E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 188, April, 2004

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
               Issue 188, April, 2004

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
           Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter/


0. Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	Change of Address: Hidenori Kimura

2.	Awards Honors

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	Constrained control and estimation
	3.2	First Control Training Site Workshop
	3.3	IEEE Trans on SMC Call For Paper
	3.4	Multirate Control Toolbox for Matlab/Simulink
	3.5	Nomination for Editors: Int Journal of Tomography and Statistics
	3.6	Restriction on Publishing Scholarly Work Lifted
	3.7	Workshop on Linear Matrix Inequalities in Control

4.	Positions
	4.1	Faculty: Cornell University USA
	4.2	Faculty: University of Illinois USA
	4.3	Jet Engine Controls Engineers Belcan Engineering USA
	4.4	PDF: ERCIM Fellowship program
	4.5	PDF: Nancy France
	4.6	PDF: Univ of Technology of Compiegne France.
	4.7	PDF: University of Michigan USA
	4.8	PhD: K.U.Leuven Belgium
	4.9	PhD: NUI Maynooth Ireland
	4.10	PhD: UNSW Sydney Australia
	4.11	PhD: University of Central Florida USA
	4.12	PhD: University of Leicester UK
	4.13	PhD Research Engineer: Nat Univ of Singapore
	4.14	Res Assoc: University of New South Wales at ADFA Australia
	4.15	Res Fellow: UNSW Sydney Australia
	4.16	Research Engineer: Univ of Singapore
	4.17	Technical Leader: United Technologies Res Center USA

5.	Books
	5.1	Adaptive Control of Systems with Actuator Failures
	5.2	Advanced Structural Dynamics and Active Control of Structures

6.	Journals
	6.1	CFP: Int Journal of Tomography and Statistics
	6.2	Contents: Asian Journal of Control
	6.3	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	6.4	Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology
	6.5	Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
	6.6	Contents: Int Journal of Hybrid Systems

7.	Conferences
	7.1	ACC Workshop: Tools and Techniques for Control Loop Timing Analysis
	7.2	Conference On Robotics Automation And Mechatronics
	7.3	Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI-2004
	7.4	Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Meas
	7.5	HPOPT 2004: Optimization and Polynomials
	7.6	IFAC Workshop: Generalized Solutions in Control Problems

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Welcome to the 188-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of May 2004.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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Contributed by: Hidenori Kimura, 

Change of Address: Hidenori Kimura

I have moved from the University of Tokyo to the following address from April 
1st 2004:

Hidenori Kimura
Laboratory of Biological Control Systems
Bio-mimetic Control Center
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research

Address: Nakashidami,Moriyama-ku, Nagoya 463-0003,Japan
Tel: +81-052-736-6890
E-mail: kimura@bmc.riken.jp

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                          Awards Honors
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No submissions

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Alina Voda, 

Constrained control and estimation
International Summer School
13-17 September 2004, Grenoble , France

Scientist Responsible : Professor  Graham C. GOODWIN
Centre for Integrated Dynamics and Control, The Univ of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA

Scope and Topics
This summer school will give a comprehensive introduction to the topic of 
constrained control and estimation. This subject has a long history in 
practice particularly in the control of chemical processes and in channel 
equalization in digital  communications. Recently, significant advances have 
also been made in the supporting theory. Thus, this is an opportune time to 
describe the basic principles of this topic. The objective of this summer 
school if therefore to provide a comprehensive overview of constrained 
control and estimation aimed at researchers and/or practitioners. We also 
emphasise the common links and connections between estimation and control 

Principle lecturers :
Professor Graham C. Goodwin  - Univ. of Newcastle, Australia
Dr Maria M. Seron - Univ. of Newcastle, Australia  
Dr Jose A. De Dona  -  Univ. of Newcastle, Australia

Guest Lecturer :
Professor David Q. MayneImperial College, London, UK

Responsible of Grenoble Summer Schools in Automatic Control:
Dr Alina Voda - Laboratoire d’Automatique de Grenoble, France.
Web site:  http://ecole-ete-auto.ensieg.inpg.fr

The Intended Audience
The summer school is aimed at anybody wishing to gain an understanding of 
constrained control and estimation. It should be useful for research students 
and practicing engineers.

Required Background:
Some background in control system design is essential. Familiarity with basic 
state space ideas is also necessary. Otherwise the course is self contained.

Practical Case Studies and Laboratory Session: 
The course will be illustrated by several real world examples which will 
enhance its appeal to practitioners. Also, students will be given the 
opportunity to try the methods on simple problems in hands-on laboratory 
sessions at the end of each day.
Text Book: De Dona, Goodwin and Seron "Constrained Control and 
Estimation", Springer Verlag 2003 (Copies will be made available to 

Registration :  from December 2003 to July 2004

Registration fee (excluding VAT, Including the five lunches, the welcome 
cocktail ).
Non academics :         780 Euro
Academics :             450 Euro
Students :              230 Euro

Conference Location
The 2004 summer school will take place at ENSIEG (Ecole Nationale Supérieure 
d’Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble) of INPG (Institut National 
Polytechnique de Grenoble), support. It is located on the campus, a pleasant 
green place, connected in 15 minutes to downtown by tramway.

Travel : by train from Paris (3h) or by plane to Lyon Saint-Exupéry or 
Grenoble Saint-Geoirs.

Contributed by: F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, 

The First Control Training Site Workshop will be held in Coimbra-Portugal on 
July 1-3, 2004. 

The main objective of the First CTS Workshop is to bring together those 
enrolled in the activities of the Control Training Site - 
http://www.mc-cts.org - from responsible to CTS fellows, in order to promote 
the exchange of ideas and experiences, and reinforce scientific contacts in 
the large multi-disciplinary area of control. This Workshop is also open to 
researchers who are interested in the various areas of control theory, 
optimization and control engineering.

The program of the Workshop will reflect the various scientific areas of the 
CTS and consists of a series of lectures given by invited speakers and short 
contributed presentations primarily by CTS fellows.

Invited speakers:
- Andrei Agrachev
- Antonio Bicchi
- Nigel Cutland
- Bronislaw Jakubczyk
- Matthias Kawski
- Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue
- Philippe Martin
- Arjan van der Schaft
- Rodolphe Sepulchre

Details about registration  and programme are available at the workshop web 
page at: http://www.mat.ua.pt/1ctsw

Contributed by: Robin Qiu, 

Call For Paper, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Part A: Systems and Humans 
Special Issue on “Advances in Heterogeneous and Complex System Integration”

The advances in distributed computing and networks make possible linking 
people, complex and isolated systems, computational resources, and 
heterogeneous information efficiently and cost-effectively. Through 
integration the degree of business (system) process automation and 
productivity can be substantially increased as we have witnessed in the last 
decade or so. System integration transforms science and engineering research 
and expectations on how people live, learn, and work. Due to the inherent 
heterogeneity and complexity of systems (e.g., hardware, software, networks, 
engineering process, and human beings), system integration creates many new 
challenges, which confront researchers and professionals. This special issue 
aims at presenting the latest research on Emerging Technologies in 
Heterogeneous and Complex Systems Integration to provide researchers and 
professionals with a better understanding of the on-going shift towards 
increasing connections and interdependencies among heterogeneous systems and 
human beings. Topic areas of interest include (but are not limited to): 
. System Integration: Formulation, Modeling, and Analysis 
. Reconfigurable Components and Systems for Ease of Integration
. Enterprise Information Systems: Integration and Optimization
. Human-System Interaction and Decision Making 
. Architectural, Security, and Communication Issues in System Integration
. Networked Computing Devices for System Integration
. Reliability, Adaptability, and Expandability of Integrated Systems
. Performance Metrics for Integrated Heterogeneous and Complex Systems
. Applications of Integrated Heterogeneous and Complex Systems

In preparing manuscripts, authors should follow the IEEE Transactions on 
SMC’s "instruction for authors", which can be found in abridged form at the 
back of each issue and is available at the following web site: 

All the manuscripts should be submitted through IEEE Transactions on SMC Part 
A: Systems and Humans manuscript central web site (http://smca-
ieee.manuscriptcentral.com/). Authors should put in the "Author Comments 
Section" to Editor-in-Chief the following sentence: "This paper is for the 
Special Issue on 'Advances in Heterogeneous and Complex System Integration' 
being edited by Robin Qiu and MengChu Zhou."
Important Dates:
December 1, 2004: Full manuscripts submitted to Transaction's manuscript 
center with a note to EIC that the   paper is intended for this special
issue (see above).
March 1, 2005: First round review completed.
April 1, 2005: The revised manuscripts due to Transaction’s manuscript center.
June 1, 2005: Final notification.
June 15, 2005: Final paper due to EIC.
November 2005: Publication

Guest Editors:
Prof. Robin G. Qiu, Ph.D. Dept. of Information Science, The Pennsylvania
State University, Malvern, PA 19355, USAEmail: robinqiu@psu.edu 	

Prof. MengChu Zhou, Ph.D. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng. New Jersey 
Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102, USAEmail: zhou@njit.edu

Contributed by: Carlos M. Velez-Sanchez, 

Multirate Control Toolbox for Matlab/Simulink

The Multirate Control Toolbox (MCT) allows the modeling, simulation and real-
time implementation (with Real-Time Workshop of Matlab) of multirate control 
systems which could be: SISO or MIMO, continuous or discrete (given to a 
base period), with or without time delay, with regular or irregular sampling 
patterns, with or without offset in inputs and outputs.
Multirate Control Toolbox is a toolbox with functions and simulation blocks, 
which allow the calculation and analysis of multirate systems and its 
simulation, however it works in a way like to the conventional systems.

The basic idea of simulation with Multirate Control Toolbox (MCT) is to 
sample each input signal according to its sampling pattern and form a 
lifting vector (vectorization), calculate the extended output (Multirate 
Model) and  apply the suitable output from the lifted output vector in the 
actual sampling time (Reduction). This process is transparent and clear. The 
masks facilitate the parameterization of the blocks. 

The MCT was developed to make easy the study of multirate control systems 
(We use it in the course "Multirate Control" in the "Master in Applied 
Mathematics"). The simulation is easy to carry out and the diagrams may be 
built according to rules for single-rate systems. 

Characteristics of the toolbox: 
- Multirate state-space modeling of SISO and MIMO systems using 
  the "lifting" method 
- Hybrid simulation which allows to see the intersample ripple in the time 
- Direct implementation of continuous-time and single-rate regulators in a 
  multirate pattern  (without doing the previous discretization step) 
- Implementation of direct-designed multirate regulators using the lifting
- Implementation of different sampling cases  (regular or irregular, MRIC or 
  MROC, serial, etc) 
- Implementation of multirate systems in a way similar to single-rate 
  systems (the cumbersome details remain hidden to the user) 
- Real-time implementation (rapid prototyping). RTW is required only for 
  real-time implementation (not for simulation).
You can download the toolbox here: 
Information about multirate control:

Contributed by: Tanuja Srivastava, 

Nomination for Editors: Int Journal of Tomography and Statistics

Nominations are invited for Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Associate and Assistant 
Editors for the International Journal of Tomography & Statistics (IJTS). If 
you have someone in mind to serve as Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Associate and 
Assistant Editors (including yourself), please nominate the person and attach 
their CV. If you are nominating someone else, please consult with that person 
to make sure they would be willing. All the posts are of two years term with 
volunteer appointment policy. Also as per policy subscription of journal is 
required for all appointed.

The IJTS ( http://www.geocities.com/ceser_isder/ijts.html ) publishes 
refereed, well-written original research articles, and studies that describe 
the latest research and developments in computerized Tomography and 
Statistics. It also covers the many potential applications and connections to 
other areas of Science and technology such as the use and development of 
WAVELETS in signal and image processing & reconstructions, applications in 
computerized tomography, and inter-disciplinary nature of applications. 
Applications in signal and image processing with Fourier analysis or WAVELETS 
are particularly welcome. IJTS is published quarterly in March, June, 
September and December by "Indian Society for Development & Environment 
Research" ISDER ( http://www.geocities.com/ceser_isder ). 

Send the nominations with CV and a brief write-up about vision & mission to: 
Dr. Tanuja Srivastava,
Executive Editor IJTS,
Department of Mathematics,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Roorkee-247667, INDIA
tanujfma@iitr.ernet.in, tanujfma@indiatimes.com

Contributed by: D. Birdwell, 

Restriction on Publishing Scholarly Work Lifted

This will come as heartening new for authors from embargoed countries.
The U.S. Department of Treasury that eliminates restrictions on our
IEEE's entire publishing process. The Office of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC) has ruled that the IEEE peer review, editing and publishing of
manuscripts submitted by authors living in embargoed countries are all free
from U.S. government restrictions. The new ruling concludes that the IEEE
publishing process "is not constrained by OFAC's regulatory programs."

This OFAC decision means IEEE will not need a license for editing manuscripts
from authors in Iran, Cuba Libya or Sudan. Effective immediately IEEE and
its societies can resume its normal scholarly publishing process for authors

The ruling also should help provide guidance for other publishers whose
process is similar to that of IEEE. However, authors should check with
their publisher to make sure that they have received appropriate exemption.

Contributed by: Didier Henrion, 

Workshop on Linear Matrix Inequalities in Control
Thursday July 1 and Friday July 2, 2004
LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France

The workshop aims at reporting latest achievements in the area of
linear matrix inequality (LMI) methods in systems control.

Confirmed invited speakers are, in alphabetical order:
V. Ragu Balakrishnan, Purdue University, USA
Jean-Marc Biannic, ONERA Toulouse, FR
Benoit Clement, CNES Evry, FR
Patrick Danes, LAAS-CNRS Toulouse, FR
Benoit Frapard, EADS Astrium Toulouse, FR
Jose C. Geromel, University of Campinas, BR
Friedemann Leibfritz, University of Trier, DE
Emmanuel Prempain, University of Liverpool, UK
Carsten W. Scherer, Delft University of Technology, NL
Lieven Vandenberghe, University of California at Los Angeles, USA
Michel Zasadzinski, Universite Henri Poincare Nancy, FR

There will be a workshop fee (reduced rate for students) to cover lunches,
coffee breaks, the workshop CD-ROM and transportation from and to the city
center. To register, please contact Didier Henrion (henrion@laas.fr)
before June 1, 2004.

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Contributed by: Mark Campbell, 

Faculty: Cornell University, USA

The Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell 
University invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions for 
persons with interests in systems engineering with particular emphasis on 
either aerospace or complex energy systems.  Applicants must have a 
demonstrated record of success in, or evidence of outstanding potential for, 
building a vigorous, independent program in teaching and research.  We expect 
to fill the positions at the Assistant Professor level, but applications at 
other levels will be considered; salary and rank are commensurate with 
qualifications and experience. 

Interested candidates should send a Curriculum Vita and the names of four 
professional references to:
	Chair, Faculty Search Committee
	Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
	105 Upson Hall
	Cornell University
	Ithaca, New York  14853-7501

Cornell University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer; 
qualified women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to 
apply.  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Contributed by: Mark W. Spong, 

Faculty: University of Illinois, USA
University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign
Department of General Engineering

Faculty Openings
The Department of General Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign invites applications for one or more full-time, tenure-track 
positions at the assistant, associate, or full professor levels.  Candidates 
should have an earned Ph.D. in engineering or a related discipline.  

The Department offers comprehensive multidsciplinary degree programs designed 
to prepare students with innovative engineering, design, problem solving, and 
business skills needed to develop and bring to market competitive products 
and services for the benefit of society.  The Department has 18 faculty with 
research programs in mechanics and structures, control and robotics, design 
and manufacturing systems, communication networks, operations research, 
operations management, genetic algorithms, nondestructive evaluation, product 
management, product planning, financial engineering, systems engineering, and 
entrepreneurship. The Department has 560 undergraduate students and 65 
graduate students and offers the B.S. degree in General Engineering and M.S. 
and Ph.D. degrees in Systems and Entrepreneurial Engineering.

Candidates should be committed to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate 
levels and to developing significant externally funded research programs.  
Candidates in the areas of structural design, mechanics and mechatronics are 
particularly sought but all areas of interdisciplinary systems research of 
interest to the Department will be considered.  Salary will be commensurate 
with qualifications.  The proposed starting date is August 16, 2004.

Applications should include a letter of interest outlining teaching and 
research interests, curriculum vitae, complete publication list, dissertation 
abstract, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and the names of four 
references.  They should be sent to Professor Mark W. Spong, Interim Head, 
Department of General Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, 104 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, Illinois 61801 (217-333-2730).  
Applications will be considered until the positions are filled. 

The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity 

Contributed by: Bert Baker, 

Jet Engine Controls Engineers, Belcan Engineering, USA

Belcan has approximately 4,000 employees worldwide.  With over 1,100 
turbomachinery engineers, in 14 offices, Belcan has the largest 
turbomachinery engineering consulting practice in the world.

Our controls practice has grown over 300% in the last year, and we are 
looking to hire 60 additional controls engineers (BS, MS, PhD) in the 
upcoming quarter.  These current needs are to support our clients in the Jet 
Engine Controls Business, though future work could be with any of our clients 
in Embedded Systems and Controls.  

Positions are to work on the controls for the Joint Strike Fighter, next-
generation controls electronics and software for current jet engines, and 
control systems for new and updated jet engines (commercial, military and 

Candidates with experience in jet engine sensors and actuators (e.g. fuel 
systems) are also being sought.

Current positions are in Cincinnati, Ohio; Lynn, Massachusetts; and Phoenix,
Arizona.  Because of export restrictions on jet engine controls technology,
Because of the advanced technical nature of this work, we are also very
selective in our hiring. These are full-time, continuing positions.

Resumes can be sent to Bob Yeigh, Corporate Recruiter, byeigh@belcan.com.

Contributed by: Jan H. van Schuppen, 

PDF: ERCIM Fellowship program

ERCIM offers postdoctoral fellowships in leading European information
technology research centres. Fellowships are generally of 18 months duration,
spent in two research centres. Competitive salary. Deadline for applications:
30 April 2004. Full description of the programme, conditions and the online
application form can be found at:

Contributed by: Hervé Panetto, 

PDF: Nancy, France
Formalisation of a process modelling language for enterprise applications

During the last twenty years, Enterprise Modelling has been recognised as a
powerful mean for industrial engineering, mainly with a point of view based on
performances improvement. A great number of tools and methods have emerged in
particular in the United States and in Europe. In Europe, the European
Framework Programs, set up by the European Commission, have largely made it
possible to develop and diffuse these tools. It results today on a scientific
domain recognised at the international level with a strong industrial impact.
This development has led to a significant number of tools and methods having,
each other, specificities but sharing with others a large covering space, in
term of concepts as well as applications fields. Thus, with respects to this
diversity, we enter today in a second era which leads more to reconciliation,
even integration, of existing approaches rather than the emergence of new
ones. All the initiatives already started illustrate this attempt to
reconciliation. Let us quote in particular, research works done on the frame
of IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) and IFIP
(International Federation of Information Processing) as well as the attempt of
standardisation by ISO Technical Committees. These initiatives are often
gathered under the generic term of UEML (Unified Enterprise Modelling 
In the continuity of this work, the implication of the laboratory as "core
member " within the Network of Excellence on "Interoperability Research for
Networked Enterprises Applications and Software" (IST 508011 INTEROP NoE),
funded in the frame of the 6th European Framework Program, allows us to
propose this research project, aiming at the syntactic and semantics
formalisation of a Unified Enterprise Modelling Language (UEML) on the basis
of metamodelling existing Enterprise Modelling Languages currently used within
industrial applications.

The post-doctorate candidate will have, on the basis of former work of the
laboratory, to analyze syntactically and semantically various Enterprise
Modelling Languages, either used industrially such as GRAI, DEM, IEM, EEML,
CIMOSA... or standardised such as ENV12004/ISO 19440, BPM… for meamodelling
them. To be more detailed, the formalisms will be analysed and decomposed
taking into account a static point of view representing the structure and
semantics of the elementary concepts (constructs) as well as a dynamic point
of view (representing behavioural rules of each concepts or its operational
semantics). The formalisms will then be formalised in the form of models
(meta-models) and will then make it possible to identify common structural
constructs. Merging these concepts will lead to a theoretical formalism
qualified as a unified language, which covers a larger modelling domain than
what is currently proposed by the initial ones. Thus, this aggregation will
ensure independence and interoperability between the initial formalism since
each one of them will be then a projection (in a mathematical sense) of this
unified language. This new language will consist of a “pivot” representation
ensuring the interoperability of the enterprises applications using the
initial formalisms.

Candidate profile:

The candidate post-doctorate must have a solid knowledge on the field of the
enterprise modelling and its applications as well as a level of abstraction
allowing him to formalise metamodels, not only from a syntactic point of view
but also a semantics one. I mus have a PhD and be less than 40 years old.

To apply, send to me, before May 14th, 3 copies of the application form you
can download here :
with the requested documentation.

Contributed by: Ph. Bonnifait, 

PDF: Univ of Technology of Compiegne, France.

The Systems of Perception and Control Group of the laboratory Heudiasyc at the
Department of Computer Science of University of Technology of Compiegne is
able to host 1 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship within the project
"autonomous and sure localisation in urban environment". This project and the
Postdoc position are funded by the CNRS of France. The aim of the project is
to localize in real-time, in a sure and sufficiently precise way a mobile
robot to control it to follow a trajectory in an urban environment.  This
project proposes to study methods of fusion of data coming from GPS,
cartography and dead-reckoning sensors to achieve this goal.

Conditions for applicants: Have obtained PhD degree not before March 22, 2001.
Characteristics of the fellowship:
(1) Full-time contract for 1 year starting September 2004
(2) Gross salary: 25000 euros/year

Procedure for applications:
(1) Selection of 1 single candidate by the hosting group.
(2) Submission of a joint final form to the CNRS by the hosting group and the

Deadline: Before the 15th of April, interested applicants should send by email
a complete CV, with special mention of their publications and research
activities, plus an outline of their research interest for the 3 year period
of the fellowship within the scope of the project.
Send to (Philippe.Bonnifait@hds.utc.fr)

Contributed by: Daniel E. Koditschek, 

PDF: University of Michigan, USA

Postdoctoral position now open within The University of  Michigan Electrical 
Engineering and Computer Science Department, AI & Control System 
Laboratories.  Emphasis on parametrizing, analyzing, and implementing robotic 
programs "written" in the physical form of a machine's material constituents, 
with  strong focus on bioinspired approaches. 

US citizenship required. PhD in nonlinear control theory, robotics, dynamical 
systems theory, or geometric mechanics preferred. Computationally oriented 
biologists with strong analytical skills will be considered. Strong 
programming skills and accomplishment in either laboratory oriented or 
mathematically oriented research are required.

One-year position, salary: $48,900.  2nd year possible.  Preferred  hiring 
date is June 2004.  Send a CV in PDF with three references to  Prof. Daniel 
E. Koditschek, c/o Karen Alexa (ai-jobs@eecs.umich.edu). Or  Karen Alexa 
University of Michigan  1101 Beal Ave/ 168 ATL  Ann Arbor Michigan 48109-
2110  An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 

Contributed by: Marnix Nuttin, 

PhD: K.U.Leuven, Belgium

The applicant is interested to start Ph.D. research and will cooperate with 
other researchers of the research team. We are looking for a candidate who is 
interested in biologically-inspired learning systems, who is interested in 
the mobile robot LiAS 


Leuven intelligent Autonomous System and in the structure and control of 
mechatronic systems in general knowledge of control theory is an asset
Start: immediately. Other job openings are foreseen in the near future.

You will become a researcher on the project AMS 
http://www.mech.kuleuven.ac.be/pma/project/ams/default_en.phtml ,
workpackage 4. The partners of the project are 
You will work together and join the research group 
http://www.mech.kuleuven.ac.be/pma/research/mlr/default_en.phtml on human-
centred service robots, learning robots and mobile manipulation. You will 
find more information on the job opening via the latter link. 

Please contact
Prof. Hendrik Van Brussel (Hendrik.VanBrussel@mech.kuleuven.ac.be) and
Prof. Marnix Nuttin (Marnix.Nuttin@mech.kuleuven.ac.be)

Contributed by: Seán Doherty, 

PhD: NUI Maynooth, Ireland

A Ph.D. Studentship is available to conduct research into the application of 
statistical techniques and control technology to low-pressure plasmas and 
their industrial and scientific applications. The successful candidate will 
work with the Dynamics and Control Group of the Department of Electronic 
Engineering, NUI, Maynooth. The research position is part of the PlasMAC 
Project which combines Dublin City University’s expertise in plasma science 
with the process control expertise at NUI Maynooth to focus on plasma science 
and its application to semiconductor manufacturing, along with three 
industrial partners: Intel, Lam Research and Scientific Systems. The PlasMAC 
project will address the development of a new generation of plasma tools, and 
this position is concerned with closed-loop process control strategies for 
those tools, together with new process control approaches for a range of 
problems affecting the present generation of tools (see 
http://www.may.ie/research/recent_awards2.htm, http://www.plasmac.dcu.ie/ and 
http://www.prl.dcu.ie/prl_ad.html for more detail). The position is available 
immediately and will remain open until a suitable candidate is appointed.

The project will focus on:
* Mathematical modelling of plasma processes
* Development of statistical analysis techniques for plasma data 
* Feedback control design for plasma processes

Applications are sought from highly motivated individuals with an interest in 
the application of statistical techniques and control technology to low-
pressure plasmas and their industrial and scientific applications. Ideally 
candidates will have excellent mathematical ability. Primary qualifications 
(ideally 1st class honours degree) in engineering or physics is preferable. 
Expertise in feedback control systems, statistical process control and/or 
experience with plasma processes would be an advantage.  Applications 
including a CV, details of examination results, and the names and e-mail (or 
address) of two referees should be sent to Dr Seán Doherty either by e-mail 
or post to the address below.

Department of Electronic Engineering
National University of Ireland (NUI), Maynooth
Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Email: sean.doherty@eeng.may.ie

Contributed by: Andrey Savkin, 

PhD: UNSW, Sydney, Australia
School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications,
The University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia.

Ph.D. scholarships in Systems and Control  are available for students with
degrees in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or related 
areas. Ph.D. projects will involve carrying out research under 
supervision of Professor Andrey V. Savkin.

Possible research areas include:
 Networked control systems;
 automatic control of robots and unmanned vehicles;
 vision based control; image processing.

Also, travel funds will be available to scholarship holders to enable them
to attend overseas conferences and visit overseas research laboratories.

Interested students should contact Professor Andrey Savkin by email
(a.savkin@unsw.edu.au) or phone (+612 9385 6359).

Contributed by: Yi Guo, 

PhD: University of Central Florida
Joint Project with Oak Ridge National Laboratory

A PhD Fellowship position is available in Department of Electrical and 
Computer Engineering at University of Central Florida (UCF) starting Fall 
2004. We are looking for a highly motivated individual who has educational 
and research background in one or more of the following topics:

(1) Control theory, applied nonlinear control particularly. 
(2) Autonomous mobile robotic systems. 
(3) Friction control.
(4) Dynamics and control for nano-scale systems.

The chosen applicant will work on a joint project with Oak Ridge National 
Laboratory (ORNL) on Nonlinear Control with Applications to Robotic and Nano-
Material Systems. He/she will join a multi-disciplinary research team 
consisting of UCF faculty and scientists at ORNL, and will work on research 
problems in frontiers of controls and nano-technology. 

There is also a possibility to consider short-term visiting positions. If 
interested, please send your resume including the names and e-mail addresses 
of two or three referees to: 

Dr. Yi Guo 
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
University of Central Florida 
P.O. Box 162450 
Orlando, FL 32816-2450
Email: yguo@ee.ucf.edu

Contributed by: Declan Bates, 

PhD: University of Leicester, UK

Applications are invited for several funded PhD positions in Advanced Control
in the Control and Instrumentation Research Group at the University of 
Leicester, UK. Studentships covering all fees and including a tax-free 
maintenance allowance of at least £12K per annum are available to UK 
nationals. For EU nationals the studentships cover fees only. We regret that 
non UK/EU nationals are not eligible for these studentships.
Possible research topics include:
* Advanced aerospace control systems, including aircraft and helicopter 
  flight control and aero-engine control
* Automotive control - X-by-wire systems
* Robust and Nonlinear Control Theory
* Diagnostics, monitoring, fault prediction and safety-critical control 
* Autonomous systems

Applicants should have a Masters degree or 1.1/2.1 Bachelors degree in 
Engineering, Physics or Mathematics, with preferably a good knowledge of 
dynamics and control systems.

Successful applicants will join a large research group with an international 
reputation in an RAE 5A-rated department, which offers a stimulating, 
friendly and multicultural working environment. To apply, please send your 
C.V., names and full contact details of referees, and a list of publications 
(if applicable), as soon as possible to:

Dr Declan Bates,
Department of Engineering,
University of Leicester,
University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, U.K.
Email: dgb3@le.ac.uk
Website: http://www.le.ac.uk/eg/research/groups/control/menu.html

Contributed by: Peter Chen, 

PhD, Research Engineer: Nat Univ of Singapore

Project: Virtual Reality rehabilitation of arm and hand function after stroke

Two exceptional PhD students/research engineers are needed for a 
collaborative project of three leading labs at the National University of 
Singapore (http://guppy.mpe.nus.edu.sg/~eburdet/), at Simon Fraser University 
(http://www.css.sfu.ca/sites/ncl/) and the University of British Columbia 
(http://www.ece.ubc.ca/~tims/) in Vancouver Canada. Haptic interfaces can 
deliver forces fast and smoothly enough to study the neuromuscular response, 
and to perform rehabilitation after stroke and assess recovery. This project 
will develop robotic assisted rehabilitation of critical tasks involving arm 
and hand movements. The design and planning will take place in Singapore, and 
the implementation and experiments in Vancouver. The two people involved in 
this project will spend half of the project in Singapore (planning and 
design) and hald in Vancouver (implementation and experiments). They will 
receive excellent education in bioengineering and neuroengineering and become 
able to work across the Pacific.

Requirements: Creative and independent candidates. Ability to work in an 
interdisciplinary team. Good bachelor degree in engineering with related 
background (robotics, mechatronics or control). 

Contact Person: Dr Etienne Burdet, e.burdet@ieee.org

Contributed by: Valery Ugrinovskii, 

Res Assoc: University of New South Wales at ADFA, Australia

UNSW@ADFA consists of 5 Schools which form a campus of the University of 
New South Wales. Located at the Australian Defence Force Academy, 
Canberra, Australia, UNSW@ADFA provides undergraduate courses to officer 
cadets and midshipmen as well as postgraduate courses to civilian and defence 
personnel. Staff enjoy pleasant surroundings and have access to various 
facilities and free parking. A generous superannuation scheme is also 
Research Associate Level A/B  (Fixed Term -- 2 Years) 
Salary: Level A:  AUD $53,714 - AUD $57,438 per annum 
        Level B:  AUD $60,304 - AUD $71,050 per annum 
A postdoctoral research associate position is available in the Control 
Systems Group, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, 
UNSW@ADFA, Australia. The group currently includes Prof.I.R.Petersen, 
Dr.H.R.Pota and Dr.V.Ugrinovskii.  
This position is funded by the Australian Research Council under the 
Discovery Project "Monitoring and Control of Complex Power Systems via 
Robust Control of Jump Parameter Systems" and will involve carrying out 
research in conjunction with Dr Valery Ugrinovskii and Dr Hemanshu Pota.  
Selection criteria include: completed PhD or be close to completion of PhD 
in Engineering or Applied Mathematics with a specialisation in Control 
Theory or Power Systems: ability to carry out research in one or more of 
the following areas: Stochastic Control, Robust Control and Filtering, 
Nonlinear Control, Power Control Systems, demonstrated by publications in 
leading international control journals; have a demonstrated ability to work 
under limited supervision; be able to communicate well in English, both 
orally and in writing; have a knowledge and understanding of the principles 
of EEO, and OH&S practices and procedures. A demonstrated ability to carry 
out research in areas of Stochastic Control or Power Control Systems and an 
ability to contribute into a development of experimental facilities would 
be desirable. 
Membership  of  an approved University superannuation scheme is a condition 
of employment.  
Applicants should contact Dr. Valery Ugrinovskii (valu@ee.adfa.edu.au, 
phone +61 2 6268 8219, fax +61 2 6268 8443) or Dr. Himanshu Pota 
(h.pota@adfa.edu.au, phone +61 2 6268 8197, fax +61 2 6268 8443) for a copy 
of selection criteria and further information regarding the position.  
Applications close 16 May 2004. Please quote reference number Elec30403  
Applicants should submit a written application addressing the selection 
criteria, including contact details (e.g. business and private or mobile 
telephone numbers plus email address), a complete resume with copies of 
academic transcripts and qualifications, and the names and addresses 
(preferably email) of at least two referees to:   
HR Recruitment 
Australian Defence Force Academy 
Northcott Drive 
You may email your application to: uni.college.recruitment@adfa.edu.au    
For confirmation of receipt of applications telephone +61 2 6268 8707. People 
from EEO groups are encouraged to apply.   

Contributed by: Andrey Savkin, 

Res Fellow: UNSW, Sydney, Australia

Research Fellow in Biomedical and Control Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications
The University of New South Wales
Sydney Australia, REF. 2754NET

This position is funded by the Australian Research Council and will
involve carrying out research in conjunction with Prof. Branko Celler 
and Prof. Andrey Savkin on robust estimation of cardiac output and oxygen
consumption from simple non-invasive physiological variables.

Essential criteria: a completed PhD (or be close to completion) in
Engineering or relevant field with a specialisation in Biomedical
Engineering or Control; demonstrated ability to carry out research in 
two or more of the following areas: medical engineering, physiological
modelling, robust control; identification from noisy data; Kalman

This is a fixed term position for 2 years.
Contact person: Prof. Andrey Savkin (a.savkin@unsw.edu.au).
Applications close 21 April 2004.
All other information including method of application can be found on:

Contributed by: Peter Chen, 

Research Engineer: Univ of Singapore
Project: Skin Flap Planner for Reconstructive Surgery

Skin reconstruction involves identification of a donor site, flap design and 
cut, and placement on the recipient site. Flap design is complex because the 
cut flap changes its shape, cannot rereturn to original size without blood 
problems, has anisotropic and non-linear elasticity, and must fit a new three-
dimensional shape. Poor design results in third site grafts, and in extra 
scarring, donor site trauma, surgery time and hospital stay. Third site 
grafts occur in a majority of cases, some unavoidable. Our flap simulator 
will provide surgeons with systematic decision support through the use of 
patient-specific skin measurement data and virtual manipulation tools to 
design the flap.

We are interested in motivated individuals who will bring appropriate 
knowledge in mechatronics and system design and/or computational (bio)
mechanics. They will be able to collaborate with the members of our group 
working on biomedical engineering (http://guppy.mpe.nus.edu.sg/~eburdet/), 
and to enjoy living in South East Asia with excellent conditions for life and 
work (http://www.newasia-singapore.com/).

Send your application to or ask for further information at e.burdet@ieee.org

Project: Hierarchical Supervisory Control of Collaborative Autonomous Vehicles

Groups of autonomous vehicles, working in close collaboration, are potential 
workforces that can be deployed for missions including reconnaissance, 
logistics, communications, and even combat operations. Formal strategies and 
methods are required for controlling these unmanned systems to allow for 
autonomous operations and for close collaboration in order to maximize their 
utility. Control technologies for such systems necessarily include complex 
supervisory control mechanisms at both the vehicle level and the group level. 
The objective of this project is to explore and to develop a supervisory 
control mechanism whereby an operator can effectively manage a group of 
autonomous vehicles to carry out a given mission.

Details about the position can be found at the following link: 

Contributed by: Vipin Gopal, 

Technical Leader: United Technologies Res Center, USA
Employment Opportunity in Numerical Analysis
United Technologies Research Center

The Systems Department at the United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) 
invites applications for a senior technical leadership position in the 
Dynamic Modeling and Analysis Group.

The successful candidate will provide technical expertise and direction in 
the area of numerical analysis.  Significant experience with the analysis of 
large-scale industrial problems, acknowledged technical leadership in the 
stability and convergence properties of associated numerical algorithms, as 
well as familiarity with a wide range of relevant codes and modeling 
environments is a must. Experience with the development, selection and 
implementation of numerical simulation methods for time dependent ordinary 
and partial differential equations are necessary.  Also of interest is the 
modeling and analysis of physical systems described by Differential Algebraic 
Equations (DAEs) and Partial Differential Algebraic Equations (PDAEs).  
Besides technical excellence, strong leadership and communication skills are 
essential.  The minimal educational requirements are a Ph.D. in engineering 
or mathematics, with 5 years experience.

The Systems department enables innovations in products, services, operations 
and logistics at the systems level through a focus on producing total 
integrated solutions targeted at new and increasing revenue for UTC. 
Opportunities are identified and their value realized through systems 
engineering. The emphasis in the department is placed on understanding how 
systems operate, clarifying the interactions that exist between subsystems 
and components and specifying these interfaces to ensure robust products. 
These issues are considered across all stages of the product life cycle 
including concept generation, prototype design, volume production, field 
utilization and field service. The department has strong competencies rooted 
in mathematical modeling of UTC products and processes. The models are 
validated in world-class prototyping and experimental facilities and used as 
a basis for conceptual design, system optimization and validation. The 
department is growing in the direction of network controls and hybrid systems 
and has expertise in energy systems, HVAC systems, chemical process systems, 
combustion dynamics, noise and vibration, dynamic systems and controls, 
diagnostics and prognostics, operations research, numerical and computational 
methods and embedded systems. This expertise teams across all phases of the 
systems engineering process: architecture specifications; identification of 
physical mechanisms; subsystems and component interactions; mathematical 
modeling at varying fidelities; simulation and analysis to quantify system 
performance and robustness; design of necessary control systems; and finally, 
prototype design, fabrication, test, and validation. 

The Dynamic Modeling and Analysis group works within integrated product 
development teams to design, analyze, and implement systems solutions and 
conduct model-based analyses for new products and processes. In recent years, 
the group is growing in the direction of analysis of networks, hybrid and 
complex systems that is currently being accelerated with the strategic focus 
on system-level innovation of new products. The traditional areas of 
strengths of the group are multi-scale and parametric analysis of nonlinear 
systems, modeling of thermo-fluids and reacting flows, computational 
complexity reduction, advanced signal processing, classification and decision 
support tools. Applications currently under study include building security 
systems; advanced modeling environments; fuel cell power plants and advanced 
fuel processing systems; refrigeration systems; elevator positioning; 
decision support tools built upon statistical and physics-based models of 
wear; and strategic business decision support tools. 

For more information please contact 
Dr. Vipin Gopal 					
Group Leader, Dynamic Modeling and Analysis 	
United Technologies Research Center 
411 Silver Lane 
Mail Stop 129-15 
East Hartford, CT 06108 

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Gang Tao, 

Adaptive Control of Systems with Actuator Failures 
Gang Tao, Shuhao Chen, Xidong Tang and Suresh M. Joshi
320 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 1-85233-788-5 

This book presents our recent research results in designing and analyzing
adaptive control schemes for systems with unknown actuator failures and
unknown parameters. The main feature of the adaptive actuator failure
compensation approach developed in this book is that no explicit fault
detection and diagnosis procedure is needed for failure compensation. 
An adaptive law automatically adjusts the controller parameters based on 
system response errors, so that the remaining functional actuators can 
be used to accommodate the actuator failures and systems parameter 
uncertainties. Different adaptive failure compensation designs are 
developed and extensive simulation results from various aircraft control 
systems are presented to verify the effectiveness of such designs.

The book is in a comprehensive and self-contained presentation, while the 
developed theory is in a general framework readily applicable to specific 
practical adaptive actuator failure compensation problems. The book can be 
used as a technical reference for graduate students, researchers, and 
engineers from fields of engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, 
and others who have a background in linear systems and feedback control at 
the undergraduate level. It can also be studied by interested undergraduate
students for their thesis projects. 

Table of Contents
      Chapter 1. Introduction 
              1.1 Actuator Failure Compensation
              1.2 Adaptive Control System Concepts
              1.3 Adaptive Actuator Failure Compensation
              1.4 Book Outline
      Chapter 2. State Feedback Designs for State Tracking
              2.1 Fundamental Issues and Solutions
              2.2 Designs for Parametrized Varying Failures
              2.3 Designs for Unparametrizable Failures
              2.4 Designs for Multigroup Actuators
              2.5 Design for up to $m-q$ Actuator Failures
              2.6 Concluding Remarks
      Chapter 3. State Feedback Designs for Output Tracking
              3.1 Designs for Lock-in-Place Failures
              3.2 Designs for Varying Failures
      Chapter 4. Output Feedback Designs for Output Tracking
              4.1 Problem Statement
              4.2 Plant-Model Output Matching
              4.3 Adaptive Control
              4.4 Boeing 747 Lateral Control Simulation
              4.5 Designs for Varying Failures
      Chapter 5. Designs for Multivariable Systems
              5.1 Problem Statement
              5.2 Plant-Model Matching Control
              5.3 Adaptive Control Designs
              5.4 Boeing 737 Lateral Control Simulation
              5.5 Concluding Remarks
      Chapter 6. Pole Placement Designs
              6.1 Problem Statement
              6.2 Nominal Matching Controller Design
              6.3 Adaptive Control Scheme
              6.4 DC-8 Lateral Control Simulation
      Chapter 7. Designs for Linearized Aircraft Models
              7.1 Linearized Aircraft Models
              7.2 Design for Uncertain Actuator Failures
              7.3 State Tracking Design
              7.4 Output Tracking Designs
              7.5 Concluding Remarks
      Chapter 8. Robust Designs for Discrete-Time Systems
              8.1 Problem Statement
              8.2 Plant-Model Output Matching
              8.3 Adaptive Control Design
              8.4 Robust Adaptive Failure Compensation
              8.5 Boeing 747 Lateral Control Simulation
      Chapter 9. Failure Compensation for Nonlinear Systems
              9.1 Problem Formulation
              9.2 Design for Feedback Linearizable Systems
              9.3 An Alternative Design
              9.4 Issues for Nonlinear Dynamics
      Chapter 10. State Feedback Designs for Nonlinear Systems
              10.1 Design for Systems Without Zero Dynamics
              10.2 Design for Systems with Zero Dynamics
      Chapter 11. Nonlinear Output Feedback Designs
              11.1 Problem Statement
              11.2 Adaptive Compensation Control
              11.3 Stability Analysis
              11.4 Design for State-Dependent Nonlinearities
              11.5 Concluding Remarks
      Chapter 12. Conclusions and Research Topics
              A.1 Model Reference Adaptive Control
              A.2 Multivariable MRAC
              A.3 Adaptive Pole Placement Control

Contributed by: Wodek Gawronski, 

Advanced Structural Dynamics and Active Control of Structures
Wodek Gawronski
400 pages, ISBN: 0-387-40649-2, Hardcover
Publication date: March 2004
Springer-Verlag, New York
Retail price: $ 129

This book is about flexible structure models, structural controllability and 
observability, about norms, model reduction and sensor/actuator placement, 
about modal sensors and actuators, and system identification method. It also 
describes collocated, LQG, and H  controllers as applied to flexible 
structures. It presents examples of simple structures as well as complex
ones, such as NASA Deep Space Network antenna, or the International Space
Station. It gives Matlab programs to solve the structural dynamics and
control problems, and Matlab programs to run selected examples from the book.

1. Introduction to Structures          
Examples; Definition; Properties.    

2. Standard Models  
Models of a Linear System; Second-Order Structural Models; State-Space  
Structural Models.

3. Special Models      
Models with Rigid-Body Modes; Models with Accelerometers; Models with 
Actuators; Models with Small Nonproportional Damping; Generalized Model;  
Discrete-Time Models.

4. Controllability and Observability    
Definition and Properties; Balanced Representation; Balanced Structures
with Rigid-Body Modes; Input and Output Gains; Controllability and 
Observability of a Structural Modal Model; Controllability and Observability
of a Second-Order Modal Model; Three Ways to Compute Hankel Singular Values;
Controllability and Observability of the Discrete-Time Structural Model;  
Time-Limited Grammians; Frequency-Limited Grammians; Time- and Frequency-
Limited Grammians;  Discrete-Time Grammians in Limited-Time and -Frequency 

5. Norms     
Norms of the Continuous-Time Systems;  Norms of the Discrete-Time Systems;   
Norms of a Single Mode;  Norms of a Structure;  Norms of a Structure with a 
Filter;   Norms of a Structure with Actuators and Sensors;  Norms of a 
Generalized Structure;   Norms of the Discrete-Time Structures.
6. Model Reduction   
Reduction Through Truncation; Reduction Errors; Reduction in the Finite-Time 
and -Frequency Intervals;  Structures with Rigid-Body Modes;  Structures with 
Actuators and Sensors.
7. Actuator and Sensor Placement  
Problem Statement;  Additive Property of Modal Norms;  Placement Indices and 
Matrices;  Placement for Large Structures;  Placement for a Generalized 
Structure;   Simultaneous Placement of Actuators and Sensors.
8. Modal Actuators and Sensors     
Modal Actuators and Sensors Through Modal Transformations;  Modal Actuators 
and Sensors Through Grammian Adjustment.
9. System Identification  
Discrete-Time Systems;  Markov Parameters;  Identification Algorithm;  
Determining Markov Parameters;  Examples.
10. Collocated Controllers     
A Low-Authority Controller; Dissipative Controller; Properties of Collocated 
Controllers;  Root-Locus of Collocated Controllers; Collocated Controller 
Design;  Examples.
11. LQG Controllers    
Definition and Gains; The Closed-Loop System;  The Balanced LQG Controller;  
The Low-Authority LQG Controller;  Approximate Solutions of CARE and FARE ;  
Root-Locus;  Almost LQG-Balanced Modal Representation;  Three Ways to Compute 
LQG Singular Values;  The Tracking LQG Controller;  Frequency Weighting;  The 
Reduced-Order LQG Controller;  Controller Design Procedure;   Controller 
Design Examples.
12. H  and H2 Controllers      
Definition and Gains;  The Closed-Loop System;  The Balanced H  Controller;  
The H2 Controller; The Low-Authority H Controller; Approximate Solutions of 
HCARE and HFARE; Almost H -Balanced Modal Representation;  Three Ways to 
Compute H  Singular Values; The Tracking H  Controller; Frequency Weighting;
The Reduced-Order H  Controller;  Controller Design Procedure;  Controller
Design Examples.
Matlab Functions;  Matlab Examples;  Structural Parameters

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Tanuja Srivastava, 

CFP: Int Journal of Tomography and Statistics

The International Journal of Tomography & Statistics (IJTS) welcome 
submissions of articles. The International Journal of Tomography & Statistics 
(IJTS) publishes refereed, well-written original research articles, and 
studies that describe the latest research and developments in computerized 
Tomography and Statistics. It also covers the many potential applications and 
connections to other areas of Science and technology such as the use and 
development of WAVELETS in signal and image processing & reconstructions, 
applications in computerized tomography, and inter-disciplinary nature of 
applications. Applications in signal and image processing with Fourier 
analysis or WAVELETS are particularly welcome. IJTS is published quarterly in 
March, June, September and December by "Indian Society for Development & 
Environment Research" ISDER (http://www.geocities.com/ceser_isder). 

Detailed instructions on how to prepare your manuscript are available 
at "Instructions for Author" 

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Vol. 6, No. 1 March, 2004

Regular Paper:
 Title: Control of Interconnected Jumping Systems: An H¡Û Approach
Author: Magdi S. Mahmoud, Peng Shi, and Abdulla Ismail

 Title: The Performance of Discrete Linear Time Varying control of Linear
        Periodic Plants
Author: Jingxin Zhang and Cishen Zhang

 Title: Trade-off Between Approximation Accuracy and Complexity for TS Fuzzy 
Author: Peter Baranyi, Peter Korondi, Ron J. Patton, and Hideki Hashimoto

 Title: Performance Analysis of Control Systems with Input Constraints VIA 
        Piecewise Quadratic Storage Functions
Author: Eiji Morinaga, Kenji Hirata, and Yoshito Ohta

 Title: Decentralized Control of Generalized Systems VIA a Frequency Domain 
Author: Zhiwei Gao, Wanquan Liu, and Albert T. P. So

 Title: Robust Adaptive Control with Multiple Estimation Models for
        Stabilization of a Class of Non-Inversely Stable Time-Varying Plants
Author: S. Alonso-Quesada and M. de la Sen

 Title: Vibration Control of a Smart Structure Using Periodic Output Feedback 
Author: T. C. Manjunath and B. Bandyopadhyay

 Title: H2 Controller Design for networked Control Systems
Author: Lilei Lu, Lihua Xie, and Wenjian Cai

Brief Paper:
 Title: Feedback Stabilization of Nonholonomic Control Systems with Drift
Author: Fazal-ur-Rehman

 Title: Stability and H¡Û Disturbance Attenuation Analysis for LTI Control 
        Systems with Controller Failures
Author: Guisheng Zhai, Xinkai Chen, Shigemasa Takai, and Kazunori Yasuda

 Title: Robust Gain-Scheduled Control of a Vertical Takeoff Aircraft with 
        Actuator Saturation VIA the LMI Method
Author: P. C. Chen, Y. F. Jeng, Y. H. Chang, Y. M. Wang, and G. Chen

 Title: Stability Criteria for a Class of Neutral Systems VIA the LMI Approach
Author: Chang-Hua Lien and Jenq-Der Chen

 Title: Input-State Linearization of a rotary Inverted Pendulum
Author: Chih-Keng Chen, Chih-Jer Lin, and Liang-Chun Yao

 Title: Optimal Mechnism Design and Dynamic Analysis of a 3-Leg 6-Dof Linear 
        Motor Based Parallel Manipulator
Author: Thong-Shing Hwang and Ming-Yang Liao

 Title: Robust Eigenvalue Assignment in Descriptor Systems VIA Output Feedback
Author: Guang-Ren Duan, James Lam, and Guo-Ping Liu

Contributed by: A.H. Glattfelder, 

Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 241-373 (March 2004)
Special Section "Benchmarking Modelling and Control in Wastewater Treatment"
Edited by U. Jeppsson and M.-N. Pons


HDD dual-stage servo-controller design using a [mu]-analysis tool, Pages 241-
Guido Herrmann and Guoxiao Guo
Economic evaluation and design of an electric arc furnace controller based on 
economic objectives, Pages 253-265
D. J. Oosthuizen, I. K. Craig and P. C. Pistorius
Regularised kernel density estimation for clustered process data, Pages 267-
Qian Chen, Uwe Kruger and Andrew T Y Leung
High performance hybrid mold level controller for thin slab caster, Pages 275-
Dukman Lee, Yeongsub Kueon and Sangho Lee
Synchronous disturbance attenuation in magnetic bearing systems using 
adaptive compensating signals, Pages 283-290
J. Shi, R. Zmood and L. Qin
Design of generalized conceptual guidance law using aim angle, Pages 291-298
Ki-Seok Kim and Youdan Kim
The COST benchmark simulation model--current state and future perspective, 
Pages 299-304
Ulf Jeppsson and Marie-Noelle Pons
Simulation of respirometry-based detection and mitigation of activated sludge 
toxicity, Pages 305-313
John B. Copp and Henri Spanjers
Benchmarking procedure for full-scale activated sludge plants, Pages 315-322
A. Abusam, K. J. Keesman, H. Spanjers and G. van Straten
Comparison of advanced control strategies for improving the monitoring of 
activated sludge processes, Pages 323-333
W. Zarrad, J. Harmand, M. Devisscher and J. P. Steyer

Multicriteria control strategy for cost/quality compromise in Wastewater 
Treatment Plants, Pages 335-347
C. Cadet, J. F. Beteau and S. Carlos Hernandez
Control strategy robustness with respect to hydraulics, Pages 349-356
Marie-Noelle Pons and Olivier Potier
Benchmarking combined biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal wastewater 
treatment processes, Pages 357-373
Krist V. Gernaey and Sten B. Jorgensen


Control Engineering Practice
Volume 12, Issue 4, Pages 377-510 (April 2004)
With Special Section UKACC Control Conference 2002
Edited by Steve Daley


Improvements to the water management of a run-of-river HPP reservoir: 
methodology and case study, Pages 377-385
Dejan Paravan, Tomaz Stokelj and Robert Golob
Block-oriented approximate feedback linearization for control of pneumatic 
actuator system, Pages 387-399
Fulin Xiang and Jan Wikander
Regularisation approach for real-time modelling of aero gas turbines, Pages 
T. V. Breikin, V. Y. Arkov and G. G. Kulikov
Recursive spline interpolation method for real time engine control 
applications, Pages 409-416
Alexander Stotsky and Attila Forgo
A simple method for robust control design, application on a non-linear and 
delayed system: engine torque control, Pages 417-429
Y. Chamaillard, P. Higelin and A. Charlet
A controlled friction damper for vehicle applications, Pages 431-443
Emanuele Guglielmino and Kevin A. Edge
The implementation of a dual-redundant control system, Pages 445-453
Yixin Zhao and Feng Liu
Special section on UKACC conference Control 2002, Pages 455-456
Steve Daley
Four-term bilinear PID controller applied to an industrial furnace, Pages 457-
S. Martineau, K. J. Burnham, O. C. L. Haas, G. Andrews and A. Heeley
Active vibration control for marine applications, Pages 465-474
S. Daley, F. A. Johnson, J. B. Pearson and R. Dixon
Global optimisation-based control algorithms applied to boundary layer 
transition problems, Pages 475-490
G. V. Veres, O. R. Tutty, E. Rogers and P. A. Nelson
Towards fault-tolerant active control of rotor-magnetic bearing systems, 
Pages 491-501
Matthew O. T. Cole, Patrick S. Keogh, Mehmet N. Sahinkaya and Clifford R. 
From research to product using a common development platform, Pages 503-510
Michael Tombs, Manus Henry and Christian Peter

Contributed by: Frank Doyle , 

Contents: IEEE Trans Control Systems Technology
March 2004, Vol. 12, No. 2

Computer Automated Multiparadigm Modeling (CAMPAM)
    S. Engell and P.J. Mosterman

Computer-Automated Multiparadigm Modeling in Control Systems Technology
     P.J. Mosterman, J. Sztipanovits, and S. Engell

HYSDEL – A Tool for Generating Computational Hybrid Models for Analysis and 
Synthesis Problems
     F.D. Torrisi and A. Bemporad

Actor-Oriented Control System Design: A Responsible Framework Perspective
     J. Liu, J. Eker, J.W. Janneck, X. Liu, and E.A. Lee

Composition and Cloning in Modeling and Meta-Modeling
     G. Karsai, M. Maroti, A. Ledeczi, J. Gray, and J. Sztipanovits

Multiparadigm Modeling in Embedded Systems Design
     K.D. Muller-Glaser, G. Frick, E. Sax, and M. Kuhl

Design and Implementation of the SNMP Agents for Remote Monitoring and 
Control via UML and Petri Nets
     J.-S. Lee and P.-L. Hsu


Observer-Based Fuzzy Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems: Real-
Time Implementation for a Robot Wrist
     R. Boukezzoula, S. Galichet, and L. Foulloy

Optimal Control of Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles
     A. Sciarretta, M. Back, and L. Guzzella

Disturbance-Rejection High-Precision Motion Control of a Stewart Platform
     Y.X. Su, B.Y. Duan, C.H. Zheng, Y.F. Zhang, G.D. Chen, and J.W. Mi

Application of Nonlinear Adaptive Control Techniques to an Electrohydraulic 
Velocity Servomechanism
     D. Garagic and K. Srinivasan

A Practical Design Approach to Stabilization of a 3-DOF RC Helicopter
     K. Tanaka, H. Ohtake, and H.O. Wang


A Parametric Model of an Eddy Current Electric Machine for Automotive 
Braking Applications
     S. Anwar

Decoupled Control of Flexure-Jointed Hexapods Using Estimated Joint-Space 
Mass-Inertia Matrix
     Y. Chen and J.E. McInroy

Design of a Nonlinear Variable-Gain Fuzzy Controller for FACTS Devices
     P.K. Dash, S. Morris, and S. Mishra

Identification and Open-Loop Tracking Control of a Piezoelectric Tube 
Scanner for High-Speed Scanning-Probe Microscopy
     G. Schitter and A. Stemmer

New Tuning and Identification Methods for Unstable First Order Plus Dead-
Time Processes Based on Pseudoderivative Feedback Control
     P.N. Paraskevopoulos, G.D. Pasgianos, and K.G. Arvanitis

Passivity-Based Control of Switched Reluctance Motors With Nonlinear 
Magnetic Circuits
     G. Espinosa-Perez, P. Maya-Ortiz, M. Velasco-Villa, and H. Sira-Ramirez
Force Tracking Impedance Control of Robot Manipulators Under Unknown 
     S. Jung, T.C. Hsia, and R.G. Bonitz

Multimode Piezoelectric Shunt Damping With a Highly Resonant Impedance
     S.O.R. Moheimani and S. Behrens

Contributed by: C. Stewart, 

Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume: 49, Issue: 1, Year: Jan. 2004

Optimal Control of Switched Systems Based on Parameterization of the
Switching Instants
Xu, X.; Antsaklis, P.J., Page(s): 2- 16

Observer-Based State-Feedback Control of Timed Petri Nets With Deadlock
Giua, A.; Seatzu, C.; Basile, F., Page(s): 17- 29

Stable Social Foraging Swarms in a Noisy Environment
Liu, Y.; Passino, K.M., Page(s): 30- 44

Stochastic$H_2/H_infty $Control With State-Dependent Noise
Chen, B.-S.; Zhang, W., Page(s): 45- 57

Computing Budget Allocation for Efficient Ranking and Selection of
Variances With Application to Target Tracking Algorithms
Trailovic, L.; Pao, L.Y., Page(s): 58- 67

Decomposition/Aggregation-Based Dynamic Programming Optimization of
Partially Homogeneous Unreliable Transfer Lines
Sadr, J.; Malhame, R.P., Page(s): 68- 81

Robust Convergence of Low-Data Rate-Distributed Controllers
Wong, W.S.; Sung, C.W., Page(s): 82- 87

Use of the Kalman Filter for Inference in State-Space Models With
Unknown Noise Distributions
Maryak, J.L.; Spall, J.C.; Heydon, B.D., Page(s): 87- 90

On Convergence Rate of Projection Neural Networks
Xia, Y.; Feng, G., Page(s): 91- 96

Mini–Max Integral Sliding-Mode Control for Multimodel Linear Uncertain
Poznyak, A.; Fridman, L.; Bejarano, F.J., Page(s): 97- 102

Distributed Multirate Interacting Multiple Model Fusion (DMRIMMF) With
Application to Out-of-Sequence GMTI Data
Hong, L.; Cong, S.; Wicker, D., Page(s): 102- 107

Robust Stabilization of Multivariable UncertainPlants Via 
Switching Control
Corradini, M.L.; Jetto, L.; Orlando, G., Page(s): 107- 114

An Optimization-Driven Framework for the Computation of the Controlling
UEP in Transient Stability Analysis
Lee, J., Page(s): 115- 119

A Remark on the Stability of Interconnected Nonlinear Systems
Rapaport, A.; Astolfi, A., Page(s): 120- 124

A Simple Velocity-Free Controller for Attitude Regulation of a
Spacecraft With Delayed Feedback
Ailon, A.; Segev, R.; Arogeti, S., Page(s): 125- 130

When Does the$H^infty$Fixed-Lag Smoothing Performance Saturate for a
Finite Smoothing Lag?
Mirkin, L.; Meinsma, G., Page(s): 131- 134

Propagating Asymptotic Controllability Through Integrators
Tsinias, J., Page(s): 134- 140

On Static Output Feedback Stabilization of Systems With Stable
Generalized Zero Dynamics
Wang, X.A., Page(s): 141- 145

Computation of Minimal Periodic Realizations of Transfer-Function
Varga, A., Page(s): 146- 149

Multiobjective Filter Design for Uncertain Stochastic Time-Delay Systems
Subramanian, A.; Sayed, A.H., Page(s): 149- 154

Book Review, Page(s): 155- 156
Book Review, Page(s): 156- 157

Contributed by: Aghalaya S. Vatsala, 

Contents: Int Journal of Hybrid Systems
Volume 3, Numbers 2 & 3, June & September 2003

Aaron Diaz
Extraction of Finite State Controllers, AD and DA Maps, and Associated Small
Topologies for Measure Valued Control Laws

Wolf Kohn, Vladamir Brayman, Pawel Cholewinski and Anil Nerode
Control in Hybrid Systems

S. Ibrir and E. K. Boukas					     	
Stabilization of Singular Switching Systems with Constant Gain Controllers

Oliver Altet, Cedric Nouillant, XavierMoreau and Alain Oustaloup 	
Hydractive CRONE Suspension as Hybrid Systems

Gino Labinaz and Martin Guay                                        
Viability, the Solution Set, and Fixed Point Approximation of Hybrid Systems

Magdi S. Mahmoud and Peng Shi			                             
Control of Markovian Jump Uncertain Discrete Time-Delay Systems by Guaranteed
Cost Approach

Guisheng Zhai, Shigemas Takai, Anthony N. Michel and Xuping Xu           
Improving Closed-Loop Stability of Second-Order LTI Systems by Hybrid
Static Output Feedback

Dongmei Xie, Long Wang, Fei Hao and Guangming Xie      	            	
An LMI Approach to Disturbance Rejection of Switched Systems

J. Daafouz, P. Riedinger and C. Iung                                          
Observer-based Switched Control Design with Pole Placement for Discrete-time
Switched Systems

Cesar Matinez-Garza and J. Vasundhara Devi                                    
Stability of Hybrid Systems with Invisible Solutions on Invariant Systems

Mei Yu, Long Wang, Tianguang Chu, and Fei Hao                                 
An LMI Approach  to Networked Control Systems with Data Packet Dropout
and Transmission Delays

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Contributed by: Anton Cervin, 

ACC Workshop: Tools and Techniques for Control Loop Timing Analysis
Call for participation: Workshop on Tools and Techniques for Control
Loop Timing Analysis -- a one-day workshop in conjunction with the
American Control Conference 2004

Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Boston Sheraton Hotel, Boston, MA

Organizers: Karl-Erik Årzén, Anton Cervin, and Dan Henriksson,
Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden

The workshop will present new tools and techniques for timing analysis
in the context of real-time and networked control. The main focus will
be on two recently developed MATLAB toolboxes, Jitterbug and
TrueTime. Both toolboxes are free software. The Jitterbug toolbox
makes it possible to compute a performance index for a control loop
with delays, jitter, lost samples, etc. The very powerful TrueTime
toolbox (which is based on Simulink) facilitates detailed
co-simulation of real-time kernels, communication networks, and plant
dynamics. The tools will be presented in the form of detailed
tutorials and several examples will be given. Among the applications
that will be discussed are networked control systems, feedback scheduling,
and model-predictive controllers. Some new analytical results regarding
the stability of control loops will actuation jitter will also be given.

Workshop program:

1. Introduction and overview (8:00-9:00)
2. Control Loops with varying input-output latencies (9:00-9:20)
3. Jitterbug (9:20-11:20)
3.1. Tool presentation
3.2. Examples
4. TrueTime (12:20-3:20)
4.1. Tool presentation
4.2. Examples
5. Feedback scheduling of control systems (3:20-3:40)
6. MPC from a feedback scheduling perspective (3:40-4:00)

For registration and further information, visit the ACC 2004 webpage,

Contributed by: Danwei Wang, 

Conference On Robotics, Automation And Mechatronics
IEEE Conference On Robotics, Automation And Mechatronics (RAM) December 1 - 
3, 2004, Singapore http://cis-ram.nus.edu.sg

The goal of the RAM 2004 is to bring together experts from the field of 
robotics, automation and mechatronics to discuss on the state-of-the-art and 
to present new research findings and perspectives of future developments with 
respect to the conference themes. The RAM 2004 is organized by the IEEE R&A 
Singapore Chapter, and is held in conjunction with the IEEE Conference on  
Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS 2004). The conference welcomes paper 
submissions from academics, researchers, engineers, and students worldwide
in but not limited to the following areas:

Robotics and Automation in Unstructured Environment, Personal and Service 
Robotics, Underwater Robotics, Medical Robots and Systems, Robotics and 
Automation Applications, Sensor Design, Integration, and Fusion, Computer and 
Robot Vision, Human-Robot Interfaces, Haptics, Teleoperation, Telerobotics, 
and Network Robotics, Micro/Nano, Distributed, Cellular, and Multi Robots, 
Biologically-Inspired Robots and Systems, Sensor Based Robotics, Intelligent 
Transportation Systems, Modeling, Planning and Control, Kinematics, 
Mechanics, and Mechanism Design, Legged Robots, Wheeled Mobile Robots, 
Dynamics, Motion Control, Force/Impedance Control, Architecture and 
Programming, Methodologies for Robotics and Automation, Discrete Event 
Dynamic Systems, Petri Nets, Virtual Reality, Manufacturing System 
Architecture, Design, and Performance, Evaluation Computer Aided Production 
Planning, Scheduling, and Control, Total Quality Management, Maintenance, 
and Diagnostics,  etc.

Papers must be written in English and should describe original work. Papers 
should be submitted in the form *.pdf on-line to the conference website: 
http://cis-ram.nus.edu.sg by 30 June 2004. The length of the paper is limited 
to a maximum of 6 pages (A4 size, single spacing, Times Roman of font size 
10, double columns format), including figures, tables and references. Upon 
acceptance, authors will be required to register and present their papers. 
Papers will be published in the conference proceedings only if at least one 
of the authors is officially registered.

Invited Sessions
The conference will feature invited sessions on specialized topics of 
interests. The invited sessions are intended to usher in, in-depth 
discussions in special areas relevant to the conference theme. The session 
organizers will coordinate the associated review process. The conference 
proceedings will include all papers from the invited sessions.

Important Dates
Full Paper Submission/Special Session Proposal  :   30 June, 2004
Notification of Acceptance 			:   15 Augest, 2004
Camera-Ready Copy and Advanced Registration     :   15 September, 2004

Contributed by: Dianhui Wang, 

Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI-2004

The 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in 
conjunction with the 7th Asia-Pacific Complex Systems Conference, Cairns 
Convention Centre, Queensland, Australia, 6th-10th December 2004   URL: 

AI-2004 will be the 17th ACS Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 
This series of conferences attracts leading researchers and practitioners 
from both Australia and overseas.  The conference focuses on all aspects of 
artificial intelligence, from theoretical advances to the latest applied 
developments and, as such is of interest to both researchers and 
practitioners. AI-2004 invites authors to submit their original and 
unpublished work demonstrating current research in any area of Artificial 
Submission Date: 1st July 2004
Acceptance Date:   15th August 2004
Final Submission Date:   15th September 2004

Paper Submission and Instructions for authors

Authors are invited to submit their complete manuscript in PDF format online 
[http://ai2004.cqu.edu.au].  As in previous years, the conference will 
publish the proceedings in the Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial 
Intelligence (LNAI) series. The length of submitted papers (excluding the 
title page) must be no more than 12 single-spaced, single-column pages 
including all figures, tables, and bibliography. Instructions for preparing 
the manuscript can be found at 
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.  Papers not conforming to the 
above requirements may be rejected without review. All papers will be peer 
reviewed by three members of the international programme committee.

Special Sessions and Workshop/Tutorial

AI-2004 solicits Special Session and Workshop/tutorial proposals.  Please 
send proposals to secretariat-ai2004@cqu.edu.au. Special sessions are 
intended to usher in in-depth discussions in specialist areas relevant to 
the conference theme. The session organisers will coordinate the associated 
review process and conference proceedings will include all papers from the 
Special Sessions. To be placed on an email list for further information, 
please email the secretariat.
For further details, please contact:
                  AI-2004 Conference Secretariat
                  Faculty of Informatics and Communication
                  Central Queensland University
                  Rockhampton Queensland 4702 Australia
                  Tel: +61 749232145 Fax: +61 749309729
                  Email:  secretariat-ai2004@cqu.edu.au

Contributed by: Dragan V. Lazic, 

Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Meas
The VIII International Treiennial Conference on Systems, Automatic Control
and Measurement SAUM'04  will be held at Mechanical Engineering Faculty, 
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, November 5 - 6, 2004. 

SAUM - the Association of Serbia for Systems, Automatic Control and 
Measurement, has existed since 1981. (at first under the name USAUM 1981 - 
1985). The first Conference devoted to late Professor Dushan MITROVITCH, the 
doyen of control science and engineering in Serbia, was held 1982. Since
then, the Conference has become triennial international scientific meeting.
It has been organized and held every third year (1982 - 2000). The Conference
topics range over all parts of systems, automatic control, and measurement.
The conference site is: http://saum2004.mas.bg.ac.yu. 

Dr Dragan V. Lazic
Professor of Automatic Control
Automatic Control Department
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Belgrade
elazicd@eunet.yu (home)
dlazic@mas.bg.ac.yu (Faculty)

Contributed by: Pablo A. Parrilo, 

HPOPT 2004: Optimization and Polynomials
8th International Workshop on High Performance Optimization Techniques:
Optimization and Polynomials

CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
June 23--25, 2004

In recent years, a new research area has emerged, which is at the interface
between optimization and the field of real algebraic geometry dealing with
representations of positive polynomials as sums of squares.  The linking
element is that sums of squares of polynomials can be modelled using
semidefinite programming and thus can be computed efficiently with
interior-point algorithms.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers  with interests in
optimization and polynomial representations. The objective is to provide a
forum for the exchange of ideas and knowledge about algorithmic developments
and new theoretical achievements.

Format of the workshop
The workshop will begin with  a one-day tutorial on the theme: 
Sums of Squares in Optimization.

The aim of this tutorial day is to present results about polynomial
representations and optimization to non-specialists. 

The tutorial lectures will be delivered by the following 
three experts in the area:
 - Murray Marshall, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon;
 - Pablo Parrilo, ETH, Zurich;
 - Markus Schweighofer, Konstanz University.

The last two days of the workshop will consist of contributed talks and of
invited lectures by the following leading experts in the field:

 - Jean-Bernard Lasserre, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse;
 - Arkadi Nemirovski, Technion, Haifa;
 - Yurii Nesterov, CORE, Louvain-La-Neuve;
 - Shuzhong Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Registration and abstract submission:
Participation is free, but advance registration is necessary.
To register, please write an e-mail to Monique Laurent (M.Laurent@cwi.nl)
with the following information: name, email, affiliation.

If you plan to attend, please register as soon as possible.

If you wish to present a talk, please send an abstract to Monique Laurent
before April 15, 2004. The selected talks and the final program will be
announced beginning of May. 

Local organizing committee and address information
Dorina Jibetean (CWI), Monique Laurent (CWI), 
Kees Roos (Delft University), and Jos Sturm (Tilburg University)

Contributed by: Yuri L. Sachkov, 

IFAC Workshop: Generalized Solutions in Control Problems
IFAC Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems
September 22-26, 2004
Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia
Web-site: http://www.botik.ru/PSI/CPRC/GSCP2004

International Program Committee
Chair: V.A. Ilin  (Russia)
Co-Chair: F.L. Pereira (Portugal)

The objective of this workshop is to provide an international forum for the
discussion of recent developments and advances in the field of mathematical 
investigation of generalized solutions (GS) in control problems:
discontinuous, impulse, sliding modes, minimizing sequences, etc. including
those ones for distributed systems. In-depth discussions of the relevant
theories and applications by competent experts of this field are expected.

Unbounded control systems; Degenerate and abnormal optimal control problems;
Sufficient optimality conditions for GS; Reachable set based optimization
algorithms; Estimation of reachable and controllability sets; Controllability
of distributed systems in terms of GS; Numerical methods and multimethod
approaches; Geometrical methods for the investigation of GS; GS in applied
problems; Coordinated control of networked systems.

The official language of the Workshop is English. No simultaneous translation
will be provided.

Tutorials (22 - 24.09)
Seminar (27 - 29.09): Approximation methods and algorithms in optimal control.

The Workshop will be held in Pereslavl-Zalessky, an ancient Russian town
located on the Golden Ring of Russia within 130 km from Moscow, on the shore
of the famous Plestcheevo lake.

Submission of full papers by e-mail: June 15, 2004

Registration fee is $US 200.  It covers cultural program, official reception,
coffee-breaks, abstracts preprint and should be paid at the registration
desk. Reduced registration fee for students is $US 100.

E-mail: gscp@cprc.botik.ru

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