now more than a decade since I wrote the book Nonlinear Systems Analysis. Since that time, several developments have taken place in this area which have made it desirable to update the contents of the book. Accordingly, virtually the entire book has been rewritten. The most notable changes are the following: 1) During the past decade, there have been some significant advances in the area of nonlinear control system design based on the use of differential geometric methods. Thus it is imperative that anyone interested in nonlinear system theory should have at least a passing acquaintance with these methods. In this second edition, I have included a new chapter which discusses the differential geometric approach (Chapter 7). For ease of exposition, all systems are considered to evolve over an open subset of $re sup n$; thus the analysis is only local. Topics covered include reachability, observability, and feedback linearization (in both the input-state and input-output settings), zero dynamics, and the stabilization of linearizable systems. In addition to presenting the theory, I have also included some applications of the theory to problems in robotics. Motivated by this chapter, an interested and diligent student could pursue a more rigorous course of study with an advanced text. 2) Several significant results have been obtained in the "traditional" areas of Lyapunov stability and input-output stability since the writing of the first edition. Some such results are included in the present edition, such as: observer-controller stabilization of nonlinear systems, and the stability of hierarchical systems (Section 5.8); relationships between Lyapunov stability and input-output stability (Section 6.3); and a useful class of transfer functions of distributed systems (Section 6.5). In addition to the above, Section 4.2, containing a rigorous analysis of the describing function method, is also new. 3) Various standard texts in stability theory have gone out of print, making their contents all but inaccessible to the student. Two examples of such books are: Stability of Motion by W. Hahn and Feedback Systems: Input-Output Properties by C. A. Desoer and myself. At the same time some of the techniques presented in these books are finding new and previously unsuspected applications. With this in mind, in the present edition I have included some relevant material from these and other classical books, such as the converse Lyapunov theory (Section 5.7), and the feedback stability of time-varying and/or nonlinear systems (Section 6.6). 4) In view of the increasing importance of digital computers, I have included a discussion of discrete-time systems in the chapters dealing with Lyapunov stability and input-output stability. 5) Three new appendices have been added. Appendix A describes a sixty year-old theorem due to Witold Orlicz, on the prevalence of differential equations with unique solutions. This paper is quite inaccessible, but its contents deserve wide dissemination. Appendix B gives a proof of the Kalman-Yacubovitch lemma, while Appendix C contains a proof of the Frobenius theorem. The contents of the last two appendices are of course readily available elsewhere, but their inclusion in the present text makes it more self-contained. 6) The original edition of this book contained examples which were mostly drill problems or exercises. During the recent years I have come to feel that nonlinear system theory is most useful in studying the behavior of an entire class of systems rather than a given specific system. Accordingly several applications of nonlinear system theory have been included throughout the book. Most of them have to do with robotics in some form or other. With these changes, the book is somewhat bigger than the first edition. It would be difficult to cover the entire book during a single semester. However, I hope its value as a reference has been enhanced by the changes. Chapter 2 contains basic material which should be covered in order to appreciate the remainder of the text. But a sincere attempt has been made to ensure that Chapters 3 through 7 are independent, so that an instructor can pick and choose material to suit his/her needs. Even within a chapter, it is possible to cover certain sections and omit others. A perusal of the Table of Contents reveals the amount of flexibility available in putting together a suitable course from the contents of the text. In spite of the enlargement in the size of the book, some topics which deserve the attention of system theorists are not included. Examples of such topics are chaotic motions, averaging analysis, Volterra series, bifurcation theory, and catastrophe theory. I have made a conscious decision to omit these topics, mainly to keep the length of the book within reasonable limits. But no study of nonlinear systems is complete without at least an introduction to these topics. Moreover, there are several excellent texts available addressing each of the above topics." *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Submitted by F. L. Lewis, Automation and Robotics Research Institute, The University of Texas at Arlington, flewis@arrirs03.uta.edu NEW BOOK Title: Aircraft Control and Simulation Author: B.L. Stevens (Ga. Tech.) and F.L. Lewis Publisher: Wiley A new textbook for a course on control of aircraft, contains many design and simulation examples, including programs in FORTRAN V. Addresses both classical and modern controls techniques. A disk is available from B.L. Stevens. Contents 1 EQUATIONS OF MOTION Mathematical Preliminaries, Dynamic Analysis, Kinematic Analysis, Assembling the State Equations, round and flat earth equations. 2 BUILDING THE AIRCRAFT MODEL Basic Aerodynamics, Aircraft Forces and Moments, The Nonlinear Aircraft Model, Linear Models and the Stability Derivatives, The Decoupled Equations. 3 BASIC ANALYTICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL TOOLS Models of Subsystems, Longitudinal and Lateral Approximations, Aircraft Models for Simulation, Steady-State Trimmed Flight, Numerical Solution of the State Equations, Linearization, Computations for Linear Time-Invariant State Equations, Feedback Control. 4 AIRCRAFT DYNAMICS AND CLASSICAL DESIGN TECHNIQUES The Effect of Flight Conditions on the Modes, The Flying- Qualities Requirements, Stability Augmentation, Control Augmentation Systems, Autopilots, Nonlinear Simulation of Limiters, Classical Control Design Examples. 5 MODERN DESIGN TECHNIQUES Eigenstructure Assignment of Closed-Loop Dynamics, Linear Quadratic Regulator with Output Feedback, Tracking a Command, Modifying the Performance Index for Realistic Problems, Model- Following Design, Linear Quadratic Design with Full State Feedback. 6 ROBUSTNESS AND MULTIVARIABLE FREQUENCY-DOMAIN TECHNIQUES Multivariable Frequency-Domain Analysis, Robust Output- Feedback Design, Observers and the Kalman Filter, LQG/Loop-Transfer Recovery. 7 DIGITAL CONTROL Simulation of Digital Controllers, Discretization of Continuous Controllers, Modified Continuous Design, Implementation Considerations. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Walter Schaufelberger ETH Zurich The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) invites applications for a FACULTY POSITION IN CONTROL SYSTEMS The new professor has to contribute to research and teaching in the area of control systems, especially the underlying system theoretical concepts and their applications. Candidates should have experience in research and supervision of research projects in the above area. Teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as cooperation with ohter colleagues in the Automatic Control Labo- ratory and the Department of Electrical Engineering are expected. Coopera- tion with national and international institutions and with the industry is also essential. Please apply with a curriculum vitae, a short description of research interests and a list of publications, by April 15, 1992, to the President of ETHZ, Prof. Dr. J. Nuesch, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich. In its effort to increase the number of women in academic top positions, the ETHZ specifically invites applications from women. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Thomas I. Seidman ANNOUNCEMENT OF POSITION AT UMBC The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Maryland Baltimore County has been authorized to hire a Visiting Assistant Professor for a two-year term, starting in the Fall of 1992, with teaching duties of 3 courses in each semester. As replacement of faculty on leave, this is not a tenure-track position. An additional such position, with a one-year term, may also become available. Preference will be given to a candidate with active research interests in Optimization, in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and/or related Numerical Analysis, or such as to complement the existing Mathematical strengths of the Department. CV and 3 reference letters should be sent to Thomas I. Seidman, Acting Chair, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228-5398. Applicants will be considered until the position is filled. AA/EOE: women, minorities, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Raimund J. Ober UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #### #### ## ##### # # # # # # # #### # # # # # # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # #### #### # # ##### Systems and Control Archive at Dallas ftp address: ftp.utdallas.edu IP number: ( IMPORTANT: for technical reasons the IP number for the next few weeks is: queries: ober@utdallas.edu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New contents: ============= The following scad directories contain new material: eletters: - eletter issues: 47 preprints: - L. Pandolfi: Existence of solutions to the Riccati equation for time- varying distributed parameter systems. (pandolfi.riccati.latex) a preprint containing a comparison result for the existence of solutions to time--varying distributed Riccati equation. submitted to SCAD: 5 February 1992 latex file *********** Remember to send your tech reports and other material! ********* How to access scad: =================== Scad can be accessed using ftp. The ftp address is: ftp ftp.utdallas.edu (IP number: ( for the time being) You simply type: ftp ftp.utdallas.edu or: ( for the time being) When asked for your name, type: anonymous When asked for your password, type your emailaddress: me@mymachine.myuniversity To get to scad type: cd pub/scad To get more info about scad get the README file and examine it on your machine: get README To see the directories in scad type: dir To change to (e.g.) conferences: cd conferences To see the subdirectories: dir To change to the CDC91 subdirectory: cd 91cdc-prog To examine this directory: dir To get a file, type e.g.: get AdvPrgmFinal-Wed.txt To finish the session: quit What follows is an example of such a session: ftp ftp.utdallas.edu Connected to ASPEN.UTDALLAS.EDU. 220 aspen.utdallas.edu FTP server (Version 5.64) ready. Name (ftp.utdallas.edu:joe): anonymous 331 Guest login ok, please send your e-mail address as a password. Password: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ftp> cd pub/scad/conferences/91cdc-prog 250 CWD command successful. ftp> get README 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for README (77 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. local: README remote: README 79 bytes received in 0.04 seconds (1.9 Kbytes/s) ftp> get AdvPrgmFinal-Wed.txt 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for AdvPrgmFinal-Wed.txt (44311 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. local: AdvPrgmFinal-Wed.txt remote: AdvPrgmFinal-Wed.txt 45857 bytes received in 7.3 seconds (6.1 Kbytes/s) ftp> get AdvPrgmFinal-Th.txt 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for AdvPrgmFinal-Th.txt (42454 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. local: AdvPrgmFinal-Th.txt remote: AdvPrgmFinal-Th.txt 43909 bytes received in 20 seconds (2.1 Kbytes/s) ftp> get AdvPrgmFinal-F.txt 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for AdvPrgmFinal-F.txt (42111 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. local: AdvPrgmFinal-F.txt remote: AdvPrgmFinal-F.txt 43571 bytes received in 7 seconds (6.1 Kbytes/s) ftp> quit MORE INFO: There is README file in /pub/scad which contains more info on how to submit material to SCAD. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: DONALD L. SNYDER (dls@saturn.wustl.edu) RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS 1991 ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS AND SIGNALS RESEARCH LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63130 The following is a list of research monographs for 1991 from the Electronic Systems and Signals Research Laboratory. Individual copies are available upon request from: Director Electronic Systems and Signals Research Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Campus Box 1127 Washington University One Brookings Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63130 e-mail requests to: dls@saturn.wustl.edu NUMBER AUTHOR AND TITLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESSRL-91-1 D. L. Snyder, T. J. Schulz, and J. A. O'Sullivan "Deblurring Subject to Nonnegativity Constraints." ESSRL-91-2 T. J. Schulz and D. L. Snyder "Image Recovery from Correlations." ESSRL-91-3 M. I. Miller, B. Roysam, K. R. Smith, and J. A. O'Sullivan, "Representing and Computing Regular Languages on Massively Parallel Networks." Reprint from IEEE T. on Neural Networks, Jan. 1991. ESSRL-91-4 B. Rimoldi, "Exact Formula for the Minimum Squared Euclidean Distance of CPFSK." ESSRL-91-5 W. Gude, "A Custom VLSI Digital Signal Processor Using Sign/Logarithmic processing for Use in a Voice Operated Switch Application." M.S. thesis (page charge for copy). ESSRL-91-6 G. L. Engel, R. E. Morley, Jr., S. W. Kwa, and R. J. Fretz, "Integrated Circuit Logarithmic Digital Quantizers with Applications to Low-Power Data Interfaces for Speech Processing." ESSRL-91-7 R. E. Morley, Jr., T. J. Sullivan, and G. L. Engel, "VLSI Design of a Battery-Operated Digital Hearing Aid." ESSRL-91-8 D. R. Fuhrmann and T. A. Barton, "Estimation of Block-Toeplitz Covariance Matrices." ESSRL-91-9 M. I. Miller and B. Roysam, "Bayesian Image Reconstruction for Emission Tomography Incorporating Good's Roughness Prior on Massively Parallel Processors." ESSRL-91-10 A. W. McCarthy and M. I. Miller, "Maximum Likelihood SPECT in Clinical Computation Times Using Mesh-Connected Parallel Computers." ESSRL-91-11 B. Rimoldi, "On The Optimality of Uniform Quantization." ESSRL-91-12 M. E. Cain, B. Lindsey, R. M. Arthur, J. A. Markham and D. Ambos, "Noninvasive detection of patients prone to life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias by frequency analysis of electrocardiographic signals," reprint from Cardiac Electrophysiology, From Cell to Bedside, D. P. Zipes and J. Jalife editors, W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1990. ESSRL-91-13 B. D. Lindsey, H. D. Ambos, A. E. Fischer, K. B. Schechtman, R. M. Arthur, and M. E. Cain, "Noninvasive detection of patients with ischemic and nonischemic heart disease prone to ventricular fibrillation, " reprint from J. American College of Cardiology, 1990. ESSRL-91-14 R. M. Arthur, H. D. Ambos, and M. E. Cain, "Construction of Body-Surface Isoharmonic Maps from Frank XYZ Leads," reprint from Computers in Cardiology 1990. ESSRL-91-15 R. M. Arthur, "Fundamentals of time- and frequency-domain analysis of signal-averaged electrocardiograms," reprint from Coronary Artery Disease, 1991. ESSRL-91-16 M. E. Cain, H. D. Ambos, J. Markham, B. D. Lindsay, and R. M. Arthur, "Diagnostic Implications of Spectral and Temporal Analysis of the Entire Cardiac Cycle in Patients with Ventricular Tachycardia, reprint from Circulation, 1991. ESSRL-91-17 S. R. Broadstone and R. M. Arthur, "Determination of Time-of-Flight Surfaces Using the Method of Moments," reprint from IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 1991. ESSRL-91-18 M. E. Cain, H. D. Ambos, R. M. Arthur, and B. D. Lindsay, "Signal-Averaged Electrocardiography: Methods of Analysis and Clinical Impact." ESSRL-91-19 R. M. Arthur and S. R. Broadstone, "The Effect Of Background Velocity Variation on the Point-Spread Function of Ultrasonic Transducer Arrays." ESSRL-91-20 P. Moulin, J. A. O'Sullivan, and D. L. Snyder, "A Method of Sieves for Multiresolution Spectrum Estimation and Radar Imaging." ESSRL-91-21 S. W. Kwa, "Design of a Switched-Capacitor DC Blocking Circuit for Applications with Stringent Zero-Mean Requirement," MSc. Thesis, May 1991. (page charge per copy) ESSRL-91-22 M. I. Miller and J. A. O'Sullivan, "Entropies and Combinatorics of Random Branching Processes and Context-Free Languages." ESSRL-91-23 M. I. Miller and J. A. O'Sullivan, "On the Entropy of Random Branching Processes." ESSRL-91-24 T. J. Schulz and D. L. Snyder, "Image Recovery from Photon Differences." ESSRL-91-25 P. Moulin, J. A. O'Sullivan, and D. L. Snyder, "A Sieve-Constrained Maximum-Likelihood Method for Target Imaging." ESSRL-91-26 C. S. Butler, T. R. Miller, J. W. Wallis, "Experimental Verification of Point-Spreads for Siemen's Orbitor SPECT Camera." ESSRL-91-27 T. R. Miller, J. W. Wallis, C. S. Butler, M. I. Miller, and D. L. Snyder, "Improved Brain SPECT By Maximum-Likelihood Reconstruction." ESSRL-91-28 K. E. Mark, M. I. Miller, "Bayesian Model Selection and Minimum Description Length Estimation of Auditory-Nerve Discharge Rates." ESSRL-91-29 M. I. Miller, T. Lin, K. Mark, W. Bosch, "Statistics of and Physiologic Basis for Self-Exciting Point-Process Models of Auditory-Nerve Discharge" ESSRL-91-30 D. G. Politte, D. L. Snyder, "Corrections for Accidental Coincidences and Attenuation in Maximum-Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Positron-Emission Tomography." Reprint from IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging. ESSRL-91-31 M. Miller, D. Maffitt, J. Shrauner, B. Roysam, and U. Grenander, "Automated Segmentation of Biological Shapes in Electron Microscopic Autoradiography." ESSRL-91-32 J. A. O'Sullivan, "A Transform Approach to Radar Imaging." ESSRL-91-33 J. A. O'Sullivan, "Wideband Radar Imaging with Estimation Theory Applications." ESSRL-91-34 D. L. Snyder and M. I. Miller, Random Point Processes in Time and Space. (Table of Contents of textbook published by Springer Verlag.) ESSRL-91-35 Y. Amit and M. I. Miller, "Large Deviations for the Asymptotics of Ziv-Lempel Codes For 2-D Gibbs' Fields." ESSRL-91-36 D. G. Porter, "A Computer Simulation of ISAR Data Collection and Image Production." ESSRL-91-37 T. J. Schaewe, "Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction," Doctor of Science Thesis, Dec. 1990. (page charge for copy) ESSRL-91-38 T. A. Barton and D. R. Fuhrmann, "Covariance Structures for Multidimensional Data." ESSRL-91-39 A. Srivastava, M. I. Miller, and U. Grenander, "Jump-Diffusion Processes for Object Tracking and Direction Finding." ESSRL-91-40 T. J. Schaewe, "Program Listings for Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction." ESSRL-91-41 C. S. Butler and M. I. Miller, "Maximum A Posteriori Estimation for SPECT Using Regularization Techniques on Massively-Parallel Computers." ESSRL-91-42 M. J. Turmon and M. I. Miller, "Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Constrained Means and Toeplitz Covariances, with Application to Direction-Finding." ESSRL-91-43 U. Grenander and M. I. Miller, "Jump-Diffusion Processes for Abduction and Recognition of Biological Shapes." ESSRL-91-44 B. Rimoldi, "Successive Refinement of Information: Characterization of the Achievable Rates." ESSRL-91-45 D. G. Politte and D. L. Snyder, "Image Reconstruction for Positron-Emission Tomography When Anatomical Boundaries are Known." ESSRL-91-46 Q. Li and B. Rimoldi, "On The CPM Family and Its Pathological Members." *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: FRANCOIS E. CELLIER (Cellier@ECE.Arizona.Edu) Copies of the following reports are available; send requests by email. RECENT PUBLICATIONS BY FRANCOIS E. CELLIER May 1991 - February 1992 1. Q. Wang and F.E. Cellier (1991), "Time Windows: Automated Abstraction of Continuous-Time Models into Discrete-Event Models in High Autonomy Systems," Int. J. Gen. Syst., 19(3), pp. 241-262. 2. S.L. Kosier, R.D. Schrimpf, K.F. Galloway, and F.E. Cellier (1991), "Predicting Worst-Case Charge Buildup in Power-Device Field Oxides," IEEE Trans. Nuclear Sci., 38(6), pp. 1383-1390. 3. F.E. Cellier (1991), "General System Problem Solving Paradigm for Qualitative Modeling," in: Qualitative Simulation Modeling and Analysis (P.A. Fishwick and P.A. Luker, eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, Chapter 3, pp. 51-71. 4. B.P. Zeigler, S. Chi, and F.E. Cellier (1991), "Model-Based Architecture for High Autonomy Systems," Proceedings EURISCON'91 -- European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conference, Corfu, Greece, June 23-28 (plenary paper). 5. F.E. Cellier, B.P. Zeigler, and A.H. Cutler (1991), "Object-Oriented Modeling: Tools and Techniques for Capturing Properties of Physical Systems in Computer Code," Proceedings CADCS'91 -- IFAC Symposium on Computer-Aided Design in Control Systems, Swansea, Wales, U.K., July 15-17, pp. 1-10 (plenary paper). 6. F.E. Cellier and S. Chi (1991), "Numerical Properties of Trajectory Representations of Polynomial Matrices," Proceedings CADCS'91 -- IFAC Symposium on Computer-Aided Design in Control Systems, Swansea, Wales, U.K., July 15-17, pp. 173-177 (contributed paper). 7. F.E. Cellier (1991), "Qualitative Modeling and Simulation: Promise or Illusion," Proceedings WSC'91 -- Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, December 8-11, pp. 1086-1090 (panel discussion with R. Doyle, Y. Iwasaki, and E. Scarl). 8. F.E. Cellier (1992), "Bond Graphs - The Right Choice for Educating Students in Modeling Continuous-Time Physical Systems," Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Simulation in Engineering Education, SCS Western Simulation MultiConference, Newport Beach, CA, January 20-22, pp. 123-127 (invited paper). 9. F.E. Cellier and H. Elmqvist (1992), "The Need for Automated Formula Manipulation in Object-Oriented Continuous-System Modeling," Proceedings CACSD'92 -- IEEE Computer-Aided Control System Design Conference, Napa, CA, March 17-19 (plenary paper). 10. F.E. Cellier, A. Nebot, F. Mugica, and A. de Albornoz (1992), "Combined Qualitative/Quantitative Simulation Models of Continuous-Time Processes Using Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning Techniques," Proceedings SICICA'92 -- IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications, Malaga, Spain, May 22-24 (invited paper). 11. F.E. Cellier and F. Mugica (1992), "Systematic Design of Fuzzy Controllers Using Inductive Reasoning," Proceedings IEEE Intelligent Control Conference, Glasgow, Scottland, U.K., August 11-13 (contributed paper). 12. F.E. Cellier et al. (1992), "Watchdog Monitor Prevents Martian Oxygen Production Plant from Shutting Itself Down During Storm," Proceedings ISRAM'92 -- ASME Conference on Intelligent Systems for Robotics and Manufacturing, Santa Fe, N.M., November 8-11 (invited paper). x. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona, Annual Report 1990-91. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: RUNGGAL@pdmat1.unipd.it Fire destroys CNR Lab in Padova -- request for help Dear Colleagues, Very unfortunately, there has been a big fire at our CNR Laboratory LADSEB and most equipment, documents and library have been destroyed. The Lab has to be rebuilt and we are afraid that, due to bureaucracy, the reconstruction may be excessively delayed. As you know, LADSEB has played an important role in the development of scientific research here in Padova and, most impotantly, it allowed the establishment of scientific contacts with the international community. For those who have collaborated with members of the group, we would like to ask you the favor to write a letter in support of the quick reconstruction of LADSEB. If you can help us in this respect, please briefly mention in the letter your contacts with LADSEB and researchers there and send it to : The President of CNR c/o LADSEB, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Corso Stati Uniti,4 35020 - Padova FAX : +39 - 49 - 829 5649 Best regards, Gianni Di Masi and Wolfgang Runggaldier --Editor's Note: Presently LADSEB counts about 20 members being interested mainly in Stochastic Systems Theory, Bioengineering, Medinfo, and Artificial Intelligence. Researchers in the Stochastic Systems area include: Giorgio Picci, Gianni Di Masi, Michele Pavon, Andrea Gombani, Lorenzo Finesso, Stefano Pinzoni, and Wolfgang Runggaldier. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** End of Eletter 48, February 1992