E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 186, February, 2004

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 186, February, 2004

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
           Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter/
          Submission deadline for March eletter: February 29, 2004


0. Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	Change of Address: Alexander Fay
	1.2	Change of Address: Idris A. Gadoura

2.	Awards Honors
	2.1	Nominations: 2004 CSS Awards
	2.2	SIAM Student Paper Prize

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	Nominations: SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engr
	3.2	Nominations: Theodore von Karman Prize
	3.3	Nominations: W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize

4.	Positions
	4.1	Director: Automation and Robotics Research Inst UT Arlington USA
	4.2	Faculty: Technical University of Hamburg Germany
	4.3	Faculty: US Naval Academy Maryland USA
	4.4	Faculty: Umea University Sweden
	4.5	PDF: Lisbon Portugal
	4.6	PDF: National Research Council of Canada
	4.7	PDF: Norwegian Univ of Science and Technology Norwey
	4.8	PDF PhD: University of Leicester UK
	4.9	PhD: Helmut Schmidt University Germany
	4.10	PhD: Oklahoma State University USA
	4.11	Research Associate: University of Melbourne Australia
	4.12	Research Associate: University of Newcastle Australia

5.	Books
	5.1	The Calculus of Variations and Functional Analysis

6.	Journals
	6.1	CFP: International Journal of Engineering Education
	6.2	Contents: Automatica
	6.3	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	6.4	Contents: European Journal of Control
	6.5	Contents: IEEE Trans Control Systems Technology
	6.6	Contents: International Journal of Hybrid Systems
	6.7	Contents: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
	6.8	Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

7.	Conferences
	7.1	2004 International Conference on Dynamics Instrumentation and Control 
	7.2	Advanced Technologies and Integrated Manufacturing Systems
	7.3	Advances in Vehicle Control and Safety
	7.4	Conference On Robotics Automation And Mechatronics
	7.5	FORMATS and FTRTFT 2004
	7.6	Fifth IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems
	7.7	Generalized Solutions in Control Problems
	7.8	ICARCV 2004
	7.9	IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
	7.10	IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
	7.11	Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
	7.12	RoboCup 2004
	7.13	Symposium on Autonomous Intelligent Networks and Systems
	7.14	System Modeling and Optimization
	7.15	VSS 04
	7.16	WISES 04

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Welcome to the 186-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of March 2004.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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Contributed by: Alexander Fay, 

Change of Address: Alexander Fay

Dear colleagues, I have recently taken up a faculty position:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fay
Institute for Automation Technology
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
22043 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)40 65 41 22 54
Fax: +49 (0)40 65 41 20 04
Email: alexander.fay@unibw-hamburg.de
Contributed by: Idris A. Gadoura, 

Change of Address: Idris A. Gadoura

My new contact address is

Idris A. Gadoura
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 4400
Fredericton, NB   E3B 5A3
Tel:   +1 (506) 447-3470
Fax:   +1 (506) 453-3589
Email: igadoura@unb.ca

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                          Awards Honors
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Contributed by: Panos Antsaklis, 

Nominations: 2004 CSS Awards

Calls for Nominations for the 2004 CSS Awards

The society offers four major awards each year in addition to the two student
conference paper awards. Brief descriptions of these four awards and calls 
for nominations are included below.  Further information on Control Systems 
Society sponsored awards can be obtained from the IEEE Control Systems 
Society Awards web page: http://www.ieeecss.org/awards/.  Note that it is 
possible to submit nominations using the on-line nominations forms available 
on the web, which are accessible from the CSS Awards web page.

CSS Technology Award
Nominations are solicited for the 2004 IEEE Control Systems Technology 
Award.  This annual award is given for outstanding contributions to control 
systems technology, either in design and implementation or in project 
management.  It may be conferred on either an individual or a team.  The 
award is presented at the annual CSS awards ceremonies held at the IEEE 
Conference on Decision and Control.  The deadline for nominations is 14 May, 
2004.  Please send nominations, together with supporting documentation, to 
the Chair of the CSS Technology Award Committee, Dr. Suresh M. Joshi, Mail 
Stop 161, Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681, USA, Tel: 757 864 6608, 
Fax: 757 864 7797, s.m.joshi@larc.nasa.gov

George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award
Every year, the CSS presents up to three outstanding paper awards to authors 
of papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control during the 
preceding two calendar years.  This outstanding paper award is based on 
originality, potential impact on the theoretical foundations of control, 
importance and practical significance in applications, and clarity.  The 
award is named after George S. Axelby, founding editor of the Transactions.  
Nominations are solicited for the 2004 award from papers published in IEEE 
Transactions on Automatic Control from January 2002 through December 2003 
(Volumes 47 and 48).  The award is presented at the annual CSS awards 
ceremonies held at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.  The deadline 
for nominations is 14 May, 2004.  Nominations should be sent to the Chair of 
the Axelby Award Committee, Professor Abraham Haddad, ECE Dept. (L352), 
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3118, Tel 847 491 3641, Fax 847 
491 4455, ahaddad@ece.northwestern.edu

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award
This annual award is selected among papers that appeared in IEEE Transactions 
on Control Systems Technology during the previous two years, 2002-2003 
(Volumes 10 and 11), based on originality, relevance of the application, 
clarity of exposition, and demonstrated impact on control systems 
technology.  At most one award per year is presented at the annual CSS awards 
ceremonies held at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.  The award 
consists of a plaque (one for each author).  The deadline for nominations is 
14 May, 2004.  Nominations should be sent to the Chair of the TCST 
Outstanding Paper Award Committee, Professor Marc Bodson, University of Utah, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 50 S Central Campus Dr. Rm 3280, Salt 
Lake City, UT 84112-9206, Tel.: (801) 581-8590, Fax: (801) 581 5281, 

IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award
This annual award is selected from articles and columns that appeared in IEEE 
Control Systems Magazine during the previous two years, 2002-2003 (Volumes 22 
and 23), based on the impact on and benefit to CSS members.  At most one 
award per year is presented at the annual CSS awards ceremonies held at the 
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.  The award consists of a plaque (one 
for each author).  The deadline for nominations is 14 May, 2004.  Nominations 
should be sent to the Chair of the CSM Outstanding Paper Award Committee,  
Dr. Tariq Samad, ACS Advanced Technology Lab, Honeywell Laboratories, 3660 
Technology Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55418, U.S.A., Tel. +1.612.951.7069, 
Fax.+1.612.951.7438, tariq.samad@honeywell.com.

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

SIAM Student Paper Prize

The 2004 SIAM STUDENT PAPER PRIZE will be presented at the 2004 SIAM Annual 
Meeting scheduled for July 12-16, 2004, in Portland, Oregon.

The SIAM Student Paper Prize is awarded every year to the student author(s) 
of the most outstanding papers submitted to the SIAM Student Paper
Competition. This award is based solely on the merit and content of the
student's contribution to the submitted paper.  Up to three papers will be
selected for the prizes. Each recipient of the SIAM Student Paper Prize shall
receive a framed certificate and a cash award of ,000.  Winners also
receive  toward travel expenses and gratis registration for the meeting.

The purpose of the Student Paper Prize is to recognize outstanding
scholarship by students in applied mathematics and scientific computing.

Selection Procedures
Eligibility is restricted to students in good standing who have not received 
their Ph.D. as of January 1 of the year in which the prizes are awarded.

Submissions may be based on co-authored papers, provided that the student's 
advisor will attest that the student's work played a pivotal role in the 
results.  A letter from the student's advisor or department chair must 
accompany each entry to verify these conditions.

To enter the competition, a student must submit: (1) an extended abstract, in 
English, of a paper, and (2) a short biography.  The total length of the 
submitted abstract (including bibliography) may not exceed five pages.  The 
student also must submit (3) the complete paper, which will be used for 
clarification of any questions the committee may have about the extended 
abstract.  In addition, the student's advisor or an interested faculty member 
must submit (4) a letter describing and evaluating the paper's contribution
to the literature and the student's role in the scholarship.

All papers and accompanying documentation must be received at the SIAM office 
by February 13, 2004.

Notification of Prize Winners
The SIAM President will notify the recipient(s) at least six weeks before the 
award date.

Each recipient is required to present his or her paper at the meeting where 
the prize(s) are awarded.  If attending the meeting poses a serious hardship, 
an exception may be granted by the SIAM President.

Please direct your submission and any questions you may have to:
Joanna Littleton
Student Paper Prize
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
Telephone:  (215) 382-9800 ext. 303
E-mail:  littleton@siam.org

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

Nominations: SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engr

The SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering will be awarded 
for the second time at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and 
Engineering to be held February 12-15, 2005, in Orlando, Florida.

The prize was established in 2002 and first awarded in 2003.  It is awarded 
every other year by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) 
and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in the area of 
computational science in recognition of outstanding contributions to the
development and use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for
the solution of science and engineering problems.

The prize is intended to recognize either one individual or a group of 
individuals for outstanding research contributions to the field of 
computational science and engineering.  The contribution(s) for which the 
award is made must be publicly available and may belong to any aspect of 
computational science in its broadest sense.

The award will include a total cash prize of ,000 and a certificate 
containing the citation.  SIAM will reimburse reasonable travel expenses to 
attend the award ceremony.

A letter of nomination, including a description of the contribution(s) should 
be sent by July 31, 2004, to:
Chair, SIAM/ACM Prize in CS&E
c/o Joanna Littleton
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

Nominations: Theodore von Karman Prize

SIAM will present the Theodore von Karman Prize at the SIAM Annual Meeting 
scheduled for July 12-16, 2004, in Portland, Oregon.

The award will be given for a notable application of mathematics to mechanics 
and/or the engineering sciences made during the five to ten years preceding 
the award.  The award may be given either for a single notable achievement or 
for a collection of such achievements. The award consists of a hand-
alligraphed certificate and a ,000 cash prize.  Travel expenses to the
award ceremony will be provided by SIAM.  The winner is requested to present
a lecture as part of the award ceremony.

A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s) should be 
sent by January 30, 2004, to:
Von Karman Prize Selection Committee
c/o Joanna Littleton
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
E-mail:  littleton@siam.org
Telephone:  215-382-9800 ext. 303
Fax:  215-386-7999

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

Nominations: W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize


SIAM will present the W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize at the SIAM Annual Meeting 
scheduled to be held July 12-16, 2004, in Portland, Oregon. The award will be
given for research in, or other contributions to, the broadly defined areas
of differential equations and control theory.  The prize may be given either
for a single notable achievement or for a collection of such achievements.
The award consists of an engraved medal and a ,000 cash prize.  Travel 
expenses to the award ceremony will be provided by SIAM.  The winner is 
requested to present a lecture as part of the award ceremony.

Committee Chair John Burns wishes to stress the breadth of the eligible
fields.  He welcomes nominations in all areas of differential equations
(ODEs, PDEs, etc.), both analytical and numerical, as well as in control

The prize is awarded to any member of the scientific community who meets the 
general guidelines of the prize description above.

A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s), should be 
sent to the address below.  Nominations must be received in the SIAM office 
by January 30, 2004.

Professor John A. Burns
Chair, Reid Prize Selection Committee
c/o Joanna Littleton
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
Telephone:  215-382-9800 ext. 303
Fax:  215-386-7999
E-mail:  littleton@siam.org

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Contributed by: F.L. Lewis, 

Director: Automation and Robotics Research Inst, UT Arlington, USA

The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) seeks candidates to fill the 
position of Director of the Automation & Robotics Research Institute and the 
Fort Worth Chamber Foundation Endowed Chair in Manufacturing. The Director 
reports to the Dean of the College of Engineering.  The Automation & Robotics 
Research Institute (ARRI), http://arri.uta.edu, established in 1987, is the 
premier manufacturing assistance, applied research, and technology deployment 
center in the Southwest.  

UTA seeks a Director who is nationally recognized for accomplishments in an 
area compatible with the mission of ARRI, who has exhibited successful 
administrative capabilities, and who has the insight and enthusiasm necessary 
to shape the goals and vision of ARRI for future years.  ARRI was established 
because of the recognition by area leaders of the critical importance of 
manufacturing to the economic growth and the financial well being of the DFW 
metroplex.  The new Director will be challenged to lead ARRI to make 
significant contributions to its mission to improve the competitiveness of 
manufacturing and related enterprises through excellence in research and the 
sharing and deployment of knowledge. The successful candidate will be 
expected (1) to provide organizational and research leadership, (2) to 
successfully interact with the faculty and chairs of the College of 
Engineering departments, (3) to develop sources of external funding, (4) to 
build relationships with industry and (5) interact with local, state and 
national government and elected officials.

Candidates must have an earned PhD in an engineering discipline with a record 
of achievement and scholarship commensurate with an outstanding academic 
and/or industrial career.  Candidates must have demonstrated success in 
administration of an academic and/or industrial research organization, 
securing research funding from both government and industry and transferring 
technology from research to industry.  Both academic and industry experience 
are desired.  Candidates with the prerequisite experience and accomplishments 
may be considered for a tenured faculty position in the College of 
Engineering as well.

UTA�s ARRI is situated in the center of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, a 
hub of industry and DoD activity in manufacturing, aerospace, 
telecommunications, MEMS & nanotechnology.  Thousands of large and small 
companies are situated in the DFW area.  DFW universities, medical 
institutes, incubators, and other major organizations offer opportunities for 
collaboration and R&D.  Texas is ranked third behind the East Coast and 
California as a leader in high-technology industry and small company 
startups.  The DFW metroplex plays a major role in securing this ranking.

Please send resumes with three references to john.patterson@uta.edu, Chair of 
Search Committee, Box 19019, Arlington, Texas, 76019.  Phone: 817 272 3679.

The University of Texas at Arlington is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative 
Action Employer.

Contributed by: Herbert Werner , 

Faculty: Technical University of Hamburg, Germany

The Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg is inviting applications for a 
tenured position (professorial chair), endowed by Airbus Deutschland GmbH 
(Stiftungsprofessur C4) for 

Systems Integration in Aircraft
The primary responsibilities associated with this position include research 
on strategies, methods, and tools for the design, development and 
integration of aircraft systems as well as contributions to teaching in 
these areas. We are looking for an experienced person in systems engineering 
who will initiate and direct a new research effort on the integration of 
aircraft cabin/payload related systems at the TUHH.

Candidates should have extensive experience in at least two of the following 
- Design methods and tools (including "virtual development") for integration 
  of aircraft cabin/payload related systems
- System design with special attention to operational and safety aspects
- hardware/Software-Integration and methods for verification and
  certification of electronic systems
- Systems diagnostics and maintenance strategies.

In teaching, the new professor should contribute to existing courses in 
aircraft systems engineering and to the masters programs in Mechatronics, 
Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Information Technology.

Applications will be considered until the position is filled, and should be 
submitted (stating the Ref. Nr. 2003 - 403) to:
 Technische Universit�t Hamburg-Harburg
 Der Pr�sident
 Schwarzenbergstra�e 95
 21073 Hamburg

For further information see www.tu-harburg.de/fst

Contributed by: Joel Esposito, 

Faculty: US Naval Academy, Maryland, USA

The Systems Engineering Department at the United States Naval Academy
invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the
Assistant Professor level.  The department teaches an ABET accredited major
with emphasis on automatic control. We seek candidates that have experience
in control system applications.  The department's areas of interest include
robotics, computer-based control, and communication systems.  Excellent
opportunities exist for collaboration with faculty within the department as
well as nearby government organizations.  The successful candidate is
expected to teach courses, develop course material, and publish scholarly
work.  An earned doctorate in engineering or a related field is required.
The Naval Academy is an undergraduate institution dedicated to teaching
excellence.  Class sizes are moderate and laboratories are generously
equipped.  Filling the position is contingent on availability of funding.
Preference will be given to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.  The
Naval Academy is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and
provides reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities, where
appropriate. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. Send a
cover letter and resume to: Professor Terry E. Dwan, Chairman, Weapons and
Systems Engineering Department, 105 Maryland Ave., Annapolis, MD

Contributed by: Anton Shiriaev, 

Faculty: Umea University, Sweden

The Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, University of Ume�, 
Sweden invites applications for a position at the Assistant Professor level 
available in summer-fall 2004. The department seeks an outstanding 
individual in the subject of control systems, who is expected to contribute 
and lead research activity within in the areas of advanced nonlinear 
systems, autonomous robotics and analysis/design in industrial and 
manufacturing applications. Competence in related areas as sensor technology 
and data fusion or applications in navigation is an advantage. 

The successful applicant will have only limited teaching duties and will be 
mainly responsible for conducting and leading significant research activity 
within newly established control group at the department. 

Assistant Professor position is post for up to 5 years. Candidates for the 
Assistant Professor positions should have a PhD and up to 5 years 
postdoctoral experience. Applications should include description of past 
research accomplishments including a list of publications, description of 
teaching experience, curriculum vitae, up to 8 relevant publications, a 
research plan, and the names of three references all in 2 copies. 

The University of Ume� is an Equal opportunity Employer. At present a small 
part of all senior researchers at the department are females and females are 
actively encouraged to apply.  For further information please contact Anton 
Shiriaev, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, University of Ume�, 
SE-901 87, Sweden, phone: (+46) 90 786 9198, email: 

Your complete application, marked with reference number 312-222-04 should be 
sent to the Registrar, Ume� University, SE-901 87 Ume�, Sweden, to arrive 
2004-04-15 at the latest.

Contributed by: Pedro Lima, 

PDF: Lisbon, Portugal
ISR/IST, Lisbon - Post-Doc Grant

Candidates wishing to apply for a Post-Doc grant to pursue research 
activities at the Intelligent Systems Laboratory of ISR-Lisbon 
(http://islab.isr.ist.utl.pt) in the area of Guidance, Navigation, Control 
and Coordination of Formation Flying Spacecraft should submit their 
applications to the e-mail below (Prof. Pedro Lima) during the period from 
February 1 to February 29, 2004 for research programs starting mid/late 
March 2004. The Post-Doc grants will only be available for candidates who 
have obtained their Ph.D. degrees in the last five years. Part of the work 
will be developed within the framework of European projects funded by ESA 
and other institutions.

- Curriculum Vitae (including full name, date and place of birth, 
  nationality, ID or passport number and validity date, postal address, fax
  number and e-mail, education record, previous employment, scientific area
  of interest, written and spoken languages and publications);
- Statement of purpose, describing the objectives the candidate intends to
  pursue during the period of the grant (1-2 years, depending on
- Name and address (electronic and postal) of two referees;
- Copy of  diploma(s) (English official translation);

- A monthly grant of 1,500 EUR
- Travel expenses (one flight ticket to Lisbon and one flight ticket 
  back to the home country at the end of the program)
- Contribution to installation expenses (one single payment of  1,000 
  EUR on arrival)

Whenever vacancies are available students will be accommodated at one of the 
University residences (monthly rent varies from 200 to 300 EUR).

Contact Prof. Pedro Lima at pal@isr.ist.utl.pt or fax: +351-21-8418291

Contributed by: Evgueni Bordatchev, 

PDF: National Research Council of Canada
Post-Doctoral Research Position in Monitoring and Optimal Control of High
Precision Laser Machining
Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute (IMTI)
National Research Council of Canada (NRC)
800 Collip Circle, London, ON CANADA  N6G 4X8
The Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute 
(http://www.nrc.gc.ca/imti) has post-doctoral research position available.
Candidates with advanced knowledge in:
- optimal control of machining processes and systems
- monitoring and diagnostics of machining processes and systems
- advanced digital signal processing
- optimization and optimal planning of toolpath trajectory
- high-precision motion control
are sought.
Appointment duration will be two years. Appointment starting date is April
1st, 2004 or later.

Our research is focused on dynamic performance of the high-precision laser 
micromachining systems and laser-material removal processes.

Interested persons should contact as soon as possible
    Prof. Evgueni V. Bordatchev
    E-mail: evgueni.bordatchev@nrc.gc.ca
    Tel: (519) 430-7107
    Fax: (519) 430-7064
Expected applicant qualification:
- PhD or equivalent degree in electro-mechanical engineering, control
  systems engineering, manufacturing or related engineering sciences
  within last 5 years
- A strong interest and competence in dynamic modelling, monitoring,
  and control of complex electro-mechanical systems
- A strong academic and research record

Contributed by: Thor I. Fossen, 

PDF: Norwegian Univ of Science and Technology, Norwey

Outstanding young and responsible researchers are invited to apply for a 
postdoctoral research position in nonlinear control of ships and underwater 
vehicles in the Department of Engineering Cybernetics at the Norwegian 
University of Science and Technology. The appointment is available for a 
period of 2 years.

Qualified applicants should have a PhD in nonlinear and adaptive control 
theory (Lyapunov methods) with specialization in trajectory tracking and 
maneuvering control. Experience with experimental work is preferable.

For more information regarding the position, please contact Professor Thor 
I. Fossen, E-mail: tif@itk.ntnu.no

The position is remunerated according to wage levels 50 to 70 on the 
Norwegian State salary scale, with gross salary from NOK 343.400 to NOK 
494.400 (approx. USD 52.000 to USD 75.000) a year, of which 2% is deducted 
for the State Pension scheme.

The successful applicant must agree to the conditions laid down for public 

The national labour force must reflect the composition of the population to 
the greatest possible extent. It is therefore a major political objective to 
achieve a balance of age and gender and to recruit persons with an immigrant 
background. Immigrants are encouraged to apply for this post.

NTNU wants to increase the proportion of women in its scientific posts. 
Women are encouraged to apply. 

The application must contain information about education, examinations and 
previous experience. Certified copies of testimonies and documents must be 

Three copies of publications and any other work which the applicant wishes 
to be taken into account should also be enclosed. Joint works will be 
considered. If it is difficult to specify the input of the applicant in a 
joint work, a short summary should be attached outlining the applicant's 
input. Please list the submitted publications in the application.
Applications are to be sent to the Norwegian University of Science and 
Technology, Faculty of  Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical 
Engineering (IME), IT-bygget, Sem S�lands vei 9, 7491 Trondheim. The 
application deadline is 29 February 2004. The file number for the position 
(j.nr. IME-345) is to be clearly stated on the application.

Contributed by: Dr Chris Edwards, 

PDF, PhD: University of Leicester, UK

Applications are invited for (i) a Postdoctoral Research Associate post and 
(ii) a PhD studentship in the Control and Instrumentation Research Group at 
the University of Leicester, U.K. The successful candidates will work on a 
three-year EPSRC-funded research project due to start in April 2004. This 
research is concerned with the development of novel theoretically rigorous 
methods for fault detection and isolation, based on sliding mode principles, 
which may be applied to nonlinear complex and uncertain processes. The 
research will focus on the use of sliding mode observers, which employ both 
linear and discontinuous output error feedback to force the outputs of the 
observer to exactly follow the measured system outputs. The proposed research 
is fundamental in nature and would potentially be applicable to many real 
control domains. However one important potential application area is 
aerospace systems. For this reason the project will take advantage of a 
GARTEUR (Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe) Action 
Group on Fault Tolerant Control, which includes Leicester University, as a 
test-bed for these ideas. 

Applicants for the Postdoctoral Research Associate position should have a 
PhD, or be close to completing, and have a proven track record of research 
in a relevant discipline.

Applicants for the PhD studentship should have a Masters degree or 1st class 
Bachelors degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline.
The successful applicants will join a large research group with an 
international reputation, in an RAE 5A-rated department, which offers a 
stimulating, friendly and multicultural working environment. The salary for 
the Postdoctoral Reseach Assocaite postition will be on the RA1 scale 
(GBP 18,265 - 27,339). The PhD studentship will cover all fees and include a 
tax-free maintenance award of at least GBP 9,000 per year for three years.

Downloadable application forms and further particulars for the RA post are 
available by following the link below, or in hardcopy from the Personnel 
Office, tel: 0116 252 5114, fax: 0116 252 5140, email: personnel@le.ac.uk, 

Informal enquiries for the RA post and applications for the PhD studentship 
should be directed in the first instance to:

Dr Chris Edwards 
Department of Engineering
University of Leicester
University Road
Leicester LE1 7RH, UK
Email: chris.edwards@le.ac.uk

Closing date:  5 March 2004.

Contributed by: Alexander Fay, 

PhD: Helmut Schmidt University, Germany

At the Institute for Automation Technology at the Helmut Schmidt University / 
Universtity of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany, there are two open  
postgraduate positions in the recently-installed Automation Technology group, 
emerging from the former Control Technology group (Prof. Lunderst�dt). 
Selected candidates will have the chance to participate in and contribute to 
the group's research on decentralised and autonomous factory automation, 
process automation, and transportation automation systems, and to accomplish 
a Ph.D., at a competitive sallary. Graduates with theoretical background 
and/or practical experience in automation and control of production, 
processes, or transport, are especially desired. Graduates with interest in 
being a part of this exciting educational and research opportunity are 
encouraged to send their Curriculum Vita and their Resume along with a 
description of their research interests to:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fay
Institute for Automation Technology
Helmut Schmidt University / Universtity of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
D-22043 Hamburg, Germany
preferably as PDF file via email to: alexander.fay@unibw-hamburg.de

Contributed by: Rafael Fierro, 

PhD: Oklahoma State University USA

Optimization-Based Control of Interconnected Systems 

A PhD position is available at the MARHES (Multi-Agent, Robotics, Hybrid and 
Embedded Systems) Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 
Oklahoma State University.

Candidates should have a master or equivalent degree in electrical/computer 
engineering/science with strong background and interest in one or more of 
the following areas: hybrid control systems, optimization, MPC (model 
predictive control), and coordination of multi-vehicle systems. Programming 
skills (C++, Matlab, Java) are a plus.

Please send, preferably in electronic form (PDF or plain text): CV, 
transcripts, a statement of research interests, list of publications, and 
the names and contact information (phone and email) of two academic referees 

Dr. Rafael Fierro
Oklahoma State University
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
202 Engineering South
Stillwater  OK  74078-5032
Tel. (405) 744 1328
Fax  (405) 744 9198
e-mail: rfierro@okstate.edu

Contributed by: Barbara La Scala, 

Research Associate: University of Melbourne, Australia
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
University of Melbourne, Australia.

The Research Fellow will work in a team including Professor Rob Evans,
Professor Bill Moran and Dr Barbara La Scala.  The incumbent will
conduct research into sensor systems including the following areas:
novel design of radar waveforms and waveform libraries for optimal
detecting and tracking, scheduling algorithms for sensors and sensor

- A PhD degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline,
  e.g. Electrical Engineering, Operations Research or Mathematics.
- Research experience in some aspects of radar or other active sensor
- Knowledge of basic ideas of stochastic control, dynamic programming,
  waveform design, tracking and data fusion, Fourier analysis etc.
- An eagerness to liaise and work with industry and to work on industry
  funded projects.
- Experience with software packages such as Matlab and programming
  languages such as C++.
- Good communication skills and the ability to present research
  results both orally and in writing.
- Strong analytical skills.

For more information and a copy of the complete position description
access the University of Melbourne Positions Vacant web site:

Contributed by: Reza Moheimani , 

Research Associate: University of Newcastle, Australia
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The University of Newcastle

General Information:
A Research Academic with an interest in novel control analysis and synthesis 
techniques for smart structures is sought to join a multidisciplinary 
research team associated with the Laboratory for Dynamics and Control of 
Smart Structures. There is a particular interest in applications of these 
techniques to the fields of nano-and micro-positioning systems, active noise 
and vibration control systems, aeronautical systems and control of spatially 
distributed systems. Research and computing facilities of the laboratory are 
of the highest standard. 

This position is intially available on a fixed term basis for 2.5 years. By 
mutual agreement the appointment may be extended for a further 2.5 years.

Women are particularly encouraged to apply as they are underrepresented in 
the Faculty's academic profile.

* Have completed or submitted a PhD thesis in a relevant field of 
* Strong analytical skills, particularly in systems and control 
* Strong publication record 
* Strong background in robust control, system identification or signal 
* A capacity to work effectively with a minimum supervision together with  
good problem solving skills 
* Good communication skills including an ability to interact effectively 
with staff and the profession. 

* Industrial or laboratory research experience 
* Experience with smart materials such as piezoelectric, SMAs, 
magnetostrictive, etc 
* Experience with rapid prototyping systems and real-time control systems 
* Strong background in analogue electronics and power electronics

Academic Level B ,031 to ,164 per annum
Academic Level C ,188 to ,321 per annum. 

Salary level within this range will be dependent on the qualifications and 
experience of the successful applicant

For additional information on the position contact Dr Reza Moheimani on 
telephone number +61 2 4921 6030 or by emailing reza@ee.newcastle.edu.au

To find out more details and for application procedure visit the website:

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Leonid P. Lebedev, 

The Calculus of Variations and Functional Analysis

"The Calculus of Variations and Functional Analysis with Optimal Control and 
Applications in Mechanics" by Leonid P. Lebedev (National University of 
Colombia) and Michael J. Cloud (Lawrence Technological University, USA),
World Scientific, 2003, 432 p.
Series on Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems, Series A - Vol.12
ISBN: 981-238-581-9


This is a book for those who want to understand the main ideas in the theory 
of optimal problems. It provides a good introduction to classical topics 
(under the heading of "the calculus of variations") and more modern topics 
(under the heading of "optimal control"). It employs the language and 
terminology of functional analysis to discuss and justify the setup of 
problems that are of great importance in applications. The book is concise 
and self-contained, and should be suitable for readers with a standard 
undergraduate background in engineering mathematics.

              |                                        |
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Contributed by: Denis Gillet, 

CFP: International Journal of Engineering Education 

IJEE calls for papers conforming to the theme of Innovative Approaches to
Control Engineering Education.

Control systems have evolved rapidly over the last century, from manual 
control of essentially mechanically or pneumatically actuated devices in the
early 1900s to modern distributed control systems with Internet connectivity
using digital controllers. In fact, the control engineering education 
involves now numerous disciplines, including but not limited to computing and 
communication. It is a challenge to educate new generations of control 
engineers adequately in this multidisciplinary area to cope with the demands 
from modern control engineering practice. 

This special issue is intended to collate ideas as well as tested
implementations of innovative approaches to control engineering education in 
all branches of engineering.

Examples of topics of interest include, but not limited to: New Topics in 
Control Engineering Education - Innovative Control Course Syllabus - Advanced 
Analysis, Synthesis, and Implementation Solutions - Remote and Wireless 
Control Systems - Distributed and Complex Digital Control Systems - Project-
based Control Engineering Education - Creative Hands-on Learning Activities.

The deadline for the submission of extended abstracts is March 31, 2004. 
Submissions are to be sent by e-mail in MSWord to Associate Professor Kok
Kiong, Tan�at eletankk@nus.edu.sg or Associate Professor Denis Gillet at
denis.gillet@epfl.ch. Papers exceeding 5 MB must be sent on a CD-ROM.

General information and guidelines are available on the IJEE Web site: 

Contributed by: Becky Lonberger, 

Contents: Automatica

March, 2004, Volume 40, Issue 3
For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com

Regular papers

Chenggui Yuan, Xuerong Mao
Robust stability and controllability of stochastic differential delay
equations with Markovian switching

C. Bonivento, A. Isidori, L. Marconi, A. Paoli
Implicit fault tolerant control: Application to induction motors

R. Skjetne, T. I. Fossen, P. V. Kokotovic
Robust output maneuvering for a class of nonlinear systems

Brief papers

D.A. Carlson,  A. Haurie, J. P. Vial, D. S. Zachary
Large scale convex optimization methods for air quality policy assessment

S. Ibrir
Linear time-derivative trackers

Xing-Song Wang, Chun-Yi Su, Henry Hong
Robust adaptive control of a class of nonlinear systems with unknown dead-zone

M. A. Demetriou, N. Kazantzis
A new actuator activation policy for performance enhancement of controlled
diffusion processes

A. P. Loh, Cai X., W. W. Tan
Auto-tuning of phase lead/lag compensators

S. Duncan, P. Wellstead
Processing data from scanning gauges on industrial web processes

Daizhan Cheng, Xiaoming Hu, Yuzhen Wang
Non-regular feedback linearization of nonlinear systems via a normal form

D. Angeli, E. Mosca
Adaptive switching supervisory control of nonlinear systems with no prior
knowledge of noise bounds

K. Roebenack, O. Vogel
Computation of state and input trajectories for flat systems using
automatic differentiation

Xiaoping Liu, A. Jutan, S. Rohani
Almost disturbance decoupling of MIMO nonlinear systems and application to
chemical processes

I. V. Miroshnik
Attractors and partial stability of nonlinear dynamical systems

R. Abdursul, H. Inaba, B. K. Ghosh
Nonlinear observers for perspective time-invariant linear systems

H. Rehbinder, M. Sanfridson
Scheduling of a limited communication channel for optimal control

M. S. Mahmoud
Uncertain jumping systems with strong and weak functional delays

J. Bokor, G. Balas
Detection filter design for LPV systems -  a geometric approach

Technical communiques

Chong Lin, Qing-Guo Wang, Tong Heng Lee
An improvement on multivariable PID controller design via iterative LMI

Xiaojing Yang
Some necessary conditions for Hurwitz stability

S. Takai
Maximizing robustness of supervisors for partially observed discrete event

Contributed by: A.H. Glattfelder, 

Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 123-238 (February 2004)

Table of Contents:

A methodology for robust fault detection in dynamic systems
I. R. Petersen, D. C. McFarlane, pp 123-138

Application of robust and adaptive control techniques to cooperative
I. Uzmay, R. Burkan, H. Sarikaya, pp 139-148

A robust adaptive nonlinear control approach to missile autopilot design
S.H. Kim, Y.S. Kim, C. Song, pp 149-154

Design and implementation of a grey sliding mode controller for synchronous
reluctance motor drive
H.-K. Chiang, C.-H. Tseng, pp 155-163

Control of GDI engines using torque feedback exemplified by simulations
M. Gafvert, K.-E. Arzen, L.M. Pedersen, B. Bernhardsson, pp 165-180

Advanced detection of rolling bearing spalling from de-noising vibratory
F. Bolaers, O. Cousinard, P. Marconnet, L. Rasolofondraibe, pp 181-190

RBF-ARX model-based nonlinear system modeling and predictive control with
application to a NO"x decomposition process
H. Peng, T. Ozaki, Y. Toyoda, H. Shioya, K. Nakano, V. Haggan-Ozaki, M.
Mori, pp 191-203

Modular supervisory control of an experimental automated manufacturing
M. Nourelfath, E. Niel, pp 205-216

Modelling end-of-roll dynamics in positioning servos
A. Guesalaga, pp 217-224

Proportional-integral-plus (PIP) control of ventilation rate in agricultural
C.J. Taylor, P. Leigh, L. Price, P.C. Young, E. Vranken, D. Berckmans, pp

Neural networks for modelling and control of dynamic systems - M. Norgaard,
O. Ravn, N. K. Poulsen and L. K. Hansen. Springer-Verlag, London Berlin
Heidelberg, 2000, pp. xiv+246
Book Review by J. Sj�berg, pp 235-236

Nonlinear system identification - O. Nelles (Ed.); Springer, Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York, 2000, xvii+785pp.
Book Review by J. Sjoberg, pp 237-238

Contributed by: Danila Ferrara, 

Contents: European Journal of Control
ISSUE N. 6/2003

Switched Integrator Control Schemes for Integrating Plants
K. Lau, R. Middleton

Discussion on "Switched Integrator Control Schemes for Integrating Plants" 
John Lygeros
Discussion on "Switched Integrator Control Schemes for Integrating Plants" 
Jun-ichi Imura
Final comments by the authors

Robust H_infinity Output Feedback Control for Uncertain Distributed Delay 
S. Xu, T. Chen

Discussion on "Robust H_infinity Output Feedback Control for Uncertain 
Distributed Delay Systems" 
Qing-Long Han, Dong Yue
Discussion on "Robust H_infinity Output Feedback Control for Uncertain 
Distributed Delay Systems" 
Eun Tae Jeung 
Final comments by the authors

Passification of Nonsquare Linear Systems and Feedback Yakubovich-Kalman-
Popov Lemma
A. Fradkov

Discussion on "Passification of Nonsquare Linear Systems and Feedback 
Yakubovich-Kalman-Popov Lemma" 

Boundary Control of a Class of Hyperbolic Systems
Chapelon, Xu 

Discussion on "Boundary Control of a Class of Hyperbolic Systems" 
J. Malinen
Final comments by the authors

Quadratic Stability of Two-Dimensional Dynamics
T. Ooba 

Adaptive Extremum-Seeking Control of Fed-batch Bioreactors      
M. Titica, D. Dochain, M. Guay

Discussion on "Adaptive Extremum-Seeking Control of Fed-batch Bioreactors" 
Miroslav Krstic

Call for papers
List of reviewers 2003

Contributed by: Misha Skliar, 

Contents: IEEE Trans Control Systems Technology
January 2004, Vol. 12, No. 1


Control at the Molecular Level
     F. J. Doyle


Control of a Combined GTO/IGBT Drive System for Low Torque Ripple in a Large 
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
     G. Tadmor

Observers and Feedback Control for a Rotating Vortex Pair
     G. Tadmor

Development and Analysis of a Feedback Treatment Strategy for Parturient 
Paresis of Cows                                                              
     R. Padhi and S. N. Balakrishnan

Fuzzy Plus Integral Control of the Effluent Turbidity in Direct Filtration
     M. Onat and M. Dogruel

Optimal Pulse Shaping for Plasma Processing
     T. L. Vincent and L. L. Raja

A Practical Design Approach to Stabilization of a 3-DOF RC Helicopter
     K. Tanaka, H. Ohtake, and H.O. Wang

Reconfigurable Flight Control System Design Using Adaptive Neural Networks
     D.-H. Shin and Y. Kim

A Nonlinear Observer Design for Fuel Cell Hydrogen Estimation
     M. Arcak, H. Gorgun, L. M. Pedersen, and S. Varigonda

Hinf Control of Nonperiodic Two-Dimensional Channel Flow
     L. Baramov, O. R. Tutty, and E. Rogers

Identification-Based PID Control Tuning for Power Station Processes
     S. Glickman, R. Kulessky, and G. Nudelman


Optimal Sensor Design and Control of Piezoelectric Laminate Beams
     W. Chen, M. Buehler, G. Parker, and B. Bettig

Nominal Performance Recovery by PID+Q Controller and Its Application to 
Antisway Control of Crane Lifter With Visual Feedback
     T. Matsuo, R. Yoshino, H. Suemitsu, and K. Nakano

Observer-Based Control for Tail-Controlled Skid-to-Turn Missiles Using a 
Parametric Affine Model                                                      
     D. Chwa and J. Y. Choi

Data-Driven Control Design for Neuroprotheses: A Virtual Reference Feedback 
Tuning (VRFT Approach)
     F. Previdi, T. Schauer, S. M. Savaresi, and K. J. Hunt

A Note on Simultaneous Isolation of Sensor and Actuator Faults
     C. Kwan and R. Xu

Constrained Nonlinear Control Allocation With Singularity Avoidance Using 
Sequential Quadratic Programming
     T. A. Johansen, T. I. Fossen, and S. P. Berge

Control Under Constraints: An Application of the Command Governor Approach 
to an Inverted Pendulum
     A. Casavola, E. Mosca, and M. Papini

Modeling of Thermal Generating Units for Automatic Generation Control 
     I. Egido, F. Fernandez-Bernal, L. Rouco, E. Porras, and 
     A. Saiz-Chicharro

Contributed by: Aghalaya S.Vatsala, 

Contents: International Journal of Hybrid Systems
Volume 3, Numbers 2&3, June & September 2003


Aaron Diaz         						            
Extraction of Finite State Controllers, AD and DA Maps, and Associated Small 
Topologies for Measure Valued Control Laws

Wolf Kohn, Vladamir Brayman, Pawel Cholewinski and Anil Nerode            
Control in Hybrid Systems

S. Ibrir and E. K. Boukas	     	 
Stabilization of Singular Switching Systems with Constant Gain Controllers

Oliver Altet, Cedric Nouillant, XavierMoreau and Alain Oustaloup 	 
Hydractive CRONE suspension as Hybrid Systems

Gino Labinaz and Martin Guay
Viability, the Solution Set, and Fixed Point Approximation of Hybrid Systems

Magdi S. Mahmoud and Peng Shi			                          
Control of Markovian Jump Uncertain Discrete Time-Delay Systems by 
Guaranteed Cost Approach

Guisheng Zhai, Shigemas Takai, Anthony N. Michel and Xu Xuping
Improving Closed-Loop Stability of Second-Order LTI Systems by Hybrid
Static Output Feedback

Dongmei Xie, Long Wang, Fei Hao and Guangming Xie      	               
An LMI Approach to Disturbance Rejection of Switched Systems 

Address for submissions and subscriptions:
Professor A. S. Vatsala
Department of Mathematics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette 
Lafayette, LA 70504, U. S. A
E-Mail: vatsala@louisiana.edu

Contributed by: Yuri L. Sachkov, 

Contents: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
Incorporating Dynamics and Control
Vol 10, No. 1  January 2004

Stabilization of linear parabolic equations defined in an
exterior  of a bounded domain by a boundary control
A.V. Gorshkov, 1--9

On Nonlinear Control Systems with Multiple Time Scales
G. Grammel, 11--28

Regular Elements and Global Controllability in SL(d, R)
Richard M. Mamani Troncoso, 29--54

H_infty Reliable Control of Uncertain Linear State Delayed Systems
Zidong Wang and Hong Qiao, 55--76

A Trajectory Planning Approach for the Regulation of the Induction Motor
H. Sira-Ramirez and C. Aguilar-Ibanez, 77--97

Conference Reports, 99--145

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume 379, Pages 1-538 (1 March 2004)
Special Issue on the Tenth ILAS Conference (Auburn, 2002)
Auburn, USA, 10 June - 13 June 2002
Edited by R.B. Bapat, R. Kaashoek, R. Mathias, T.Y. Tam and F. Uhlig


Pages 1-2
R. B. Bapat, R. Kaashoek, R. Mathias, T. Y. Tam and F. Uhlig

Cones and norms in the tensor product of matrix spaces, Pages 3-41
T. Ando

On a class of rational matrix differential equations arising in stochastic 
control, Pages 43-68
G. Freiling and A. Hochhaus

The high road to an exponential formula, Pages 69-75
Wasin So

The inverse eigenvalue problem for symmetric doubly stochastic matrices, 
Pages 77-83
Suk-Geun Hwang and Sung-Soo Pyo

Gradient flow methods for matrix completion with prescribed eigenvalues, 
Pages 85-112
Moody T. Chu, Fasma Diele and Ivonne Sgura

Improved perturbation estimates for the matrix equations X+/-A*X-1A=Q, Pages 
V. I. Hasanov, I. G. Ivanov and F. Uhlig

Norm bounds for summation of two normal matrices, Pages 137-157
Man-Duen Choi and Chi-Kwong Li

Existence of minimal nonsquare J-symmetric factorizations for self-adjoint 
rational matrix functions, Pages 159-178
L. Lerer, M. A. Petersen and A. C. M. Ran

Strong linear preservers of symmetric doubly stochastic or doubly 
substochastic matrices, Pages 179-200
Shwu-Huey Lin and Bit-Shun Tam

Hermite indices and equivalence relations, Pages 201-211
I. Baragana, V. Fernandez and I. Zaballa

An H2-corona theorem on the bidisk for infinitely many functions, Pages 213-
Tavan T. Trent

On matrix inverses modulo a subspace, Pages 229-237
Miguel V. Carriegos and M Isabel Garcia-Planas

Dimension of the orbit of marked subspaces, Pages 239-248
Albert Compta, Josep Ferrer and Marta Pena

Assignment of infinite structure to an open-loop system, Pages 249-266
A. Amparan, S. Marcaida and I. Zaballa

An estimation of the spectral radius of a product of block matrices, Pages 
Mei-Qin Chen and Xiezhang Li

Relationships between partial orders of matrices and their powers, Pages 277-
Jerzy K. Baksalary, Jan Hauke, Xiaoji Liu and Sanyang Liu

A nonlinear matrix equation connected to interpolation theory, Pages 289-302
Andre C. M. Ran and Martine C. B. Reurings

Properties of Schur complements in partitioned idempotent matrices, Pages 303-
Jerzy K. Baksalary, Oskar Maria Baksalary and Tomasz Szulc

Completely positive matrices, Pages 319-327
Changqing Xu

Versal deformations in orbit spaces, Pages 329-343
F. Puerta, X. Puerta and S. Tarragona

Unitary dilation approach to contractive matrix completion, Pages 345-352
Li Qiu and Tongwen Chen

On computing canonical forms using flows, Pages 353-379
Kenneth R. Driessel

Nonnegative matrices A with AA#[ges]0, Pages 381-394
S. K. Jain and John Tynan

Duality and separation theorems in idempotent semimodules, Pages 395-422
Guy Cohen, Stephane Gaubert and Jean-Pierre Quadrat

Kronecker-product approximations for some function-related matrices, Pages 
Eugene Tyrtyshnikov

Student discussions on a linear algebra problem in a distance-education 
course, Pages 439-455
Asuman Oktac

Inclines and incline matrices: a survey, Pages 457-473
K. H. Kim and F. W. Roush

The nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem, Pages 475-490
Patricia D. Egleston, Terry D. Lenker and Sivaram K. Narayan

Should we teach linear algebra through geometry?, Pages 491-501
Ghislaine Gueudet-Chartier

Report on the 10th ILAS Conference Challenges in Matrix Theory at Auburn 
University in June 2002, 
Pages 503-535
Frank Uhlig

Author index, Pages 537-538
Photo, Page xiv
Editorial board, Pages ii-iii

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Chun-Yi Su, 

2004 International Conference on Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control 

CFP: 2004 International Conference on Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control 
August 18-20, 2004, Nanjing, China  
REMINDER. The submission deadline for the 2004 International Conference on 
Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control has been extended to February 20, 
2004.  Further information about the conference, including topics of interest 
and submission guidelines, is available at the web site: 

Contributed by: Evgueni Bordatchev, 

Advanced Technologies and Integrated Manufacturing Systems

The International Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) 2004
June 1-2, 2004 at NRC-IMTI in London, Ontario, Canada

Organized by the Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute (IMTI),
National Research Council of Canada (NRC), this workshop is featuring
Advanced Technologies and Integrated Manufacturing Systems.

This Workshop promotes international multi-disciplinary research, development 
and implementation of findings on advanced technologies and integrated 
manufacturing systems.  Emphasis is placed on the integration of 
product/process/system development and full cycle manufacturing processes 
through the application of a synergetic combination of fundamental and 
applied engineering knowledge for the solution of complex manufacturing 
problems. The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers, 
technology providers, manufacturing executives, strategic planners and 
decision makers to share innovative strategies and knowledge relevant to 
manufacturing technologies and systems.

Please visit our website for further details or contact
Evgueni Bordatchev
Event Chair
Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (Eng), Prof.
Senior Research Officer
National Research Council Canada
800 Collip Circle, London, ON N6G 4X8
Government of Canada
Tel/Tel: (519) 430-7107
Fax:     (519) 430-7064
E-Mail:  AMT2004@nrc.gc.ca

Contributed by: Mustapha Ouladsine, 

Advances in Vehicle Control and Safety

International conference on Advances in Vehicle Control and Safety (AVCS'04)
  Genova (Italy)
Under the auspice of
I3M International Mediterranean Modeling Multi-conference

AVCS�04 is sponsored by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
(SCS) and by the Iternational Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) through
its technical committeees on "Transportation Systems" and "Intelligent
Autonomous Vehicles." 

General Chairs: A. Rachid and M. Ouladsine
Topics: Please visit the web site of the conference

Please submit the full paper in PDF format (6 pages, double column, single
spacing) by email to the publication chair at mustapha.ouladsine@lsis.org.
Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings edited by the
SCS. The first page of each manuscript must contain the title of the paper,
author�s name and affiliation, full address, telephone, e-mail address, an
abstract not exceeding 200 words and 5 keywords.

The Program Committee is also soliciting proposals for invited sessions,
particularly in one of the above theme areas. Interested organizers are
invited to contact the Tutorials and Special Sessions Chair at: 
Submission of papers: 29 February 2004
Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2004
Camera ready papers: 1 July 2004

Contributed by: Danwei Wang, 

Conference On Robotics, Automation And Mechatronics

IEEE Conference On Robotics, Automation And Mechatronics (RAM)
December 1 - 3, 2004, Singapore

The goal of the RAM 2004 is to bring together experts from the field of 
robotics, automation and mechatronics to discuss on the state-of-the-art and 
to present new research findings and perspectives of future developments with 
respect to the conference themes. The RAM 2004 is organized by the IEEE R&A 
Singapore Chapter, and is held in conjunction with the IEEE Conference on  
Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS 2004). The conference welcomes paper 
submissions from academics, researchers, engineers, and students worldwide in 
but not limited to the following areas:

Robotics and Automation in Unstructured Environment, Personal and Service 
Robotics, Underwater Robotics, Medical Robots and Systems, Robotics and 
Automation Applications, Sensor Design, Integration, and Fusion, Computer and 
Robot Vision, Human-Robot Interfaces, Haptics, Teleoperation, Telerobotics, 
and Network Robotics, Micro/Nano, Distributed, Cellular, and Multi Robots, 
Biologically-Inspired Robots and Systems, Sensor Based Robotics, Intelligent 
Transportation Systems, Modeling, Planning and Control, Kinematics, 
Mechanics, and Mechanism Design, Legged Robots, Wheeled Mobile Robots, 
Dynamics, Motion Control, Force/Impedance Control, Architecture and 
Programming, Methodologies for Robotics and Automation, Discrete Event 
Dynamic Systems, Petri Nets, Virtual Reality, Manufacturing System 
Architecture, Design, and Performance, Evaluation Computer Aided Production 
Planning, Scheduling, and Control, Total Quality Management, Maintenance, and 
Diagnostics,  etc.

Papers must be written in English and should describe original work. Papers 
should be submitted in the form *.pdf on-line to the conference website: 
http://cis-ram.nus.edu.sg by 30 June 2004. The length of the paper is limited 
to a maximum of 6 pages (A4 size, single spacing, Times Roman of font size 
10, double columns format), including figures, tables and references. Upon 
acceptance, authors will be required to register and present their papers. 
Papers will be published in the conference proceedings only if at least one 
of the authors is officially registered.

Invited Sessions
The conference will feature invited sessions on specialized topics of 
interests. The invited sessions are intended to usher in, in-depth 
discussions in special areas relevant to the conference theme. The session 
organizers will coordinate the associated review process. The conference 
proceedings will include all papers from the invited sessions.

Important Dates
Full Paper Submission/Special Session Proposal  :   30 June, 2004
Notification of Acceptance 			:   15 Augest, 2004
Camera-Ready Copy and Advanced Registration     :   15 September, 2004

Contributed by: Sergio Yovine, 


Joint Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS)
and Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant Systems (FTRTFT)
September 22-24, 2004, Grenoble, France
http://www-formats-ftrtft.imag.fr           FORMATS.FTRTFT@imag.fr

Computer systems are becoming increasingly widespread in real-time and
safety-critical applications such as embedded systems.  Such systems are
characterised by the crucial need to manage their complexity in order to
produce reliable designs and implementations.  The importance of timing
aspects, performance and fault-tolerance is continuously growing.

Formal techniques offer a foundation for systematic design of complex
systems. They have beneficial applications throughout the engineering
process, from the capture of requirements through specification, design,
coding and compilation, down to the hardware which embeds the system into
its environment.

The joint conference is devoted to considering the problems and the solutions
in designing real-time and/or fault-tolerant systems, and to examining how
well the use of advanced design techniques and formal methods for design,
analysis and verification serves in relating theory to practice.

The conference unites two previously independently organised conferences

FORMATS has been organised in 2003 as a satellite workshop of CONCUR'03 and
is related to three independently started workshop series: MTCS (held as
satellite event of CONCUR'00-02), RT-TOOLS (held as satellite event of
CONCUR'01 and FLoC'02) and TPTS (at ETAPS'02).

Important Dates:
* Submission deadline:        April 1, 2004
* Notification to authors:    June 1, 2004
* Final version:              July 1, 2004

FORMATS Steering Committee: Rajeev Alur (U. Pennsylvania, USA), Flavio
Corradini (Uni. di L'Aquila, Italy), Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg
University, Denmark), Oded Maler (VERIMAG, France), Walter Vogler
(U. Augsburg, Germany), Wang Yi (Uppsala University, Sweden).

FTRTFT Steering Committee: Mathai Joseph (TCS, India), Amir Pnueli
(NYU, USA), Willem-Paul de Roever (U. Kiel, Germany), Jan Vytopil
(U. Nijmegen, The Netherlands).

Contributed by: Wim Michiels, 

Fifth IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems
K.U. Leuven, Belgium 
September 8-10, 2004

The objective of this IFAC workshop is to bring together specialists 
in the field of control of time-delay systems. High level contributions 
on the many aspects of this research area, ranging from theory over 
numerics to various applications, are awaited. Contributions on related 
domains (e.g. control of uncertain systems, 2D and nD systems, 
tele-operated control systems) will be considered with great interest, 
provided they contain relations with time-delay  systems. 

In order to provide a joint forum for and create interaction between
specialists in control and numerical mathematics, and to increase 
industrial participation, special attention will be paid to: 
- numerical methods for time-delay systems
- applications, emphasizing delay effects in telecommunication systems

  Submission  of a manuscript:	               March 15, 2004
  Submission of an invited session proposal:   March 15, 2004

Submissions should be done electronically using the procedure available at
the conference web-site.

Contributed by: Yuri L. Sachkov, 

Generalized Solutions in Control Problems

IFAC Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems
September 22-26, 2004
Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia

The objective of this workshop is to provide an international forum for the
discussion of recent developments and advances in the field of mathematical 
investigation of generalized solutions (GS) in control problems:
discontinuous, impulse, sliding modes, minimizing sequences, etc. including
those ones for distributed systems. In-depth discussions of the relevant
theories and applications by competent experts of this field are expected.
Topics include: Unbounded control systems. Degenerate and abnormal optimal
control problems. Sufficient optimality conditions for GS. Reachable set
based optimization algorithms. Estimation of reachable and controllability
sets. Controllability of distributed systems in terms of GS. Numerical
methods and multimethod approaches. Geometrical methods for the investigation
of GS. GS in applied problems. Coordinated control of networked systems.

International Program Committee
Chair: V.A. Ilin  (Russia)
Co-Chair: F.L. Pereira (Portugal)

Tutorials (22 - 24.09)
Seminar (27 - 29.09): Approximation methods and algorithms in optimal control.

The Workshop will be held in Pereslavl-Zalessky, an ancient Russian town
located on the Golden Ring of Russia within 130 km from Moscow, on the shore
of the famous Plestcheevo lake.

Address of the Organizing Committee
GSCP - 2004, Program Systems Institute, 
152020 Pereslavl-Zalessky, RUSSIA
Tel.: +7-08535-98234,   +7-08535-98210     
Fax: +7-08535-98210  
E-mail: gscp@cprc.botik.ru
Web-site: http://www.botik.ru/PSI/CPRC/GSCP2004

Contributed by: Han Wang, 


The Eighth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics
and Vision, ICARCV 2004,
Kunming, China
6-9 December, 2004.

The conference will be co-organised by the School of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University and Nanjing
University of Science and Technology. The conference will provide a
forum for Control and Automation professionals, manufacturing engineers
and academic researchers to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge and
experiences. The conference will focus on both theory and applications.
In addition to the technical sessions, there will be plenary, invited
and tutorial sessions. 

The topics of interest are:
Control: Modeling and simulation of complex systems; Identification &
 stimation; Adaptive control; Robust control; Nonlinear control;
 Intelligent control; Hybrid systems; Computer networks control;
 Networked control systems; Control applications; Control education
Automation: Instrumentation systems; Flexible manufacturing systems;
 Process Automation; Man-Machine Interactions; Computer Integrated
 Manufacturing; Factory modeling and simulation; Intelligent automation
Robotics: Kinematics, dynamics and control; Mobile robot & navigation;
 Intelligent sensors and actuators; Dexterous manipulation and task
 planning; Medical robots; Humanoid robots; Underwater robots;
 Telerobotics and man-machine systems; Mechatronics; Mechanism design
 and applications
Computer Vision: Active and robot vision; Biomedical image analysis;
 Feature extraction, grouping and segmentation; Illumination and
 reflectance modeling; Image and video analysis/retrieval/indexing;
 Pattern recognition; Physics-based vision; Stereo/multiview geometry
 /SFM; Tracking and surveillance; Applications
Emerging Technologies: Machine learning; Soft computing; Modeling and
 simulations of biological systems; Biomedical instrumentation and
 applications; Micro-electromechanical systems

Invited Sessions: 
The Technical Program Committee is soliciting proposals for 
invited sessions focusing on topics of ICARCV 2004. Prospective 
organisers should submit proposals to the Technical Program Chairman,
Professor Lihua Xie at elhxie@ntu.edu.sg by 1 March 2004.

Best Paper Award: 
Selection of the best paper will be made at the Conference based on
both the technical content and presentation. The winner will be chosen
by the Technical Program Committee in consultation with the
International Advisory Committee. 

Submission Procedure: 
Papers must be written in English and should describe original work in 
detail. Please submit full papers to the website address
by l March, 2004. All submitted papers should be in the form of .pdf or
.ps file and are to be limited to a maximum length of 6 pages (A4 size,
single space, Times Roman of font size 10, two columns format), including
figures, tables and references. Upon acceptance, authors will be required
to register and present their papers. Papers will be published in the
conference proceedings only if at least one of the authors is officially
registered. We are pleased to announcement that Proceedings of ICARCV
are included in EI Compendex.

Please feel free to email us at icarcv@ntu.edu.sg if you have any queries.

Meng Joo Er
General Chair

Contributed by: David L. Pepyne, 

IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

2004 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (43rd CDC)
December 14-17, 2004
Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas

The 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) will be held Tuesday
through Friday, December 14-17, 2004 at Atlantis (a resort of "mythical"
proportions, www.atlantis.com), Paradise Island, the Bahamas, with
preconference workshops and tutorials to be announced. The conference is
sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) and is organized in
cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),
the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS),
the Japanese Society for Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), and the
European Union Control Association (EUCA). The CDC brings together an
international community of experts to discuss the state-of-the-art, new
research results, perspectives of future developments, and innovative
applications relevant to control, automation, and related areas. For the most
up to date information please continue to visit the conference website

* Deadline for all submissions and proposals:    March 1, 2004
* Notification of Acceptance/Rejection:          July 2004
* Final manuscript submission deadline:          September 1, 2004
* Final manuscript submission deadline:          September 1, 2004

Call for Contributed Papers
Papers are invited in the form of regular manuscripts (allotted 6 Proceedings
pages) and short manuscripts (allotted 2 Proceedings pages). Manuscripts must
be submitted through the CSS conference submission website
(http://www.paperplaza.net) and must conform to the NEW CDC POLICY (described
below) requiring that all manuscripts be in 2-column format and meet strict
page limits.

Call for Invited Sessions
Proposals are sought from those wishing to organize an invited session. An
invited session consists of six papers, which should present a unifying theme
from a diversity of viewpoints. Proposals for invited sessions are submitted
through the CSS conference submission website (http://www.paperplaza.net),
and must contain a Summary Statement describing the motivation and relevance
of the proposed session, accompanied by FULL versions of each invited paper.
Invited papers are allotted 6 Proceedings pages, and must conform to the NEW
CDC POLICY described below; ABSTRACTS of invited papers will NOT be accepted.
Please note that each paper in a proposed invited session will be
individually reviewed, and that the proposed invited session itself will also
be rated as a whole. To ensure the continuity of the program and that papers
addressing similar issues are grouped together, at the discretion of the
Program Committee, individual papers may be removed from a proposed session
and replaced by appropriate contributed papers. Likewise, selected papers
from rejected invited sessions may be placed into the regular program.

Call for Workshops/Tutorials
The Organizing Committee intends to arrange workshops and tutorials to be
held prior to the Conference, and solicits proposals for appropriate
subjects. Potential organizers can submit their proposals through the CSS
conference electronic submission site (http://www.paperplaza.net).

* All papers submitted to the CDC for review and publication after acceptance
 must be formatted in the standard 2-column Proceedings format. See the
 Author's Kit at the conference website (http://control.bu.edu/ieee/cdc04) for
 Word and LaTeX style files.
* For the purposes of REVIEW, regular and invited papers are limited to 8
 pages and short papers to 3 pages. Papers exceeding these limits will NOT be
* For PUBLICATION in the Proceedings, accepted regular and invited papers are
 limited to 6 pages and short papers to 2 pages. Papers exceeding these limits
 will be published only after payment of a page overlength fee.
* All submissions (papers, invited sessions, workshops, and tutorials) must
 be done electronically through the CSS conference submission website

For complete details see the conference website:
or contact the following conference organizers:
General Chair
  Christos G. Cassandras
  Department of Manufacturing Engineering
  and Center for Information and Systems Engineering (CISE)
  15 St. Mary's St.
  Boston University
  Brookline, MA  02446
  Tel:  (617) 353-7154
  FAX:  (617) 353-4830
  Email:  cgc@bu.edu
Program Chair,
  Weibo Gong
  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  and Department of Computer Science
  University of Massachusetts
  Amherst, MA  01003
  Tel:  (413) 545-0384
  Email:  gong@ecs.umass.edu

Contributed by: Paul Kostek, 

IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

7th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Washington, D.C. , October 3-6, 2004
Loews L'Enfant Plaza Hotel

Advances in  
Intelligent Transportation Systems Given the advances in information  
technology applied to ITS, we have added many new program topics that
address the important IT components in ITS. We also continue with the
traditional IEEE ITSC Conference program tracks and the numerous advances
in those associated areas.

Information Technology for ITS Computers (hardware, software, networks,
wireless) * Human-Computer-Interface (displays, artificial speech) *
Information Systems (databases, data archiving, data management, quality
assurance) * Security (hardware, software, communications, risk analysis,
information assurance) * Geographic Information Systems (real-time
traffic, planning) * Software Engineering (processes, metrics) * ITS
Systems Integration * Wireless/Location-Based Services Applications
Systems Analysis and Modeling for ITS * Intelligent Data Analysis
(statistical modeling, data mining, forecasting, data fusion) * Simulation
Models (continuous, discrete, real-time) * Optimization Modeling (routing,
route guidance) * Decision Systems (expert systems, intelligent agents) *
Traffic Theory for ITS (capacity analysis, safety) * Economic Analysis
Models (cost/benefit, life-cycle, performance evaluation) * Control Theory
(traffic networks, vehicular) * ITS Technology * Communications * Vehicle
Control * Air Traffic Control * Port and Terminal Automation * Navigation
and Guidance Systems * Reliability and Quality Assurance * Signal
Processing * Imaging and Image Analysis * Sensors (infrastructure and
vehicle based) * Standards for ITS Technology * Transit Systems * Automated
ncident Detection Of Special Interest.

All papers submitted will be considered for a special issue(s) of  
the IEEE Transactions on ITS.  

Conference Chair: Paul Kostek Air Direct Solutions p.kostek@ieee.org
Program Co-Chairs: William Scherer University of Virginia
Proposals for Short Courses are invited and should be forwarded to
Hamed Benouar: benouar@nt.path.berkeley. Short courses will provide CEU
credits. Proposals for Special Sessions are invited and should be forwarded
to Azim Eskandarian: eska@gwu.edu

Complete manuscripts in PDF format must be electronically submitted for
review no later than March 1, 2004 at the following address:
Submitted manuscripts must be no longer than six (6) pages in IEEE
two-column format, including figure and references.

Contributed by: Okyay Kaynak, 

Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation

12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'04) 
June 6-9, 2004, Kusadas�, TURKEY
Sponsored by: Mediterranean Control Association
Technical co-sponsor: IEEE Control Systems Society 

The deadline for submission of papers has been extended to Sunday, 15 

MED'04 is the 12th conference of a series of meetings that has been going on 
since 1993. It has the goal of bringing together experts from different 
areas of expertise and from different countries to discuss the state-of-the-
art and to present new research results and perspectives of future 
developments in control theory and applications and automation.

Plenary speakers of the conference are:

General Chair: Okyay Kaynak
Tech. Prog. Co-chairs: Petros Ioannou, Robert King and Li Qiu

Contributed by: Pedro Lima, 

RoboCup 2004

The eight edition of RoboCup (http://www.robocup.org) is scheduled to take
place in Lisbon from 27 June to 5 July, 2004. The RoboCup comprises a series
of robot soccer and robot rescue competitions followed by a Symposium on 4-5
July. RoboCup is expected to draw a large number of participants from all over
the world with expertise in the field of intelligent cooperative mobile robots
and multi-agent systems. The deadline for submission of papers to the
Symposium is Feb 3, 2004. To apply for to the competition
leagues, teams must submit a list of qualification materials until March 1,
2004. Check http://www.robocup2004.pt for details and continuous updates.

Contributed by: Eric Feron, 

Symposium on Autonomous Intelligent Networks and Systems

The Third Annual Symposium on Autonomous Intelligent Networks and Systems
June 15-17, 2004, Naval Air Station, Patuxent River Maryland

The goal of this annual symposium is to explore the operational concepts
requiring the use of intelligent networks of large numbers of autonomous
agents, including UAV's, UGV's, or AUV's. This workshop will also explore
research on how such agents interact with the physical world in a distributed
but coordinated fashion, and applications of such systems for defense,
security, industrial control, environmental monitoring, and planetary 

This symposium will bring together operations experts from the armed forces,
the Coast Guard, the Police, Fire Departments, Environmental Protection
officers to present their needs and how large systems of networked, unmanned
and autonomous systems may help answer them. This symposium will explore
technological advances in a number of disciplines that would answer such
needs, presented by intelligent agent technologists and scientists from
academia, industry and research laboratories; these include communications
systems, collaborative robotic systems, battlefield networks, and
neuro-biological systems. A major goal is to foster collaboration through the
identification of common models, tools and methodologies and of opportunities
for collaboration among users, engineers and scientists working on related
problems with different perspectives.

Sollicted papers may describe concepts of operations, operational needs,
research or technology advances as well as ongoing prototyping efforts,
experience reports, and case studies. Submissions that describe future visions
as well as practical technologies of significance and relevance to this area
are encouraged. Papers, written in English, should not exceed 3000 words.
Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication
elsewhere. A selection of the papers will be published as a Reference Book.
Authors should submit an extended abstract (max 3 pages), a complete list of
authors and their affiliations, a contact person for correspondence, and
e-mail addresses. Papers may be accepted either for oral or poster 

For further information, look at
Phone and email contact: 
Ms. Angela Copyak
(617) 258 5810

Contributed by: L. Pandolfi, 

System Modeling and Optimization

22nd IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization 
Turin, Italy
July 18-22, 2005 

Interested people are invited to submit abstracts at the address of the
conference to ifip2005@polito.it Information on the format required for
the abstract can be found at the web page of the conference.

Mathematical models methods and algorithms in optimization, identification,
simulation and their applications: Optimization; optimization with PDE
constraints; structural systems optimization; algorithms for linear and
nonlinear programming; stochastic optimization; control and game theory;
combinatorial and discrete optimization. Identification and inverse
problems;  fault detection; shape identification. Complex systems; stability
and sensitivity analysis; neural networks; fractal and chaos; reliability.
Computational techniques in distributed systems and in information processing
environments; transmission of information in complex systems; data base
design. Applications of optimization techniques and of computational methods
to scientific and technological areas (such as medicine, biology, economics,
finances, aerospace and aeronautics etc.) are very welcome. 
Local organizing committee: L. Pandolfi (chair), F. Fagnani (cochair), A.
Bacciotti, F. Ceragioli

Contributed by: Gerard Olivar, 

VSS 04
8th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems 
Vilanova i la Geltru (Spain)
6-8 September 2004

VSS'04 is the eighth in a series of biannual workshops bringing together
researchers in the VSS area to discuss and share the latest developments in 
theoretical and application aspects of variable structure systems.

The workshops will be held at the Engineering School of Vilanova i la Geltru,
a small town on the Mediterranean coast, 50 km south of Barcelona, ia zone 
well known for both its cultural attractions and its beaches.

Subject areas:
Technical presentations concerning mathematical formulation, design
principles, application studies and engineering design issues of VSS and
VSS-related methodologies are solicited.

Important dates:
Submission deadline (full papers): April 30th, 2004.
Communication of acceptance: May 31st, 2004.
Camera-ready submission: June 30th 2004.

Submissions should be sent as attached PDF files to vss2004.epsevg@upc.es

Please provide full information about the contact author in the body of the
message. Papers should be formatted preferably in LaTeX using the IEEE 
transactions class (ieeetran.cls, version V1.6b) or similar.

For any inquiry about the workshop, please feel free to contact
Dr. Enric Fossas, Institute of Control and Industrial Engineering
Technical University of Catalonia
Diagonal 647, 11a. pl.
Barcelona 08028 SPAIN
Phone: +34 934017779; Fax: +34 934016605
email: enric.fossas@upc.es

Contributed by: J.A. Tenreiro Machado, 

2nd Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems
June 25, 2004 - Graz Austria

Many embedded systems require innovative and intelligent solutions in order 
to satisfy the challenging demands such as increasing functionality, real-
time operation and constraints concerning cost, size and power consumption.  
This workshop is intended as a forum for students, researchers and 
practitioners interested in the advances in and the application of 
intelligent methods in embedded systems engineering.  It is organized in 
cooperation with the Telematik-Ingenieur-Verband (TIV).

We are soliciting submissions on all aspects of intelligent solutions in 
embedded systems including the design, implementation and application of 
smart embedded systems as well as solutions at the hardware-, software- and 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Smart embedded systems
* Pervasive computing & multi-sensor systems
* Power-, location-, and context-awareness
* Fault tolerance and robustness
* Real-time computing
* Soft computing in embedded systems

* Manuscript Submission:         March 15, 2004
* Notification of Acceptance:    May 3, 2004
* Pre-Registration:              May 21, 2004
* Camera-Ready Paper Submission: May 21, 2004
* Workshop:                      June 25, 2004

Manuscripts should be full papers or extended abstracts (minimum 700 words). 
Full papers are limited to a length of 5000 words. Submissions will only be 
accepted electronically via the workshop homepage at www.wises04.TUGraz.at 
in PDF format. 

Accepted papers will be published in printed proceedings and made accessible 
via world-wide web. Each paper must be presented by one of the authors at 
the workshop.  Selected papers will be published in a special-issue of the 
Telematik magazine.

Workshop Chair
Wilfried Elmenreich 
        Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Program Chair
Bernhard Rinner 
        Graz University of Technology, Austria

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