E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 192, August, 2004

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 192, August, 2004

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
           Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter/


0.      Editorial

1.	Personals

2.	Awards Honors
	2.1	Manfred Morari wins IEEE Control Systems Field Award
	2.2	Tamer Basar wins IFAC's Quazza Medal

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	Nonlinear Dynamics in Information Communication Technology
	3.2	Summer School on Hybrid Systems
	3.3	Workshop on Stochastic Hybrid Systems at CDC

4.	Positions
	4.1	Design Engineer: GE China
	4.2	Endowed Faculty: University of Akron USA
	4.3	Faculty: Texas A&M University USA
	4.4	Faculty: Utah State University USA
	4.5	PDF: United States Naval Academy USA
	4.6	Ph.D. City University of New York USA
	4.7	Ph.D Post-Doc: Hamilton Institute Ireland
	4.8	PhD: University of New South Wales Australia
	4.9	Post-Doc: CNRS-L2S France
	4.10	Post-Doc: University of Minho PT
	4.11	Res Assoc: University of Leicester UK
	4.12	Research Fellow: NUS Singapore
	4.13	Research Scientists: Hamilton Institute Ireland

5.	Books
	5.1	Linear Systems Theory: A Structural Decomposition Approach
	5.2	Mathematics of Finance
	5.3	Process Dynamics and Control 2nd Edition

6.	Journals
	6.1	CFP: Asian Journal of Control
	6.2	CFP: EURASIP J on Applied Signal Processing
	6.3	CFP: Innovational Computing and Information Control
	6.4	Contents: Automatica
	6.5	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	6.6	Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
	6.7	Contents: IEE Proceedings Control Theory and Applications
	6.8	Contents: ISA Transactions

7.	Conferences
	7.1	16th IFAC World Congress
	7.2	5th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems
	7.3	5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Soft Computing
	7.4	Call for Participation: Nolcos 2004
	7.5	Conference on System Modeling and Optimization
	7.6	International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering
	7.7	Workshop on Structural Stability of Nonsmooth and Hybrid Systems

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Welcome to the 191-st issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of August 2004.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
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A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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No submissions

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                          Awards Honors
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Contributed by: Frank Doyle, 

2.1 Manfred Morari wins IEEE Control Systems Field Award
Manfred Morari was selected to be the recipient of the 2005 IEEE Control
Systems Award, the highest honor of the IEEE in the control field.

The notification letter by Dr. Arthur W. Winston, IEEE President reads:
Recognizing exceptional achievements in our profession, by both individuals
and organizations, is an important part of the mission of the IEEE. Each year
the IEEE Awards Board recommends a select group of recipients to receive the
IEEE's most prestigious honors. It is my pleasure to inform you that the IEEE
Board of Directors has named you the recipient of the 2005 IEEE Control
Systems Award with the following citation:
"For pioneering contributions to the theory and application of robust process,
model predictive, and hybrid systems control"

Contributed by: Pradeep Misra, 

2.2 Tamer Basar wins IFAC's Quazza Medal

Tamer Basar, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign has been selected as
the recipient of the prestigious Giorgio Quazza Medal, awarded by the
International Federation of Automatic Control.

This is an IFAC award to a distinguished control engineer, presented at each 
IFAC World Congress as a memorial to the late Giorgio Quazza, a leading
Italian electrical and control engineer who served IFAC in many capacities in
a most distinguished manner. The medal is awarded by the IFAC Council on the
recommendation of a selection committee.

The award will be presented at the 2005 IFAC Congress in Prague, Czech
Republic, from July 4 to July 8, 2005

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: M. di Bernardo, 

3.1 Nonlinear Dynamics in Information Communication Technology

International workshop on
Nonlinear Dynamics in Information Communication Technology
Bologna, Italy 6-8 September 2004

An international workshop sponsored by the Italian Society for Chaos and 
Complexity (SICC) and the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society will take place
in Bologna from 6th to the 8th September 2004.

The Workshop aims at reviewing the fundamentals and outlining the research 
perspectives on the use of nonlinear models with complex dynamics in various
areas of ICT such as Power Electronics and Switching Systems, Communication
Networks and Coding. 

Ph.D. students and young researchers from all branches of ICT are encouraged 
to participate, as well as to submit their work for poster presentation. This
will give them the chance of discussing their research with colleagues and
outstanding scientists in the field. 

Further details and the application form can be found on 

Contributed by: John Lygeros, 

3.2 Summer School on Hybrid Systems

Hybrid Systems: A Formal Paradigm for Safety Critical Embedded Systems
22-23-24 September 2004
Culture & Conference Center
University of Patras, GREECE

A summer school within the auspices of project “Distributed Control and
Stochastic Analysis of Hybrid Systems Supporting Safety Critical Real-Time
Systems Design” (HYBRIDGE , IST-2001-32460)

The main purpose of the school is to introduce students, in a pedagogical
manner, to the fundamentals of Hybrid Systems from the perspective of safety
critical embedded systems and specifically to the Air Traffic Management
paradigm covered in the HYBRIDGE project.

Hybrid systems are systems that combine continuous dynamics with
discrete/logic components. From a theoretical point of view, the study of this
class of systems is particularly challenging because they exhibit the
complexities that arise from the interaction of discrete-event systems, such
as finite automata, Petri nets, and continuous dynamics, governed, for
example, by differential equations. For the expressive power hybrid systems
possess (they can model physical systems at different levels of abstraction)
and the interesting theoretical problems they pose, these systems have been
subject of a great deal of attention in the past few years both from academic
and industrial communities.

The course illustrates the importance of hybrid systems in engineering. Hybrid
models for control problems in different application domains will be presented
first; then, verification techniques will be described with particular
emphasis on formal methods. Classical control problem topics such as
reachability, controllability, stabilizability, observability, and observer
design will be analyzed in the context of hybrid systems. Finally, hybrid
stochastic systems will be introduced as a mean to model and evaluate air
traffic management operations against the very good accident risk levels of
current air traffic management.

Target audience:
The school is primarily targeted to graduate / postgraduate students as well
as other researchers and control engineers working in industry and willing to
enrich their technical background. The material covered at the school will
expose the participants to the state of the art in the area of hybrid systems
as well as point to open research problems in the area of hybrid system
control and modeling.

  Bagchi, Arun - University of Twente (NL)
  Blom, Henk - National Aerospace Laboratory NLR (NL)
  De Santis, Elena – University of L’Aquila (I)
  Di Benedetto, Maria D. – University of L’Aquila (I)
  Kyriakopoulos, Kostas – National Techn. Univ. of Athens (GR)	
  Lygeros, John –University of Patras (GR)
  Pappas, George – University of Pennsylvania (USA)
  Prandini, Maria - University of Brescia (I)
  Van der Schaft, Arjan – University of Twente (NL)

For further information see http://www.csl.mech.ntua.gr/hsps or contact:

John Lygeros
Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept.
University of Patras
Rio, Patras, 26500  Greece
Tel. +30 2610 996458
Fax. +30 2610 991812
e-mail: lygeros@ee.upatras.gr
URL  : www.sml.ee.upatras.gr/lygeros

Contributed by: John Lygeros, 

3.3 Workshop on Stochastic Hybrid Systems at CDC

Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Theory and Applications
Workshop for the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Monday, December 13, 2004 Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas 

  John Lygeros
  Electrical & Computer Engineering
  University of Patras
  Rio, Patras, 26500, Greece
  Tel. +30 2610 996458
  Fax. +30 2610 991812
  E-mail: lygeros@ee.upatras.gr
  WWW: www.sml.ee.upatras.gr/lygeros
  Arjan van der Schaft
  Department of Applied Mathematics
  University of Twente
  P.O. Box 217, 7500AE Enschede, The Netherlands
  Tel. +31-53-4893449
  Fax. +31-53-4893800
  E-mail: a.j.vanderschaft@math.utwente.nl
  WWW: www.math.utwente.nl/~schaftaj 

The main aim of the workshop on "Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Theory and
Applications" is to expose participants to recent research activity in the
area of stochastic hybrid systems. Theoretical results will be illustrated and
motivated by applications in different important fields. 

Stochastic hybrid systems are systems that combine continuous dynamics with
discrete/logic components and are affected by uncertainty. From a theoretical
point of view, the study of this class of systems is particularly challenging
because they exhibit the complexities that arise from the interaction of 
-  discrete-event systems, such as finite automata, Petri nets, etc.,
-  continuous dynamics, governed for example by differential equations and
-  stochastic processes, either affecting the discrete-event system
transitions or entering the continuous dynamics.

Emphasis will be placed on fundamental theoretical advances for this complex
and diverse class of systems, in particular on: stochastic hybrid modeling;
compositional specification; reachability analysis; model checking; hybrid
observer design

Motivation for the theoretical results will be provided by a number of key
applications: air traffic management; automotive systems; communication
networks; mathematical finance

Experts in all these areas have been invited to present their work.

Target audience: 
The workshop is addressed to graduate students and researchers with a
background in automatic control, hybrid systems or stochastic systems. The
material covered at the workshop will expose the participants to the state of
the art in the area of stochastic hybrid systems as well as open research
problems in this area.

Workshop proceedings: Copies of all the presentations will be made available
to the workshop participants.

For registration and conference information please visit

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Contributed by: Weiming Chen, 

4.1 Design Engineer: GE, China

Global Research Center - Shanghai, GE

- Responsible for the design and implementation of real time embedded systems 
  following software development process.
- Communicate with global teams to understand the requirements, and help with 
  the specifications.
- Performs architecture research, sub system analysis, programming, and unit 
- Responsibilities also include proposals, patent applications, oral 
  presentations for management & customer review, project leadership including
  planning & execution phases, budgets & schedules, and exemplify GE values,
  make full use of GE initiatives.

- Master degree or above with major in Automation, Electrical Engineering, or 
  Computer Science.
- 3+ years working experiences on embedded systems with DSP and MCU
- Demonstrated skills for embedded system development under RTOS such as 
  Nucleus, QNX or VxWorks. 
- Strong software skills - C, C++, and Assembly expertise.
- Good network programming experiences with TCP/IP protocols, and Web related 
- Good understanding and experiences with software development process are 
- Demonstrated leadership and problem solving skills.
- Excellent language skill on English reading, speaking and writing. 
- Good interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work in 
  global teams are essential.
- Experiences with image processing and video compression will be plus.
- Experience with real-time control system, embedded system hardware design 
  will be a plus

Contributed by: Joan Carletta, 

4.2 Endowed Faculty: University of Akron, USA

The Margaret F. Donovan Endowed Chair for Women in Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-3904

The College of Engineering at The University of Akron is inviting 
applications and nominations for the position of The Margaret F. Donovan 
Endowed Chair for Women in Engineering. Candidates must possess a doctorate 
in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or a closely related 
discipline.  Although candidates from all areas of Electrical and Computer 
Engineering will be considered, preference will be given to candidates in the 
areas of signal processing and sensors and actuators, with special emphasis 
on those with bioengineering and biomedical applications.  The position will 
be a tenured appointment in the Electrical and Computer Engineering 
Department (ECE) at the Associate Professor or Professor level. The salary 
will be competitive. This position also carries a substantial startup 
package. The ECE department presently includes 15 full-time faculty members 
and offers BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering. In addition, the 
department offers a BS degree in Computer Engineering and an 
interdisciplinary PhD in Engineering. Areas of faculty expertise include 
communications, controls, electromagnetic fields, expert systems and 
artificial intelligence, networked embedded systems, optics, power 
electronics, signal and image processing and VLSI. The Department houses 
several modern undergraduate laboratories with significant computational 
resources and an infrastructure that is being continuously updated and 
upgraded. Numerous well-equipped graduate research laboratories have been 
developed by the faculty. The Department has approximately 450 undergraduate 
and 55 graduate students.
Candidates are expected to have demonstrated success in securing competitive 
federal research grants and have an excellent teaching record. The successful 
candidate shall conduct research and teach in the department at both the 
undergraduate and graduate levels, and actively participate and serve as a 
role model in the activities of our reputed Women in Engineering Program in 
the College of Engineering.  Nominees will be contacted by the chair of the 
search committee. Applicants, please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, 
statement of research and teaching goals, and the names of at least three 
references to Dr. Joan Carletta, Search Committee Chair, The Margaret F. 
Donovan Endowed Chair for Women in Engineering, Department of Electrical and 
Computer Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325-3904. 
Telephone: 330-972-5993; Fax: 330-972-6487. The committee will commence the 
review of applications immediately and the search will remain open until the 
position is filled. For additional information regarding The University, the 
College, the Department, and the faculty please visit our web site at 

The University of Akron is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Contributed by: Alexander G. Parlos, 

4.3 Faculty: Texas A&M University, USA

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, Systems and Controls Division, 
at Texas A&M University invites applications for a tenure-track position at 
the Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Outstanding candidates with 
demonstrated excellence in teaching and research are sought. Applicants must 
have an earned doctorate with a specialty in Mechanical Engineering, or an 
appropriate closely related discipline.

The ideal candidate will have excellent academic credentials, a systems 
perspective on contemporary hardware and software issues related to system 
interfacing and integration of mechanical systems with electrical, electronic 
systems and computing devices. The candidate should have a firm intellectual 
foundation in one of several possible related fields. These could include 
mechatronics (or interfacing of mechanical with both digital electronics and 
analog electronics systems), signal processing and networked communication, 
micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), sensor networks, micro aerial 
vehicles (MAVs), autonomous unmanned vehicles (AUVs), miniaturized 
biomechanical and biomedical systems, robotics, nano-machines, etc. In 
summary the ideal candidate should evidence expertise in one or more 
interfaces of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer 

Successful candidates will be expected to develop a nationally and 
internationally recognized research program, and to participate in all 
aspects of the department’s mission. The selected faculty will participate in 
multidisciplinary large-scale research efforts and interact with existing 
programs and faculty of our College of Engineering. Strong written and verbal 
communication skills are required.

Applicants should consult the department web page to review our academic and 
research programs (http://www.mengr.tamu.edu). Applicants will be evaluated 
based on current credentials as well as potential for future impact. It is 
anticipated that the appointment will begin as early as Spring 2005.

Applicants are required to submit a complete resume, a three-page statement 
of research, teaching and service accomplishments, including plans for the 
future. Also included should be a list of three references with their postal 
and electronic addresses, and telephone numbers.

Submit application material to: Systems and Controls Faculty Search 
Committee, c/o Prof. Alexander G. Parlos, Department of Mechanical 
Engineering, Texas A&M University, 3123 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3123.

The initial screening will begin by September 1, 2004. Applications will be 
accepted until the position is filled.

Texas A&M University is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer 
fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce.  Female and minority 
applicants are strongly encouraged.

Contributed by: YangQuan Chen, 

4.4 Faculty: Utah State University, USA

Utah State University, Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) faculty
position at the associate or full professor level to direct the Center for
Self Organizing and Intelligent Systems (CSOIS: http://www.csois.usu.edu), a
multi-disciplinary research group that focuses on the design, development, 
and implementation of intelligent, autonomous mechatronic systems. The ideal
candidate should have a Ph.D. in an appropriate discipline, and expertise in
robotics and/or control systems with a strong track record of externally
funded research and publications.

We also invite applicants at all levels for possible openings in space
engineering, optics, and control systems. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in an
appropriate discipline, effective teaching skills, and a strong potential for
establishing an externally funded research program. Minimum qualifications 
* Earned doctorate in an appropriate field by June 30, 2005.
* Ability to conduct and disseminate research in an area within electrical
  or computer engineering.
* Ability to write grant/contract proposals to support scholarly activities.
* Effective communication and interpersonal skills.

To be considered at the associate or full professor level, the following
additional qualifications must be met:
* An established research agenda with a publication record to support the
  agenda in an area within electrical or computer engineering.
* A strong track record of external grants and/or contracts.
* A record of excellence in research, teaching, and mentoring graduate

ECE has 400 undergrads, 150 MS and PhD students, and 22 faculty members who
attract $3M/yr in external research funds (http://www.ece.usu.edu). USU is
located in a spectacular Rocky Mountain valley that offers year-round
recreation and is 80 miles north of Salt Lake City.

Send cover letter, vita, statement of teaching and research interests, and a
list of at least three references to: Prof. Tamal Bose, Department Head, ECE
Dept., Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-4120. Application review begins
October 1, 2004. Utah State University is a Carnegie Research Doctoral
Extensive University, an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, and
was recently chosen as a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Gender Equity
Program recipient. The University is sensitive to the needs of dual-career
applicants and dedicated to recruiting stellar candidates from a diverse pool
including women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities. USU
offers competitive salaries and outstanding medical, retirement and
professional benefits (see http://www.usu.edu/hr for details).

USU is an EO/AA employer and is actively supportive of increasing diversity.

Contributed by: Robert W. Ives, 

4.5 PDF: United States Naval Academy, USA

The Biometric Signal Processing Group, in the Electrical Engineering 
Department of the United States Naval Academy, is seeking a candidate for a 
funded postdoctoral position under the Director of Central Intelligence 
(DCI) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program. Funding is available for one 
year, with a potential option for a second and third year. 

The proposed research is in the area of biometrics and has a single primary 
objective: to develop new iris recognition algorithms. Within this major 
goal, there are several related objectives, including:

1. Creating an iris database.
2. Compare some leading iris recognition algorithms using a standard set of 
   raw iris images.
3. Developing new computationally efficient matching algorithms and compare 
   their performance to leading algorithms.

The research is supported by a laboratory with state-of-the-art biometric 
equipment, including the LG IrisAccess 3000 iris recognition system, the A4 
Vision 3D face recognition system, the AcSys Veraport 2D face recognition 
system, Hamster III fingerprint systems, and Panasonic Authenticam with 
PrivateID iris recognition systems.

The appointee will be expected to work closely with Dr. Robert Ives from the 
Naval Academy and an Intelligence Community advisor. Applicants must be a US 
citizen, and have a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, computer science, 
computer engineering or a closely related area with a research interest 
relating to biometrics, digital signal processing, image processing, and 
pattern recognition. Familiarity with MATLAB and C/C++ is desired.

Further information on the requirements of the DCI program can be found at 
http://www.dcipostdoc.org/dci/index.jsp .

Founded in 1845, the United States Naval Academy stretches over 300 acres 
where the Severn River flows into the Chesapeake Bay. With its combination 
of early 20th-century and modern buildings, the Naval Academy is a blend of 
tradition and state-of-the-art technology that exemplifies today's Navy and 
Marine Corps. Annapolis, the capital of Maryland, is considered the "Sailing 
Capital of the World." Located 33 miles east of Washington, DC and 30 miles 
southeast of Baltimore, Annapolis has much to offer. For more information 
about the Naval Academy, the USNA web page is www.usna.edu .

To apply, please send a cover letter, curriculum vita, and research 
statement to Prof. Robert Ives (ives@usna.edu), Electrical Engineering 
Department, U.S. Naval Academy, 105 Maryland Ave., Annapolis, MD 21402.

Contributed by: Jizhong Xiao, 

4.6 Ph.D., City University of New York, USA

One graduate research assistantship is available at the Department of 
Electrical Engineering, City College, City University of New York, USA. The 
RA is expected to pursue Ph.D. degree and work on a NSF funded project to 
design a customized microprocessor based on System-on-Programmable-Chip 
technology for ultra-small robots. The desired candidate should have a 
Master degree in computer/electrical engineering with strong knowledge in 
digital hardware design, VHDL, experience with Virtex-II Pro FPGA, and 
proficient in firmware, software programming in Linux environment. Good 
knowledge in computer vision, wireless communication, and control is a plus. 

The applicants should send (a) curriculum vita (b) transcript, and (c) a 
brief statement of objectives to Dr. Jizhong Xiao via email at 
jxiao@ccny.cuny.edu. Review of applications will continue until the position 
is filled.
Further information about the CUNY Ph.D. program in Engineering may be 
obtained from web site http://web.gc.cuny.edu/dept/engineering/ 

Contributed by: Robert Shorten, 

4.7 Ph.D, Post-Doc: Hamilton Institute, Ireland

Postdoctoral position in multivariable control systems design
The Hamilton Institute is now considering applications for a postdoctoral 
position in the general area of multivariable design for automobile 
applications. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in 
one or more of the following areas: automotive systems; decentralised 
control; and multivariable design. The successful candidate will join a 
research team working on a number of joint projects with a major automotive 
manufacturer and will be involved in the design, implementation and testing 
of control systems for prototype vehicles. The Hamilton Institute is a 
dedicated multi-disciplinary research centre forming part of the National 
University of Ireland and located in Maynooth, just outside Dublin. This  
post offers an exciting opportunity for the successful candidate to tackle 
fundamental research problems within a stimulating multi-disciplinary  
research environment with state of the art facilities and strong links to 
the  international research community.  To apply for a position, please send 
a copy of your cv (including details of three referees) to hamilton@may.ie. 
For  further details visit www.hamilton.ie

Ph.D. positions in stability theory
The Hamilton Institute is now considering applications for Ph.D. positions in 
stability theory for switched and hybrid systems. The main focus of the 
project will be on the development of techniques for analysing the stability 
of positive switched systems. Such systems are pervasive and are found in 
economics, biology, engineering and in the study of communication systems. 
Initial work will focus on the existence of common quadratic Lyapunov 
functions for these systems, and on the existence of copositive Lyapunov 
functions.  The Hamilton Institute is a dedicated multi-disciplinary research 
centre forming part of the National University of Ireland and located in 
Maynooth, just outside Dublin. These posts offer an exciting opportunity for 
successful candidates to tackle fundamental research problems within a 
stimulating multi-disciplinary research environment with state of the art 
facilities and strong links to the international research community.  To 
apply for a position, please send a copy of your cv (including details of 
three referees) to hamilton@may.ie. For further details visit www.hamilton.ie

Contributed by: Andrey Savkin, 

4.8 PhD: University of New South Wales, Australia

School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications,
The University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia.

Ph.D. scholarships in Systems and Control  are available for students with
first class undergraduate degrees in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics,
Computer Science or related areas. Ph.D. projects will involve carrying out
research under supervision of Professor Andrey V. Savkin.

Possible research areas include:
 Networked control systems;
 automatic control of robots and unmanned vehicles;
 vision based control; image processing and computer vision.

Also, travel funds will be available to scholarship holders to enable them
to attend overseas conferences and visit overseas research laboratories.

Interested students should contact Professor Andrey Savkin by email:
(a.savkin@unsw.edu.au) or phone (+612 9385 6359)

Contributed by: Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, 

4.9 Post-Doc: CNRS-L2S, France

Place: 	Laboratoire des Signaux et Systemes, CNRS-L2S
3 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Duration: maximum 4 years from 15 September 2004
Monthly pay: 2000 euros 

Description of work:
1. Part time Research: Transient Stabilization of Power Systems - To 
design and implement (on a benchmark at SUPELEC) an excitation feedback 
control algorithm which keeps each generator close to the synchronous speed 
(which achieves transient stabilization and voltage regulation) in the 
presence of sudden mechanical (load shedding and generation tripping) and 
electrical (short circuits with changes in the power network structure) 
perturbations. To study the transient stabilization of multi-machine power 

2. Part time Management: To create and to maintain the HYCON web site 
in very close collaboration with the Scientific Manager (Francoise Lamnabhi-
Lagarrigue), with all the Workpackage Leaders (all of them need specific 
applications to be included in the Web site) and with the Project Manager 
(Elisabeth Kohler).  To help in the preparation of events, workshops and 

Interested applicants should send: Detailed CV, Letter of motivation and
3 letters of recommended (with e-mail address), by 8 September 2004.

Contributed by: Estela Bicho, 

4.10 Post-Doc: University of Minho, PT

Post-Doc Position in EU-Integrated-Project:
JAST- Joint Action Science and Technology

At the Department of Industrial Electronics, of the University of Minho-PT, 
we have an open research position (start October 2004-January 2005) in the 
field of Collaborating/cooperating autonomous robotics. The work will take
place in the context of the EU Integrated Project JAST- Joint Action Science
and Technology. The ultimate objective of this interdisciplinary project is
to build jointly-acting autonomous robots based on the processing principles
underlying human cognitive behavior in cooperative tasks. 

Job Description:
The focus of the work will be the development of two functionally autonomous
mobile robots with manipulators that in cooperative configurations of 
two or more (robot-robot, human-robot teams), will allow in principle, 
to carry out complex real-world assembly and construction tasks. The work 
will be performed in close collaboration with another Post-Doc (financed by 
JAST)who will bridge the behavioural research and the robotics parts of the 
project. Additionally, the Post-Doc will be assisted by Technical Assistants 
and PhD Students. The project will imply intensive international co-operation
with diverse research institutions in Robotics, Cognitive Neuroscience, and 

Working environment: The work is to be performed in the Group of Autonomous 
Robotics and Dynamical Systems which has received the classification of 
Excellent from an international review committee hired by the Portuguese 
Foundation for Science and Technology. The group has several PhD students
pursuing their studies in Autonomous Robotics and Dynamical Systems.
The working language is English.

PhD degree in engineering, computer science, mathematics, together with 
practical experience in robotics.
Applications would be particularly well come from candidates with research 
interests (and innovative research results) in one or more of the following 
areas: cognitive robotics, sensor-base robotics, human and machine learning, 
computer vision, computational intelligence, dynamical systems.
Experience with the C/C++ programming languages is desired.

Conditions of Employment:
The position is available from the 1st October 2004 for 4 years, renewable 
on a yearly basis given mutual interest. The successful candidate will 
receive a competitive salary in accordance with the university regulations 
for a senior researcher.

The University of Minho intends to employ a proportionate number of women 
and men in all positions. Women are therefore encouraged to apply.
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:


The application must include the following: 
i. Curriculum Vitae (including  full name, date and place of birth, 
 nationality, ID or passport number, Postal address, email, education record,
 previous employment, scientific area of interest, written and spoken
 languages and publications). 
ii. Name and address (electronic and postal) of two referees who may be 
 contacted in confidence. 

Application should arrive before 01-08-2004. Late applications are accepted 
until the position is filled. Application must be sent to (can be sent by
email too):

Prof. Estela Bicho
Department of Industrial Electronics
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Azurem
4800-058 Guimarães
e-mail: estela.bicho@dei.uminho.pt
Tel: +351 253 510190
Fax: +351 253 510189

Prof. Wolfram Erlhagen
Department of Mathematics for Science and Technology
University of Minho
4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Email: wolfram.erlhagen@mct.uminho.pt

Contributed by: Michael J. Pont, 

4.11 Res Assoc: University of Leicester, UK
Applications are invited for a two-year Research Associate position, which is 
supported by an award from the Leverhulme Trust.  The successful candidate 
will be expected to undertake research in software design for distributed 
embedded control systems.  

Applicants must have a PhD in a relevant area.

This project will be carried out in the Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) at 
the University of Leicester.  Previous work by ESL researchers has resulted 
in the creation of a comprehensive “pattern language” that supports the 
development of reliable software for a range of embedded systems (such as 
automotive and aerospace designs) where reliability is a key design 
consideration.  The present project will involve the design and 
implementation of a realistic and representative hardware testbed.  This 
testbed will then be used to assess and compare different (software) 
architectures for use in distributed embedded systems.

Post duration: 2 years.
Further details: http://www.le.ac.uk/personnel/jobs/r1076.html
Post reference: R1076
Closing date: 24 August 2004 

Contributed by: Qing-Guo WANG, 

4.12 Research Fellow: NUS, Singapore

Two research fellows are sought for a research grant on auto-tuning control 
of multivariable processes. The tenue is for max 3 years and the slary 
ranges between Singapore $3500-4000. The candidates must have PhD and 
international journal publications. Interested please email your CV to 

Professor Qing-Guo WANG
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 
The National University of Singapore 
4 Engineering Drive 3 
Singapore 117576 

Contributed by: Peter Wellstead, 

4.13 Research Scientists: Hamilton Institute, Ireland

The Hamilton Institute, has been awarded a five year program to conduct 
research in the area of System Biology. The basis of the Systems Biology 
team is already laid with the appointment of a Science Foundation Ireland, 
Research Professor and two Research Scientists. However, we have up to two 
more vacancies for post doctoral Research Scientists who are interested in 
working in this exciting new area of control systems analysis and dynamics. 
The main biology mission of the Systems Biology initiative is to develop a 
systems understanding of neurodegenerative disease – to this end we have 
developed good links this with leading neurobiologists. Allied to this 
applied focus, we will also research and contribute to the body of control 
and analysis tools that are required to understand signalling pathways and 
biological processes.

The appointees would be working in the Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth, 
Ireland, which is an interdisciplinary research centre dedicated to the 
application of dynamical systems and mathematical methods in emerging areas 
such as communications and biology. While focussed on the System Biology 
mission, the successful candidates will operating in a dynamic research 
environment and have the opportunity to interact and collaborate with a wide 
range of talented and motivated systems researchers. In the same spirit, the 
successful candidates will also have the opportunity to grow their careers 
through personal research grants.

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Regina Gorenshteyn, 

5.1 Linear Systems Theory: A Structural Decomposition Approach

Ben M. Chen, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Zongli Lin, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Yacov Shamash, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY, USA

August 2004/ 432 pp./ 9 illus./Hardcover/ ISBN: 0-8176-3779-6
Series - Control Engineering

This text is the first comprehensive treatment of structural decompositions 
of various types of linear systems, including autonomous, unforced or 
unsensed, strictly proper, non-strictly proper, and descriptor or singular 
systems. Structural properties play an important role in the understanding of 
linear systems and also provide insight to facilitate the solution of control 
problems related to stabilization, disturbance decoupling, robust and optimal 
control. Applications can be extended to industrial process control, aircraft 
and ship control, process automation control, and many other types of 
engineering systems.

The authors employ a unique structural decomposition approach to break down 
an overall system into various subsystems, each with distinct features. The 
simplicity of these subsystems and their interconnections lead to deep 
insight about the design of feedback control systems for desired closed-loop 
performance, stability, and robustness. All results and case studies are 
presented in both continuous- and discrete-time settings. Exercises, as well 
as MATLAB-based computational and design algorithms utilizing the "Linear 
Systems Toolkit", are included to reinforce and demonstrate the concepts 
treated throughout the book.

"Linear Systems Theory" may be used as a textbook for advanced undergraduate 
and graduate students in aeronautics and astronautics, applied mathematics, 
chemical, electrical and mechanical engineering. It may also serve as a 
valuable self-study reference for researchers and engineering practitioners 
in areas related to systems and control theory.

Table of Contents: 

Introduction and Preview * Mathematical Background * Review of Linear Systems 
Theory * Decompositions of Unforced and/or Unsensed Systems * Decompositions 
of Proper Systems * Decompositions of Descriptor Systems * Structural 
Mappings of Bilinear Transformations * System Factorizations * Structural 
Assignment via Sensor/Actuator Selection * Time-Scale and Eigenstructure 
Assignment via State Feedback * Disturbance Decoupling with Static Output 
Feedback * A Software Toolbox * Bibliography * Index

For a full book description, as well as ordering information, please visit: 

Contributed by: George Yin and Qing Zhang, 

5.2 Mathematics of Finance

Mathematics of Finance
George Yin and Qing Zhang Ed.,
Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 351,
American Mathematical Society, 2004,
398 pp., Softcover, ISBN 0-8218-3412-6


The mathematics of finance involves a wide spectrum of techniques that
go beyond traditional applied mathematics. The field has witnessed a
tremendous amount of progress in recent years, which has inspired
communication and networking among researchers in finance, economics,
engineering, and industry. This volume contains papers based on talks
given at the first AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on
Mathematics of Finance held at Snowbird (UT).

Topics covered here include modeling, estimation, optimization,
control, risk assessment and management, contingent claim pricing, dynamic
hedging, and financial derivative design. The book is suitable for graduate
students and research mathematicians interested in mathematical finance.

Further details can be found in

Contributed by: Dale Seborg, 

5.3 Process Dynamics and Control, 2nd Edition

Dale E. Seborg(UC-Santa Barbara), Thomas F. Edgar(U.Texas-Austin), 
and Duncan A. Mellichamp(UC-Santa Barbara)
Publisher: JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., 2004 (713 pages)
ISBN: 0-471-00077-9 
URL: http://www.wiley.com/college/seborg
The first edition of this textbook was published in 1989 and was adopted at 
over 80 chemical engineering departments worldwide.  In the second edition 
outdated topics have been omitted and new material added that reflects recent 
changes in control technology.  MATLAB and Simulink are utilized in examples 
and exercises in most chapters, and a large number of new exercises have been 

The second edition features new material on:
- Mathematical modeling of chemical processes
- Developing continuous-time and discrete-time models from process data
- Controller design, tuning, and troubleshooting
- Enhanced single loop control
- Digital sampling, filtering and control
- Multiloop and multivariable control
- Real-time optimization
- Model predictive control
- Process monitoring
- Batch process control
- Plantwide control
- Digital control hardware and software
- Solution Manual on CD-ROM includes many MATLAB solutions.
- Powerpoint slides for lectures 

For more information, or to request an examination copy, please visit the 
textbook web site: http://www.wiley.com/college/seborg


I.  INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS                                     
1.  Introduction to Process Control
2.  Theoretical Models of Chemical Processes
3.  Laplace Transforms
4.  Transfer Function and State-Space Models
5.  Dynamic Behavior of First-Order and Second-Order Systems
6.  Dynamic Response Characteristics of More Complicated Systems
7.  Development of Empirical Dynamic Models from Process Data
8.  Feedback Controllers
9.  Control System Instrumentation
10. Overview of Control System Design
11. Dynamic Behavior and Stability of Closed-Loop Control Systems
12. PID Controller Design, Tuning, and Troubleshooting
13. Frequency Response Analysis
14. Control System Design Based on Frequency Response Analysis
15. Feedforward and Ratio Control
16. Enhanced Single-Loop Control Strategies
17. Digital Sampling, Filtering and Control
18. Multiloop and Multivariable Control
19. Real-Time Optimization
20. Model Predictive Control
21. Process Monitoring
22. Batch Process Control
23. Introduction to Plantwide Control
24. Plantwide Control Design Procedures

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

6.1 CFP: Asian Journal of Control

New Trend in Automotive Powertrain Systems: A Special Issue of Asian Journal
of Control 

In the last decade, much of present excitement in the automotive
industry isgenerated by the development and introduction of new advanced 
powertrain control techniques into the production vehicles. Among the new 
vehicle technologies, the Electrical Vehicles (EV) and the Hybrid Electrical 
Vehicles (HEV), which are motivated for the purpose of the energy 
conservation and the emission reduction, are becoming feasible thanks in 
great part to the advancements in electrical powertrain control. This new 
trend in automotive industry provides significant opportunities for the 
application of advanced control techniques and theory. Indeed, a lot of 
studies and challenges have been proposed from the view of the power 
electronics and the vehicle engineering. However, there is no much attention 
being paid to this challenging topic from the control community.
     Strong nonlinearity and uncertainties make the automotive powertrain 
system control difficult, and the dynamics of HEV is hybrid system with 
multi-actuators. From the view of practical engineering and control theory, 
there are a number of fundamental and critical issues in the automotive 
powertrain system control, which have remained open. Therefore, it is a 
timing to set up a special issue on this topic.
     The aim of proposed special issue is to give a broad perspective of the
present state-of-the-art and to provide both of automotive engineering and 
control community an up-to-date account of the most recent advances.

Guest Editor
  Prof. Tielong Shen
  Dep. of Mechanical Engineering
  Sophia University, Japan
  E-mail: tetu-sin@sophia.ac.jp
Guest Co-Editors
  Prof. Yuanzhang Sun Prof. Hynsoo Kim
  Dept. of Electrical Engineering School of Mechanical Eng.
  Tsinghua University, China Sung Kyun Kwan University, Korea

Important Dates:
  July 20, 2004 Call for Papers
  Jan. 20, 2005 Deadline for Paper Submission
  Apr. 20, 2005 Completion of First Review
  Oct. 20, 2005 Completion of Final Review
  Mar. 31, 2006 Publication

     Potential authors are strongly encouraged to upload the electronic file
of their manuscript (in Postscript, PDF or WORD format) through on-line 
submission interface on the journal website http://www.ajc.org.tw. In case 
you encounter any submission problem, you are free to contact Prof. Li-Chen 
Fu, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Control at the following address:

  Prof. Li-Chen Fu
  Department of Electrical Engineering
  National Taiwan University
  Taipei 106, Taiwan
  Tel: +886-2-2362-2209
  Fax: +886-2-23657887
  Email: lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw

Submission of a manuscript signifies that it has been neither copyrighted, 
published, nor submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere.
     All submission should include a title page containing the title of the 
paper, full names and affiliations, complete postal and electronic address, 
phone and fax numbers, an abstract and a list of keywords. The contacting 
author should be clearly identified. For more detailed information about 
manuscript preparation, please visit the web site of Asian Journal of 
Control at http://www.ajc.org.tw

Contributed by: Peyman Milanfar, 

6.2 CFP: EURASIP J on Applied Signal Processing
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Special Issue on
Super-Resolution Imaging: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications

Call for Papers
The recent increase in the wide use of digital imaging technologies in
consumer (e.g., digital video) and other markets (e.g., security and military)
has brought with it a simultaneous demand for higher-resolution images. The
demand for such high-resolution (HR) images can be met by algorithmic advances
in super-resolution (SR) technology in place of, or in tandem with, hardware
development. Such HR images not only give the viewer a more pleasing picture
but also offer additional details that are important for subsequent analysis
in many applications.

The current approach to obtaining HR images mainly relies on sensor
manufacturing technology that attempts to increase the number of pixels per
unit area by reducing the pixel size. However, the cost for high-precision
optics and sensors may be prohibitive for general purpose commercial
applications, and there is a limitation to pixel size reduction due to shot
noise encountered in the sensor itself. Therefore, a resolution enhancement
(super-resolution) approach using computational, mathematical, and statistical
techniques has received a great deal of attention recently. The relevant
signal processing technology for this SR approach to high-quality imaging is
the topic of this special issue.

The scope of techniques intended to overcome the above limitations that will
be covered in this special issue will include: enhancement in spatial
resolution for both gray-scale and color images and video, suppression of
signal dependent noise, and various other associated artifacts.

Because of the recent emergence of many key relevant computational, 
mathematical, and statistical techniques, and the increasing importance of
digital imaging technology, a special issue of the EURASIP JASP dedicated to
the topic of SR imaging is quite timely.

A more detailed list of SR imaging topics of interest include 
(but are not limited to):

Multiframe/multichannel direct and blind deconvolution in SR 
Subpixel motion estimation 
SR in time and dynamic range, etc 
Artifact analysis of sensors and optics 
Video-to-video SR imaging 
Multiframe demosaicing and SR imaging 
Wavelet-based methods for SR imaging 
PDE-based methods for SR imaging 
Locally adaptive image interpolation 
SR in medical, astronomical, security/surveillance, and other applications 

Authors should follow the EURASIP JASP manuscript format described at the
journal site http://asp.hindawi.com/si/super.html. Prospective authors should
submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the EURASIP
JASP manuscript tracking system at http://www.mstracking.com/asp/, according
to the following timetable:

Manuscript Due December 1, 2004 
Acceptance Notification April 1, 2005 
Final Manuscript Due July 1, 2005 
Publication Date 4th Quarter, 2005 

Guest Editors:
Tony Chan, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles 
Moon Gi Kang, Department of Electrical Engineering, Yonsei University 
Peyman Milanfar, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
  California, Santa Cruz 
Michael Ng, Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong 

Contributed by: Peng Shi, 

6.3 CFP: Innovational Computing and Information Control

International Journal of Innovational Computing & Information Control

The primary aim of the newly established International Journal of 
Innovational Computing & Information Control (IJICIC) is to publish high-
quality papers of new developments and trends, novel techniques and 
approaches, innovative methodologies on the theory and applications of 
intelligent systems and information control. The IJICIC is a peer-reviewed 
English language journal and is published quarterly by ICIC Publishing 
International. The first issue will be published in 2005. The scope of the 
IJICIC is in the broad areas of intelligent systems and information control 
and includes but not limited to: 

Intelligent Systems and Innovative Computing: Artificial intelligence and 
expert systems, fuzzy systems and rough sets, fuzzy optimization and 
decision making, evolutionary computation, intelligent information systems, 
image and speech signal processing, Human-machine learning, neural networks, 
knowledge discovery and data mining, decision support systems, intelligent 
fault detection and identification, knowledge-based systems, hybrid 
intelligent systems, soft computing. 

Information and Control: Optimal, adaptive, predictive, robust control and 
filtering on linear and nonlinear systems, stochastic systems, hybrid 
systems, fuzzy systems, supervisory systems, guidance and navigation
systems, real-time systems, discrete event systems, signal and image 
processing, system identification and estimation, optimization techniques, 
robustness analysis, learning systems, fault detection, robotics and motion 
control, manufacturing systems, power systems, environmental and bio-
engineering, complex and large scale systems, bioinformatics, control 
education, transportation systems, power systems. 

More details can be found in the journal's web page

Contributed by: Becky Lonberger, 

6.4 Contents: Automatica

September, 2004
Volume 40, Issue 9

To consult the cumulative table of contents 1963-present, to view the list
of recently accepted papers or to submit a paper visit

Regular papers

Xiaobo Tan and John S. Baras
Modeling and control of hysteresis in magnetostrictive actuators

Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi and Guoyong Shi
Properties of recoverable region and semi-global stabilization in
recoverable region for linear systems subject to constraints

Piet M.T. Broersen, Stijn de Waele and Robert Bos
Autoregressive spectral analysis when observations are missing

Bruno Gaujal, Alessandro Giua
Optimal stationary behavior for a class of timed continuous Petri nets

Brief papers

Alan F. Lynch, Scott A. Bortoff, and Klaus Röebenack
Nonlinear tension observers for web machines

Alessandro Pisano and Elio Usai
Output-feedback control of an underwater vehicle prototype by higher-order
sliding modes

Yu-Ping Tian and Hong-Yong Yang
Stability of the internet congestion control with diverse delays

Philippe Crama and Johan Schoukens
Hammerstein-Wiener system estimator initialization

Amin Haj-Ali and Hao Ying
Structural analysis of fuzzy controllers with nonlinear input fuzzy sets
in relation to nonlinear PID control with variable gains

Shyh-Hong Hwang and Shih-Tsung Lai
Use of two-stage least-squares algorithms for identification of continuous
systems with time delay based on pulse responses

Noboru Sebe
Explicit characterization of decentralized coprime factors

Jose M. Azorin, Oscar Reinoso, Rafael Aracil and Manuel Ferre
Generalized control method by state convergence for teleoperation systems
with time delay

Huanshui Zhang, David Zhang, Lihua Xie and Jun Lin
Robust filtering under stochastic parametric uncertainties

Tong Zhou and Hua-Wei Xing
Identification of normalised coprime factors through constrained curve

Wook Hyun Kwon, Young Sam Lee, and Soo Hee Han
General receding horizon control for linear time-delay systems

Thomas Holzhueter
Optimal regulator for the inverted pendulum via Euler-Lagrange backward

Hiroshi Ito and Zhong-Ping Jiang
Robust disturbance attenuation of nonlinear systems using output feedback
and state-dependent scaling

Tomas McKelvey, Anders Helmersson and Thomas Ribarits
Data driven local coordinates for multivariable linear systems and their
application to system identification

Technical communiques

Wassim M. Haddad and Tomohisa Hayakawa
Adaptive control for nonlinear nonnegative dynamical systems

Dimitri Jeltsema, Romeo Ortega and Jacquelien M.A. Scherpen
An energy-balancing perspective of interconnection and damping assignment
control of nonlinear systems

Contributed by: A. H. Glattfelder, 

6.5 Contents: Control Engineering Practice

Volume 12, Issue 6, Pages 653-798 (June 2004)


Real-time integration of sensing, planning and control in robotic work-cells, 
Pages 653-663
Di Xiao, Mumin Song, Bijoy K. Ghosh, Ning Xi, T.J.Tzyh Jong Tarn and Zhenyu Yu
System identification and controller design for dual actuated hard disk 
drive, Pages 665-676
T. Suthasun, I. Mareels and A. Al-Mamun
Water circulation control during once-through boiler start-up, Pages 677-685
Eduard Eitelberg and Edward Boje
Neural speed filtering for sensorless induction motor drives, Pages 687-706
Raj M. Bharadwaj, Alexander G. Parlos and H.A.Hamid A. Toliyat
Modelling and prediction of NOx emission in a coal-fired power generation 
plant, Pages 707-723
Kang Li, Steve Thompson and Jianxun Peng
An adaptive scheduling framework for heterogeneous computer networks, Pages 
John S. Hollywood and K.N.Kenneth N. McKay
Subsynchronous damping controller design for high voltage DC links using 
linear matrix inequalities, Pages 735-744
Martin Aten and Herbert Werner
Synthesis of T2 and Q statistics for process monitoring, Pages 745-755
Q. Chen, U. Kruger, M. Meronk and A. Y. T. Leung
Controller design and robustness analysis for induction machine-based 
positioning system, Pages 757-767
Edouard Laroche, Yvan Bonnassieux, Hisham Abou-Kandil and Jean-Paul Louis
Vibration control of a telescopic handler using time delay control and 
commandless input shaping technique, Pages 769-780
Joon-Young Park and P.-H.Pyung-Hun Chang
Wireless and Internet communications technologies for monitoring and control, 
Pages 781-791
Haydn A. Thompson
From plant data to process control--ideas for process identification and PID 
design by Liuping Wang and William R. Cluett, Pages 793-794
Antonio Visioli
Intelligent control systems: an introduction with examples K.M. Hangos, R. 
Lakener and M. Herzson; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, price $92.00, 
ISBN 1-4020-0134-7, Page 795
G. Dodds

Volume 12, Issue 7, Pages 799-932 (July 2004)
Special Section: Process Control IFAC 2002
Edited by P. Daoutidis and C. Scali


Robust set-point controllers for an electric arc furnace cooling system, Pages
A. Shinohara and D. P. Goodall
Anti-shock controller design for optical drives, Pages 811-817
Yu Zhou, Maarten Steinbuch, Michael Van Der Aa and Henrik Ladegaard
Combining first principles with black-box techniques for reaction systems,
Pages 819-826
Libei Chen, Yves Hontoir, Dexian Huang, Jie Zhang and A.J.A. Julian Morris
Identification of sensor faults on turbofan engines using pattern recognition
techniques, Pages 827-836
N. Aretakis, K. Mathioudakis and A. Stamatis
Constrained model predictive control of blow tank consistency, Pages 837-845
B.J.Bruce J. Allison and John B. Ball
Model-based diagnosis of sensor faults for ESP systems, Pages 847-856
E. L. Ding, H. Fennel and S. X. Ding
Flowmeter random error estimation by an analytical variance estimation method:
a simple test bed, Pages 857-863
F. Biscarri, A. Menendez and A. Molina
A pictorial human-computer interface concept for supervisory control, Pages
Carsten Wittenberg
Preface to special section on process control, Page 879
Prodromos Daoutidis and Claudio Scali
On control of resist film uniformity in the microlithography process, Pages
Weng Khuen Ho, Arthur Tay, Lay Lay Lee and Charles D. Schaper
Run-to-run control and performance monitoring of overlay in semiconductor
manufacturing, Pages 893-900
C. A. Bode, B. S. Ko and T. F. Edgar
Automation and control issues in the design of a pharmaceutical pilot plant,
Pages 901-908
B.W.B. Wayne Bequette, Sean Holihan and Stu Bacher
Identification and control of an industrial polymerisation reactor, Pages 909-
G. Mourue, D. Dochain, V. Wertz and P. Descamps
Estimating product composition profiles in batch distillation via partial
least squares regression, Pages 917-929
Eliana Zamprogna, Massimiliano Barolo and D.E.Dale E. Seborg


Control Engineering Practice
Volume 12, Issue 8, Pages 933-1072 (August 2004)
Special Section on Emerging Technologies for Active Noise and Vibration
Control Systems
Edited by:  S.O. Reza Moheimani, I.R. Petersen and H.R. Pota

Table of Contents:

A test bed for the experimental validation of position control algorithms
Z.H. Akpolat, G.M. Asher, J. Arellano-Padilla, pp 933-943

Process improvement methodology based on multivariate statistical analysis
Y.-H. Lee, K.G. Min, C. Han, K.S. Chang, T.H. Choi, pp 945-961

Control strategy for a column flotation process
M.A.M. Persechini, A.E.C. Peres, F.G. Jota, pp 963-976

Towards a seamless development process for automotive engine-control system
W. Lee, S. Park, M. Sunwoo, pp 977-986

Emerging technologies for active noise and vibration control systems
S.O. Reza Moheimani, I.R. Petersen, H.R. Pota, pp 987-988

Modelling, system identification, and control of acoustic-structure dynamics
in 3-D enclosures
B. Fang, A.G. Kelkar, S.M. Joshi, H.R. Pota, pp 989-1004

Parameter selection and control design for vibration suppression using
piezoelectric transducers
M.R. Kermani, M. Moallem, R.V. Patel, pp 1005-1015

Optimal and robust feedback controller estimation for a vibrating plate
R. Fraanje, M. Verhaegen, N. Doelman, A. Berkhoff, pp 1017-1027

Active control of engine-induced vibrations in automotive vehicles using
disturbance observer gain scheduling
C. Bohn, A. Cortabarria, V. Hartel, K. Kowalczyk, pp 1029-1039

An observer-based piezoelectric control of flexible Cartesian robot arms:
theory and experiment
M. Dadfarnia, N. Jalili, Z. Liu, D. M. Dawson, pp 1041-1053

Acoustic-centric modal filter design for active noise control
S.D. Snyder, S.G. Hill, N.C. Burgan, N. Tanaka, B.S. Cazzolato, pp 1055-1064

A novel method to suppress vibration-induced phase noise of crystal
W. Su, pp 1065-1070

Contributed by: C. Stewart, 

6.6 Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

Volume: 49,   Issue: 6,   Year: June 2004

An Almost Global Notion of Input-to-State Stability
Angeli, D., Page(s): 866- 874 

On Uniform Asymptotic Stability of Time-Varying Parameterized Discrete-Time
Nesic, D.; Loria, A., Page(s): 875- 887   

A Dynamical Trajectory-Based Methodology for Systematically Computing Multiple
Optimal Solutions of General Nonlinear Programming Problems
Lee, J.; Chiang, H.-D., Page(s): 888- 899   

Model Predictive Control of Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems With Piecewise
Constant Control
Magni, L.; Scattolini, R., Page(s): 900- 906   

A Recursive Deconvolution Approach to Disturbance Reduction
Fagnani, F.; Maksimov, V.; Pandolfi, L., Page(s): 907- 921  

Simplex Methods for Nonlinear Uncertain Sliding-Mode Control
Bartolini, G.; Punta, E.; Zolezzi, T., Page(s): 922- 933   

Failure Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems With Linear-Time Temporal Logic
Jiang, S.; Kumar, R., Page(s): 934- 945 

Analysis of Second-Order Sliding-Mode Algorithms in the Frequency Domain
Boiko, I.; Fridman, L.; Castellanos, M.I., Page(s): 946- 950

Stability Analysis for Linear Systems Under State Constraints
Fang, H.; Lin, Z., Page(s): 950- 955 

Power Spectral Analysis of Networked Control Systems With Data Dropouts
Ling, Q.; Lemmon, M.D., Page(s): 955- 960   

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Controllability and Observability of
Switched Impulsive Control Systems
Xie, G.; Wang, L., Page(s): 960- 966

A Remark on Inseparability of Min–Max Systems
Zhao, Q., Page(s): 967- 970  

Regularized Robust Filters for Time-Varying Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems
Subramanian, A.; Sayed, A.H., Page(s): 970- 976   

Pricing and Congestion Management in a Network With Heterogeneous Users
Stidham, S., Jr., Page(s): 976- 981   

Coordinated Collective Motion of Groups of Autonomous Mobile Robots: Analysis
of Vicsek's Model
Savkin, A.V., Page(s): 981- 983

Model Invalidation in ell_1 Using Frequency-Domain Data
Liu, W.; Chen, J., Page(s): 983- 989    

Common Lyapunov Functions and Gradient Algorithms
Liberzon, D.; Tempo, R., Page(s): 990- 994 

Optimization of Static Output Feedback Using Substitutive LMI Formulation
Fujimori, A., Page(s): 995- 999  

Robust Model Predictive Control of Singular Systems
Zhang, L.; Huang, B., Page(s): 1000- 1006   

Instability of a Tandem Network and Its Propagation Under RED
La, R.J.. Page(s): 1006- 1011   

On Stabilization of Nonstandard Singularly Perturbed Systems With Small Delays
in State and Control
Glizer, V.Y., Page(s): 1012- 1016   

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Componentwise Stability of Interval
Matrix Systems
Pastravanu, O.; Voicu, M., Page(s): 1016- 1021   

Dynamically Identifying Regenerative Cycles in Simulation-Based Optimization
Algorithms for Markov Chains
Campos-Nanez, E.; Patek, S.D., Page(s): 1022- 1025 

Strong Lyapunov Functions for Systems Satisfying the Conditions of La Salle
Mazenc, F.; Nesic, D., Page(s): 1026- 1030   

On the Design of AQM Supporting TCP Flows Using Robust Control Theory
Quet, P.-F.; Ozbay, H., Page(s): 1031- 1036   

Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control
Page(s): 1037- 1038

Contributed by: Linda Meller, 

6.7 Contents: IEE Proceedings Control Theory and Applications

Current Contents of IEE Proceedings Control Theory and Applications
May 2004

Stability considerations in quaternion attitude control using discontinuous 
Lyapunov functions  p. 253-258 
 D. Fragopoulos, M. Innocenti 
Stability assessment for linear time-varying discrete-time systems using 
orthogonal Lyapunov transformations  p. 259-263 
 J.C. Allwright, C. Manolescu 
Stability analysis of radial power systems: a passivity approach  p. 264-270 
 N. Léchevin, P. Sicard, Z. Yao 
Optimal restricted structure control with prespecified gain or phase margins  
p. 271-277 
 M.J. Grimble 
Proportional multiple-integral observer design for descriptor systems with 
measurement output disturbances  p. 279-288 
 Z. Gao, D.W.C. Ho 
Linear matrix inequality approach to quadratic stabilisation of switched 
systems  p. 289-294 
 Z. Ji, L. Wang, G. Xie, F. Hao 
Linear-matrix-inequality-based approach to H infinity controller synthesis of 
uncertain continuous-time piecewise linear systems  p. 295-301 
 M. Chen, C.R. Zhu, G. Feng 
Study on wavelet repetitive control  p. 303-309 
 C.M. Chang, T.S. Liu 
Multi-timescale fuzzy controller for a continuum with a moving oscillator  p. 
 J. Lin 
Fuzzy controller design for discrete controllability canonical Takagi-Sugeno 
fuzzy systems  p. 319-328 
 W.-J. Chang, C.-C. Sun, H.-Y. Chung 
Wiener model identification and predictive control of a pH neutralisation 
process  p. 329-338 
 J.C. Gómez, A. Jutan, E. Baeyens 
Adaptive model predictive control for max-plus-linear discrete event input-
output systems  p. 339-346 
 T.J.J. van den Boom, B. De Schutter, G. Schullerus, V. Krebs 
Supervisory control of real-time discrete event systems under bounded time 
constraints  p. 347-352 
 S.-J. Park, K.-H. Cho, J.-T. Lim 
Decentralised supervisory control of discrete event systems with mutual 
observability  p. 353-356 
 S.-G. Kim, M.-S. Lee, J.-T. Lim 
Formation feedback control for multiple spacecraft via virtual structures  p. 
 W. Ren, R.W. Beard 
Nonlinear uncertainty observer for AC motor control using the radial basis 
function networks  p. 369-375 
 S.-H. Huh, J.-H. Park, I. Choy, G.-T. Park

Contributed by: T.S. Lee, 

6.8 Contents: ISA Transactions

ISA Transactions
Volume 43, Number 3, July 2004

A PVDF transducer for low-frequency acceleration measurements;
Brian L.F. Daku, Enas M.A. Mohamed, Arnfinn F. Prugger; pp 319-328

Robust and efficient vision system for group of cooperating mobile robots 
with application to soccer robots;
Gregor Klancar, Matej Kristan, Stanislav Kovacic; pp 329-342

Embedded estimator in predictive feedback control;
Leonardo L. Giovanini; pp 343-359

Flexible-structure control: A strategy for releasing input constraints;
Leonardi L. Giovanini; pp 361-376

Robust covariance control for discrete system by Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy 
Wen-Jer Chang, Chong-Cheng Shing; pp 377-387

Covariance control with observed-state feedback gains for continuous 
nonlinear systems using T-S fuzzy models;
Wen-Jer Chang, Yi-Lin Yeh , Kuo-Hui Tsai; pp 389-398

Precision motion control with a high gain disturbance compensator for linear 
Kok Kiong Tan, Shao Zhao; pp 399-412

A new self-tuned PID-type fuzzy controller as a combination of two-term 
S. Bhattacharya, A. Chatterjee, S. Munshi; pp 413-426

Electronic cam motion generation with special reference to constrained 
velocity, acceleration, and jerk;
Chung-Shu Liao, Shyr-Long Jeng, Wei-Hua Chieng; pp 427-443

Manipulated variable based PI tuning and detection of poor settings:  An 
industrial experience;
A. Pomerleau, E. Poulin; pp 445-457

Model-based fault diagnosis in continuous dynamic systems;
C.H. Lo, Y.K. Wong, A.B. Rad; pp 459-475

Development of a novel SCADA system for laboratory testing;
M. Patel, G.R. Cole, T.L. Pryor, N.A. Wilmot; pp 477-490

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Contributed by: Michael Sebek, 

7.1 16th IFAC World Congress

16th IFAC WORLD CONGRESS in Prague, July 3-8, 2005

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 16th IFAC World
Congress to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from July 4 to July 8, 2005.
The Congress will be a good opportunity for new results and directions of
Automatic Control theory, technology and applications. As such, it mainly
will concentrate on the following key points:
- Emphasis on invited lectures including plenaries, surveys and tutorials
- Industry participation promotion
- Attract young people to study and work in the field

The participants of the 16th IFAC World Congress will have the opportunity
to take part in the wide spectrum of categories for technical presentations,
including plenary lectures, survey papers, regular papers of both lecture
and poster session types, panel discussions and case studies. Immediately
preceding the formal opening of the Congress, tutorials and workshops are
being offered to give participants an opportunity to learn new principles,
methodologies, technologies and applications that have been developed and/or
are developing in recent years.

Prague (Praha) -The City of One Hundred Towers and Spires is situated in the
heart of Europe, in the valley of the Vltava river and dominated by the
castle perched on the Western bluffs. The city's golden age commenced when
Charles IV of Bohemia was elected Holy Roman Emperor in 1346. Visitors are
drawn to the 'fairy tale' aspect of the city of its vibrant mixture of
styles. Prague is unquestionably a city that is best explored on foot - the
entire centre has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Gothic
churches rub shoulders with Cubist, Functionalist and ultra-modern
buildings, classical music intermingles with jazz and rock, monumental
statues sit next to abstract works. Certainly, the visitors sooner or later
are getting tired so it is wise to stick to beer in one of the numerous
famous Prague pubs in warm July days.

We look forward to seeing our old and new friends in Prague. You are kindly
invited to participate in the 16th IFAC World Congress in the Czech

Michael Sebek - General Chair

DO NOT MISS the biggest triennial event in Automatic Control:
The 16th IFAC WORLD CONGRESS in Prague, July 3-8, 2005
SUBMISSION SITE opens on JUNE 1, 2004 and closes on SEPTEMBER 8, 2004
Submit a Paper or Invited Session, propose a Tutorial Workshop or Panel
Discussion, organize an Industrial Symposium, Supported Workshop or
Exhibition Booth.

For additional info visit www.ifac.cz

Contributed by: Wim Michiels, 

7.2 5th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems

K.U. Leuven, Belgium
September 8-10, 2004

Call for participation IFAC-TDS'04

This workshop on time-delay systems is the fifth  in a series of IFAC
workshops, after Grenoble (France, 1998), Ancona (Italy, 2000) Santa Fe
(USA, 2001) and Rocquencourt (France, 2003).

The objective of the organizers is to bring together researchers interested
in the field of control of time-delay systems. Conference topics concern the
many aspects of this active research area, ranging from control theory over
numerics  to various applications.

The preliminary program is available at the conference web-site.

Plenary Lectures
-S. Drakunov (Tulane University)
 "Distributed Delay Estimation via Sliding-Mode Observers"
-R. Srikant (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
 "Scalable Congestion Management Mechanisms for a Loss-Free, 
  Delay-Free Internet"
-G. Stepan (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
 "Stability of Time-Periodic Time-Delay Systems"

Contributed by: Ahmad Lotfi, 

7.3 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Soft Computing

Nottingham, United Kingdom, 16-18 December 2004
www.rasc2004.info  or  www.softcomputing.info 

The 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Soft Computing, 
RASC2004, will be held at Nottingham Trent University on December 16-18, 
2004. This international scientific conference is intended to provide a forum 
for researchers and engineers to report key advancements and exchange state-
of-the-art knowledge and experience in the field of "Soft Computing". The 
conference will cover the theory and application of soft computing techniques 
namely: Fuzzy Logic and Systems, Neural Networks, Hybrid Systems, Genetic 
Algorithms, Evolutionary Computing, Smart Adaptive Systems, and Intelligent 

The organising committee of the conference encourages young researchers and 
research students to participate in this non-commercial event by offering 
discounted registration fees.

The nature of soft computing is that there is a wide diversity of techniques 
and applications and it is hoped that this diversity will be exhibited in the 
papers accepted.


Fuzzy Logic and Systems; Neural Networks; Genetic Algorithms; Computational
Intelligence; Hybrid Systems; Evolutionary Computing; Smart Engineering;
Smart Adaptive Systems; Intelligent Control Systems; Neuro-Fuzzy Systems;
Fuzzy Decision Making; Genetic Programming; Fuzzy Modelling; Optimization;
Artificial Intelligence; Granular Computing; Learning Algorithms and
Training; Rough Sets and Data Mining

Application areas may include, but are not limited to:

Engineering Design and Manufacturing; Financial Services; Data Analysis;
ignal Processing; Robots and Agents; Databases; Medicine; Information
Systems; Networking; Multimedia Systems; E-commerce and E-learning;
Process Monitoring and Diagnosis


- Paper Submission: August 13, 2004
- Notification of Acceptance: September 24, 2004
- Final Manuscript Due: October 29, 2004
- Special Session Proposal: August 13, 2004
- Early Registration Deadline: October 29, 2004
- Conference: December 16-18, 2004


Prospective authors are invited to submit their contribution an on the topics 
indicated and others falling within the scope of the conference. Submitted 
papers will be refereed by the programme committee of the conference on the 
basis of technical quality, relevance to the conference theme, originality, 
significance, and clarity. 

Paper submissions will be handled electronically. Please use the Submission 
Form on the RASC2004 website to submit your paper. Template files are 
available on the conference web site to help preparation of the manuscript. 

The author submits each paper on the understanding that if accepted he/she 
must prepare the final camera-ready manuscript in time for inclusion in the 
proceedings and an author present the paper at the conference. The paper 
should not exceed six single-side pages of A4. The proceedings of the 
conference will be published and the copyright of the papers assigned to the 
publisher. Abstracts will be published in a book accompanied by a CD 
containing the full papers in portable document format (PDF). 


Mrs Doreen Corlett
Nottingham Trent University
Burton Street, NG1 4BU 
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 115 848-2301
Fax:+44 (0) 115 848-6506
Email: doreen.corlett@ntu.ac.uk


To register interest or to find out updated information on scientific 
programme, registration and accommodation, please visit the conference web 
site at: 
    http://www.RASC2004.info  or http://www.SOFTCOMPUTING.info

RASC2004 is jointly organised by:
Nottingham Trent University, University of Nottingham & De Montfort University

Download a copy of Call For Papers in PDF format from the following URL:  

Contributed by: Frank Allgower, 

7.4 Call for Participation: Nolcos 2004

International IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems               
Nolcos 2004                        
September 1 - 3, 2004                   
Stuttgart, Germany                          
NOLCOS is IFAC's prime conference specialized to the area of nonlinear 
control systems and is held every three years. Most recently it took place
in Saint Petersburg, Russia (2001), Enschede, Netherlands (1998), Lake
Tahoe, USA (1995), Bordeaux, France (1992), and Capri, Italy 1988. 
The NOLCOS 2004 symposium will take place September 1-3, 2004 in Stuttgart,
Germany during the time of the famous Stuttgart vine festival. 

Conference topics include advanced nonlinear control methods, mathematical
systems theory, nonlinear control applications and tools, nonlinear systems
identification and state estimation, stability of I/O systems, nonlinear
model predictive control, flatness-based methods, nonlinear control of
automotive systems. 

Plenary speakers:
A. Kurzhanski, Moscow State University
A. Teel, UC Santa Barbara
K. Wise, Boeing Corp.

Semi-plenary speakers:
Michel Fliess, Chris Kellett, Andreas Kugi, Wei Lin, Manfredi Maggiore,
Jacqueline Scherpen, Rodolphe Sepulchre, Mark Spong.

In addition to the plenary and semi-plenary talks there will be about 200
oral and 50 poster presentations. The final program is available at the
conference website above.

Frank Allgower 
Institute for Systems Theory in Engineering 
University of Stuttgart 

Contributed by: L. Pandolfi, 

7.5 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization

22nd IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization
Turin, Italy, 
July 18-22, 2005


Roger Fletcher, Anders Forsgren, Dan M. Frangopol , William Hager,
Janos Mayer, Jorge Nocedal, Alfio Quarteroni, H. Mete Soner, Gunther Uhlmann,
Riccardo Zecchina 

Special session: A.V. Balakrishnan, "On the Possio Equation and its Central 
role in AeroElasticity"


"Analysis and optimization of systems modeled by Partial Differential 
  Equations", G. Avalos, F. Bucci 
"Case studies in stochastic optimization" M. Gasparini, E. Riccomagno
"Complementarity problems and variational inequalities", S. Scholtes
"Control under communication constraints", S. Zampieri 
"Controllability and inverse problems for distributed parameter systems", V. 
  Agoshkov, M. Polis, I.F. Sivergina 
"Dynamic Games and its Applications", D. Carlson, A. Haurie 
"Geometric methods in optimal control" U. Boscain, B. Piccoli 
"Inconsistency and uncertainty resolution in distributed information 
  systems" , N.T. Nguyen, R. Katarzyniak, J. Sobecki, K.Juszczyszyn
"Inverse problems for PDE: identification of coefficients and domain. Theory 
  and applications", S. Vessella 
"Large scale nonlinear optimization", H. Scolnik 
"Mathematical models for granular matter", P. Cardaliaguet, P. Cannarsa 
"Modeling and computation in finance", A. Bagchi 
"Modeling and optimization in liberalized markets", A. Kalliauer 
"Multi-Objective Optimization in Structural and Mechanical Systems", H. 
"Numerical Analysis of Optimization in PDEs", V. Maksimov, F. Troeltzsch 
"Recent advances in semi-infinite optimization", M. A. López 
"Semi-infinite stochastic optimization" D. Dentcheva, A. Ruszczynski
"Shape analysis and applications", J. Cagnol, M. Delfour, J. Sokolowski,- D. 
  Tiba, J.-P. Zolesio 
"Singular perturbations of control systems", M. Bardi, O. Alvarez 
"Stability in optimization and applications", D. Klatte, B. Kummer 
"Stochastic Optimization Methods in Engineering and Finance", K. Marti, J. 
  Mayer, P. Kall 
"Stochastic simulation", A. Bagchi 
"Stochastic Systems and Control", E. Priola, G. Tessitore, J. Zabczyk 
"Well-posedness and conditioning in optimization and optimal control", A. 
  Dontchev , T. Zolezzi

Deadline for submission of abstracts: Octover 1, 2004.

Contributed by: Peng (Paul) Wen, 

7.6 International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering

The ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME2005) 
is a new (first) conference, which is sponsored and organized by Institute 
of Complex Medical Engineering(ICME), and co-sponsored by IEEE systems, Man, 
and Cybernetics Society, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 
and Kagawa University. 

The aim of CME 2005 is to bring together researchers and practitioners from 
diverse fields, such as biomedical robotics and biomechatronics, 
neurosurgery, radiology, ophthalmology, brain science and medical 
technology, complex virtual technology in medicine, information and 
communication technology in medicine, complex technology in rehabilitation, 
cognitive neuroscience and technology, complex bioimformatics, and other 
medical science and technologies. CME 2005 is expected to stimulate the 
future research and development of new theory, new approach, and new tools 
to grow the new field Complex Medical Engineering. 

High-quality papers in all CME related areas are solicited. Paper exploring 
new directions will receive a careful and supportive review. All submitted 
papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, 
significance, and clarity. More detailed instructions and a paper submission 
form can be found from the CME 2005 homepage.

For further inquiries and suggestions regarding CME 2005, please contact:
 Professor Jinglong WU
 Department of Intelligent Mechanical Systems
 Faculty of Engineering
 Kagawa Univercity 
 Hayashi-cho 2217-20, Takamatsu 761-0369, Japan
 Tel: +81-87-864-2323 Fax: +81-87-864-2369 Email: wu@eng.kagawa-u.ac.jp

Contributed by: M di Bernardo, 

7.7 Workshop on Structural Stability of Nonsmooth and Hybrid Systems

International Workshop on the Structural Stability of Nonsmooth and Hybrid 
Dynamical Systems: Analysis, Control and Applications
Milano, Italy
21-22 October, 2004

A Workshop organized by the Società Italiana Caos e Complessità 
(Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity)
in cooperation with Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei (FEEM)

This is the second edition of the successful workshop on bifurcations held 
in Milan in April 2002. The workshop is intended to be an occasion for
postgraduate students and young researchers to learn more and exchange ideas
on the theoretical and numerical analysis of bifurcations and structural
stability of Nonsmooth and Hybrid Dynamical Systems.

PhD students and young researchers from all branches of Science and 
Engineering are encouraged to participate. Six invited tutorial lectures 
will be given (in English) by the following speakers

Prof S.J. Hogan (University of Bristol, UK)
Dr Yuri Kuznetsov (University of Utrecht, NL)
Dr Piotr Kowalczyk, (University of Bristol, UK)
Dr Arne Nordmark (Royal Instute of Technology, Sweden) 
Dr Mario di Bernardo (University of Sannio, Italy)
Dr John Lygeros (University of Patras, Greece)

Participants are encouraged to present their ongoing work during the meeting.
Abstracts of all presentations will be made available after the meeting 
together with notes and/or papers related to the topics discussed. 

To apply and for a detailed program of the meeting please look at the 
meeting website http://www.ing.unisannio.it/dibernardo/milan/home.htm

All applications must be received by 30th September 2004.

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