E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing ISSUE No. 43, 13 August 1991 Editors: Bradley W. Dickinson bradley@princeton.edu or bradley@pucc.bitnet Eduardo D. Sontag sontag@hilbert.rutgers.edu or sontag@pisces.bitnet Welcome. We remind you that items for posting can be emailed to either of the editors. PLEASE SEND CONTRIBUTIONS, since the eletter can only be useful if everyone participates. A REQUEST: It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the next line. In addition, please provide a 60-character title for the Contents. Thanks! NOTE: if you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching for the string: *.** Contents Changes to mailing list Personals: People on the move People going up Awards and Recognitions Bellman Award to John G. Truxal Donald P. Eckman Award to Carl Nett Education Award to Michael Rabins Schuck ACC Best Paper Award SIAM Activity Group in Control and Systems Theory: SIAM Conf on Control & Applics -- MORE DETAILED ANNOUNCEMENT IEEE Control Systems Society News: Chapter Activities Journals: MCSS Vol.4, No.4 - Contents (corrected) LAA Special Issue: Numerical Lin Alg in Control/Signals/Systems SIAM Review Sept 1991 - Contents SIAM Control and Optimization 29-6, November 1991 LAA Volume 157, Nov 1, 1991 (Spcl.Issue : Algebraic Lin Alg) Electronic submission of final manuscripts to SIAM Conferences: IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Dayton, Sep 13-16, 1992 Automation, Robotics and Compt Vision, Singapore, Sep 15-18 1992 1991 IEEE Internat Conf on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct 14-16, 1991 IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Dearborn, MI Oct 1-2, 1992 New Books Published: Guanrong Chen, "Kalman Filtering with Real-Time Applications" Basar and Bernhard, "H-infinity Optimal Control and..." Van Huffel and Vandewalle, "...Total Least Squares Problem..." Faculty Positions Available/Wanted: Boston University, Chair of Aerospace/Mechanical Engr Changes in ONR staffing (Senior) Scientific Staff Member (TU Delft, The Netherlands) Reports available: Recent SYCON Technical Report Electronic Systems and Signals Research, EE, Wash U Misc: MATLAB Software available: Control Configuration Design Death of a Research Lab ... Philips Research Lab Belgium *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the Editors: Changes/Additions to mailing list. Correction of typo in Issue 42: ------------------------------ jvanderh@spam.ua.oz.au (John van der Hoek, Univ of Adelaide, S.A. Australia) Changes & Updates: ----------------- barmish@eceserv0.ece.wisc.edu (Bob Barmish, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison) marcus@src.umd.edu (Steve Marcus, Director, Systems Research Center, U.Md) KMP@plwatu21.bitnet (K. Maciej Przyluski, Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw) vaza@ecf.utoronto.ca (Anthony Vaz, Univ. of Toronto, Canada) stk@control.utoronto.ca (Raymond Kwong, Univ. of Toronto, Canada) dcm@resmel.bhp.com.au (Duncan McFarlane, BHP Melbourne Rsrch Labs, Australia) eeced@cc.newcastle.edu.au (Carlos E. de Souza, Univ. of Newcastle, Australia) chou@parc.xerox.com (Phil Chou, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center) piovoso@esvax.dnet.dupont.com (Mike Piovoso, DuPont, Wilmington, DE) julia@ocnr-hq.navy.mil (Julia Abrahams, ONR, Arlington, VA) jenq@eecs.ee.pdx.edu (Y.C. Jenq, Portland State Univ., Portland, OR) szajow@plwrtu11.bitnet (Krzysztof Szajowski, Tech. Univ. of Wroclaw, Poland) birdwell@hickory.engr.utk.edu (Doug Birdwell, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville) hughes@sor.ece.jhu.edu (Brian Hughes, The Johns Hopkins Univ.) donald@control.eng.glasgow.ac.uk (Donald Ballance, Univ. of Glasgow, Scotland) ee_skt@a.coe.wvu.wvnet.edu (Stuart Tewksbury, Univ. of West Virginia) huang@gdstech.grumman.com (Chien Huang, Grumman, Bethpage, NY) Additions: --------- ap1ek@primea.sheffield.ac.uk (Makis [Efthimios] Kappos, Univ. of Sheffield, UK) berman@phoenix.src.umd.edu (Zeev Berman, Univ. of Maryland, College Park) ramos@esat.kuleuven.ac.be (Jose A. Ramos, Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Belgium) beschler@spint.compuserve.com (Edwin Beschler, Birkhauser, New York) blondel@auto.ucl.ac.be (Vincent Blondel, Louvain Univ., Belgium) dagahi@bhaskara.ucsd.edu (Daryush Agahi, Univ. of California, San Diego) dawnt@united.berkeley.edu (Dawn Tilbury, Univ. of California, Berkeley) deedee@cappuccino.stanford.edu (Deirdre Meldrum, Stanford Univ.) denicolao@ipmel1.polimi.it (Giuseppe De Nicolao, Ctr Teoria Sistemi-CNR, Milano) fagnani@ipisnsib.bitnet (Fabio Fagnani, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy) fennell@clemson.bitnet (Robert E. Fennell, Clemson Univ.) fitzsimo@frith.egr.msu.edu (Philip FitzSimons, Michigan State Univ. E. Lansing) guptam@sask.usask.ca (Madan M. Gupta, Univ. of Saskatchewan) htbanks@uscvm.bitnet (Tom Banks, Univ. of So. California, Los Angeles) ic@ic.upc.es (Instituto de Cibernetica, Barcelona, Spain) ifaca@tuvie.can.ac.at (IFAC Secretariat, Laxenburg, Austria) jjs@athena.mit.edu (Jean-Jacques Slotine, MIT) kfrc000@taivm2.taiu.edu (Rajab Challoo, Texas A&I Univ., Kingsville,) kreutz@bhaskara.ucsd.edu (Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado, Univ. California, San Diego) laura_Ray.COE_MAIL@quickmail.clemson.edu (Laura Ryan Ray, Clemson Univ.) mae109@psuvm.psu.edu (Mark Ermish, Penn State, Univ.) ming@isl.stanford.edu (Ming K. Lau, Stanford Univ.) moulin@bellcore.com (Pierre Moulin, Bell Communications Research) nseth@valhalla.cs.wright.edu (Nitin Seth, Wright State Univ.) pota@adfa.oz.au (Hemanshu Roy Pota, Univ. of New South Wales) qzhu@lynx.northeastern.edu (Qiji Zhu, Northeastern Univ., Boston) ratkins@violet.waterloo.edu (Richard Atkins, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada) sgs8r@virginia.edu (Steve Strickland, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville) shiping@merlin.dev.cdx.mot.com (Shiping Li, Codex, Mansfield, MA) sjoberg@isy.liu.se (Jonas Sjoberg, Linkoping Univ., Sweden) stockb@ms.uky.edu (Richard Stockbridge, Univ. of Kentucky) tommy@isy.liu.se (Tommy Svensson, Linkoping Univ., Sweden) vijay@pine.ece.utexas.edu (Vijay Garg, Univ. of Texas, Austin) yang@wurobot.wustl.edu (Tom Yang, Washington Univ., St. Louis) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the Editors -- PERSONALS ****** PEOPLE ON THE MOVE ****** Effective August 1, 1991, Steve Marcus (currently at the University of Texas at Austin) will assume the position of Director of the Systems Research Center and Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland. His new address will be Systems Research Center, 2167 A. V. Williams Bldg., University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 tel (301) 405-7589; fax (301) 405-6707; e-mail: marcus@src.umd.edu Paul Van Dooren will be joining the University of Illinois as a faculty member starting in the 1991-92 academic year. His new address will be Paul Van Dooren Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1101 West Springfield Av., Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA Address for Bruce Krogh during sabbatical Aug 15, 1991 to July 15, 1992: Bruce Krogh c/o Professor Sebastian Engell Lerhstuhl fur Anlagenstreuerungstechnik (Process Control Group) Fachbereich Chemietechnik (Chemical Engineering Dept.) Universitat Dortmund Emil-Figge-Strasse 70 Postfach 50 05 00 D-4600 Dortmund 50 Federal Republic of Germany e-mail: krogh@astaire.chemietechnik.uni-dortmund.de ******* PEOPLE GOING UP ******** Stephen Boyd has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Electrical Engineering Department at Stanford. Congrats Steve! Tony Kuh has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. Congratulations, Tony! ****** AWARDS AND RECOGNITION ****** [Contributed by Rob Stengel (stengel@pucc.bitnet)] 1991 Awards of the American Automatic Control Council The Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award is given for distinguished career contributions to the theory or applications of automatic control. The award is the highest recognition of professional achievement for U.S. control systems engineers and scientists. It was awarded to John G. Truxal, Professor and former Dean of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the Stony Brook campus of the State University of New York, in recognition of life-long contributions to the field of automatic control as an author, teacher, and academic administrator, and for his continuing efforts to foster understanding of the role of technology in the conduct of human affairs. The Donald P. Eckman Award is given for outstanding accomplishments by a young engineer in the field of automatic control. It was established in memory of Donald P. Eckman, who made important contributions to control theory and practice in the 1950s and 1960s but who died tragically in an automobile accident in 1962. It was awarded to Carl Nett, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, for his exceptional contributions to control design methodology as a young engineer in industry and academia. The Education Award is given for outstanding contributions to education in the field of automatic control. It was awarded to Michael Rabins, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University, for outstanding and lasting contributions to the field of automatic controls and dynamic systems through innovative and exemplary leadership in controls education. The O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award is given for the best paper presented at the previous year's American Control Conference. The award is named for O. Hugo Schuck, a pioneer in the practice of flight control design at Honeywell, Inc., and later at NASA. This year, the award is shared by Gary Yamaguchi, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Arizona State University, and Felix Zajac, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University and Director of the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation R&D Center. Their paper, "Modeling FES Actuation and Control of Multisegment Limb Movements," was judged the best among the several hundred papers presented at the 1990 ACC. ******* CHANGES OF ADDRESS, PHONE, ETC ******* Washington University, St. Louis telephone numbers have been changed as of August 5, 1991. Old numbers starting with 889 or 726 now begin with 935. For instance, SSM is now at 314-935-6001; EE Dept. is 314-935-5565. Bruce H. Krogh, krogh@galley.ece.cmu.edu: Address during sabbatical Aug 15, 1991 to July 15, 1992: Bruce Krogh c/o Professor Sebastian Engell Lerhstuhl fur Anlagenstreuerungstechnik (Process Control Group) Fachbereich Chemietechnik (Chemical Engineering Dept.) Universitat Dortmund Emil-Figge-Strasse 70 Postfach 50 05 00 D-4600 Dortmund 50 Federal Republic of Germany e-mail: krogh@astaire.chemietechnik.uni-dortmund.de ******* send us more information for the gossip column!!! ******* *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: kgrasse@nsfuvax.math.uoknor.edu (Kevin A. Grasse) SECOND PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT SIAM CONFERENCE ON CONTROL AND ITS APPLICATIONS (Note the slight change in the conference dates from earlier announcements) September 17-19, 1992 Radisson Hotel Metrodome Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA SCOPE AND AIMS OF THE CONFERENCE The SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory is pleased to announce a conference on control theory and its applications, to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, on September 17-19, 1992. Minneapolis is the location of the Institute for Mathematics and Applications (IMA), which will be conducting a special year in Control Theory and Its Applications during the 1992-1993 academic year. The conference will cover a broad range of topics that are of current interest in control theory and will bring together researchers in control theory and its applications from academe, industry, and the government. The conference will include plenary and simultaneous one-hour lectures, minisymposia, and sessions for contributed papers. LIST OF INVITED SPEAKERS The following individuals have tentatively agreed to give invited talks at the conference. At this early stage in the organizational process, it must be emphasized that this list is incomplete and subject to change. Plenary Speakers: John E. Lagnese, Georgetown University Tentative Title: Distributed Parameter Modelling and Controllability of Multiple Link Flexible Structures Hector J. Sussmann, Rutgers University Tentative Title: Geometric Theory of Nonlinear Control Systems Richard B. Vinter, Imperial College Tentative Title: Applications of Nonsmooth Analysis to Control Theory Concurrent Invited Speakers: Donald J. Dobner, General Motors Research Laboratories Tentative Title: Control Systems on the Automobile: More Value for the Motorist Joseph C. Dunn, North Carolina State University Tentative Title: Iterative Nonlinear Programming Algorithms for Optimal Control Problems Keith Glover, University of Cambridge Tentative Title: Control System Design Using H-Infinity Methods Ioannis G. Kevrekidis, Princeton University Tentative Title: On the Dynamics of Adaptively Controlled Systems Hidenori Kimura, Osaka University Tentative Title: Nonlinear Control of Visual Feedback Systems Manfred Morari, California Institute of Technology Tentative Title: Theory and Practice of Process Control Laurent Praly, Ecoles de Mines de Paris Tentative Title: Nonlinear Problems in Adaptive Control Theory Peter J. Ramadge, Princeton University Tentative Title: Control of Discrete-Event Dynamical Systems Steven E. Shreve, Carnegie Mellon University Tentative Title: Stochastic Control with Applications to Modeling Financial Markets John N. Tsitsiklis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tentative Title: Computational Complexity and Control Problems Alan Willsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tentative Title: Image and Signal Analysis as Dynamic Estimation Problems LIST OF MINISYMPOSIA The following individuals have tentatively agreed to organize minisymposia for the conference. As with the list of invited speakers, this list is incomplete and subject to change. A. Bacciotti, Politecnico di Torino Topic: Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems A. Bloch, Ohio State University, and P. Crouch, Arizona State University Topic: Nonholonomic Control Systems M. H. A. Davis, Imperial College Topic: Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes J. Doyle, California Institute of Technology Topic: LFTs, LMIs, and mu E. Feinberg, SUNY at Stony Brook, and A. Shwartz, Technion Topic: New Directions in Markov Decision Processes J. Gertler, George Mason University Topic: Failure Detection and Diagnosis S. I. Marcus, University of Maryland, and V. Garg, University of Texas Topic: Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems A. N. Michel, University of Notre Dame Topic: Dynamics and Stability of Neural Nets M. Nerurkar, Rutgers University Topic: Control, Chaos, and Dynamical Systems W. Patten, University of Oklahoma Topic: Active Vehicle Suspension Control M. Soner, Carnegie Mellon University Topic: Stochastic Control Theory E. Sontag, Rutgers University Topic: Neural Nets and Control R. Triggiani, University of Virginia Topic: Control of Distributed Parameter Systems J. T. Wen, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Topic: Applications of Control Theory to Robotics L. White, University of Oklahoma Topic: Parameter Identification in Distributed Parameter Systems J. Willems, University of Groningen Topic: Systems Theoretic Models for the Analysis of Physical Systems B. Ydstie, University of Massachusetts Topic: Adaptive Control Theory ORGANIZING COMMITTEE K. A. Grasse (Chair), A. Manitius (co-Chair), E. D. Sontag (co-Chair), Y. Arkun, H. T. Banks, L. D. Berkovitz, S. L. Campbell, M. H. A. Davis, A. Friedman, J. W. Helton, H. Hermes, G. Leugering, S. I. Marcus, E. Polak, J. Willems CALL FOR MINISYMPOSIUM ORGANIZERS Anyone interested in organizing a minisymposium for this conference should contact K. A. Grasse by electronic mail at kgrasse@nsfuvax.math.uoknor.edu or by ordinary mail at the following address: Professor Kevin A. Grasse Department of Mathematics University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73019 USA CALL FOR CONTRIBUTED PAPERS A formal call for contributed papers will be made at a later date in this newsletter, the SIAM NEWS, and other places. All members of the SIAG in Control and Systems Theory are strongly encouraged to contact the conference organizer with their suggestions regarding the conference. (Please send your ideas for other SIAG activities to the SIAG Program Director, E. D. Sontag, at sontag@control.rutgers.edu.) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by D. W. Repperger, Chairman, CSS Chapter Activities Chapter Activities (1) Contributed by Captain R. Paschall, The Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio: Dr. Alan S. Willsky, Professor of MIT presented a Distinguished Lecture Event on August 2, 1991 in Dayton, Ohio. (2) A new chapter has been established in Buenos Aires. Congratulations Mr. Richard A. Viega. For further information, please contact drepperge@EAGLE.AAMRL.WPAFB.AF.MIL (3) The Distinguished Lecturer Program has been expanded to include two new lecturers (Dr. Herb Rauch with the topic "Neural Networks and Control" and Dr. B.D.O. Anderson with the topic "New Methods of Controller Discretization". Please contact drepperge@EAGLE.AAMRL.WPAFB.AF.MIL for the complete brochure of topics and speakers. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: The Editors MATHEMATICS OF CONTROL, SIGNALS, AND SYSTEMS TABLE OF CONTENTS, VOLUME 4, NUMBER 4 (NOTE: The table of contents listed in issue 42 of Eletter had a few errors. The following is the correct one. We apologize for the inconvenience.) P.E. Crouch, I. Ighneiwa, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue On the Singular Tracking Problem, pp. 341-362 M.Z. Nashed and G.G. Walter General Sampling Theorems for Functions in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, pp. 363-390 Y. Yamamoto Equivalence of Internal and External Stability for a Class of Distributed Systems, pp. 391-409 U. Helmke and M.A. Shayman Topology of the Orbit Space of Generalized Linear Systems, pp. 411-437 Pole Placement for Nonreachable Periodic Discrete-Time Systems O.M. Grasselli and S. Longhi, pp. 439-455 A note on acknowledgment of priority, p. 457 Author Index p. 461 Subject Index pp. 463-464 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: schneide@math1.uni-bielefeld.de (Hans Schneider) Special issue of Linear Algebra and its Applications: Numerical Linear Algebra Methods in Control, Signals and Systems In recent years there has been an increased cooperation between mathematicians and engineers concerning the development and analysis of fast and reliable numerical linear algebra methods in the areas of signal processing, system theory and control theory. This special issue of Linear Algebra and its Applications is devoted to research papers in these areas, particularly the numerical solution of -- structured eigenvalue problems, -- structured linear systems, -- inverse eigenvalue problems (like pole placement or stabilization), -- generalized eigenvalue problems, -- special matrix decompositions, -- linear quadratic control problems, -- Riccati, Lyapunov, Sylvester or Stein equations. Deadline for submission is 31 July 1992. Editors for the special issue are: Gregory Ammar Deptartment of Mathematical Sciences, Northern Illinois University De Kalb, Illinois 60115-2888, USA Volker Mehrmann Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, Universitaet Bielefeld Postfach 8640, D-4800 Bielefeld 1, FRG Nancy K. Nichols Dept. of Mathematics, University of Reading Whiteknights Park, GB-Reading, RG6 2AX, Great Britain Paul Van Dooren Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1101 West Springfield Av., Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA Papers may be submitted to any of these editors. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: SIAM Publications Department SIAM Review Table of Contents Sept. 1991 Contents Articles Vorticity, Turbulence, and Acoustics in Fluid Flow Andrew J. Majda The Fractional Fourier Transform and Applications David H. Bailey and Paul N. Swartztrauber The Role of the Strengthened Cauchy-Buniakowskii-Schwarz Inequality in Multilevel Methods Victor Eijkhout and Panayot Vassilevski Parallel Algorithms for Sparse Linear Systems Michael T. Heath, Esmond Ng, and Barry W. Peyton Classroom Notes in Applied Mathematics Problems and Solutions Book Reviews Mathematical Problems for Combustion Theory (Jerrold Bebernes and David Eberly) J. W. Dold Estimation Techniques for Distributed Parameter Systems (H. T. Banks and K. Kunisch) Donald Ludwig Modern Cryptology: A Tutorial (Gilles Brassard) R. Creighton Buck Integral Manifolds and Inertial Manifolds for Dissipative Partial Differential Equations (P. Constantin, C. Foias, B. Nicolaenko, and R. Temam) Xiaosong Liu Basic Hypergeometric Series (George Gasper and Mizan Rahman) Jet Wimp Huygens and Barrow, Newton and Hooke: Pioneers in Mathematical Analysis and Catastrophe Theory from Evolvents to Quasicrystals (V. I. Arnol'd, trans. by Eric J. F. Primrose) Nicholas D. Kazarinoff Multiphase Averaging for Classical Systems: With Applications to Adiabatic Theorems (P. Lochak and C. Meunier, trans. by H. S. Dumas) Brian Coomes The Science of Fractal Images (Heinz-Otto Peitgen and Dietmar Saupe, eds.) I. J. Good The Averaged Moduli of Smoothness: With Applications in Numerical Methods and Approximation (Blagovest Sendov and Vasil A. Popov; trans. ed., G. M. Phillips) Vilmos Totik Approximation by Spline Function (Gunther Nurnberger) Kurt Jetter Spline Models for Observational Data (Grace Wahba) Larry L. Schumaker Optimization and Stability Theory for Economic Analysis (Brian Beavis and Ian Dobbs) Zvi Artstein Plant and Crop Modelling (John H. M. Thornley and Ian R. Johnson) P. L. Antonelli The Numerical Solution of Differential-Algebraic Systems by Runge-Kutta Methods (Ernst Hairer, Christian Lubich, and Michel Roche) Stephen L. Campbell Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws (Randall J. Leveque) E. Bruce Pitman Aspects of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-Time (S. A. Fulling) David G. Boulware Finite Quantum Electrodynamics (G. Scharf) Arthur S. Wightman Functional Analysis: An Introduction for Physicists (Nino Boccara) J. Dimock Mathematical Foundations of Classical Statistical Mechanics: Continuous Systems (D. Ya. Petrina, V. I. Gerasimenko, and P. V. Malyshev; trans. by P. V. Malyshev and D. V. Malyshev) George A. Baker, Jr. Topics in Boundary Element Research. Vol. 6: Electromagnetic Applications. (C. A. Brebbia, ed.) W. Lord Matrix Theory and Applications (Charles R. Johnson, ed.) Jeffrey L. Stuart Chronicle *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: SIAM Publications Department Contents: SIAM Control and Optimization Table of Contents -- SIAM J. Control Optim. 29-6, November 1991 Balanced Parameterization of Classes of Linear Systems Raimund Ober Stochastic Regulator Theory for a Class of Abstract Wave Equations A. V. Balakrishnan Feedback Equivalence for Nonlinear Systems and the Time Optimal Control Problem B. Bonnard Some Characterizations of Optimal Trajectories in Control Theory Piermarco Cannarsa and Halina Frankowska New Size $\times$ Curvature for Strict Quasiconvexity of Sets Guy Chavent $H_\infty$ Control with Transients Pramod P. Khargonekar, Krishnan M. Nagpal, and Kameshwar R. Poolla $H^\infty$ Control of Linear Time-Varying Systems: A State-Space Approach R. Ravi, K. M. Nagpal, and P. P. Khargonekar Velocity Method and Lagrangian Formulation for the Computation of the Shape Hessian Michel C. Delfour and Jean-Paul Zol\'{e}sio Numerical Methods for Stochastic Singular Control Problems Harold J. Kushner and Luiz Felipe Martins A Framework for the Two-Dimensional Hyperstability Theory Based Provably Convergent Adaptive Two-Dimensional IIR Filtering Sankar Basu *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Richard Brualdi Contents, LAA Volume 157, November 1, 1991 SPECIAL ISSUE: Algebraic Linear Algebra Special Editors: Robert M. Guralnick, William H. Gustafson, and Lawrence S. Levy Preface 1 William H. Gustafson (Lubbock, Texas) Modules and Matrices 3 Raymond Heitmann (Austin, Texas) and Roger Wiegand (Lincoln, Nebraska) Direct Sums of Ideals 21 Lawrence S. Levy (Madison, Wisconsin) Direct-Sum Cancellation of Submodule Systems 37 Wojciech Kucharz (Honolulu, Hawaii) Simultaneous Diagonalization of an Algebraic Family of Matrices 49 Robert M. Guralnick (Los Angeles, California) Similarity of Matrices Over Commutative Rings 55 David Chillag (Haifa, Israel) Nonnegative Matrices, Brauer Characters, Normal Subsets, and Powers of Representation Modules 69 Donald G. James (University Park, Pennsylvania) Generators for Orthogonal Groups of Unimodular Lattices 101 Bostwick F. Wyman (Columbus, Ohio), Michael K. Sain (Notre Dame, Indiana), Giuseppe Conte (Genoa, Italy), and Anna Maria Perdon (Padua, Italy) Poles and Zeros of Matrices of Rational Functions 113 James Brewer and Lee Klingler (Boca Raton, Florida) The Ring of Integer-Valued Polynomials of a Semi-local Principal-Ideal Domain 141 James Brewer and Lee Klingler (Boca Raton, Florida) On the Pole-Shifting Problem for Non-commutative Rings 147 Dennis R. Estes (Los Angeles, California) Factorization in Hereditary Orders 161 William A. Adkins (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) Normal Matrices over Hermitian Discrete Valuation Rings 165 James T. Campbell (Memphis, Tennessee) and Elizabeth C. Trouy (Tuscon, Arizona) When Are Two Elements of GL(2, Z) Similar? 175 Surjeet Singh and Hassan Al-Zaid (Safat, Kuwait) On a Canonical Form for Recurring Sequences 185 K. R. Fuller (Iowa City, Iowa), W. K. Nicholson (Calgary, Alberta, Canada), and J. F. Watters (Leicester, England) Universally Reflexive Algebras 195 Carlos A. Berenstein and Daniele C. Struppa (Fairfax, Virginia) Recent Improvements in the Complexity of the Effective Nullstellensatz 203 L. Le Bruyn and M. Van den Bergh (Wilrijk, Belgium) Algebraic Properties of Linear Cellular Automata 217 Author Index 235 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: SIAMPUBS@wilma.wharton.upenn.edu Fri Aug 9 16:57:50 1991 Electronic submission of final manuscripts to SIAM TO: All SIAM Book and Journal Authors RE: Manuscript Submittal SIAM has a new mailbox for submission of final manuscripts: siamsubmit@wharton.upenn.edu. Please use this address for submission of all FINAL manuscripts for books and journals. It will allow us to process your manuscript more efficiently. Please continue to use: siampubs@wharton.upenn.edu for messages. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by DREPPERGE@EAGLE.AAMRL.WPAFB.AF.MIL (Dan Repperger) The first IEEE Conference on Control Applications will be held September 13-16, 1992 in Dayton, Ohio at the 4 diamond Stouffer Plaza Hotel. Dayton, Ohio is the center of Aerospace Applications with its proximity to Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The conference encourages papers in all application areas and the deadline for papers/abstracts is January 15, 1992. To get a hard copy of the call for papers, please send any email request with your mailing address to: drepperge@EAGLE.AAMRL.WPAFB.AF.MIL We would like to encourage a wide range of theoretical papers with examples worked to show the applicability of your approach to different applications. The purpose of the conference is to merge theory with practice and it is important to have wide participation of both theoretical and applied people. Special tutorials and plenary sessions will be held at this conference to help bridge the gap between theory and practice in control systems related areas. Please see the forecoming advertisements on this conference and we welcome wide participation of all members of the Control Systems Society. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: emital@ntivax.bitnet ICARCV'92 SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER VISION Singapore 15-18 September 1992 Call for Papers This conference is jointly organised by Nanyang Technological University and the Institute of Engineers , Singapore in cooperation with IEEE Computer Society , IEEE Systems Man and Cybernatics Society and IEEE Singapore Chapter. The Theme of the Conference will be "A GLIMPSE OF THE 21ST CENTURY" in the context of Intelligent Industrial Automation. The conference is to be held in Singapore on 15-18 September 1992. Authors are invited to send four copies of the extended summary (300-500 words) and a brief abstract to : THE ICARCV'92 CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT ASSOCIATED CONVENTIONS AND EXHIBITIONS PTE LTD 204 BUKIT TIMAH ROAD # 04-00 BOON LIEW BUILDING SINGAPORE 0922 TEL: (65) 732 6839 FAX (65) 732 6309 EMAIL: EMITAL@NTIVAX.BITNET The deadline for submission of the abstract and four copies of the EXTENDED SUMMARY IS FEBRUARY 15, 1992. SUGGESTED AREAS (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) ARE : * Intelligent Automation * Expert Systems * FMS * AI in Robotics * Robotic Control * Mobile Robots and Navigation * Multisensory Systems * Robotic Simulation * Special Robots * Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision * 3-D/Colour/Stereo Image Analysis * Vision Systems and New Architecture * Dynamic scene Recognition and Analysis * Applications of Computer Vision * Large Scale Systems and Control * System Identification * Power System Control and Motion Control * System Modelling, Simulation and Control * Parallel Computing * Industrial Automation Applications/Implementations * Robot Path Planning and Control * Expert Systems * Precision Motor Control * Intelligent Drives * Microprocessor Based Intelligent Controls * DSP Based Systems * Real Time Controls and Systems * Man Machine Interfece and Tools * Neural Networks and Applications * Power Electronics * Quality Control, Reliability and Automated Testing Tutorial sessions in the areas of Computer Vision, Robotics, Industrial Automation and Neural Networks and applications will also be held in conjunction with the conference. Proposals for conducting the Tutorials are also invited. Please send your tutorial proposal by 15 February 1992. All the accepted papers for presentation in the conference will be reviewed for possible publication in the EEE Journal, Special Edition on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision. The papers will be reviewed by an international review team. Note : Beside presenting your papers, you would get a unique chance to visit the beautiful garden city Singapore in South East Asia. For details about Registration Package/Hotel Reservation please write to the above address. Chairman , ICARCV'92 Organising Committee. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Steve Strickland 1991 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics October 14-16, 1991 Location: Omni Hotel, Charlottesville, VA Sponsor: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and Dept. of Systems Engineering, University of Virginia Contact: Sandra Sullivan Academic Outreach Thornton Hall, A238 University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 Phone: (804) 924-6268 email: sbs4m@virginia.edu *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the editors The IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems will be held on Oct. 1-2, 1992 in Dearborn, MI. Papers describing new contributions are being solicited. Abstracts (800 to 1000 words) are due on Oct. 15, 1991. For more information contact the Program Chair, Dr. Naim A. Kheir, IFAC Workshop IPC Chairman, Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48309-4401 USA. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Guanrong Chen, University of Houston. The following book is now available in the market --- TITLE: ``KALMAN FILTERING with Real-Time Applications'' 2nd Edition, 1991, pp.195+. (1st Edition, 1987) AUTHORS: C.K.Chui and G.Chen PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010 phone:1-800-springer FAX:212-473-6272 ISBNs: 3-540-54013-X and 0-387-54013-X PRICEs: $39.50/$33.58 Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Preliminaries --- 1 1.1 Matrix and Determinant Preliminaries --- 1 1.2 Probability Preliminaries --- 8 1.3 Least-Squares Preliminaries --- 15 Exercises --- 18 2. Kalman Filter: An Elementary Approach --- 20 2.1 The Model --- 20 2.2 Optimality Criterion --- 21 2.3 Prediction-Correction Formulation --- 23 2.4 Kalman Filtering Process --- 27 Exercises --- 29 3. Orthogonal Projection and Kalman Filter --- 33 3.1 Orthogonality Characterization of Optimal Estimates --- 33 3.2 Innovations Sequences --- 35 3.3 Minimum Variance Estimates --- 37 3.4 Kalman Filtering Equations --- 38 3.5 Real-Time Tracking --- 42 Exercises --- 45 4. Correlated System and Measurement Noise Processes --- 49 4.1 The Affine Model --- 49 4.2 Optimal Estimate Operators --- 51 4.3 Effect on Optimal Estimation with Additional Data --- 52 4.4 Derivation of Kalman Filtering Equations --- 55 4.5 Real-Time Applications --- 61 4.6 Linear Deterministic/Stochastic Systems -- 63 Exercises --- 65 5. Colored Noise --- 67 5.1 Outline of Procedure --- 67 5.2 Error Estimates --- 68 5.3 Kalman Filtering Process --- 70 5.4 White System Noise --- 73 5.5 Real-Time Applications --- 73 Exercises --- 75 6. Limiting Kalman Filter --- 77 6.1 Outline of Procedure --- 78 6.2 Preliminary Results --- 79 6.3 Geometric Convergence --- 88 6.4 Real-Time Applications --- 93 Exercises --- 95 7. Sequential and Square-Root Algorithms --- 97 7.1 Sequential Algorithm --- 97 7.2 Square-Root Algorithm --- 103 7.3 An Algorithm for Real-Time Applications --- 105 Exercises --- 107 8. Extended Kalman Filter and System Identification --- 108 8.1 Extended Kalman Filter --- 108 8.2 Satellite Orbit Estimation --- 111 8.3 Adaptive System Identification --- 113 8.4 An Example of Constant Parameter Identification --- 115 8.5 Modified Extended Kalman Filter --- 118 8.6 Time-Varying Parameter Identification --- 124 Exercises --- 129 9. Decoupling of Filtering Equations --- 131 9.1 Decoupling Formulas --- 131 9.2 Real-Time Tracking --- 134 9.3 The $\alpha -\beta -\gamma$ Tracker --- 136 9.4 An Example --- 139 Exercises --- 140 10. Notes --- 143 10.1 The Kalman Smoother --- 143 10.2 The $\alpha -\beta -\gamma -\theta$ Tracker --- 145 10.3 Adaptive Kalman Filtering --- 147 10.4 Adaptive Kalman Filtering Approach to Wiener Filtering --- 149 10.5 The Kalman-Bucy Filter --- 150 10.6 Stochastic Optimal Control --- 151 10.7 Square-Root Filtering and Systolic Array Implementation --- 153 10.8 Wavelets and Digital Filtering --- 155 References --- 158 Answers and Hints to Exercises --- 165 Subject Index --- 193 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Tamer Basar ANNOUNCING A NEW BOOK H-infinity Optimal Control and Related Minimax Design Problems A Dynamic Game Approach Tamer Basar and Pierre Bernhard -From the Backcover- One of the major concentrated activities of the past decade in systems and control has been the development of the so-called "H-infinity optimal control theory," which addresses the issue of worst-case controller design for linear plants subject to unknown disturbances. Among different time-domain approaches to this class of worst-case design problems, the one that uses the framework of dynamic (differential) game theory stands out as the most natural. This is so because the original H-infinity optimal control problem (in its equivalent time-domain formulation) is in fact a minimax optimization problem, and hence a zero-sum game, where the controller can be viewed as the minimizing player and the disturbance as the maximizing player. Using this framework, the authors develop in this book a complete theory that encompasses continuous-time as well as discrete-time systems, finite as well as infinite horizons, and several different measurement schemes, including closed-loop perfect state, delayed perfect state, sampled state, closed-loop imperfect state, delayed imperfect state and sampled imperfect state information patterns. The authors believe that the theory is now at a stage where it can easily be incorporated into a second-level graduate course in a control curriculum, that would follow a basic course in linear control theory covering LQ and LQG designs. The framework adopted in this book indeed makes such an ambitious plan possible. For the most part, the only prerequisite is a basic knowledge of linear control theory. No background in differential games, or game theory in general, is required, as the requisite concepts and results have been developed in the book at the appropriate level. Furthermore, the book is written in such a way that makes it possible to follow the theory for the continuous- and discrete-time systems independently (and also in parallel). The general framework adopted, and the methodologies developed, also open new avenues of research for the reader, to extend these results to more general classes of systems, such as nonlinear plants and/or distributed parameter systems. Ordering information: Title: H-infinity optimal control and related minimax design problems Authors: Tamer Basar and Pierre Bernhard Date: March 1991 Publisher: Birkhauser Series: Systems and Control: Foundations and Applications (Vol. 5) ISBN: 0-8176-3554-8 (USA and Canada) 3-7643-3554-8 (Europe) By mail: For USA and Canada: | In Europe: Birkhauser Boston | Birkhauser Verlag AG c/o Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.| Postfach 133 P.O. Box 2485 | CH-4010 Basel Secaucus, New Jersey 07096-2491 | Switzerland USA | By phone: 1-800-777-4643 in the USA ( 201/ 348-4033 in NJ) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: SIAM Publications Department RECENTLY PUBLISHED AT SIAM: THE TOTAL LEAST SQUARES PROBLEM. COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS AND ANALYSIS By: Sabine Van Huffel and Joos Vandewalle Frontiers in Applied Mathematics 9 "...TLS (Total Least Squares) represents a technique which synthesizes statistical and numerical methodologies for solving problems arising in many applications areas. The authors of this monograph have been leaders in showing how to use TLS for solving a variety of problems, especially those arising in a signal processing context. They give an elegant presentation of the various aspects of the TLS problem. Their survey encompasses the many elements required to understand the problem. It is a pleasure to read such a clear account which is presented using standard mathematical ideas and nomenclature." - Gene H. Golub, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University This is the first book published to be devoted entirely to total least squares. The authors give a unified presentation of the TLS problem-- a description of its basic principle, the various algebraic, statistical, and sensitivity properties of the problem are discussed, and generalizations are presented. Applications are surveyed to facilitate uses in an even wider range of applications. Whenever possible, comparison is made with the well-known least squares methods. Contents Introduction; Basic Principles of the Total Least Squares Problem; Extensions of the Basic Total Least Squares Problem; Direct Speed Improvement of the Total Least Squares Computations; Iterative Speed Improvement for Solving Slowly Varying Total Least Squares Problems; Algebraic Connections Between Total Least Squares and Least Squares Problems; Sensitivity Analysis of Total Least Squares and Least Squares Problems in the Presence of Errors in all Data; Statistical Properties of the Total Least Squares Problem; Algebraic Connections Between Total Least Squares Estimation and Classical Linear Regression in Multicollinearity Problems; Conclusions. For further information, please contact SIAM Customer Service Department, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688; telephone: 215-382-9800; fax: 215-386-7999; e-mail: siam@wharton.upenn.edu. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: John Baillieul, Boston University BOSTON UNIVERSITY CHAIR Department of Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering Boston University's College of Engineering invites applications and nominations for the position of Chairperson, Department of Aerospace-Mechanical Engineering. This position is to be filled by a distinguished engineer/scientist with a proven research record to lead the Department in its continuing growth. The Department currently has 15 full time faculty, 57 graduate students (at both the doctoral and masters level), and 472 undergraduates. The University has made major investments in new facilities for engineering and science over the last five years and has recently made significant commitments to the further growth of the College in conjunction with the appointment of a new Dean of Engineering. The Chair will be expected to provide leadership in the continuing development of graduate teaching and research, to strengthen ties with government and industry, and to provide vision in directing the Department's growth toward areas that will be important in the next century. A letter of interest or nomination, curriculum vitae, and the names of at least three references should be sent to Professor John Baillieul, Chair, Aerospace-Mechanical Engineering Search Committee, Boston University, 110 Cummington Street, Boston, MA 02215. Boston University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: julia@ocnr-hq.navy.mil (Julia Abrahams) Changes in ONR staffing John Lavery, who has been managing the applied analysis program at ONR for the past two years, is leaving to become Staff Director of the Board on Mathematical Sciences at the National Research Council. ONR's Mathematical Sciences Division will be replacing Dr. Lavery, and a one year rotator for the academic year 1991-92 is presently being sought. The program is currently focused on classes of partial differential equations related to a variety of Navy application areas. Please direct inquiries to Neil Gerr, Division Director, at gerr@ocnr-hq.navy.mil including your phone number or call directly at 703-696-4321. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: secrmr@tudw03.tudelft.nl (Henk G. Stassen) Vacancy for a (Senior) Scientific Staff Member At the Delft University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology, Laboratory for Measurement and Control Engineering, a position is available in the Man-Machine Systems Group for a (Senior) Scientific Staff Member. The function concerns research and teaching activities in one of the application fields of the MMS-Group, viz. that of human supervisory control. Research topics in this field are: Man-Machine Interface Design and Supervisor Support Systems for control rooms as an integral part of a Plant Wide Control System. A significant part of this program is financed by external sources. Job contents * Doing research aimed at the development of new supervisory control concepts. * Teaching activities in the field of control engineering in general and Man- Machine Systems in particular. * Keeping up with new developments in the field of Man-Machine Systems like applications of the theory of discrete event systems, knowledge based systems and neural networks. * Initiating new topics and generating research proposals. * Being reponsible for this part of the MMS-activities during absence of the head of the MMS-Group. Requirements Candidates for this function should have, or be on the verge of obtaining, a Ph-D degree in the field of Man-Machine Systems, Control Engineering or Applied Informatics. They should have experience in process simulation and Man-Machine Systems research. Applicants who do not speak the Dutch language should be willing to acquire this ability. Information For more information with respect to this job please contact Prof.dr.ir. H.G. Stassen, tel. 31(15)782607/31(15)785401 or 31(15)786400; after 7 p.m.: at home tel. 31(1736)94026. Fax 31(15)784717. Email: secrmr@tudw03.tudelft.nl. General information on university procedures: Section Personnel and Organization, tel. 31(15)785156. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: E.Sontag RECENT TECHNICAL REPORTS SYCON -- Rutgers Center for Systems and Control [91-09]* "Global stabilization of linear systems with bounded feedback," E.D. Sontag and Y. Yang. (23+i pp.) (Please address requests to: yang@hilbert.rutgers.edu.) **NOTE**: for reports marked (*), an electronic version (TeX or LaTeX) is available by e-mail. For these, there will be a nominal charge if hardcopies are requested, to cover reproduction and mailing costs. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Submitted by: Donald L. Snyder dls@saturn.wustl.edu 1991 RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS AND SIGNALS RESEARCH LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63130 The following is a list of research monographs for 1991 from the Electronic Systems and Signals Research Laboratory. Individual copies are available upon request from: Director Electronic Systems and Signals Research Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Campus Box 1127 Washington University One Brookings Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63130 e-mail requests to: dls@saturn.wustl.edu NUMBER AUTHOR AND TITLE ----------------------------------------------------- ESSRL-91-1 D. L. Snyder, T. J. Schulz, and J. A. O'Sullivan Deblurring Subject to Nonnegativity Constraints. ESSRL-91-2 T. J. Schulz and D. L. Snyder Image Recovery from Correlations. ESSRL-91-3 M. I. Miller, B. Roysam, K. R. Smith, and J. A. O'Sullivan, Representing and Computing Regular Languages on Massively Parallel Networks. Reprint from IEEE T. on Neural Networks, Jan. 1991. ESSRL-91-4 B. Rimoldi, Exact Formula for the Minimum Squared Euclidean Distance of CPFSK. ESSRL-91-5 W. Gude, A Custom VLSI Digital Signal Processor Using Sign/Logarithmic processing for Use in a Voice Operated Switch Application. M.S. thesis (page charge for copy). ESSRL-91-6 G. L. Engel, R. E. Morley, Jr., S. W. Kwa, and R. J. Fretz, Integrated Circuit Logarithmic Digital Quantizers with Applications to Low-Power Data Interfaces for Speech Processing. ESSRL-91-7 R. E. Morley, Jr., T. J. Sullivan, and G. L. Engel, VLSI Design of a Battery-Operated Digital Hearing Aid. ESSRL-91-8 D. R. Fuhrmann and T. A. Barton, Estimation of Block-Toeplitz Covariance Matrices. ESSRL-91-9 M. I. Miller and B. Roysam, Bayesian Image Reconstruction for Emission Tomography Incorporating Good's Roughness Prior on Massively Parallel Processors. ESSRL-91-10 A. W. McCarthy and M. I. Miller, Maximum Likelihood SPECT in Clinical Computation Times Using Mesh-Connected Parallel Computers. ESSRL-91-11 B. Rimoldi, On The Optimality of Uniform Quantization. ESSRL-91-12 M. E. Cain, B. Lindsey, R. M. Arthur, J. A. Markham and D. Ambos, Noninvasive detection of patients prone to life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias by frequency analysis of electrocardiographic signals, reprint from Cardiac Electrophysiology, From Cell to Bedside, D. P. Zipes and J. Jalife editors, W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1990. ESSRL-91-13 B. D. Lindsey, H. D. Ambos, A. E. Fischer, K. B. Schechtman, R. M. Arthur, and M. E. Cain, Noninvasive detection of patients with ischemic and nonischemic heart disease prone to ventricular fibrillation, reprint from J. American College of Cardiology, 1990. ESSRL-91-14 R. M. Arthur, H. D. Ambos, and M. E. Cain, Construction of Body-Surface Isoharmonic Maps from Frank XYZ Leads, reprint from Computers in Cardiology 1990. ESSRL-91-15 R. M. Arthur, Fundamentals of time- and frequency-domain analysis of signal-averaged electrocardiograms, reprint from Coronary Artery Disease, 1991. ESSRL-91-16 M. E. Cain, H. D. Ambos, J. Markham, B. D. Lindsay, and R. M. Arthur, Diagnostic Implications of Spectral and Temporal Analysis of the Entire Cardiac Cycle in Patients with Ventricular Tachycardia, reprint from Circulation, 1991. ESSRL-91-17 S. R. Broadstone and R. M. Arthur, Determination of Time-of-Flight Surfaces Using the Method of Moments, reprint from IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 1991. ESSRL-91-18 M. E. Cain, H. D. Ambos, R. M. Arthur, and B. D. Lindsay, Signal-Averaged Electrocardiography: Methods of Analysis and Clinical Impact. ESSRL-91-19 R. M. Arthur and S. R. Broadstone, The Effect Of Background Velocity Variation on the Point-Spread Function of Ultrasonic Transducer Arrays. ESSRL-91-20 P. Moulin, J. A. O'Sullivan, and D. L. Snyder, A Method of Sieves for Multiresolution Spectrum Estimation and Radar Imaging. ESSRL-91-21 S. W. Kwa, Design of a Switched-Capacitor DC Blocking Circuit for Applications with Stringent Zero-Mean Requirement, MSc. Thesis, May 1991. (page charge per copy) ESSRL-91-22 M. I. Miller and J. A. O'Sullivan, Entropies and Combinatorics of Random Branching Processes and Context-Free Languages. ESSRL-91-23 M. I. Miller and J. A. O'Sullivan, On the Entropy of Random Branching Processes. ESSRL-91-24 T. J. Schulz and D. L. Snyder, Image Recovery from Photon Differences. ESSRL-91-25 P. Moulin, J. A. O'Sullivan, and D. L. Snyder, A Sieve-Constrained Maximum-Likelihood Method for Target Imaging. ESSRL-91-26 C. S. Butler, T. R. Miller, J. W. Wallis, Experimental Verification of Point-Spreads for Siemen's Orbitor SPECT Camera. ESSRL-91-27 T. R. Miller, J. W. Wallis, C. S. Butler, M. I. Miller, and D. L. Snyder, Improved Brain SPECT By Maximum-Likelihood Reconstruction. ESSRL-91-28 K. E. Mark, M. I. Miller, Bayesian Model Selection and Minimum Description Length Estimation of Auditory-Nerve Discharge Rates. ESSRL-91-29 M. I. Miller, T. Lin, K. Mark, W. Bosch, Statistics of and Physiologic Basis for Self-Exciting Point-Process Models of Auditory-Nerve Discharge ESSRL-91-30 D. G. Politte, D. L. Snyder, Corrections for Accidental Coincidences and Attenuation in Maximum-Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Positron-Emission Tomography. Reprint from IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging. ESSRL-91-31 M. Miller, D. Maffitt, J. Shrauner, B. Roysam, and Ulf Grenander, Automated Segmentation of Biological Shapes in Electron Microscopic Autoradiography. ESSRL-91-32 J. A. O'Sullivan, A Transform Approach to Radar Imaging. ESSRL-91-33 J. A. O'Sullivan, Wideband Radar Imaging with Estimation Theory Applications. ESSRL-91-34 D. L. Snyder and M. I. Miller, Random Point Processes in Time and Space. (Table of Contents of textbook published by Springer Verlag.) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Carl Nett, cn4@prism.gatech.edu Control Configuration Design: Papers and MATLAB Toolbox Available Many modern engineering systems are so complex that issues of cost, maintainability, and reliability dominate their design and development. In many cases this dominance extends into the system controls. In general, the more complex the control system, the more it costs, the harder it is to maintain, and the less reliable it is. For these reasons, control system complexity is an important issue which should be directly addressed during control system design efforts. The complexity of a control system is largely determined by the underlying control configuration. The control system configuration is arrived at through a design process which considers the organizational aspects of the control system. These organizational aspects include the selection and partitioning of the measurements and manipulations to be used for closed--loop control. These two tasks constitute particularly important aspects of control configuration design, as the complexity of the resulting control system is primarily determined by i) the number of measurements and manipulations selected for closed--loop control, and ii) the number of distinct feedback paths employed from the measurements to the manipulations. Recently, progress has been reported on the control configuration design problem in a series of papers by Reeves, Nett, and Arkun. Though the progress represents only a modest beginning, the authors hope that their work will spur others to undertake research on this most important problem. As such, the authors have decided to make their work in this area widely available to others via e-mail. The specific items available by e-mail include: 1) A postscript file of the paper ``Control Configuration Design for Complex Systems: A Practical Theory,'' by Reeves, Nett, and Arkun. 2) A postscript file of the paper ``Control Configuration Design for a Mixed Vectored Thrust ASTOVL Aircraft in Hover'', by Hoskin, Nett, and Reeves. 3) A postcript file of the manual for a MATLAB Toolbox for Control Configuration Design authored by Reeves, Nett, and Arkun. 4) The complete set of m-files for the MATLAB toolbox described above. Note that there is NO CHARGE for this version of the software. However, Georgia Tech retains all rights to the software. The above items can be obtained via an ftp to licchus1.gatech.edu (address Use anonymous as your name, and pls use your real name as your password so that we can keep records as to who has obtained the software. This will allow us to directly contact users when updates become available. The files are located in the subdirectory pub/ccd_tools. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Dirk Slock Death of a Research Lab... As a consequence of the present difficult economic situation of Philips, Philips Research Laboratory Belgium (PRLB) closed down on June 30, 1991 and all its members will be laid off. PRLB was created in 1963. Its mission had been to provide research support in applied mathematics and computer science. It is a fact that PRLB had gained in the course of years an international reputation for the excellence of its research work in various fields and especially in applied mathematics. Notable in that respect were research contributions in circuit theory, coding theory and combinatorics, signal processing, neural nets, numerical linear algebra, telecommunications and cryptography. The fate of PRLB means the disappearance of one of the very few European industrial research centers in applied mathematics. PRLB members who were working in applied mathematics include: Xavier Aubert, Chris Blondia, Pierre-Jacques Courtois, Marc Davio, Philippe Delsarte, Claude Dierieck, Yves Genin, Yves Kamp, Vinciane Lacroix, Benoit Macq, Philippe Piret, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Christian Ronse, Guy Scheys, Pierre Semal, Dirk Slock, Andre Thayse, Vincent Van Dongen, Paul Van Dooren *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** End of E-LETTER 43