E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 185, January, 2004

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 185, January, 2004

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936

      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter/
      Submission deadline for February eletter: January 31, 2004


0. Editorial

1.	Personals

2.	Awards Honors

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	Automotive Special Interest Group Event
	3.2	Journal of Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems
	3.3	Training Courses

4.	Positions
	4.1	Control systems/ Diagnostics Engineer
	4.2	Engineer: GE Global Research Ctr Bangalore India
	4.3	Faculty: Mechanical Engineering Lehigh University USA
	4.4	Faculty: UC San Diego USA
	4.5	Faculty: University of Connecticut USA
	4.6	PDF: Concordia University Canada
	4.7	PhD: Univ of Twente and Wageningen Univ The Netherlands
	4.8	Post-Doc: Boston University USA
	4.9	Post-Doc: California Institute of Technology USA
	4.10	Research Engineer: ABB Switzerland

5.	Books
	5.1	Multidimensional Systems Theory and Applications
	5.2	New book Convex Optimization
	5.3	Numerical Methods for Linear Control Systems Design and Analysis
	5.4	Spatial Control of Vibration: Theory and Experiments

6.	Journals
	6.1	CFP: Innovations in Undergraduate Control Education
	6.2	CFP: Automatic Drug Delivery for Anesthesia and Critical Care
	6.3	CFP: Precision Motion Control
	6.4	CFP: System Identification
	6.5	CFP: Use of Computer Algebra for CACSD
	6.6	Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics
	6.7	Contents: Asian Journal of Control
	6.8	Contents: Automatica
	6.9	Contents: ISA Transactions
	6.10	Contents: Int J Applied Mathemtics and Computer Sc
	6.11	Contents: Int Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
	6.12	Contents: JGCD
	6.13	Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

7.	Conferences
	7.1	12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
	7.2	2004 International Conference on Dynamics Instrumentation and Control
	7.3	CFP: 2004 CCA ISIC CACSD Joint Conference
	7.4	CFP: 2004 CDC
	7.5	Call for Papers APCCM2004
	7.6	Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
	7.7	ICCC 2004
	7.8	IEEE CDC 2004: Call for Workshop Proposals
	7.9	IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems
	7.10	IMECE 2004 Sensors Actuators and Instrumentation
	7.11	NOLCOS 2004: Grace period for paper upload
	7.12	Special Session on Supervisory Control WODES 2004

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Welcome to the 185-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of February 2004.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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No submissions

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                          Awards Honors
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No submissions
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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Andrew Clegg, 

Automotive Special Interest Group Event
Automotive SIG
National Instruments, Newbury
4 February 2004

It is our pleasure to announce the 3rd ACT Club Automotive Special
Interest Group Event on New Opportunities for Control Technology in the
Automotive Industry. This meeting is kindly being hosted by National
Instruments UK at their headquarters in Newbury, on 4th February 2004.

The meeting has a broad technical theme of �New Opportunities for
Control Technology in the Automotive Industry�, and will involve a
combination of technical presentations, future visions and a round table

Further information about the ACT Club and this meeting (including an
on-line registration form) can be found at:
Alternatively, contact the ACT Club on 0141 553 1111.

Contributed by: Jan H. van Schuppen , 

Journal of Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems

The Editors of MCSS invite submissions to the journal, whose scope includes
systems theory, control of linear and nonlinear systems, and systems
theoretic aspects of signal processing.

The journal strives to publish novel, substantial contributions to the field,
which are technically correct and mathematically rigorous, and which provide
an excellent exposition.

The Editors encourage in particular submissions in the following novel areas:
- control and system theoretic aspects of `systems biology'
- computational algebra and complexity in system theory

Information on the submission procedure can be obtained from the following
web page: http://www.cwi.nl/~schuppen/mcss/info.html
which provides further links.

Eduardo D. Sontag and Jan H. van Schuppen
with Corry Magrijn (Secretary)

Contributed by: Hans H. Eder, 

Training Courses
March 15 - 19, 2003,  Brussels, Belgium.

A training course for process control and operations professionals on 
practical use of basic and advanced controls and on controller performance 
optimization. Newcomers gain extensive, sound knowledge in the practical
and most effective use of standard and advanced techniques and experienced
users the extra know-how for handling complex and difficult situations and
to achieve better performance in shorter time. The course is fully practice
oriented and delivers exceptional know-how in an easy understandable way,
with many examples of successful applications but also pitfalls and their
resolutions. It covers also special, little known techniques that are simple
but powerful. Many realistic PC exercises with our award winning software
TOPAS deepen the understanding. All work is done in small groups with an 
exceptionally experienced instructor.

Main topics:  Process dynamics, measurements & signals, sampling & 
filtering, basic control concepts.  PID principles - configuration - tuning 
(load/setpoint, tight/average level control), single loop vs. cascade 
control, advanced PID topics, feedforward-, constraint-, multivariable- , 
inferential control, RGA, introduction to model based control, optimization, 
incentive calculation, application design and implementation, performance 

March 22-24, 2001, Brussels, Belgium.

A training course for control professionals on practical implementation 
and use of the most powerful control technology. 
Students with control experience learn to develop surprisingly simple yet 
high performing and robust single- and multivariable controls in short time. 
Besides, they will able to select the most suited technology and vendor 
where needed. The course is fully practice oriented and easy to follow, with 
many examples of successful applications but also pitfalls and their 
resolutions. Many realistic PC exercises with our award winning tool TOPAS 
deepen the understanding. All work is done in small groups with an 
exceptionally experienced instructor.

Main Topics:  Motivation for Model Based Predictive Control, application 
areas and criteria for use, model types and selection criteria, the main 
approaches and selection criteria, plant tests and test signals, process 
parameter identification / validation / refinement, closed loop control and 
dynamic model updating, handling of process changes, model errors, non-
linearities, model based feedforward, constraint, multivariable control, 
Application design and implementation, operator interface, economics.

For more information and to register see http://www.act-control.com  
and look at TRAINING or contact 
 Hans H. Eder
 ACT - Brussels office, 
 Phone & fax (+32)-2-767-0895, 
 e-mail: actgmbh@compuserve.com

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Contributed by: GE Global Research Center- Bangalore, 

Control systems/ Diagnostics Engineer
Control Systems Position (Reference Job No. 321567)

The Electronic & Photonic Systems Technologies (EPST) group of GE's Global 
Research Center at Bangalore, India seeks candidates for full-time positions 
in the Electromechanical Control Systems Lab. This group performs R&D in 
control systems for products and processes of a wide variety of GE businesses 
and works closely in conjunction with GE's Global research centers located 
across the globe.
The ideal candidate will possess a PhD (or a Master's Degree with at least 
three years of relevant experience) in an engineering discipline (Mechanical/ 
Electrical/ Aerospace/ Chemical or Equivalent) with a specialization in 
control systems. Knowledge of control systems, optimization, signal 
processing,estimation theory, Kalman filtering, and system identification are 
required, as well as simulation and coding skills using MATLAB, or equivalent 
simulation environments. 

Please apply at: https://www.research.ge.com/eHire and enter 
GECRD/321567/WB470 in the Job Reference Code Field.

Diagnostic Engineer Position (Reference Job No. 317473)

The Engine Analysis and Prognostics Labs (EAPL) at JFWTC, Bangalore, India is 
looking to fill full time positions for diagnostics engineers for its Real-
Time Remote Prognostics Lab. The lab deals with developing advanced methods 
for incipient failure detection, diagnostic and prognostic algorithms for 
preventing failures and reducing downtime of equipment such as Gas and Steam 
Turbines and Locomotives. Experience in development of automated diagnostic 
systems for electro-mechanical system is required. Knowledge in the areas of 
model-based diagnostics, on-line estimation, and AI methods such as belief 
networks, case-based reasoning, fuzzy logic and neural networks in 
application to fault detection, diagnosis and prognosis is required. 
Candidate must be a MS or PhD in the relevant area. 

Please apply at: https://www.research.ge.com/eHire and enter GECRD/317473/DR1 
in the Job Reference Code Field.

EPST & EAPL invite qualified candidates including those interested in 
returning to India to be part of their team. Suitable candidates will receive 
competitive salary/benefits package consistent with local Indian practices 
along with relocation expenses.

Contributed by: Mayuresh V. Kothare, 

Faculty: Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University, USA
Position Announcement - Mechatronics
Lehigh University
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics

The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at Lehigh University
invites applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant Professor 
level. The department seeks an outstanding individual in the area of 
mechatronics or a closely related area, including design, analysis, 
fabrication and intelligent control of novel electromechanical components or 
systems. Application areas could include, but are not limited to, mobile 
robotics, bioengineering systems, micromechanical systems, electrohydraulic 
systems, sensors and actuators. An earned doctorate is required, as well as 
demonstrated experience in research. The successful candidate will be 
responsible for teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in areas related 
to system dynamics and control. In addition, it is expected that the 
will establish a vibrant, high quality research program. 

Applicants should submit their resume, including the names of three 
individuals who may be contacted for confidential letters of reference. 
Please include the name, address, phone, and e-mail address for all 
references. Applications can be submitted by e-mail to: the department 
coordinator, Ms. Paul (cap6@lehigh.edu). If regular mail is used, send to:

Professor H. F. Nied
Chair - Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
Lehigh University
19 Memorial Drive West
Bethlehem, PA  18015-3085

Detailed information regarding this position is located on Lehigh
University�s  web site at
Candidates  will be considered as their applications arrive. Consideration
of candidates will continue until the position is filled. The department
particularly encourages applications from outstanding women and/or minorities.

Contributed by: Miroslav Krstic, 

Faculty: UC San Diego, USA

The Jacobs School of Engineering of the University of California, San Diego, 
invites applications for TENURED or TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITIONS from 
individuals with expertise in Bioengineering with possible affiliations with 
Electrical and Computer Engineering and/or Materials/Chemical Engineering 
(Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department). Several appointments are 
anticipated. Candidates should have expertise at the intersection of 
chemistry, biology and medicine.  Successful applicants will be expected to 
establish vigorous programs of high-quality research in such areas as 
bionanotechnology, biochemical engineering, high-throughput biological 
technologies and related fields to complement existing research and 
educational activities in the Jacobs School. The successful candidates will 
also be responsible for developing and teaching courses related to this 
recruitment emphasis at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.  The 
School enjoys close collaboration with the School of Medicine and Divisions 
of Biological and Physical Sciences.  Salary is commensurate with 
qualifications based on UC pay schedules.  Exceptional candidates in other 
areas will be given serious consideration.  Please send a letter, C.V., and a 
statement of interest to Dr. Bernhard Palsson, Search Committee Chair, 
Department of Bioengineering, 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0412, La Jolla, CA 
92093-0412, or by email to bpalsson@bioeng.ucsd.edu.  Review of applications 
will begin January 9, 2004, and continue until the position is filled.  For 
applicants with interest in spousal/partner employment, please see the Web 
site for the UCSD Partner Opportunities Program 
(http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/offices/partneropp/default.htm).  UCSD is an 
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. 

Contributed by: Nejat Olgac, 

Faculty: University of Connecticut, USA
Mechanical Engineering Department

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut 
invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions.  The positions 
are in: (1) computational transport phenomena and (2) computer integrated 
multi-physics modeling and design.  Candidates for the first position should 
have experience in areas such as, but not limited to: advanced energy 
systems, fuel cells, bio-transport, or micro/nanoscale phenomena.  Candidates 
for the integrated modeling and design position are expected to have 
experience with complex engineering or multi-disciplinary systems 
characterized by highly-coupled physical phenomena.  Both positions are 
intended to be at the Assistant Professor level, however, candidates with 
significant experience may be considered for the rank of Associate 
Professor.  Candidates with truly exceptional qualifications may be 
considered for one of the endowed junior faculty positions in the School of 
Engineering.  It is expected that the positions will be filled by the Fall, 
2004 semester.  Applications must include a cover letter including a clear 
statement of which position is being applied for, a statement of research 
interest, a statement of specific teaching interest, a complete CV, and the 
names with contact information for three references.  Please send 
applications in hard copy form (no e-mail) to: Prof. Theodore Bergman; 
Department of Mechanical Engineering; Unit 3139; Storrs, CT 06269-3139.  The 
University of Connecticut encourages underrepresented groups to apply for 
these positions.

Contributed by: Wen Fang Xie, 

PDF: Concordia University, Canada
Post Doctoral Fellowship in nonlinear dynamics and control 
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Applications are invited for a full time post-doctoral research fellowship 
conduct research in the broad area of nonlinear dynamics and control. The 
appointment will initially be for one year with strong possibility of 
renewal for a second year. 

Candidates should have a PhD in nonlinear control system design with a 
strong background in optimal & adaptive intelligent control systems. A good 
background in computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition 
would a plus. 

The research activity will be focused on designing highly vision-based 
autonomous intelligent control systems for space applications. 

Interested applicants should send a detailed resume including a list of 
publications to: Dr. WenFang Xie
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8 Canada
Email: wfxie@me.concordia.ca

Contributed by: Karel Keesman, 

PhD: Univ of Twente and Wageningen Univ, The Netherlands

Two PhD Positions (48 months each) are available to start immediately
within the STW-funded project on modelling and control of flows.

The Systems, Signals and Control group of the department of Applied
Mathematics at the University of Twente and the Systems and Control
Group at the Wageningen University cooperate in a project on modelling
and control of air/fluid flows. The ultimate objective of this project
is to gain a better system theoretical insight into systems
in which flows and dispersion play a dominant role, and to
develop a number of algorithms for identification and control of these
systems. The algorithms will be developed in a MatLab/Simulink
environment and should lead to a prototype Matlab
toolkit. Furthermore, we want to demonstrate the practical viability
by applying the algorithms to two pilot or full scale plants.

The PhD student at Wageningen University will concentrate more on the
parameter and state estimation schemes, whereas the PhD student at the
University of Twente will concentrate more on controller design and
sensor/actuator location. Hence, each PhD student has its own specific
field of research. However, both will work on both applications: air
flows in a storage room and liquid flows in water treatment equipment.

Candidates should have a solid mathematical background and affinity
with dynamic modelling of flows or with system/control theory. The
candidates must be able to cooperate and communicate efficiently and
productively with the industrial partners in the
project. Matlab/Simulink programming skills would be desirable.

Those interested should send a covering letter and a resume (CV, incl. at 
least one professional reference) to Dr. K.J. Keesman, karel.keesman@wur.nl, 
or to Dr. H.J. Zwart, h.j. zwart@math.utwente.nl by email (with subject 
heading: STW PhD position) or if by post to Dr. K.J. Keesman, Systems and 
Control Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 43, 6700 AA Wageningen, The

Closing Date: 7 February 2004

Contributed by: Tim Gardner, 

Post-Doc: Boston University, USA

Postdoctoral fellowship available to develop inference and control 
algorithms for regulatory functions in complex genetic networks (see Science 
301:102-105, 2003).  Methods developed may include linear, nonlinear and 
probabilistic learning and control techniques using both steady-state and 
time-series data.  Key challenges of the project include high noise, high 
demensionality, and limited sample sizes.  Techniques developed will be 
applied to current problems in drug discovery and bioremediation.  

Applicant will utilize existing gene and biochemical data sets, and will 
work closely with researchers collecting large-scale measurements of gene 
responses to stress and respiratory changes in bacteria.  Expertise in 
multivariate systems, dynamical systems, control theory, system 
identification and statistical learning is critical.  Familiarity with basic 
biology, bioinformatics tools and databases is desirable.  Applicants must 
have a PhD in engineering, computer science, physics, or related discipline. 

Competitive salary and benefits.  Start date: anytime until 9/1/04.

Applicants should send a brief statement of research interests, a CV, and 
names of three references to: 

Dr. Timothy S. Gardner
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Boston University
44 Cummington St. 
Boston, MA  02215

Contributed by: Richard Murray, 

Post-Doc: California Institute of Technology, USA

Caltech's Center for the Mathematics of Information (CMI) announces the CMI
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, to begin in the fall of 2004. The CMI, part
of Caltech's new Information Sciences and Technology (IST) initiative, is
dedicated to fundamental mathematical research with an eye to the roles of
information and computation as resources throughout science and engineering.
Areas of interest include algorithms, complexity, applied combinatorics,
applied probability, statistics, information and coding theory, geometry
processing, multiresolution methods, control and optimization. A CV,
research statement, and three letters of recommendation should be sent by 1
February 2004 to Prof. Leonard Schulman (CMI), Caltech, 1200 E. California
Blvd. MC256-80, Pasadena CA 91125, USA, or to mlopez@cs.caltech.edu (subject
CMI). Positions are contingent upon completion of the PhD. Caltech is an
affirmative action/equal opportunity employer; women, minorities, veterans,
and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.

Contributed by: Silvia Murara, 

Research Engineer: ABB Switzerland

We are looking to fill one vacancy in our Control and Optimization group with 
a young, innovative control engineer having an outstanding university degree 

Your tasks
You will work within a project team, using control technologies for processes 
such as power stations, industrial plants, or electrical drives. Your tasks 
will include: development of physical models for these processes; 
mathematical identification of model parameters; simulation of the process 
models; development of appropriate control algorithms for process 
optimization and scheduling. 

- Excellent scientific track: outstanding academic results, recent Ph.D., 
journal publications
- Expertise in: mathematical modelling, automatic control, optimization, 
programming (MATLAB/Simulink/C)
- Fluent English, good knowledge of German is an advantage
- Excellent team player, practice-oriented personality.

A strong foundation in mathematics/physics coupled with an element of 
pragmatism will enable you, the control engineer, to apply your state-of-the-
art knowledge to the optimization of complex industrial processes. If you 
have experience working with process control technology in industrial plants, 
electrical drives, or power systems, all the better!
Using a great deal of initiative, you will work in a friendly research and 
development environment. A young, multinational team is looking forward to 
welcoming an affable, motivated and communicative colleague!

Your contact
Please send electronically: a letter explaining your motivation, your CV 
(incl. names of 3 referees and list of your academic grades), and a copy of 
your most significant publications
to: silvia.murara@ch.abb.com

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Contributed by: N.K. Bose, 

Multidimensional Systems Theory and Applications
N. K. Bose 
(Contributions also by B. Buchberger, J. P. Guiver)
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Hardcover, 269 p, ISBN 1-4020-1623-9

This book proceeds from an overview to chapters on systems over rings with a
selected domain of application for illustration and emphasis, solution of a
linear system of equations over a bivariate polynomial ring, algorithmic
algebra and computational complexity of computer algebra algorithms, the most
fundamental issues in polynomial matrix algebra and their analysis from the
polynomial ring, ideal and module-theoretic standpoints, selected cutting-edge
theory and applications in control and signal processing, and a brief exposure
to multivariate rational approximants.

The book has an abundance of examples to illustrate advanced concepts and
brings out, for the first time, in a textbook setting the algorithms for
bivariate polynomial matrix factorization results that form the basis of
two-dimensional systems theory. The reader is alerted to the reasons for
difficulties in generalization to the higher dimensional case. Algorithms
and their implementation using symbolic algebra are emphasized. The
attractiveness of this book stems from the cohesiveness of the fundamental
results presented, concisely but clearly, without loss of essential details
necessary for complete comprehension, and without losing sight of the
applicability of these results.

Contributed by: Stephen Boyd, 

New book Convex Optimization

Our new book Convex Optimization is now available online at


(Cambridge University Press has kindly allowed us to keep the entire book
posted on our web sites; the URL above also has links to sites from which you
can order the book.)

Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe

Contributed by: Biswa Nath Datta, 

Numerical Methods for Linear Control Systems Design and Analysis
Biswa Nath Datta
Elsevier Press, 2003 (ISBN: 0-12-203590-9)

The book is interdisciplinary blending numerical linear algebra with control
and systems theory, and provides an interdisciplinary framework for control
systems design and analysis.

The book has fifteen chapters, organized into four parts, and includes a
CD-ROM containing a MATLAB-based Toolkit, called "MATCONTROL".

Chapter 1 : Introduction and Review
Chapter 2 : Review of Basic Concepts and Results from Theoretical Linear
Chapter 3 : Some Fundamental Tools and Concepts from Numerical Linear
Chapter 4 : Canonical Forms obtained via Orthogonal Transformations
Chapter 5 : Linear State-Space Models and Solutions of the State Equations
Chapter 6 : Controllability, Observability, and Distance to Uncontrollability
Chapter 7 : Stability, Inertia, and Robust Stability
Chapter 8 : Numerical Solutions and Conditioning of Lyapunov and Sylvester
Chapter 9 : Realization and Subspace Identification
Chapter 10: Feedback Stabilization, Eigenvalue Assignment and Optimal Control
Chapter 11: Numerical Methods and Conditioning of the Eigenvalue
            Assignment Problems
Chapter 12: State Estimation: Observer and Kalman Filter
Chapter 13: Numerical Solutions and Conditioning of Algebraic Riccati
Chapter 14: Internal Balancing and Model Reduction
Chapter 15: Large- scale Matrix Computations in Control: Krylov Subspace
Appendix A : Some Existing Software for Control Systems Design and Analysis
Appendix B : MATCONTROL and Listing of MATCONTROL Files
Appendix C : Case Study : Control of a 9-State Ammonia Reactor

Ordering Information:  Within North America - Tel : 1-800-545-2522, Fax :
1-800-568-5136, E-mail : custserv.bh@elsevier.com
Outside of North America - Tel : 800-460-3110 or 314-453-7071, Fax :
314-453-7095, E-mail : bhuk.orders@repp.co.uk

Contributed by: Reza Moheimani, 

Spatial Control of Vibration: Theory and Experiments
By: S. O. R. Moheimani, D. Halim and A. J. Fleming

Vibration is a natural phenomenon that occurs in a variety of engineering 
systems. In many circumstances, vibration greatly affects the nature of 
engineering design as it often dictates limiting factors in the performance 
of the system. The conventional treatment is to redesign the system or to 
use passive damping. The former could be a costly exercise, while the latter 
is only effective at higher frequencies. Active control techniques have 
emerged as viable technologies to fill this low-frequency gap. This book is 
concerned with the study of feedback controllers for vibration control of 
flexible structures, with a view to minimizing vibration over the entire 
body of the structure.

The book introduces a variety of flexible structures such as beams, strings, 
and plates with specific boundary conditions, and explains in detail how a 
spatially distributed model of such systems can be obtained. It addresses 
the problems of model reduction and model correction for spatially 
distributed systems of high orders, and goes on to extend robust control 
techniques such as H-infinity and H2 control design methodologies to 
spatially distributed systems arising in active vibration control problems. 
It also addresses other important topics, such as actuator and sensor 
placement for flexible systems, and system identification for flexible 
structures with irregular boundary conditions. The text contains numerous 
examples, and experimental results obtained from laboratory-level apparatus, 
with details of how similar test beds may be built. 

Published by World Scientific, December 2003
ISBN: 981-238-337-9
For more details visit: http://www.wspc.com/books/engineering/5246.html

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Contributed by: Dennis Bernstein, 

CFP: Innovations in Undergraduate Control Education

The IEEE Control Systems Magazine is planning a special issue on "Innovations 
in Undergraduate Control Education."  The format of this special issue will 
be unusual.  In particular, we are seeking short, interesting articles that 
describe unique and innovative ideas and programs in undergraduate control 
education. We are seeking contributions worldwide, and from a broad range of
institutions.  Please forward this invitation to everyone whom you believe is
a potential contributor.

Potential Topics and Length
Your contribution might, for example, describe one of the following:
1. A unique undergraduate systems or control course that has been offered 
 at your institution.
2. Nonstandard departmental organization relating to control education, 
 such as a systems-and-control-oriented curriculum or a multidisciplinary 
3. Unique or innovative experimental facilities that have been developed 
 for undergraduate control education.
4. Low-cost laboratory projects that have been developed and used in 
 conjunction with a laboratory or concepts course.
5. Undergraduate student projects that involve substantial control-related 
6. Innovative classroom material including texts and notes.

The above list is merely suggestive, and I hope it does not constrain you in 
recognizing your institution�s unique activities relating to undergraduate 
control education.

Items relating to K-12 education are encouraged and will also be considered.

Submission Guidelines:
Your contribution can be as short as half page or as long as 6 double-
spaced pages of Word or LATEX.

It is desirable to have 1 or 2 attractive, color digital images per article 
if appropriate.  Images must be 300 dpi minimum (trivial for a typical 
digital camera).

The main factors in your writeup should be innovation, interest to the 
community, and impact on control education.

Quality articles by students will be considered as well.  For examples, 
students may wish to describe control-related aspects of special projects, or 
their experiences in an undergraduate control course or curriculum.

Creative, enthusiastic writing is strongly encouraged.

The potential articles do not include lecture notes per se, although 
descriptions of nonstandard lecture material are acceptable.  Lecture notes 
are encouraged for general submission to CSM at any time.

1. Please email the Editor in Chief at the address below by January 31, 2004 
 of your intent to submit an article.  Please include:
***One sentence abstract
***Estimate of length
2. Articles will be due on March 31, 2004.

Please feel free to contact the Editor in Chief if you have any questions or 

 Dennis S. Bernstein
 Editor in Chief, IEEE Control Systems Magazine

Contributed by: Mihai Huzmezan, 

CFP: Automatic Drug Delivery for Anesthesia and Critical Care
European Journal of Control Special Section

Guest Editors: Mihai Huzmezan and Guy A. Dumont

Integrating medicine and systems and control engineering knowledge presents
challenging problems. There is increasing recognition of the role that
technology can play in improving the efficiency and reliability of 
health care delivery, particularly in the area of drug use. The focus of this
special section is on improvements situated at the interface between medicine
or medical treatment and novel control algorithms or analysis methods that can
be deployed to automate drug delivery in anesthesia and critical care.

Automatic drug delivery for anesthesia and critical care offers the medical
personnel the ability to regulate the patient state and to carry out
interventions in an accurate and efficient manner. Such delivery systems, 
based on accurate patient-specific models, facilitate anesthesia with minimal
effective drug usage, which results in minimal complications. The success of
the automation of drug therapy in health care requires an understanding of
medicine, pharmacology, physiology and biomechanics and the ability to
integrate these with new aspects of automation and signal processing. 

Experts in automatic drug delivery for anesthesia and critical care are
invited to submit full papers to the European Journal of Control by June 1st
2004 (www.elet.polimi.it/ejc/). 

The aim of this special section is to present and illustrate novel control
algorithms or control analysis methods that can be eventually deployed to
serve the automation of drug delivery in anesthesia and critical care. A
critical assessment of the methods is required together with relevant
experimental results. The papers will be subjected to a formal peer review

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- The relationship between clinical anesthesia and control systems in
  terms of methods and techniques.
- Regulation of hemodynamic and anesthetic states
- Advisory and intelligent systems for the control of anesthesia
- Modeling and closed-loop control of skeletal muscle relaxation
- Learning and models for drugs used in critical care and anesthesia.

Mihai Huzmezan
Department of Anesthesia,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of British Columbia,
910 10th Avenue Vancouver, B.C., Canada V5Z 4E3

Guy A. Dumont
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Faculty of Applied Science,
University of British Columbia,
2356 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 124

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

CFP: Precision Motion Control
Special Issue of Asian Journal of Control

In this new millenium, ultra precision manufacture is poised to
progress further and it is expected to enter the nanometer scale regime
(nanotechnology). Increasing packing density on integrated circuits and
sustained breakthrough in minimum feature dimensions on semiconductor set
the pace in the electronics industry. Emerging technologies such as MEMS
(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems), otherwise known as MicroSystems
Technology (MST) in Europe expand further the scope of miniaturisation and
integration of electrical and mechanical components.

One enabling technology which has made these and more modern applications
possible is the advance and development in precision mechanisms and motion
control. There are several important challenges to the precision motion
control system, including challenges in the measurement and instrumentation
system, control electronics and algorithms, compensation for geometrical
imperfections and vibration of the mechanical system. This special issue is
intended to collate recent interesting works and discussions on this highly
important control topic in a balanced manner to project the state-of-the art
technology and the trend emerging in this area.

   Guest Editors:
Prof. Tan, Kok Kiong and Dr. Huang, Sunan
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
4 Engineering Drive 3
National University of Singapore
Tel: +65-68742110
Fax: +65-67791103
eletankk@nus.edu.sg, elehsn@nus.edu.sg

Dr. Lim Ser Yong
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology
71 Nanyang Drive
Singapore 638075
Tel: +65-67938383
Fax: +65-67916377
Email: sylim@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sg

Important Dates:
Dec. 15 2003 Call for Papers
Apr. 15 2004 Deadline for Paper Submission
July 15 2004 Completion of First Review
Nov. 15 2004 Completion of Final Review
Mar. 31 2005 Publication

Potential authors can either submit four copies of manuscripts or send
its electronic file (in Postscript, PDF or WORD format) to Prof. Li-Chen Fu,
Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Control at the following address:

Prof. Li-Chen Fu
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University
Taipei 106, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-2362-2209
Fax: +886-2-2365-7887
Email: lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw

All submission should include a title page containing the title of the
paper, full names and affiliations, complete postal and electronic address,
phone and fax numbers, an abstract and a list of keywords. The contacting
author should be clearly identified. For more detailed information about
manuscript preparation, please visit the web site of Asian Journal of Control
at http://www.ajc.org.tw

Contributed by: Antonio Vicino, 

CFP: System Identification
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Special Issue

Recent years have witnessed a considerable increase of the interest in
incorporating explicitly possible nonlinear effects in the identification
stage. As in the linear setting case, concepts like approximation,
convergence, radius of information, local and global optimality, quality
of the approximating models class, algorithm complexity, experiment
design deserve great attention. Also, the basic problem of selecting
the model structure by using prior knowledge and physical insight is a
key problem, where the generality of the model class considered must
meet the well known golden rule: do not estimate what you already know
(black-box modelling, grey-box modelling, physical modelling). Only few of
these problems have been investigated in the nonlinear setting at the present

The  aim of the present Special Issue is to give a broad perspective of the
state of the art on the subject, both to provide the community an up-to-date
account of recent advances in the identification field  and to delineate new
challenging research directions. 
The Special Issue is open to both theoretical and practical aspects of system
identification, with special attention to the following research 

System approximation: existence, computability and quality of LTI models;
Identification  of  classes of nonlinear systems (Hammerstein, Wiener, etc.);
Identification of hybrid systems;
Mixed stochastic-deterministic information processing;
Unstructured/structured models of uncertainty: from black-box to physical
Interplay between identification and control design.

Before submitting, prospective authors should consult past issues of the
Transactions on Automatic Control to identify the type of results and the
level of mathematical rigor that are the norm in this journal.

Papers submitted to the special issue should be sent, with a cover letter, to
either  of the Guest Editors,  preferably in electronic form as *.pdf files.
Please send 7 copies if you submit hard copies of your manuscript; in this
case also please send the title and abstract of your paper via email. Authors
should consult the inside back cover of any recent issue of the Transactions
on Automatic Control (or the IEEE TAC website at 
http://control.bu.edu/ieee/ ) 
for style and length of the manuscript. All submitted papers will undergo peer
review in accordance with the standard review procedures of the IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control.

The deadline for submissions to this special issue is  May 31, 2004.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by  November 30, 2004.

Guest Editors:
 Lennart Ljung
 Link�ping University
 Division of Automatic Control
 S � 581 83 Link�ping (Sweden)
 Phone: +46  13 281310
 Fax:  +46  13 282622
 E-mail: ljung@isy.liu.se

 Antonio Vicino
 Universit� di Siena
 Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell�Informazione
 Via Roma, 56
 53100 Siena (Italy)
 Phone:  +39 0577 233615
 Fax:  +39  0577 233602
 E-mail: vicino@ing.unisi.it

Contributed by: Nicholas P. Karampetakis, 

CFP: Use of Computer Algebra for CACSD
for a Special Section of IEEE Control Systems Magazine
"Use of Computer Algebra Systems for Computer Aided Control System Design"

Guest Editors: Antonis-Ioannis Vardulakis, Neil Munro and Nikos Karampetakis

Recently there has been an interest in the application of computer algebra to 
control system analysis and design. A collection of tools and packages based 
on Computer Algebra Systems (CAS), such as Mathematica, Maple, MuPad, 
Macsyma, etc., have been developed for the solution of many control problems 
and are used on campus networks, since they have a profound impact on 
teaching and research. CASs have a major impact to areas such as robotics, 
computer aided geometric design, mechanics, flow dynamics, thermodynamics and 
combustion, audio signal processing, etc.

This special issue aims not at collecting papers on symbolic computations, 
but rather to address, at least to some extent, a coherent vision of the role 
of symbolic computations in control system design. Potential articles have to 
be written in such a way that readers, who are not experts in symbolic 
methods, will be able to learn about these techniques.  Highly technical 
papers that develop new methods are not desirable; such papers should be 
submitted to research journals instead of CSM.  Papers that provide tutorial 
material and illustrative applications are desirable.  For all papers, the 
authors have to provide introductory tutorial material as appropriate to 
control engineers and non-experts, including definitions of technical terms 
that may not be well known to readers. Some of the areas of interest concern 
the use of CAS in:
 - Linear Systems
 - Non-linear Systems 
 - Uncertain Systems
 - Signal Processing
 - Modeling and Simulation
 - Education
 - Robotics
 - Applications in Aerospace Control, Process Control, Automotive Control, 

Submission Details:
Potential authors are expected to submit an extended abstract of the paper 
that they are willing to present in this special section. At the first stage, 
the guest editors of this special issue will select a number of papers that 
will give a broad view of the use of CAS to CACSD and will prepare a proposal 
for the Control Systems Magazine. During the period of the suggested 
deadlines, the authors of the papers selected have to submit these to one of 
the guest editors. All papers submitted will be subject to peer review in 
accordance with the standard review process of the IEEE Control Systems 

Guest Editors
 Antonis-Ioannis Vardulakis 
 Department of Mathematics
 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
 Thessaloniki 54006
 Tel: ++30 231 0997951   
 Fax: ++30 231 0997951 
 Email: avardula@math.auth.gr 

 Neil Munro
 Control Systems Centre
 University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST)
 Manchester M60 1QD
 England UK
 Email: n.munro@umist.ac.uk  

 Nikos P. Karampetakis 
 Department of Mathematics
 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
 Thessaloniki 54006
 Tel: ++30 231 0997975   
 Fax: ++30 231 0997983 
 Email: karampet@math.auth.gr  

Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged. In the case where submissions
are made as hard copies, four copies are required. The timetable for the
special section is as follows:
 - Call for extended abstracts		April 1, 2004
 - Paper Submission Deadline	        August 1, 2004
 - Review Deadline			November 1, 2004
 - Expected publication date          	March 1, 2005

Contributed by: Tamer Basar and Fikret Aliev, 

Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics
Vol.2, Issue 2, 2003

1.About the Inverse Problem of Optimal Control
  Vladimir B. Larin
2.A Suboptimal Control of  Nonlinear Systems Via  Quadratic Criteria
  A.P.Afanas’ev, S.M.Dzyuba, S.M.Lobanov, A.V.Tyutyunnik
3.Stabilizing Feedback Control for a Nonholonomic Underwater Vehicle using   
  Model Reference Approach                                                
4.Adaptive Finite Element/Difference Method for Inverse Elastic Scattering 
  Larisa Beilina
5.Convergence Analysis of Pseudospectral Method with Restraint Operator for  
  Fluid Flow with Low Mach Number 
  Abdur Rashid and Li Yuan 
6.The Design of Quaziharmonic Systems with Unique Regime of Forced 
7.On the Existence of Periodic Solutions for Singular Non-Autonomous Third 
  Order Systems                                                            
  B.Mehri and M.A.Niksirat  
8.Definition the Narrow Intervals for Variables in the Integer-Valued 
  Knapsack Problem 
9.Book Review
  Some Problems of Elasticity Theory for Anisotropic Bodies of Cylindrical  
  Form. A.Ya. Grigorenko and G.G. Vlaikov
  Reviewed by Vasilii Karnaukhov

Tamer Basar (tbasar@control.csl.uiuc.edu)
Fikret Aliev (f_aliev@yahoo.com)  

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Vol. 5, Nol. 4, December, 2003

Variable Structure System Theory:
Regular paper

Frequency Domain Analysis of Fast and Slow Motions in Sliding Modes 
Igor Boiko

Dynamic Sliding Manifolds for Realization of High Index Differential-
Algebraic Systems
Brandon W. Gordon

Sliding Modes, ��-Modulators, and Generalized Proportional Integral Control
of Linear Systems
Hebertt Sira-Ramirez

Brief paper

Stabilization of Switched Linear Systems
Lijun Zhang, Daizhan Cheng and Jiang B. Liu

High Order Sliding Mode Control Theory:
Regular paper

Universal Output-Feedback SISO Controllers
Arie Levant

An Asymptotic Second-Order Smooth Sliding Mode Control
Yuri B. Shtessel, Ilya A. Shkolnikov and Mark D. J. Brown

Brief paper

Second-Order Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Decomposed Control of
Uncertain Multivariable Systems
Yong Feng, Xuemei Zheng and Xinghuo Yu

Sliding Mode Control Design:
Regular paper

Implicit Triangular Observer Form Dedicated to a Sliding Mode Observer for
Systems with Unknown Inputs
T. Boukhobza, M. Djemai and J. P. Barbot

Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control with Piecewise Linear Switching Manifold
Mariagrazia Dotoli

Model-Reference Output-Feedback Sliding Mode Controller for a Class of
Multivariable Nonlinear Systems
Liu Hsu, Ramon R. Costa and Jose Paulo Vilela Soares da Cunha

Optimal and Robust Sliding Mode Control for Linear Systems with Multiple Time
Delays in Control Input
Michael Basin, Leonid Fridman, Jesus Rodriguez-Gonzalez and Pedro Acosta

Sliding Mode Control Synthesis of Uncertain Time-Delay Systems
Y. Orlov, W. Perruquetti and J. P. Richard

Applications Issues:
Regular paper

Output-Feedback Control of Container Cranes: A Comparative Analysis
Giorgio Bartolini, Alessandro Pisano and Elio Usai

Robust Vibration Control for Flexible Arms Using the Sliding Mode Method
Xinkai Chen, Chun-Yi Su and Toshio Fukuda

Robustness Analysis on Sliding Mode Control of Induction Motor
H. Chekireb, M. Tadjine and M. Djemai

Brief paper

Second Order Sliding Mode Control of a Diesel Engine
M. Khalid Khan, Keng Boon Goh and Sarah K. Spurgeon

A Combined Sliding Mode-Generalized PI Control Scheme for Swinging up and
Balancing the Inertia Wheel Pendulum
Victor M. Hernandez

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, 

Contents: Automatica
February, 2004
Volume 40, Issue 2

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com

Regular papers

M. C. de Oliveira, J. C. Geromel
Synthesis of non-rational controllers for linear delay systems

V. Sakizlis, N. M. P. Kakalis, V. Dua, J. D. Perkins,
E. N. Pistikopoulos
Design of robust model-based controllers via parametric programming

Biqing Wu, M. Bodson
Multi-Channel active noise control for periodic sources - Indirect

F. Blanchini, S. Miani, F. Rinaldi

Guaranteed cost control for multi--inventory systems with uncertain demand

N. R. Kristensen, H. Madsen, S. B. J�rgensen
Parameter estimation in stochastic grey-box models

Chung-Yao Kao, A. Megretski, U. J�nsson
Specialized fast algorithms for IQC feasibility and optimization problems

H. Akcay
The size of the membership-set in a probabilistic framework

Brief papers

M. J. Khosrowjerdi, R. Nikoukhah, N. Safari-Shad
A mixed H2/H infinity approach to simultaneous fault detection and control

C. De Persis, R. De Santis, A. S. Morse
Supervisory control with state-dependent dwell-time logic and constraints

W. Respondek, A. Pogromsky, H. Nijmeijer
Time scaling for  observer design with
linearizable error  dynamics

L. Denis-Vidal, G. Joly-Blanchard
Equivalence and identifiability analysis of uncontrolled nonlinear
dynamical systems

T. A. Johansen
Approximate explicit receding horizon control of constrained nonlinear

K. Fredj, G. Mart�n-Herr�n, G. Zaccour

Slowing deforestation pace through subsidies: A differential game

M. Cannon, B. Kouvaritakis, V. Deshmukh
Enlargement of polytopic terminal region in NMPC by interpolation and
partial invariance

Xin Xin
Reduced-order controllers for the H-infinity control problem with unstable
invariant zeros

Technical communiques

Guofeng Zhang, Tongwen Chen
Comparing digital implementation via the bilinear and
step-invariant transformations

Dong Yue
Robust stabilization of uncertain systems with unknown input delay

Book reviews

C. De Persis
Relay feedback by Q-G. Wang, T. H. Lee and C. Lin

Antonio Tornamb�
RAMSETE - Articulated and mobile robotics for services and technologies,
by S. Nicosia, B. Siciliano, A. Nicchi and P. Valigi

M. Sbarciog
Industrial control systems design, by Michael J. Grimble

Contributed by: T.S. Lee, 

Contents: ISA Transactions
Volume 42, Number 4 - October 2003

Targeted for leading-edge industrial practitioners and applied researchers, 
ISA Transactions aims to be the respected journal of advances and state of 
the art in the science and engineering of measurement and automation.

Calculation of the Pitot tube correction factor for Newtonian and non-
Newtonian fluids; S. Gh. Etemad, J. Thibault, S. H. Hashemabadi; pp 505 -512

Real-time analysis system for gas turbine ground test acoustic measurements; 
Robert T. Johnston; pp 513-524

Instrumentation used to measure residential magnetic fields and currents; H. 
Lahijanian, K.Yatapanage, R. Rosen, J. Cross; pp 525-534

A task scheduler framework for self-powered wireless sensors; Mikael M. 
Nordman; pp 535-546

Software sensors for bioprocesses; Ph. Bogaerts, A. Vande Wouwer; 547-558

Autotuning of a new PI-PD Smith predictor based on time domain 
specifications; Ibrahim Kaya; pp 559-576

On-line lower-order modeling via neural networks; H.F. Ho, A.B. Rad, Y.K. 
Wong, W.L. Lo; pp 577-594

Robust stability of some oscillatory systems including time-varying delay 
with applications in congestion control; Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Keqin Gu; 

Periodic speed ripples minimization in PM synchronous motors using 
repetitive learning variable structure control; Weizhe Qian, S.K. Panda, 
J.X. Xu; pp 605-614

Simulating thermal power plant processes on a message passing environment; 
A. Gupta, R. Ganguly, S. Chakraborty, C. Mazumdar, D. Popovic; pp 615-630

Process control of product quality; G. Venkatesan; pp 631-642

A fault detection and isolation filter for discrete linear systems; L. 
Giovanini, R. Dondo; pp 643-650

Fault detection and classification in chemical processes based on neural 
networks with feature extraction; Yifeng Zhou, Juergen Hahn, M. Sam Mannan; 
pp 651-664	

Safety analysis of the waterwall in one PFBC boiler by dynamic model; 	Zhu 
Jinrong, Zhang Mingyao; pp 665-672

Contributed by: Jozef Korbicz, 

Contents: Int J Applied Mathemtics and Computer Sc

1. Curtain R.F., Demetriou M.A. and Ito K. Adaptive compensators for  
   perturbed positive real infinite�dimensional systems, p. 441
2. Bounit H. The stability of an irrigation canal system, p. 453
3. Sikora B. On the constrained controllability of dynamical systems with
   multiple delays in the state, p. 469
4. Delattre C., Dochain D. and Winkin J. Sturm�Liouville systems are Riesz�
   spectral systems, p. 481
5. Hofreiter M. and Z�tek P. Argument increment stability criterion for 
   linear delta models, p. 485
6. Karampetakis N.P. and Vologiannidis S. Infinite elementary divisor 
   structure preserving transformations for polynomial matrices, p. 493
7. Kaczorek T. Locally positive nonlinear systems, p. 505
8. Kaczorek T. Bilateral polynomial equations with unimodular right�hand
   side matrices, p. 511
9. Rubio Scola H., Nikoukhah R. and Delebecque F. Test signal design for 
   failure detection: A linear programming approach, p. 515
10. Gu T., Bahri P.A. and Cai G. imed Petri�net based formulation and an 
    algorithm for the optimal scheduling of batch plants, p. 527
11. Niewiadomska�-Szynkiewicz E., �muda M. and Malinowski K. Application of 
    a Java�based framework to parallel simulation of large�scale systems, p. 537
12. Glentis G.�O. Implementation of adaptive generalized sidelobe cancellers 
    using efficient complex valued arithmetic, p. 549
13. Porwik P. The spectral test of the Boolean function linearity, p. 567
14. Tomaszewski S.P., Celik I.U. and Antoniou G.E. WWW-�based Boolean 
    function minimization, p. 577
15. W�grzyn S., Winiarczyk R. and Znamirowski L. Self�replication processes 
    in nanosystems of informatics, p. 585

Contributed by: Graham Woodward, 

Contents: Int Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Volume 13, Issue 13, 2003
Online ISSN: 1099-1239, Print ISSN: 1049-8923
Visit wwww.interscience.wiley.com for more information

Optimal robust disturbance attenuation for continuous time-varying systems
(p 1181-1193) Seddik M. Djouadi 
LMI based stability analysis and robust controller design for discrete linear 
repetitive processes
(p 1195-1211) K. Galkowski, J. Lam, E. Rogers, S. Xu, B. Sulikowski,
W. Paszke, D.H. Owens 
Robust H  control for uncertain singular systems with state delay
(p 1213-1223) Shengyuan Xu, James Lam, Chengwu Yang 
Robust Kalman filtering for uncertain discrete-time linear systems
(p 1225-1238) Germain Garcia, Sophie Tarbouriech, Pedro L. D. Peres 
Characterizing the solution set of polynomial systems in terms of homogeneous 
forms: an LMI approach
(p 1239-1257) G. Chesi, A. Garulli, A. Tesi, A. Vicino 

Contributed by: Jen Samuels, 

Contents: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Volume 27, Number 1, January�February 2004


Annual Business, G. T. Schmidt, p. 1
Reviewers for 1 October 2002�30 September 2003, p. 8
Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental
Uncertainty, p. 9
Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Research, p. 10
AIAA Manuscript Review Process, p. 11

Evolution, Revolution, and Challenges of Handling Qualities
D. G. Mitchell, D. B. Doman, D. L. Key, D. H. Klyde, D. B. Leggett, 
D. J. Moorhouse, D. H. Mason, D. L. Raney, D. K. Schmidt, p. 12

Synthesis of Optimal Control and Flight Testing of an Autonomous 
Circular Parachute
O. A. Yakimenko, V. N. Dobrokhodov, I. I. Kaminer, S. H. Dellicker, p. 29

Flight-Test Evaluation of Stability Augmentation Steering System 
for Aircraft Ground Handling
D. H. Klyde, J. G. Reinsberg, E. Sanders, A. Kokolios, p. 41

Control of a Nonlinear Wing Section Using Leading- and Trailing-Edge Surfaces
G. Platanitis and T. W. Strganac, p. 52

Gain�Phase Margin Analysis of Pilot-Induced Oscillations for Limit-Cycle
B.-F. Wu and J.-W. Perng, p. 59

Optimization of Interplanetary Solar Sailcraft Trajectories Using
Evolutionary Neurocontrol
B. Dachwald, p. 66

Decentralized Scheme for Spacecraft Formation Flying via the Virtual
Structure Approach
W. Ren and R. W. Beard, p. 73

Rule-Based Cooperative Control of Optically Linked Model Spacecraft: 
Experimental Study
P. K. C. Wang, J. Yee, E. G. Sayegh, F. Y. Hadaegh, p. 83

Toward a Stellar Gyroscope for Spacecraft Attitude Determination
C. C. Liebe, K. Gromov, D. M. Meller, p. 91

Interspacecraft Optical Communication and Navigation Using Modulating
N. G. Creamer, G. C. Gilbreath, T. J. Meehan, M. J. Vilcheck, 
J. A. Vasquez, W. S. Rabinovich, P. G. Goetz, R. Mahon, p. 100

Robust Vibration Suppression in Flexible Systems Using Infinite Impulse
Response Digital Filters
D. Economou, C. Mavroidis, I. Antoniadis, p. 107

Integrated Guidance and Control of Moving-Mass Actuated Kinetic Warheads
P. K. Menon, G. D. Sweriduk, E. J. Ohlmeyer, D. S. Malyevac, p. 118

Frenet-Based Algorithm for Trajectory Prediction
G. Avanzini, p. 127

Nonlinear Recursive Minimum Model Error Estimation
Z. Ge and P. Huang, p. 136


Nonlinear Adaptive Control for Slewing Flexible Active Structures
D. G. Wilson, G. P. Starr, G. G. Parker, R. D. Robinett, p. 142

Partial Eigenstructure Assignment Approach for Robust Flight Control
A. Satoh and K. Sugimoto, p. 145

Linear System Input-Order Reduction by Hankel Norm Maximization
R. K. Douglas, R. H. Chen, J. L. Speyer, p. 150

Nonlinear Modeling of Spacecraft Relative Motion in the Configuration Space
P. Gurfil and N. J. Kasdin, p. 154

Review of Sliding Mode Control in Engineering
R. A. Hess, p. 158

Correction to the book review of Introduction to Avionic Systems Engineering
by R. P. G. Collinson
I. Y. Bar-Itzhack, p. 159

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume 378, Pages 1-293 (1 February 2004)


Fitting conics of specific types to data, Pages 1-30
Yves Nievergelt

Minimal and systematic convolutional codes over finite Abelian groups, Pages 
Fabio Fagnani and Sandro Zampieri

On the normal matrix of the polynomial LS problem over the Chebyshev points, 
Pages 61-69
Paolo Pugliese

Surface volumes of rounding polytopes, Pages 71-91
Mathias Drton and Udo Schwingenschlogl

A note on 2-local automorphisms of digraph algebras, Pages 93-98
Jinhai Xie and Fangyan Lu

A rank theorem for Vandermonde matrices, Pages 99-107
Pascal Koiran, Natacha Portier and Gilles Villard

>From linear algebra via affine algebra to projective algebra, Pages 109-134
Wolfgang Bertram

On the convergence and optimization of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula, 
Pages 135-158
Sergio Blanes and Fernando Casas

A lower bound for the minimum eigenvalue of the Hadamard product of matrices, 
Pages 159-166
Shencan Chen

Cases of equality for certain inequalities involving a G-doubly stochastic 
map, Pages 167-182
Marek Niezgoda

Perturbation of eigenvalues for periodic matrix pairs via the Bauer-Fike 
theorems, Pages 183-202
EricKing-wah Chu and Wen-Wei Lin

Perturbed cones for analysis of uncertain multi-criteria optimization 
problems, Pages 203-229
L. Kozeratska, J. F. Forbes, R. G. Goebel and J. V. Kresta

The Schur complements of generalized doubly diagonally dominant matrices, 
Pages 231-244
Jianzhou Liu, Yunqing Huang and Fuzhen Zhang

Comparison and aggregation of max-plus linear systems, Pages 245-272
James Ledoux and Laurent Truffet

Irreducible groups with submultiplicative spectrum, Pages 273-282
Marjeta Kramar

Componentwise pseudospectrum of a matrix, Pages 283-288
A. N. Malyshev and M. Sadkane

CFP: Special Issue in honor of Pauline van den Driessche, Page 289
CFP: Special Issue in honor of Professor Ingram Olkin, Pages 291-292

Author index, Page 293
Lists of Editors, Pages ii-iii

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Okyay Kaynak, 

12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'04)
June 6-9, 2004, Kusadas�, TURKEY
Sponsored by: Mediterranean Control Association
Technical co-sponsor: IEEE Control Systems Society 

The organizing committee of MED'04 extends a cordial invitation to you
to 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'04)
in Kusadas�, Turkey.

MED'04 is the 12th conference of a series of meetings that has been going
on since 1993. It has the goal of bringing together experts from different
areas of expertise and from different countries to discuss the state-of-
the-art and to present new research results and perspectives of future
developments in control theory and applications and automation. Plenary
speakers of the conference are: Xiren Cao, Umit Ozguner and Kimon Valavanis.

General Chair: Okyay Kaynak 
Tech. Prog. Co-chairs: Petros Ioannou, Robert King and Li Qiu
Honorary Chair: Tamer Basar
Advisory Committee Chair: Frank Lewis

Please visit the web site of the conference
to see the coverage of the conference.

Registration Fees
The registration fee of MED�04 will cover 4 nights of accommodation at
a resort-style hotel, all meals and a tour of Ephesus. The fee is
expected to be lower than Euro 560.00 (tentative). For more details,
please see the web site.

Paper submission
Prospective participants are invited to electronically submit the full 
version of their work (in PDF file), following the instructions available
on the Conference web site. Accepted papers will be published in a
proceedings volume that will be available at the time of the conference.
Some papers will be selected for publication in focused sections of
learned journals.

Submission of Full papers	          31 January 2004
Special session and tutorial proposals	  31 January 2004
Notification of peer review results	  14 March 2004
Camera-ready submission of full papers	   5 April 2004

Related conference: For those who want to visit Istanbul too, there is the
opportunity of the conference IEEE Conference on Mechatronics
June 3-5, 2004 http:/mecha.ee.boun.edu.tr/icm04

For further info, pls send some electrons to kaynak@boun.edu.tr 

Contributed by: Chun-Yi Su, 

2004 International Conference on Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control
CDIC04, will be held on August 18-20, 2004 in Nanjing, China. The conference
offers a unique platform for scientists, engineers and practitioners
throughout the world to present and share their most recent research and
innovative ideas in the areas of dynamics, instrumentation, control and

Prospective authors are invited to submit 3 copies of a manuscript to:
Professor Chun-Yi Su
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Concordia University 
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8
Phone: (514) 848-2424 ext. 3168, Fax: (514) 848-3175
E-mail: CDIC04@ME.Concordia.CA

Each manuscript must be written in English and should include the title, name
(s) and affiliations of the author(s), mailing address, telephone and fax 
numbers, and e-mail address. All accepted papers would be published on a 
Conference CD-ROM. Selected papers will be published in a limited-edition 
hardcover book by World Scientific Publishing Co. Electronic submissions of 
manuscripts via e-mail are strongly encouraged. Please consult conference 
website for instructions for preparing the manuscript. 

Submission of Manuscript   :           January 30, 2004
Notification of Acceptance :           March 15, 2004
Submission of Manuscript   :           April 30, 2004
Conference:                :           August 18-20, 2003
Official Web Site: http://www.me.concordia.ca/~cdic04   
E-mail: CDIC04@ME.Concordia.CA

The organizing committee would further select worthy contributions on 
applications in vehicle systems for a second round of reviews for possible
publication in following special issues of the International Journal of Heavy
Vehicle Systems:
- Real Time & AI-Based Control of Vehicle Systems
- Semi-Active & Active Vehicle Suspension and Controller Designs

Contributed by: Tariq Samad, 

CFP: 2004 CCA, ISIC, CACSD Joint Conference
September 2-4, Taipei, Taiwan

Deadline for all submissions:  January 20, 2004

REMINDER � The submission deadline for the IEEE Conference on Control 
Applications (CCA), the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control 
(ISIC), and the IEEE Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD) conference 
is January 20, 2004.  The conferences are sponsored by the IEEE Control 
Systems Society.  Submissions of regular papers and invited session proposals 
should be done through the IEEE-CSS PaperPlaza Web site, 
Further information about the multiconference, including topics of interest 
and submission guidelines, is available at the Web sites for the respective 
CCA  http://www.mk.ces.kyutech.ac.jp/cca04/
ISIC  http://www.mk.ces.kyutech.ac.jp/isic04/
CACSD  http://www.mk.ces.kyutech.ac.jp/cacsd04/

Contributed by: David L. Pepyne, 

CFP: 2004 CDC
2004 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (43rd CDC)
December 14-17, 2004
Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas

The 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) will be held Tuesday
through Friday, December 14-17, 2004 at Atlantis (a resort of "mythical"
proportions, www.atlantis.com), Paradise Island, the Bahamas, with
preconference workshops and tutorials to be announced. The conference is
sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) and is organized in
cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),
the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS),
the Japanese Society for Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), and the
European Union Control Association (EUCA). The CDC brings together an
international community of experts to discuss the state-of-the-art, new
research results, perspectives of future developments, and innovative
applications relevant to control, automation, and related areas. For the most
up to date information please continue to visit the conference website

* Deadline for all submissions and proposals:    March 1, 2004
* Notification of Acceptance/Rejection:          July 2004
* Final manuscript submission deadline:          September 1, 2004
* Final manuscript submission deadline:          September 1, 2004

Call for Contributed Papers
Papers are invited in the form of regular manuscripts (allotted 6 Proceedings
pages) and short manuscripts (allotted 2 Proceedings pages). Manuscripts must
be submitted through the CSS conference submission website
(http://www.paperplaza.net) and must conform to the NEW CDC POLICY (described
below) requiring that all manuscripts be in 2-column format and meet strict
page limits.

Call for Invited Sessions
Proposals are sought from those wishing to organize an invited session. An
invited session consists of six papers, which should present a unifying theme
from a diversity of viewpoints. Proposals for invited sessions are submitted
through the CSS conference submission website (http://www.paperplaza.net),
and must contain a Summary Statement describing the motivation and relevance
of the proposed session, accompanied by FULL versions of each invited paper.
Invited papers are allotted 6 Proceedings pages, and must conform to the NEW
CDC POLICY described below; ABSTRACTS of invited papers will NOT be accepted.
Please note that each paper in a proposed invited session will be
individually reviewed, and that the proposed invited session itself will also
be rated as a whole. To ensure the continuity of the program and that papers
addressing similar issues are grouped together, at the discretion of the
Program Committee, individual papers may be removed from a proposed session
and replaced by appropriate contributed papers. Likewise, selected papers
from rejected invited sessions may be placed into the regular program.

Call for Workshops/Tutorials
The Organizing Committee intends to arrange workshops and tutorials to be
held prior to the Conference, and solicits proposals for appropriate
subjects. Potential organizers can submit their proposals through the CSS
conference electronic submission site (http://www.paperplaza.net).

* All papers submitted to the CDC for review and publication after acceptance
must be formatted in the standard 2-column Proceedings format. See the
Author's Kit at the conference website (http://control.bu.edu/ieee/cdc04) for
Word and LaTeX style files.

* For the purposes of REVIEW, regular and invited papers are limited to 8
pages and short papers to 3 pages. Papers exceeding these limits will NOT be

* For PUBLICATION in the Proceedings, accepted regular and invited papers are
limited to 6 pages and short papers to 2 pages. Papers exceeding these limits
will be published only after payment of a page overlength fee.
will be published only after payment of a page overlength fee.

* All submissions (papers, invited sessions, workshops, and tutorials) must
be done electronically through the CSS conference submission website

For complete details see the conference website:
or contact the following conference organizers:

General Chair
  Christos G. Cassandras
  Department of Manufacturing Engineering
  and Center for Information and Systems Engineering (CISE)
  15 St. Mary's St.
  Boston University
  Brookline, MA  02446
  Tel:  (617) 353-7154
  FAX:  (617) 353-4830
  Email:  cgc@bu.edu

Program Chair,
  Weibo Gong
  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  and Department of Computer Science
  University of Massachusetts
  Amherst, MA  01003
  Tel:  (413) 545-0384
  Email:  gong@ecs.umass.edu

Contributed by: H. Kashiwagi, 

Call for Papers APCCM2004

APCCM is a biennial international conference on control and measurement. Its 
6th conference will be held in Chungdu, China on August 12-20,2004.

Important dates are as follows:
 March 31, 2004: Submission of Extended Abstracts
 April 30, 2004: Notification of Acceptance
 May 31, 2004: Final Papers Due

For more information, please visit the next home page.
or please contact the next address.

Faculty of Engineering,
Kumamoto University,
Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
Tel/Fax +81-96-342-3742

Contributed by: George J. Pappas, 

Hybrid Systems:  Computation and Control  (HSCC 2004)
Seventh International Workshop
University of Pennsylvania
March 25-27, 2004

After a record number of submitted papers, the technical program has been
finalized and can be accessed through the workshop web site.  We invite all
intersted parties to register and participate during the workshop which in
addition to the technical program includes:

Edmund M. Clarke, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
John Doyle, Control and Dynamical Systems, California Institute of Technology

During the workshop there will be one special invited session focusing on
the interplay between biomolecular networks, systems biology, formal methods, 
and control of hybrid systems. Invited speakers include:

Patrick Lincoln, Director, Computer Science Laboratory, SRI
Harvey Rubin, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

This is a special one-day workshop that will focus on the mathematical
foundations of robustness, abstractions, and computations. The workshop will
be held on Sunday, March 28, 2004, immediately following HSCC 2004. No
registration or fees are required to attend.

The workshop will be held at the Hilton Inn at Penn, 3600 Sansom Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104. Located in the heart of Penn's campus, The Inn is
only a few blocks from the center of Philadelphia, which offers a rich array
of cultural, historical, and nightlife attractions.

Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania
George J. Pappas, University of Pennsylvania

Contributed by: J.A. Tenreiro Machado, 

ICCC 2004
IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics
August 30 - September 1, 2004,
Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Computational Cybernetics is the synergetic integration of Cybernetics and 
Computational Intelligence techniques. Hence the topics of the ICCC covers 
not only mechanical, but biological (living), social and economical systems 
and for this uses computational intelligence based results of communication 
theory, signal processing, information technology, control theory, the heory 
of adaptive systems, the theory of complex systems (game theory, operational 
research), and computer science.

Submission of Papers:
The working language of the conference is English. Submitted papers have to 
be original, containing new and original results.
Prospective authors are invited to submit a full paper (max. 4500 words) 
electronically in PDF format at the conference homepage:
Each accepted paper has to be presented by one of the authors at the 
conference and must be accompanied with a registration fee.

Important Dates:
Proposal for special sessions and tutorials:  April 1st, 2004
Deadline for submission of papers:            April 1st, 2004
Notification of acceptance:	               June 1st, 2004
Deadline for submission of final manuscripts:  July 1st, 2004

Contributed by: George J. Pappas, 

IEEE CDC 2004: Call for Workshop Proposals
The 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
December 14-17, 2004
Atlantis, Paradise Island, the Bahamas

The 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control will take place on December 
14-17, 2004 at Atlantis, Paradise Island, the Bahamas.  The CDC 2004 
Organizing Committee plans to arrange workshops and tutorials to be held 
prior to the Conference. The Workshops Chair George J. Pappas invites your 
submission of workshop proposals focusing on new and emerging topics in all 
aspects of the theory and applications of systems and control.

Potential organizers can submit their proposals through the CSS conference 
electronic submission site (http://www.paperplaza.net).  The deadline for 
workshop proposals is March 1, 2004.   Proposals should be brief (no more 
than three pages), and should contain a description of the workshop topic,  
targeted audience and attendance, workshop structure and schedule (full-day 
or half-day), as well as confirmed speakers.  The workshop lectures must form 
a cohesive, well-integrated exploration of the workshop topic.  In addition, 
the organizers should provide some information regarding workshop 
preparation, such as workshop advertising, possible workshop web site, and 
notes to be distributed.

For more information feel free to contact the CDC 2004 Workshops Chair
 Prof. George J. Pappas 
 Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering
 University of Pennsylvania            
 200 South 33rd Street
 Philadelphia PA 19104
 E-mail : pappasg@ee.upenn.edu
 Tel    : 215-898-9780

Contributed by: Alessandro Giua, 

IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'04)
September 22-24, 2004
Reims - France

Important dates
- JANUARY 31, 2004: Submission of papers, special sessions and tutorials.
- APRIL 20, 2004:   Notification of acceptance and preliminary programme
- MAY 25, 2004:     Final versions due

Aim and Scope
The Workshop on Discrete Event Systems will be organised for the 7th
time in Reims, France, following earlier successful meetings in Prague
(1992), Antibes (1994), Edinburgh (1996), Cagliari (1998), Ghent (2000)
and Zaragoza (2002). It aims to provide researchers from different
fields (control theoreticians and control engineers, software engineers
and computer scientists, operations research specialists) with an
opportunity to exchange information and new ideas, and to discuss new
developments in the field of DES. Both theory and applications will be
discussed. It is envisaged that areas of interaction between different
methodologies and tools will be further explored and common applications
will be considered with focus on analysis and design of supervisory
controllers as well as design techniques and implementation for emerging
new applications.

The workshop will cover all topics in discrete event theory and
applications, including (but not limited to) the following:
- Formalisms and modelling methodologies: Petri nets, state automata,
  statecharts, process algebras, max/plus-algebra ...
- Control of discrete-event systems with emphasis on supervisory control
  and on real time control
- Performance evaluation, diagnosis, optimisation, implementation and
- Discrete approaches of hybrid systems and reactive systems
- Applications including telecommunication systems, manufacturing
  systems, transportation systems, process control, distributed systems,
  software engineering, office automation, workflow, protocols ...

IFAC WODES'04 Secretariat
LAM, UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
Moulin de la Housse
BP 1039, F-51687 Reims CEDEX 2
Phone : +33 3 26 91 32 26
Fax : +33 3 26 91 31 06
e-mail: wodes04@univ-reims.fr

Contributed by: Jordan Berg, 

IMECE 2004 Sensors, Actuators and Instrumentation
Dynamic Systems & Control: Sensors, Actuators, and Instrumentation
2004 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IMECE 2004)
November 14�19, 2004, Anaheim, California, USA

The Sensors & Instrumentation Panel of the Dynamic Systems and Controls 
Division of the ASME invites papers for IMECE 2004 on Sensors, Actuators,
and Instrumentation.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
 concepts in sensors and actuators; Applications of micro- and nanoscale 
 sensing and actuation; Micro- and nano-scale robots and manipulators.
INTELLIGENT SENSORS & SENSOR NETWORKS: Strategies for distributed sensing; 
 Sensor data fusion; Architecture for networked sensors; Intelligent decision 
 making; Sensor placement strategies; Learning strategies for sensors; Sensor 
 assessment; Self-powered sensors.
SENSOR APPLICATIONS: Nanotechnology; Vehicular applications; Homeland 
 security; Manufacturing; Process condition monitoring; Environmental 
 applications; Geological and geographical applications; Global positioning 
 and information systems; Structural and infrastructural health monitoring; 
 Medical and biomedical applications; Robotics; Intelligent transportation 
 applications; Power generation, transmission, and distribution; Space 

On-line submission is required! Interested authors should submit an extended
abstract of 350�500 words at the conference website:
Select the Dynamic Systems & Controls TRACK, and the Sensors & Actuators 
TOPIC. The review schedule is as follows:
  January 31, 2004: Extended abstracts due
  February 9, 2004: Notification of acceptance of abstracts 
  March 14, 2004: Complete manuscript for review due
  July 26, 2004: Notification of final paper acceptance 
  August 23, 2004: Final camera-ready manuscript due

For additional information please contact the panel chair or co-chair:

Chair: Prof. Jordan M. Berg
Mechanical Engineering Department
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-1021
Tel: 806-742-3563; Fax: 806-742-3540

Co-Chair: Prof. Junghsen Lieh
Mechanical & Materials Engineering Department
Wright State University, Dayton OH 45435 
Tel: 937-775-5086; Fax: 937-775-5009

Contributed by: Frank Allgower, 

NOLCOS 2004: Grace period for paper upload

RE: Grace period for paper upload until January 23, 2004.
RE: Special journal issues for selected Nolcos 2004 papers.

6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2004)
September 1 - 3, 2004
Stuttgart, Germany

As announced earlier the deadline for the submission of contributed papers
and invited sessions for the NOLCOS 2004 symposium is January 15, 2004.
Paper submission has to be done electronically through the following website:

You are requested to electronically register any papers before this deadline.
You will NOT need to upload your draft paper at this time. You are given a
grace period until Friday January 23 to deliver your draft papers at the
web-site. The submission web page will close after January 23.

Additional Information
1. All accepted papers that are presented at the NOLCOS symposium will
appear firstly in a preprint volume distributed at the conference 
and secondly in a proceedings book published by Elsevier Science 
after the conference. 
Selected papers will be considered for special issues of the "International 
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control" and "Control Engineering Practice" 
that will appear after the conference.

2. We expect to be able to offer a waiver of the registration fee for a 
significant number of young researchers from the EU and "associated 
countries". Please consult the NOLCOS homepage for further details by mid 

3. Based on the outcome of the reviewing process, selected contributed papers 
will be given the opportunity to be presented in talks of extended length as 

For more details concerning the NOLCOS 2004 symposium please
visit the conference web-site at:
If you have questions concerning the submission procedure do not
hesitate to contact us at: 
 Frank Allgower
 Institute for Systems Theory in Engineering
 University of Stuttgart
 Pfaffenwaldring 9
 70550 Stuttgart, Germany
 Tel. +49-711-685-7734
 Fax. +49-711-685-7735
 email. nolcos2004@ist.uni-stuttgart.de

Contributed by: N. Rakoto-Ravalontsalama, 

Special Session on Supervisory Control WODES 2004
Invited Papers: Special Session on Supervisory Control, WODES 2004

Supervisory Control: Theory and Applications at WODES'2004
Reims, France, September 22-24, 2004

The Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES) will be organised for the 
7th time in Reims, France. It aims to provide researchers from different
fields (control theoreticians and control engineers, software engineers 
and computer scientists, operations research specialists) with an opportunity
to exchange information and new ideas, and to discuss new developments in 
the field of DES.

Topics of the invited session
Supervisory Control is an active area of research since the pioneering
work of Ramadge and Wonham in 1987. Many approaches have been developed,
related to controllability and observability properties; Main applications
concern manufacturing systems and telecommunication systems
The aim of the session is to present new theoretical results and original
approaches of supervisory control, new software developments as well as
implementation issues.

   Toshimistu Ushio
   Dept. of Systems Innovation
   Osaka University
   1-3 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka,
   Osaka 560-8531, Japan
   Phone and Fax: +81-6-6850-6390
   e-mail: ushio@sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
   Naly Rakoto-Ravalontsalama
   Dept. of Automatic Control
   Ecole des Mines de Nantes (and IRCCyN)
   4, rue Alfred Kastler
   44307 Nantes Cedex 03, France
   Phone: +33 2-5185-8306
   e-mail: rakoto@emn.fr

- Title and short abstract: 		January 10, 2004
(please send by e-mail to one of the organizers)
- Full Paper submission:		January 31, 2004
- Notification of acceptance:        	April 20, 2004
- Final version due:                 	May 25, 2004

(Editorial Comment: Due to delay in dispatching this eletter, please
contact the organuzer if they are still able to accept abstracts)
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