E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 151, March 1, 2001.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                    Eletter 151, March, 2001

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel +937 775 5062
           Fax +937 775 3936


0.	Editorial

1.	Personals
	1.1	Adress change

2.	General Announcements
	2.1	Control Systems Society Technology Award
	2.2	UKACC Lecture: Design of Fly-By-Wire Flight Control Systems
	2.3	W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize

3.	Positions
	3.1	Control andor Power Systems Engineer
	3.2	Intelligent Systems at Oklahoma University
	3.3	Ph.D. Position at Eindhoven and Tilburg Universities
	3.4	PhD Studentship in Systems Biology
	3.5	Position: Train-Traffic in Large Networks
	3.6	Post-Doc Position in Robust MPC at Imperial College
	3.7	Post-Doctoral Position: Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 
	3.8	Post-doctoral Fellow: Metal spray tooling process
	3.9	Post-doctoral Research in Kernel-based Non-linear Adaptive Filtering
	3.10	Postdoc Fellow in Control of Smart Structures
	3.11	Postdoctoral Position in Biomedical Signal-Processing
	3.12	Research Position: Real Time Systems
	3.13	Research Positions Xerox PARC

4.	Books
	4.1	Fixed Interval Smoothing for State Space Models
	4.2	IFAC Proceedings Recently Published

5.	Journals
	5.1	Contents: Asian Journal of Control
	5.2	Contents: Automatica
	5.3	Contents: Control Engineering Practice
	5.4	Contents: Control Systems Magazine
	5.5	Contents: IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology
	5.6	Contents: International Journal of Control

6.	Conferences
	6.1	5th Int Symposium on QFT and Robust Freq Domain Methods
	6.2	CFP: 4th Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis
	6.3	Call for Papers: 7th International Conference MMAR
	6.4	Control and Measurement Engineering Education
	6.5	Fourth SIAM Conf on Linear Algebra in Signals Systems and Control
	6.6	Summer School on Mathematical Control Theory

              *                                        *
              *                                        *

Welcome to the 151st issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate.

A web version of the e-letter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents can be found at:

IMPORTANT: The intent of e-letter is to accomodate as many announcements
of intersest to our subscribers as possible. However, please note that
in order to maintain efficiency of this media for information
dissemination, the size of e-letter must remain manageable. Submission
of very lengthy articles unduly increases the length of the e-letter
and forces the editorial scissors to become active. Please try and keep
your announcements to less than 100 lines of text. 

              *                                        *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Ayeley Philippe TCHANGANI, tchangani@geii.iut-tarbes.fr

Please find my new adress:

Département GEII, IUT de Tarbes, Université Toulouse III
1, rue Lautréamont, BP 1624
65016 Tarbes Cedex, France
Phone:		+33 (0)5 62 44 42 53
Fax: 		+33 (0)5 62 44 42 19
E-Mail:	tchangani@geii.iut-tarbes.fr

              *                                        *
                          General Announcements
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Mike Masten, m.masten@ieee.org

Nominations are solicited for the 2001 IEEE Control Systems Technology
Award.  This annual award is given for outstanding contributions to control
systems technology, either in design and implementation or in project
management.  It may be conferred on either an individual or a team.  The
award is presented at the annual Control Systems Society awards ceremonies 
held at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.  The deadline for 
nominations is 15 May, 2001.  Please send nominations, together with 
supporting documentation, to the Chair of the CSS Technology Award Committee, 
Dr. Michael K. Masten, 2309 Northcrest, Plano, TX 75075, USA, telephone: +1 
972 480 4334, fax: +1 972 761 6966, email: m.masten@ieee.org.


Contributed by: Sophie Curwen, scurwen@iee.org.uk

2001 UKACC Lecture to be held on 21 March at the Royal Aeronautical Society, 
London, UK. 18.00hrs (refreshments at 17.15hrs).
Speaker:Mr Chris Fielding, Flight Control Systems Technologist, BAE Systems

The design of an advanced flight control system is a technically challenging 
task for which a range of engineering disciplines have to align their skills 
and efforts in order to achieve a successful system design.  This 
presentation gives an overview of some of the factors, which need to be 
considered and is intended to serve as an introduction to this stimulating 
subject. Specific aspects covered are: flight dynamics and handling 
qualities, mechanical and fly-by-wire systems, flight control laws and air 
data systems, stores carriage, actuation systems, flight control computer 
implementation and flexible airframe dynamics.

More information http://www.iee.org.uk/Events/b21mar01.htm

The Lecture is FREE and everyone is welcome!


Contributed by: Allison Bogardo, bogardo@siam.org

DEADLINE APPROACHING                       
                             CALL FOR NOMINATIONS
                         W. T. AND IDALIA REID PRIZE
The Reid Prize
SIAM will present the W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize at the 2001 SIAM 
Annual Meeting at the Town and Country Hotel in San Diego, July 9-13.
The award will be given for research in, or other contributions
to, the broadly defined areas of differential equations 
and control theory.  The prize may be given either for a single 
notable achievement or for a collection of such achievements.
The prize is awarded to any member of the scientific community who 
meets the general guidelines of the prize description above.
Description of Award
The award consists of an engraved medal and a USD 10,000 cash prize, plus 
travel expenses to attend the prize ceremony.
A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s) 
should be sent by February 28, 2001 to:
                Professor John A. Burns
                Chair, Reid Prize Selection Committee
                c/o A. G. Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                Telephone: (215) 382-9800
                Fax:       (215) 386-7999
                E-mail:    bogardo@siam.org
Selection Committee
Members of the selection committee are John A. Burns, Chair (Virginia 
Institute of Technology and State University); Ruth F. Curtain 
(University of Groningen); James G. Glimm (State University of New 
York at Stony Brook); John Guckenheimer (Cornell University); and 
Arthur J. Krener (University of California, Davis).

              *                                        *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Dr Eduardo Gallestey, Eduardo.Gallestey@ch.abb.com

ABB is one of the largest industrial, energy and automation
companies in the world. We are looking for qualified engineers to
work in control technologies for power stations and power systems,
and problems related to distributed power generation. Your tasks
will include the creation of mathematical models for these processes,
identification of model parameters, validation of the process models
and the development of appropriate control strategies. Additionally,
our "Automation and Control Team" is attaching increasing importance
to process optimisation and economic modelling. Typical projects within
the team could thus include estimation of the lifetime of power station
components, the effect of distributed power generators on the electricity
grid, power systems stability, and risk analysis of participation 
in energy markets.

A strong foundation in mathematics and physics coupled with an element
of pragmatism will enable you, the control engineer, power systems
engineer or information technologist, to contribute your knowledge to
the automation and optimisation of complex processes. You will work
independently, using a great deal of initiative, in a friendly research
and development environment. 

If you are interested, please, send your application (cover letter with a 
statement of interests, full CV and publication list) to the address below 

Dr Eduardo Gallestey
Department of Information Technologies
ABB Corporate Research Ltd
CH-5405 Baden-Dättwil

or electronically to



Contributed by: Jerry Crain, Director ECE, crain@ou.edu

Electrical and Computer Engineering at OU is participating in a 
Multi-disciplinary Aerospace Engineering program in Intelligent Systems.  
Candidates interested in intelligent control systems are especially encouraged 
to respond to the advertisement below:

Faculty Positions for Intelligent Aerospace Systems Program

The College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma invites applications 
for 3 to 5 new faculty positions at all levels in the area of Intelligent 
Systems. The initial thrust of the program will be Intelligent Aerospace 
Systems.   Preference will be given to applicants who have experience and/or 
training in this field, with research interests in one or more of these areas: 
intelligent design, intelligent control, and autonomous systems.

Faculty in this new interdisciplinary program will have joint appointments in 
two schools within the College. Applicants should indicate a primary and 
secondary school from the following: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 
(AME), Computer Science (CS), Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), and 
Industrial Engineering (IE). The primary school should represent the 
discipline most closely aligned with the applicant's research interests and 
background. The secondary school should reflect the breadth of the applicant's 
This innovative Intelligent Systems program will aid initially in modernizing 
the scope and content of the current Aerospace Engineering program, which has 
an excellent and long-standing legacy and reputation. Thus, the successful 
candidate is expected to be an integral part of this effort while being 
capable of performing well in interdisciplinary teams. Future growth plans for 
the Intelligent Systems program include broadening its scope to include 
thrusts in other disciplines within the College of Engineering.
The mission of the College of Engineering is to produce graduates most sought 
after by industry and investors. The College strategic plan includes 
development of multi-disciplinary partnerships, innovative learning 
technologies, and a balanced mix of publicly and privately funded graduate 
research.  The four schools partnering in the Intelligent Systems program all 
have comprehensive and recognized programs. Further details for each school 
can be found at these web sites: www.ame.ou.edu, www.cs.ou.edu, 
www.ece.ou.edu, and www.ie.ou.edu.

Candidates are expected to hold a Ph.D. in a relevant area. Experience with 
industry is desirable. Applicants are requested to submit a letter of intent 
along with a curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of three references 
to the address below. The first screening will begin on March 15, 2001, and 
the search will continue until the positions are filled.

Dr. William Sutton, Director
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, The University of Oklahoma
865 Asp Avenue, Room 212, Norman, OK 73019-1052
Phone: (405) 325-5011  Fax: (405) 325-1088    e-mail: sutton@ou.edu 

The University of Oklahoma is a comprehensive university located in Norman, 
Oklahoma. Norman has a population of around 100,000 and has one of the best 
public school systems in the nation. The University and the Norman area offer 
a wide range of cultural and recreational activities. Norman is located near 
Oklahoma City, which has a metropolitan population of around 1 million. The 
University of Oklahoma's beautiful 2,000 acre Norman Campus serves over 21,000 
students from all 50 states and 111 countries

The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action 
Employer.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.  OU has a policy of 
being responsive to the needs of dual-career couples.


Contributed by: Maurice Heemels, w.p.m.h.heemels@tue.nl

	A Ph.D. position on "Dynamics and Complementarity"	

	under guidance of 

	Prof. Hans Schumacher, Dr. Peter Kort
	Department of Econometrics and Operations Research
 	Tilburg University (www.kub.nl)
	The Netherlands


	Dr. Maurice Heemels, Prof. Paul van den Bosch
	Control Systems Group
	Department of Electrical Engineering
	Eindhoven University of Technology (www.tue.nl)
	The Netherlands
Recent technological innovations have caused a considerable interest in the 
study of dynamical processes of a mixed continuous and discrete nature. Such 
processes are called hybrid dynamical systems (HDS) and are characterized by 
the interaction of continuous models used by control engineers on one hand 
and logic rules and discrete event systems studied by computer scientists
on the other. A typical example of HDS is formed by automatic control of
physical plants, which involves the interaction between a continuous-time
process and a time-asynchronous digital controller. Besides these human-made
HDS also various physical systems can be described by a multi-modal
behavior. Examples include stick-slip friction in mechanics, and switching
electrical circuits.

The general class of HDS is very large and as a consequence it seems 
reasonable and necessary to restrict oneself to a subclass of HDS that 
carries a clear additional structure so as to facilitate a detailed
analysis and control system design. At the same time, such a class
should be nontrivial and relevant to many practical problems preferably
in many interesting application areas. Complementarity systems (CS)
form such a tractable class that consists of the interconnection of
differential (or difference) equations and a special combination of
inequalities which is known from the linear complementarity problem of
mathematical programming. These systems describe for instance 
piecewise linear and variable-structure systems (e.g. relay systems), 
unilaterally constrained mechanical systems, switched electrical circuits, 
optimal control problems with control or state constraints, mixed logical 
dynamical systems, projected dynamical systems, and they also occur in 
solution methods for HJB equations with discrete choice sets. So, a broad 
range of interesting applications in both the engineering and economical 
domain fall within the class of complementarity systems. 

Research has focussed up to now on questions related to well-posedness 
(existence and uniqueness of solution trajectories), modelling issues and 
numerical simulation methodologies. Based on this fundamental framework we 
aim at developing analysis and synthesis techniques. For instance, the 
characterization of invariant sets (e.g. equilibria or periodic solutions)
is widely open and standard techniques do not apply due to the mixed 
continuous/discrete nature. Concepts of controllability, observability, 
identifaction, stability, stabilizability and optimal control will receive 
more attention in this project.  

We are looking for a candidate having an M.Sc. degree and a strong background 
in mathematics and systems and control theory. Candidates are expected to be 
interested in fundamental research and in working on the boundary of several 
research domains. A good command of the English language is required. The 
appointment will be for four years and as an employee of the university you 
will receive a competitive salary as well as excellent secondary benefits. 
Since the PhD project is sponsored by the joint research pool of Eindhoven 
and Tilburg universities, the position may be taken at either of these 
universities. The cities of Tilburg and Eindhoven are located close to each 
other in the Southern part of the Netherlands. Knowledge of the Dutch 
language is not required, as even outside the university knowledge of
English is sufficient to make oneself understood.

If you are interested in this position, send a detailed curriculum vitae, a 
publication list, your course programme and corresponding grades, references 
and all other information that might be relevant to your application to the 
address below. For further information on the project you can also contact 
Hans Schumacher (jms@kub.nl). 

Maurice Heemels
Control Systems group
Department of Electrical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB  Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tel: +31.40.2473587    Fax: +31.40.2434582  URL: http://www.er.ele.tue.nl/
E-mail: w.p.m.h.heemels@tue.nl


Contributed by: Dr Olaf Wolkenhauer o.wolkenhauer@umist.ac.uk

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD research studentship in DNA 
Microarray Data Analysis to Investigate Gene Function and Regulation, at the 
Department of Biomolecular Sciences, UMIST in collaboration with the Control 
Systems Centre, UMIST. The post is available from September 2001.

The project is designed for graduates with a degree in Engineering, Computer 
Science or Mathematics and who are interested to work in an interdisciplinary 
research environment. Systems Biology is an emerging field of biological 
research that aims at a system-level understanding of the organisation and 
dynamics of genetic pathways through mathematical modelling. The project is 
to focus on the analysis data from DNA microarray time course experiments, 
clustering of time-series data and parametric modelling of gene interactions. 
Microarrays or "Gene Chips" are a revolutionary technology to measure geneactivity levels.

The candidate will have the opportunity to conduct research in a unique 
interdisciplinary environment. The Control Systems Centre, one of the world's 
leading centres in control systems with all academic staff members engaged in 
cutting-edge research on a variety of topics as detailed on the groups 
website: http://www.umist.ac.uk/csc/. 

The Department of Biomolecular Sciences was rated 5A in the last Research 
Assessment exercise. All members of academic staff are involved in a broad 
spectrum of research activities ranging from human problems such as Leukaemia 
and Malaria to fundamental studies on Genetics, Biochemistry and 
Biotechnology that are often studied in microorganisms. Further details can 
be found on our departmental website http://www.bi.umist.ac.uk/ .
The stipend is approximately GBP 9000 per annum, limited to UK and European 
citizens. For informal enquiries contact the project supervisor Dr Olaf 
Wolkenhauer, E-mail: olaf.wolkenhauer@umist.ac.uk, Tel./Fax: +44 (0)161 200 
4672, http://www.umist.ac.uk/csc/people/wolkenhauer.htm

For an application pack, please contact Mrs Ann Coghlan, Postgraduate 
Admissions Secretary, Department of Biomolecular Sciences, UMIST, PO Box 88, 
Manchester M60 1QD, UK. E-mail: ann.coghlan@umist.ac.uk, Tel.: +44 (0)161 200 
4221. Candidates should send a detailed CV, together with the names and 
addresses of two referees, to Dr Olaf Wolkenhauer, Control Systems Centre, 
UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK


Contributed by: Volker Mehrmann, mehrmann@math.tu-berlin.de

Research Position: Train-traffic in Large Networks
(Mitarbeiterstelle BatIIa) for 3 years (beginning March 1. 2001)
at Fachbereich Mathematik, TU Berlin, Numerical analysis group.
We are looking for a scientist to work for the project:
"Modelling, simulation and planning of train-traffic in large networks"
which is sponsored by the german ministery of science
and education (BMBF) and headed by Prof. Volker Mehrmann.
Research Tasks:
-- Participation in the research project "Train-traffic in large networks".
-- Development and implementation of numerical methods for the simulation and
planning of train traffic in large networks like that of Deutsche Bahn.
-- Modelling of the train traffic and software production together
with the companies  TLC GmbH and DB Netz.
-- There is the possibilty to work for a doctoral degree.
-- German Diplom or equivalent Master degree
in mathematics, computer science or engineering
-- good knowledge in mathematical modelling, differential equations
numerical analysis and programming
-- good knowledge of german and english
Contact:   Volker Mehrmann
Tel.: 030-314-25736,
email: mehrmann@math.tu-berlin.de                                           
(Mitarbeiterstelle BatIIa) for 3 years (beginning March 1. 2001)
at Fachbereich Mathematik, TU Berlin, Numerical analysis group.
We are looking for a scientist to work for the project:
"Modelling, simulation and planning of train-traffic in large networks"
which is sponsored by the german ministery of science
and education (BMBF) and headed by Prof. Volker Mehrmann.
Research Tasks:
-- Participation in the research project "Train-traffic in large networks".
-- Development and implementation of numerical methods for the simulation and
planning of train traffic in large networks like that of Deutsche Bahn.
-- Modelling of the train traffic and software production together
with the companies  TLC GmbH and DB Netz.
-- There is the possibilty to work for a doctoral degree.
-- German Diplom or equivalent Master degree
in mathematics, computer science or engineering
-- good knowledge in mathematical modelling, differential equations
numerical analysis and programming
-- good knowledge of german and english
Contact:   Volker Mehrmann
Tel.: 030-314-25736,
email: mehrmann@math.tu-berlin.de                                           


Contributed by: Professor  David Mayne, d.mayne@ic.ac.uk

Applications are invited from qualified condidates for a post-doctoral
position in the area of robust model predictive control of constrained
dynamic systems.  The  successful candidate would participate in a 
research programme to determine a variant of model predictive control 
that achieves robustness in the face of several types of uncertainty 
(state estimation error, external disturbance, model error) while 
containing complexity.  Control of both linear and nonlinear systems 
will be investigated.  The programmme includes development of a MATLAB 
toolbox to implement the research results and several case studies.
Mathematical and programming skills are required.

Interested candidates should submit the following information:
D. Q. Mayne:

(i)  Curriculum vitae
(ii) List of publications
(iii) Copies of three relevant publications
(iv) Names and addresses of three referees.

This information should be sent to:

Professor D. Q. Mayne
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineeering
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2BT
England, UK


Contributed by: Daniel J. Stilwell, stilwell@usna.edu

The Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Laboratory at the United States Naval
Academy invites applications for 1 to 2 post-doctoral positions (subject to
funding).  The research is directed toward the development of very small and
modular autonomous underwater vehicles.  There exist several focus areas:
vehicle design, novel sensors and communication, advanced guidance and
control, and vision-based control. The ideal candidate will have expertise
in several of the following areas:  embedded control, instrumentation,
hydrodynamics, control theory, and computer vision.  Candidates will also
have an opportunity to participate in the Naval Academy's educational
mission.  Appointments are for one year and are to begin as soon as
possible.  Appointments may be extended an additional year (subject to
funding).  The Naval Academy has generously equipped laboratories, including
a fully instrumented 380ft tow-tank.  The Naval Academy is located near
Washington DC on the scenic Chesapeake Bay, with access to nearby Navy
laboratories and government agencies.  Send resume and 3 references to
Professor Daniel J. Stilwell, Systems Engineering Department, United States
Naval Academy, 118 Maryland Ave, Annapolis, MD 21402.  For more information,
email stilwell@usna.edu.  The Naval Academy is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer.


Contributed by: Stephen Duncan, stephen.duncan@eng.ox.ac.uk

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Control System Design


Applications are invited for a two year post-doctoral Fellowship in control 
system design for a metal spray tooling process.

Tooling is essential for all manufacturing processes such as die casting, 
injection moulding, powder processing, stamping etc.  A major new £1.5m 
research project at the Departments of Engineering Science and Materials at 
Oxford University is investigating the development of a novel, flexible and 
economic process that creates steel tools by spray deposition.  In this 
process, accurate steel tools are formed by spraying metal from arc spray 
guns mounted on a robot.  The research project is funded jointly by the UK 
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, The Ford Motor Company 
and Sulzer Metco.

Applications are invited for this 2 year postdoctoral research fellowship to 
join an enthusiastic team of academics, researchers and technicians 
developing a custom built production scale facility that incorporates a range 
of on-line sensors and actuators for process control.

The person appointed to this post will develop a system for controlling 
thermal profile during the metal spraying process.  Experience of designing 
and implementing advanced control systems is required and knowledge of 
distributed parameter controllers and robust multivariable control systems is 

The salary is in the RA1A range GBP 16,775 - 25,213

Further particulars may be obtained from Mr C.J. Scotcher, The Senior 
Administrator, University of Oxford, Department of Engineering Science, Parks 
Road, Oxford, OX1 3PJ, United Kingdom; to whom written applications should be 
made, enclosing a curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of two 

Please quote  CJS/SD/DF/01/004 in all correspondence.

The closing date for applications is: March 7th, 2001. 

The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Contributed by: Rob Harrison, r.f.harrison@shef.ac.uk

Department of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering
The University of Sheffield UK


An EPSRC-funded post is available for two years for candidates with, or about 
to receive, a PhD, to work in the field of non-linear adaptive filtering 
based on kernel methods and support vector machines. The work centres on the 
development of novel, adaptive algorithms and will be both analytical and 
computational. You should have good mathematical and computational skills and 
a methodical approach to data analysis. Applications will be particularly 
welcome from candidates with a strong background in one or more of the 
following: support vector and kernel machines, machine learning, neural 
networks, adaptive systems, non-linear signal processing or functional 

Salary:GBP 16,775 - 19,482 p.a. 
Closing date for applications: 7 March 2001 
Reference Number:RW2283


Contributed by: Professor Song, gsong@uakron.edu

Job description for the postdoc fellow position:

The main thrust of this research is Active Control of Smart Materials and 
Structures. The successful candidate must have expertise in at least two of 
the following areas: smart materials and structures, active and passive 
vibration control, health monitoring and/or nondestructive testing, 
analytical and experimental mechanics, advanced composite materials and 
structures, and characterization and material modeling of fiber-reinforced 
polymer composites. The candidate must have the ability to write quality 
proposals dealing with problems of national significance. The credentials of 
the candidate include a balanced theoretical and experimental background in 
his/her Ph.D. research in a specialty area listed above. The candidate will 
be responsible for conducting multi-disciplinary research on smart materials 
and structures; collaborating with and eventually leading on proposal 
preparation efforts; advising of graduate students. The Post-Doctoral Fellow 
will work with three faculty members from Mechanical Engineering and Civil 
Engineering (Dr. G. Song of Mechanical Engineering and Dr. P.Z. Qiao, and Dr. 
W.K. Binienda of Civil Engineering). Due to the collaborative nature of this 
research, the fellow must have ability to work with multiple faculty members. 

Applications, including a resume, transcripts, and the names and e-mail 
addresses of at least two references, should be sent to Dr. G. Song, 
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 
44325-3903, E-mail: gsong@uakron.edu, Phone: (330) 972-6715.


Contributed by: Patrick De Maziere, patrick@neuro.kuleuven.ac.be

Deadline for application: 15 March 2001

The Computational Neuroscience Group of the Laboratory of Neuro- and
Psychophysiology, Medical School of the Katholiek Universiteit Leuven,
Belgium (http://simone.neuro.kuleuven.ac.be), invites applications for a
post-doctoral position in the area of biomedical signal-processing
(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging). 

Desired profile:

The highly qualified applicant should possess a Ph.D. degree in the field
of signal-processing, image-processing, or neural networks. He/she should
be familiar with Independent Components Analysis (ICA) and/or related
techniques as Projection Pursuit, Blind Source Separation, ... 
Programming skills are an asset (C, Matlab, ...), as is a familiarity with
UNIX and PC platforms. 

We offer:

1) A challenging research environment. The applicant will have access to
data from state-of-the-art Magnetic Resonance scanners and signal-processing
tools for examining brain activity in both humans and monkeys. 

2) An attractive income. The applicant will receive 2375 Euro net per
month, including a full social security coverage. This is comparable to
the salary of an associate Professor at the University. Housing will be
taken care of by the host institute. 

3) Free return airline ticket, economy class (maximum 1500 Euro) and a
reimbursement of all costs incurred for shipping luggage to Belgium
(maximum 1000 Euro). 

Please send (mail/fax/email) your CV (including bibliography, and the
names and addresses of three references), before the deadline of 
15 March 2001 to:

Prof. Dr. Marc M. Van Hulle
Laboratorium voor Neuro- en Psychofysiologie
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Campus Gasthuisberg
Herestraat 49
B-3000 Leuven
Phone: + 32 16 345961
Fax: + 32 16 345993
E-mail: marc@neuro.kuleuven.ac.be
URL: http://simone.neuro.kuleuven.ac.be


Contributed by: Eunjeong Lee, elee@utsa.edu

Pre/Postdoctoral research position

Desirable skills are Real-Time Programming in "C", Sensor Integration, Real-
Time Data Acquisition and Control.  S/he will implement intelligent 
controllers on a robot-like system and develop superconducting bearing 
systems.  Eligibility to work in U.S. is required.
For a postdoctoral position, salary will be USD 18,000 for 6 months.  

Contact person:  
Eunjeong Lee
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
The University of Texas at San Antonio
6900 North Loop 1604 West
San Antonio, TX 78249
Tel: 210)458-4952
Fax: 210)458-5589


Contributed by: Xenofon Koutsoukos, koutsouk@parc.xerox.com

                 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

         Positions in signal processing algorithm development
          and software engineering/Member of Research Staff

The Computation and Matter Area (CMA) at PARC is looking for dynamic
individuals to join a multi-disciplinary team to develop algorithms
and software systems for collaborative sensing and diagnostics:

to design and implement algorithms, explore alternatives in the lab,
and demonstrate performance in the field.  An M.S. or equivalent
experience in statistical signal processing, array signal processing,
or speech processing is required. C++ and Matlab required.

SOFTWARE ENGINEER: Define and implement software platforms.  This will
require excellent software engineering skills and 4 or more years
experience with systems programming and inter-process communication.
An M.S. in computer science and experience with simulation or analysis
of algorithms are pluses. C++ and MatLab required.

This research effort is part of PARC's thrust in Smart Matter, which
is creating the ability to embed large numbers of sensors, actuators,
and computation in the world around us.  Collaborative sensing seeks
to make sense of the world from spatially distributed, wireless MEMS
sensors, and Smart Matter diagnostics develops scalable techniques to
diagnose, monitor, and manipulate a new generation of sensor-rich
physical systems and processes.  Applications range from traffic
monitoring, target tracking, electro-mechaical machine diagnosis, and

To apply, please submit a cover letter explaining your interest for
the position and a resume.  Please apply by email to
spljobs@parc.xerox.com (Attention: Feng Zhao).  You are responsible
for arranging 1-2 reference letters to be sent to us.  Applications
will be processed as received and positions will be filled as suitable
candidates are identified.

SPL/CMA Administrator
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
E-mail: spljobs@parc.xerox.com
Fax: 650-812-4334

Xerox is an Equal Employment Opportunity company committed to the
principles of workforce diversity.

              *                                        *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Howard L. Weinert, howard@jhu.edu

      	   Fixed Interval Smoothing for State Space Models
     by Howard L. Weinert, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Fixed-interval smoothing is a method of extracting useful information from 
inaccurate data. It has been applied to problems in engineering, the physical 
sciences, and the social sciences, in areas such as control, communications, 
signal processing, acoustics, geophysics, oceanography, statistics, econo-
metrics, and structural analysis. This monograph addresses problems for which 
a linear stochastic state space model is available, in which case the ob-
jective is to compute the linear least-squares estimate of the state vector 
in a fixed interval, using observations previously collected in that inter-
val. The author uses a geometric approach based on the method of complemen-
tary models. Using the simplest possible notation, he presents straight-
forward derivations of the four types of fixed-interval smoothing algorithms, 
and compares the algorithms in terms of efficiency and applicability. Results 
show that the best algorithm has received the least attention in the litera-
ture. This book includes new material on interpolation, fast square root 
implementations, and boundary value models; it is the first book devoted to 
smoothing; it contains an annotated bibliography of smoothing literature; it 
uses simple notation and clear derivations; it compares algorithms from a 
computational perspective; it identifies a best algorithm. "Fixed Interval 
Smoothing for State Space Models" will be the primary source for those 
wanting to understand and apply fixed-interval smoothing: academics, 
researchers, and graduate students in control, communications, signal 
processing, statistics and econometrics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 
Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-7299-9, January 2001, 136 pp. EUR 113.50 / USD 98.00 / 
GBP 69.00	 


Contributed by: Martin Ruck, m.ruck@elsevier.co.uk

The following IFAC Proceedings volume has recently been published and is 
available from IFAC Publications/Elsevier Science:

Robust Control Design 2000 (2 volume set)
21–23 June 2000, Prague, Czech Republic
Edited by V. Kucera, M. Sebek
ISBN: 0 08 043249 2

To order, please visit the web page mentioned above.

For more information about IFAC Publications, including a complete list of 
all Proceedings volumes available, please visit the web page:

              *                                        *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw

                        Important Information  

(1) Asian Journal of Control is included in EI Compendex Database starting   
from 2001. 
(2) For easy memory of the web site of Asian Journal of Control, one can use 
the following URL : http://www.ajc.org.tw or http://ajc.org.tw instead of the 
old one : http://ajc.csie.ntu.edu.tw. 

March, 2001

1. Title: "Best Linear Unbiased FIR Filters for Continuous-Time State Space 
  Author: Wook Hyun Kwon, Pyung Soo Kim, and Soo Hee Han

2. Title: "Recursive Approaches for Single Sample Path Based Markov Reward 
   Author: Hai-Tao Fang, Han-Fu Chen, and Xi-Ren Cao

3. Title:  "A Learning-Theoretic Approach to Model-Set Identification,"
   Authors: Yasuaki Oishi and Hidenori Kimura

4. Title: "Dynamic Parameterization for Path Following Control,"
   Author: Makoto KUMON, Norihiko ADACHI

5. Title: "Stability of a Trajectory-Based Control Law for an Unknown 
           Nonlinear Non-Minimum Phase System,"
   Author: Anthony Brockwell, Rob Evans, and Iven Mareels

6. Title: "Just-in-Time Modeling for Function Prediction and Its  
   Author: Qiubao Zheng, Hidenori Kimura

7. Title: "The Search of Equilibrium Strategies for Controlled Boundary 
           Value Problem,"
   Author: Olga Vasilieva

8. Title: "Fuzzy-Neuron Intelligent Coordination Control for a Unit Power
   Author: Jianming Zhang, Ning Wang, and Shuqing Wang

9. Title: "Application of Fuzzy Logic to Vehicle Classification Algorithm in
           Loop/Piezo-Sensor Fusion Systems,"
   Author: Dong-il Dan Cho, Sung-Wook Kim, Kwangsoo Kim, and Joo-Hyung Lee

10.Title: "H_inf Control of Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Norm-Bounded
           Nonlinear Uncertainties,"
   Author: Zhihong Peng and Zixing Cai

11.Title: "On-Line Fault Diagnosis Based on B-Spline Neural Networks Using
           Asymptotic Local Apporach,"
   Author: Chan, C. W., Wang, Y., Cheung, K.C.


Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak, automatica@math.utwente.nl

May, 2001                                                 Issue    37:5

Survey Papers

P. Kokotovic, M. Arcak        Constructive nonlinear control: A historical

Regular Papers

H. Akcay, P. S. C. Heuberger  A frequency-domain iterative identification
                              algorithm using general orthonormal basis

A. Stenman, F. Gustafsson     Adaptive smoothing methods for
                              frequency-function estimation

M. Staroswiecki, G.           Analytic redundancy relations for fault
Comtet-Varga                  detection and isolation in algebraic dynamic

T. I. Fossen, J. P. Strand    Nonlinear passive weather optimal positioning
                              control (WOPC) system for ships and rigs:
                              Experimental results

Brief Papers

G-H. Yang, J. L. Wang, Y. C.  Reliable H(infinity) controller design for
Soh                           linear systems

G-H. Yang, J. L. Wang         Non-fragile H(infinity) control for linear
                              systems with multiplicative controller gain

F. J. D'Amato, M. A. Rotea,   New results for analysis of systems with
et al.                        repeated nonlinearities

F. Giri, F. Z. Chaoui, Y.     Parameter identification of a class of
Rochdi                        Hammerstein plants

C. Mosquera, F. Perez         Algebraic solution to the robust SPR problem
                              for two polynomials

Technical Communiques

R. J. Mantz, H. De Battista,  A new approach to reaching mode of VSS using
P. F. Puleston                trajectory planning

S. Xu, C. Yang, Y. Niu, J.    Robust stabilization for uncertain discrete
Lam                           singular systems

K-K. Shyu, Y-W. Tsai, C-K.    A dynamic output feedback controllers for
Lai                           mismatched uncertain variable structure

M. Gevers, L. Ljung, P. M.    Asymptotic variance expressions for
J. Van den Hof                closed-loop identification

Book Reviews

I. Bucher                     Mechatronics, 2nd edition, by W. Bolton

J. S. Gierke                  Optimal control of soil venting: Mathematical
                              modeling and applications, by H. H. Gerke, U.
                              Hornung, Y. Kelanemer, M. Slodicka and S.

A. Ilchmann                   Stabilization of linear systems, by V. Dragan
                              and A. Halanay

J. Bohm                       Robust adaptive control, by P. A. Ioannou and
                              Jing Sun

P. Voulgaris                  Computational methods for controller design,
                              by N. Elia and M. A. Dahleh

M. Karpel                     Robust aeroservoelastic stability analysis, by
                              R. Lind and M. Brenner

B. De Schutter                Stability analysis of discrete event systems,
                              by K. M. Passino and K. L. Burgess


Contributed by: George W Irwin (Editor-in-Chief), g.irwin@ee.qub.ac.uk

Journal: Control Engineering Practice
ISSN   : 0967-0661
Volume : 9
Issue  : 2
Date   : Feb-2001

Visit the journal at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/00123

pp 123-124
Pieter Eykhoff (1929-2000)
G.W. Irwin

pp 125-133
A nonlinear industrial model predictive controller using integrated
PLS and neural net state-space model
H. Zhao, J. Guiver, R. Neelakantan, L.T. Biegler

pp 135-148
Application of system identification techniques to aircraft gas
turbine engines
C. Evans, P.J. Fleming, D.C. Hill, J.P. Norton, I. Pratt, D. Rees, K.

pp 149-157
Control design of spinning rockets based on co-evolutionary
H.-I. Lee, B.-C. Sun, M.-J. Tahk, H. Lee

pp 159-167
A nonlinear friction compensation method using adaptive control and
its practical application to an in-parallel actuated 6-DOF
J.-H. Ryu, J. Song, D.-S. Kwon

pp 169-179
Adaptive friction compensation using extended Kalman-Bucy filter
friction estimation
L.R. Ray, A. Ramasubramanian, J. Townsend

pp 181-187
Identification and experimental validation of a scalable elevator
vertical dynamic model
Y.M. Cho, R. Rajamani

pp 189-190
Preface to the Special Section on Space Robotics
J.Z. Sasiadek

pp 191-198
An inverse kinematics algorithm for interaction control of a flexible
arm with a compliant surface
B. Siciliano, L. Villani

pp 199-205
Rotational motion-damper for the capture of an uncontrolled floating
S. Matunaga, T. Kanzawa, Y. Ohkami

pp 207-215
Coordinated control of a satellite-mounted manipulator with
consideration of payload flexibility
S. Taniwaki, S. Matunaga, S. Tsurumi, Y. Ohkami

pp 217-225
Calibration of controls in steering nonholonomic systems
I. Duleba, J.Z. Sasiadek

pp 227-231
Conference Calendar


Contributed by: Tariq Samad, tariq.samad@honeywell.com

Control Systems Magazine Table of Contents: February 2001

Special Section on Networks and Control

Guest Editorial: Networks and Control, by Linda Bushnell
Page: 22

New Technological Vistas for Systems and Control: 
The Example of Wireless Networks, by P.R. Kumar
Page: 24

Available Bit Rate Congestion Control in ATM Networks,
by Orhan Cagri Imer, Sonia Compans, Tamer Baºar, and R. Srikant
Page: 38

Scheduling of Networked Control Systems
by Hong Ye
Page: 57

Performance Evaluation of Control Networks:
Ethernet, ControlNet, and DeviceNet, 
by Feng-Li Lian, James R. Moyne, and Dawn M. Tilbury
Page: 66

A Six-Wheeled Omnidirectional Autonomous Mobile Robot
by Wei Zhang, Michael S. Branicky, and Stephen M. Phillips
Page: 84


Feedforward: Technology Impact: Some Thoughts on 
Deskilling and Design Responsibility, by Ron Frazzini
Page: 8

Eye on Education: Controls Laboratory Program with an Accent on 
Discovery Learning, by Brian Armstrong and Ronald Perez
Page: 14

>From Membership Activities: Control in Argentina: A Report from the 
Joint Chapter, by María Inés Valla and José Luis Figueroa
Page: 100

Interview: CDC Returns to Florida in 2001
Page: 105

Officer's Communique: Minutes of the Control Systems Society 
Board of Governors Meeting on 27 June 2000
Page: 109


Page: 4   From the Editor
Page: 6   President's Message
Page: 116 Scanning the Transactions
Page: 119 Ph.D. Dissertations
Page: 120 Bookshelf
Page: 121 Calendar
Page: 123 On the Market
Page: 128 On the Lighter Side


Contributed by: Marc Bodson, bodson@ee.utah.edu

               January 2001

  Publishing in a Changing World
    M. Bodson

  Outstanding Paper Awards


  Introduction to the Special Issue on Dynamics and Control of
  Smart   Structures
    S. O. R. Moheimani and G. C. Goodwin

  Passivity-Based Stability and Control of Hysteresis in Smart
    R.B. Gorbert, K. A Morris, and D. W. L. Wang
  Phase Control Approach to Hysteresis Reduction
    J. M. Cruz-Hernandez and V. Hayward
  Control of Seiemically Excited Vibration Using
  Electrorheological Materials and Lyapunov Methods
    H. P. Gavin                                                               
  Spatial Resonant Control of Flexible Structures
    D. Halim and S. O. R. Moheimani

  Modelling of Shape Memory Alloy Actuator and Tracking
  Control System with the Model
    S. Majima, K. Kodama, and T. Hasegawa
  Robust Control of Input Limited Smart Structural Systems
    S. Sana and V. S. Rao
  Analysis and Control of Monolithic Piezoelectric Nano-Actuator
    T. Chang and X. Sun
  A Principal Component Feedforward Algorithm for Active Noise
  Control: Flight Test Results
    R. Cabell, D. Palumbo, and J. Vipperman
  Noise Effect on Adaptive Command Shaping Methods for
  Flexible Manipulator Control
    S. Rhim and W. J. Book
  Decentralized Control for Multichannel Active Vibration
    S.-M Kim, S. J. Eliott, and M. J. Brennan
  Disturbance Rejection Using Self-Tuning ARMARKOV Adaptive
  Control with Simultaneous Identification
      H. S. Sane, R. Venugopal, and D. S. Bernstein

  Reviewer List for Special Issue on Dynamics and Control of
  Smart Structures

  Adaptive Feedforward Control for Disturbance Torque Rejection
  in Seeker Stabilizing Loop
    C. -L. Lin and Y.-H Hsiao
  Control System Design for a Rapid Thermal Processing System
    C.-A. Lin and Y.-K Jan
  Contouring Control of Machine Tool Feed Drive Systems: A Task
  Coordinate Frame Approach
    G.T.-C Chiu and M. Tomizuka
  Fuzzy Damage-Mitigating Control of a Fossil Power Plant
    M. Holmes and A. Ray
  A Dicrete Adaptive Near-Time Optimum Control for the Plasma
  Vertical Position in a Tokamak
    L. Scibile and B. Kouvaritakis
  Nonlinear Techniques for Mode C Climb/Descent Rate Estimation
  in ATC Systems
    E. Sviestins and T. Wigren
  Nonlinear H-infinity Control for an Integerated Suspension
  System via   Parameterized Linear Matrix Inequality
    H. D. Tuan, E. Ono, P. Apkarian, and S. Hosoe
  An Identification Scheme Combining First Principle Knowledge,
  Neural Networks, and the Likelihood Function
    R. B. Vilim, H.E. Garcia, and F. W. Chen

  Active Noise Control for Periodic Disturbances
    M. Bodson, J. S. Jensen, and S. C. Douglas 


Contributed by: Sharron Lawrence, sara@tandf.co.uk

International Journal of Control 
Volume 74, Number 4, March 2001

Frequency response estimation for normalized coprime factors 315 - 328
Tong Zhou

Delay-dependent robust stability and H control of jump linear systems with 
time-delay 329 - 340
E. K. Boukas; Z. K. Liu; G. X. Liu

Attitude determination and stabilization of a spherically symmetric rigid 
body in a magnetic field 341 - 347
Georgi V. Smirnov

An augmented Lagrangian method for a class of LMI-constrained problems in 
robust control theory 348 - 360
Bassem Fares; Pierre Apkarian; Dominikus Noll

Efficient non-linear model based predictive control 361 - 372
M. Cannon; B. Kouvaritakis; Y. I. Lee; A. C. Brooms

Structured time-delay systems: a graph approach 373 - 386
O. Sename; V. Hovelaque; C. Commault; J. M. Dion

Input-output stability degrees for undamped constant coefficients linear 
partial differential equations 387 - 397
Matei Kelemen

Finite dimensional variable structure control design for distributed delay 
systems 398 - 408
Feng Zheng; Paul M. Frank

Some properties of the general n-trailer 409 - 424
Claudio Altafini

You can read more about this journal at:

              *                                        *
              *                                        *


Contributed by: Mario Garcia-Sanz, mgsanz@unavarra.es

Public University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain.
23 - 24 August, 2001.

Please visit the conference web site: 
This symposium will be the fifth in series of specialist conferences on 
quantitative feedback theory (QFT) and robust frequency domain design 
methods. Its purpose is to bring together practitioners and researchers in 
the field and to promote the development of these methods and their 
practical application. Tutorial, application, and theoretical papers
will be presented in the field of robust frequency domain design.
European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD)
IFAC, Spanish Committee (CEA - IFAC)
Public University of Navarre
The Symposium will cover new developments in Quantitative Feedback Theory 
and Robust Frequency Domain methods, algorithms and software. Papers on 
industrial applications of these techniques will be particularly welcome.
Quantitative Feedback Theory
Robust Control
Frequency-based Methods
Robust Stability and Performance
Uncertain Dynamic Systems
Identification for Robust Control
Fault Detection in Uncertain Systems

CHAIRMAN: Mario Garcia-Sanz (Spain)		
MEMBERS: Edward Boje (South Africa), Constantine H. Houpis (USA),
Eduard Eitelberg (South Africa), Isaac Horowitz (USA),
Per-Olof Gutman (Israel), Yossi Chait (USA), 
Alfonso Banos (Spain), Roberto Tempo (Italy),
Pedro Albertos (Spain), Mathew A. Franchek (USA),
Oded Yaniv (Israel), Dave Thompson (USA),
Bor-Chyun Wang (Taiwan), Donald Ballance (United Kingdom),
John O'Reilly (United Kingdom), Suhada Jayasuriya (USA). 	

Submission of Papers: 1 April, 2001 (Extended). 
Notification of Acceptance: 15 May, 2001 (Extended). 
Receipt of Camera ready copies: 1 June, 2001 (Extended).  
Advanced registration: 15 July, 2001. 
Symposium: 23 - 24 August, 2001

1st.- Wright Patterson Airforce Base, Dayton, Ohio, August 1992
2nd.- Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, August 1995
3rd.- University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, August 1997
4th.- University of Natal, Durban, South Africa, August 1999

5th International Symposium on Quantitative Feedback
Theory and Robust Frequency Domain Methods
Automatic Control and Computer Science Department.
Public University of Navarra.
31006 Pamplona, Spain.
Fax: + 34 948 168924
Email: qft.secretariat@unavarra.es


Contributed by: Frank Hoeppner, frank.hoeppner@talknet.de

                        Call for Paper IDA-2001

      Fourth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis
                   New University of Lisbon, Portugal
                        13th-15th September 2001

Call for papers

  IDA-2001 will take place in Lisbon from  13th to 15th September 2001,
and is organised by the  Department of Computer Science  of the Faculty
of Science and  Technology  of the  New  University  of Lisbon. It will
consist of a stimulating program of tutorials, invited talks by leading
international experts in intelligent data analysis, contributed papers,
poster sessions, and an exciting social program.
  Our aim is for  IDA-2001  to  bring  together a wide  variety of  re-
searchers concerned  with extracting  knowledge  from  data,  including
people  from statistics,  machine learning,  neural networks,  computer
science, pattern recognition, database management, and other areas. The
strategies adopted by people from these areas are  often different, and
a synergy  results  if  this is  recognised.  IDA-2001 is  intended  to
stimulate  interaction  between  these  different  areas, so that  more
powerful tools emerge for extracting knowledge from  data and  a better
understanding is developed of the process of intelligent data analysis.

It is the  fourth symposium  on  Intelligent  Data  Analysis  after the 
successful symposia in 1999 (Amsterdam), 1997 (London) and 1995 (Baden-

IDA-2001 Organisation

General Chair:       Doug Fisher, Vanderbilt University, USA
Program Chair:       David Hand, Imperial College, UK
Conference Chair:    Gabriela Guimaraes, New University Lisbon,Portugal

Important Dates

April, 23rd, 2001    Deadline for submitting papers
June, 4th, 2001      Notification of acceptance
July, 4th, 2001      Deadline for submission of final papers


  The  proceedings will be  published in the  Lecture Notes in Computer
Science  series of  Springer  (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/).  The
proceedings of  Intelligent Data Analysis  97 and 99  appeared in  this
series as LNCS 1280 and LNCS 1642.   (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/

Additional Information

  A list of topics of interest, guidelines  for submissions, and infor-
mation about the conference-site will shortly be available on the  con-
ference web site:


Contributed by: Zbigniew Emirsajlow, emirsaj@we.ps.pl

Call for Papers (Extended Deadlines)

7th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models
in Automation and Robotics

28 - 31 August 2001,
Miedzyzdroje, Poland


The objective of the Conference is to bring together scientists and
engineers to present and discuss recent developments in the area of 
mathematical methods, modeling, simulation and identification in 
automation and robotics. This Conference is the seventh in a continuing 
series, which started in 1994.


Control and system theory, Control engineering, Robotics
Identification and measurements, Modeling and simulation
Integration in manufacturing, Industrial safety, Marine automation
Non-engineering applications


Authors of regular papers should submit a structured draft paper
being equivalent to maximum of 10 double-spaced A4 pages. The
cover page should contain the title, author's name, affiliation,
postal and e-mail addresses, fax and telephone numbers of each
author, an abstract and three keywords. In case of joint
authorship, the first name mentioned will be used for all
correspondence, unless otherwise requested. All papers chosen for
presentation will appear in the Conference Proceedings. At least
one author per paper is required to register at the time of the
submission of the camera-ready paper. Detailed instructions on
preparation of the final version will be sent to authors of
accepted papers.

Persons wishing to organize an invited session related to the main
topics of the Conference should submit a proposal stating the
topic of the session, briefly describing its scope and justifying
its inclusion in the Conference Program. The proposal should
contain the title, a short abstract with three keywords for each
contribution, the name, affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses,
fax and telephone numbers of each proposed speaker.

Both draft papers and proposals for invited sessions should be
e-mailed (preferably as a PDF document, or else as a Postscript
or, in the last resort, as a MS Word DOC file) to the Conference
Secretariat by the deadline shown. Instead of electronic
submission it is allowed to deliver five hard copies of the


19 March 2001   Submission of draft papers and proposals for invited
sessions (EXTENDED)
23 April 2001   Notification of acceptance of contributed papers
28 May 2001   Submission of camera-ready manuscripts
16 July 2001   Distribution of the final program
28 - 31 Aug 2001   Conference


MMAR 2001 Conference Secretariat
Institute of Control Engineering
Technical University of Szczecin
ul. Sikorskiego 37
70-313 Szczecin, Poland
Phone:   +48 91 4494723
Fax:   +48 91 4889004
E-mail:   mmar@we.ps.pl

Updated information about MMAR 2001 can be found on the Internet at:


Contributed by: Dr. K. O. Jones, k.o.jones@livjm.ac.uk

Institute Of Measurement And Control 
Symposium On Control And Measurement Engineering Education
13th September 2001, Liverpool United Kingdom

The Symposium will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of 
innovations in the teaching of measurement and control engineering in both 
undergraduate and postgraduate courses.  In particular the Symposium will 
focus on the future trends in measurement and control engineering education, 
the impact of technology on teaching and assessment methods, the impact of 
SARTOR 3 and the implications of the quality assurance process.
Abstracts are requested in the areas of:
* Innovations in teaching and assessment
* Course content
* Learning methods
* Computer Aided Learning (CAL)
* Computer Aided Assessment
* Industrial relevance of student work
* Software for control and instrumentation
* Distance learning
* Internet teaching
* Experimental and Laboratory work
* Engineering practice
* Project work
* C. P. D.
* Future directions
* Other topics relevant to control, measurement and instrumentation 
 Prospective speakers are invited to submit 3 copies of an abstract of 
approximately 250 words for referee consideration, outlining the material 
they propose to present (with their postal address, telephone number, fax 
number and email address) to:
Dr. K. O. Jones.
School of Engineering,
Liverpool John Moores University,
Byrom Street,
Liverpool,   L3 3AF.
Tel: 0151 231 2199
Fax: 0151 298 2624
Email: k.o.jones@livjm.ac.uk

Abstracts should arrive no later than 10 March 2001.  Authors of accepted 
papers will be notified by 2 April 2001.  Full papers will be required by 2 
July 2001.


Contributed by: SIAM, meetings@siam.org

                          Call for Papers
Fourth SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and Control 

Location:          Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA, USA
Dates:             August 13-16, 2001

To submit go to: http://www.siam.org/meetings/lc01/part.htm. 
For general information go to:  http://www.siam.org/meetings/lc01/

Extended Submission Deadlines:
MiniSymposium Proposals - 03/07/01
Abstracts in Lecture or Poster format - 03/14/01

For additional information, contact SIAM Conference Department at 


Contributed by: Yuri Sachkov, sachkov@sissa.it



Strada Costiera 11
I-34014 Trieste
Telephone:   +39-040-2240111
Telex:       460392 ICTP I
Telefax:     +39-040-224163


                           3 - 28 September 2001
                          Miramare, Trieste, Italy

      Co-sponsored by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico
                       e Tecnologico (CNPq), Brazil


       A. Agrachev (SISSA, Trieste and Steklov Institute, Moscow)
           B. Jakubczyk (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
   C. Lobry (Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, Montpellier)

        The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
is organizing a Summer School on Mathematical Control Theory from 3 to 28
September 2001.  It is intended to be the first of a series of schools on
this topic.

        Mathematical Control Theory is a rapidly growing field which provides
strict theoretical and computational tools for dealing with problems arising
in electrical and aerospace engineering, automatics, robotics, applied 
chemistry, biology etc.

        It is well known that automatic control is very useful for the
regulation of many industrial processes, especially in "high-tech" industries
such as aeronautics or robotics.  Less known is the fact that control methods
are involved in questions pertaining to the development of countries in the
South, such as wastewater treatment, agronomy, epidemiology, population
dynamics, control of industrial and natural bio-reactors.  Since most of
these natural processes are highly nonlinear, the tools of nonlinear control
are essential for the modelling and control of such processes.

        At present regular courses in Mathematical Control Theory are rarely
included in the curricula of universities, and very few researchers receive
enough background in this field.  It therefore seems useful to organize
specific activities in the form of schools to provide the necessary
background for those embarking on research in this field.


        The first of this planned series of schools will consist of several
courses and minicourses intended to provide an introduction to topics of
Mathematical Control Theory.  It will include introductory courses on Linear
Control Theory (finite and infinite-dimensional), Nonlinear Control Theory,
and Optimal Control.

        The topics to be covered by these courses and minicourses will

        - Controllability and motion planning
        - Observability and observers
        - Stabilization and feedback equivalence
        - Optimal control problems
        - Control of hydrodynamical systems

        The last week will concentrate on applications of Control Theory,
especially those which are important for the development of non-industrialized

        Preliminary list of speakers:

        A. Agrachev (SISSA, Trieste and Steklov Institute, Moscow)
        A. Bacciotti (Politecnico di Torino)
        G. Bastin (CESAME, Louvain-la-Neuve)
        O. Bernard (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis)
        M. Coron (Universite' Paris Sud, Orsay)
        G. Da Prato (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
        H. Frankowska (CEREMADE, Paris)
        J.-P. Gauthier (Universite' de Bourgogne, Dijon)
        B. Jakubczyk (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
        M. Kawski (University of Arizona, Tempe)
        C. Lobry (Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, Montpellier)
        R. Montgomery (University of California, Santa Cruz)
        W. Respondek (INSA, Rouen)
        P. Rouchon (Ecole des Mines, Paris)
        G. Sallet (University of Metz & INRIA, France)
        J.-P. Steyer (Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, Narbonne)
        J. Zabczyk (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw).

        The School is intended primarily for mathematicians and mathematically
oriented engineers at the beginning of their career.  The typical
participant is expected to be a graduate student or young post-doctoral
researcher interested in Mathematical Control Theory.  It will be assumed that
the participants have sufficient background in Ordinary Differential Equations
and Advanced Calculus.

        Before returning to their home countries participants will receive
appropriate material for further study.


        Mathematicians from all countries that are members of the UN,
UNESCO or IAEA can attend the School.  The main purpose of the Centre is
to help research workers from developing countries through a programme of
training activities within a framework of international cooperation.  However,
students and post-doctoral scientists from developed countries are also
welcome to attend.  As the School will be conducted in English, participants
should have an adequate working knowledge of that language.  Participants
should preferably have completed some years of study and research after a
first degree.
        As a rule, all expenses of the participants should be borne by the
home institution.  However, a limited number of financial grants are
available for participants from developing countries.  As scarcity of funds
allows travel to be granted only in few exceptional cases, every effort
should be made by candidates to secure support for their fares (or at least
half of their fares) from their home country.

        There is no registration fee for participation in the School.

        Graduate and doctoral students should include with their application
two letters of recommendation.


        There may be a possibility to provide support for young researchers
(max. 35 years) who are nationals of a Member State of the European Union*
or an Associated State**.

        Eligible young researchers who are interested in applying for such
support, in the event that this is possible, should complete and return
- by 31 March 2001 - the attached Request for Participation form.

*Member States of the European Union:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Luxemburg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

**Associated States:
Bulgaria, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland,
Israel, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania,
Slovakia and Slovenia.    Latest information on entry into force of
agreements is available on www.cordis.lu/fp5/src/3rdcountries.htm.

        The closing date for submitting requests for participation is 31 March
2001.  The decision of the organizers will be communicated to all candidates
as soon as possible thereafter.
        The "Request for Participation" form, to be found appended to this
Bulletin (obtainable also via electronic mail:  smr1327@ictp.trieste.it,
using as Subject:  get announcement, or via WWW server:
http://www.ictp.trieste.it/) should be completed, signed, and mailed to:

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Summer School on Mathematical Control Theory
(c/o Ms. A. Bergamo)
Strada Costiera 11
I-34014 Trieste

Telephone:  +39 - 040 - 2240201
Telefax:    +39 - 040 - 2240490
e-mail:  smr1327@ictp.trieste.it

              *                                        *
                          End of Eletter 151
              *                                        *