E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 179, July, 2003

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 179, July, 2003

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
     | Submission deadline for August eletter: July 22, 2003 |


0.	Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	Change of Address: Denis Sidorov
	1.2	Change of Address: Plamen Angelov

2.	Awards Honors

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	CSS Digital Archive: Special Offer
	3.2	Paris School on Automatic Control
	3.3	Summer School: Normal forms Bifurcations and Chaos
	3.4	Workshop on Automated Machinery Maintenance

4.	Positions
	4.1	Faculty: Delft University of Technology NL
	4.2	Faculty: Elect Comp Egr Idaho State University USA
	4.3	Lecturer: University of Cambridge UK
	4.4	Ph.D.: NUI Maynooth Ireland
	4.5	PhD: Data Fusion University of Birmingham UK
	4.6	PhD: Fault prediction University of Leicester UK 
	4.7	PhD: Oklahoma State University USA
	4.8	PhD: University of Girona Spain
	4.9	Post-Doc: Delft University of Technology NL
	4.10	Post Doc: ADFA Canberra Australia
	4.11	Post Doc: Central Queensland Univerity Australia
	4.12	Post Doc: Monash University Australia
	4.13	Post Doc: Networked UAVs Ohio State Univ USA

5.	Books
	5.1	Advanced Control Unleashed
	5.2	Advances in Learning Theory: Methods Models and Applications
	5.3	Constrained Optimal Control of Linear and Hybrid Systems
	5.4	Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control
	5.5	Introduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization
	5.6	Model-based predictive control: A practical approach

6.	Journals
	6.1	CFP: European Journal of Control
	6.2	Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics
	6.3	Contents: Asian Journal of Control
	6.4	Contents: Automatica
	6.5	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	6.6	Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology
	6.7	Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
	6.8	Contents: Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
	6.9	Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
	6.10	IEEE TNN: Special Issue on Adaptive Learning Systems in Comm Ntwks

7.	Conferences
	7.1	2004 American Controls Conference
	7.2	3rd IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems
	7.3	Engineering in Intelligent Systems
	7.4	IFAC-Dycops 2004
	7.5	IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining Mineral and Metal processing

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Welcome to the 179-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of August 2003. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

Please note that the deadline for submissions for August issue is
earlier than usual due to travel commitments. Please send in your
submissions by July 22, 2003.

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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Contributed by: Denis Sidorov, 

Change of Address: Denis Sidorov

Former address:
EEE Dept., Trinity College Dublin,
Dublin 2, Ireland
e-mail: dsidorov@mee.tcd.ie

New address (since 01/12/2002):
Department of Applied Mathematics
Energy Systems Institute (SB)
Russian Academy of Sciences
130 Lermontov Str
Irkutsk 33 Russia
e-mail : dsidorov@isem.sei.irk.ru 
office: +7 3952 42 84 40

Contributed by: Plamen Angelov, 

Change of Address: Plamen Angelov

My new address is:

Plamen Angelov
Dept of Communications Systems
Lancaster University
Bailrigg, Lancaster, LA1 4YR, UK
tel: +44  (1524) 59 4188
fax: +44 (1524) 59 2713
e-mail: P.Angelov@Lancaster.ac.uk

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                          Awards Honors
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No submissions in this category

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Mark W. Spong, 

CSS Digital Archive: Special Offer

The IEEE Control Systems Society Digital Archive on DVD is now being offered 
at the special member price of $39 while remaining supplies last.  This is an 
incredible savings of $90 off the member list price.  The CSS Digital Archive 
contains the entire history of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 
the Transactions on Control Systems Technology, and the Control Systems 
Magazine from their inception through the end of 2001.  It has several 
features that are not available on IEEEXplore, such as author bios, 
references/citations hyperlinked to articles, and more.  No student, teacher, 
or researcher in systems and control should miss the opportunity to acquire 
this collection.  There will be no more DVD's produced once the current 
production run is sold out.  

To order online go to http://www.ieeecss.org and follow the link under CSS 
News or go directly to the IEEE Stores page at

Contributed by: Antonio Loria, 

Paris School on Automatic Control (Formation en Automatique de Paris)

Place: Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées de Paris, 
       28, rue des Saints-Pères, Paris, France
Date: February through March 2004
Intensive teaching: one 21hrs module per week, 7 sessions of 3hrs each
Deadline for registration: 15th november 2003 
Registration form: http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS/FAP.html
Scholarships available: http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS/
Contact: Antonio Loria  loria@lss.supelec.fr

Preliminary program:
P1 Modeling and boundary control of infinite dimensional systems
   B. Maschke, A.J. van der Schaft
P2 Nonlinear control and mechanical systems
   B. Bonnard
P3 Tools for analysis and control of time-varying systems
   J. M. Coron, A. Loria
P4 Control of oscillating mechanical systems, synchronization and chaos
   J. Levine, H. Nijmeijer
P5 Algebraic analysis of control systems defined by partial differential
   J-F. Pommaret
P6 Nonlinear control of electrical and electromechanical systems
   A. Astolfi,  R. Ortega
P7 Linear systems, algebraic theory of modules, structural properties 
   H. Bourles,  M. Fliess
P8 Lyapunov-based control: state and output feedback
   L. Praly, A. Astolfi, A. Loria
P9 Nonlinear flatness-based control of complex electromechanical systems
   E. Delaleau - A.M. Stankovic
P10 Modeling and control of chemical  and biotechnological processes
    Jan van Impe, D. Dochain,

Contributed by: Djemai Mohamed, 

Summer School: Normal forms, Bifurcations and Chaos

Title of the Summer School : Normal forms, Bifurcations and Chaos In
Automatic: From theory Towards applications
Dates: 8-12 September 2003
Place : Ecole Centrale de Lille, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

. to cover the basic theory and tools necessary for the study of Chaotic
  systems to bring together researchers of different engineering area who are
  interested in chaotic systems
. to promote the recent theoretical developments on chaos control for
  practical and industrial applications
. to introduce some new concepts of modern control theory dedicated to 
  chaotic systems study
. to encourage new persons contacts and exchanges ideas for further works.
. to highlight the usefulness of the control theory in the synchronisation of
  chaotic system and consequently into secure data transmission.

The courses will be illustrated by practical sessions going from academic to
industrial examples. Potential audience include Graduate students, engineers,
researchers, consultants, who are interested in improving their understanding
of chaotic systems.

Language: English/French.

Lecturers: J.P. Barbot (F), J. Daafouz (F), M. DjEmai (F), J-P. Gauthier (F),
B. Hamzi (USA), W. Kang (USA), A. Krener (USA), L. Larger (F), L. Laval (F),
G. Millerioux (F), C. Mira  (F), H. Nijmeijer (NL), R. Ortega (F),
W. Respondek (F), I. Tall (USA), R. Tauleigne (F), C. Dang-Vu (F),
W. Perruquetti (F), S. Ramdani (F), R. Quere (F)

For further information contact or visit website below:
 Secretarial Office: International school of Automatic of Lille,
 Ecole Internationale d’Automatique de Lille,
 Ecole Centrale de Lille,
 Cité Scientifique, BP48,
 59 651 Villeneuve d’Ascq, CEDEX,
 Tel: +33 (0)3 20 33 54 50
 Fax: +33 (0)3 20 33 54 18

Contributed by: Frank L. Lewis, 

Workshop on Automated Machinery Maintenance
July 17, 2003
UTA Automation and Robotics Research Institute (ARRI) 
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, USA

The University of Texas Arlington (UTA) and
Georgia Tech

The schedule and registration information are on the website
Industry exhibitors are welcome- information is on the website.

The purpose of equipment maintenance is to detect and correct malfunctions, 
particularly before catastrophic system failure, in order to maximize machine 
up-time and minimize maintenance costs.  Currently, most industry, continues
to utilize a trusted approach of “regular” planned maintenance where
equipment is assessed at fixed time intervals.  Although studies (NIST, ONR)
indicate that an as-needed condition-based maintenance (CBM) approach is more
cost effective, practical implementation of CBM requires further research. 
This workshop will bring equipment suppliers, industry representatives, and
academia together to provide a forum for a technical exchange of applying
recent technologies in total productivity management, automated diagnostics,
and machinery condition-based maintenance to improving up-time and reducing
maintenance costs on day-to-day operating equipment.

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Contributed by: Paul Van den Hof, 

Faculty: Delft University of Technology, NL
In the Delft Center for Systems and Control at Delft University of 
Technology, The Netherlands, there is an open position for an

Assistant/Associate Professor 
Model-based Control of Mechatronic and Micro-systems 

The Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) is a recently installed 
group, resulting from a merger of three former systems and control groups 
within Delft University of Technology, i.e. the groups of Electrical 
Engineering (Michel Verhaegen), Mechanical Engineering (Okko Bosgra) and 
Applied Physics (Paul Van den Hof). The Center is currently composed of 17 
academic staff who supervise around 30 PhD. students and 25 MSc students. The 
teaching and research field encompasses the wide area of modelling, 
estimation and identification, robust control and optimization of continuous 
and hybrid dynamical systems with applications in mechatronics and 
microsystems, sustainable industrial processes, transportation and traffic 
control, and physical imaging systems. DCSC is responsible for a new 
international MSc program in Systems and Control, starting September 2003, 
and participates in the BSc and MSc programs in mechanical engineering, 
electrical engineering, applied physics and chemical engineering. Moreover, 
the group actively participates in the Dutch graduate school DISC (Dutch 
Institute of Systems and Control).
The Center is located within the Mechanical Engineering faculty of Delft 
University of Technology, and has extensive laboratory facilities. It 
maintains cooperative research contacts with many industrial partners. 

* Performing and conducting research in the area of model-based control of 
high-accuracy positioning systems, mechatronic and micro-systems, and 
contributing to the international literature in this area;  
* Maintaining and extending a research laboratory in model-based control of 
mechatronic and micro-systems;
* Supervision of undergraduate, MSc and PhD-students in their research 
* Initiating research projects and seeking financial support from research 
funding agencies (EU, government, industry);
* Contribution to the teaching activities of the group in undergraduate and 
graduate courses and labs.

The succesful candidate has an excellent background in systems and control 
theory and its applications, and is able to perform and conduct research 
according to international standards, proven by international publications 
and Ph.D.-thesis. He/she is able to develop high quality applications of 
control in (nano-) positioning systems, mechatronic and micro-systems, 
including real-time implementations of design/control strategies in 
laboratory setups. To this end the candidate is able to effectively cooperate 
and communicate with colleagues in the mechatronics and micro-systems fields. 
He/she has a stimulating and cooperative attitude in contacts with students 
and colleagues and in projects performed in collaboration with other 
university groups and/or industrial partners. International applicants must 
be willing to acquire a working knowledge of the Dutch language.

The offered position is a tenured position, being preceded by a tenure track, 
dependent on the candidates experience and background. A salary is offered in 
accordance with the dutch university system.  

Information and application
Information on this position can be obtained from:
Prof. Paul Van den Hof, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft 
University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD  Delft, The Netherlands. tel.: 
+31-15-2784509; fax: +31-15-2784263, 
e-mail: p.m.j.vandenhof@dcsc.tudelft.nl, WWW: http://www.dcsc.tudelft.nl 
or from one of the other full professors: Michel Verhaegen 
(m.h.g.verhaegen@dcsc.tudelft.nl) or Okko Bosgra (o.h.bosgra@dcsc.tudelft.nl).
Interested applicants should send their resume, including the names of two 
professional referees, before September 1, 2003, to the address above.

Contributed by: D. Subbaram Naidu, 

Faculty: Electrical/Computer Engineering Faculty Position
Idaho State University, USA

Idaho State University (ISU) College of Engineering invites applications for
an anticipated tenure track position in Electrical/Computer Engineering at the
Assistant or Associate Professor level to begin working as soon as possible or
in January 2004. Preferred areas of specialization are microelectronics,
digital signal processing, microprocessors, analog and digital electronics and
communications. However, exceptional candidates in other areas may be
considered. The successful applicant will be expected to participate in
teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses in the above areas, to assist
in the Computer Science (CS) program, to assist in developing an undergraduate
program in Computer Engineering (with eventual extension to a graduate
program), to conduct active sponsored research and perform professional
service.  An earned Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer
Engineering, or a closely-related field is essential. The selected candidate
should be able to obtain an Idaho Professional Engineering (PE) license within
three years. Salary and rank depend on the candidate's qualifications and

Idaho State University is a comprehensive doctoral granting university with an
enrollment of over 13,000.  The College of Engineering has approximately 600
students and offers ABET-accredited B.S. programs in interdisciplinary, civil,
electrical and mechanical engineering; a BS program in Engineering Management,
a B.S. program in Computer Science; M.S. programs in Engineering Structures
and Mechanics; Environmental Engineering, Measurement and Control Engineering,
and Nuclear Science and Engineering, and a Ph.D. program in Engineering and
Applied Science. The College of Engineering has an established Measurement and
Control Engineering Research Center.

The applicant should submit a letter of application, resume, statements of
teaching and research interests, and a minimum of three confidential letters
of reference to:

Director of Human Resources
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID  83209-8107

The screening of applications will begin immediately and the search will
continue until the position is filled.  For further information about the
University and the College of Engineering, visit us on the internet at
www.isu.edu or www.isu.edu/engineer.  Questions should be addressed to: 
engineering@isu.edu, or, Phone: 208-282-2902, FAX: (208) 282-4538.

Idaho State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity

Contributed by: Jan Maciejowski, 

Lecturer: University of Cambridge, UK

Department of Engineering, Control Systems
University of Cambridge, UK
Applications are invited for a University Lectureship in the Department of
Engineering from candidates working in both established and emerging areas
of control systems. The successful  candidate will have or be expected to
develop a record of world class research commensurate with the Department's
international reputation and  top-rank  research rating. Teaching 
responsibilities will include contributing to undergraduate courses, and
supervising final year undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The pensionable salary scale for a University Lecturer is BP 23,296 - 35,950
per year. Appointment will be from 1 January 2004 or as soon as possible
thereafter.  Further particulars and an application form may be obtained
from  the Secretary  of the Faculty Board of Engineering, Department  of
Engineering, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, UK tel +44 (0)1223
332615,  fax  +44  (0)1223  766364,  email  fb-office@eng.cam.ac.uk. to
whom each candidate should return a completed  application  form and   
curriculum  vitae  by  30 September  2003. Informal enquiries may be
directed  to  Dr. J Maciejowski by email (jmm@eng.cam.ac.uk)

Contributed by: Seán Doherty, 

Ph.D.:, NUI Maynooth, Ireland

A Ph.D. Studentship is available to conduct research into the application of 
statistical techniques and control technology to low-pressure plasmas and 
their industrial and scientific applications. The successful candidate will 
work with the Dynamics and Control Group of the Department of Electronic 
Engineering, NUI, Maynooth. The research position is part of the PlasMAC 
Project which combines DCU’s expertise in plasma science with the process 
control expertise at NUI Maynooth to focus on plasma science and its 
application to semiconductor manufacturing, along with three industrial 
partners: Intel, Lam Research and Scientific Systems. The PlasMAC project 
will address the development of a new generation of plasma tools, and this 
position is concerned with closed-loop process control strategies for those 
tools, together with new process control approaches for a range of problems 
affecting the present generation of tools see:
http://www.may.ie/research/recent_awards2.htm and 
http://www.prl.dcu.ie/prl_ad.html for more detail. The position is available 
immediately and will remain open until a suitable candidate is appointed.

The project will focus on:
* Mathematical modelling of plasma processes
* Development of statistical analysis techniques for plasma data 
* Feedback control design for plasma processes

Applications are sought from highly motivated individuals with an interest in 
the application of statistical techniques and control technology to low-
pressure plasmas and their industrial and scientific applications. Ideally 
candidates will have excellent mathematical ability. Primary qualifications 
(ideally 1st class honours degree) in engineering or physics is preferable. 
Expertise in feedback control systems, statistical process control and/or 
experience with plasma processes would be an advantage.  Applications 
including a CV, details of examination results, and the names and e-mail (or 
address) of two referees should be sent to Dr Seán Doherty either by e-mail 
or post to :-
Department of Electronic Engineering
NUI Maynooth
Co. Kildare

Contributed by: Oussalah Mourad, 

PhD: Data Fusion, University of Birmingham, UK
A PhD studentship in the area of information fusion for multimedia 
application is available in School of Electronics and Computing Engineering, 
University of Birmingham, UK. The project involves integration of artificial
intelligence tools and statistical analysis, in order to combine different
sources of knowledge, sometimes conflictual, concerning the multimedia type
application in order to extract a more refined and reliable information. 

Applicants must have (or hope to get) a First or Upper Second Class Degree or 
Masters Degree (preferred) in the areas of computer science, mathematics, 
statistics, electrical engineering, or related subject area. 

The studentship will be funded at the normal rate (full home student fees + 
BP 9250 per year living expenses), with the opportunity of undertaking 
additional paid undergraduate teaching. The start date will be 01/09/03 but 
is negotiable.

Eligibility: basic eligibility rules for EPSRC grants apply, which include 
the applicant being citizen of EU member or regularly resident in the UK for 
more than 3 years. 

Please send two copies of your CV and covering letter giving the names of two 
academic referees, before the 20th of July 2003 to: 
Dr. Mourad Oussalah,  
University of Birmingham, Electronics, Electrical and Computing Engineering
Edgbaston B15 2TT, Birmingham, UK,  e-mail: M.Oussalah.bham.ac.uk

Contributed by: Professor Sarah Spurgeon, 

PhD: Fault prediction, University of Leicester, UK 

Department of Engineering, University of Leicester
Fault prediction in quasi-steady state rotating machinery

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship. The research, 
which is funded by EPSRC, will be carried out in close co-operation with 
Professor Sarah Spurgeon, Professor Barrie Jones and Dr Fernando Schlindwein, 
and with industrial support from BOC Edwards at Shoreham in Sussex, UK.
As machines become more complex and valuable there is a greater need to 
protect them from the consequences of breakdown. Prediction of faults with 
appropriate levels of confidence (in terms of false alarms) is an important 
issue. Earlier research carried out by this team was centred on the diesel 
engine, which has rotating and reciprocating parts and is operated mostly 
with variable load and speed. Many rotating machines, such as pumps in vacuum 
systems, are, in contrast, expected to work in the steady-state most of the 
time. Predictable transient loads are still present but they are present for 
a much smaller fraction of time. Unpredictable transients are often very 
brief. Both types of transient phenomena may produce diagnostic information 
but the main challenge lies in looking for small and subtle changes in 
the “steady-state”. This wider project seeks to extend the previously 
developed methods into this new context. The studentship project will involve 
aspects of data gathering, signal processing and analysis within the wider 
The successful applicant will join an RAE 5A-rated department and will 
benefit from the group's significant technical and industrial experience. 
Applicants must have at least a 2.1 honours degree (or equivalent) in 
electrical engineering or a related subject, and must have strong 
mathematical skills and a solid background in digital signal processing. In 
addition, candidates must be able to carry out data collection for posterior 
analysis and have good time management skills. Previous exposure to Matlab 
would be an advantage. 
The studentship will cover all fees and provide a maintenance grant. 
Informal enquiries about the studentship or project may be made to Professor 
Sarah Spurgeon (eon@le.ac.uk). 
Applicants should send a CV, including the names and addresses of two 
referees, to reach Miss Jill Hammersley at the address below by 31 August 
  Miss Jill Hammersley
  Department of Engineering
  University of Leicester
  LE1 7RH

Contributed by: Rafael Fierro, 

PhD: Oklahoma State University, USA
Multi-Vehicle Coordination Project.

Two PhD positions are available at the MARHES (Multi-Agent, Robotics, Hybrid 
and Embedded Systems) Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer 
Engineering, Oklahoma State University.

Candidates should have a master or equivalent degree in electrical, computer 
or mechanical engineering with strong background and interest in one or more 
of the following areas: Hybrid Control Systems, Robotics, Computer Vision, 
and Machine Learning. Programming skills (C++ and Matlab) are a definite plus.

Please send, preferably in electronic form (PS, PDF or plain text): CV,
transcripts, a statement of research interests, list of publications, and
the names and contact information of two academic referees to:

Dr. Rafael Fierro
Oklahoma State University
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
202 Engineering South
Stillwater  OK  74078-5032
Tel. (405) 744 1328
Fax  (405) 744 9198
e-mail: rfierro@okstate.edu

The positions are available immediately. Review of applications will 
continue until the positions are filled.

Contributed by: Ningsu Luo, 

PhD: University of Girona, Spain

An IGSOC PhD fellowship is presently available in the Department of 
Electronics, Computer Science and Automatic Control at the University of 
Girona in Spain. The four-year fellowship is offered to well qualified 
candidates (non-Spanish nationals) by the PhD program in Information 
Technologies and Electrical Engineering in the framework of International 
Graduate School of Catalonia (IGSOC). 

The following web page 
gives the details about the IGSOC PhD fellowship. For further information, 
candidates can contact by email as soon as possiban, NSW 2308, Australia
Email: kdisney@mail.newcastle.edu.au
Ph: +61 249 217278
Fax: +61 249 601712 

Contributed by: Carsten W. Scherer, c.w.scherer@dcsc.tudelft.nl

Post-Doc: Delft University of Technology, NL
Delft Center for Systems and Control

Optimization based robust controller analysis and synthesis

This project funded by the Dutch government (Technology Foundation) aims at
developing an integrated theoretical framework and its realization in
practically useful algorithms for the efficient analysis and synthesis of
robust and scheduled controllers against mixtures of time-varying and dynamic
uncertainties. This research is to be performed under the guidance of
Carsten Scherer within the newly founded Delft Center for Systems and Control
(DCSC) of Delft University of Technology.

Applicants for the post-doc position (1-2 years, negotiable salary of at
least 2700,- Euros/month before taxes) should have a Ph.D. degree in
Engineering or Mathematics with a strong background in optimization and
robust control theory. Applications should include an extended curriculum
vitae (with details on qualifications, experience, achievements and the
addresses of at least two academic referees) and they should be sent no
later than August 31, 2003 to
 Carsten Scherer
 Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC)
 Delft University of Technology
 Mekelweg 2
 2628 CD Delft
 The Netherlands
 Phone: +31-15-2785899
 Fax:   +31-15-2789387
 Email: c.w.scherer@dcsc.tudelft.nl

Contributed by: Valery Ugrinovskii, valu@ee.adfa.edu.au

Post Doc: ADFA Canberra, Australia

Research Associate Level A/B  (Fixed Term -- 2 Years)
Salary: Level A:  AUD $46,955 - AUD $52,324 per annum
        Level B:  AUD $55,079 - AUD $65,408 per annum

This position is funded by the Australian Research Council under the
Discovery Project "Monitoring and Control of Complex Power Systems via
Robust Control of Jump Parameter Systems" and will involve carrying out
research in conjunction with Dr. Valery Ugrinovskii and Dr. Himanshu
Pota. The successful applicant will be appointed for a period of two years. 

Selection criteria include:  completed PhD or be close to completion of PhD
in Engineering or Applied Mathematics with a specialisation in Control
Theory;  ability to carry out research in one or more of the following
areas; Stochastic Control, Robust Control and Filtering, Nonlinear Control,
Power Control Systems, demonstrated by publications in leading
international control journals; have a demonstrated ability to work under
limited supervision; be able to communicate well in English,  both orally
and in writing; have a knowledge and  understanding of the principles of
EEO, and OH&S practices and  procedures. A demonstrated ability to carry
out research in areas of Stochastic Control or Power Control Systems and an
ability to contribute into a development of experimental facilities would
be desirable. 

Membership of an approved University superannuation scheme is a condition
of employment. 

Applicants should contact Dr. Valery Ugrinovskii (valu@ee.adfa.edu.au,
phone +61 2 6268 8219, fax +61 2 6268 8443) or Dr. Himanshu Pota
(h.pota@adfa.edu.au, phone +61 2 6268 8197, fax +61 2 6268 8443) for further
information regarding the position. For selection criteria contact the
School Administrator by email on j.paterson@adfa.edu.au, 
phone +61 2 6268 8227 or fax +61 2 6268 8443 or website 

Applications close 18 July 2003. Please quote reference number Elec30403 

Applicants should submit a written application addressing the selection
criteria, including contact details (e.g. business and private or mobile
telephone numbers plus email address), a complete resume with copies of
academic transcripts and qualifications, and the names and addresses
(preferably email) of at least two referees to:  

HR Recruitment
Australian Defence Force Academy 
Northcott Drive 

You may email your application to: uni.college.recruitment@adfa.edu.au   
For confirmation of receipt of applications telephone +61 2 6268 8707. People
from EEO groups are encouraged to apply. 

Contributed by: Qing-Long Han, q.han@cqu.edu.au

Post Doc: Central Queensland Univerity, Australia

Time-Delay Systems 
Faculty of Informatics and Communication
Central Queensland University
Rockhampton, Qld 4702, Australia

Salary: A$42,165to A$51,282per annum (depending on experience).

A Post Doctoral Research Fellow is sought for the project "Delay effects:
Analysis, Synthesis and Applications", to undertake high quality research in
the areas of H-inf control and filtering of time-delay systems, network
control systems and telecommunication.  Principal researchers for this project
are Dr Qing-Long Han and Dr Russel Stonier. 
The applicant is expected to have a very strong mathematical and control
theory background and prior publications in the above research areas. 
For further information on the Post Doctoral Research Fellow (the position
advertisement is available on 5 July 2003 at the CQU personnel web site),
please see the University Web Site
For further information about this project please contact  Dr Qing-Long Han on
telephone + 61 7 4930 9270,  or by email at q.han@cqu.edu.au
Term of appointment:   This position is a three year appointment
Essential Criteria: 
.  Must have completed a PhD degree in Mathematics, Electrical Engineering or
   a related field in the last five (5) years;
.  A strong background in mathematics especially in Lyapunov stability theory;
.  A strong background in control theory;
.  Willingness to work in a team;
.  Publication record.
Desirable Criteria:
. Research experience on time-delay systems, multidimensional control systems;
. Research experience on filtering and estimation, signal processing with
. Research experience on descriptor systems and slide mode control; 
. Research experience on network control systems and telecommunication;
. Research experience with Matlab (such as LMI Toolbox) or equivalent 
Closing Date:   19th July, 2003.
(Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.)

Contributed by: Jingxin Zhang, jingxin.zhang@eng.monash.edu.au

Post Doc:, Monash University, Australia

A postdoctoral research fellow position is available in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Australia.
The applicants are expected to have strong background and experience in one 
of the following areas: robust control and filtering (preferably familiar
with LMI techniques), multirate signal processing and filter bank design,
spectral estimation.  

The position is supported by Australian Research Council's Discovery Project 
Grant, initially for one year with the possibility of further extension 
dependent on the progress of research. 

For more information please email to jingxin.zhang@eng.monash.edu.au. 
Applicants should send full curriculum vitae to Dr Jingxin Zhang at the above 
mail address or at the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems 
Engineering, Monash University, Wellington Road, Clayton, Vic 3800, Australia.

Contributed by: Kevin M. Passino, passino@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu

Post Doc: Networked UAVs, Ohio State Univ, USA

Post Doctoral Position at the Collaborative Center of Control Science, in
"Cooperative Control for Networked Uninhabited Autonomous Vehicles"
Dept. Electrical Engineering
The Ohio State University

The Collaborative Center of Control Science (CCCS), sponsored by Air Force
Research Laboratory, is seeking a post doctoral researcher who will focus on
the area of "Cooperative Control for Networked Uninhabited Autonomous
Vehicles."  The topics to be studied include methods for decentralized
decision-making for guidance of a group of uninhabited autonomous vehicles
(UAVs). These UAVs must perform cooperative tasks on targets whose locations
may not be known a priori, and are connected via a communication network that
may have delays, bandwidth limitations, or topology changes. Specific areas
of investigation include dynamic task assignment and decentralized scheduling 
using decentralized stochastic, optimization, and game-theoretic methods. A
PhD in engineering or computer science with a strong background in
mathematics is needed.  Specialization and demonstrated experience in at
least several areas of control, dynamics, and computer networks is also
required. The research will proceed in collaboration with Profs. K.M. Passino
and J.B. Cruz at The Ohio State University and Dr. A.G. Sparks at the Air
Force Research Laboratory.
Salary range: $31K-$37K, depending on experience and background. 
Duration: 1 year. For more information on the CCCS see 
and send your application (vita and statement of research 
interests/background) via email to passino@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu

Contributed by: T.S. Lee, tlee@isa.org

Advanced Control Unleashed
Plant Performance Management for Optimum Benefit
T.L. Blevins, G.K. McMillan, W.K. Wojsznis, and M.W. Brown

Proven control methods for engineers working in industry, presented by four 
seasoned practitioners of control, with more than 100 years of industrial 
experience in the development and use of advanced control. Bridging the gap 
between theory and practice, this soon-to-be classic provides the basis for 
assessing the benefits of advanced control - covering auto-tuning, model 
predictive control, optimization, estimators, neural networks, fuzzy control, 
simulators, expert systems, diagnostics, and performance assessment.

As an added bonus, the book includes a CD that helps bridge theoretical 
concepts and practical implementations by providing real DeltaV simulations 
and displays. This interactive CD offers practical design, simulation, and 
implementation examples that make key examples in the book come alive. 
Configuration and case files are supplied for a hands-on experience, and 
PowerPoint files suitable for lectures on each unit are also included.

To order, go to http://www.isa.org/advancedcontrol

Contributed by: Johan Suykens, johan.suykens@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

Advances in Learning Theory: Methods, Models and Applications
J.A.K. Suykens, G. Horvath, S. Basu, C. Micchelli, J. Vandewalle (Eds.) 

NATO Science Series III: Computer & Systems Sciences, Volume 190, 
IOS Press Amsterdam, 2003, 436pp. (ISBN: 1 58603 341 7)

Book edited at the occasion of the NATO-ASI (Advanced Study Institute) 
on Learning Theory and Practice (Leuven July 2002)

Table of contents

- An Overview of Statistical Learning Theory, V. Vapnik
- Best Choices for Regularization Parameters in Learning Theory: on the 
  Bias-Variance Problem, F. Cucker, S. Smale
- Cucker Smale Learning Theory in Besov Spaces, C.A. Micchelli, Y. Xu, P. Ye
- High-dimensional Approximation by Neural Networks, V. Kurkova
- Functional Learning through Kernels, S. Canu, X. Mary, A. Rakotomamonjy
- Leave-one-out Error and Stability of Learning Algorithms with Applications
  A. Elisseeff, M. Pontil
- Regularized Least-Squares Classification, R. Rifkin, G. Yeo, T. Poggio
- Support Vector Machines: Least Squares Approaches and Extensions,
   J.A.K. Suykens, T. Van Gestel, J. De Brabanter, B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle
- Extension of the nu-SVM Range for Classification, F. Perez-Cruz,
   J. Weston, D.J.L. Herrmann, B. Schoelkopf
- Kernels Methods for Text Processing, N. Cristianini, J. Kandola,
   A. Vinokourov, J. Shawe-Taylor
- An Optimization Perspective on Kernel Partial Least Squares Regression,
   K.P. Bennett, M.J. Embrechts
- Multiclass Learning with Output Codes, Y. Singer
- Bayesian Regression and Classification, C.M. Bishop, M.E. Tipping
- Bayesian Field Theory: from Likelihood Fields to Hyperfields, J. Lemm
- Bayesian Smoothing and Information Geometry, R. Kulhavy
- Nonparametric Prediction, L. Gyorfi, D. Schafer
- Recent Advances in Statistical Learning Theory, M. Vidyasagar
- Neural Networks in Measurement Systems (an engineering view), G. Horvath

  List of participants
  Subject index
  Author index

Order information
IOS Press via website 

Contributed by: Francesco Borrelli, borrelli@aem.umn.edu

Constrained Optimal Control of Linear and Hybrid Systems
Francesco Borrelli

Vol. 290. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag.
226 pages, softcover, ISBN: 3-540-00257-X

Many practical control problems are dominated by characteristics
like (i) state, input and operational constraints, (ii) switches between
different operating regimes, and (iii) the interaction of continuous-time
and discrete event systems. At present no methodology is available to design
controllers for such systems in a systematic manner. The most common approach
resorts to using tools developed for unconstrained linear systems, patched
with a collection of heuristic rules.

This book introduces a design theory for controllers for constrained and
switching dynamical systems.  It leads to algorithms which systematically
solve control synthesis problems for classes of systems, where there are few,
or no tools, currently available.

We will focus on two classes of discrete-time dynamical systems: (i)
constrained linear systems and (ii) constrained linear hybrid systems, i.e.,
systems that include logic states and inputs, whose mode of operation can
switch between a finite number of affine systems and where the mode
transitions can be triggered by states crossing specific thresholds or by
exogenous inputs.

For these two classes of systems we study optimal control problems and their
state feedback solution.Our approach will make use of multiparametric
programming and our main objective will be to derive properties} of the state
feedback solution, as well as to obtain algorithms to compute it efficiently.
We start by extending the theory of the Linear Quadratic Regulator to linear
systems with linear constraints.  We consider other norms in the objective
function, we solve the robust case with additive and parametric uncertainty
and finally extend all these results to hybrid systems. In the concluding
part of the book, the applicability of the theory is demonstrated through two
experimental case studies: a mechanical laboratory process and a traction
control system developed jointly with Ford Motor Company in Michigan.

Further info: http://www.aem.umn.edu/people/others/borrelli/Book.htm
Purchase: http://www.springer.de/cgi/svcat/search_book.pl?isbn=3-540-00257-X

Contributed by: Jan Lunze, Lunze@atp.rub.de

Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control
by Mogens Blanke, Michel Kinnaert, Jan Lunze and Marcel Staroswiecki

Springer-Verlag, Berlin

Fault-tolerant control aims at  graceful degradation of automated systems in 
case of faults. It satisfies the industrial demand for enhanced availability 
and safety, in contrast to traditional reactions to faults that bring about 
sudden shutdowns and loss of availability. 

The book presents effective model-based analysis and design methods for fault 
diagnosis and fault-tolerant control. Architectural and structural models are 
used to analyse the propagation of the fault throught the process, to test 
fault detectability and to find the redundancies in the process that can be 
used to ensure fault tolerance. Design methods for diagnostic systems and 
fault-tolerant controllers are presented for processes that are described by 
analytical models, by discrete-event models or that can be dealt with as 
quantised systems. Four case studies on pilot processes show the 
applicability of the presented methods. The theoretical results are
illustrated by two running examples which are used throughout the book.

The book addresses engineering students, engineers in industry and
researchers who wish to get a survey over the variety of approaches to
process diagnosis and fault-tolerant control.

The authors have extensive teaching experience with graduate and PhD students 
as well as  industrial experts. Parts of this book has been used in courses 
for this audience. The authors give a thorough introduction to the main ideas 
of diagnosis and fault-tolerant control and present some of their most recent 
research achievements that they have obtained together with their research 
groups in a close cooperation within European Research Projects.


Introduction to diagnosis and fault-tolerant control. Examples.
- Models of dynamical systems.
- Analysis based on components and architecture.
- Structural analysis.
- Fault diagnosis of continuous-variable systems.
- Fault-tolerant control of continuous-variable systems.
- Diagnosis and reconfigurable control of discrete-event systems.
- Diagnosis and reconfiguration of quantised systems.
- Application examples.

2003, XVII, 571 p. 228 illus. Hardcover 
ISBN: 3-540-01056-4 
Recommended Retail Price: EUR 99.95 

Contributed by: J.C. Spall, james.spall@jhuapl.edu

Introduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization
James C. Spall, The Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (ISBN 0-471-33052-3; April 2003)

Stochastic search and optimization techniques are used in a vast number of 
problems within control and other fields. Such techniques have been employed 
in areas such as adaptive control, system identification, machine learning, 
and intelligent control. Some specific applications include refining the 
design of a missile or aircraft, determining the effectiveness of a new drug, 
developing the most efficient timing strategies for traffic signals, or
making investment decisions in order to increase profits. 

Introduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization is an overview of the 
principles, algorithms, and practical aspects of stochastic optimization, 
including applications drawn from engineering, statistics, and computer 
science. The book may serve as either a reference book for researchers and 
practitioners or as a textbook, the latter use being supported by exercises 
at the end of every chapter and appendix. Preliminary versions of the book
have been used for M.S.-level courses at several universities. The main 
prerequisites are multivariate calculus, basic matrix algebra, and
probability and statistics. The book includes a comprehensive collection of
references and a supporting Web site with software, data, PowerPoint slides,
and other information. 

Contents by Chapter:
1. Stochastic Search and Optimization: Motivation and Supporting Results
2. Direct Methods for Stochastic Search
3. Recursive Estimation for Linear Models
4. Stochastic Approximation for Nonlinear Root-Finding
5. Stochastic Gradient Form of Stochastic Approximation
6. Stochastic Approximation and the Finite-Difference Method
7. Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation
8. Annealing-Type Algorithms
9. Evolutionary Computation I: Genetic Algorithms
10. Evolutionary Computation II: General Methods and Theory
11. Reinforcement Learning via Temporal Differences
12. Statistical Methods for Optimization in Discrete Problems
13. Model Selection and Statistical Information
14. Simulation-Based Optimization I: Regeneration, Common Random Numbers,
    and Selection Methods
15. Simulation-Based Optimization II: Stochastic Gradient and Sample Path 
16. Markov Chain Monte Carlo
17. Optimal Design for Experimental Inputs
Appendix A. Selected Results from Multivariate Analysis
Appendix B. Some Basic Tests in Statistics
Appendix C. Probability Theory and Convergence
Appendix D. Random Number Generation
Appendix E. Markov Processes
Answers to Selected Exercises
Frequently Used Notation

Further info: http://www.jhuapl.edu/ISSO
Purchase info.: 
http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471330523.html or 

Contributed by: J A Rossiter, J.A.Rossiter@shef.ac.uk

Model-based predictive control: a practical approach
J.A. Rossiter

Published by CRC Press (www.crcpress.com)
Price 40 pounds (UK)   90 dollars(USA)
ISBN 0-8493-1291-4

The main aim of this book is to make the presentation less mathematically 
formal and hence more palatable for the less mathematically inclined.  
Insight is given in a non-theoretical way  and there are a number of summary 
boxes to give a quick picture of the key results without the need to read 
through the detailed explanation.

It can serve  as a textbook but there is also a strong focus on the 
philosophy of predictive control.  The basic concepts are introduced and then 
these are developed  to fit different purposes: for instance, how to model, 
to give robustness, to handle constraints, to ensure feasibility, to 
guarantee stability etc.  Dr. Rossiter uses his own insight from researching
predictive control and hence this book  forms a contrast to and complements
the  other books available.

Contributed by: A. Astolfi, a.astolfi@imperial.ac.uk

CFP: European Journal of Control

European Journal of Control Special Issue:
"Lagrangian and Hamiltonian  Methods for Nonlinear Control"
Guest Editors:  A. Astolfi and A.J. van der Schaft

While the role played by Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods in disciplines 
such as classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, fluid dynamics, electro-
dynamics and celestial mechanics is widely recognized, it is somewhat 
surprising that such methods have only recently been used in the control 

In fact, with the exception of optimal control theory, which has its roots 
in variational calculus and the accompanying theory of Lagrangian and 
Hamiltonian systems, the control community has only relatively recently 
understood the importance and role of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian "structures"
as design methods.

This is mainly due to the fact that the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems 
arising in optimal control, and in the above quoted disciplines are (almost 
always) systems to be analyzed, but not to be "modified".

In contrast, the systems arising in most engineering applications and for 
which control systems have to be designed are Lagrangian or Hamiltonian 
systems the properties of which have to be modified by means of feedback 
control laws. The design of such controllers can be carried out following 
two perspectives. In the former the "physical" properties of the system are 
disregarded, i.e. the system is a nonlinear system without special 
properties. In the latter the "physical" properties of the system are taken
into consideration and exploited in the design stage and may be preserved 
in closed loop. The advantage of this second approach resides in the ability 
to interpret the control design stage in terms of energy flow, energy 
dissipation, and interconnection. Moreover, the design of a control system 
with Lagrangian or Hamiltonian structure allows to analyze such a system 
using the extensive tools available in the literature.

Aim of this special issue is to present and illustrate new approaches to 
nonlinear control that exploit the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian structure of 
the system to be controlled.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, 
- control of mechanical, electro-mechanical and electrical systems;
- control of autonomous vehicles;
- Hamiltonian and Lagrangian  control systems;
- use of symplectic, Poisson and Dirac structures in control;
- role of symmetry, reduction and integrability in control;
- analysis of global phase space structure and 
  qualitative phenomena with application to control;
- effect of physical and feedback-controlled dissipation;
- nonholonomic control systems;
- geometric nonlinear control of Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems;
- tracking and regulation for Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems;
- infinite dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems;
- control of mechanical and electro-mechanical systems in the 
  presence of delays and transmission lines.

The deadline for paper submission is 31 December 2003. Manuscripts
should be submitted electronically to one of the guest editors.
Prospective authors are asked to contact:

A. Astolfi
Electrical Engineering Department
Imperial College
London SW7 2BT
United Kingdom
E-mail: a.astolfi@imperial.ac.uk

A.J. van der Schaft
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217, 7500AE Enschede
The Netherlands
E-mail: A.J.vanderSchaft@math.utwente.nl

Contributed by: Tamer Basar, tbasar@control.csl.uiuc.edu

Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2003

Stabilization of  System by Static Output Feedback, Vladimir B. Larin 
Efficiency of a Hybrid  Method for Elastic Waves, Larisa  Beilina 
Application of  Intelligence and Mathematical Models for Computing Design of  
  the Flexible Manufacturing Module, Javanshir F. Mamedov, Agil H. Huseynov 
Controllability and Observability of  Non-Linear Systems using Fixed Point 
  Theory, Fazal-ur-Rehman and K. H. Khan 
Neuromathematics: Development Tendencies, A.I. Galushkin , S.V. Korobkova.,
  P.A. Kazantsev  
Proper Curvature Collineations in Plane Symmetric Static Space-Times,
  Ghulam Shabbir 
Successive Approximation and Suboptimal Control of  Systems With Separated 
  Linear Part, A.P. Afanas'ev, S.M. Dzyuba, S.M. Lobanov, A.V. Tyutyunnik  
Beyond the Information Age: A Philosophical Perspective, Ayaz Isazadeh 

Book Review
Multibody System Mechanics: Modeling, Stability, Control and Robustness
Vladimir Konoplev and Alexander Cheremensky , by  Vladimir M. Matiyasevich 

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, lichen@ntu.edu.tw

Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Vol. 5, No. 2, June, 2003

1. Title: Robust H¡Û Control Problem for General Nonlinear Systems with 
   Author: Jenq-Lang Wu and Tsu-Tian Lee
2. Title: An Automatic Building Approach to Special Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy 
          Network for Unknown Plant Modeling and Stable Control
   Author: Chia-Feng Juang
3. Title: Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Ship Roll Stabilization
   Author: Shyh-Leh Chen and Wei-Chih Hsu
4. Title: Design of Robust Pole Assignment Based on Pareto-Optimal Solutions
   Author: Takanori Tagami and Kenji Ikeda
5. Title: PID Performance Tuning Methods for a Robotic Manipulator Based on 
   Author: Youngjin Choi and Wan Kyun Chung
6. Title: Optimal Process Control Using Neural Networks
   Author: Radhakant Padhi and S. N. Balakrishnan
7. Title: A Stable Output Feedback Position Control with Integral Action for 
          Robot Manipulators
   Author: Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Rafael Kelly and Ilse Cervantes
8. Title: Sliding Mode Control for Invertible Systems Based on a Direct 
          Design of Interactors
   Author: Tsutomu Mita, Taek-Kun Nam and Xin Xin
9. Title: Dynamical Output Feedback Stabilization of MIMO Bilinear Systems 
          with Undamped Natural Response
   Author: Guoping Lu, Yufan Zheng and Cishen Zhang
10. Title: Indexing Valve Plate Pump: Modeling and Control
    Author: X. Zhang, J. Cho and S. S. Nair
11. Title: Characterisation of Receding Horizon Control for Constrained 
           Linear Systems
    Author: Maria M. Seron, Graham C. Goodwin and Jose A. De Dona

12. Title: Determination of the Phase Current Waveform for a Disc-Type Axial-
           Flux Wheel Motor
    Author: Yee-Pien Yang, Yih-Ping Luh and Yann-Guang Pan
13. Title: Plotting Robust Root Locus for Polynomial Families of Multilinear 
           Parameter Dependence Based on Zero Inclusion/Exclusion Tests
    Author: Chyi Hwang and Shih-Feng Yang
14. Title: Reliable State Feedback Control Synthesis for Uncertain Linear 
    Author: Guang-Hong Yang, Jian Liang Wang, Yeng Chai Soh and Kok-Yong Lou
15. Title: On Velocity-Based Local Model Networks for Nonlinear Identification
    Author: Seamus C. McLoone and George W. Irwin
16. Title: Time Varying Deadbeat Control of High Order Chained Systems
    Author: Tsutomu Mita and Taek Kun Nam
17. Title: Modified Weak-Pseudo-Sliding Mode Controller with One Sampling 
           Period Computation Delay
    Author: Kuo-Ming Chang, Chieh-Li Chen and Zhi-Hong Zhu

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, automatica@autsubmit.com

Contents: Automatica
August, 2003
Volume 39, Issue 8

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com

Regular papers

Y. Fujisaki, F. Dabbene, R. Tempo
Probabilistic design of LPV control systems

G. Yin, Q. Zhang
Stability of Markov modulated discrete-time dynamic systems

J. Anthonis, H. Ramon
Linear mechanical systems and dyadic transfer function matrices

J. de Halleux, C. Prieur, J-M. Coron, B. d'Andréa-Novel, G. Bastin
Boundary feedback control in networks of open channels

I. Emre Köse, F. Jabbari
Scheduled controllers for linear systems with bounded actuators

Brief papers

M. Saif, Y. Xiong
Unknown disturbance inputs estimation based on a state functional observer

P-A. Bliman, A. B.Piunovskiy, M. Sorine
Controlled linear system with delayed relay output
under ipulse random disturbances

Dong-Soo Choi, Seung-Jean Kim, In-Joong Ha
A phase-plane approach to time-optimal control of single-DOF mechanical
systems with friction

P. Colaneri, V. Kucera, S. Longhi
Polynomial approach to the control of SISO periodic systems subject to
input constraint

W. M. Haddad, S. G. Nersesov, V. Chellaboina
Energy-based control for hybrid port-controlled Hamiltonian systems

Yuzhen Wang, Chunwen Li, Daizhan Cheng
Generalized Hamiltonian realization of time-invariant nonlinear systems

J. A. Torres Munoz, M. Malabre
Simultaneous model matching and distrubance rejection with stability by
state feedback

S. S. Ge, ZHuping Wang, T. H. Lee
Adaptive stabilization of uncertain nonholonomic
systems by state and output feedback

L. C. Kammer, D. Gorinevsky, G. A. Dumont
Semi-intrusive multivariable model invalidation

Yong Liu, M. A. Simaan, J. B. Cruz, Jr.
An application of dynamic Nash task assignment strategies to multi-team
military air operations

D. Henrion, D. Arzelier, D. Peaucelle
Positive polynomial matrices and improved LMI robustness conditions

M. Cannon, V. Deshmukh, B. Kouvaritakis
Nonlinear model predictive control with polytopic invariant sets

L. Mirkin
On the H(infinity) fixed-lag smoothing: How to exploit the information preview

Book reviews

E. Zeheb
Computational aspects of linear control, by Claude Brezinski

G. Conte
Methods of algebraic geometry in control theory. Part II: Multivariable
linear systems and projective algebraic geometry, by Peter Falb

Contributed by: A. H. Glattfelder, ifacjcep@control.ee.ethz.ch

Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Volume 11, Issue 8, Pages 835-971 (August 2003)
Special Issue: Process Dynamics and Control

Table of Contents:

Preface: Special issue on process dynamics and control, Page 835
Jay H. Lee, S. Joe Qin and Ensup Yoon

Designing plant experiments for real-time optimization systems, Pages 837-845
Wai San Yip and Thomas E. Marlin
Challenging control problems and emerging technologies in enterprise 
optimization, Pages 847-858
Joseph Z. Lu
On the operability of continuous processes, Pages 859-869
Christos Georgakis, Derya Uzturk, Sivakumar Subramanian and David R. Vinson
Automation of the safety analysis of batch processes based on multi-modeling 
approach, Pages 871-880
Byounggwan Kang, Dongil Shin and En Sup Yoon
Periodical replanning with hierarchical repairing for the optimal operation 
of a utility plant, Pages 881-894
Heui-Seok Yi, Jeong Hwan Kim, Chonghun Han, Jae Hak Jung, Moon Yong Lee and 
Jie Tae Lee
Structural analysis of large-scale systems for distributed state estimation 
and control applications, Pages 895-905
Rajanikanth Vadigepalli and Francis J. Doyle III
A new approach to defining a dynamic relative gain, Pages 907-914
Thomas Mc Avoy, Yaman Arkun, Rong Chen, Derek Robinson and P. David Schnelle
Nonlinear control of a reactive distillation column, Pages 915-925
S. Gruner, K. -D. Mohl, A. Kienle, E. D. Gilles, G. Fernholz and M. Friedrich
Inferential control of distillation compositions: selection of model and 
control configuration, Pages 927-933
Manabu Kano, Natthaphon Showchaiya, Shinji Hasebe and Iori Hashimoto
Pseudo-random binary sequence design for finite impulse response 
identification, Pages 935-947
Su Whan Sung and Jay H. Lee
Neural network-based identification of SMB chromatographic processes, Pages 
Chaoyong Wang, Karsten-Ulrich Klatt, Guido Dunnebier, Sebastian Engell and 
Felix Hanisch
Multivariable identification of an activated sludge process with subspace-
based algorithms, Pages 961-969
Oscar A. Z. Sotomayor, Song Won Park and Claudio Garcia
Erratum to "A flexible architecture for telemanipulator control" [Control 
Eng. Practice 10 (2002) 1293-1299], Page 971
A. Weber, H. Breitwieser and J. Benner

Contributed by: Mikhail Skliar, mikhail.skliar@utah.edu

Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology
July 2003, Vol. 11, No. 4

Thermoacoustic Instabilities: Modeling and Control
    D. U. C.-Delgado, B. B. H. Schuermans, K. Zhou, C. O. Paschereit, 
    E. A. Gallestey, and A. Poncet
Suppressing Operator-Induced Oscillations in Manual Control Systems with 
Movable Bases
    M. R. Sirouspour and S. E. Salcudean
Neural-Network-Based Load Modeling and Its Use in Voltage Stability Analysis
    D. Chen and R. R. Mohler
Generating Swing-Suppressed Maneuvers for Crane Systems with Rate Saturation
    M. J. Agostini, G. G. Parker, H. Schaub, K. Groom, and R. D. Robinett
A Survey of Recent Innovations in Vibration Damping and Cotrol Using Shunted 
Piezoelectric Transducers
    S. O. R. Moheimani
Set-Point Regulation of an Anaerobic Digestion Process with Bounded Output 
    R. Antonelli, J. Harmand, J.-P. Steyer, and A. Astolfi
Adaptive Identification of Dynamically Positioned Underwater Robotic 
    D. A. Smallwood, L. L. Whitcomb
A Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Position/Force Control Scheme for Cooperative 
    W. Gueaieb, F. Karray, and S. Al-Sharhan
Robust Control Reconfiguration of a Thermal Process with Multiple Operating 
    P. Charbonnaud, F. J. Carrillo, and S. Medar
Nonlinear Decentralized Saturated Controller Design for Power Systems
    Z. Xi, G. Feng, D. Cheng, and Q. Lu
Hybrid Algorithm with Fuzzy System and Conventional PI Control for the 
Temperature Control of TV Glass Furnace
    U.-C. Moon, K. Y. Lee

Brief Papers:

Servomechanism Controller Design of Web Handling Systems
    W. Liu and E. J. Davison
Fuel-Injection Control System Design and Experiments of a Diesel Engine
    Y. Li, G. Liu, and X. Zhou
Simultaneous Adaptive Decoupling and Model Matching Control of a Fluidized 
Bed Combustor for Sewage Sludge
    Y. Jia, H. Kokame, and J. Lunze
A Hierarchical Approach to Production Control of Reentrant Semiconductor 
Manufacturing Lines
    F. D. V.-Villamil, D. E. Rivera, and K. G. Kempf
Stable Inversion of SISO Nonminimum Phase Linear Systems through Output 
Planning: An Experimental Application to the One-Link Flexible Manipulator
    M. Benosman and G. Le Vey
Path Following with Reduced Off-Tracking for Multibody Wheeled Vehicles
    C. Altafini

Contributed by: C. Stewart, trac@bu.edu

Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
 Volume: 48,   Issue: 4,   Year: April 2003

Frequency domain identification of hammerstein models
Er-Wei Bai, Page(s): 530- 542

On the extraction of dead-time controllers and estimators from delay-free
Mirkin, L., Page(s): 543- 553

Adaptive control with nonconvex parameterization
Tyukin, I.Yu.; Prokhorov, D.V.; Terekhov, V.A., Page(s): 554- 567

Markov decision processes with delays and asynchronous cost collection
Katsikopoulos, K.V.; Engelbrecht, S.E., Page(s): 568- 574
Constructive controllability algorithms for motion planning and optimization
Cerven, W.T.; Bullo, F., Page(s): 575- 589

Immersion and invariance: a new tool for stabilization and adaptive control
of nonlinear systems
Astolfi, A.; Ortega, R., Page(s): 590- 606

Adaptive suboptimal tracking for the first-order plant with Lipschitz
Sokolov, V.F., Page(s): 607- 612

A magnitude/phase-locked loop approach to parameter estimation of periodic
Biqing Wu; Bodson, M., Page(s): 612- 618

On common quadratic lyapunov functions for pairs of stable lti systems whose
system matrices are in companion form
Shorten, R.N.; Narendra, K.S., Page(s): 618- 621

Nonlinear discrete-time observer design with linearizable error dynamics
MingQing Xiao; Kazantzis, N.; Kravaris, C.; Krener, A.J., Page(s): 622- 626

Stability of linear discrete dynamics employing state saturation arithmetic
Ooba, T., Page(s): 626- 630

On necessary conditions for almost global stability
Monzon, P., Page(s): 631- 634

Input linearization of nonlinear systems via pulse-width control
Dogruel, M., Page(s): 635- 638

Intersample and finite wordlength effects in sampled-data problems
Bamieh, B., Page(s): 639- 643

Rotational motion control of a spacecraft
Wisniewski, R.; Kulczycki, P., Page(s): 643- 646

Exact computation of traces and H/sub 2/ norms for a class of infinite-
imensional problems
Bamieh, B.; Dahleh, M., Page(s): 646- 649

Stability analysis for nonlinear feedback control systems with linear
Jian'an Fang; Guoxiang Gu; Kang-Zhi Liu, Page(s): 649- 654

Quadratic characterization and use of output stabilizable subspaces
Castelan, E.B.; Hennet, J.-C.; Villarreal, E.R.L., Page(s): 654- 660

On hopf bifurcations in singularly perturbed systems
Yang, L.; Tang, Y.; Du, D., Page(s): 660- 664

Stability of systems with several monotone nonlinearities
Barabanov, N.E., Page(s): 665- 670

The problem of state estimation via asynchronous communication channels
with irregular transmission times
Matveev, A.S.; Savkin, A.V., Page(s): 670- 676

Set-valued state estimation via a limited capacity communication channel
Savkin, A.V.; Petersen, I.R., Page(s): 676- 680

Static sliding-motion phenomena in dynamical systems
Junger, I.B.; Steil, J.J., Page(s): 680- 686

A new approach to digital pid controller design
Keel, L.H.; Rego, J.I.; Bhattacharyya, S.P., Page(s): 687- 692

Stability analysis of swarms
Gazi, V.; Passino, K.M., Page(s): 692- 697

Delay-dependent/delay-independent stability of linear systems with multiple
time-varying delays
Bugong Xu; Yun-Hui Liu, Page(s): 697- 701

Division controllers for homogeneous dyadic bilinear systems
Yean-Ren Hwang; Min-Shin Chen; Tzuyin Wu, Page(s): 701- 705

Orthogonal rational functions for system identification: numerical aspects
Van gucht, P.; Bultheel, A., Page(s): 705- 709

Robust d-stability for linear uncertain discrete time-delay systems
Te-Jen Su; Yun-Chu Chen; Wen-Jye Shyr; Boi-Wei Wang, Page(s): 709- 709

Contributed by: Jen Samuels, jens@aiaa.org

Contents: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Volume 26, Number 4, July-August 2003


Historical Review of Air-Bearing Spacecraft Simulators
J. L. Schwartz, M. A. Peck, C. D. Hall, p. 513-522


Automated Method to Compute Orbital Reentry Trajectories with Heating 
C. Zimmerman, G. Dukeman, J. Hanson, p. 523-529

Uncertainty Models and Robust Complex-Rational Controller Design for 
Flexible Structures
N. Aouf and B. Boulet, p. 530-535

Unscented Filtering for Spacecraft Attitude Estimation
J. L. Crassidis and F. L. Markley, p. 536-542

Reconfigurable Flight Control System Design Using Direct Adaptive 
K.-S. Kim, K.-J. Lee, Y. Kim, p. 543-550

Structured Model Reference Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear 
K. Subbarao and J. L. Junkins, p. 551-557

Effect of Tire Pressure on Aircraft Ground Handling
D. H. Klyde, R. E. Magdaleno, J. G. Reinsberg, p. 558-564

Nonlinear Statistical Approach for Aeroelastic Response Prediction
C. A. Popescu and Y. S. Wong, p. 565-571

Helicopter Flight-Control Reconfiguration for Main Rotor Actuator 
R. Enns and J. Si, p. 572-584

Stabilization of Helicopter Blades with Severed Pitch Links Using 
Trailing-Edge Flaps
R. Celi, p. 585-592

Using Fractional Gaussian Noise Models in Orbit Determination
W. C. Chow and P. W. Schumacher Jr., p. 593-607

Optimal Strategy for Geostationary Orbit Acquisition Using Ion 
C. Circi, p. 608-614

Solution of the Elliptic Rendezvous Problem with the Time as 
Independent Variable
R. A. Broucke, p. 615-621

Invariant Manifold Tracking for First-Order Nonlinear Hill’s Equations
J. W. Mitchell and D. L. Richardson, p. 622-627

Technique for Escape from Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit Using a 
Solar Sail
V. L. Coverstone and J. E. Prussing, p. 628-634

Lunar Gravitational Capture Conditions
S. R. Dahlke, p. 635-642

Heating and Modeling Effects in Tethered Aerocapture Missions
P. Williams, S. Yeo, C. Blanksby, p. 643-654

Instability of Fixed, Low-Thrust Drag Compensation
C. R. McInnes, p. 655-657

Linearized Dynamic Equations for Spacecraft Subject to J2 
I. M. Ross, p. 657-659

Spacecraft Vibration Reduction Following Thruster Firing for Orbit 
A. Banerjee and B. Diedrich, p. 659-661

Azimuthal Repositioning of Payloads in Heliocentric Orbit Using Solar 
C. R. McInnes, p. 662-664

Stabilization of Optimum Trajectory Costate Differential Equations
R. L. Barron and C. M. Chick III, p. 665-668

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, hans@math.wisc.edu

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume 369, Pages 1-352 (1 August 2003)  


Perturbation of null spaces with application to the eigenvalue problem and 
generalized inverses, Pages 1-25
Konstantin E. Avrachenkov and Moshe Haviv

A complementary result of Kantorovich type order preserving inequalities by 
Mii-Peari-Seo, Pages 27-40
Takayuki Furuta and Mariko Giga

Analysis of preconditioning strategies for collocation linear systems, Pages 
Stefano Serra Capizzano and Cristina Tablino Possio

Wielandt and Ky-Fan theorem for matrix pairs, Pages 77-93
Ivica Naki and Kreimir Veseli

Identities of bilinear mappings and graded polynomial identities of matrices, 
Pages 95-112
Yu. A. Bahturin and V. Drensky

The Schur algorithm for generalized Schur functions III: J-unitary matrix 
polynomials on the circle, Pages 113-144
Daniel Alpay, Tomas Azizov, Aad Dijksma and Heinz Langer

Linear systems with nilpotent leading term, Pages 145-152
Werner Balser

Error analysis of signal zeros: a projected companion matrix approach, Pages 
F. S. V. Bazan

Existence and construction of nonnegative matrices with prescribed spectrum, 
Pages 169-184
Ricardo L. Soto

On the solvability of the commutative power-associative nilalgebras of 
dimension 6, Pages 185-192
Ivan Correa, Irvin Roy Hentzel and Luiz Antonio Peresi

Determinants and multiplicative functionals on quaternion matrices, Pages 193-
Jiangnan Fan

Stabilizing a class of time delay systems using the Hermite-Biehler theorem, 
Pages 203-216
Vilma A. Oliveira, Marcelo C. M. Teixeira and Lucia Cossi

Weak majorization inequalities and convex functions, Pages 217-233
Jaspal Singh Aujla and Fernando C. Silva

Lebesgue perturbation of a quasi-definite Hermitian functional. The positive 
definite case, Pages 235-250
A. Cachafeiro, F. Marcellan and C. Perez

On the critical group of the n-cube, Pages 251-261
Hua Bai

Rank-1 preserving linear maps on nest algebras, Pages 263-277
Jinchuan Hou and Jianlian Cui

Quasi-real normal matrices and eigenvalue pairings, Pages 279-294
Geoffrey R. Goodson, Roger A. Horn and Dennis I. Merino

Multilinear functional inequalities involving permanents, determinants, and 
other multilinear functions of nonnegative matrices and M-matrices, Pages 295-
Assaf Goldberger and Michael Neumann

On determinant preserver problems, Pages 311-317
Victor Tan and Fei Wang

The general trapezoidal algorithm for strongly regular max-min matrices, 
Pages 319-338
Martin Gavalec

Some complete Lie superalgebras, Pages 339-349
Li Yun Wang and Dao Ji Meng

Author index, Pages 351-352
Editorial board, Pages ii-iii

Contributed by: Thomas Parisini, parisini@units.it

IEEE TNN: Special Issue on Adaptive Learning Systems in Comm Ntwks

Call for Papers, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
Special Issue on Adaptive Learning Systems in Communication Networks

Communication networks and internetworks, and in particular the Internet,
have been characterized as the ultimate data-rich environments, dynamically
evolving and expanding practically without any centralized control. Such
data-rich, unstructured environments present a particular challenge for
traditional methods of analysis and design. Adaptive learning methods, in
general, including adaptive signal processing, neural networks, fuzzy logic
and other data-driven methods and algorithms are in the unique position to
offer credible alternatives.

The goal of the proposed special issue is two-fold: (1) to highlight the
on-going research in the field of adaptive learning systems, and in
particular adaptive signal processing and neural networks, as it is
applicable to computer and communication networks, and, (2) to present to
the neural networks community and to others interested in adaptive learning
systems, in general, a variety of new and challenging problems and their
proposed solutions, originating from the rapidly expanding universe of
computer and communication networks.

As the use of these technologies spreads, numerous modeling, estimation,
control, classification, clustering and signal processing problems are
emerging. Many of these problems currently have no satisfactory solutions
and some have been addressed with ad-hoc solutions. A common underlying
theme of these problems is that they are data-rich, represent dynamically
changing environments where the lack of valid mathematical models is
predominant, and, are representative of systems with no centralized control.
These problems appear amenable to data-driven methods and algorithms, such
as adaptive learning methods, including neural networks and other
non-parametric or semi-parametric approaches. This special issue will welcome
contributions with proposed approaches to existing problems, either with
currently known or new solutions, and to new problems in the subject areas
of computer and communication networks. The focus of the proposed solutions
will be on data-driven or the so-called measurement-based methods and
algorithms, rooted in the general areas of adaptive learning methods.

Papers are solicited from, but not limited to, the following topics:
Network Management Topics: (i) Methods and algorithms for network traffic
analysis, modeling and characterization; (ii) Network performance measurement
and analysis techniques; network fault monitoring and diagnosis methods;
(iii) Network security and privacy, including intrusion detection methods;
(iv) Approaches and methods for Quality of Service in IP networks;
(v) Scalable routing algorithms and decentralized congestion control
algorithms; (vi) Novel admission control algorithms; (vii) Control algorithms
for high-speed network access technologies; (viii) Application of "new
approaches" in adaptive learning systems to data-intensive tasks in complex
Content Management Topics: (i) Approaches for scalable Web caching and
related optimization methods; (ii) Novel solutions to operational problems
in content delivery and distribution networks; (iii) Web data mining and
knowledge discovery - scalability and comparison of methods; (iv) Web
personalization methods; (v) Information hiding techniques and digital
rights management; (vi) Novel solutions to information access and retrieval
for dynamic Web content;  (vii) Efficient compression algorithms and coding
for continuous digital media - multimedia content; (viii) Architectures for
Quality of Service guarantees in real-time distributed applications;
(ix) Uncertainty management in real-time distributed applications;
(x) Concepts in real-time distributed applications enabled by new
communication network technologies.

Guest Editors:
Alexander G. Parlos, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, Texas, USA (Coordinator)
Chuanyi Ji, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
K. Claffy, San Diego Supercomputer Center, Univ of Cal San Diego, CA, USA
Thomas Parisini, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
Marco Baglietto, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy

Contributed by: Andrew Alleyne, alleyne@uiuc.edu

2004 American Controls Conference

June 30 to July 2, 2004
Boston Sheraton Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

DEADLINE (for all submissions): September 15, 2003

The American Automatic Control Council will hold the "2004 American Control
Conference" Wednesday through Friday, June 30 to July 2, 2004 at the Boston
Sheraton Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. The conference is sponsored by the
AACC (American Automatic Control Council) and is held in cooperation with the
IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control). The topics for the
conference cover all aspects of control engineering and span the scope of the
eight member societies of AACC: AIAA, AIChE, AISE, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, ISA,
and SCS.

Call for Papers and Workshops
Papers are solicited in the form of regular manuscripts (6 proceeding pages)
and short manuscripts (2 pages).  The conference also calls for proposals for
invited sessions, tutorial sessions, interactive sessions, and workshops.
Nominations are also solicited for the Student Best Paper competition.

Further information: Please consult the conference web site 
or contact the following conference organizers:
   General Chair
   Jason L. Speyer
   Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department 
   University of California, Los Angeles
   Los Angeles, CA 90095-1597
   Tel: (310) 206-4451
   Fax: (310) 206-2302
   Email: speyer@seas.ucla.edu

   Program Chair
   Lucy Y. Pao
   Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
   University of Colorado
   Boulder, CO 80309-0425 
   Tel: (303) 492-2360
   Fax:  (303) 492-2758
   Email: pao@colorado.edu

Contributed by: Reza Moheimani, reza@ee.newcastle.edu.au

3rd IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems
Sydney, Australia, September 6-8 2004

Announcement: The 3rd IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems will be held at 
the Manly Pacific Novotel in Sydney, Australia in September 6-8 2004. The 
symposium is expected to attract researchers from academia and industry 
interested in mechatronic systems. It will serve as a forum for the latest 
developments in all aspects of mechatronics. You are cordially invited to 
contribute to the symposium by submitting a paper, or by organizing an 
invited session.

Scope: Many technical processes and products in the area of mechanical and 
electrical engineering show an increasing integration of mechanics with 
electronics and information processing. This integration is between the 
components (hardware) and the information-driven functions (software), 
resulting in integrated systems called mechatronic systems. The development 
of mechatronic systems involves finding an optimal balance between the basic 
mechanical structure, sensor and actuator implementation, automatic digital 
information processing and overall control, and this synergy results in 
innovative solutions. The practice of mechatronics requires 
multidisciplinary expertise across a range of disciplines, such as: 
mechanical engineering, electronics, information technology, and decision 
making theories. While control engineers have been practicing mechatronics 
for many years, IFAC has only very recently formed a Technical Committee to 
develop and promote activities in this area. The goal of the third IFAC 
Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, following in the footsteps of the first 
conference in Darmstadt, and the second in Berkeley is to bring together 
experts from different areas to give an overview of the state-of-the-art of 
mechatronics and to present recent research results and perspectives of the 
future development in this multidisciplinary field.

Venue: The symposium will be held at the Manly Pacific Novotel, located 
directly opposite Sydney's famous surf beach at Manly. The hotel has the 
Pacific Ocean on one side and Sydney Harbour on the other. Sydney city 
centre is only 15 minutes away, and is easily accessible by Jetcat, or ferry 

Important Dates:
Submission Deadlines:          January 15, 2004
Acceptance Notification:       April 30, 2004
Final Papers Due:              June 15, 2004
Symposium:                     September 6-8, 2004

IPC Chair: Reza Moheimani
IPC Vice-Chair: Graham Goodwin
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The University of Newcastle,
Callaghan, NSW 2308

NOC Chair: Hugh Durrant-Whyte
Australian Centre for Field Robotics
The University of Sydney 2006 NSW

Further information: To find out more about the symposium please consult the 
the following web site.

Conference Secretariat:
Ms. Jayne Disney
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
Email: kdisney@mail.newcastle.edu.au
Ph: +61 249 217278
Fax: +61 249 601712 


Contributed by: ICSC Canada, planning@icsc.ab.ca

Fourth International ICSC Symposium on
Engineering in Intelligent Systems

In collaboration with the University of Madeira
Island of Madeira, Portugal
February 29 - March 2, 2004

Special Sessions :
- Fourth Workshop on Information Systems for Mass Customization
- Mini-Symposium on Computational Medicine Building and Applying Intelligent
  Systems in Health Care
- Hybrid System Applications
- Evolutionary Computation and Neural Networks (ECNN)
- Hybrid Algorithms for Function Approximation and Time Series Prediction
- Intelligent Mobile Agents in Peer-To-Peer Networks
- Next Generation Vision Systems
Honorary Chairman: Erkki Oja, Finland
Organizing Committee
General Chair: Ana Isabel Portugal de Almada Cardoso, Madeira
Vice Chair: Tatjana Welzer, Slovenia

The problem of engineering of intelligent systems is in fact the science of 
transferring the methodologies, the knowledge and the experiences from the 
area of artificial intelligence into the daily life, either directly through 
the applications or indirectly through basic or applied research.
The conference originated in order to provide a wide forum in which the 
latest developments in the field could be discussed; so the participants from 
all countries are warmly welcome. The scope of the conference as indicated by 
its topics has been updated to reflect the recent rapid development of the 
intelligent systems, such as in the area of control systems, decision support 
systems or artificial life, to mention only a few.

Artificial Immune Systems; Artificial Life; Case based Reasoning; Data 
Mining; Chaos; Clustering; Constraint Satisfaction and Constraint 
Programming; Expert Systems; Evolutionary Computation; Fuzzy Clustering; 
Fuzzy Control; Fuzzy learning; Fuzzy Modeling; Hybrid Systems; Intelligent 
Agents; Reasoning with Intervals; Knowledge Extraction; Machine Learning; 
Model based Reasoning; Multi Agent Systems; Neural Networks; Qualitative 
Reasoning; Wavelets

Concurrent Engineering; Condition Monitoring and Control; Damage Assessment; 
Data Mining and Knowledge Extraction; Design; Emerging Organizational Forms; 
Fault Detection; Hardware Implementations; Image Processing and Computer 
Vision; Industrial Diagnostics; Management; Medicine Robotics; Mobile robots; 
Monitoring and Control; Multimedia; Natural Language Processing; Pattern 
Recognition; Product Development; Resource Allocation; Remote Sensing; 
Robotics; Security; Sensors fusion; Signal Processing; Speech Processing and 
Recognition; Teledetection; Teleoperation

As part of this conference we plan to have a Student Paper Competition. 
Students are encouraged to submit papers that will be peer reviewed. Accepted 
papers need to be presented at the conference. The organizing committee of 
the conference will select the two best papers for the award. First prize 
will be $100 and the second prize $50. Special discounts are available for 
students to register for the conference and will include CD ROM proceedings.

Submission Deadline August 15,, 2003
Notification September 15, 2003
Early registration September 20 - October 10, 2003
Final Manuscripts + registration by October 15, 2003
Conference February 29 - March 3, 2004

Additional information is available on: http://www.icsc-naiso.org
Email: planning@icsc.ab.ca; Tel: +1-780- 387 3546

Contributed by: Sirish Shah, sirish.shah@ualberta.ca


The DYCOPS-7 Symposium will bring together engineers and scientists from 
universities, R & D laboratories and the process industries to focus 
attention on new methodologies and challenging applications in the following 
areas of DYnamics and COntrol of Process Systems (DYCOPS). The DYCOPS 2004 
conference will be held on July 5-7, 2004 in Boston. Organized under the 
auspices of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), the 
DYCOPS Symposium Series is a continuing series of international conferences 
held most recently in Korea (2001) and Greece (1998).  These meetings focus 
on advances in methods for control and modeling for all types of chemical 
processes and are part of a three-year rotation of IFAC meetings in process 
control, which also include the IFAC ADCHEM series. The main topics for the 
meeting include, but are not limited, to the following:

Particulate and Polymer Processes
Control and Optimization Applied to Scheduling and Production Management
Modeling and Identification
Monitoring, Fault-Detection, Data reconciliation and Signal Processing
Advances in Control and Emerging New Approaches to Dynamics and Control
New Sensor Technologies and their Potential Impact on Control
Industrial Applications
Process Control Education
Modeling and Control of Batch and Semi-batch Processes
Interaction Between Design and Control 

The scientific program will consist of three plenary and several invited 
keynote lectures plus 2 to 3 parallel sessions each morning and afternoon 
over the three day period. The conference will also feature panel discussions 
on topical areas and poster sessions.

Submission of draft papers	28 November 2003
Notification of acceptance	14 February 2004		
Submission of final papers	1   April   2004

International Program Committee:
John MacGregor and Sirish Shah as IPC Co-chairs
Wolfgang Marquardt, IFAC Representative
Warren Seider, NOC Chair

Please visit the Dycops website: www.dycops.org  for more information.

Contributed by: Jean-Christophe Ponsart, Jean-Christophe.Ponsart@cran.uhp-nancy.fr

IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal processing, MMM 2004
Nancy, France, September 8-10, 2004
contacts: mmm2004@cran.uhp-nancy.fr

The aim of this symposium is to review the state of the art and to look at
innovations in the field of automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal
processing. In common with any other engineering fields, Environmentals
problems including Recycling, Safety and Reliability considerations as well,
will be highlighted in the Symposium. However, the organizing committee
maintains the view that developments in the basic control methologies and
technologies such as measurement, instrumentation , networking, etc … are
essential to the solution of global problems. The emphasis is placed on
practice of those technologies, but such theoritical researches as accompanied
with practical experience/consideration will be also welcome.

modelling; identification and estimation; fault diagnosis; advanced control;
fault tolerant control; signal processing; quality monitoring; communication
and data management; maintenance scheduling; production planning, process
optimisation; AI methods: expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy control

metal processing; hot/cold rolling; steel making and continuous casting;
blast furnaces and furnaces; electro refining; hydro metallurgy; environment
and recycling; waste water treatment; mining and mineral processing; 
grinding and flotation; measurement and instrumentation; supervision; 
new sensor technologies; 

  Submission of proposals for Invited Sessions:  December 01, 2003
  Submission Deadline:	     	     	         December 15, 2003
  Notification of Acceptance:                    March 15, 2004
  Final Manuscripts:	                         June 15, 2004

Sponsored by IFAC Technical Committee on Automation in Mining, Mineral and
Metal Processing
Co-sponsored by IFAC Technical Committees on Fault Detection, Supervision
and Safety of Technical Processes on Control of Biotechnological Systems

For more details, consult the website at

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