E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 172, December, 2002

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 172, December, 2002

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
      Submission deadline for January eletter: December 31, 2002


0.	Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	Change of Address: Yu-Chu Tian

2.	Awards Honors
	2.1	2003 SIAM Student Paper Prizes
	2.2	Nominations for CSS Awards
	2.3	Ralph E. Kleinman Prize SIAM
	2.4	SIAM/ACM Prize in CS and E
	2.5	W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize SIAM

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	Applied Control Techniques Training Course
	3.2	Fire at the University of Twente
	3.3	IEEE-CSS Working Group on Interval Methods for Control
	3.4	LS-SVMlab Toolbox Announcement
	3.5	Workshop: Design and Opt of Restricted Complexity Controllers

4.	Positions
	4.1	Chair: Elect and Syst Engineering Washington Univ St. Louis USA
	4.2	Faculty: Colorado School of Mines USA
	4.3	Faculty: Karlstad University Sweden
	4.4	Faculty: National Taiwan University
	4.5	Faculty: University of Michigan USA
	4.6	Faculty: University of Wisconsin USA
	4.7	Faculty: Washington State University USA
	4.8	Faculty (Aero): University of Colorado at Boulder USA
	4.9	Faculty (ECE): University of Colorado at Boulder USA
	4.10	Masters Phd: Concordia University Canada
	4.11	Ph.D: City University of Hong Kong
	4.12	PhD: Brunel University U.K.
	4.13	PhD: Delft Univ of Technology Netherlands
	4.14	PhD: Technical Univ of Catalunya Spain
	4.15	PhD Postdoc: Delft Univ of Technology Netherland
	4.16	Postdoc: Lund Institute of Technology Sweden
	4.17	Postdoc: UNSW - ADFA Australia
	4.18	Research Assoc: University of Glasgow Scotland
	4.19	Research Fellow: Univ of Sydney Australia

5.	Books
	5.1	Control and Modeling of Complex Systems
	5.2	Fuzzy Model Identification for Control
	5.3	Interaction Control of Robot Manipulators
	5.4	Lanczos Algorithms for Large Symmetric Eigenvalue Computations
	5.5	Least Squares Support Vector Machines
	5.6	Stochastic Theory and Control

6.	Journals
	6.1	CFP: Special Issues of Asian J. Control
	6.2	Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics
	6.3	Contents: Asian Journal of Control
	6.4	Contents: Automatica
	6.5	Contents: European Journal of Control
	6.6	Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology
	6.7	Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
	6.8	Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

7.	Conferences
	7.1	4th Int Conf on Control and Automation
	7.2	Conference on Control Applications - CCA 2003
	7.3	Conference on Positive Systems
	7.4	International Conference on Advanced Robotics
	7.5	Learning Adaptation and Approx in Evolutionary Computation
	7.6	MTNS 2004
	7.7	Soft Computing Days in Istanbul
	7.8	Symposium on Fractional Derivatives and Their Applications

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Welcome to the 172-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of January 2002.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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Contributed by: Yu-Chu Tian, 

Change of Address: Yu-Chu Tian

I have taken an academic position in QUT School of Software Eng & Data 
Communications. My new contact details are as follows:

Dr. Yu-Chu Tian
School of Software Eng & Data Communications
Queensland University of Technology
GPO Box 2434, Brisbane QLD 4001

E-Mail: y.tian@qut.edu.au
Phone:  +61-7-3864 2240
Fax:    +61-7-3864 1801
School URL: http://dc.qut.edu.au/sedc/

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                          Awards Honors
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Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

2003 SIAM Student Paper Prizes

The 2003 SIAM Student Paper Prizes will be presented at the First Joint 
Meeting of CAIMS and SIAM, 24th Annual Meeting of CAIMS/SCMAI, 2003 SIAM 
Annual Meeting to be held in Montreal, Canada, June 16 - 20, 2003.

-Principal Guidelines-
The SIAM Student Paper Prizes are awarded every year to the student author(s) 
of the most outstanding paper(s) submitted to the SIAM Student Paper 
Competition.  This award is based solely on the merit and content of the 
student's contribution to the submitted paper.  Up to three papers will be 
selected for the prizes.

The purpose of the Student Paper Prizes is to recognize outstanding 
scholarship by students in applied mathematics and scientific computing.

-Selection Procedures-

Eligibility is restricted to students in good standing who have not received 
their Ph.D. at the time of submitting their entry or who have completed their 
degree within one year of submission of their entry.

Submissions may be based on co-authored papers, provided that the student's 
advisor will attest that the student's work played a pivotal role in the 
results.  A letter from the student's advisor or department chair must 
accompany each entry to verify these conditions.

To enter the competition, a student must submit: (1) an extended abstract, in 
English, of a paper, and (2) a short biography.  The total length of the 
submitted abstract (including bibliography) may not exceed five pages.  The 
student also must submit (3) the complete paper, which will be used for 
clarification of any questions the committee may have about the extended 
abstract.  In addition, the student's advisor or an interested faculty member 
must submit (4) a letter describing and evaluating the paper's contribution 
to the literature and the student's role in the scholarship.

For the 2003 award, all papers and accompanying documentation must be 
received at the SIAM office by FEBRUARY 14, 2003. 

Notification of Prize Winners
The SIAM President will notify the recipient(s) at least six weeks before the 
award date. Each recipient is required to present his or her paper at the
meeting where the prizes are awarded; if attending the meeting poses a
serious hardship, an exception may be granted by the SIAM President.

Description of the Award
Each recipient of the SIAM Student Paper Prize shall receive a framed 
certificate and a cash award of $1,000.  Winners also receive $500 toward 
travel expenses and gratis registration for the meeting.

Please direct your submission and any questions you may have to Joanna 
Littleton at SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 
19104-2688; telephone (215) 382-9800; e-mail to littleton@siam.org

Contributed by: Panos Antsaklis, 

Nominations for CSS Awards
Control Systems Society sponsored IEEE Awards Deadline

Please note that JANUARY 31st, 2003 is the deadline for nominations for
the 2003 IEEE awards sponsored by the Control Systems Society:
the IEEE Control Systems Field Award,
and the IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award.

Nominations may be submitted using the web (follow the link on the Control 
Systems Society website http://www.ieeecss.org/awards/).

Also note that the Deadline for the IEEE Fellow nominations is March 15.
Check the CSS awards website (http://www.ieeecss.org/awards/) for the 
deadlines of the AACC and the IFAC awards.

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

Ralph E. Kleinman Prize, SIAM

SIAM will present the Ralph E. Kleinman Prize at the First Joint Meeting of 
CAIMS and SIAM, 24th Annual Meeting of CAIMS/SCMAI, 2003 SIAM Annual Meeting 
to be held in Montreal, Canada, June 16-20, 2003. The prize is awarded to an
individual for outstanding research or other contributions that bridge the
gap between mathematics & applications. Work that uses high-level mathematics 
and/or invents new mathematical tools to solve applied problems from 
engineering, science, and technology is particularly appropriate.  The prize 
may be awarded for a single notable achievement or for a collection of such 

Any member of the scientific community who meets the general criteria for the 
prize is eligible to receive the award.

Description of the Award
The award will consist of a hand-calligraphed, framed certificate and a cash 
award of $5,000 plus travel expenses to the meeting.

A letter of nomination, including a curriculum vitae and description of the 
achievement(s), should be sent to the following address.  You are encouraged 
to send electronic files via e-mail.  Supporting letters are welcome.  
Nominations must be received in the SIAM office by February 14, 2003.

Ralph E. Kleinman Prize Selection Committee
 Professor Robert V. Kohn, Chair 
 c/o Joanna Littleton 
 3600 University City Science Center
 Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
 Telephone:  215-382-9800 ext. 303
 Fax:  215-386-7999
 E-mail:  littleton@siam.org

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

The SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science & Engineering

The joint SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science & Engineering will be 
presented at the First Joint Meeting of CAIMS and SIAM, 24th Annual Meeting 
of CAIMS/SCMAI, 2003 SIAM Annual Meeting to be held in Montreal, Canada, June 
16-20, 2003.

The prize, established in 2002, is awarded in the area of computational 
science in recognition of outstanding contributions to the development and 
use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for the solution of 
science and engineering problems.  The prize is intended to recognize one 
individual for outstanding research contributions to the field of 
computational science and engineering.  The contribution(s) for which the 
award is made must be publicly available and may belong to any aspect of 
computational science in its broadest sense.

There are no restrictions on eligibility beyond those specified above.

Description of Award
The award consists of a certificate and a cash prize.

Nominations may be made by anyone, including members of the selection 
committee.  It is the responsibility of the nominator to provide all relevant 
information to the selection committee, including a resume and any letter(s) 
of support.  In case his or her nominee will be chosen, the nominator will 
also be asked to provide the draft of a citation of about 100 words that can 
be read at the award ceremony.

Nominations should be sent to the SIAM office at the address below.  
Nominations must be received by March 14, 2003.
 Professor Linda Petzold
 Chair, CS&E Prize
 c/o Joanna Littleton
 3600 University City Science Center
 Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
 Telephone:  215-382-9800 ext. 303
 Fax:  215-386-7999
 E-mail:  littleton@siam.org

Contributed by: Joanna Littleton, 

W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize, SIAM

SIAM will present the W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize at the First Joint Meeting 
of CAIMS and SIAM, 24th Annual Meeting of CAIMS/SCMAI, 2003 SIAM Annual 
Meeting to be held in Montreal, Canada, June 16-20, 2003.  The award will be 
given for research in, or other contributions to, the broadly defined areas 
of differential equations and control theory. The prize may be given either
for a single notable achievement or for a collection of such achievements.

The prize is awarded to any member of the scientific community who meets the 
general guidelines of the prize description above.

Description of Award
The award consists of an engraved medal and a $10,000 cash prize.

A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s), should be 
sent to the address below.  Nominations must be received in the SIAM office 
by January 31, 2003.

 Professor John A. Burns
 Chair, Reid Prize Selection Committee
 c/o Joanna Littleton
 3600 University City Science Center
 Philadelphia, PA   19104-2688
 Telephone:  215-382-9800 ext. 303
 Fax:  215-386-7999
 E-mail:  littleton@siam.org

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: H.H. Eder, 

Applied Control Techniques Training Course
March 17 - 21, 2002,  Brussels, Belgium

This is a training course for process control and operations professionals on 
practical use of basic and advanced controls and performance optimization. 
Newcomers gain extensive, sound knowledge in the practical and most effective 
use of standard and advanced techniques and experienced users the extra know-
how for handling complex and difficult situations and to achieve better 
performance in shorter time. The course is fully practice oriented and 
delivers exceptional know-how in an easy understandable way, with many 
examples of successful applications but also pitfalls and their resolutions. 
It covers also special, little known techniques that are simple but powerful. 
Many realistic PC exercises with our award winning software TOPAS deepen the 
understanding. All work is done in small groups with an exceptionally 
experienced instructor.

Main topics:  Process dynamics, measurements & signals, sampling & filtering, 
basic control concepts.  PID principles: configuration, tuning (load/ 
setpoint, tight/average level control), single loop vs. cascade control,
advanced PID topics, feedforward, constraint, multivariable, inferential 
control, RGA, introduction to model based control, optimization, incentive
calculation, application design and implementation, performance analysis.

For more information see http://www.act-control.com  
Hans H. Eder
ACT - Brussesl office, 
Phone & fax (+32)-2-767-0895, 
e-mail: actgmbh@compuserve.com  

Contributed by: Hans Zwart, 

Fire at the University of Twente

On Wednesday November 20, a big fire destroyed half of our building.
Our group (chair A. Bagchi and A. van der Schaft) was housed in the 
part of the building which was completely destroyed. This means that 
basically all our papers, books, computers, etc. are lost. The back-up 
of the computer system is in a fire-protected safe, but it can take 
a while before it is clear how much and what survived the disaster. 
We already thank all our colleagues for their warmhearted responses.

We would like to ask the applicants for Ph.D. positions, like the
projects ERACIS and ADHOC, and who did not yet receive a definite
answer from us, to apply again.

On behalf of the systems and control group,

Hans Zwart, h.j.zwart@math.utwente.nl

Contributed by: Josep Vehi, 

IEEE-CSS Working Group on Interval Methods for Control

A new working group on "Interval Methods for Control" has been started. The
group is part the IEEE Control Systems Society technical committee on 
Computer Aided Control System Design. 

The group will be devoted to cover research and software development 
activities in the field of Interval Methods and their applications to Control.
A very informative home page for this Action Group has been launch at 
http://eia.udg.es/ieee_interval/ , with links to active groups, current 
projects, available software and people working in this field.

The goal of this site is to provide a convenient entry point into the world 
of interval methods and software for control. It provides links giving access
to the up-to-date and most important information resources related to the 
topic: research projects that are underway, research groups and individuals
who are active in the field, selected papers and software. It also provides
the latest news about conferences, workshops, special issues and the like. 

The current home page is still a preliminary and incomplete one. Comments,
news, suggestions and contributions are very welcome.
 Josep Vehi
 MICELab (http://eia.udg.es/mice)
 University of Girona. Campus Montilivi. Edifici P4.
 17071 Girona, Spain 
 Tel: +34 972 418 495
 Fax: +34 972 418 976

Contributed by: Kristiaan Peckmans, 

LS-SVMlab Toolbox Announcement

We are glad to announce LS-SVMlab:
Least Squares - Support Vector Machines Matlab/C Toolbox

. Matlab LS-SVMlab1.4 - Linux and Windows Matlab/C code
. Basic and advanced versions
. Functional and object oriented interface
Tutorial User's Guide (100pp.):
. Examples and demos
. Matlab functions with help
Solving and handling:
. Classification, Regression
. Tuning, cross-validation, fast loo,
  receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves
. Small and unbalanced data sets
. High dimensional input data
. Bayesian framework with three levels of inference
. Probabilistic interpretations, error bars
. hyperparameter selection, automatic relevance determination (ARD)
  input selection, model comparison
. Multi-class encoding/decoding
. Sparseness
. Robustness, robust weighting, robust cross-validation
. Time series prediction
. Fixed size LS-SVM, Nystrom method,
  kernel principal component analayis (kPCA), ridge regression
. Unsupervised learning
. Large scale problems

Related links, publications, presentations and book:
Contact: LS-SVMlab@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

LS-SVMlab is released under GNU General Public License. See website for more.

Contributed by: I.D. Landau, 

Workshop: Design and Opt of Restricted Complexity Controllers

Within the research program "Control- New domains and Challenges" sponsored 
by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (C.N.R.S.), an 
International workshop dedicated to "Design and optimization of restricted 
complexity controllers" will be held in Grenoble on January 15 and 16, 2003 
in Grenoble.

The objective of the workshop is to give a view of the current state of 
the art in the design and optimisation of restricted complexity controllers. 
All steps of a control design problem from data acquisition, modeling and 
identification, robust controller design, controller evaluation and final 
tuning in relation with the objective of obtaining the simplest controller 
which will achieve the desired performance will be discussed. Results on a 
related real- time benchmark problem (control of an active suspension) 
obtained by various contributors will also be presented. 

The list of invited speakers will be made available end of October 2002.(most 
of the speakers  will be selected among those who submitted papers to the 
European Journal of Control special issue "Design and optimisation of 
restricted complexity controllers" - to appears in 2003).  A round table is 
scheduled as well as a demonstration of the active suspension (the benchmark).

The scientific commitee of this workshop is composed of I.D. Landau (Grenoble)
A. Karimi(Lausanne), H. Hjalmarsson (Stockholm).

Those interested in attending the workshop should contact I.D. Landau
(landau@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr). A dedicated  web site will be opened on
November 1st, 2002( http://www-lag.ensieg.inpg.fr/landau/workshop).

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Contributed by: Chris Byrnes, 

Chair: Elect and Syst Engineering, Washington Univ, St. Louis, USA

The School of Engineering and Applied Science of Washington University in St. 
Louis announces the search for a Chair of the Department of Electrical and 
Systems Engineering. The merger of one of the oldest Departments of 
Electrical Engineering in the country and a unique Department of Systems 
Science and Mathematics to form this department will officially occur on July 
1, 2003.  The Department Chair will have a great opportunity to shape the 
future of this new department with a strong emphasis on research. The 
candidate should be an individual of recognized intellectual attainment with 
a doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering or Systems Science or a related 
field. He or she is expected to be able to develop a strategic plan for the 
future of the new department that will be developed and implemented in 
cooperation with the faculty.  This plan should include: faculty development 
for assisting current faculty; a proposal for identifying, hiring and 
mentoring new faculty; selection of key research areas; assistance for 
locating external funding sources; programs for attracting graduate and 
undergraduate students; further improving the existing curriculum, and 
planning for a new building. In support of this plan, the School of 
Engineering and Applied Science is pledging at least four open endowed chairs 
to be filled in the process of growing this important and exciting 
department, half of which will be used to attract promising new faculty and 
half of which will be used to retain distinguished faculty. There are also 
four endowed senior professorships available to assist in the restructuring 
of the merged department. In addition, there has been a leadership gift of $8 
million to begin construction on a new building for the department to support 
a new strategic initiative.

The candidate should have a record of outstanding scholarly research, the 
development of sufficient research funding to sustain a program with high 
impact, teaching ability and management skills. The two departments presently 
have 18 full-time regular faculty, four senior faculty, and 10 adjunct and 21 
affiliate faculty. There are 100 undergraduates, 70 full-time graduate 
students, and 50 part-time graduate students.  There are a number of research 
and instructional laboratories in the two departments. The School of 
Engineering and Applied Science is part of Washington University, a medium-
size private university of high academic standing. The U.S. News & World 
Report ranks Washington University as 12th best in the nation. The University 
is located in an urban location with many cultural and recreational 

It is preferred that the Chair assumes the position starting July 1, 2003 but 
applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The candidate 
should send a curriculum vitae with a list of publications and with full 
contact information for at least three referees to the chair of the search 
Professor David Peters
Chair and McDonnell-Douglas Professor of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis, MO 63130
E-mail: dap@me.wustl.edu
Phone:  (314) 935-4337

Washington University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Employer and 
encourages applications from women and minorities.

Contributed by: Tyrone Vincent, 

Faculty: Colorado School of Mines, USA

The Colorado School of Mines invites applications for a tenure-track or mid-
career faculty position in the Division of Engineering. The position, 
commensurate with the candidate's qualifications, is anticipated to be at the 
Assistant or Associate Professor level position. Candidates for the position 
must have a strong background in electrical engineering as it is applied to 
telecommunications, preferably in one or more of the following areas: 
communications and signal processing, wireless communications, networking, 
compression, and ancillary technical areas.

The Division of Engineering offers a nontraditional, ABET accredited 
undergraduate degree in Engineering, together with M.S. and Ph.D. degree 
programs in Engineering Systems. Both programs are purposely 
interdisciplinary. The undergraduate program offers specialties in civil, 
electrical, environmental and mechanical engineering. At the graduate level, 
the program seeks depth at the interfaces between the more traditional 
engineering and science disciplines. Interdisciplinary collaboration across 
campus is also strongly encouraged. The Denver metropolitan area is home to 
numerous telecommunications firms, and the state has targeted this field for 
educational growth. In response, CSM has a new initiative to build core 
strength in telecommunications engineering. Several faculty in the 
Engineering Division work in related areas, including an endowed chair in 
telecommunications. More information about the school and the division can be 
found at http://egweb.mines.edu.

Candidates must have a doctoral degree in engineering or applied science, 
with at least one degree in electrical or related engineering. They must have 
a clear commitment to excellence in interdisciplinary engineering education 
at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Preference will be given to 
candidates who have an established record of scholarly accomplishments and/or 
funded research. Applications including a curriculum vita, statement of 
research and teaching interests, and the names and addresses of three 
references should be sent to:

Colorado School of Mines
Office of Human Resources
EE – Telecommunications
Search # 02-011800
1500 Illinois St.
Golden, CO 80401
Fax 303-384-2025

For first consideration, applications should be received on or before January 
15, 2003. CSM is an EE/AA employer. CSM is committed to enhancing the 
diversity of its faculty and staff, and encourages applications from women, 
minorities, veterans, and people with disabilities.

Contributed by: Magnus Mossberg, 

Faculty: Karlstad University, Sweden

The Electrical Engineering Department within the Division for Information
Technology at Karlstad University seeks a Professor in Automatic Control to
head a growing research group. A successful candidate is expected to have a
significant record of research activities, strong administrative and
interpersonal abilities, and a commitment to teaching excellence at both
undergraduate and graduate levels. 

The professor will oversee the overall research within the department, 
provide intellectual leadership to identify new research directions, support
established research strengths and maintain and establish external links. 
The Electrical Engineering Department has a close relationship with local
process industry, making Industrial Control one of its main activities. Since
Automatic Control is an area in strong expansion at Karlstad University, the
Professor will be given a unique opportunity to lead and develop the

Final date for applications: January 31, 2003. For additional information,
see: http://www.kau.se/eng/vacancies/ or contact:
Dr. Magnus Mossberg
Department of Electrical Engineering
Division for Information Technology
Karlstad University
SE-651 88 Karlstad
E-mail: Magnus.Mossberg@kau.se
Phone: +46 (0)54 700 1931

Contributed by: Min-Shin Chen, 

Faculty: National Taiwan University

The Mechanical Engineering Department at National Taiwan University is 
seeking for 1 or 2 potential faculty candidates at all levels starting in 
September 2003.  Applicants with the following backgrounds are preferred: 
System and Control, Bio-Engineering, Opto-Mechtronics, Nano Technology, MEMS, 
Signal Processing, Communication.  A PhD Degree in ME, EE, or its equivalent 
is required. All applicants should provide (1) a curriculum vitae, (2) a 
research plan, (3) a teaching plan, (4) reprints of selected publications, 
(5) undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and (6) three reference letters.  

Application deadline is Feb. 1, 2003. Send all application materials to: 
Prof. W. F. Wu, Chairman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National 
Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan.  

Questions can be emailed to Prof. M.S.Chen at mschen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw

Contributed by: Jim Freudenberg, 

Faculty: University of Michigan, USA

The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Division of the Dept. of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, invites applications for faculty
positions at all ranks in the areas of Signal Processing, Communications, and
Control.  Qualifications include an outstanding academic record, significant
involvement in research, a doctorate or equivalent, and a strong commitment to
teaching and research.  Please send resume, statement of teaching and research
interests, and three (for junior faculty) or five (for senior faculty)
references to Prof. Stephane Lafortune, EECS Department, 1301 Beal Avenue,
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-2122 or email to ecesearch@eecs.umich.edu.
The University of Michigan is a Non-Discriminatory/Affirmative Action 

Contributed by: Dan Cobb, 

Faculty: University of Wisconsin, USA

The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering invites applications for
multiple tenure-track or tenured positions in the broadly defined field of
electrical and computer engineering, beginning August 25, 2003. A Ph.D. degree
in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Physics or
a closely related field is required. The successful candidate is expected to
establish a strong, funded research program, demonstrate excellent teaching
performance, and contribute to professional and public service. Duties
include: teach and develop undergraduate and graduate courses; supervise
graduate student research; develop and direct a funded research program;
participate in faculty governance; participate in department, university,
professional and public service.

Applications are sought from outstanding candidates in a broad range of
research areas in electrical and computer engineering, including, but not
limited to, the areas of computer and communication networks; wireless and
sensor networks; advanced coding and modulation techniques; electronic design
automation; computer architecture; bioelectronics; optoelectronics; ultrafast
microelectronics; power semiconductors and integration of power electronic
modules; electric machines and advanced electromechanical energy conversion. 
Applications from individuals having research and teaching interests in
interdisciplinary areas of electrical and computer engineering are
particularly encouraged.

Candidates for Associate and Full Professor will possess academic credentials
to qualify for a tenured faculty appointment at UW-Madison  For further
information about department and programs see http://www.engr.wisc.edu/ece.

Rank and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience with
$70,000 minimum for assistant professor title (9 months).  Deadline to insure
full consideration is February 15, 2003.  Send cover letter noting area(s) of
interest, resume and names and addresses of three references to Professor
Christopher L. DeMarco, ECE Chair, Search Committee, Department of Electrical
& Computer Engineering, 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison WI  53706-1691. 
Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding the
applicants must be released upon request.  Finalists cannot be guaranteed
confidentiality.  UW-Madison is an equal opportunity employer functioning
under an affirmative action plan.  The department is strongly committed to
having a diverse faculty and student body. Applications from female and
minority candidates are strongly encouraged.

Contributed by: Ali Saberi, 

Faculty: Washington State University, USA

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) invites
applications and nominations for a tenure-track faculty position in
Electrical Engineering.  The position is in the general area of controls,
signal processing, and communications; candidates with research expertise
in control of communication networks will be preferred. Assistant professor
candidates are preferred, but candidates at all ranks will be considered.
Senior applicants must have a strong record of achievement in academia
and/or industry.  Junior applicants must have earned a PhD in Electrical
Engineering by August 16, 2003.  All candidates must have both a strong
interest in conducting publishable research and a strong commitment toward
teaching.  A record of publication in peer-reviewed journals and conference
proceedings is required.  The School offers junior faculty a reduced teaching
load for the first three years of their appointment. The successful candidate
will be expected to teach, effectively communicate and interact with students
and colleagues, conduct funded research, publish, and direct MS and PhD
student research programs.

The School of EECS has forty faculty with major research support from federal
agencies, industry, and two centers: The NSF Center for the Design of Analog-
Digital Integrated Circuits was established by the School and 3 other
universities and is supported by NSF and 28 industrial members.  The NSF
Power Systems Engineering Research Center comprises 13 universities,
including WSU, and 37 industrial members. Two State agencies, the Washington
Technology Center and the Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology
Institute, provide funding for university/industry collaboration to
promote further economic growth in the State.  The School's research
facilities are excellent, and dedicated laboratory space is available.
WSU is an Internet2 University.  To learn more about WSU, the School,
and faculty research interests, please see http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/.

Screening of applications will begin February 1, 2003, and continue
until the position is filled.  Applicants should send a cover letter
that includes a summary of their research and teaching interests, a
curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of three references
qualified to comment on the applicant's research and teaching
qualifications to: Chair, Electrical Engineering Search Committee,
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington
State University, PO Box 642752, Pullman, WA 99164-2752.  WSU is an
EO/AA educator and employer.

Contributed by: Lucy Pao, 

Faculty (Aero): University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

Applications for two tenure-track faculty positions from individuals
with interests in the general areas of remote sensing, unmanned
aerospace vehicles (UAV), and the Global Positioning System (GPS) are
sought. The Department anticipates hiring at the assistant professor
level; however, associate and full professor level will also be
considered for exceptional candidates, particularly if they
strengthen the Department in diversity. We are primarily interested
in candidates with expertise in airborne platform instrumentation,
avionics, flight controls, system engineering and their application
to our three aforementioned focus areas. Individuals with
interdisciplinary interests or who combine scientific applications
with the above technological areas are especially valued. Applicants
should show strong promise in undergraduate and graduate teaching,
research, and mentoring Ph.D. students. A Ph.D. degree in an
appropriate engineering or science discipline is required and some
postdoctoral or comparable industry experience is desired.

The Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences has 24 faculty,
approximately 175 graduate students and 370 undergraduate students,
and is located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains on a beautiful
800-acre campus. Faculty research expertise includes aerodynamics and
fluid mechanics, astrodynamics and remote sensing, GPS technology and
applications, atmospheric and oceanic sciences, computational
physics, dynamics and control, bioastronautics, space flight hardware
design, and structures and materials. Research expenditures total
about $10 million each year. Please explore
http://aerospace.colorado.edu/ for details about the Department and
our program.

Applicants should send a current CV, one-page statements of research
and teaching interests, dates available, and names of four references
to Ms Patti Gassaway, AES, 429 UCB, University of Colorado, Boulder,
CO 80309-0429. Review of applications begins on January 15, 2003,
continuing until the positions are filled.

The University of Colorado is committed to diversity and equality in
education and employment.

Contributed by: Lucy Pao, 

Faculty (ECE): University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
University of Colorado at Boulder seeks outstanding applicants for a
tenure-track faculty position beginning August 2003 in the area of
information storage and/or computer engineering. The area of
information storage includes control systems, signal processing,
and/or magnetics. The area of computer engineering includes computer
architecture, high-performance computing, and parallel processing.

Individuals with specific backgrounds in areas including control
systems, signal processing, magnetic/optical/molecular or other
storage materials, storage networking, I/O system engineering,
computer architecture, high-performance computing, and parallel
processing will be considered.

The Department anticipates hiring at the assistant professor level.
Candidates must demonstrate exceptional ability in teaching and
research. The University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to
diversity and equality in education and employment. Send resume and
names of references to Professor Robert W. Erickson, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder
CO 80309-0425.  Please visit http://ece.colorado.edu/ for more
information about our department.

Review of applications will begin January 15, 2003, but the search
will remain open until the position is filled.

Contributed by: C.A. Rabbath, 

Masters, Phd: Concordia University, Canada

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

We are currently seeking two highly qualified graduate students (Master’s 
and/or PhD) for challenging and stimulating research projects in the areas of 
multi-rate sampled-data control of nonlinear dynamic systems and flight 
control using micro-actuated surfaces. Briefly, these research projects aim 
at (1) controlling supersonic flight through boundary layer and vortex 
manipulation instead of the conventional control surfaces while taking into 
account the characteristics of the flow environment and the distributed 
nature of the micro-actuators and sensors, (2) designing new robust multi-
rate sampled-data control laws for classes of uncertain nonlinear dynamic 

Ideally, the graduate students should have backgrounds and interests in 
several of the following areas: sampled-data/digital control of nonlinear 
systems, nonlinear coupled and uncertain system identification, optimal 
control, adaptive control, real-time control and implementation issues, and 
multi-objective control design. The students should also have extensive 
experience with Matlab/Simulink.

The expected stipend is approximately 1000$CAN-1250$CAN/month. Preference 
will be given to Canadian citizens. Projects are expected to start in the 
spring of 2003.

If you are interested, please e-mail us, indicating your research areas of 
 Camille Alain Rabbath
 Brandon Gordon 

Contributed by: Gang (Gary) Feng, 

Ph.D: City University of Hong Kong

A studentship for Ph.D. candidate, in areas of systems and control, or signal 
processing, is available at City University of Hong Kong. The studentship is 
valued at around HK$15,000/month. A candidate with Master degree and strong 
research background is preferred. Some kind of evidence of English 
proficiency, such as TOEFL, is also required. Applications with complete CV 
will be considered until the studentship is taken. For more information or 
application, please contact

Dr. G. Feng
Dept. of MEEM
City University of Hong Kong
Tel: 852 27889032
Fax: 852 27888423
Email: megfeng@cityu.edu.hk

Contributed by: Zidong Wang, 

PhD: Brunel University, U.K.

Intelligent Data Analysis Group 
Department of Information Systems and Computing
Brunel University, U.K. 
(Ref: IDA) PhD Studentship in Bioinformatics

It is widely believed that gene expression data contains rich information 
that could discover the higher-order structures of an organism and even 
interpret its behaviour. Biologists are expecting powerful computational 
tools to extract functional information from the data, which are highly 
dynamic. Therefore, the key objective of this interdisciplinary project is to 
apply dynamic system theory in modelling and filtering for gene expression.

Applicants must have (or hope to get) a First or Upper Second Class Degree or 
Masters Degree (preferred) in the areas of computer science, mathematics, 
statistics, biology, electrical engineering, or related subject area. 
Practical knowledge of control theory, stochastic analysis or biology would 
clearly be an asset. The successful candidate will join the Intelligent Data 
Analysis (IDA) research group, see http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~csstxhl/IDA/. 

Informal enquiries about the position may be made to Dr. Zidong Wang either 
by e-mail (Zidong.Wang@brunel.ac.uk) or phone (0044-1895-274000x3492)

Application Details
Applications are invited for these two three-year, fully funded PhD post 
(suitable for any UK/EU citizen). The studentship will be funded at the 
normal rate (full home student fees + BP 9250 per year living expenses), with 
the opportunity of undertaking additional paid undergraduate teaching. The 
start date will be 18/2/03 but is negotiable.

Please send two copies of your CV and covering letter giving the names of two 
academic referees, before the 13th of January 2003 to: 

Ms. Julie Whittaker 
Department of Information Systems and Computing
Brunel University
Uxbridge, Middlesex

Contributed by: Jacob van der Woude, 

PhD: Delft Univ of Technology, Netherlands

PhD position in mathematical system and control theory
Delft University of Technology (TUD)
Faculty of Information Technology and Systems (ITS)
Subgroup Mathematical System Theory (MST)

At the beginning of the year 2003 the subgroup MST of the faculty ITS
of the TUD will have a PhD position available in the following areas:

1. The use of Hilbert space methods in the analysis and design of
   controllers for switching electrical networks, in particular for
   pulse width modulated DC to DC converters.
2. Control design for systems subject to constraints on inputs
   and/or states of the system. In particular, stabilization,
   disturbance rejection, and robust control are studied in this context.

The research team of the subgroup consists of Prof. Geert Jan Olsder,
Prof. Anton Stoorvogel, Dr. Willem de Koning and Dr. Jacob van der Woude.
In the research team various aspects of system and control theory are
studied. Current topics of interest are switching networks, structured
systems, discrete event systems, financial mathematics, control of
distributed parameter systems, optimal control, systems with constraints
on inputs or states, fault detection and isolation and robust control.

Candidates who have an interest in one or both of the above topics,
or in an other topic within the research activities of the subgroup,
are requested to respond. They should have a solid background in the
mathematics of system and control theory.  Interested candidates are
kindly asked to quickly send their information to the address below,
preferably by email. The application should include a curriculum vitae
(with details on qualifications, grades, experience, achievements and
so on) and should indicate if the applicant has a specific interest
for either one of these projects.

   Jacob van der Woude
   Faculty Information Technology and Systems
   Delft University of Technology
   Mekelweg 4, room 06.250, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
   tel. : (31)-15-2783834, fax. : (31)-15-2787255
   Email: j.w.vanderwoude@its.tudelft.nl

Contributed by: Jose Rodellar, 

PhD: Technical Univ of Catalunya, Spain

We offer a Ph-D position with the Research Group on Control Theory and 
Applications at the Department of Applied Mathematics III of the Technical
University of Catalunya (UPC). The position is in the framework of a project 
on modelling and control of nonlinear complex systems with uncertainties
and couplings. 

The Ministry of Science and Technology offers a 4-year grant to cover this 
position through a selection process whose deadline for sending proposals is 
December 12, 2002. The starting date will be around June - July 2003 and the 
granted should enroll in the Doctoral Program on Applied Mathematics, 
studying courses on control systems and doing a research work combining both 
theoretical rigour and applications within the objectives of the project.

Our group is composed by engineers and mathematicians. We are preferably 
seeking for engineers with background in control systems and acceptable
matematical level or mathematicians with some background in dynamical systems 
and control and motivation for applied research. A master degree is not 
required but can be a merit. For further details, candidates should send  
a short CV with their academic background and interests, 
as soon as possible, to:
  Prof. Jose Rodellar
  Dept de Matematica Aplicada III
  Technical University of Catalunya
  email: jose.rodellar@upc.es

The web page http://www.mcyt.es/becasfpi/default.htm
gives details on the 4-year grants(submission, conditions, salary, etc.). 
Deadline for submission: December 12, 2002.

Contributed by: Bart De Schutter, 

PhD, Postdoc: Delft Univ of Technology, Netherland

The Control Systems Engineering group of Delft University of Technology in
the Netherlands has a vacancy for a PhD or postdoc position on:
"Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Systems"

This project focuses on structured control design methods for specific,
industrially relevant classes of hybrid systems. These methods will be
extensions of the model predictive control (MPC) framework for continuous
systems. Industrial partners are Shell, Heineken, IPCOS Technology, and

We are looking for either a PhD candidate having an MSc degree and a strong
background in mathematics (optimization) and/or systems and control theory,
or a postdoc with a solid background in model predictive control and/or
hybrid systems. Candidates are expected to be interested in fundamental
research and in working on the boundary of several research domains. A good
command of the English language is required.

For more information on this position and how to apply, see
http://lcewww.et.tudelft.nl/~deschutt/vac/vac_stw_mpc.html or contact
dr.ir. Bart De Schutter (b.deschutter@its.tudelft.nl).

Contributed by: Anders Rantzer, 

Postdoc: Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden

The Department of Automatic Control at Lund Institute of Technology,
Lund, Sweden seeks candidates for a postdoctoral position within the
EU-supported Research Training Network

Nonlinear and Adaptive Control (NACO2) http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/naco2/

Applicants should have a recently completed PhD in control or related
area of engineering and mathematics and must satisfy the conditions
for appointment as a young researcher in a Research Training Network. See

The position is available for 6-12 months starting as soon as possible.
Please submit a letter of application, a detailed resume, a publication list
and the names of two references to Dept. of Automatic Control,
Attn. Anders Rantzer, Box 118, S-221 00 Lund, before Dec 31.

More information about the position can be obtained by email to
Anders Rantzer (rantzer@control.lth.se). Another source is the web
page http://www.control.lth.se

Contributed by: Valery Ugrinovskii, 

Postdoc: UNSW - ADFA, Australia
Postdoctoral Fellow Level A (Fixed-term for two years)
Salary:  $46,955 - $52,324 per annum

UNSW@ADFA consists of 12 Schools which form a campus of the University of
New South Wales. Located at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra,
UNSW@ADFA provides undergraduate courses to officer cadets and midshipmen
as well as postgraduate courses to civilian and defence personnel.

The School of Electrical Engineering is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral
Fellow for a fixed term of two years who, under limited supervision, will
have significant responsibility for an experimental research project
investigating chaos in semiconductor laser systems induced via
optoelectronic feedback. For more information see

The  successful  applicant  would  be  expected to have a PhD in a relevant
discipline,  or  be  close  to submission for such a qualification; have an
ability   to   conduct   experimental   research   investigating  chaos  in
semiconductor  laser systems induced via optoelectronic feedback as well as
a  demonstrated potential for high research achievement in this area;  able
to  communicate  well  in  English,  both  orally and in writing and have a
knowledge  and  understanding  of the principles of EEO, and OH&S practices
and  procedures.  An  ability to conduct computational modelling of chaotic
semiconductor laser systems would be desirable.

Membership  of  an approved University superannuation scheme is a condition
of employment.

Applicants  should  contact  Dr  Elanor  Huntington for further information
regarding  the  position on e.huntington@adfa.edu.au phone +61 2 6268 8592
or  fax  +61 2 6268 8443. For  selection  criteria  contact   the School
Administrator  by  email on j.paterson@adfa.edu.au phone +61 2 6268 8227 or
fax +61 2 6268 8443.

Applications will close on 20 December 2002.  Please quote reference number

Contributed by: Henrik Gollee, 

Research Assoc: University of Glasgow, Scotland
Development of Vehicle Dynamics Controllers
Centre for Systems and Control
University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 

The aim of the project is the simulation based development of vehicle
dynamics control system (such as regulated differential brake control, ABS
and traction control systems). The focus is on developing model-based
approaches for controller design and evaluation. Controllers will also be
evaluated in component test stands. The project is funded by and will be a
close collaboration with a leading German automotive company, and there will
be the opportunity for frequent visits to the company. The project will be
directed by Dr Henrik Gollee and Professor Ken Hunt.

Candidates for this post should have a MSc (or equivalent) or PhD in control
engineering or in automotive engineering with a sound background in control
systems and/or vehicle dynamics. Knowledge of Matlab/Simulink and C/C++ is

The post is for 4 years, with the possibility to study towards a PhD
(if applicable) during the project.

Requests for further information and applications should be addressed
to Dr. Henrik Gollee (h.gollee@mech.gla.ac.uk), Department of
Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK.

Contributed by: Hugh Durrant-Whyte, 

Research Fellow
The University of Sydney
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR)

Applications are invited for up to two  Research Fellowships in the 
Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) at The University of Sydney. 
These Fellowships are intended to support fundamental research in information 
modelling, sensor data fusion and autonomous systems. Individuals with broad 
backgrounds in a mathematical science or engineering are encouraged to apply. 
Areas of expertise may include control systems, signal processing, vision and 
image processing, robotics, modelling of dynamical systems, continuum 
physics, electrical engineering or mechatronics. It is intended to make one 
appointment with a mathematical/computing focus and a second with more 
hardware or sensing emphasis. Details of the positions can be found at 

The ACFR provides a world-class research environment. The ACFR currently 
consists of 50 research staff and students. The ACFR undertakes research and 
development of autonomous systems operating in outdoor environments. The 
group encompasses an ARC Key Centre in Teaching and Research (KCTR) in Field 
Robotics, a Co-operative Research Centre (CRC) in mining technology and 
equipment, and additionally undertakes substantial contract R&D for corporate 
clients. The group is housed in its own building with extensive facilities 
for computing, electronics and sensor fabrication. The ACFR also has a range 
of autonomous air land and sub-sea platforms available for research work. 
Further information on the ACFR can be found at http://www.acfr.usyd.edu.au/. 

For further information, including application instructions can be found at
http://www.acfr.usyd.edu.au/acfr-info/join-us/jobs.html, or by contact 
Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Director ACFR. tel: (02) 9351-5583, fax (02) 
9351-7474, email: hugh@acfr.usyd.edu.au.

Remuneration package: A$60,946-A$72,582 pa (which includes a base salary 
employers contribution to superannuation)

              |                                        |
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Contributed by: Seth Barnes, 

Control and Modeling of Complex Systems: 
Cybernetics in the 21st Century
Koichi Hashimoto, Yasuaki Oishi, and Yutaka Yamamoto, Editors
368 pp., hardcover, ISBN 0-8176-4325-7
Birkhäuser Boston, December 2002

This festschrift volume pays tribute to Hidenori Kimura and his outstanding 
achievements in control theory, signal processing, and modeling. The 20 
invited contributions presented here are an outgrowth of a symposium held in 
November 2001 in Tokyo, Japan, celebrating Kimura’s 60th birthday. Reflecting 
his recent research interests, the symposium was entitled "Cybernetics in the 
21st Century: Information and Complexity in Control Theory."

The chapters are classified into five main areas related to Kimura's work: 
signal processing, identification, robust control, hybrid, chaotic and 
nonlinear systems, and control applications. Many of the contributions 
highlight real-world and industrial applications.

Graduate students and researchers will benefit from the many new results and 
insights as to where control theory is heading in the 21st century.

For pricing and additional information, please visit:

Contributed by: Seth Barnes, 

Fuzzy Model Identification for Control
János Abonyi
288 pp., hardcover, ISBN 0-8176-4238-2
Birkhäuser Boston, January 2002

This book presents a new framework developed for fuzzy model-based control 
and recent advances in fuzzy identification and control. The main features of 
the techniques presented are illustrated through several simulated examples 
and real-world applications from chemical and process engineering practice.

Key features:

* Introductory chapters present the applied fuzzy model and its control-
  relevant properties providing the reader with the basics
* Detailed review of algorithms and approaches developed for modeling and 
  identification for control
* Simulated examples available on the Internet by means of MATLAB and 
  Simulink program code: www.fmt.vein.hu/softcomp
* Extensive references provide a good overview of the current state of 
  identification and control of dynamic systems and fuzzy modeling

Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in electrical, control, process, 
and chemical engineering, and researchers in the field of fuzzy systems will 
find this book a useful and practical resource.

For pricing and additional information, please visit: 

Contributed by: Ciro Natale, 

Interaction Control of Robot Manipulators
6-dof Tasks
(ISBN 3-540-00159-X)

Robot interaction control is one of the most challenging targets for 
industrial robotics, since it could provide the robotic systems with a high 
degree of autonomy, but its effectiveness is limited by the complexity of the 
problem and by the necessity of special sensors (six-dof force sensors). On 
the other hand, the control methodologies to be adopted for addressing the 
problem can be considered mature and well-assessed. All the known interaction 
control strategies (impedance, direct force control) are tackled and 
reshuffled in a geometrically consistent way for simplification of the task 
specification and enhancement of the execution performance. This book 
represents a first step towards the application of theoretical results at an 
industrial level, in fact each proposed control algorithm is experimentally 
tested on an industrial robotic setup.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Task space motion control
Chapter 3: Task space impedance control
Chapter 4: Task space force control
Chapter 5: Applications to a dual-robot system
Chapter 6: Conclusion and future research directions. 
Appendix A: Orientation of a rigid body
Appendix B: Real-time implementation notes

Publisher Website:

Contributed by: Jane Cullum, 

Lanczos Algorithms for Large Symmetric Eigenvalue Computations

Lanczos Algorithms for Large Symmetric Eigenvalue Computations Vol. I: Theory
Jane K. Cullum and Ralph A. Willoughby
2002 / xx + 273 / Softcover / ISBN 0-89871-523-7
List Price $42.00 / SIAM Member Price $29.40 / Order Code CL41
Phone (worldwide): 215-382-9800, ext. 232
Phone (USA and Canada): 1-800-447-SIAM (7426)
Fax: 215-386-7999

First published in 1985, this book present background material, descriptions,
and supporting theory relating to practical numerical algorithms for the
solution of huge eigenvalue problems. This book deals with "symmetric"
problems. However, in this book, "symmetric" also encompasses numerical
procedures for computing singular values and vectors of real rectangular
matrices and numerical procedures for computing eigenelements of nondefective
complex symmetric matrices.

This book continues to be useful to the mathematical, scientific, and
engineering communities as a reservoir of information detailing the
nonclassical side of Lanczos algorithms and as a presentation of what
continues to be the most efficient methods for certain types of large-scale
eigenvalue computations. An on-line version of Vol. II: Programs, which
contains the original FORTRAN code and documentation for each of the
Lanczos procedures discussed in Vol. I, can be found at the numerical analysis
community repository, www.netlib.org, under the term "lanczos."

W.r.t the codes which are mentioned in that message, we intend to submit
updated and parallel versions of some of those uni-processor codes to NetLib
for public distribution in the not too distant future. 

Contributed by: Johan Suykens, 

Least Squares Support Vector Machines
J.A.K. Suykens, T. Van Gestel, J. De Brabanter, B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle,
World Scientific Pub. Co., Singapore, 2002
Info: 308pp., ISBN 981-238-151-1

This book focuses on Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVMs)
which are reformulations to standard SVMs. LS-SVMs are closely related
to regularization networks and Gaussian processes but additionally
emphasize and exploit primal-dual interpretations from optimization theory.
The authors explain the natural links between LS-SVM classifiers and kernel
Fisher discriminant analysis. Bayesian inference of LS-SVM models is
discussed, together with methods for imposing sparseness and employing
robust statistics.

The framework is further extended towards unsupervised learning by
considering PCA analysis and its kernel version as a one-class modelling
problem. This leads to new primal-dual support vector machine formulations
for kernel PCA and kernel CCA analysis. Furthermore, LS-SVM formulations
are given for recurrent networks and control. In general, support vector
machines may pose heavy computational challenges for large data sets.
For this purpose, a method of fixed size LS-SVM is proposed where the
estimation is done in the primal space in relation to a Nyström sampling
with active selection of support vectors. The methods are illustrated
with several examples.

. Introduction
. Support vector machines
. Least squares support vector machines, links with Gaussian
  processes, regularization networks, and kernel FDA
. Bayesian inference for LS-SVM models
. Weighted versions and robust statistics
. Large scale problems: Nystrom sampling, reduced set methods,
  basis formation and Fixed size LS-SVM
. LS-SVM for unsupervised learning: support vector machines
  formulations for kernel PCA. Related methods of kernel CCA.
. LS-SVM for recurrent networks and control
. Illustrations and applications

Graduate students and researchers in neural networks; machine learning;
data-mining; signal processing; circuit, systems and control theory;
pattern recognition; and statistics.

Order information: World Scientific

Freely available LS-SVMlab software
under GNU General Public License

Contributed by: Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, 

Stochastic Theory and Control
Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Lawrence, Kansas
564 pp., Softcover ISBN 3-540-43777-0
published 09/17/2002
Price: $124.80

The Workshop on Stochastic Theory and Control, sponsored by the NSF and KU,
with co-technical sponsorship of the CSS, was held on Oct. 18-20, 2001 at
the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas. A group of leading scholars
in the field of stochastic theory and control, gathered at this event to
discuss leading-edge topics of stochastic control, which includes risk
sensitive control, adaptive control, mathematics of finance, estimation, 
identification, optimal control, nonlinear filtering, stochastic differential
equations, stochastic partial differential equations, and stochastic theory
and its applications. The workshop provided an opportunity for all of
stochastic control researchers to network and discuss cutting-edge
technologies and applications, teaching, and future directions of
stochastic control. A collection of presentations from the workshop are
included in the above book.

              |                                        |
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Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

CFP: Special Issues of Asian J. Control

Guest Editor:
  Prof. Xu, Jian-Xin 
  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
  National University of Singapore 
  Tel +65 6874-2566, Fax +65 6779-1103 
  E-mail elexujx@nus.edu.sg
Important Dates 
  Jan. 15, 2003         Deadline for Paper Submission
  April 15, 2003        Completion of First Review
  August 15, 2003       Completion of Final Review
  Dec. 31, 2003         Publication


Guest Editor:
  Prof. Mi-Ching Tsai
  Department of Mechanical Engineering
  National Cheng Kung University
  Tel: +886-6-2757575  Ext. 62173  Fax: +886-6-235 2344   
  E-mail: mctsai@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Important Dates:
  Feb. 15, 2003         Deadline for Paper Submission
  July 1, 2003          Completion of first review
  Oct. 1, 2003          Completion of final review
  March., 2004          Publication

Control of Discrete Event Systems
Guest Editor
  Prof. MuDer Jeng
  Department of Electrical Engineering 
  National Taiwan Ocean University
  Keelung 202, Taiwan
  Tel: +886-2-24622192 ext. 6210, Fax: +886-2-24627054
  E-mail: jeng@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Important Dates
  April 15, 2003        Deadline for Paper Submission
  July 15, 2003         Completion of First Review
  Nov. 15, 2003         Completion of Final Review
  June 30, 2004         Publication

Electronic submissions in PDF, Postscript, or zipped Postscript format 
are required.  Send your manuscripts as email attachments to Prof. Li-Chen 
Fu, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Control at the following address

Prof. Li-Chen Fu
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University
Taipei 106, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-2362-2209
Fax: +886-2-23657887
E-mail: lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw 

All submissions should include a title page containing the title of the 
paper, full names and affiliations, complete postal and electronic address, 
phone and fax number, an abstract, and a list of keywords. The contacting 
author should be clearly identified.

Contributed by: Tamer Basar, 

Contents: Applied and Computational Mathematics
2002, volume 1, issuse2

Zigang Pan, Eitan Altman, Tamer Basar
Robust Adaptive Flow Control in High Speed Telecommunication works

Steering of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots by using Differential Geometric 

Alexander M. Rubinov, Rafail N.Gasimov
The Nonlinear and Augmented Lagrangians for Nonconvex Optimization
Problems with a Single Constraint

Mohammed Asadzadeh
On the Stability of Characteristic Schemes for the Fermi Equation 

Nisar Ahmed
Approximation of Large Scale Unstable Systems by the Implicit Restart
Vladimir B. Larin
Algorithms of Synthesis of Controllers by Using the Producers Both LMI
and H2-optimization

Urfat Nuriyev
Optimal Location of Reserving Files in Distributed Computer Systems

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

         Contents: Asian Journal of Control
         Vol. 4, No. 4: Special Issue on "Advances in PID Control"


Revisiting the Ziegler-Nichols Tuning Rules for PI Control
  T. Hagglund and K.J. Astrom
A Synthesis Method for Robust PID Controllers for a Class of Uncertain Systems
  S. Solyom and A. Ingrimundarson
Automated Maximum Sensitivity and Phase Margin Specification Attainment in PI
  J. Crowe and M.A. Johnson
PI Tuning Under Performance Constraints
  QG Wang and H. Ru
Loop-shaping Design of PID Controllers with Constant Ti/Td Ratio
  A. Wallen, K.J. Astrom and T. Hagglund
A Tuning Rule for PID Controller Using DMC Strategy
  M. Haeri
Design of Robust PID Controllers
  T.Z. Wu, Y-T. Juang and J-D Wang
PID and PID-like Controller Design by Pole Placement within D-stable Regions
  Y. Wang, M. Schinkel, T. Schmitt-Hartman, K.J. Hunt
A Novel Robust PID Controllers Design by Fuzzy Neural Network
  C.H. Lee, Y.H. Lee and C.C. Teng


Robust Controller Design and PID Tuning for Multivariable Processes
  W. Tan, T. Chen, H. J. Marquez
The MIMO Predictive PID Control Design
  M.H. Moradi, M.R. Katebi and M.A. Johnson
A New Adaptive Method for Identification of Critical Gain Using  Saturation
  M. Saeki
A Design of Multiloop Predictive Self-Tuning PID Controllers
  M. Katayama, T. Yamamoto, Y. Mada


Modeling and Robust PI Control of a Fluidized Bed Combuster for Sewage Sludge
  Y. Jia, J. Lunze, A. Wolf
P/PD Types of Override Control System
  Y-Y. Tsai, Y-C. Cheng, C-C. Yu
PD Control for Active Vibration Damping in an Underactuated Nonlinear System
  C. Aguilar-Ibanez and H. Sira-Ramirez

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, 

Contents: Automatica, January, 2003
Volume 39, Issue 1

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com

Regular papers

P. M. Makila, J. R. Partington
On linear models for nonlinear systems

V. L. Kharitonov, A. P. Zhabko
Lyapunov-Krasovskii approach to robust stability of time-delay systems

S. Peeta, T-H. Yang
Stability issues for dynamic traffic assignment

Chang Zhang, Hao Deng, J. S. Baras
Run-to-run control methods based on the DHOBE algorithm

Brief papers

M.M. El-Kady, M. S. Salim, A. M. El-Sagheer
Numerical treatment of multiobjective optimal control problems

Huanshui Zhang, Lihua Xie, Yeng Chai Soh
Risk-sensitive filtering, prediction and smoothing for discrete-time
singular systems

M. A. Arteaga
Robot control and parameter estimation with only joint position

H.T. Toivonen, A. Medvedev
Damping of harmonic disturbances in sampled-data systems - parametrization
of all optimal controllers

Tielong Shen, Shengwei Mei, Qiang Lu, Wei Hu, K. Tamura
Adaptive nonlinear excitation control with L2 disturbance attenuation for
power systems

Xing-Gang Yan, Lihua Xie
Reduced-order control for a class of nonlinear similar interconnected
systems with mismatched uncertainty

Zidong Wang, Daniel W. C. Ho
Filtering on nonlinear time-delay stochastic systems

M. Galaz, R. Ortega, A. S. Bazanella, A. M. Stankovic
An energy-shaping approach to the design of excitation control of
synchronous generators

M. T. Soylemez, N. Munro, H. Baki
Fast calculation of stabilizing PID controllers

H. A. Barker, A. H. Tan, K. R. Godfrey
Wiener models of direction-dependent dynamic systems

N. Ozdemir, S. Townley
Integral-control by variable sampling based on steady state data

Ye Xudong
Universal stabilization of feedforward nonlinear systems

W. K. Ho, Y. Hong, A. Hansson, H.Hjalmarsson, J. W. Deng
Relay auto-tuning of PID controllers using iterative feedback tuning

S. Darbha
On the synthesis of controllers for continuous time LTI systems that
achieve a non-negative impulse response

A. Iggidr, G. Sallet
On the stability of nonautonumous systems

Technical communiques

K. M. Lynch
Optimal control of the thrusted skate

Book reviews

Shuzhuk Sam GE
Nonlinear identification and control - A neural network approach, by G. P.

Contributed by: Gabriela Stroian, 

Contents: European Journal of Control Vol. 8, no. 5, 2002


Special section “Dissipativity of Dynamical Systems: Application in Control”

Stabilization and disturbance attenuation of nonlinear systems using 
dissipativity theory
  A. Astolfi, R. Ortega and R. Sepulchre
  Discussion contributed by A. Rapaport.
Dissipative adaptive control for strict feedback form systems
  P. Seiler and A. Alleyne
Optimal dissipativity control of a class of discrete-time nonlinear 
stochastic systems with general criteria
  E.E. Yaz and Y.I. Yaz

Regular papers 

Properties of MPC for max-plus-linear systems
  T. van den Boom and B. De Schutter
  Discussion contributed by W.-H. Chen
Continuous-discrete observers for global stabilization of nonlinear systems 
with applications to bioreactors
  M. Pengov, E. Richard and J.C. Vivalda
Structural decentralised control of concurrent discrete-event systems 
  S.H. Lee and K.C. Wong

Information on European Journal of Control is available at its home page:

Address for new submissions:
S. Bittanti
Editor at Large
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano
E-mail : bittanti@elet.polimi.it 

Address for re-submissions:
I.D. Landau
European Journal of Control
Laboratoire d'Automatique 
38402 Saint Martin d'Hères
E-mail : Ioan-Dore.Landau@inpg.fr

Contributed by: Mikhail Skliar, 

Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Nov. 2002, Vol. 10, No. 6


Closed-Loop Compensation of Kinematic Error in Harmonic Drives for Precision 
Control Applications / P. S. Gandhi and F. H. Ghorbel

Nonlinear Fuzzy H-infinity Guidance Law With Saturation of Actuators Against 
Maneuvering Targets / B.-S. Chen, Y.-Y. Chen, and C.–L. Lin

Tracking and Maneuver Regulation Control for Nonlinear Non-Minimum Phase 
Systems: Application to Flight Control / S. A. Al-Hiddabi and N. H. McClamroch

Linear Parameter Varying Controller for Automated Lane Guidence: Experimental 
Study on Tractor-Trailers / P. Hingwe, H.-S. Tan, A. K. Packard, and  M. 

Multiobjective Optimal Suspension Control to Achieve Integrated Ride and 
Handling Performance / J. Lu, and M. Depoyster	

Application of Iterative Learning Control to an Exothermic Semibatch Chemical 
Reactor / M. Mezghani, G. Roux, M. Cabassud, M. V. L. Lann, B. Dahhou, G. 

WMR Control Via Dynamic Feedback Linearization: Design, Implementation, and 
Experimental Validation / G. Oriolo, A. De Luca, and M. Vendittelli


Design and Implementation of the Control System for an Inverter-Fed 
Synchronous Motor Drive / K. Alice Maty, A. Patra, N. K. De, and S. Sengupta

Dynamic Second-Order Sliding Mode Control of the Hovercraft Vessel / H. Sira-

Multiobjective Control of a Four-Link Flexible Manipulator: A Robust H-
infinity Approach / Z. Wang, H. Zeng, D. W. C. Ho, and H. Unbehauen

Experimental Evaluation of Position Control Methods for Hydraulic Systems/ A. 
Bonchis, P. I. Corlce, and D. C. Rye

LPV Control of a 6-DOF Vehicle / A. S. Ghersin and R. S. Sanchez Pena

A Robust Velocity Field Control / I. Cervantes, R. Kelly, J. Alvarez-Ramirez 
and J. Moreno

Experimental Evaluation of Adaptive Predictive Control for Rotor Vibration 
Suppression / M. R. Bai and K.-Y. Ou

Roundness Error Compensation in Lathe Turning Through 2-D ARMAX Model Based 
FCC / E. H. K. Fung and S. K. S. Leung

Contributed by: C. Stewart, 

Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume: 47 Issue: 10 , Oct. 2002

Scanning the issue 
Page(s): 1589 -1589

Stabilization of continuous-time jump linear systems 
Yuguang Fang; Loparo, K.A.,  Page(s): 1590 -1603

Exponential stability of stochastic delay interval systems with Markovian
Xuerong Mao, Page(s): 1604 -1612

Optimal control laws for lot-sizing and timing of jobs on a single production
Di Febbraro, A.; Minciardi, R.; Sacone, S., Page(s): 1613 -1623

Kernel-based reinforcement learning in average-cost problems
Ormoneit, D.; Glynn, P., Page(s): 1624 -1636

Stability of pull production control methods for systems with significant
Seidman, T.I.; Holloway, L.E., Page(s): 1637 -1647

Synthesis of mechanical networks: the inerter
Smith, M.C., Page(s): 1648 -1662

Moving horizon estimation for hybrid systems
Ferrari-Trecate, G.; Mignone, D.; Morari, M., Page(s): 1663 -1676

A state-dependent boundary layer design for sliding mode control
Min-Shin Chen; Yean-Ren Hwang; Tomizuka, M., Page(s): 1677 -1681

Optimality, approximation, and complexity in set membership H_inf 
Milanese, M.; Taragna, M., Page(s): 1682 -1690

Computation of the frequency response of multilinear affine systems
Tan, N., Page(s): 1691 -1696

Incremental sliding mode control of the ball and beam
Hirschorn, R.M., Page(s): 1696 -1700

LQR optimization of linear system switching
Lincoln, B.; Bernhardsson, B., Page(s): 1701 -1705

Impact of finite buffers on the optimal scheduling of a single-machine
two-part-type manufacturing system
Martinelli, F.; Valigi, P., Page(s): 1705 -1710

Output feedback control of a class of nonlinear systems: a nonseparation
principle paradigm
Chunjiang Qian; Wei Lin, Page(s): 1710 -1715

Well posedness of piecewise-linear systems with multiple modes and multiple
Xia, X., Page(s): 1716 -1720

Estimation of symmetric positive-definite matrices from imperfect measurements
Yixin Chen; McInroy, J.E., Page(s): 1721 -1725

Linear filtering for bilinear stochastic differential systems with unknown
Germani, A.; Manes, C.; Palumbo, P., Page(s): 1726 -1730

Observer linearization by output-dependent time-scale transformations
Guay, M., Page(s): 1730 -1735

An improved forward algorithm for optimal control of a class of hybrid systems
Ping Zhang; Cassandras, C.G., Page(s): 1735 -1739

An LMI-based controller synthesis for periodic trajectories in a class of
nonlinear systems
Basso, M.; Genesio, R.; Tesi, A., Page(s): 1740 -1744

Decentralized adaptive robust control for a class of large-scale systems
including delayed state perturbations in the interconnections
Hansheng Wu, Page(s): 1745 -1751

A note on observers for Lipschitz nonlinear systems
Fanglai Zhu; Zhengzhi Han, Page(s): 1751 -1754

Risk-sensitive adaptive trackers for strict-feedback systems with output
Arslan, G.; Basar, T., Page(s): 1754 -1758

Global uniform asymptotic stabilization of an underactuated surface vessel
Mazenc, F.; Pettersen, K.; Nijmeijer, H., Page(s): 1759 -1762

Parameterization of stabilizing controllers with either right- or left-coprime
Mori, K., Page(s): 1763 -1767

On solution bounds for three types of Lyapunov matrix equations: continuous,
discrete and unified equations
Mori, T.; Kokame, H., Page(s): 1767 -1770

Optimal tracking performance for SIMO systems
Gang Chen; Jie Chen; Middleton, R., Page(s): 1770 -1775

A new LMI condition for robust stability of polynomial matrix polytopes
de Oliveira, P.J.; Oliveira, R.C.L.F.; Peres, P.L.D., Page(s): 1775 -1779

Existence characterizations of temporal-safety supervisors
Kiam Tian Seow, Page(s): 1779 -1783

Comments on "Exponential stability of constrained receding horizon control
with terminal ellipsoid constraints"
Ki Baek Kim, Page(s): 1784

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume: 359,  Issue : 1-3, Date: 15-Jan-2003

List of Editors
pp ii-iii

Caratheodory-Fejer interpolation in the ball
D. Alpay, C. Dubi, pp 1-19

Necessary conditions of Hurwitz polynomials
X. Yang, pp 21-27

Two-dimensional representations of the free group with two generators
over a finite field
Z. Yan, H. You, pp 29-36

Continued fraction expansion of the geometric matrix mean and applications
M. Rassouli, F. Leazizi, pp 37-57

Some norm inequalities for completely monotone functions-II
J.S. Aujla, pp 59-65

Spectral variation under congruence for a nonsingular matrix with 0
on the boundary of its field of values
S. Furtado, C.R. Johnson, pp 67-78

Generalized oscillatory matrices
S.M. Fallat, M. Fiedler, T.L. Markham, pp 79-90

On nonsingular sign regular matrices
J.M. Pena, pp 91-100

Translations in simply transitive affine actions of Heisenberg type Lie groups
T. De Cat, K. Dekimpe, P. Igodt, pp 101-111

Sign patterns that allow diagonalizability
Y. Shao, Y. Gao, pp 113-119

Equitable switching and spectra of graphs
Y. Teranishi, pp 121-131

Nonsingularity/singularity criteria for nonstrictly block diagonally
dominant matrices
L.Y. Kolotilina, pp 133-159

Linear transformations preserving log-concavity
Y. Wang, pp 161-167

On the operator equation e^A=e^B
C. Schmoeger, pp 169-179

A matrix approach to polynomials
T. Arponen, pp 181-196

Perturbation bounds for coupled matrix Riccati equations
M. Konstantinov, V. Angelova, P. Petkov, D. Gu, V. Tsachouridis, pp 197-218

Additive maps on standard operator algebras preserving
invertibilities or zero divisors
J. Hou, J. Cui, pp 219-233

Unextendible product bases and the construction of inseparable states
A.O. Pittenger, pp 235-248

On the eigenvalues of Jordan products
E.A. Martins, F.C. Silva, pp 249-262

A sin2Q theorem for graded indefinite Hermitian matrices
N. Truhar, R.-C. Li, pp 263-276

A class of atomic positive linear maps in matrix algebras
K.-C. Ha, pp 277-290

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Positivity in Linear Algebra
pp 291-292

Author index, pp 293

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Contributed by: Zhengtao Ding, 

4th Int Conf on Control and Automation

The 4th International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA’03, will be 
held on June 10 - 12, 2003, in Montreal, Canada. The conference is organized 
by IEEE Control Chapter, Singapore and sponsored by the Canadian Society of 
Mechanical Engineering. It creates a forum for scientists, engineers and 
practitioners throughout the world to present the latest research, results 
and ideas in the areas of control and automation. The conference will have 
three keynotes:
1. Control of Congestion with Minimum Information
   Professor Tamer Basar, Fellow of IEEE, University of Illinois 
2. Modeling and Control of Irrigation Networks
   Professor Iven Mareels, Fellow of IEEE, University of Melbourne
3. Supply Chain Planning and Scheduling: The Control of Complexity and
   Professor Peter Luh, Fellow of IEEE, University of Connecticut

SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: Submit your full paper or extended summary of about 
1000 words  through email (postscript or PDF file) or regular mail (three 
hard copies) to:
		Professor Lihua Xie
		Program Chair, ICCA’03
		School of EEE, BLK S2
		Nanyang Technological University 
		Singapore 639798
		Fax: (65)-6792-0415;  Email: icca03@ntu.edu.sg

Proposals for invited and special sessions in the related areas are also 
solicited. All materials must be written in English, and a paper should be 
submitted only if you intend to present the paper in the conference. The 
extended summary should contain sufficient details including key concepts and 
novel features of the work. It should include the title, name(s) of author
(s), mailing address, affiliation, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail 
address, wherever possible.

Submission of Extended Summary:	        December 15, 2002
Notification of Acceptance:		January 31, 2003
Submission of Final Papers:		March 15, 2003
Conference:				June 10-12, 2003
Official Web Site:                      http://vlab.ee.nus.edu.sg/~icca03/

Contributed by: Okyay Kaynak, 

Conference Control Applications - CCA 2003
June 23-25, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey

It is our pleasure to invite you to Istanbul for IEEE Conference on Control 
Applications. As you may be aware, this conference is one of the major 
conferences of IEEE Control Systems Society. CCA 2002 was held in Glasgow, 
earlier this year and we now have the honor of hosting CCA 2003 in Istanbul, 
during June 23-25, 2003. The conference has the goal of bringing together 
experts from different expertise areas and from different countries to 
discuss the state-of-the-art and to present new research results and 
perspectives of the future developments with respect to industrial control 
applications. For details of the conference and the paper submission details 
(deadline 17 January 2003) please visit the web site.

Contributed by: Lorenzo Farina, 

Conference on Positive Systems

      First Multidisciplinary International Symposium on
      Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
                 Roma, Italy, 28-30 August 2003

Positive Systems are systems in which the relevant variables assume
nonnegative values. These systems are quite common in applications where
variables represent positive quantities such as populations, consumption
of goods, densities of chemical species, probabilities...
The aim of the Symposium is that of joining together researchers working
on different areas such as economy, biomedicine, chemistry,
telecommunications, and so on in order to provide a multidisciplinary forum
where they have the opportunity of exchange ideas and compare results in a
unifying framework.
The symposium is co-sponsored by the IEEE Control System Society and the
Proceedings of the Symposium will be published as a volume of the Springer
Lectures Notes in Control and Information Sciences.

Theory and applications of:
Positive systems; Compartmental systems; Markov AND hidden Markov models;
Queueing systems; Biological models; Max-plus algebra; 2D Systems; Behavioral
approach; Constrained control and optimization; Nonnegative matrices;
Traffic models; Nonlinear systems; Economics

Submission deadlines: January 10, 2003
Notification of acceptance: February  25, 2003
Final versions due: March 20, 2003

Prospective authors are invited to submit a paper, maximum of 12 double-
spaced, typed pages in 12pt format on the topics indicated and others falling
within the scope of the symposium. Papers will be refereed by the Program
Committee of the symposium.
All papers must be submitted by e-mail in portable document format (PDF) or
postscript format (PS). The file name must be the surname of the first author,
in the case of multiple papers with the same first author, please add a
number. The e-mail address is posta03@dis.uniroma1.it.
The first page should contain:
- the title of the paper,
- each author's name and affiliation,
- complete contact information for the corresponding author (postal and
e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers), and an abstract.
Full versions of the accepted submissions will be published in the Springer
LNCIS series. The proceedings will be available at the workshop.

Luca Benvenuti (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy)
Alberto De Santis (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy)
Lorenzo Farina (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy)

The Proceedings of the Symposium will be published as a volume
of the Springer Lectures Notes in Control and Information Sciences and will
be available at the symposium.

To stay informed about POSTA 2003, refer to the symposium web-page.
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica "A. Ruberti"
Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Via Eudossiana, 18
00184 Roma, Italy
Tel:  +39-06-44585-973
Fax.: +39-06-44585-367
E-mails: luca.benvenuti@uniroma1.it, desantis@dis.uniroma1.it,
web page: http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~posta03/

Contributed by: J. A. Tenreiro Machado, 

International Conference on Advanced Robotics

ICAR 2003 - The 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics 2003
June 30 - July 3, 2003, Coimbra, Portugal
http://www.isr.uc.pt/icar03, Email: icar03@isr.uc.pt

Sponsored by:
IEEE Portuguese Section, Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR Coimbra), 
University of Coimbra
Technical Co-Sponsors:
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
Japan Robot Association and Robotics Society of Japan.

Topics include but not limited to the following areas:
Distributed and modular robotics; Manipulator robotics; Mobile robotics; 
Microrobots; Rehabilitation and medical robotics; Redundant robots; Flexible 
robots; Multirobot systems;
Sensing and algorithms for navigation, guidance, control and scene 
perception, Intelligent transportation systems; Automated guided vehicles; 
Biological inspired robotics; Robot learning; Space, aerial and underwater 
robotics; Computational hardware and software systems in robotics; Task 
planning and monitoring, Simulation and virtual reality (computer graphics) 
systems in robotics; Sensor Fusion; Human-robot interfaces, interaction and 
communication; Nonholonomic robots; MEMS and Nano Technology, Human-centered 

Important Dates
December 1,2002: Proposals for workshop/tutorials
December 15,2002: Submission of papers and videos, invited sessions, and 
industry-oriented sessions
December 15,2002: Notification of workshop/tutorial acceptance
March 15,2003: Notification of paper acceptance
May 1,2003: Submission of final camera-ready paper and videos

Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers electronically (PDF or 
PS) through the conference web site. Accepted papers must be presented at 
the conference by one of the authors to appear in the conference CD and 
proceedings. Detailed instructions can be found at the conference homepage.

Tutorials and Workshops
Proposals for tutorials and workshops that address topics related to the 
conference themes are welcome. We encourage programs with high level of 
interest, impact, creativity and technical background of presenters.

Digital video submission is wellcome associated with a paper submission. The 
videos should not exceed 3 minutes and will be linked to the papers and 
distributed to all participants on the conference CD.

Industry-Focused Sessions
Industry-oriented papers are also solicited. By bringing together 
researchers from industry and academia, the Technical Program Committee 
hopes to foster collaboration and promote transfer of ideas among these 

Contributed by: Yaochu Jin, 

     Learning, Adaptation and Approximation in Evolutionary Computation
	  A full-day worshop within the 
	  Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 
	  July 12 - 16, 2003, Chicago, USA. 

In this workshop, we will bring together researchers from fields in machine
learning and evolutionary optimization to discuss how the combination of
learning, adaptation, and approximation can improve the efficiency of
evolutionary algorithms. Topics include but are not limited to

o off-line and on-line learning for approximate model construction, 
o off-line and on-line learning for performance improvement, 
o step size adaptation techniques for evolution strategies, 
o individual learning that guides evolution (Baldwin effect), 
o self-organization and dimensionality reduction for evolving populations
o domain knowledge extraction and reuse, 
o evolution control and model management in evolutionary computation, 
o multi-level evolutionary optimization, 
o learning in multi-objective evolutionary optimization, 
o fitness estimation in noisy environment, 
o comparison of different modeling methods, such as neural networks, 
  response surface, Gaussian processes, least squares methods, 
  and probabilistic models for evolutionary computation, 
o comparison of different sampling techniques for on- and off-line learning. 

Important Dates:
March 7, Paper submission deadline 
March 19, Notification of paper acceptance/rejection.
April 14, Camera ready paper

Authors should follow the format of the GECCO manuscript style, refer to
 http://www.isgec.org/GECCO-2003/ for details.
Manuscripts should not exceed 6 pages. All papers (PDF only) should be sent
per email to Dr. Sibylle Mueller at muellers@inf.ethz.ch.

Contributed by: Bart De Moor, 

MTNS 2004

16th International Symposium on
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems(MTNS 2004)
Catholic University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven-Belgium), 
July 5-9, 2004

MTNS is one of the main conferences in the general area of mathematical
systems and control theory. The symposium is interdisciplinary and is aimed
at mathematicians,engineers and researchers interested in any aspect of
systems theory. MTNS is usually organized every two years and traditionally
covers areas involving a wide range of research directions in mathematical
systems, networks and control theory.

MTNS 2004 will be held on the campus of the Catholic University of Leuven
(K.U.Leuven - Belgium) in July 2004. The symposium program will include
plenary and semi-plenary lectures, special topic invited lectures,
mini-symposia, mini-courses, special topic sessions and contributed papers.

You are invited to visit the symposium website at http://www.mtns2004.be
where all information will be published.

More information: info@mtns2004.be or at the conference secretariat
 Ida Tassens, ida.tassens@esat.kuleuven.ac.be
 Bart Motmans, bart.motmans@esat.kuleuven.ac.be
 ESAT-SCD, K.U.Leuven
 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 B-3001 Leuven Belgium
 T: +32-(0)16321709 F: +32-(0)16321970

 Bart De Moor, K.U.Leuven (Chair)
 Vincent Blondel, U.C.L (co-Chair)
 Paul Van Dooren, U.C.L. (co-Chair)
 Jan Willems, K.U.Leuven (co-Chair)

Contributed by: Okyay Kaynak, 

Soft Computing Days in Istanbul
Joint 13th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
and 10th International Conference on Neural Information Processing:
June 26 - 29, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey

During the early summer of 2003, the magnificent city of Istanbul is going
to host two major events in the area of soft computing. ICANN, the annual
conference of the European Neural Network Society and ICONIP, the annual
conference of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly will be held jointly
(what better place than Istanbul for such an event!) and this will be
followed by the bi-annual conference of International Fuzzy Systems
Association; IFSA Congress. There will be an overlapping day of the two
events for the neural and the fuzzy researches to interact. For those who
want to participate in both events, a special registration fee will be

Submission Deadline January 15, 2003
Acceptance Notice  February 17, 2003
Camera Ready Papers  April 1, 2003 

Contributed by: J. A. Tenreiro Machado, 

Symposium on Fractional Derivatives and Their Applications

at the
Nineteenth Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences
September 2-6, 2003, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Papers are solicited in the area of fractional derivatives and their 
applications. The subject of the papers includes, but is not limited to, 
mathematical modeling of fractional dynamic systems, analytical and 
numerical techniques to solve these equations, fractional model of 
viscoelastic damping, large scale finite element models of fractional 
systems and associated numerical scheme, fractional controller design and 
system identification, stability analysis of fractional systems, nonlinear 
and stochastic fractional dynamic systems, fractional models and their 
experimental verifications, and applications of fractional models to 
engineering systems.

Three copies of the papers with the e-mail address of the authors must be 
submitted to one of the organizers of the symposium before January 24, 2003.
All papers will be reviewed and, if accepted, will be published in the 
conference proceedings on CD-ROM.  The author kit for the papers can be 
downloaded from http://www.asme.org/pubs/toc.html.  On could also link to 
the ASME webpage from the conference webpage page 
The organizers of the symposium are:

Om Prakash Agrawal
Mechanical Engineering 
Southern Illinois University 
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
E-mail: om@engr.siu.edu 

J. A. Tenreiro Machado
Institute of Engineering of Porto
Dept. of Electrotechnical Engineering
Rua Dr. Antonio Bernardino de Almeida
4200-072 Porto, Portugal

Jocelyn Sabatier
LAP Université Bordeaux 1, 351,
Cours de la Libération,
33405 Talence cedex, France

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