E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 178, June, 2003

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 178, June, 2003

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
      Submission deadline for June eletter: June 30, 2003


0.	Editorial

1.	Personals

2.	Awards Honors

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	New MSc program in Systems and Control - Delft
	3.2	Seminar: Implementation of Simulink Models on dSPACE
	3.3	Summer School: Complex Systems and Soft Computing
	3.4	Summer School: Modeling and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems
	3.5	Workshop: Introduction to Control Benchmarking

4.	Positions
	4.1	Faculty: University of Southampton UK
	4.2	PDFs: University of Leicester UK
	4.3	PhD: Oklahoma State University USA
	4.4	PhD: University of Melbourne Australia
	4.5	Post-Doc: University of Alberta Canada
	4.6	Post-Doc: University of Delaware USA
	4.7	Post-Doc PhD: K.U. Leuven Belgium
	4.8	Res Assoc: University of Newcastle Australia
	4.9	Research Fellow: Brunel University UK
	4.10	Research Position: Princeton University USA

5.	Books
	5.1	Adaptive Control Design and Analysis
	5.2	Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering
	5.3	Markov Chains and Invariant Probabilites
	5.4	Nonlinear Control of Engineering Systems
	5.5	Perturbation Theory for Matrix Equations
	5.6	Stability and Control of Dynamical Systems with Applications
	5.7	Stability of Time-Delay Systems
	5.8	Stochastic Approximation 2nd Edition
	5.9	Switching in Systems and Control
	5.10	Wavelets and Signal Processing

6.	Journals
	6.1	CFP: Advance Control And Real-Time Systems
	6.2	CFP: Linear Algebra and its Applications
	6.3	Contents: Asian Journal of Control
	6.4	Contents: Automatica
	6.5	Contents: Control and Intelligent Systems
	6.6	Contents: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
	6.7	Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
	6.8	Contents: Trans. Inst of Measurement and Control
	6.9	International Journal of Hybrid Systems

7.	Conferences
	7.1	2003 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conf
	7.2	41st Annual Allerton Conference
	7.3	4th International PhD Workshop
	7.4	5th Asian Control Conference
	7.5	African Control Conference Cape Town
	7.6	First Multidisciplinary Symposium on Positive Systems
	7.7	Sixth International Conference on Information Fusion

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Welcome to the 178-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of July 2003. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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No submissions

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                          Awards Honors
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No submissions

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Paul Van den Hof, 

New MSc program in Systems and Control - Delft

Following the recently introduced Bachelors-Masters structure in the Dutch 
University system, Delft University of Technology will start a new 2-year MSc 
program in Systems and Control. The program is organized by the Delft Center 
for Systems and Control (www.dcsc.tudelft.nl) which is a merger of the  
systems and control groups of the EE, ME and applied physics departments.
The program is meant for (international) students having a bachelor degree in 
any of the technical sciences, and delivers an MSc degree in systems and 
control. The program, which will be performed in English, will also smoothly 
connect to the PhD program of the Dutch Institute of  Systems and Control.
For more information see www.msc-sc.tudelft.nl and www.tudelft.nl/msc


Contributed by: Bill Uhl, 

Seminar: Implementation of Simulink Models on dSPACE

dSPACE will be conducting a series of seminars that cover the implementation 
of Simulink models on dSPACE rapid controls prototyping and hardware-in-the-
loop systems.

Topics include:
* Real Time Implementation Techniques and Methods in Simulink with RTI
* User-interfacing and complete experiment control with dSPACE tools
* Hands-on workshop: Rapid Prototyping with dSPACE. Concurrent introductory
  and advanced sessions.
* Production code generation for your embedded target with TargetLink

For a list of regional dates, contact Bill Uhl

Contributed by: António Dourado, 

Summer School: Complex Systems and Soft Computing
Advanced School and Workshop on Soft Computing and Complex Systems
23-27 June 2003
Coimbra, Portugal

The main scientific goal of the Advanced School is to introduce recent
developments in mathematical techniques applied to complex engineering
problems. In particular, the workshop will focus on different aspects
of soft computing, including fuzzy systems, neural networks,
evolutionary computation, artificial life and complex systems.

Harnessing complexity is an important aspect of today problem solving.
Complexity may be due to the presence of uncertain information or because the
regularities of a system, we are trying to understand, cannot be briefly
described. We will discuss recent developments in dealing with complexity,
by means of introducing the methods and their sound mathematical foundations,
as well as through the work of some difficult problems.

The target audience will be about thirty worldwide students, with a good
mathematical background and an engineering bias. These students are supposed
to be engaged in a post-graduation course (MSc, PhD, etc.)

The workshop will be organized around three main activities: lectures, given
by well known international experts, teamwork by the attendees, to solve
particular problem proposed by the lecturers and, finally, short
presentations by the students about their own work and interests. For this 
purpose there will be an International Workshop on Soft Computing and Complex
Systems included in the program.

Topics of the Lectures:
 * Neural Computation and Applications in Time Series and Signal
   Processing. Speaker: Georg Dorffner, University of Vienna, Austria
 * Analog Computation. Speaker: Félix Costa, Tech Univ of Lisbon, Portugal
 * Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling. Speaker: R. Babuska, Delft Univ, Holland
 * Intelligent Control. Speaker: R. Babuska.
 * Multi-criteria Genetic Optimisation, Speaker: Carlos Fonseca,
   University of Algarve, Portugal. 
 * Universal learning algorithms based on the theory of universal
   induction and Kolmogorov complexity, with applications. Speaker: Juergen
   Schimdhuber, IDSIA, Switzerland 
 * Recurrent Neural Networks, Speaker: Juergen Schimdhuber

The body of each submission should not exceed 2 pages. Papers must be
authored by research students and describe their research work, the state of
progress and their results. The Workshop is intended to create a discussion
forum among the participants in order to stimulate new ideas for the work
plan of the participants. Each participant will make a short (15 minutes)
presentation followed by open discussion. Electronic submission: the
submission should include the following information in plain text: the title
of the paper names and affiliations of the authors, the contact author's
postal and e-mail addresses and phone number, and a one page abstract. The
files should be in Postscript or PDF format.

Please submit papers via e-mail to softcomplex@hilbert.mat.uc.pt

* António Dourado Correia, Coimbra University. http://eden.dei.uc.pt/~dourado
* Ernesto Jorge Costa, Coimbra University. http://eden.dei.uc.pt/~ernesto
* José Félix Costa, Technical University of Lisbon.
* Pedro Quaresma, Coimbra University. http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro

Contributed by: Claudio Melchiorri, 

Summer School: Modeling and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems

EURON/GEOPLEX  Summer School:
Modeling and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems: from Ports to Robotics
July 6 - 12, 2003
University of Bologna, 
Residential Centre of Bertinoro, Italy

This school, which is co-sponsored by the EURON and GEOPLEX, is primarily 
addressed to young researchers (researchers, Post Doc, PhD students) 
interested in modelling and control complex interacting dynamical systems, 
such as devices for advanced manipulation (dextrous hands), telemanipulation 
and haptic systems, cooperating robots, legged robots. This Summer School
will provide a comprehensive overview of the key topics and state of the art
in modelling and control of complex dynamical systems, with an approach based
on the Hamiltonian formalism. The main objective is to provide young
researchers in robotics and control theory a unique training opportunity in
this recent methodological area.

Lecturers: S. Stramigioli (NL), A. J. van der Schaft (NL), B. Maschke (F), C. 
Melchiorri (I), P. Breedveld (NL), R. Ortega (F), K. Schlacher (A), H. 
Bruyninckx (B), E. Fossas (S), C. Jallut (F), C. Kleijn (NL), G. Blankenstein 
(B), G. Golo (NL), A. Macchelli (I) 

The full program of the school and more information can be found at

Claudio Melchiorri (University of Bologna, I)
Stefano Stramigioli (University of Twente, NL)

Contributed by: Xiaohong Guan, 

Workshop: Introduction to Control Benchmarking
Date: 17 July 2003
Location: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Fee: BP 100.00 + VAT

This introductory workshop provided by the EU supported PAM project is 
intended for process plant personnel who have an interest in control 
performance assessment/benchmarking with the objective of improving existing 
plant performance.  Delegates will benefit from a mixture of introductory 
lectures and practical hands-on sessions analysing real plant data.  

Key topics include:

- Fundamentals of control loop benchmarking/performance assessment and
- Historical perspective and overview of recent advances in the subject.  
- Practical application experience and issues.
- Opportunities in the general area of benchmarking.
- Hands-on practice consolidating understanding of workshop topics.

The above event is open to all.  

For Programme and Registration, visit: 
or contact:
  Industrial Systems and Control Ltd, 50 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE, UK.
  Tel: +44 141 553 1111  Fax: +44 141 553 1232  E-mail: iscmail@isc-ltd.com 

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Contributed by: Steve Elliott, 

Faculty: University of Southampton, UK
University of Southampton
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research 
Lectureship/Senior Lectureship in Signal Processing

An opportunity has arisen to appoint a HEFCE-funded Lecturer/Senior Lecturer 
in the Signal Processing and Control Group of the Institute of Sound and 
Vibration Research.

The Lecturer would be expected to contribute to the strong research activity 
within the Group by supervising Ph.D. students, contributing to and 
initiating external grant applications and developing their own areas of 
research.  They would also be expected to teach on the undergraduate and 
Masters programmes and contribute to the administrative tasks of the 

Candidates with a strong background in any area of signal processing relevant 
to sound and vibration are encouraged to apply, but applicants are 
particularly sought with research interests in the application of signal 
processing to hearing, speech or sound reproduction.

The salary will be in the range BP 22,191 to BP 33,679 pa on Lecturer Grade
A/B or BP 35,251 to BP 39,958 pa on the Senior Lecturer Grade.

For informal enquires about the post, please contact Professor S.J. Elliott, 
Signal Processing and Control Group, Institute of Sound and Vibration 
Research, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ (tel: 023 80 
592384; e-mail: sje@isvr.soton.ac.uk; fax: 023 80 593190). 

Applications forms and job description may be obtained from the Personnel 
Department, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ; Tel: 
023 8059 2750; email: recruit@soton.ac.uk or minicom: 023 8059 5595. To be 
returned no later than 23rd June 2003. Please quote reference number 02R0722.

Contributed by: Michael J. Pont, 

PDFs: University of Leicester, UK

Design and Implementation of Safety-Critical Control and Monitoring Systems
University of Leicester, UK
Post ref: R9564/GD

Applications are invited for two post-doctoral positions, which are supported 
by an award from the Leverhulme Trust.  Salary will be on the R&AIA scale 
(BP 18,265 to BP27,339 per year)

The successful applicants will work in the Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) 
at the University of Leicester.  Previous work by ESL researchers has 
resulted in the creation of a comprehensive "pattern language" that supports 
the development of software for systems employing co-operative scheduling and 
a time-triggered system architecture.  The present project will build on the 
results of these previous studies.  The work will involve both theoretical 
and empirical comparisons of different software architectures for use in 
distributed embedded systems: the particular focus will be on safety-critical 
control and monitoring systems.

Applicants must have a PhD in a relevant area.

Informal enquiries to Dr. Michael J. Pont (M.Pont@le.ac.uk).
Further information: http://www.le.ac.uk/eg/embedded/
Application forms etc: http://www.le.ac.uk/personnel/jobs

Application forms and further particulars can also be requested:
- by e-mail: personnel@le.ac.uk
- by telephone: +44 (0)116 252 5114
- by fax: +44 (0)116 252 5140
Please note that CVs will only be accepted in support of a fully completed 
application form.  

Closing date: 13 June 2003

Contributed by: Rafael Fierro, 

PhD: Oklahoma State University, USA

Graduate Research Fellowships in Multi-Vehicle Coordination
Oklahoma State University
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Applications at the Ph.D., level are solicited from students interested in 
Intelligent Multi-Robot Systems. This research program addresses issues in 
the design, multi-sensor integration, rapid deployment, reconfiguration, 
communication, and coordination of autonomous vehicles. 
Applicants are expected to have a strong background and interest in one or 
more of the following areas: Hybrid and Embedded Systems, Nonlinear Control, 
Robotics, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning. Strong programming skills 
(C++ and Matlab) are a definite plus.

Informal inquiries about the positions may be made either by email or phone 
(+1 405 744 1328). 

Please send, preferably in electronic form (PS, PDF or plain text): CV, 
transcripts, a statement of research interests, list of publications, and 
the names and contact information of two academic referees to:

Dr. Rafael Fierro
Oklahoma State University
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
202 Engineering South 
Stillwater  OK  74078-5032 
Tel. (405) 744 1328 
Fax  (405) 744 9198 
e-mail: rfierro@okstate.edu

Contributed by: Graham Moore, 

PhD: University of Melbourne, Australia

A scholarship (AUD 24,000 pa for 3 years) and project operating funding are
available at the University of Melbourne to investigate the automation of 
measurement of low frequency defects in biological materials.   The project
will probably involve investigation of a system for automated sample
preparation and presentation to a real time image analysis system.

Further details can be found at http://www.jason.unimelb.edu.au/
by doing a "quick search" for project number 1276

Non-Australian citizens or permanent residents should note that the
scholarship does not cover tuition fees.

Contributed by: H.J. Marquez, 

Post-Doc: University of Alberta, Canada

Applications are invited from well qualified candidates for a postdoctoral 
position in the Advanced Control Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical 
and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta.  The position is funded 
through an agreement between University of Alberta, the Natural Sciences and 
Engineering Research Council of Canada and an industrial partner, and 
requires research in the application of advanced control methods to 
cogeneration systems, working with Drs. H. J. Marquez and T. Chen.

Candidates should have a strong background in Dynamical Systems and Control
Theory, along with a good record of publications and demonstrated experience
in robust control (with experience designing controllers using H-infinity,
LMI, and/or Model Predictive Control methods) and nonlinear dynamical systems
and control using Lyapunov methods. Knowledge and experience with
cogeneration systems would be considered an asset.

The Advanced Control Systems Laboratory is committed to excellence in 
research. The successful candidate will tackle fundamental research problems 
working in close collaboration with a strong research group of students and 
faculty members.

Send applications (preferably by e-mail) to Dr. H.J. Marquez, Department of 
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 
Alberta, T6J 2V4, Canada, e-mail: marquez@ece.ualberta.ca.
For further information about the University of Alberta and the Advanced 
Control Systems Laboratory visit our website:  

Contributed by: Sunil K. Agrawal, 

Post-Doc: University of Delaware, USA

Robotic Rehabilitation
Departments of Physical Therapy and Mechanical Engineering
University of Delaware 

A NIH post-doctoral fellowship is presently available in the Departments of
Physical Therapy and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware to
develop devices for robotic rehabilitation of stroke patients.

The candidate should have a Ph.D. in Biomedical, Electrical, or Mechanical
Engineering or a closely related field.  Mechatronics, electronics, data
acquisition or control skills are required.   Experience with functional
electrical stimulation (FES) and robotic rehabilitation are also desired.

Salary and benefits consistent with NIH stipend levels.

For additional information or to apply  for this position, please
contact Dr. Stuart Binder-Macleod at sbinder@udel.edu.

Contributed by: Wim Michiels, 

Post-Doc, PhD: K.U. Leuven, Belgium

Numerical methods for stability and control of forced systems with time-delay
K.U. Leuvan, Belgium

In the Scientific Computing Research Group of the Department of Computer
Science of the K.U. Leuven a research position is available for a Post-
doctoral researcher or a Ph.D. student on a project in the area of control
of forced systems with time-delay. The project is of a multidisciplinary
nature, with focus on theory, as well as implementation (development of
numerical tools) and applications. The theoretical part consists of research
on generalizations and extensions of the stability theory of time-varying and
periodic control systems and the theory of vibrational control towards 
classes of systems with time-delay.

The implementation part is devoted to the development of tools for the
numerical stability and bifurcation analysis of forced systems with time-
delay. Applications include vibrational control and control of chatter in
mechanical tools (such as rotating cutting and milling machines). This part
will of research will be in close collaboration with other research groups.

The Scientific Computing Research Group  participates in a Belgian inter-
university network on systems and control (IAP-V, Inter-university Attraction
Pole on Dynamical Systems and Control: Computation, Identification and
Modelling, see http://www.auto.ucl.ac.be/IAPV/ ). Therefore the researcher 
will be encouraged  to participate actively in this network and collaborate
with other teams within the network. Candidates preferably have a background
in the field of control of time-delay systems or in numerical bifurcation
analysis. The position is available for 2 years (postdoc) or 4 years (Ph.D.
student). Interested candidates should send their C.V. to Dirk Roose, 
Department of Computer Science, K.U. Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200A, 
3001 Heverlee, Belgium, Dirk.Roose@cs.kuleuven.ac.be

Contributed by: Minyue Fu, 

Res Assoc: University of Newcastle, Australia

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of 
Newcastle, Australia is seeking a Research Academic in Signal Processing, 
Communications and Control. This position is based in the Centre for Complex 
Systems and Control, funded by the Australian Research Council.

This position is available on a fixed term basis for three years. The salary 
range is $54,031-$76,321 (Australian dollars), depending on qualifications.  
In addition, compulsory contributory superannuation is a condition of 
employment plus generous employer contribution of 17%.

Essential criteria include: PhD in Electrical Engineering or Computer 
Engineering or equivalent relevant qualifications and experience;  
Demonstrated research experience in signal processing, communications and 
control. Desirable criteria include: University teaching experience; 
Experience in supervision of undergraduate projects.

Applications close on Friday 13 June 2003.

For more details and the application procedure, please see 

Contributed by: Zidong Wang, 

Research Fellow: Brunel University, UK

The Department of Information Systems and Computing at Brunel University is 
seeking a strongly motivated Research Fellow with a first rate PhD in the 
areas of control engineering, signal processing, computer science and applied 
mathematics. Intensive knowledge in two or more of the following areas would 
be required: (1) stochastic filtering and control, (2) robust filtering and 
control, (3) nonlinear filtering and control, (4) statistical signal 
processing, and (5) practical applications in control engineering and signal 
processing. A good publication record is desired. 

This EPSRC-funded position is available from August 2003 for 30 months. The 
starting salary for the successful applicant will be 20,311 Pounds per annum 
plus 1,638 Pounds per annum London Allowance. Informal enquiries about the 
position may be made to Dr. Zidong Wang, E-mail: Zidong.Wang@brunel.ac.uk, 
Tel.: 0044 1895 274000 ext. 3942. The closing date is June 15, 2003.

Contributed by: Rob Stengel, 

Research Position: Princeton University, USA

Research Position in Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
Princeton University
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering invites applications for 
a research position. Responsibilities of this position involve studying new 
methods for cancer detection.  We are seeking an individual with a broad 
understanding of dynamic system modeling and controls, computational neural 
networks, genetic algorithms, principles of molecular biology, statistical 
analysis of data, and a strong interest in developing techniques that will
have clinical as well as research significance.  The successful candidate
will join a leading team of microbiologists, medical doctors, engineers,
physicists, and mathematicians in a multi-disciplinary approach to molecular
profiling of colon cancer.  Well-developed computational skills are required,
and a recent Ph.D. degree in engineering or science is preferred.  Candidates
should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, summary of past experience, and
contact information for three references to:

Princeton University
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
D-216 Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton, NJ 08544 USA

Princeton University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.  
Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

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Contributed by: Gang Tao, 

Adaptive Control Design and Analysis

Gang Tao, University of Virginia
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (ISBN 0-471-27452-6; June 2003)

This book presents and analyzes some common and effective adaptive control 
design approaches, including model reference adaptive control, adaptive pole 
placement control, and adaptive backstepping control. The book addresses both 
continuous-time and discrete-time adaptive control designs and their analysis;
deals with both single-input, single-output and multi-input, multi-output 
systems; and employs both state feedback and output feedback. Design and 
analysis of various adaptive control systems are presented in a systematic 
and unified framework. The book is a collection of lectures on system modeling
and stability, adaptive control formulation and design, stability and 
robustness analysis, and adaptive system illustration and comparison, aimed at
reflecting the state of the art in adaptive control as well as at presenting 
its fundamentals. It is a comprehensive book which can be used as either an 
academic textbook or technical reference for graduate students, researchers, 
engineers, and interested undergraduate students in the fields of engineering,
computer science, applied mathematics and others, who have prerequisites in 
linear systems and feedback control at the undergraduate level. 

Preface (8 pages)

Chapter 1  Introduction (34 pages)
1.1 Feedback in Control Systems
1.2 System Modeling
1.3 Feedback Control
1.4 Adaptive Control System Prototypes
1.5 Simple Adaptive Control Systems
Chapter 2  Systems Theory (64 pages)
2.1 Dynamic System Models
2.2 System Characterizations
2.3 Signal Measures
2.4 Lyapunov Stability
2.5 Input--Output Stability
2.6 Signal Convergence Lemmas
2.7 Discrete-Time Systems
2.8 Operator Norms
2.9 Pole Placement
Chapter 3  Adaptive Parameter Estimation (50 pages)
3.1 A Parametrized System Model
3.2 Linear Parametric Models
3.3 Normalized Gradient Algorithm
3.4 Normalized Least-Squares Algorithm
3.5 Parameter Convergence
3.6 Discrete-Time Algorithms
3.7 Robustness of Adaptive Algorithms
3.8 Robust Adaptive Laws
3.9 Discussion
    Advanced Topics
Chapter 4  Adaptive State Feedback Control (46 pages)
4.1 Design for State Tracking
4.2 Design for Output Tracking
4.3 Disturbance Rejection
4.4 Parametrization of State Feedback
4.5 Discrete-Time Adaptive Control
    Advanced Topics
Chapter 5  Continuous-Time Model Reference Adaptive Control (76 pages)
5.1 Control System Structure
5.2 Model Reference Control
5.3 Adaptive Control
5.4 Robustness of MRAC
5.5 Robust MRAC
5.6 Design for Unknown High Frequency Gain
5.7 Discussion
    Advanced Topics
Chapter 6  Discrete-Time Model Reference Adaptive Control (24 pages)
6.1 Control System Structure
6.2 Model Reference Control
6.3 Adaptive Control Systems
6.4 Robustness of MRAC with L^{1 + alpha} Errors
Chapter 7  Indirect Adaptive Control (54 pages)
7.1 Model Reference Designs
7.2 Pole Placement Designs
7.3 Discrete-Time Adaptive Control Systems
7.4 Discussion
Chapter 8  A Comparison Study (22 pages)
8.1 Benchmark Example
8.2 Direct Adaptive Control Designs
8.3 Indirect Adaptive Control Design
8.4 Direct--Indirect Adaptive Control Design
8.5 Adaptive Backstepping Design
    Advanced Topics
Chapter 9  Multivariable Adaptive Control (134 pages)
9.1 Adaptive State Feedback Control
9.2 Model Reference Adaptive Control
9.3 Adaptive Backstepping Control
9.4 Adaptive Control of Robotic Systems
9.5 Discussion
    Advanced Topics
Chapter 10  Adaptive Control of Systems with Nonlinearities (72 pages)
10.1 Actuator Nonlinearity Compensation
10.2 State Feedback Inverse Control
10.3 Output Feedback Inverse Control
10.4 Designs for Multivariable Systems
10.5 Designs for Unknown Linear Dynamics
10.6 Designs for Nonlinear Dynamics
10.7 Discussion
     Advanced Topics
Bibliography (38 pages)
Index (4 pages)

Further info: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~gt9s/books.html#D
Purchase: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471274526.html

Contributed by: Ali H. Sayed, 

Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering
Ali H. Sayed

John Wiley & Sons, NY, 2003
Hardcover 1168 pages, ISBN 0-471-46126-1

This graduate-level textbook offers a comprehensive and 
up-to-date treatment of adaptive filtering; a vast and fast-moving 
field. The book is logically organized, specific in its presentation 
of each topic, and far-reaching in scope. Throughout the 
presentation, special emphasis is placed on geometric constructions,
energy conservation arguments, system-theoretic arguments, and linear 
algebraic formulations. 

The textbook offers a fresh, broad, and systematic treatment of 
of the field; it illustrates extensive commonalities that exist 
among different classes of adaptive algorithms and even among 
different filtering theories. The book also provides a uniform 
treatment of the subject matter, addressing some existing 
limitations, providing additional insights, and detailing 
extensions of current theory.

The book is designed to be self-contained, with careful attention
given to appendices, problems, examples, and a variety of 
practical computer projects. The bibliography is up-to-date
with extensive commentaries on how the contributions relate
to each other in time and in context.

Each chapter includes concepts that reinforce the principles
covered, bibliographic notes for further study, numerous
problems that vary in difficulty and applications, computer
projects that illustrate real-life applications, and several
helpful appendices.

MATLAB programs that solve all computer projects are available
for download for free by all readers from the publisher's website. 
The computer projects feature topics such as linear and decision feedback
equalization, channel estimation, beamforming, tracking of
fading channels, line and acoustic echo cancellation, active
noise control, OFDM receivers, CDMA receivers, and even 
finite precision effects.

A complete solutions manual for all problems in the book is
available to instructors upon request.

1. Optimal Estimation.
2. Linear Estimation.
3. Constrained Linear Estimation.
4. Steepest-Descent Algorithms.
5. Stochastic-Gradient Algorithms.
6. Steady-State Performance of Adaptive Filters.
7. Tracking Performance of Adaptive Filters.
8. Finite-Precision Effects.
9. Transient Performance of Adaptive Filters.
10. Block Adaptive Filters.
11. The Least-Squares Criterion.
12. Recursive Least-Squares.
13. RLS Array Algorithms.
14. Fast Fixed-Order Filters.
15. Lattice Filters.
16. Laguerre Adaptive Filters.
17. Robust Adaptive Filters.

You may read the preface of the book, check its table
of contents, and also download a sample chapter at

Contributed by: Jean B. Lasserre, 

Markov Chains and Invariant Probabilities
by O. Hernandez-Lerma and Jean B. Lasserre,
Birkhauser Verlag, Progresss in Mathematics Series, Bale, 2003.
ISBN :  3-7643-7000-9

This book conerns discrete-time homogeneous Markov chains that admit an
invariant probability measure. the main objective is to give a systematic,
self-contained presentation on some key issues about the ergodic behavior
of that class of Markov chains. These issues include in particular, the
various types of convergence of expected and pathwise occupation measures,
and ergodic decompositions of the state space. Some of the results presented
appear for the first time in book form. A distinguished feature of the book
is the emphasis on the role of expected occupation measures to study
the long-run behavior of Markov chains on uncountable spaces.

The intended audience are graduate students and researchers in theoretical
and applied probability, operations research, engineering and economics.
See also http://www.laas.fr/~lasserre/books

Contributed by: Seth Barnes, 

Nonlinear Control of Engineering Systems: A Lyapunov-Based Approach
 Warren E. Dixon, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
 Aman Behal, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
 Darren M. Dawson, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
 Siddharth P. Nagarkatti, MKS Instruments, Methuen, MA
June 2003/ 416 pp. / 104 ill. / Hardcover / $79.95 / ISBN: 0-8176-4265-X

Recent advancements in Lyapunov-based design and analysis techniques have 
applications to a broad class of engineering systems, including mechanical, 
electrical, robotic, aerospace, and underactuated systems.  This book 
provides a practical yet rigorous development of nonlinear, Lyapunov-based 
tools and their use in the solution of control-theoretic problems. Rich in 
motivating examples and new design techniques, the text balances theoretical 
foundations and real-world implementation.

Intended for readers who have some knowledge of undergraduate systems theory, 
the book includes a wide range of applications making it suitable for an 
extensive audience. Graduate students and researchers in control systems, 
robotics, and applied mathematics, as well as professional engineers will 
appreciate the work’s combination of theoretical underpinnings and current 
and emerging engineering applications.  

For a full Table of Contents and book description, ordering information: 

Contributed by: Volker Mehrmann, 

Perturbation Theory for Matrix Equations
Mihail Konstantinov, Da-Wei Gu, Volker Mehrmann and Petko Petkov
Summary: The book is devoted to the perturbation analysis of matrix equations.
The importance of perturbation analysis is that it gives a way to estimate
the influence of measurement and/or parametric errors in mathematical models
together with the rounding errors done in the computational process.
The perturbation bounds may further be incorporated in accuracy estimates
for the solution computed in finite arithmetic. This is necessary for the
development of reliable computational methods, algorithms and software from
the viewpoint of modern numerical analysis.
In this book a general perturbation theory for  algebraic matrix equations
is presented. Local and non-local perturbation bounds are derived for general
 types of matrix equations as well as for the most important equations
arising in linear algebra and control theory. A large number of examples,
tables and figures is included in order to illustrate the perturbation
techniques and bounds.
1. Introduction
2. Perturbation problems
3. Problems with explicit solutions
4. Problems with implicit solutions
5. Singular problems
6. Perturbation bounds
7. General Sylvester equations
8. Specific Sylvester equations
9. General Lyapunov equations
10.Lyapunov equations in control theory
11.General quadratic equations
12.Continuous-time Riccati equations
13.Coupled Riccati equations
14.General fractional-affine equations
15.Symmetric fractional-affine equations
A. Elements of algebra and analysis
B. Unitary and orthogonal decompositions
C. Kronecker product of matrices
D. Fixed point principles
E. Sylvester operators
F. Lyapunov operators
G. Lyapunov-like operators
H. Notation                            

Contributed by: Derong Liu and Panos J. Antsaklis, 

Stability and Control of Dynamical Systems with Applications:
A Tribute to Anthony N. Michel
Derong Liu and Panos J. Antsaklis (Eds)
Birkhauser, Boston, MA, 2003, ISBN 0-8176-3233-6 / 480 pages

The 21 invited chapters in this book are an outgrowth of a workshop to honor
Anthony N. Michel on the occasion of his retirement. The workshop provided a
venue for researchers, colleagues, friends, and students to pay tribute to
Michel's significant contributions to the systems and control community; at
the same time, the workshop also served as a forum to explore topics and
applications related to the stability and control of dynamical systems.
The chapters are thematically organized into three main areas related to
Michel's work. Part 1 contains seven chapters examining issues in stability
analysis of dynamical systems; Part 2 includes six chapters dealing with
artificial neural networks and signal processing; Part 3 contains eight
chapters treating power systems and control systems.

For ordering information, please visit
or http://www.birkhauser.com 
or email to dliu@ece.uic.edu or antsaklis.1@nd.edu

Anthony N. Michel: A Friend, a Scholar, and a Mentor
List of Contributors

 1. Wave-Digital Concepts and Relativity Theory
    Alfred Fettweis
 2. Time, Systems, and Control: Qualitative Properties and Methods
    Lyubomir T. Gruyitch
 3. Asymptotic Stability of Multibody Attitude Systems
    Jinglai Shen, Amit K. Sanyal, and N. Harris McClamroch
 4. Robust Regulation of Polytopic Uncertain Linear Hybrid Systems
    with Networked Control System Applications
    Hai Lin and Panos J. Antsaklis
 5. Stability Analysis of Swarms in a Noisy Environment
    Kevin M. Passino
 6. Stability of Discrete Time-Varying Linear Delay Systems and
    Applications to Network Control
    Mihail L. Sichitiu and Peter H. Bauer
 7. Stability and L2 Gain Analysis of Switched Symmetric Systems
    Guisheng Zhai

 8. Approximation of Input-Output Maps using Gaussian Radial Basis
    Irwin W. Sandberg
 9. Blind Source Recovery: A State-Space Formulation
    Khurram Waheed and Fathi M. Salem
10. Direct Neural Dynamic Programming
    Lei Yang, Russell Enns, Yu-Tsung Wang, and Jennie Si
11. Online Approximation-Based Aircraft State Estimation
    Jay Farrell, Manu Sharma, and Marios Polycarpou
12. Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: Qualitative Analysis
    and Design Implementation
    Gary G. Yen
13. Set-Membership Adaptive Filtering
    Yih-Fang Huang

14. Trajectory Sensitivity Theory in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems:
    Some Power System Applications
    M. A. Pai and Trong B. Nguyen
15. Emergency Control and Special Protection Systems in Large
    Electric Power Systems
    Vijay Vittal
16. Power System Stability: New Opportunities for Control
    Anjan Bose
17. Data Fusion Modeling for Groundwater Systems using Generalized
    Kalman Filtering
    David W. Porter
18. (Control, Output) Synthesis: Algebraic Paradigms
    Michael K. Sain and Bostwick F. Wyman
19. The Adaptive Dynamic Programming Theorem
    John J. Murray, Chadwick J. Cox, and Richard E. Saeks
20. Reliability of SCADA Systems in Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms
    Kelvin T. Erickson, E. Keith Stanek, Egemen Cetinkaya,
    Shari Dunn-Norman, and Ann Miller
21. Power Control and Call Admission Control for DS-CDMA Cellular Networks
    Derong Liu, Yi Zhang, and Sanqing Hu


Contributed by: Seth Barnes, 

Stability of Time-Delay Systems
Keqin Gu, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Vladimir L. Kharitonov, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico
Jie Chen, University of California-Riverside
June 2003/ 376 pp. / 16 ill. / Hardcover / $79.95 / ISBN 0-8176-4212-9

For both their theoretical and practical impact, time-delay systems have been 
an enduring theme in the study of differential equations, stochastic 
processes, game theory, and systems theory. The subject has broad 
applications to a number of areas, including mechanical, electrical and 
chemical engineering, mathematics, biology, and economics. 
This book is a self-contained, coherent presentation of the background and 
progress of the stability of time-delay systems. Focusing on techniques, 
tools, and advances in numerical methods and optimization algorithms, the 
authors develop material, which up until now, has been scattered in technical 
journals and conference proceedings. Special emphasis is placed on systems 
with uncertainty and stability criteria which can be computationally 

Requiring only basic knowledge of linear systems and Lyapunov stability 
theory, “Stability of Time-Delay Systems” will be accessible to a broad 
audience of researchers, professional engineers, and graduate students. It 
may be used for self-study or as a reference; portions of the text may be 
used in advanced graduate courses and seminars.

For full Table of Contents and book description, as well as ordering 
information, please visit:

Contributed by: George Yin, 

Stochastic Approximation and Recursive Algorithms and Applications
by Harold J. Kushner and G. George Yin
Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003

The book presents a thorough development of the modern theory of stochastic
approximation or recursive stochastic algorithms for both constrained and
unconstrained problems. There is a complete development of both probability
one and weak convergence methods for very general noise processes. The proofs
of convergence use the ODE method, the most powerful to date, with which the
asymptotic behavior is characterized by the limit behavior of a mean ODE.
The assumptions and methods of proofs are designed to cover the needs of
recent applications. The development proceeds from simple to complex
problems, allowing the underlying ideas to be more easily understood. Rate of 
convergence, iterate averaging,  high-dimensional problems, stability-ODE
methods, two-time-scale problems, asynchronous and decentralized algorithms,
state-dependent noise, stability methods for correlated noise, perturbed test
function methods, and large deviations methods, are covered. Many
motivational examples from learning theory, ergodic cost problems for 
discrete-event systems, wireless communications, adaptive control, signal
processing, and elsewhere, illustrate the applications of the theory.

This second edition is a thorough revision, although the main features and
the structure remain unchanged. It contains many additional applications,
more detailed discussion, and improved methods.

To see the preface and table of contents, please visit the website:

Contributed by: Seth Barnes, 

Switching in Systems and Control
Daniel Liberzon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
June 2003/ 248 pp. / 43 ill. / Hardcover / $69.95 / ISBN: 0-8176-4297-8  

This book examines switched systems from a control-theoretic perspective, 
focusing on stability analysis and control synthesis of systems that combine 
continuous dynamics with switching events. The theory of such switched 
systems is related to the study of hybrid systems, which has recently 
attracted considerable attention among control theorists, computer 
scientists, and practicing engineers.  Aimed at readers with a background in 
systems and control, this book bridges the gap between classical mathematical 
control theory and the interdisciplinary field of hybrid systems.

Requiring only familiarity with the basic theory of linear systems, the book 
is suitable as a text for a graduate course on switched systems and switching 
control.  It may also serve as an introduction to this active area of 
research for control theorists and mathematicians, as well as a useful 
reference for experts in the field. 

Partial Table of Contents: Preface * Part I. INTRODUCTION * Chapter 1: Basic 
Concepts * Part II. STABILITY OF SWITCHED SYSTEMS * Chapter 2: Stability 
under Arbitrary Switching * Chapter 3: Stability under Constrained Switching 
* Part III. SWITCHING CONTROL * Chapter 4: Systems not Stabilizable by 
Continuous Feedback * Chapter 5: Systems with Sensor or Actuator Constraints 
* Chapter 6: Systems with Large Modeling Uncertainty * Part IV. SUPPLEMENTARY 
MATERIAL * Appendix A. Stability * Appendix B. Lie Algebras * Notes and 
References * Bibliography * Notation * Index

For a full Table of Contents and book description, as well as ordering 
information, please visit: 

Contributed by: Seth Barnes, 

Wavelets and Signal Processing
Lokenath Debnath, University of Texas Pan American, Edinburg, TX
June 2003/ 432 pp. / 108 ill. / Hardcover / $79.95 / ISBN: 0-8176-4235-8

The mathematical theory of wavelet analysis and its applications have grown 
considerably over the past twenty years. Wavelet analysis is now an integral 
part of the solution to difficult problems in fields as diverse as signal 
processing, computer vision, data compression, pattern recognition, image 
processing, computer graphics, medical imaging, and defense technology. The 
present volume is an interdisciplinary digest of recent developments, open 
questions, and unsolved problems for future research in these rapidly growing 

Rich in applications and methods, and complete with up-to-date 
bibliographies, this book is an excellent text/reference for advanced 
students, researchers, and practitioners in wavelets, wavelet transforms, 
signal processing and time-frequency signal analysis.  Professionals working 
in electrical and computer engineering, applied mathematics, computer 
science, biomedical engineering, physics, optics, and fluid mechanics will 
also find the book a valuable resource.

For a full Table of Contents and book description, as well as ordering 
information, please visit: http://www.birkhauser.com/detail.tpl?

              |                                        |
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Contributed by: Yu-Chu Tian, 

CFP: Advance Control And Real-Time Systems
Special Issue on "Advance Control And Real-Time Systems" in the journal
Developments In Chemical Engineering & Mineral Processing

Guest Editors: 
  - Professor You-Xian Sun, Dept of Control Sci & Eng, Zhejiang University 
    Yuquan Campus, Hangzhou 310027, PR China (qlin@iipc.zju.edu.cn);
  - Dr. Yu-Chu Tian, School of Software Eng & Data Communications, Faculty of 
    Information Technology, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane 4001, Australia 
    (y.tian@qut.edu.au, http://www.fit.qut.edu.au/~tian).  

Recent progress in the research and development of Advanced Control and Real-
Time Systems has inspired the editors of the Developments in Chemical 
Engineering and Mineral Processing Journal to dedicate a special volume to 
these areas. The editorial board has invited Prof. You-Xian Sun and Dr. Yu-
Chu Tian to edit this special issue as guest editors. 

Contributions that address recent advances in advanced control and real-time 
systems are solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 
process modeling, identification, and estimation; model-based control; 
nonlinear control; plant-wide control; inferential control; adaptive control; 
real-time optimization and control; neural network; intelligent control; 
complex systems; system design and integration methodology; hardware/software 
co-design; scheduling and execution time analysis; models of computation and 
formal methods; real-time programming and software; real-time communications; 
real-time networks; reliability, safety, and fault tolerance; performance 
evaluation; real-time sensing and control; automation instruments and 

Papers are invited on the above mentioned topics and related aspects. 
Priority will be given to papers that discuss novel theories, new and 
innovative strategies, novel applications, or the definition of new problem 
areas. Of particular interest are papers that present a new or novel 
application of advanced control and/or real-time systems or demonstrate how 
industry and/or society can benefit from advanced control, real-time systems, 
and related technologies. State-of-the-art review papers are encouraged. 
Papers that demonstrate the application of existing theory to new problem 
areas are also welcome. The contribution of the paper to the advancement of 
the state-of-the-art should be clearly stated. The papers will be peer 

Interested authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts by 15 November 
2003. The authors are asked to adhere to the Instructions to Authors of the 
journal as closely as possible (http://www.cage.curtin.edu.au/DCEMPJ/). 
Please submit your manuscripts to one of the guest editors: Professor You-
Xian Sun (qlin@iipc.zju.edu.cn), Dr. Yu-Chu Tian (y.tian@qut.edu.au). 

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

CFP: Linear Algebra and its Applications

         Special issue on Matrices and Mathematical Biology
          Submission deadline extended to 30 November 2003

The Special Issue of LAA dedicated to Matrices and Mathematical Biology is
intended to both foster and accelerate cross fertilization between those
working primarily in linear algebra and those working primarily in
mathematical biology. The editors hope that such an issue of LAA will be
of benefit to both fields.

This special issue will be open for all submissions containing new and
meaningful results that advance interaction between linear algebra and
mathematical biology. The editors welcome submissions in which linear
algebraic methods play an important role for novel approaches to problems
arising in mathematical biology, or in which investigations in
mathematical biology motivate new tools and problems in linear algebra.
Survey papers which discuss specific areas involving the interaction
between biology and linear algebra, particularly where such interaction
has been successful, are also very welcome.

Areas and topics of interest for the special issue include, but are not
limited to:
       metabolistic pathways
       statistical data analysis
       linear algebra problems in graph partitioning
       matrix population models
       model discrimination in biokinetics
       linear algebra problems in network analysis and synchronization
       subspace oriented eigenvalue problems
       aggregation/disaggregation or related techniques
       hidden Markov models
       epidemic models
       modelling phylogenetic trees

All papers submitted must meet the publication standards of Linear Algebra
and its Applications and will be refereed in the usual way. They should be
submitted to one of the special editors of this issue listed below by 30
November 2003.

Michael Dellnitz
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Paderborn
D-33095 Paderborn 

Steve Kirkland
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan 
S4S 0A2

Michael Neumann                             
Department of Mathematics
University of Connecticut                   
Storrs, Connecticut O6269-3OO9

Christof Schuette
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science         
Numerical Mathematics/Scientific Computing
Free University Berlin                 
Arnimallee 2-6                            
D-14195 Berlin                            

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Asian Journal of Control
Vol. 5, Nol. 2, June, 2003

1. Title: Robust H_ Control Problem for General Nonlinear Systems with
   Author: Jenq-Lang Wu and Tsu-Tian Lee
2. Title: An Automatic Building Approach to Special Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy 
   Network for Unknown Plant Modeling and Stable Control
   Author: Chia-Feng Juang
3. Title: Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Ship Roll Stabilization
   Author: Shyh-Leh Chen and Wei-Chih Hsu
4. Title: Design of Robust Pole Assignment Based on Pareto-Optimal Solutions
   Author: Takanori Tagami and Kenji Ikeda
5. Title: PID Performance Tuning Methods for a Robotic Manipulator Based on 
   Author: Youngjin Choi and Wan Kyun Chung
6. Title: Optimal Process Control Using Neural Networks
   Author: Radhakant Padhi and S. N. Balakrishnan
7. Title: A Stable Output Feedback Position Control with Integral Action for
   Robot Manipulators
   Author: Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Rafael Kelly and Ilse Cervantes
8. Title: Sliding Mode Control for Invertible Systems Based on a Direct 
   Design of Interactors
   Author: Tsutomu Mita, Taek-Kun Nam and Xin Xin
9. Title: Dynamical Output Feedback Stabilization of MIMO Bilinear Systems 
   with Undamped Natural Response
   Author: Guoping Lu, Yufan Zheng and Cishen Zhang
10. Title: Indexing Valve Plate Pump: Modeling and Control
   Author: X. Zhang, J. Cho and S. S. Nair
11. Title: Characterisation of Receding Horizon Control for Constrained 
   Linear Systems
   Author: Maria M. Seron, Graham C. Goodwin and Jose A. De Dona

12. Title: Determination of the Phase Current Waveform for a Disc-Type Axial-
    Flux Wheel Motor
    Author: Yee-Pien Yang, Yih-Ping Luh and Yann-Guang Pan
13. Title: Plotting Robust Root Locus for Polynomial Families of Multilinear 
    Parameter Dependence Based on Zero Inclusion/Exclusion Tests
    Author: Chyi Hwang and Shih-Feng Yang
14. Title: Reliable State Feedback Control Synthesis for Uncertain Linear 
    Author: Guang-Hong Yang, Jian Liang Wang, Yeng Chai Soh and Kok-Yong Lou
15. Title: On Velocity-Based Local Model Networks for Nonlinear Identification
    Author: Seamus C. McLoone and George W. Irwin
16. Title: Time Varying Deadbeat Control of High Order Chained Systems
    Author: Tsutomu Mita and Taek Kun Nam
17. Title: Modified Weak-Pseudo-Sliding Mode Controller with One Sampling 
    Period Computation Delay
    Author: Kuo-Ming Chang, Chieh-Li Chen and Zhi-Hong Zhu

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, 

Contents: Automatica, July, 2003
Volume 39, Issue 7

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com

Survey papers

J-M. Dion, C. Commault, J. van der Woude
Generic properties and control of linear structured systems: A survey

Regular papers

S. Jorgensen, G. Zaccour
A differential game of retailer promotions

L. Benvenuti, M. D. Di Benedetto, S. Di Gennaro, A.
Individual cylinder characteristic estimation for a spark injection engine

Hao Ying
A general technique for deriving analytical structure of fuzzy controllers
using arbitrary trapezoidal input fuzzy sets and Zadeh fuzzy logic AND

Brief papers

Y. S. Hung, Fuwen Yang
Robust H(infinity) filtering with error variance constraints for discrete
time-varying systems with uncertainty

E. Delgado, A. Barreiro
Sonar-based robot navigation using nonlinear robust observers

D. U. Campos-Delgado, K .Zhou
A parametric optimization approach to H-infty and H2 strong stabilization

H. Habbi, M. Zelmat, B. Ould Bouamama
A dynamic fuzzy model for a drum boiler-turbine system

L. B. Jemaa, E. J. Davison
Limiting performance of optimal linear discrete filters

G. Tortora, B. Kouvaritakis, D. W. Clarke
Fault-accommodation with intelligent sensors

Yong-Yan Cao, Zongli Lin
Stability analysis of discrete-time systems with actuator saturation by a
saturation-dependent Lyapunov function

M. D. S. Aliyu
A transformation approach for solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
in H-2 deterministic and stochastic optimal control of affine nonlinear

R. R. Costa, Liu Hsu, A. K. Imai, P. Kokotovic
Lyapunov-based adaptive control of MIMO systems

H. G. Tanner, K. J. Kyriakopoulos
Backstepping for non smooth systems

J. Schoukens, J. G. Nemeth, P. Crama, Y. Rolain, R. Pintelon
Fast approximate identification of nonlinear systems

E. N. Sanchez, A. G. Loukianov, R. A. Felix
Recurrent neural block form control

M. Guay, T. Zhang
Adaptive extremum seeking control of nonlinear dynamic systems with
parametric uncertainties

M. P. Niemiec, C. Kravaris
Nonlinear model-state feedback control for nonminimum-phase processes

Technical communiques

P. Zhang, S. X. Ding, G. Z. Wang, D. H. Zhou
A frequency domain approach to fault detection in sampled-data systems

Qing-Chang Zhong
Robust stability analysis of simple systems controlled over communication

Book reviews

S. Mukhopadhyay
Neural and adaptive systems: Fundamentals through simulations, by J.C.
Principe, N.R. Euliano and W.C. Lefebvre

Iterative dynamic programming, by Rein Luus

A. Sparks
Advances in aircraft flight control, by Mark B. Tischler

Zhong-Ping Jiang
Control of complex systems, by K. Astrom, P. Albertos, M. Blanke, A.
Isidori, W. Schaufelberger and R. Sanz



Contents: Control and Intelligent Systems

Contributed by: Clarence de Silva , <">>

VOLUME 31 / Number 2 / 2003

Robust Longitudinal Aircraft Control Based on an Adaptive Fuzzy Logic 
Algorithm: A.L. Elshafei	

Multiple Model Approach by Orthonormal Bases for Controller Design: G.G. Yen, 
S.-B. Lee

Robust Stabilization of Measure Differential Systems with Impulse, Time Delay 
and Nonlinear Uncertainty: D. Yue, S. Won

A Novel Adaptive Controller using Fuzzy Estimators: L. Schnitman, T. Yoneyama
A Modified PID Controller (PIIsD) for Controllable Linear Time-invariant 
Single-input/Single-output Systems: S.M. Radaideh, M.T. Hayajneh

Flight Control System Design using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms: 
K.D. Kumar

Direct Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Nonlinear System--Class with Application: H. 
Chekireb, M. Tadjine, D. Bouchaffra	
Information for Submission of Papers to Journals	
Upcoming IASTED Conferences	

For paper submission information please go to: 



Contents: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems

Contributed by: Yuri L. Sachkov, 

Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
Incorporating Dynamics and Control
Vol 9, No. 3  July 2003

Normalizable, integrable, and linearizable saddle points for complex
quadratic systems in C^2 
C. Christopher, P. Mardesic, and C. Rousseau, pp. 311--363

Time-varying z-transform for the analysis of discrete-time linear time
periodic systems 
A. Garcia Iturricha, J. Sabatier, and A. Oustaloup, pp. 365--392

On some aspects of the Deligne--Simpson problem
V.P. Kostov, pp. 393--436

Relations between some quantities in classical thermodynamics and abstract
dynamics. Beyond hyperbolicity
A.M. Meson and F. Vericat, pp. 437--448

On new forms of the ergodic theorem 
V.V. Kozlov and D.V. Treschev, pp. 449--453

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume 368, Pages 1-388 (15 July 2003)


An SVD-like matrix decomposition and its applications, Pages 1-24
Hongguo Xu

Completions of partial P-matrices with acyclic or non-acyclic associated 
graph, Pages 25-51
C. Jordan, J. R. Torregrosa and A. M. Urbano

Existence and construction of nonnegative matrices with complex spectrum, 
Pages 53-69
Oscar Rojo and Ricardo L. Soto

Inequalities for numerical invariants of sets of matrices, Pages 71-81
Jairo Bochi

On the positive definite solutions of the matrix equations Xs+/-ATX-tA=In, 
Pages 83-97
Xin-Guo Liu and Hua Gao

Some determinantal inequalities for Hadamard product of matrices, Pages 99-106
Shencan Chen

The number of nonconstant invariant polynomials of matrices with several 
prescribed blocks, Pages 107-116
Gloria Cravo and Fernando C. Silva

Enumeration of orbits on cycles for linear and affine groups, Pages 117-127
Daniele A. Gewurz

Null spaces of correlation matrices, Pages 129-157
Wayne Barrett and Stephen Pierce

Total dilations, Pages 159-169
Jean-Christophe Bourin

The doubly graded matrix cone and Ferrers matrices, Pages 171-190
Geir Dahl

On semigroups of normal matrices, Pages 191-195
Bojana Zalar

The dynamic feedback equivalence over principal ideal domains, Pages 197-208
Jose A. Hermida-Alonso and M. T. Trobajo

The edge-isoperimetric problem on the 600-vertex regular solid, Pages 209-228
L. H. Harper and D. Dreier

Additive mappings on von Neumann algebras preserving absolute values, Pages 
M. Radjabalipour

Lattices generated by orbits of subspaces under finite singular unitary group 
and its characteristic polynomials, Pages 243-268
You Gao

An improved upper bound for Laplacian graph eigenvalues, Pages 269-278
Kinkar ch. Das

A Schur complement approach to a general extrapolation algorithm, Pages 279-
C. Brezinski and M. Redivo Zaglia

Positive definite Hankel matrices of minimal condition, Pages 303-314
J. M. Varah

Partitioning the edge set of a bipartite graph into chain packings: 
complexity of some variations, Pages 315-327
D. de Werra

Effect of linear perturbation on spectra of matrices, Pages 329-342
R. Alam and S. Bora

The continuous-time Rayleigh quotient flow on the sphere, Pages 343-357
R. Mahony and P. -A. Absil

Finite Blaschke products of contractions, Pages 359-370
Hwa-Long Gau and Pei Yuan Wu

Asymptotic similarity-preserving linear maps on , Pages 371-378
Guoxing Ji

On the Laplacian spectral radius of a tree, Pages 379-385
Ji-Ming Guo

Author index, Pages 387-388
Lists of Editors, Pages ii-iii

Contributed by: Karen Hillmansen, 

Contents: Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
2003; 25(2) 

A rational spline model approximation and control of output probability 
density functions for dynamic stochastic systems
Wang H.; Yue H., pp. 93-105

Output feedback H control for a class of uncertain nonlinear discrete-time 
delay systems
Guo L.; Chen W.-H., pp. 107-121 

Improving the performance of CMFD applications using multiple classifiers and 
a fusion framework
Parikh C.R.; Pont M.J.; Jones N.B.; Schlindwein F.S., pp. 123-144

Design of a sliding mode controller with a nonlinear time-varying sliding 
Tokat S.; Eksin I.; Güzelkaya M.; Söylemez M.T., pp. 145-162 
Robustness analysis of control systems with mixed perturbations
Tan N.; Atherton D.P., pp. 163-184

Contributed by: Dr. Aghalaya S. Vatsala, 

International Journal of Hybrid Systems

Editor-in-Chief: Professor V. Lakshmikantham
Florida Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences Melbourne, 
FL, 32901-6988, U.S.A.

Managing Editor: Professor A. S. Vatsala
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Dept. of Mathematics, Lafayette, LA, 
70504-1010 U. S. A.
International Journal of Hybrid Systems is an English language journal 
published quarterly on research in this important area. Hybrid systems 
research is devoted to modeling, design and validation of interacting systems 
of continuous process (plants) and computer programs (control automata). The 
methodologies of hybrid systems address the growing demand for control 
systems that are capable of controlling complex nonlinear continuous plants 
with discrete intelligent controllers. The theory of hybrid systems offers a 
logical, mathematical and computational framework for understanding and 
designing complex heterogeneous systems.

The theory of hybrid systems has become a distinctive branch of investigation 
by providing computationally effective methodologies for implementation of 
digital programs that design or modify the control law. The areas of science 
and engineering that can be brought to bear on the issue of hybrid control 
encompass mathematical, engineering and computer science disciplines. We 
encourage the submission of papers on all areas of hybrid systems including 
theory, modeling and software tools relevant to applications such as 
avionics, highway traffic control, air traffic control, distributed 
autonomous control, management synchronization, discrete event systems and 
real time systems.

Address for submissions and subscriptions:
Professor A. S. Vatsala
Department of Mathematics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette 
Lafayette, LA 70504, U. S. A
E-Mail: vatsala@louisiana.edu

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Contributed by: George Yin and Qing Zhang, 

2003 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference
in Mathematics of Finance,
Snowbird, Utah, June 22-June 27, 2003

As a rapidly expanding and growing discipline, mathematics of finance
involves a wide spectrum of techniques that go far beyond the traditional
applied mathematics. Stochastic calculus, dynamic programming, and partial
differential equations have become indispensable tools to finance--a
discipline that previously relied on "a collection of anecdotes, rules of
thumb, and shuffling of accounting data." As a major impetus to the
development of financial management and economics, the research in
mathematics of finance has had a major impact on the global economy.
For instance, using stochastic calculus in pricing of options has become
a standard practice nowadays.

The rapid progress in financial engineering has necessitated communication
and networking among researchers in different disciplines. The main purpose
of the conference is to bring together researchers from mathematical sciences,
finance, economics, and engineering, to review and to update the recent
advances, and to identify future directions of mathematics of finance.

This conference will focus on scientific topics that include but are not
limited to valuation of contingent claims and dynamic hedging, consumption-
investment models and portfolio management, risk assessment and management
using financial derivatives. Further details of the conference together with
a list of invited speakers can be found in the web site:

Contributed by: R. Srikant, 

41st Annual Allerton Conference On Communication, Control, And Computing
October 1 – 3, 2003

The Forty-First Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and 
Computing will be held from Wednesday, October 1 through Friday, October 3, 
2003, at the Allerton House, the conference center of the University of 
Illinois. Allerton House is located twenty-six miles southwest of the Urbana-
Champaign campus of the University, in a wooded area on the Sangamon River. 
It is part of the fifteen-hundred acre Robert Allerton Park, a complex of 
natural and man-made beauty designated as a National natural landmark. The 
Allerton Park has twenty miles of well-maintained trails and a living gallery 
of formal gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around the world.

Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of 
communication systems, communication and computer networks, detection and 
estimation theory, information theory, error control coding, source coding 
and data compression, queueing networks, control systems, robust and 
nonlinear control, adaptive control, optimization, dynamic games, large scale 
systems, robotics and automation, manufacturing systems, discrete event 
systems, intelligent control, multivariable control, computer vision based 
control, learning theory, neural networks, VLSI architectures for 
communications and signal processing, and automated highway systems. Also 
solicited are organized sessions for the Conference; prospective organizers 
should discuss their plans with the Conference co-chairs before sending a 
formal proposal.

This year the plenary lecture will be delivered by Professor Jessy W. Grizzle 
of the University of Michigan.  It is scheduled for Friday, October 3, and is 
entitled "Control and Underactuation in Mechanical Bipedal Locomotion."

Information for authors: Regular papers, suitable for presentation in twenty 
minutes, as well as short papers, suitable for presentation in ten minutes, 
are solicited. The purpose of the short paper category is to encourage 
authors to present preliminary results of their work. Regular papers will be 
published in full (subject to a maximum length of ten 8.5" x 11" pages) in 
the Conference Proceedings, while short papers will be limited to two-page 
summaries in the Proceedings.

For reviewing purposes regular papers, a title and a five-to-ten page 
extended abstract, includingzreferences and sufficient detail to permit 
careful reviewing, are required. For short papers, a title and a three-to-
five page summary are required. Manuscripts that are submitted as regular 
papers but cannot be accommodated in that category will be considered in the 
short paper category, unless the authors indicate otherwise.

Manuscripts must be submitted by Thursday, July 3, 2003 following the 
instructions at the Conference website: 

Authors will be notified of acceptance via e-mail by August 8, 2003, at which 
time they will also be sent detailed instructions for the preparation of 
their papers for the Proceedings.

A final version of presented papers must be submitted electronically prior to 
the end of the Conference.

Conference Co-Chairs: R. Srikant and Venu Veeravalli
Email: allerton@csl.uiuc.edu

Coordinated Science Laboratory And The
Department Of Electrical And Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Contributed by: Tatiana V. Guy, 

4th International PhD Workshop
Information Technologies and Control: Young Generation Viewpoint
September 16-20, 2003 
Libverda, Czech Republic

The series of Workshops "Young Generation Viewpoint" is traditionally 
intended for students, young researchers and engineers both from academy and 
industry. The aim of this Workshop is to bring together young people working 
in the field of Information Technologies and Control. Emphasis is placed on 
the exchange of ideas, results, experience and opinions.
Topics relevant to the Workshop include: system identification and signal 
processing; control (traditional, intelligent, adaptive, etc.); modelling of 
complex systems (classical, hierarchical, Bayesian, graphical networks); soft 
computing (neural, genetic, fuzzy algorithms, etc.); image processing; 
pattern recognition; artificial intelligence; software issues (parallel 
computing, distributed and network computing, data visualization); decision 
making (decision support, data mining); real-life applications.

Deadline for submission of extended abstract:  June 15, 2003.
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2003

For further information, please consult the web page

 Dr. Kvìtoslav Belda
 PhD Workshop IT&C 2003
 Institute of Information Theory and Automation
 P.O.Box 18 
 182 08 Prague 8
 Czech Republic
 Fax: (420) 26605 2068
 e-mail: belda@utia.cas.cz            

Contributed by: Iven Mareels, 

5th Asian Control Conference (ASCC2004)
20-23 July 2004
The Grand Hyatt
Melbourne, Australia

Asian Control Conference (ASCC) is a bi-annual event and the major control 
conference held in Asia. ASCC2004 will provide professionals, researchers and 
engineers worldwide with excellent information exchange opportunities. The 
conference consists of a four-day program, beginning with a workshop day 
followed by the three-day conference program, which includes international 
plenary speakers, poster sessions, workshops, and industry exhibits. The 
workshop day will focus on education issues in control. People interested in 
contributing to this workshop are invited to contact Prof. Ljubo Vlacic at 

In addition to regular paper contributions the conference organizers also 
welcome suggestions for invited sessions and tutorial sessions, containing up 
to 6 papers for a complete session. Also, ideas for tutorial workshops to be 
held on the workshop day are welcome. For such sessions it is important to 
contact Prof V. Krishnamurthy in advance at vikram@ee.mu.oz.au to allow for 
early coordination of invited and tutorial sessions and the integration of 
these into the conference program. 

The conference venue, The Grand Hyatt Melbourne located in the heart of 
Melbourne’s CBD provides a first class meeting and exhibition venue with 
delegate accommodation provided. The 5th ASCC aims to build on the success of 
earlier conferences organized in Tokyo, Seoul, Shangai, and Singapore. 

Important Dates:
Authors are asked to note that ASCC2004 requires a full paper submission for 
review. Paper submission deadlines are as follows:
 Submission of draft papers due: 15 November 2003
 Notification of regular paper acceptance: 1 February 2004
 Camera ready papers due: 15 March 2004

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers electronically via 
http://ascc2004.ee.mu.oz.au All submissions will be reviewed and those 
accepted will be included in the conference proceedings. Papers should only
be submitted if you are planning on attending the conference.

Conference Committee:
Conference Co Chair - Prof. Iven Mareels FIEEE, The University of Melbourne
Conference Co Chair - Prof. Rob Evans FIEEE, The University of Melbourne
IPC Co Chair - Prof Rick Middleton FIEEE, University of Newcastle
IPC Co Chair - Dr Dragan Nesic SMIEEE, The University of Melbourne
Finance Chair - Dr Michael Evans SMIEEE, DSTO Edinburgh, SA
Publications Chair - Dr Michael Cantoni MIEEE, The University of Melbourne
Industry Liaison Chair - Dr Sam Crisafulli, FIEAust
Tutorials Chair - Prof Vikram Krishnamurthy SMIEEE, The Univ of Melbourne
Local Arrangements Chair - Dr Francesco Crusca MIEEE, Monash University
Education Workshop Chair - Dr Ljubo Vlacic SMIEEE, Griffith University 

For further information please contact the conference Administrator at 

Contributed by: Prof. Ed Boje, 

African Control Conference
Cape Town, South Africa, 3-5 December 2003

Topics of interest include but are not limited to: industrial applications, 
robotics, manufacturing, guidance and aerospace control, power systems, 
process control, measurement and sensing, identification and estimation, 
signal processing, modeling and simulation, fault detection, model 
validation, multivariable control, adaptive control,optimal control, 
robustness, intelligent control, non-linear control, expert systems, neural 
nets, control engineering education, and computer aided design.

Plenary speakers: 
Prof. Sigurd Skogestad (Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology)
Prof. David Limebeer (Imperial College)

Contact jtapson@ebe.uct.ac.za or boje@nu.ac.za

Contributed by: Lorenzo Farina, 

First Multidisciplinary Symposium on Positive Systems (POSTA 2003)
Roma, Italy, August 28-30, 2003

Call for Participation

Two plenary lectures will be presented by:
David G. Luenberger (Stanford, USA): "Positive random systems with 
  application to investment"
Jan van Schuppen (CWI, The Nederklands): "Positive rational systems for 
  reaction networks"

Contributed by: Darko Musicki, 

Sixth International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2003)
ISIF - International Society of Information Fusion
8 - 11 July 2003
Cairns, Australia

Sixth International Conference on Information Fusion, Fusion 2003, will be
held at Radisson Plaza Hotel, Cairns, Queensland, Australia on July 8 - 11, 
2003. This international four-day conference is intended to provide a forum 
for scientists and engineers to working in all aspects of information fusion.

More than two hundred papers have been accepted for publication, and the 
advance program is available at the conference website above.

Three plenary papers will be presented by:
1. Professor Mandyam V. Srinivasan (Australian National University, Australia)
2. Professor Yaakov Bar-Shalom (University of Connecticut, USA)
3. M. Vidyasagar (Tata Consultancy Services, India)

Eight Tutorials are offered to participants:
1.Target Tracking Concepts, presented by W. D. Blair (Georgia Tech Research 
2.The Taste of Multi-Sensor Fusion, presented by D. L. Hall (The 
  Pennsylvania State University)
3.Industrial Strength Nonlinear Filters, presented by F. Daum (Reytheon)
4.Advanced Concepts in Target Tracking, presented by W. D. Blair (Georgia 
  Tech Research Institute)
5.Sensor Management and Control, presented by R. Evans (University of 
  Melbourne) and V. Krishnamurthy (University of British Columbia)
6.Bayesian Target Tracking with Particle Filters, presented by N. Gordon 
  (DSTO), D. Salmond (QinetiQ), S. Challa (University of Melbourne)
7.Ontologies and Level 2 Fusion: Theory and Applications, presented by M. 
  Kokar (Northeastern University) and J. Llinas (SUNY, Buffalo)
8.Fundamentals of Information Fusion and Applications, by Erik Blasch (AFRL)

Online registration and accomodation form is now active on the conference 
website http://www.Fusion2003.org

Cairns is fast becoming an international hub and can be reached using a
number of different routes. See, for example JAL (http://www.jal.co.jp/en)
and Qantas (http://www.qantas.com.au). Please see the conference website and
available links for details on visa requirements and available accomodation.

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