E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 180, August, 2003

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 180, August, 2003

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936

      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
      Submission deadline for September eletter: August 30, 2003


0. Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	Change of Address: Leandro G. Barajas
	1.2	New address: Paulo Tabuada

2.	Awards Honors

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	CSS Digital Archive: Special Offer

4.	Positions
	4.1	Control Systems Engineer GE Global India
	4.2	PhD: University of Girona Spain
	4.3	Post Doc: Naval Postgraduate School USA

5.	Books
	5.1	Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems
	5.2	Robust Adaptive Control

6.	Journals
	6.1	CFP: ELEKTRIK Special Issue on Control of Communication Networks
	6.2	CFP: Int Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
	6.3	Contents: Automatica
	6.4	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	6.5	Contents: European Journal of Control
	6.6	Contents: IEEE TAC June 2003
	6.7	Contents: IEEE TAC May 2003
	6.8	Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

7.	Conferences
	7.1	8th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics and Vision
	7.2	African Control Conference
	7.3	ESF-TED Workshop: Multiple Participant Decision Making
	7.4	LSS2004
	7.5	Symposium on QFT and Robust Frequency Domain Methods
	7.6	Workshop on Clustering Large Data Sets

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Welcome to the 180-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of Sept 2003.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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Contributed by: Leandro G. Barajas , 

Change of Address: Leandro G. Barajas

New contact information:
Leandro G. Barajas
Manufacturing Systems Research Laboratory
General Motors R&D Center and Planning
Mail Code 480-106-359
30500 Mound Rd, Warren, MI 48090-9055, USA
Phone: (586)986-0467 
Fax:   (586)986-9356
Email: L.G.Barajas@ieee.org

Contributed by: Paulo Tabuada, 

New address: Paulo Tabuada

In the fall I will start an Assistant Professor position at the University of
Notre Dame. My new contact will be:

Prof. Paulo Tabuada
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
268 Fitzpatrick Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: 574 631 0973
Fax:   574 631 4393
eMail: ptabuada@nd.edu

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                          Awards Honors
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No submissions

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Mark W. Spong, 

CSS Digital Archive: Special Offer

The IEEE Control Systems Society Digital Archive on DVD is now being offered 
at the special member price of $39 while remaining supplies last.  This is an 
incredible savings of $90 off the member list price.  The CSS Digital Archive 
contains the entire history of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 
the Transactions on Control Systems Technology, and the Control Systems 
Magazine from their inception through the end of 2001.  It has several 
features that are not available on IEEEXplore, such as author bios, 
references/citations hyperlinked to articles, and more.  No student, teacher, 
or researcher in systems and control should miss the opportunity to acquire 
this collection.  There will be no more DVD's produced once the current 
production run is sold out.  

To order online go to http://www.ieeecss.org and follow the link under CSS 
News or go directly to the IEEE Stores page at 

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Contributed by: Sunil S. Shah, 

Control Systems Engineer, GE Global, India

The Electronic & Photonic Systems Technologies group of GE's Global Research 
Center at Bangalore, India seeks candidates for full-time positions in the 
Electromechanical Control Systems Program. This group performs R&D in control 
systems for products and processes of a wide variety of GE businesses and 
works closely in conjunction with GE's Global research centers in 
Schenectady, NY and Shanghai, China.

The ideal candidate will possess a PhD (or a Master's Degree with at least 
three years of relevant experience) in an engineering discipline (Mechanical/ 
Electrical/ Chemical or Equivalent) with a specialization in control systems. 
Knowledge of control systems, optimization, signal processing, estimation 
theory, Kalman filtering, and system identification are required, as well as 
simulation and coding skills using MATLAB, or equivalent simulation 

The candidate will develop new control system technologies for a wide variety 
of applications. Responsibilities will include concept development, design, 
simulation, and implementation. He/She will be encouraged to document the 
results of this activity through patent applications, technical reports and 
publications. He/She must be self-motivated and capable of working 
independently on extended assignments. 

Apply at: https://www.research.ge.com/eHire and enter the relevant Job No in 
the Job Reference Code Field (Reference Job No. 321567)

Contributed by: Ningsu Luo, 

PhD: University of Girona, Spain

An IGSOC PhD fellowship is presently available in the Department of 
Electronics, Computer Science and Automatic Control at the University of 
Girona in Spain. The four-year fellowship is offered to well qualified 
candidates (non-Spanish nationals) by the PhD program in Information 
Technologies and Electrical Engineering in the framework of International 
Graduate School of Catalonia (IGSOC). 

The following web page 
gives the details about the IGSOC PhD fellowship. For further information, 
candidates can contact by email as soon as possible with 

Dr. Ningsu Luo 
Director of PhD program in Information Technologies & Electrical Engineering
Dept of Electronics, Computer Science and Automatic Control
University of Girona
17071 Girona, Spain
Email. ningsu@eia.udg.es

Contributed by: I. Michael Ross, 

Post Doc: Naval Postgraduate School, USA

National Academies NRC
Guidance, Control and Optimization Laboratory
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943

AREA: Theoretical and Computational aspects of OPTIMAL CONTROL including
NONLINEAR model-predictive control with applications in Astronautics and

STIPEND: $45,000

Candidates must have excellent communication skills (oral and written) in the 
English language. No exceptions. Proficiency in MATLAB and C required.  
Preference will be given to candidates who have an ability/desire to 
supervise students’ research, manage laboratories and teach graduate courses 
in dynamics and control.  Strong preference will be given to U.S. Citizens, 
particularly those who have an ability to get Security Clearances. 


Send CV to: imross@nps.navy.mil.  Please indicate your citizenship.

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Contributed by: Marcian Cirstea, 

Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems

This book presents a modern approach to power electronic systems holistic
modelling, using Hardware Description Languages (VHDL). FPGAs are targeted for
the rapid prototyping of the neural networks/fuzzy logic controllers.  

The authors guide readers quickly and concisely through the complex topics of
neural networks, fuzzy logic, control, VHDL design, mathematical modelling of
electric machines, drives and power systems.

Unlike the academic monographs that have previously been published on each of
these subjects, this book combines them and is based round case studies of
systems analysis, control strategies, design simulation and implementation. 
Full VHDL/C++ code is given. The result is a guide to applied control systems
design that will appeal equally to students and professional design engineers.
The book can also be used as a unique VHDL design aid, based on real-world
power engineering applications.

Part 1-Theory and Principles; Control Systems; Modern Control Systems Design
using CAD Techniques; Electric Motors and Power Systems; Elements of Neural
Control; Neural FPGA Implementation; Fuzzy Logic Fundamentals; VHDL 
Part 2-Case Studies; Neural Current and Speed Control of induction Motors;
Fuzzy Logic Control of a Synchronous Generator Set; References.

Book details:
Cirstea, M.N., Dinu, A., Khor, J., McCormick, M.: "Neural and Fuzzy Logic
Control of Drives and Power Systems", Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK, 2002,
ISBN 0750655585.

Order by phone: +44 (0) 1865 888180
To order from the internet follow one of the links below:

Contributed by: Petros Ioannou, 

Robust Adaptive Control

The textbook Robust Adaptive Control by P. Ioannou and J. Sun published by 
Prentice Hall in 1996 went out of print in 2003. Due to several requests by 
faculty to continue using the book or parts of the book for teaching the 
authors made the electronic copy of the book available in pdf form at

The solution manual for the book could be made available to INSTRCUCTORS ONLY
by contacting the authors or via email to ioannou@usc.edu

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Contributed by: Hitay Ozbay, 

CFP: ELEKTRIK, Special Issue on Control of Communication Networks

Special Issue on "Control of Communication Networks"
Guest Editors:  Tamer Basar and Hitay Ozbay

Sponsored by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
(TUBITAK) and Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO), ELEKTRIK is an
international journal on all aspects of electrical engineering and computer
sciences. The Journal occasionally publishes special issues devoted to
emerging areas.  One such issue is planned for November 2004, on  "Control
of Communication Networks". This call solicits for this special issue
original research papers or tutorial/survey papers on recent advances in
this area, with a submission cut-off date of September 15, 2003.

Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, the following:
    o Control theoretic modeling of high speed networks
    o Fluid models
    o Modeling of heterogeneous traffic
    o Stochastic versus deterministic modeling
    o Flow control for best effort traffic
    o Marking schemes
    o Stability analysis and performance evaluation
    o Primal and dual models
    o Pricing and resource allocation
    o Power control for wireless networks
    o Game-theoretic methods for routing and flow control
    o Admission control
    o Control of ad-hoc networks

Submission of Papers
Prospective authors should follow the regular guidelines of ELEKTRIK. They
should indicate in their submission that it is for the special issue on
"Control of Communication Networks".  Submissions can be made electronically
via e-mail to elektrik@tubitak.gov.tr  
Past issues of the journal are available at 

Guest Editors:
Tamer Basar                        Hitay Özbay
University of Illinois             Ohio State University, Columbus OH, USA
Urbana, Illinois, USA               and Bilkent University, Turkey
tbasar@control.csl.uiuc.edu        ozbay.1@osu.edu , hitay@bilkent.edu.tr

Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts:	          September 15, 2003
First round of reviews completed by:	  January 15, 2004

For further information on this special issue, in addition to the guest 
editors, prospective authors can also contact

Kemal Leblebicioglu, Editor
Elektrik ve Elektronik Muh. Bol., 
Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi,
    06531, Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: kleb@metu.edu.tr	 fax: 90-312-210 12 61

Contributed by: Sandor M Veres, 

CFP: Int Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Special issue on "Iterative Modelling and Control"

Iterative modelling and controller design methods have been developed at
least for the past 16 years or longer: second-order modelling, LQG and
covariance controllers; the "windsurfer" approach; compatible criteria for
identification and control; synergy in minimum variance control; cautious
control based on gap and other metrics; unfalsification based iterative
methods, etc. A series of papers were written in favour of control design
methods which iterate between closed-loop experiments, modelling and robust
controller design. Research still carries on for various reasons: 
(i)	appearance of new metrics and measures of performance 
(ii)	new model classes  
(iii)	to explain the synergistic interaction between modelling and control
(iv)	to propose new identification criteria of modelling for control.

Introduction of  easily computable practical schemes is also of interest as
well as applications and the automation of iterations for adaptive control
in autonomous control systems. 

Papers are invited for submission on various topics of iterative methods:

New or refined algorithms to serve practical problems
Applications examples 
Theoretical convergence proofs for iterations
Performance guarantees 
Automated methods of iterations to implement adaptive controllers
Iterative feedback tuning methods
Controller unfalsification methods

Submission details: 
Prospective authors are requested to submit their paper in postscript or
pdf format, or five copies by regular mail to the journal's subject Editor
Prof S M Veres, not later than 15th October 2003. All papers will be
reviewed following standard procedures of the journal. For further
information please contact either of the Editors listed below.

Prof S M Veres 					Dr  Robert L. Kosut	
School of Engineering Sciences  		SC  Solutions, Inc
University of Southampton			1261 Oakmead Pkwy
Highfield, SO19 9TE, UK				Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA
Email: sandy@mech.soton.ac.uk			Email: kosut@scsolutions.com

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, 

Contents: Automatica
September, 2003, Volume 39, Issue 9

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com

Regular papers

H. Kobayashi, R. Ozawa
Adaptive neural network control of tendon-driven mechanisms with elastic

Er-Wei Bai
Frequency domain identification of Wiener models

L. T. Aguilar, Y. Orlov, L. Acho
Nonlinear H-infinity control of nonsmooth time-varying systems with
application to friction mechanical manipulators

D. Liberzon
Hybrid feedback stabilization of systems with quantized signals

R. Rebarber, G. Weiss
Internal model based tracking and disturbance rejection for stable
well-posed systems

Liu Xiaodong, Zhang Qingling
New approaches to H-infinity controller designs based on fuzzy observers
for T-S fuzzy systems via LMI

J. C. Avila Vilchis, B. Brogliato, A. Dzul, R. Lozano
Nonlinear modelling and control of helicopters

Brief papers

O. M. Aamo, M. Krstic, T. R. Bewley
Control of mixing by boundary feedback in 2D channel flow

Jun Wang
Formation of machine cells and part families in cellular manufacturing
systems using a linear assignment algorithm

R.B. Gopaluni, R.S. Patwardhan , S.L. Shah
The nature of data pre-filters in MPC relevant identification - Open and
closed loop issues

Kueiming Lo, Wook-Hyun Kwon
New identification approaches for disturbed models

G. Garcia, B. Pradin, S. Tarbouriech,
Fanyou Zeng
Robust stabilization and guaranteed cost control for discrete-time
linear systems by static output feedback

R. Zanasi, R. Morselli
Discrete minimum time tracking problem for a chain of three
integrators with bounded input

Er-Wei Bai
A random least trimmed squares identification algorithm

Book reviews

S. S. Ge
Stable adaptive control and estimation for nonlinear systems - Neural and
fuzzy approximator techniques, by J. T. Spooner, M. Maggiore, R. Ordonez
and K. M. Passino

P. Ainsleigh
Fixed interval smoothing for state-space models, by Howard L. Weinert

M. Reyhanoglu
Mechatronic control of distributed noise and vibration: A Lyapunov
approach, by Christopher D. Rahn

Contributed by: A.H. Glattfelder, 

Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Volume 11, Issue 9, Pages 975-1094 (September 2003)

With Special Section on Algorithms and Applications of Iterative Feedback
Edited by H. Hjalmarsson & M. Gevers

Reconfigurable distributed control using smart peripheral elements
H. Bentez-Perez, F. Garca-Nocetti, pp 975-988

Large angle attitude control of spacecraft with actuator saturation
H. Bang, M.-J. Tahk, H.-D. Choi, pp 989-997

An adaptive control law for robotic manipulator without velocity feedback
F. Alonge, F. D'Ippolito, F.M. Raimondi, pp 999-1005

On-line estimation of unmeasured inputs for anaerobic wastewater treatment 
D. Theilliol, J.-C. Ponsart, J. Harmand, C. Join, P. Gras, pp 1007-1019

Special section on algorithms and applications of Iterative Feedback Tuning
H. Hjalmarsson, M. Gevers, pp 1021

Iterative feedback tuning of PID parameters: comparison with classical tuning 
O. Lequin, M. Gevers, M. Mossberg, E. Bosmans, L. Triest, pp 1023-1033

Tuning of a decoupling controller for a 2x2 system using iterative feedback 
S. Gunnarsson, V. Collignon, O. Rousseaux, pp 1035-1041

Iterative feedback tuning for internal model controllers
F. De Bruyne, pp 1043-1048

Model-free frequency domain iterative active sound and vibration control
T. Meurers, S.M. Veres, A.C.H. Tan, pp 1049-1059

Iterative feedback tuning of controllers for a two-mass-spring system with 
K. Hamamoto, T. Fukuda, T. Sugie, pp 1061-1068

Iterative correlation-based controller tuning with application to a magnetic 
suspension system
A. Karimi, L. Miskovic, D. Bonvin, pp 1069-1078

Iterative controller optimization for nonlinear systems
J. Sjoberg, F. De Bruyne, M. Agarwal, B.D.O. Anderson, M. Gevers, F.J. Kraus, 
N. Linard, pp 1079-1086

A signal convolution method for estimation of controller parameter 
sensitivity functions for tuning of feedback control systems by an iterative 
D.J. Murray-Smith, J. Kocijan, M. Gong, pp 1087-1094

Contributed by: Danila Ferrara, 

Contents: European Journal of Control

Fundamental Issues in Control
Table of Contents
S. Bittanti

Guest Editorial
I. Postlethwaite, J. M. Maciejowski, K. Glover, P. J. Fleming

Future Directions in Control, Dynamics and Systems: Overview, Grand 
Challenges and New Courses
R.M. Murray

Fairness and Stability of End-to-End Congestion Control
F. Kelly

Hybrid Systems Modeling and Control
M. Morari, M. Baotic and F. Borrelli

State and Output Feedback Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: An Overview
R. Findeisen, L. Imsland, F. Allgöwer and B. A. Foss

Flight Control Law Design: An Industry Perspective
G. J. Balas

Feedback Control in Intracellular Signaling Pathways: Regulating Chemotaxis 
in Disctyostelium Discoideum
P. A. Iglesias

Bioinformatics: Organisms from Venus, Technology from Jupiter, Algorithms 
from Mars
B. De Moor, K. Marchal, J. Mathys and Y. Moreau

Quantum Control and Quantum Entanglement
C. Ahn, H. M. Wiseman and G. J. Milburn

Density and Cost in Non-linear Control
A. Rantzer and S. Hedlund

The Behavioural Approach as a Paradigm for Modeling Interconnected Systems
H. L. Trentelman and J. C. Willems

Semidefinite Programming Relaxations and Algebraic Optimization in Control
P.A. Parrilo and S. Lall

The Complementarity Class of Hybrid Dynamical Systems
W. P. M. H. Heemels and B. Brogliato

Call for Papers 
Special Issue "Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control"
Guest Editors: A. Astolfi and A. J. van der Schaft

Contributed by: C. Stewart, 

Contents: IEEE TAC, June 2003

Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on
 Volume: 48,   Issue: 6,   Year: June 2003

Some perspectives on the analysis and control of complementarity systems
Brogliato, B.; Page(s): 918- 935

An intrinsic observer for a class of lagrangian systems
Aghannan, N.; Rouchon, P.; Page(s): 936- 945

Error-bounds for balanced model-reduction of linear time-varying systems
Lall, S.; Beck, C.; Page(s): 946- 956

Minimal communication in a distributed discrete-event system
Rudie, K.; Lafortune, S.; Feng Lin; Page(s): 957- 975

Multitime scale markov decision processes
Hyeong Soo Chang; Fard, P.J.; Marcus, S.I.; Shayman, M.; Page(s): 976- 987

Coordination of groups of mobile autonomous agents using nearest neighbor
Jadbabaie, A.; Jie Lin; Morse, A.S.; Page(s): 988- 1001

Existence and computation of infinite horizon model predictive control with
active steady-state input constraints
Pannocchia, G.; Wright, S.J.; Rawlings, J.B.; Page(s): 1002- 1006

Quadratic stability and stabilization of dynamic interval systems
Wei-Jie Mao; Jian Chu; Page(s): 1007- 1012

Directional stability radius: a stability analysis tool for uncertain
polynomial systems
Kawabata, K.; Mori, T.; Kuroe, Y.; Page(s): 1012- 1016

Lambda infin multipliers for robust performance analysis
Tanimou, M.; Linnemann, A.; Page(s): 1016- 1019

Reachability analysis in T-invariant-less petri nets
Kostin, A.E.; Page(s): 1019- 1024

Reduction of future information required for optimal control of dynamic
systems: a pseudostochastic model
Herbon, A.; Khmelnitsky, E.; Maimon, O.; Yakubov, Y.; Page(s): 1025- 1029

Sparse kernel regression modeling using combined locally regularized
orthogonal least squares and d-optimality experimental design
Chen, S.; Hong, X.; Harris, C.J.; Page(s): 1029- 1036

Stabilization of nonlinear systems with moving equilibria
Zecevic, A.I.; Siljak, D.D.; Page(s): 1036- 1040

Robust adaptive control of nonlinear systems represented by input-output
Yusheng Liu; Xing-Yuan Li; Page(s): 1041- 1045

An example of a gas system which can be destabilized by an integrable
Sontag, E.D.; Krichman, M.; Page(s): 1046- 1049
A note on global output regulation of nonlinear systems in the output
feedback form
Qi Gong; Wei Lin; Page(s): 1049- 1054

Global stability of congestion controllers for the internet
Deb, S.; Srikant, R.; Page(s): 1055- 1060

Additional dynamics for general class of time-delay systems
Kharitonov, V.; Melchor-Aguilar, D.; Page(s): 1060- 1064

On the synthesis of safe control policies in decentralized control of
discrete-event systems
Rohloff, K.; Lafortune, S.; Page(s): 1064- 1068

Adaptive control of discrete time systems with concave/convex parametrizations
Loh, A.P.; Qu, C.Y.; Fong, K.F.; Page(s): 1069- 1072

On the control of asynchronous machines with races
Murphy, T.E.; Xiaojun Geng; Hammer, J.; Page(s): 1073- 1081

Suboptimal receding horizon control for continuous-time systems
Blanchini, F.; Miani, S.; Pellegrino, F.A.; Page(s): 1081- 1086

Robust sliding-mode control for uncertain time-delay systems: an lmi approach
Yuanqing Xia; Yingmin Jia; Page(s): 1086- 1092

General interpolation in mpc and its advantages
Bacic, M.; Cannon, M.; Lee, Y.Il.; Kouvaritakis, B.; Page(s): 1092- 1096

On standard H/spl infin/ control of processes with a single delay
Qing-Chang Zhong; Page(s): 1097- 1103

Asymptotic stabilization via output feedback for lower triangular systems
with output dependent incremental rate
Praly, L.; Page(s): 1103- 1108

An approach to identification for robust control
Gugercin, S.; Antoulas, A.C.; Zhang, H.P.; Page(s): 1109- 1115

Book Review; Page(s): 1116- 1117

Contributed by: C. Stewart, 

Contents: IEEE TAC, May 2003

Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 48, Issue: 5, Year: May 2003

Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete-event systems: a net unfolding approach
Benveniste, A.; Fabre, E.; Haar, S.; Jard, C.; Page(s): 714- 727

Robust adaptive control for a class of MIMO nonlinear systems with guaranteed
error bounds
Haojian Xu; Ioannou, P.A.; Page(s): 728- 742

A new approach to model reference adaptive control
Miller, D.E.; Page(s): 743- 757  

Semi-Markov decision problems and performance sensitivity analysis
Xi-Ren Cao; Page(s): 758- 769

Perturbation analysis and control of two-class stochastic fluid models for
communication networks
Cassandras, C.G.; Gang Sun; Panayiotou, C.G.; Wardi, Y.; Page(s): 770- 782

The no free lunch theorems: complexity and security
Yu-Chi Ho; Qian-Chuan Zhao; Pepyne, D.L.; Page(s): 783- 793

On the global stability of delayed neural networks
Qiang Zhang; Runnian Ma; Chao Wang; Jin Xu; Page(s): 794- 797

On the synthesis of controllers for a non-overshooting step response
Darbha, S.; Bhattacharyya, S.P.; Page(s): 797- 800

Set simulations for quadratic systems
Calafiore, G.; Page(s): 800- 805

Decentralized control design for large-scale systems with strong
interconnections using neural networks
Sunan Huang; Kok Kiong Tan; Tong Heng Lee; Page(s): 805- 810

Approximate explicit constrained linear model predictive control via
orthogonal search tree
Johansen, T.A.; Grancharova, A.; Page(s): 810- 815

A unified closed-loop stability measure for finite-precision digital
controller realizations implemented in different representation schemes
Jun Wu; Sheng Chen; Whidborne, J.F.; Jian Chu; Page(s): 816- 822

Reduced explicit constrained linear quadratic regulators
Johansen, T.A.; Page(s): 823- 829 

Less conservative conditions for asymptotic stability of impulsive control
Jitao Sun; Yinping Zhang; Qidi Wu; Page(s): 829- 831

Reconfigurable fault-tolerant control using GIMC structure
Campos-Delgado, D.U.; Zhou, K.; Page(s): 832- 839
S-modular games and power control in wireless networks
Altman, E.; Altman, Z.; Page(s): 839- 842

Local stabilization of linear systems under amplitude and rate saturating
Gomes da Silva, J.M., Jr.; Tarbouriech, S.; Garcia, G.; Page(s): 842- 847

Solving the scalar feedback Nash algebraic Riccati equations: an eigenvector
Engwerda, J.C.; Page(s): 847- 852

A game-theoretic approach to decision in FDI
Darkhovski, B.; Staroswiecki, M.; Page(s): 853- 858

Stabilization of discrete-time systems by first-order controllers
Tantaris, R.N.; Keel, L.H.; Bhattacharyya, S.P.; Page(s): 858- 860

Parameter dependent stability and stabilization of uncertain time-delay
Fridman, E.; Shaked, U.; Page(s): 861- 866

An LPD approach to robust H_2 and H_inf static output-feedback design
Shaked, U.; Page(s): 866- 872

Decentralized relay-based multivariable process identification in the
frequency domain
Ya-Gang Wang; Wen-Jian Cai; Ming Ge; Page(s): 873- 878

Sufficient conditions for parameter convergence in linearizable systems
Jeng Tze Huang; Page(s): 878- 880 

On the solvability of the regulator equations for a class of nonlinear systems
Jie Huang; Page(s): 880- 885

On quadratic Lyapunov functions
Daizhan Cheng; Lei Guo; Jie Huang; Page(s): 885- 890

Yet another H^inf discretization
Mirkin, L.; Tadmor, G.; Page(s): 891- 894

On gain adaptation in adaptive control
Ilchmann, A.; Ryan, E.P.; Page(s): 895- 899

Robust H/sup /spl infin// filtering for uncertain Markovian jump systems with
mode-dependent time delays
Shengyuan Xu; Tongwen Chen; Lam, J.; Page(s): 900- 907

Comments on "Robust stabilization of a class of time-delay nonlinear systems"
Xinping Guan; Changchun Hua; Guangren Duan; Page(s): 907

Comments on "Robust stabilization of a class of time-delay nonlinear systems"
Guangwei Li; Chuanzhi Zang; Xiaoping Liu; Page(s): 908

List of Reviewers for 2002; Page(s): 909- 913

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications 
Volume 370, Pages 1-380 (1 September 2003)


On the uniqueness of Euclidean distance matrix completions,
Pages 1-14; Abdo Y. Alfakih

Permanents of doubly stochastic trees,
Pages 15-24; Mohammad H. Ahmadi, Jae-Hyun Baek and Suk-Geun Hwang

Some linear preserver problems on block triangular matrix algebras,
Pages 25-39; Wai-Leong Chooi and Ming-Huat Lim

Real congruence of complex matrix pencils and complex projections of real 
Veronese varieties,
Pages 41-83; Adam Coffman

Conjugacy classes in unitriangular matrices,
Pages 85-124; Antonio Vera-Lopez and J. M. Arregi

Partial traces and entropy inequalities,
Pages 125-132; Rajendra Bhatia

On sectorial matrices,
Pages 133-146; Yu. M. Arlinski and A. B. Popov

On generalized numerical range of the Aluthge transformation,
Pages 147-161; Masatoshi Ito, Hiroshi Nakazato, Kazuyoshi Okubo and
 Takeaki Yamazaki

The rank-constrained Hermitian nonnegative-definite and positive-definite 
solutions to the matrix equation AXA*=B,
Pages 163-174; Xian Zhang and Mei-yu Cheng

Ordering trees by their largest eigenvalues,
Pages 175-184; An Chang and Qiongxiang Huang

Scaling symmetric positive definite matrices to prescribed row sums,
Pages 185-191; Dianne P. O'Leary

A characterization of the distance to infeasibility under block-structured
Pages 193-216; Javier Pena

Decomposition of a scalar matrix into a sum of orthogonal projections,
Pages 217-225; Stanislav Kruglyak, Vyacheslav Rabanovich and Yuri Samolenko

The Moore-Penrose inverse of a factorization,
Pages 227-235; Pedro Patricio

On the spectral radius of unicyclic graphs with perfect matchings,
Pages 237-250; An Chang and Feng Tian

On the classification of the Lie algebras Lrs,
Pages 251-256; L. A. -M. Hanna

A wider class of stable gyroscopic systems,
Pages 257-267; P. Lancaster, A. S. Markus and F. Zhou

Discrete wavelet transforms for Toeplitz matrices,
Pages 269-285; Fu-Rong Lin, Wai-Ki Ching and Michael K. Ng

Preservers on Hilbert space effects,
Pages 287-300; Lajos Molnar

On normal extensions of submatrices,
Pages 301-314; Chung-Chou Jiang and Kung-Hwang Kuo

Critical polynomials related to generalized derivations,
Pages 315-339; J. A. Dias da Silva and Hemar Godinho

On the matrix powers and exponential by the r-generalized Fibonacci sequences
methods: the companion matrix case,
Pages 341-353; Rajae Ben Taher and Mustapha Rachidi

On some interconnections between strict monotonicity, globally uniquely
solvable, and P properties in semidefinite linear complementarity problems,
Pages 355-368; M. Seetharama Gowda, Yoon Song and G. Ravindran

A note on the orthogonal basis of a certain full symmetry class of tensors,
Pages 369-374; C. Bessenrodt, M. R. Pournaki and A. Reifegerste

Two-dimensional reductions of the cone of positive diagonal operators in l2,
Pages 375-378; Anatoly N. Sherstnev

Author index, Pages 379-380
Editorial board, Pages ii-iii

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Contributed by: Prof. Han Wang, 

8th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision

The Eighth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and 
Vision, ICARCV 2004, will be held in December 2004. The conference will be co-
organised by the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang 
Technological University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology. 
The conference will provide a forum for Control and Automation professionals, 
manufacturing engineers and academic researchers to exchange up-to-date 
technical knowledge and experiences.  The conference will focus on both 
theory and applications. In addition to the technical sessions, there will be 
plenary, invited and tutorial sessions. The topics of interest are: Control, 
Automation, Robotics, Computer Vision, and Emerging Technologies. Papers must 
be written in English and should describe original work in details. Please 
submit full papers to the website address (http://www.ntu.edu.sg/eee/icarcv)  
by l March, 2004. For enquiries, please email to icarcv@ntu.edu.sg.

Contributed by: Ed Boje, 

African Control Conference
Cape Town, South Africa, 3-5 December 2003

Topics of interest include but are not limited to: industrial applications, 
robotics, manufacturing, guidance and aerospace control, power systems, 
process control, measurement and sensing, identification and estimation, 
signal processing, modeling and simulation, fault detection, model 
validation, multivariable control, adaptive control, optimal control, 
robustness, intelligent control, non-linear control, expert systems, neural 
nets, control engineering education, and computer aided design.

Plenary speakers: 
Prof. Sigurd Skogestad (Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology)
Prof. David Limebeer (Imperial College)

jtapson@ebe.uct.ac.za or boje@nu.ac.za

Contributed by: Tatiana V.Guy, 

ESF-TED Workshop: Multiple Participant Decision Making

Theory, algorithms, software and applications
May 12--14, 2004
Prague, Czech Republic

Organized by
Institute of Information Theory and Automation
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Supported by European Science Foundation (ESF) within the project
"Towards Electronic Democracy: Internet-based Complex Decision
Support" (TED)

TED: The TED project aims to develop Bayesian support of societal
decision making in order to enable a shift from e-administration
towards true e-democracy.

CMP: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing (CMP)
is the sixth in a series of workshops addressing the common
problem known as "curse of dimensionality", namely the extreme
dimensionality of computations connected with implementation of
theoretically optimal mathematical procedures of inference and

The aim of this TED Workshop is to bring together researchers and 
practitioners working in academia, government and industry in order to

(i)  formulate the complexity-influenced problems within areas of
 multiple-participant decision making, which should be addressed 
 by the technology providers;
(ii) offer technique developed in disparate research and
 application areas that can be used in solving these problems.

A considerable space will be given to invited lectures by leading
specialists in various fields. This will create a firm backbone for this 
strongly inter-disciplinary Workshop. Several sessions of contributed  
papers, posters and computer demonstrations will complement them. The 
topics relevant to the Workshop include:

-> Decision-making problems with multiple participants;
-> Models of complex dynamic systems;
-> Techniques of uncertainty management;
-> Design of decision strategies and optimization techniques;
-> Software and hardware issues;
-> Case studies and lessons learnt in real-life applications.

Papers will be considered for inclusion in the Workshop, based on
prior electronic submission of a 16-page draft. The author's package
can be downloaded at the Workshop web site.

All papers accepted for the Workshop will appear in the electronic 
Workshop preprints. The Workshop proceedings containing a selection of
the best papers will be published. Presented contributions are also
solicited for the Best Paper competition.

Submission of draft papers:   December 15, 2003
Notification of acceptance:   January 30, 2004
Submission of final manuscripts:  April 15, 2004

The working language of the Workshop is English.

Further information: Please consult the Workshop web site or contact
the following conference organizers:

The ESF-TED Workshop (CMP'04)
Institute of Information Theory and Automation
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
P.O. Box 18, 182 08 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Tel :  +420 266052274
Fax :  +420 266052068
E-mail : school@utia.cas.cz, kytka@utia.cas.cz

Contributed by: Guisheng Zhai, 


The 10th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and 
Applications, LSS2004
Osaka, Japan, July 26-28, 2004
contact: ifac-lss04@watt.mech.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp

Highly complex large scale systems have appeared in many industrial 
application areas due to recent advances on computer and network 
technologies. Examples of such systems include communication systems, 
process control, environmental systems, intelligent manufacturing systems, 
transportation systems, structural systems, and so on. Large scale system 
theory provides methodologies to deal with complexity in modeling, control, 
and design of such systems. The symposium aims to discuss new developments 
on a broad range of topics in large scale system theory and its applications 
to many different areas and to provide researchers a good opportunity to 
exchange new ideas. 

The symposium accepts any topics concerned with analysis or synthesis of 
large scale or complex systems. Examples are: Modeling and model reduction; 
Decomposition techniques; Decentralized control and estimation; Optimization 
(including multicriteria); Stability analysis and stabilization; Control of 
uncertain systems; Intelligent control; Neural network; Hybrid systems; 
Discrete event systems; Complex systems and chaos; Distributed and 
hierarchical control systems; Descriptor and implicit Systems; Fault 
detection and supervision; Decision support systems (including use of 
artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic); Production planning and 
scheduling; Robotic systems; Life support (water, gas, power, etc.) systems; 
Process industry (chemical, oil, metals, etc.); Structural systems; 
Communication and information systems; Agricultural systems; Human-machine 
interaction; Business and management systems, Financial and economic 
systems; Environmental systems; Transportation systems; Manufacturing 
systems; Virtual factory; Risk analysis in LSS. 

Papers are welcome in all the topics listed above and any others related to 
large scale and complex systems. Decisions of acceptances are made based on 
full paper submissions. The paper should include a cover with the authors' 
names, affiliations, addresses, e-mail address of the corresponding author, 
and abstract. The main body of the paper should be written in the IFAC 
format given at http://www.elsevier.com/homepage/saf/ifac/site/index.htm. 

Electronic submissions of papers in PDF files are welcome and received on 
the symposium website http://www-watt.mech.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/lss2004/. If 
authors would like, they can choose hardcopy submissions and send five 
copies to the symposium secretariat. All papers will be reviewed by the 
International Program Committee. Every accepted paper will be required 
resubmission in a final version. One of the authors must present the paper 
at the symposium. 

   Deadline for Hardcopy Submissions:             September 30, 2003 
   Deadline for Proposals of Invited Sessions:    September 30, 2003 
   Deadline for Electronic Submissions:           October 10, 2003 
   Notification of Paper Acceptance:              January 10, 2004 
   Deadline for Submission of FINAL Papers:       March 31, 2004 
Please consult the symposium web site 
or contact the following symposium organizers:

   General Chair
   Prof. Masao Ikeda 
   Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University
   Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
   Phone: +81-6-6879-7335;   Fax: +81-6-6879-7247
   Email: ikeda@mech.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp 

   Program Chair
   Prof. Yuzo Ohta 
   Department of Computer and Systems Engineering, Kobe University
   Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan 
   Phone: +81-78-803-6243;   Fax: +81-78-803-6391
   Email: ohta@cs.kobe-u.ac.jp

   Prof. Shigemasa Takai
   Department of Opto-Mechatronics, Wakayama University
   930 Sakaedani, Wakayama 640-8510, Japan
   Phone: +81-73-457-8162;    Fax: +81-73-457-8201
   Email: takai@sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Contributed by: Ed Boje, 

Symposium on QFT and Robust Frequency Domain Methods

To be held in conjunction with the African Control Conference 
3-5 December 2003, Cape Town, South Africa

The symposium series brings together practitioners and researchers in the 
field of quantitative feedback theory (QFT) and robust frequency domain 
design methods. It aims to promote the development of these methods and their 
practical application. Application, tutorial, and theoretical papers are 
invited. (More general papers in control engineering can be submitted to the 
main conference.)

Cape Town is situated at the southern tip of Africa and has a Mediterranean 
climate that makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the 
world. The conference venue is the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School 
of Business, situated in the renovated Breakwater Prison near the Cape Town 

Contributed by: jacob kogan, 
Workshop on Clustering Large Data Sets
Melbourne, Florida, November 19, 2003
to be Held in Conjunction with the
Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2003)

The workshop is devoted to clustering large data sets, which arise in diverse
applications such as text/web mining, online clustering, and bioinformatics.

Important Dates
Papers Due: Sep 10, 2003
Notification of Acceptance: Oct 5, 2003
Camera ready: Oct 15, 2003
Workshop: Nov 19, 2003

Daniel Boley: boley@cs.umn.edu
Inderjit Dhillon: inderjit@cs.utexas.edu
Joydeep Ghosh: ghosh@ece.utexas.edu
Jacob Kogan: kogan@math.umbc.edu

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