E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 177, May, 2003

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 177, May, 2003

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
      Submission deadline for June eletter: May 31, 2003


0.	Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	New email convention for the Univ of Illinois

2.	Awards Honors
	2.1	Call for Nominations: INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize
	2.2	SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	New Director: CCEC UC Santa Barbara
	3.2	New release of Munorm and Robpole M-Files
	3.3	Registration closed: DISC Summer School on Hybrid Systems NL
	3.4	Seminar: Advanced Coriolis Mass Flow Metering
	3.5	Summer School: Normal forms Bifurcations and Chaos
	3.6	The Fusion of Mechanism and Control
	3.7	Training course: Applied Control Techniques
	3.8	Training course: Model Based Control

4.	Positions
	4.1	Control Engineers PGT Melbourne Australia
	4.2	Faculty: University of Illinois USA
	4.3	Jet Engine Controls Egr: Belcan Engineering USA
	4.4	Ph.D.: University of Texas Dallas USA
	4.5	PhD: EPFL Switzerland
	4.6	PhD: Oklahoma State Univ USA
	4.7	PhD: University of Leicester UK
	4.8	Post-Doc: ENSICA France
	4.9	Post-Doc: National University of Singapore Singapore
	4.10	Post-Doc: Univ Autonoma de Barcelona Spain
	4.11	Post-Doc: University College Dublin Ireland
	4.12	Post-Doc PhD: ETH Switzerland
	4.13	Post-Doc PhD: Hamilton Institute IE
	4.14	Post-Doc and PhD: University of Liverpool UK
	4.15	Post Doc: Univerity of Queensland Australia
	4.16	Res Fellow: Robert Gordon University UK
	4.17	Research Fellow: Univ of New South Wales Australia
	4.18	Research Fellows: ARC-CAS Sydney Australia

5.	Books
	5.1	Convex Analysis and Optimization
	5.2	Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems
	5.3	Modeling and Adaptive Nonlinear Control of Electric Motors
	5.4	Nonholonomic Mechanics and Control

6.	Journals
	6.1	Call for Papers: Operations Research in ECE
	6.2	Call for Papers: Special issue on Subspace-based Identification
	6.3	Contents: Asian Journal of Control
	6.4	Contents: Automatica
	6.5	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	6.6	Contents: Control and Intelligent Systems
	6.7	Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology
	6.8	Contents: Int J. of App Mathematics and Computer Science
	6.9	Contents: Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
	6.10	Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
	6.11	Special Issue Asian Journal of Control

7.	Conferences
	7.1	13th European Conf for Mathematics in Industry
	7.2	13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
	7.3	16th International Conference on Systems Engineering
	7.4	Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2004
	7.5	IFAC ADCHEM Symposium Postponed
	7.6	IFAC Conference on Hybrid Dynamical Systems
	7.7	New Technologies for Experimentation Over the Internet
	7.8	Physics and Control Physcon03

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Welcome to the 177-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of June 2003. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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Contributed by: Mark W. Spong, 

New email convention for the Univ of Illinois

In this time of difficult budget cuts, the University of Illinois 
administration has decided to spend considerable amount of funds on a new 
integrated software system. One of its main features is that it does not
allow hyphens in email addresses.

My new email address is mspong@uiuc.edu.  Please update your address books.  
Other colleagues at Illinois will have the same problem if their email 
address contains a hyphen.

Mark W. Spong
Coordinated Science Lab
University of Illinois
1301 W. Main St.
Urbana, IL 61801

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                          Awards Honors
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Contributed by: David D. Yao, 

Call for Nominations: INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize

The John von Neumann Theory Prize is widely considered as the most
prestigious award given by the Institute for Operations Research and the
Management Sciences (INFORMS).

Refer to http://www.informs.org/Prizes/vonNeumannPrize.html for more details.
The von Neumann Prize Committee is currently seeking nominations, which
should be in the form of a letter addressed to the prize committee chair
(below), highlighting the nominee's accomplishments. Although the letter need
not contain a detailed account of the nominee's research, it should document
the overall nature of his or her contributions and their impact on the
profession, with particular emphasis on the prize's criteria. If available,
please attach the nominee's curriculum.

Nominations should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than
September 15.
Committee Chair:
 David D. Yao
 IEOR Dept, Columbia University
 500 W. 120 St, New York, NY 10027, USA
 email: yao@columbia.edu
 voice: +1 212-854-2934
 fax: +1 212-854-8103
Committee Members: Alan J. Hoffman, Lawrence M. Wein

Contributed by: Xun Yu Zhou, 

SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize

A paper co-authored by David Yao, Shuzhong Zhang and Xun Yu Zhou,
"Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Control via Semidefinite Programming,"
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol 40 (2001), 801-823,
has been selected as a winner for this year's SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize
(to be awarded at the SIAM Annual Meeting in Montreal, June 16-20, 2003).

The SIAM Outstanding Paper Prizes were introduced in 1999, and are awarded
annually. Three winners were selected each year among all the papers
published in the 13 SIAM journals in the four years prior to the year of the

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Petar Kokotovic, 

New Director: CCEC, UC Santa Barbara

At the 12th anniversary of the Center for Control Engineering and
Computation, Petar Kokotovic transferred his responsibilities to the new
leadership team:

Andy Teel, ECE, Director  (teel@ece.ucsb.edu)
Frank Doyle, ChemE, Assoc. Director (doyle@engineering.ucsb.edu)
Mustafa Khammash, MEE, Assoc. Director (khammash@engineering.ucsb.edu)

Please update your contact list accordingly. Petar will continue his
regular teaching and research activities.

Contributed by: Andre Tits, 

New release of Munorm and Robpole M-Files

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.2 of Munorm and
version 1.4 of Robpole.  Both packages can now be obtained freely, for
noncommercial use, from the SLICOT site at http://www.win.tue.nl/niconet/
using the link "Additional software."

The new versions are more robust (especially Munorm) and faster (especially
Robpole) than the previous versions, and Munorm also includes a few minor 
enhancements.  In addition, a number of bugs have been fixed.  The new
versions are authored by Y. Yang, A.L. Tits and V. Sima (Robpole) and
by C.T. Lawrence, A.L. Tits and V. Sima (Munorm).

As with the previous versions, Munorm 1.2 computes the maximum over
frequency (continuous-time or discrete-time) of the standard
"convex" upper bound to the structured singular value of a finite
dimensional transfer function.  It handles both dynamic and parametric
uncertainty.  The algorithm builds on a well-known algorithm for
computing the H-infinity norm and is described in
C.T. Lawrence, A.L. Tits and P. Van Dooren, Automatica, 36:3, 2000, 449-456.
The algorithm appears to be significantly faster than competing
approaches, often by more than an order of magnitude.

Robpole 1.4 still tackles the problem of multivariable robust pole
placement by linear static state feedback.  The algorithm builds on
an earlier one due to Kautsy, Nichols and Van Dooren (KNV), implemented
in the Matlab Robust Control Toolbox as "place".  It is described in
A.L. Tits and Y. Yang, IEEE TAC, 41:10, 1996, 1432--1452.

Systematic numerical tests carried out in that paper suggest that this
algorithm typically produces a more robust design than that constructed by
"place" especially when some of the prescribed eigenvalue are complex.
(The algorithm as originally proposed by KNV does not handle
complex eigenvalue assignment, but its implementation as "place"
does, in an ad hoc fashion.)

Contributed by: Bart De Schutter, 

Registration closed: DISC Summer School on Hybrid Systems, NL

In the eletter of April we announced the DISC Summer School on
"Modeling and Control of Hybrid Systems"
June 23 to 26
Velthoven, The Netherlands

As the maximum number of participants (80) has been reached, we would
like to like to thank you for your interest and announce that the
registration for this Summer School has been closed.

B. De Schutter (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
W.M.P.H. Heemels (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Contributed by: Alison Hardy, 

Seminar: Advanced Coriolis Mass Flow Metering

Dept of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
8 July 2003

This event hosted by the IEE Control and Automation Professional Network 
(http://www.iee.org/oncomms/pn/controlauto/) aims to bring academics, 
suppliers, users and system integrators with an interest in advanced CMFM, to 
review recent developments and identify future research directions.

Full details of the event and registration can be found at 

Contributed by: Djemai Mohamed, 

Summer School: Normal forms, Bifurcations and Chaos

Normal forms, Bifurcations and Chaos In Automatic:
>From theory Towards applications
8-12 September 2003
Ecole Centrale de Lille, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

. to cover the basic theory and tools necessary for the study of Chaotic
  systems to bring together researchers of different engineering area who are
  interested in chaotic systems
. to promote the recent theoretical developments on chaos control for
  practical and industrial applications
. to introduce some new concepts of modern control theory dedicated to 
  chaotic systems study
. to encourage new persons contacts and exchanges ideas for further works.
. to highlight the usefulness of the control theory in the synchronisation of
  chaotic system and consequently into secure data transmission.

The courses will be illustrated by practical sessions going from academic to
industrial examples. Potential audience include Graduate students, engineers,
researchers, consultants, who are interested in improving their understanding
of chaotic systems.

Language: English/French.

Lecturers: J.P. Barbot (F), J. Daafouz (F), M. DjEmai (F), J-P. Gauthier (F),
B. Hamzi (USA), W. Kang (USA), A. Krener (USA), L. Larger (F), L. Laval (F),
G. Millerioux (F), C. Mira  (F), H. Nijmeijer (NL), R. Ortega (F),
W. Respondek (F), I. Tall (USA), R. Tauleigne (F), C. Dang-Vu (F),
W. Perruquetti (F), S. Ramdani (F), R. Quere (F)

For further information contact or visit website below:
 Secretarial Office: International school of Automatic of Lille,
 Ecole Internationale d’Automatique de Lille,
 Ecole Centrale de Lille,
 Cité Scientifique, BP48,
 59 651 Villeneuve d’Ascq, CEDEX,
 Tel: +33 (0)3 20 33 54 50
 Fax: +33 (0)3 20 33 54 18

Contributed by: Alison Hardy, 

The Fusion of Mechanism and Control
Super-Mechano Systems
The 2003 IEE Tustin/UKACC Lecture and Dinner
8 May 2003
IEE Savoy Place, London, UK at 18.00 hours GMT
Website: http://www.iee.org/events/tustin.cfm

For one year only the most prestigious events in the IEE Control and 
Automation Professional Network and UKACC calendars have been combined into
a single world class event with a world class speaker.

Don't miss this opportunity to hear Prof Katsuhisa Furuta of Denki 
University, Japan speak on the subject of Super-Mechano Systems and also 
touch on his work on robots to clear landmines in Afghanistan.

The Lecture is open to everyone and is free of charge. The dinner afterwards 
is optional and there will be a charge for this.  

The Lecture will also be broadcast live over the internet and selected
excerpts will be available for viewing afterwards on the IEE Control and
Automation Professional Network website at http://www.iee.org/pn

Full details of the event and registration can be found at 

Contributed by: Hans Eder, 

Training course: Applied Control Techniques
October 13 - 17, 2003
Brussels / Antwerpen, 

Newcomers gain extensive, sound knowledge in the practical and most
effective use of standard and advanced techniques and experienced users 
the extra know-how for handling complex and difficult situations and to 
achieve better performance in shorter time. The course is fully practice 
oriented and delivers exceptional know-how in an easy understandable way, 
with many examples of successful applications but also pitfalls and their 
resolutions. It covers also special, little known techniques that are 
simple but powerful. Many realistic PC exercises with our award winning 
software TOPAS deepen the understanding. All work is done in small groups 
with an exceptionally experienced instructor.

Main topics:  Process dynamics, measurements & signals, sampling & 
filtering, basic control concepts.  PID principles - configuration - 
tuning (load/setpoint, tight/average level control), single loop vs. 
cascade control, advanced PID topics, feedforward-, constraint-, 
multivariable- , inferential control, RGA, introduction to model based 
control, optimization. Incentive calculation, application design and 
implementation, performance analysis.

For more information see 
or contact 
 Hans H. Eder
 ACT - Brussels office, 
 Phone & fax (+32)-2-767-0895, 
 e-mail: actgmbh@compuserve.com  

Contributed by: Hans Eder, 

Training course: Model Based Control

October 20-22, 2003, Brussels / Antwerp

Students with control experience learn to develop surprisingly simple yet 
high performing and robust single- and multivariable controls in short 
time. Besides, they will able to select the most suited technology and 
vendor where needed. The course is fully practice oriented and easy to 
follow, with many examples of successful applications but also pitfalls 
and their resolutions. Many realistic PC exercises with our award winning 
tool TOPAS deepen the understanding. All work is done in small groups 
with an exceptionally experienced instructor.

Main Topics:  Motivation for Model Based Predictive Control, application 
areas and criteria for use, model types and selection criteria, the main 
approaches and selection criteria, plant tests and test signals, process 
parameter identification / validation / refinement, closed loop control 
and dynamic model updating, handling of process changes, model errors, 
non-linearities, model based feedforward, constraint, multivariable 
control, Application design and implementation, operator interface, 

For more information see
or contact 

Hans H. Eder
ACT - Brussels office, 
Phone & fax (+32)-2-767-0895, 
e-mail: actgmbh@compuserve.com  

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Contributed by: Ir. Jaap Overschie, 

Control Engineers, PGT, Melbourne, Australia

Control/Mechatronics Engineers
Pacifica Group Technologies
Melbourne, Australia:
CONTROL SYSTEMS DESIGN ENGINEER  (Mechanical Dynamic Systems, X-by-Wire) 
CONTROL SYSTEMS DESIGN ENGINEER  (ABS/Vehicle Stability Program, X-by-Wire) 

PGT is a partner in the Research Centre for Advanced by-wire Technologies 
(RABiT). There are two primary nodes to RABiT: A vehicle dynamics laboratory 
at PGT in East Bentleigh, Melbourne, Australia and an educational / 
simulation laboratory for seed-research, education and collaborative work in 
mechatronics at the University of Melbourne City campus.

While the initial focus is on brake technologies, in the medium term, PGT 
will seek to apply these same skills to broader drive-by-wire technologies 
and, beyond that again, to other industry sectors.
PGT's remarkable success in automotive by-wire development and in new 
materials and new process developments has enabled the Group to secure the 
first of many expected international technology contracts. This has in turn 
created the need for a number of additional specialist design/development 
and technical appointments: 

CONTROL SYSTEMS DESIGN ENGINEER  (Mechanical Dynamic Systems) 
Ref No: 2003-CSS-RF107
This role will play a direct part in modeling and simulation of mechanical 
dynamic systems, controller and estimator design (e.g. multi sensor data 
fusion), actuator design, sensor modeling, and numerical fixed-point 
implementations of controllers and estimators on embedded systems using 
automated code generation.

Ref No: 2003-CSS-RF108
This specialist role will work on state machine, controller design and 
implementation of solutions to operational issues involving ABS and Vehicle 
Stability Program. It requires knowledge of the regulations, standards and 
guidelines applying to ABS, Vehicle Stability Program and by-wire technology 
or an equivalent field such as avionics stability and controls and by-wire 

Selection for both positions requires a higher degree (MSc, PhD) qualified 
Control Systems Engineer in mechanical, avionics or electrical engineering 
or physics/applied mathematics. 
It requires an understanding of mathematical (robust) control theory and 
estimator design. Specific skills in the modeling of dynamic systems such as 
system identification in closed loop and open loop and some knowledge of 
electronics is appreciated. 

Ref: 2003-CSS-RF109
This will involve modeling and simulation of mechanical dynamics systems for 
drive-by-wire brake applications, estimator design, actuator design and 
sensor modeling and implementations.  
It requires degree qualifications in mechatronics or other appropriate 
degree including physics or applied mathematics.  You offer skills in the 
use of Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow and automated code generation for embedded 
platforms and specific knowledge of electronics and interface techniques, 
programming techniques and real time applications.  

The positions will give exposure to state of the art development tools such 
as automated code generation and simulation using the full Mathworks suite, 
dSPACE, DOORS, UCM, UML, RUP and formal verification tools for the 
development of safety critical systems.
You will offer highly developed skills in project management, a genuine 
interest in product innovation, self-starting attributes and a natural 
inclination for teamwork.

PGT is located in East Bentleigh, 20 minutes from Melbourne City centre, 
Victoria, Australia. Melbourne and Victoria offer a unique lifestyle and 
Melbourne has recently been elected most livable city in the world.
For more information and applications please contact:

Russell Finlay
Email: apply@finlaypartners.com.au
Telephone: +61.(0)3 9832 0622
Facsimile: +61.(0)3 9832 0623

Contributed by: Mark W. Spong, 

Faculty: University of Illinois, USA
International Programs and Studies
Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for an 
open-rank tenure-track faculty position in the area of technology and 
international peace and security.  The appointment will be made in a science 
or engineering department that corresponds to the chosen candidate’s 
experience and interests.  In addition to having teaching responsibilities 
and a research program in the home discipline, the appointee will be a member 
of the faculty of Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International 
Security and will be expected to interact through interdisciplinary teaching, 
research, and outreach to the public with faculty and students of the 
university who are engaged in peace and security policy studies.

. Ph.D. in a technical discipline and a demonstrated interest in public 
. Applications are particularly sought from individuals who have knowledge
  and experience in one or more of the following areas:  chemical and 
  biological agents; cyberwarfare and cybersecurity; aerospace systems;
  nuclear security; transportation security; and systems analysis.

Commensurate with experience and qualifications

Starting Date
As early as August 21, 2003

Application Process
Interested individuals should submit a letter of application accompanied by
a CV, a statement of research interests, three illustrative research 
publications, and the names and addresses of four references.

Search #8666
Associate Provost for International Affairs
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
302 International Studies Building
910 S. Fifth Street, MC-480
Champaign, IL  61820
email:  ips@uiuc.edu

Applications will be accepted up to the time the position is filled.
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is an Affirmative Action, 
Equal Opportunity Employer -- Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply.

Contributed by: Bert Baker, 

Jet Engine Controls Egr: Belcan Engineering, USA

We are looking for controls engineers at all levels (BS, MS, PhD).  Current 
needs are to support our clients in the Jet Engine Controls Business, though 
future work could be with any of our clients in Embedded Systems and 

Positions are to work on the controls for the Joint Strike Fighter, next-
generation controls electronics and software for current jet engines, and 
control systems for new and updated jet engines (commercial, military and 

Candidates with experience in jet engine controls systems sensors and 
actuators (e.g. fuel systems) are also being sought. Current positions are
in our Cincinnati, Ohio; and Lynn, Massachusetts offices.  

Because of export restrictions on jet engine controls technology, only US 
Citizens or Permanent US Residents are eligible for these positions.  Because 
of the advanced technical nature of this work, we are also very selective in 
our hiring. These are full-time, continuing positions.

Resumes can be sent to Bob Yeigh, byeigh@belcan.com.

Contributed by: Raimund J. Ober, 

Ph.D.: University of Texas, Dallas, USA

Ph.D. positions are available to work on bioengineering problems 
in joint NIH funded projects with Prof. E.S. Ward at UT Southwestern 
Medical Center at Dallas.

The projects aim to develop novel image processing and data analysis
methods for fluorescence microscopy live cell experiments (including
single molecule detection) and surface plasmon resonance experiments 
for the analysis of protein-protein interactions. No prior knowledge 
of these techniques is required.  However, a strong technical background in 
engineering or mathematics is desirable and a keen interest in getting 
involved in bioengineering related research is necessary. A number of the 
proposed techniques make use of advanced system theoretic ideas.

The positions will provide the opportunity to not only work on projects 
of significant technical interest but also to become familiar with the 
fundamental biological questions that are being addressed in the laboratory.

Please send inquiries (resume, names of referees etc.) to 
	Prof. Raimund J. Ober
	Department of Electrical Engineering EC33
	University of Texas at Dallas
	Richardson, TX 75083
	email: ober@utdallas.edu

Contributed by: Alireza Karimi, 

PhD: EPFL, Switzerland

The Automatic Control Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
in Lausanne (EPFL) invites applications for one PhD position available

The Automatic Control Laboratory (http://lawww.epfl.ch/) is a
multidisciplinary teaching and research unit that includes two professors, a
senior lecturer, 3 research associates, about 15 doctoral candidates, as well
as technical and administrative supporting staff. Research and computing
facilities are of the highest standard.

The research project is aimed to develop algorithms for robust control
synthesis of linear SISO systems with parameter uncertainty using convex
optimization. The project is financially supported by the Swiss National
Science Foundation and the PhD student will be employed by EPFL during his/her

The candidate should have a MSc. or another equivalent degree in electrical or
mechanical engineering with strong background in mathematics and feedback
control theory. To apply for the position, send via e-mail or regular mail
your curriculum vitae including:
   * List of the courses taken with the corresponding grades
   * List of three professional references with phone, postal and
     e-mail addresses
   * Short letter stating professional objectives and the motivation
     for applying at EPFL.
Laboratoire d'Automatique
EPFL , Bat. ME
CH-1015 Lausanne
Fax    : +41 21 693 2574
E-mail: ruth.benassi@epfl.ch

Review of applications will begin on May 19, 2003 and will continue until the
position is filled.

Contributed by: Rafael Fierro, 

PhD: Oklahoma State Univ, USA

Graduate Research Fellowships in Multi-Vehicle Coordination
Multi-Vehicle Coordination 
Oklahoma State University
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Applications at the Ph.D., level are solicited from students interested in 
Intelligent Multi-Robot Systems. This research program addresses issues in 
the design, multi-sensor integration, rapid deployment, reconfiguration, 
communication, cooperation and coordination between autonomous vehicles. 
Applicants are expected to have a strong background and interest in one or 
more of the following areas: Hybrid and Embedded Systems, Controls, Machine 
Learning, Robotics, and Computer Vision. Strong programming skills (C++ and 
Matlab) are a definite plus.

Informal inquiries about the positions may be made either by email or phone 
(+1 405 744 1328). 

Please send, preferably in electronic form (PS, PDF or plain text): CV, 
transcripts, a statement of research interests, list of publications, and 
the names and contact information of two academic referees to:

Dr. Rafael Fierro
Oklahoma State University
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
202 Engineering South 
Stillwater  OK  74078-5032 
Tel. (405) 744 1328 
Fax  (405) 744 9198 
e-mail:    rfierro@okstate.edu

Contributed by: Matthew Turner, 

PhD: University of Leicester, UK

Control and Instrumentation Group,
Department of Engineering,
University of Leicester,
Leicester, UK.

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship in the area of 
pilot-induced-oscillation control. The project involves the analysis of
systems involving saturation and rate-limits and the application of this
analysis to aerospace systems. The research, which is funded by EPSRC, will be
carried out in close co-operation with Professor Ian Postlethwaite and 
Dr. Matthew Turner, and with additional support from the European aerospace
group, GARTEUR.

Two further three-year PhD studentships are also available in the general area
of aerospace systems (modelling and control), and will be carried out in
collaboration with industry.

Successful applicants will join an RAE 5A-rated department and will be able to
benefit from the group's significant technical and industrial experience. In
addition, they will be able to take advantage of the group's state-of-the-art
flight simulator in their research.

Applicants must have at a least a 2.1 honours degree (or equivalent) in
electrical engineering or a related subject, and must have strong mathematical
skills. In addition, candidates must be able to carry out detailed simulation
studies and have good time management skills. Some experience of advanced
control systems and exposure to Matlab would be an advantage.

The studentships will cover all fees and a tax-free maintenance grant of at
least BP 9000 per year.

Informal enquiries about the studentships may be made to Dr. Matthew Turner
(mct6@le.ac.uk). Applicants should send a CV, including the names and
addresses of two referees, to reach Mrs. Maureen Strange at the above address
by Friday 30th May 2003.

Contributed by: Joel Bordeneuve-Guibé, 

Post-Doc: ENSICA, France

The installation of means of piloted simulations induce the recurring 
question of the choice between fixed base simulators and moving base 
simulators. The experience has shown that one could do without the moving 
base simulator, knowing that this one induces important over costs for
installation and maintenance. Further, the relevance of the tests on moving
base simulators strongly depends on the "adjustment" of the cabin movement
and its environment (sound and visual).

The proposed work has three objectives:
- to build an opinion on the utility of a moving base simulator  (and the 
  associated traps) for the design and the validation of the control systems.
- to prepare to the adaptations of the control system design process, to 
  prepare to the evolutions of the analysis technologies for piloted 
- to apprehend the performances and characteristics of moving base 
  simulators base classically used in the world of pilots training.
It is asked an exhaustive investigation into the simulators themselves, 
especially into the impact of the use of this kind of simulator on the 
industrial process (development, validation, certification, evolution of the 
calculators and the exploitation). This work will result first in carrying 
out a bibliographical study and synthesis, and second in meeting experts and 
restoring their opinions (test pilots, pilots, engineers specialized in 

Candidates should have a strong background in aeronautics (control, flight 
dynamics, etc…). The desired start date is June 1st of 2003 and the duration 
is six months. To apply, send a CV, a statement of research interests, list 
of publications, and the names and addresses (including e-mail) of 
references to: joel.bordeneuve@ensica.fr

Contact : Dr Joel Bordeneuve-Guibé
ENSICA, Dpt of Avionics & Systems
1, place Emile Blouin 
F-31056 Toulouse, France 
Phone : (+33) 561 61 86 24	fax : (+33) 561 61 86 86

Contributed by: Ben M. Chen, 

Post-Doc: National University of Singapore, Singapore

Two postdoctoral research fellow positions are available in the Department 
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, 
Republic of Singapore. The applicants are expected to have very strong 
background and experience in the areas related to modeling of aerodynamics 
of flying vehicles and implementation of flight control systems. Both 
appointments will be offered on a yearly basis tenable up to three years. 
For more information please send a detailed resume to: Prof. Ben M. Chen, 
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of 
Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 3, Singapore 117576, Email: bmchen@nus.edu.sg

Contributed by: Enric Marti, 

Post-Doc: Univ Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain


The Spanish Ministery of Science and Technology (Ministerio de Ciencia y
Tecnologia) offers the possibility of joining research groups by means of
5 year postdoctoral positions (CANDIDATE MUST BE PhD at February 2003).

The CVC has been choosen as one of those groups which may receive FIVE
researchers who fulfil the conditions established in the call.

Main features of the offered positions are:
 - 5 years contract
 - 29.925,84 Euros the first year gross
 - 6.000 additional Euros the first year for travel costs, computing
   equipment, etc.
 - Social security included
Complete information or FAQ's of Ramon y Cajal Program may be found 
from  Spanish Ministery website at http://www.mcyt.es/cajal/default.htm
or contacting by email: info@mcyt.es


People interested must send the CV and the proposal of the research 
activity at CVC by surface or E-mail:
 Computer Vision Center
 Edifici O - Campus UAB
 08193 BELLATERRA (Barcelona)
 E-mail: ryc@cvc.uab.es
CVC is currently developing research and development projects about Computer
 - Computer Vision methods: Neural Nets, PCA, ISA, etc.
 - Texture and Color Analysis
 - Graphics Recognition
 - Biomedical image analysis
 - Tracking
 - Video image analysis
Main results and additional information of the group may be found at

Contributed by: Conor Heneghan, , 

Post-Doc: University College Dublin, Ireland

Postdoctoral Researcher (Two-Year Appointment from June 2003)

A postdoctoral position is available in the area of multicarrier 
communications at the Digital Signal Processing Research Group in the 
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College 
Dublin, Ireland. This position is funded under a Science Foundation Ireland 
Fellowship grant. Candidates with strong backgrounds in digital signal 
processing for communications, information theory, or related fields are 
encouraged to apply. Topics of current interest include reduction of peak-to-
average ratio for multicarrier schemes, novel power, bit, or spectral loading
algorithms, and novel transmultiplexer structures. 

The Digital Signal Processing Research Group is a research centre within the 
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at UCD. The Department 
has a complement of 17 permanent full-time academic staff, and is located in 
a modern well-equipped building on UCD's main campus situated in Belfield. 
Extensive computing and laboratory facilities are available, including access 
to a super-computer facility. There are about sixty graduate students in the 
Department studying for PhD and MEngSc degrees. 

Candidates must have an earned PhD degree from an accredited university, 
together with a record of publication in peer-reviewed journals and 
conferences. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Interested 
candidates are encouraged to submit their resumes and the
names of three referees to:
 Dr. Conor Heneghan
 Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
 University College Dublin
 Belfield, Dublin 4
before June 1st, 2003. UCD is an equal opportunities employer.

Contributed by: Stan Pietrzko, 

Post-Doc, PhD: ETH, Switzerland

The Department Acoustics of the EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for 
Materials Testing and Research), is pleased to announce the availability of 
Summer Vacation Scholarships for 2003-2004. The aim of the scholarships is to 
provide students with an opportunity to undertake supervised research in an 
area relevant to their proposed 4th year program. Additionally we are looking 
for outstanding graduate students for PhD studies in collaboration with the 
ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zurich) and post-doctoral 
candidates in all areas of research as listed below: 

Smart/Intelligent Piezoelectric Materialsystems and Powering Electronics
Active Noise and Vibration Control
Adaptronics - Adaptive Structures 
Control Systems Design, Development and Implementation

For the Postdocs positions we are looking for a candidates with a PhD degree 
in electrical, mechanical or aerospace engineering and a thorough knowledge 
of applied mathematics and mechanics, especially in the field of dynamics 
and/or multi-body dynamics and advanced FEM modelling. Knowledge of control 
system and affinity with practical control system implementation on DSPs is 

For the PhD studies positions we would prefer candidates having a master 
degree and a solid background in applied mathematics, systems and control 
theory, system identification and implementation on DSP. Affinity with the 
field of applied mechanics, mechatronics would also be advantageous. In these 
PhD projects collaboration is foreseen with the research groups of the ETH 
and with local high-tech industries.

Interested candidates are asked to send (email) their written CV, a statement 
of research interests and the names and addresses of past supervisors we may 
contact as references to 

Dr S J Pietrzko
EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research
Ueberlandstrasse 129
CH 8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland
E-Mail: stanislaw.pietrzko@empa.ch

Contributed by: Douglas Leith, 

Post-Doc, PhD: Hamilton Institute, IE


Applications are invited from well qualified candidates for a number of  
postgraduate/postdoctoral positions at the Hamilton Institute.  Candidates 
should have an outstanding academic record including a strong mathematical or 
analytical background.  The successful candidates will be work on the 
application of dynamics systems theory to internet and related network 
congestion control problems.  This includes decentralised design and 
adaptation techniques for TCP; stability, convergence, efficiency and 
fairness issues; novel protocols for heterogeneous networks including 
wireless links.
The Hamilton Institute is committed to research excellence. These posts offer 
an exciting opportunity for successful candidates to tackle fundamental 
research problems within a stimulating multi-disciplinary research 
environment with state of the art facilities and strong links to the 
international research community. 
For further details visit www.hamilton.may.ie

Contributed by: Daniel Walker, 

Post-Doc and PhD: University of Liverpool, UK

Applications are invited for
(i)  Two PDRA posts (starting salary up to GBP 23292 p.a.) 
(ii) One PhD studentship (stipend approx GBP 9000 p.a.)
to work on a three-year EPSRC-funded project concerning rotorcraft control, 
modelling, and identification.

The team will develop and test active control concepts, including rotor state 
feedback laws, for handling qualities improvement, envelope protection and 
structural load alleviation, using robust control techniques such as H-
infinity and LMI optimization. This will require the development of high-
fidelity flight dynamics models using state-of-the-art multi-body dynamics 
and identification software tools.

Liverpool's advanced six-axis flight simulator will provide state-of-the-art 
piloted simulation capabilities. It will be used to support flight-tests on a 
Fly-by-Wire research helicopter: tests which add an exciting and important 
dimension to the project. The researchers will join a group that has 
considerable expertise in control, flight dynamics and simulation, and 
handling qualities, based in the University's 5* rated Engineering 
Department. (For further information on the group, see 

Qualifications and Experience
1. Post Doctoral RA post 1: aircraft modelling
- PhD in aerospace, mechanical, or electrical engineering;
- Excellent understanding of flight dynamics;
- Experience using Flightlab, Simulink, System ID.

2. Post Doctoral RA post 2: active control concepts
- PhD in control systems;
- Experience designing (and, ideally, implementing) controllers using
  methods like H-infinty, mu, LQG, LMI, NDI, QFT;
- Good understanding of dynamical systems;
- Knowledge of C language desirable.

3. PhD Studentship
- 1st or upper 2nd class degree in an appropriate
  branch of engineering or mathematics;
- Good knowledge of control, simulation, system ID, or flight dynamics.

If you are interested in any of the above posts, please send your c.v., a 
covering letter stating which post you are interested in, names and full 
contact details of three referees, and a list of publications (if 
applicable), as soon as possible to:

Dr D.J.Walker
Aerospace Engineering
University of Liverpool
Liverpool, L69 3GH, U.K.
e-mail d.j.walker@liv.ac.uk

Contributed by: Ross McAree, 

Post Doc: Univerity of Queensland, Australia

Post-Doctoral Postion in: Mechanical, Electrical or Mechatronic Engineering
CRC for Mining Technology & Equipment
Univerity of Queensland St Lucia, Australia

The CRC for Mining Technology & Equipment (www.cmte.org.au) is a joint 
venture between The University of Queensland, the University of Sydney, and 
six of Australia’s major mining companies. The Centre has an active research 
program developing new equipment, instrumentation and control solutions to 
improve safety and productivity in the mining industry.

A postdoctoral position is available to undertake research in the application 
of advanced automation and control methods to mining systems. The successful 
applicant will be based in the Division of Mechanical Engineering 
(www.mech.uq.edu.au) at the University of Queensland.

In the role of Postdoctoral Research Fellow, you will be expected to work on 
topics related to the development of advanced automation and control methods 
for mining equipment and be responsible for preparing reports & publications, 
presenting results of research, and participating in supervision of 
postgraduate students.

The successful applicant will have a PhD, or similar qualification, in 
Mechatronic, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering and demonstrated experience 
and proficiency in the area of dynamics and control and/or signal processing. 
Experience in the implementation of real-time control and signal processing 
systems and a working knowledge of the C or C++ programming language is 

This is a full-time, fixed-term appointment for one year at Academic Level A. 
The remuneration package will be in the range of AUSD 50,142 - AUSD 61,070
per annum, which includes employer superannuation contributions of 17%. 

Obtain the position description and selection criteria online 
(http://www.seek.com.au/advhomes/uqadvertisements/852832_1.htm) or contact
Dr Ross McAree r.mcaree@cmte.org.au. 

Send applications to the Dr Ross McAree at Depart of Mechanical Engineering, 
The Univerity of Queesland, Brisbane, St Lucia, Q 4072, Australia or email 

Closing date for applications: 16 May 2003; Reference Number: 3005234

Contributed by: M.B. Oyeneyin, 

Res Fellow: Robert Gordon University, UK

Intelligent Screen System for Oil/Gas Well Completions
Well Engineering Research Group
School of Engineering, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK

In this project it is planned to develop a prototype intelligent screen 
system  to be used in oil/gas well completions. The Research Fellows will 
work closely together to develop the new screen system.  Research Fellow 1 is 
expected to be responsible for the  development of  the necessary 
instrumentation, control system and technology, and test  the  functionality; 
while Research Fellow 2  will be responsible for the development of the 
prototype screen and test functionality in a purposely built flow loop. 

RFs will be expected to have higher degrees in Engineering or closely related 
subjects with a strong bias towards Systems Engineering.  It is expected that
candidate interested in Instrumentation and control will have good
understanding and knowledge of control and measurement of flow, pressure, and
temperature in inaccessible areas.  Knowledge, ability and zeal to work with
novel technology is essential to the success of this project, therefore
ability to innovate and learn and apply in situ will be essential. RFs will
be working independetly, fairly furnished by all the required assistance
where and whenever required. Experience/Working knowledge in the development
of control systems and/or hardware  product development will be very useful.
Position will suit someone wanting to develop a career in technological
development in oil/gas industry. 

Due to the nature of the Research Award, i.e., "Proof of Concept", it is 
envisaged that Research Fellows will be strong applications engineers, with 
the ability to innovate and contribute and work in a team.

Remuneration package will be at Reseach Grade 1A : BP 22k- BP 28k Gross
depending on qualification experience. If interested - contact Dr Babs
Oyeneyin, b.oyeneyin@rgu.ac.uk, or +44 1224 262327. Or you can fill in
application forms available from human resources department website
http://www.rgujobs.ac.uk/welcome.htm quoting refernce no: T219.

Contributed by: Victor Solo, 

Research Fellow: Univ of New South Wales, Australia

REF. 2102NET

FIXED TERM: - Salary - Postdoctoral Fellow: AUSD 38,576 - AUSD 52,324 
per year or Salary - Research Fellow: AUSD 55,079 - AUSD 65,408 per year
(plus up to 17% employer superannuation plus leave loading.)

An opportunity exists for a Postdoctoral Fellow or Research Fellow 
who will work on projects in System Identification. These projects 
are concerned with developing new theoretical, computational and 
statistical methods and algorithms. 

Essential criteria for appointment as Postdoctoral Fellow: nearing 
completion, or a completed PhD in an area related to System Identification,
Control, Signal Processing, Dynamical Systems or Time Series.

Essential criteria for appointment as Research Fellow: a PhD in an 
area related to System Identification, Control, Signal Processing, 
Dynamical Systems or Time Series; outstanding research accomplishment.

Additional Essential criteria at either level: a knowledge of C programming,
UNIX systems and Matlab, and a knowledge of EEO/AA &OH&S principles.
Desirable criteria for appointment at either level: knowledge of 
inverse problems and or spatio-temporal system identification.

Preference will be given to applicants with an Electrical Engineering 
background but applicants with backgrounds in Physics or Applied 
Mathematics or Statistics are encouraged to apply.
This is a fixed term position, initially available for one year with 
the possibility of extension dependent on funding. 

Enquiries may be directed to Professor Victor Solo on telephone 
(+61 2) 9385 4010 or email: v.solo@unsw.edu.au 
For further details see our web page: http://scrg.ee.unsw.edu.au/intro.htm
Applications close 15 May 2003.

Applicants should submit written applications systematically addressing 
the selection criteria, QUOTING REFERENCE NUMBER. Include business and
private telephone numbers; a complete resume, (copies of academic transcript
and qualifications where appropriate); and the names, addresses (and 
preferably facsimile numbers) of at least two referees to: The Recruitment 
Officer, Human Resources, UNSW Sydney 2052, email: recruitment@unsw.edu.au 
or facsimile (+61 2) 9662 2832 by applications close date (15 May 2003). 

Contributed by: Bernardo A. León de la Barra, 

Research Fellows: ARC-CAS, Sydney, Australia

The new Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence in Autonomous 
Systems (CAS) is seeking to appoint up to ten new Research Fellows in the 
broad area of robotics and autonomous systems. Highly qualified applicants 
with broad backgrounds in engineering, computer science or physical science 
are encouraged to apply. Areas of expertise may include control systems, 
signal processing, vision and image processing, robotics, learning, modelling 
of dynamical systems, computer science, physics, electrical engineering or 

Autonomous systems and robotics have a broad and diverse range of 
applications of national importance. These range from field applications such 
as automated mining, cargo handling, construction, defence, forestry and 
transport; to potentially dangerous applications including robotic bush fire 
fighting, search and rescue, and broad areas of air land and maritime 
defence; to social applications in robotic health care, automotive and 
entertainment. As an ARC Centre of Excellence, CAS has the role of 
undertaking fundamental research in problems of perception, learning, 
control, and systems engineering, and of build the scientific groundwork for 
the development and application of intelligent autonomous systems.  CAS also 
sees that it has a major role in laying the foundations for a new autonomous 
systems industry in Australia.

These are substantive positions and the successful candidates will be of 
significant importance in the future development of autonomous systems 
research. The successful applicants will be expected to 
. Undertake fundamental research in autonomous systems, 
. Establish and develop strong linkages with industry; 
. Assist in supervision of postgraduate students and technical staff. 
. Teach one undergraduate course per year within one of the Schools. 

The successful candidate must have:
. A Ph.D. in a mathematical science, computer science or engineering 
. A research track record, potential or demonstrated, of international 
The ideal candidate will also show:
. A willingness to engage industry in research outcomes
. An ability to communicate effectively at all levels 

Description of Positions: Applicants are invited in the four main research 
priority areas of the Centre: Perception, Control, Learning and Systems. 
Applicants should cite one or more of these areas and should state clearly in 
their application how their background fits with the research goals of the 

Perception: Applicants should have a background in one or more of the 
following areas: sensor technology (one or more of mm-wave radar, electro-
optics,  acoustics or computer vision for example), signal processing and 
data fusion (data representation, data mining, filtering and estimation 
techniques), or applications in navigation, environment modelling, 
distributed data fusion techniques, for example. Successful applicants should 
have a good background in hardware or programming and algorithm 
Control: Applicants should have a strong background in one or more of the 
following areas: robust and intelligent control, computer control and real-
time systems, modelling and control of air or land vehicles, robotic planning 
and modal logic, embedded system integration and resource management for 
autonomous vehicles, multi-agent system control and estimation, hybrid system 
control,  optimisation, or the use of influence networks. Successful 
applicants should have sound experience in programming and algorithm 
Learning: Applicants should have a background in one or more of the following 
areas: machine learning,  reinforcement learning, behavioural cloning, 
learning in vision, multi-agent learning, evolutionary computing and 
statistical or symbolic methods, cognitive robotics (symbolic logic and 
planning) and  programming languages for robot control and real-time systems. 
Applicants are  expected to be competent programmers, capable of implementing 
software on robotic systems.
Systems: Applicants should have a background in one or more of the following 
areas: Systems engineering, formal systems design methods, operations 
research, modelling of large-scale systems, hybrid models, supervisory 
control, modal logic or programming methods. 

These are fixed-term positions for three years in the first instance with the 
possibility of renewal for a further two years subject to funding and need. 
Appointments will be made at either of the University of Sydney, The 
University of New South Wales or the University of Technology Sydney 
depending on the expertise of the candidate. The positions are subject to the 
completion of a suitable probation period for new appointees. The Centre 
expects to make approximately ten appointments but reserves the right to make 
no appointments should no suitable candidates present themselves. 

Closing Dates: The Centre will accept applications until all appointments 
have been filled.

Remuneration package: AUSD 60,946- AUSD 72,582 pa (which includes a base
salary Lecturer level B AUSD 51,385- AUSD 61,020 pa, leave loading and up to
17% employers contribution to superannuation). Membership of a University
approved superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new

For further information, contact Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Research 
Director CAS tel: (02) 9351-5583, fax (02) 9351-7474, email: jobs@cas.edu.au

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Contributed by: Dimitri P. Bertsekas, 

Convex Analysis and Optimization
by Dimitri P. Bertsekas, with Angelia Nedic and Asuman Ozdaglar
(560 pages, hardcover, ISBN:1-886529-45-0, .00)
published by
Athena Scientific, Belmont, MA

An insightful,  comprehensive, and uniquely pedagogical treatment of
convexity theory, and its rich applications in optimization, including
duality, minimax/saddle point theory, and Lagrange multipliers. 
The book aims to provide a comprehensive and rigorous account of the
theory of convex sets and functions, in the classical tradition of Fenchel
and Rockafellar, and to restructure the subject, using a handful of
unifying principles that can be easily visualized and readily understood. 

The presentation is up-to-date, and contains several new lines of research
and analysis, including: 
1. A unified development of minimax theory and constrained optimization
 duality as special cases of duality between two simple geometrical problems.
2. A unified development of conditions for existence of solutions of convex
 optimization problems, conditions for the minimax equality to hold, and
 conditions for the absence of a duality gap in constrained optimization.
3. A unification of the major constraint qualifications that guarantee the
 existence of Lagrange multipliers for nonconvex constrained optimization
 using the notion of constraint pseudonormality and an enhanced form of the
 Fritz John necessary optimality conditions. 
4. The development of incremental subgradient methods for dual optimization,
 and the analysis of their advantages over classical subgradient methods. 

1. Basic Convexity Concepts.
2. Convexity and Optimization.
3. Polyhedral Convexity.
4. Subgradients and Constrained Optimization.
5. Lagrange Multipliers.
6. Lagrangian Duality.
7. Conjugate Duality.
8. Dual Computational Methods.

Contributed by: Ben M. Chen, 

Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems

Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems
Advances in Industrial Control Series, xix/273 pages/ISBN 1-85233-500-9 

Ben M. Chen, Tong H. Lee, Venkatakrishnan Venkataramanan 
National University of Singapore 
Springer-Verlag, New York, London, 2002 

This monograph provides a systematic treatment of the design of modern hard 
disk drive servo systems. In particular, it focuses on the applications of 
some newly developed results in control theory, i.e., robust and perfect 
tracking control and composite nonlinear feedback control which are suitable 
for track following and seeking respectively. Emphasis is placed on hard 
disk drive servo systems with single- or dual-stage actuation using a voice-
coil-motor actuator enhanced in the latter case by the addition of a micro-
actuator providing faster responses and therefore higher bandwidth in track 
following. Other issues such as disturbance rejection and resonance 
compensation are also addressed. 

Table of Contents
  Chap 1  Introduction and Preview  
  Chap 2  System Identification Techniques 
  Chap 3  Linear System Tools 
  Chap 4  Linear Control Techniques  
  Chap 5  Nonlinear Control Techniques 
  Chap 6  Track Following of a Single-stage Actuator 
  Chap 7  Single-stage Actuated Servo Systems
  Chap 8  Design of a Piezoelectric Actuator System
  Chap 9  Dual-stage Actuated Servo Systems
  Chap 10 Resonance and Disturbance Rejection

Contributed by: Farshad Khorrami, 

Modeling and Adaptive Nonlinear Control of Electric Motors

Authors: Farshad Khorrami, Prashanth Krishnamurthy, and Hemant Melkote
         Control/Robotics Research Laboratory (CRRL)
         Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
         Polytechnic Univeristy, Brooklyn, NY 11201
523 pages, 184 Figures
ISBN# 3-540-00936-1
Publisher: Springer Verlag 
Tiergartenstrasse 17
69121 Heidelberg, Germany 
Publication Date: May 20, 2003

In this book, modeling and control design of electric motors, namely step 
motors, brushless DC motors, and induction motors, are considered.  The book 
focuses on recent advances on feedback control designs for various types of 
electric motors, with a slight emphasis on stepper motors.  For this purpose,
the authors explore modeling of these devices to the extent needed to provide 
a high-performance controller but at the same time amenable to model-based
nonlinear designs.  The control designs focus particularly on recent robust
adaptive nonlinear controllers to attain high performance.  It is shown that 
the adaptive robust nonlinear controller on its own achieves a reasonably 
good performance without requiring the exact knowledge of motor parameters. 
While carefully tuned classical controllers do often achieve required 
performance in many applications,  it is hoped that the advocated robust and 
adaptive designs will lead to standard universal controllers with minimal need
for fine tuning of control parameters.

Table of Contents
 Chapter 1.  Introduction
 Chapter 2.  Dual-Axis Linear Stepper (Sawyer) Motors
 Chapter 3.  Modeling of Stepper Motors
 Chapter 4.  Stepping
 Chapter 5.  Feedback Linearization and Application to Electric Motors
 Chapter 6.  Robust Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems
 Chapter 7.  Robust Adaptive Control of Stepper Motors
 Chapter 8.  Current Control of Stepper Motors Using Position Measurements   
 Chapter 9.  Voltage Control of Stepper Motors Using Position and Velocity
 Chapter 10. Voltage Control of PM Stepper Motors Using Position Measurement 
 Chapter 11. Brushless DC Motors
 Chapter 12. Induction Motor: Modeling and Control
 Chapter 13. Adaptive Control of Induction Motors
 Chapter 14. Passivity-Based Control of Electric Motors
 Chapter 15. Torque Ripple Reduction for Step Motors
 Chapter 16. Friction Compensation in Servo-Drives

 Appendix A.  Fundamentals of AC Machines 
 Appendix B.  Floquet Frame: Extensions to DQ Transformation
 Appendix C.  Torque Maximization with Current and Voltage Constraints (Field
 Appendix D.  Stable System Inversion
 Appendix E.  Lyapunov Stability Theorems
 Appendix F.  Backstepping
 Appendix G.  Input-to-State Stability and Nonlinear Small Gain

Contributed by: Ron Johnson, 

Nonholonomic Mechanics and Control
A.M. Bloch, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
with the collaboration of:
J. Baillieul, Boston University, Boston, MA
P. Crouch, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
J. Marsden, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Publication date: April 2003
Retail Price: US .95, EUR 69.95
Springer-Verlag NY
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY  10010

Nonholonomic Mechanics and Control develops the rich connections between
control theory and geometric mechanics. Control theory is linked with a
geometric view of classical mechanics in both its Langrangian and Hamilton
formulations and especially with the theory of nonholonomic mechanics
(mechanical systems subject to motion constraints). Both controllability and
optical control are treated, including the Pontryagin maximum principle. In
addition, the stability, control, and stabilization of mechanical systems are
discussed. In particular, these topics are considered for nonholonomic
systems. The aim of the book is to provide a unified treatment of nonlinear
control theory and constrained mechanical systems, incorporating material
that has not yet made its way into texts and monographs. Detailed
illustrations and exercises are included throughout the text. Click on the
link above for further information about contents of the book.

This book is intended for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in
mathematics, physics, and engineering who wish to learn this subject and for
researchers who want to enhance their techniques.

Table of Contents
About the Authors
A Diagram for the Book
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Mathematical Preliminaries
Chapter 3. Basic Concepts in Geometric Mechanics
Chapter 4. Introduction to Aspects of Geometric Control Theory
Chapter 5. Nonholonomic Mechanics
Chapter 6. Control of Mechanical and Nonholonomic Systems
Chapter 7. Optimal Control
Chapter 8. Stability of Nonholonomic Systems
Chapter 9. Energy-Based Methods for Stabilization

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Contributed by: John W. Chinneck, 

Call for Papers: Operations Research in ECE

Special Issue of the INFORMS Journal on Computing: 

Guest Editor: 
  John W. Chinneck, chinneck@sce.carleton.ca, Carleton University, Canada 
Associate Editors:  
  Mike Nakhla, msn@doe.carleton.ca, Carleton University 
  Q.J. Zhang, qi-jun_zhang@carleton.ca, Carleton University 

Many problems in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) are extremely
large and complex, especially in the area of Computer-Aided Design (CAD).
Consider, for example, the design of Very Large-Scale Integrated (VLSI) 
circuits (i.e. computer chips) composed of millions of interconnected
microscopic devices. Due to the sheer scale and complexity of these circuits,
computer tools are the only practical way to analyze, simulate, and optimize
them.  Problems include how to pack the devices into the smallest possible
area, how to route the interconnecting "wires" and how to simulate the
behavior of the proposed design. CAD methodology has a significant impact in
many areas of ECE such as antenna design, radio- and microwave-frequency
circuit design, design of chips, multi-chip modules and printed circuit
boards, thermal design of electronic packages, electromagnetic compatibility,
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), and more.  

Many of the essential tools in CAD are taken from operations research, 
especially simulation and optimization.  However, the ECE CAD community has
developed somewhat in isolation from the operations research community.  As
a consequence, members of that community may not take advantage of the best
operations research tools available for their particular problems. Similarly,
the operations research community may not know about useful tools that the
extremely active ECE CAD community has developed, especially for managing
exceptionally large and complex models.  Closer interaction of the ECE CAD
and operations research communities would have many benefits:  

 - The CAD community is working on problems that could profit from 
   better knowledge of recent developments in operations research, 
   particularly optimization techniques.  
 - CAD problems push the boundary of known techniques, presenting an 
   unusually rich opportunity for research by operations researchers.  
   For example, many VLSI design problems are mixed-integer nonlinear 
   programs with huge numbers of constraints.
 - The CAD community, working in isolation, has developed a number of 
   interesting new techniques, some of which may be of interest to 
   operations researchers because they are effective on more general 
   problems, or on problems of extreme scale and complexity.
Papers are sought that address any aspect of the interaction between 
the two fields, particularly:

 - The description of an interesting ECE CAD problem and its solution 
   by an operations research technique. Problems of unusual scale or 
   complexity are of special interest.
 - The description of a technique for modeling, simulation, or 
   optimization developed within the ECE CAD community that is more 
   generally applicable, and hence should be made known to the 
   operations research community.

The primary audience of the INFORMS Journal on Computing is the operations
research community, so coverage of the electrical engineering aspects in the
submitted papers should be tutorial in nature.  Coverage of the operations
research aspects should be at a mature level.  

The INFORMS Journal on Computing is a publication of the Institute for
Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS).  JoC publishes results
in the intersection of operations research and computer science. 

 - Deadline for submission is October 31, 2003.
 - Web page for the Call for Papers is 
   Please see Instructions for Authors linked from that page.
 - You can submit electronically a postscript or pdf file to the Editor, 
   or to any of the Associate Editors with cc: chinneck@sce.carleton.ca.
 - Direct questions to the Guest Editor or Associate Editors.

Contributed by: Zoe Mitchell, 

Call for Papers: Special issue on Subspace-based Identification
in  Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

Suggested topics:
· Adaptive control reformulation from  sample-to-sample  based methods to 
  block-data methods; 
· Model-based predictive control combined with subspace-based identification; 
· Structural properties of multi-input  multi-output systems; 
· Iterative learning control (ILC) with improvement on reference trajectories
  as well as modification of   feedback control; 
· Decentralised adaptive control;  
· Adaptive control of infinite dimensional systems;   
· Persistency of excitation in adaptive  control;
· Direct adaptive control using subspace-based  identification;
· Stability and convergence

Submission details
Prospective authors are requested to submit their manuscript electronically 
in postscript or pdf format.  Alternatively, authors can submit five copies
of their manuscript by regular mail.  Contributions can be sent to either one 
of the Guest Editors, to arrive no later than 31 August 2003.  All papers
will be reviewed following the standard procedures of the journal.  The
publication of the Special Issue is tentatively scheduled for August 2004.

For further information please contact either of the Editors listed below.
Special Issue Guest Editors:
 Prof. Rolf  Johansson                    
 Dept. of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of  Technology            
 Lund  University                  
 P.O. Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund,  Sweden             
 Phone:  +46 46 222 8791 Fax:    +46 46  138118
 Email:  Rolf.Johansson@control.lth.se  

 Prof. dr. ir. Michel Verhaegen 
 Chairman Control Systems  Engineering Laboratory 
 Faculty of Information Technology Systems  
 Mekelweg 4, NL-2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands 
 Tel. +31 15  2785204  Fax. +31 15 2786679 
 Email: M.Verhaegen@its.tudelft

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Vol. 5, Nol. 2, June, 2003

1. Title: Robust H¡Û Control Problem for General Nonlinear Systems
          with Uncertainty
Author: Jenq-Lang Wu and Tsu-Tian Lee

2. Title: An Automatic Building Approach to Special Takagi-Sugeno
          Fuzzy Network for Unknown Plant Modeling and Stable Control
Author: Chia-Feng Juang

3. Title: Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Ship Roll Stabilization
Author: Shyh-Leh Chen and Wei-Chih Hsu

4. Title: Design of Robust Pole Assignment Based on Pareto-Optimal Solutions
Author: Takanori Tagami and Kenji Ikeda

5. Title: PID Performance Tuning Methods for a Robotic Manipulator Based
          on ISS
Author: Youngjin Choi and Wan Kyun Chung

6. Title: Optimal Process Control Using Neural Networks
Author: Radhakant Padhi and S. N. Balakrishnan

7. Title: A Stable Output Feedback Position Control with Integral Action
          for Robot Manipulators
Author: Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Rafael Kelly and Ilse Cervantes

8. Title: Sliding Mode Control for Invertible Systems Based on a
          Direct Design of Interactors
Author: Tsutomu Mita, Taek-Kun Nam and Xin Xin

9. Title: Dynamical Output Feedback Stabilization of MIMO Bilinear Systems
          with Undamped Natural Response
Author: Guoping Lu, Yufan Zheng and Cishen Zhang

10. Title: Indexing Valve Plate Pump: Modeling and Control
Author: X. Zhang, J. Cho and S. S. Nair

11. Title: Characterisation of Receding Horizon Control for Constrained
           Linear Systems
Author: Maria M. Seron, Graham C. Goodwin and Jose A. De Dona

12. Title: Determination of the Phase Current Waveform for a Disc-Type
           Axial-Flux Wheel Motor
Author: Yee-Pien Yang, Yih-Ping Luh and Yann-Guang Pan

13. Title: Plotting Robust Root Locus for Polynomial Families of Multilinear
           Parameter Dependence Based on Zero Inclusion/Exclusion Tests
Author: Chyi Hwang and Shih-Feng Yang

14. Title: Reliable State Feedback Control Synthesis for Uncertain Linear
Author: Guang-Hong Yang, Jian Liang Wang, Yeng Chai Soh and Kok-Yong Lou

15. Title: On Velocity-Based Local Model Networks for Nonlinear Identification
Author: Seamus C. McLoone and George W. Irwin

16. Title: Time Varying Deadbeat Control of High Order Chained Systems
Author: Tsutomu Mita and Taek Kun Nam

17. Title: Modified Weak-Pseudo-Sliding Mode Controller with One Sampling
           Period Computation Delay
Author: Kuo-Ming Chang, Chieh-Li Chen and Zhi-Hong Zhu

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, 

Contents: Automatica, June, 2003
Volume 39, Issue 6

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com

Regular papers

C. C. Amaro, S. K. Baruah, A. D. Stoyen, W. A. Halang
Non-preemptive scheduling to maximize the minimum global inter-completion
time (MGICT)

D. Jeltsema, J. M. A. Scherpen
A dual relation between port-Hamiltonian systems and the Brayton-Moser
equations for nonlinear switched RLC circuits

Brief papers

P. Zhivoglyadov, R. H. Middleton
Stability and switching control design issues for a class of discrete time
hybrid systems

J. Alvarez-Ramirez, R. Kelly, I. Cervantes
Semiglobal stability of saturated linear PID control of robot manipulators

Dong Sun
Position synchronization of multiple motion axes with adaptive coupling

P. Cartigny, P. Michel
On a sufficient transversality condition for infinite horizon optimal
control problems

Chung-Shi Tseng, Bor-Sen Chen
A mixed H-2/H-infinity adaptive tracking control for  constrained
nonholonomic systems

M. Sznaier, M. C. Mazzaro, O. Camps
Open-loop worst case identification of non Schur plants

G. Chesi, A. Garulli, A. Tesi, A. Vicino
Homogeneous Lyapunov functions for systems with structured uncertainties

M. Di Marco, A. Garulli, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino
A set theoretic approach for time-to-contact estimation in dynamic vision

Ti-Chung Lee
Exponential stabilization for nonlinear systems with applications to
nonholonomic systems

L. B. Jemaa, E. J. Davison
Performance limitations in the robust servomechanism
problem for discrete time periodic systems

Y. B. Shtessel, A. S. I. Zinober, I. A. Shkolnikov
Sliding mode control of boost and buck-boost power converters using method
of stable system centre

Ming-Tzu Ho
Synthesis of H(infty) PID controllers: A parametric approach

T. Floquet, J-P. Barbot, W. Perruquetti
Higher order sliding mode stabilization for a class of nonholonomic
perturbed system

G. Besancon, S. Battilotti, L. Lanari
A new separation result for a class of quadratic-like systems with
application to Euler-Lagrange models

Technical communiques

G. Besancon
High gain observation with disturbance attenuation and application to
robust fault detection

H. Prochazka, I. D. Landau
Pole placement with sensitivity function shaping using 2nd order digital
notch filters

Correspondence items

Wei-Jie Mao
Robust stabilization of uncertain time-varying discrete systems and
comments on “an improved approach for constrained robust model predictive

Book reviews

Silvio Simani
Coding approaches to fault tolerance in combinational and dynamic systems,
by Christoforos N. Hadjicostis

Derong Liu and Huaguang Zhang
Fuzzy control, by K.M. Passino and S. Yurkovich

E.F. Camacho
Predictive control with constraints, by J.M. Maciejowski

M. Arcak
L2-Gain and passivity techniques in nonlinear control, by Arjan van der

T. Bailey, H. Durrant-Whyte
Mobile robot localization and map building: A multisensor fusion approach,
by J. A. Castellanos and J. D. Tardos

A. Emami-Naeini
Analytic feedback system design: An interpolation approach, by Peter

Contributed by: A.H. Glattfelder, 

Contents: Control Engineering Practice
ISSN   : 0967-0661
Volume 11, Issue 7, Pages 723-832 (July 2003)

Grouped neural network model-predictive control, Pages 723-732
Jing Ou and R. Russell Rhinehart
A survey of industrial model predictive control technology, Pages 733-764
S. Joe Qin and Thomas A. Badgwell
Multi-model predictive control of an industrial C3/C4 splitter, Pages 765-779
C. R. Porfirio, E. Almeida Neto and D. Odloak
Multivariable control of the longitudinal and lateral dynamics of a fly-by-
wire helicopter, Pages 781-795
D. J. Walker
Buffered DDA command generation in a CNC, Pages 797-804
Yih-Fang Chang
Supervisory control for a telerobotic system: a hybrid control approach, 
Pages 805-817
Cecilia E. Garcia, Ricardo Carelli, Jose F. Postigo and Carlos Soria
Zero-miss-distance guidance law based on line-of-sight rate measurement only, 
Pages 819-832
Pini Gurfil

Contributed by: Clarence de Silva, 

Contents: Control and Intelligent Systems
VOLUME 31 / Number 1 / 2003

A Novel Predictive and Iterative Learning Control Algorithm: K.K. Tan, S.N. 
Huang, S. Zhao

Suboptimal EMM for Multivariable Systems with Measurement Disturbance: W. 
Kase, Y. Mutoh

Improved Evolutionary Predictive Controllers for Real-Time Application: M.L. 
Fravolini, A. Ficola, M. La Cava

An Interpolative Fuzzy Inference Procedure using Least-Square Principle:
C. Lucas, D. Shahmirzadi
Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Design for a Milk 
Plant: M.T. Khadir, J.V. Ringwood

Systematic Fuzzy Logic Control of a Gantry Crane: A.T. Alouani, D. Fugate, F. 

Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Traffic Control at a Road Junction: T.H. Heung, T.K. 
Ho, Y.F. Fung

For paper submission information please go to: 

Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Mikhail Skliar, 

Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology
May 2003, Vol. 11, No. 3

Dual Adaptive Control of Paper Coating
     A. Ismail, G. A. Dumont, and J. Backstrom

Design of a Gain Scheduling Controller for Knee-Joint Angle Control by Using
Functional Electrical Stimulation
     F. Previdi and E. Carpanzano

Position Error Signal Estimation at High Sampling Rates Using Data and Servo
Sector Measurements
     P. A. Ioannou, E. B. Kosmatopoulos and A. M. Despain

Torque Based Control of Whirling Motion in a Rotating Electric Machine Under
Mechanical Resonance
     K. Inoue, S. Yamamoto, T. Ushio and T. Hikihara

Control of a Multilevel Converter Using Resultant Theory
     J. N. Chiasson, L. M. Tolbert, K. McKenzie and Z. Du

Nonholonomic Motion Planning Based on Newton Algorithm With Energy
     I. Duleba and J. Z. Sasiadek

Asymptotic Disturbance Rejection for Hammerstein Positive Real Systems
     H. S. Sane and D. S. Bernstein

Analysis and Design of Integrated Control for Multi-Axis Motion Systems
     S.-S. Yeh and P.-L. Hsu

Design and Performance Analysis of Sliding-Mode Observers for Sensorless 
Operation of Switched Reluctance Motors
     M. S. Islam, I. Husain, R. J. Veillette and C. Batur

Adaptive Control of Delayed Integrating Systems: A PVC Batch Reactor
     M. Huzmezan, G. A. Dumont, W. A. Gough and S. Kovac

A Discrete-Time Design and Analysis of Perturbation Observer for Motion 
Control Applications
     S. S. Kwon and W. K. Chung

A Robust Fault-Detection Approach With Application in a Rolling-Mill Process
     D.-W Gu and F. W. Poon

Robust Adaptive Voltage-Fed Permanent Magnet Step Motor Control Without 
Current Measurements
     P. Krishnamurthy and F. Khorrami

Contributed by: Jozef Korbicz, 

Contents: Int J. of App Mathematics and Computer Science
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2003

Edited by: Krzysztof GALKOWSKI
           Richard W. LONGMAN
           Eric ROGERS

Table of contents

1. Pommaret J.F. and Quadrat A.: A functorial approach to the behaviour 
   of  multidimensional control systems, pp. 7-14
2. Hätönen J. and Ylinen R.: Polynomial systems theory applied to the 
   analysis and design of multidimensional systems, pp. 15-28
3. Idczak D., Majewski M. and Walczak S.:Stability analysis of solutions 
   to an optimal control problem associated with Goursat-Darboux  
   problem, pp. 29-44
4. Dymkou V. and Dymkov M.: An application of the Fourier transform to 
   optimization of continuous 2-D systems, pp. 45-54
5. Kurek J.E.: Controllability and reconstructability of a system described 
   by the N-D Roesser model, pp. 55-60
6. Kaczorek T.: Canonical forms of singular 1D and 2D linear systems, 
   pp. 61-72
7. Rabenstein R. and Trautmann L.: Towards a framework for continuous
   and discrete multidimensional systems, 73-86
8. Gakowski K., Rogers E., Paszke W. and Owens D.H.: Linear repetitive 
   process control theory applied to a physical example, pp. 87-100
9. Longman R.W.: On the interaction between theory, experiments, and
   simulation in developing practical learning control algorithms, pp. 101
10. Avrachenkov K.E. ans  Longman R.W.: Iterative learning control for 
    over-determined, under-determined, and ill-conditioned systems, pp. 113

Contributed by: Jen Samuels, 

Contents: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Vol. 26, Number 3

Contributions of Multibody Dynamics to Space Flight: A Brief Review
A. K. Banerjee, p. 385

Periodic Solutions in Electrodynamic Tethers on Inclined Orbits 
J. Peláez and M. Lara, p. 395

Modeling Maneuver Dynamics in Air Traffic Conflict Resolution 
R. A. Paielli, p. 407

Optimal Trajectory Planning for Hot-Air Balloons in Linear Wind Fields 
T. Das, R. Mukherjee, J. Cameron, p. 416

Integrated Hardware Investigations of Precision Spacecraft Rendezvous Using 
Global Positioning System
T. Ebinuma, R. H. Bishop, E. G. Lightsey, p. 425

Computing Danger Zones for Provably Safe Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches
R. Teo and C. J. Tomlin, p. 434

Modular Adaptive Control of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System
S. N. Singh and M. Brenner, p. 443

Sliding Mode Control Applied to Reconfigurable Flight Control Design
R. A. Hess and S. R. Wells, p. 452

Multi-Input/Multi-Output Sliding Mode Control for  a Tailless Fighter Aircraft
S. R. Wells and R. A. Hess, p. 463

Longitudinal Flying Qualities Prediction for Nonlinear Aircraft
S. Ryu and D. Andrisani, p. 474

Algorithm for Autonomous Longitude and Eccentricity Control for Geostationary 
B. P. Emma and H. J. Pernicka, p. 483

Adaptive Neural Control of Deep-Space Formation Flying
P. Gurfil, M. Idan, N. J. Kasdin, p. 491

Algebraic Riccati-Equation-Based Differentiation Trackers
S. Ibrir, p. 502

Rapid Verification Method for the Trajectory Optimization on Reentry Vehicles
S. Josselyn and I. M. Ross, p. 505

Quaternion Controller Design Using Switched Linear Parameter-Varying 
S. Lim and K. Chan, p. 508

Review of Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications (2nd Edition)
R. G. Melton, p. 511

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume 367, Pages 1-350 (1 July 2003)

Strong rank revealing LU factorizations, Pages 1-16
L. Miranian and M. Gu

On an inequality for the Hadamard product of an M-matrix or an H-matrix and
its inverse, Pages 17-27
Shuhuang Xiang

Monotonicity and *orthant-monotonicity of certain maximum norms, Pages 29-36
Boris Lavri

On simultaneously nilpotent fuzzy matrices, Pages 37-45
Yung-Yih Lur, Chin-Tzong Pang and Sy-Ming Guu

A note on Soderlind's conjecture, Pages 47-57
Jigen Peng and Zong-Ben Xu

Ring isomorphisms and pentagon subspace lattices, Pages 59-66
Pengtong Li and Jipu Ma

Symplectic difference systems: variable stepsize discretization and discrete 
quadratic functionals, Pages 67-104
Roman Hilscher and Vera Zeidan

Adjacency preserving maps on upper triangular matrix algebras, Pages 105-130
W. L. Chooi, M. H. Lim and Peter emrl

Absolute equal distribution of families of finite sets, Pages 131-146
William F. Trench

On semimonotone matrices with nonnegative principal minors, Pages 147-154
Teresa H. Chu

The Cayley-Hamilton theorem and inverse problems for multiparameter systems, 
Pages 155-163
Toma Koir

Complete stagnation of , Pages 165-183
Ilya Zavorin, DianneP. O'Leary and Howard Elman

Completable filiform Lie algebras, Pages 185-191
Jose Maria Ancochea Bermudez and Rutwig Campoamor

On characteristically nilpotent Lie algebras of type Q, Pages 193-212
Jose Maria Ancochea Bermudez and Rutwig Campoamor

Additive mappings that preserve rank one nilpotent operators, Pages 213-224
Wu Jing, Pengtong Li and Shijie Lu

On solutions of the matrix equations X-AXB=C and , Pages 225-233
Tongsong Jiang and Musheng Wei

Uniform primeness of the Jordan algebra of hermitian quaternion matrices, 
Pages 235-242
Rok Straek

Characteristic polynomial of catacondensed systems, Pages 243-253
Juan Rada

Markov chains and dynamic geometry of polygons, Pages 255-270
Jiu Ding, L. Richard Hitt and Xin-Min Zhang

Pairs of functions with indefinite Pick matrices, Pages 271-290
V. Bolotnikov, A. Kheifets and L. Rodman

On a lattice of hermitian-preserving cones, Pages 291-300
Muriel J. Skoug, Richard D. Hill and Joseph R. Siler

Spectral decomposition of real circulant matrices, Pages 301-311
Herbert Karner, Josef Schneid and Christoph W. Ueberhuber

Max-algebra: the linear algebra of combinatorics?, Pages 313-335
Peter Butkovi

Remarks on graphs with majority of eigenvalues at most -1, Pages 337-340
Dragan Stevanovi

A characterization of strong preservers of matrix majorization, Pages 341-346
LeRoy B. Beasley, Sang-Gu Lee and You-Ho Lee

Erratum to: Ranks of tensors, secant varieties of Segre varieties and fat 
points [Linear Algebra Appl. 355 (2002) 263-285], Pages 347-348
M. V. Catalisano, A. V. Geramita and A. Gimigliano

Author index, Pages 349-350
Editorial board, Pages ii-iii

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

Special Issue, Asian Journal of Control
Control of Discrete Event Systems: A Special Issue of Asian Journal of Control
Deadline Extended to May 15, 2003

  The last few decades of progress in computing, communication, and sensor
technologies have result in a new class of dynamic systems called Discrete
Event Systems (DES). Examples include computer communication networks,
automated manufacturing systems, air traffic control systems, command,
control, communication, and information (C3I) systems, monitoring and control
systems in automobiles or buildings, intelligent transportation systems,
distributed software systems, and so forth.
  A large part of such systems is governed by operational rules designed by
humans. Hence, their dynamics are characterized by asynchronous occurrences
of discrete events. As a result, traditional control techniques centered
around differential and difference equations are inadequate for DES.
  The goal of the special issue is to provide a forum for control researchers
to report their latest research results in the area of discrete event system
control, including both theories and applications of new modeling frameworks,
analysis techniques, design tools, testing methods, and systematic control
and optimization procedures.

Guest Editor:
              Prof. MuDer Jeng
              Department of Electrical Engineering 
              National Taiwan Ocean University
              Keelung 202, Taiwan
              Tel:+886-2-24622192 ext. 6210, Fax:+886-2-24627054
Important Dates:
              Nov.  1, 2002 	Call for Papers
              May  15, 2003 	Deadline for Paper Submission(Extension)
              July 15, 2003 	Completion of First Review
              Nov. 15, 2003 	Completion of Final Review
              June 30, 2004 	Publication
  Electronic submissions in PDF, Postscript, or zipped Postscript
format are required.  Send your manuscripts as email attachments to
Prof. Li-Chen Fu, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Control at the 
following address:
	     Prof. Li-Chen Fu	
	     Department of Electrical Engineering	
	     National Taiwan University	
	     Taipei 106, Taiwan	
             Tel: +886-2-2362-2209	
	     Fax: +886-2-23657887	
	     E-mail: lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw 	
  All submissions should include a title page containing the title of the
paper, full names and affiliations, complete postal and electronic address,
phone and fax number, an abstract, and a list of keywords. The contacting
author should be clearly identified.
  For more detailed information about manuscript preparation, please
visit the web site of Asian Journal of Control at http:/www.ajc.org.tw

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Paul de Haas, 

13th European Conf for Mathematics in Industry
June  21-25, 2004
Eindhoven, The Netherlands 

The 13th ECMI conference will take place from 21-25 June 2004 in Eindhoven,
The Netherlands. The conference will be devoted to mathematical & statistical
modelling, analysis and simulation of problems arising in a practical
context. In particular the following application areas have been chosen:
Aerospace, Electronic industry, Chemical technology, Life sciences,
Materials, Geophysics, Financial mathematics, Water flow.

The conference is intended for mathematicians, statisticians, scientists and
engineers, both from industry and academia. ECMI conferences have a long-
tanding tradition of bringing together researchers from various disciplines,
who work on often only seemingly different disciplines. The transversality
of mathematics makes it a versatile tool in a large variety of applications,
in particular when using it in computational modeling. 

Following types of submissions are solicted:
Minisymposia: A minisymposium has a slot of 2 hours and will typically
 consist of 4 speakers.  A proposal should consist of a two page
 abstract, with names and affiliations of potential speakers. The details
 are left to the organizer/proposer.
Contributed papers: A contributed oral paper will have 20 minutes. A
 proposal should contain a one page abstract and include full address.
Posters: There will be a number of poster sessions throughout the week.

There will be refereed conference proceedings, to be published by
Springer Verlag. 

Submission of interest: now
Deadline for submission of proposals for minisymposia:  January 30, 2004
Deadline for papers and posters: February 25, 2004
Notification of acceptance: March 25, 2004
For further information, please consult the web page

ECMI 2004 Conference Secretariat
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
PO Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 40 2472753
Fax: +31 40 2442489

Contributed by: Paul Van den Hof, 

13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
Call for Participation

The 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification will be held in Rotterdam, 
The Netherlands, August 27-29, 2003. During these days around 350 papers/
posters will be presented, including software demo's. The advance program of
the symposium is now available at the symposium website www.sysid2003.nl.

Three plenary papers will be presented by:
* Hakan Hjalmarsson (KTH Stockholm): From experiments to closed-loop control
* Herman van der Auweraer (LMS-Leuven): "System identification for structural 
  dynamics and vibroacoustics design engineering"
* Peter Bartlett (ANU Canberra): "Prediction algorithms: Complexity, 
  concentration and convexity",
while semi-plenary papers will be presented by John MacGregor, Dietmar Bauer, 
Eric Walter, Stefano Soatto, Johan Schoukens, Benedikt Poetscher.

Advance registration is open until June 15, 2003.  

Contributed by: Olivier Haas, 

16th International Conference on Systems Engineering
9th - 11th September 2003 
Coventry University, Coventry, UK

Submission of full papers June 2003 

Scope of conference 
The Conference will cover the general area of Systems Engineering, with 
particular emphasis being placed on applications. It is expected to include
sessions on the following themes: Adaptive Control and System Identification;
Algorithms and Architectures; Biomedical Engineering Systems; Control Theory
and Applications; Data and Knowledge Engineering; Educational Developments
in Systems Engineering; Energy Efficiency and Environmental Systems; Fault
Detection and Condition Monitoring; Image and Signal Processing; Logistics
and Scheduling; Manufacturing Systems; Modelling and Simulation; Network
Optimisation and Communications; Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic; Sensors
and Intelligent Robots; Supply Chain Modelling and Control 

Preliminary Arrangements 
Conference fees, provisionally estimated at BP 420 (maximum), include a copy
of the Conference proceedings, lunches on the 9th, 10th and 11th, the
Conference Banquet on the 9th and Conference Dinner on the 10th. 

Participants will have the option of being accommodated in the University 
Halls of Residence, overlooking Coventry Cathedral, or in local hotels or 
guest houses. Information on accommodation will be included in the Second 
Announcement – Registration details. The Conference fee is exclusive of 
accommodation charges. 

 Dr Olivier Haas
 Conference Secretary ICSE 2003
 Control Theory and Applications Centre
 Coventry University
 Priory Street
 Coventry CV1 5FB
 United Kingdom
 Telephone : 024 7688 7658
 International code : +44 24 7688 7658
 Email : icse2003.mis@coventry.ac.uk

Alternative telephone and fax numbers :
 Telephone : 024 7688 8052 or 7688 8972
 Fax : 024 7688 8052

Conference Administrator contact details :
 Telephone :+44 24 7688 8189
 Fax : +44 24 7688 8199

Contributed by: George J. Pappas, 

Hybrid Systems:  Computation and Control  (HSCC 2004)
7th International Workshop
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia,  PA
March 25-27, 2004

Workshop information : http://www.seas.upenn.edu/hybrid/HSCC04/

The seventh international workshop on Hybrid Systems : Computation and 
Control (HSCC) 2004 will be held at the Hilton Inn at Penn located on the 
campus of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA. The workshop 
attracts researchers from academia and industry interested in modeling, 
analysis, synthesis, and implementation of dynamic and reactive systems 
involving both discrete and continuous behaviors. It is a forum for the 
latest developments in all aspects of hybrid systems, including formal 
models and computational representations, algorithms, computational tools, 
and applications. The seventh HSCC international workshop continues the 
series of workshops held in Berkeley, California, USA (HSCC 1998), Nijmegen, 
The Netherlands (HSCC 1999), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (HSCC 2000), 
Rome, Italy (HSCC 2001), Palo Alto, California USA (HSCC 2002), and Prague, 
The Czech Republic (HSCC 2003).  Accepted papers will be allotted 14 pages 
each in a volume to be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science (LNCS) series. 

Important Dates
Submission Deadline (10 page abstract)  October 10, 2003 
Acceptance/Rejection Decisions          December 1, 2003 
Final Papers Due                        January 15, 2004 

Workshop Chairs

Rajeev Alur                             
Department of Computer and Information Sciences          
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104

George J. Pappas
Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Contributed by: Frank Allgower, 

IFAC ADCHEM Symposium Postponed
International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes                
ADCHEM 2003                        
January 11-14, 2004  (NEW DATE)                   
Hong Kong                          

In view of the recent outbreak of Atypical Pneumonia (SARS) in Hong 
Kong and around the World, it was decided to postpone the IFAC
Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2003) 
to 11-14 January 2004, with the opening reception being held in the 
evening of January 11, 2004.

Please see the conference webpage at http://www.ust.hk/adchem2003
for further details.

Contributed by: Herve Gueguen, 

IFAC Conference on Hybrid Dynamical Systems ADHS03

Call for participation
The first IFAC conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (IFAC
ADHS03) will  be held in Saint-Malo (France) in June 2003 (16-18).

The 68 papers selected for this conference will deal with the various aspects
of  control of hybrid systems (applications, modeling, identification,
reachability,control design, ..) and 2 invited talks will be given by 
preeminent speakers. The  detailed preliminary program is available on the 
www server of the conference http://www.supelec-rennes.fr/adhs03/ .

Registration for this conference is open and all the information can be found
on the  www server. If specific information is required please contact the
conference secretariat
 BP 81127
 Cesson-sevigne cedex, France

Contributed by: Oscar D. Crisalle, 

New Technologies For Experimentation Over The Internet
SESSION CODE 18J02 – Group 18
AIChE Annual Meeting, November 16-21, 2003
San Francisco, CA -- Hilton Hotel

Engineering education and training programs are increasingly offering 
Internet access to systems of engineering interest to students or trainees
located in geographically remote sites.  The goal is to permit the remote
user to manipulate a local host system, causing responses that can be
transmitted to the user’s computer in the form of numerical data, video
images, audio streams, or graphical data. The local systems of interest could
involve physical hardware (such as heat-exchangers, tanks that can be filled
with liquid, etc.), or simulation software (such as a program that simulates 
a distillation column, a chemical reactor, an inverted pendulum, etc).  The
former is referred to as remote experimentation while the later is referred
as virtual experimentation. In all cases the experiment must be carried over
the Internet using specialized interfaces or web browsers.

This session emphasizes papers that present recent advances in the technology
of experimentation over the Internet in remote and virtual modes.  Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to, the real-time control manipulation
of equipment, and the execution of experiments of engineering relevance using
simulation tools.  Priority will be given to topics that present research or
teaching-related developments that feature the creative use of new or
emerging technologies.

DEADLINE: May 1, 2003 (late submissions may be considered depending on 
the number of contributions received; send late submissions directly to the 
session chairs).

1. Length:   Maximum of 1000 words
2. Format:   Plain text file with simple HTML formatting   
3. Submission instructions
   a. Connect to http://www.aiche.org/annualapp/
   b. Enter your last name and your AIChE password
      If you do not have a password, select “Retrieve your password”
      If you fail to retrieve your password, then STOP AND SEND YOUR
      PTP TO BOTH SESSION CHAIRS (e-mail addresses shown below)
   c. Select “Submit a PTP with you as a contributing author”
   d. Select “Group 18”
   e. Check the box for session code “18J02”, select “continue”
   f. Select “see table” for a list of allowed HTML format codes. 
   g. Upload or paste your PTP

CHAIR                             CO-CHAIR
Oscar D. Crisalle                  Denis Gillet 
Dept. of Chemical Engineering      Automatic Control Laboratory
P.O.Box 116005                     School of Engineering
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA              Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Gainesville, FL 32611-6005         Lausanne, CH-1015
USA                                SWITZERLAND
1 (352) 392-5120 (PHONE)           41 (21) 693 5168 (PHONE)
1 (352) 392-9513 (FAX)             41 (21) 693 2574  (FAX)
Crisalle@che.ufl.edu (EMAIL)       Denis.Gillet@epfl.ch (EMAIL)

Contributed by: Alexander Fradkov, 

Physics and Control, Physcon03

Call for Participation
International Conference "Physics and Control" (PhysCon 2003) -
August 20-22, 2003
Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA

* St. Petersburg Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences 
* St. Petersburg Group of Russian National Committee of Automatic Control
* St. Petersburg Informatics and Control Society
* Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering of RAS
* St. Petersburg State University

* The European Physical Society (EPS)
* The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM)
* The IEEE Control Systems Society
* The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
* The Russia (North-West) IEEE Section
* The EPS Interdivisional Group on Experimental Physics Control Systems

The Central Scientific & Research Institute "Elektropribor"
The City University of Hong Kong, China

The Conference will be held in the beautiful "Anichkov Dvorets" (Anichkov
Palace), located in the historical part of the city, and one of the
residences of the Tsars' family in several generations.
ADDRESS: 39, Nevskiy ave., 190011, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Preliminary program and list of invited speakers can be found on the
conference website: http://physcon.ru

Zhores Alferov (Ioffe Institute, Russia, Nobel Laureat 2000 in Physics)
Herschel Rabitz (University of Princeton, USA)
James Yorke (University of Maryland, USA, Recipient of 2002 Japan Prize)

Prof. A.Fradkov, Inst. Probl. Mech. Eng. 
61 Bolshoy ave. V.O. 199178, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
Ph.: +7(812)321-4766 Fax: +7(812)321-4771 E-mail: info@physcon.ru

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