E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 170, October, 2002

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue 170, October, 2002

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
      Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
      Submission deadline for November eletter: October 31, 2002


0.	Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	Change of Address: Miloud Frikel
	1.2	Change of Address: Reinaldo M. Palhares
	1.3	Change of address: Mustafa Khammash

2.	Awards Honors

3.	General Announcements
	3.1	Control Training Site
	3.2	IEEE Control Systems Society Digital Archive 1956-2001
	3.3	New Directions in Math. Systems Theory and Opt
	3.4	New Subscription Option for Control Systems Society Journals

4.	Positions
	4.1	Faculty: University of Minnesota USA
	4.2	Faculty: University of Wyoming USA
	4.3	Lecturer: University of Technology Australia
	4.4	PhD: ETH Zurich Switzerland
	4.5	PhD: Embedded Systems Inst. - The Netherlands
	4.6	PhD: Liverpool University UK
	4.7	PhD: Univ of Glasgow, Strathclyde UK
	4.8	PhD: University of Groningen The Netherlands
	4.9	PhD: University of Leicester UK
	4.10	PhD: University of Twente The Netherlands
	4.11	PhD Post-Doc: Delft Univ of Technology The Netherlands
	4.12	PhD Post-Doc: University of Texas Dallas USA
	4.13	Post-Doc: Jozef Stefan Institute Slovenia
	4.14	Post-Doc: University of Houston USA
	4.15	Post Doc: National University of Singapore
	4.16	Research Assist MS PhD: University of Houston USA
	4.17	Research Engineer: Samsung KOREA
	4.18	Research Fellow: Australian National Univ Australia

5.	Books
	5.1	New Book on Nonlinear Analysis and Applications
	5.2	Robust Control: The Parameter Space Approach
	5.3	Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems

6.	Journals
	6.1	Call for Papers: Asian J of Contr - Nano Tech
	6.2	Call for Papers: Asian J of Contr - VSS
	6.3	Contents: Automatica
	6.4	Contents: European Journal of Control
	6.5	Contents: Jour of Dynamical and Control Systems
	6.6	Contents: Trans of Inst of Measurement and Control
	6.7	Design and Opt. of Restricted Complexity Controllers

7.	Conferences
	7.1	2003 IEEE ISIC
	7.2	2003 Int Joint Conference on Neural Networks
	7.3	Advanced Process Control App. for Industry Workshop
	7.4	Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
	7.5	Call for Papers: SYSID-2003 
	7.6	Call for Papers ICCA'03
	7.7	Conf on Mathematical Control Theory
	7.8	European Control Conference 2003
	7.9	Fusion 2003 Conference

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Welcome to the 170-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of November 2002.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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Contributed by: Miloud Frikel, 

Change of Address: Miloud Frikel

Dear colleagues, As of September 1, I have taken up a research fellowship at 
the Technical University of Lisbon, IST/ISR.  My new contact information is
 Miloud Frikel
 Signal and Image Processing Group
 Wireless Communication Lab (WCL)
 Av. Rovisco Pais, 
 Torre Norte, Piso 7
 1049-001 Lisbon

Contributed by: Reinaldo M. Palhares, 

Change of Address: Reinaldo M. Palhares

As of September 17, 2002, I have taken a faculty position at Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais. My new contact information is as follows:
 Dr. Reinaldo M. Palhares
 Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica
 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
 Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
 31270-901, Belo Horizonte, MG - BRAZIL
 Tel: +55 (31) 3499-4836
 Fax: +55 (31) 3499-4850

Contributed by: Mustafa Khammash, 

Change of address: Mustafa Khammash

I have recently moved from Iowa State University to join the Department of 
Mechanical Engineering at the University of California at Santa Barbara.
My new contact information is:
 Mustafa Khammash
 Departament of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering
 University of California
 Santa Barbara, CA 93101
 Phone: (805) 893-4967
 Email: khammash@engineering.ucsb.edu


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                          Awards Honors
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No submissions in this Category

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, 

Control Training Site

The Control Training Site is offering three to twelve months for studying in
one of the twenty-nine Host Institutes from eight different European countries
listed on the CTS Web page http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS . The main objectives
of CTS are to promote the exchanges of European doctoral students and to offer
a complete training course and research training in the large
multi-disciplinary area of control including various areas of control theory,
optimization and control engineering.

The Control Training Site is applicable to any doctoral student who is a
national of a Member State of the European Community or an Associated State,
or who has resided in the Community for at least the last five years: Austria
- Belgium - Bulgaria - Cyprus - Czech Republic - Denmark - Estonia - Finland -
France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Iceland - Ireland - Israel - Italy -
Latvia - Liechtenstein - Lithuania - Iceland - Luxembourg - Malta -
Netherlands - Norway - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Slovak Republic -
Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom.

Qualified applicants (see http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS for the application
form) can either complete their first-year doctoral studies, by choosing some
courses proposed by the CTS, or can obtain a complete first-year certificate,
or can access to the training site in order to enhance their already started
(or just started) doctoral studies. In this later case, they can choose one of
the  CTS-research project or contact directly any  CTS-Member. 

A fellowship of 1200 euros per month plus 100 euros per month for travel
expenses is awarded to the successful applicants. The CTS research
contribution to the CTS-Host Institute is of 850 euros per hosting-month.

Contributed by: Mark W. Spong, 

IEEE Control Systems Society Digital Archive 1956-2001

The IEEE Control Systems Society Digital Archive: 1956-2001 is now available
at an introductory member price of $129.  The Digital Archive comes as a two
DVD set in a leather wallet style case and contains

- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 1956-2001
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 1993-2001
- IEEE Control Systems Magazine 1981-2001

Containing a library of more than 15,000 articles published by the IEEE
Control Systems Society in the nearly half century from 1956 through the end
of 2001, the digital archive is a unique and invaluable resource for
students, practitioners, researchers, and historians of control.

Besides including Pre-1988 articles not available on IEEE Xplore, the Digital
Archive contains publication, author, and subject indexes, author profiles,
abstracts, hyperlinked references and citations. For further information,
including information about ordering the set, go to http://www.ieeecss.org/

Contributed by: Leonard Shaw, 

New Subscription Option for Control Systems Society Journals


Due to increasing production and mailing costs, the subscription rates for
the Trans on Automatic Control and Trans on Control Systems Technology
have been increased for 2003.  However, a member of the IEEE CSS can
receive electronic access to each of these journals (and all of their back
issues) for a much lower price (USD 12 for AC and USD 8 for CST).  Details can
be found at www.ieee.org/renewal. Those who wish to join IEEE and the CSS
can click on MEMBERSHIP on the www.ieee.org page.

Unfortunately, the membership renewal mailings received by CSS members are
not clear about this new option, and also don't make it clear that
those who subscribe for printed journals also have electronic access.

Contributed by: Anders Forsgren, 

New Directions in Mathematical Systems Theory and Optimization
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
November 15-16, 2002

Call for Participation:
There will be a single stream of invited presentations during the two days
when the symposium is held. The symposium is being organized on the occasion
of Anders Lindquist's 60th birthday, and the speakers represent a wide range
of areas where Anders Lindquist has been active. In addition, a banquet will
be held in the evening of Saturday, November 16. 

We welcome attendees to the symposium. For attendees, there is a registration
fee of SEK 1000. The registration deadline is November 1. For further
information and list of speaker, see the Symposium URL above.

Organizing committee:
* Anders Forsgren, KTH (chair) 
* Xiaoming Hu, KTH 
* Krister Svanberg, KTH 
* Chris Byrnes, Washington University St. Louis 
* Clyde Martin, Texas Tech University 
* Anders Rantzer, Lund Institute of Technology 
* Yishao Zhou, Stockholm University 

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Contributed by: Kim A. Stelson, 

Department of Mechanical Engineering.
University of Minnesota

One or more positions at Assistant Professor level for individuals whose
research interests complement and strengthen existing activities in the
Design and Manufacturing Division. Research in the division has three focus
areas: biomedical engineering, advanced transportation systems, and
innovative materials processing technologies. We are particularly interested
in enhancing research in the following application areas: active noise and
vibration control, fluid power control, medical devices, mechatronics, MEMS
and nanotechnology, robotics, and smart materials and structures. Appointment
at the Full or Associate Professor level may be considered for exceptionally
well-qualified individuals. An earned doctorate in mechanical engineering or
a closely related discipline is required. 

Applicants should have a strong interest in undergraduate, graduate and 
professional program teaching and in conducting sponsored research. A strong 
theoretical background and an experimental research orientation are expected.

Our search process requires the following: (1) letter of application, (2) 
statement of teaching and research goals, (3) curriculum vitae, (4) names of 
references, (5) arranging for three letters of recommendation to be sent.  
Please submit all materials to:

Search Committee, IT 989
C/o Ms. K. Suzanne Sower
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Minnesota
111 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

The review of applications including letters of recommendations will begin on 
January 2, 2003 and will continue until the position is filled. The 
University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

Further details are available at: http://www.me.umn.edu/jobs/faculty.html

Contributed by: John E. McInroy, 

University of Wyoming
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

The University of Wyoming Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
seeks candidates for a tenure track faculty position in the area of control 
systems and/or robotics.  A Ph.D. (or equivalent terminal degree) in 
Electrical Engineering or a closely related field is required.

We prefer individuals with backgrounds in one or more of three sub-areas:  
(1) Reconfigurable, Network-Based Robots,  (2) Precision Motion Control, and 
(3) Active Flow Control for Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles.  The successful 
applicant will be expected to establish a funded research program and teach 
at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.  There are interdisciplinary 
research collaboration opportunities with faculty in Electrical, Computer, 
and Mechanical Engineering, as well as Computer Science and Mathematics. For 
example, collaboration with faculty in Computer Science would include the 
coordination and communication needed for the cooperative actions among 
groups of robots. 

Interested applicants should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae,
and contact information for three professional references to:

Dr. John McInroy
Search Committee Chair
PO Box 3295
University of Wyoming		
Laramie, WY 82071-3295
Phone: 307-766-6137
e-mail: ece@uwyo.edu

The search committee will begin screening applications January 15, 2003.  The 
University of Wyoming is an EEO/AA employer.

Contributed by: Bernardo A. Leon de la Barra, 

Lecturer: University of Technology Australia

University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Faculty of Engineering
Lecturer in Mechatronics and Intelligent Systems (R9902)

Applications are invited for full-time position as Lecturer in Mechatronics
and Intelligent Systems. The minimum qualification requirement for the
position is a Masters Research degree in engineering or a related field, but
a PhD is preferred. You will have substantial experience in professional
practice and/or a record of significant achievement in tertiary teaching and
research. You will be an effective role model as teacher and researcher,
broadly appreciative of engineering practice and context, with well developed
communication, information handling, teamwork, and self-management skills.
You will be expected to contribute to the development of programs pertaining
to mechatronics and intelligent systems, with particular emphasis on 
mechatronics, computer control techniques and artificial intelligence. You 
will develop and contribute to the development of thematic attributes and 
competencies needed by all graduates of the Faculty, and participate in its 
established and emerging research programs.

Salary range: AU$54,946 to AU$65,234 pa. (to mid-level only). The University 
offers a wide-ranging salary packaging scheme to all staff plus attractive 

Application procedure: Obtain the selection criteria, which you need to 
address, from the UTS website: www.uts.edu.au/div/hru/employ OR phone + 61 2 
95141087. If you then require further information contact Professor Hung 
Nguyen on + 61 2 95142451, email: hung.nguyen@uts.edu.au. Applications should 
be received by 11 October 2002, include details of three referees, quote the 
Ref No., and be addressed to:
The Recruitment Officer
University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007

Contributed by: Lino Guzzella, 

PhD: ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich
Measurement and Control Laboratory

We are looking for excellent doctoral students with a background in control 
theory and dynamic systems. Prerequisites are a M.S. or a diploma degree in 
mechanical or electrical engineering. 

In the following three projects four positions are open at the moment: 
  1. Feedback control of pollutant emissions of Diesel engines (2 positions).
  2. Model-based control of compressed natural gas engines (1 position).
  3. Modeling and control of the cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in 
     human brains (1 position).
Applications should include an extended curriculum vitae (with details on
qualifications, experience, achievements and the addresses of at least two
academic referees). Please send your completed application to the email 
address below.

Prof. Dr. Lino Guzzella      
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich
Measurement and Control Laboratory
ETH Zuerich                             URL:  http://www.imrt.mavt.ethz.ch
Sonneggstrasse 3, ML K32.1              Tel:  +41-1-632'54'48 
CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland            Fax:  +41-1-632'11'39

Contributed by: Maurice Heemels, 

PHD Positions: Embedded Systems Institute
Boderc project

The Boderc project focuses on distributed embedded real-time controllers of 
complex systems. The project partners are: Océ Technologies, Philips CFT,
AAS, Turnkiek, and three universities: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven,
Universiteit Nijmegen, Universiteit Twente in co-operation with the 
Embedded Systems Institute.

The project location will be mainly Eindhoven / Venlo. You receive an 
appointment as Ph.D. student for four years at one of the three
participating universities. 

Six PhD Positions 

1. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, department of Electrical Engineering, 
Control Systems group.
Required: automata, transition systems, formal verification tools
  differential equations, dynamics, simulation, optimization
Topic: combine, extend and apply the available tools in these disciplines for 
embedded control design.
dr.ir. Maurice Heemels, phone +31 40 2473587, m.heemels@tue.nl 

2. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, department of Electrical Engineering, 
Information and Communication Systems group.
Required: system-level design methodology & (formal) models of computation.
Topic: development of methods and tools for system specification, system 
verification, performance modeling, architecture exploration and design of
distributed real-time embedded control systems.
dr.ir. Jeroen Voeten, phone +31 40 2474267, J.P.M.Voeten@tue.nl

3. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, department of Mechanical Engineering, 
Control Systems Technology group.
Topic: modelling of (controlled) mechanics and mechatronics, and focus on 
model reduction for hybrid systems.
prof.dr.ir. Maarten Steinbuch, phone +31 40 2475444, m.steinbuch@tue.nl

4. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, department of Mechanical Engineering, 
Dynamics and Control group.
Topic: development of analysis tools for mechatronic systems described by 
hybrid models.
prof.dr. H. Nijmeijer, phone +31 40 2473203, h.nijmeijer@tue.nl

5. Universiteit Nijmegen, faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing 
Science, Informatics for Technical Applications group. 
Topic: to integrate UML-based software design for embedded systems into a 
common framework that is suitable for 
dr. Jozef Hooman, phone +31 24 3652590, hooman@cs.kun.nl

6. Universiteit Twente, faculty of Electrical Engineering, Control 
Engineering group.
Topic: distributed controller architectures for mechatronic systems. 
dr.ir. J.F. Broenink, phone: +31 53 489 2793, J.F.Broenink@utwente.nl

Master's degree in one of the disciplines mentioned is required for all six

Information about the Boderc project may be obtained from the project manager 
Frans Beenker, 
phone: +31 40 2475020 (frans.beenker@embeddedsystems.nl) or from the people 
mentioned in the descriptions of the positions. Please send your application
letter and curriculum vitae, indicating the position(s) you apply for, 
before 25 October to:
  Embedded Systems Institute
  Laplace Building
  Attn: Boderc-positions
  P.O. Box 513 
  The Netherlands
or via email to: office@embeddedsystems.nl

Contributed by: D.J.Walker, 

PhD: Liverpool University, UK
Aerospace Dynamics & Control

Applications are invited for a studentship that will fund a suitably 
qualified individual to undertake research leading to PhD in the field of 
aerospace dynamics and control at the University of Liverpool's 5* 
Engineering Department. The student will join the Bibby Flight Simulation 
Laboratory, where he/she will work with a state-of-the-art six-axis motion 
flight simulator. An interest in dynamics, computer modelling and control 
systems is essential. Applicants must have at least a 2i degree in an 
appropriate branch of engineering or mathematics and must satisfy EPSRC 
studentship eligibility criteria. Further details are available from:

Dr D J Walker
Engineering Department
Liverpool University
Liverpool L69 3GH
0151 794 4808

Contributed by: Henrik Gollee, 

PhD: Univ of Glasgow and Univ of Strathclyde, UK

Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering, University of Glasgow (Prof KJ Hunt) 
Bioengineering Unit, University of Strathclyde (Dr M Granat)
Glasgow, Scotland

We have an opening for a PhD Studentship for a practical implementation of
feedback systems for automatic balance control using a new generation of
body-worn control computer, miniature sensors for posture (based on gyroscope
and accelerometer technology), and a multi-functional stimulation system. The
initial project will utilise a surface stimulation system, but in the longer-
term we expect to have a number of subjects who use an implanted version of
the system.

The project will investigate the feasibility of implementing balance
control using this framework. This will involve issues of robust
feedback design, and sensor requirements. Candidates should have a
sound background in feedback control systems, and experience with
control design and analysis using Matlab/Simulink. Experience with
C/C++ programming would be beneficial.

Further information can be found on our website at
Applications and requests for
further information should be addressed to Professor Ken Hunt at

Contributed by: Harry Trentelman, 

PhD position at the University of Groningen
Systems and Control Group
Research Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Modeling and Control of Distributed Systems

This project is funded by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research
(NWO) The research to be carried out in the project deals with the study of
open, distributed, dynamical (or: nD) systems, i.e., dynamical systems
described by linear, constant coefficient, partial differential equations,
in which some of the variables are free. The aim is to establish for this
class of systems a systems- and control theory, based on the behavioral
approach, as has been developed extensively in the past decade for finite-
imensional, linear, time-invariant systems. In particular, the project aims
at generalizing to the class of distributed systems important basic systems
theoretic notions as input and output, interconnection, and implementability.
Also, we want to generalize the concept of quadratic differential form to
the nD context, and establish a theory of lossless and dissipative nD
systems.  For finite-dimensional, linear, time-invariant systems, these
notions have shown to be instrumental in problems of H-infinity control and
filtering, and we expect to be able to develop similar theories for nD
systems.  In particular, the idea of H-infinity filtering for nD systems will
be relevant in signal and image processing.
Applicants for the PhD position (4 years, salary starting from 1600,- Euros /
month before taxes) should have a Masters degree in Mathematics, or in 
Control Engineering with a strong background in Mathematics. Applications
should include an extended vitae (with details on qualifications, experience,
achievements) and they should be sent, preferably by electronic mail, to: 
  Harry Trentelman 
  Research Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science 
  P.O. Box 800
  9700 AV Groningen
  the Netherlands
  Phone: +31-50-3633998
  Fax: +31-50-3633980
  Email: h.l. trentelman@math.rug.nl

Contributed by: Michael J. Pont, 

PhD: University of Leicester, UK

The Control and Instrumentation Research Group at the University of Leicester 
(UK) has an Industrial Case Award with BAE Systems, in the area of aerospace 
control. The project is concerned with the development and practical 
application of optimal control techniques. 

Position 1:

The studentship provides a maintenance allowance of approximately BP 8,000/ 
year, plus tuition fees. In addition, the allowance is to be enhanced by an 
award of approximately BP6000/year from the industrial collaborator, BAE 
Systems. Full funding is restricted to candidates with a relevant connection 
to the United Kingdom, usually through residence. For details of eligibility 
criteria please see: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/bmk/sinfo/

Informal enquiries to Prof. Ian Postlethwaite (ixp@leicester.ac.uk)

The Control and Instrumentation Research Group at the University of Leicester 
(UK) has an Industrial Case Award with TRW Automotive, in the area of 
embedded systems. The project will explore a range of distributed, fault-
tolerant, software architectures for use in X-by-Wire systems. 

Postion 2.

The studentship provides a maintenance allowance of approximately BP 8,000/ 
year, plus tuition fees. In addition, the allowance is to be enhanced by an 
award of approximately BP 3000/year from the industrial collaborator, TRW 
Automotive. Full funding is restricted to candidates with a relevant 
connection to the United Kingdom, usually through residence. For details of 
eligibility criteria please see: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/bmk/sinfo/ 

Informal enquiries to Dr. Michael J. Pont (M.Pont@leicester.ac.uk)

Contributed by: Hans Zwart, 

PhD: University of Twente, The Netherlands
Department of Applied Mathematics
The Netherlands. 
For the project ``Energy-based Representation, Analysis and Control of
Infinite-dimensional Systems'' we are looking for a Ph.D. applicant. This
project is financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
(NWO). The project aims at the development of a general system-theoretic 
framework for the energy-based representation, analysis and control of 
open distributed-parameter systems, that is, infinite-dimensional physical
systems interacting with other systems.
Applicants for this PhD position (4 years, salary starting from 1330,-
Euros / month after taxes) should have a Masters degree with a strong
background and interest in mathematics and control theory. 
Applications should include an extended curriculum vitae (with details 
on qualifications, experience, achievements and the addresses of 
at least two academic referees) and they should be sent to: 
Arjan van der Schaft and Hans Zwart, 
Department of Applied Mathematics, 
University of Twente, 
P.O. Box 217, 
7500 AE Enschede, 
The Netherlands. 
For more information, please contact Arjan van der Schaft, 
a.j.vanderschaft@math.utwente.nl or Hans Zwart, h.j.zwart@math.utwente.nl  

Contributed by: Carsten Scherer, 

PhD, Post-Doc: Delft Univ of Technology, The Netherlands

Project in optimization based controller synthesis.
This project funded by the Dutch government (Technology Foundation) aims at
developing an integrated theoretical framework and its realization in
practically useful algorithms for the efficient analysis and synthesis of
robust and scheduled controllers against mixtures of time-varying and dynamic
uncertainties. This research is to be performed under the guidance of Carsten
Scherer within the Mechanical Engineering Systems and Control Group (Delft
University of Technology) with the opportunity for implementation on real-
world control systems.

Applicants for the PhD position (4 years, salary starting from 2000,-
Euros/month before taxes) should have a Masters degree with a strong
background in control engineering and mathematics.

Applicants for the post-doc position (1-2 years, negotiable salary of at
least 2700,- Euros/month before taxes) should have a Ph.D. degree in
Engineering or Mathematics with a specialization to robust control theory.

Applications should include an extended curriculum vitae (with details on
qualifications, experience, achievements and the addresses of at least two
academic referees) and they should be sent no later than October 31, 2002, to
 Carsten Scherer
 Mechanical Engineering Systems and Control Group
 Delft University of Technology
 Mekelweg 2
 2628 CD Delft
 The Netherlands
 Phone: +31-15-2785899
 Fax:   +31-15-2789387
 Email: c.w.scherer@wbmt.tudelft.nl

Contributed by: Raimund Ober, 

PhD, Post-Doc: University of Texas, Dallas, USA

Several positions are available to work on bioengineering problems 
in joint NIH funded projects with Prof. E.S. Ward at UT Southwestern 
Medical Center at Dallas.

The projects aim to develop novel image processing and data analysis
methods for fluorescence microscopy live cell experiments (including
single molecule detection) and surface plasmon resonance experiments 
for the analysis of protein-protein interactions. No prior knowledge 
of these techniques is required.  However, a strong technical background in 
engineering or mathematics is desirable and a keen interest in getting 
involved in bioengineering related research is necessary. A number of the 
proposed techniques make use of advanced system theoretic ideas.

The positions will provide the opportunity to not only work on projects 
of significant technical interest but also to become familiar with the 
fundamental biological questions that are being addressed in the laboratory.

Please send inquiries (resume, names of referees etc.) to 
	Prof. Raimund J. Ober
	Department of Electrical Engineering EC33
	University of Texas at Dallas
	Richardson, TX 75083
	email: ober@utdallas.edu

Contributed by: Jus Kocijan, 

Post-Doc: Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Post Doctoral position in applied non-linear control of dynamic systems 
is available at the Department of Computer Automation and Control,
Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, for a period up to 18 months.

Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent) degree at the time of appointment.
Candidates with background in control engineering or applied mathematics with
strong interest and previous experience in one or more of the following areas
are encouraged to apply for the position: Applied non-linear control, Model
predictive control, Non-linear systems identification, Multi-model based,
Modelling and control, Hybrid and switching control.
Software development skills and practical experience is desirable. The
research will include theoretical studies, software development and
application studies within a group of PhD students, postdocs, Master degree
students and industrial collaborators. The project is funded by the European
Commission under a Research Training Network. The Multi-Agent Control (MAC)
network is a collaboration between the Universities of Glasgow, Strathclyde,
Maynooth, NTNU, DTU and the Jozef Stefan Insitute (participants). The
University of Glasgow acts as the project coordinator. The post carry
competitive stipend of up to 22000 EUR per year and offer possiblities of
research related travel.

The European Commission requires that the candidate is aged 35 years or less
at the time of his appointment and must be a national of a Member State of
the Community or of an Associated State (excluding Slovenia) or have resided
in the Community for at least five year prior to the appointment.

Please visit the project web site http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/mac/ for more
information. Details about the individual vacancies can be found at

Send your inquieries which should include a CV with a publication list to:
Dr. Jus Kocijan
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
tel. +386 1 4773661, E-mail: jus.kocijan@ijs.si

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis, 

Post-Doc: University of Houston, USA

University of Houston / NASA Johnson Space Center 
Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Position entails conducting research in the area of vision-based control and 
teleoperation of space robotic manipulators. The fellow will be involved in 
state-of-the-art research in collaboration with the Robotic Systems 
Technology Branch at NASA JSC and he/she is expected to conduct approximately 
50% of his/her research activity at NASA. A Ph.D. in Engineering with a 
specialization on computer vision-based control or robotics is required. The 
position is available for a period of two years (with the potential for a 
renewal for a third year) with a competitive salary. 

Send resume to: Prof. K. Grigoriadis, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 
University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-4006. Email: karolos@uh.edu

Contributed by: S.S. Ge, 

Post Doc: National University of Singapore

Outstanding young and responsible researchers are invited to apply for a 
postdoctoral research position in the broadly defined area of control theory 
and applications in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 
the National University of Singapore. The applicant preferably has both 
strong engineering background and analytical skills. The appointment is 
available in September 2002 and will be offer on a yearly basis but tenable 
to three years minimum. Salary is negotiable but depends on the experience of 
the applicant and regulation of the fund. The successful applicant will be 
working on related core technical issues in advanced control, decision making 
and path planning of unmanned vehicles. 

To apply, please send the following documents: 
(i)	Duly complete application form that could be downloaded at 
(ii)	Brief CV (Resume) with a statement of personal research interests, 
(iii)	Copies of three best research publications as required in the 
        application form, 
(iv)	Copies of relevant degree certificates as required in the 
        application form,  
(v)	Three reference letters, and 
(vi)	Copies of relevant pages in your passport.
Dr S. Sam GE
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117576. 

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis, 

Research Assist MS, PhD: University of Houston, USA

Graduate Research Assistantships for M.S. and Ph.D. Studies
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Houston

For graduate studies in the areas of robust, gain scheduled and optimal
control, robotics, and vision-based control, with applications to space
systems, engine control and structural control. Applicants are expected
to have a good mathematical background and basic knowledge of control
systems. The Houston metropolitan area offers great opportunities for
interaction with industry and the NASA Johnson Space Center. The
positions are funded by the National Science Foundation, the State of
Texas, and a newly established NASA center on the control of intelligent
vehicles and structures. Applications from qualified students are
invited for Spring and Fall 2003. Application material can be obtained
at http://www.me.uh.edu/grad/grad.html

Contributed by: Kyu Yong KIM, 

Research Engineer: Samsung, KOREA

We are looking for dynamic and energetic individuals to join Storage
Laboratory of SAIT to research and develop channel for Perpendicular magentic
recording  for hard disk drive especially in channel coding and detection.
(SAIT is abbreviation of Samsung Advanced institute of Technology, and it is 
the central research center of Samsung Electronics Company)

Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent) degree in electrical and 
electronic engineering or relevant engineering or MS degree with minimum 5
years industrial experience in channel coding and detection. Candidates with
background in PRML are strongly encouraged to apply for the position. Strong
hardware skill and in-depth understanding of industrial processes are
required. The candidates should have extensive experience and demonstrated
proficiency with industrial channel system and are familiar with various
simulation and/or hardware implementation tools.  

To apply, please send a CV, a cover letter, list of possible publications,
and the contact address (number) of references to K Y KIM
 Kyu Yong KIM
 Storage Lab.
 email : kykim@sait.samsung.co.kr
 Phone : 82-31-280-8166
 Fax   : 82-31-280-6955
 address : Storage Lab, SAIT,
          San 14-1, Nongseo-Li, Kiheung-Eup, Yongin-city, Kyungki-do, 
          449-712, KOREA

Contributed by: Rosemary Shepherd, 

Research Fellow: Australian National Univ, Australia

Salary:  Research Fellow (Level B - Fixed Term)  $53,640 – 63,287 pa. 
In addition, the University has a policy that provides for market-related 
loading of academic salaries in appropriate instances. 

The Department of Systems Engineering seeks to fill a position to work with 
Professor John Moore and his students. The research will be in the area of 
optimisation, control and signal processing with work on applications to 
areas such as robotics, vision systems and telecommunications 

Appointment: Fixed term contract for up to five years.  Suitably qualified 
women are particularly encouraged to apply.  The position is available from 
December 2002. 

Enquiries: Professor John Moore, e-mail: John.Moore@anu.edu.au, tel: +61 2 
6125 8604, Fax: +61 2 6125 8660. 

Contact: Further particulars and selection criteria must be obtained before 
applying.  These are  available  from  the ANU website at 
http://www.anu.edu.au/hr/jobs/ise1208.pdf  or from the Business Office RSISE, 
telephone:  (61 2) 6125 8819, fax: (61 2) 6125 8824 or bm.rsise@anu.edu.au. 

Closing date for applications:  18 October 2002. 
Information on how to apply may be obtained from the ANU Web page: 
http://www.anu.edu.au/hr/jobs or, by telephoning/e-mailing the contact.

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: N.A.Sidorov, 

New Book on Nonlinear Analysis and Applications

Lyapunov-Schmidt Methods in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications
Nikolay Sidorov, Boris Loginov, Aleksandr Sinitsyn, Michail Falaleev 

This book concentrates on the branching solutions of nonlinear operator 
equations and the theory of degenerate operator-differential equations 
especially applicable to algorithmic analysis and nonlinear PDE's in 
mechanics and mathematical physics.

The authors expound the recent result on the generalized eigen-value problem, 
the perturbation method, Schmidt's pseudo-inversion for regularization of 
linear and nonlinear problems in the branching theory and group methods in 
bifurcation theory. The book covers regular iterative methods in a 
neighborhood of branch points and the theory of differential-operator 
equations with a non-invertible operator in the main expression is 
constructed. Various recent results on theorems of existence are given 
including asymptotic, approximate and group methods.

The reduction of some mathematics, physics and mechanics problems (capillary-
gravity surface wave theory, phase transitions theory, Andronov-Hopf 
bifurcation, boundary-value problems for the Vlasov-Maxwell system, 
filtration, magnetic insulation) to operator equations gives rich 
opportunities for creation and application of stated common methods for which 
existence theorems and the bifurcation of solutions for these applications 
are investigated.

Audience: The book will be of interest to mathematicians, mechanics, 
physicists and engineers interested in nonlinear equations and applications 
to nonlinear and singular systems as well as to researchers and students of 
these topics.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-0941-0
November 2002 , 566 pp.
EUR 174.00 /  USD 160.00 /  GBP 110.00

Contributed by: Juergen Ackermann, 

Robust Control: The Parameter Space Approach

Robust Control: The Parameter Space Approach
Juergen Ackermann in cooperation with Paul Blue, Tilman Buente, Levent 
Guvenc, Dieter Kaesbauer, Michael Kordt, Michael Muhler, and Dirk Odenthal

The new edition emphasizes the symbolic mapping of eigenvalue regions, 
Nyquist margins and magnitude inequalities on different sensitivity functions 
into a plane of two controller parameters for a design step, two plant 
parameters for robustness analysis or one of each for gain-scheduling design. 
For two parameters gridding is avoided. Also the fictituous boundaries 
generated by the last Hurwitz determinant are avoided. Computer graphics 
methods allow to visualize the influence of a third or further parameters, 
e.g.by gridding. 

Once the limitation to a few essential uncertain parameters in robustness 
analysis or to a few free controller parameters in each design step is 
accepted, the design engineer is rewarded by easy-to-interpret figures that 
make design conflicts between different operating conditions and different 
specifications transparent, and by non-conservative mapping of specifications 
and parameter ranges.

A particular strength of the parameter space approach is, that it works also 
if the uncertain parameters enter polynomially into the coefficients of the 
characteristic polynomial.

Some mild uncertain nonlinearities in the system are treated by parametric 
describing function and Popov methods. Boundaries of regions in plant 
parameter space, where no limit cycles must be expected, are mapped 
symbolically by tangent and point conditions.

Specific model structures with real physical interval parameters - as they 
arise in mathematical models of vehicles and other mechanical systems - are 
exploited in order to avoid overbounding in the problem formulations. Tree-
structures are also exploited for the construction of value sets fot robust 
stability analysis. Here the closed-loop characteristic polynomial is 
systematically decomposed into sums and products of subpolynomials involving 
only a subset of the uncertain parameters. Then the value set is constructed 
sequentially, also for a large number of uncertain parameters.
Compared to the first edition of 1993, the second edition is essentially 
completely rewritten and augmented by fresh contibutions of new coauthors. 
New results on the design of robust PID-controllers and frequency domain 
specifications are included as well as many new applications in the case 
study chapters on car steering and flight control. 

For a complete table of contents and ordering information see 

Contributed by: Pravin Varaiya, 

Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems

Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems, 
Edward A. Lee and Pravin Varaiya, University of California, Berkeley
Addison-Wesley, 2002 http://www.aw.com/info/lee/

This textbook approaches signals and systems from a computational point of 
view.  It is intended for students interested in modern, highly digital 
problems of electrical engineering, computer science, and computer 
engineering.  The approach is applicable to problems in computer networking, 
wireless communication systems, embedded control, audio and video signal 

The book is based on a course at Berkeley taught over the past four years to 
more than 2,000 students entering electrical engineering and computer 
sciences. Therefore, no background in electrical engineering or computer 
science is assumed. Students should have some experience with calculus, 
elementary set theory, series, first order linear differential equations, 
trigonometry, and elementary complex numbers. The appendices review set 
theory and complex numbers, so this background is less essential.

The book develops three themes. The first theme is the use of sets and 
functions as a universal language to describe diverse signals and systems. 
Different signals---voice, images, bit sequences---are represented as 
functions with an appropriate domain and range. Systems are represented as 
functions whose domain and range are themselves sets of signals. Thus, for 
example, a modem is represented as a function that maps bit sequences into 
voice-like signals.

Table of Content (details about chapters can be found on the web site).
1. Signals and Systems.
2. Defining Signals and Systems.
3. State Machines.
4. Composing State Machines.
5. Linear Systems.
6. Hybrid Systems.
7. Frequency Domain.
8. Frequency Response.
9. Filtering.
10. The Four Fourier Transforms.
11. Sampling and Reconstruction.
12. Stability.
13. Laplace and Z Transforms.
14. Composition and Feedback Control.

The book has an extensive companion Web site: www.aw.com/lee_varaiya. It 
contains a suite of laboratory exercises based on MATLAB and Simulink. A 
large set of interactive applets brings out the computational aspects of 
frequency analysis.  A complete set of Web pages, arranged by topic, can be 
used by instructors in class or by students for review.  There are 
additional topics in sidebar form, not available in the text.  Qualified 
instructors can obtain solutions to all the exercises.

              |                                        |
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Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

Call for Papers: Asian J of Contr - Nano Tech

                    "Advances in Nano-Technology Control"
               A Special Issue of the Asian Journal of Control

Nano-Technology is the technology developed at the atomic, molecular or 
macromolecular levels in the controllable length scale of approximately 1 - 
100 nanometers. The research of Nano-Technology provides a fundamental 
understanding of the phenomena and materials on a nanoscale, and develops and 
applies structures, devices and systems that have novel properties and 
functionalities due to their extremely small and/or compact size. 
Nano-Technology includes the manipulations under the control of nanoscale 
structures and their integrations into larger device components, systems and 
architectures. Within these larger scale assemblies, the control and 
construction of the structures and components remains on a nanometer scale. 
However, the novel and differentiating properties of working at under 100 nm 
creates problems, such as friction, hysteresis, electrostrictive effect, and 
nonlinear properties arise prominently, which lead to the need for research 
in Nano-Technology Control to overcome those difficulties. 

Since Nano-technology has opened up a new world of possibilities in 
science and industry, this special issue on Advances in Nano-Technology 
Control aims to serve as a forum to consolidate the latest developments and 
exploration of research trends in this field. Priority will be given to 
original contributions, which attempt to integrate advances in Nano-
Technology Control theory, system integration and implementation. Papers 
should preferably include an application section, where the results from a 
practical application/case study are documented. Topics of interest include 
but are not limited to:
   1.Modeling and dynamics, precision control and technology, and sensing 
and/or actuating for Nano-mechatronics. 
   2.Integration of novel devices to traditional control systems with 
nanoscale accuracy.

  Guest Editor:
        Prof. Mi-Ching Tsai
        Department of Mechanical Engineering
        National Cheng Kung University
        Tel: +886-6-2757575  Ext. 62173  Fax: +886-6-235 2344   
        E-mail: mctsai@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  Important Dates:
        Sep. 15, 2002           	Call for Papers
        Feb. 15, 2003           	Deadline for Paper Submission
        July 1, 2003        	Completion of first review
        Oct. 1, 2003           	Completion of final review
        March., 2004    	    	Publication
Potential authors can either submit four copies of manuscripts or send 
its electronic file in Postscript, PDF or WORD format to Prof. Li-Chen Fu, 
Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Control at the following address:
        Prof. Li-Chen Fu
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        National Taiwan University
        Taipei 106, Taiwan
        Tel: +886-2-2362-2209    Fax: +886-2-2365-7887
        Email: lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw

Detailed information about manuscript preparation can be found on URL above.

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

Call for Papers: Asian J of Contr - VSS

      "Variable Structure System Control: New Designs and Applications"
                  A Special Issue of Asian Journal of Control

Variable structure system control has been a major control methodology 
for many decades, and remains one of the most active research areas of 
control theory and one of the powerful tools in solving practical control 
problems. This can be readily seen from numerous reports and dedicated 
variable structure control sessions in all prestigious control conferences.
The recent trend shows the variety of control designs based on the 
characteristics of a switching mechanism. Adversely, we can also see the 
significant efforts in analyzing the inherent nature of system switching and 
looking for alternatives. It is worthy and necessary, from either a 
systematic or practical point of view, to disclose and demonstrate the 
relevance between such a specific design and the system nonlinearity, 
uncertainty as well complexity.

The goal of this special issue, thereby, is to provide a forum for 
control researchers to report their latest research results in the area of 
variable structure system control, including both design issues and 
applications. Integrated design associating variable structure system control 
with other main stream control methodologies such as adaptive control, H¥ 
control, intelligent control, etc., are also within the scope of this special 

Guest Editor:
       Prof. Jian-Xin Xu
       Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
       National University of Singapore 
       Tel:+65 6874-2566, Fax:+65 6779-1103 
       E-mail: elexujx@nus.edu.sg

Important Dates:
       Sept 15, 2002 	Call for Papers
       Jan. 15, 2002 	Deadline for Paper Submission
       April 15, 2003 	Completion of First Review
       August 15, 2003 	Completion of Final Review
       Dec. 31, 2003 	Publication
Potential authors can either submit four copies of manuscripts or send 
its electronic files in Postscript, PDF or Word format to Prof. Li-Chen Fu, 
Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Control at the following address:
	Prof. Li-Chen Fu	
	Department of Electrical Engineering	
	National Taiwan University	
	Taipei 106, Taiwan	
        Tel: +886-2-2362-2209	
	Fax: +886-2-23657887	
	E-mail: lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw 	

Detailed information about manuscript preparation is available on URL above.

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, 

Contents: Automatica, November, 2002
Volume 38, Issue 11

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com


Katsuhisa Furuta
Automatica prize paper award 2002

Regular papers

V. Manikonda, P. S. Krishnaprasad
Controllability of a class of underactuated mechanical systems with

D. Coca, S. A. Billings
Identification of finite dimensional models of infinite dimensional
dynamical systems

Jian-xin, Ying Tan
Robust optimal design and convergence properties analysis of iterative
learning control approaches

J. T. Gravdahl, O. Egeland, S. Vatland
Drive torque actuation in active surge control of centrifugal compressors

Chyi Hwang and Chun-Yen Hsiao
Solution of a non-convex optimization arising in PI/PID control design

J. P. Hespanha, A. S. Morse
Switching between stabilizing controllers

Brief papers

A. B. Acikmese, M. J. Corless
Robust output tracking for uncertain/nonlinear systems subject to almost
constant disturbances

Chaohong Cai, Zhenyuan Xu, Wenbo Xu
Converting chaos into periodic motion by state feedback control

H. Marchand, O. Boivineau, S. Lafortune
On optimal control of a class of partially-observed discrete event systems

M. Arcak and A. Teel
Input-to-state stability for a class of Lurie systems

S. W. Su, B. D. O. Anderson, T. S. Brinsmead
Use of integrator in nonlinear H(infinity) design for disturbance

Sanqing Hu, Jun Wang
A gradient flow approach to on-line robust pole assignment for
synthesizing output feedback control systems

L. Benvenuti, A. De Santis, L. Farina
On model consistency in compartmental systems identification

Fu-Chun Sun, Han-Xiong Li, Lei Li
Robot discrete adaptive control based on dynamic inversion using dynamical
neural networks

Chien-Shu Hsieh
Performance gain margins of the two-stage LQ reliable control

Xianping Guo, Wen Yu, Xiaoou Li
Minimax control for discrete-time time-varying stochastic systems

S. Dubljevic, N. Kazantzis.
A new Lyapunov design approach for nonlinear systems based on Zubov's

Technical communiques

Tingshu Hu, D. E. Miller, Li Qiu
Null controllable region of LTI discrete-time systems with input

Pierre-Alexandre Bliman
Absolute stability criteria with prescribed decay rate for
finite-dimensional and delay systems

F. De Bruyne, B. D. O. Anderson, I. D. Landau
Recursive identification of nonlinear plants operating in closed loop
using kernel representations

Book reviews

F. M. Pait
Functional adaptive control - An intelligent systems approach, by Simon G.
Fabri and Visakan Kadirkamanathan

Laura Menini
Non-linear control for underactuated mechanical systems, by Isabelle
Fantoni and Rogelio Lozano

A. Ghulchak, H. Sandberg
Computer control systems. Analysis and design with process-oriented
models, by E. Rosenwasser and B. Lampe

Ricardo S. Sánchez Pena
Robust control design using H-(infty) methods,	by Ian R. Petersen, Valery
A. Ugrinovskii and Andrey V. Savkin

Contributed by: Gabriela Stroian, 

Contents: European Journal of Control
Vol. 8, no. 4, 2002


Closed-loop stabilizing MPC for discrete time bilinear systems
H.H.J. Bloemen, M. Cannon and B. Kouvaritakis

An evaluation of algorithms for computing the covariance function of a 
multivariable ARMA process
T. Söderström, M. Sebek, J. Jezek, V. Kucera and D. Henrion

Efectiveness of multirate input control in deadbeat servomechanism
H. Ito

State-estimators for chemical reaction networks of Feinberg-Horn-Jackson zero 
deficiency type
M. Chaves and E.D. Sontag

Stabilization for continuum models of large space structures in large 
attitude manoeuvres 
A. De Santis and S. Di Gennaro

Grafcet: behavioural issues and control synthesis
V. Carré-Ménétrier and J. Zaytoon

Information on European Journal of Control is available at its home page:

Address for submissions:
S. Bittanti
European Journal of Control
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano

Contributed by: Yuri Sachkov, 

               Contents: Jour of Dynamical and Control Systems
                          Vol. 8, No. 4  October 2002

Weak Tangency, Weak Invariance, and  Caratheodory Mappings, 445--461
O. Carja,  M.D.P. Monteiro Marques

Analytic solutions of systems, 463--486
J. Stefanovski, K. Trencevski

Optimal Control on Nilpotent Lie Groups, 487--504
F.Monroy-Perez, A.Anzaldo-Meneses

On the Reducibility of the Schlesinger Equations, 505--527
S. Malek

Geodesic Flows on Diffeomorphism Groups with Sobolev Metrics
and Integrable Systems, 529--545
P. Guha

On the K+P Problem for a Three-Level Quantum System:
Optimality Implies Resonance, 547--572
U. Boscain, T. Chambrion, J.-P. Gauthier

Nilpotent (3,6) Sub-Riemannian Problem, 573--597

Contributed by: Karen Hillmansen, 

Contents: Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
Vol. 24, No. 4, September 2002

Robust control for a class of modified Duffing equations
Yan X-G.; Chen I-M.; Li H-S., pp. 263-275

A frequency domain technique for the estimation of the parameters of a 
delayed process
O'Dwyer A., pp. 277-288 
Capability analysis of quartz crystal manufacturing processes
Dieste Velasco M.I.; Vicente J., pp. 289-301
A high voltage computer controlled experimental system for the investigation 
of amorphous semiconductors as image sensors
Vaezi-Nejad S.M.; Jenner R.P., pp. 303-332

Principal component analysis of spectra with application to acoustic 
emissions from mechanical equipment
Tan C.C.; Thornhill N.F.; Belchamber R.M., pp. 333-353(21) 

Contributed by: I.D. Landau, 

Design and Opt. of Restricted Complexity Controllers

Within the research program "Control- New domains and Challenges" sponsored 
by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (C.N.R.S.), an 
International workshop dedicated to "Design and optimization of restricted 
complexity controllers" will be held in Grenoble on January 15 and 16, 2003 
in Grenoble.

The objective of the workshop is to give a view of the current state of 
the art in the design and optimisation of restricted complexity controllers. 
All steps of a control design problem from data acquisition, modeling and 
identification, robust controller design, controller evaluation and final 
tuning in relation with the objective of obtaining the simplest controller 
which will achieve the desired performance will be discussed. Results on a 
related real- time benchmark problem (control of an active suspension) 
obtained by various contributors will also be presented. 

The list of invited speakers will be made available end of October 2002.(most 
of the speakers  will be selected among those who submitted papers to the 
European Journal of Control special issue "Design and optimisation of 
restricted complexity controllers" - to appears in 2003).  A round table is 
scheduled as well as a demonstration of the active suspension (the benchmark).

The scientific commitee of this workshop is composed of I.D. Landau (Grenoble)
A. Karimi(Lausanne), H. Hjalmarsson (Stockholm).

Those interested in attending the workshop should contact I.D. Landau
(landau@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr). A dedicated  web site will be opened on
November 1st, 2002 (http://www-lag.ensieg.inpg.fr/landau/workshop).

              |                                        |
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Contributed by: Ben M. Chen, 

   The 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control
                     October 5-8, 2003
          The Westin Galleria, Houston, Texas, USA

The IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) is an annual
event sponsored by The IEEE Control Systems Society. The theme of ISIC'03 is
Intelligent Control of Complex Systems. The conference program committee
solicits high-quality papers containing original contributions in all areas
of theory and applications of control, specifically Intelligent Control.

Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically 
through the following web site:
Standard submission by regular airmail is only accepted as a last resort 
option and is accomplished by sending five copies of the complete 
manuscript by January 31, 2003. For both types of submission, the first 
page of each manuscript must contain the title of the paper, the names 
and affiliations of the authors and four keywords/phrases. In addition, 
please identify the corresponding author giving full contact information, 
including fax and e-mail, if available, to whom all communications will 
be sent. Regular papers, if submitted via airmail, should be addressed 
to the Program Chair Shuzhi Sam Ge.

The Program Committee also solicits proposals for invited sessions within 
the technical scope of the conference, such as mechatronics, intelligent 
automations, intelligent sensors, intelligent servo control and etc. 
Each proposal for an invited session should describe the theme and scope 
of the proposed session and how the papers form a cohesive and 
complementary group in the session topic. One session typically contains 
five-to-six papers. The proposal must contain the title and theme of the 
session and a list of paper titles, names and email addresses of the 
corresponding authors. Session proposals must be submitted online through 
by December 15, 2002. After this date, invited sessions proposals can 
still be accepted as long as they are accompanied with full papers. 
Any inquiries regarding the invited sessions should addressed to one of 
the Invited Sessions Co-Chairs Max Meng (max.meng@ualberta.ca) and 
Jie Huang (jhuang@mae.cuhk.edu.hk).

The Program Committee is also soliciting proposals for workshops and 
tutorials related to the theme and general interests of the conference.
Tutorial/wokshops on Embedded Systems, Agent-Based Control, Distributed 
Control and intelligent computing from internationally known researchers 
are solicited and under organization. Persons interested in organizing 
a pre-conference workshop or tutorial should contact the Workshop Chair 
Kevin Moore (moorek@ece.usu.edu).

 Jan. 31, 2003    Regular Papers, Invited Session & Workshop Proposals Due
 March 31, 2003   Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
 May 31, 2003     Final Camera-Ready Papers Due

General Chair Gary G. Yen, gyen@ceat.okstate.edu
General Chair Shuzhi Sam Ge, elegesz@nus.edu.sg

Contributed by: Derong Liu, 

        2003 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Sponsored by the Int Neural Network Society & the IEEE Neural Networks Society
                       July 20--24, 2003
      Doubletree Hotel Portland-Columbia River, Portland, Oregon.

The annual INNS/IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
(IJCNN), is one of the premier international conferences in the field.
IJCNN'03 will cover all topics in neural networks, including: vision and image
processing; auditory and speech processing; cognitive information processing;
conditioning, reward and behavior; learning and memory; models of neurons and
local circuits; systems neurobiology and neural modeling; neuroinformatics;
reinforcement learning and adaptive dynamic programming; fuzzy neural systems;
extended Kalman filters; support vector machines; principal component analysis
and independent component analysis; Bayesian learning methods; biomedical
applications; diagnostics and quality control and a variety of other topics. 
The full topic list can be viewed on the conference web page at www.ijcnn.net.

Call for papers: On-line paper submission process for IJCNN 2003 will be 
open October 15, 2002 until the final deadline of January 29, 2003. For more
information, please visit http://www.ijcnn.net 
or contact the General Chair Don Wunsch at dwunsch@ece.umr.edu or contact INNS
at 19 Mantua Road, Mt. Royal, NJ 08061, 856-423-0162 or 856-423-3420 (fax).

IJCNN'03 organizing committee members:
General Chair: Donald C. Wunsch II, University of Missouri - Rolla
Program Chair: Michael Hasselmo, Boston University
Technical Co-Chair: DeLiang Wang, Ohio State University
Technical Co-Chair: Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy, University of Missouri - Rolla

Contributed by: Terrance Chmelyk, 

7TH Annual Advanced Process Control Applications for Industry Workshop
                (APC2003) April 28-30, 2003
                     Vancouver, BC Canada

Sponsored by: IEEE Industry Applications Society Vancouver Section

The workshop is a meeting of those interested in applying Advanced Process 
Control technology and Advanced Data Analysis technology to improve 
performance of the process industries. Practical installation experiences and 
results are presented for discussion.  Plant operations today are faced with 
ever-increasing pressure to improve efficiency, quality and productivity. 
Without making fundamental changes to their production processes, improvement 
can usually be made with the application of advanced control technology. 
Using modern computer hardware, software and innovative techniques, 
application engineers are able to collect real time and historical data on 
their processes. Data analysis, modeling and simulation provide a better 
understanding of the dynamics of process behavior. Once the process 
characteristics are accurately identified, the options for applying suitable 
control methodology are no longer limited to conventional control 

Topics of Papers that have been presented at the workshop include:       
Multivariable Controller Design and Performance  Multivariable Constrained 
Control Minimum Variance Optimal PI Controller Tuning for Averaging Level 
Control Model Predictive Adaptive Control  Dynamics Process Simulation and 
Application to Advanced Controller Design Real Time Expert System in Metals 
Refining Industry Equipment Health Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis using 
Multivariate Modeling Powerhouse Energy Management System Infrastructure and 
Organizational Issues for the Deployment of Advanced Control Systems Sensor 
Fault Detection and Validation 

SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Abstracts (200 words) should be received by November 30, 
2002. Include a statement in your covering letter confirming that if the 
paper is accepted one of the authors will attend the conference to present 
it. Please give the full name, affiliation, full address, telephone and fax 
numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.   Notification of 
acceptance and author kits will be sent within two weeks of receipt of the 
abstract. The final manuscripts and registration payment for authors are due 
by February 15, 2003. Papers received by this date will be published in the 
workshop proceedings.

SEND ABSTRACTS AND MANUSCRIPTS TO: (prefer via e-mail in PDF format)
Technical Program Chair APC2003 (e-mail: APC2003@udtech.com)
Universal Dynamics Technologies Inc.
#100 - 13700 International Place
Richmond, BC V6V 2X8 Canada 
Tel: (604) 214-3456 Fax: (604) 214-3457  
Further information: http://www.ieee-ias.org/apc2003
Contributed by: Herve Gueguen, 

    IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
                       June 16-18, 2003
                 Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

Contributions are invited in all areas pertaining to the engineering
of hybrid dynamic systems including: modeling, specification, analysis,
verification, control synthesis, simulation, and implementation.
Contributions on applications of hybrid methods in various fields, such
as process and batch industry, transport systems (cars, planes, trains,
ships), communication networks, safety systems, are particularly
encouraged. Synthetic presentations of hybrid-system problems in these
fields are also encouraged.

Deadline for submission of papers and special sessions: November 20, 2002

Contributed by: Siep Weiland, 

The 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, (SYSID-2003)
               August 27-29, 2003
            Rotterdam, The Netherlands

SYSID-2003 aims to promote the research and development activities 
between people working in the areas of system identification, experimental 
modeling, parameter estimation, signal analysis and adaptive control. The 
scope of the symposium covers all major aspects of these areas, ranging 
from theoretical, methodological and scientific developments to a large 
variety of (engineering) application areas. It is the intention of the 
organizers to promote SYSID 2003 as a meeting place where scientists and 
engineers from several research communities can meet to discuss issues 
related to these areas.

You are invited to visit the symposium website at http://www.sysid2003.nl 
where the Call for Papers, the Call for Invited Sessions and all other 
information concerning the symposium has been made available. Note that 
the paper submission deadline is November 20, 2002.

If you are interested in (electronically) receiving the program for this 
symposium you are also invited to add your name to the Mailing-list, which 
is available on the symposium website. 

Paul Van den Hof, General Chair
Bo Wahlberg,      IPC Co-chair
Siep Weiland,     NOC Co-chair

Contributed by: Zhengtao Ding, 

The 4th International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA’03
June 10 - 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada.

The conference is organized by IEEE Control Systems Society's Singapore
Chapter, and sponsored by the IEEE Montreal Section and Canadian Society
of Mechanical Engineering.

SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: Submit your full paper or extended summary of about 
1000 words  through email (postscript or PDF file) or regular mail (three 
hard copies) to:
		Professor Lihua Xie
		Program Chair, ICCA’03
		School of EEE, BLK S2
		Nanyang Technological University 
		Singapore 639798
		Fax: (65)-6792-0415;  Email: icca03@ntu.edu.sg
Proposals for invited and special sessions in the related areas are also 
solicited. All materials must be written in English, and a paper should be 
submitted only if you intend to present the paper in the conference. The 
extended summary should contain sufficient details including key concepts and 
novel features of the work. It should include the title, name(s) of author(s),
mailing address, affiliation, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail 
address, wherever possible. 

1. Control of Congestion with Minimum Information
   Professor Tamer Basar, University of Illinois 
2. Modeling and Control of Irrigation Networks
   Professor Iven Mareels, University of Melbourne
3. Supply Chain Planning and Scheduling: The Control of Complexity and
   Professor Peter Luh, University of Connecticut

Submission of Extended Summary:	December 15, 2002
Notification of Acceptance:		January 31, 2003
Submission of Final Papers:		March 15, 2003
Conference:				June 10-12, 2003
Official Web Site: http://vlab.ee.nus.edu.sg/~icca03/

Contributed by: Michael Malisoff, 

           Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
                       April 10-13, 2003

This interdisciplinary conference will include talks by more than 30
leading researchers in control engineering and mathematical control
theory. Topics will include nonsmooth analysis, Hamilton-Jacobi
equations, numerical methods in control, stabilization, and engineering
applications. The conference is designed to promote interdisciplinary
contact between engineering and mathematical control researchers, and
will be an ideal forum for young researchers and graduate students
interested in applied controls and optimization to meet and interact
with the established control community. 

Organizing Committee
Michael A. Malisoff, Co-Chair (malisoff@lsu.edu)
Peter R. Wolenski, Chair (wolenski@math.lsu.edu)

Louisiana Board of Regents Enhancement Program

Accepted Plenary Speakers
Francis Clarke, Université Claude-Bernard (Lyon I), FRANCE
Petar Kokotovic, University of California-Santa Barbara, USA
R. Tyrrell Rockafellar, University of Washington, USA
Héctor J. Sussmann, Rutgers University, USA
Richard Vinter, Imperial College, UK

Researchers interested in presenting a contributed paper should contact
the chair of the organizing committee by December 31, 2002.  

Travel Grants
Details on http://www.math.lsu.edu/~malisoff/LCMCT/ or contact
Professor Peter R. Wolenski, MCT'03 Chair; Department of Mathematics;
Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4918.  No
electronically submitted application materials will be accepted.

Contributed by: Jan Maciejowski, 

              The European Control Conference ECC03
               Cambridge, England, 1-4 September 2003 

The deadline for electronic submissions of papers, posters and special 
session proposals is 1 December 2002. Contributions, which should follow 
the instructions available at the web-site, should be sent by 
email to: ecc03@iee.org.uk

Delegates will be able to choose the style of accommodation from a mix of 
historic Colleges, modern hotels, and guest houses.

An "IST Prize" has been sponsored by the European Commission for the paper 
which, in the opinion of a selection panel, best contributes to one or more 
of the main objectives of the Commission's "IST Programme" (IST: Information
Society Technologies), see http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ for details.

The ECC tradition includes a strong programme of plenaries, semi-plenaries 
and mini-courses, as well as an Industry Day. The technical programme of 
ECC03 will include the following:

Future Directions in Control, Dynamics and Systems
  Richard Murray, Caltech
Control in Communication Networks
  Frank Kelly, Cambridge
Hybrid Systems
  Manfred Morari, ETH Zurich

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Output Feedback
  Frank Allgower, University of Stuttgart
Flight Control
  Gary Balas, University of Minnesota
Bio-informatics: DNA-chips, Bayesian Learning and Modelling of Genetic 
  Bart De Moor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Feedback Control in Intracellular Signalling Pathways
  Pablo Iglesias, Johns Hopkins University
Closed-loop Quantum Control and Quantum Entanglement
  Gerard Milburn, University of Queensland
Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems
  Anders Rantzer, Lund Institute of Technology

The Behavioural Approach as a Paradigm for Modelling Interconnected Systems
 Jan Willems, University of Leuven and 
 Harry Trentelman, University of Groningen
Hybrid Complementarity Systems
 Bernard Brogliato, INRIA and 
 Maurice Heemels, Eindhoven University of Technology
Linear Matrix Inequalities
 Pablo Parrilo, Institut Fur Automatik and 
 Andras Varga, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen

Contributed by: Darko Musicki, 

6th Int. Conference on Data Fusion (Fusion 2003)
ISIF - International Society of Information Fusion
8 - 11 July 2003
Cairns, Australia

The 6th International Conference on Data Fusion, Fusion 2003, will be held at
Radisson Plaza Hotel, Cairns, Queensland, Australia on July 7 - 10, 2003. This
international four-day conference is intended to provide a forum for
scientists and engineers to working in all aspects of data fusion.

Topics of Interest
A. Theoretical and Technical Advances
Information modeling and learning, probability and statistics, fuzzy sets and
rough sets, fuzzy logic and expert systems methods, possibility theory,
evidential reasoning, random sets, neural networks, genetic algorithms,
neuro-mimetic approaches, artificial intelligence, logic, Bayesian methods,
stochastic methods, processing of imprecise information, nonlinear estimation
and filtering, semiotics, other emerging methodologies

B. Algorithms and Systems
Target detection and tracking, target recognition and classification, data
association, sensor registration, situation assessment, image or sensor data
fusion, pattern recognition, machine intelligence, database fusion, 
knowledge-based systems, data mining, sensor or resource management,
valuation-based systems, integrated systems, distributed systems, system
design, computer network security, algorithms and performance, hardware and
software issues

C. Applications
Radar and communications, signal and image processing, defense systems,
robotics and control, manufacturing and automation, diagnostics and fault
detection, vehicles and transportation systems, navigation, positioning and
guidance, GPS technologies, economy, business and finance, surveillance and
situation assessment, remote sensing and geo-information, medicine, biology,
and diagnostics, information systems and decision aid, data acquisition and
testing, machine vision and learning, security and safety applications, other

    - Special sessions due: 15 January 2003
    - Draft Papers Submission:  1 February 1 2003
    - Notification of Acceptance: 1 April 2003
    - Camera Ready Submissions: 15 May 15 2003
    - Conference: 8-11 July 2003

The organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective organizers are
requested to send a session proposal to Branko Ristic

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