E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 167, July, 2002

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                  Issue 167, July, 2002

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
           Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter


0. Editorial

1. Personals

2. Awards Honors
2.1 A Symposium in Honor of N. Harris McClamroch
2.2 Call for Nominations: SIAM J.D. Crawford Prize
2.3 Nominations: The Jurgen Moser Lecture

3. General Announcements
3.1 CUEDSID System Identification Toolbox
3.2 Editorial Change - European Journal of Control
3.3 QFT Frequency Domain Design Toolbox
3.4 Request comments on distance function wavelets
3.5 Third Int School in Automatic Control Lille 

4. Positions
4.1 Faculty Positions at Sheffield University UK
4.2 PhD Studentship: Liverpool UK
4.3 Post-Doc: Applied Non-Linear Control Slovania
4.4 Post-Doc: City University HongKong
4.5 Post-Doc University of Maryland MD USA
4.6 Research Assistants: Univ of Houston TX USA
4.7 Research Associate: Hamilton Institute Ireland
4.8 Research Fellow: Melbourne Australia
4.9 Research Staff - Palo Alto Research Center CA
4.10 Tenure track faculty positions at SFU Canada

5. Books
5.1 Introduction to Probability

6. Journals
6.1 CFP: IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
6.2 CFP: Special Issue on Robust Control
6.3 Contents: Asian Journal of Control 
6.4 Contents: Automatica
6.5 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
6.6 Contents: European Journal of Control
6.7 Contents: IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology
6.8 Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
6.9 Contents: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
6.10 Contents: Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
6.11 Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
6.12 New Journal: Int Journal of Hybrid Systems

7. Conferences
7.1 European Control Conference 2003
7.2 Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
7.3 IEEE Int Symp on Intelligent Sys. 2002
7.4 NAISO Congress on Info Tech in Environmental Engr
7.5 NAISO symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems

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Welcome to the 167-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of Aug 2002.
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. Please
forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to eletter
at: http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org.

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

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No submissions for July 2002

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                          Awards Honors
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Contributed by: Dennis S. Bernstein, 

A Symposium in Honor of N. Harris McClamroch

                        Control of Nonlinear Systems
                 A Symposium in Honor of N. Harris McClamroch
                      Oct 18, 2002, University of Michigan

On October 18, 2002, the University of Michigan will host a one-day seminar
in honor of N. Harris McClamroch on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Harris McClamroch, Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of
Michigan, is a pioneering contributor to the field of nonlinear control
theory.  In extensive service to the systems and control community, Harris
has served as Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, he is
an IEEE Control Systems Society Past President, and he has helped organized
numerous CDCs and ACCs.  

This symposium will provide a venue for researchers to honor Harris'
contributions to our field while discussing current problems in nonlinear
control.  The distinguished list of speakers will present a wide range of
topics ranging from nonlinear control of mechanical systems to industrial

For a complete program and detailed information see the web site:
or contact:  Dennis S. Bernstein dsbaero@umich.edu

Contributed by: Allison Bogardo, 

Call for Nominations: SIAM J.D. Crawford Prize

SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems J. D. Crawford Prize

The SIAG/DS J. D. Crawford Prize
The SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems will present the award at the 
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems at Snowbird, May 27-31, 
2003.  The prize is awarded for recent outstanding work on a topic in 
dynamical systems and nonlinear science, as evidenced by a publication in 
English in a peer-reviewed journal within the four calendar years preceding 
the award date.

Description of Award
The award will consist of a plaque, a certificate containing the citation, 
and $750 plus reasonable travel expenses to attend the conference.

Nominations should be sent by e-mail, fax, or regular mail by NOVEMBER 1, 
2002 to:
 SIAG/DS J.D. Crawford Prize
 c/o A. G. Bogardo
 3600 University City Science Center
 Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
 Telephone: 215-382-9800
 Fax: 215-386-7999
 E-mail: bogardo@siam.org

The research of the candidate must contain significant contributions to the 
field of nonlinear science, as evidenced by papers published in English in a 
peer-reviewed journal bearing a publication date within the award period.

Selection Committee
Members of the selection committee are:  M. Gregory Forest (Chair),
University of North Carolina; Mark Levi, The Pennsylvania State University;
Bjorn Sandstede, Ohio State University; Mary Silber, Northwestern University;
and Harry Swinney, University of Texas, Austin.

Contributed by: Allison Bogardo, 

Call for Nominations: The Jurgen Moser Lecture

SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems Jurgen Moser Lecture

The SIAG/DS Moser Lecture
The SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems will present the award at the 
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems at Snowbird, May 27-31, 
2003.  The prize is awarded to a person who has made distinguished 
contributions to nonlinear science.  The term "nonlinear science" includes 
dynamical systems theory and its applications, as well as experiments and 

Description of the Award
The award will consist of a plaque, a certificate containing the citation, an 
invitation to give a plenary lecture at the conference, and $1000 cash, plus 
reasonable travel expenses to attend the conference.

Nominations should be sent by SEPTEMBER 6 to:
 SIAG/DS Jurgen Moser Lecture
 c/o A. G. Bogardo
 3600 University City Science Center
 Philadephia, PA 19104-2688
 Telephone: 215-382-9800
 Fax: 215-386-7999
 E-mail: bogardo@siam.org

Selection Committee
Members of the selection committee are: C. Eugene Wayne (Chair), Boston 
University; Krystyna Kupersberg, Auburn University; Peter Lax, Courant 
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University; Yakov Sinai, 
Princeton University; and James Yorke, University of Maryland, College Park.

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: J.M. Maciejowski, 

CUEDSID: Cambridge University System Identification Toolbox

Software for identification of linear and bilinear multivariable systems,
using subspace methods and balanced parametrizations.

Software, User's Guide, and related publications available from:

For use with Matlab, the System Identification Toolbox, and 
the Control System Toolbox.

Contributed by: Gabriela Stroian, 

Editorial Change - European Journal of Control

Starting July 1st 2002, all the new submissions to the European Journal of 
Control should be sent to:

Professor Sergio Bittanti
Editor at Large
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano
E-mail: bittanti@elet.polimi.it

The address for the re-submissions (papers currently under revision) is:
I.D. Landau
European Journal of Control
Laboratoire d'Automatique 
38402 Saint Martin d'Hčres
E-mail : Ioan-Dore.Landau@inpg.fr

Contributed by: Terasoft, Inc., 

QFT Frequency Domain Design Toolbox

The QFT Frequency Domain Design Toolbox for MATLAB v5 and v6, formerly 
marketed by The MathWorks, is available FREE for teaching purposes.
Please visit


to review the features of the toolbox.

If you find the toolbox would applicable for your course, please send email
to info@terasoft.com for download instructions.

Contributed by: W. Chen, 

Request comments on distance function wavelets

In recent years, at Scientific Computing Department Simula Research Lab.,
we developed the distance (radial basis) function wavelets (DFW), which uses
the general solutions and the fundamental solutions of partial differential
equations (PDE) and is a natural wavelets. These distance function wavelets
are quite different from the common wavelets in many aspects, which have
little to do with the PDE solutions. 

The DFW's are very easy and explicit to implement for multivariate scattered 
data and multiscale meshfree numerical PDE, and hold some very nice features 
such as the closed-form basis functions. The DFW's are not built on the 
multiresolution analysis and are not the dyadic wavelets (nonuniform). You 
can download the latest 3 reports below: 


I would be very happy to hear of your critical comments on the distance
function wavelets.

Scientific Computing Department
Simula Research Lab.

Contributed by: Thierry Floquet, 

Third International School in Automatic Control, Lille 

Call for participation
The Third International School in Automatic Control of Lille (LISAC) 
Title: "Control of Distributed Parameter Systems: Theory and Applications" 
Date:  2-6 september 2002 
Location: Ecole Centrale de Lille, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Scientific Responsibility: Michel Fliess (France) 
Lecturers: J-M. Coron (F), R. Dáger (S), D. Dochain (B), A. El Jai (F), 
B. Laroche (F), P. Martin  (F), H. Mounier (F), F. Ollivier (F),
N. Petit (F), A. Quadrat (F), J-P. Richard (F), P. Rouchon (F),
J. Rudolph (D), A. Sedoglavic (F), Y. Toure (F), M. Tucsnak  (F),
J. Winkler (D), F. Woittennek (D) 

Scope: The purpose of this school is to cover the basic theory and tools 
necessary for the study of Partial Differential Equations and the control
of infinite dimensional systems. The courses will be illustrated by practical
sessions going from academic to industrial examples.

Potential audience: Graduate students, engineers, researchers, consultants, 
who are interested in improving their understanding of Partial Differential 

Language: English. 
For further information about general presentation, preliminary program, 
registration and fees, PLEASE REFER TO OUR WEB ADRESS:

Email: wilfrid.perruquetti@ec-lille.fr 
Registration deadline: 20 July 2002 
Secretarial Office: Ecole Internationale d'Automatique de Lille, 
LAIL, Ecole Centrale de Lille, Cité Scientifique, BP48, 
59 651 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France 
Tél: +33 (0)3 20 33 54 50 
Fax: +33 (0)3 20 33 54 18

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Contributed by: Professor David H Owens, 

Faculty (Lectureships/Professor) at Sheffield University, UK

The Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering (ACSE) at the
University of Sheffield (UK) has a number of full-time academic positions
becoming available. These changes are due to lecturing staff retirement and
resignation and a welcome investment by the University in new positions. The
overall aim is to enhance the staffing base to meet teaching innovation
targets and to strengthen the Department's ability to contribute to
multi-disciplinary research in Systems and Control - Theory and Applications.

Further details of the posts and of the Department can be found over on the
University Web site:

www.sheffield.ac.uk                        (University of Sheffield)
www.sheffield.ac.uk/uni/academic/A-C/acse  (ACSE Web site)

It is anticipated that the Department will make up to five full-time permanent
appointments for the coming academic session. These are expected to take the
form of four Lectureships and one Professorship. Lectureships will be in a
number of Control and Systems Engineering areas including Computer Systems
Engineering, Aerospace Systems Engineering and Complex Systems Engineering.
The new Professorship will be in an area of Control and Systems Engineering
that enhances the Department's ability to undertake international research in
multi-disciplinary complex systems modelling, analysis and design.

One post (Computer Systems Engineering) was advertised in early June with
other advertisements appearing in late June and Early July. Please consult the
web site for details or, if problems occur, contact the Departmental Secretary
at D.Proctor@sheffield.ac.uk with copies to z.c.fletcher@sheffield.ac.uk.

Applicants are invited from any interested individual who has a track record
and research aspirations that meet the profile and development needs of the

Contributed by: D J Walker, 

PhD Studentship
Modelling, Control and Handling Qualities of Advanced Rotorcraft
University of Liverpool, Department of Engineering

Applications are invited from UK/EU nationals for a three-year PhD 
studentship to undertake research into modelling, control and handling 
qualities of "advanced rotorcraft". The student will join a group that has 
expertise in flight dynamics, control, simulation, within the University's 5* 
rated Engineering Department. He/she will contribute to the development of 
mathematical models and control laws for use in off-line studies, piloted 
simulations, and possible future flight-testing. Amongst the tools that will 
be at the student's disposal: Liverpool's six-axis motion simulator, with 
sophisticated aircraft modelling software tools. Applicants should have, or 
be about to obtain, a good degree in an appropriate branch of engineering or 
mathematics. A strong interest in control, mathematical modelling, flight 
dynamics etc would be highly desirable. The studentship will be funded at the 
usual research council rates.

Start date: 1 Oct. 2002

Informal enquiries and applications, consisting of a concise CV giving 
details of academic results and contact details of two referees, to:

Dr D J Walker
Department of Engineering
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 3GH
0151 794 4808

Contributed by: Jus Kocijan, 

Post-Doc: Applied Non-Linear Control, Slovania

Post Doctoral position in applied non-linear control of dynamic systems 
is available at the Department of Computer Automation and Control,
Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, for a period up to 18 months.

Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent) degree at the time of appointment.
Candidates with background in control engineering or applied mathematics with
strong interest and previous experience in one or more of the following areas
are encouraged to apply for the position:
 - Applied non-linear control
 - Model predictive control
 - Non-linear systems identification
 - Multi-model based modelling and control
 - Hybrid and switching control
Software development skills and practical experience is desirable. The
research will include theoretical studies, software development and
application studies within a group of PhD students, postdocs, Master degree
students and industrial collaborators. The project is funded by the European
Commission under a Research Training Network. The Multi-Agent Control (MAC)
network is a collaboration between the Universities of Glasgow, Strathclyde,
Maynooth, NTNU, DTU and the Jozef Stefan Insitute (participants). The
University of Glasgow acts as the project coordinator. The post carry
competitive stipend of up to 22000 EUR per year and offer possiblities of
research related travel.

The European Commission requires that the candidate is aged 35 years or less
at the time of his appointment and must be a national of a Member State of
the Community or of an Associated State (excluding Slovenia) or have resided
in the Community for at least five year prior to the appointment.

Please visit the project web site http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/mac/ for more
information. Details about the individual vacancies can be found at

Send your inquieries which should include a CV with a publication list to:
Dr. Jus Kocijan
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
tel. +386 1 4773661, E-mail: jus.kocijan@ijs.si

Contributed by: Gang (Gary) Feng, 

Post-Doc: City University, HongKong

One postdoctoral research Fellow position in area of systems and control or 
signal processing is available from early of 2003 for one year with potential 
of renewal for one more year subject to satisfactory performance. The 
candidate is supposed to have obtained his/her Ph.D. within the last 3 years. 
Applications will be considered until the position is filled up to Oct. 15, 
2002. The salary is around (HK$28,000/month, US$1=HK$7.8) and tax rate is 
less than 5%. Please send enquiry or applications with complete CV to Dr. G. 
Feng at megfeng@cityu.edu.hk (tel: 852 27889032, fax:852 27888423).

Contributed by: Dimitris Hristu, 

Post-Doc, University of Maryland, MD, USA

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Maryland, College
Park, in the areas of networked & embedded control systems and control
under limited communication, in collaboration with investigators in
the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical
Engineering. The successful candidate will pursue research with both
analytical and experimental components, lying at the intersection of control,
communication and computation.

The desired start date is the fall or winter of 2002. To apply, send a CV,
a statement of research interests, list of publications, and the names and
addresses (including e-mail) of references to:

Prof. Dimitris Hristu 
2176 Martin Hall
University of Maryland 
College Park, MD 20742.
Application material sent as e-mail attachments will not be considered. 

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis, 

Research Assistants: Univ of Houston, TX, USA

Graduate Research Assistantships for M.S. and Ph.D. Studies
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Houston

For graduate studies in the areas of robust, gain scheduled and optimal
control, robotics, and vision-based control, with applications to space
systems, engine control and structural control. Applicants are expected
to have a good mathematical background and basic knowledge of control
systems. The Houston metropolitan area offers great opportunities for
interaction with industry and the NASA Johnson Space Center. The
positions are funded by the National Science Foundation, the State of
Texas, and a newly established NASA center on the control of intelligent
vehicles and structures. Applications from qualified students are invited
for Spring 2003. Application material can be obtained at

Contributed by: Douglas Leith, 

Research Associate: Hamilton Institute, Ireland

The Hamilton Institute invites applications for a research position in the 
general area of advanced wind turbine control.  The project will involve 
utilising and developing concepts in some or all of the following areas: 
nonlinear control systems; hybrid dynamical systems; wind energy.  The 
project will include both the design of controllers and their implementation 
and test on a prototype machine. This post is in part a collaboration with a 
major Danish manufacturer and the Hamilton Institute (NUI Maynooth).  
Candidates will be primarily based at the Hamilton Institute. 

Successful candidates are likely to have demonstrated an outstanding level of 
academic achievement. Candidates will be expected to study towards a PhD.  
This post offers an exciting opportunity to tackle fundamental research 
problems within a stimulating multi-disciplinary research environment with 
state of the art facilities and strong links to the international research 

For further details, see http://www.hamilton.may.ie

Applicants should email a cv, including details of three referees, to 

Contributed by: Margreta Kuijper, 

Research Fellow: Melbourne, Australia

A research fellow position is available in an area that connects coding 
theory to system theory. The research fellow will be involved in an
Australian Research Council (ARC) funded research project on Decoding
Methods for Reed-Solomon and Related Ring Codes. The research fellow will
conduct research into the development of algebraic soft decision decoding
algorithms for Reed-Solomon and Related Ring Codes. A starting point for the
research consists of theory linking this area with system theoretic modelling.

A PhD in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science or Mathematics is
required. A background in coding theory and/or Reed-Solomon/BCH decoding,
and/or system theoretic realization theory is desirable.

The position is for a period of two years. Salary range: AUD $54,249 -
$64,420 (grade 2).

For a more detailed position description see
www.hr.unimelb.edu.au/r/, position number Y0011557.

To apply, include a CV, a list of publications, and the names, addresses,
email addresses and phone numbers of three referees. Send your application
to Deputy Principal, Human Resources, The University of Melbourne, Victoria,
3010, Australia; fax +61 3 8344 6080 or email hr-applications@unimelb.edu.au
Please quote the position number Y0011557. Applications close 12 August 2002.
For further queries on the position contact Dr. Margreta Kuijper, 
m.kuijper@ee.mu.oz.au or Dr. Udaya Parampalli, email udaya@cs.mu.oz.au.

Note: the above position is the same position as in the incorrect
advertisement of the June eletter. Unlike stated in the June ad, it is
a grade 2 position for TWO years and the deadline for applications is
12 August.

Contributed by: Xenofon Koutsoukos, 

Research Staff - Palo Alto Research Center, CA
Positions in Embedded Collaborative Computing Area/Member of Research Staff 

The Embedded Collaborative Computing Area (ECCA) at PARC is looking for 
dynamic individuals to join a multi-disciplinary team to develop algorithms
and software systems for collaborative sensing and diagnostics.

A candidate should have knowledge in algorithm design and prototyping
and software development skills, plus experience in at least one of
the following: distributed sensing, embedded software, estimation and
control, hybrid systems, and optimization.  Candidates at both
Master's and Ph.D. levels will be considered.

This research effort is part of PARC's thrust in Smart Matter, which
is creating the ability to embed large numbers of sensors, actuators,
and computation in the world around us.  Collaborative sensing seeks
to make sense of the world from spatially distributed, wireless MEMS
sensors, and Smart Matter diagnostics develops scalable techniques to
diagnose, monitor, and manipulate a new generation of sensor-rich
physical systems and processes.  Applications range from environmental
monitoring to electro-mechanical machine diagnosis

To apply, please submit a cover letter explaining your interest for
the position and a resume.  Please apply by email to spljobs@parc.com
(Attention: Feng Zhao/ECCA job).  You are responsible for arranging
1-2 reference letters to be sent to us.  Applications will be
processed as received and positions will be filled as suitable
candidates are identified.

SPL/ECCA Administrator
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
E-mail: spljobs@parc.com
Fax: 650-812-4334

PARC is an Equal Employment Opportunity company committed to the
principles of workforce diversity.

Contributed by: Mehrdad Saif, 

Tenure track faculty positions at SFU, Canada

The School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University is planning to 
fill up to three tenure track positions starting in Fall 2002 or later. The 
School has active research programs and interests in the broad areas of 
computer engineering, electronics/MEMS, communications,  control systems and 
optimization, intelligent systems, electrical drives and robotics including 
mechanism design, vision, sensing and planning. Applicants with a proven 
scholarly record or demonstrated potential for research and a commitment to 
undergraduate as well as graduate teaching in any of the aforementioned 
areas are encouraged to apply. Outstanding candidates in other areas of 
electrical and computer engineering will also be given a serious 
consideration. A doctoral degree in electrical, computer or a related 
engineering discipline is required. In addition, eligibility for 
registration as Professional Engineer in the Province of British Columbia is 

Initial support will be provided to successful applicants for establishing 
their research program. As well, successful candidates will be eligible for 
fellowship in the B.C. Advanced System Institute, which carries significant 
research funding. The School of Engineering Science has 22 faculty members, 
and will be growing significantly in the next few years. The School offers 
PhD as well as two master degree programs, and has flourishing graduate 
population of 75 full time and 65 part time students. Simon Fraser 
University serves about 18,000 students, while the School of Engineering 
Science has 365 students in its undergraduate program. The university has 
been ranked first in the "Comprehensive" category several times in the last 
five years in a national ranking of Canadian universities carried out by 
Maclean's magazine. The university is located on top of Burnaby Mountain in 
Greater Vancouver and commands magnificent mountain and ocean views. The 
Lower Mainland area of British Columbia is unique in Canada for its mild 
climate and excellent recreational opportunities, including camping, hiking, 
mountaineering, downhill skiing, sailing, kayaking, boating, scuba diving, 
saltwater and freshwater fishing, etc. In accordance with Canadian 
immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and 
permanent residents of Canada. The University is committed to employment 
equity and welcomes applications from all qualified women and men, including 
visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, gay men 
and lesbians. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.

To apply, send a curriculum vitae, evidence of research productivity 
(including selected reprints) and the names, addresses and phone numbers of 
four referees to:
  Dr. Mehrdad Saif, Director
  School of Engineering Science
  Simon Fraser University
  8888 University Drive
  Burnaby  B.C.  V5A 1S6  Canada
  email: saif@cs.sfu.ca

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Contributed by: Dimitri P. Bertsekas, 

          Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis
              Massachusetts Institute of Technology

      (430 pages, hardcover, ISBN:1-886529-40-X, $74.00)
                 Athena Scientific, Belmont, MA

An intuitive, yet precise introduction to probability theory, stochastic
processes, and probabilistic models used in science, engineering, economics,
and related fields. This is the currently used textbook for "Probabilistic
Systems Analysis," an introductory probability course at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, attended by a large number of undergraduate and
graduate students.

The book covers the fundamentals of probability theory (probabilistic models,
discrete and continuous random variables, multiple random variables, and
limit theorems), which are typically part of a first course on the subject.
It also contains, a number of more advanced topics, from which an instructor
can choose to match the goals of a particular course. These topics include
transforms, sums of random variables, least squares estimation, the bivariate
normal distribution, and a fairly detailed introduction to Bernoulli,
Poisson, and Markov processes.

Among its features, the book:
** Illustrates the theory with many examples
** Provides many theoretical problems that extend the book's coverage
   and enhance its mathematical foundation (solutions are included in
   the text)
** Provides many problems that enhance the understanding of the
   basic material, together with web-posted solutions
** Is coordinated with the material (syllabus, lecture slides, selection
   of homework, recitation, and tutorial problems) used in the MIT course,
   and which can help an instructor design his/her own course.

 Athena Scientific, P.O.Box 391, Belmont, MA, 02178-9998, U.S.A.
 Email: info@athenasc.com, Tel: (617) 489-3097, FAX: (617) 489-2017
 WWW Site for Info and Ordering: http://www.athenasc.com

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Contributed by: Dinos Mavroidis, 

CFP: IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics

Advances in Robot Dynamics and Control (ARDC)
A Focused Section of the IEEE / ASME Transactions on Mechatronics

The use of robots in a variety of applications has been on the rise over the
past two decades. The last few years, in particular, witnessed an explosion
of growth in terms of novel and complex applications such as space, 
underwater, micro and nano applications, search and rescue operation and 
others. This trend is expected to continue and if anything, to increase well
into the 21st century. These demanding applications require more
sophisticated robotic systems that are capable of operating at high speed,
great precision and in uncertain environmental conditions. As a result, it
has been necessary to focus intensely on the advancement of the dynamics and
control aspects of robotic systems that are expected to hold the key to
success in this endeavor. In an effort to disseminate the current advances in
robot dynamics and control research, and to stimulate a discussion on the
future research directions in this field, the IEEE/ASME Transactions on
Mechatronics invite papers for a focused section in the area of "Advances in
Robot Dynamics and Control - (ARDC)".

Papers are solicited on all aspects of ARDC, including, but not limited to, 
the following:
1. Dynamics and Control of Complex Robotic Systems including Space, Medical, 
   Mobile, Military, Underwater, Walking, Search and Rescue Robots,
   Humanoids, Micro / Nano Robots;
2. Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Advanced Robot Control Including 
   Novel Force, Compliance and Hybrid Robot Controllers;
3. Vibration Suppression in Robotic Systems;
4. Advances in Control of Industrial Robots;
5. Robot Design, Modeling and Identification;
6. Control Methods in Teleoperation, Human-Robot Interfaces and Haptics;
7. Development, Control and Testing of Advanced Compact Actuators for 

May 1, 2002 Call for Papers
August 1, 2002 Submission of Papers to Guest Editors
November 1, 2002 Completion of First Review
December 1, 2002 Submission of Revised Papers
January 15, 2003 Completion of Final Review
March 1, 2003 Submission of Final Manuscripts and Copyright Forms
June 2003, Vol. 8, No. 2 Publication

Prof. Constantinos Mavroidis
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Rutgers University, The State Univ. of New Jersey
98 Brett Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8058 USA
Tel: (732) 445-0732, Fax: (732) 445-3124
Email: mavro@jove.rutgers.edu

Prof. Nilanjan Sarkar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vanderbilt University
Box 1592 Station B, Nashville, TN 37235
Tel: (615)343-7219, Fax: (615)343-6687
Email: nilanjan.sarkar@vanderbilt.edu

Authors who wish to submit papers should email the manuscripts in PDF format 
to one of the guest editors by August 1, 2002. Information for authors can
be found at the transactions web page: 

Contributed by: Mario Milanese, 

Special Issue on Robust Control
Robust control design from data: direct and model based approaches.
A Special Issue of "International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control"

The typical problem a control designer has to face in most practical 
situations can be briefly described as follows: a control law has to be 
designed, able to drive a plant to reach given performance specifications.
The plant typically is not known, but some prior information on it is
available and it is possible to perform some kind of input-output 
measurements. The classical approach consists in building a mathematical 
model of the plant, on the basis of available information on it (priors and 
measurements) and then designing a control that meets the desired performance 
specifications for the identified model. However, in this way it is not taken 
into account that any identified model is only an approximation of the actual 
plant. Indeed, the performance that can be actually achieved on the plant may 
e poor, according to the size of the modeling error, and even closed loop 
stability may be missed.

Two approaches have been recently proposed to face these problems. The first
one consists in identifying not a single model, but building the set 
of systems able to explain measured data, often indicated as unfalsifyed 
system set. This set is then approximated by a model set, described by a 
nominal model and a bound on the modeling error, computed in such a way that 
the approximated model set includes (as tightly as possible) the unfalsifyed 
system set. The uncertainty model set derived in this way is then used for 
designing a robust controller and evaluating the performances that can be 
guaranteed when applied to the actual plant. As an alternative, methods have
been proposed to directly design the control, without explicitly identifying
a model, but aiming to identify directly the controller. The role of
unfalsified models is replaced by unfalsified controls, based on the idea
that undesirable controls can be avoided through a check of consistency among
the data, candidate controllers and performance specifications.

These topics has received a growing attention in the last ten years, and 
important contributions, mainly for linear systems, has been given on several 
basic aspects, such as: identification of uncertainty model sets in various 
settings (H-inf, H2, l1 norms for the identification error, time or frequency 
domain measurements, deterministic or stochastic assumptions on noise, etc.); 
representation of the set of models unfalsified by data and its approximation 
by reduced order model sets guaranteeing inclusion; identification of model 
sets suitable for robust control design; direct unfalsified controller 
design; interplay between identification and control; unifying concepts and
frameworks for system identification and learning control. Many important
questions remain open, such as, to mention a few:
- tightness in trading between model/controller complexity and robust 
- relationship between different direct and model based methods proposed in 
  the literature
- use of learning methods for model sets and robust control theory in the 
  design of adaptive controllers.
- robust design from data in presence of system nonlinearities and/or input 

The aim of the Special Issue is to stimulate further contributions on these 
open questions for both direct and model based approaches, in order  to build 
a more widely applicable theory of robust control design from data.

The authors should submit their contributions electronically as ps-file or 
pdf- file to the Guest Editors at the address:

Important Dates:
August 31, 2002: Deadline for paper submission
November 30, 2002: Completion of first review cycle
January 31, 2002: Completion of final review cycle
March 31, 2002: Final paper due
July 2003: Publication of the Special Issue

Guest Editors:
Mario Milanese, Michele Taragna
Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

           Contents: Asian Journal of Control 

Contents of Vol.4, No.1 (March 2002)
Special Issue on "Iterative Learning Control"

1. Title: "Convergence and Robustness of Iterative Learning Control for 
           Strongly Positive Systems,"
   Author: Daniel Andres and Madhukar Pandit
2. Title:  "Learning Motion of Dexterous Manipulation for a Pair of Multi-DOF 
            Fingers with Soft-Tips,"
   Author: Pham Thuc Anh Nguyen and Suguru Arimoto
3. Title:  "An Iterative Learning Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Neural 
            Network Design,"
   Author: Chiang-Ju Chien and Li-Chen Fu
4. Title:  "Iterative Learning Control with Advanced Output Data,"
   Author: Gu-Min Jeong and Chong-Ho Choi
5. Title:  "Higher Relative Degree Nonlinear Systems with ILC Using Low Order 
   Author: Mingxuan Sun and Danwei Wang
6. Title:  "Recursive Direct Learning of Control efforts for Trajectories 
            with Different Magnitude Scales,"
   Author: Jian-Xin Xu, Jing Xu, and Badrinath Viswanathan
7. Title:  "Iterative Learning Control Using Adjoint Systems and Stable 
   Author: Koji Kinosita, Takuya Sogo, and Norihiko Adachi
8. Title:  "Analysis of Linear Iterative Learning Control Schemes Using 
            Repetitive Process Theory"
   Author: D. H. Owens, E. Rogers, and K. L. Moore
9. Title:  "A Practical Iterative Learning Path-Following Control of an Omni-
            Directional Vehicle,"
   Author: YangQuan Chen and Kevin L. Moore
10. Title: "Model-Based Learning Controls and Their Comparisons Using 
            Lyapunov Direct Method,"
    Author: Zhihua Qu and Jian-Xin Xu
11. Title: "A Study on Iterative Learning Control with Adjustment of Learning 
            Interval for Monotone Convergence in the Sense of Sup-norm,"
    Author: Kwang-Hyun Park and Zeungnam Bien

                  Contents of Vol.4, No.2 (June 2002)

1. Title: "Robust Analysis of Discrete-Time Lur'e Systems with Slope 
           Restrictions Using Convex Optimization,"
   Author:David Banjerdpongchai and Hidenori Kimura
2. Title: "Neuro-fuzzy Impact Control (NFIC) for Anti-personnel (AP) Mines 
   Author:Ali M. Shahri and Fazel Naghdy
3. Title: "A Dual-type Method Based Algorithm for Nonlinear Large Network 
           Optimization Problems,"
   Author: Shin-Yeu Lin, Shieh-Shing Lin and Ch'i-Hsin Lin
4.Title: "Right Coprime Factorizations for Single-input Descriptor Linear 
          Systems: A Simple Numerically Stable Algorithm,"
  Author: Guang-Ren Duan
5. Title: "Robust Analytical Redundancy Relations for Fault Diagnosis in 
           Nonlinear Systems"
   Author:Alexey Shumsky
6. Title: "Bifurcation Analysis of the Zero Dynamics and the Practical 
          Stabilization of Nonlinear Minimum-phase Systems,"
   Author:C.I. Byrnes and A. Isidori
7. Title: "Sliding Control with Genetic Algorithm for Mismatched Disturbance,"
   Author:Jeang-Lin Chang, Keh-Tsong Li and Yon-Ping Chen
8. Title: "Adaptive Precision Control of Permanent Magnet Linear Motors,"
   Author:S.N. Huang, K.K. Tan and T.H. Lee
9. Title: "Adaptive Control of Partially Known Systems and Application to 
           Active Suspensions,"
   Author:Takanori Fukao, Akira Yamawaki and Norihiko Adachi
10. Title: "An Output Tracking VSS Control in the Presence of a Class of 
            Mismatched Uncertainties,"
    Author:Bore-Kuen Lee and Li-Wei Mau
11. Title: "Discrete Sliding-mode Control of Mimo Linear Systems,"
    Author:Jeang-Lin Chang
12. Title: "Resilient H_inf Control Design for Discrete-time Uncertain linear 
            systems : an auxiliary system Transformation Approach"
    Author:Jiong-Sang Yee, Jian Liang Wang and Guang-Hong Yang
13. Title: "Simple Recurrent Neural Network-based Adaptive Predictive
    Control for Nonlinear Systems,"
      Author: Xiang Li, Zengqiang Chen and Zhuzhi Yuan
14. Title: "PID-Augmented Adaptive Control of a Gyro Mirror LOS System,"
      Author:K.K. Tan, T.H.Lee and C.J. Khoh
Anyone who is also interested in subscribing the journal can contact Prof.
Li-Chen Fu for credit card payment or directly purchase an international 
money order with the following amount (address on the website):

1. US $35 per year, if you are an ACPA member;
2. US $50 per year, if you are not an ACPA member or
     CACS member;
3. US $25 per year, if you are CACS member;
4. US $120 per year for any institutional subscriber

(Note: ACPA stands for Asian Control Professor's Association, CACS stands
for Chinese Automatic Control Society) payable to "Chinese Automatic Control
Society" and send it with the filled subscription form (download from the
web) to the following address:
   Chinese Automatic Control Society
   Dept, of Electrical and Control Eng.
   National Chiao Tung Univ.
   Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

Contributed by: H. Kwakernaak, 

Contents: Automatica, September, 2002
Volume 38, Issue 9

For the cumulative table of contents 1963-present and new submissions
visit http://www.autsubmit.com

Regular papers

P. V. Zhivoglyadov, R. H. Middleton
Switching controller design via convex polyhedral Lyapunov functions

Tong Zhou, Ling Wang, Zhengshun Sun
Closed-loop model set validation under a stochastic framework

Le Yi Wang, G. George Yin
Closed-loop persistent identification of linear systems with unmodeled
dynamics and stochastic disturbances

Wenjie Dong
On trajectory and force tracking control of constrained mobile
manipulators with parameter uncertainty

U. T. Jönsson
Robustness of trajectories with finite time extent

Sohyung Cho, V. V. Prabhu
Sliding mode dynamics in continuous feedback control for distributed
discrete-event scheduling

F. Tjärnström, L. Ljung
L2 model reduction and variance reduction

Brief papers

P. Caravani, E. De Santis
Doubly invariant equilibria of linear discrete-time games

E. Weyer, M. C. Campi
Non-asymptotic confidence ellipsoids for the least squares estimate

Xiaohua Xia, L. A. Marquez, P. Zagalak, C. H. Moog
Analysis of nonlinear time-delay systems using modules over
non-commutative rings

R. Johansson, A. Robertsson
Observer-based strict positive real (SPR) feedback control system design

Ph. Mullhaupt, B. Srinivasan, D. Bonvin
Analysis of exclusively-kinetic two-link underactuated mechanical systems

S. Chiaverini, G. Fusco
Bandwidth vs. gains design of H(infinity) tracking controllers for
current-fed induction motors

Qian Wang, R. F. Stengel
Robust control of nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainty

P. De Leenheer, D. Aeyels
Stabilization of positive systems with first integrals

D. J. Stilwell, W. J. Rugh
Stability and L2 gain properties of LPV systems

Yucai Zhu
Identification of an N-L-N Hammerstein-Wiener model

Technical communiques

M. E. Halpern, B. T. Polyak
Optimization-based design of fixed order controllers for command following

Pedro M.G. Ferreira
Tracking with sensor failures

Book reviews

Derong Liu
Neural networks for modeling and control of dynamic systems: A
practitioner's handbook, by M. Norgaard, O. Ravn, N.K. Poulsen and L.K.

Yaozhong Hu
Stochastic controls - Hamiltonian systems and HJB equations, by Jiongmin
Yong and Xun Yu Zhou

Yoshihiko Miyasato
Robust adaptive control, by Petros A. Ioannou and Jing Sun

Lars Gruene
Digital control using digital signal processing, by Farzad Nekoogar and
Gene Moriarty

Contributed by: George W Irwin, 

Contents: Control Engineering Practice
ISSN   : 0967-0661
Volume : 10
Issue  : 7
Date   : Jul-2002

Table of Contents:
G. Irwin
pp 671-672

Grey-box model identification via evolutionary computing
K.C. Tan, Y. Li
pp 673-684

Scheduling schemes for an integrated flight and propulsion control
N. Aouf, D.G. Bates, I. Postlethwaite, B. Boulet
pp 685-696

Control of a heavy-duty robotic excavator using time delay control
with integral sliding surface
S.-U. Lee, P.H. Chang
pp 697-711

Predictive control of a high temperature-short time pasteurisation
J.J. Ibarrola, J.M. Sandoval, M. Garca-Sanz, M. Pinzolas
pp 713-725

Influence of the process design on the control strategy: application
in electropneumatic field
X. Brun, D. Thomasset, E. Bideaux
pp 727-735

T.H. Lee, T.S. Low
pp 737

Multivariable H-inf feedback control design for high-precision wafer
stage motion
M. van de Wal, G. van Baars, F. Sperling, O. Bosgra
pp 739-755

Development of an integrated and open-architecture precision motion
control system
K.K. Tan, K.Z. Tang, H.F. Dou, S.N. Huang
pp 757-772

High-performance servo systems based on multirate sampling control
H. Fujimoto, Y. Hori
pp 773-781

Ultra-high speed positioning control of a gravure engraving unit
using a discrete-time two-degree-of-freedom H"~ control
Mitsuo Hirata, D. Tang, K. Nonami, H. Ogawa, Y. Taniguchi
pp 783-795

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Processing Monitoring and
Control, Xue Z. Wang; Springer, Berlin, 1999, ISBN 1-85233-137-2
G. Dodds
pp 797

pp 799-800

Contributed by: Gabriela Stroian, 

Contents: European Journal of Control
Vol. 8, no. 3, 2002

Special Issue: Dissipativity of Dynamical Systems: Application in Control - 
Dedicated to Vasile Mihai Popov
Guest Editors: B.D.O. Anderson, P. Kokotovic, I.D. Landau and J.C. Willems

Guest Editorial

Popov biographical note
Publications of V.M. Popov 

Screening the issue

Popov theories and qualitative behaviour of dynamic and control systems 
  V. Rasvan
Popov's method and its subsequent developement 
  V.A. Yakubovich
Absolute stability for neutral differential systems 
  C. Corduneanu 
Discrete-time Q-dissipative control with application to stability margin 
  A. Satoh and K. Sugimoto
On linear passive complementarity systems 
  M.K. Camlibel, W.P.M.H. Heemels and J.M. Schumacher
A note on state-space properties of discrete-time (J,J')-contractive systems 
  R. Stefan
Boundedness without absolute stability in systems with stiffening 
  M. Arcak, M. Larsen and P. Kokotovic
Conditions for solvability of extended algebraic Riccati equations with 
applications to dissipativity theory 
  N.E. Barabanov and R. Ortega
Dissipativity and feedback dissipativity properties of general nonlinear 
discrete-time systems 
  E.M. Navarro-Lopez, H. Sira-Ramirez and E. Fossas-Colet
Positivity and linear matrix inequalities 
  Y. Genin, Y. Hachez, Y. Nesterov, R. Stefan, P. Van Dooren and S. Xu
Postscriptum - A personal point of view
  I.D. Landau

Information on European Journal of Control is available at its home page:

Address for new submissions:
S. Bittanti
Editor at Large
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano
E-mail : bittanti@elet.polimi.it

Address for re-submissions:
I.D. Landau
European Journal of Control
Laboratoire d'Automatique 
38402 Saint Martin d'Hčres
E-mail : Ioan-Dore.Landau@inpg.fr

Contributed by: Mikhail Skliar, 

Contents: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Vol. 10, July 2002


State-Constrained Agile Missile Control with Adaptive-Critic-Based Neural 
     D. Han and S. N. Balakrishnan
Identification of a Model for Thermoacoustic Instabilities in a Rijke Tube 
     S. Bittanti, A. De Marco, G. Poncia, and W. Prandoni
Trading Computation for Bandwidth:  Reducing Communication in Distributed 
Control Systems Using State Estimators 
     J. K. Yook, D. M. Tilbury, and N. R. Soparkar
Hybrid Fuzzy Neural-Network Control for Nonlinear Motor-Toggle 
     R.-J. Wai
Spatial H2 Control of a Piezoelectric Laminate Beam:  Experimental 
     D. Halim and S. O. R. Moheimani
Design of a Plug-in Type Repetitive Controller for Periodic Inputs 
     M.-C. Tsai and W.-S. Yao
Line-of-Sight Rate Estimation and Linearizing Control of an Imaging Seeker 
in a Tactical Missile Guided by Proportional Navigation 
     J. Waldmann 
Vibration Control of Flexible Beams Using Sensor Averaging and Actuator 
Averaging Methods 
     M.-C. Weng, X. Lu, and D. L. Trumper
Optimal White Water and Broke Recirculation Policies in Paper Mills via Jump 
Linear Quadratic Control 
     M. Khanbaghi, R. P. Malhame, and M. Perrier
Modeling and Control for Vibration Suppression in a Large Flexible Structure 
With Jet Thrusters and Piezoactuators 
     F. Casella, A. Locatelli, and N. Schiavoni
A Novel Approach to Guidance and Control System Design Using Genetic-Based 
Fuzzy Logic Model 
     C.-L. Lin and R.-M. Lai


Output Tracking Between Operating Points for Nonlinear Processes:  Van de 
Vusse Reactor Example 
     H. Perez, B. Ogunnaike, and S. Devasia
Exact Linearization of a Voltage-Controlled 3-Pole Active Magnetic Bearing 
     C.-T. Hsu and S.-L. Chen
A QFT Fault Tolerant Control for Electrohydraulic Positioning Systems 
     N. Niksefat and N. Sepehri


Comments on "Model-Based Solution Techniques for the Source Localization 
     I. F. Siverguina and M. P. Polis

Contributed by: Cheryl Stewart, 

Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
  Volume: 47 Issue: 4 , April 2002

On the reachability of quantized control systems 
  Bicchi, A.; Marigo, A.; Piccoli, B. 
  Page(s): 546 -563
Piecewise linear Lyapunov function for the stability of multiclass priority 
fluid networks 
  Hong Chen; Heng Qing Ye 
  Page(s): 564 -575
A robust detection and isolation scheme for abrupt and incipient faults in 
nonlinear systems 
  Xiaodong Zhang; Polycarpou, M.M.; Parisini, T. 
  Page(s): 576 -593
Dynamics and solutions to some control problems for water-tank systems 
  Petit, N.; Rouchon, P. 
  Page(s): 594 -609
 Robust switching adaptive control of multi-input nonlinear systems 
  Kosmatopoulos, E.B.; Ioannou, P.A. 
  Page(s): 610 -624
A note on time-domain simulation of feedback fractional-order systems 
  Chyi Hwang; Jeng-Fan Leu; Sun-Yuan Tsay 
  Page(s): 625 -631
Robust control under parametric uncertainty via primal-dual convex analysis 
  Ghulchak, A.; Rantzer, A. 
  Page(s): 632 -636
Invariance control for a class of cascade nonlinear systems 
  Mareczek, J.; Buss, M.; Spong, M.W. 
  Page(s): 636 -640
On stabilization of bilinear uncertain time-delay stochastic systems with 
Markovian jumping parameters 
  Zidong Wang; Hong Qiao; Burnham, K.J. 
  Page(s): 640 -646
A sufficient condition on the exponential stability of two-dimensional (2-D) 
shift-variant systems 
  Huijin Fan; Changyun Wen 
  Page(s): 647 -655
Robust and nonblocking supervisory control of nondeterministic discrete
event systems using trajectory models 
  Park, S.-J.; Lim, J.-T. 
  Page(s): 655 -658
A new state observer for perspective systems 
  Xinkai Chen; Kano, H. 
  Page(s): 658 -663
 On delay-dependent passivity 
  Fridman, E.; Shaked, U. 
  Page(s): 664 -669
An analytical comparison between the nonsingular quadratic performance of 
robust and adaptive backstepping designs 
  French, M. 
  Page(s): 670 -675
An LMI condition for the robust stability of uncertain continuous-time linear 
  Ramos, D.C.W.; Peres, P.L.D. 
  Page(s): 675 -678
Toward infinite-horizon optimality in nonlinear model predictive control 
  Bei Hu; Linnemann, A. 
  Page(s): 679 -682
Modification of the Leuven integrated friction model structure 
  Lampaert, V.; Swevers, J.; Al-Bender, F. 
  Page(s): 683 -687
A limit to the capability of feedback 
  Yanxia Zhang; Lei Guo 
  Page(s): 687 -692
Riesz basis property of a second-order hyperbolic system with collocated 
scalar input-output 
  Bao-Zhu Guo; Yue-Hu Luo 
  Page(s): 693 -698
Anticipative grid design in point-mass approach to nonlinear state estimation 
  Simandl, M.; Kralovec, J.; Soderstrom, T. 
  Page(s): 699 -702
Comments on "An iterative learning controller with initial state learning" 
  Lucibello, P. 
  Page(s): 703 -704
Correction to "structure and stability of certain chemical networks and 
applications to the kinetic proofreading model of T-cell receptor signal 
  Sontag, E.D. 
  Page(s): 705 -705
Introduction to mathematical systems theory. a behavioral approach [Book 
  Rosenthal, J. 
  Page(s): 706 -708

Contributed by: Yuri L. Sachkov, 

Contents: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
Vol. 8, No. 3  July 2002

Regional Boundary Controllability of Hyperbolic Systems. Numerical Approach 
  E. Zerrik and R. Larhrissi
Singular Perturbation of Linear Systems with a Regular Singularity 
  W. Balser and  V. Kostov
Examples of Integrable Sub-Riemannian Geodesic Flows
  B. Kruglikov
Regular Linear Systems Governed by a Boundary Controlled Heat Equation
  C.I. Byrnes, D.S. Gilliam, V.I. Shubov, and G. Weiss
On the Summability of Formal Solutions in Liouville--Green Theory
  S. Bodine and R. Schaefke
On the Reducibility of Birkhoff Standard Forms
  S. Malek
A Note on the Kepler Problem 
  D.V. Anosov

Detailed information about Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
may be found at its WWW home page: 

Contributed by: Jen Samuels, 

Contents: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Volume 25, Number 4, July-August 2002


Experimental Modal Analysis and Damping Estimation for an Inflated 
Thin-Film Torus
  D. T. Griffith and J. A. Main, p.609
Optimal Near-Minimum-Time Control Design for Flexible Structures
  B. A. Albassam, p. 618
Element-Specific Beam Dynamics Formulations: Coordinate Choices, 
Boundary Conditions, and Strain Approximations
  W. Haering, p.626
Dynamics of Beams Undergoing Large Rotations Accounting for Arbitrary
Axial Deformation
  M. A. Trindade and R. Sampaio, p. 634
Virtual Vibration Absorbers with Inherent Damping
  S.-T. Wu, p. 644
Estimating Departure Queues to Study Runway Efficiency
   S. C. Atkins, p. 651
Nonorthodox Guidance Law Development Approach  for Intercepting
Maneuvering Targets
  J. Shinar and T. Shima, p. 658
Efficient Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation  in Ballistic Missile
nterception Scenarios
  T. Shima, Y. Oshman, J. Shinar, p. 667
Uncorrelated Observations Processing at Naval Space Command
  S. L. Coffey, H. L. Neal, M. M. Berry, p. 676
Quasi-Newton-Type Continuation Method for Nonlinear Receding Horizon
  T. Ohtsuka, p. 685
Optimization of Vertical Plane Cobralike Pitch Reversal Maneuvers
  H. J. Komduur and H. G. Visser, p. 693
Evaluation of Optimization Methods for Control Allocation
  M. Bodson, p. 703
Multiple-Model Adaptive Flight Control Scheme for Accommodation of Actuator
  J. D. Boskovic and R. K. Mehra, p. 712
Output Feedback Form and Adaptive Stabilization of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic
  S. N. Singh and L. Wang, p. 725
Linear Parameter-Varying Modeling and Control of Structural Dynamics with
Aerothermoelastic Effects
  R. Lind, p. 733
Nonlinear Prefilter to Prevent Pilot-Induced Oscillations due to Actuator
rate Limiting
  B. S. Liebst, M. J. Chapa, D. B. Leggett, p. 740
Aeroservoelastic Model Uncertainty Bound Estimation from Flight Data
  M. J. Brenner, p. 748
Spacecraft Trajectory Planning with Avoidance Constraints Using Mixed-
Integer Linear Programming
  A. Richards, T. Schouwenaars, J. P. How, E. Feron, p. 755
Spacecraft Motion About Slowly Rotating Asteroids
  W. Hu and D. J. Scheeres, p. 765
Relative Satellite Motion About an Oblate Planet
  W. E. Wiesel, p. 776
Control of Hovering Spacecraft Using Altimetry
  S. Sawai, D. J. Scheeres, S. B. Broschart, p. 786
Fast Prediction Algorithms of Satellite Imaging Opportunities 
with Attitude Controls
  S.-F. Wu and P. L. Palmer, p. 796
Chaotic Attitude Tumbling of an Asymmetric Gyrostat in a Gravitational
  J. Kuang, S. Tan, A. Y. T. Leung, p. 804


Optimal Simultaneous Pairwise Conflict Resolution Maneuvers  in Air Traffic
  J. C. Clements, p. 815
Mechanism for Precision Orbit Control with Applications to Formation
  I. M. Ross, p. 818
Consistent Approximations to Aircraft Longitudinal Modes
  N. Ananthkrishnan and P. Ramadevi, p. 820
Rigid-Body Trajectory Reconstruction
  R. S. McEntire, S. L. Folkman, N. R. Hansen, p. 824
Pitch Autopilot Design Using Model-Following Adaptive Sliding Mode 
  D.-G. Choe and J.-H. Kim, p. 826
Hybrid Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Control of an Aeroelastic System
  C.-M. Lin and C.-F. Hsu, p. 829
  New Editor-in-Chief Sought for the AIAA Education Series, p. 692

Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume 348, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-290 (15 June 2002)


Products of three triangular matrices over commutative rings
  Pages 1-6
  K. R. Nagarajan, M. Paul Devasahayam and T. Soundararajan
On the possible multiplicities of the eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix
whose graph is a tree
  Pages 7-21
  Charles R. Johnson and Antonio Leal Duarte
Identification of influential observations on total least squares estimates
  Pages 23-39
  Baibing Li and Bart De Moor
A matrix inequality
  Pages 41-47
  Xiaojing Yang
Perron-Frobenius type results on the numerical range
  Pages 49-62
  J. Maroulas, P. J. Psarrakos and M. J. Tsatsomeros
Non-regular square bipartite designs
  Pages 63-85
  Caterina De Simone, Grigor Gasparyan and Paolo Nobili
Composition of quadratic forms and the Hurwitz-Radon function in 
characteristic 2
  Pages 87-103
  Alberto Elduque
Positive projections onto spin factors
  Pages 105-113
  Kil-Chan Ha
The evolution of a population under recombination: how to linearise the 
  Pages 115-137
  Kevin J. Dawson
A new proof of a theorem on M-matrices
  Pages 139-144
  Ronald B. Geskus
On inversion of Toeplitz matrices
  Pages 145-151
  Michael K. Ng, Karla Rost and You-Wei Wen
Least-squares inner product shaping
  Pages 153-174
  Yonina C. Eldar
Additive mappings decreasing rank one
  Pages 175-187
  Bojan Kuzma
Determinant preserving maps on matrix algebras
  Pages 189-192
  Gregor Dolinar and Peter emrl
On the number of unitary similarity classes in a C-S equivalence class: the 
normal case
  Pages 193-202
  Susana Furtado and Charles R. Johnson
Quadratic linear Keller maps
  Pages 203-207
  Charles Ching-An Cheng
Invariant and hyperinvariant subspaces of an operator J[alpha] and related 
operator algebras in Sobolev spaces
  Pages 209-230
  I. Yu. Domanov and M. M. Malamud
A linear operator approach to succession rules
  Pages 231-246
  Luca Ferrari and Renzo Pinzani
Outer inverses of matrices
  Pages 247-258
  Donald W. Robinson
An inequality for non-negative matrices II
  Pages 259-264
  Ming-wei Wang
The reverse order law for the Drazin inverses of multiple matrix products,   
  Pages 265-272
  Guorong Wang
Modelling the folding of paper into three dimensions using affine 
  Pages 273-282
  Sarah-marie belcastro and Thomas C. Hull
Comparisons of spectral radii and the theorem of Stein-Rosenberg
  Pages 283-287
  Wen Li, Ludwig Elsner and Linzhang Lu

Author index, Pages 289-290

Contributed by: Aghalaya S. Vatsala, 

New Journal: Int Journal of Hybrid Systems

V. Lakshmikantham  
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Florida Institute of Technology
Melbourne, Fl 32901, U. S. A

Managing Editor: 
Aghalaya S. Vatsala
Department of Mathematics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette 
Lafayette, LA 70504, U. S. A
Editorial Board:
Panos J. Antsaklis, U.S.A.
Finn Conrad, Denmark
Wassim M. Haddad, U. S. A.
Wolf Kohn, U. S. A.
G. S. Ladde, U. S. A.
Y. Ledyaev, U. S. A.
Rogerio de Lemos, U. K.
Elena Litsyn, Israel
Anthony N. Michel, U. S. A.
Boris M. Miller, Russia
Anil Nerode, U. S. A.
Andrey V. Savkin, Australia 
Roberto Segala, Italy
Thomas I. Seidman, U. S. A.
D. D. Siljak, U. S. A.
Stanislav Vassilyev, Russia 

Aims and Scope of the Journal:
The International Journal of Hybrid Systems is an English language journal 
published quarterly on research in this important and growing area. Hybrid 
systems arise in modeling of a variety of real world phenomena as well as in 
the context of control theory, engineering and computer science. Also, hybrid 
dynamic systems concerning qualitative behavior, periodicity, stability and 
bifurcation are most welcome. Questions related to the issues of multi-scale 
analysis and numerical analysis in the simulation of such systems are invited 
as well. The journal features papers on theory, modeling, design and 
implementation of hybrid systems from various disciplines such as 
mathematics, computer science and engineering. Original research papers 
demonstrating the relevance and applicability of hybrid systems as well as 
survey papers of an expository nature are invited. 

Address for submissions and subscriptions:
Professor A. S. Vatsala
Department of Mathematics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette 
Lafayette, LA 70504, U. S. A
E-Mail: vatsala@louisiana.edu

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Contributed by: J.M. Maciejowski, 

European Control Conference 2003
1-4 September 2003, Cambridge UK.

Second Call for Papers now available at:

Hard copy submission deadline:  1 October 2002
Electronic submission deadline: 1 December 2002

Submissions of Regular papers, Posters, and Special Sessions are invited.
See Call for Papers for details.

Contributed by: Oded Maler, 

Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2003)
              Sixth International Workshop
              Prague, The Czech Republic

Important Dates
 Submission deadline: October 15, 2002
 Notification of acceptance: December 15, 2002
 Final versions due: January 15, 2003
 Workshop: April 3-5 (Thu-Sat), 2003

Aims and Scope
The Workshop on Hybrid Systems attracts researchers from academia
and industry interested in modeling, analysis, and implementation of
dynamic and reactive systems involving both discrete (integer,
logical, symbolic) and continuous behaviors.  It is a forum for the
latest developments in all aspects of hybrid systems, including formal
models and computational representations, algorithms and heuristics,
computational tools, and new challenging applications.  The Sixth HSCC
International Workshop continues the series of workshops held in
Grenoble, France (HART'97), Berkeley, California, USA (HSCC'98),
Nijmegen, The Netherlands (HSCC'99), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
(HSCC 2000), Rome, Italy (HSCC2001) and Palo Alto, California USA
(HSCC2002).  Accepted papers will be allotted 14 pages each in a volume
to be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series.

Scope and Topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
modeling and representations; timed and hybrid automata; formal methods for
analysis, synthesis and verification; numerical aspects of simulating, and
verifying hybrid systems; computer-aided design; control methods and
algorithms, optimization; hybrid models in biology and other sciences.
Engineering applications, including but not limited to manufacturing and
production systems, intelligent robots, avionics; automotive control systems,
railway systems, energy systems, and transportation networks.
Reports on case studies and tool development are particularly encouraged.

A strong representation of multiple disciplines, including formal methods,
symbolic computation, control theory, artificial intelligence, and
numerical methods, assures a lively and productive workshop.

The workshop will be held at Prague, the lovely capital of the Czech Republic
in the Pyramida Hotel.

Researchers are invited to submit either a postscript or pdf file of an
extended abstract using the electronic-submission procedure through the
workshop web-page http://www-hscc03.imag.fr 
The abstract should not exceed 10 pages. See conference web-site for
details about format of submission and manuscript preparation.

Workshop Co-chairs:
 Amir Pnueli                             
 Department of Computer Science          
 Weizmann Institute of Science           
 Rehovot 76100                           

 Oded Maler
 2, av. de Vignate
 38610 Gieres

Contributed by: V. Jotsov, 

IEEE Int Symp on Intelligent Sys. 2002

The 1st IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems (IS 2002)
                    10 - 12 September 2002
                  Sunny Day, Varna, Bulgaria

Call for Participation
The symposium is organized by the IM, CS, and SMC IEEE Joint Chapter of
Bulgaria and by Federation of Technical Unions of Bulgaria.
The symposium will be held in the Sunny Day resort in St. Constantine on
the Black Sea beach near Varna.

The symposium scope includes topics from IEEE Information Theory, Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, Control Systems, Instrumentation and Measurement, and
Computer Societies. The main topics include: Artificial intelligence; Chaos
theory; Data mining; Data fusion; Decision support systems; Evolutionary
Computation; Fuzzy logic; Human-machine interaction; Intelligent control;
Intelligent measurement; Intelligent systems and semiotics; Knowledge
engineering; Machine learning; Neuro-fuzzy systems; Neural networks; Soft
computing agents. Application: Automotive; Data processing; Education
aspects of intelligent control; Process control; Robotics; Transportation;

Participants can choose between up market accomodation at reasonably low
prices and extremely low cost accomodation in other hotels near the sea,
thus keeping total travel costs low. Early registration to the hotels
is advised. A number of additional activities (tutorials, etc.) are planned
in the symposium schedule at no extra charge.

More information can be found at http://www.fnts-bg.org/is
 Vassil Sgurev
 IS 2002 Co-Chairman

 Mincho Hadjiski
 Chair of Org. Committee 

 Vladimir Jotsov
 IS 2002 General Coordinator

Contributed by: NAISO,The Netherlands, 

NAISO Congress on Info Tech in Environmental Engr

First World Congress on Information Technology in Environmental Engineering
ITEE 2003, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland, June 24 - 27, 2003.

Call for Paper
Acquisition, storage and processing of environmental information are becoming 
vital to preserving the quality of human life. Potentially dangerous changes 
are happening in the atmosphere, oceans, animal habitats and places where 
hazardous materials are used, or have been discarded without adequate 
environmental protections.

In recent years, information technology has become significant to all 
scientific groups and fields involved in environment engineering. Knowledge 
based systems which enable the study of environmental changes have been 
developed, are being extended to manage those environments. New paradigms for 
designing objects to enable easy disassembly and recovery of components 
contribute to reuse. Developments in exploiting alternative energy sources 
are reducing dependence on non-renewable resources. Surveillance techniques 
enable tracking of persons likely to threaten the lives of persons or their 

The ITEE 2003 conference will provide a forum for exchanging information 
among pollution engineers, knowledge engineers and scientists. Some of the 
objectives include discussion of projects for long-term storage of data, data 
update and validation, and the consistency of data. Research topics and 
funding opportunities discussed at the conference will be of interest to all 
researchers. Another objective is to discuss means of assessing the potential 
of individual teams in implementation and modelling of large-scale systems.

Topics of Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (ITEE'2003)
1. Tools and measurement techniques
2. Formal methods and data processing techniques
3. Modelling and simulation problems
4. Information systems
5. Practical applications and experiences
See congress website for further details about subtopics within above topics.

The organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective organizers 
are requested to send a session proposal - consisting of 4-5 invited papers - 
to the general chair and respective area co-chair. Invited sessions should 
preferably start with the title and the purpose of the session and a tutorial 
paper. The registration fee of the session organizer will be waived, if at 
least 4 authors of invited papers register to the conference.

Several workshops/tutorials are planned for ITEE 2003. Each workshop will
focus on a particular topic, and consist of several presentations and open
discussions. The proposal for a workshop should include the title, topics
covered, proposed speakers, targeted audiences, and estimated length (hours)
of the workshop. The proposal should be submitted to the general chair and
respective area co-chair by September 30, 2002, and the NAISO Planning
department: planning@icsc.ab.ca

Submission of papers can be done through our web site

Submission Deadline September 30, 2002
Notification of Acceptance December 31, 2002
Delivery of Manuscripts February 28, 2003
Early bird-registration February 28, 2003
Registration March 31, 2003
Conference June 24  - 27, 2003

 - Achim Sydow (Honorary General Chair)
 - Cezary Orlowski Ph.D (General Chair) TU Gdansk
 - Edward Szczerbicki (Co-Chair), University of Newcastle, Australia

NAISO The Netherlands (Operating Division)
P.O. Box 1091
3360 BB Sliedrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 184 496999
Fax: +31 184 421065
Email: itee2003@global-conf.org (Operating Division)
planning@icsc.ab.ca (Planning Division)

Contributed by: Nicole Elzebroek, 

NAISO symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems

International NAISO symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (EIS'2002)

Background and Scope:
The EIS conference series pursue the synthesis of Artificial Intelligence 
techniques with Control Engineering methods to produce Intelligent Systems 
for Engineering applications. In recent years, the combination of Control 
Engineering and extensive knowledge of AI techniques has allowed scientists 
and practitioners to make a number of significant contributions to this 
rapidly developing field, for example in qualitative control, fuzzy 
qualitative simulation and model based diagnosis, Artificial Neural Networks 
(ANNs), Genetic Algorithms (GAs), Fuzzy Logic (FL), and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

For further information, please see 
or you can contact:
NAISO The Netherlands (Operating Division)
P.O. Box 1091
3360 BB Sliedrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-184-496999
Fax: +31-184-421065
Email: eis2002@global-conf.org
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