E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 181, September, 2003

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 182, October, 2003

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936

      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter/
      Submission deadline for November eletter: October 31, 2003


0. Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	Change of Address: Alexander Leonessa
	1.2	Change of Address: Hugues Garnier
	1.3	Change of Address: Stephen Bates
	1.4	Change of Address: Zhengtao Ding
	1.5	Change of address: Ravi Rajamani

2.	Awards Honors
	2.1	2004 AACC Awards Nominations
	2.2	Nominations Sought: The George Polya Prize
	2.3	Nominations Sought: Theodore von Karman Prize
	2.4	Nominations Sought: W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize
	2.5	Richard C. DiPrima Prize
	2.6	Submissions Sought: SIAM Student Paper Prize
	2.7	Systems Theory Day in honour of Jan C. Willems

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	1st Workshop on flatness signal processing and state estimation
	3.2	7th workshop on dynamics and computation
	3.3	Academy on Hot and Cold Mill Control and Technology
	3.4	Course on LMI optimization with applications in control
	3.5	Paris Graduate Control School
	3.6	Thesis: Multirate Statistical Signal Processing

4.	Positions
	4.1	Faculty: Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Canada
	4.2	Faculty: University of Illinois USA
	4.3	Faculty: University of Sydney Australia
	4.4	Faculty Position: Embry-Riddle AZ USA
	4.5	PhD: Delft Center for Systems and Control NL
	4.6	PhD: Delft University of Technology NL
	4.7	PhD: University of Kansas USA
	4.8	PhD PDF: Hamilton Institute Ireland
	4.9	PhD PDF: University of Texas at Dallas USA
	4.10	Post-Doc: Cornell University USA
	4.11	Post-Doc: Illinois Institute of Technology USA
	4.12	Research Engineer: Scientific Systems USA
	4.13	Research Fellow: University of Melbourne Australia
	4.14	Research Positions: NICTA Australia
	4.15	Research Positions: National University of Singapore

5.	Books

6.	Journals
	6.1	Contents: Asian Journal of Control 
	6.2	Contents: Automatica
	6.3	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	6.4	Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control - August 2003
	6.5	Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control July 2003
	6.6	Contents: Int Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
	6.7	Contents: Int Journal of Hybrid Systems
	6.8	Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

7.	Conferences
	7.1	11th IFAC Symp on Automation in Mining Mineral and Metal processing
	7.2	2004 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems
	7.3	8th Int Conf on Control Automation Robotics and Vision
	7.4	Call for Participation: ADCHEM 2003/2004 
	7.5	Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2004
	7.6	IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
	7.7	IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
	7.8	IFAC-Dycops
	7.9	IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems
	7.10	International Symposium in Advanced Vehicle Control
	7.11	New manuscript submission policy for ACC and CDC

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Welcome to the 182-nd issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of Nov 2003.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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Contributed by: Alexander Leonessa, 

Change of Address: Alexander Leonessa

At the beginning of this fall semester I transferred to the University of 
Central Florida. My new contact information are:

Alexander Leonessa
University of Central Florida
Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering
P.O. Box 162450
Orlando, FL  32816-2450
Ofc: 407-823-5623
Fax: 407-823-0208
email: aleo@mail.ucf.edu 

Contributed by: Hugues Garnier, 

Change of Address: Hugues Garnier

I am on a sabbatival leave until 31 August 2004 at:

Centre for Integrated Dynamics and Control,
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
The University of Newcastle,
University Drive,
Callaghan,   2308,  AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 2 49 21 7072
Fax:  +61 2 49 60 1712
e-mail: garnier@ee.newcastle.edu.au

Contributed by: Stephen Bates, 

Change of Address: Stephen Bates

I have recently taken up a faculty position at the University of Alberta. My 
new contact details are: 
Stephen Bates 
Dept.of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 
The University of Alberta 
Edmonton, Canada, T6G 2V4 
+1 780 492 2691 

Contributed by: Zhengtao Ding, 

Change of Address: Zhengtao Ding

New contact information:
Dr Zhengtao Ding
Manchester School of Engineering
The University of Manchester 
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Email: zhengtao.ding@man.ac.uk
Fax: +44 161 2753844

Contributed by: Ravi Rajamani, 

Change of address: Ravi Rajamani

New contact information for Ravi Rajamani:
Ravi Rajamani
Pratt & Whitney
400 Main St., M/S 182-95
East Hartford, CT 06108

Email: ravi.rajamani@pw.utc.com
Ph: 860-565-5945

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                          Awards Honors
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Contributed by: Pradeep Misra, 

2004 AACC Awards Nominations
Deadline: December 1, 2003

Nominations for the five AACC (American Automatic Control Council) awards
for 2002 are now being solicited. The awards consist of a certificate and an 
honorarium, and they will be presented at the Awards Luncheon during the 2004 
ACC to be held in Boston, MA. Nomination packages should be prepared in
accordance with the AACC Award Nomination Form and include the following: 
biographical information, a statement identifying and evaluating the 
accomplishments on which the nomination is based (not to exceed two double 
spaced pages), a minimum of three and a maximum of five reference letters, a 
current list of publications and patents, and any additional supporting 
material that could have bearing on the award. All materials should be 
collected in a single package and the original together with six (6) copies 
should be submitted at the same time. The nomination package is due by 
December 1, 2003. It should be sent to:

Professor Pradeep Misra
Department of ELectrical Engineering
Wright State University
3640 Col. Glenn Hwy
Dayton, OH 45435
Tel: (937) 775-5062

****Nomination Forms may be downloaded from http://www.a2c2.org/  ****

The awards are described as follows:

Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award. For distinguished career 
 contributions to the theory or applications of automatic control. The nominee 
 is to have spent a significant part of his or her career in the United 
 States. Posthumous nominations are not allowed.

Donald P. Eckman Award. For outstanding accomplishments by a young engineer 
 in the field of automatic control. Nominees must be younger than 35 years on 
 January 1 of the year of award. The award is based on contributions made 
 while the nominee was a resident of the United States. 

John R. Ragazzini Award. For outstanding contributions to automatic control 
 education in any form. The awardee normally is a teacher, but there is no 
 formal requirement that nominees be members of a university faculty. 

Control Engineering Practice Award. For significant contributions to the 
 advancement of control practice including the application and implementation 
 of innovative control concepts, methodology, and technology, for the 
 planning, design, manufacture, and operation of control systems. 

O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award. For the best two papers presented at the 
 previous American Control Conference. The papers must have been presented by 
 the author or a co-author at the conference. Selection criteria include 
 quality of the written and oral presentation, technical contribution, 
 timeliness, and practicality, with one award emphasizing contributions to 
 theory and the other emphasizing significant or innovative applications.

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

Nominations Sought: The George Polya Prize

The Polya Prize
The award will be presented at the 2004 SIAM Annual Meeting scheduled for 
July 12-16, 2004, in Portland, Oregon.

The award honors the memory of George Polya and is given in even-numbered 
years for notable contributions in two alternating categories.  The 2004 
Prize will be given for a notable application of combinatorial theory.

There are no restrictions except that the prize is broadly intended to 
recognize specific recent work.

Description of Award
The award will consist of an engraved medal and a $20,000 cash prize.  Travel 
expenses to the award ceremony will be provided by the prize fund.

A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s) should be 
sent by December 31, 2003 to:

Chair, Selection Committee
George Polya Prize
c/o Joanna Littleton
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
Telephone:  215-382-9800 ext. 303
Fax:  215-386-7999
E-mail:  littleton@siam.org

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

Nominations Sought: Theodore von Karman Prize

SIAM will present the Theodore von Karman Prize at the SIAM Annual Meeting 
scheduled for July 12-16, 2004, in Portland, Oregon.

Principal Guidelines-
The award will be given for a notable application of mathematics to mechanics 
and/or the engineering sciences made during the five to ten years preceding 
the award.  The award may be given either for a single notable achievement or 
for a collection of such achievements.

Description of Award-
The award consists of a hand-calligraphed certificate and a $1,000 cash 
prize. Expenses for the winner to attend the annual meeting to receive the
award will be borne by SIAM.

Further information about the award, including past winners, may be found at 

A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s) should be 
sent by January 30, 2004, to:
 Von Karman Prize Selection Committee
 c/o Joanna Littleton
 3600 University City Science Center
 Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
 E-mail:  littleton@siam.org
 Telephone:  215-382-9800 ext. 303
 Fax:  215-386-7999

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

Nominations Sought: W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize

SIAM will present the W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize at the SIAM Annual Meeting 
scheduled to be held July 12-16, 2004, in Portland, Oregon.

The award will be given for research in, or other contributions to, the 
broadly defined areas of differential equations and control theory.  The 
prize may be given either for a single notable achievement or for a
collection of such achievements.  Committee Chair John Burns wishes to
stress the breadth of the eligible fields.  He welcomes nominations in
all areas of differential equations (ODEs, PDEs, etc.), both analytical
and numerical, as well as in control theory.

The prize is awarded to any member of the scientific community who meets the 
general guidelines of the prize description above.

Description of Award
The award consists of an engraved medal and a $10,000 cash prize.

A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s), should be 
sent to the address below.  Nominations must be received in the SIAM office 
by January 30, 2004.

Professor John A. Burns
Chair, Reid Prize Selection Committee
c/o Joanna Littleton
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
Telephone:  215-382-9800 ext. 303
Fax:  215-386-7999
E-mail:  littleton@siam.org

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

Richard C. DiPrima Prize

SIAM will present the award at the SIAM Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon,
July 12-16, 2004.  The award honors the memory of Richard C. DiPrima,
long-time chair of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute and past President and energetic supporter of SIAM.
The award, to be given to a young scientist, will be based on an outstanding
doctoral dissertation in applied mathematics.
Candidates for the prize must have completed their doctoral
dissertations and all other requirements for their doctorates during the
period running from three years prior to the award date to one year prior
to the award date (July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2003). The doctorate must have
been awarded at least eight months prior to the award date.  The
requirements for the doctorate must have been equivalent to those for an
American doctorate.  It is preferable but not necessary that the recipient
be a member of SIAM.  Selection is based on the dissertations of the
candidates.  The dissertations must represent topics of applied mathematics
(defined as those topics covered by the SIAM journals).  They must be
submitted in English.  An English translation is acceptable.

Nominations, along with a copy of the dissertation (in English), should be
sent by December 31, 2003 to:
Richard C. DiPrima Prize Selection Committee
c/o Joanna Littleton
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
Description of the Award
The award consists of a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate and a cash
prize of $1,000.  Travel expenses to the award ceremony will be paid by
the prize fund.

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

Submissions Sought: SIAM Student Paper Prize

The 2004 SIAM STUDENT PAPER PRIZE will be presented at the 2004 SIAM Annual 
Meeting scheduled for July 12-16, 2004, in Portland, Oregon.

Principal Guidelines-
The SIAM Student Paper Prize is awarded every year to the student author(s) 
of the most outstanding papers submitted to the SIAM Student Paper 
Competition. This award is based solely on the merit and content of the 
student's contribution to the submitted paper.  Up to three papers will be
selected for the prizes.

The purpose of the Student Paper Prize is to recognize outstanding 
scholarship by students in applied mathematics and scientific computing.

Selection Procedures-
Eligibility is restricted to students in good standing who have not received 
their Ph.D. as of January 1 of the year in which the prizes are awarded.

Submissions may be based on co-authored papers, provided that the student's 
advisor will attest that the student's work played a pivotal role in the 
results.  A letter from the student's advisor or department chair must 
accompany each entry to verify these conditions.

To enter the competition, a student must submit: (1) an extended abstract, in 
English, of a paper, and (2) a short biography.  The total length of the 
submitted abstract (including bibliography) may not exceed five pages.  The 
student also must submit (3) the complete paper, which will be used for 
clarification of any questions the committee may have about the extended 
abstract.  In addition, the student's advisor or an interested faculty member 
must submit (4) a letter describing and evaluating the paper's contribution 
to the literature and the student's role in the scholarship.

Deadline for Submissions-
All papers and accompanying documentation must be received at the SIAM office 
by February 13, 2004.

Notification of Prize Winners-
The SIAM President will notify the recipient(s) at least six weeks before the 
award date.

Each recipient is required to present his or her paper at the meeting where 
the prize(s) are awarded.  If attending the meeting poses a serious hardship, 
an exception may be granted by the SIAM President.

Description of the Award-
Each recipient of the SIAM Student Paper Prize shall receive a framed 
certificate and a cash award of $1,000.  Winners also receive $500 toward 
travel expenses and gratis registration for the meeting.

Please direct your submission and any questions you may have to:
Joanna Littleton
Student Paper Prize
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
Telephone:  (215) 382-9800 ext. 303
E-mail:  littleton@siam.org

Contributed by: H.L. Trentelman, 

Systems Theory Day in honour of Jan C. Willems

After having been Professor of Systems and Control in the Department of  
Mathematics of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, for 30 years, 
Jan C. Willems has officially retired on March 1, 2003. On the occasion of 
his retirement he will give his 'Afscheidsrede' on Tuesday, January 13, at 
16:00 in the Academy Building of the University of Groningen. On that day 
there will also be a System Theory Day, which will be held in the 
Senaatszaal of the Academy Building. 
More information can be found at  

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Hebertt Sira-Ramirez, 

1st Workshop on flatness, signal processing and state estimation

Cinvestav-IPN, located in the northern part of México City, will host, thanks 
to the kind cooperation of Conacyt-México, the celebration of the first 12 
years of flatness with the First Workshop on Algebraic Methods applied to 
Flatness, Signal processing and State Estimation. The meeting will take place 
tuesday 18th to thursday 20th of November. The workshop will consist of a 1 
day mini-course on flatness delivered by Professors Michel Fliess, Jean 
Levine, Philippe Martin and Pierre Rouchon (FLMR), who are the founders of 
the differential flatness concept in modern control theory (the mini-course 
will include hands-on practice on a digital computer laboratory session). The 
workshop also includes plenary lectures by each one of the 4 mentioned 
researchers, FLMR, a round table discussion and presentation of free 
contributions. The workshop is free, i.e. no admission fees will be charged.

An edited book to commemorate the occasion will be published and it will be 
available at the time of the workshop. People interested in submitting 
original, unpublished, works in the areas of the workshop are welcome to 
write a 10 to 20 pages article in latex "book" format. Authors are requested 
to send their contribution via e-mail including: (1) the latex file of the 
contribution (2) the eps files of the figures and (3) a PDF file of the 
completed contribution (please use zipped files if it exceeds 1Mb; 
contributions larger than 2 MB are strongly discouraged).  The article files 
are to be sent to the following e-mail address: hsira@mail.cinvestav.mx, no 
later than October 15th  2003. We hope to see you in fabulous Mexico City 
next fall.

Contributed by: Rodolphe Sepulchre, 

7th workshop on dynamics and computation
Arenberg castle, Leuven, Belgium
October 27-28, 2003

This is the seventh of a series of annual workshops held in Belgium on topics
related to dynamical systems. The goal of this series is to gather
researchers from different disciplines around the general theme of dynamical
systems in a casual and informal athmosphere, see

The 7th workshop on dynamics and computation will focus on the dynamical
aspect of iterated games. The first day of the workshop will be an
introductory minicourse by Professor Karl Sigmund (University of Vienna,
Austria). This introductory minicourse will be based on the textbook
"Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics", J. Hofbauer and K. Sigmund,
Cambridge University Press, 1998. The second day will consist of invited
talks. Confirmed invited speakers include K. Sigmund (University of Vienna,
Austria), J. Hofbauer (University College London) and P. Deleenheer (Rutgers
University, USA). All talks will be in tutorial format and informal
discussions between participants will be encouraged throughout the two days.

There are no registration fees. Registration is by email. If you wish to
participate in the workshop, please send your name and surname, affiliation
and email address to dynamics@inma.ucl.ac.be. The closing date for
registrations is October 15, 2003.

The workshop will be held in Arenberg castle, on the university campus of the
beautiful city of Leuven. Leuven is less than 20 miles from Brussels and
easily reached by train from Brussels, Amsterdam, and Paris.

Vincent Blondel, University of Louvain, Belgium
Patrick Deleenheer, Rutgers University, USA
Rodolphe Sepulchre, University of Ličge, Belgium

Contributed by: Gerrit M. van der Molen, 

Academy on Hot and Cold Mill Control and Technology

Alstom Power Conversion and Industrial Systems and Control announce their
next International Rolling Mill Academy on Hot and Cold Mill Control and 
Location: Alstom, Rugby, England.
Date: 15-19 March, 2004.

* The focus of the event will be on Hot and Cold Metal Rolling Mills and how
  improved control can provide benefits.
* The academy will cover the principles of control in rolling mills, advanced
  control topics, case study examples and practical hands-on computer
  Very experienced industrial personnel together with leading researchers will
  present the lectures.
* The academy will cover a wide range of issues in Hot and Cold Rolling and
  will present a variety of control methods, from classical PID tuning to
  advanced multivariable control, and model adaption.

For registration or further information please see our web-site on:

Or contact us at:
Industrial Systems and Control
50 George Street
Glasgow G1 1QE
United Kingdom
Email: iscmail@isc-ltd.com
Tel: +44 141 5531111
Fax: +44 141 5531232

Contributed by: Didier Henrion, 

Course on LMI optimization with applications in control
by Didier Henrion, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France

Venue and dates:
The course is given at the Czech Technical University, Charles Square,
down-town Prague (Karlovo Namesti 13, 12135 Praha 2) from Monday
November 10 to Friday November 14, 2003. It consists of five two-hour
lectures (10am to 12am) and three two-hour labs (2pm to 4pm). There is
no admission fee, but please send an e-mail to henrion@laas.fr
to register.

This is a course for graduate students or researchers with a
background in linear control systems, linear algebra and convex
optimization. The focus in on semidefinite programming (SDP), or
optimization over linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), an extension of
linear programming to the cone of positive semidefinite matrices.

In the first part of the course, historical developments of LMIs and
SDP are surveyed. Convex sets that can be represented with LMIs are
classified and studied. LMI relaxations are introduced to solve
non-convex polynomial optimization problems. Finally, interior-point
algorithms are described to solve LMI problems and latest achievements
in software and solvers are reported. 
The second part of the course focuses on the application of LMI
techniques to solve several control problems traditionally deemed as
difficult, such as robustness analysis of linear and nonlinear
systems, or design of fixed-order robust controllers with H-infinity
specifications. The originality of the approach is in the simultaneous
use of algebraic or polynomial techniques (as opposed to classical
state-space methods) and modern convex optimization techniques.
For the labs we use the Polynomial Toolbox and the YALMIP interface to
define and solve LMI problems under the Matlab environment. 

Contributed by: Antonio Loria, loria@lss.supelec.fr

Paris Graduate Control School

Place: Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees de Paris, 
28, rue des Saints-P??semi999res, Paris, France
Date: 26th/january-2nd/april 2004

Deadline for inscription: 15th november 2003 
Inscription form: http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS/FAP.html
Scholarships available: http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS/
Cost: 450 euros. Fully covered by scholarship for all CTS fellows from 
      any Host Institute (see below). No cost for PhD students in France 
      of any nationality.
Contact: Antonio Loria  (loria@lss.supelec.fr)

Intensive teaching: one 2 1hrs module per week, 7 sessions of 3hrs each,
Lectures in English.

Preliminary program:
P1 Modeling and boundary control of infinite dimensional systems
   B. Maschke, A.J. van der Schaft
P2 Nonlinear control and mechanical systems
   B. Bonnard
P3 Tools for analysis and control of time-varying systems
   J. M. Coron, A. Loria
P4 Control of oscillating mechanical systems, synchronization and chaos
   J. Levine, H. Nijmeijer
P5 Algebraic analysis of control systems defined by partial differential 
   J-F. Pommaret
P6 Nonlinear control of electrical and electromechanical systems
   A. Astolfi,  R. Ortega
P7 Linear systems, algebraic theory of modules, structural properties 
   H. Bourles,  M. Fliess
P8 Lyapunov-based control: state and output feedback
   L. Praly, A. Astolfi, A. Loria
P9 Nonlinear flatness-based control of complex electromechanical systems
   E. Delaleau - A.M. Stankovic
P10 Modeling and control of chemical  and biotechnological processes
    Jan van Impe, D. Dochain,

Scholarships are available for students following a PhD education in Europe to
do part of their graduate training and research within one of the 29 Host
Institutes, members of the Control Training Site network.
- Apply to European (and associated countries) nationals as well as to others 
  living in a European or associated country since 5 years ago.
- Scholarships are for research internships of 3 to 12 months in any of the 29
  host institutes (see http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS/)
  Previous CTS fellows are welcome if their previous internship was shorter  
  than 9 months.
- The selected candidate receives 1200 euros per month for living expenses.
  The courses and travel expenses are also covered.  
- No deadline for applications is impossed but allow one month for scholarship
  to become effective after selection is completed. Notice also that the 
  deadline for the FAP courses above is Nov. 15th.
- French non CTS fellows are invited at no cost and scolarships from MNRT are 

Contributed by: Omid S. Jahromi, omidj@control.toronto.edu

Thesis: Multirate Statistical Signal Processing

Title: Theory of multirate statistical signal processing
Author: Omid Jahromi
Supervisors: Professors Bruce A. Francis and Raymond H. Kwong
Granting Institution: University of Toronto
Available from http://www.multirate.org

In many engineering applications, it is possible and often advantageous to 
obtain measurement data using more than one sensor device. This thesis 
presents a statistical theory for merging information about a physical 
quantity obtained by a set of low-resolution measurements. More 
specifically, we consider a measurement model where a continuous random 
signal x(t) is being measured (observed) indirectly through several sensors. 
Each sensor is allowed to have its own sampling rate and bandwidth 
characteristics. The sensors’ output, thus, consists of multi-rate discrete-
time data. Through the development of a unified inference theory, we pose 
and solve some important questions including the following: 

Is it possible to combine the information provided by a set of low-
resolution (low-sampling-rate) sensors and estimate samples of the original 
signal x(t) as could have been measured by a single high-resolution (high-
sampling-rate) sensor? Under what conditions can we emulate a high-precision 
(high-sampling-rate) measurement by several low-precision (low-sampling-
rate) ones? How much information, in a multi-sensor setting, is gained by, 
say, sensor A and how much by sensors B and C? 
The general theory developed in this thesis consists of four sub-theories. 
The scope of each sub-theory is as follows:
-Multirate Statistical Inference takes statistics of low-rate measured 
 signals and estimates statistics of the original non-observable signal. 
-Information Theory of Multirate Systems provides a quantitative measure of 
 the amount of information contained in the low-rate measurements about the 
 original signal. This sub-theory enables one to compare different sensors in 
 terms of the informativity or redundancy of their data. 
-Multirate Signal Estimation takes sample values of low-rate measured 
 signals and estimates sample values of the original non-observable signal at 
 a finer sampling rate. 
-Scalability of Multirate Systems provides a way of comparing different 
 multirate measurement systems within a class of such systems. In addition, 
 it defines what the optimal decomposition of a signal into low-rate 
 components means. 

Furthermore, the thesis contains an introductory chapter introducing 
potential applications, a chapter providing the necessary mathematical 
background and a concluding chapter which outlines the contributions along 
with their possible future extensions.

Contact Info:
Omid S. Jahromi 
Artificial Perception Laboratory
Bahen Centre for Information Technology
University of Toronto
40 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2E4

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Contributed by: Lahcen Saydy, lahcen.saydy@polymtl.ca

Faculty: Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada

The Electrical Engineering Department at École Polytechnique de Montréal 
invites applications for tenure track positions at the rank of Assistant or 
Associate Professor. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, 
Electrical Network and Energy Systems, VLSI Design, Microwave and Millimeter-
Wave Integrated Circuits Technology, Telecommunication and Mecatronics 
(Embedded and Onboard systems).

The department seeks individuals who can assume leadership roles in teaching, 
research and outreach. The new professors will be required to teach at both 
the undergraduate and the graduate levels, supervise graduate students and 
demonstrate strong interpersonal skills in order to favor close 
collaborations with existing research groups. 

Candidates must have earned a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering or in a 
related engineering discipline. Industrial experience is desirable. The 
teaching language is French. The search will continue until the positions are 
filled. Candidates should send a CV, selected reprints/preprints of previous 
or current research contributions, names and addresses of three references 
and a brief statement outlining their research and teaching goals to:

Professor Richard Hurteau, chairman
Electrical Engineering Department
Ecole Polytechnique
P.O. Box 6079, Station Centre-ville
Montreal (Quebec), Canada
H3C 3A7
Email: richard.hurteau@polymtl.ca

Following Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to 
citizens and permanent residents of Canada.
Ecole Polytechnique is committed to employment equity.

Contributed by: Mark W. Spong, mspong@uiuc.edu

Faculty: University of Illinois, USA

Faculty Openings in Systems and Entrepreneurial Engineering
Department of General Engineering
University of Illinois

The Department of General Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, has recently established new M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Systems 
and Entrepreneurial Engineering and is inviting applications for one or more 
full-time, tenure track positions.  The primary interest is at the assistant 
professor level but candidates may also be considered at the associate 
professor or full professor level depending on qualifications.  Candidates 
should have a Ph.D. in engineering or science.  Candidates with Ph.D.s in 
business with a strong quantitative emphasis are also encouraged to apply.  
Candidates should be committed to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate 
levels and to developing significant externally funded research programs in 
one or more subjects related to the business side of engineering, which 
includes product management, design for six sigma, entrepreneurship, systems 
engineering and design, product planning, financial engineering, costing, 
value engineering, decision theory, operations research, and operations 
management.  Salary will be commensurate with qualifications.  The proposed 
starting date is August 16, 2004.
Applications should include a letter of interest outlining teaching and 
research interests, curriculum vitae, complete publication list, dissertation 
abstract, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and the names of four 
references.  They should be sent to Dr. Harry E. Cook, Department of General 
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 104 South Mathews 
Avenue, Urbana, Illinois 61801; (217-333-2730).  To assure full 
consideration, applications should be received by February 15, 2004. 

The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity 

Contributed by: Hugh Durrant-Whyte, hugh@acfr.usyd.edu.au

Faculty: University of Sydney, Australia
Patrick Chair in Automation and Logistics, University of Sydney

The University of Sydney School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic 
Engineering is seeking to appoint a Professor in the broad area of 
automation and logistics. The appointee is expected to initiate, develop and 
lead research in the area of automation, logistics and related areas. The 
appointee will also be expected to undertake teaching at both graduate and 
undergraduate levels. Highly qualified applicants with backgrounds in one or 
more of the following areas are encouraged to apply: control systems, 
operations research, robotics, planning systems, or systems engineering.
The new Chair will be associated with the Austrlian Centre for Field 
Robotics (ACFR). The ACFR comprises over 100 research staff and students 
working in the general area of automation. The ACFR has extensive research 
facilities, and close collaborative links with a large number of industry 
Detailed information on this position can be found at:

Contributed by: Stephen Kahne, kahne@erau.edu

Faculty Position: Embry-Riddle, AZ, USA

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ invites applications for a
tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level available
in Fall 2004. The successful candidate should have a BS in Electrical or
Computer Engineering and an earned doctorate in Computer Engineering or a 
closely related field.   Interest and ability to teach undergraduate 
electrical and computer engineering courses and laboratories is essential. 
Preferred areas of expertise include data networks, telecommunications, and 
software tools.  Industrial and/or teaching experience would strengthen a 
candidate’s credentials.  The successful candidates will be given 
opportunities for professional development including the use of our 
outstanding flight education center. 

Embry-Riddle is a small, residential university in the mountains of Arizona 
where faculty/student interaction is highly valued and is a central theme of 
the campus. The department is part of the College of Engineering that also 
includes a large Aerospace Engineering department and Computer Science.  
There are many opportunities for inter-departmental teaching and research.  
Our fully accredited undergraduate engineering programs place students in 
aerospace companies and major university graduate schools.  A new academic 
complex is under construction and will be ready for occupancy in Fall 2004 
with new office, laboratory and teaching facilities. 

Prescott is rated as one of the most livable areas in the Southwest and at 
5000 above sea level has a mild climate, clean air and pristine wilderness 
areas close by.  It is 100 miles North of Phoenix and 100 miles South of the 
Grand Canyon. 

Please send detailed vita information and contact information for three 
professional references to Professor Stephen Kahne, Chair, Search Committee, 
c/o HR Department, Embry-Riddle University, 3700 Willow Creek Road, Prescott, 
AZ 86503. Contact Professor Kahne at Kahne@erau.edu for further information.  
Review of applications will begin December 1, 2003. ERAU is an equal 
opportunity employer and particularly encourages applications from women and 

Contributed by: Peter Heuberger, p.s.c.heuberger@dcsc.tudelft.nl

PhD: Delft Center for Systems and Control, NL

In the Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) at Delft University of 
Technology, The Netherlands, there is an open position for a

Ph.D. student
Identification and control of LPV systems using orthonormal basis functions

The Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) is a recently installed 
group, resulting from a merger of three former systems and control groups 
within Delft University of Technology, i.e. the groups of Electrical 
Engineering (Michel Verhaegen), Mechanical Engineering (Okko Bosgra) and 
Applied Physics (Paul Van den Hof). 

The project, financed by the Dutch NSF (NWO), aims at the development and
application of a new generation of tools for identification (experimental
modeling) and control of these processes, enhancing results recently
obtained in systems and control theory, with the goal to bridge the obvious
gap between modeling and control requirements by the creation of relatively
simple models, that are both accurate in the representation of the over-all
system behavior, suited for control design.  One of the approaches taken will
consist of interpolation of locally linear models. The work will comprise
both theoretical research as practical application of the research results
on a laboratory device, such as a position dependent mechanical servo system,
for instance a flight simulator platform.   

We are looking for a candidate having a MSc. degree and a solid background in 
systems and control or a related field. Candidates are expected to be 
interested in fundamental research. A good command of the English language is 

The appointment will be for four years and starts as soon as possible. As an 
employee you will receive a competitive salary (starting at approx 2000 euro 
pm) as well as good secondary benefits. In the first year you will join the 
graduate program of the research school DISC. You will work under the 
supervision of Prof. Paul Van den Hof and in cooperation with Dr. Peter 
Heuberger, Prof. Carsten Scherer and Dr. Vincent Verdult.

Information and Application:
Information on this position can be obtained from:
Prof. Paul Van den Hof, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft 
University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands, Tel: 
+31-15-27 84509, Fax: +31-15-27 84263, E-mail: 
p.m.j.vandenhof@dcsc.tudelft.nl, WWW: http://www.dcsc.tudelft.nl.
Interested applicants should send their resume, including MSc course program 
and the names of two professional referees, before November 1, 2003, to the 
address mentioned above.

Contributed by: Jacquelien Scherpen, j.m.a.scherpen@dcsc.tudelft.nl

PhD: Delft University of Technology, NL

Delft Center for Systems and Control
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

The new center for Systems and Control has a vacancy for a Ph.D. student
within the Dutch NSF (NWO) financed project entitled
"Model Reduction Algorithms for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems"

This project aims at development of structured and computationally efficient
model reduction algorithms for nonlinear systems. The developments are based
upon the so-called nonlinear balancing theory, and should result in useful
tools for dealing with classes of complex nonlinear systems. For achieving
this goal, both system theoretical and numerical developments have to be made.

We are looking for a candidate having an M.Sc. degree and a background in
numerical analysis and/or systems and control. Candidates are expected to be
interested in fundamental research and in working on the boundary of several
research domains. A good command of the English language is required.

The appointment will be for four years and as an employee you will receive a
competitive salary as well as good secondary benefits. In the first year you
will join the excellent graduate program of the research school DISC (Dutch
Institute for Systems and Control), possibly in combination with courses in
the field of numerical analysis. You will work under the supervision of
Dr. ir. J.M.A. Scherpen and Prof. dr. ir. M.H. Verhaegen.

If you are interested in this position, send a detailed curriculum vitae,
your course programme and corresponding grades, references and all other
information that might be relevant to your application to
 Dr. ir. Jacquelien Scherpen
 Delft Center for Systems and Control
 Delft University of Technology
 Mekelweg 2
 2628 CD Delft
 The Netherlands
 Tel: +31-15-27 86152
 Fax: +31-15-27 86679
 E-mail: j.m.a.scherpen@dcsc.tudelft.nl
 WWW: http://www.dcsc.tudelft.nl/~jscherpen

Contributed by: Richard Colgren, rcolgren@ku.edu

PhD: University of Kansas, USA

Graduate positions are available in UAV and autonomous control research at 
the University of Kansas.  Positions are open beginning January 2004.  For 
its 60th anniversary the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the 
University of Kansas is undergoing a major upgrade to its flight research 
program and its Flight Test Facility in Lawrence, Kansas.  Research is being 
conducted on both rotary and fixed-wing aircraft.  Doctoral students with 
experience with the Matlab/Simulink/StateFlow/Real-time Workshop product 
line, remote control (RC) aircraft operation, and/or real-time control 
systems algorithms and software are especially desired.  Students with 
interest in being a part of this exciting educational and research 
opportunity are encouraged to send their Curriculum Vita and/or their Resume 
along with a description of their research interests and three references to:

Prof. Richard Colgren
Department of Aerospace Engineering
University of Kansas
2119C Learned Hall
1530 West 15th Street
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
Phone: 785-864-2904
FAX: 785-864-3597
E-mail: rcolgren@ku.edu

Contributed by: Douglas Leith, doug.leith@may.ie

PhD, PDF: Hamilton Institute, Ireland

Applications are invited from well qualified candidates for a number of  
postgraduate/postdoctoral positions at the Hamilton Institute.  The 
successful candidates will be work on the application of dynamic systems 
theory to internet and related network congestion control problems.  Areas of 
interest include
(i) Inference of network properties from time series data.  This will include 
both off-line analysis to estimate end-to-end properties such as the number 
and type of bottleneck links and cross-traffic, and the study of algorithms 
for real-time inference as an enabling technology for new tcp congestion 
control algorithms.  Candidates should have a strong background in system 
identification and time-series analysis.  Research will involve collaboration 
with international partners in the US and Europe. 
(ii) The application of dynamics systems theory to congestion control 
analysis/design for TCP, including the study of stability, convergence, 
efficiency and fairness issues and the development of novel protocols for 
high-speed and heterogeneous networks. Candidates will require a strong 
mathematical/dynamics background coupled, ideally, with experience of tcp and 
computer networks.
The Hamilton Institute is committed to research excellence. These posts offer 
an exciting opportunity for successful candidates to tackle fundamental 
research problems within a stimulating multi-disciplinary research 
environment with state of the art facilities and strong links to the 
international research community. 
To apply, please send a cv (together with copies of two significant papers if 
applying for a postdoctoral post) to Professor Douglas Leith, 
For further details visit www.hamilton.ie

Contributed by: Raimund Ober, ober@utdallas.edu

PhD, PDF: University of Texas at Dallas, USA

Ph.D. positions are available to work on bioengineering problems 
in joint NIH funded projects with Prof. E.S. Ward at UT Southwestern 
Medical Center at Dallas.

For exceptionally well qualified candidates also post-doctoral positions
are available.

The projects aim to develop novel image processing and data analysis
methods for fluorescence microscopy live cell experiments (including
single molecule detection) and surface plasmon resonance experiments 
for the analysis of protein-protein interactions. No prior knowledge 
of these techniques is required.  However, a strong technical background in 
engineering or mathematics is desirable and a keen interest in getting 
involved in bioengineering related research is necessary. A number of the 
proposed techniques make use of advanced system theoretic ideas.

The positions will provide the opportunity to not only work on projects 
of significant technical interest but also to become familiar with the 
fundamental biological questions that are being addressed in the laboratory.

Please send inquiries (resume, names of referees etc.) to 
	Prof. Raimund J. Ober
	Department of Electrical Engineering EC33
	University of Texas at Dallas
	Richardson, TX 75083
	email: ober@utdallas.edu

Contributed by: Hod Lipson, hod.lipson@cornell.edu

Post-Doc: Cornell University, USA

POSTDOC POSITION at CORNELL UNIVERSITY: The Department of Mechanical and 
Aerospace engineering at Cornell is seeking a researcher interested in the 
area of biologically-inspired robotics. The postdoc is expected to lead 
research and development of a new, biologically-inspired autonomous multi-
legged robot. This robot platform will be used to study new ideas such as 
decentralized neuro-control, utilization of smart materials as passive and 
active intersegmental body joints, adaptive morphology, evolutionary 
adaptation, and optical flow sensing. 

Applicants should be able to build upon a solid PhD in engineering, physics 
or computer science. Interested applicants should contact 
hod.lipson@cornell.edu with a detailed statement of interest, names and 
contact information of three references, and a URL linking to a current CV 
and list of downloadable publications. U.S. citizenship required due to 
federal funding constraints. Applications will be accepted until the position 
is filled. For more information visit 

Contributed by: Ali Cinar, cinar@iit.edu

Post-Doc: Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

A postdoctoral research associate position is available to work on change 
detection in dynamic multivariable process behavior and fault diagnosis. The 
methods developed will be embedded in an agent-based process supervision and 
control system. Expertise in signal processing, modeling (state space and 
nonlinear), statistical and machine learning theory and techniques such as 
support vector machines, and multivariable statistical methods for pattern 
recognition and classification is expected.  Advanced programming skill in 
Matlab is required, good command of C, C++, or Java is desirable. The 
initial appointment will be for one year, and the position is renewable upon 
satisfactory performance for additional years. The position is available 
immediately. Work will be conducted at Illinois Institute of Technology, an 
urban university located in Chicago, Illinois, USA.   Interested parties 
should send their resumes and contact information for three references to 

Contributed by: Sanjeev Seereeram, ssc-0332@ssci.com

Research Engineer: Scientific Systems, USA

SCIENTIFIC SYSTEMS is a Boston-area company  active in applied research and
development  of  emerging technologies  in the  areas of advanced guidance 
and controls,  system  identification,  image and  signal processing, pattern
recognition, and communication networks.

Requirements: MSc in  Electrical, Computer, Systems, Mechanical or Aerospace 

Duties:  Research, Development, Implementation and Support of Advanced 
Control/System Identification Systems. The successful applicant will
contribute to projects in the areas of advanced nonlinear systems and
controls analysis/design for aerospace, industrial and manufacturing

Experience: 1. Master's thesis/project in Controls/Systems Engineering.
Industrial project experience may be considered in lieu of this 2. Inro to
advanced controls and linear system theory, analysis and design (graduate
level) 3. Experience with systems analysis/design software: MATLAB, Matrix-X,
or equivalent 4. Strong software engineering skills (C, C++ preferred) in
Unix or DOS/Windows environments 5. Excellent written and oral communication
skills: technical proposals for contracts, progress reports, and presentations

This position requires existing employment authorization for USA Employment.

Please direct all correspondence, questions, etc. to
Ms. Patricia Kelly (Job code: SSC-0332)
Human Resources Coordinator
Scientific Systems Company
500 West Cummings Park, Suite 3000
Woburn, MA 01801
Tel: (781) 933-5355
Fax: (781) 938-4752
Email:  info@ssci.com   

Contributed by: Iven Mareels, I.mareels@unimelb.edu.au

Research Fellow: University of Melbourne, Australia

The Research Fellow will form part of a team comprising other researchers, 
academic staff and postgraduate students. The incumbent will work in the area 
of nonlinear control systems analysis and design, and will conduct high 
quality research into the development and activation of asymptotic based 
methods such as singular perturbations, averaging and other slowly varying 
techniques for the robust stabilization of nonlinear systems affected by 

- A PhD in Electrical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Applied Maths or an 
  equivalent qualification.
- A quality research record as evidenced by research publications in good 
  international conferences and journals and/or patents.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills. Good interpersonal skills
  and an ability to interact with University staff at all levels. The ability
  to present research results in a comprehensive and timely manner, both
  through verbal and written means.
- Very good knowledge and experience in nonlinear systems and control theory, 
  with specialization in Lyapunov techniques, singular perturbations,
  averaging and optimization tools. 
- Skills in implementing numerical algorithms in C, C++ and Matlab under Unix.
- Potential to achieve excellent levels of scholarship in service to the 
  Department (including teaching in the undergraduate and postgraduate 

For more information and a copy of the position description access The 
Univeristy of Melbourne Positions Vacant web site:

Contributed by: Stephanie Lam, jobs@nicta.com.au

Research Positions: NICTA, Australia

National ICT Australia Limited (NICTA) is seeking applicants from high 
performing and entrepreneurial researchers in specific programs of 
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) disciplines for a continuing 
appointment as Senior Researcher (Levels D/ E). This position is to work 
within the Systems Engineering and Complex Systems Program (SEACS). At this
time positions are available for:

Researcher Level B (Fixed Term 1 yr)
Researcher Level B (Fixed Term 3 yrs)
Researcher Level D/E

Candidates will be expected to have an international reputation for research 
along with a vision of how their research can lead to technology with a 
potential for application in an Australian or international context.  
Experience with commercialisation of technology and generation of 
Intellectual Property is also desirable.  Researchers with a proven track-
record in any area within SEACS are encouraged to apply.

These position will offer a high level of independence to pursue a research 
agenda of your choice within the framework and research vision of SEACS 

We expect the position to be highly competitive and excellence of research 
record and potential to contribute to the mission of NICTA will be key 
factors in selecting applicants.

Remuneration will be internationally competitive, and funds will be available 
also for research support and infrastructure, and international conference 
travel support.

Further information, which details the information required from all 
applicants, is available on the NICTA website (http://www.nicta.com.au). 
Applications should be sent to jobs@nicta.com.au, and should include a full 
CV, list of publications, and a vision statement of one or two pages 
outlining the candidate’s research interests and their role in a 
technological society.

Contributed by: Peter Chen, engchenp@nus.edu.sg

Research Positions: National University of Singapore

We have several open positions (postdoc, PhD/Masters, lab technician, 
research engineers) to work on a project of a Skin Flap Planner for 
Reconstructive Surgery. This is a collaborative project between the National 
University of Singapore, Johns Hopkins Singapore and the National University 
Hospital, Singapore. 

Skin reconstruction involves identification of a donor site, flap design and 
cut, and placement on the recipient site. Flap design is complex because the 
cut flap changes its shape, cannot rereturn to original size without blood 
problems, has anisotropic and non-linear elasticity, and must fit a new three-
dimensional shape. Poor design results in third site grafts, and in extra 
scarring, donor site trauma, surgery time and hospital stay. Third site 
grafts occur in a majority of cases, some unavoidable. Our flap simulator 
will provide surgeons with systematic decision support through the use of 
patient-specific skin measurement data and virtual manipulation tools to 
design the flap. We are interested in motivated individuals who will bring 
appropriate knowledge in mechatronics and system design and/or computational 
(bio)mechanics. They will be able to collaborate with the members of our 
group working on biomedical engineering 
(http://guppy.mpe.nus.edu.sg/~eburdet/), and to enjoy living in South East 
Asia with excellent conditions for life and work (http://www.newasia-

Salary commensurate with applicantˇŻs skills and experience. Applicants 
should email a detailed CV and the names and addresses of three referees. 
Send your application or ask for further information at e.burdet@ieee.org.

Etienne BURDET (e.burdet@ieee.org),
Dept of Mechanical Engineering 
National University of Singapore,
119260 Singapore
Fax: +65-6779-1459  

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No submissions

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Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, lichen@ntu.edu.tw

Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Vol. 5, Nol. 4, December, 2003

1.Title: Output Feedback Control of Container Cranes: A Comparative
  Author: Giorgio Bartolini, Alessandro Pisano and Elio Usai
2.Title: Robust Vibration Control for Flexible Arms by Using Sliding
         Mode Method
  Author: Xinkai Chen, Chun-Yi Su and Toshio Fukuda
3.Title: Implicit Triangular Observer Form Dedicated to a Sliding
         Mode Observer for Systems with Unknown Inputs
  Author: T. Boukhobza, M. Djemai and j. P. Barbot
4.Title: Sliding Mode Control Synthesis of Uncertain Time-Delay Systems
  Author: Y. Orlow, W. Perruquetti and J. P. Richard
5.Title: Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control with Piecewise linear Switching Manifold
  Author: Mariagrazia Dotoli
6.Title: Universal Output-Feedback SISO Controllers
  Author: Arie Levant
7.Title: Model-Reference Output-Feedback Sliding Mode Controller for a
         Class of Multivariable Nonlinear Systems
  Author: Liu Hsu, Ramon R. Costa and jose Paulo Vilela Soares da Cunha
8.Title: An Asymptotic Second-Order Smooth Sliding Mode Control
  Author: Yuri B. Shtessel, Ilya A. Shkolnikov and Mark D. J. Brown
9.Title: Sliding Modes, ˇµ-Modulators, and Generalized Proportional Integral
         Control of Linear Systems
  Author: Hebertt Sira-Ramirez
10.Title: Frequency Domain Analysis of Fast and Slow Motions in Sliding Modes 
   Author: Igor Boiko
11.Title: Robustness Analysis on Sliding Mode Control of Induction Motor
   Author: H. Chekireb, M. Tadjine and m. Djemai
12.Title: Second Order Sliding Mode Control of a Diesel Engine
   Author: M. Khalid Khan, Keng Boon Goh and Sarah K. Spurgeon
13.Title: A Combined Sliding Mode-Generalized PI Control Scheme for
          Swinging up and Balancing the Inertia Wheel Pendulum
   Author: Victor M. Hernandez
14.Title: Second-Order nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Decomposed Control
          of Uncertain Multivariable System
   Author: Yong Feng, Xuemei Zheng and Xinghuo Yu

Contents: Automatica

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, automatica@autsubmit.com

Contents: Automatica 
Volume 39, Issue 10, October, 2003

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com

Survey papers

J-P. Richard
Time delay systems: An overview of some recent advances and open problems

Regular papers

Fu-Shiung Hsieh
Robustness of deadlock avoidance algorithms for sequential processes

A. Lanzon, M. Cantoni
On the formulation and solution of robust performance problems

R. Pintelon, J. Schoukens, Y. Rolain
Uncertainty of transfer function modeling using prior estimated noise

Brief papers

J. D. Wolfe, J. L. Speyer
The periodic optimality of LQ controllers satisfying strong stabilization

L. Mirkin, N. Raskin
Every stabilizing dead-time controller has an observer-predictor-based

R. Marino, G. L. Santosuosso, P. Tomei
Robust	adaptive compensation of biased sinusoidal disturbances  with
unknown frequency

Zhihua Qu, C. M. Ihlefeld, Yufang Jin, A. Saengdeejing
Robust fault-tolerant self-recovering control of nonlinear uncertain

F. Dabbene, P. Gay, B. T. Polyak
Recursive algorithms for inner ellipsoidal approximation of convex

S. Mijanovic, G. E. Stewart, G. A. Dumont, M. S. Davies
A controller perturbation technique for transferring closed-loop stability
between systems

H. Ishii, B. A. Francis
Quadratic stabilization of sampled-data systems with quantization

D. R. Lewin, A. Parag
A constrained genetic algorithm for decentralized control 
system structure selection and optimization

F. Tjärnström
Variance analysis of L_2 model reduction when undermodeling - the output
error case

R. Antonelli, A. Astolfi
Continuous stirred tank reactors: Easy to stabilise?

C. M. Lagoa
A convex parameterization of risk-adjusted stabilizing controllers

L. A. Montestruque, P. J. Antsaklis
On the Model-Based Control of Networked Systems


A. Bemporad, M. Morari, V. Dua, E. N. Pistikopoulos
Correction Note - The explicit linear quadratic regulator for constrained
(Published January 2002, Vol.38, Issue 1, pages 3-20)

R. Gorez
Erratum for "New design relations for 2-DOF PID-like control systems"

Contributed by: A. H. Glattfelder, ifacjcep@control.ee.ethz.ch

Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Volume 11, Issue 11, Pages 1229-1348 (November 2003)

Modelling and optimisation of a refining process for fibre board production, 
Pages 1229-1241
T. A. Runkler, E. Gerstorfer, M. Schlang, E. Junnemann and J. Hollatz

Launcher attitude control: discrete-time robust design and gain-scheduling, 
Pages 1243-1252
Olivier Voinot, Daniel Alazard, Pierre Apkarian, Sophie Mauffrey and Benoit 

Hybrid automata for linearizing the model of high-pressure thawing, Pages 
H. Fibrianto, L. Boillereaux and J. M. Flaus

Using hypothesis testing theory to evaluate principles for leakage diagnosis 
of automotive engines, Pages 1263-1272
Mattias Nyberg

Minimax LQG optimal control of a flexible beam, Pages 1273-1287
Ian R. Petersen and Himanshu R. Pota

Diagnosis of process valve actuator faults using a multilayer neural network, 
Pages 1289-1299
M. Karpenko, N. Sepehri and D. Scuse

Maximum allowable delay bounds of networked control systems, Pages 1301-1313
Dong-Sung Kim, Young Sam Lee, Wook Hyun Kwon and Hong Seong Park

Implementation of neural network predictive control to a multivariable 
chemical reactor, Pages 1315-1323
D. L. Yu and J. B. Gomm

A hybrid approach for supervisory control of furnace temperature, Pages 1325-
Wei Wang, Han-Xiong Li and Jingtao Zhang

Multirate control implementation for an integrated communication and control 
system, Pages 1335-1348
Vicente Casanova and Julian Salt

Contributed by: C. Stewart, trac@bu.edu

Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control - August, 2003
Volume: 48, Issue: 8, Aug. 2003

Guest editorial new developments and applications in performance limitation
of feedback control
Jie Chen; Middleton, R.H., Page(s): 1297- 1297

Performance limitations in the robust servomechanism problem for discrete-
time LTI systems
Jemaa, L.B.; Davison, E.J., Page(s): 1299- 1311

Performance limitations for linear feedback systems in the presence of plant
Goodwin, G.C.; Salgado, M.E.; Yuz, J.I., Page(s): 1312- 1319

Best tracking and regulation performance under control energy constraint
Jie Chen; Hara, S.; Gang Chen, Page(s): 1320- 1336

Dynamical system design from a control perspective: finite frequency
positive-realness approach
Iwasaki, T.; Hara, S.; Yamauchi, H., Page(s): 1337- 1354

Fundamental design limitations of the general control configuration
Freudenberg, J.S.; Hollot, C.V.; Middleton, R.H.; Toochinda, V.
Page(s): 1355- 1370
Fundamental performance limitations in tracking sinusoidal signals
Weizhou Su; Li Qiu; Jie Chen, Page(s): 1371- 1380

Performance degradation in feedback control due to constraints
Perez, T.; Goodwin, G.C.; Seron, M.M., Page(s): 1381- 1385

Performance limitations of nonlinear periodic sampled-data controllers for
L/sub p/ disturbance rejection
Schmid, R.; Cishen Zhang, Page(s): 1385- 1388

Undershoot and settling time tradeoffs for nonminimum phase systems
Lau, K.; Middleton, R.H.; Braslavsky, J.H., Page(s): 1389- 1393

Selection of variables for stabilizing control using pole vectors
Havre, K.; Skogestad, S., Page(s): 1393- 1398

Notions of controllability for bilinear multilevel quantum systems
Albertini, F.; D'Alessandro, D., Page(s): 1399- 1403

PID controller design for robust performance
Ming-Tzu Ho; Chia-Yi Lin, Page(s): 1404- 1409

Solution bounds of the continuous Riccati matrix equation
Chien-Hua Lee, Page(s): 1409- 1413

Alternative proofs for improved LMI representations for the analysis and
the design of continuous-time systems with polytopic type uncertainty: a
predictive approach
Yingmin Jia, Page(s): 1413- 1416

Semiglobal regulation of linear systems in presence of measurement constraint
Marconi, L., Page(s): 1417- 1421

On the stability of coupled delay differential and continuous time difference
Pepe, P.; Verriest, E.I., Page(s): 1422- 1427

Dissipative Hamiltonian realization and energy-based L/sub 2/-disturbance
attenuation control of multimachine power systems
Yuzhen Wang; Daizhan Cheng; Chunwen Li; You Ge, Page(s): 1428- 1433

A queueing model for call blending in call centers
Bhulai, S.; Koole, G., Page(s): 1434- 1438

>From nonlinear to Hamiltonian via feedback
Tabuada, P.; Pappas, G.J., Page(s): 1439- 1442

Constrained control of SISO bilinear systems
Bacic, M.; Cannon, M.; Kouvaritakis, B., Page(s): 1443- 1447

Extended invariance principle for nonautonomous switched systems
Orlov, Y., Page(s): 1448- 1452

Stability of discrete-time systems with quantized input and state measurements
Richter, H.; Misawa, E.A., Page(s): 1453- 1458
Convergence of simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation for
nondifferentiable optimization
Ying He; Fu, M.C.; Marcus, S.I., Page(s): 1459- 1463

Robust adaptive tracking for time-varying uncertain nonlinear systems with
unknown control coefficients
Ge, S.S.; Wang, J., Page(s): 1463- 1469

Robust H/spl infin/ control for linear discrete-time systems with
norm-bounded nonlinear uncertainties
Yoonsun Kim; Youngjin Park, Page(s): 1469- 1470

Comments on "Nonlinear repetitive control"
Lucibello, P., Page(s): 1470- 1471

Author's reply [to comments on "Nonlinear repetitive control"]
Ghosh, J.; Paden, B., Page(s): 1471

Book Review
Page(s): 1472- 1474

Contributed by: C. Stewart, trac@bu.edu

Volume: 48, Issue: 7,   Year: July 2003
Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, July 2003

A separation principle for a class of non-UCO systems
Maggiore, M.; Passino, K.M., Page(s): 1122- 1133

Finite-time behavior of inner systems
Ludlage, J.H.A.; Weiland, S.; Stoorvogel, A.A.; Backx, T.A.C.P.M.
Page(s): 1134- 1149

Max-plus eigenvector representations for solution of nonlinear H_inf
problems: basic concepts
McEneaney, W.M., Page(s): 1150- 1163

Analysis and design of oscillatory control systems
Martinez, S.; Cortes, J.; Bullo, F., Page(s): 1164- 1177

Positive polynomials and robust stabilization with fixed-order controllers
Henrion, D.; Sebek, M.; Kucera, V., Page(s): 1178- 1186

Reduced supervisors for timed discrete-event systems
Gohari, P.; Wonham, W.M., Page(s): 1187- 1198

Fault diagnosis in discrete-event systems: framework and model reduction
Zad, S.H.; Kwong, R.H.; Wonham, W.M., Page(s): 1199- 1212

A decentralized model reference adaptive variable structure controller for
large-scale time-varying delay systems
Chien-Hsin Chou; Chih-Chiang Cheng, Page(s): 1213- 1217

Robustness of global asymptotic stability in indirect field-oriented control
of induction motors
Reginatto, R.; Bazanella, A.S., Page(s): 1218- 1222
Universal disturbance rejection for nonlinear systems in output feedback form
Zhengtao Ding, Page(s): 1222- 1226

An algebraic model for performance evaluation of timed event multigraphs
Huaping Dai; Youxian Sun, Page(s): 1227- 1230

Controlled Markov chains with safety upper bound
Arapostathis, A.; Kumar, R.; Tangirala, S., Page(s): 1230- 1234

A sufficient condition for instability of buffer priority policies in
re-entrant lines
Chuang Lin; Mingwei Xu; Marinescu, D.C.; Fengyuan Ren; Zhiguang Shan
Page(s): 1235- 1238

Stability of data networks under an optimization-based bandwidth allocation
Heng-Qing Ye, Page(s): 1238- 1242

On p-normal forms of nonlinear systems
Daizhan Cheng; Wei Lin, Page(s): 1242- 1248

On maximizing the convergence rate for linear systems with input saturation
Tingshu Hu; Zongli Lin; Shamash, Y., Page(s): 1249- 1253

Variance-constrained filtering for uncertain stochastic systems with missing
Zidong Wang; Ho, D.W.C.; Xiaohui Liu, Page(s): 1254- 1258

Subspace identification with guaranteed stability using constrained
Lacy, S.L.; Bernstein, D.S., Page(s): 1259- 1263

A separation principle for non-UCO systems: the jet engine stall and surge
Maggiore, M.; Passino, K.M., Page(s): 1264- 1269

Contractibility of dynamic LTI controllers using complementary matrices
Bakule, L.; Rodellar, J.; Rossell, J.M., Page(s): 1269- 1274

Semiglobal stabilization and output regulation of singular linear systems
with input saturation
Weiyao Lan; Jie Huang, Page(s): 1274- 1280

Controllability of nonstandard singularly perturbed systems with small state
Glizer, V.Y., Page(s): 1280- 1285

Closed-form unbiased frequency estimation of a noisy sinusoid using notch
Savaresi, S.M.; Bittanti, S.; So, H.C., Page(s): 1285- 1292

Comments on "A robust state observer scheme"
Boutayeb, M.; Darouach, M., Page(s): 1292- 1293

Authors' reply [Comment on "A robust state observer scheme"]
Da-Wei Gu; Fu Wah Poon, Page(s): 1293- 1294

Contributed by: Jozef Korbicz, J.Korbicz@issi.uz.zgora.pl

Contents: Int Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Vol. 13, No. 3
Special Issue: Cancer Growth and Progression, Mathematical Problems
               and Computer Simulation
Edited by: Marek KIMMEL, Mirosław LACHOWICZ, Andrzej ŚWIERNIAK

1. Kimmel M. and Gorlova O.Y. Stochastic models of progression of 
   cancer and their use in controlling cancer-related mortality, pp. 279-287
2. Kolev M. Mathematical modeling of the competition between acquired
   immunity and cancer, pp. 289-296
3. Śmieja J. and Świerniak A. Different models of chemotherapy taking into
   account drug resistance stemming from gene amplification, pp. 297-305
4. Zhivkov P. and Waniewski J. Modelling tumour-immunity interactions with 
   different stimulation functions, pp. 307-315
5. Foryś U. and Marciniak-Czochra A. Logistic equations in tumour growth   
   modelling, pp. 317-325
6. Fujarewicz K. and Wiench M. Selecting differentially expressed genes 
   for colon tumor classification, pp. 327-335
7. Simek K. Properties of a singular value decomposition based dynamical
   model of gene expression data, pp. 337-345
8. Polański A. and Kimmel M. Population genetics models for the statistics
   of DNA samples under different demographic scenarios-maximum likelihood 
   versus approximate methods, pp. 347-355
9. Świerniak A., Ledzewicz U. and Schättler H. Optimal control for a  
   class  of compartmental models in cancer chemotherapy, pp. 357-368
10. Lukac R. and Smołka B. Application of the adaptive center-weighted  
    vector median framework for the enhancement of cDNA microarray images, 
    pp. 369-383
11. Renwick A., Bonnen P.E., Trikka D., Nelson D.L., Chakraborty R. and 
    Kimmel M. Sampling properties of estimators of nucleotide diversity 
    at  discovered SNP sites, pp. 385-394
12. Gałach M. Dynamics of the tumor-immune system competition the effect 
    of time delay, pp. 395-406
13. Szymańska Z. Analysis of immunotherapy models in the context
    of cancer dynamics, pp. 407-418
14. Polańska J. The EM algorithm and its implementation for the estimation
    of frequencies of SNP-haplotypes, pp. 419-429

Contributed by: Aghalaya S. Vatsala, vatsala@louisiana.edu

Contents: Int Journal of Hybrid Systems
Volume 2, Number 4, December 2002

Stephane Blouin, Martin Guay and Karen Rudie, pp. 297
Discrete Abstractions for Nearly Integrable Continuous Systems: The
Two-Dimensional Case

Boris M. Miller and Karen V. Stepanyan, pp. 337
Observation Control for Discrete-Continuous (Hybrid) Stochastic 
Systems with the Estimate Dependent Noise

Renming Wang, Xinzhi Liu and Zhihong Guan, pp. 369
Stability Analysis in Terms of Two Measures for Impulsive Hybrid Systems

Amar Khoukhi and Adlene Moualek, pp. 383
Genetic Agents: A New Class of Quasi-Biologic Algorithms

Address for submissions and subscriptions:
Professor A. S. Vatsala
Department of Mathematics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette 
Lafayette, LA 70504, U. S. A
E-Mail: vatsala@louisiana.edu

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, hans@math.wisc.edu

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume 374, Pages 1-328 (15 November 2003)


Accurate ordering of eigenvectors and singular vectors without eigenvalues 
and singular values, Pages 1-17
K. V. Fernando

Total dilations II, Pages 19-29
Jean-Christophe Bourin

The isometries and the G-invariance of certain seminorms, Pages 31-40
Boris Lavri

Commutative algebras of rational function matrices as endomorphisms of 
Kronecker modules I, Pages 41-62
Frank Okoh and Frank Zorzitto

Commutative algebras of rational function matrices as endomorphisms of 
Kronecker modules II, Pages 63-85
Frank Okoh and Frank Zorzitto

On the eigenproblem of matrices over distributive lattices, Pages 87-106
Yijia Tan

On vector spaces with distinguished subspaces and redundant base, Pages 107-
Francesco Barioli, Clorinda De Vivo and Claudia Metelli

Index of parabolic and seaweed subalgebras of , Pages 127-142
Alexander Dvorsky

On the sensitivity of multiple eigenvalues of nonsymmetric matrix pencils, 
Pages 143-158
Huiqing Xie and Hua Dai

Characterizations of classes of stable matrices, Pages 159-174
A. Bhaya, E. Kaszkurewicz and R. Santos

D-optimal weighing designs for n[equiv]-1 mod4 objects and a large number of 
weighings, Pages 175-218
Bernardo M. Abrego, Silvia Fernandez-Merchant, Michael G. Neubauer and 
William Watkins

Low rank perturbations and the spectrum of a tridiagonal sign pattern, Pages 
L. Elsner, D. D. Olesky and P. van den Driessche

The polynomial numerical hulls of Jordan blocks and related matrices, Pages 
Vance Faber, Anne Greenbaum and Donald E. Marshall

Equivalence constants for certain matrix norms, Pages 247-253
Bao Qi Feng

Elementary divisors of tensor products and p-ranks of binomial matrices, 
Pages 255-274
Xiang-Dong Hou

Relative volumes and minors in monomial subrings, Pages 275-290
Cesar A. Escobar, Jose Martinez-Bernal and Rafael H. Villarreal

Finite linear spaces admitting a projective group PSU(3,q) with q even, Pages 
Weijun Liu

On spectral integral variations of mixed graphs, Pages 307-316
Yi-Zheng Fan

Simple criteria for nonsingular H-matrices, Pages 317-326
Tai-Bin Gan and Ting-Zhu Huang

Author index, Pages 327-328
Editorial board, Pages ii-iii

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

11th IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal processing
MMM 2004
Nancy, France - September 8-10, 2004
contacts: mmm2004@cran.uhp-nancy.fr

Sponsored by:
IFAC TC on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing
IFAC Technical Committee on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of 
  Technical Processes
IFAC Technical Committee on Control of Biotechnological Systems

Please notice the following deadlines:
	December 1, 2003	Submission of proposals for invited Sessions
	December 15, 2003	Submission deadline
	March 15, 2004		Notification of acceptance
	June 15, 2004		Final manuscripts

After Sun City (South Africa, 1995), Dusseldorf (Germany, 1998) and Tokyo 
(Japan, 2001), the 11th IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and 
Metal processing (MMM 2004) in held in Nancy (France). The organizing 
committee of the IFAC symposium MMM 2004 heartily invite all interested 
researchers to submit regular papers or to organize invited sessions.

The aim of this symposium is to review the state of the art and to look at 
innovations in the field of automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal 
processing. In common with any other engineering fields, environmentals 
problems including Recycling, Safety and Reliability considerations as well, 
will be highlighted in the Symposium. However, the organizing committee 
maintains the view that developments in the basic control methologies and 
technologies such as measurement, instrumentation , networking, etc … are 
essential to the solution of global problems. The emphasis is placed on 
practice of those technologies, but such theoritical researches as 
accompanied with practical experience/consideration will be also welcome.

modelling identification and estimation fault diagnosis advanced control 
fault tolerant control signal processing quality monitoring communication and 
data management maintenance scheduling production planning, process 
optimisation AI methods: expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy control

metal processing hot/cold rolling steel making and continuous casting blast 
furnaces and furnaces electro refining hydro metallurgy environment and 
recycling waste water treatment mining and mineral processing grinding and 
flotation measurement and instrumentation supervision new sensor technologies

For more details, consult the Symposium website at

Contributed by: Vladimir S. Jotsov, jotsov@ieee.org

2004 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems
June 22 to 24, 2004
Bulgarian Council of Ministers Holiday Complex,
St. St. Constantine and Helena Resort, Varna, Bulgaria

DEADLINE (for all submissions): December 15, 2003

The IEEE IM/CS/SMC Joint Chapter of Bulgaria will hold the "2004 IEEE 
International  Conference on Intelligent Systems" Monday through Wednesday, 
June 22 to June 24, 2004 at the Bulgarian Council of Ministers Holiday 
Complex at the Black Sea resort near Varna, Bulgaria. The conference is 
sponsored by the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, IEEE Section 
Bulgaria, IEEE IM/CS/SMC Joint Chapter of Bulgaria and co-sponsored by IEEE 
Control Systems Society and IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. 

The topics for the conference cover all aspects of intelligent control 
engineering, soft computing, artificial intelligence, decision support, 
knowledge discovery and data mining, data fusion, intelligent measurement and 
applications and span the scope of the following Societies of IEEE: CS, SMC, 
IM, IT, Computer, IE.

Papers are solicited in the form of draft manuscripts (6 proceeding pages).
The conference also calls for proposals for invited sessions or tutorial

Further information: Please consult the conference web site 
or contact the following conference organizers:
General Coordinator
Vladimir Jotsov
Intelligent Systems Department 
Intstitute of Information Technologies,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
P.O.Box 161, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Tel: (359 2) 970-8592
Email: jotsov@ieee.org

Petia Koprinkova
Institute of Control Systems
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
P.O.Box 161, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Tel: (359 2) 970-0337
Email: pkoprinkova@icsr.bas.bg

Contributed by: Han Wang, 

8th Int Conf on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision

The Eighth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and 
Vision, ICARCV 2004, will be held in December 2004 in Kuming, China. The 
conference will be co-organised by the School of Electrical and Electronic 
Engineering, Nanyang Technological University and Nanjing University of 
Science and Technology. The conference will provide a forum for Control and 
Automation professionals, manufacturing engineers and academic researchers to 
exchange up-to-date technical knowledge and experiences.  The conference will 
focus on both theory and applications. In addition to the technical sessions, 
there will be plenary, invited and tutorial sessions. The topics of interest 
are: Control, Automation, Robotics, Computer Vision, and Emerging 
Technologies. Papers must be written in English and should describe original 
work in details. Please submit full papers to the website address 
(http://www.ntu.edu.sg/eee/icarcv)  by l March, 2004. For enquiries, please 
email to icarcv@ntu.edu.sg.

Contributed by: Frank Allgower, 

Call for Participation: ADCHEM 2003/2004 

International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes
ADCHEM 2003/2004                        
January 11 - 14, 2004                   
Hong Kong                          
The ADCHEM 2003/2004 conference will be held on January 11-14, 2004 in
Hong Kong SAR, China. The conference was originally planned for June 18-20,
2003 and then postponed to the new date due to the outbreak of the SARS
virus in Hong Kong.

Organized under the auspices of IFAC, ADCHEM is a continuing series of
international conferences held most recently in Pisa, Italy (2000), Banff,
Canada (1997), Kyoto, Japan (1994), and Toulouse, France (1991). These
meetings focus on advances in methods for control and modeling for all types
of chemical processes.

Conference topics include modeling and identification, model based control,
real-time optimization and scheduling, process and control monitoring, batch
process modeling and control and process control applications.

Plenary speakers:
M. Vidyasagar, Tata Consultancy Services
F. Doyle, UC Santa Barbara
P. Terwiesch, ABB 

Semi-plenary speakers:
Richard Braatz, Mayuresh Kothare, Michel Perrier, Denis Dochain, 
Jan Richard Sagli, Sunwon Park, Yi Cao, John MacGregor, 
Jesus Alvarez, Elaine Martin, Yucai Zhu, Moses Tade, Dominique 

In addition to the plenary and semi-plenary talks there will be about
120 oral and 70 poster presentations. See the above webpage for the
preliminary program.

The registration process is now open. Please note that the deadline
for early registration is on October 10, 2003. 

Hong Kong - the City of Life, is a fascinating place to visit. 
Hong Kong is coined as the shoppers' paradise and heaven of foods
and offers a large number of tourist attractions. The Hong Kong 
Government has developed a number of actions to welcome back 
visitors. The city has become even more attractive, safer and 
cleaner. The number of tourists traveling has increased to the 
pre-SARS level. Therefore conference attendees are adviced to
book their hotels early.
Organizing Committee Chair: 
Furong GAO 
Department of Chemical Engineering 
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 

International Program Committee Chair: 
Institute for Systems Theory in Engineering 
University of Stuttgart 

Contributed by: George J. Pappas, 

Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2004

MARCH 25-27, 2004
Hilton Inn at Penn, 3600 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

The Seventh International Workshop on Hybrid Systems : Computation
and Control  (HSCC 2004), will be held at the Hilton Inn at Penn
on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania, from March 25-27,
2004. The annual workshop on hybrid systems attracts researchers from
academia and industry interested in modeling, analysis, and
implementation of dynamic and reactive systems involving both discrete
and continuous behaviors.

Submissions are invited in all areas pertaining to the design,
analysis, implementation, and applications of hybrid systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
    * Modeling and representations
    * Computability and complexity issues
    * Tools  for analysis and verification
    * Tools  for synthesis and design
    * Programming language support and implementation
    * Control and optimization
    * Hybrid models in biology and other sciences
    * Engineering applications such as automotive control, avionics,
      energy systems, transportation networks, manufacturing, and robotics

The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series. Selected papers will be invited after the meeting
to submit an extended version to a special issue of the journal Formal
Methods in System Design (Kluwer Academic Publishers). Submitted papers must
present original, unpublished research that has not been submitted
elsewhere. Papers should be prepared using Springer's LNCS style, and must
be at most 15 pages including abstract, figures, and bibliography.
Instructions for submitting the papers electronically will be available on
the conference homepage in September 2003.

October 10, 2003: Submission deadline
December 1, 2003: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
January  15,2004: Final Papers Due

Contributed by: Maja Matijasevic, 

IEEE ICRA 2004 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2004)
April 26 - May 1, 2004 
New Orleans Riverside Hilton & Towers 
New Orleans, LA 70140, USA 

The IEEE ICRA 2004 will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, from April
26 to May 1. This event is sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation
Society. The Program Committee is soliciting papers, videos, special sessions,
tutorials and workshops to be presented in the conference program. Technical
topics of the conference include all areas of robotics and automation. 

The special theme of the 2004 conference is "Environmental Robotics: Technical
Innovations and Cutting Edge Technologies for Environment Clean up and
Ecosystem Management".  Areas of application include but are not limited to
waste management, hazardous area activities, industrial applications in the
oil and gas industry, for marine cable route surveys, near shore nautical
charting and military surveys, pipeline inspection and monitoring of sensitive
coastal environments.

DEADLINE (for all submissions): November 7, 2003
SUBMISSION DETAILS: http://www.icra2004.org

There will also be an exhibition at the conference. Exhibitors are encouraged
to display state-of-the-art products and services in all areas of robotics and

General Chairs
Tzyh-Jong Tarn
Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA 

Toshio Fukuda
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan 

Program Chair
Kimon Valavanis
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA 

Conference Secretariat

Contributed by: Anton Cervin, 

IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium - RTAS 2004
May 26-May 28, 2004, Le Royal Meidien, King Edward, Toronto, Canada
WWW: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/rtas04
Submission deadline: January 12, 2004

RTAS 2004 has a new and expanded focus, including an explicit track on
real-time control. This  particular track will cover the role of feedback
control in real-time computing, and the interaction between computing and
control systems. Topics include the use of real-time control methods
within infrastructures as well as end-user applications, including, but not
limited to, the interaction of feedback control and scheduling, nonlinear and
uncertain real-time systems, modeling and simulation of performance control,
computational models and languages for control applications,
resource-constrained control or resource-aware control, temporal robustness,
robotics, embedded and hybrid systems, and hybrid control.

Other special tracks at RTAS 2004 are: Real-Time Infrastructure and
Development, Embedded Applications, and QoS in Open Systems.

As usual, RTAS 2004 also seeks papers describing significant contributions to
the broad field of embedded and real-time computing, control, and
communication, that cover QoS issues in computation and networking, systems
integration, scheduling, operating systems, middleware, software engineering,
dependability, databases, programming languages, system development tools,
performance modeling, and performance control. Special focus is on embedded
and real-time applications ranging from industrial embedded applications such
as aeronautics and automotive systems to multimedia, telecommunication and
mobile computing systems. Of particular interest are papers detailing
experiments, implementations, and experiences in application domains that
present new model problems or identify significant temporal constraints.

The best papers of RTAS 2004 will be published in an upcoming special issue of
the Journal of Real-Time Systems.

Important Dates:
 * Submission Deadline:	   Monday, January 12, 2004
 * Acceptance Decisions:   Monday, March 1, 2004
 * Final Manuscript:       Friday, March 19, 2004
 * Conference:		   May 25 - May 28, 2004

Contributed by: Sirish Shah, 

5-7 July, 2004 

The DYCOPS-7 Symposium will bring together engineers and scientists from 
universities, R & D laboratories and the process industries to focus 
attention on new methodologies and challenging applications in the following 
areas of DYnamics and COntrol of Process Systems (DYCOPS). The DYCOPS 2004 
conference will be held on July 5-7, 2004 in Boston. Organized under the 
auspices of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), the 
DYCOPS Symposium Series is a continuing series of international conferences 
held most recently in Korea (2001) and Greece (1998).  These meetings focus 
on advances in methods for control and modeling for all types of chemical 
processes and are part of a three-year rotation of IFAC meetings in process 
control, which also include the IFAC ADCHEM series. The main topics for the 
meeting include, but are not limited, to the following:

Particulate and Polymer Processes
Control and Optimization Applied to Scheduling and Production Management
Modeling and Identification
Monitoring, Fault-Detection, Data reconciliation and Signal Processing
Advances in Control and Emerging New Approaches to Dynamics and Control
New Sensor Technologies and their Potential Impact on Control
Industrial Applications
Process Control Education
Modeling and Control of Batch and Semi-batch Processes
Interaction Between Design and Control 

The scientific program will consist of three plenary and several invited 
keynote lectures plus 2 to 3 parallel sessions each morning and afternoon 
over the three day period. The conference will also feature panel discussions 
on topical areas and poster sessions.

Submission of draft papers		28 November 2003
Notification of acceptance		14 February 2004		
Submission of final papers		1   April   2004

Contributed by: Frank Allgower, 

IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2004)
September 1-3, 2004                   
Stuttgart, Germany                    
The NOLCOS 2004 symposium will be held on September 1-3, 2004 in Stuttgart,
Germany. NOLCOS is a continuing series of conferences specialized to the
area of nonlinear control systems which so far took place in Capri (I) 1988,
Bordeaux (F) 1992, Lake Tahoe (USA) 1995, Enschede (NL) 1998, and
Saint-Petersburg (RUS) 2001. 

For the upcoming NOLCOS conference, contributed papers and invited sessions
are solicited in all areas of nonlinear systems and control including the
following areas:
1. Advanced Nonlinear Control Methods -- Chair: A. Isidori (I)
2. Mathematical Systems Theory -- Chair: L. Grune (D)
3. Nonlinear Control Applications and Tools -- Chair: K. Schlacher (A)
4. Nonlinear System Identification & State Estimation -- Chair: L. Ljung (S)
5. Stability of I/O Systems -- Chair: D. Nesic (AU)
6. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control -- Chair: J.B. Rawlings (USA)
7. Flatness-based Methods -- Chair: J. Rudolph (D)
8. Nonlinear Control of Automotive Systems -- Chair: L. Guzzella (CH)

Important Deadlines: 
Deadline for full paper submission:  January 15, 2003 
Proposals for invited sessions: January 15, 2003 

Contributed papers in postscript- or pdf-format should be 
submitted electronically through the conference website.

Further information about the NOLCOS conference can be 
found at the conference web page at:
or by contacting the conference organizers listed below.

National Organizing Committee Chair: 
Michael Zeitz
Institute for Systems Dynamics and Control Engineering 
University of Stuttgart 
70550 Stuttgart, Germany 
Email: zeitz@isr.uni-stuttgart.de
Tel: +49-711-685-6313 
Fax: +49-711-685-6371

International Program Committee Chair: 
Prof. Frank ALLGOWER 
Institute for Systems Theory in Engineering 
University of Stuttgart 
70550 Stuttgart, Germany 
Email: allgower@ist.uni-stuttgart.de
or: nolcos2004@ist.uni-stuttgart.de 
Tel: +49-711-685-7733 
Fax: +49-711-685-7735

Contributed by: Joop P. Pauwelussen, 

International Symposium in Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC ’04).
23 – 27 August 2004
HAN University, Arnhem, The Netherlands 

In association with IEEE-CSS, IAVSD, JSME, ASME DSMC, JSAE, FISITA, ImechE,

This seventh AVEC conference, successfully held earlier in Ann-Arbor, 
Hiroshima, Aachen-Germany, Nagoya, will focus on the improvement of vehicle 
performance using advanced vehicle control technologies. The development of 
such intelligent and embedded vehicle control systems is progressing rapidly. 
There is a growing need to improve our understanding on the integration of 
these systems, within the framework of the functions for the vehicle and 
driver to fulfill, as part of a safe and efficient traffic environment. To 
achieve scientific progress, it is essential that the highly multi-
disciplinary field of Advanced Vehicle Control is covered in all its aspects, 
with the interface between separate areas challenged during the conference. 
For that reason, the technical sessions will cover the following areas:

A. Vehicle Dynamics and Control
  Steering assistance, suspension control, cruise assistance, traction and 
  brake control, tire-road interface.
B. Control of Vehicle Propulsion
  Intelligent speed control, powertrain/drivetrain control and management,  
  electric and hybrid propulsion control
C. Embedded Control and System Integratioon
  Integrated motion control, embedded automotive, active safety
D. Advanced Driver Assistance
  Driver-vehicle interface, human workload, perception and control, driver 
  assist systems
E. The Vehicle as Part of and Advanced Traffic System. 
  Intelligent transport systems, automated vehicle highway systems, advanced 
  concept vehicles, collision avoidance and pre-crash management
F. General Topics
  Modelling and simulation technology, monitoring, data acquisition and 
  procession, sensors and actuators, vehicle diagnostics.

Deadline for abstracts: 	November 1, 2003.
Notification of acceptance	January 5, 2004.
Deadline manuscripts		May 1, 2004

After the symposium, some selected papers will be published in the JSAE 
Review and in a special issue of Vehicle Systems Dynamics

Authors intending to present a paper at the AVEC ’04 are invited to submit an 
extended abstract. The extended abstracts should be two pages (between 500 
and 800 words, and including figures),  in English and should clearly reflect 
the contents of the paper including the objectives, state of the art, the 
scientific results and a discussion of the added value of its contribution.  
Electronic submission is highly recommended. The easiest way, which allows 
the author to keep track of the reviewing process, is to use the AVEC ’04 
website. Abstracts in PDF format should be submitted through
In case of problems with access to the website, it is possible to submit 4 
copies of the abstract (accompanied with personal contactinformation) to:

AVEC ’04 secretariat
Attn of Mrs. Marian van den Berg
HAN University
P.O. Box 2217
6802 CE Arnhem
The Netherlands
Telefax: +31 (0) 26 365 82 93
Email: avec04@ft.han.nl

Contributed by: Roberto Tempo, 

New manuscript submission policy for ACC and CDC
**** STARTING CDC 2004 & 2005 ACC ****

In the recent past, the length of papers submitted to the ACC and CDC
increased dramatically. This creates various problems during the review
process. Hence, the Executive Committee of the CSS and the Board of
Directors of the AACC, decided to enforce strict limits regarding the
number of pages for CDC and ACC papers at the time of submission for
review. This new policy will be in effect for all CDCs and ACCs
starting with CDC 2004 and ACC 2005. These limits and submission policy
are given below:

    and ACC at the time of review and at the time of final submission
    after acceptance, must be in the standard 2 Column Proceedings format.

Word and LaTeX style files will be available on the paper submission
site and/or on the conference web site.

    review only, Regular and Invited papers will be limited to 8
    proceedings pages, short papers will be limited to 3 proceedings pages.
    Papers longer than these limits will not be forwarded for review.

    papers will be limited to 6 proceedings pages, short papers will be
    limited to 2 proceedings pages. Manuscripts longer than these limits
    will be published only upon payment of overlength page charges.
    Details regarding the payment and the specific amount will be
    provided for each conference.

Additional motivations for this new CDC and ACC policy are now

1. No extra work for authors: The format and page constraints authors
     must conform to upon acceptance is simply transferred to the
     submission phase of the process.

2. Better reviewing: In recent years, reviewers have been burdened
     with many long papers to evaluate in a very limited time period.

3. Fairness: Some authors submit long papers, some submit shorter
     ones. Reviewers occasionally favor longer ones because more
     technical details are supplied, while other times reviewers favor
     more concise, easier-to-read shorter papers. Establishing a uniform
     format will promote a fairer and more uniform evaluation process.

4. In most cases, the page limit will not affect authors: 8
     Proceedings pages is approximately equal to 20 "normal" pages.

5. The need to impose a uniform format is also justified by the
     variety of submitted manuscript styles currently adopted by authors
     (different font sizes, margins, line spacings, etc.).

6. Additional material related to a submission may be placed in a web
     site referenced in the submitted paper.

This new policy will be effective for the CDC 2004, ACC 2005 and
subsequent CDC and ACC conferences.

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