E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 152, April 1, 2001.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                   Eletter 152, April 2001

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936
           Submit articles at http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter
           Submission deadline for May Eletter: April 30, 2001


0.	Editorial

1.	Personals

2.	General Announcements
	2.1	22nd European Summer School in Automatic Control of Grenoble
	2.2	Calls for Nominations for 2000 CSS Awards

3.	Positions
	3.1	Dean Faculty of Applied Sciences - Simon Fraser University
	3.2	Faculty Position (Mechanical) in Controls/Robotics and Design
	3.3	Lecturer and Visiting Faculty Positions
	3.4	Post-Doc: control of nonlinear sampled-data systems
	3.5	Post-Doc Position in Applied Non-linear Control
	3.6	Post-doc in Signal Processing Dublin Ireland
	3.7	Process Control Engineer Arizona USA
	3.8	Process Engineer Arizona USA
	3.9	Professorship in Computational Science and Engr ETH Zurich
	3.10	Two Pre/Post-doc positions on Artificial Intel in Fault Diagnosis
	3.11	Visiting Research Position in Hybrid and Embedded Systems

4.	Books
	4.1	Book on Neural and Fuzzy Models for System Identification
	4.2	Control Systems with Actuator Saturation: Analysis and Design
	4.3	IFAC Proceedings Recently Published
	4.4	Second Ed. of Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems

5.	Journals
	5.1	Contents: Automatica
	5.2	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	5.3	Contents: Engr Applications of Artificial Intelligence
	5.4	Contents: European Journal of Control
	5.5	Contents: International Journal of Control
	5.6	Contents: Journal of Dynamics and Control Systems
	5.7	Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
	5.8	Contents: Trans of Inst. of Measurement & Control

6.	Conferences
	6.1	10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
	6.2	1st Int ICSC-NAISO Congress on Neuro-Fuzzy Technologies
	6.3	2001 Int Symp on Adaptive & Intelligent Systems & Control
	6.4	3rd IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems
	6.5	5th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS'01)
	6.6	CACSD Tutorial in Bremen
	6.7	Call for Papers: ICPP-HPSECA01 Spain
	6.8	Call for Papers: SCODES'2001 France
	6.9	Fourth Asian Control Conference
	6.10	Special Symposium on Optimization and Controls

              *                                        *
              *                                        *

Welcome to the 152-nd issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate. The next
issue of eletter will be mailed out at the begining of May 2001.

Please forward this eletter to your colleagues. They can subscribe to
eletter at http://www.ieeecss.org/cgi-bin/PAB/eletter/subscribe_form.cgi
There is a minor technical problem due to which the password based
unsubscribe form is not yet operational for subscribers from before
2001 - you may unsubscribe by sending me an email at p.misra@ieee.org

A web version of this eletter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents is located at:

IMPORTANT: The intent of eletter is to accomodate as many announcements
of intersest to our subscribers as possible. However, please note that
in order to maintain efficiency of this media for information
dissemination, the size of eletter must remain manageable. Submission
of very lengthy articles unduly increases the length of the eletter
and forces the editorial scissors to become active. Please try and
keep your announcements to less than 100 lines of text.

              *                                        *
              *                                        *

Surely people have moved around and/or have received awards, recognitions
worthy of reporting to the community at large, please visit the eletter
website and share the information with the rest of the community.

              *                                        *
                          General Announcements
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Bernard Brogliato, 

date: 17-21 September 2001, Grenoble, France

Title "Geometric Modelling and Control of Physical Systems"

Scientific Responsibility: B. M. Maschke (University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 
France) and A.J. van der Schaft (Twente University, The Netherlands)

Lecturers: M. Fliess (F), F. Allgower (D), P.C. Breedveld (NL), J.L. Deltour 
(F), C. Jallut (F), C. le Bris (F), J. Sau (F), F. Sanfilipo (F), R. Sepulchre 
(B), S. Stramigioli (NL), G. Weiss (UK), H. Hammourri (F), B.M. Maschke (F), 
A.J. van der Schaft (NL)



Thermodynamical approach, Hamiltonian formulation, algebro-differential 
systems and flatness, control of chemical processes


Control by interconnection and energy-shaping, application to robotics and 


Distributed parameter systems with boundary power flow, laser control of 
chemical reactions, conservative linear infinite-dimensional systems, 
modelling and control of canal systems, gas phase adsorption modelling. 


fax: +33 (0) 4 76 82 63 88
tel: +33 (0) 4 76 82 62 44


Contributed by: Harris McClamroch, 

Calls for Nominations for 2000 CSS Awards

CSS Technology Award

Nominations are solicited for the 2000 IEEE Control Systems 
Technology Award.  This annual award is given for outstanding 
contributions to control systems technology, either in design and 
implementation or in project management.  It may be conferred on 
either an individual or a team.  The award is presented at the annual 
CSS awards ceremonies held at the IEEE Conference on Decision and 
Control.  The deadline for nominations is 15 May, 2001.  Please send 
nominations, together with supporting documentation, to the Chair of 
the CSS Technology Award Committee, Dr. Michael K. Masten, 2309 
Northcrest, Plano, TX 75075, USA, telephone: +1 972 480 4334,
fax: +1 972 761 6966, email: m.masten@ieee.org.

George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award

Every year, the CSS presents up to three outstanding paper awards to 
authors of papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic 
Control during the preceding two calendar years.  This outstanding 
paper award is based on originality, potential impact on the theoretical 
foundations of control, importance and practical significance in 
applications, and clarity.  The award is named after George S. Axelby, 
founding editor of the Transactions.  Nominations are solicited for the 
2001 award from papers published in IEEE Transactions on Automatic 
Control from January 1999 through December 2000 (Volumes 44 and 
45).   The award is presented at the annual CSS awards ceremonies 
held at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.  The deadline for 
nominations is 15 May, 2001.  Nominations should be sent to the Chair 
of the Axelby Award Committee, Professor Alberto Isidori, Dipartimento 
di Informatica e Sistemistica, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza," Via 
Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome, Italy, email: isidori@zach.wustl.edu.

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Techology Outstanding Paper Award

This annual award is selected among papers that appeared in IEEE 
Transactions on Control Systems Technology during the previous two 
years, 1999-2000, based on originality, relevance of the application, 
clarity of exposition, and demonstrated impact on control systems 
technology.  At most one award per year is presented at the annual CSS 
awards ceremonies held at the IEEE Conference on Decision and 
Control.  The award consists of a plaque (one for each author).  The 
deadline for nominations is 15 May, 2001.  Nominations should be sent 
to the Chair of the TCST Outstanding Paper Award Committee, 
Professor Bruce Krogh, Department of Electrical and Computer 
Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, 
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, USA, telephone: +1 412 268 2472,
fax; +1 412 268 3890, email: krogh@ece.cmu.edu.

IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award

This annual award is selected from articles and columns that appeared 
in IEEE Control Systems Magazine during the previous two years, 
1999-2000, based on the impact on and benefit to CSS members.  At 
most one award per year is presented at the annual CSS awards 
ceremonies held at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.  The 
award consists of a plaque (one for each author).  The deadline for 
nominations is 15 May, 2001.  Nominations should be sent to the Chair 
of the CSM Outstanding Paper Award Committee, Professor Stephen 
Yurkovich, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State 
University, 2015 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1272, USA, 
telephone: +1 614 292 2586, fax: +1 614 292 7596, email: 

Additional information on Control Systems Society sponsored awards 
can be obtained at: http://www.ieeecss.org/awards/AWARDSindex.html

              *                                        *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Provence Consulting, 



The Faculty of Applied Sciences at Simon Fraser University 
encompasses a broad range of academic disciplines, with 
representation in both the applied and social sciences. Specifically, the 
Faculty is comprised of the Schools of Computing Science, Engineering 
Science, Kinesiology, Communication, and Resource Environmental 
Management plus the Resource Management Program, and the 
Centres for Systems Science and Policy Research on Science and 

The Dean will provide leadership and overall strategic direction for the 
academic and business affairs of the Faculty. The Dean will also 
articulate and mobilize distinctive directions for the Faculty, building on 
underlying strengths and creating a culture of excitement and 

Already a leader in a university, in government or industry, the 
successful candidate will be a scholar with a strong research record in 
a discipline appropriate to the Faculty. A commitment to quality teaching 
and a demonstrated record of direct collaborative research involving 
universities and industry or government are vital. Experience in 
coordinating interdisciplinary groups would be an important asset.

SFU is widely regarded as one of Canada's best and most innovative 
comprehensive universities, committed to excellence in teaching and 
research.  For more information, please consult http://www.sfu.ca.

In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this 
advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and residents of 
Canada.  Simon Fraser University is committed to employment equity, 
welcomes diversity in the workplace, and encourages applications from 
all qualified individuals including women, members of the visible 
minorities, aboriginal persons, and persons with disabilities.

For more information on Simon Fraser University and the Faculty of 
Applied Science please visit the SFU website at www.sfu.ca and the 
FAS website at http://fas.sfu.ca.

Should you want to learn more about this unique leadership opportunity, 
call Libby Dybikowski or Maureen Geldart at (604) 913-7768 or forward 
your CV and the names of three referees to Provence Consulting, Suite 
202 - 1555 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC, V7V 1H9. Fax: (604) 
913-8356 E-Mail: search@provenceconsulting.com.


Contributed by: Vikram Kapila, 

Mechanical Engineering Faculty position in Controls/Robotics and Design.

POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and
Manufacturing Engineering is seeking to add tenure-track faculty members
at the Assistant or Associate Professor levels.  The subject areas of
interest are (i) Controls and Robotics, and (ii) Design.  Preference will
be given to candidates with interests in emerging and/or interdisciplinary
areas, and experimental research.  Desire to build a significant research
base and to teach is essential, as is interest in laboratory development.
Significant start-up funds for establishing a research program are
available.  Polytechnic, previously known as "Brooklyn Poly", is a
private, PhD granting, technological university with well-established
programs in Brooklyn, Long Island, and Westchester.  Information is
available at http://www.poly.edu/.  Send applications, including a list of
four references and a teaching and research plan, to Prof. Sunil Kumar,
Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University, 6 MetroTech Center,
Brooklyn, NY 11201, or via email to skumar@poly.edu.  (Previous
applicants: please contact Prof. Kumar via email).


Contributed by: Janet Harshman, 

The University of California, Riverside is seeking applicants for
Lecturer and Visiting Faculty positions with teaching responsibilities in
the areas of Digital Signal Processing, Computer Engineering, Control
Systems, Digital and Analog Circuits and Senior Design Projects. Level of
appointment will be commensurate with applicant's qualifications. A Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering or the equivalent is required with appropriate
teaching experience.

Please send your resume to Janet Harshman, Electrical Engineering
Department, A220 Bourns Hall, Riverside, CA 92521 or email to
harshman@ee.ucr.edu. EOE


Contributed by: Dragan Nesic, 

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 
The University of Melbourne, Australia

Research Fellow (Level A or B) 
Fixed Term One Year

Level A $AUS 45,591-48,980 per annum; or
Level B $AUS 51,518-61,176 per annum.

Applications are invited for the position of Research Fellow. Successful 
applicant will have, or will expect soon to have, a PhD in control or
related engineering/mathematical area. A strong background in control and
mathematics is required. The successful applicant should have some research
experience in the area of nonlinear control theory. This research experience
should be demonstrated by publication in high quality international 
journals and/or conferences. The position involves research on an Australian
Research Council supported project in the area of nonlinear sampled-data
control systems under the supervision of Dr. Dragan Nesic. Salary on
appointment will be either Level A or Level B according to the successful
applicant's experience. The position is initially for a period of one year
but there is a possibility of extension for a further year depending on
the availability of funds.

Further information, selection criteria and duty statement may be obtained
from Dr. Dragan Nesic on  +61 3 8344 5357, fax +61 2 8344 6678 or email
d.nesic@ee.mu.oz.au More details about The University of Melbourne and
the Department can be obtained at http://www.ee.mu.oz.au/

The applications will be received until the position is filled. However,
the applicants are strongly encouraged to send their applicantions in
before 1 May 2001 in order to receive full consideration.

Applicants should submit a written application addressing the selection
criteria, including business, and private telephone numbers plus email
address, a complete resume, and the names and addresses  
(preferably facsimile numbers) of at least three referees to:

Dr Dragan Nesic
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Melbourne,
Parkville, 3010, Victoria, Australia

Alternatively, electronic versions of applications can be emailed to 


Contributed by: Jus Kocijan, 

A post-doctoral position in applied non-linear control of dynamic systems
is available at the Department of Computer Automation and Control, Jozef 
Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia for a period of up to 3 years.

Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent) degree at the time of
appointment. Candidates with background in control engineering or
applied mathematics with strong interest and previous experience in one or
more of the following areas are encouraged to apply for the position:
 - Applied non-linear control
 - Multi-model based modelling and control
 - Hybrid and switching control
 - Optimal control and dynamic programming
 - Model predictive control
Software development skills and practical experience is desirable.
The research will include theoretical studies, software development
and application studies within a group of PhD students, postdocs,
Master degree students and industrial collaborators. The project is
funded by the European Commission under a Research Training Network.
The Multi-Agent Control (MAC) network is a collaboration between the
Universities of Glasgow, Strathclyde, Maynooth, NTNU, DTU and the Jozef
Stefan Insitute (participants). The University of Glasgow acts as the 
project coordinator. The post carry competitive stipend of up to 
23000 EUR per year and offer possiblities of research related travel.

The European Commission requires that the candidate is aged 35 years
or less at the time of his appointment and must be a national of a
Member State of the Community or of an Associated State (excluding
Slovenia) or have resided in the Community for at least five year prior
to the appointment.

Please visit the project web site http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/mac/ for more
information. Details about the individual vacancies can be found at
If you have further questions, please contact 
Dr. Jus Kocijan at Jozef Stefan Institute,
tel. +386 1 4773661, E-mail: jus.kocijan@ijs.si

Send your inquieries which should include a CV with a publication list to:
Dr. Jus Kocijan
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Contributed by: Conor Heneghan, 

Postdoctoral Positions in Mobile Communications 

Postdoctoral Researchers (Two-Year Appointment from March 2001)
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4

Two postdoctoral positions are available in the area of mobile communications
and image processing at the Digital Signal Processing Research Group at 
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. These positions are funded by 
Enterprise Ireland under the National Informatics Programme. Candidates with 
strong backgrounds in digital signal processing for communications, 
information theory, or video and image processing are encouraged to apply. 
Current areas of research in mobile communications include reconfigurable 
radio, multichannel communication systems, channel modelling, and novel 
equalisation strategies. In image processing, general topics of interest 
include audio-visual fusion, object tracking, level set theory, and medical 
image registration and analysis.

The Digital Signal Processing Research Group is a research centre within the 
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at UCD. The Department 
has a complement of 17 permanent full-time academic staff; and is located in 
a modern well-equipped building on the UCD's main campus in Belfield (located 
approximately 3 miles south of Dublin's city centre). Extensive computing and 
laboratory facilities are available, including access to a super-computer 
facility. There are about forty-five postgraduate research students studying 
for the Ph.D. and M.Eng.Sc. degrees.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree or equivalent research experience, 
together with a record of publication in peer-reviewed journals and 
conferences. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Interested 
candidates are encouraged to submit their curriculum vitae and the names of 
two referees to: 

Dr. C. Heneghan 
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4
FAX: (353 1) 283 0921

Further information about the Digital Signal Processing Research Group can be 
found at the following web address


Contributed by: Michelle Livengood, 

Our vision at Global Solar is to become the world leader in providing solar 
energy integrated systems utilizing thin-film photovoltaic technology. 

To design and implement a control system for dynamic control of thin film 
processing equipment with novel sensors.

Major Responsibilities:
1. Integrate control sensors into the CIGS production machine control 
2. Develop CIGS process control algorithms through data analysis and 
   process tests; incorporate algorithms into software control platform.
3. Improve robustness of software control platform.
4. Incorporate fault tolerance into the software control platform.

Minimum Requirements:
PhD in Controls Engineering or Electrical Engineering, or Masters degree with 
experience; extensive experience with Visual C++, Matlab experience 
desirable; five to seven years experience with implementing robust, workable 
control solutions in an industrial environment; experience with model-based 
control, hardware I/O, control system implementation and integration, system 
identification / adaptive control, and fault tolerance.

We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. If you want 
to join a growing and dynamic organization, please forward your resume to:
Global Solar Energy
Attn: Michelle Livengood
5575 S. Houghton Rd.
Tucson, AZ  85747
Fax: (520) 546-6318
E-mail: employment@globalsolar.com


Contributed by: Michelle Livengood, 

Our vision at Global Solar Energy is to become the world leader in providing 
solar energy integrated systems utilizing thin-film photovoltaic technology. 

To improve the quality of thin-film coating deposition processes.

Major Responsibilities:
1. Plan and design methods to improve efficiency in production designs 
   and plan layout for thin-film coating deposition processes.
2. Plan sequence of operations and specify coating procedures while 
   exercising judgment in compromising between conflicting requirements, 
   economic evaluation of methods and operator effectiveness and comfort.
3. Assure compliance with approved methods and quality standards.
4. Conduct tests and measurements throughout stages of production to 
   determine control over such variables as temperature, power, pressure, web 
   speed and deposition rate.
5. Establish and submit processing requirements to be met in designing 
   and acquiring processing equipment.
6. Evaluate and verify the accuracy of process control sensors.
7. Report to the Director of Technology and Engineering and perform 
   other tasks as assigned.

Minimum Requirements:
BS in Engineering or a related field; four years experience in the field or 
in a related area; familiarity with a variety of the field^Òs concepts, 
practices and procedures; ability to rely on experience and judgment to plan 
and accomplish goals; able to perform a variety of complicated tasks.

We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. If you want 
to join a growing and dynamic organization, please forward your resume to:
Global Solar Energy
Attn: Michelle Livengood
5575 S. Houghton Rd.
Tucson, AZ  85747
Fax: (520) 546-6318
E-mail: employment@globalsolar.com


Contributed by: Petros Koumoutsakos, 

Professor of Computational Science and Engineering

The Professorship is expected to play a key role in the continuing
expansion of strong interdisciplinary research activities and in
the further development of the educational program in Computational
Science and Engineering at ETH Zurich.

Applicants should have an excellent record of internationally recognized
research which demonstrates a strong link of computational methodologies
with application domains. The expertise of the successful candidate may
encompass classical and novel computational methodologies.
Interdisciplinary, innovative research bridging scientific fields such
as Biology and Computer Science, Nanotechnology and Medicine, Dynamical
Systems and Social Sciences is highly desirable.

Please submit your application together with a curriculum vitae, a list
of publications, and a short overview of your research and educational
interests to the President of ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. O. Kübler, ETH Zentrum,
CH-8092 Zurich, no later than May 31, 2001.  The ETHZ specifically
encourages female candidates to apply with a view towards increasing
the proportion of female professors.


Contributed by: Prof. Jozef Korbicz, 

       in the EC RTN DAMADICS

A vacancy exists (to be filled as soon as possible) for a Doctoral
(Pre-doc) and/or Postdoctoral (Post-doc) Research Associate to carry
out research in fault detection, isolation and identification by 
means of quantitative models (such as artificial neural networks or/and 
their connection with evolutionary computation) and qualitative methods
(such as fuzzy logic or neuro-fuzzy networks). The research profile is 
both theoretically and practically oriented.

The Pre-doc and/or Post-doc position is located at the Institute of
Control and Computation Engineering at the Technical University of 
Zielona Gora, which has experience in several methods for fault
diagnosis including: artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic,
evolutionary algorithms and expert systems. The solutions are examined and 
tested using different benchmark problems, e.g. a laboratory two tank
system, a computer simulator of a power plant station and real data from
a sugar factory.

Candidates should have the following qualifications: 

  - M.Sc. or Ph.D. in Control Engineering or a similar field 
  - Elementary know-how in model-based fault detection and artificial
    intelligence techniques (e.g. artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic) 
  - Interest in theoretical research and practical applications of new
    theoretical results 
  - Fluent in English 
  - Ability for teamwork 

The salary will be fixed according to the Polish salary system for
University Research Associates and is approximately 1250 Euro/month
for Pre-doc and 1750 Euro/month for Post-doc.

According to the rules of the EC F5 RTN Programme, candidates must be
less than 35 years old at the time of appointment, or if over 35 years
but under 36 and have served in national service in their own country
or have spent a period of time at home nursing children.

He or she must be a national of a Member state of the European Community
or of an Associated State or have resided in the European Community for
at least five years prior to the appointment.

He or she must not be a Polish national and must not have worked in Poland
for more than 12 of the 24 months prior to the appointment.

Required documents: 
 - Letter of application 
 - Curriculum vitae 
 - Certificates of the final university examination 
 - Certificate of the M.Sc. or:
 - Certificate of the Ph.D. 
 - Abstract of the PhD Thesis 
Please address your application to 

Prof. Jozef Korbicz 
Technical University of Zielona Gora 
Institute of Control and Computation Engineering 
ul. Podgorna 50 
65-246 Zielona Gora 
Tel: (+48 64) 3282422 or (+48) 601069492 


Contributed by: Bruce H. Krogh, 

Visiting Research Position in Hybrid and Embedded Systems
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 USA

We are looking for a qualified researcher to join the embedded computing 
systems research group at Carnegie Mellon University as soon as possible
for at least one year. We have a number of projects related to the theory
and application of methods for verification, validation, and test-case
generation for control system algorithms and embedded control software.
One theme of our research is to develop tools for working with models
developed in the MathWorks Simulink/Stateflow environment. A strong
background in discrete event systems, hybrid systems, and the theory of
formal verification, and some experience with current verification tools
are necessary. The candidate should be interested in research issues
related to the design and implementation of new computational tools.
This position is an opportunity to work with industrial sponsors as well
as with faculty and graduate students in the School of Computer Science
and the Department of Electrical and Computer. 

Salary will depend on background and experience.

Interested candidates should send a resume and a list of the names and
e-mail addresses of at least three references to Bruce Krogh

              *                                        *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Oliver Nelles, 

Nonlinear System Identification -
>From Classical Approaches to Neural Networks and Fuzzy Models

Oliver Nelles, UC Berkeley, now: Siemens Automotive

Springer, 2001, 785 pp. 422 figs. Hardcover. 3-540-67369-5 
$ 79.95 or DM 149.00 

The book covers the most common and important approaches for the
identification of nonlinear static and dynamic systems. Additionally, it 
provides the reader with the necessary background on optimization techniques 
making the book self-contained. The emphasis is put on modern methods based
on neural networks and fuzzy systems without neglecting the classical 
approaches. The entire book is written from an engineering point-of-view, 
focusing on the intuitive understanding of the basic relationships. This is 
supported by many illustrative figures. Advanced mathematics is avoided. 
Thus, the book is suitable for last year undergraduate and graduate courses 
as well as research and development engineers in industries. 

 1. Introduction  1

Part I: Optimization
 2. Introduction to Optimization  23
 3. Linear Optimization  35
 4. Nonlinear Local Optimization  79
 5. Nonlinear Global Optimization  113
 6. Unsupervised Learning Techniques  137
 7. Model Complexity Optimization  157
 8. Summary of Part I  203

Part II: Static Models
 9. Introduction to Static Models  209
10. Linear, Polynomial, and Lock-Up Table Models  219
11. Neural Networks  239
12. Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Models  299
13. Local Linear Neuro-Fuzzy Models: Fundamentals  341
14. Local Linear Neuro-Fuzzy Models: Advanced Aspects  391
15. Summary of Part II  451

Part III: Dynamic Models 
16. Linear Dynamic System Identification  457
17. Nonlinear Dynamic System Identification  547
18. Classical Polynomial Approaches  587
19. Dynamic Neuro and Fuzzy Models  587
20. Dynamic Local Linear Neuro-Fuzzy Models  601
21. Neural Networks with Internal Dynamics  645

Part IV: Applications 
22. Applications of Static Models  655
23. Applications of Dynamic Models  677
24. Applications of Advanced Methods  709

 A. Vectors and Matrices  735
 B: Statistics  739

References  757
Index  779


Contributed by: Zongli Lin, 

Authors: Tingshu Hu and Zongli Lin

Publisher: Birkhauser, Boston
ISBN: 0-8176-4219-6
Price: $79.95

>From the backcover:

Control Systems with Actuator Saturation: Analysis and Design examines the
problem of actuator saturation in depth.  The overall approach takes into
account the saturation nonlinearities at the outset of the control design.
In the case that a control law is designed a priori to meet either the
performance or stability requirement, it analyzes the closed loop system
under actuator saturation systematically and redesigns the controller in
such a way that adverse effects of actuator saturation are minimized.  It
also presents some related results on systems with state saturation or
sensor saturation.

Features and topics include:

- The results apply to general open loop systems, including
  exponentially unstable ones. Thus, they are widely
  applicable to practical systems.

- The problem is treated in a systematic manner, from controllability
  to stabilizability, to transience performance, to disturbance
  rejection and to output regulation.

- An analytic description of the null controllable region is first
  obtained. Various feedback laws are designed that work on the
  entire or an arbitrarily large portion of the null controllable region.

- Analysis tools are developed for performance assessment of existing
  control systems under actuator saturation.

- Examples are worked out in detail to demonstrate the usage
  of the results developed.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction
   1.1 Linear Systems with Actuator Saturation
   1.2 Notation, Acronyms and Terminology

Chapter 2. Null Controllability -- Continuous-time Systems
   2.1 Introduction
   2.2 Preliminaries and Definitions
   2.3 General Description of Null Controllable Region
   2.4 Systems with Only Real Eigenvalues
   2.5 Systems with Complex Eigenvalues
   2.6 Some Remarks on the Description of Null Controllable Region for
       a Finite Time
   2.7 Asymptotically Null Controllable Region
   2.8 Conclusions

Chapter 3. Null Controllability -- Discrete-time Systems
   3.1 Introduction
   3.2 Preliminaries and Definitions
   3.3 General Description of Null Controllable Region
   3.4 Systems with Only Real Eigenvalues
   3.5 Systems with Complex Eigenvalues
   3.6 An Example
   3.7 Asymptotically Null Controllable Region
   3.8 Conclusions

Chapter 4. Stabilization on Null Controllable Region -- Continuous-time
   4.1 Introduction
   4.2 Domain of Attraction -- Planar System under Saturated Linear Feedback
   4.3 Semi-global Stabilization -- Planar Systems
   4.4 Semi-global Stabilization -- Higher Order Systems
   4.5 Conclusions

Chapter 5. Stabilization on Null Controllable Region -- Discrete-time Systems
   5.1 Introduction
   5.2 Global Stabilization at Set of Equilibria -- Planar Systems
   5.3 Global Stabilization -- Planar Systems
   5.4 Semi-global Stabilization -- Planar Systems
   5.5 Semi-global Stabilization -- Higher Order Systems
   5.6 Conclusions

Chapter 6. Practical Stabilization on Null Controllable Region
   6.1 Introduction
   6.2 Problem Statement and Main Results
   6.3 Proof of Main Results
   6.4 An Example
   6.5 Conclusions

Chapter 7. Estimation of the Domain of Attraction under Saturated Linear
   7.1 Introduction
   7.2 A Measure of Set Size
   7.3 Some Facts about Convex Hulls
   7.4 Continuous-time Systems Under State Feedback
   7.5 Discrete-time Systems Under State Feedback
   7.6 Extension to Output Feedback
   7.7 Conclusions

Chapter 8. On Enlarging the Domain of Attraction
   8.1 Introduction
   8.2 Continuous-time Systems
   8.3 Discrete-time Systems
   8.4 Conclusions

Chapter 9. Semi-global Stabilization with Guaranteed Regional Performance
   9.1 Introduction
   9.2 Expansion of the Domain of Attraction
   9.3 Semi-globalization -- Discrete-time Systems
   9.4 Semi-globalization -- Continuous-time Systems
   9.5 An Example
   9.6 Conclusions

Chapter 10. Disturbance Rejection with Stability
  10.1 Introduction
  10.2 Continuous-time Systems
  10.3 Discrete-time Systems
  10.4 Conclusions

Chapter 11. On Maximizing the Convergence Rate
  11.1 Introduction
  11.2 Continuous-time Systems
  11.3 Discrete-time Systems
  11.4 Conclusions

Chapter 12. Output Regulation -- Continuous-time Systems
  12.1 Introduction
  12.2 Preliminaries and Problem Statement
  12.3 The Regulatable Region
  12.4 State Feedback Controllers
  12.5 Error Feedback Controllers
  12.6 An Example
  12.7 Conclusions

Chapter 13. Output Regulation -- Discrete-time Systems
  13.1 Introduction
  13.2 Preliminaries and Problem Statement
  13.3 The Regulatable Region
  13.4 State Feedback Controllers
  13.5 Error Feedback Controllers
  13.6 Conclusions

Chapter 14. Linear Systems with Non-actuator Saturation
  14.1 Introduction
  14.2 Planar Linear Systems under State Saturation -- Continuous-time Systems
  14.3 Planar Linear Systems under State Saturation -- Discrete-time Systems
  14.4 Semi-global Stabilization of Linear Systems Subject to Sensor     


Contributed by: Martin Ruck, 

The following IFAC Proceedings volumes have recently been published and are 
available from IFAC Publications/Elsevier Science:

Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes 2000
Budapest, Hungary, 14^Ö16 June 2000
A.M. Edelmayer, Cs. Banyasz (editors)
ISBN 0 08 043250 6 (3 volume set)

Control in Transportation Systems 2000
Braunschweig, Germany, 13-15 June 2000
E. Schnieder, U. Becker (editors)
ISBN 0 08 043552 1 (2 volume set)

Modelling & Control in Agriculture, Horticulture & Post-Harvest Processing 
Wageningen, The Netherlands, 10-12 July 2000
G. van Straten, K.J. Keesman, J. Bontsema (editors)
ISBN 0 08 043251 4

Instability Resolution in Regions of Long Confronted Nations 
(Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability)
Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 22-24 May 2000
G.M. Dimirovski (editor)
ISBN 0 08 043690 0

Computer Aided Control Systems Design 2000
Salford, UK, 11-13 September 2000
J.O. Gray (editor)
ISBN 0 08 043660 9

To order, please visit the web pages mentioned above.

For more information about IFAC Publications, including a complete list of 
all Proceedings volumes available, please visit the web page:


Contributed by: Anthony N. Michel, 

 Stability Preserving Mappings, 2nd Edition

By: Anthony N. Michel, University of Notre Dame, Indiana
    Kaining Wang, HubStorm Corporation, California
    Bo Hu, University of Notre Dame, Indiana 
Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, Hardbound, ISBN: 0-8247-0526-2, 732pp

This reference/text addresses the most important results of the Lyapunov
and Lagrange stability theory for a general class of dynamical systems by
developing topics in a metric space setting, independently of equations, 
inequalities, or inclusions; applies the general theory to specific classes 
of dynamicalsystems; and presents new and expanded material on the stability 
analysis of hybrid dynamical systems and dynamical systems with discontinuous 
dynamics. Throughout the book, stability preserving mappings are employed as 
the main vehicle to develop the theory on hand. 

Since the publication of the First Edition of this book, a great deal of
progress has been made in the qualitative analysis of systems with
discontinuous dynamics and hybrid dynamical systems, fueled by current
interests in intelligent control systems, discrete event systems, mechanical
systems with unilateral constraints, and other types of contemporary systems.
Although a very general metric space setting  is employed in the original
version, the results presented in the First Edition are in general not
applicable in the analysis of discontinuous and hybrid dynamical systems. In
particular, in the case of hybrid dynamical systems, different system
components may evolve simultaneously along different notions of "time",
including real time, discrete time, discrete events, temporal logic commands,
jump phenomena, and the like. For the first time in book form, a basic
framework for the qualitative analysis of general hybrid dynamical systems is
presented in the Second Edition, which involves a notion of generalized time.
It turns out that the resulting  model of dynamical system includes most of
the hybrid dynamical systems considered in the literature. Using this model
as a basis, most of the Lyapunov and Lagrange stability results are developed
for hybrid and discontinuous dynamical systems, including converse theorems. 
Throughout the Second Edition, we analyze several important special classes
of discontinuous and hybrid dynamical systems, and we present several case
studies of such  systems, including single- and multi-rate digital feedback
control systems, pulse-width-modulated feedback control systems, variable
structure systems with applications to recurrent artificial neural networks,
linear systems under state saturation constraints, switched systems, systems
with impulsive dynamics and others. 

The book is organized into ten chapters with the following titles:
1. Introduction
2. Dynamical Systems 
3. Stability Preserving Mappings
4. Stability Of Motion
5. Finite Dimensional Systems
6. Infinite Dimensional Systems
7. Differential Inclusions
8. Hybrid Dynamical Systems
9. Stability Of Hybrid And Discontinuous Dynamical Systems
10. Case Studies In Hybrid And Discontinuous Dynamical Systems

Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, Second Edition, should be of
interest as a reference to applied mathematicians; control theorists;
electrical and electronics, mechanical, civil and aerospace engineers;
mathematical physicists; and econometricians. It is also suitable as a text
for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines.

              *                                        *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak, 

June, 2001                                                Issue    37:6


P. Albertos, P. Van den Hof   Obituary for Pieter Eykhoff

Regular Papers

K. Ezal, P. V. Kokotovic, et  Disturbance attenuating output-feedback
 al.                          control of nonlinear systems with local

Yiguang Hong                  H(infinity) control, stabilization and
                              input-output stability of nonlinear systems
                              with homogeneous properties

B. Hamzi, L. Praly            Ignored input dynamics and a new
                              characterization of control Lyapunov functions

H. Ito, R. A. Freeman         State-dependent scaling design for a unified
                              approach to robust backstepping

Z-P. Jiang, Y. Wang           Input-to-state stability for discrete-time
                              nonlinear systems

Brief Papers

V. Ramakrishna, L. R. Hunt,   Parameter variations, relative degree, and
G. Meyer                      stable inversion

M. Arif, T. Ishihara, H.      Incorporation of experience in iterative
Inooka                        learning controllers using locally weighted

L. Zou, M. H. Khammash        Analysis of steady-state tracking errors in
                              sampled-data systems with uncertainty

B-S. Ko, T. F. Edgar          Performance assessment of multivariable
                              feedback control systems

P. Kosmo, M. Pavon            Solving optimal control problems by means of
                              general Lagrange functionals

S. Hanba, Y. Miyasato         Output feedback stabilization of bilinear
                              systems using dead-beat observers

C. Belta, G. Gu, A. Sparks,   Rotating stall control for axial flow
S. Banda                      compressors

J. A. Primbs                  The analysis of optimization based controllers

J. Schoukens, R. Pintelon,    Frequency response functions measurements in
Y. Rolain, T. Dobrowiecki     the presence of nonlinear distortions

H. Wong, M. S. de Queiroz,    Adaptive tracking control using synthesized
V. Kapila                     velocity from attitude measurements


Zhu Ruijun, Pan Xuejun, Hu    Comments on "Robust stabilization of MIMO
Weili                         nonlinear time-varying mismatched uncertain

Book Reviews

Y. Bar-Shalom                 Kalman filtering techniques for radar
                              tracking, by K. V. Ramachandra

B. K. Bose                    Fuzzy control of industrial systems - Theory
                              and applications, by I. S. Shaw

N. Cowan                      Mechanics and control of robots, by K. C.

S. P. Bhattacharyya           The art of control engineering, by K. Dutton,
                              S. Thompson and B. Barraclough

A. Karniel                    Control of movement for the physically
                              disabled, by D. Popovic and T. Sinkjaer


Contributed by: George W Irwin, 

Control Engineering Practice

ISSN   : 0967-0661
Volume : 9, Issue  : 3, March-2001

                         Contents List

pp 233-248
Design and implementation of a room thermostat using an agent-based
A.J.N. van Breemen, T.J.A. de Vries

pp 249-266
On modelling and control of a rotary sugar dryer
S.M. Savaresi, R.R. Bitmead, R. Peirce

pp 267-281
Applying the extended Kalman filter to systems described by nonlinear
differential-algebraic equations
V.M. Becerra, P.D. Roberts, G.W. Griffiths

pp 283-295
Minimising production costs in generation and cogeneration plants
F. Casella, C. Maffezzoni, L. Piroddi, F. Pretolani

pp 297-311
Design of nonlinear observers for detecting faults in hydraulic
sub-sea pipelines
D.N. Shields, S.A. Ashton, S. Daley

pp 313-328
Robust control of electrically-stimulated muscle using polynomial H~
K.J. Hunt, R.-P. Jaime, H. Gollee

pp 329-341
Realisation of a Riccati equation-based controller using
gradient-type neural networks
C.-L. Lin, C.-L. Chen

pp 343-349
Adaptive control of a water supply system
E. Mourad, A. Lachhab, M. Limouri, B. Dahhou, A. Essaid

pp 351-355


Contributed by: Clarence de Silva, Regional Editor (desilva@mech.ubc.ca), 

Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
    	(International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time Automation)
ISSN   : 0952-1976
Volume : 14
Issue  : 2
Date   : Apr-2001

Visit the journal at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/00975
Please note that abstracts are freely accessible by all, full text is
restricted to subscribers only.

pp 105-113
On the modelling of nonlinear dynamic systems using support vector
neural networks
W.C. Chan, C.W. Chan, K.C. Cheung, C.J. Harris

pp 115-124
Neural-network-based self-organized fuzzy logic control for arc welding
L. Di, T. Srikanthan, R.S. Chandel, I. Katsunori

pp 125-137
Perception network for the team of indoor mobile robots: concept,
architecture, implementation
A. Kasinski, P. Skrzypczynski

pp 139-154
PNNARMA model: an alternative to phenomenological models in chemical reactors
I.M. Galvan, P. Isasi, J.M. Zaldvar

pp 155-166
Inductive learning of decision trees: application to fault isolation
of an induction motor
D. Pomorski, P.B. Perche

pp 167-181
Evolutionary algorithms, simulated annealing and tabu search: a
comparative study
H. Youssef, S. M. Sait, H. Adiche

pp 183-188
Design and analysis of fuzzy schedulers using fuzzy Lyapunov synthesis
M. Margaliot, G. Langholz

pp 189-201
Fuzzy logic-based forecasting model
T. Frantti, P. Mahonen

pp 203-216
CAD for fault tree-based diagnosis of industrial processes
M. Kavcic, D. Juricic

pp 217-227
A strategy for diagnosing complex multiple-fault situations with a
higher accuracy/cost ratio
D. Rozier

pp 229-238
The use of a heuristic search technique for the optimization of
quality of steel billets produced by continuous casting
N. Cheung, A. Garcia

pp 239-254
Knowledge-based approach and system for assembly-oriented design,
Part II: the system implementation
X.F. Zha, H.J. Du, J.H. Qiu

pp 255-263
A preliminary study on qualitative and imprecise solid modelling for
conceptual shape modelling
H. Shu, J. Liu, Y. Zhong

pp I-IV


Contributed by: Gabriela Stroian, 

Contents European Journal of Control Vol.6, no. 5, 2000
Special Issue "Anti-Windup"


A benchmark example for anti-windup synthesis in active vibration isolation 
tasks and an L_2 anti-windup solution
L. Zaccarian and A.R. Teel

^ÓFeedback^Ô and ^ÓFeedforward^Ô conditioning techniques 
R. Hanus and Ph. Bogaerts

Stability properties and effects of measurement disturbances on anti-windup 
PI- and PID-control
A.H. Glattfelder, J. Todtli and W. Schaufelberger

A performance criterion for Anti-Windup compensators
A. Rantzer
Discussions on the paper by E.F. Mulder and M.V. Kothare and L. Zaccarian and 
A.R. Teel.
Multivariable Anti-Windup controller synthesis using bilinear matrix 
E.F. Mulder, M.V. Kothare and M. Morari
Discussion on the paper by L. Zaccarian and A.R. Teel.

Anti-Windup and model predictive control: Reflections and connections
J.A. De Dona, G.C. Goodwin and M.M. Seron
Discussions on the paper by E.F. Mulder and M.V. Kothare and L. Zaccarian and 
A.R. Teel.

Information on European Journal of Control is available at its home page:

Address for submissions:
	I.D. Landau
	European Journal of Control
	Laboratoire d'Automatique 
	38402 Saint Martin d'Hères
	E-mail : Ioan-Dore.Landau@inpg.fr


Contributed by: Sharron Lawrence, 

International Journal of Control
Volume 74, Number 5, March 2001

On aperiodicity theorems 425 - 431
A. T. Fuller; E. I. Jury

Adaptive stabilization of non-linear oscillators using direct adaptive
control 432 - 444
Jeongho Hong; Dennis S. Bernstein

Stationary bifurcation control of systems with uncontrollable
linearization 445 - 452
Taihyun Kim; Eyad H. Abed

Decoupling and tracking control using eigenstructure assignment
for linear time-varying systems 453 - 464
Jae Weon Choi; Ho Chul Lee; J. Jim Zhu

Stabilization of Hamiltonian systems with dissipation 465 - 473
Daizhan Cheng; Sarah Spurgeon

Passivity-based robust control of systems with redundant sensors
and actuators 474 - 481
S. M. Joshi; A. G. Kelkar

Model-based predictive control for Hammerstein-Wiener systems 482 - 495
H. H. J. Bloemen; T. J. J. Van Den Boom; H. B. Verbruggen

A solution technique for almost perfect tracking of non-minimum-phase,
discrete-time linear systems 496 - 506
Lorenzo Marconi; Giovanni Marro; Claudio Melchiorri

Adaptive and non-adaptive 'pole-placement' control of multivariable
linear time-varying plants 507 - 523
Suttipan Limanond; Kostas S. Tsakalis

On-line discontinuities identification in noisy signals: application
to Kalman filtering 524 - 536
C. Bruni; A. De Santis; D. Iacoviello



Contributed by: Yuri Sachkov, 

                          Vol. 7, No. 2  April 2001

Philippe Jouan
C^infty and L^infty Observability of Single-Input C^infty-Systems
pp. 151--169

M.A. Hammami
On the Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems with Uncertainty
pp. 171--179

Zhonghai Ding
Optimal Boundary Controls of Linear Elastostatics
on Lipschitz Domains with Point Observations
pp. 181--207

Ugo Boscain and Benedetto Piccoli
Extremal Synthesis for Generic Planar Systems
pp. 209--258

A.A. Arzhanov
Small Oscillations of Viscous Capillary Fluid:
The WKB Approximation
pp. 259--275

M. Lemasurier
Singularities of Second-Order Implicit Differential
Equations: A Geometrical Approach
pp. 277--298


Contributed by: Hans Schneider, 

Journal: Linear Algebra and its Applications
ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 327
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 15-Apr-2001

Visit the journal at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

pp 1-15
Analysis on eigenvalues for preconditioning cubic spline collocation
method of elliptic equations
S. Dong Kim, Y. HunLee

pp 17-26
A variant of the Hausdorff theorem for multi-index matrices II
S. Keska

pp 27-40
Matrix groups with independent spectra
G. Cigler

pp 41-51
Square nearly nonpositive sign pattern matrices
Y. Hou, J. Li

pp 53-60
Possible line sums for a qualitative matrix
C.R. Johnson, S.A. Lewis, D.Y. Yau

pp 61-68
On the potential stability of star sign pattern matrices
Y. Gao, J. Li

pp 69-83
Corrigendum/addendum to: Sets of matrices all infinite products of
which converge
I. Daubechies, J.C. Lagarias

pp 85-94
On Perron complements of totally nonnegative matrices
S.M. Fallat, M. Neumann

pp 95-104
On invertibility and positive invertibility of matrices
M.I. Gil'

pp 105-114
Pattern correlation matrices and their properties
A. Rukhin

pp 115-119
A generalization of Saad's theorem on Rayleigh-Ritz approximations
G.W. Stewart

pp 121-130
Complete positivity of matrices of special form
J. Drew, C. Johnson, F. Lam

pp 131-149
Approximating commuting operators
J. Holbrook, M. Omladic

pp 151-180
Products of transvections in one conjugacy class of the symplectic
group over the p-adic numbers
E.W. Ellers, H. Lausch

pp 181-196
Chebyshev-Hankel matrices and the splitting approach for
centrosymmetric Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices
G. Heinig

pp 197-206
Additive mappings on operator algebras preserving absolute values
M. Radjabalipour, K. Seddighi, Y. Taghavi

pp 207-223
Generalized controlled and conditioned invariances for linear
@w-periodic discrete-time systems
N. Otsuka

pp 225
Author Index


Contributed by: Kathryn Cousins, 

   Transactions of the Institute of Measurement & Control
              Vol. 3, No. 2, 2001

D-type learning control for nonlinear time-varying systems with unknown
initial states and inputs
XG Yan, IM Chen and J Lam
Pages 69-82

Comparative study of a sliding mode speed and position control of a vector
controlled induction machine
X Yu, MW Dunnigan and BW Williams
Pages 83-101

Decentralized tracking for a class of interconnected nonlinear systems using
variable structure control with application to a drill and dry jet mixing
XY Cheng TP Leung
Pages 102-126

Design of a state feedback controller to achieve minimum eigenvalue
differential sensitivity
H Jin and D McLean
Pages 127-138

For further information, please visit the following URL:

              *                                        *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Michael Athans, 


Campus of the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
July 9-12, 2002

We solicit regular papers and proposals for invited sessions in all
aspects of the theory, algorithms, and applications of systems, control,
automation, robotics, operations research, intelligent systems, signal
processing, communication networks and related disciplines.

Papers and Proposals for Invited Sessions due: eb. 1, 2002
Author Notification: pril 15, 2002
Final Manuscript due: May 7, 2002
Conference Starts: July 9, 2002

REGISTRATION FEES (includes proceedings, coffee breaks, cocktail party
and banquet)
Before May 10, 2002: 400 EUROS
After May 10, 2002: 450 EUROS
Students: 75 EUROS (excluding banquet and cocktail party)

INVITED PLENARY SPEAKERS:  We already have commitments from the
following eight international experts including their tentative plenary
lecture topic.

1. Prof. John C. Doyle, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, 
Calif., USA - Complex Systems
2. Prof. Pravin P. Varaiya, Univ. of California at Berkeley, Berkeley,
Calif., USA - Hierarchical Control of Autonomous Systems
3. Prof. David G. Luenberger, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.,
USA - Systems Theory and Financial Engineering Systems
4. Prof. Edward R. Crawley, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., USA - Control of
Precision Optical Systems
5. Prof. Henrik I. Christensen, Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, SWEDEN - Advances in Robotic Systems
6. Prof. Olivier Faugeras, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, FRANCE and MIT,
Cambridge, Mass., USA - Advances in Image Processing and Computer Vision
7. Prof. Munther A. Dahleh, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., USA - Robust Control
for Linear and Nonlinear Systems
8. Prof. P.R. Kumar, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA - 
Control Issues in Wireless Networks

Updates and details can be found at: http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/med2002/
Contact us at:  med2002@isr.ist.utl.pt


Contributed by: Pedro A. González Lanza, 


Capitolio de La Habana, Cuba
January 16 - 19, 2002


During the past decade, paradigms and benefits from neuro fuzzy systems
(NF) have been growing tremendously. Today, not only does NF solve
scientific problems, but its applications are also appearing in our daily
lives. In order to discuss the state of the art in NF and the future of
these exciting topics; we are honored to invite you to Neuro-Fuzzy 2002.
We believe it will be an excellent opportunity to share our knowledge on
NF and contribute to its development in this century. This major
international conference will be held in a very enjoyable location:
Havana, the Capital of Cuba, where we hope you will experience the famous 
Cuban hospitality.

Organizing Committee 

Honorary Chair: Prof. Hans-Juergen Zimmermann, Germany.
General Chair : Hans-Heinrich Bothe, Denmark 

Special Scientific Events Chair: Alberto Ochoa,Cuba 
Scientific Program Chair : Hans Hellendoorn, The Netherlands
Scientific Program Co-Chair: Pedro González Lanza,Cuba 

Local Committee Chair: Orestes Llanes-Santiago, Cuba 
Local Committee Co-Chair: Abelardo del Pozo Quintero, Cuba 
Publication Chair: Antonio Di Nola, Italy 
Publication Committee Co-Chair: Vincenzo Loia,Italy 
Administration and Finance:ITS Transnational.

Sponsored/supported by:

IFSA: International Fuzzy Systems Association
Technical University of Denmark
ISPJAE: Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría
ICIMAF: Instituto de Cibernética, Matemática y Física 
UCLV: Universidad de Las Villas 
UO: Universidad de Oriente 
RAC: Red de Automática de Cuba 
Ministerio de Educación Superior de la República de Cuba 
Ministerio de la Informática y las Comunicaciones de la República de Cuba 
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente de la República de Cuba. 
ICSC/NAISO Canada/The Netherlands

Topics suggested (not limited to):

1.Advanced Neuro and Fuzzy Paradigms 
2.Data Granulation and Fuzzy Rule Extraction 
3.Advanced Training Algorithms 
4.Evolutionary Computation (GA, GP, ET) and Graphical Models 
5.Chaotic Behavior and Fractals 
6.Applications in signal processing, control, robotics, etc. 

Of particular interest are applications from the following fields: Sound and
image processing, pattern recognition, image understanding, feature binding,
perception, sensor fusion, controller design, state observation, motor
control, mobile robotics, autonomous navigation, deliberation and planning,
active anchoring, gain-scheduling, fault detection, hardware solutions,
data mining, financing, e-commerce. 


Authors are requested to send an extended abstract, or the full paper of
minimum 4 and maximum 7 pages for review, by the International Program 

All submissions must be written in English,  starting with a succinct 
statement of the problem, the results achieved, their significance and
a comparison with previous work. 

Regular papers, as well as poster presentations, tutorial papers 
and invited sessions are encouraged.


Submission Deadline:             May 31, 2001
Notification of Acceptance:    August 15, 2001
Delivery of Final Manuscripts: October 31, 2001
Conference NF'2002:             January 16/19, 2002

Please visit the conference web site for more details.


Contributed by: Gang Tao, 

              Call for Submission and Participation in 

                 the 2001 International Symposium on
             Adaptive and Intelligent Systems and Control

        University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
                     Thursday, June 28, 2001


As researches in adaptive systems and control and that in intelligent systems 
and control have experienced tremendous successes in both theory and 
applications and are developing rapidly with emergence of new encouraging 
solutions to open challenging problems, this symposium is aimed at acting as 
an international forum for researchers in these areas to present recent 
results, discuss new ideas, and expand future directions. The symposium is to 
take place on the day after the 2001 American Control Conference to be held 
on Monday, June 25 - Wednesday, June 27, 2001, in Arlington, Virginia, USA.


Any topics in theory and applications of adaptive system and control, and of 
intelligent systems and control will be welcome, including but not limited to:
Adaptive control, adaptive filtering, adaptive signal processing and 
communications systems, artificial neural networks, computational
intelligence, control education, control of distributed parameter systems,
control software, dynamic systems modeling, estimation, fault tolerance and
detection, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, hybrid systems, intelligent
automation, intelligent control, intelligent telerobotics, knowledge-based
systems, learning  systems and control, magnetic bearing systems,
modeling and adaptive control of biosystems, multi-agent systems,
multi-mode control, neural systems, network theory, nonlinear systems and
control, pattern recognition, PID tuning, real-time systems modeling and
control, self-organizing systems, sensor and actuator failure compensation,
smart material and structures, stability and robustness analysis, switching
control, system identification, system simulations.


Submission of extended abstracts (2 pages): before April 20, 2001
(please send your aubmission to gt9s@virginia.edu)
Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2001
Conference time: June 28, 2001 (Thursday, the next day after ACC2001)
A proceedings of abstracts for all presentations will be distributed. 
Selected full papers are to be published as a monograph if interested.


Organizer and Chair: Professor Gang Tao
                     Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                     University of Virginia
                     Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA

                     Tel: 804-924-4586 
                     Fax: 804-924-8818
                     Email: gt9s@virginia.edu
City of Charlottesville, where the 1981 Joint Automatic Control Conference 
was held on University of Virginia's campus, is located in Central Virginia, 
approximately 100 miles southwest of Washington, D.C. (Arlington, Virginia) 
and 70 miles northwest of Richmond, Virginia. It is situated at the foothills 
of the Blue Ridge Mountains and near the Shenandoah National Park, with a 
local area population 150,000. It is a unique place in the United States that 
combines a picturesque and cultivated countryside so rich in historical 
associations with the proximity of a national park and a wide array of 
cultural opportunities, as named by the Money Magazine in 1998 as a top 
beautiful and livable city in the US, with many attractions including.

For more information about University of Virginia and City of
Charlottesville, go to 


Contributed by: Silviu-Iulian NICULESCU, 

3rd IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems
December 8-10, 2001
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Please visit the conference web site:


The growing interest of the scientific community in the control of time delay 
systems and its applications motivated the first two workshops on Linear Time 
Delay Systems in July 1998 (Grenoble, France), and in September 2000 (Ancona, 
Italy). This third workshop follows the same tradition.

SPONSORS: IFAC Technical Committee on Linear Systems, EECE Department 
University of New Mexico, Ibero-American Science and Technology Education 

TOPICS: modeling and identification, stability and stabilization, robustness 
issues, filtering and estimation, infinite dimensional systems, 2D and nD 
systems, approximation techniques and numerical methods, control schemes, 
applications (communication, bioengineering, economics).

INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: M. Ariola (Italy), B.A. Leon de la Barra 
(Chile), A. Bellen (Italy), R. Byrne (USA), J. Chiasson (USA), J. Chen (USA), 
R. Datko (USA), J.-M. Dion (France), L. Dugard (France), M. Fliess (France), 
W. Haddad (USA), J.K. Hale (USA), M. Jamshidi (USA), V. Kapila (USA), V. 
Kharitonov (Mexico), V.B. Kolmanovskii (Russia), J.-F. Lafay (France), J. 
Louisell (USA), A. Matasov (Russia), S.-I. Niculescu (France, chairman), Z.J. 
Palmor (Israel), V. Rasvan (Romania), J.-P. Richard (France), M. Sorine 
(France), C.E. de Souza (Brazil), K. Uchida (Japan), S.M. Verduyn Lunel (The 
Netherlands), E.I. Verriest (USA), G. Weiss (UK).

NATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: C.T. Abdallah (chairman), K. Gu (program 
editor), M. Jamshidi (local arrangements).


May 1st, 2001: Expression of intention for invited session due
May 15,  2001: Submission of contributed papers and invited sessions 
               proposal due
July 15, 2001: Notification of acceptance
Sept 15, 2001: Final camera ready manuscript due 
Sept 15, 2001: Advanced registration
December 8-10: Workshop


Five (5) copies of full papers (maximum 6 double column pages) should
be sent to:
Prof. Keqin GU
IFAC TDS2001 Workshop
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Engineering Building, Room 2044
Phone: 618-650-2803
Fax: 618-650-2555
E-mail: kgu@siue.edu

by May 15, 2001. Electronic submissions in Postscript form as e-mail 
attachments are also accepted. No other format will be accepted.


Proposal for invited sessions within the scope of the workshop are welcome. 
Those interested in organizing an invited session should contact:
Dr. Silviu-Iulian NICULESCU
Universite de Technologie de Compiegne,
Centre de Recherche de Royallieu, BP 20529,
Phone: +33-3-44-23-44-84
Fax: +33-3-44-23-44-77
E-mail: silviu@hds.utc.fr

as soon as possible but no later by May 1st, 2001. Five (5) copies of invited 
session proposal are due on May 15, 2001. Electronic submissions in 
Postscript form as e-mail attachments are also accepted. No other format will 
be accepted.


Contributed by: Alexander Fradkov, 

             Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA, July 4-6, 2001


The preliminary program of NOLCOS'01 is now completed. About 330 
papers representing 47 countries were selected from more than 400 
submissions. The number of papers and number of submissions are 
twice more than those for previous NOLCOS'98. 

                                    Alexander Kurzhanski, IPC Chairman
                                    Alexander Fradkov, NOC Chairman


Language: English will be the official language. No simultaneous
 translation will be provided.
Proceedings: Symposium preprints on CD-ROM and program with abstracts volume
 will be distributed among the participants at the Registration desk. 
 Additionally, hard copy of the preprints (3 volumes) can be ordered 
 see Registration form at http://www.rusycon.ru/confs/nolcos/Ncsregf.htm
Registration: Advance registration (before April 15) is recommended. The
 Registration form should be completed and returned, together with the
 payment, to the Organizing Committee of NOLCOS'01. The form is located at:
Accomodation:  Hotel reservation information also appears on registration

Advance Program can be found on the web: http://www.rusycon.ru/confs/nolcos/
The list of  Plenary/Semiplenary speakers includes (tentatively):
   R.Brockett (USA)              C.J.Byrnes (USA)
   E.A.Fedosov (Russia)          R.Gabasov and F.M.Kirillova (Belarus)
   A.Isidori (Italy)             P.V.Kokotovic (USA)
   N.N.Krasovski (Russia)        V.M.Kuntsevich (Ukraine)
   O.Maler (France)              A.S.Morse (USA)
   D.A.Ovsyannikov (Russia)      S.Sastry (USA)
   E.Sontag (USA)                P.Varaiya (USA)
One of NOLCOS'01  highlights will be the special session
dedicated to centenary of A.I.Lur'e, one of the founders of nonlinear
control, who lived and worked in St.Petersburg. Among speakers of this
special session will be I.I.Blekhman, M.R.Liberzon,  K.A.Lurie,
V.A.Yakubovich, P.A.Zhilin, L.M.Zubov.

St.Petersburg (the former capital of Russia) with about 5 millions
inhabitants is recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in the
world. Various guided tours over St.Petersburg and suburbs including 
visits to Tsars' palaces and museums will be organized. Spectacular 
season of "White Nights" will grant you with life-time impressions.
Symposium banquet will take place in one of the historical buildings.

St.Petersburg is a historical scientific center of Russia, where the 
1st Russian University and Russian Academy of Sciences were founded 
275 years ago. Among first professors of St.Petersburg University
were Leonhard Euler (who lived in St.Petersburg for  30 years and
wrote about 500 of his 865 papers there) and Daniil Bernoulli. In 
addition to sightseeing tours we are planning to organize historical
scientific tours including visits to historical buildings of 
St.Petersburg University and Russian Academy of Sciences. You will have
unique possibility  to see houses where L.Euler, P.Chebyshev, 
A.M.Lyapunov, A.A.Markov lived and worked and even the L.Euler's tomb.

St.Petersburg is located in the mouth of Neva river near the Finnish
Gulf of the Baltic Sea. There are daily flights of major international
carriers to the International airport "Pulkovo" of St.Petersburg.
It also can be reached from Helsinki, Finland by plane (0.5 hours)
or by train (4 hours).

Please note that the entrance visa for visiting Russia is required
for most countries.  For issuing the visa please send us your
registration data using the registration form at:
PERSONS by FAX +7-812-321-4771 as soon as possible, preferably not later
than  on April 15, 2001. Then we will arrange the formal visa support
letter which should be submitted to the appropriate Russian Consulate
along with your application for Russian visa.

All further information including Advance Program will be posted on
NOLCOS'01 web-site:

The Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering
61 Bolshoy ave. V.O.
199178, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA
Tel: +7(812)321-4766, +7(812)321-4778, Fax: +7(812)321-4771
E-mail: nolcos@ipme.ru  nolcos@nm.ru


Contributed by: Peter Benner, 

       First announcement of a workshop and training course


       September 27-29, 2001,  University of Bremen, Germany


With the ever-increasing complexity of control systems, efficient 
computational methods for their analysis and design are becoming more and
more important. These computational methods need to be based on reliable
and robust numerical software provided by well-tested and user-friendly
software libraries.

This workshop and training course is intended as a tutorial on the use
of the freeware Subroutine Library in Systems and Control Theory (SLICOT)
for solving practical control engineering problems within computer-aided
control systems design (CACSD) environments.  SLICOT-based software
usually has improved reliability and efficiency as well as extended
functionality compared to the computational methods implemented in other
CACSD software packages.

Some of the world's leading experts in the field of computational methods
in CACSD will introduce SLICOT-based software to be used either within
Matlab and the Matlab Control Toolbox or the CACSD package Scilab.

The course includes hands-on training during which participants will
solve practical problems in control systems design using this software.
Major topics of the course are

 * basic control software
 * system identification
 * model reduction
 * robust control design using H-infinity techniques

During the poster session participants will have the opportunity to
present their own projects and to discuss current problems or open


 * Peter Benner (University of Bremen, Germany)
 * Joris de Cuyper (Leuven Measurement Systems Intl. (LMS), Belgium)
 * Da-Wei Gu (Leicester University, UK)
 * Sven Hammarling (NAG - The Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford, UK)
 * Petko Petkov (Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
 * Vasile Sima (Research Institute for Informatics, Bucharest, Romania)
 * Paul Van Dooren (Universite Catholique de Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium)
 * Sabine Van Huffel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
 * Andras Varga (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany)
 * Michel Verhaegen (University of Twente, Netherlands)


For a preliminary program see


 * Peter Benner               Zentrum fuer Technomathematik/AG Numerik
 * Angelika Bunse-Gerstner    University of Bremen, Germany

   in cooperation with the

 * Numerics in Control Network (NICONET)
   funded by the European Community BRITE-EURAM III Thematic Networks


Further information on SLICOT, NICONET and examples for the
application of SLICOT-based software to some control-engineering
problems can be found at http://www.win.tue.nl/niconet

For more information on the workshop please visit

or contact

  Dr. Ronald Stoever
  Phone:  +49 (0) 421 218-9502
  Fax:    +49 (0) 421 218-4863
  E-Mail: stoever@math.uni-bremen.de

You may register electronically at

Deadline for registration is September 1, 2001.


Contributed by: Laurence T. Yang, 


The 3rd Workshop on High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing
with Applications (HPSECA-01)

       Valencia, Spain, September 03-07, 2001

in conjunction with
2001 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2001)

Scope and Interests:

Parallel and distributed scientific and engineering computing has become a
key technology which will play an important part in determining, or at least
shaping, future research and development activities in many academic and
industrial branches. This special workshop is to bring together computer
scientists, applied mathematicians and researchers to present, discuss and
exchange idea, results, work in progress and experience of research  in the
area of parallel and distributed computing for problems in science and
engineering applications.

Among the main topics (but not limited to) are:

   * development of advanced parallel and distributed methods,
   * parallel and distributed computing techniques and codes,
   * practical experiences using various supercomputers with software
such as MPI, PVM, and High Performance Fortran, OpenMP, etc.
   * applications to numerical fluid mechanics and material sciences,
   * applications to signal and image processing, dynamic systems,
semiconductor technology, and electronic circuits and system design etc.

Submission Information:

Authors should send one copy of paper in either PS or PDF format at most
15 pages to the workshop organizers  (lyang@stfx.ca or pan@cs.gsu.edu)
via electronic mail or three copies via postal mail. Contributions will be
reviewed by at least three reviewers from both Program Committee and external
reviewers for relevance and technical contents on basis of papers. Accepted
papers with at most 8 pages will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press
as proceedings of the ICPP 2001 workshops. A special issue of International
Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High Performance Computing is 

Further information about the conference proceedings and  registration
fee can be found by web sites:


Important Deadlines:

Paper submission Due         (April 15, 2001)
Notification of Acceptance   May 1, 2001
Final camera-ready paper     June 1, 2001

Workshop Organizers:

Prof. Laurence T. Yang (chair) Department of Computer Science
PO Box 5000, St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, B2G 2W5, Nova Scotia, Canada

Prof. Yi Pan (Co-Chair) Department of Computer Science
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA

Technical Committee:  (see conference page)


Contributed by: Dr. Benoit Caillaud, 


        Symposium on the Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems
                 23 July 2001, Campus "Jussieu", Paris, France

                                Call for Papers

Abstracts or full papers of contributed talks are requested for the
symposium. The deadline for submission of contributions is Tuesday 1st
May 2001.

Aims and Scope

The French joint research project "MARS" on control synthesis of
discrete event systems using Petri nets has allowed researchers from
several laboratories to develop original controller synthesis methods,
tools and applications.  The aim of the symposium is to gather a larger
community of researchers interested in supervisory control of discrete
event systems and outline new trends and problems in the field.


The symposium programme will consist of both contributed talks (30
minutes) and invited lectures (one hour), covering different topics on
the supervisory control of discrete event systems. Proceedings will be
published and distributed to participants.


The symposium will be held at Campus "Jussieu", Paris, France.

Supervisory control of discrete event systems; Hierarchic, decentralised
and distributed control; Graph/language theoretic approaches to
controller synthesis; Algorithms and methods for synthesising discrete
event controllers; Symbolic and linear programming methods for controller
synthesis; Monitoring of Petri net systems; Applications of supervisory
control to: automated manufacturing systems, process control, workflow
management, autonomous transportation vehicles, software engineering.


6 pages abstracts or 12 pages full papers in English may be submitted
before Tuesday 1st May 2001. Submissions should be sent by email in
postscript or PDF formats to: scodes2001@irisa.fr. In case submission by
email is not feasible, contributions should be sent by post to the

Programme committee
          - Pr. X. Xie, INRIA Lorraine, Metz, France, programme chair,
          - Pr. A. Arnold, Labri, univ. Bordeaux 1, France,
          - Pr. R. Boel, Universiteit Gent, Belgium,
          - Pr. A. Giua, Universita' di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy,
          - Pr. S. Lafortune, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA,
          - Dr. H. Marchand, IRISA, Rennes, France


        Dr. Benoit Caillaud
        Campus universitaire de Beaulieu
        35042 Rennes cedex
        email: Benoit.Caillaud@irisa.fr
        telephone: +33 2 99 84 74 07
        fax: +33 2 99 84 25 32

Important dates

          - 1 May : Deadline for abstract/paper submission,
          - 1 June : Notification of acceptation/rejection of contributions
          - 1 July : Deadline for final versions of accepted papers,
          - 6 July : Deadline for registration,
          - 23 July : SCODES'2001 Symposium.

The symposium is sponsored by INRIA and is affiliated to the CAV'01
conference (18-23 July 2001)

Home page of the joint research project "MARS":

SCODES'2001 home page:

CAV'01 home page:

Campus "Jussieu" home page:


Contributed by: Qing-Guo Wang, 

            September 25-27, 2002, 


The Asian Control Conference (ASCC) is now a bi-annual event and
a major control event held in Asia. The 4th ASCC (ASCC'02) provides 
researchers, engineers and professionals worldwide with excellent 
opportunities to get together and exchange their findings and views. 
All the submissions will be reviewed and accepted ones included in 
the conference proceedings. Topics of interest are in the broad area 
of control and automation, and include, but are not limited to:
System Theory, PID Control, Nonlinear Control, Adaptive Control and Tuning,
Multivariable Control, Predictive Control, Fuzzy and Neural Systems,
Hybrid and Supervisory Systems, GA and Evolutionary Computing,
Information Technology' Mechatronics, Guidance and Navigation,
Process and Chemical Systems, Measurement and Sensing, Business and
Management, Real-Time Systems, Aerospace, Automotive Control, Identification
and Estimation, Linear Control, Robust Control, Optimal Control and
Optimization, Intelligent and Learning Control, Fault Detection, Discrete
Event Systems, Simulation and Control CAD, Signal Processing, Robotics and
Motion Control, Manufacturing Systems, Power Systems, Environmental and
Bio-engineering, Large Scale Systems, Human-Machine Systems,
Control Education, Transportation Systems, AI and Expert systems

Prospective authors are invited to submit 3 copies of an extended 
summary of about 1000 words to:Professor Qing-Guo WangProgram Chair, 
ASCC' 02 c/o Center for Intelligent ControlDept of Computer & Electrical
Engineering National University of Singapore Singapore 117576 
Proposals for special sessions are also solicited and should be submitted
to Professor Iven Mareel Special Session Chair c/o Center for Intelligent
Control Dept of Computer & Electrical Engineering National University of
Singapore Singapore 117576 Email: elemimy@nus.edu.sg

Shimemura Young Author Prize consists of a certificate and a monetary 
award of US$500. The contributions with the first author under age 35 
on 25 September 2002 are eligible. The criteria are high technical 
quality and a good presentation of the papers. The finalists are informed
with notification of acceptance. The winners are decided by a selection 
committee and awarded at the closing ceremony. Eligible authors wishing 
to be considered for this prize should indicate it when they submit 

Best Poster Paper Prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award 
of US$300. The criteria are high technical quality and a good 
presentation of the poster papers. The winners are decided by a selection
committee and awarded at the closing ceremony. 

Professional Activities Center
National University of Singapore

In cooperation with IFAC

C.C. Hang, Singapore
H. Kimura, Japan
W.H. Kwon, Korea

T.H. Lee, Singapore
A.M. Fong, Singapore

Q.-G. Wang, Singapore
M. Araki, Japan
Z. Bien, Korea
R. Evans, Australia
Y.G. Xi, China 

I. Mareels, Australia

The Secretariat, ASCC'02 
Professional Activities Center
Faculty of Engineering
National Univ. of Singapore
Singapore 117576
Tel: (65)-7782314
Email: ascc2002@nus.edu.sg

	Deadline for Submissions:
	January 31, 2002
	Notification of Acceptance:
	April 15, 2002
	Submission of Final Papers:
	May 31, 2002
	Conference Schedule:
	September 25-27, 2002


Contributed by: Julius Kusuma, 

In the honor of LAURENT EL GHAOUI
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
August 22, 2001
Recent advances in linear matrix inequality and convex optimization have
lent novel insights into problems in optimization, controls, communications
and signal processing. This special symposium will celebrate contributions
of Laurent El Ghaoui, and highlight the recent trends and results, presented
by leading researchers in diverse areas such as optimization, hybrid
controls, information theory, and others.
In this special symposium we invite the leading experts in optimization
and controls for a one-day seminar at UC Berkeley.
Invited speakers include:
- Prof. Shankar Sastry, U.C. Berkeley
- Prof. Stephen Boyd, Stanford University
- Prof. Eric Feron, MIT
- Prof. Kannan Ramchandran, U.C. Berkeley
The complete schedule is available at http://basics.eecs.berkeley.edu/opt.
For conference registration, please send a check for $70 ($30 for students)
made to "The Regents of the University of California", addressed to:
        U.C. Berkeley EECS Department
        attn: Julius Kusuma
        307-1 Cory Hall
        Berkeley, CA 94720

              *                                        *
                          End of Eletter 152
              *                                        *