E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 175, March, 2003

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 175, March, 2003

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
      Submission deadline for April eletter: March 31, 2003


0.	Editorial

1.	Personals

2.	Awards Honors
	2.1	Roger W.H. Sargent receives Nordic Process Control Award
	2.2	SIAM-ACM Prize in Computational Science & Engineering

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	Short Course: Dynamic Traffic Flow Modelling and Control

4.	Positions
	4.1	Control Technology Group Leader: UTRC USA
	4.2	Faculty: Ryerson University Canada
	4.3	Jet Engine Controls Egr: Belcan Engineering USA
	4.4	PDF: University of Houston USA
	4.5	PDF: University of Southampton UK
	4.6	PhD: Brunel University UK
	4.7	PhD: Univ of Picardie Jules France
	4.8	PhD: University of Magdeburg Germany
	4.9	PhD: University of Reading UK
	4.10	PhD Post Doc: Hamilton Institute Ireland
	4.11	Post Doc: Lakehead University 1 Canada
	4.12	Post Doc: Lakehead University 2 Canada
	4.13	Post Doc: Lund Institute of Technology Sweden
	4.14	Post Doc: Polytechnic Univ of New York USA
	4.15	Res Assist: University of Houston USA
	4.16	Res Assoc: University of Cambridge UK
	4.17	Research Asst: University of Glasgow UK

5.	Books
	5.1	Evolution of Networks
	5.2	New Text on Impulsive Control
	5.3	Process Control: Modeling Design and Simulation

6.	Journals
	6.1	Asian J. Control: Special Issue on Control of Discrete Event Systems
	6.2	Contents: Asian Journal of Control
	6.3	Contents: Automatica
	6.4	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	6.5	Contents: Control and Intelligent Systems
	6.6	Contents: ETNA
	6.7	Contents: European Journal of Control
	6.8	Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology
	6.9	Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
	6.10	Contents: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
	6.11	Contents: Modeling Identification and Control
	6.12	LAA Special Issue: Signal Processing and Image Processing
	6.13	New Journal: Int Journal of Hybrid Systems

7.	Conferences
	7.1	5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation
	7.2	ACC 2004: Call for Invited Tutorial Sessions
	7.3	Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
	7.4	IFAC Symposium: Safeprocess 2003
	7.5	IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems
	7.6	New Technologies for Automation of Metallurgical Industry
	7.7	QFT and Robust Frequency Domain Methods

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Welcome to the 175-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of April 2003. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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No contributions

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                          Awards Honors
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Contributed by: Elling W. Jacobsen, 
Roger W.H. Sargent receives the Nordic Process Control Award

The Nordic Process Control Award is awarded for lasting and significant 
contributions to the field of process control. The  sixth recipient of this 
award is Professor Roger W.H. Sargent from  Imperial College of Science and
Technology, London, UK. Professor Sargent is widely regarded as the "father" 
of process systems engineering.

The award was presented to professor Sargent on January 9, 2003 during the 
11th Nordic Process Control Workshop held in Trondheim,  Norway.  The title 
of his inspiring award lecture was "Modelling  - a Process Systems 

The previous recipients of this award are Howard H. Rosenbrock (1995), Karl 
Johan Astrom (1997), F. Greg Shinskey (1998), Jens G. Balchen (2000) and 
Charles Cutler (2001). The award is awarded by the Nordic Working Group on
Process Control. For more information on the working group, see:

Contributed by: A.G. Bogardo, 

SIAM-ACM Prize in Computational Science & Engineering

The SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science & Engineering

The joint SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science & Engineering will be 
presented at the First Joint Meeting of CAIMS and SIAM (which is the 24th 
Annual Meeting of CAIMS/SCMAI and the 2003 SIAM Annual Meeting) to be held in 
Montreal, Canada, June 16-20, 2003.

The prize, established in 2002, is awarded in the area of computational 
science in recognition of outstanding contributions to the development and 
use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for the solution of 
science and engineering problems.  The prize is intended to recognize one 
individual for outstanding research contributions to the field of 
computational science and engineering.  The contribution(s) for which the 
award is made must be publicly available and may belong to any aspect of 
computational science in its broadest sense.

There are no restrictions on eligibility beyond those specified above.

Description of Award
The award consists of a certificate and a cash prize.

Nominations may be made by anyone, including members of the selection 
committee.  It is the responsibility of the nominator to provide all relevant 
information to the selection committee, including a resume and any letter(s) 
of support.  In case his or her nominee will be chosen, the nominator will 
also be asked to provide the draft of a citation of about 100 words that can 
be read at the award ceremony.

Nominations should be sent to the SIAM office at the address below.  
Nominations must be received by March 14, 2003.

Professor Linda Petzold
Chair, CS&E Prize
c/o Joanna Littleton
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
Telephone:  215-382-9800 ext. 303
Fax:  215-386-7999
E-mail:  littleton@siam.org

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Markos Papageorgiou, 

Short Course: Dynamic Traffic Flow Modelling and Control

Lecturer:	Prof. Markos Papageorgiou
Date:		9-13 June 2003
Location:	Chania (Crete), Greece
Fee:		1.200 EURO (for graduate students: 800 EURO )
(20% reduction is granted in case of more than one participation from the 
same institution)

Technical University of Crete
Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory
Chania 73100, Greece

The design, analysis, and evaluation of Intelligent Transportation Systems 
(ITS) requires a good knowledge of traffic flow modelling and control 
techniques as well as of powerful methodologies from the areas of 
optimisation, control, networks, and dynamic systems. The purpose of the 
intensive 5-day course is to cover the basic theory and tools necessary for 
efficient design and evaluation of ITS on highway networks. The course will 
begin with traffic flow modelling and validation that includes a coverage of 
the various traffic flow models, the modelling of traffic networks, and 
simulation tools. Measurement devices and estimation problems in traffic 
networks, that include automatic incident detection and O-D estimation, will 
be presented and discussed. The state-of-the art techniques on freeway 
control, road traffic control, and integrated control employing ramp 
metering, signal control, and route guidance via application of modern 
optimisation, control, and estimation techniques, together with several case 
studies will be presented. Some 40 exercises will be used for consolidation 
of the provided knowledge. Extensive written material, including all 
transparency copies, will be handed out.

Who Should Attend
Graduate students, engineers, researchers, consultants, and government 
employees who are interested in improving their understanding of advanced 
traffic flow modelling and control tools and in becoming familiar with their 
application in ITS. 

For More Information
To take more information (Detailed Course Contents, About the Lecturer, Fee 
and Registration Form, Location, Accommodation, Evaluation of previous 
courses) please visit the site 
or contact: 
 Prof. Markos Papageorgiou
 Director, Dynamic Systems & Simulation Laboratory
 University Campus
 GR-73100 Chania, GREECE
 Tel: +30-2821-0-37289
 Fax: +30-2821-0-69568/69410
 E-mail: markos@dssl.tuc.gr
 Web: http://www.dssl.tuc.gr

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Contributed by: Scott A. Bortoff, 

Control Technology Group Leader: UTRC, USA
The Systems Department
United Technologies Research Center

The Systems Department at the United Technologies Research Center invites 
qualified individuals to apply for the leadership position of Group Leader, 
Controls Technology. 

The Group Leader of Controls Technology at UTRC is expected to advance the 
technical capabilities and practice of control systems design, analysis and 
implementation primarily within UTRC but also across the corporation.  
Principal responsibilities include setting long term strategic directions as 
embodied in white papers, external proposals and internal project plans; 
supervision of technical work; development of talent; supervising, mentoring 
and career development of staff; and allocation of staff among projects. The 
leadership position requires a strong commitment to the professional controls 
organizations and a high degree of external visibility: Hiring new staff and 
partnering with both individual consultants and organizations are key 
responsibilities.  In general group leaders serve as a highly visible focal 
point for their particular technical discipline across the corporation 
providing technical leadership that shapes a broad spectrum of product 

The ideal candidate for the Controls Technology group leader position would 
possess a strong background in control theory, including knowledge of 
multivariable methods of analysis and design, experience with modern methods 
of robustness analysis especially for nonlinear systems, skill in physics-
based controls-oriented modeling in the areas of mechatronics, thermodynamic, 
fluid dynamic, chemical and/or power systems, experience with system 
identification and implementing control systems in an experimental or 
industrial setting especially with regards to network issues.  A Ph.D in 
control or a related field and at least 10 years experience in either an 
academic or an industrial environment is essential.  A strong publication 
record and discernible leadership in professional societies such as the IEEE 
or ASME are also necessary qualifications.  UTRC values include technical 
excellence, teamwork, communications and process discipline.  As such, 
excellent written and oral communications skills are vital.  The ideal 
candidate is self-starting, proactive and possesses strong leadership 
traits.  Candidates with experience working within and leading 
multidisciplinary teams will be given preference.  Experience supervising the 
technical work of others is also important.   Candidates with experience 
developing successful proposals to US funding agencies will be given 

Contributed by: Guangjun Liu, 

Faculty: Ryerson University, Canada

The Department of Mechanical, Aerospace & Industrial Engineering
Ryerson University
Toronto, Canada

The department invites applications for a number of tenure-track faculty
positions commencing August 1, 2003 or earlier.

Aerospace Engineering: Two tenure-track faculty positions at the level of 
Assistant Professor in the areas of avionics and gas turbine engines.  The 
primary qualifications for these positions, in addition to an earned 
doctorate in Aerospace, Mechanical Engineering or a closely related 
discipline, are demonstrated ability to perform high quality research, a 
strong commitment to teaching and training of students at both undergraduate 
and graduate levels, and ability to acquire research sponsorship.  Applicants 
should be registered or eligible for registration as a professional engineer 
in Ontario, Canada.

For the avionics position, candidates are sought with expertise in one or 
more of the following areas - modeling and simulation of aerospace vehicles 
and systems, flight dynamics and control, navigation systems and MEMS with 
aerospace applications. 

Applications with a curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of three 
referees should be sent to: Dr. S. Bhole, Professor and Chair, Department of 
Mechanical, Aerospace & Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, 350 
Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3.  Fax (416) 979-5265.  E-mail: 
sdbhole@acs.ryerson.ca. Applicants should identify the position they are 
applying for.  Applications will continue to be considered until suitable 
candidates are found.

Contributed by: Bert Baker, 

Jet Engine Controls Egr: Belcan Engineering, USA

We are looking to hire as many as 20 controls engineers (BS, MS, PhD) in the 
upcoming quarter.  These current needs are to support our clients in the Jet 
Engine Controls Business, though future work could be with any of our clients 
in Embedded Systems and Controls.  

Positions are to work on the controls for the Joint Strike Fighter, next-
generation controls electronics and software for current jet engines, and 
control systems for new and updated jet engines (commercial, military and 

Candidates with experience in jet engine controls systems sensors and 
actuators (e.g. fuel systems) are also being sought. Current positions are
in our Cincinnati, Ohio; and Lynn, Massachusetts offices.  

Because of export restrictions on jet engine controls technology, only US 
Citizens or Permanent US Residents are eligible for these positions.  Because 
of the advanced technical nature of this work, we are also very selective in 
our hiring. These are full-time, continuing positions.

Resumes can be sent to Bob Yeigh, byeigh@belcan.com.

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis, 

PDF: University of Houston, USA

A Post Doctoral Researcher position in the areas of LMI control, fault-
tolerant, robust control and control of flow systems is available at the 
University of Houston. The applicants are expected to have very strong 
mathematical and control theory background and prior publications in the 
above research areas. The position is sponsored by a newly established NASA 
center on intelligent aerospace vehicles, and it is available as early as May 
2003. For more information please send a detailed resume to: Prof. Karolos 
Grigoriadis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, 
Houston, TX 77204-4792, E-mail: karolos@uh.edu.

Contributed by: Sandor M Veres, 

PDF: University of Southampton, UK

Post Doc Fellowship in Satellite Formation Flying
University of Southampton, 
Highfield, Southampton, S017 1BJ.

Applications are invited for a full time post-doctoral Research Fellow to 
work on a project funded by EPSRC that aims to investigate and develop 
formation flying control methods of nano-satellite clusters. This is a 
collaborative project between the electromechanical, astronautics and 
intelligent systems groups within the Faculty of Engineering and Applied 
Science and Astrium Ltd. Recent result in the areas of constrained and 
nonlinear control will be used to develop a design system of formation flying 
control and to build tools to assess reliability and robustness of 

Candidates should have a good first degree in a relevant engineering 
discipline and a PhD in Control Systems. Previous theoretical, experimental, 
and/or computational experience in control systems design is preferred. The 
ability to work effectively either in a team situation or individually is 
The appointment is for three years and it is anticipated that the position 
will commence 1 July 2003. Salary to be in the range of £18,265 to £27,339 on 
Research Grade1A. 
For an informal discussion, please contact Professor SM Veres on 44 2380 
597754, or email s.m.veres@soton.ac.uk although applications should be made 
in accordance with the details shown below. 

Application forms may be obtained from the 

Personnel Department 
University of Southampton, 
Highfield, Southampton, S017 1BJ. 
Tel: +44(0)23 8059 2750; 
email: recruit@soton.ac.uk or 
minicom: +44(0)23 8059 5595. 

To be returned no later than 12 noon, 18 March 2003.

Contributed by: Zidong Wang, 

PhD: Brunel University, UK

PhD studentship in Intelligent Signal Processing
Intelligent Data Analysis Group
Department of Information Systems and Computing
Brunel University, U.K.

The primary purpose of this university-funded project is to develop novel 
signal processing (in particular, filtering) techniques, and apply them in 
microarray data analysis. Applicants must have (or hope to get) a First or 
Upper Second Class Degree or Masters Degree (preferred) in the areas of 
electrical engineering, mathematics, statistics or computer science. 
Practical knowledge about one or more of the following areas would clearly be 
an advantage: control and filtering theory, neural network, evolutionary 
algorithm, numerical computation as well as stochastic analysis. The 
successful candidate will join the Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) research 

This is a three-year, fully funded PhD post (suitable for any UK/EU citizen). 
The studentship will be funded at the normal rate (full home student fees + 
10,840 Pounds per year living expenses), with the opportunity of undertaking 
additional paid undergraduate teaching. Overseas students will have the 
annual income around 4,000 Pounds, after paying the overseas fee. The start 
date is as soon as possible. 

Informal enquiries about the position may be made to Dr. Zidong Wang either
by e-mail (Zidong.Wang@brunel.ac.uk) or phone (01895-274000x3942). 

Please send two copies of your CV and covering letter giving the names of two 
academic referees, before the March 31 of 2003 to:
 Dr. Zidong Wang
 Department of Information Systems and Computing
 Brunel University
 Uxbridge, Middlesex
 UB8 3PH, U.K.

Contributed by: G.A. Capolino, 

PhD: Univ of Picardie Jules, France
Open Research Positions for PhD students in Amiens (FRANCE)

The Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Picardie Jules 
Verne (FRANCE) is opening several research positions in the area of power 
electrical engineering (electrical machines and electrical drives associated 
to multidisciplinary projects).

The positions are available for young engineers (with at least a MSc in 
electrical engineering from outstanding institution) who are fluent in 
English and are interested in working in a real international team. The 
knowledge of French is not necessary but will be a plus (for candidates with 
no knowledge of French, basic courses will be offered). Candidates should be 
educated in Electrical Engineering with strong background in electrical 
machines, control systems and a basic knowledge of modern simulation tools, 
such as MATLAB/SIMULINK", Labview", PSPICE", EMTP/ATP, is expected.

The research positions are in the context of international research 
collaborations combining European industries or utilities, Universities and 
Research Centres for a minimum of 36 months (PhD student status and research 
assistantship). The positions will be available starting in October 2003.

The following research projects will be available :
P2003-01-PREG01 - Squirrel-cage induction machines for 42V automotive bus 
(design, modelling, sensorless control, fault tolerant structures).
P2003-02-POELEM01 - Virtual monitoring and diagnosis of electrical machines 
using distant acquisition boards on scattered test-beds.
P2003-03-NSF01 - Fault-tolerant propulsion system for modern electrical or 
hybrid vehicles (modelling, simulation, control software, interface software 
for distributed embedded system).
P2003-04-EU0001 - New monitoring and testing methods for Renewable Energy 
Sources (RES) in the context of distributed energy production.
P2003-05-CNRS01 - Design of new control systems for piezoelectric actuators 
used in scanning tunnelling and atomic force microscopes (STM & AFM).

Applicants should send their resume, a statement on research interests 
including the project(s) selected and the names of at least two referees to :
 Professor Gerard-Andre Capolino
 University of Picardie - Department of Electrical Engineering
 33, rue Saint Leu - 80039 Amiens Cedex - FRANCE
 Phone :             +(33)3-22-82-78-20
 Fax :               +(33)3-22-82-78-22
 Cellular :          +(33)6-68-67-71-22
 E-mail :            Gerard.Capolino@ieee.org

Contributed by: Martin Häfele, 

PhD: University of Magdeburg, Germany

A research assistant position at the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and
Information Technologies, University of Magdeburg (chair for
automation/modelling, Prof. A. Kienle) is available.

The position is initially for three years, with the possibility of a two year

Salary, according to the German public sector wage scale, depend on age and
marital status. Approximate figures are 32,500 Euros p.a. for the research
assistant position (BAT IIa).

Requirements: Degree comparable to a Diplom Ingenieur in a technical oriented
course of studies (cybernetics, process engineering, electrical or mechanical
engineering) with main focus on: modeling and analysis of dynamical systems,
simulation and process control.

Duty: Work on a research project on optimal control of polymerization
processes. Based on an existing detailed mathematical model of such a process,
save and effective operation methods have to be examined. Of major interest
are frequently occuring load or grade changes. The project requires tight
cooperation with the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical
Systems in Magdeburg and with industrial cooperation partners.

The holder of the position is expected to work towards a Ph.D. degree.

For further details please contact M. Häfele, phone: +49 6110 383, mail:
haefele_NOSPAM_mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de. More information you can also find on
the homepage http://ifatwww.et.uni-magdeburg.de/auto/.

In case of equal qualification, handicapped applicants will be treated with
higher priority. The Otto-von-Guericke University strives for an increase in
female scientific staff and thereby encourages female applicants explicitly.

Please send your applications -- preferably in electronic form (note: only PS,
PDF or plain text will be accepted) -- to:

Martin Häfele
Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Sandtorstr. 1
39106 Magdeburg, GERMANY
email: haefele_NOSPAM_mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de

Contributed by: William Holderbaum, 

PhD: University of Reading, UK

A PhD studentship is available from October 2003 in Control of Complex 
Dynamical Systems at the School of Engineering of the University of Reading, 
Reading, UK.

The applicant is expected to conduct research on theoretical control analysis 
and/or synthesis techniques for several classes of complex dynamical systems, 
namely, hybrid systems, strongly nonlinear systems and identifications 
method. There is a particular interest in applications of these techniques to 
the fields of biological systems (e.g., rehabilitation Engineering), and 
Boolean input systems (i.e. power conversion).

>From the rehabilitation engineering side the research application will 
involve people with high level Spinal Cord Injury and people who care for 
such patients. This work would investigate the dynamics involved in mobility, 
along with Functional Electrical Stimulation methods to activate muscle 
groups at the appropriate phase of a sit to stand transfer.

Requirements: Bachelors or Masters Degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics 
(including some Functional Analysis, Differential Equations) with previous 
experience on Analysis of Dynamical Systems and/or Control Theory; and some 
software development skills. However the applicant need not have previous 
experience in Control since lectures will be provided. 

The studentship provides a maintenance allowance of £9000 per year and 
tuition fees. Full funding is restricted to candidates from the United 
Kingdom or European Union member of states. 

Informal enquiries to: Dr William Holderbaum, Tel: +44-(0)-118-378-6086, 
Email: w.holderbaum@rdg.ac.uk

Please send a full CV, giving details of your qualifications, experience, 
achievements and the names of two academic referees to: 

Dr William Holderbaum                 		
Electronic Engineering                    		
The University of Reading              		
Whiteknights, PO Box 225               
Reading RG6 6AY
email: w.holderbaum@rdg.ac.uk
tel: +44-(0)-118-378-6086
fax: +44-(0)-118-378-8583

Contributed by: Douglas Leith, 

PhD, Post Doc: Hamilton Institute, Ireland

Applications are invited from well qualified candidates for a postgraduate 
and a postdoctoral position at the Hamilton Institute.  Candidates should 
have an outstanding academic record including a strong mathematical or 
analytical background. 

These posts are to carry out research on data-intensive modelling and system 
identification for nonlinear systems.  We seek to develop new methods for 
reconstructing nonlinear system dynamics from local experiments i.e. to put 
the widespread engineerign practice of "divide and conquer identification" on 
a sound footing.  This work will fusing modern statistical tools (especially 
Bayesian kernel based methods such as non-parametric gaussian processes) with 
ideas from nonlinear dynamics theory (including embedding theory and 
differential geometric concepts).  In addition to developing fundamental 
theory, the project will involve the writing of supporting software tools in 
the matlab environment.

Applications are invited from well qualified candidates for a number of  
postgraduate/postdoctoral positions at the Hamilton Institute.  Candidates 
should have an outstanding academic record including a strong mathematical or 
analytical background.  The successful candidates will be work on the 
application of dynamics systems theory to internet and related network 
congestion control problems.  This includes decentralised design and 
adaptation techniques for TCP; stability, convergence, efficiency and 
fairness issues; novel protocols for heterogeneous networks including 
wireless links.

For further details visit www.hamilton.may.ie

Contributed by: Xiaoping Liu, 

Post Doc: Lakehead University 1, Canada

Outstanding researchers are encouraged to apply for a postdoc position in 
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, 
Ontario, Canada. The position is available immediately, and will be offered 
for one year initially with possibility of further extension depending upon 
the performance of the researcher and the availability of the fund. 
Applicants should have a Ph.D in control engineering or applied mathematics. 
Preference will be given to candidates who have working knowledge, or 
expertise, in at least two of the following topics:
1. Nonlinear singular systems or differential-algebraic equation systems
2. Nonlinear systems
3. Nonlinear robust control
4. Nonlinear adaptive control
5. Nonlinear time-delay systems
6. Control of robotic systems

Please send your resume with a list of your publications and the names and e-
mails of at least three referees to:
Dr. X.P. LIU 
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Lakehead University,
955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay
Ontario, P7B5E1 Canada
e-mail: xliu@mail1.lakeheadu.ca
Web:  http://flash.lakeheadu.ca/~xliu

Contributed by: Abdelhamid Tayebi, 

Post Doc: Lakehead University 2, Canada

Researchers are invited to apply for a Postdoctoral position in the Department
of Electrical Engineering, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario. The
position will be available in April 2003, and will be offered for one year
with a possibility of further extension depending upon the availability of the

Applicants should have a recently completed Ph.D in control engineering or
applied mathematics with strong interest and experience in robot manipulators
control and one or more of the following topics: 

1. Iterative learning control.
2. Adaptive control.
3. Robust control

Please send your resume including the names and e-mails of three referees to:
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Lakehead University,
955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay
Ontario, P7B5E1 Canada

e-mail: tayebi@ieee.org
Web:  http://flash.lakeheadu.ca/~tayebi

Contributed by: Anders Rantzer, 

Post Doc: Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden

The Department of Automatic Control at Lund Institute of Technology,
Lund, Sweden seeks candidates for a postdoctoral position within the
EU-supported Research Training Network

Nonlinear and Adaptive Control (NACO2) http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/naco2/

Applicants should have a recently completed PhD in control or related
area of engineering and mathematics and must satisfy the conditions
for appointment as a young researcher in a Research Training Network. See

The position is available for 6-10 months starting as soon as possible.
Please submit a letter of application, a detailed resume, a publication list
and the names of two references to Dept. of Automatic Control,
Attn. Anders Rantzer, Box 118, S-221 00 Lund, before March 20.

More information about the position can be obtained by email to
Anders Rantzer (rantzer@control.lth.se). Another source is the web
page http://www.control.lth.se

Contributed by: Z.P. Jiang, 

Post Doc: Polytechnic Univ of New York, USA

Systems/Control Engineering
Outstanding researchers are encouraged to apply for a postdoc position in the 
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Polytechnic University 
(known as "Brooklyn Poly"), New York. The position is available immediately, 
and will be offered for one year initially with possibility of further
extension depending upon the performance of the researcher and the 
availability of the fund. Salary is negotiable and is tied to the experience 
and track record of the successful candidate. There is also a possibility to 
consider short-term visiting positions, and PhD studentships.

Preference will be given to candidates who have working knowledge, or 
expertise, in at least two of the following topics:
1. Advanced applied control (nonlinear, hybrid, robust, etc).
2. Underactuated mechanical systems (mobile robots, ships, UUV etc).
3. Optimization methods.
4. Telecommunications networks.
5. Wireless communications.
6. Life sciences.

If interested, please send your resume with a list of your publications and
the names and e-mail addresses of at least three referees to:
 Professor Zhong-Ping Jiang
 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Polytechnic University
 Six Metrotech Center
 Brooklyn, NY 11201, U.S.A.
 e-mail: zjiang@control.poly.edu
 Web:  http://ctrl.poly.edu/

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis, 

Res Assist: University of Houston, USA

Graduate Research Assistantships
Department of Mechanical Engineering 
University of Houston

For M.S. and Ph.D. studies in the areas of robust, gain scheduled, linear 
matrix inequalities, fault tolerant and optimal control, with applications to 
space systems, engine control and structural control. Applicants are expected 
to have a good mathematical background and good knowledge of modern control 
theory. Applications from qualified students are invited for Fall 2003. For 
more information please contact: Prof. Karolos Grigoriadis, Department of 
Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-4792, E-
mail: karolos@uh.edu. Application material can be obtained at:

Contributed by: John Lygeros, 

Res Assoc: University of Cambridge, UK

Department of Engineering,
University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, U.K.

Two research associate positions are available immediately in the topics
described below:

A position exists for a Research Associate to work on stochastic hybrid
systems and their applications to automotive control, air traffic management
and avionics. The position is funded by the European Commission, under the
project COLUMBUS, IST-2001-38314.

The aim is to develop methods for addressing reachability questions for
stochastic hybrid systems. Specific classes of stochastic hybrid systems for
which reachability questions are decidable will be sought. Symbolic and/or
numerical algorithms will be developed for these classes. The methods and
algorithms will be used to study safety problems in the motivating
applications to automotive control, air traffic management and avionics. The
work will involve collaboration with a number of the other COLUMBUS partners:
INRIA-IRISA, University of L'Aquila, PARADES, Vanderbilt University and
University of California Berkeley.

The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in automatic control, computer
science, or a closely related field. Preference will be given to candidates
with experience in hybrid systems, stochastic analysis/control, or randomised

The post is currently available. The appointment will be for a period of up to
16 months. Starting salary is on the RA1A scale, in the range £18285 to £27339
p.a. (including benefits).

A position exists for a Research Associate to work on model predictive
control, stochastic systems and their applications to problems in air traffic
management. The position is funded by the European Commission, under the
project HYBRIDGE, IST-2001-32460.

The aim is to develop methods for the analysis and control of stochastic
hybrid systems and to use these methods to enhance the safety of the air
traffic management system. The work will involve collaboration with a number
of the other HYBRIDGE partners: NLR, Eurocontrol, CENA, INRIA-IRISA, BaeS, AEA
Technology, National Technical University of Athens, University of Brescia,
University of L'Aquila and Twente University.

The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in automatic control, stochastic
analysis, or a closely related field. Preference will be given to candidates
with experience in model predictive control, hybrid systems, stochastic
analysis/control, air traffic management, or randomised optimisation.

The post is currently available. The appointment will be for a period of up to
22 months. Starting salary is on the RA1A scale, in the range £18285 to £27339
p.a. (including benefits).

Further details may be obtained from either

Dr John Lygeros,
Department of Engineering,
University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, U.K.
Tel. +44 (0)1223 332 770
Fax. +44 (0)1223 332 662

Interested candidates should send a letter of application, a CV with list of
publications and the names and contact information of three references to Dr

Contributed by: Henrik Gollee, 

Research Asst: University of Glasgow, UK

Centre for Systems and Control
University of Glasgow
Scotland, UK

Development of Vehicle Dynamics Controllers:
A research assistantship is available for 4 years for a project on 
development and evaluation of vehicle dynamic control systems. The focus is 
on developing model-based approaches for controller design and evaluation.  
The project is funded by and will be a close collaboration with a leading 
German automotive company.  You should have an MSc (or equivalent) or a PhD 
in engineering with a sound background in control systems and/or vehicle 
dynamics. Knowledge of Matlab/Simulink and C/C++ is desirable. There is the 
possibility to study towards a PhD (if applicable) during the project. The 
project will be directed by Dr H Gollee and Prof KJ Hunt. For more details
please go to 
If you would like further information, contact Dr Henrik Gollee
tel: +44 141 330 4406, or email: h.gollee@mech.gla.ac.uk.  To apply,
please send a CV to Dr. H Gollee (h.gollee@mech.gla.ac.uk), Department
of Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ
(ref 679/02).  Closing date: 21 March, 2003.

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: S. Dorogovtsev, 

Evolution of Networks

Evolution of Networks: From Biological Nets to the Internet and WWW
S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes 
278 pp., numerous illustrations, hardcover, ISBN 0-19-851590-1
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 16 January 2003 

This text provides a concise introduction to the principles of the
organization and evolution of both natural and artificial networks. Collected
empirical data and numerous real applications of existing theories are
discussed in detail, as well as the topical problems of communication and
information networks. The book is written by physicists and is addressed to
all researchers involved in this multidisciplinary field (applied 
mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers, physicists, biologists,
sociologists, etc) and students. It can be used as a reference or textbook. 

0  Modern architecture of random graphs
1  What are networks?
2  Popularity is attractive
3  Real networks
4  Equilibrium networks
5  Non-equilibrium networks
6  Global topology of networks
7  Growth of networks and self-organized criticality
8  Philosophy of a small world
A  Relations for an adjacency matrix
B  How to measure a distribution
C  Statistics of cliques
D  Power-law preference
E  Inhomogeneous growing net
F  Z-transform
G  Critical phenomena in networks
H  A guide to the network literature

Publisher Website: 

Contributed by: Boris M. Miller, 

New Text on Impulsive Control

Impulsive Control in Continuous and Discrete-Continuous Systems
Boris M. Miller	& Evgeny Ya. Rubinovich
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Deecmber 2002, 463 p., Hardbound, ISBN 0-306-47473-5
Price: EUR 147.00/USD 140.00/GBR 94.00

Impulsive Control in Continuous and Discrete-Continuous Systems is an up-to-
date introduction to the theory of impulsive control in nonlinear dynamic 
systems. This is a new branch of the Optimal Control Theory, which is tightly 
connected to the Theory of Hybrid Systems. The text introduces the reader to 
the interesting area of optimal control problems with discontinuous 
solutions, discussing the application of a new and effective method of 
discontinuous time-transformation. With a large number of examples, 
illustrations, and applied problems arising in the area of observation 
control, this book is excellent as a textbook or reference for a senior or 
graduate-level course on the subject, as well as a reference for researchers 
in related fields.

1.  Introduction.  
2.  Discrete-Continuous Systems with Impulse Control. 
3.  Optimal Impulse Control Problem with Restricted Number of Impulses.  
4.  Representation of Generalized Solutions Via Differential Equations with   
5.  Optimal Control Problems Within the Class of Generalized Solutions.  
6.  Optimality Conditions in Control Problems Within the Class of Generalized 
7.  Observation Control Problems in Discrete-Continuous Stochastic Systems.  
8.  Appendix: Differential Equations with Measures.    

Contact infromation:
Customers in Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia
Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 989, 3300 AZ Dordrecht,
The Netherlands 
e-mail: orderdept@wkap.nl

Customers in USA, Canada, Mexico and Latin America
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101, Phillip Drive, Assinippi Park, 
Norwell, MA 02061, USA 
e-mail: kluwer@wkap.com

Contributed by: B. Wayne Bequette, 

Process Control: Modeling, Design and Simulation

B. Wayne Bequette, 
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY
ISBN: 0-13-353640-8, Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Copyright: 2003, Format: Cloth; 769 pp

For junior or senior-level undergraduate Chemical Engineering courses in 
process dynamics and control, as well as a reference for professionals
seeking the latest simulation tools and advanced control strategies. 

This is the first book to offer a fully integrated introduction of the 
fundamental topics of process control with MATLAB software tools that allow 
students to learn the material interactively through computer-based 
simulation exercises. Process Control: Modeling, Design and Simulation 
presents realistic problems and provides the software tools for students
to simulate processes and solve practical, real-world problems. Ultimately,
the book will teach students to analyze dynamic chemical processes and
develop automatic control strategies to operate them safely and economically. 

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

Asian J. Control: Special Issue on Control of Discrete Event Systems

          Call for Papers: Asian Journal of Control
   Special Issues of Asian J. Control http://www.ajc.org.tw 

Guest Editor:
   Prof. MuDer Jeng
   Department of Electrical Engineering 
   National Taiwan Ocean University
   Keelung 202, Taiwan
   Tel: +886-2-24622192 ext. 6210
   Fax: +886-2-24627054
   E-mail: jeng@mail.ntou.edu.tw

   Important Dates:
              April 15, 2003        Deadline for Paper Submission
              July 15, 2003         Completion of First Review
              Nov. 15, 2003         Completion of Final Review
              June 30, 2004         Publication

Electronic submissions in PDF, Postscript, or zipped Postscript format 
are required.  Send your manuscripts as email attachments to Prof. Li-Chen 
Fu, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Control at the following address:
         Prof. Li-Chen Fu
         Department of Electrical Engineering
         National Taiwan University
         Taipei 106, Taiwan
         Tel: +886-2-2362-2209
         Fax: +886-2-23657887
         E-mail: lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw 

    All submissions should include a title page containing the title of the 
paper, full names and affiliations, complete postal and electronic address, 
phone and fax number, an abstract, and a list of keywords. The contacting 
author should be clearly identified.

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Vol. 5, Nol. 1, March, 2003


1.Title: Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulators Executing Multilateral     
         Constrained Task
  Author: Haruhisa Kawasaki and Ryo Taniuchi
2.Title: Robust Isolation of Sensor Failures
  Author: R. Xu and C. Kwan
3.Title: Output Feedback Sliding Mode Controller Design VIA H-infinity Theory
  Author: Jeang-Lin Chang
4.Title: PID Regulation of Robot Manipulators with Elastic Joints
  Author: Jose Alvarez-Ramirez and Ilse Cervantes
5.Title: Restricted Structure Control Loop Performance Assessment for PID 
         Controllers and State-Space Systems
  Author: M. J. Grimble
6.Title:Torque Maximisation of the PMAC Motor for High Performance, Low  
        Inertia Operation
  Author: Paul Stewart
7.Title: Discretization of a Non-Linear, Continuous-Time Control Law with    
         Small Control Delays
  Author: Guido Herrmann, Sarah K. Spurgeon and Christopher Edwards
8.Title: Digital Redesign of Continuous-Time Suboptimal Tracker for Two-
         Dimensional Systems
  Author: Jimshone Li, Jason Sheng-Hong Tsai and Leang-San Shieh
9.Title: Nonlinear Adaptive Tracking of Surface Vessels with Exogenous 
  Author: Simon Hsu-Sheng Fu, Wassim M. Haddad and Chin-Cheng Cheng
10.Title: A Paraller Block Scaled Gradient Method with Decentralized Step-
          Size for Block Additive Unconstrained Optimization Problems of   
          Large Distributed Systems
  Author: Shin-Yeu Lin and Shieh-Shing Lin


11.Title: Robust Stabilization of Interval Plants with Constant Disturbance
   Author: G. Fernandez-Anaya and J. Alvarez-Ramirez
12.Title: Reliable Robust Preview Tracking Control Against Actuator Faults
   Author: Fang Liao, Jianliang Wang and Guang-Hong Yang
13.Title: Control Routh Array and Its Applications
   Author: Daizhan Cheng and T. J. Tarn
14.Title: Adaptive L2 Disturbance Attenuation of Hamiltonian Systems with 
          Parametric Perturbation and Application to Power Systems
   Author: Tielong Shen, Romeo Ortega, Qiang Lu, Shengwei Mei and Katsutoshi 
15.Title: Output Regulation of a Class of Singular Nonlinear Systems with the 
          Normal Output Feedback Controller
  Author: Wei Wang and Jie Huang
16.Title: Reliable Decentralized Supervisory Control for Marked Language 
   Author: Shigemasa Takai and Toshimitsu Ushio

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, 

Contents: Automatica, April, 2003
Volume 39, Issue 4

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com

Regular papers

M. A. Rodrigues, D. Odloak
MPC for stable linear systems with model uncertainty

G. N. Nair, R. J. Evans

Exponential stabilisability of finite-dimensional linear systems with
limited data rates

M. A. Vaudrey, W. T. Baumann, W. R. Saunders
Stability and operating constraints of adaptive LMS-based feedback control

V. Turetsky, J. Shinar
Missile guidance laws based on pursuit-evasion game formulations 

M.P. Saccomani, S. Audoly, L. D'Angiò
Parameter identifiability of nonlinear systems: The role of initial

Brief papers

Wen-Hua Chen, D. J. Ballance, P. J. Gawthrop
Optimal control of nonlinear systems: A predictive control approach

R. Marino, P.Tomei
Adaptive control of linear time-varying systems

M. Arcak, M. Larsen, P. Kokotovic
Circle and Popov criteria as tools for nonlinear feedback design

V. Arkov, G. Kulikov, T. Breikin
Optimal spectral resolution in system identification

G. Ferrari-Trecate, G. De Nicolao
Regularization networks for inverse problems: A state-space approach

F. Mazenc, S. Bowong
Tracking Trajectories of the Cart-pendulum System

Runyi Yu, Dianhui Wang
Structural properties and poles assignability of LTI singular systems
under output feedback

A. Kojima, S. Ishijima
H(infinity) performance of preview control systems

M. Zasadzinski, E. Magarotto, H. Rafaralahy, H. Souley Ali
Residual generator design for singular bilinear systems subjected to
unmeasurable disturbances: An LMI approach

N. H. El-Farra, A. Armaou, P. D. Christofides
Analysis and control of parabolic PDE systems with input constraints

Jian-Xin Xu, Ya-Jun Pan and Tong-Heng Lee
A VSS Identification Scheme for Time-Varying Parameters

L. Gentili, L. Marconi
Robust nonlinear disturbance suppression  of a magnetic levitation system

P. Zhivoglyadov, RH. Middleton
Networked control design for linear systems

Technical communiques

Qianchuan Zhao, Da-Zhong Zheng
On stabilization of min-max systems

Book reviews

M. B. Egerstedt
Robot force control, by Bruno Siciliano and Luigi Villani

Qing-Guo Wang
Structure and synthesis of PID controllers, by Aniruddha Datta, Ming-Tzu
Ho and Shankar P. Bhattacharyya

Patrizio Colaneri
Robust and H-infinity-Control, by Ben M. Chen

F. Blanchini, S. Miani
Actuator saturation control, by V. Kapila and K. M. Grigoriadis

Contributed by: A. H. Glattfelder, 

Contents: Control Engineering Practice
ISSN   : 0967-0661
Volume : 11
Issue  : 2
Date   : Feb-2003

Gain-scheduled control of an electrostatic levitator
T. Meister, H. Werner, G. Lohoefer, D.M. Herlach, H. Unbehauen, pp 117-128

Off-line feed-forward and H"~ feedback control on a vibration rig
J.D. Cuyper, M. Verhaegen, J. Swevers, pp 129-140

A practical multiple model adaptive strategy for single-loop MPC
D. Dougherty, D. Cooper, pp 141-159

Preface to the special section on automotive systems
G.L. Gissinger, pp 161-162

A mechatronic conception of a new intelligent braking system
G.L. Gissinger, C. Menard, A. Constans, pp 163-170

Energy management strategies for parallel hybrid vehicles using fuzzy
N.J. Schouten, M.A. Salman, N.A. Kheir, pp 171-177

Modelling and simulation for mechatronic design in automotive systems
T. Bertram, F. Bekes, R. Greul, O. Hanke, C. Hasz, J. Hilgert, M.
Hiller, O. Ottgen, P. Opgen-Rhein, M. Torlo, D. Ward, pp 179-190

Mechatronics and drive-by-wire systems advanced non-contacting
position sensors
H.T. Dorissen, K. Durkopp, pp 191-197

Full vehicle ABS braking using the SWIFT rigid ring tyre model
J.P. Pauwelussen, L. Gootjes, C. Schroder, K.-U. Kohne, S. Jansen, A. Schmeitz
pp 199-207

Modeling of rollover sequences
R. Eger, U. Kiencke, pp 209-216

Driver-aid system using path-planning for lateral vehicle control
J.Ph. Lauffenburger, M. Basset, F. Coffin, G.L. Gissinger, pp 217-231

Contributed by: Clarence de Silva, 

Contents: Control and Intelligent Systems
VOLUME 30 / Number 2 / 2002

Beta Fuzzy Neural Network Application in Recognition of Spoken Isolated 
Arabic Words: A.M. Alimi, M. Ben Jemaa

Speech-pitch Detection using Maximum Likelihood Algorithm: N.M. Botros, R.S. 

Coding of Speech Signals using Fractal Prediction: V. Almenar, A. Albiol

Use of a Novel Nonlinear Generalized Fuzzy Hidden Markov Model for Speech 
Recognition: S. Chevalier, M.N. Kaynak, A.D. Cheok, K. Sengupta

Blind Speech Separation of Nonlinear Convolutive Mixtures for Robust Speech 
Recognition: A. Koutras, E. Dermatas, G. Kokkinakis	

For paper submission information please go to: 

Contributed by: Lothar Reichel, 

Contents: ETNA

Table of Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA)
vol. 13, 2002

ETNA is available at http://etna.mcs.kent.edu and at several
mirror sites, as well as on CDROM.

Dirk Wollstein, Torsten Linss and Hans-Goerg Roos. A uniformly accurate
finite volume discretization for a convection-diffusion problem. pp. 1-11.

The asymptotic distribution of general interpolation arrays for exponential
weights. S. B. Damelin. pp. 12-21.

Image restoration through subimages and confidence images. James G. Nagy and
Dianne P. O'Leary. pp. 22-37.

Pierre Spiteri, Jean-Claude Miellou and Didier El Baz. Perturbation of
parallel asynchronous linear iterations by floating point errors. pp. 38-55.

Zdenek Strakos and Petr Tichy. On error estimation in the conjugate gradient
method and why it works in finite precision computations. pp. 56-80.

Thomas Huckle and Jochen Staudacher. Multigrid preconditioning and Toeplitz
matrices. pp. 81-105.

Volker Mehrmann and David Watkins. Polynomial eigenvalue problems with
Hamiltonian structure. pp. 106-118.

Walter Gautschi. The interplay between classical analysis and (numerical)
linear algebra --- a tribute to Gene H. Golub. pp. 119-147.

There will be a conference in Kent on May 29-31, 2003, on the occasion of
the 10th anniversary of ETNA. For further information, see the conference
web site http://lanczos.cwru.edu/~etna10

Contributed by: Danila Ferrara, Editorial Assistant, 

Contents: European Journal of Control

Special issue on "Design & Optimisation of restricted Complexity Controllers"
Guest Editors: I.D. Landau, A. Karimi, H. Hjalmarsson


Benchmark section

Control of an active suspension system as a benchmark for design and  
optimisation of restricted complexity controllers
I.D. Landau, A. Karimi, L. Miskovic, H. Prochazka

A nonlinear SPD approach to fixed order controller synthesis and comparison 
with two other methods applied to an active suspension system
C.W.J. Hol, C.W. Scherer, E.G. Van der Meché, O.H. Bosgra

Designing a low order robust controller for an active suspension system 
thanksLMI, genetic algorithm and gradient search
F. Le Mauff, G. Duc

Design and optimisation of restricted complexity controllers: A modal 
approach for reduced-order controllers
S. Chable, S. Mahieu, C. Chiappa

Design of reduced order controllers via Hinf and parametric optimisation: 
Comparison for an active suspension system
D.U. Campos-Delgado, R. Femat, E. Ruiz-Velasquez

Low-order controller design using multi-objective optimisation
W. Yan, Y. Cao

An application of the virtual reference feedback tuning method to a benchmark 
M.C. Campi, A. Lecchini, S.M. Savaresi

Correlation-based tuning of a restricted-complexity controller for an active 
suspension system
L. Miskovic,A. Karimi, D. Bonvin

Controller order reduction by identification in closed loop applied to a 
benchmark problem
A. Constantinescu, I.D. Landau

Letter to the Editor

Title:  Comments on the benchmark “Design and optimisation of restricted 
complexity controllers”: towards a non-parametric model based solution
D. Alazard

End of benchmark section

Reduced order controller design via iterative identification and control
A. Sala, A. E. Sparza

Loop performance assessment for decentralized control of stable linear
J.Yuz, G.C. Goodwin

Contributed by: Mikhail Skliar, 

Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology
March 2003, Vol. 11, No. 2

Intelligent Engine Control Using an Adaptive Critic
     N. V. Kulkarni and K. KrishnaKumar

Iterative Learning Control for Soft Landing of Electromechanical Valve 
Actuator in Camless Engines           
     W. Hoffmann, K. Peterson, and A. G. Stefanopoulou

Asymptotically Exact Linearizations for Active Magnetic Bearing Actuators in 
Voltage Control Configuration
     L. Li, T. Shinshi, and A. Shimokohbe

Robust Practical Stabilization of Nonlinear Uncertain Plants With Input and 
Output Nonsmooth Nonlinearities        
     M. L. Corradini and G. Orlando

Robust Magnetic Bearing Control via Eigenstructure Assignment Dynamical 
     G.-R. Duan and D. Howe

Applications of Adaptive Feedback Active Noise Control System    
     S. M. Kuo, X. Kong, and W. S. Gan

A Novel Adaptive Control Law for Underwater Vehicles
     G. Antonelli, F. Caccavale, S. Chiaverini, and G. Fusco

Analysis and Design of Servomechanism and Its Application to Disk Drives 
     S.-H. Lee, S.-H. Chu, and C. C. Chung

Adaptive Mode Tuning for Vibrational Gyroscopes	
     R. P. Leland

An Improved Indirect Field-Oriented Controller for the Induction Motor
     A. Behal, M. Feemster,  and D. Dawson

Modeling and Identification of Wiener Systems With Two-Segment Nonlinearities
     J. Vörös

Self-Tuning Regulator Design for Nodal Voltage Waveform Control in Electrical 
Power Systems
     G. Fusco and M. Russo

Adaptive Sinusoidal Disturbance Cancellation for Precise Pointing of Stewart 
     H. Lin and J. E. McInroy

Self-Learning Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Control for Antilock Braking Systems
     C.-M. Lin and C.–F.  Hsu

On-Line Dead-Time Compensation Method-Based on Time Delay Control
     H. -S. Kim, K.-H. Kim, and M. -J. Youn

Contributed by: C. Stewart, 

Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

Volume: 47,   Issue: 12,   Dec 2002

Stabilizing a linear system by switching control with dwell time
 Ishii, H.; Francis, B.A., Page(s): 1962- 1973

Model predictive control based on linear programming the explicit solution
 Bemporad, A.; Borrelli, F.; Morari, M., Page(s): 1974- 1985

Simultaneous stabilization with near-optimal H/spl infin/ performance
 Miller, D.E.; Tongwen Chen,  Page(s): 1986- 1998

Estimation of hidden markov models: risk-sensitive filter banks and
qualitative analysis of their sample paths
 Ramezani, V.R.; Marcus, S.I.,  Page(s): 1999- 2009

Variance minimization approach for a class of dual control problems
 Duan Li; Fucai Qian; Peilin Fu,  Page(s): 2010- 2020

Stability of hybrid dynamic systems containing singularly perturbed random
 Badowski, G.; Yin, G.G.,  Page(s): 2021- 2032

Integral versions of iss for sampled-data nonlinear systems via their
approximate discrete-time models
 Neisic, D.; Angeli, D.,  Page(s): 2033- 2037

A hamilton-jacobi setup for the static output feedback stabilization of
nonlinear systems
 Astolfi, A.; Colaneri, P.,  Page(s): 2038- 2041

Optimal containment control for a class of stochastic systems perturbed by
poisson and wiener processes
 Kolmanovsky, I.; Maizenberg, T.,  Page(s): 2041- 2046

Identification of approximated hammerstein models in a worst-case setting
Garulli, A.; Giarre, L.; Zappa, G.,  Page(s): 2046- 2050

Near-optimal control of linear multiparameter singularly perturbed systems
 Mukaidani, H.; Shimomura, T.; Hua Xu, Page(s): 2051- 2057

Design of proportional-integral observer for unknown input descriptor systems
 Koenig, D.; Mammar, S., Page(s): 2057- 2062

Gain of double integrators with saturation nonlinearity
  Goncalves, J.M., Page(s): 2063- 2068

Smooth output feedback stabilization of planar systems without controllable/
observable linearization
Chunjiang Qian; Wei Lin, Page(s): 2068- 2073

Observer-based fault detection and isolation for structured systems
Commault, C.; Dion, J.-M.; Sename, O.; Motyeian, R., Page(s): 2074- 2079

Singularly perturbed analysis of chattering in relay control systems
Fridman, L.M., Page(s): 2079- 2084
Two-channel decentralized integral-action controller design
 Gundes, A.N.; Ozguler, A.B.,  Page(s): 2084- 2088

Robust H/infin/ control for uncertain stochastic systems with state delay
  Shengyuan Xu; Tongwen Chen, Page(s): 2089- 2094

New stabilization criteria for linear time-varying systems with state delay
and norm-bounded uncertainties
 Phat, V.N., Page(s): 2095- 2098
Discrete-time systems with monotonic step responses and complex conjugate
poles and zeros
 Leon de la Barra, B.A.; Salazar, F.J., Page(s): 2098- 2101

A switching controller for the output feedback stabilization of uncertain
interval plants via sliding modes
 Corradini, M.L.; Orlando, G., Page(s): 2101- 2107

A spectral factorization approach for H/infin/ estimation problems in
discrete time
 Colaneri, P.; Ferrante, A.,Page(s): 2108- 2113

Conservatism of randomized structured singular value
 Toker, O.,Page(s): 2113- 2116

Analytic stability margin design for unstable and nonminimum-phase plants
Ferrante, A.; Krajewski, W.; Lepschy, A.; Viaro, U., Page(s): 2117- 2121

Optimal symmetric H/sub 2/ controllers for systems with collocated sensors
and actuators
Guang-Hong Yang; Li Qiu, Page(s): 2121- 2125

Author Index, Page(s): 2126- 2133
Subject Index, Page(s): 2134- 2156

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume 363, Pages 1-334 (1 April 2003)

Special Issue on Nonnegative matrices, M-matrices and their generalizations, 
on the occasion of the workshop held at Oberwolfach, November 26 - December 
2, 2000.

Special Eitors: Daniel Hershkowitz, Judith J. McDonald, Reinhard Nabben

Special Issue on Nonnegative matrices, M-matrices and their generalizations,  
Page 1
Daniel Hershkowitz, Judith J. McDonald, Reinhard Nabben

Perron eigenvector of the Tsetlin matrix, Pages 3-16
R. B. Bapat

The maximal cp-rank of rank k completely positive matrices, Pages 17-33
F. Barioli and A. Berman

Minimal representations of inverted Sylvester and Lyapunov operators, Pages 
Tobias Damm

Newton's method for concave operators with resolvent positive derivatives
in ordered Banach spaces, Pages 43-64
T. Damm and D. Hinrichsen

Conditions for strict inequality in comparisons of spectral radii of
splittings of different matrices, Pages 65-80 
Ludwig Elsner,AndreasFrommer, Reinhard Nabben, Hans Schneider and Daniel B. 

On the spectra of close-to-Schwarz matrices, Pages 81-88
Ludwig Elsner and Daniel Hershkowitz

On spectra of expansion graphs and matrix polynomials, Pages 89-101
K. -H. Forster and B. Nagy

Intervals of almost totally positive matrices, Pages 103-108
Jurgen Garloff

On the roots of certain polynomials arising from the analysis of the
Nelder-Mead simplex method, Pages 109-124
Lixing Han, Michael Neumann and Jianhong Xu

Generalized M-matrices and ordered Banach algebras, Pages 125-131
Gerd Herzog

On the class of Dk-symmetrizable matrices, Pages 133-145
Sawomir Jenek, Tomasz Szulc and Frank Uhlig

On the relative position of multiple eigenvalues in the spectrum of an
Hermitian matrix with a given graph, Pages 147-159 
Charles R. Johnson, Antonio Leal Duarte, Carlos M. Saiago, Brian D. Sutton
and Andrew J. Witt

CP rank of completely positive matrices of order 5, Pages 161-176
Raphael Loewy and Bit-Shun Tam

Convergence theory of some classes of iterative aggregation/disaggregation
methods for computing stationary probability vectors of stochastic
matrices, Pages 177-200
Ivo Marek and Petr Mayer

On the fixed points of the interval function [f]([x])=[A][x]+[b], Pages 201-
Gunter Mayer and Ingo Warnke

The peripheral spectrum of a nonnegative matrix, Pages 217-235
Judith J. McDonald

On P-matrices, Pages 237-250
Siegfried M. Rump

Perron-Frobenius theory for complex matrices, Pages 251-273
Siegfried M. Rump

Exponents of nonnegative matrix pairs, Pages 275-293
Bryan L. Shader and Saib Suwilo

Linear equations over cones and Collatz-Wielandt numbers, Pages 295-332
Bit-Shun Tam and Hans Schneider

Author index, Pages 333-334
List of editors, Pages ii-iii

Contributed by: Lars Imsland, 

Contents: Modeling, Identification and Control (MIC)
Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2003

I. Solberg, "Wave Detection and Characterization from Current 
  and Voltage Signals of an Aluminium Smelting Cell" ........   3 

D. A. Moldestad and S. Løset, "The Ski Base Structure 
  Analyser (SSA)" ...........................................  15

R. Davidrajuh and B. Hussein, "Modeling Logic Systems with 
  Structured Array-based Logic" .............................  27

D. Zyryanov, J. Haarpaintner and R. Korsnes, "Storfjorden 
  (Svalbard): Modeling of the Polynya Development and the Sea 
  Ice Ridging Process" ......................................  37

T. Kristiansen, "Utilizing MATPOWER in Optimal Power Flow" ..  49

Accumulated index and more information about MIC is available at 

MIC is now available online for subscribers and for others on a 
pay-per-view basis, at EBSCO Online, 

Contributed by: Sabine Van Huffel, 

LAA Special Issue: Signal Processing and Image Processing

Call for Papers:
Special Issue on Linear Algebra in Signal and Image Processing.

This special issue aims to show how Linear Algebra provides the required
mathematical tools for developing and analyzing novel algorithms for signal
and image processing and tackling the underlying computational issues. This
issue is open for all papers with significant new results in Signal and Image
Processing where either linear algebraic methods play an important role or
new tools and problems of linear algebraic nature for these areas and applied
fields are presented. Also survey papers are very welcome. Papers must meet
the publication standards of Linear Algebra and Its Applications and will be
refereed in the usual way.

The deadline for submission of papers is 31 March 2003, and the
special issue is expected to be published in the spring of 2004.
Papers should be sent to any of its special editors:
        Sabine Van Huffel
        Department of Electrical Engineering, ESAT-SCD(SISTA)
        Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
        Kasteelpark Arenberg 10
        B-3001 LEUVEN-HEVERLEE
        E-mail : Sabine.VanHuffel@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

        Per Christian Hansen
        Informatics and Mathematical Modelling
        Technical University of Denmark
        Building 321
        DK-2800 Lyngby
        Email: pch@imm.dtu.dk

        Peter Maass
        Zentrum fuer Technomathematik
        Universitaet Bremen
        Fachbereich 3
        Postfach 33 04 40
        D-28334 Bremen
        E-mail: pmaass@math.uni-bremen.de

Contributed by: Aghalaya S. Vatsala, 

New Journal: Int Journal of Hybrid Systems

V. Lakshmikantham  
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Florida Institute of Technology
Melbourne, Fl 32901, U. S. A
Managing Editor 
Aghalaya S. Vatsala
Department of Mathematics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette 
Lafayette, LA 70504, U. S. A 
Aims and Scope of the Journal

The International Journal of Hybrid Systems is an English language journal 
published quarterly on research in this important and growing area. Hybrid 
systems arise in modeling of a variety of real world phenomena as well as in 
the context of control theory, engineering and computer science. Also, hybrid 
dynamic systems concerning qualitative behavior, periodicity, stability and 
bifurcation are most welcome.Questions related to the issues of multi-scale 
analysis and numerical analysis in the simulation of such systems are invited 
as well. The journal features papers on theory, modeling, design and 
implementation of hybrid systems from various disciplines such as 
mathematics, computer science and engineering. Original research papers 
demonstrating the relevance and applicability of hybrid systems as well as 
survey papers of an expository nature are invited. 

Address for submissions and subscriptions:
Professor A. S. Vatsala
Department of Mathematics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette 
Lafayette, LA 70504, U. S. A
E-Mail: vatsala@louisiana.edu

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Contributed by: Li Yu, 

5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation
June, 2004
Hangzhou, China

Call for Papers
The World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA) is now a
bi-annual event and a major control event held in China. The 5th WCICA 
(WCICA'04) will be held in Hangzhou of China in June, 2004. The conference
will provide worldwide researchers, engineers and professionals excellent
opportunities to get together and exchange their findings and views. The 
conference will focus on both theory and applications. In addition to the
technical sessions, there will be plenary and invited sessions. All the 
submissions will be reviewed and accepted ones will be included in the 
conference proceedings. Topics include but are not limited to:
System and Control Theory. Nonlinear Systems. Large-Scale Systems. Hybrid
Systems and DEDS.  Distributed Control Systems. Modeling, Identification,
and Estimation. Advanced Control (Adaptive Control, Variable Control, Robust
Control, H-infi Control). Optimal Control and Optimaization. Nonlinear
Control. Fault Diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Neural
Networks. Fuzzy Algoriths, Genetic Algoriths and Evolutionary Computing.
Intelligent Control, Fuzzy Control, Learning Control. CIMS and Manufacturing
Systems.   Intelligent Scheduling and Planning, ERP and MES. Simulation and
CAD, Modeling, Control and Optimization of Industrial Processes. Sensor,
Measurement and Intelligent Instruments. Motion Control. Intelligent Robot.
Power Systems. Human-Machine Systems. Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Environmental and Bio-engineering. Applications in Various Fields

Prospective authors are invited to submit 3 copies of the full paper in 
Chinese or English to the congress secretariat. Softcopy submission by email 
is acceptable. The cover page should contain: Paper title, authors name, 
affiliation, address, telephone number, E-mail address of corresponding 
author, abstract, 3-5 keywords and the suggested technical area (e.g.
Intelligent Control). Proposals for topics of special sessions are especially 
encouraged. A proposal should contain the title of the sessions, a list of at 
least 5 contributions with titles and full papers, together with abstracts 
completely according to the above instructions.

Submission of manuscript and invited session proposals: 1 November 2003
Notification of Acceptance: 31 December 2003

The Secretariat, WCICA'04
National Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou 310027, China
Tel:  (86)-571-87951887,87950069
E-mail: wcica2004@iipc.zju.edu.cn 

Contributed by: Danny Abramovitch, 

ACC 2004: Call for Invited Tutorial Sessions

Tutorials are a two-hour Invited Sessions in the American Control Conference
(ACC) designed to integrate practice and theory and to educate attendees on
an important technology. These sessions are especially intended for attendees
from industry who apply control as a tool in the "real world" and can relate
to the issues that face the practitioner (such as personnel training,
compatibility with maintenance practices, impact on ISO9000, getting
management buy-in, etc.) These sessions begin with an hour-long "teaching"
presentation on a technology that is relatively new, but proven to some
extent in industrial practice. The one-hour teaching presentation is followed
by: three 20-minute, four 15-minute or five 12-minute presentations revealing
industrial applications.

The tutorial presenter will be a recognized expert who has both
academic and industrial credibility, who can present the technological
concepts and implementation issues in an easily understandable manner,
and who can satisfy questioners from both the theoretical and the
practice community.  Questions from the audience should be encouraged
throughout the tutorial presentation. The tutorial paper will be
allowed 15 pages in the proceedings. (There is currently a plan being
developed to collect and publish the tutorial papers as a book by the
American Automatic Control Council (AACC), the ACC sponsor.)

The 3-5 shorter presentations will reveal results and issues from the
current state of the art including a focus on industrial implementations of
the technology. The industrial/commercial representatives should comment on
needs for continued technology development. While submission of a paper
(short or full) will be encouraged from these presenters, this will neither
be required nor expected so as to accommodate the publication issues within
many businesses.

Quality of the Tutorial Sessions is of primary importance.  The tutorial
organizer will submit the proposal for review to the Vice Chair for Industry
and Applications with the following elements:

1. Tutorial Session Form (from the ACC web page) with the complete names,
   titles, addresses, (postal, email, phone, and fax) of each presenter;
2. Manuscript Submission Forms (from the ACC web page);
3. Justification of the session, that argues for the relevance of the
   topic, the benefit of presenting it to the ACC;
4. Tutorial presenter qualifications;
5. Draft of tutorial manuscript (including figures) of substantial length
   so the reviewers can judge its completeness, quality, and utility; and
6. Summary of each of the 12, 15 or 20 minute industrial presentations
   (500-1000 word abstract, figures).

The submission deadline for Tutorial Sessions for the 2004 ACC is
September 15, 2003.  Potential organizers may wish to contact the Vice
Chair for Industry and Applications earlier, to be sure that the
proposal will comply with ACC needs. That Vice Chair is
 Dr. Daniel Y. Abramovitch
 Agilent Laboratories
 3500 Deer Creek Road, MS: 25U-9,
 Palo Alto, CA 94304
 Tel: (650) 485-3806, Email: danny@labs.agilent.com.

Contributed by: Herve Gueguen, 

IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
June 16-18, 2003
Saint-Malo - 
Brittany - France - EU

Call for Participation

The aim of the IFAC ADHS03 conference is to bring together researchers 
and practitioners with background in control, computer science and power 
electronics in order to provide a survey of the advances in the field of
hybrid systems and of their ability to take up the challenge of analysis,
design and verification of efficent and reliable control systems.

The review process is now finishing and the program of the conference will
soon be available on the web site of the conference

Contributed by: Janos Gertler, 

IFAC Symposium: Safeprocess 2003

5th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and
Safety of Technical Processes
  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel
  Arlington, VA
  June 9-11, 2003

Call for Participation

    Fault detection and diagnosis in linear/nonlinear systems
    Model-based methods using observers, parity relations and identification
    Statistical methods in fault diagnosis
    Qualitative and hybrid modeling
    Fault tolerant control and system design
    System monitoring and supervision

Plenary speakers:
    Michele Basseville
    Salvador Mir
    Johan de Kleer
    Michel Kinnaert

About 200 regular papers in invited and contributed sessions
Advance registration deadline: April 15
Registration fees: 
    full registration advance/late:    /
    student registration advance/late: /

For the advance program and registration details, please see
or write to

Contributed by: Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, 

IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems
INRIA, Rocquencourt, France 
September 8-10, 2003
contacts: tds03@inria.fr

This IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems is the fourth of the series, after
Grenoble (France, 1998), Ancona (Italy, 2000) and Santa Fe (USA, 2001).
The present meeting will be held in Rocquencourt, 20km from Paris (France).

The objective of the organizers to bring together specialists of the field,
considered in the most extensive sense. High-level contributions on the many
aspects of control of delay systems, ranging from theroretical to
applications, are solicited. Contributions on related domains (including e.g.
2-D and n-D systems, control of uncertain systems, etc) will be considered
with great interest, provided they present explicitly their relations with
delay systems. Industrial participations are welcome.

	Submission Deadline:	     March 30, 2003
	Notification of Acceptance:  June 15, 2003
	Final Manuscripts:	     July 20, 2003

Sponsored by  IFAC Technical Committee on Linear Systems 
Co-sponsored by IFAC Technical Committee on Nonlinear Systems 
Co-sponsored by IFAC Technical Committee on Robust Control 
Local sponsors: SEE and INRIA
With the support of: CNRS

For more details, consult the website at http://www.inria.fr/tds03.html

Contributed by: Wei Wang, 

New Technologies for Automation of Metallurgical Industry

IFAC Workshop on
New Technologies for Automation of Metallurgical Industry
Shanghai, China, October 11-13, 2003

Sponsored by
 IFAC - International Federation of Automatic Control 
 Technical Committee on Automation in Mining Mineral and Metal Processing 

International Program Committee Chair and Vice-Chair
 Chair: S-L Jamsa-Jounela (Finland) 
 Vice-Chair: Wei Wang (China)
 Vice-Chair: Sang-Chul Won (Korea)

Call for Papers
The workshop aims at providing researchers and practitioners with a forum to 
report on recent developments in the technologies and method and their 
applications for automation of metallurgical industry in order to face the 
challenge of complex industrial process measurement, modeling, control, 
scheduling, management and optimization. The emphasis is placed on practical 
use of those technologies and method, but such theoretical researches as 
accompanied with appropriate practical experience / consideration are also 

Draft paper should be submitted electronically. For electronic submission, 
paper must comply with the IFAC format and should not exceed 6 two-column 
pages. For detailed formatting instructions, see the IFAC publications web 
site: www.elsevier.com/locate/ifac

Call for Invited Sessions 
Each invited session may include four to six papers with a well-defined 
cohesive focus on a topic relevant to the workshop. The proposal should 
contain the title and aim of the session and list of papers together with 
abstracts, the names, affiliations, addresses, phone and fax numbers, and 
e-mail addresses of authors. The proposal should be sent to the IPC 
secretariat electronically not later than 31 March, 2003.

IPC Secretariat Address
Prof. Wei Wang
Dalain University of Technology
Research Center of Information and Control
Dalain, 116024 P.R.China 
Phone: +86-411-4707580, Fax: +86-4114707579 
E-mail: wangwei@dlut.edu.cn

Due dates 
31 March, 2003 Submission of draft papers and session proposals 
31 May, 2003 Notification of acceptance 
31 July, 2003 Submission of camera-ready papers

Contributed by: Ed Boje, 

Symposium on Quantitative Feedback Theory and Robust Frequency Domain Methods

To be held in conjunction with the African Control Conference 
3-5 December 2003, Cape Town, South Africa (http://www.sacac.org.za)

The symposium series brings together practitioners and researchers in the 
field of quantitative feedback theory (QFT) and robust frequency domain 
design methods. It aims to promote the development of these methods and their 
practical application. Application, tutorial, and theoretical papers are 
invited. (More general papers in control engineering can be submitted to the 
main conference.)

Cape Town is situated at the southern tip of Africa and has a Mediterranean 
climate that makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the 
world. The conference venue is the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School 
of Business, situated in the renovated Breakwater Prison near the Cape Town 

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