E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 156, August 1, 2001.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                   Issue 156, August, 2001

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
           Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
           Submission deadline for September eletter: August 31, 2001


0. Editorial (On delays & lost articles)

1. Personals

2. General Announcements
2.1 Call for papers
2.2 Workshop: Finance for Control Engineers

3. Positions
3.1 Faculty Position in Controls UIUC USA
3.2 Graduate Research Asst Purdue Univ USA
3.3 NSF Graduate Research Position at Purdue University
3.4 Research Positions Duisburg Germany
3.5 Research Positions Technical Univ Berlin Germany
3.6 Research Positions in Contr and Rehab Engr

4. Books

5. Journals
5.1 Call for Papers - Special Issue of TCST
5.2 Contents: Automatica
5.3 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
5.4 Contents: European Journal of Control
5.5 Contents: IEEE Control Systems Magazine
5.6 Contents: IEEE Trans on Automat Control
5.7 Contents: Latin American Applied Research

6. Conferences
6.1 10th IEEE Conf on Control and Automation
6.2 7th International Netties Conference
6.3 CFP: American Control Conf 2002 Alaska USA
6.4 Invited Sessions on Phased Lock Loop 2002 ACC
6.5 Special Symposium on Optimization and Controls

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Murphy's Law worked overtime on eletter: Everything that could possibly
go wrong for August eletter did go wrong. I left for a vacation to India
on July 15 and lo and behold, the Control Systems Society web site hit
its file and space quota on July 16th. As a result everything that was
submitted after July 16th got rejected by the hosting service. I was
only informed of the situation by Professor Michael Athans who explained
in his email of the response he was getting on trying to submit MED2002
Call for Papers. Being in India, I did not have ready web access. When I
checked the eletter submissions (through a borrowed account) on July 30th
to compose eletter, there were all sorts of locks on system so I was not
able to get the eletter together. Several attempts subsequently were also
unsuccessful. It took till now to get it all sorted out.

Please accept my apologies for the delay and articles that were submitted
but could not be saved (hence not included) in August eletter. Kindly
resubmit them and they will appear as they are submitted.

Welcome to the delayed and much truncated 156-th issue of the E-LETTER on
Systems, Control, and Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate.
The next issue of eletter will be mailed out at the begining of Sept. 2001.

Please forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to
eletter at
To unsubscribe, send an email to p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

IMPORTANT: The intent of eletter is to accomodate as many announcements
of intersest to our subscribers as possible. However, please note that
in order to maintain efficiency of this media for information
dissemination, the size of eletter must remain manageable. Submission
of very lengthy articles unduly increases the length of the eletter
and forces the editorial scissors to become active. Please try and
keep your announcements to less than 100 lines of text.

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Any articles submitted for personal announcements could not be saved, please

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                          General Announcements
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Contributed by: Herbert Werner, 


Special issue on linear matrix inequalities for applications in control 

The aim of this special issue is to provide a forum for the discussion and 
dissemination of recent progress in the application of linear matrix 
inequalities (LMIs)to control problems. Linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) 
have emerged as a powerful tool for solving a variety of control problems, 
employing efficient interior-point methods for numerical solution. The LMI 
approach is well suited for the development of computer-aided analysis and 
design tools, and LMI techniques are now making the transition from a 
theoretical development to practical applications.

Original unpublished papers on the areas of interest are invited. Suitable 
topics include but are not limited to LMI techniques for

Robust control
Gain-scheduled control
Predictive control
Development of CAD tools for analysis and design
Integrated control system design
System identification
Industrial applications

Submission guidelines
Authors should follow the normal guidelines for journal paper format in IEE 
Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications.  The manuscript should be not 
more than 4000 words long and the first page should include the special issue 
title. Authors should indicate "Special Issue on Linear Matrix Inequalities 
for Applications in Control Engineering" clearly on their manuscript. 
Submission guidelines are also available from the following website:


Early manuscript submissions are encouraged and the final submission date for 
all papers is 30th September 2001.  All papers will be subject to rigorous 
peer review.

Authors should send five copies of the manuscript to The Managing Editor at 
the address below:

IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications
Publishing Department
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Michael Faraday House
Six Hills Way
Herts SG1 2AY
United Kingdom

Guest editor

Dr Herbert Werner
Control Systems Centre, UMIST
PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD
Tel: +44 (0)161 200 4663
Fax: +44 (0)161 200 4647
E-mail: herbert.werner@umist.ac.uk

Contributed by: Hans Schumacher, 

      Workshop: Finance for Control Engineers
Hans Schumacher, Bernard Hanzon and Michel Vellekoop

Objective of the workshop:
The course will provide an introduction to modern financial theory,
emphasizing the connections to systems and control theory both in the way
that problems are formulated and in the techniques that are used to find
solutions. Of course due attention will be paid as well to concepts in
finance that have no direct analogues in control theory, such as "absence of
arbitrage" and "complete markets". Also a brief introduction to modelling
with stochastic differential equations will be given. No extensive prior
knowledge of stochastics is required, however.

The course will be taught by Hans Schumacher (Tilburg University),
Bernard Hanzon (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam), and Michel Vellekoop
(University of Twente).

A full set of course notes will be made available to participants.

1. Introduction. Examples of financial engineering.
2. Discrete-time models. Basic concepts: tradables, arbitrage,
   complete markets, derivatives. Discrete-state (tree) models.
   The Cox-Ross-Rubinstein option pricing formula. Martingale measures.
3. State space models in continuous-time finance. Basics of stochastic
   processes; Brownian motion, the lognormal model, stochastic differential
   equations, Ito's formula. The Black-Scholes theory. Conditions for absence
   of arbitrage. Models for interest rates.
4. Strategy optimisation. Utility functions. Stochastic dynamic programming;
the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. Applications in finance.

The tutorial will be held in Porto, Portugal, on September 3, 2001
preceding the European Control Conference 2001. Registration costs for
the tutorial amount to 120 euro per participant. To register and for
further details please visit the following website.

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Contributed by: Andrew Alleyne, 

Faculty Position in Controls, UIUC, USA
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, College of
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications
for full-time tenure-track positions at the Assistant, Associate and Full
Professor levels. Senior level appointments with tenure will be considered
for a person of recognized national and international stature. Candidates
are sought in all areas of mechanical engineering with preference given to
candidates with specific interests in:

- bioengineering - including bioinformatics, biomechanics, biomaterials, 
  transport phenomena, and tissue mechanics;
- computational methods in engineering - including algorithm development,
  numerical analysis, large scale and parallel computing;
- controls and dynamics - including development of novel systems, analytical
  and experimental methods, modeling, identification, and computational tools;
- energy systems - including microcombustion and fuel cells;
- non-continuum, quantum and discrete mechanics - including mechanical
  engineering phenomena associated with small length and time scales and
  quantum effects.

Requirements include a Ph.D. degree and a background that enables the
candidates to teach both undergraduate and graduate students. Successful
candidates will be expected to establish and sustain an active research
program. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. To ensure full
consideration, applications must be received by December 1, 2001. The proposed
starting dates for the positions are May 21 or August 21, 2002 or January 6,
2003. In your cover letter please reference position #7769. Interviews may
take place before the closing date; however, no decision will be made until
after that time. Send an up-to-date biography with names of four references

Professor Richard O. Buckius, Head
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;
1206 West Green Street;
Urbana, IL 61801;

The University of Illinois is an affirmative action/equal opportunity

Contributed by: Daniel Viassolo , 

Graduate Research Asst, Purdue Univ, USA

Purdue University and the Xerox Corporation announce an open position for

The project focus is on the development and application of advanced on-line
optimization techniques to solve image quality-related problems in modern
digital printing systems. The project will be carried out at Purdue 
University in collaboration with Xerox Corporation's Joseph C. Wilson Center 
for Research and Technology in Webster, NY. The successful student may also 
be considered for a summer internship at the Wilson Center to acquire 
important experience.

The successful student will be appointed as a half-time graduate research 
assistant with all the benefits this position carries at Purdue University,
including: monthly stipend for 12 months, tuition waiver, and health 
insurance plan for graduate student staff. The research in this project may
be used towards a Master's degree or a Ph.D. degree.

Basic knowledge in dynamical systems, control systems, and optimization
methods is required. Matlab and Simulink programming is required. Basic 
knowledge of digital image processing is desirable.

The position is open effective August 13, 2001 and it will remain open until
filled. This position may be renewed for two additional years pending 
satisfactory progress and the continued availability of funding from the
Xerox Foundation.

Interested candidates should send: cover letter describing relevant 
experience, brief resume (two pages or less), and the names and contact
information of three references to

Professor Mario Rotea
Purdue University
Grissom Hall 1282
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1282, U.S.A.

Contributed by: Mario Rotea, 

NSF Graduate Research Position at Purdue University

Purdue University announces an open position for a GRADUATE RESEARCH
ASSISTANT in the area of ON-LINE OPTIMIZATION. The project is funded by
NSF and its goal is to develop algorithms capable of fast determination
and tracking of optimal parameters from noisy cost function estimates.
Opportunities exist for the demonstration of the algorithms in the
control of combustion instabilities in hybrid rockets, control of noise
and vibration in helicopters, and the solution of image quality-related
problems in modern digital printing systems. The research in this project may 
be used towards the completion of a graduate degree. 

The successful student will be appointed as a half-time graduate
research assistant with all the benefits this position carries at
Purdue University, including: monthly stipend for 12 months, tuition
waiver, and health insurance plan for graduate student staff. 

Fundamental knowledge in dynamical systems, control systems, and
optimization methods is required. Matlab and Simulink programming is
required. The position is open effective August 13, 2001 and it will
remain open until filled.

Interested candidates should send cover letter describing relevant
experience, brief resume (two pages or less), and the names and contact
information (email or phone number) of three references to

Professor Mario Rotea
Purdue University
Grissom Hall 1282
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1282, U.S.A.

Contributed by: Dirk Soeffker, 

Research Positions, Gerhard-Mercator-University of Duisburg, Germany

Two research associate positions and one research scientist position are
available at the Engineering Faculty, University of Duisburg, Dynamics
and Control (Professur fuer Steuerung, Regelung und Systemdynamik,
Prof. Dirk Soeffker):

The research topics of the group include Diagnosis and Control of
Elastic Mechanical Structures Control of Nonlinear Actuator Dynamics
Autonomousand Intelligent Systems to
a. The research will be focused on the developing of modern model-based
tools for control and diagnosis of (very) elastic mechanical structures,
like elastic robot links, struss structures or rotors. It is necessary
to have also a strong background in mechanics/dynamics or 
structural dynamics.
b. The research will be focused on the developing of tools for control
of actuators with hysteresis (Smart Memory Alloys, Piezo Actuators etc.).
c. The research will be focused on the developing of autonomous systems
(like mobile robots) for interaction with unknown environments. It is
necessary to have a strong background (3 of 5) in artificial intelligence,
database programming, hardware programming, operation system programming,
sensor fusion.

All positions are time-limited, the positions for research associates
initially for 3 to 4 years with the possibility of an extension, the
research scientist position for 6 years.

Salaries, according to the German public sector wage scale, depend on
age and marital status. Approximate figures are DM 65,000 (32,500 Euros)
p.a. for the research associate position (BAT IIa /C1), slightly more 
for the research scientist position (C2).

- MSc or equivalent (for the research associate positions) or
- Ph.D. (for the research scientist position) in Engineering 
or Technomathematics (a,b,c) resp. Information Science (c). 
- Fluency in English.

Due to some connected minimal teaching requirements it is necessary
to speak or to learn German language.

Please send your applications - preferably in electronic form - to
Prof. Dirk Soeffker
Mess-, Steuer- und Regelungstechnik
Gerhard-Mercator-Universitaet Duisburg
Lotharstrasse 65
D-47057 Duisburg
email: soeffker@uni-duisburg.de

Closing date is August 21st, 2001.

Contributed by: Martin Buss, 

Research Positions, Technical University Berlin, Germany

Research assistant positions to be filled with PhD candidates or
postdocs are available in the Control Systems Group, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technical University
Berlin (Fachgebiet Regelungssysteme, headed by Prof. Martin Buss). The
initially 3 year termed positions are mainly for research but also
involve some student supervision duties in seminars and student
laboratories. Salary depend on age and marital status, approximately
DM 65,000 (32,500 Euros) p.a. See http://www.rs.tu-berlin.de for an
overview of the Control Systems Group; http://www.tu-berlin.de for the
Technical University Berlin; http://www.berlin.de for information
about the Germany capital city.

Possible research directions are hybrid discrete-continuous dynamical
systems, nonlinear control systems, mechatronic systems, communication
control, telepresence/teleoperation, tele-embodiment, legged
locomotion, upper body humanoid robotics.

Requirements: MSc or equivalent or Ph.D. in Engineering with a solid
control or mechatronics background; Computer Science with a strong
practical background may also be considered. Successful candidates are
expected to be fluent in English and will have to be prepared to study

Please send your application and further inquiries to:

Prof. Dr. Martin Buss
Professor and Head

Contributed by: Henrik Gollee, 

Research Positions in Control and Rehabilitation Engr
Centre for Systems and Control, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

A number of research positions are available in projects applying
advanced methods of system identification and feedback control design to
challenging problems in the area of rehabilitation engineering. Our
research involves clinical evaluation with volunteer spinal cord injured
subjects at the National Spinal Injuries Unit at the Southern General
Hospital, Glasgow.

A postdoctoral Research Assistantship is available from 1.9.2001 (or soon
thereafter) for two years on an EPSRC-funded project which will develop
novel systems for arm cranking exercise in tetraplegia, assisted by
functional electrical stimulation (FES). Methods will be developed for
system characterisation and stimulation control, and apparatus
constructed for experimental evaluation.  A second Research Assistantship
is available immediately for a period of up to 18 months for research on
FES-assisted lower-limb cycling for paraplegic patients. Further posts
(PhD and postdoc) are likely to become available in the near future for
work on control of unsupported standing in paraplegia.

The posts will require a mix of skills in system modelling and
identification, controller design, simulation software development and
real-time controller implementation. 

The RA appointments will be on the RA1A scale.

Applications (CV) and enquiries should be directed to:
 Professor K J Hunt
 Centre for Systems and Control
 Department of Mechanical Engineering
 University of Glasgow
 G12 8QQ
 United Kingdom

 Email: k.hunt@mech.gla.ac.uk
 Phone: +44 141 330 4340
 Web: http://www.mech.gla.ac.uk/Control

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Any articles submitted for book announcements could not be saved, please

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Contributed by: Marc Bodson, 

Call for Papers -IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology
Special Issue on Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modeling

IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology invites submissions 
for a special issue on the technology of Computer Automated 
Multi-Paradigm Modeling. The special issue is devoted to the problems 
that arise in the design and implementation of control systems. 
It concentrates on the need to improve and shorten this process by 
the application of multi-paradigm modeling techniques. 
These techniques are used to analyze heterogeneous implementation 
technologies and to design, combine, and relate dedicated formalisms 
for modeling the different aspects of the control system at different 
levels in the control hierarchy. In this context, model transformation
technology is required to achieve code synthesis and tool integration 
by data modeling.

Topics for contributions include, but are not limited to:
* automated model transformation to integrate disciplines in control 
  system design and realization;
* problem- and domain-specific formalisms and tool design;
* automated data transformation to combine and integrate control 
  system design tools;
* composition and integration of heterogeneous execution models;
* analysis tools for heterogeneous control system models.

Of special interest are contributions that include results on the 
application of the proposed methods to real-world examples. 
Papers must contain high-quality original contributions and be 
prepared in accordance with the IEEE Transactions on Control System 
Technology standards. Submitted papers must not have been previously 
published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. 
All papers will be rigorously refereed. Seven copies of the complete 
manuscript (up to 28 double-spaced pages, including figures) should 
be submitted by February 1, 2002 to one of the Guest Editors below. 
Authors will be notified of the review results by August 1, 2002. 
Expected publication is early 2003. Electronic submissions in 
postscript format are encouraged. 

For additional information, please contact one of the Guest Editors:

Pieter J. Mosterman 
Simulation and Real-Time Technologies
The MathWorks, Inc. 
Natick, MA 01760-2098 
Tel.: +1 508 647 7000
Fax:  +1 508 647 7002
E-mail: pieter_j_mosterman@mathworks.com

Sebastian Engell
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Dortmund
D-44221 Dortmund
Tel: +49 231 755 5126
Fax: +49 231 755 5129
E-mail: s.engell@ct.uni-dortmund.de

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak, 

Table of contents: Automatica

October, 2001       Volume 37, Issue 10 

Regular papers

J. A. Filar, A. Haurie
A two factor stochastic production model with two time scales

M. Vidyasagar
Randomized algorithms for robust controller synthesis using statistical
learning theory

W. P. Heath
Bias of indirect non-parametric transfer function estimates for plants in

P. A. Iglesias
Tradeoffs in linear time-varying systems: An analogue of Bode's
sensitivity integral

F. Xue, L. Guo, M.Y. Huang
Towards understanding the capability of adaptation for time-varying

D. Bauer
Order estimation for subspace methods

M. Ghandhari, G. Andersson, M. Pavella, D. Ernst
A control strategy for controllable series capacitor in electric power

Brief papers

V. Fromion, S. Monaco, D. Normand-Cyrot
The weighted incremental norm approach: From linear to nonlinear
H(infinity) control

M. Gilson, P. M. J. Van den Hof
On the relation between a bias-eliminated least-squares (BELS) and an IV
estimator in closed-loop identification

L. Magni, G. De Nicolao, R. Scattolini
Output feedback and tracking of nonlinear systems with model predictive

R. Orsi, L. Praly, I. Mareels
Sufficient conditions for the existence of an unbounded solution

C. V. Rao, J. B. Rawlings, J. H. Lee
Constrained linear state estimation - A moving horizon approach

X. Bombois, M. Gevers, G. Scorletti, B. D. O. Anderson
Robustness analysis tools for an uncertainty set obtained by prediction
error identification

A. K. Tangirala, D. Li, R. S. Patwardhan, S. L. Shah, T.Chen
Ripple-free conditions for lifted multirate control systems

V. O. Nikiforov
Nonlinear servocompensation of unknown external disturbances

Daniel W. C. Ho, Zhiwei Gao
Bezout identity related to reduced-order observer-based controllers for
singular systems

H. Ito
New characterization and solution of input-to-state stabilization: A
state-dependent scaling approach

C. W. Chan, Hong Jin, K. C. Cheung, H. Y. Zhang
Fault detection of systems with redundant sensors using constrained
Kohonen networks

Correspondence items

Sing Kiong Nguang
Comments on "Robust stabilization of uncertain input-delay systems by
sliding mode control with delay compensation"

Book reviews

D. R. Lewin
Nonlinear model-based process control - Applications in petroleum
refining, by R. M. Ansari and M.O. Tad

M. de Oliveira, M. Jamshidi
Modeling and control of robot manipulators, by L. Sciavicco and B.

C-H. Chen, E. Yücesan
Introduction to discrete event systems, by C. G. Cassandras and S.

P. Ioannou
Adaptive control of systems with actuator and sensor nonlinearities, by G.
Tao and P. V. Kokotovic

Contributed by: George W Irwin (Editor in Chief), 

Journal: Control Engineering Practice
ISSN   : 0967-0661
Volume : 9
Issue  : 7
Date   : Jul-2001

Visit the journal at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/00123

pp 699-707
Fuzzy logic based attitude control of the spacecraft X-38 along a nominal
re-entry trajectory
S.-F. Wu, C.J.H. Engelen, Q.-P. Chu, R. Babuska, J.A. Mulder, G. Ortega

pp 709-723
Probing control of fed-batch cultivations: analysis and tuning
M. @9kesson, P. Hagander, J.P. Axelsson

pp 725-733
Hybrid intelligent control of gas collectors of coke ovens
C. Yang, M. Wu, D. Shen, G. Deconinck

pp 735-742
Force control of a robot gripper based on human grasping schemes
N. Nakazawa, I.-h. Kim, H. Inooka, R. Ikeura

pp 743-756
Extensions of Grafcet to structure behavioural specifications
H. Gueguen, N. Bouteille

pp 757-758
Preface to the Special Section on Power Plants and Power Systems Control
H. Weber

pp 759-767
Adaptive voltage regulator design for static VAR systems
G. Fusco, A. Losi, M. Russo

pp 769-775
Dynamic coherency identification of generators using self-organising
feature maps
H.-H. Wilfert, K. Voigtlander, I. Erlich

pp 777-783
Simulator for inter-company operator training
U. Spanel, G. Krost, D. Rumpel

pp 785-789
Development of a general intertrip monitoring system for the NGC network
L.R. Clarke, M.E. Bradley, A.O. Ekwue

pp 791-803
Black-start-up simulation of a repowered thermoelectric unit
A. Borghetti, G. Migliavacca, C.A. Nucci, S. Spelta

pp 805-811
Reality oriented simulation models of power plants for restoration studies
H.W. Weber, F. Prillwitz, M. Hladky, H.-P. Asal

pp 813-815

Contributed by: Gabriela Stroian, 

Contents European Journal of Control Vol.7, no. 1, 2001


Continuous-time periodic H_inf filtering via LMI
S. Bittanti and F.A. Cuzzola

Remarks on the feedback stabilization of system affine in control
L. Berrahmoune, Y. Elboukfaoui and M. Erraoui
Discussion on the paper by A. Bacciotti.

Optimal magnetic momentum control for inertially pointing spacecraft
M. Lovera
Discussion on the paper by R. Wisniewski.

Adaptive compensation of aerodynamic effects during takeoff and landing 
manoeuvres for a scale model autonomous helicopter
R. Mahony and T. Hamel

On stability of dynamical controllers using pole assignment
G.P. Liu, S. Daley and G.R. Duan

Fuzzy clustering for data compression, modelling and optimization in 
recovered paper industry
T.A. Runkler, E. Gerstorfer, M. Schlang, E. Jünnemann and K. Villforth

Contents European Journal of Control Vol.7, no. 2-3, 2001
Special Issue: Fundamental Issues in Control
Editors: J. L. Martins de Carvalho, J. Sá da Costa and A. Dourado Correia 

Guest Editorial

Control of Constrained Dynamic Systems
D. Mayne

A global approach to design control laws for applications in the car industry 
F. Aïoun

Control with Limited Information
S. Mitter

Control of Congestion in High-Speed Networks
O.C. Imer and T. Bazar

Nonsmooth Analysis in Control Theory: A Survey
F. Clarke

Issues on Nonlinear Digital Control
S. Monaco and D. Normand-Cyrot

Control design for autonomous vehicles: A dynamic optimization perspective
F. Lobo Pereira.

Estimating Linear Time-Invariant Models of Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems
L. Ljung

Mechatronic Combustion Engines-from Modelling to Optimal Control
R. Isermann and M. Hafner

Soft Computing Approaches to Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems 
J.M.F.Calado, J.Korbicz, K.Patan, R.J.Patton and J.M.G. Sá da Costa

Randomized algorithms for robust controller synthesis using statistical 
learning theory: A tutorial review
M. Vidyasagar

Support Vector Machines: A Nonlinear Modelling and Control Perspective
J.A.K. Suykens

Control of nonlinear mechanical systems
I. Fantoni and R. Lozano 

Contents European Journal of Control Vol.7, no. 4, 2001
Special Issue: Verification of Hybrid Systems -- Results of an European Union 
Esprit Project
Editor: Oded Maler

Guest Editorial

An experimental batch plant as a test case for the verification of hybrid 
S. Kowalewski, O. Stursberg and N. Bauer 

Discrete-time hybrid modelling and verification of the batch evaporator 
process benchmark
A. Bemporad, F.D. Torrisi and M. Morari 

Verifying untimed and timed aspects of the experimental batch plant
R. Huuck, B. Lukoschus and Y. Lakhnech

Design of a PLC control program for a batch plant VHS case study 1
A. Mader, Ed Brinksma, H. Wupper and N. Bauer 

Computing efficient operation schemes for chemical plants in multi-batch mode
P. Niebert and S. Yovine 

Information on European Journal of Control is available at its home page:

Address for submissions:
I.D. Landau
European Journal of Control
Laboratoire d'Automatique 
38402 Saint Martin d'Hères
E-mail : Ioan-Dore.Landau@inpg.fr

Contributed by: Tariq Samad, 

Control Systems Magazine Table of Contents: August 2001

Special Section: The Brain as Controller: 
Neuroscience and Biomechanics

Guest Editorial: Dynamics and Control Problems in Biology: 
Some New Challenges, by Bijoy K. Ghosh and Jiping He 27

Signal Processing and Control Problems in the Brain,
by Zoran Nenadic and Bijoy K. Ghosh 28

Neural Mechanisms of Learning and Control,
by Kenji Doya, Hidenori Kimura, and Mitsuo Kawato 42

Learning from Biological Systems: Modeling Neural Control,
by Jiping He, Mitchell G. Maltenfort, Qingjun Wang, and Thomas M. Hamm 55

Modeling Human Movement Systems: Ocular Dynamics 
and Skeletal Systems, by Lawrence Schovanec 70

Using Electrical Stimulation to Control Standing
Posture, by James J. Abbas and Jason C. Gillette 80


Feedforward: Measures of Complexity:
A nonexhaustive List, by Seth Lloyd 7

Student's Guide: Sensor Performance Specifications,
by Dennis S. Bernstein 9

Lecture Notes: Describing Function Analysis Using
MATLAB and Simulink, by Carla Schwartz and Richard Gran 19

2001 IEEE Fellows 91


>From the Editor     4
President's Message 6
Scanning the Transactions   99
Bookshelf           103
In the News         105
Calendar            106
On the Market       107
On the Lighter Side 112

Contributed by: C. Stewart, 

Contents: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
         Volume: 46 Issue: 7 , July 2001

A framework for state-space estimation with uncertain models
Sayed, A.H.
Page(s): 998 -1013

Backstepping design with local optimality matching
Zigang Pan; Ezal, K.; Krener, A.J.; Kokotovic, P.V.
Page(s): 1014 -1027

Structure and stability of certain chemical networks and applications to
the kinetic proofreading model of T-cell receptor signal transduction
Sontag, E.D.
Page(s): 1028 -1047

Control Lyapunov-Razumikhin functions and robust stabilization of time
delay systems
Jankovic, M.
Page(s): 1048 -1060

A continuous feedback approach to global strong stabilization of
nonlinear systems
Chunjiang Qian; Wei Lin
Page(s): 1061 -1079

A modal decomposition of the Hopf normal form coefficient
Howell, F.; Venkatasubramanian, V.
Page(s): 1080 -1083

Robust filtering for discrete-time systems with bounded noise and
parametric uncertainty
Ghaoui, L.E.; Calafiore, G.
Page(s): 1084 -1089

On Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma for stabilizable systems
Collado, J.; Lozano, R.; Johansson, R.
Page(s): 1089 -1093

Asymptotic behavior of nonlinear networked control systems
Walsh, G.C.; Beldiman, O.; Bushnell, L.G.
Page(s): 1093 -1097

Optimal control of a particular class of singularly perturbed nonlinear
discrete-time systems
Bouyekhf, R.; El Hami, A.; El Moudni, A.
Page(s): 1097 -1101

On the simultaneous stabilization of three or more plants
Fonte, C.; Zasadzinski, M.; Bernier-Kazantsev, C.;
Darouach, M.
Page(s): 1101 -1107

Stabilization of dynamical systems by adding a colored noise
Basak, G.K.
Page(s): 1107 -1111

Input-to-state stabilization of switched nonlinear systems
Wenxiang Xie; Changyun Wen; Zhengguo Li
Page(s): 1111 -1116

Nonparametric control algorithms for nonlinear fading memory systems
Sandilya, S.; Kulkarni, S.R.
Page(s): 1117 -1121

Asymptotic tracking of periodic trajectories for a simple mechanical
system subject to nonsmooth impacts
Menini, L.; Tornambe, A.
Page(s): 1122 -1126

Least squares tracking on the Euclidean group
Youngmo Han; Park, F.C.
Page(s): 1127 -1132

Asymptotic properties of the best sampled-data control performance
Oishi, Y.
Page(s): 1132 -1137

Performance lower bounds in stochastic robust and adaptive control
Ji Feng Zhang; Le Yi Wang
Page(s): 1137 -1141

Controlled invariance and feedback laws
d'Alessandro, P.; De Santis, E.
Page(s): 1141 -1146

Observer-based control of systems with slope-restricted nonlinearities
Arcak, M.; Kokotovic, P.
Page(s): 1146 -1150

Advanced cooperative order in a compensator set in passive redundancy
Suyama, K.
Page(s): 1151 -1155

Preservation of controllability-observability in expanded systems
Bakule, L.; Rodellar, J.; Rossell, J.M.; Rubio, P.
Page(s): 1155 -1162

An improved closed-loop stability related measure for finite-precision
digital controller realizations
Wu, J.; Chen, S.; Li, G.; Istepanian, R.H.; Chu, J.
Page(s): 1162 -1166

Risk-sensitive decision-theoretic diagnosis
Shayman, M.A.; Fernandez-Gaucherand, E.
Page(s): 1166 -1171

[Book Review]

Extending H//sub/spl infin// control to nonlinear systems
Charalambous, C.D.
Page(s): 1172 -1174

Contributed by: Jorge L. Moiola, 

Contents: Latin American Applied Research
Vol. 31, number 3, July 2001

Special theme issue: "Bifurcation Control: Methodologies and Applications"
In honour to the 65th Birthday of Professor Leon O. Chua

Bifurcation And Control Of Submersible Vehicles With Dive Plane Reversal
W. Kang, F. A. Papoulias

Analysis And Control Of Period Doubling Bifurcation In Buck Converters
Using  Harmonic Balance 
C. C. Fang, E. H. Abed

Controlling Bifurcations Of Discrete Maps
K. C. Yap, G. Chen, T. Ueta

Local Robustness Of Stationary Bifurcation Control
X. Chen, A. G. Sparks,  K. Zhou, G. Gu

Assessing Voltage Collapse
R. Seydel

Controlling Bifurcation In Power Electronics: A Conventional Practice
C. K. Tse, Y. M. Lai

Chaos Prediction And Bifurcation Analysis In Control Engineering
D. Alonso, G. Calandrini,  D. Berns, E. Paolini, J. Moiola

Control Of Chaos In Hybrid Systems
A. L. Baranovski, A. Moegel, W. Schwarz

Bifurcation Tailoring Of Equilibria: A Feedback Control Approach
G. A. Charles, M. Di Bernardo, M. H. Lowenberg, D. P. Stoten, X. F. Wang

Chaos And Control Of Periodically Switched Nonlinear Systems
T. Kousaka, T. Ueta,  H. Kawakami

Dynamic Feedback Control Of Bifurcations
H. O. Wang, D. S. Chen,  L. G. Bushnell

Bifurcation Analysis And Circuit Implementation Of A Simple Chaos Generator
G. Q. Zhong, K. S. Tang,  G. Chen, K. F. Man

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Contributed by: Michael Athans, Program Chair, 

Campus of the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
July 9-12, 2002

We solicit regular papers and proposals for invited sessions in all
aspects of the theory, algorithms, and applications of systems, control,
automation, robotics, operations research, intelligent systems, signal
processing, communication networks and related disciplines.


Papers and Proposals for Invited Sessions due:   Feb. 1, 2002
Author Notification:  April 15, 2002
Final Manuscript due:  May 7, 2002
Conference Starts:  July 9, 2002


We already have commitments from the following eight international experts 
including their tentative plenary lecture topic.

1. Prof. John C. Doyle
 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., USA
 Complex Systems
2. Prof. Pravin P. Varaiya
 Univ. of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, Calif., USA
 Hierarchical Control of Autonomous Systems
3. Prof. David G. Luenberger
 Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., USA
 Systems Theory and Financial Engineering Systems
4. Prof. Edward R. Crawley
 MIT, Cambridge, Mass., USA
 Control of Precision Optical Systems
5. Prof. Henrik I. Christensen
 Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SWEDEN
 Advances in Robotic Systems
6. Prof. Olivier Faugeras
 INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, FRANCE and MIT, Cambridge, Mass., USA
 Advances in Image Processing and Computer Vision
7. Prof. Munther A. Dahleh
 MIT, Cambridge, Mass., USA
 Robust Control for Linear and Nonlinear Systems
8. Prof. P.R. Kumar
 University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
 Wireless Networks: Problems, Prospects and Protocols

Updates and details can be found at: http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/med2002/
Contact us at:  med2002@isr.ist.utl.pt

Contributed by: Ottar Johnsen, 

7th International Netties Conference

The7th Netties Conference and 3rd Conference on New Learning Technologies will 
take place at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, 
Fribourg on September 13th-15th 2001.

The main topics of the conference are :
Application and Experiences of Computer and Internet Assisted Learning
Mobile Communications Applications
Internet Applications
Business to Business Commerce
Knowledge Sharing in Networks

The conference is application oriented, being focused on the applications of 
the information technologies.
For more informations, refer to www.netties.net  

Contributed by: Robert Judd, 

                     CALL FOR PAPERS
                    May 8-10, 2002

       William A. Egan Civic & Convention Center
                Anchorage Hilton Hotel
                Anchorage, Alaska, USA

The American Control Conference (ACC) is an annual, 3-day event, presenting
about 800 papers, with over 1200 participants from the measurement and
automation communities.  This premier conference and associated workshops
focus on advances in the theory and practice associated with automatic

Topics include: industrial applications, robotics, manufacturing, guidance
and flight control, power systems, process control, measurement and sensing,
identification and estimation, signal processing, modelingand advanced
simulation, fault detection, model validation, multivariable control,
adaptive and optimal control, robustness, intelligent control, expert
systems, neural nets, control engineering education, and computer aided

Notice that the ACC 2002 will convene in early May, 2002 instead of June,
its normal time of the year. . Papers are due September 15, 2001.  Be sure
to keep these modified dates in mind as you are making your plans to submit
and attend the ACC 2002For more information about the 2002 ACC, please visit
our web-sit at


The conference is sponsored by the American Automatic Control Council
(AACC), and topics span the scope of the 8 member societies of AACC:  AIAA,
AIChE , AISE , ASCE, ASME, IEEE, ISA, and SCS.  The 2002 ACC is being held
in cooperation with IFAC (the International Federation of Automatic Control)
and SICE (the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers).

Contributed by: Danny Abramovitch, 

Special Invited Sessions for 2002 ACC Anyone?

I am trying to gauge interest in organizing one or two invited 
sessions for next year's ACC.  The two topics that come to mind

1.      Phase-Locked Loops: 
        This session would probably focus on
        the control related aspects of PLLs.  It could be a current
        topic, a tutorial session, or a combination.

2.      Control Issues in Optical Communications: 
        This session would explore some of the uses of feedback loops
        in high speed optical communications systems.  Any topics from
        ares such as clock recovery loops, transient compensation,
        dispersion compensation, or optical switching would be of
        interest.  It could be a current topic, a tutorial session, or
        a combination.

If you are interested, please send me email.

I'll wait until the middle of August to judge if there is enough interest
to do one or both sessions. If so, we will have until mid-September to
put one or both together.

Danny Abramovitch
Agilent Labs
3500 Deer Creek Road, MS:  25U-9
Palo Alto, CA  94304-1392
E-mail:  danny@labs.agilent.com
Voice:   1-650-485-3806, Fax:  1-650-485-4080
URL: http://www.labs.agilent.com/personal/Danny_Abramovitch/

Contributed by: Julius Kusuma, 

Special Symposium on Controls and Optimization 


University of California at Berkeley 
Berkeley, CA 94720 

In the honor of LAURENT EL GHAOUI 
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
University of California at Berkeley 
Berkeley, CA

August 22, 2001

Recent advances in linear matrix inequality and convex optimization have lent 
novel insights into problems in optimization, controls, communications and 
signal processing. This special symposium will celebrate the contributions of 
Laurent El Ghaoui, and highlight the recent trends and results, presented by 
leading researchers in diverse areas such as optimization, hybrid controls, 
information theory, and others.

In this special symposium we invite the leading experts in optimization and 
controls for a one-day seminar at UC Berkeley.

Invited speakers include: 
Prof. Shankar Sastry, U.C. Berkeley EECS Department Chair - TENTATIVE 
Prof. Stephen Boyd, Stanford University EE Department. 
Prof. Eric Feron, MIT EECS Department. 
Prof. Bernd Sturmfels, U.C. Berkeley Mathematics Department. 
Prof. Demetri Bertsimas, MIT Operational Research - TENTATIVE 
Prof. Kannan Ramchandran, U.C. Berkeley EECS Department. 

The complete schedule will be made available ASAP

U.C. Berkeley EECS Department 
attn: Julius Kusuma 
307-1 Cory Hall 
Berkeley, CA 94720 

For further information, please contact: Julius Kusuma 

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