E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

Issue 159, November 1, 2001

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                   Issue 159, November 1, 2001

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936

           Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
           Submission deadline for December eletter: November 30, 2001


0. Editorial

1. Personals
1.1 New Assignment: Peter Dorato
1.2 New address: Bernard Brogliato
1.3 New address: Emilio Frazzoli
1.4 New address: Helen Frankowska
1.5 New address: Salomon Oldak
1.6 New address: Vincent Verdult
1.7 New assignment: Donald M. Wiberg
1.8 New assignment: Jan Lunze

2. Awards Honors
2.1 Call for Nominations: SIAG/OPT Prize
2.2 Request for Nominations for IEEE Fellow

3. General Announcements
3.1 Call for Nominations: George Polya Prize SIAM
3.2 Control Training Site Europe
3.3 On-Line Reviewer Database for IEEE Trans AC
3.4 Workshop: Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics Italy

4. Positions
4.1 Applied Mathematics Postion: UMBC Maryland
4.2 ECE Faulty Postion: Utah State University
4.3 EE Faculty Position New Mexico
4.4 EE Faculty Positions University of California Riverside
4.5 Group Leader United Technology Res Ctr
4.6 PhD Assistantship: Switzerland
4.7 PhD positions: Orebro University Sweden
4.8 PhD positions Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
4.9 Post-Doc: Univ of California Santa Barbara
4.10 Post-Doc: West Virginia Univ 
4.11 Research Assistant: Karlsruhe Germany
4.12 Research Engineer Positions: UTRC USA
4.13 Research Fellow: National Univ of Singapore
4.14 Research Positions: ISR/IST Lisbon Portugal
4.15 Research Posts: Ind Control Centre Glasgow UK 

5. Books
5.1 Analytic Feedback System Design
5.2 Digital Controller Implementation and Fragility
5.3 Linear Quadratic Control
5.4 Multivariable System Identification 

6. Journals
6.1 CFP: ASME/JDSMC on Time Delayed Systems
6.2 Call for Papers: Computers in Industry
6.3 Call for Papers: European J of Control
6.4 Contents: Asian Journal of Control 
6.5 Contents: Automatica
6.6 Contents: Dev in Chem Engr & Mineral Processing
6.7 Contents: European Journal of Control
6.8 Contents: IEEE Trans on Automatic Control
6.9 Contents: MIC

7. Conferences
7.1 10th IEEE Med. Conf on Contr and Automation
7.2 Call For Papers: WCICA 2002
7.3 Call for Papers: 2002 IEEE ISIC
7.4 Call for Papers: Benelux Meeting 2002
7.5 Call for Papers: IJCNN 2002 Hawaii
7.6 Call for Papers: MTNS 2002
7.7 Intl Symp: Control of Industrial Processes

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Welcome to the 159-th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the begining of December 2001.

Please forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to
eletter at
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

IMPORTANT: The intent of eletter is to accomodate as many announcements
of intersest to our subscribers as possible. However, please note that
in order to maintain efficiency of this media for information
dissemination, the size of eletter must remain manageable. Submission
of very lengthy articles unduly increases the length of the eletter
and forces the editorial scissors to become active. Please try and
keep your announcements to less than 100 lines of text.
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                          Awards and Honors
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Contributed by: Peter Dorato, 

New Assignment for Peter Dorato

Professor Peter Dorato, University of New Mexico, has been named director
of a new center for Intelligent Systems Engineering. The center is funded by
NASA-Ames Grant NAG2-1480 for minority graduate studies. Current areas of
investigation include, cooperative satellite arrays, cooperative robotics,
diagonstics of turbulent flow, fuzzy-logic modelling, intelligent biomedical
engneering, intelligent image processing, etc. More information can be
obtained from the web site: ise.unm.edu

Contributed by: Bernard Brogliato, 

New address: Bernard Brogliato

Here is my new address since September 1, 2001:

Bernard Brogliato
INRIA Rhone-Alpes
ZIRST Montbonnot
655 avenue de l'Europe
38344 Saint Ismier cedex
tel: 33 (0) 476615393
fax: 33 (0) 476615252

Contributed by: Emilio Frazzoli, 

New address: Emilio Frazzoli

I graduated from MIT in June, and joined the Dept. of Aeronautical and
Astronautical Engineering of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
in August. My new coordinates are:

Emilio Frazzoli
Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
321b Talbot Laboratory - mc 236
104 S. Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801

Contributed by: Frankowska Hélène, 

New address: Helen Frankowska

Hélène Frankowska
CREA, Ecole Polytechnique,
1, rue Descartes, F-75005 Paris, France

Tél.01 55 55 80 89
Fax 01 43 25 29 44
e-mail : franko@poly.polytechnique.fr

Contributed by: Salomon Oldak, 

New address: Salomon Oldak

Salomon Oldak
Assicoate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
California State Polytechnic University
3801 West Temple Ave.
Pomona, CA 91768
Phone: (909)869-2651
FAX: (909)869-4687
E-mail: soldak@csupomona.edu

Contributed by: Vincent Verdult, 

New address: Vincent Verdult

Vincent Verdult
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Information Technology and Systems
Laboratory of Control Engineering
P. O. Box 5031
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Phone:  +31 (0)15 27 85768
Fax:  +31 (0)15 27 86679
Email: V.Verdult@its.tudelft.nl
WEB: http://control-lab.et.tudelft.nl/~verdult

Contributed by: Donald M. Wiberg, 

New assignment: Donald M. Wiberg

Donald M. Wiberg is now Professor Emeritus Recalled at the University of 
California, Santa Cruz, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Santa Cruz, CA 
95060.  His phone number is (831)459-0787.  Present research interests 
include adaptive optics, passive microwave measurements, and system 

Contributed by: Jan Lunze, 

New assignment: Jan Lunze

Since October 1, 2001 I am the head of the Institute of Automation and 
Computer Control at the Ruhr-University Bochum. My PhD students will
move from the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg to Bochum as well and
we will continue our research work on feedback control of complex systems,
qualitative modelling, process supervision and fault diagnosis. As before,
we will also have application projects in process control, bioengineering,
automotive systems or other fields.

My new address is as follows

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Lunze
Ruhr-University Bochum
Fakultaet für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Lehrstuhl für Automatisierungstechnik und Prozessinformatik
(Institute of Automation and Computer Control)
44780 Bochum
Tel. (0234) 32 24071
email: Lunze@esr.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

Secretary: Mrs Hannelore Hupp
Tel. (0234) 32 28071
Fax: (0234) 32 14101
email: office@esr.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

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Contributed by: Allison Bogardo, 

Call for Nominations: SIAG/OPT Prize

                        Call for Nominations
               SIAM Activity Group on Optimization Prize

The SIAM Activity Group on Optimization Prize (SIAG/OPT) will be awarded
at the SIAM Conference on Optimization, May 20-22, 2002, at the Westin
Harbour Castle Hotel in Toronto.

The prize is awarded to the author(s) of the most outstanding paper, as
determined by the selection committee, on a topic in optimization published
in English in a peer-reviewed journal.

Candidate papers must be published in English in a peer-reviewed journal
bearing a publication date within the period of January 1, 1999 to
December 31, 2001.  The paper must contain significant research
contributions to the field of optimization, as commonly defined in the
mathematical literature, with direct or potential applications.

Description of the Award
The award will consist of a plaque and a certificate.  The chair of
the selection committee will notify the recipient(s) of the award in
advance of the award date.  An invitation will be extended to the
recipient(s) to attend the award ceremony to receive the award and to
present the paper.  At least one of the awardees is expected to attend
the ceremony and present the winning paper.

Nominations, which should consist of a copy of the paper and a cover
letter, must be received in the SIAM office by JANUARY 15, 2002.
Please send nominations to:
 SIAG/OPT Prize Selection Committee
 Professor Philippe Toint, Chair
 c/o A. G. Bogardo
 3600 University City Science Center
 Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
 Telephone: 215-382-9800, Ext. 302
 Fax: 215-386-7999
 E-mail: bogardo@siam.org

Selection Committee
Members of the selection committee are Philippe Toint, Chair (The University
of Namur, Belgium); Harvey Greenberg (University of Colorado, Denver);
Masakazu Kojima (Tokyo Institute of Technology); Paul Tseng (University of
Washington); and Levent Tuncel (University of Waterloo).

Contributed by: Jessy W. Grizzle, 

Request for Nominations for IEEE Fellow

Recognition by peers is a vital function of the IEEE, with election to the 
grade of IEEE Fellow one of the most visible mechanisms for acknowledgment. 
The nomination of highly qualified individuals for Fellow status is a
valuable service to the Control Systems Society. Members of the academic
community have  been quite responsive in the past and we encourage them to
continue nominating their peers. The Control Systems Society is also very
interested in seeing more of its industrial members promoted to Fellow grade.
Successful Fellow nominations can be built around exceptional accomplishments
in product development and technical management, as well as archival
publications and teaching.

Nominations for IEEE Fellow are due at IEEE Headquarters by March 15, 2002,
hence the first steps must be taken well before that date. Fellow nominees 
must be active IEEE Senior members and have been IEEE members for at least 
five years in any grade. A successful nomination requires a qualified 
candidate and a well-prepared nomination package. A key preliminary step is a 
careful reading of the IEEE Guide for Fellow Grade Nominations, which 
contains the nomination forms. These materials can be found in the 2002
Fellow nomination kits that will be made available in late November 2001
on the web at http://www.ieee.org/about/awards or they can be obtained by
writing to:

IEEE Fellow Program Staff
445 Hoes Lane
P.O. Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
TEL: +1 732 562 3843
fax: +1 732 981 9019

Five references are required for the nomination; they must be IEEE Fellows.
A list of Fellows is contained in the IEEE Membership Directory and is 
available on-line. Recently elected Fellows appear annually in the Control
Systems Magazine (August issue).  If you know of an outstanding individual
who is worthy of Fellow status but is not a Senior member of the IEEE, then
by all means encourage them to initiate that process themselves by going to 
http://www.ieee.org/about/awards/fellows/senior.htm so that you can nominate 
them next year. If you plan to make an IEEE Fellow nomination, please notify 
Professor Jessy W. Grizzle, Chair of the Control Systems Society's Fellows 
Solicitation Committee, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI  48109-2122; +1 734 763 
3598, fax: +1 734 763 8041, grizzle@umich.edu

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Allison Bogardo, 

Call for Nominations: George Polya Prize, SIAM

The Polya Prize
The award will be presented at the SIAM 50th Anniversary Meeting in
Philadelphia, July 8-12, 2002.  The award honors the memory of George
Polya and is given in even-numbered years for notable contributions
in two alternating categories. The 2000 Prize was given in
combinatorics. The 2002 Prize will be given for a notable
contribution in one of the following areas: approximation theory,
complex analysis, number theory, orthogonal polynomials,
probability theory, or mathematical discovery and learning.

There are no restrictions except that the prize is broadly intended to
recognize specific recent work.

Description of Award
The award will consist of an engraved medal and a ,000 cash prize.
Travel expenses to the award ceremony will be provided by the prize

A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s)
should be sent by December 1, 2001, to:

Professor Percy Deift
Chair, Selection Committee
George Polya Prize
c/o Allison Bogardo
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
Telephone: 215-382-9800
Fax: 215-386-7999
E-mail: bogardo@siam.org

Selection Committee
Members of the selection committee are Percy Deift, Courant Institute
of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (chair); Ronald Graham,
University of California, San Diego; Andrew Odlyzko, University of
Minnesota; and Martin Gutknecht, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland.

Contributed by: F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, 

Control Training Site, Europe

A Multi-partner Marie Curie Training Site of 29 Institutes, entitled Control
Training Site (CTS) will be funded by the European Commission from January
2002. Three to twelve months of full fellowship support are available. The CTS
addresses any European student starting doctoral studies or pursuing doctoral
studies in the large domain of control, including various areas of control
theory, optimization and control engineering. Qualified applicants can either
complete their first-year doctoral studies, by choosing some courses proposed
by the CTS, or can obtain a complete first-year certificate, or can access the
training site in order to enhance their own doctoral programme.

For more details, visit http://www.supelec.fr/lss/CTS

Besides numerous research projects, a large choice of courses will be
delivered at the following places: - Dutch Institute of Systems and Control
(DISC), Delft, Netherlands; - Institut Henri Poincaré (DEA control modules),
Paris, France; - International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste,
Italy; - Graduate School in Systems and Control  (AUTO), Louvain-la-Neuve,
Belgium: - Institute for Engineering Cybernetics, Stuttgart, Germany

Contributed by: C.G. Cassandras, TAC Editor-in-Chief, 

On-Line Reviewer Database for IEEE Trans AC

The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC) Editorial Office has created 
a reviewer database, which is now up and running. The database is public and 
can be accessed at http://control.bu.edu/ieee/database/.

There are three possible actions one can take at this site:
1. Select a reviewer name (there are currently approximately 1000 listed) and 
   look for that person's technical areas on record.
2. Select a technical area (among 31) to find reviewers with interest in this 
   area. You will also get the reviewer's e-mail address (if available).
3. Fill in a form with proposed changes to the database. This is e-mailed to 
   the Editorial Office, where the actual database update will take place.

The database has been initialized based on manual processing of a large 
volume of data, not always reliable. We urge all members of the CSS and 
systems and control community at large to visit 
http://control.bu.edu/ieee/database/ in order to check and update if 
necessary their own record. This information will greatly help the Editorial 
Board of the TAC further improve the quality and speed of the reviewing 
process of submitted papers. In addition, the database provides a resource 
for anyone in our community to identify colleagues in similar technical areas.

Contributed by: Carlo Piccardi, 

Venice International University
Venice (Italy), January 30 - February 1, 2002

Organized by: SICC - Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity
In cooperation with: VIU - Venice International University

The International School "Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics" is primarily directed 
to young researchers and PhD students interested in the theory and 
applications of nonlinear dynamical systems. The lectures cover both 
introductory and advanced topics, and at least one special session is devoted 
to applications in specific fields. The topics of general interest are 
bifurcation theory, numerical bifurcation analysis, chaotic dynamics, and 
time series analysis, while a special session is devoted to evolutionar

James A. Yorke, University of Maryland, USA
Sergio Rinaldi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Carlo Piccardi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Yuri A. Kuznetsov, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Willy Govaerts, University of Ghent, Belgium
Ulf Dieckmann, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
Michael Obersteiner, Institute for Advanced Studies, Austria
Fabio Dercole, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Alfredo Medio, University of Venice "Ca' Foscari", Italy
Sergio Invernizzi, University of Trieste, Italy
Marji Lines, University of Udine, Italy
Eric Kostelich, Arizona State University, USA
Antonello Provenzale, ICGF-CNR, Italy

For information and application, visit the website

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Contributed by: Thomas I. Seidman, 

Applied Mathematics Postion: UMBC, Maryland

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UMBC  (University of
Maryland, Baltimore County) has authorization to recruit a tenure-track
Assistant Professor in Applied Math. Please see our web pages for further
information about the department and its present faculty; in particular,
see http://www.math.umbc.edu/Positions/positions-2001-2.shtml
for the official position announcement.

Contributed by: Kevin L. Moore, 

ECE Faulty Postion: Utah State University

Tenure-track faculty opening at Utah State University in the Department of 
Electrical and Computer Engineering. We are primarily interested in
applicants at the assistant professor level who can join us in Fall 2002.

Preferred areas include networking, computer engineering, and/or control
systems. We are also actively supportive of increasing diversity in our
faculty. For application information see http://www.ece.usu.edu.

Contributed by: Estella M. Greene, 

EE Faculty Position, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology 

The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology invites applications for a 
tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Electrical Engineering 
(www.ee.nmt.edu). Applicants must have a Ph.D. in electrical engineering or
a closely related field, a strong interest in teaching lecture and laboratory 
courses, and the ability to develop a vigorous, independent, and externally 
funded research program. Strong collaboration and joint research is possible 
in association with the Computer Science Department (www.cs.nmt.edu) and New 
Mexico Tech Robotics Laboratory in mobile robotics and real-time control 

New Mexico Tech (www.nmt.edu), a state-supported institute founded in 1889 
and located in the Rio Grande valley, has an enrollment of approximately 
1500 undergraduate and graduate students. The Institute's primary emphasis is 
in science and engineering teaching and research. The electrical engineering 
department has approximately 200 majors and active research in embedded 
systems, instrumentation, robotics, controls, adaptive optics, atmospheric 
physics, lightning, and power systems.

The appointment will begin January or August, 2002.  For full consideration, 
applications must be received by December 15, 2001. Send comprehensive 
resume, transcripts, letter describing your teaching and research interests
and the names, daytime telephone numbers and email addresses of three
references to
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Human Resources
801 Leroy Place
Wells Hall Box 1080E
Socorro, NM 87801

E-mail applications NOT accepted. New Mexico Tech is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Contributed by: Janet Harshman, 

EE Faculty Positions, University of California, Riverside

University of California, Riverside
Faculty Positions in Electrical Engineering

The University of California at Riverside invites applications for tenure-
track (Assistant Professors) and  tenured (Associate Professors and Full 
Professors) faculty positions in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING starting in the 
2002/03 academic year. Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. in Electrical 
Engineering or a related field. While excellent candidates from all areas of 
specialization will be considered, the priority areas of technical interest 
are: Computer Engineering (VLSI Design and Embedded Systems); Optical and RF 
Devices for Communications; and Image Processing and Video Technology. 
Candidates for tenure-track positions must demonstrate evidence of 
outstanding potential in research and teaching. Candidates for  tenured 
positions must have record of exceptional achievement in research and 
teaching. Candidates from industry are encouraged to apply. Salary level will 
be competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. 

Applicants should send a letter of professional intent addressing teaching 
and research objectives, a curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, e-
mail, and telephone numbers of at least five references.  Applications should 
be addressed to: Electrical Engineering, Search Committee Chair, A220 Bourns 
Hall, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. To receive the first 
round consideration, applications must be received by January 31, 2002. Late 
applications will also be considered until the positions are filled. For more 
information please see our website: www.ee.ucr.edu.

The University of California, Riverside is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative 
Action Employer.

Contributed by: Scott Bortoff, 

Group Leader, United Technology Res Ctr

United Technologies Research Center
Job Openings in Controls Technology and Systems Engineering

The Systems and Networks Department at the United Technologies Research 
Center invites qualified individuals to apply for several open positions in 
the area of controls technology and systems engineering.

United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) is an internationally recognized 
R&D organization that conducts research across a broad range of technology 
areas to drive and support a corporate-wide "impact through innovation 
agenda.  The operating units of United Technologies Corporation  (UTC) 
include Pratt & Whitney (aircraft engines and gas turbines for power 
generation), Sikorsky (helicopters), Otis (elevators), Carrier (heating and 
air conditioning), Hamilton-Sundstrand (aerospace products) and International 
Fuel Cells (fuel cell power plants).  The mission of UTRC is to create 
opportunities for organic growth of UTC through innovation of new products 
and processes.  The Systems and Networks department is building the 
capability to conduct virtual product design by developing physics-based 
models of new UTC products and processes, validating those models in world 
class experimental facilities, and using these models to conduct rigorous 
conceptual and preliminary design. UTRC partners with the best research 
organizations in the world and provides an opportunity for collaboration 
among academic and business unit partners.

In the control area, expertise is sought in the areas of modeling, 
multivariable control system analysis and design, synthesis of hybrid control 
systems, model predictive control, and real-time controller implementation.  
Applications currently under study include fuel cell power plants, advanced 
fuel processing systems, building combined heat and power systems, advanced 
heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, integrated aerospace power 
distribution, industrial gas turbines and aircraft engines.  Specific duties 
include development of control-oriented models, rigorous analysis of 
performance and model uncertainty in multivariable systems, synthesis of 
model-based hybrid control systems, development of process controllers, 
and/or real-time implementation of concepts in an experimental setting.   In 
the systems engineering area, expertise is sought to build an institutional 
capability to conduct integrated concurrent engineering in the conceptual and 
preliminary stages of design of innovative products.  Applications of current 
interest are drawn from the areas of power and building systems.  Specific 
duties include development of facilities, tools and technologies to enable 
model-based analysis of innovative concepts in a concurrent engineering 
environment, team building, leadership of design sessions, and promotion of 
systems engineering principles in innovative design processes.   

Individuals in the department work within multidisciplinary teams and focus 
on one or two projects at a time.  Excellent communications skills, a strong 
interest in external publication and the proven ability to contribute as both 
an individual and as part of a team are essential.  The ideal candidate for 
the controls positions would possess a strong background in control theory, 
including knowledge of multivariable methods of analysis and design, 
knowledge of modern methods for robustness analysis, experience in modeling 
in the areas of mechatronics, thermodynamic, fluid dynamic, chemical or power 
systems, and experience implementing control systems in an experimental or 
industrial setting.  A Ph.D. in control or a related field and several years 
experience in either an academic or an industrial environment is desirable.  
Candidates with experience developing successful proposals and supervising 
the technical work of others will be given preference.  The ideal candidate 
for the systems engineering positions would possess deep knowledge of systems 
engineering principles as applied to the development and design of power, 
building or aerospace systems, and several years experience developing tools 
and methods to enable concurrent engineering.   A Ph.D. in a field related to 
systems engineering of mechanical / thermodynamic / power systems and have 
several years of industrial or academic experience is desirable.   Preference 
will be given to individuals with knowledge of power, building or aerospace 
systems and experience building and leading multidisciplinary systems 
engineering teams.

Inquiries should be directed to:

Dr. Scott A. Bortoff
Group Leader, Controls Technology
United Technologies Research Center
Mail Stop: 129-15 
411 Silver Lane
East Hartford, CT 06108

Contributed by: Ottar Johnsen, 

PhD Position: Sound Extraction from Images of Disc Records

Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship combined with a teaching or 
research assistantship. The research will take place at the University of 
Applied Sciences of Fribourg Switzerland (Ecole d'ingénieurs de Fribourg or 
EIA-FR). The PhD student will also join the GIRAF Group (Prof. Rolf Ingold) 
of the Computer Science Department of the University of Fribourg which is
the degree granting institution.

The position is intended for an enthusiastic and open minded graduate, who 
will participate in the research activities in the VisualAudio project. The 
key idea is to archive (vinyl) disc records as high-resolution photographs; 
reading the archive is achieved through an image scanning system and a groove 
extraction algorithm. A first prototype is now operational. The thesis will 
be devoted to modeling and correction of the various distortions accumulated
at each step of the process. The Ph.D student will mostly be working with C 
programming, signal, audio and image processing and pattern recognition.

The position is available on January 1st, 2002. It is granted for a period of 
two years by the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research (with 
possible continuation through a second two-year period). The position will be 
combined with assistant activities related to teaching or applied research 
projects. Job location is Fribourg, a French-German bilingual midsized city 
in Switzerland.

For more informations visit:
http://www.eif.ch/~bapst/joboffer.html   and

Contributed by: Dr Tom Duckett, 

PhD positions: Orebro University, Sweden

PhD Studentships are available at the Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor
Systems in the Department of Technology, Orebro University, Sweden in the
following areas:


The main focus of study is on developing computational theories of learning
for artificially intelligent agents which must perceive and interact with
real environments. The emphasis is on autonomous, on-line learning from
sensory information, with applications in robotics and autonomous systems.
Applicants should have or expect to get an MSc or strong BSc degree in
computing or a related discipline. For further information please reply
to Dr Tom Duckett via email: tom.duckett@aass.oru.se

Contributed by: Bram de Jager, 

PhD positions Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Technische Universiteit
Eindhoven, TU/e, together with the Netherlands Organisation for
Applied Scientific Research, TNO/TPD, are initiating a project where
fluid dynamics and fluid control together will bring forward a
methodology and technique to achieve improved stability of turbomachinery.
This "Compressor Stall" project is an extension of an earlier project
carried out at TU/e, merged with the expertise of TNO/TPD,
a technology research institute, and with the experience of
DEMAG-Delaval Turbomachinery, a manufacturer of centrifugal compressors.
The aim of the project is to improve the area of stable operation of
compressors by active control, without loss of efficiency. This
improvement will be made possible by merging three emerging
technologies: one-sided feedback (model-based) control, dynamic fluid
flow measurements, and fast control valves. An additional benefit will
be a better description of centrifugal compressors acting as a source
of acoustic noise in process equipment.
For the Compressor Stall project we are looking for 2 PhD students.
The first PhD student will target the (numerical) modeling of rotating
stall in centrifugal compressors, including an experimental validation.
The goal is to predict flow/acoustical disturbances due to rotating stall
and their role in surge initiation. The second PhD student will investigate
the control of surge in the presence of rotating stall, including an
implementation of a one-sided controller on an industrial scale test
facility equipped with fast control valves. The aim is a control
implementation that improves the area of stability of a centrifugal
compressor in the pipe network.
>From both PhDs we require a basic knowledge on the level of MSc-degree
in mechanical engineering, or in a related field in engineering or
physics. Previous experience in fluid dynamics or control is an asset.
The PhDs will be offered a contract by TNO/TPD and by TU/e, on a
fifty/fifty basis. It is expected that the time spend at both
institutes will also be divided equally. Furthermore, some time will be
spent at the site of DEMAG-Delaval Turbomachinery (the industrial
partner). This mix of academic, applied, and industrial groups provides
a challenging working environment.
For more information contact Bram de Jager, A.G.de.Jager@wfw.wtb.tue.nl,
or Maarten Steinbuch, M.Steinbuch@tue.nl.
If you are interested in this position, send a detailed curriculum
vitae, a publication list, your course program and corresponding
grades, references, and all other information that might be relevant to
Bram de Jager
Control Systems Technology group, WH 0.132
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB  Eindhoven
The Netherlands
E-mail: A.G.de.Jager@wfw.wtb.tue.nl

Contributed by: Igor Mezic, 

Post-Doc: Univ of California, Santa Barbara

Postdoctoral position in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control with Applications
to Nanotechnology at the University of California, Santa Barbara

A postdoctoral position at the University of California, Santa Barbara is 
available in the area of Nonlinear Dynamics and Control with Applications to 
Nanotechnology. The work will involve modeling and simulation of nanosystems, 
investigation of their dynamics using nonlinear dynamical systems tools and 
design of control algorithms. 

An ideal candidate will have background in dynamical systems, control theory 
and nanoscale physics. The past and current projects in the area include 
active control of mixing in a micromixer, modeling, dynamics and control of 
Atomic Force Microscopes and instabilities of ultrathin fluid films on a 

The position is for one year with possible extension to two years. Starting 
date is December 1, 2001. 

Interested candidates please send CV's only (in postscript, PDF or MS Word)
by e-mail to Prof. Igor Mezic,  mezic@engineering.ucsb.edu

Contributed by: Parviz Famouri, 

Post-Doc: West Virginia Univ 

Post-Doc in Application of State Estimation, Control or Related Areas 
West Virginia University

The Electromechanical Systems (EMS) Laboratory at West Virginia University is
looking to hire one postdoctoral research associate and several graduate
research assistant to support one or more of the on-going programs in the Lab.
The areas of research include: State estimation and control of chemical
processes, electromechanical systems and MEMS. 

A PhD degree in relevant areas such as Electrical, Aerospace, or Mechanical
Engineering with experience in system theory, state estimation and control is
required. Knowledge of MATLAB and C/C++ is considered a plus, although not
required. The position is to be held for no less than one year, with a one to
three year position the norm. Those interested in the positions are encouraged
to submit a CV electronically with a list of at least two references to
Professor Parviz Famouri at pfamouri@wvu.edu

Contributed by: Eberhard Muenz, 

PhD Position: Control Systems Laboratory of the Universität Karlsruhe 

The Control Systems Laboratory of the Universität Karlsruhe (TH) invites 
applicants for Research Assistant positions. 

The research areas of these positions include design of nonlinear control 
systems and automation of discrete-continuous (hybrid) systems.
The main field of applications is automotive engineering in cooperation with 
automotive industries.

We expect you not only to conduct excellent research but also to perform 
educational activities and to supervise master's theses as well as student 
projects. You should hold a master's degree in electrical engineering or
in a related subject like computer science, mathematics, or physics; in
particular, a strong background in the field of control engineering and
automation is required. Besides the interests in research and education,
you enjoy working  in a team. We offer research possibilities in interesting
areas in a motivating environment and salaries according to BATIIa; the
opportunity for conferral of a doctorate exists.

Send your application documents to:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Krebs
Institut für Regelungs- und Steuerungssysteme
Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe
URL: http://www-irs.etec.uni-karlsruhe.de
mail: krebs@irs.etec.uni-karlsruhe.de

Contributed by: Carlos E. Pereira, 

Research Engineer Positions: UTRC, USA

United Technologies Research Center
Job Openings in 
Communication Networks and Embedded Systems

The Systems and Networks Department at the United Technologies Research 
Center invites qualified individuals to apply for several open positions
in the area of communication networks and embedded systems.

In the embedded systems area, expertise is sought in hardware and software 
development of distributed embedded systems, with focus on adaptive, 
dependable and real-time systems; resource-constrained and scalable embedded 
systems, modeling and performance analysis of distributed embedded 
applications; and fault-tolerant, security, and safety-critical applications. 
In the area of communication protocols, expertise is sought in modeling and 
analysis of complex industrial (mostly embedded) distributed applications; 
communication protocols with emphasis on those commonly used in building 
automation and aerospace applications (including wireless, power-line 
carrier, and wired protocols). In the area of wireless systems expertise
is sought in RF systems modeling, analysis, design and validation, and power
control in wireless computer systems.

The successful candidates will be responsible for a range of activities  
including the generation of concepts, the assessment of alternative 
solutions, and the reduction  of  concepts to practice. Additionally 
responsibilities are assisting in  program  planning, technology transfer,
and building group capability by assisting in recruiting  and mentoring. The 
candidate must be capable of working independently, contributing as a member 
of a multidisciplinary team, and leading projects.

- M.S. in electrical or computer engineering or related field with 5+ years 
- Demonstrated abilities to lead and/or work effectively within 
  multi-disciplinary teams to successfully achieve desired technical 
  outcomes within time and budget constraints.

- Ph.D. in electrical or computer engineering or related field with 5+ years 
  of experience
- Strong research focus in areas including computer and communication 
  architectures, communication protocols and embedded hardware and software 
  design methods, modeling and performance analysis of communication
  networks, RF system modeling including physics based and wireless
  networks and communications system design. 
- Strong applied mathematical abilities, knowledge of control systems, 
  computer programming skills, and significant evidence of innovation-driven 
  business success. 
- Candidates with a wide and diverse range of experiences, multidisciplinary
  team participation, and innovation are highly valued. 

Potential candidates should send an email to: employment@utrc.utc.com, 
reference code: Embedded -NET-2625-6403, Communications- NET-2625-6572, 
Wireless - NET-2625-6571.

Dr. Carlos E. Pereira Dr. Alan Finn
Group Leader                            Group Leader
Embedded Information Devices         Estimation and Decision
PereirCE@utrc.utc.com alan@utrc.utc.com
(860)-610-7122 (860)-610-7737
United Technologies Research Center United Technologies Research Center

Contributed by: KK Tan, 

Research Fellow: National Univ of Singapore

Immediate research fellow position available. Control background with 
interest in biomedical systems. Good track record will be an advantage. 

Please email soft CV to eletankk@nus.edu.sg

Contributed by: João Sentieiro, 

Research Positions: ISR/IST, Lisbon, Portugal

Candidates wishing to apply for a Post-Doc or a Research Assistantship
grant to pursue research activities at ISR-Lisbon should submit their 
applications during the period from October 1st to October 30th for research 
programs starting late January 2002/early February 2002. The Post-Doc grants 
will only be available for candidates who have obtained their Ph.D.
degrees in the last five years. The Research Assistantship grants will be
offered preferably to candidates who hold a M.Sc. degree and intend to
pursue research leading to a Ph. D. degree.

Details can be found at: http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt  under "GRANTS 2001".
For more information contact
Prof. João Sentieiro
fax: +351-21-8418291                       

Contributed by: Pofessor Mike Grimble, 

Research Posts: Ind Control Centre, Glasgow, UK 

Applicants are invited to apply for a senior and a junior research position 
which are both available in the Industrial Control Centre at the University 
of Strathclyde.  For the senior position candidates should already have a 
higher degree and the appointment will be at Research Fellow level.  The 
second position is suitable for someone with a good first degree who would 
want to register for a higher degree.  There are two areas of research of 
interest which are detailed below:

Nonlinear Control Systems and Industrial Applications
Research in this area will involve joining a small team developing new 
techniques for the control of nonlinear industrial processes.  Topics such as 
state dependent Riccati equation methods, H"V nonlinear control, predictive 
control of nonlinear systems and system identification will be considered.   
The application areas will range from automotive systems to marine systems.   
The project will involve the development of new synthesis techniques based on 
optimal methods or perhaps the use of design methods such as quantitative 
feedback theory for nonlinear systems.   It will also involve simulation of 
real industrial processes and application studies.   These are very likely to 
be in cooperation with major international companies that are partly 
supporting the project.  There is also an international aspect of this 
project since it is linked to a programme involving the Universities of 
Michigan, Berkeley, Santa Barbara, Illinois, Oxford and Cambridge.  

Performance Assessment and Benchmarking
This project involves the development of new tools to assess the performance 
of process control systems and to benchmark best practice.  New algorithms 
are to be developed to generate performance metrics to enable such systems to 
be analysed and improved.   Once a control loop has been found to be under- 
performing methods are required for retuning an existing system.  The 
techniques of restricted structure optimal control are therefore to be 
applied.  This will enable PID control systems to be tuned optimally.   A 
second feature of the project is for it to be applied to very large scale 
industrial processes which may include nonlinearities and uncertainties.   
Being able to determine which loops in large system are the most important 
involves the subject of loop prioritisation.  Thus, the problem becomes one 
of detecting loops which are important to the product quality or economic 
performance of a large system.   Once the particular loops have been found it 
is then necessary to assess their performance and if necessary have available 
methods for retuning.

Short vita should be submitted including details of education and any 
practical experience.  Applicants for both Research Assistant and Research 
Fellow posts may contact: 
Professor M.J. Grimble
University of Strathclyde,
Industrial Control Centre
Level 7, Graham Hills Building,
50, George Street,
Glasgow, G1 1QE.
Scotland, U.K.
Tel: 0141 548 2378/2098
Fax: 0141 548 4203
E-mail: m.grimble@eee.strath.ac.uk

Professor M.A. Johnson
University of Strathclyde,
Industrial Control Centre
Level 7, Graham Hills Building,
50, George Street,
Glasgow, G1 1QE.
Scotland, U.K.
Tel: 0141 548 2279
Fax: 0141 548 4203
E-mail: m.johnson@eee.strath.ac.uk

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Peter Dorato, 

Analytic Feedback System Design

This monograph can be used as a supplement to most introductory control
texts. It complements ad hoc design methods normally stressed in introductory
texts, i.e. root-locus, Nyquist, etc. The interpolation approach requires a
minimal amount of mathematics (in particular no linear algebra). Topics
include, internal stabilization and pole placement, strong stabilization
(stabilization with stable compensators), analytic gain margin design, etc.
Appendix on interpolation with strongly positive real functions.
ISBN 0-534-36917-0  109 pages  .95  1999 Brooks/Cole Pub.
Web site: http://www.thomson.com

Contributed by: James F Whidborne, 

Digital Controller Implementation and Fragility 
Editors - Robert S.H. Istepanian & James F. Whidborne
Springer (ISBN: 1-85233-390-1)

In the usual process of control system design, the assumption is made that 
the controller is implemented exactly. This assumption is usually reasonable, 
since clearly, the plant uncertainty is the most significant source of 
uncertainty in the control system, while controllers are implemented with 
high precision hardware. However, there will inevitably be some amount of 
uncertainty in the controller, a fact that is largely ignored in existing 
modern advanced robust control techniques. If the controller is implemented 
by analogue means, there are some tolerances in the analogue components. More 
commonly, the controller will be implemented digitally, and consequently 
there will be uncertainty involved with the quantization in the analogue-
digital conversion and rounding in the parameter representation and in the 
numerical computations. A failure to take into account these uncertainties in
the controller may result in a controller that is ``fragile''. A controller 
is fragile in the sense that very small perturbations in the coefficients of 
the designed controller destabilize the closed-loop control system.

This book collects a number of articles which consider the problems of finite 
precision computing in digital controllers and filters. 
Written by leading researchers, topics that the book covers include:
 - analysis of fragility and finite precision effects
 - design of optimal controller realizations
 - design of non-fragile robust controllers
 - design of low-complexity digital controllers
 - analysis of quantization effects in fuzzy controllers

1. Finite-precision Computing for Digital Control Systems: Current Status and 
Future Paradigms
Robert S.H. Istepanian & James F. Whidborne
2. Stability Margins and Digital Implementation of Controllers
Lee H. Keel & Shankar P. Bhattacharyya
3. Finite Word-length Effects in Systems with Fast Sampling
Ryszard Gessing
4. Implementation of a Class of Low Complexity, Low Sensitivity Digital 
Controllers Using Adaptive Fixed-point Arithmetic
Darrell Williamson
5. Convexity and Diagonal Stability: an LMI Approach to Digital Filter 
Stéphane Dussy
6. The Determination of Optimal Finite-precision Controller Realisations 
Using a Global Optimisation Strategy: a Pole-sensitivity Approach
Sheng Chen & Jun Wu
7. Computational Algorithms For Sparse Optimal Digital Controller Realisations
Ian J. Fialho & Tryphon T. Georgiou
8. On the Structure of Digital Controllers in Sampled-data Systems with 
Stability Consideration
Gang Li
9. An Evolutionary Algorithm Approach to the Design of Finite Word-length 
Controller Structures
James F. Whidborne & Robert S.H. Istepanian
10. Non-fragile Robust Controller Design
Pertti M. Mäkilä & Juha Paattilammi
11. Robust Resilient Controller Design
Wassim M. Haddad & Joseph R. Corrado
12. Robust Non-fragile Controller Design for Discrete Time Systems with FWL 
Guang-Hong Yang & Jian Liang Wang & Yeng Chai Soh
13. Synthesis of Controllers with Finite-precision Considerations
Mauricio C. de Oliveira & Robert E. Skelton
14. Quantisation Errors in Digital Implementations of Fuzzy Controllers
Inés del Campo & Josée M. Tarela & Koldo Basterretxea

Contributed by: Peter Dorato, 

Linear Quadratic Control: An Introduction
   Dorato, Abdallah, and Cerone

Only text in print that focuses on linear quadratic control. Can be used
as a supplement to any mutivariable control text. Includes updated material
on robust LQR design. Solutions manual available for instuctors.
ISBN 1-57524-156-0 232 pages .50, 2000 reprint with corrections.
Web site: http://www.krieger-publishing.com

Contributed by: Yucai Zhu, 

Multivariable System Identification for Process Control
      Yucai Zhu, Michel Vergaegen and Qinghua Zhang

2001, Published by Elsevire Science Ltd, Oxford, UK
371 pages, ISBN: 0-08-043985-3, price EUR 132, NLG 290

The purpose of book is to bridge the gap between theory and application, and 
to provide industrial solutions, based on sound scientific theory, to process 
identification problems. The book is organized in a reader-friendly way, 
starting with the simplest methods, and then gradually introducing more 
complex techniques. Thus, the reader is offered clear physical insight 
without recourse to large amounts of mathematics.  Each method is covered in 
a single chapter or section, and experimental design is explained before any 
identification algorithms are discussed.  The many simulation examples and 
industrial case studies demonstrate the power and efficiency of process 
identification, helping to make the theory more applicable.  MATLAB M-files, 
designed to help the reader to learn identification in a computing 
environment, are included. The book is suitable for graduate student in 
systems and control, industrial control engineers and researchers.

Foreword (by late Professor Pieter Eykhoff)
1 Introduction
2 Models of dynamic processes and signals
3 Identification test design and data pretreatment
4 Identification by the least-squares method
5 Extensions of the least squares method
6 Asymptotic method; SISO case
7 Asymtotic method; MIMO case
8 Subspace model identification of MIMO processes (by Michel Verhaegen)
9 Nonlinear process identification
10 Applications of identification in process control
11 Model based fault detection and isolation (by Qinghua Zhang) 

              |                                        |
              |                                        |

Contributed by: Nejat Olgac, 

ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control
Call for Papers: Special Issue on  TIME DELAYED SYSTEMS

There is an increased interest on the time-delayed structures in recent 
years, particularly due to the critical role of control loop delays.
Among many facets of the area the dynamic systems with inherent time delays
have long been studied with a great interest in the community.  Observing
such enthusiasm, the Journal allocated one issue to the focused theme of
time delayed systems.   Submissions are encouraged in all relevant
categories, and especially addressing

 - fundamental concepts,
 - historical development in the field, 
 - current challenges, 
 - application examples, 
 - practical implementations of delayed system

Surveys and tutorial type papers will also be included in the issue.   

The standard guidelines of the Journal for submission of papers will be 
followed.  The timetable of events is as follows:

Submission deadline	: June 1, 2002
Acceptance notification	: March 1, 2003
Publication		: June 2003

Authors should mark their submissions clearly on the first page of the 
manuscripts for "Special Issue on Time Delayed Systems".   Please mail your 
contributions to 
 Prof. A. Galip Ulsoy, Technical Editor JDSMC
 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
 University of Michigan
 Ann Arbor, MI  48109-2125, USA
 e-mail : ulsoy@umich.edu

and direct your inquiries to 
 Prof. Nejat Olgac, Guest Editor for the Special Issue
 Mechanical Engineering Department
 University of Connecticut
 Storrs, CT  06269-3139
 e-mail : olgac@engr.uconn.edu

Contributed by: Stefan Preitl, 

Call for Papers: Computers in Industry, Elsevier Science journal
Special Issue on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications

Guest Editors
Prof. Stefan Preitl, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania
Prof. Laurent Foulloy, Universite de Savoie, Annecy Cedex, France

The last three decades have witnessed a trenemdous progress in soft computing 
(SC) including fuzzy logic, neural networks and genetic algorithms / 
evolutionary computation. SC has been successfully applied in industry in the 
areas of automatic control, pattern recognition, clustering and function 
approximation. The main challenges for modern industrial production systems
imply the linking of broad fields as business processes, golbal process
operations and integrated design and redesign of processes. This is the
place where SC methods can prove their potential.

The main objective of this special issue of the Computers in Industry journal 
is to channel the ideas of SC to the industry applications involving one or 
more elements of the computation, control and communication.
Authors are encouraged to submit original papers dealing with theoretical and 
applied issues regarding SC in industry applications.
A wide range of topics is sought such as intelligent CIM and CAD systems, 
intelligent control and measurement systems, production planning and 
scheduling, intelligent robots, simulation and optimization methods, new 
software tools and their validation.

Important deadlines
Submission: 1 January 2002
Preliminary acceptance:         31 March 2002
Acceptance decision: 31 May 2002
Final paper due: 31 July 2002
Publication date: September 2002

The final submission date is 1 January 2002. Authors are required to send the 
complete manuscript as attached MS Word file, following the guide for authors 
from the publisher, see www.elsevier.nl/locate/compind, by e-mail to the 
Guest Editors at the following address:

spreitl@aut.utt.ro  or  rprecup@aut.utt.ro

The file length should be less than 1 MB. If no, a compressed file (*.zip or 
*.rar) is required. Please include keywords highlighting the main topic /
topics of your paper.

Authors are also required to send, by airmail, one printed copy of the 
manuscript together with a signed cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief at the 
following address (with the indication that the paper is sent for 
the "Special Issue on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications").

Prof.dr.ir. Hans Wortmann
C/O dr. Nick Szirbik (CiI editorial manager)
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O.Box 513, Paviljoen D13
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands

Contributed by: Gabriela Stroian, 

Call for Papers European Journal of Control Special Issue: 
"Design and optimisation of restricted complexity controllers"

Guest Editors: I. D. Landau, A. Karimi, H. Hjalmarsson 

The use of model based control (MBC) combined with robust control design for 
dynamic systems of significant dimension leads to controllers of high 
complexity. However in many industrial areas there are strong constraints for 
the complexity (order) of the controllers to be implemented and therefore the 
design of restricted complexity controllers is a very important issue.
Several approaches to this problem can be considered: model or controller 
order reduction preserving the stability and the performance of the closed-
loop system, direct design of restricted complexity controller based on high-
order models and the tuning and optimisation of restricted complexity 
controllers on the basis of the data acquired on the system.
The objective of the special issue is to give a view of the current state of 
the art in the design and optimisation of restricted complexity controllers.

A benchmark problem related to an active suspension system is also provided 
(the benchmark is the result of the collaboration between the Institut 
d'Automatique of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and the 
Laborotoire d'Automatique de Grenoble of Institut National Polytechnique de 
Grenoble). The benchmark problem contains all the steps of a control design 
problem from data acquisition, modeling and identification, robust controller 
design to controller evaluation and final tuning with experiments on the real 
system. The objective is to design the simplest controller which meets the 
control specifications.The authors are encouraged to give a solution to the 
benchmark problem, although the participation in the benchmark is not a 
necessary condition for submitting a paper to the special issue. However, an 
application of the proposed approaches to the benchmark will give a unified 
presentation and facilitate the comparison for the readers.

The information about the paper submission to the special issue as well as 
the details of the benchmark problem is available on the web site of European 
Journal of Control : http://www-ejc.ensieg.inpg.fr 
The deadline for paper submission (submission by e-mail) is April 30, 2002. 
The manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail (see instructions for authors) 
and the cover message should mention "special issue on design and 
optimisation of restricted complexity controllers". Prospective authors are 
asked to contact I. D. Landau:
Ioan D. Landau 
Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres, France
e-mail: landau@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr
Phone: + (33) (0)4 76 82 63 91 // Fax: + (33)(0)4 76 82 63 88

Alireza Karimi
Institut d'Automatique
Ecole Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
e-mail: alireza.karimi@epfl.ch
Phone: +(41)(0) 21 693 3841 // Fax: +(41)(0) 21 693 2574

Hakan Hjalmarsson
Dept. of Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institut of Technology
S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
e-mail: hakan.hjalmarsson@s3.kth.se
Phone:+(46)(0) 8 790 8464 // Fax: +(46)(0) 8 790 7329

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, 

                          Asian Journal of Control
                          Vol.3, No.4 (December 2001)

1. Title: Discrete-time Risk-sensitive Filters with Non-Gaussian Initial
          Conditions and their Ergodic Properties
   Author Subhrakanti Dey and Charalambos D. Charalambous
2. Title: Stochastic Stability and H-infinity Disturbance Attenuation of a
          Class of Nonlinear Stochastic Delayed Systems
   Author Yong-Yan Cao and Lisheng Hu
3. Title: Aggressive Longitudinal Aircraft Path Tracking Using Nonlinear
   Author Saif A. Al-Hiddabi and N. Harris McClamroch
4. Title: Neural Networks for Matrix Scaling and S-Procedure Problem
   Author Chun-Liang Lin
5. Title: Input Disturbance Estimation for Linear Systems in the Bounded
          Noise Context
   Author Igor D. Grobov
6. Title: A Robust Speed Controller with VSS Tuning of Disturbance
          Cancellation for Induction Motor Drive
   Author C.M. Liaw, K.H. Chao and R.S. Guo
7. Title: Evolutionary-Programming-Based Kalman Filter for Discrete-Time
          Nonlinear Uncertain Systems
   Author Shu-Mei Guo, Leang-San Shieh, Ching-Fang Lin and Norman P. Coleman
8. Title: An Adaptive Learning Control and Its Application to Vibration
          Isolation Systems
   Author Masami Iwase, Masaki Yamakita, Yuji Maruta and Hidetoshi Yamazoe
9. Title: Disturbance Attenuation for Beam Equations Using Stiffness
   Author Bao-Zhu Guo and Zheng-Hua Luo
10. Title: Iterative Learning Control Via Weighted Local-Symmetrical-
    Author Yangquan Chen, Huifang Dou and Kok-Kiong Tan

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak, 

           Automatica: Table of contents
January, 2002				Volume 38, Issue 1


Huibert Kwakernaak
Robert Bitmead succeeds retiring Editor Frank L. Lewis

Regular papers

Alberto Bemporad, Manfred Morari, Vivek Dua, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos
The explicit linear quadratic regulator for constrained systems

L. Marconi, A. Isidori, A. Serrani
Autonomous vertical landing on an oscillating platform: An internal-model
based approach

Sheng Wan, Biao Huang
Robust performance assessment of feedback control systems

Graham C. Goodwin, Julio H. Braslavsky, Maria M. Seron
Non-stationary stochastic embedding for transfer function estimation

Akira Ohsumi, Kentaro Kameyama, Ken-Ichi Yamaguchi
Subspace identification for continuous-time stochastic systems via
distribution-based approach

B. David, G. Bastin
Parameter estimation in nonlinear systems with auto and crosscorrelated

Alessandro Giua, Aldo Piccaluga, Carla Seatzu
Firing rate optimization of cyclic timed event graphs by token allocation

Brief papers

Anatoli A. Pervozvanski, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit
Asymptotic analysis of the dither effect in systems with friction

A. Kojic, A. M. Annaswamy
Adaptive control of nonlinearly parametrized systems with a triangular

Magnus Egerstedt, Xiaoming Hu
A hybrid control approach to action coordination for mobile robots

E. Boje
Multivariable quantitative feedback design for tracking error

A. Rapaport, A. Astolfi
Practical L2 disturbance attenuation for nonlinear systems

S. O. R. Moheimani, W. P. Heath
Model correction for a class of spatio-temporal systems

L. G. van Willigenburg, W. L. de Koning
Minimal and non-minimal optimal fixed-order compensators for time-varying
discrete-time systems

Chih-Lyang Hwang
Robust discrete variable structure control with finite-time approach to
switching surface

Technical communiques

Chong Lin, Qing-Guo Wang
On uniqueness of solutions to relay feedback systems

Erwei Bai, Qingyu Li, Soura Dasgupta
Blind identifiability of IIR systems

Shigemasa Takai, Toshimitsu Ushio
A modified normality condition for decentralized supervisory control of
discrete event systems

Contributed by: Yu-Chu Tian, 

Developments in Chemical Engineering & Mineral Processing
             The Australasian Research Journal
       Volume 10,  Numbers 1/2,  2002,  ISSN 0969-1855

Special Theme Issue: Practical Applications of Process Systems Engineering 

Table of Contents
5  Editorial: G. P. Rangaiah, Dept of Chemical and Environmental 
   Engineering, National University of Singapore
7  A Study on Increasing Separation Efficiency of an Industrial, 
   Compound Distillation Column
   Shengjing Mu, Hongye Su, Yongyou Hu and Jian Chu
19 Time Optimal Control of a Binary Distillation Column
   Rein Luus
33 Simulation and Optimization of Linear Alkylbenzenes Distillation 
   Yongyou Hu, Hongye Su, Jingwei Lu, Shengjing Mu, Jian Chu & Jun Wu
47 A Study in Advanced Control Application to an Azeotropic 
   Distillation Column within a Vinyl Acetate Monomer Process Design
   Donald G. Olsen, Brent R. Young and William Y. Svrcek
61 Application of Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network for Forecasting Coal 
   Slagging in a Power Station
   Chuguang Zheng, Gehui Liu and Yongli Huang
77 Modelling and Simulation of a Top-Fired Primary Steam Reformer 
   using gPROMS
   A.J. Dunn, J. Yustos and I.M. Mujtaba
89 Optimisation of Methyl Tert-Butyl-Ether (MTBE) Synthesis Processes
   using AspenPlus
   S. Kim and P.L. Douglas
105 Models of an Industrial Evaporator System for Education and 
    Research in Process Control
    Kiew M. Kam, Prabirkumar Saha, Moses O. Tadé and G.P. Rangaiah
129 Development of a Resin Transfer Molding Test-bed with Process 
    Control Capability
    Kaushik Raghavan and Srinivas Palanki
143 Rapid Solution of Stiff Differential Equations and Accurate 
    Numerical Laplace Inversion of Steep and Oscillatory Functions 
    Using IMN Approximants
    O. Taiwo and R. King
165 Use of Simulation and Expert Systems to Increase the Energy 
    Efficiency in Cane Sugar Factories
    Osvaldo Gozá León, Héctor Pérez de Alejo Victoria & M. Rijckaert
181 Process Systems Engineering: Successful Application in an 
    Industrial Process
    Yu-Chu Tian and Moses O. Tadé
General Paper
197 Holdup and Pressure Drop in Vertical and Near-Vertical Three-
    phase Up-flow: A Collection of Flow Regimes
    P.L. Spedding, G.S. Woods, R.K. Cooper and J.K. Watterson

Contributed by: Gabriela Stroian, 

Contents European Journal of Control
Vol. 7, no. 5, 2001


Comparison of practical adaptive control algorithms in pH control
T. Ylostalo, H. Hyotyniemi, P. Jutila and J-P. Ylen
Discussion on the paper by G.P. Rangaiah. 

Modelling and adaptive control of aerobic continuous stirred tank reactors
P. Georgieva, A. Ilchmann and M.-F. Weirig
Discussion on the paper by I.M.Y. Mareels.

Robust control of a plasma wind tunnel: an LPV discrete-time system depending 
on Fast/Slowly-varying parameters
F. Amato and M. Matei
Discussion on the paper by W.H. Chen.

Simultaneous LQ optimal control for discrete-time systems and periodic 
sampled-data systems
Y.-Y. Cao, J. Lam and P.M. Frank

Fuzzy nonlinear adaptive internal model control (FNAIMC)
R. Boukezzoula, S. Galichet and L. Foulloy

Symbolic verification of hybrid systems: an algebraic approach
M. v. Mohrenschildt

Letter to the Editor: Discussion on the paper "Continuous-time periodic H-inf 
filtering via LMI" by S. Bittanti and F.A. Cuzzola
by P.L.D. Peres and R.M. Palhares ; authors' answer.

Contributed by: Cheryl Stewart, 

Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume: 46 Issue: 10, Oct. 2001

A canonical correlations approach to multiscale stochastic realization
  Irving, W.W.; Willsky, A.S.
  Page(s): 1514 -1528
An LQR/LOG theory for systems with saturating actuators
  Gokcek, C.; Kabamba, P.T.; Meerkov, S.M.
  Page(s): 1529 -1542
Simultaneous stabilization with near optimal LQR performance
  Miller, D.E.; Rossi, M.
  Page(s): 1543 -1555
Controlled lagrangians and the stabilization of mechanical systems II:
Potential shaping
  Bloch, A.M.; Dong Eui Chang; Leonard, N.E.; Marsden,
  Page(s): 1556 -1571
Deadlock avoidance in sequential resource allocation systems with multiple
resource acquisitions and flexible routings
  Park, J.; Reveliotis, S.A.
  Page(s): 1572 -1583
Performance-optimized applied identification of separable distributed-
parameter processes
  Gorinevsky, D.; Heaven, M.
  Page(s): 1584 -1589
Decentralized control of descriptor systems
  Chang, T.N.; Davison, E.J.
  Page(s): 1589 -1595
Control of contact problem in constrained euler-lagrange systems
  Pagilla, P.R.
  Page(s): 1595 -1599
An H_sub/inf design approach for neural net-based control schemes
  Chun-Liang Lin; Tsai-Yuan Lin
  Page(s): 1599 -1605
Conservatism of the circle criterion - solution of a problem posed by A.
  Rump, S.M.
  Page(s): 1605 -1608
Detection of surge and stall in compression systems: an example study
  Yew-Wen Liang; Der-Cherng Liaw
  Page(s): 1609 -1613
A new controller architecture for high performance, robust, and
fault-tolerant control
  Kemin Zhou; Zhang Ren
  Page(s): 1613 -1618
On the stable H/sub /spl infin// controller parameterization under
sufficient condition
  Youngjin Choi; Wan Kyun Chung
  Page(s): 1618 -1623
Decentralized nonlinear output-feedback stabilization with disturbance
  Zhong-Ping Jiang; Repperger, D.W.; Hill, D.J.
  Page(s): 1623 -1629
Nonlinear control of hammerstein systems with passive nonlinear dynamics
  Haddad, W.M.; Chellaboina, V.
  Page(s): 1630 -1634
On the stability of delay-differential systems in the behavioral framework
  Valcher, M.E.
  Page(s): 1634 -1638
Tracking controller design for a class of nonminimum-phase systems via the
method of system center
  Shkolnikov, I.A.; Shtessel, Y.B.
  Page(s): 1639 -1643
Kuhn-tucker-based stability conditions for systems with saturation
  Primbs, J.A.; Giannelli, M.
  Page(s): 1643 -1647
Optimal tracking performance: preview control and exponential signals
  Jie Chen; Zhang Ren; Hara, S.; Li Qiu
  Page(s): 1647 -1653
Optimal inversion-based control for the set-point regulation of nonminimum-
phase uncertain scalar systems
  Piazzi, A.; Visioli, A.
  Page(s): 1654 -1659
New iterative algorithm for algebraic riccati equation related to H_sub/
inf control problem of singularly perturbed systems
  Mukaidani, H.; Hua Xu; Mizukami, K.
  Page(s): 1659 -1666
Perturbation of multivariable linear quadratic systems with jump parameters
  El Azouzi, R.; Abbad, M.; Altman, E.
  Page(s): 1666 -1671
Perfect observers for singular 2-D fornasini-marchesini models
  Kaczorek, T.
  Page(s): 1671 -1675
Comments on "a unified approach for stability analysis of a class of
time-varying nonlinear systems"
  Sio, K.C.; Lee, C.K.
  Page(s): 1675 -1677
Correction to "further results on variable output feedback controller"
  Kwan, C.
  Page(s): 1677 -1677
Correction to "linear functional observers for systems with delays in
state variables"
  Darouach, M.
  Page(s): 1677 -1677

Contributed by: Lars Imsland, 

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
Modeling, Identification and Control (MIC), Vol. 22, No. 3, July 2001

R. Ergon and Kim H. Esbensen, "A didactically motivated PLS 
   prediction algorithm" (131)

A. Skullestad, K. Olsen, S. Rennehvammen and H. Floystad, 
   "Control of a gravity gradient stabilised satellite using
   fuzzy logic" (141)

I. J. Halvorsen and S. Skogestad, "Optimal operation of 
   Petlyuk distillation: Steady-state behavior" (153)

Accumulated index and more information about MIC is available at 

MIC is now available online for subscribers and for others on a 
pay-per-view basis, at EBSCO Online, http://www.ebsco.com/online/

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Contributed by: Michael Athans, 

 10th Mediterraean Conference on Control and Automation (MED2002)
 Campus of the Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), LISBON, PORTUGAL

We solicit regular papers and proposals for invited sessions in all aspects
of theory, algorithms, and applications of systems, control, automation,
robotics, operations research, intelligent systems, signal processing,
communication networks and related disciplines.

Program Committee

General Chair:Joao Sentieiro IST, Portugal
Program Chair:Michael Athans IST/MIT Portugal & USA
Program Vice-Chair: Antonio Pascoal IST Portugal

Important DATES:
Papers submission date: Feb  01 2002
Author Notification     Apr  15 2002
Final Manuscript        May  07 2002
Conference Starts       July 09 2002

Updates and details  http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/med2002
e-mail contact   med2002@isr.ist.utl.pt

INVITED SESSIONS:  We are currently in the process of working with 
international experts to formalize invited sessions on the following
topics: System Identification, large-scale dynamic programming,
complexity theory for system and control problems, automotive power-train
transmissions, bio-mechanical systems, discrete-event systems, advances in
PID control, impulsive control, hybrid systems, vision-controlled robotics,
interval analysis, control over data networks, differential games,
autonomous vehicles, advances in robotics, and robust control for linear
and nonlinear systems. We are still soliciting proposals for other
invited sessions on different topics.

Updates and details can be found at: http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/med2002/
Contact us at:  med2002@isr.ist.utl.pt

Contributed by: Li Shao-Yuan, 

The 4th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA'02)
June 10-14, 2002, Shanghai, China

Call for Papers

The World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA) is now a
bi-annual event and a major control event held in China. The 4th WCICA
(WCICA'02) to be held in Shanghai, 2002 will provide worldwide researchers, 
engineers and professionals excellent opportunities to get together and 
exchange their findings and views. All the submissions will be reviewed and 
accepted ones included in the conference proceedings. Topics of interest are 
in the broad area of control and automation, and include, but are not
limited to:
(S1) Intelligent Control, (S2) Neural Networks, (S3) Fuzzy System and Fuzzy
Control, (S4) GA and Evolutionary Computing, (S5) Artificial Intelligence
and Expert Systems, (S6) Intelligent Scheduling and Planning, (S7) Learning
Control, (S8) System Theory and Control Theory, (S9) Modeling, Identification
and Estimation, (S10) Adaptive Control, (S11) Variable Structure Control,
(S12) Nonlinear System and Control, (S13) Robust Control, (S14) Optimal
Control and Optimization, (S15) Large Scale Systems, (S16) Fault Diagnosis,
(S17) CIMS and Manufacturing Systems, (S18) Simulation and CAD,
(S19) Information Processing Systems, (S20) Hybrid Systems and DEDS,
(S21) Distributed Control Systems, (S22) Sensor and Measurement, (S23) Motion
Control, (S24) Intelligent Robot, (S25) Power Systems, (S26) Environmental and
Bio-engineering, (S27) Human-Machine Systems, (S28) Intelligent Instruments,
(S29) Intelligent Transportation Systems, (S30) Applications in Various Fields

The IPC invites you to submit three copies of the full paper in Chinese or 
English to the congress secretariat. The cover page should contain: Paper 
title, authors name, affiliation, address, telephone number, E-mail address 
of corresponding author, abstract, 3-5 keywords and the suggested technical 
area (e.g. S1 Intelligent Control).
Proposals for topics of special sessions are especially encouraged. A 
proposal should contain the title of the sessions, a list of at least 5 
contributions with titles and full papers, together with abstracts completely 
according to the above instructions.

All papers should be submitted in hard copy form by Mail  before November 10, 
2001 to:
The Secretariat, WCICA'02 
Department of Automation
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shanghai 200030, China
Tel:  (86)-21-62932114
Fax: (86)-21-62932045
E-mail: secretariat@wcica.sjtu.edu.cn 

Contributed by: Clarence W. de Silva, 

     27-30 October 2002
     The Coast Plaza Suite Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Venue and Theme
The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC'02) will 
be held in Vancouver, Canada from October 27 to October 30, 2002.  Vancouver 
is the largest and most cosmopolitan city in Western Canada and is located on 
Pacific coast of the province of British Columbia. The city is blessed with a 
natural setting of breathtaking beauty. Located in the vicinity of richly 
forested mountains and ski hills, it overlooks the harbour, the ocean, and 
Fraser river. The theme of the conference is Intelligent Control for 
Distributed and Embedded Systems. . The program committee solicits high-
quality papers containing original contributions in all areas of theory and 
applications of intelligent control including, but not limited to: 
intelligent control architectures and methods,  knowledge based systems and 
learning control, temporal logic for control, reactive multi-agent systems, 
machine learning, neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms and 
evolutionary computing, hybrid dynamical systems, pattern discovery, 
distributed or decentralized control methods, discrete event systems, 
supervisory control,  probabilistic approaches, knowledge-based sensor 
fusion, neuro-fuzzy approaches, neural-adaptive control systems. 

Important Dates:
January 10, 2002
- Regular Papers, Invited Session and Workshop Proposals Due
March 29, 2002 
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
May 15, 2002 
- Final Camera-Ready Papers Due

Web site of the conference:  http://pami.uwaterloo.ca/~isic02/isic02.html
Invited sessions: http://guppy.mpe.nus.edu.sg/~isic02_invited

General Chair: Clarence de Silva, University of British Columbia, Canada
Program Chair: Fakhri Karray, University of Waterloo, Canada

General inquiries: Dr. Clarence de Silva desilva@mech.ubc.ca
Program inquiries & late submissions: Dr. Fakhri Karray karray@uwaterloo.ca

Contributed by: Bram de Jager, 

                          CALL FOR PAPERS
           Veldhoven, The Netherlands, March 19-21, 2002
The 21st Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control will take place from
March 19 to March 21, 2002, in "Golden Tulip Conference Hotel Koningshof"
in Veldhoven (The Netherlands). The meeting aims to promote research
activities and cooperation between researchers in Systems and Control.
The technical program consists of
  1 Invited plenary lectures on
    Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (tentative title)
    (given by Frank Allgower, Stuttgart)
    Using Global Optimization to Improve Biotechnological Processes
    (given by Julio Banga, Vigo)
  2 Minicourse on Financial Engineering and Control
    (given by Hans Schumacher, Tilburg)
  3 Contributed Lectures and Contributed Posters
    covering all aspects of systems and control theory and its applications.
Contributions for part 3 of the program are now being invited.
A contribution consists of a one page abstract of the presentation.
Accepted abstracts will be included in a "Book of Abstracts" which
will be distributed at the meeting.
All further information on the meeting, submissions, registrations,
and location, can be found on the web site:
Important dates:
    December 21, 2001: Deadline for submitting abstracts
    January  14, 2002: Notification regarding acceptance of abstracts
    January  21, 2002: Deadline for early registration
    February  7, 2002: Deadline for final abstract submission.

Contributed by: Gary G. Yen, 

Call for Papers: IJCNN 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii

May 12-17, 2002
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, HI
held as part of the World Congress on Computational Intelligence 

The annual IEEE / INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 
(IJCNN) , is one of the premier international conferences in the field.
It covers all topics in neural networks, including: supervised, unsupervised
and reinforcement learning, hardware implementation, time series analysis,
neurooptimization, neurocontrol, hybrid architectures, bioinformatics,
neurobiology and neural modeling, embedded neural systems, intelligent
agents, image processing, rule extraction, statistics, chaos, learning
theory, and a huge variety of applications. The emphasis of the Congress
will be on original theories and novel applications of neural networks.
The Congress welcomes paper submissions from researchers, practitioners,
and students worldwide. 

IJCNN 2002 will be held in conjunction with the Congress on Evolutionary 
Computation (CEC) and the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
(FUZZ-IEEE) as part of the World Congress on Computational Intelligence
(WCCI). Crossfertilization of the three fields will be strongly encouraged.
The Congress will feature keynote speeches and tutorials by world-leading
researchers. It also will include a number of special sessions and workshops
on the latest hot topics. Your registration admits you to all events and
includes the World Congress proceedings and banquet. The deadline for
submissions is December 1, 2001. Look for more details on paper submission at

General Chairman, WCCI2002:
          David B. Fogel , Natural Selection, Inc., USA
Vice-General Chairman, WCCI2002:
          Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi, University of Washington, Inc., USA
Program Chairman, IJCNN2002:
          C. Lee Giles , NEC Research, USA
Technical co-Chairmen, IJCNN2002:
          Don Wunsch ,University of Missouri, Rolla, USA
          Marco Gori , Universita degli Studi de Sienna, Italy
          Nik Kasabov , University of Otago, New Zealand
          Michael Hasselmo , Boston University, USA

Contributed by: Joachim Rosenthal, 

              Call for Papers MTNS 2002
          Fifteenth International Symposium on

CONFERENCE WEB-PAGE: http://www.nd.edu/~mtns/

MTNS 2002 will be held on the campus of the University of Notre Dame from
Monday August 12 through Friday August 16, 2002.  The symposium program will
include plenary lectures, special topic invited lectures, mini-symposia,
mini-courses, special topic sessions and contributed papers. MTNS is usually
organized every two years and traditionally covers areas involving a wide
range of research directions in mathematical systems, networks and
control theory.

Previously unpublished papers will be reviewed on the basis of an extended
summary (not exceeding six pages) of sufficient detail to permit reasonable
evaluation.  At this point only electronic submissions in pdf or postscript
format will be accepted. Submissions are done via a web-interface on the
conference web-site http://www.nd.edu/~mtns/. Papers will be reviewed by an
international program committee.  Acceptance notification will be given by
February 15, 2001.  Accepted paper will be allocated 6 pages in an electronic
proceedings to be published on a CD-ROM. Accepted papers will be due in final
form by May 1, 2001.

A session consists of 4-6 papers covering different aspects of some research
area. A proposal for a session consists of a four page description of the 
session and a one-page description for each paper to be presented.

Electronic paper submission:   December 1, 2001 
Electronic submission of 
a session proposals:           December 1, 2001                           
Acceptance notification:       February 15, 2002 
Full paper due:                May 1, 2002 
Conference dates:              August 12-16, 2002

Contributed by: Sirish Shah, 

International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes
              June 10-11, 2002, Kumamoto, Japan

Sponsored by Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University and co-sponsored by 
SICE (Society of Instrument and Control Engineers) and JSME.

General Chair: Iwai,Z.(KUMAMOTO U., JAPAN)

Aims and Scope
The International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial  Processes
will be held on June 10-11, 2002 in Kumamoto, Japan.  This symposium has the 
objective of gathering researchers and practitioners from academia and 
industry to discuss the state of the art in advanced control and their 
applications in industry. The emphasis in this symposium will be on the
theory and implementation issues and experiences related to the application
of advanced control methods in industry. The main topics for the meeting 
include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Adaptive and Learning Systems		* Sensing and Sensor Fusion
* Process Control and Automation	* Signal Processing
* Identification and Estimation		* Fault Diagnosis
* Single and multi-rate techniques	* Intelligent Control
* Controller performance evaluation	* Robotic Systems
* Factory Automation and CIM		* Internet-Based Control

Call for Papers and Special Sessions
The International Program Committee invites you to send an extended abstract 
or summary of your work, that is no more than 2 pages long and in English and 
describes the main contributions of the paper. The submission should include: 
paper title; names and affiliations of authors; full address(including e-mail 
address); abstract; 3 to 5 keywords. Proposals for topics of special sessions 
are especially welcome. They should contain the title of the session, a list 
of at least 4 speakers and titles of their papers, together with abstracts 
completed according to the above instructions.

A 1-day, hands-on pre-symposium workshop will be held (on June 9th), on the 
following topic:
"Practical implementation issues in identification and advanced control of 
processes (including multi-rate and adaptive control)"

Important Dates:
15 Dec. 2001 : Proposals for Special Sessions
15 Feb. 2002 : Receipt of Extended Abstract
20 Mar. 2002 : Notification of Acceptance
30 Apr. 2002 : Receipt of Final Manuscript

All inquiries about the symposium may be addressed to the following:

The Secretariat of AdCONIP'02
c/o Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science,
Kumamoto University, 2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto, 860-8555, JAPAN
Tel:+81(96)-342-3763, Fax:+81(96)-342-3729
Email: secretariat@adconip.org

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                          End of Eletter 159
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