E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing ISSUE No. 40, 28 Mar 1991 Editors: Bradley W. Dickinson bradley@princeton.edu or bradley@pucc.bitnet Eduardo D. Sontag sontag@hilbert.rutgers.edu or sontag@pisces.bitnet Welcome. We remind you that items for posting can be emailed to either of the editors. PLEASE SEND CONTRIBUTIONS, since the eletter can only be useful if everyone participates. A REQUEST: It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the next line. In addition, please provide a 60-character title for the Contents. Thanks! NOTE: if you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching for the string: *.** Contents Changes to mailing list Personals: People on the move People going up Awards and Recognitions IEEE Control Systems Society News: Chapter Activities: NONE THIS ISSUE Journals: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (29-4, July 1991) SIAM Review (33-2, June 1991) Conferences: ****** NOTICE CONCERNING ON-LINE 91ACC PROGRAM ****** Nonlinear Control System Design (Bordeaux,24-26 June 1992) Nonlinear Circuits and Systems (Moscow, June 16-18, 1992) 1991 Communication Theo Wksp (Rhodes, Greece: Jun 30-Jul 6 1991) Advanced Algorithms (Bonas, France, Jul28-Aug10) 1991 Allerton Conference (Illinois, October 2-4, 1991) Int Symp Communications (Taiwan, Dec10 - 13, 1991) Integrated Engineering Workstations (Bucknell Univ, July 1991) New Books Published: SYSTEMS: ANALYSIS, DESIGN, AND COMPUTATION (B.W. Dickinson) APPLIED STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS (Eds M.H.A. Davis and R.J. Elliott) MULTIPLE ACCESS PROTOCOLS (R. Rom and M. Sidi) RANDOM POINT PROCESSES IN TIME & SPACE (D.L.Snyder & M.I.Miller) Faculty Positions Available: Post-doctoral position, Queen's University Post-doctoral position at University of Wisconsin Faculty and PH.D candidate, EE, Delft, The Netherlands. Reports available: Recent SYCON Technical Reports Misc: Release of the NAG Slicot Library Interactive Optimization-Based CAD Package *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the Editors: Changes/Additions to mailing list. Changes and Updates: ------------------- SRK7@psuvm.bitnet (Sri R. Kolla, Penn State Univ. - Shenango Campus) R0814@CUSOHIO.BITNET (Zhiqiang Gao, Cleveland State Univ.) aburdene@bucknell.edu (Maurice Aburdene, Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, PA) rperline@mcs.drexel.edu (Ron Perline, Drexel Univ., Philadelphia) zhang@ecse.rpi.edu (Ji Zhang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY) hoffmann@isl.stanford.edu (Gerard Hoffmann, Stanford Univ.) vbl@mtdcc.att.com (Victor Lawrence, AT&T Bell Laboratories) pramamoo@nest.ece.uc.edu (P. Ramamoorthy, Univ. of Cincinnati) chitrapu@duvm.ocs.drexel.edu (Prabhakar Rao Chitrapu, Drexel Univ.) gersho@ece.ucsb.edu (Allen Gersho, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara) ywu@ccf4.nrl.navy.mil (Y. Wu, Naval Research Labs) na.gragg@na-net.ornl.gov (Bill Gragg, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA) modiano@src.umd.edu (Eytan Modiano, Univ. of Maryland, College Park) angell@brahms.udel.edu (Thomas Angell, Univ. of Delaware, Newark) kleinman@brahms.udel.edu (Ralph Kleinman, Univ. of Delaware, Newark) Additions: --------- brandin@odin.control.utoronto.ca (B.A. Brandin, Univ. of Toronto) tjr@research.att.com (Tom Richardson, AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill) pearson@alex.engin.brown.edu (A.E. Pearson, Brown Univ.) canudas@lag.grenet.fr (Carlos Canudas de Wit, Lab. d'Automatique de Grenoble) tani@flab.fujitsu.co.jp (Tomohiko Taniguchi, Fujitsu Labs, Kawasaki, Japan) D157KMB@utarlg.uta.edu (Kliff Black, Univ. of Texas, Arlington) Gerrit.vanStraten@user.aenf.wau.nl (Gerrit van Straten, Wageningen Agric. Univ) janeye@crm.umontreal.ca (Jane Ye, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Montreal) jackson@ele.uri.edu (Leland Jackson, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston) ctchiu@src.umd.edu (Ching-Te (Grace) Chiu, Univ. of Maryland, College Park) chrisp@cs.uwa.oz.au (Chris Pudney, University of Western Australia, Nedlands) ywchang@cspl.src.umd.edu (Yu-Wen Chang, Univ. of Maryland, College Park) n8442161@unicorn.wwu.edu (Patrick Tuttle, Western Washington Univ., Bellingham) anyuwu@src.umd.edu (An-Yeu WU, Univ. of Maryland, College Park) tani@flab.fujitsu.co.jp (Tomohiko Taniguchi, Fujitsu Labs, Kawasaki, Japan) guuchang@ra.src.umd.edu (Guu-Chang Yang, Univ. of Maryland, College Park) ecbsoh@ntivax.bitnet ( C.B. Soh, Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore ) jcozzens@nsf.gov (John H. Cozzens, NSF, Washington) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the Editors -- PERSONALS ********** PEOPLE ON THE MOVE ************ (1) Dr. P. Ramamoorthy has returned to the Univeristy of Cincinnati after serving as a Program Director at NSF for the Circuits and Signal Processing Program. His email address is pramamoo@nest.ece.uc.edu. (2) Dr. John H. Cozzens (jcozzens@nsf.gov, 202-357-7853) has joined NSF as Program Director for the Circuits and Signal Processing Program. ********** PEOPLE GOING UP ************ ********** AWARDS AND RECOGNITION ************ ******* send us more information for the gossip column!!! ******* *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: SIAM Publications Department SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Table of Contents 29-4, July 1991 Some Results for an Optimal Control Problem with Semilinear State Equation Fausto Gozzi Model Matching and Factorization for Nonlinear Systems: A Structural Approach C. H. Moog, A. M. Perdon, and G. Conte Markov Decision Problems and State-Action Frequencies Eitan Altman and Adam Shwartz Stabilizability of Time-Periodic Parabolic Equations Alessandra Lundari A Perturbed Parallel Decomposition Method for a Class of Nonsmooth Convex Minimization Problems Khalil Mouallif, Van Hein Nguyen, and Jean-Jacques Strodiot On Eigenstructure Assignment by Gain Output Feedback Calixte Champetier and Jean-Francois Magni Structure and Classification Theorems of Finite-Dimensional Estimation Algebras Rui-Tao Dong, Luen-Fai Tam, Wing Shing Wong, and Stephen S.-T. Yau Structure at Infinity of Structured Descriptor Systems and Its Applications Kazuo Murota and Jacob W. Van Der Woude Necessary Conditions for Optimal Control of Distributed Parameter Systems Xunjing Li and Jiongmin Yong Optimal Control with Infinite Horizon for Distributed Parameter Systems with Constrained Controls G. Di Blasio On Output Feedback via Grassmannians Xiaochang Wang Optimal Control of the Running Max Arthur C. Heinricher and Richard H. Stockbridge Finite-Time Observer Design by Probabilistic-Variational Methods Matthew R. James An Exact Penalization Viewpoint of Constrained Optimization James V. Burke *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by SIAM Publications Department SIAM Review, June 1991 (Volume 33, Number 2) CONTENTS Articles Some Recent Advances in Network Flows Ravindra K. Ahuja, Thomas L. Magnanti, and James B. Orlin The Simplex and Projective Scaling Algorithms as Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Method Richard E. Stone and Craig A. Tovey Nilpotent and High-Order Approximations of Vector Field Systems Henry Hermes Classroom Notes in Applied Mathematics Problems Solutions Book Reviews Lindenmayer Systems, Fractals, and Plants (Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and James Hanan) Hassan Aref ABS Projection Algorithms: Mathematical Techniques for Linear and Nonlinear Equations (Jozsef Abaffy and Emilio Spedicato) K. A. Ariyawansa A History of Probability and Statistics: And Their Applications Before 1750 (Anders Haid) George A. Barnard Adaptive Control and Identification: Conflict or Conflux? (J. W. Polderman) Johann Baumeister Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics (H. T. Nguyen and G. S. Rogers) Kenneth N. Berk Nonlinear Dynamical Control Systems (H. Nijmeijer and A. J. van der Schaft) Anthony M. Bloch Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems in Science and Engineering (C. Rogers and W. F. Ames) George Bluman Games, Set, & Math: Enigmas and Conundrums (Ian Stewart) Vladimir G. Boltyanski Direct Methods in the Calculus of Variations (B. Dacoragna) Guy Bouchitte Nonnegative Matrices in Dynamic Systems (Abraham Berman, Michael Neumann, and Donald J. Stern) John H. Davis Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design: A Practical Guide (Gerald Farin) Tony DeRose Introduction to Theoretical Kinematics (J. M. McCarthy) Joseph Duffy Inverse Problems in Quantum Scattering Theory (K. Chadan and P. C. Sabatier) Dilip N. Ghosh Roy (Flow Algorithms) (G. M. Adel'son-Vel'ski, E. A. Dinits, and A. V. Karzanov) Andrew V. Goldberg and Dan Gusfield Singularity Theory, Rod Theory and Symmetry-Breaking Loads (John F. Pierce) Timothy J. Healey Electrodynamics of Continua (A. Cemal Eringen and Gerard A. Maugin) K. Hutter Vacillation and Predictability Properties of Low-Order Atmospheric Spectral Models (H. E. deSwart) Fei-Fei Jin Joseph Liouville 1809-1882: Master of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Jesper Lutzen) Nicholas D. Kazarinoff Simulated Annealing and Boltzmann Machines: A Stochastic Approach to Combinatorial Optimization and Neural Computing (Emile Aarts and Jan Korst) W. Kern ^L The Stable Marriage Problem: Structure and Algorithms (Dan Gusfield and Robert W. Irving) Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy Critical Point Theory and Hamiltonian Systems (Jean Mawhin and Michel Willem) Alan C. Lazer Dynamic Stability of Suddenly Loaded Structures (George J. Simitses) Herbert E. Lindberg Chaotic Evolution and Strange Attractors: The Statistical Analysis of Time Series for Deterministic Nonlinear Systems (David Ruelle) R. S. MacKay Continued Fractions in Statistical Applications (K. O. Bowman and L. R. Shenton) J. H. McCabe Differential Equations: Their Solution Using Symmetries (Hans Stephani) Peter J. Olver Limit Theorems for Stochastic Processes (J. Jacod and A. N. Shiryaev) Philip Protter Visual Reconstruction (Andrew Blake and Andrew Zisserman) Anand Rangarajan Chaotic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems (S. Neil Rasband) Clark Robinson Principles of Earthquake Source Mechanics (B. V. Kostrov and Shamita Das) John B. Rundle Asymptotic Analysis of a Class of Perturbed Korteweg-de Vries Initial Value Problems (F. DeKerf) Alwyn Scott The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators, I. (Lars Hormander) Joel A. Smoller The Hyperbolic Map and Applications to the Linear Quadratic Regulator (B. J. Daiuto, T. T. Hartley, and S. P. Chicatelli) Yieh-Hei Wan {2}-Inverses and Their Statistical Application (Albert J. Getson and Francis C. Hsuan) S. Zlobec Other Books Received Chronicle *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: the editors 91 ACC, Boston, June 1991 TECHNICAL PROGRAM AVAILABLE ELECTRONICALLY We have obtained a complete version of the 91ACC technical program. This includes complete listings for lectures, room assignments, etc. Unfortunately, the length of the file (142K bytes) makes it impractical to include in Eletter. If you desire a copy, please send a request to: sontag@hilbert.rutgers.edu. NOTE: many mailers will not accept such a long file. If you request this but the file can't be sent to your location, you will not receive anything (not even an error message). We are looking into setting up an FTP-accessible archive for such things as well as back issues of Eletter and --maybe-- a preprint depository. Anyone willing to help (and with a machine and few megabytes to spare), please let us know! *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: M. FLIESS NONLINEAR CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN SYMPOSIUM NOLCOS'92 24-26 June 1992 BORDEAUX, FRANCE First Announcement and Call for Papers ORGANIZED BY: AFCET, Paris, France Laboratoire des Signaux et Systemes, Gif-sur-Yvette, France Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Electronique et de Radioelectricite de Bordeaux, France SPONSORED BY: CNRS CNRS-GR Automatique IEEE-Control Society IFAC-Technical Committee on Theory INRIA SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE The aim of this second Nonlinear Control System Design Symposium is to bring together experts on various aspects of finite dimensional nonlinear control theory. Junior people are encouraged to attend and participate in the Conference. The Conference will consist of: % plenary lectures % invited sessions % contributed paper sessions The scope of the Conference includes all theoretical and practical aspects of Nonlinear Control. Applications of recently developed theories are particularly welcome. PLACE: Bordeaux, France. Bordeaux is a most enjoyable city, well-known for its wines and fine cuisine ! LANGUAGE: English. ESTIMATED FEES Registration: 400,- CHFr. (Swiss Francs) INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Prospective authors are invited to submit 4 copies of the full paper of at most 15 typed pages, headed with the paper title, names, affiliations and complete mailing addresses of all authors, fax number, with a 200 words abstract and 5 keywords. Accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings. DEADLINES October 1st, 1991 Submission of full papers January 15, 1992 Notification of acceptance March 1st, 1992 Reception of the typed papers Prospective authors should send their full papers to: NOLCOS'92 c/o M. FLIESS Laboratoire des Signaux et Systmes CNRS-ESE Plateau de Moulon 91192 GIF-SUR-YVETTE Cedex, FRANCE. Tel. (33) (1) 69 41 80 40 Fax: (33) (1) 69 41 30 60 E-mail: fliess@frese51.BITNET COPYRIGHT Only unpublished material may be submitted. At the discretion of the Managing Board of IFAC Publications, some or all of the Conference papers may be published in the IFAC Proceedings Series by Pergamon Press Plc. Oxford, England. Papers selected for the Proceedings will be further screened for possible publication in the IFAC Journal Automatica, which has priority access to all such material. IFAC Publications holds the copyright to the material contained in the Proceedings, in order to protect the interests of IFAC, the authors and their emplyers. Papers not selected for the Proceedings are released for submission elsewhere three months after the meeting, provided that the author has not been contacted by an Editor of Automatica within this period. Any IFAC Conference paper re-published or re-used in any other way must carry a reference to the IFAC Conference where it was presented and, if applicable, to the IFAC Conference Proceedings volume in which it was published. Chairman: M. FLIESS (F) Vice-Chairmen: J. DESCUSSE (F) J.W. GRIZZLE (USA) A. ISIDORI (I) J. LEVINE (F) Local Arrangements Chairman: A. OUSTALOUP (F) International Programme Committee: A.A. AGRACHEV (USSR) C.F. MARTIN (USA) G. BASTIN (B) N.H. McCLAMROCH (USA) G. BORNARD (F) S. MONACO (I) C.I. BYRNES (USA) H. NIJMEIJER (NL) J. CHIASSON (USA) D. NORMAND-CYROT (F) D. CLAUDE (F) L. PRALY (F) P. CROUCH (USA) W. RESPONDEK (PL) M.D. DI BENEDETTO (I) W.J. RUGH (USA) H. FRANKOWSKA (F) G. SALLET (F) J.P. GAUTHIER (F) S.S. SASTRY (USA) S.T. GLAD (S) A.J. van der SCHAFT (NL) D. HILL (AUS) H. SIRA-RAMIREZ (VEN) B. JAKUBCZYK (PL) J.J.E. SLOTINE (USA) V. JURDJEVIC (CND) E.D. SONTAG (USA) H.W. KNOBLOCH (D) H.J. SUSSMANN (USA) P.V. KOKOTOVIC (USA) T.J. TARN (USA) A.J. KRENER (USA) J. TSINIAS (GR) F. LAMNABHI-LAGARRIGUE (F) M. ZEITZ (D) I.D. LANDAU (F) Name: Mailing address: Tel: Fax: E-mail: I suggest to send further announcements also to: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu (A.H.Zemanian) INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON NONLINEAR CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS Moscow, June 16-18, 1992 The A.S.Popov All-Union Scientific-Technical Society for Radio Engineering, Electronics, and Telecommunications (USSR), in cooperation with the Circuits and Systems Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers will hold an International Seminar on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems in Moscow during June 16-18, 1992. The work of the seminar will be organized into the following subjects: Dynamic systems analysis. Nonlinear circuit analysis. Computational methods and software for nonlinear circuits and systems. Computer-aided nonlinear systems synthesis and design. Nonlinear signal processing in communications and management. The seminar will be organized into plenary and session meetings. Reports on the main aspects of the seminar will be delivered as plenary lectures. Accepted papers will be published in the Seminar Proceedings. The working languages of the seminar are English and Russian. Simultaneous translations of all presentations will be provided. Submission of Papers: The preliminary selection of papers will be made from one-page abstracts. Submissions from the USA and from the USSR should be made to the respective addresses given below. Abstracts from other countries may be submitted to either address. Authors are requested to send four copies of one-page abstracts not later than August 1, 1991. Authors will be notified of acceptance by October 30, 1991. The Second Announcement for the Seminar will contain information about the preparation of papers. Final camera-ready papers are to be submitted to the USSR National Organizing Committee not later than February 1, 1992. The address for the submissions of abstracts in the USA is: International Seminar on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems c/o A. H. Zemanian Dept. of Electrical Engineering State University of New York Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794-2350 U.S.A The address for submission of abstracts in the USSR and for all camera-ready final manuscripts is: USSR National Organizing Committee International Seminar on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems A.S.Popov Society REET Kuznetsky Most, 20 103897 Moscow Centre GSP-3 USSR Tel: 924-80-84 Telex: 411700 Society REET 002442 Fax: 200-22-16, 200-22-17 Society REET 002442 TheInternational Organizing Committee is the following. Co-Chairmen: V. V. Shakhgildian, USS A. H. Zemanian, USA Members: Yu. A. Bryukhanov, USSR L. Chua, USA R. de Figueiredo, USA A. S. Dmitriev, USSR Yu. V. Gulyaev, USSR M. I. Hasler, Switzerland G. S. Lantsberg, USSR G. A. Leonov, USSR R. W. Liu, USA A. N. Michel, USA T. Matsumoto, Japan J. A. Nossek, Germany I. W. Sandberg, USA V. D. Shalfeev, USSR I. O. Shurchkov, USSR L. A. Sinitski, USSR A. L. Sukhorov, USSR L. Ye. Varakin, USSR *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by vax135!rich (Richard D. Gitlin) THE 1991 COMMUNICATION THEORY WORKSHOP IS "ON" RHODES, GREECE: JUNE 30 - JULY 6, 1991 This is to let you know that the 1991 Communication Theory Workshop is ON. The workshop will be held AS SCHEDULED from June 30 - July 6 in Rhodes, Greece. A letter with a detailed program will be sent to you within a week. All the sessions that were listed in our initial mailing will be held. The hotel deadline has been extended to April 20. Please register with the Zeus Network as soon as possible for both the hotel and the Workshop. The address and the phone numbers for Zeus are below. Please pass this e-mail on to people who might be interested in attending the workshop. If you need a registration form, please call: Zeus Network 566 7th Avenue, 6th Floor New York, N.Y. 10018 800-447-5667 or 212-221-0006 212-764-7912 (FAX) Rich Gitlin Nick Zervos rich@vax135.att.com zervos@mtdcc.att.com 908-949-2255 908-957-2085 908-949-9115 (FAX) 908-957-7309 (FAX) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Patrick Dewilde, Delft University of Technology, dewilde@dutentb.et.tudelft.nl WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED ALGORITHMS AND THEIR REALIZATION Bonas, France, July 28th-August 10th 1. Description A two week workshop and course on advanced numerical algorithms and their realization will be held in Bonas (Southern France) under the auspices of the Network Theory Section of Delft University of Techno- logy. It will be largely informal with courses in the morning and workshop sessions in the afternoon, giving ample time for communication between participants. Courses will treat: new methods and algorithms in system theory, circuit theory for time-varying and non-linear com- putations, problems in computational algebra, the synthesis of dedi- cated array processors and applications in image processing, inverse imaging, operations research and computer graphics. Lecturers are presently being recruited and will be top researchers in the various fields (they will include H. Dym, S. and R. Nandy, J. Zarzycki, E. Deprettere, A.-J. van der Veen, M. Verhaegen, P. Dewilde). 2. Cost and Registration The participation fee will be Dfl. (Dutch Guilders) 2600 for a single person and Dfl. 4500 for a couple (present rate 1Dfl = 0.52$). The fee basically covers lodging and full pension in the beautiful and comfortable Chateau de Bonas located in the foothills of the Pyrenees. The course itself, including course materials is free and covered by a grant from JEMNA. 3.Preliminary program and topics Courses: * Advanced system theory, models, mathematical properties, transforms (including the new W-transform), computational models, embedding, scattering and inverse scattering, optimal realization theory, philosophical problems of a system-theoretical nature. * Non-linear systems, their representation, Volterra series, their identification. * Modern computational methods in system and signal identification. * Interpolation theory and its relation to system theory. * Model theory for ODE's and PDE's, finite element theory, optimal model reduction theory for large systems, examples using Maxwell's equations. * Generalized AAK theory. * From algorithmic description to parallel processing architectures: parsing to dependence graphs, single assignment descriptions, generation of distributed control, clustering and partitioning, division of tasks between software and hardware, links to silicon compilation. * Parallel processing and the design of parallel algorithms, examples: Synthetic Aperture Radar, Direction of Arrival, Acoustic Camera, Computer Graphics, System identification and Robotics, solving systems of equations, eigenvalue and singular value problems. Workshops: The workshops will concentrate on research problems arising in the course of the lectures and on research problems proposed by participants. They will be divided in two sets: algorithmic problems and synthesis problems which will be intertwined. 4. Workshop format The workshop will be kept informal in all respects. The purpose will not be to put pressure on the participants, but to create an atmosphere of creative thinking and discourse. To smoot the procedures of the workshop, the day organizer will collect propositions for problem speci- fication and discussion. A schedule will be made on a day to day basis. Insight and solutions will be reached by suggestions and discussions, with ample participation of the audience. The final program will also be constituted in this way: problem rather than topic oriented. 5. Who can attend? The number of participants is limited to 30 people actively engaged in research in the area of interest. Participation is by invitation only, the aim being to constitute a reasonably homogeneous group of lecturers and students capable of interacting at research level. Prospective participants are kindly asked to send or fax application data as detailed under point 6. A final program and further information will be sent to selected invitees. If necessary, please include a Curriculum Vitae and/or a letter of reference. Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis! 6. Registration form(please produce the form yourself): I am interested to participate in the Bonas Workshop on Advanced Algorithms and their Realization! Name: Position: Adress: Tel: Fax: email: Couple(Y/N)? I would like to participate as a lecturer(Y/N): with topic: I understand that participation will be by invitation only and that it will require payment of lodging and boarding fees in advance. Date: Signature: Please return form and additional material (if desired) at your earliest convenience to the workshop secretary: Dr. Michel Verhaegen, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, POB 5031, 2600GA, DELFT, the Netherlands, FAX: 31-15-623671. (end) TITLE OF CONTRIBUTION: Bonas Workshop on Advanced Algorithms and their Realization (announcement). *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by gc@csrd.uiuc.edu (George Cybenko) TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL ALLERTON CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION, CONTROL, AND COMPUTING OCTOBER 2-4, 1991 The Twenty-Ninth Annual Allerton Conference will be held October 2-4, 1991 at Allerton House, the conference center of the University of Illinois. Allerton House is located twenty-six miles southwest of the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University in a wooded area on the San- gamon River. It is part of the fifteen hundred acre Robert Allerton Park, near Monticello, Illinois. Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of com- munication systems, information theory and coding, detection and esti- mation, communication networks, mobile radio, control systems, adap- tive control, optimization, dynamic games, large scale systems, robot- ics and automation, manufacturing systems, adaptive signal processing, spectral estimation and sensor arrays, signal and image reconstruc- tion, image processing, neural networks, combinatorial and geometric algorithms, computational complexity, parallel and distributed compu- tation and VLSI algorithms. Professor Dimitri P. Bertsekas of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology will present the plenary lecture. Information for authors: Two kinds of papers are solicited. The first are regular papers for presentation in twenty minutes; these papers will be published in the conference Proceedings. The second are short papers suitable for presentation in ten minutes; only summaries of these papers will be published in the Proceedings. The purpose of the short paper category is to encourage authors to present prelim- inary results of their work. For regular papers, a title and a five to ten page extended abstract, including references and sufficient detail to permit careful reviewing are required. For short papers, a title and a thousand word summary are required. Two copies of the manuscript must be received by July 15, 1991. Manuscripts that are submitted as regular papers but cannot be accommodated in that category will be considered in the short paper category, unless the authors indicate otherwise. Authors will be notified of acceptance by August 26, 1991, at which time they will also receive special sheets for the preparation of papers for the Proceedings. The length of regular papers is limited to the equivalent of ten single-spaced 81/2-by-11 inch pages. The length of short papers is limited to two such pages. All manuscripts should be mailed to Allerton Conference Program Chair- men, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Coordinated Science Laboratory, 1101 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, Illinois 61801. Please indicate clearly the name and address of the author who should receive all subsequent correspondence. Conference Co-Chairs: George Cybenko, Constantine Polychronopoulos, and Mark Spong COORDINATED SCIENCE LABORATORY AND DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: M. S. Kao 1991 International Symposium on Communications ---------------------------------------------- ISCOM'91 / TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF TAIWAN Cosponsored by IEEE, Taipei Section IEEE Communication Society, Taipei Chapter URSI, Republic of China Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers December 10 - 13, 1991 Interntional Conference Center National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan 70101, R.O.C. Call for Papers The 1991 International Symposium on Communications will be held at the International Conference Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. from 11-13 December 1991. The Symposium will include regular papers on all aspects and special invited sessions on specific advanced aspects of theory, design, and applications of communications. The intensive tutorials in selected subjects will be offered on 10 December, 1991. In addition, an industrial exhibition will also be featured in conjunction with the Symposium. The Technical Committee is inviting papers describing original work in all aspects of communications. Topics for the regular sessions include, but are not limited to, the following areas: * Speech Processing, Analysis, and Coding * Detection and Estimation * Electromagnetics and Antenna Theory * ISDN and Broadband Networks * Information, Modulation, Coding Theory * Spectrum Estimation * Radar and Sonar Signal Processing * Pattern Recognition * Digital Signal Processing * Satellite Communications * Data Communications and Networking * HDTV * Microwave and Electro-Optical Engineering * Neural Networks * Cryptography and Data Security * VLSI Signal Processing * Image Processing, Analysis, Coding * Array Signal Processing * Radio Propagations and Ionosphere Physics * Mobile Communications * OSI Standard and Technology * Communication Protocol * Personal Communications * SONET & Optical Communications * Switching Technologies * Multimedium Systems Authors are invited to submit FOUR copies of: 1) a 200-word abstract with the authors' names, addresses, affiliations, telephone/fax/telex numbers and indications of one or more of the above categories that best desribe the topic of the paper; 2) a complete manuscript (20-page maximum) typed in English, double-spaced, on one side of each page size 8 1/2" by 11" to one of the follows: Professor J. F. Wang Professor M. T. (Mike) Liu Institute of Information Dept. of Computer $ Information Science National Cheng Kung Univ. The Ohio State Univ. Tainan, Taiwan 70101, ROC 2036 Neil Avenue, Columbus Ohio 43210, USA TEL: 886-6-274-7076 TEL: 1-614-292-6552 FAX: 886-6-274-7076 FAX: 1-614-292-9021 Email: Email: Author's schedule : Deadline for Submissions: July 15, 1991 Notification of Acceptance: September 1, 1991 Camera-Ready Papers: October 15, 1991 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by ABURDENE@coral.bucknell.edu (Maurice Aburdene) Workshop on Integrated Engineering Workstations for Science and Engineering Faculty Bucknell University The purpose of this workshop is to offer undergraduate faculty the opportunity to learn about several types of Integrated Engineering Workstations (IEW's) of varying complexity and capabilities. An IEW consists of a microcomputer interfaced to data acquisition, test and control instrumentation. Through experimental hands-on experiences in laboratory sessions, the participants will also develop an experiment and course materials for their own laboratory. Two similar one week sessions will be offered on: July 7-12, 1991 July 14-19, 1991 at: Bucknell University Electrical Engineering Department Lewisburg, PA, 17837 (717)-524-1234 PARTICIPANT SUPPORT: The workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and Bucknell University. There are no registration fees or tuition expenses for this workshop. Housing will be in air-conditioned residential areas on Bucknell's picturesque campus. Housing and meals in our cafeteria will be covered by the National Science Foundation. Participants are responsible for their travel and other indidental expenses. PARTICIPANT SELECTION: The selection process will rely heavily on nominations by department heads\ or chairs of the participant's home institution. The workshop is intended for teachers of science and engineering in the US who are committed to undergraduate education and who have not yet had extensive exposure to integrated engineering workstations. The participants will develop an experiment and class material for implementation at their home institutions. We will sustain the development of these experiments by providing information through an electronic mail network. (Reached at mastascu@bucknell.edu) The participants selected are required to submit a project proposal outlining the work to be undertaken after the workshop. We will be pleased to help participants formulate their proposals. WORKSHOP OUTLINE: We will begin with fundamental computer concepts, proceed to workstation and instrumentation concepts, and conclude with applications. Ample time will be provided for planning and construction of the participants' projects. Our IEW's include personal computers with data acquisition and control instruments, including Hewlett Packard control computers, IBM PC's, IEEE-488 instrumentation and a lab with an ethernet network of computers using IEEE-488 instruments for distributed data acquisition and control. WORKSHOP FACULTY: Maurice F. Aburdene, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science William J. Snyder, Professor of Chemical Engineering Edward J. Mastascusa, Professor of Electrical Engineering WORKSHOP ASSISTANTS: Thomas Thul, Electronic Technician WHERE TO SEND APPLICATION FORM The application form may be returned by electronic mail to: mastascu@bucknell.edu or through US Mail to: E. J. Mastascusa Electrical Engineering Department Bucknell University Lewisburg PA 17837 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION FORM Name of Applicant: College or University: Mailing Address: Session 1 (July 7-12, 1991): Session 2 (July 14-19, 1991): Department Chair: Address of Department Chair and Applicant: Special Needs: END OF APPLICATION FORM *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Bradley Dickinson Announcing a New Book SYSTEMS: Analysis, Design, and Computation Bradley W. Dickinson -From the Preface- The major premise behind this book is that a valuable and interesting approach to the teaching of undergraduate systems and signals material can be based on a set of topics having clear importance in modern computer-aided system analysis and design. In an electrical engineering curriculum, the ``systems and signals'' courses have traditionally provided considerable exposure to important applied mathematics material; it seems very appropriate that these courses reflect the evolution of engineering practice, especially with regard to the recent rapid advances in computer-aided\ design and analysis technology. ... This book provides an introduction to analytical and computational methods of fundamental importance for computer-aided systems analysis and design. The aim is to provide an understanding of basics, and the book is written at an introductory level, in the sense that no substantial sophistication in any application is assumed. ... In addition to a sophomore-level engineering familiarity with electrical and mechanical systems, a mathematical background including linear algebra and differential equations is assumed. Important background material is introduced, reviewed, and motivated by applications. The discussion of a few relatively sophisticated mathematical ideas relies on intuition and analogies rather than on rigorous formalism. Examples are used throughout to reinforce ideas and to demonstrate applications. Table of Contents 1. The Mathematical Toolbox: Linear Algebra and Matrices Some Topics in Matrix Algebra Linear Equations and Matrix Factorizations Matrix Calculus Appendix: Some Basic Facts About Matrices and Linear Algebra 2. Linear Systems Differential Equations and Linear State Space Systems Inputs, Outputs, and States Stability Frequency Domain Characteristics of Linear Systems Time Domain Characteristics of Linear Systems Discrete-Time Linear Systems 3. Discretization of Continuous-Time Systems Basic Discretization Techniques Analysis of Discretization Techniques Discretization and Digital Filter Design Discretization for Distributed Parameter Systems 4. Nonlinear Systems Derivatives and Applications Linearization and Stability Qualitative Behavior of Nonlinear Systems Nonlinear Systems and Neural Networks Input-Output Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Piecewise Linear Systems 5. Optimization Parameter Optimization Numerical Optimization Techniques Path Optimization Problems and the Principle of Optimality Ordering information: Title: SYSTEMS: Analysis, Design, and Computation Publisher: Prentice-Hall Inc. ISBN: 0-13-338047-5 By mail: Prentice Hall, Inc. ATTN: Customer Service Route 9W Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 USA By phone: 1-800-223-1360 in the USA Price: US $44.00 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Mark Davis, University of Oslo (mdavis@ikaros.uio.no) APPLIED STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS Eds M.H.A.Davis and R.J.Elliott Stochastics Monographs Vol 5, Gordon and Breach, London/New York 1991, 571pp This volume is now available (ISBN 2-88124-716-4). It contains 22 articles based on papers presented at a workshop at Imperial College London, April 1989. Topics: Characterization and approximation for stochastic system models; stochastic control; filtering estimation and identification; stochastic models in finance. Contributors: V.E.Benes, A. Bensoussan, H. Chen, N. Christopeit,J.M.C.Clark, M.H.A.Davis, B. Delyon, M.A.H.Dempster, G.B.Di Masi, P.Dupuis, R.J.Elliott, L.Foldes, H.Follmer, U.G.Haussmann, K.Helmes, A.J.Heunis, H.Huang, M.R.James I.Karatzas, H.J.Kushner, F. Le Gland, A.Mandelbaum, R.W.Rishel, W.Runggaldier, S.E.Shreve, M. Schweizer, M.Soner, R.J.B.Wets, O.Zeitouni, Q. Zhang *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Moshe Sidi Announcing a Recent Book MULTIPLE ACCESS PROTOCOLS: Performance and Analysis Raphael Rom and Moshe Sidi Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel rom@hudson.stanford.edu moshe@techsel.technion.ac.il Published by Springer-Verlag 1990 177 pages, 41 illustrations, Hardcover, $39.00 ISBN 0-387-97253-6 (800-SPRINGE, in NJ 201-348-4033) The analysis of multiaccess communication systems is explored in this comprehensive text. The orientation is mathematical, but always with the pragmatic goal of understanding the operation of the systems. By examining several systems that differ from one another in their purpose, system characteristics, and/or method of analysis, the book covers all types of systems, and most of the relevant analytic methods. Instructors, graduate students and professionals will welcome this unified presentation of material. For the student, there are exercises based on the analyses. For the professional, there is an extensive bibliography. The book can serve both as a text and as reference book. CONTENTS Introduction Protocol Classification The System Model Conflict-Free Access Protocols Frequency Division Multiple Access Time Division Multiple Access Generalized Tdma Dynamic Conflict-Free Protocols Related Analysis Exercises Aloha Protocols Pure Aloha Slotted Aloha Slotted Aloha - Finite Number of Users (In)stability of Aloha Protocols Related Analysis Exercises Carrier Sensing Protocols Nonpersistent Carrier Sense Multiple Access 1-Persistent Carrier Sense Multiple Access Slotted Carrier Sense Multiple Access Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection Related Analysis Exercises Collision Resolution Protocols The Binary-Tree Protocol Enhanced Protocols Limited Sensing Protocols Related Analysis Exercises Additional Topics Bibliography *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: dls@saturn.wustl.edu (D. L. Snyder, Washington Univ.) ---> NEW TEXTBOOK OF INTEREST IN SIGNAL & IMAGE PROCESSING <--- Title: Random Point Processes in Time and Space Authors: Donald L. Snyder and Michael I. Miller Publisher: Springer-Verlag (Electrical Engineering Series) Telephone Orders: 1-800-SPRINGE ISBN: 0-387-97577-2 Availability: May 1991 Price: $55.00 (hardcover, 492 pp., 76 illus.) This book is a revision of RANDOM POINT PROCESSES written by D. L. Snyder in 1975. More emphasis is now given to point processes on multidimensional spaces, especially to processes in two dimensions. This reflects the tremendous increase that has taken place in the use of point-process models for the description of data from which images of objects of interest are formed in a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. A new chapter, Translated Poisson Processes, has been added, and several of the chapters in the first edition have been modified to accommodate this new material. The book develops the theory and application of random point processes, starting with the Poisson process in time and space. Modifications of this process yield a hierarchy of increasingly more complex models that include translated, compound, filtered, and doubly stochastic Poisson processes. Many of the applications given are examples of nonparametric intensity estimation, which provides the major motivation for new results on constrained estimation through the use of regularization. In recent years, there has been an explosion of methods for such regularization in nonparametric density estimation, including Grenander's method of sieves, penalized likelihood approaches, and Rissanen's description length complexity methods. The use of Grenander's sieves and of Good's and Tapia and Thompson's work in penalized likelihood estimation is developed for estimating intensity functions of point processes. Application in emission tomography, faint-object imaging, and auditory signal processing are given. New results are also presented for estimating hazard functions for self-exciting point-process models. Chapter Titles: Point and Counting Processes. Poisson Processes. Translated Poisson Processes. Compound Poisson Processes. Filtered Poisson Processes. Self-Exciting Point Processes. Doubly Stochastic Poisson Processes. Each chapter contains a problem section, making the book suitable for use as a textbook at the graduate level. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: cebuhar@wac.mast.queensu.ca POST-DOCTORAL POSITION, QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada) has a post-doctoral position in the control area, for 91/92. Strong applicants with interests in nonlinear control problems are sought. The appointment is for a minimun of six months, and up to a year. Teaching one course may supplement income. Please send applications and/or enquires to Prof. R.M. Hirschorn Jeffery Hall, Rm 414 Queen's University Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 CANADA *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: vanveen@engr.wisc.edu (Barry Van Veen) UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Post-doctoral Position Available Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research position at the Universit\y of Wisconsin - Madison. The person selected will conduct research on nonlinear systems analysis and identification with applications to the auditory system. \A strong signal processing background is required. The position is for one year and may be renewable with a preferred starting date no later than summer 91. Anyone interested please contact: Professor Barry Van Veen University of Wisconsin 1415 Johnson Drive Madison, WI 53575 (608) 262-6249 vanveen@engr.wisc.edu *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Ed F. Depretter- DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY. *********OPEN POSITIONS*********** Junior Scientist Position and Ph.D. Candidate Position In connection with the project Modeling and Determination of Parasitics in Submicron VLSI Layouts at the Network Theory Section of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, the above mentioned positions are currently open. The project aims at an advanced system for the modeling of submicron IC interconnect structures. The ongoing miniaturization of IC's-0.5 micron feature size is quickly becoming available-causes new design related problems. Because of their minute dimensions, the circuit elements behave differently. One aspect of this changed behavior is the relative increase of parasitic resistances, ground capacitances and coupling capacitances. An IC designer who does not properly account for these effects runs the risk that his design does not function as intended. The problem is especially severe in combined analog/digital (e.g. BICMOS) circuits. Not only are these parasitic effects becoming more prominent, they are also becoming more difficult to determine: traditional, heuristic methods are inadequate. Instead, completely new methods are necessary to capture these effects into suitable models. The goal of the present case project is to develop these methods and models. TASK ==== You will be part of a team carrying out research to develop such a modeling system. You will build on the knowledge available in the laboratory, as was developed in a precursor project. After a thorough study of those results, you will extend the theory in order to come to a system capable of delivering accurate (but not over-accurate) models that enable designers to predict the crosstalk between different subcircuits. Relevant physical aspects are e.g.: + interconnect capacitances of non-planar structures, + capacitive effects of diffused conductors, + the resistive nature of the substrate. The newly developed theory will lead towards a prototype implementation in the Nelsis IC design system. REQUIREMENTS ============ The positions can be characterized as multi-disciplinary: electrical engineering, physics, linear algebra, numerical mathematics and computer science are all relevant. Applicants should have a grade in one of these disciplines, preferably their education and/or experience shows a good mix of these disciplines. It is the intention that the research will lead to dissertations. NOTE ==== An appointment will be temporal with a duration of 4 years. INFORMATION =========== For more information, please apply to Dr. N.P. van der Meijs tel. +31-15-786258 email: nick@et.tudelft.nl or Prof. P. Dewilde tel. +31-15-786234, email: dewilde@dutentb.et.tudelft.nl. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: E.Sontag RECENT TECHNICAL REPORTS SYCON -- Rutgers Center for Systems and Control [91-03]* "Further results on universal formulas for nonlinear stabilization," by Yuandan Lin and Eduardo D. Sontag, Mar.91 (12 pp). [91-04]* "Limits of the Wong-Zakai type with a modified drift term," by H.J. Sussmann, Mar.91 (14 pp). Electronic abstracts and/or copies of reports can be requested from sycon@fermat.rutgers.edu (A complete list of abstracts is available by e-mail from the same address) **NOTE**: for reports marked (*), an electronic version (TeX or LaTeX) is available by e-mail. For these, there will be a small charge if hardcopies are requested, to cover reproduction and mailing costs. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Paul Van Dooren RELEASE OF THE NAG SLICOT LIBRARY The Subroutine Library in COntrol Theory (SLICOT) is a collaborative effort between the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) and the Benelux Working Group on Software (WGS). SLICOT is a library of FORTRAN 77 subroutines for control systems analysis and design and consists of 68 user-callable routines covering a wide range of applications areas within control theory. Great care has been taken to build SLICOT on reliable and robust algorithms. Wherever possible, numerical and statistical routines >from the NAG Fortran library are used. The SLICOT library can be run on any machine using a Fortran 77 compiler. Source text (including example programs) is provided. The current NAG price lies around 500 UKPounds for academic institutes and 1000 UKPounds for indutry. A short description of the contents of the library is given below : Utility routines (2 routines): Printing real matrices and evaluating machine-dependent parameters Mathematical routines (20 routines): Basic linear algebra operations, linear equations, (total) least squares, eigenanalysis, balancing, transformations to diagonal bidiagonal and Hessenberg forms, Choleski decomposition, matrix exponential Transformation routines (18 routines): Transformations from state-space to various canonical forms, to transfer functions and polynomial matrix representation, from polynomial matrix form to transfer matrix and vice-versa, Markov parametrization from state-space and transfer matrix Analysis routines (11 routines): Reduction to minimal state space models, continuous to discrete, interconnection of subsystems, dual forms, invariant zeros, Hankel and Toeplitz expansion of multivariable sequences, deadbeat control Synthesis routines (9 routines): Pole placement, algebraic Riccati equations, Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, realisation methods, optimal control and spectral factorization Data Analysis (4 routines): Convolution and deconvolution, forward and inverse Fourier transform, anti-aliasing windowing Filtering (4 routines): Kalman filtering in different square root implementations SLICOT is also a continuing effort. The WGS is responsible for following the evolution of numerical algorithms in the area and tries to complete the library in this respect (possibly by inviting experts to contribute their software to the library). A 2nd release is currently being produced and will contain up to 20 new routines. In the future we also hope to be able to include a chapter of nonlinear methods and adaptive control. To obtain more information about SLICOT please reply to one of the following addresses : NAG c/o A. Brown WGS c/o R. Kool Wilkinson House Eindhoven University of Technology Jordan Hill Road Dept. Math. & Comp. Sc., DG 1.08 OXFORD P.O. Box 513 OX2 8DR NL-5600 MB Eindhoven United Kingdom The Netherlands Tel: +44 865 511245 Tel: +31 40 472374 Fax: +44 865 310139 Fax: +31 40 442150 NAGAAB@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK WSCOLB@HEITUE5 (on BITNET) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Andre Tits CONSOLE: Interactive Optimization-Based CAD Package Now Available CONSOLE Version 1.1, developed at the University of Maryland and Georgia Tech, is now available. CONSOLE is an interactive optimization-based package for computer-aided design of systems (taken in a broad sense). CONSOLE includes a problem definition language and a powerful optimizer (allowing, e.g., functional constraints), and emphasizes interactive tradeoff exploration. At this time, only the Sun(TM) version is being distributed. CONSOLE is available free of charge to academic users, but may not be redistributed without the authors' approval. To obtain the code, please contact Michael Fan (eefacmf@prism.gatech.edu) or Andre Tits (andre@src.umd.edu). *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** End of Eletter 40