E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 183, November, 2003

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 183, November, 2003

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936

      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter/
      Submission deadline for December eletter: November 30, 2003


0. Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	Change of Address

2.	Awards Honors

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	IEEE-CSS Working Group on Symbolic Methods for Control
	3.2	Paris Graduate Control School

4.	Positions
	4.1	Control System Development Engineer GE
	4.2	Faculty: Colorado School of Mines USA
	4.3	Faculty: Embry-Riddle University USA
	4.4	Faculty: Miami University USA
	4.5	Faculty: Univ of Colorado at Boulder USA
	4.6	Faculty: University of Delaware USA
	4.7	Faculty: University of New South Wales Australia.
	4.8	PhD: Delft University of Technology NL
	4.9	PhD: RUG Netherlands 
	4.10	Post-Doc: ISR University of Maryland USA
	4.11	Post-Doc: University of Liege Belgium
	4.12	Post-Doc:  University of Canterbury New Zealand
	4.13	Research Engineer: Applied Optimization USA
	4.14	Research Engineer: Intel Automation Inc USA
	4.15	Research Engineer: Xsens Technologies NL

5.	Books
	5.1	Automatisierungstechnik: Automation

6.	Journals
	6.1	Automatica: Special Issue on Data-Based Modelling and System Identification
	6.2	Contents: Automatica
	6.3	Contents: European Journal of Control
	6.4	Contents: IEEE Trans. Aut.Control
	6.5	Contents: Jour of Guidance Control and Dynamics

7.	Conferences
	7.1	2004 Int Conference on Dynamics Instrumentation and Control
	7.2	5th Asian Control Conference - ASCC2004
	7.3	5th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems
	7.4	6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems
	7.5	8th Annual IEEE Advanced Process Control Applications for Industry Workshop
	7.6	Call for Papers: 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision & Control
	7.7	Call for papers: GENSIPS 2004
	7.8	Call for participation: African Control Conference
	7.9	Call for special sessions: MED 04
	7.10	ESANN 2004: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
	7.11	ESF-TED Workshop: Multiple Participant decision making
	7.12	Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2004
	7.13	IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation & Robotics
	7.14	International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing
	7.15	World Automation Congress 2004 - WAC 2004

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Welcome to the 183-3d issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of Dec 2003.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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Contributed by: Guangming Xie, 

Change of Address

I have recently finished my postdoctrol program and taken up a faculty 
position at Peking  University. My new contact details are: 
Guangming Xie 
Intelligent Control Laboratory, 
Center for Systems and Control,
Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, 
Peking University,
Beijing, 100871, China, 


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                          Awards Honors
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No submissions

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Nikos Karampetakis, 

IEEE-CSS Working Group on Symbolic Methods for Control

A new working group on "Symbolic Methods for Control" has been started. The
group is part of the IEEE Control Systems Society technical committee on 
Computer Aided Control System Design. 

The group will be devoted to provide information on symbolic methods and 
software for CACSD which is created using computer algebra systems. A very
informative home page for this Action Group has been launch at 
http://anadrasis.math.auth.gr/cacsd/Home.htm , with links to active groups, 
current projects, available symbolic software and people working in the field.

The goal of this site is to provide up-to-date information to support an 
informed selection and usage of the most appropriate symbolic algorithms and 
software tools to solve practical control problems. Many results on 
developing new symbolic algorithms, software, and computer algebra servers 
for CACSD are available electronically. Therefore we provide links to 
research groups as well as to individuals active in these areas. Information 
is also provided on available CAS software for systems and control. To try 
and stay on pace with the recent development, I would like to invite any 
comments, news and suggestions.

The current home page is still a preliminary and incomplete one. Comments,
news, suggestions and contributions are very welcome.

Contributed by: Antonio Loria, 

Paris Graduate Control School - Calendar available!

Place: Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees de Paris, 
28, rue des Saints-Peres, Paris, France
Date: 26th/january-2nd/april 2004

Deadline for registration: 15th november 2003 
Registration form: http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS/FAP.html
Scholarships available: http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS/
Cost: 450 euros. Fully covered by scholarship for all CTS fellows from 
      any Host Institute (see below). No cost for PhD students in France 
      of any nationality.
Contact: Antonio Loria  (loria@lss.supelec.fr)

Intensive teaching: one 21hrs module per week, 7 sessions of 3hrs each,
Lectures in English.

(WARNING: please notice the change in labels P# w.r.t. previous programs)

26/Jan - 30/Jan.
P1 Nonlinear control of electrical and electromechanical systems
   A. Astolfi,  R. Ortega
2/Feb. - 6/Feb.
P2 Algebraic analysis of control systems defined by partial differential 
   J-F. Pommaret
9/Feb. - 13/Feb.
P3 Nonlinear flatness-based control of complex electromechanical systems
   E. Delaleau - A.M. Stankovic
16/Feb. - 20/Feb.
P4 Modeling and control of chemical  and biotechnological processes
    Jan van Impe, D. Dochain,
23/Feb. - 27/Feb.
P5 Modeling and boundary control of infinite dimensional systems
   B. Maschke, A.J. van der Schaft
1/March - 5/March
P6 Linear systems, algebraic theory of modules, structural properties 
   H. Bourles,  M. Fliess
8/March - 12/March
P7 Lyapunov-based control: state and output feedback
   L. Praly, A. Astolfi, A. Loria
15/March - 19/March
P8 Nonlinear control and mechanical systems
   B. Bonnard
22/March - 26/March
P9 Tools for analysis and control of time-varying systems
   J. M. Coron, A. Loria
29/March - 2/April
P10 Control of oscillating mechanical systems, synchronization and chaos
    J. Levine, H. Nijmeijer

Scholarships are available for students following a PhD education in Europe to
do part of their graduate training and research within one of the 29 Host
Institutes, members of the Control Training Site network.
- Apply to European (and associated countries) nationals as well as to others 
  living in a European or associated country since 5 years ago.
- Scholarships are for research internships of 3 to 12 months in any of the 29
  host institutes (see http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS/)
  Previous CTS fellows are welcome if their previous internship was shorter  
  than 9 months.
- The selected candidate receives 1200 euros per month for living expenses.
  The courses and travel expenses are also covered.  
- No deadline for applications is impossed but allow one month for scholarship
  to become effective after selection is completed. Notice also that the 
  deadline for the FAP courses above is Nov. 15th.
- French non CTS fellows are invited at no cost and scolarships from MNRT are 

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Contributed by: GE Global Research Center, 

Control System Development Engineer, GE

Responsibilities:  The candidate will work for the Automation & Controls Lab 
of Electronic & Photonic Systems Global Technology Center at GE CRD. This 
group performs R&D in control systmes for products and processes for a wide 
variety of GE businesses. Candiate will develop new control system 
technologies for a wide range of GE products. Responsibilities will include 
concept development, design, simulation, and software coding. The candidate 
must be self-motivated and capable of working independently on extended 
assignments. Specific responsibilities include control algorithm analysis and 
development, system modeling and simulation and software development. The 
candidate will document the results of this activity through patent 
applications, technical reports and publications.

Requirements:  The ideal candidate will possess a PhD in an engineering 
discipline. Knowledge of control systems, signal processing, estimation 
theory, Kalman filtering, system identification and optimization are 
required, as well as simulation and coding skills using MATLAB, EASY5, 
MATRIXx, or a similar simulation package.

Desired:  Software skills in MATLAB, and/or C++

We offer a competitive salary, outstanding benefits package and the 
professional advantages of an environment that supports your development and 
recognizes your achievements.  

To apply to this position, please click on this link.  
Please enter GECRD/284697/GE110 in the job reference code field.

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Contributed by: Tyrone Vincent, 

Faculty: Colorado School of Mines, USA

The Division of Engineering invites applications for a new anticipated tenure-
track faculty position at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor in 
material physics with special emphasis on the control of the micro/nano-
mechanics of materials processing.  Individuals with more experience may also 
be considered.

Because of the recent explosion of nano-scale engineering activities, there 
are enormous opportunities for guided or templated assembly of material 
systems at the micron, nano and quantum length scales, with applications 
ranging from material property design to MEMS/NEMS devices to quantum 
computing. This emerging discipline bridges materials processing and control 
theory and is in line with the synergistic overlap of two of the primary 
groups within our division--Material Mechanics and Automation/Sensing.

The Division of Engineering has a wide range of interdisciplinary research 
programs. Those most closely related to the new position are solid-state 
physics, computational mechanics, optical diagnostics, process 
control/optimization, electronic thin film synthesis, and combustion 
processing of nano-powders and films. Faculty in these areas conduct joint 
investigations of materials processing which integrate design, simulation, 
sensing, and control. 

Responsibilities: The successful candidate will teach mechanical engineering 
classes at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and will be expected to 
develop a research program focused on the control of small-scale processes 
within solid-state materials. Further, the successful candidate will be 
expected to work effectively in a collaborative, interdisciplinary, 
environment within the Division of Engineering as well as with researchers 
within our Materials Science, Physics, and Chemical Engineering programs.

Qualifications:  An individual is being sought who will complement and 
enhance the existing research expertise of the faculty by concentrating on 
the effects of nano/meso-scale mechanical state on the processing of advanced 
materials.  The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in Mechanical 
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physics, Materials Science or in a field 
closely related to one of these. Applicants should have: an understanding of 
teaching principles or a record of successful teaching; a record of research 
accomplishments commensurate with experience; the ability to develop external 
research funding; and superb interpersonal and communication skills.  
Preference will be given to those applicants with demonstrated expertise in 
both materials science and quantum/stochastic control theory. 

To Apply:  Interested individuals must submit a letter of application, 
curriculum vita and contact information for three references to:  Colorado 
School of Mines, Office of Human Resources, Search # 03-011830, Golden, CO 
80401.  Review of applications will begin on February 15, 2004.

CSM is an EEO/AA employer and is committed to enhancing the diversity of its 
faculty and staff.  Women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with 
disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Contributed by: Steve Kahne, 

Faculty: Embry-Riddle University, USA

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ invites applications for a
tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level available
in Fall 2004. The successful candidate should have a BS in Electrical or
Computer Engineering and an earned doctorate in Computer Engineering or
a closely related field.   Interest and ability to teach undergraduate
electrical and computer engineering courses and laboratories is essential.

Preferred areas of expertise include data networks, telecommunications,
and software tools.  Industrial and/or teaching experience would
strengthen a candidate's credentials.  The successful candidates will be
given opportunities for professional development including the use of
our outstanding flight education center. 
Embry-Riddle is a small, residential university in the mountains of
Arizona where faculty/student interaction is highly valued and is a
central theme of the campus. The department is part of the College of
Engineering that also includes a large Aerospace Engineering department
and Computer Science.  There are many opportunities for inter-departmental
teaching and research.  Our fully accredited undergraduate engineering
programs place students in aerospace companies and major university
graduate schools.  A new academic complex is under construction and will
be ready for occupancy in Fall 2004 with new office, laboratory and
teaching facilities.

Prescott is rated as one of the most livable areas in the Southwest and
at 5000 above sea level has a mild climate, clean air and pristine
wilderness areas close by.  It is 100 miles North of Phoenix and 100
miles South of the Grand Canyon.

Please send detailed vita information and contact information for three
professional references to Professor Stephen Kahne, Chair, Search Committee
c/o HR Department, Embry-Riddle University, 3700 Willow Creek Road,
Prescott, AZ 86503. Contact Professor Kahne at Kahne@erau.edu for further
information.  Review of applications will begin December 1, 2003.

ERAU is an equal opportunity employer and particularly encourages
applications from women and minorities.

Contributed by: John J. Westman, 

Faculty: Miami University, USA
Assistant Professor in Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites applications for a tenure
track position at the Assistant Professor level starting in Fall 2004. Duties
include continuing research, teaching graduate and undergraduate courses, and

Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in a mathematical science, with primary
research interest compatible with those of the department
(www.muohio.edu/mathstat/). Preference will be given to applicants in applied
mathematics, particularly those specializing in control, optimization,
modeling, numerical analysis, applied differential equations or applied
probability. Applications from women and minorities are especially welcome.
Applicants should send a letter of application, an AMS cover sheet, vita,
description of current research, and a statement of teaching philosophy. They
should also arrange for three letters of reference (at least one of which must
address the applicant's teaching) to be sent to:

Doug Ward
Mathematics Search 
Department of Mathematics and Statistics 
Miami University 
Oxford, Ohio 45056. 
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Screening
of applications will begin on December 1, 2003.
Miami University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

Contributed by: Lucy Pao, 

Faculty: Univ of Colorado at Boulder, USA

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
University of Colorado at Boulder seeks outstanding applicants 
for tenure track faculty positions beginning August 2004 in the 
areas of control systems, computer engineering or VLSI. 
Exceptional candidates in other areas may also be considered.

The Department anticipates hiring at the assistant professor level,
but will consider qualified candidates at higher levels. Candidates
must have a Ph.D. degree and demonstrate exceptional ability in
teaching and research.  Candidates above the assistant professor
level must also have an established research program.  The
University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to diversity and
equality in education and employment.  Send a resume, research
and teaching statements, and names/addresses of references to:

 Professor Robert W. Erickson
 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
 University of Colorado
 425 UCB
 Boulder, CO 80309 USA

Please visit http://ece.colorado.edu/ for more information about our

Review of applications will begin December 17, 2003, but the search
will remain open until the positions are filled.

Contributed by: Sunil K. Agrawal, 

Faculty: University of Delaware, USA

A tenure-track faculty position in the field of intelligent small
machines and systems is available in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Delaware. Acceptable candidates should
have a background in one or more areas related to system dynamics,
robotics, controls, mechatronics, and emerging areas of micro and nano
electro-mechanical devices and systems and is expected to develop a
strong research program. Possible applications may include but are not
limited to Unmanned Ground and Air Vehicles, Structures, Composites,
Biomedical Engineering, Nanotechnology.

The Mechanical Engineering Department (www.me.udel.edu) in 2003 has 21
faculty members, 72 graduate students, and 329 undergraduate students.
The faculty members of the department actively participate in the Center
for Biomedical Engineering Research and Center for Composite Materials.
The University of Delaware is a publicly supported private university
with a total enrollment of about 18,000 students.  It is located in the
attractive community of Newark, which is close to large industrial,
academic and research institutions in Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore
and Washington, D.C. For information about the university, visit our
website www.udel.edu.

Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2003 or until a suitable
candidate is identified.  Send a detailed curriculum vitae, a teaching
and research plan, and the names of at least three references to
Intelligent Systems Faculty Search Committee Chair, Department of
Mechanical Engineer, University of Delaware, 126 Spencer Laboratory,
Newark, DE 19716-3140. The curriculum vitae and letters of reference (if
obtained) will be shared with departmental faculty. Inquiries can be
directed to Professor Sunil Agrawal at (302) 831-8049 or
agrawal@me.udel.edu. The University of Delaware is an equal opportunity
employer and encourages applications from members of minority groups and

Contributed by: Andrey Savkin, 

Faculty: University of New South Wales, Australia.

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Systems and Control
Faculty of Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications,
The University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia.

The School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, at The
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia invites applications
for a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position in Systems and Control.

Detailed information on the position and the method of application can
be found at: http://www.hr.unsw.edu.au/employment/17100307.htm

Applications close 21 November 2003.

Contributed by: Bart De Schutter, 

PhD: Delft University of Technology, NL

The newly formed Delft Center for Systems of Control of Delft University
of Technology in The Netherlands has vacancies for PhD positions
on the following topics:

* Multi-agent control for traffic networks

This project aims at developing an innovative control theory
specifically suited to the coordinated anticipatory control of
heterogeneous traffic flows in urban and motorway traffic networks
using a combination of techniques from distributed and hierarchical
control, supervisory control, model-based control, hybrid systems
control, and multi-agent control.

* Learning control of mechatronic systems

The goal of this project is to develop iterative learning control
policies for dynamic positioning of complex mechatronic systems.
The challenge is to develop a new identification for model based
learning control methodology that takes into account identification of
the dominant non-linear dynamics of the mechatronic device under
analysis. The overall goal is to improve the convergence
speed of iterative learning controllers.

For more information on these positions and how to apply, see
http://www.dcsc.tudelft.nl (under the item 'Vacancies').

Contributed by: Harry Trentelman , 

PhD: RUG, Netherlands 
Opening in Modeling and Control of Distributed Systems

This project is funded by the Dutch Organization for Scientific 
Research (NWO) The research to be carried out in this project deals 
with the study of open, distributed, dynamical (or: nD) systems, i.e., 
dynamical systems described by linear, constant coefficient, partial 
differential equations, in which some of the variables are free. The 
aim is to establish for this class of systems a systems- and control 
theory, based on the behavioral approach, as has been developed 
extensively in the past decade for finite-dimensional, linear, 
time-invariant systems. In particular, the project aims at 
generalizing to the class of distributed systems important basic 
systems theoretic notions as input and output, interconnection, and 
implementability. Also, we want to generalize the concept of quadratic 
differential form to the nD context, and establish a theory of 
lossless and dissipative nD systems.  For finite-dimensional, linear, 
time-invariant systems, these notions have shown to be instrumental in 
problems of H-infinity control and filtering, and we expect to be able 
to develop similar theories for nD systems.  In particular, the idea 
of H-infinity filtering for nD systems will be relevant in signal and 
image processing. 
Applicants for the PhD position (4 years, salary starting from 1600,-  
Euros / month before taxes) should have a Masters degree in Mathematics, or 
in Control Engineering with a strong background in Mathematics 
Applications should include an extended curriculum vitae (with details 
on qualifications, experience, achievements) and they should be sent, 
preferably by electronic mail, to:  
Harry Trentelman  
Research Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science  
P.O. Box 800 
9700 AV Groningen 
the Netherlands 
Phone: +31-50-3633998 
Fax: +31-50-3633980 
Email: h.l. trentelman@math.rug.nl 

Contributed by: Susan Frazier, 

Post-Doc: ISR, University of Maryland, USA
Post-Doctoral Research Appointment Opportunities, Fall 2004

The Institute for Systems Research (ISR) is an interdisciplinary research
unit of the University of Maryland. Located in College Park, Md., ISR
generates fundamental knowledge and technologies for integrated design for
control of complex engineering systems. The following thrust areas are

Global Communications Systems; Sensor-Actuator Networks; Next-Generation
Product Realization Systems; Societal Infrastructure Systems; Cross-
Disciplinary Systems Education

A multi-disciplinary team of outstanding scientists and engineers is pursuing
in-depth studies in the implications and applications of modern computer
technology to control and communication systems technologies. Extensive
industrial collaboration is an integral part of the program.  

ISR's research projects encompass a diverse set of systems problems; they
include intelligent control of processes, electromechanical motion control,
wireless communication networks, high-speed satellite and terrestrial
communication networks, telemedicine systems, and virtual factories for the
manufacture of electromechanical devices.  

While we welcome applications from qualified parties with interests in 
systems, control, and communications, we are especially seeking persons 
for research projects on the following topics:
Air traffic management; Auditory feedback in control; Auditory systems
research and modeling; Biomaterials and biomicrosystems; Biosonar research
and modeling; Combinatorial materials science and informatics; Cooperative
control of robots; Distributed and asynchronous control of hybrid systems;
Lean manufacturing & manufacturing systems design; Neuromorphic engineering;
Networked control systems; Networked sensor systems; Nonlinear and geometric
control of formations; Operations research; Quantum computing and control;
Robust control of communicating UAVs

ISR Post-doctoral appointments are available for recipients of Ph.D. 
degrees who have interests in systems engineering and its applications. 
Candidates must have received their degrees by August 31 of the same 
year that the appointment begins.  

Typically, appointments are effective from September through August. 
Academic excellence and outstanding potential for basic research 
weigh heavily in appointment selection. 

ISR Post-Doctoral appointees enjoy the unique opportunity of participating 
in state-of-the-art research in systems engineering. Exceptional 
opportunities exist for research in collaboration with leading 
industrial and government research laboratories. Appointments offer 
generous salaries and provide excellent benefits. They are typically 
for one year and are renewable up to a second year based on performance 
and the availability of funds.

To be considered for a post-doctoral appointment, applicants must submit 
the following materials: 
- Curriculum vitae including a list of publications,
- Statement of research interests and goals, including the reason one 
  wishes to participate in this program, 
- Sample publications, 
- Three letters of recommendation, 
- A transcript from the institution where the Ph.D. was (or will be) earned, 
  showing grades in courses taken.

All materials must be received by the Institute for Systems Research by 
January 15, 2004 to qualify candidates for Fall consideration.

Institute for Systems Research
Attn: Post-Doctoral Appointment Review 
2175 A.V. Williams Building 
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
For additional information, email sue@isr.umd.edu

Contributed by: Rodolphe Sepulchre, 

Post-Doc: University of Liege, Belgium

A POSTDOCTORAL POSITION is available in the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Ličge. The postdoc is
expected to conduct research in the broad area of nonlinear dynamics and
control. For information about specific current research projects, visit

Interested applicants should contact r.sepulchre@ulg.ac.be with a detailed
statement of interest, names and contact information of at least one
reference, and a URL linking to a current CV and list of downloadable
publications. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
The position will be funded by the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole
in Systems and Control. For more information visit  

Contributed by: Dr. Lee M. Garth, 

Post-Doc:  University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Post Doctoral Fellowship in MIMO Techniques for Crosstalk Mitigation in 
Copper Cables
University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand

Applications are invited for a full time post-doctoral research fellowship 
investigating the use of MIMO techniques for crosstalk mitigation in copper 
cables.  The study will involve establishing theoretical performance bounds 
as well as creating novel signal and modulation structures, potentially 
leading to real-time DSP implementations on xDSL test loops.  

Candidates should have a PhD in Communications or Signal Processing with a 
very strong background in random processes, stochastic signal processing, or 
communications theory.

The appointment will initially be for one year.  Applications close 15 
November 2003.

For more information on the position, see 

Interested applicants should send a detailed resume including a list of 
publications to: Dr. Lee M. Garth, Department of Electrical and Computer 
Engineering, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New 
Zealand, Email: l.garth@elec.canterbury.ac.nz

Contributed by: Anil Choudhary, 

Research Engineer: Applied Optimization, USA

Applied Optimization, Inc., an engineering research and development
firm located in Dayton, is planning to fill one full-time professional,
and two student intern positions, for work on a DoD sponsored projects
that require U.S. Citizenship. The intern positions are open for
individuals who are in either the junior or senior year of their
Bachelors degree. The full-time position is open to individuals who
are either close to graduation, or are recent graduates with a B.S.
or M.S. degree. The field of study may be Systems Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, or Computer Science.

All positions involve development and software implementation of
mathematical algorithms for signal processing and optimization.
Prerequisite qualifications for all positions are proficiency in
engineering mathematics and C++ language.

Also required for Computer Science majors is proficiency in GUI
development. A working knowledge of OpenGL and cluster computation
will be a plus. For Mechanical Engineering majors, proficiency in
engineering mechanics and finite element methods is required. A
working knowledge of materials processing techniques will be a plus. 

To apply, please E-mail a current resume and contact information
for three references to appliedOpt@aol.com

Contributed by: Chiman Kwan, 

Research Engineer: Intel Automation Inc, USA

A R&D firm in Rockville Maryland, USA, has several immediate openings. 
Competitive salary and good benefits.

The person is expected to interact with customers to understand customer's 
needs, implement algorithms (signal processing, fault diagnostics and 
prognostics, etc.), evaluate performance of algorithms, summarize research 
findings, and work with other team members. The requirements are:

1. PhD graduates (preferred) in Electrical engineering or Mechanical 
   Engineering or Aerospace Engineering
2. Experience in one or several of the following areas: fault diagnostics and 
   prognostics, signal processing, communications, power systems, pattern
   recognition, data fusion.
3. Familiar with C, Matlab
4. Good communication and writing skill
5. Able to work independently as well as in team environment
6. US Citizen or green card preferred.

Send resume to Dr. Chiman Kwan at ckwan@i-a-i.com

Contributed by: Per Slycke, 

Research Engineer: Xsens Technologies, NL

Xsens Technologies is a highly specialized supplier of miniature inertial 
motion technologies. Its product line consists of miniature motion sensors, 
software, measurement equipment and accessories. Customers around the world 
apply Xsens' motion technologies for various applications such as robot or 
vehicle navigation, virtual reality applications, and biomechanical research 
or gait analysis. Xsens Technologies is a privately held spin-off of the 
University of Twente, founded in 2000 and located in Enschede ^Ö a high-tech 
hub in the East of the Netherlands. For more information, visit:

Job Description
As Scientific Software Engineer you will work together with a dedicated team 
of Electrical Engineers and Software Engineers to realize state-of-the-art, 
real-time inertial motion sensing solutions. You will work directly within 
several European-wide research projects and be encouraged to actively keep 
track of the latest scientific and technological developments. 
You will be expected to be able to take a leading role in the company in the 
development of signal processing algorithms and (Kalman) filtering software 
for inertial based sensor systems.

The position is for 40 hours per week.

Job Requirements
PhD/MSc in Physics, Electrical Engineering or Mathematics. Experience and 
interest required in sensor systems, general digital signal processing 
techniques, (Kalman) filtering, and programming (Matlab, C/C++). Experience 
with (MEMS) inertial sensor systems, GPS, (earth) magnetic field 
measurements, and/or DSPs is an advantage.

General skills
Team player, good communication skills, fluency in English required (written 
and verbal), knowledge of Dutch is an advantage.

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae with names of three referees, 
together with a letter/email outlining the motivation for the application. 
Applications by e-mail are encouraged. Copies (or PDF) of any relevant 
scientific publications by the applicant are welcome.

Please contact: 
Per Slycke (CTO), per@xsens.com
Xsens Technologies B.V.
Hengelosestraat 705
7521 PA Enschede

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Contributed by: Jan Lunze, 

Automatisierungstechnik: Automation

Automatisierungstechnik. Methoden fuer die Steuerung und Ueberwachung 
kontinuierlicher und ereignisdiskreter Systeme
Oldenbourg-Verlag, Munich 2003
ISBN 3-486-27430-9
631 pp., 401 figures, 74 application examples, 84 exercises
http://www.rub.de/atp --> books

This German textbook gives an introduction to both continuous-variable and
discrete-event systems and the application of this theory for solving
different tasks of systems control and supervision. To the knowledge of the 
author, it is the first textbook for graduate students that deal with both
classes of systems on an equal basis. All the basic modelling, control and
supervision problems are explained starting with modelling of dynamical
systems of both kind, dealing with systems analysis and prediction, with
control design, state observation and fault detection. Numerous application
examples are presented (in a form suitable for lectures). Exercises with
solutions are provided for students.

This textbook is used for a 5th semester course in electrical engineering, 
but due to the numerous examples from different other disciplines the book
is suitable for other engineering study courses.

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Contributed by: Paul Van den Hof, 

Automatica: Special Issue on Data-Based Modelling and System Identification

System identification is a field of systems and control that has delivered 
powerful methods and tools for data-based systems modelling. While the 
current status of the linear theory for identification has become very much 
mature, the challenges for the field are in identification of more complex 
systems (nonlinear, distributed, hybrid, large scale physical models), in 
particular goal-oriented modelling issues (identification for control, 
diagnosis, detection, monitoring, etc.), and in a large variety of high-tech 
applications. In many application areas the problem of extracting structural 
information from large amounts of data has become of increasing importance, 
as e.g. seen in bioinformatics, biotechnology, plant-wide process control and 
The scope of the Special Issue, is to report results and current challenges 
in data-based modelling and identification. The contributions are not limited 
to the "classical" identification community, but particular identification-
related developments in adjacent areas (statistics, signal processing, 
machine learning, computer science) will be incorporated.

Submission deadline: February 1, 2004
Tentative date of publication: February 2005

Guest Editors
Torsten Söderström, Uppsala University
Paul Van den Hof, Delft Center for Systems and Control
Bo Wahlberg (Corresponding Editor), KTH Stockholm
Siep Weiland, Eindhoven University of Technology

Prospective authors should submit their contribution before February 1, 2004 
through the Automatica web-based paper handling system Pampus, available at 

Submissions can be either in full paper or brief paper format.
Papers for the Special Issue should be submitted as a Special Issue Paper to 
Special Issue Editor Bo Wahlberg only.

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, 

Contents: Automatica, January, 2004
Volume 40, Issue 1

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com


T. Basar
A smooth transition: Moving forward, looking forward

T. Basar
Two new editors, and a revised editorial area

Regular papers

Liyu Cao, H. M. Schwartz
Analysis of the Kalman filter based estimation algorithm: An orthogonal
decomposition approach

L. C. G. J. M. Habets, J. H. van Schuppen
A control problem for affine dynamical systems
on a full-dimensional polytope

J. Roll, A. Bemporad, L. Ljung
Identification of piecewise affine systems via mixed-integer programming

Brief papers

Fu-Shiung Hsieh
Model and control holonic manufacturing systems based on fusion of
contract nets and petri nets

M. Ö. Efe, C. Unsal, O. Kaynak, Xinghuo Yu
Variable structure control of a class of uncertain systems

Young Sam Lee, Young Soo Moon, Wook Hyun Kwon, Poo Gyeon Park
Delay-dependent robust H(infinity) control for uncertain systems with a

A. S. Shiriaev, H. Ludvigsen, O. Egeland
Swinging up of the spherical pendulum via stabilization of tis first

Weihai Zhang, Bor-Sen Chen
On stabililizability and exact observability of stochastic systems with
their applications

P.M.T. Broersen
Mean square error of the empirical transfer function estimator ETFE for
stochastic input signals

N. H. El-Farra, P. Mhaskar, P. D. Christofides
Uniting bounded control and MPC for stabilization of constrained linear

O. Yaniv, M. Nagurka
Design of PID controllers satisfying gain margin and sensitivity
constraints on a set of plants

K. D. Do, Z. P. Jiang, J. Pan, H. Nijmeijer
A global output-feedback controller for stabilization and tracking of
underactuated ODIN: A spherical underwater vehicle

W. Langson, I. Chryssochoos, S.V. Rakovic, D. Q. Mayne
Robust model predictive control using tubes

M. Farza, M. M'Saad, L. Rossignol
Observer design for a class of MIMO nonlinear systems

Chiang-Ju Chien, Chia-Yu Yao
An output based adaptive learning controller for systems with high
relative degree uncertain linear systems

D. N. Hoover, R. Longchamp, J. Rosenthal
Two-degree-of-freedom L2-optimal tracking with preview

Technical communiques

Baocang Ding, Yugeng Xi, Shaoyuan Li
A synthesis approach of on-line constrained robust model predictive

Book reviews

E. Usai
Modeling and IPC control of interactive mechanical systems: A
coordinate-free approach, by Stefano Stramigioli

Contributed by: Danila Ferrara , 

Contents: European Journal of Control

Robust Control of Identified Models with Mixed Parametric and Non-Parametric 
W. Reinelt, L. Ljung

Discussion on "Robust Control of Identified Models with Mixed Parametric and 
Non-Parametric Uncertainties" 
Brett Ninness

Design of Robust Multivariable Feedback Control Systems Using Pole Assignment 
and Positivity Concepts
G. Schmitt-Braess

Integrated Design of Smart Structures Controlled by H_inf Optimal Controllers
E. De la Fuente 

Modeling Identification and Compensation of Complex Hysteretic 
Nonlinearities. A Modified Prandtl-Ishlinskii Approach
Klaus Kuhnen

Discussion on "Modeling Identification and Compensation of Complex Hysteretic 
Nonlinearities. A Modified Prandtl-Ishlinskii Approach"
Fabio Previdi

Variance Properties of a Two-step ARX Estimation Procedure
F. Tjarnstrom, L. Ljung

Discussion on "Variance Properties of a Two-step ARX Estimation Procedure"
Marco P. Schoen

An Application of the Singular Perturbation Decomposition to Plasma Position 
and Shape Control
M. Ariola, A. Pironti

Contributed by: C. Stewart, 

Contents: Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 48,   Issue: 10,   Year: Oct. 2003

Guest editorial: Special section on newdirections on nonlinear control
Baillieul, J.; Bloch, A.; Wei Lin, Page(s): 1681- 1682

Monotone control systems
Angeli, D.; Sontag, E.D., Page(s): 1684- 1698

Pattern generation and the control of nonlinear systems
Brockett, R.W., Page(s): 1699- 1711

Limit sets, zero dynamics, and internal models in the problem of nonlinear
output regulation
Byrnes, C.I.; Isidori, A., Page(s): 1712- 1723

Controllability and local accessibility - A normal form approach
Wei Kang; Mingqing Xiao; Tall, I.A., Page(s): 1724- 1736

Adaptive output tracking of inherently nonlinear systems with nonlinear
Wei Lin; Pongvuthithum, R., Page(s): 1737- 1749

Min-max model predictive control of nonlinear systems using discontinuous
Fontes, F.A.C.C.; Magni, L., Page(s): 1750- 1755

Iterative learning control of hamiltonian systems: I/O based optimal control
Fujimoto, K.; Sugie, T., Page(s): 1756- 1761

Power shaping: A new paradigm for stabilization of nonlinear RLC circuits
Ortega, R.; Jeltsema, D.; Scherpen, J.M.A., Page(s): 1762- 1767

Robust stabilization of chained systems via hybrid control
Prieur, C.; Astolfi, A., Page(s): 1768- 1772

Nonregular feedback linearization: A nonsmooth approach
Zhendong Sun; Ge, S.S., Page(s): 1772- 1776

A hybrid switching control strategy for nonlinear and underactuated
mechanical systems
Mingjun Zhang; Tzyh-Jong Tarn, Page(s): 1777- 1782

Discrete-time Lyapunov-based small-gain theorem for parameterized
interconnected ISS systems
Laila, D.S.; Nesic, D., Page(s): 1783- 1788

Adaptive stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems with 
unstable internal dynamics
Zhengtao Ding, Page(s): 1788- 1792

A switching algorithm for global exponential stabilization 
of uncertain chained systems
Zairong Xi; Gang Feng; Jiang, Z.P.; Daizhan Cheng, Page(s): 1793- 1798
Exponential stability and solution bounds for systems with 
bounded nonlinearities, Zevin, A.; Pinsky, M.
Page(s): 1799- 1804

On impulsive modes of linear singular systems subject to 
decentralized output feedback
Runyi Yu; Dianhui Wang, Page(s): 1804- 1809

Nonsmooth adaptive stabilization of cascade systems with 
nonlinear parameterization via partial-state feedback
Wei Lin; Pongvuthithum, R., Page(s): 1809- 1816

Adaptive and robust controls of uncertain systems with nonlinear
Zhihua Qu, Page(s): 1817- 1823

Nonsmooth output feedback stabilization of a class of 
genuinely nonlinear systems in the plane
Chunjiang Qian; Wei Lin, Page(s): 1824- 1829

Optimization of call admission control for a statistical 
multiplexer allocating link bandwidth
Spitler, S.L.; Lee, D.C., Page(s): 1830- 1836

Finite horizon quadratic optimal control and a separation 
principle for Markovian jump linear systems
Costa, O.L.V.; Tuesta, E.F., Page(s): 1836- 1842

Identification of positive real models in subspace 
identification by using regularization
Goethals, I.; Van Gestel, T.; Suykens, J.; Van Dooren, P.; De Moor, B.
Page(s): 1843- 1847

Stability analysis of one-dimensional asynchronous swarms
Yang Liu; Passino, K.M.; Polycarpou, M., Page(s): 1848- 1854

Parameter bounds for discrete-time hammerstein models 
with bounded output errors
Cerone, V.; Regruto, D., Page(s): 1855- 1860

An application of the proportional relation to concurrent estimation
Ishizaki, F.; Lin, G.C.; Suda, T., Page(s): 1861- 1865

Optimal control of a fluid network with side constraints
Yingdong Lu; Yao, D.D., Page(s): 1865- 1870

Contributed by: Jen Samuels, 

Contents: Jour of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Volume 26, Number 6, November-December 2003
Table of Contents

Discovery and Invention: The Newtonian Revolution in Systems Technology
R. Kalman, p. 833

Normalized Analysis of Interceptor Missiles Using the Four-State 
Optimal Guidance System
J. Alpert, p. 838

Attitude Control of a Reentry Vehicle with Internal Dynamics
E. M. Wallner and K. H. Well, p. 846

Rotation Vector in Attitude Estimation
M. E. Pittelkau, p. 855

Nondimensional Analysis of Reaction-Wheel Control for Aerobraking
W. R. Johnson, J. M. Longuski, D. T. Lyons, p. 861

Improved Clearance of a Flight Control Law Using u-Analysis Techniques
D. G. Bates, R. Kureemun, T. Mannchen, p. 869

Longitudinal Flight-Path Control Using Online Function Approximation
J. A. Farrell, M. Sharma, M. Polycarpou, p. 885

Aspects of Control for a Parafoil and Payload System
N. Slegers and M. Costello p. 898

Limited Authority Adaptive Flight Control for Reusable Launch Vehicles
E. N. Johnson and A. J. Calise, p. 906

State-Dependent Riccati Equation for Control of Aeroelastic Flutter
M. Tadi, p. 914

Design Sensitivity Analysis for Helicopter Flight Dynamic 
and Aeromechanic Stability
D. Fusato and R. Celi, p. 918

Handling Qualities Criteria for Roll Control of Highly Augmented Aircraft
V. V. Rodchenko, L. E. Zaichik, Y. P. Yashin, p. 928

Minimum-Time Orbital Phasing Maneuvers 
C. D. Hall and V. Collazo-Perez, p. 934

Equilibria of Multibody Chain in Orbit Plane
A. D. Guerman, p. 942

Constrained Circularization in Elliptic Orbit Using Low Thrust 
with Shadowing Effect
J. A. Kéchichian, p. 949

State Transition Matrix of Relative Motion for the Perturbed Noncircular 
Reference Orbit
D.-W. Gim and K. T. Alfriend, p. 956

Observability of a Geosynchronous Spacecraft Attitude Determination System
X. Li and N. Goodzeit, p. 972


Control-Theoretic Analysis of Low-Thrust Orbital Transfer Using Orbital 
P. Gurfil, p. 979

Subject Index, p. 984
Author Index, p. 988
Chronological Index, p. 989
Book Review Index, p. 994

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Contributed by: Chun-Yi Su, 

2004 Int Conference on Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control

The 2004 International Conference on Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control, 
CDIC04, will be held on August 18-20, 2004 in Nanjing, China. The conference
offers a unique platform for scientists, engineers and practitioners
throughout the world to present and share their most recent research and
innovative ideas in the areas of dynamics, instrumentation, control and

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Modeling of Complex Systems; Nonlinear Systems and Control; Fuzzy and Neural
Systems; Estimation & Identification; Fault Detection, Testing & Diagnosis;
Process Control and Instrumentation; Motion Control; Flexible Manufacturing
Systems; Computer Integrated Manufacturing; Petri-Nets and Applications;
Micro and Nano Systems; Sensors and Transducers; Hamiltonian and Lagrangian
Dynamics; Avionics; Aircraft and Spacecraft Structures; Adaptive & Learning
Control; Intelligent and AI Based Control; Real-time Systems; Embedded
Sensors & Actuators; Robotics; Rotating System Dynamics & Control; Vehicle
dynamics & Intelligent Vehicles; Control Applications in Automotive Systems;
Crash Avoidance and Protection Devices; Semi-Active and Active Vehicle
Suspensions; Factory Modeling and Automation; Man-machine Interactions;
Smart Structures & Materials; Vibration control; Hybrid Dynamical Systems;

Prospective authors are invited to submit 3 copies of a manuscript to:
 Professor Chun-Yi Su
 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
 Concordia University 
 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8
 Phone: (514) 848-2424 ext. 3168, Fax: (514) 848-3175
 E-mail: CDIC04@ME.Concordia.CA

Each manuscript must be written in English and should include the title, name
(s) and affiliations of the author(s), mailing address, telephone and fax 
numbers, and e-mail address. All accepted papers would be published on a 
Conference CD-ROM. Selected papers will be published in a limited-edition 
hardcover book by World Scientific Publishing Co. Electronic submissions of 
manuscripts via e-mail are strongly encouraged. Please consult conference 
website for instructions for preparing the manuscript. 

Submission of Manuscript   :            January 30, 2004
Notification of Acceptance :            March 15, 2004
Submission of Manuscript   :           April 30, 2004
Conference:                :           August 18-20, 2003
Official Web Site: http://www.me.concordia.ca/~cdic04   
E-mail: CDIC04@ME.Concordia.CA

The organizing committee would further select worthy contributions on 
applications in vehicle systems for a second round of reviews for possible
publication in following special issues of the International Journal of Heavy
Vehicle Systems:
- Real Time & AI-Based Control of Vehicle Systems
- Semi-Active & Active Vehicle Suspension and Controller Designs

Contributed by: Iven Mareels, 

5th Asian Control Conference (ASCC2004)
20-23 July 2004
The Grand Hyatt
Melbourne, Australia

The Asian Control Conference (ASCC) is a biennial event and the major control 
conference held in Asia. ASCC2004 will provide professionals, researchers and 
engineers worldwide with excellent information exchange opportunities. The 
conference consists of a four-day program, beginning with a workshop day 
followed by the three-day conference program, which includes international 
plenary speakers, poster sessions, workshops, and industry exhibits. The 
workshop day will include a session on education issues in control. People 
interested in contributing to this workshop are invited to contact Prof. 
Ljubo Vlacic at l.vlacic@griffith.edu.au. 

In addition to regular paper contributions the conference organizers also 
welcome suggestions for invited sessions and tutorial sessions, containing up 
to 6 papers for a complete session. Also, ideas for tutorial workshops to be 
held on the workshop day are welcome. For such sessions it is important to 
contact Prof V. Krishnamurthy in advance at vikram@ee.mu.oz.au to allow for 
early coordination of invited and tutorial sessions and the integration of 
these into the conference program. 

The 5th ASCC aims to build on the success of earlier conferences organized
in Tokyo, Seoul, Shangai, and Singapore. 

Important Dates:
Authors are asked to note that ASCC2004 requires a full paper submission for 
review. Paper submission deadlines are as follows:

Submission of draft papers due: 15 November 2003
Notification of regular paper acceptance: 1 February 2004
Camera ready papers due: 15 March 2004

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers electronically via the
website at www.ascc2004.com. All submissions will be reviewed and those 
accepted will be included in the conference proceedings. Papers should only 
be submitted if you are planning on attending the conference.

Conference Committee:
Conference Co Chair - Prof. Iven Mareels, The University of Melbourne
Conference Co Chair - Prof. Rob Evans, The University of Melbourne
IPC Co Chair - Prof Rick Middleton, University of Newcastle
IPC Co Chair - Dr Dragan Nesic, The University of Melbourne
Finance Chair - Dr Michael Evans, DSTO Edinburgh, SA
Publications Chair - Dr Michael Cantoni, The University of Melbourne
Industry Liaison Chair - Dr Sam Crisafulli, Matrikon
Tutorials Chair - Prof Vikram Krishnamurthy, The University of Melbourne
Local Arrangements Chair - Dr Francesco Crusca, Monash University
Education Workshop Chair Dr Ljubo Vlacic, Griffith University 

For further information please contact the conference Administrator at 

Contributed by: Wim Michiels, 

5th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems - TDS04
K.U. Leuven, Belgium 
September 8-10, 2004

This IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems is the fifth in a series, after
Grenoble (France, 1998), Ancona (Italy, 2000), Santa Fe (USA, 2001) and
Rocquencourt (France, 2003). The fifth meeting will be held in Leuven.

The objective of the workshop is to bring together specialists in the field
of control of time-delay systems. High level contributions on the many
aspects of this research area, ranging from theory over numerics to various
applications, are awaited. Contributions on related domains (e.g. control of
uncertain systems, 2D and nD systems, tele-operated control systems) will be
considered with great interest, provided they contain relations with time-
delay  systems. 

In order to provide a joint forum for and create interaction between
specialists in control and numerical mathematics, and to increase industrial
participation, special attention will be paid to: 
- numerical methods for time-delay systems
- Industrial applications, emphasizing delay effects in 
  telecommunication systems

-S. Drakunov (Tulane University)
-R. Srikant (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
-G. Stepan (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

  Submission  of a manuscript:	     March 15, 2004
  Submission of a proposal for an
  Invited Session:                   March 15, 2004

Contributed by: Frank Allgower, 

6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2004)
September 1-3, 2004                   
Stuttgart, Germany                    
The NOLCOS 2004 symposium will be held on September 1-3, 2004 in Stuttgart,
Germany. NOLCOS is a continuing series of conferences specialized to the
area of nonlinear control systems which so far took place in Capri (I) 1988,
Bordeaux (F) 1992, Lake Tahoe (USA) 1995, Enschede (NL) 1998, and
Saint-Petersburg (RUS) 2001. 

For the upcoming NOLCOS conference, contributed papers and invited sessions
are solicited in all areas of nonlinear systems and control including the
following areas:
1. Advanced Nonlinear Control Methods -- Chair: A. Isidori (I)
2. Mathematical Systems Theory -- Chair: L. Grune (D)
3. Nonlinear Control Applications and Tools -- Chair: K. Schlacher (A)
4. Nonlinear System Identification & State Estimation -- Chair: L. Ljung (S)
5. Stability of I/O Systems -- Chair: D. Nesic (AU)
6. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control -- Chair: J.B. Rawlings (USA)
7. Flatness-based Methods -- Chair: J. Rudolph (D)
8. Nonlinear Control of Automotive Systems -- Chair: L. Guzzella (CH)

Important Deadlines: 
Deadline for full paper submission:  January 15, 2003 
Proposals for invited sessions: January 15, 2003 

Contributed papers in postscript- or pdf-format should be submitted through
the conference website.

Further information about the NOLCOS conference can be 
found at the conference web page at:
or by contacting the conference organizers listed below.

National Organizing Committee Chair: 
Michael Zeitz
Institute for Systems Dynamics and Control Engineering 
University of Stuttgart 
70550 Stuttgart, Germany 
Email: zeitz@isr.uni-stuttgart.de
Tel: +49-711-685-6313 
Fax: +49-711-685-6371

International Program Committee Chair: 
Institute for Systems Theory in Engineering 
University of Stuttgart 
70550 Stuttgart, Germany 
Email: allgower@ist.uni-stuttgart.de
or: nolcos2004@ist.uni-stuttgart.de 
Tel: +49-711-685-7733 
Fax: +49-711-685-7735

Contributed by: Greg Stewart, 

8th Annual IEEE Advanced Process Control Applications for Industry Workshop
April 26-28, 2004
Vancouver, Canada

The workshop is a meeting of those interested in Advanced Process Control 
technology to improve performance of the process industries.  Practical 
installation experience and results in addition to theoretical developments 
are presented for discussion.

Plant operations today are faced with ever-increasing pressure to improve 
efficiency, quality and productivity. Without making fundamental changes to 
their production processes, improvement can usually be made with the 
application of advanced control technology. Using modern computer hardware, 
software and innovative techniques, application engineers are able to collect 
real time and historical data on their processes. Data analysis, modeling and 
simulation provide a better understanding of the dynamics of process 
behavior. Once the process characteristics are accurately identified, the 
options for applying suitable control methodology are no longer limited to 
conventional control techniques.

Robert Bitmead "Joint Modeling and Control"
Sigurd Skogestad "Control Structure Design for Complete Chemical Plants (A 
Systematic Approach to Plantwide Control)"

Abstracts (200 words) should be received by December 15, 2003. Include a 
statement in the covering letter confirming that if the paper is accepted one 
of the authors will attend the conference to present it. Please give the full 
name, affiliation, full address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail 
address of the corresponding author. Notification of acceptance and author 
kits will be sent within two weeks of receipt of the abstract. The final 
manuscripts and registration payment for authors are due by February 15, 
2004. Papers received by this date will be published in the workshop 

SEND ABSTRACTS AND MANUSCRIPTS TO (prefer via e-mail in PDF format):
e-mail: APC2004@udtech.com

Technical Program Chair APC2004 
Universal Dynamics Technologies Inc. 
#100 ^Ö 13700 International Place	
Richmond, BC V6V 2X8 Canada
Tel: (604) 214-3456
Fax: (604) 214-3457

Contributed by: David L. Pepyne, 

Call for Papers: 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision & Control
December 14-17, 2004
Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas

The 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) will be held Tuesday 
through Friday, December 14-17, 2004 at Atlantis (a resort of "mythical" 
proportions, www.atlantis.com), Paradise Island, the Bahamas, with 
preconference workshops and tutorials to be announced. The conference is 
sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) and is organized in 
cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 
the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 
the Japanese Society for Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), and the 
European Union Control Association (EUCA). The CDC brings together an 
international community of experts to discuss the state-of-the-art, new 
research results, perspectives of future developments, and innovative 
applications relevant to control, automation, and related areas. For the most 
up to date information please continue to visit the conference website 

* Deadline for all submissions and proposals:    March 1, 2004
* Notification of Acceptance/Rejection:          July 2004
* Final manuscript submission deadline:          September 1, 2004

Call for Contributed Papers
Papers are invited in the form of regular manuscripts (allotted 6 Proceedings 
pages) and short manuscripts (allotted 2 Proceedings pages). Manuscripts must 
be submitted through the CSS conference submission website 
and must conform to the NEW CDC POLICY (described below) requiring that all
manuscripts be in 2-column format and meet strict page limits.

Call for Invited Sessions
Proposals are sought from those wishing to organize an invited session. An 
invited session consists of six papers, which should present a unifying theme 
from a diversity of viewpoints. Proposals for invited sessions are submitted 
through the CSS conference submission website (http://www.paperplaza.net), 
and must contain a Summary Statement describing the motivation and relevance 
of the proposed session, accompanied by FULL versions of each invited paper. 
Invited papers are allotted 6 Proceedings pages, and must conform to the NEW 
CDC POLICY described below; ABSTRACTS of invited papers will NOT be accepted. 
Please note that each paper in a proposed invited session will be 
individually reviewed, and that the proposed invited session itself will also 
be rated as a whole. To ensure the continuity of the program and that papers 
addressing similar issues are grouped together, at the discretion of the 
Program Committee, individual papers may be removed from a proposed session 
and replaced by appropriate contributed papers. Likewise, selected papers 
from rejected invited sessions may be placed into the regular program.

Call for Workshops/Tutorials
The Organizing Committee intends to arrange workshops and tutorials to be 
held prior to the Conference, and solicits proposals for appropriate 
subjects. Potential organizers can submit their proposals through the CSS 
conference electronic submission site (http://www.paperplaza.net).

* All papers submitted to the CDC for review and publication after acceptance 
must be formatted in the standard 2-column Proceedings format. See the 
Author's Kit at the conference website (http://control.bu.edu/ieee/cdc04) for 
Word and LaTeX style files.

* For the purposes of REVIEW, regular and invited papers are limited to 8 
pages and short papers to 3 pages. Papers exceeding these limits will NOT be 

* For PUBLICATION in the Proceedings, accepted regular and invited papers are 
limited to 6 pages and short papers to 2 pages. Papers exceeding these limits 
will be published only after payment of a page overlength fee.

* All submissions (papers, invited sessions, workshops, and tutorials) must 
be done electronically through the CSS conference submission website 

For complete details see the conference website:
or contact the following conference organizers:

General Chair
  Christos G. Cassandras
  Department of Manufacturing Engineering
  and Center for Information and Systems Engineering (CISE)
  15 St. Mary's St.
  Boston University
  Brookline, MA  02446
  Tel:  (617) 353-7154
  FAX:  (617) 353-4830
  Email:  cgc@bu.edu

Program Chair,
  Weibo Gong
  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  and Department of Computer Science
  University of Massachusetts
  Amherst, MA  01003
  Tel:  (413) 545-0384
  Email:  gong@ecs.umass.edu

Contributed by: Pablo A. Iglesias, 

Call for papers: GENSIPS 2004

The Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS 2004) is a
cooperating workshop of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and  will take
place on the Homewood Campus, The Johns Hopkins University, May 26-28, 2004. 

The aim of this three-day workshop is to provide a forum for presenting new
results on genomic signal processing and statistics for functional genomics
and systems biology and identify potential areas of research and
collaboration between the biological, statistical, and signal processing
communities. One of the main objectives is to identify new avenues of
research, which address modern challenges in functional genomics, by
exploiting potential synergies between signal processing, statistics and
biology and by building on their respective strengths. Such problem areas 
might include: signal processing and extraction of information from
microarray images; statistical analysis of microarray data (classification,
gene selection, regulatory network inference, and clustering); information
theoretic approaches to modeling and analysis of genomic regulatory networks
and systems; signal processing and statistical techniques for the analysis
of protein data and inference of protein networks; and novel high-throughput
hardware/software approaches to genome-scale network modeling and analysis.
This workshop will consist of both invited sessions and contributed sessions. 

Areas of Interest: 
- Digital signal processing and statistical approaches for functional
  genomics problems 
- Digital communications approaches for reverse engineering biological
- Data mining and pattern recognition methods for functional genomics 
- Control theory and systems theory techniques for systems biology 
- Models for cellular metabolism and inter-cellular signaling 
- Computational methods for modeling and simulation of biological 
  regulatory networks 
- Novel architecture and implementation methods for large-scale functional

January 9, 2004: Four page summaries due 
February 9, 2004: Accept/reject notifications sent out 
April 26, 2004: Final four-page camera-ready papers due 

For detailed submission instructions, please visit the workshop web page at 

Contributed by: Ed Boje, 

Call for participation: African Control Conference
Cape Town, South Africa, 3-5 December 2003

Topics of interest include but are not limited to: industrial applications, 
robotics, manufacturing, guidance and aerospace control, power systems, 
process control, measurement and sensing, identification and estimation, 
signal processing, modeling and simulation, fault detection, model 
validation, multivariable control, adaptive control,optimal control, 
robustness, intelligent control, non-linear control, expert systems, neural 
nets, control engineering education, and computer aided design.

Plenary speakers: 
Prof. Sigurd Skogestad (Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology)
Prof. David Limebeer (Imperial College)
Prof. Guanrong Chen (City University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Pedro Albertos (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia)

Preliminary programme will be available at www.sacac.org.za shortly.
Accommodation bookings should be made as soon as possible as Cape Town is a 
very popular destination, especially in the Southern Hemisphere summer.

Contact jtapson@ebe.uct.ac.za or boje@nu.ac.za

Contributed by: Levent Guvenc, 

Call for special sessions: MED 04
12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
Kusadasi, Turkey
June 6-9, 2004

This is a call for special sessions/tracks or tutorials for MED'04. People 
interested in organizing special sessions/tracks or tutorials are invited to 
contact the special sessions and tutorials chair Prof. Levent Guvenc at 
guvencl@itu.edu.tr for more detailed information.

Contributed by: Michel Verleysen, 

ESANN 2004: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks       
Novotel hotel, Katelijnestraat 65B, 8000 
Brugge, Belgium
April 28-29-30, 2004

ESANN^Ň2004 is technically co-sponsored by the International Neural Networks 
Society, the European Neural Networks Society, the IEEE Neural Networks 
Society, the IEEE Region 8 (to be confirmed), and the IEEE Benelux Section.  
It is organised in collaboration with the UCL (Universite catholique de 
Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve) and the KULeuven (Katholiek Universiteit Leuven).

Submission of papers            December 5, 2003
Notification of acceptance      February 6, 2004
Symposium                       April 28-30, 2004

The ESANN'2004 conference will focus on fundamental aspects of ANNs: theory, 
models, learning algorithms, mathematical and statistical aspects, in the 
context of function approximation, classification, data analysis, control, 
time-series prediction, signal processing, vision, etc.  Papers on links and 
comparisons between ANNs and other domains of research (such as statistics, 
signal processing, biology, psychology, evolutive learning, bio-inspired 
systems, etc.) are encouraged.

Special sessions will be organized by renowned scientists in their 
respective fields:
1. Neural methods for non-standard data
   B. Hammer, Univ. Osnabrück, B.J. Jain, Tech. Univ. Berlin (Germany)
2. Soft-computing techniques for time series forecasting
   I. Rojas, Univ. Granada (Spain)
3. Neural networks for data mining
   R. Andonie, Transylvania Univ. (Romania)
4. Theory and applications of neural maps
   U. Seiffert, IPK Gatersleben, T. Villmann, Univ. Leipzig, A. Wismüller, 
   Univ. Munich (Germany)
5. Industrial applications of neural networks
   L.M.  Reyneri, Politecnico. di Torino (Italy)
6. Hardware systems for Neural devices
   P. Fleury, A. Bofill-i-Petit, Univ. Edinburgh (Scotland, UK)

The proceedings will include all communications presented to the conference 
(tutorials, oral and posters), and will be available on-site. Extended 
versions of selected papers will be published in the Neurocomputing journal 

The conference will be held in Bruges (also called "Venice of the North"), 
one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Europe.  Bruges can be reached 
by train from Brussels in less than one hour (frequent trains).  The town of 
Bruges is world-wide known, and famous for its architectural style, its 
canals, and its pleasant atmosphere.

 Michel Verleysen
 Univ. Cath. de Louvain - Machine Learning Group
 3, pl. du Levant - B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium
 tel: +32 10 47 25 51 - fax: + 32 10 47 25 98 

 Conference secretariat: d-side conference services
 24 av. L. Mommaerts - B-1140 Evere - Belgium
 tel: + 32 2 730 06 11 - fax: + 32 2 730 06 00 

Contributed by: Tatiana V.Guy, 

ESF-TED Workshop: Multiple Participant decision making
Theory, algorithms, software and applications
May 12--14, 2004
Prague, Czech Republic

Call for Invited Presentations:
The topics relevant to the Workshop include:
- Decision-making problems with multiple participants; 
- Models of complex dynamic systems; 
- Techniques of uncertainty management; 
- Design of decision strategies and optimization techniques; 
- Software and hardware issues; 
- Case studies and lessons learnt in real-life applications. 
Potential speakers are encouraged to submit proposals for Invited talks. The 
theme is of your choice, but it should be within the scope of Workshop 
interests. The Organizing and Program Committees of the Workshop will review
the proposals and make final selections.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please contact NOC Chair, 
Prof. M. Karny by e-mail at school@utia.cas.cz.

The submission deadline is November 15th, 2003.  

Additional workshop information is available at: www.utia.cas.cz/AS/CMP04

Contributed by: Marco Iván Ramírez Sosa Moran, 

Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2004 - ICHIS ^Ö 2004
First International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems 
March  15-17, 2004
México, MEXICO

Honorary Chair         Prof. L. A. Zadeh
Co Chairman            Prof. M. Jamshidi
Co Chairman            Prof. R. A. Aliev
Co Chairman            Prof. K. W. Bonfig

ICHIS ^Ö 2004 aims to bring together researchers from academic and industrial
institutions to discuss new developments and results in the field of Soft
Computing Based Hybrid Intelligent Systems. This conference emphasizes the
application of these methodologies in Mechatronics, Mechanical, Electrical
and Financial Engineering, and in Control. A special social program has been
arranged to entertain the participants and their families. Papers describing
original work in, not limited to, the following research areas are invited:

Soft Computing Theory and Technology; Fuzzy Computing; Neuro Computing;
Evolutionary Computing; Chaotic Computing; Neuro-Fuzzy Systems; Miscellaneous
Combinations of Soft Computing Constituents; Hybrid Intelligent Systems in
Mechatronics; Hybrid Intelligent Systems in Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering; Hybrid Intelligent Systems in Financial Engineering; Hybrid 
Intelligent Control Systems; Perception Based Intelligent Systems

Submission of Papers
Authors are invited to submit papers (in English) of up to 10 pages,
including methodology, results and conclusions with supporting figures
and tables. The paper should also include the title of the proposed paper,
keywords, author^Ňs names, affiliations, addresses, telephone numbers,
fax numbers, e-mails, and the name of the author to be contacted for
correspondence. Proposals for special sessions are also welcome. Researchers
interested in organizing an invited session should contact the organizer to
be included into the Time Schedule.  Accepted papers will appear in the
conference proceedings.

Conference Registration fee: 
$300 USD (regular) 
$70 USD (for students)

Time Schedule 
December  15, 2003  ^Ö Receipt of manuscripts
January     05, 2004  ^Ö Invited sessions proposal 
January     30, 2004  ^Ö Notification of acceptance 

Proposals concerning invited sessions and manuscript should be sent to:
Organization Committee
 Dr. Fuad Aliew
 Institute for Measurement
 University of Siegen
 Hoelderlin Str. 3
 57068 Siegen
 Fax +49 (271) 740 2396
 Email: aliew@mt.et-inf.uni-siegen.de

 Dr. Marco Iván Ramírez Sosa Morán
 Tecnológico de Monterrey
 Campus Estado de México
 Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y Mecatrónica
 Carretera Lago de Guadalupe Km 3.5
 Col. Margarita Maza de Júarez Atizapán de Zaragoza
 52926 Edo. de México
 Fax: +52 (55) 5864 5651
 Email : miramire@itesm.mx

Contributed by: Leon Tarasiejski, 

IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation & Robotics

10th IEEE International Conference on
Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR)
30 August - 2 September 2004
Amber Baltic Hotel, Miedzyzdroje, Poland                         

The objective of the Conference is to bring together scientists and engineers
to present and discuss recent developments in the area of mathematical
methods, modeling, simulation and identification in automation and robotics.
This Conference is the tenth in a continuing series, which started in 1994.

Control and system theory; Control engineering; Robotics; Identification
and measurements; Modeling, computing and simulation; Integration in 
manufacturing; Fault detection and analysis; Artificial intelligence; Non-
engineering applications.

The official language of the Conference is English.

The Conference program will include plenary, invited and regular sessions.
Authors of regular papers should submit a structured draft paper being
equivalent to maximum of 10 double-spaced A4 pages. The cover page should
contain the title, author's name, affiliation, postal and e-mail
addresses, fax and telephone numbers of each author, an abstract and three 

In case of joint authorship, the first name mentioned will be used for all
correspondence, unless otherwise requested.

All papers chosen for presentation will appear in the Conference Proceedings.
At least one author per paper is required to register at the time of the
submission of the camera-ready paper. Detailed instructions on preparation of
the final version will be sent to authors of accepted papers.

Persons wishing to organize an invited session related to the main topics
of the Conference should submit a proposal stating the topic of the session,
briefly describing its scope and justifying its inclusion in the
Conference Program. The proposal should contain the title, a short abstract 
with three keywords for each contribution, the name, affiliation, postal and 
e-mail addresses, fax and telephone numbers of each proposed speaker.
Both draft papers and proposals for invited sessions should be e-mailed
(preferably as a PDF document, or else as a Postscript or, in the last
resort, as an MS Word .doc file) to the Conference Secretariat by the deadline
shown. Instead of electronic submission it is allowed to deliver five hard 
copies of the contribution.

1 March 2004   Submission of draft papers and proposals for invited session
14 June 2004   Submission of camera-ready manuscripts
30 August - 2 September 2004    Conference

MMAR Conference Secretariat
Institute of Control Engineering
Technical University of Szczecin
ul. Sikorskiego 37
70-313 Szczecin, Poland
Phone:  +48 91 449 4723
Fax:    +48 91 449 4153
E-mail: mmar@ps.pl
URL: www.mmar.ps.pl

Contributed by: Jayavardhana Rama, 

International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing
4-7th January 2004, Chennai, India
The international Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information 
Processing (ICISIP 2004) will be held in Royal Le Meridian, Chennai India 
during 4-7 January 2004. 

This interdisciplinary conference integrates several advanced research 
themes such as intelligent sensing and adaptive learning with a view towards 
solving problems in smart systems. The conference will provide an 
international forum for  researchers and academicians in the fields of 
Intelligent sensors, Sensor Fusion,  Neural Networks, Support Vector 
Machines, Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary Computers, Biomimetics, Bioinformatics, 
Biomedical and Intelligent Multimedia Processing. The conference committee 
encourages the international community interested in this field to submit 
original papers. The options for participation range between contributing a 
paper, presenting a tutorial and exhibit a new technology.

For further information contact:
M Palaniswami, General Chair
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University of Melbourne,
Victoria - 3010, AUSTRALIA

Contributed by: Anibal Ollero, 

World Automation Congress 2004 (WAC 2004)
June 28 - July 1, 2004
Seville, Spain

The "World Automation Congress 2004 (WAC 2004)" will be held next year in
Seville, Spain (June 28 - July 1, 2004). The deadlines for invited Sessions
and papers are:
 - November 30, 2003: Invited Sessions Proposals.
 - December 31, 2003: Papers (Abstracts with more than 500 words or full
The proposal of an invited Session consists of: 
  * Title of the Session.
  * Chair.
  * Four abstracts with more than 500 words or full papers.
Proposals of invited Sessions and individually submitted papers should be
sent in pdf format to the address of the Program Committee Chair.
The World Automation Congress has the following tracks and Program Chairs:
- ISORA (ROBOTICS) - Chair: Professor Anibal Ollero, Spain, 
- ISOMA (MANUFACTURING) ^Ö Chair: Professor Ali Kamrani, USA, 
  Laurent Foulloy, France, laurent.foulloy@univ-savoie.fr 
- ISSCI (SOFT COMPUTING - Theory and Applications) ^Ö Chair: 
  Professor Mattheius Reuter, Germany, reuter@informatik.tu-clausthal.de
  Chair: Professor Yutaka Hata, Japan, hata@comp.eng.himeji-tech.ac.jp
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