E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 181, September, 2003

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 181, September, 2003

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936

      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
      Submission deadline for September eletter: September 30, 2003


0. Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	Change of Address: Herbert G. Tanner
	1.2	New Address: Cheryl B. Schrader

2.	Awards Honors

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	2003 IEEE Int Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics
	3.2	Applied Control Techniques training course 
	3.3	CDC Workshop: Motion Description Languages for Multi-Modal Control
	3.4	Fun Control Experiments with Matlab and a Joystick
	3.5	IFAC workshop on Time-Delay Systems TDS 03
	3.6	Model Based Control training course
	3.7	Register Online for CDC 2003 Maui
	3.8	Summer School on Nonsmooth Dynamics
	3.9	Techniques and Practice in Fault Detection Diagnosis and Control
	3.10	Tutorial Announcement CIKM 2003

4.	Positions
	4.1	Chair ECE Boise State University USA
	4.2	Faculty: Michigan State Univ USA
	4.3	Faculty: University of Wyoming USA
	4.5	PDF: National University of Singapore
	4.6	PDF: Wayne State University USA
	4.7	PDF PhD: University of Leicester UK
	4.8	PhD: University of Girona Spain
	4.9	PhD: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ USA
	4.10	Post-Doc: University of Minho Portugal
	4.11	Research Scientist: Johns Hopkins USA

5.	Books
	5.1	Control in an Information Rich World

6.	Journals
	6.1	CFP: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
	6.2	CFP: Int Jour of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
	6.3	CFP: Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory
	6.4	Contents: Asian Journal of Control Sept 2003
	6.5	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	6.6	Contents: European Journal of Control
	6.7	Contents: IEEE Transactions Control Systems Technology
	6.8	Contents: ISA Transactions
	6.9	Contents: Int. J. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
	6.10	Contents: JDCS
	6.11	Contents: Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
	6.12	Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
	6.13	Contents: Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems

7.	Conferences
	7.1	12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
	7.2	2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control
	7.3	2004 ACC: Call for Interactive Sessions
	7.4	Call for Papers: 2004 American Control Conference
	7.5	Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2004
	7.6	IAV2004 - 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles

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Welcome to the 181-st issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of Oct 2003.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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Contributed by: Herbert G. Tanner, 

Change of Address: Herbert G. Tanner

New contact information:

Prof. Herbert Tanner
Mechanical Engineering Department
MSC01 1150
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
E-mail: tanner@unm.edu
URL: http://www.unm.edu/~tanner

Contributed by: Cheryl B. Schrader, 

New Address: Cheryl B. Schrader

I have moved to Boise State University as Dean of the College of 
Engineering.  My new contact information is

Cheryl B. Schrader
Dean, College of Engineering
1910 University Drive
Boise, Idaho  83725-2100, USA

Phone:  208-426-1153
Fax:    208-426-4466
Email:  schrader@ieee.org

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                          Awards Honors
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No submissions in this category

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Robin Qiu, 

2003 IEEE Int Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
October 5-8, 2003 ^Ö Hyatt Regency, Washington, D.C., USA.
WWW: https://becat.engr.uconn.edu/IEEE_CSMC_2003/

In light of the world's recent forced awareness of its vulnerability to many 
kinds of attack, the theme for this conference is System Security and 
Assurance. Papers relating to this topic are especially solicited, including 
those in the areas of security, intrusion/eavesdrop detection in computer, 
communication and other systems, fault tolerance, threat diagnosis, and safe 
architectures. In addition, and as always, the SMC Conference aims to provide 
a forum for presentation and discussion of the state of the art in systems 
engineering, in human systems & human/machine interactions, and in the broad 
field of cybernetics. 

The 2003 SMC conference will be held in Washington, D.C. at the luxurious 
Crystal City Hyatt Regency Hotel. Crystal City is home to excellent 
restaurants and other attractions, and is directly across the Potomac River 
from Washington, DC, whose many points of interest are a short subway ride 
away. Access to the conference hotel is easy from any of Reagan, Dulles, or 
Baltimore-Washington International airports. The Crystal City venue is also 
near the homes of many federal organizations, including DARPA, NSF, ONR and 
AFOSR, making this conference an ideal opportunity to hear of trends and 
focus areas from these agencies via panel discussions and plenary seminars. 

Contributed by: H.H. Eder, 

Applied Control Techniques training course 
October 13 - 17, 2003,  Brussels, Belgium

A training course for process control and operations professionals on 
practical use of basic and advanced controls and performance optimization. 
Newcomers gain extensive, sound knowledge in the practical and most 
effective use of standard and advanced techniques and experienced users the 
extra know-how for handling complex and difficult situations and to achieve 
better performance in shorter time. The course is fully practice oriented 
and delivers exceptional know-how in an easy understandable way, with many 
examples of successful applications but also pitfalls and their resolutions. 
It covers also special, little known techniques that are simple but 
powerful. Many realistic PC exercises with our award winning software TOPAS 
deepen the understanding. All work is done in small groups with an 
exceptionally experienced instructor.

Main topics:  Process dynamics, measurements & signals, sampling & 
filtering, basic control concepts.  PID principles - configuration - tuning 
(load/setpoint, tight/average level control), single loop vs. cascade 
control, advanced PID topics, feedforward-, constraint-, multivariable- , 
inferential control, RGA, introduction to model based control, optimization, 
incentive calculation, application design and implementation, performance 

For more information see http://www.act-control.com  and look at TRAINING or
Hans H. Eder
ACT - Brussels office, 
Phone & fax (+32)-2-767-0895, 
e-mail: actgmbh@compuserve.com  

Contributed by: Dimitris Hristu, 

CDC Workshop: Motion Description Languages for Multi-Modal Control

The subject of languages for control can be said to have had its beginning in
the early days of pick and place robots. The present interest in embedded
intelligence, coordinated motion problems (swarms etc.), as well as new
insights from research in biological motion control have given fresh impetus
to this field. In particular, to avoid always having to design at the level of
the actuators, it is natural to attempt to "tokenize" control inputs into
primitives that can be hierarchically composed into control programs of higher
complexity, somewhat akin to the object-oriented programming paradigm. A
formal framework to accomplish this has been established in the work on motion
description languages (MDLs) over the last decade. Briefly, MDLs enable
control of the evolution of a continuous-time dynamical system via strings of
symbolic commands that are interpreted down to feedback laws. The purpose of
this workshop is to review the current state of the art and to discuss
possibilities for further innovation.

For additional information: http://glue.umd.edu/~hristu/MDLeWorkshop03.html

M. Egerstedt, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Hristu-Varsakelis, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
P. S. Krishnaprasad, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Contributed by: Marc Bodson, 

Fun Control Experiments with Matlab and a Joystick

Have fun (or let your students have fun) by playing with real-time
simulations of three classical control experiments. Only Matlab is required.
The three experiments are the ball and beam, the inverted pendulum, and the
flexible beam. The visualization and animation capabilities of Matlab provide
a realistic perception of the behavior of the testbeds, without actual
hardware being needed. A joystick interface enables users to control the
systems manually, providing a fun and educational experience. Automatic
controllers can also be designed to gain insight into a variety of concepts.
The software is available for free at:  www.ece.utah.edu/~bodson/fun. 
The joystick interface is a dynamic link library file requiring a Windows
operating system.

A paper describing the software will appear in the Proc. of the 
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, 2003.

Contributed by: Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, 

IFAC workshop on Time-Delay Systems TDS 03

The final program of the IFAC workshop on Time-Delay Systems TDS'03 has been
achieved! It may be dowloaded from the web site of the event, at the address

Recall that the event will take place at Rocquencourt, near Paris (France), on
September 8-10, immediatly after the next European Control Conference.

The technical program consists of 3 Plenary lectures and 13 sessions.

The Plenary lectures are: "Some frequency-domain approaches to the model
reduction of delay systems", by Jonathan R. Partington (University of  Leeds,
UK), "Differential-delay equations and Max-Plus operators", by Roger D.
Nussbaum (Rutgers  University,  USA), and "Controllability of a fluid in a 1-D
tank", by Jean-Michel Coron (Université Paris-Sud, France).

The 70 contributed papers were selected by the International Program Committee
from a total of 113 submissions.

For more details on the event and the venue, and for registration, please
consult the web site www.inria.fr/tds03 ...

Looking forward to seeing you in Rocquencourt,
On behalf of the organizers,
Pierre-Alexandre Bliman
Chairman of the National Organizing Committee

Contributed by: Hans H. Eder, 

Model Based Control training course
October 20-22, 2001, Brussels, Belgium

A training course for control professionals on practical implementation 
and use of the most powerful control technology. 
Students with control experience learn to develop surprisingly simple yet 
high performing and robust single- and multivariable controls in short time. 
Besides, they will able to select the most suited technology and vendor 
where needed. The course is fully practice oriented and easy to follow, with 
many examples of successful applications but also pitfalls and their 
resolutions. Many realistic PC exercises with our award winning tool TOPAS 
deepen the understanding. All work is done in small groups with an 
exceptionally experienced instructor.

Main Topics:  Motivation for Model Based Predictive Control, application 
areas and criteria for use, model types and selection criteria, the main 
approaches and selection criteria, plant tests and test signals, process 
parameter identification / validation / refinement, closed loop control and 
dynamic model updating, handling of process changes, model errors, non-
linearities, model based feedforward, constraint, multivariable control, 
Application design and implementation, operator interface, economics.  

For more information see
and look at TRAINING or contact: 

Hans H. Eder
ACT - Brussels office, 
Phone & fax (+32)-2-767-0895, 
e-mail: actgmbh@compuserve.com

Contributed by: Edwin Chong, 

Register Online for CDC 2003, Maui

To register online for IEEE CDC 2003, please visit the 
secure website: https://registration.ieeecss.net/users/

We look forward to your participation at the conference.
For more information on the conference, please visit

Edwin Chong
Registration Chair, CDC 2003

Contributed by: Bernard Brogliato, 

Summer School on Nonsmooth Dynamics

The French National Institute for Scientific Research (CNRS) organizes the
second summer school on nonsmooth dynamics, from October 26 to october 31,
2003, at Autrans (French Alpes, France), a small village close to Grenoble. It
is directed towards mathematicians, mechanicians, computer scientists, systems
and control scientists and engineers who would like to understand and simulate
numerically dynamics with impact and/or friction. Web site with all
informations: http://maply.univ-lyon1.fr/dynimpact

Contributed by: Andy Clegg, 

Techniques and Practice in Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Control
17 September 2003
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

It is our pleasure to announce a joint ACT Club / IEE Control and
Automation PN meeting on "Techniques and Practice in Fault Detection,
Diagnosis and Control". This meeting is being kindly hosted by
Strathclyde University in Glasgow on the 17th September 2003. 

This event provides state-of-the-art reviews and contributions from
leading practitioners in the area of fault detection, diagnosis and
fault tolerant control. Presentations cover a wide range of industrial
sectors (e.g. process, power, aerospace, railways) and will allow
delegates to appreciate what techniques are finding use and their
relative pros and cons. 

Topics covered include: 
* fault diagnosis methods - model-based and data-based 
* condition monitoring - for rotating machinery, sensors and actuators 
* technologies for early detection of faults in large-scale systems 
* fault tolerant control - for isolating fault conditions 

Full details of the day's agenda, on-line registration, details of
hotels, travel direction and the ACT Club, can be found at: 
Alternatively, contact the ACT Club on 0141 553 1111.

Contributed by: Jacob Kogan, 

Tutorial Announcement, CIKM 2003

Clustering Large and High Dimensional Data
November 3, 2003, New Orleans, LA
to be Held in Conjunction with the
Twelfth Int Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2003)
(see http://bit.csc.lsu.edu/~cikm2003/)

The tutorial is devoted to applications of numerical linear algebra
techniques and nonlinear optimization tools to clustering large and high
dimensional datasets which arise in diverse applications. The tutorial puts
special emphasis on text mining applications.

Jacob Kogan: kogan@math.umbc.edu
Charles Nicholas: nicholas@umbc.edu
Marc Teboulle: teboulle@post.tau.ac.il

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Contributed by: Cheryl B. Schrader, 

Chair, ECE, Boise State University, USA

Boise State University's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
invites applications and nominations for the position of Department Chair 
(see http://coen.boisestate.edu).  The ECE department was established in 
1997 to help foster the development of Idaho's booming high-tech industry.  
The Department currently offers an accredited Bachelor's degree in 
Electrical Engineering and Master's degrees in Electrical and Computer 
Engineering.  The Chair should be capable of leading the Department in 
developing educational and research programs ultimately leading to 
establishing a Ph.D. degree program.  An individual is sought with a strong 
record of scholarly activity, experience working with industry, and proven 
leadership skills and organization.

Boise is the state capital of Idaho and has been rated as one of the top 10 
high-tech cities in the world by US News and World Report.  With a moderate 
climate and excellent cultural and outdoor activities, Boise is an 
attractive place to live (see http://boise.org).  Please send a CV, list of 
references, statement of accomplishments and future goals to: ECE Chair 
Search Committee, Boise State University, College of Engineering, Boise, ID  
83725-2100.  Applications accepted immediately until the position is 

Contributed by: Hassan Khalil, 

Faculty: Michigan State Univ, USA

Faculty Positions in Control Systems and Computer Engineering
Michigan State University

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan State
University invites applications for tenure-track, academic year, faculty
positions in the areas of control systems and computer engineering. Applicants
in the controls area must have a strong commitment to teaching at all degree
levels and a demonstrated ability for conducting and leading significant
research in control theory and in, at least, one of the emerging applications
of control, such as nanotechnology, bioengineering, networks, etc. In the
computer engineering area, applicants must have a strong commitment to
teaching at all degree levels and a demonstrated ability for conducting and
leading significant research in areas including, but not limited to, analog
and mixed-signal circuit design, networks, computer architecture and design
automation. Applicants at all ranks will be considered. A Ph.D. degree in
electrical or computer engineering is required.

Michigan State University enjoys a park-like campus of over 2,000 developed
acres and over 3,000 acres of outlying research facilities and natural areas.
The campus is adjacent to the city of East Lansing and the capital city of
Lansing. The Greater Lansing area has approximately 450,000 residents. The
local communities have excellent school systems and place a high value on
education. Michigan State University is proactive in exploring opportunities
for the employment of spouses, both inside and outside the University.
Applications should be received by November 15, 2003 for full consideration,
however the search will continue until the positions are filled. Applicants
should submit a full resume, a cover letter, and the names and contact
information of three references. Applications should be submitted to: Search
Committee Chairperson, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2120
Engineering Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing Michigan
48824-1226. For more information please visit the ECE Department web site at
http://www.egr.msu.edu/ece/. The Department, College, and University are
committed to building a culturally diverse faculty and strongly encourage
applications from women and minorities. MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Institution.

Contributed by: S. S. Sritharan, 

Faculty: University of Wyoming, USA
Department of Mathematics

Tenure Track Position in Stochastic Analysis and PDE

Applications are invited for a tenure-track positions starting August 2004.  
The minimum qualifications require an earned Ph.D., significant record of 
accomplishments in research and evidence of a strong commitment to teaching.  
Candidates with research emphasis in stochastic analysis and partial 
differential equations related to fluid dynamics, electromagnetic and 
acoustic fields in random media, and geophysical phenomena will be given 
preference. Ability and interest to supervise masters and doctoral students, 
to collaborate with colleagues in the math department and faculty in related 
disciplines and to develop a competitive, externally funded, research program 
is highly desired.  The deadline for applications is set for December 15, 
2003.  A complete application will consist of a letter of application, a 
complete CV, a statement of research interests and accomplishments and a 
statement of teaching philosophy. Please forward applications to: The 
Analysis Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, P.O. Box 3036, 
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071-3036.  Please have three letters of 
recommendations one of which should address the candidate^Òs teaching sent 
directly.  For further information please contact S. S. Sritharan, Head, 
Department of Mathematics, University of Wyoming, email: sri@uwyo.edu.  
Applications from women and minority candidates are encouraged. EEOA.

Contributed by: Mark W. Spong, 

Teleoperation Research Group
Coordinated Science Lab, UIUC

I have an immediate opening for a postdoctoral research associate to work 
with the Teleoperation Research Group in the Coordinated Science Lab.  Areas 
of interest include teleoperation, networked control systems, haptics, and 
virtual reality.  The successful candidate will work with me, my graduate 
students and postdocs on the theory of bilateral teleoperation and control 
over the Internet.  We have excellent computational and experimental 
facilities.  The position is available starting anytime after August 16, 
2003. Salary is negotiable.  Applications will be accepted until the position 
is filled. 

Contributed by: S. Ge, 

PDF: National University of Singapore

Outstanding young and responsible researchers are invited to apply for a 
Research Fellow Position in the broadly defined area of control theory and 
applications in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the 
National University of Singapore. The applicant preferably has both strong 
engineering background and analytical skills. The appointment is available in 
September 2002 and will be offer on a yearly basis but tenable to two years. 
The successful applicant will be working on related core technical issues in 
advanced control, decision making and path planning of unmanned vehicles. 

To apply, please send the following documents: 
(i)   Duly complete application form that could be downloaded at 
(ii)  Brief CV (Resume) with a statement of personal research interests, 
(iii) Copies of three best research publications as required in the 
      application form, 
(iv)  Copies of relevant degree certificates as required in the application 
(v)   Three reference letters, and 
(vi)  Copies of relevant pages in your passport, to

Dr S. Sam Ge
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117576 
E-mail: elegesz@nus.edu.sg. 

Contributed by: Hao Ying, 

PDF: Wayne State University, USA
Postdoctoral Research Position

We are searching for a postdoctoral researcher with training and/or research
experience in clinical decision-making, and artificial intelligence in
medicine. An outstanding candidate with substantial experience in the fields
will be considered for an appointment as a research faculty in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Our research projects currently focus on analysis and modeling of clinical
decision-making, artificial intelligence in medicine, and the related areas.
Theoretical developments and clinical applications, both of which are
innovative with respect to the literature, are under way. The successful
candidate will actively participate on a research team of electrical and
biomedical engineering faculty, clinical and biostatistics faculty,
students, and technical staff. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree. The
successful candidate should possess knowledge and understanding of existing
and emerging research in these areas. He (or she) should be capable of
working productively in a multidisciplinary collaborative research
and emerging research in these areas. He (or she) should be capable of
working productively in a multidisciplinary collaborative research
environment and have the ability to apply that knowledge to advance his/her
projects independently. Strong communication, writing, and computer skills
are required.

Applications, including curriculum vita and a list of publications, should
be submitted by email to hao.ying@wayne.edu. Applications will be accepted
and review started immediately until the position is filled. The position is
initially for two years, with possible extension subject to the continuation
of funding and individual performance. Salary is commensurate with

For further information, please contact
Dr. Hao Ying, Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wayne State University

Contributed by: Declan Bates, 

PDF, PhD: University of Leicester, UK

Applications are invited for (i) Two Post-Doctoral Research Associate posts,
(ii) One PhD studentship, in the Control and Instrumentation Research Group
at the University of Leicester, U.K. The successful candidates will join a
team led by Dr. Declan Bates and Prof. Ian Postlethwaite and work on a three-
year EPSRC-funded research project due to start in January 2004. The proposed
research will develop new analysis techniques for non-linear systems, with
application to the flight clearance of highly augmented aircraft. This
exciting multi-disciplinary project will be undertaken in collaboration with
leading European aerospace companies, and will include the opportunity to
spend a period at the AIRBUS Flight Dynamics Department in Hamburg, Germany.

Applicants for the RA positions should have a PhD and a proven track record
of research in at least one of the following areas: Flight Dynamics, Robust
Control, Numerical Optimisation, Mathematical Systems Theory.

Applicants for the PhD studentship should have a Masters degree or First
Class Bachelors degree in Engineering, Physics or Mathematics, with
preferably a good knowledge of dynamics and control systems.

Successful applicants will join a large research group with an international
reputation in an RAE 5A-rated department, which offers a stimulating,
friendly and multicultural working environment. The salary for the two PDRA
posts will be on the RA1 scale (GBP 18,265 - 27,339). The PhD studentship
will cover all fees and includes a tax-free maintenance grant of at least GBP
9000 per year.

To apply, please send your C.V., names and full contact details of referees,
and a list of publications (if applicable), by the 15th of October, to:

Dr Declan Bates,
Department of Engineering,
University of Leicester,
University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, U.K.
Email: dgb3@le.ac.uk
Website: http://www.le.ac.uk/eg/research/groups/control/menu.html

Contributed by: Ningsu Luo, 

PhD: University of Girona, Spain

An IGSOC PhD fellowship is presently available in the Department of
Electronics, Computer Science and Automatic Control at the University of
Girona in Spain. The four-year fellowship is offered to well qualified
candidates (non-Spanish nationals) by the PhD program in Information
Girona in Spain. The four-year fellowship is offered to well qualified
candidates (non-Spanish nationals) by the PhD program in Information
Technologies and Electrical Engineering in the framework of International
Graduate School of Catalonia (IGSOC).

The following web page
gives the details about the IGSOC PhD fellowship. The deadline of
application is the 21st September of 2003. For further information,
candidates can contact by email as soon as possible with
 Dr. Ningsu Luo
 Director of PhD program in Information Technologies & Electrical Engineering
 Dept of Electronics, Computer Science and Automatic Control
 University of Girona
 17071 Girona, Spain
 Email: ningsu@eia.udg.es

Contributed by: Naira Hovakimyan, 

PhD: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ, USA

Ph.D. positions are immediately available to work in adaptive control of
distributed parameter systems. Candidates must have excellent  knowledge in
PDEs, dynamics, nonlinear control and approximation theory. Proficiency in
MATLAB required.

Please send inquiries (resume, names of referees etc.) to
        Prof. Naira Hovakimyan
        Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
        Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
        Blacksburg, VA 24061-0203
        email: nhovakim@vt.edu

Contributed by: Wolfram Erlhagen, 

Post-Doc: University of Minho, Portugal
Mathematical Modeling of Cognitive Systems for Applications in
Autonomous Robotics

At the Department of Mathematics for Science and Technology we have an open
research position (start October 2003) in the field of Mathematical
Modeling of Cognitive Systems for Applications in Autonomous Robotics.
The work will take place in the interdisciplinary research project "Artefact
Structural Learning through Imitation" financed by the European Commission.
Collaborations with diverse international research institutions in
Neurobiology, Cognitive Sciences and Robotics exist.

Applicants should be able to build upon a solid education in mathematics
proven by a degree in mathematics, physics or engineering in order to
develop and analyze formal models that lead to new insights about cognitive
functions. The ultimate goal of the work is the implementation of cognitive
capabilities in living artefacts.

Contacts :
Prof. Wolfram Erlhagen,
Departamento de Matemática para C&T,
Universidade do Minho,
4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal,

Prof.Estela Bicho
Department of Industrial Electronics
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Azurem
4800-058 Guimarães
e-mail: estela.bicho@dei.uminho.pt
e-mail: estela.bicho@dei.uminho.pt
Tel: +351 253 510190
Fax: +351 253 510189

Contributed by: I-Jeng Wang, 

Research Scientist: Johns Hopkins, USA
Autonomous Control Systems Research Scientist

The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), a national leader in
scientific research and development, located midway between Baltimore and
Washington, DC is seeking an Autonomous Control Systems Research Scientist.

Conduct research in automated reasoning for autonomous systems. Lead a
research program in autonomous control systems, coordinating with peer
researchers in an interdisciplinary team. Coordinate with systems engineers,
warfare analysts, and space scientists to determine research and development
requirements and transition products into operation. Lead in the capture of
direct sponsored research in autonomous control systems. Present research and
development results in publications and conferences.

*Required: PhD in CS, EE, or Math. 5-10 years experience in a research
environment. Research agenda in autonomous control systems with a
particular emphasis in automated planning/scheduling, control/decision
theory, or hybrid systems. Proven team leadership capability.
*Desired: General programming experience. Experience in constraint
satisfaction programming. Experience in the design and development of real-
time systems. Experience in grant proposal preparation and sponsor interface.

Special Working Conditions: None

Security: Applicants selected will be subject to a Government security

Security: Applicants selected will be subject to a Government security
investigation and must meet the eligibility requirements for access to
classified information. Eligibility requirements include US citizenship.

APL offers a comprehensive benefits package including a liberal vacation
plan, a matching retirement program, significant educational assistance, a
scholarship tuition program for staff with dependents, and competitive
salaries commensurate with skills and experience. For more information about
our organization, please visit our web site at http://www.jhuapl.edu/
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory is an equal opportunity
employer and we value diversity in our workforce. M/F/V/D

To Apply:
Apply via the JHU/APL careers web page by following these instructions:
Go to this website: http://www.jhuapl.edu/employment
Click on Employment Opportunities
Click on View Job Posting/Apply for Job
In the keyword search field, enter the Reference Code for this job (70175),
then click Search
The position will come up with a checkbox at the far right under "add to job
Click on box to add it to the job basket.
Click on apply for jobs in basket button and follow the instructions to
complete pages 1-5 of the on-line application process.

Technical Point of Contact:
Dr. I-Jeng Wang, Senior Research Scientist
System and Information Sciences Group
Research and Technology Development Center
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab.

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Contributed by: Richard M. Murray, 

Control in an Information Rich World:
Report of the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems
Richard M. Murray (editor)
SIAM, 2003

This report documents the findings and recommendations of the Panel on
Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems, which was was formed in
April 2000 to provide a renewed vision of future challenges and
opportunities in the field of control. The Panel was chaired by Professor
Richard M. Murray (Caltech) and was formed with the help of an organizing
committee consisting of Professor Roger Brockett (Harvard), Professor John
Burns (VPI), Professor John Doyle (Caltech), and Dr. Gunter Stein

This brief yet thorough report provides renewed vision, a detailed list of
new application areas, and specific recommendations for future research
directions in control, dynamics, and systems, compiled by experts in the
field.  Students, researchers, and decision makers interested in knowing
more about control and its relevance to future technological applications
will gain much from this detailed overview.

A web site has been established to provide a central repository for
materials generated by the Panel, including a full copy of the report that
can be downloaded free of charge:
The report is available in book form through SIAM and includes high
resolution versions of the figures and a detailed index.  It maybe ordered
from the SIAM through the web at

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Reza Moheimani, 

CFP: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
Focused Section on Smart Materials and Structures

The field of smart structures is an emerging engineering field that has
captured the attention of many engineering professionals and academics in
recent years. A smart structure incorporates "smart material" sensors and
actuators, electronic signal processing and advanced control systems to
produce appropriate actuator response for particular sensor inputs. Smart
materials are materials that possess adaptive capabilities to external
stimuli. Electrostrictive polymers, piezoelectric materials,
electrorheological and magnetorheological fluids, shape memory alloys and
magnetostrictive materials fall within this category.

The field of smart structures has experienced explosive growth over the past
decade. In an effort to disseminate recent advances in the field and to
stimulate a discussion on the future mechatronics-related research
directions in this area, the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics invites
submissions for a focused section on "Smart Materials and Structures". It is
hoped that this focused section will present an overview of the field to the
mechatronics community, and will encourage a more active participation from
the community in this field.

Some of the areas particularly targeted by this focused section are:

Some of the areas particularly targeted by this focused section are:

* Applications in micro and nano-positioning systems, and in MEMS;
* Use of smart materials for power harvesting;
* Applications of smart material actuators in active noise and vibration
  control systems;
* Applications in civil structures;
* Dealing with hysteresis, and other nonlinearities, in feedback control of
  smart structures;
* Modeling, signal processing and control of smart structures;
* Applications of smart structures in aerospace systems;

Papers must contain high-quality original contributions and be prepared in
accordance with the standards of the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.
Submitted papers must not have been previously published or be under review
for possible publication elsewhere. Contributed manuscripts, in PDF format,
should be emailed to the Guest Editor by December 31, 2003. Submitted
manuscripts should be prepared in double column format using the IEEE
style file (http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/authors.html). Regular
papers are expected to be limited to eight Transactions pages and short
papers to four pages including all figures and tables. Longer papers may be
accepted if the added length is judged to make a substantial contribution.

All the papers will be rigorously reviewed according to the standards of the
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. Only contributions that have
practical results obtained from laboratory scale or full scale apparatus
will be included.

Dr. Reza Moheimani, Guest Editor
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
Fax: +61-2-49216993
Tel: +61-2-49216030
Email: reza@ee.newcastle.edu.au

Contributed by: Graham Woodward, 

CFP: Int Jour of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

Special issue on "Iterative Modelling and Control"

Iterative modelling and controller design methods have been developed at
least for the past 16 years or longer: second-order modelling, LQG and
covariance controllers; the "windsurfer" approach; compatible criteria for
identification and control; synergy in minimum variance control; cautious
control based on gap and other metrics; unfalsification based iterative
methods, etc. A series of papers were written in favour of control design
methods which iterate between closed-loop experiments, modelling and robust
controller design.

Research still carries on for various reasons:
(i)     appearance of new metrics and measures of performance
(ii)    new model classes
(iii)   to explain the synergistic interaction between modelling and control
(iv)    to propose new identification criteria of modelling for control.

Introduction of  easily computable practical schemes is also of interest as
well as applications and the automation of iterations for adaptive control in
autonomous control systems.

Papers are invited for submission on various topics of iterative methods:
. New or refined algorithms to serve practical problems Applications examples
. Theoretical convergence proofs for iterations Performance guarantees
. Automated methods of iterations to implement adaptive controllers Iterative
  feedback tuning methods Controller unfalsification methods

Submission details:
Prospective authors are requested to submit their paper in postscript or pdf
format, or five copies by regular mail to the journal's subject Editor Prof S
M Veres, not later than 15th October 2003. All papers will be reviewed
following standard procedures of the journal. For further information please
contact either of the Editors listed below.

Prof S M Veres, School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton
Highfield, SO19 9TE, UK Email: sandy@mech.soton.ac.uk
Prof S M Veres, School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton
Highfield, SO19 9TE, UK Email: sandy@mech.soton.ac.uk
Dr Robert L. Kosut, SC Solutions, Inc, 1261 Oakmead Pkwy Sunnyvale,
CA 94085, USA Email: kosut@scsolutions.com

Contributed by: Peng Shi, 

CFP: Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory
Special issue on "Stability Analysis and Synthesis for Time Delay Stochastic
Nonlinear Systems"

Stochastic nonlinear differential equations have been widely used to model
physical systems that have abrupt variations in their structures. These
abrupt variations may result from component and interconnection failures or
repairs, parameters shifting, sudden environmental disturbances, abrupt
variations of the operating point, etc. Stochastic nonlinear differential
equations typically consist of both continuous and discrete states, which
are, respectively, modeled by nonlinear differential equations and
stochastic processes. Various engineering systems such as electrical
networks, economic systems, manufacturing systems, communication systems,
etc. have the characteristics of time-delay. In general, the existence of
time delays degrades the control performance and may make the closed-loop
stabilization very difficult. We hereby, propose a special issue on
stability analysis and synthesis for time delay stochastic nonlinear

Submission details:
Prospective authors are requested to submit their paper in postscript or
pdf format, or three copies by regular mail to the guest editors Dr Sing
Kiong Nguang or Dr Peng Shi, not later than 31 January 2004. All papers will
be reviewed following standard procedures of the journal. For further
information please contact either of the Guest Editors listed below. The
accepted papers will be published in JNDST Issue 2 or Issue 3, 2004.

Dr Sing Kiong Nguang

Dr Sing Kiong Nguang
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019 Auckland, New Zealand
Email: sk.nguang@auckland.ac.nz

Dr Peng Shi
Weapons Systems Division
Defence Science and Technology Organisation
PO Box 1500, Edinburgh 5111 SA, Australia
Email:  peng.shi@dsto.defence.gov.au

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

Contents: Asian Journal of Control, Sept 2003
Vol. 5, Nol. 3, September, 2003

1.Title: Regularizability of Linear Descriptor Systems via Output
         Plus Partial State Derivative Feedback
 Author: Guang-Ren Duan and Xian Zhang
2.Title: Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Frequency-Weighted
         Optimal H¡Û Model Reduction
 Author: Fen Wu and Juan J. Jaramillo
3.Title: Robust MRAC of a Nonautonomous Parabolic System with
         Spatiotemporally Varying Coefficients and Bounded Disturbance
 Author: Kyung-Jinn Yang and Keum-Shik Hong
4.Title: Robust H¡Û Filtering for Uncertain Stochastic Time-Delay Systems
 Author: Shengyuan Xu and Tongwen Chen
5.Title: PID Controller Design with Guaranteed Gain and Phase Margins
 Author: Ming-Tzu Ho and Hsing-Sen Wang
6.Title: Robust State Feedback Control Through Actuators with
 Author: Ming-Tzu Ho and Hsing-Sen Wang
6.Title: Robust State Feedback Control Through Actuators with
         Generalized Sector Nonlinearities and Saturation
 Author: Chih-Chin Hsu and I-Kong Fong
7.Title: Toward the Implementation of a Seek-Controller for Optical
         Pick-up Head Using Discrete Sliding-Mode Control Scheme
 Author: Tsang-Li Tai and Jian-Shiang Chen

8.Title: Robust Stability for Uncertain Discrete Singular Systems
         with State Delay
 Author: Shengyuan Xu and James Lam
9.Title: Quaternion Feedback Attitude Control Design: A Nonlinear H¡Û Approach
 Author: Long-Life Show, Jyh-Ching Juang, Ying-Wen Jan and Chen-Tzung Lin
10.Title: Mixed Constrained Infinite Horizon Linear Quadratic optimal Control
  Author: Jinhoon Choi and Kwang Soon Lee
11.Title: New Sampling Mode for Linear Time-Varying Systems
  Author: Ge Guo and Qiu Qiang
12.Title: Period and Priority Assignment Method for DCS Design
  Author: Hyoung yuk Kim and Hong Seong Park
13.Title: A New Delay-Dependent Stability Criterion for Neutral
          Delay-Differential Systems
  Author: Bin Yang, Jincheng Wang and Chongquan Zhong
Contributed by: A.H. Glattfelder, 

Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Volume 11, Issue 9, Pages 975-1094 (September 2003)
With Special Section on Algorithms and Applications of Iterative Feedback
Tuning, edited by H. Hjalmarsson & M. Gevers

Reconfigurable distributed control using smart peripheral elements, H. Bentez-
Perez, F. Garca-Nocetti, pp 975-988
Perez, F. Garca-Nocetti, pp 975-988

Large angle attitude control of spacecraft with actuator saturation, H. Bang,
M.-J. Tahk, H.-D. Choi, pp 989-997

An adaptive control law for robotic manipulator without velocity feedback, F.
Alonge, F. D'Ippolito, F.M. Raimondi, pp 999-1005

On-line estimation of unmeasured inputs for anaerobic wastewater treatment
processes, D. Theilliol, J.-C. Ponsart, J. Harmand, C. Join, P. Gras, pp 1007-

Special section on algorithms and applications of Iterative Feedback Tuning,
H. Hjalmarsson, M. Gevers, pp 1021

Iterative feedback tuning of PID parameters: comparison with classical tuning
rules, O. Lequin, M. Gevers, M. Mossberg, E. Bosmans, L. Triest, pp 1023-1033

Tuning of a decoupling controller for a 2x2 system using iterative feedback
tuning, S. Gunnarsson, V. Collignon, O. Rousseaux, pp 1035-1041

Iterative feedback tuning for internal model controllers, F. De Bruyne, pp

Model-free frequency domain iterative active sound and vibration control, T.
Meurers, S.M. Veres, A.C.H. Tan, pp 1049-1059

Iterative feedback tuning of controllers for a two-mass-spring system with
friction, K. Hamamoto, T. Fukuda, T. Sugie, pp 1061-1068

Iterative correlation-based controller tuning with application to a magnetic
suspension system, A. Karimi, L. Miskovic, D. Bonvin, pp 1069-1078

Iterative controller optimization for nonlinear systems, J. Sjoberg, F. De
Bruyne, M. Agarwal, B.D.O. Anderson, M. Gevers, F.J. Kraus, N. Linard, pp

A signal convolution method for estimation of controller parameter
sensitivity functions for tuning of feedback control systems by an iterative
process, D.J. Murray-Smith, J. Kocijan, M. Gong, pp 1087-1094

Contributed by: Danila Ferrara, 

Contents: European Journal of Control
Fundamental Issues in Control

S. Bittanti
Guest Editorial
I. Postlethwaite, J. M. Maciejowski, K. Glover, P. J. Fleming

Future Directions in Control, Dynamics and Systems: Overview, Grand
Challenges and New Courses
  R.M. Murray
Fairness and Stability of End-to-End Congestion Control
  F. Kelly
Hybrid Systems Modeling and Control
  M. Morari, M. Baotic and F. Borrelli
State and Output Feedback Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: An Overview
  R. Findeisen, L. Imsland, F. Allgöwer and B. A. Foss
Flight Control Law Design: An Industry Perspective
  G. J. Balas
Feedback Control in Intracellular Signaling Pathways: Regulating Chemotaxis
in Disctyostelium Discoideum
  P. A. Iglesias
Bioinformatics: Organisms from Venus, Technology from Jupiter, Algorithms
from Mars
  B. De Moor, K. Marchal, J. Mathys and Y. Moreau
Quantum Control and Quantum Entanglement
  C. Ahn, H. M. Wiseman and G. J. Milburn
Density and Cost in Non-linear Control
  A. Rantzer and S. Hedlund
The Behavioural Approach as a Paradigm for Modeling Interconnected Systems
  H. L. Trentelman and J. C. Willems
Semidefinite Programming Relaxations and Algebraic Optimization in Control
  P.A. Parrilo and S. Lall
Semidefinite Programming Relaxations and Algebraic Optimization in Control
  P.A. Parrilo and S. Lall
The Complementarity Class of Hybrid Dynamical Systems
  W. P. M. H. Heemels and B. Brogliato

Call for Papers
Special Issue "Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control"
Guest Editors: A. Astolfi and A. J. van der Schaft

Contributed by: Misha Skliar, 

Contents: IEEE Transactions Control Systems Technology
September 2003, Vol. 11, No. 5

Special Issue on Control of Industrial Spatially Distributed Processes
    D. Dochain, G. Dumont, D. Gorinevsky, and T. Ogunnaike


Feedback Controller Design for a Spatially Distributed System: The Paper
Machine Problem
    G. E. Stewart, D. M. Gorinevsky, and G. A. Dumont
Identification Tool for Cross-Directional Processes
    D. Gorinevsky and C. Gheorghe
Force Allocation in a Large-Scale Distributed Active Surface
    M. P. J. Fromherz and W. B. Jackson
Control of Temperature Profile for a Spray Deposition Process
    P. D. A. Jones, S. R. Duncan, T. Rayment, and P. S. Grant
Modeling and Control of Distributed Thermal Systems
    A. Emami-Naeini, J. L. Ebert, D. de Roover, R. L. Kosut, M. Dettori,
    L. M. Porter, and S. Ghosal
Worst-Case and Distributional Robustness Analysis of Finite-Time Control
    L. M. Porter, and S. Ghosal
Worst-Case and Distributional Robustness Analysis of Finite-Time Control
Trajectories for Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems
    Z. K. Nagy and R. D. Braatz
Model Predictive Control of a Catalytic Reverse Flow Reactor
    P. Dufour, F. Couenne, and Y. Touré
Modeling and Control of Cement Grinding Processes
    M. Boulvin, A. Vande Wouwer, R. Lepore, C. Renotte, and M. Remy
Spatial System Identification of a Simply Supported Beam and a Trapezoidal
Cantilever Plate
    A. J. Fleming and S. O. R. Moheimani
Optimal Actuator/Sensor Placement for Nonlinear Control of the
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation
    Y. Lou and P. D. Christofides


Reduced Order Cross-Directional Controller Design for Sheet Forming
    A. Rigopoulos and Y. Arkun
Scanning Actuator Guidance Scheme in a 1-D Thermal Manufacturing Process
    M. A. Demetriou, A. Paskaleva, O. Vayena, and H. Doumanidis
Control of Lateral Motion in Moving Webs
    J. B. Yerashunas, J. A. De Abreu-Garcia, and T. T. Hartley

Contributed by: T.S. Lee, 

Contents: ISA Transactions
Volume 42, Number 3 - July 2003

Sensor calibration and compensation using artificial neural network;
  Shakeb A. Khan, D.T. Shahani, A.K. Agarwala; pp 337-352
A distortion corrected single camera-based weight estimation technique for
industrial objects;
  Subhasis Chaudhuri, Anirban Mukherjee, Pranab K. Dutta, Amit Patra; pp 353-
industrial objects;
  Subhasis Chaudhuri, Anirban Mukherjee, Pranab K. Dutta, Amit Patra; pp 353-
Data flow modeling for batch and hybrid processes;
  Jean-Marie Flaus, Luc Thevenon; pp 361-380
Robust quadratic stabilization applied to design of continuous-time and
discrete-time observers;
  Fikret Caliskan, Mohamed A. Zohdy; pp 381-390
Calculation of PID controller parameters by using a fuzzy neural network;
  Ching-Hung Lee, Ching-Cheng Teng; pp 391-400
Hybrid modeling and dynamic simulation of automated batch plants; A. Sanchez,
  L.F. Parra, R. Baird, S. Macchietto; pp 401-420
CRONE control of continuous linear time periodic systems: Application to a
testing bench;
  Jocelyn Sabatier, Alain Oustaloup, Aitor Garcia Iturricha, Francois Levron;
  pp 421-436
Self-tuning adaptive control for an industrial weigh belt feeder;
  Yanan Zhao, Emmanual G. Collins, Jr., David A. Cartes; pp 437-450
Design and experimental evaluation of a simple and robust control setup for
measurement optimization in industrial applications;
  Giulio D~REmilia, Luciano De Santis; pp 451-460
Operation and control of a water supply system;
  Ilyas Eker, Tolgay Kara; pp 461-474
Active noise control using a distributed mode flat panel loudspeaker;
  H. Zhu, R. Rajamani, J. Dudney, K.A. Stelson; pp 475-484
Creating an automated chiller fault detection and diagnostics tool using a
data fault library;
  Margaret B. Bailey, Jan F. Kreider; pp 485-496
Software objects in distributed flow measurements;
  Ivan Marie; pp 497-504

Subscription information is at http://www.isa.org/isatransactions

Contributed by: Józef Korbicz, 

Contents: Int. J. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Vol. 13, No. 2

1. Hou X.: The asymptotical stability of a dynamic system with 
   structural damping, pp. 131-138
2. Zerrik E.H. and Bourray H.: Gradient observability for diffusion 
   systems, pp. 139-150
3. Twardowska K., Marnik T. and Pas³awska-Po³udniak M.: Approximation of
   the Zakai equation in a nonlinear filtering problem with delay, pp.151-160
4. Kaczorek T.: The relationship between the infinite eigenvalue assignment
   for singular systems and the solvability of polynomial matrix equations, 
   pp. 161-167
5. Songschon S. and Longman R.W.: Comparison of the stability boundary and
   the frequency response stability condition in learning and repetitive 
   control, pp. 169-177
6. Gurfil P.:Quantitative Lp stability analysis of a class of linear 
   time-varying feedback systems, pp. 179-184
7. Phan M.Q., Longman R.W., Lee C.S. and Lee J.W.: System identification
   from multiple-trial data corrupted by non-repeating periodic disturbances, 
   pp. 185-192
8. Mitkowski W.: Remarks about energy transfer in an RC ladder network, 
   pp. 193-198
9. Janiszowski K.B.: Inversion of square matrices in processors with
   limited calculation abillities, pp. 199-204
10.Sadecki J.: An efficiency analysis of the parallel multitransputer
   implementation of two-level optimization algorithms, pp.  205-214
11.£êski J.: A fuzzy if-then rule-based nonlinear classifier, pp. 215-223
12.Alimi A.M., Hassine R. and Selmi M.: Beta fuzzy logic systems: 
   Approximation properties in the MIMO case, pp. 225-238
13.Taibi T. and Ngo D.C.L.: Modeling of distributed objects computing 
   design pattern combinations using a formal specification language, 
   pp. 239-253
14.Mrozek Z.: Computer aided design of mechatronic systems, pp. 255-267

Contributed by: Yuri L. Sachkov, 

Contents: JDCS
Incorporating Dynamics and Control
Vol 9, No. 4  October 2003


Classification of Supertransitive 2-Webs on Surfaces
S.Kh. Aranson, V.Z. Grines, and V.A. Kaimanovich, 455--468

Nonlinear Robust Control Problems of Parabolic Type
Equations with Time-Varying Delays Given in the Integral Form
Aziz Belmiloudi, 469--512

Uniqueness of Local Control Sets
Fritz Colonius and Marco Spadini, 513--530

Normal Forms of Germs of Contact Sub-Lorentzian Structures on R3. 
Differentiability of the Sub-Lorentzian Distance Function
Marek Grochowski, 531--547

Optimal Control of Rigid Body  Rotation Around Center of Mass 
Ilya Ioslovich, 549--562

Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems with an Infinite Set of Discrete States
Grant N. Galbraith and Richard B. Vinter, 563--584

Regional Gradient-Constrained Control Problem. Approaches and Simulations
E. Zerrik and F. Ghafrani, 585--599

Contributed by: Jen Samuels, 

Contents: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Volume 26, Number 5, September-October 2003


Historical Perspective on Analysis and Control of Aeroelastic 
V. Mukhopadhyay, p. 673


General Class of Tensegrity Structures: Topology and Prestress 
Equilibrium Analysis
D. Williamson and R. E Skelton, p. 685

Optimal Update Scheme for Drag Reference Profiles in an Entry 
W. Grimm, J. G. van der Meulen, A. J. Roenneke, p. 695

Probability of Midair Collision During Ultra Closely Spaced Parallel 
S. W. Houck and J. D. Powell, p. 702

Improving Conventional Longitudinal Missile Autopilot Using Cerebellar 
Model Articulation Controller Neural Networks
C. C. Lin and F. C. Chen, p. 711

Reconfigurable Nonlinear Autopilot
M. Bodson, p. 719

Satellite Collision Probability for Nonlinear Relative Motion
R. P. Patera, p. 728

Mission Functionality for Deflecting Earth-Crossing Asteroids/Comets
S.-Y. Park and D. D. Mazanek, p. 734

Orbits in a Generalized Two-Body Problem
C. R. McInnes, p. 743

New Class of Optimal Plane Change Maneuvers
B. F. Villac and D. J. Scheeres, p. 750

Statistical Analysis of Control Maneuvers in Unstable Orbital 
C. A. Renault and D. J. Scheeres, p. 758

Planning Algorithm for Multiple Satellite Clusters
M. E. Campbell, p. 770

Precise Ephemeris Reconstruction Using the Clohessy^ÖWiltshire 
Frame and Multiple Sequential Compressions
D.-J. Lee, T. S. No, S.-W. Choi, S.-R. Lee, H.-J. Kim, K. T. Alfriend, p. 781

Analysis of Frozen Conditions and Optimal Frozen Orbit Insertion
M. Aorpimai and P. L. Palmer, p. 786

Spacecraft Architecture for Disturbance-Free Payload
N. Pedreiro, p. 794

Orbital Maneuvering with Electrodynamic Tethers
S. G. Tragesser and H. San, p. 805

Evaluation of Longitudinal Desired Dynamics for Dynamic-Inversion 
Controlled Generic Reentry Vehicles
J. Georgie and J. Valasek, p. 811


Global Positioning System-Based Attitude Determination 
and the Orthogonal Procrustes Problem
T. Bell, p. 820

New Proportional Navigation Law for Ground-to-Air Systems
J. Z. Ben-Asher, N. Farber, S. Levinson, p. 822

Trigonometric Models for Large-Angle Aerodynamic Force Coefficients
R. L. Barron, p. 825

Two-Timescale Analysis of Phugoid Mode
F. Giulietti, p. 827


Review of Introduction to Avionic Systems (2nd edition)
I. Y. Bar-Itzhack, p. 831

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume 372, Pages 1-345 (1 October 2003)


On a moment problem for rational matrix-valued functions, Pages 1-31
Bernd Fritzsche, Bernd Kirstein and Andreas Lasarow

Perturbation analysis of the matrix equation , Pages 33-51
Ji-guang Sun

A graph theoretical determination of solvable complete rigid Lie algebras, 
Pages 53-66
R. Campoamor-Stursberg

Friedland-Hersonsky problem for matrix algebra, Pages 67-78
Wensheng Cao and Xiantao Wang

A generalization of the bounded real lemma, Pages 79-103
Akos Laszlo

Hermite-Biehler, Routh-Hurwitz, and total positivity, Pages 105-110
Olga Holtz

N-matrix completion problem, Pages 111-125
C. Mendes Araujo, Juan R. Torregrosa and Ana M. Urbano

On meet and join matrices associated with incidence functions, Pages 127-153
Ismo Korkee and Pentti Haukkanen

Invertibility preserving linear maps on -subspace lattice algebras, Pages 155-
Pengtong Li, Fangyan Lu and Jipu Ma

On the bicommutant for one type of J-symmetric nilpotent algebras in Krein 
spaces, Pages 167-180
Vladimir Strauss

On eigenvalues induced by a cone constraint, Pages 181-206
Alberto Seeger and Mounir Torki

A revisitation of formulae for the Moore-Penrose inverse of modified 
matrices, Pages 207-224
Jerzy K. Baksalary, Oskar Maria Baksalary and Gotz Trenkler

A parameterization of positive definite matrices in terms of partial 
correlation vines, Pages 225-251
Dorota Kurowicka and Roger Cooke

A characterization of Jordan canonical forms which are similar to eventually 
nonnegative matrices with the properties of nonnegative matrices, Pages
Boris G. Zaslavsky and Judith J. McDonald

Linear operators preserving adjoint matrix between matrix spaces, Pages 287-
Xiao Min Tang

On Hermitian positive definite solutions of matrix equation X+A*X-2A=I, Pages 
Yuhai Zhang

Rank restricting functions, Pages 305-323
Aharon Atzmon and Allan Pinkus

A note on companion matrices, Pages 325-331
Miroslav Fiedler

Polygonal chains with minimal energy, Pages 333-344
Juan Rada and Antonio Tineo

Author index, Page 345
Lists of Editors, Pages ii-iii

Contributed by: J.H. van Schuppen, 

Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems
Volume 16 (2003), Number 1

D. D'Alessandro,
Controllability of one spin and two interacting spins.
MCSS 16 (2003), 1-25.

A. Feintuch,
Orthogonal embeddings of linear time-varying systems.
MCSS 16 (2003), 26-43.

D.M. Boskovic, A. Balogh and M. Krstic,
Backstepping in infinite dimension for a class of 
parabolic distributed parameter systems.
MCSS 16 (2003), 44-75.

P. Benner, V. Hernandez and A. Pastor,
The Kleinman iteration for nonstabilizable systems.
MCSS 16 (2003), 76-93.

The tables of contents of MCSS and the .pdf files 
of its papers are available from the publisher Springer at:

Information on MCSS is available also at the Editors' home

Address for submissions by email or regular mail:
J.H. van Schuppen (Editor-in-Chief MCSS)
P.O.Box 94079
1090 GB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Email mcss@cwi.nl

Eduardo Sontag and Jan van Schuppen (Editors)

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Okyay Kaynak, 

12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'04)
June 6-9, 2004, Kuþadasý, TURKEY
Technical co-sponsor: IEEE Control Systems Society

The organizing committee of MED'04 extends a cordial invitation to you to
12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'04) in
Kuþadasý, Turkey.

MED'04 is the 12th conference of a series of meetings that has been going on 
since 1993. It has the goal of bringing together experts from different areas 
of expertise and from different countries to discuss the state-of-the-art and 
to present new research results and perspectives of future developments in 
control theory and applications and automation.

Please visit the web site of the conference
to see the coverage of the conference.

Registration Fees
The registration fee of MED^Ò04 will cover 4 nights of accommodation at a 
resort-style hotel, all meals and a tour of Ephesus. The fee is expected to 
be lower than Euro 560.00 (tentative). For more details, please see the web 

Paper submission
Prospective participants are invited to electronically submit the full 
version of their work (in PDF file), following the instructions available on 
the Conference web site. Accepted papers will be published in a proceedings 
volume that will be available at the time of the conference. Some papers will 
be selected for publication in focused sections of learned journals.

Submission of Full papers	          31 January 2004
Special session and tutorial proposals	  31 January 2004
Notification of peer review results	  14 March 2004
Camera-ready submission of full papers	   5 April 2004

For further info, pls send some electrons to kaynak@boun.edu.tr
General Chair: Okyay Kaynak
Tech. Prog. Co-chairs: Petros Ioannou, Robert King and Li Qiu
Honorary Chair: Tamer Başar
Advisory Committee Chair: Frank Lewis

Contributed by: Gary G. Yen, 

2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control
October 5-8, The Westin Galleria, Houston, Texas, USA

The organizing committee of the ISIC2003 would like to invite all 
interested researchers to participate this annual event on intelligent
control sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society. 

Sunday Morning 8:00am-12:00pm
* Multiresolutional Hierarchical Decision Support Systems
  Alex Meystel, Drexel University
* Computational Intelligence for Identification, Control & Optimization 
  of Nonlinear Systems
  Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy, University of Missouri-Rolla 
  Ronald G. Harley, Georgia Institute of Technology
Sunday Afternoon 1:00pm-5:00pm
* Smart Embedded Systems for Control
  Jagannathan Sarangapani, University of Missouri-Rolla
  Sesh Commuri, The University of Oklahoma
* Soft Computing in the Smart Cockpit
  John Valasek and John H. Painter, Texas A&M University
* Fuzzy Logic Control: Analysis and Synthesis
  Reza Lengari, Texas A&M University
  Kazuo Tanaka, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo
  Hua Wang, Boston University

Monday Plenary Speech: 8:30am-9:30am
* A Hamilton-Jacobi Setup for Constrained Neural Network Control
  Frank Lewis, The University of Texas at Arlington
Tuesday Plenary Speech: 8:30am-9:30am
* Scalable Distributed Intelligence
  Ricardo Sanz, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Wednesday Plenary Speech: 8:30am-9:30pm
* Intelligent Control of Mechatronic Systems
  T. H. Lee, National University of Singapore

Tuesday TP Session: 4:00pm-6:00pm
* Intelligent Control Imitating Biology: Promises, Challenges and Lessons
  Panos Antsaklis, The University of Notre Dame

The conference highlights several INVITED SESSIONS and 26 GENERAL SESSIONS
over three days covering the theme of the conference in Intelligent Control
of Complex Systems.
For more information on the technical program of the symposium and 
registration details, go visit the conference web site at 

Contributed by: Eduardo Misawa, 

2004 ACC: Call for Interactive Sessions
Invitation to Submit Proposals for Interactive Sessions

As the Vice-Chair for Special Sessions for the 2004 American Control 
Conference (2004 ACC) I would like to invite and encourage you to submit 
proposals for Interactive Sessions.  These are sessions held in large 
rooms, so that the presenters can bring in hardware that can be used to 
provide live demonstrations, probably allowing some hands-on interactions 
with the conference attendees.

This solicitation is for proposals for interactive sessions organized
around a common theme of your choice. The Organizing and Program Committees
of the 2004 ACC will review the proposals and make final selections.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please contact me at 
405-744-5904 or by e-mail at misawa@okstate.edu

Additional conference information is available at 

The submission deadline is September 15, 2003, and the proposals
should be sent directly to me.

Eduardo Misawa
Vice-Chair for Special Sessions
2004 American Control Conference
June 30 July 2, 2004
Boston, Massachusetts

Contributed by: Andrew Alleyne, 

Call for Papers: 2004 American Control Conference
June 30 to July 2, 2004
Boston Sheraton Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

DEADLINE (for all submissions): September 15, 2003

The American Automatic Control Council will hold the "2004 American Control
Conference" Wednesday through Friday, June 30 to July 2, 2004 at the Boston
Sheraton Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. The conference is sponsored by the
AACC (American Automatic Control Council) and is held in cooperation with the
IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control). The topics for the
conference cover all aspects of control engineering and span the scope of the
eight member societies of AACC: AIAA, AIChE, AISE, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, ISA,
and SCS.

Call for Papers and Workshops
Papers are solicited in the form of regular manuscripts (6 proceeding pages)
and short manuscripts (2 pages).  The conference also calls for proposals for
invited sessions, tutorial sessions, interactive sessions, and workshops.
Nominations are also solicited for the Student Best Paper competition.

Further information: Please consult the conference web site 
or contact the following conference organizers:
General Chair
   Jason L. Speyer
   Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department 
   University of California, Los Angeles
   Los Angeles, CA 90095-1597
   Tel: (310) 206-4451
   Fax: (310) 206-2302
   Email: speyer@seas.ucla.edu
Program Chair
   Lucy Y. Pao
   Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
   University of Colorado
   Boulder, CO 80309-0425 
   Tel: (303) 492-2360
   Fax:  (303) 492-2758
   Email: pao@colorado.edu

Contributed by: George J. Pappas, 

Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2004
MARCH 25-27, 2004
Hilton Inn at Penn, 3600 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

The Seventh International Workshop on Hybrid Systems : Computation
and Control  (HSCC 2004), will be held at the Hilton Inn at Penn
on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania, from March 25-27,
2004. The annual workshop on hybrid systems attracts researchers from
academia and industry interested in modeling, analysis, and
implementation of dynamic and reactive systems involving both discrete
and continuous behaviors.

Submissions are invited in all areas pertaining to the design,
analysis, implementation, and applications of hybrid systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
    * Modeling and representations
    * Computability and complexity issues
    * Tools  for analysis and verification
    * Tools  for synthesis and design
    * Programming language support and implementation
    * Control and optimization
    * Hybrid models in biology and other sciences
    * Engineering applications such as automotive control, avionics,
      energy systems, transportation networks, manufacturing, and robotics

The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series. Selected papers will be invited after the meeting
to submit an extended version to a special issue of the journal Formal
Methods in System Design (Kluwer Academic Publishers). Submitted papers must
present original, unpublished research that has not been submitted
elsewhere. Papers should be prepared using Springer's LNCS style, and must
be at most 15 pages including abstract, figures, and bibliography.
Instructions for submitting the papers electronically will be available on
the conference homepage in September 2003.

October 10, 2003: Submission deadline
December 1, 2003: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
January  15,2004: Final Papers Due

For more information, please visit the conference web site.

Contributed by: M. Isabel Ribeiro, 

IAV2004 - 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
July 5-7, 2004
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, PORTUGAL

DEADLINE (for all submissions): December 1, 2003

The 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles - IAV2004 -
will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 5 to 7 July 2004. IAV2004 is
organized by the Institute for Systems and Robotics/IST on behalf of
APCA - the Portuguese Association of Automatic Control. This event is
sponsored by IFAC TC on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles and co-sponsored
by IFAC TCs on Robotics, Marine Systems and Aerospace, and EURON -
European Robotics Research Network. 

The IAV2004 will provide an excellent opportunity for the presentation
and discussion of research and development work in the general area of
intelligent autonomous vehicles. Researchers and practitioners from the
fields of land, air and marine robotics will be brought together to
discuss common theoretical and practical problems, describe scientific
and commercial applications and explore avenues for future research. 

See the symposium web sit for a list of topics.

Contributed papers and invited session proposals are solicited.
Contributed papers and papers for invited sessions must comply with the
IFAC conference format (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ifac) and should
not exceed 6 two-column pages. Prospective authors are invited to submit
full papers in PDF or Postscript formats through the symposium website.
For instructions on how to submit a proposal for an invited session, see
the symposium web site. 

At least one of the authors of an accepted paper must register for the
symposium. Accepted papers will appear in the conference Preprints (in
CD format) distributed during the meeting.  Papers duly presented will
be archived and offered for sale in the form of Proceedings volumes by
Elsevier Science, Oxford, England.

Please consult the symposium web site 
or contact the IAV2004 secretariat by e-mail  

   M. Isabel Ribeiro
   Institute for Systems and Robotics 
   Instituto Superior Tecnico
   Av.Rovisco Pais, 1
   1049-001 Lisboa, PORTUGAL
   Tel: +351 218418059
   Fax: +351 218418291
   Email: mir@isr.ist.utl.pt

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