E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 150, February 1, 2001.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 Issue No. 150, February 2001

Editor:    Pradeep Misra
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Wright State University
           Dayton, OH 45435
           Tel     +937.775.5062
           Fax     +937.775.3936



1.	Personals
	1.1	New Address for Michael Piovoso

2.	General Announcements
	2.1	Call for IEEE Fellow Nominations
	2.2	Deadline Near for Kleinman Prize
	2.3	New travel support program of the IEEE Control Systems Society

3.	Positions
	3.1	Doctoral Positions on Model Fault Diagnosis in Terrassa Spain
	3.2	Post-doc Research Scientist Opportunities in Haptics at USC
	3.3	Faculty Positions at Lakehead University
	3.4	Industrially-Linked Doctoral Research Position
	3.5	LecturerSenior Lecturer, University of Western Australia
	3.6	Post-Doctoral Position in Robotics & Control, Duke Univ
	3.7	Post-Doctoral Position at Argonne National Laboratory
	3.8	Pre & Post-Doctoral Positions in Nonlinear Dynamics Modelling
	3.9	PhD position at Polytechnic University New York
	3.10	Post-doctoral Research Fellow/Research Fellow Position, Sydney
	3.11	Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, Sydney
	3.12	Post-doctoral position in discrete event systems, Waterloo
	3.13	Professor of Computer Science, Ireland
	3.14	Research Engineer Powertrain Simulations, GmbH
	3.15	Research Posts in Control of Wastewater Systems, Scotland
	3.16	Research Scientist/Research Engineer, IAI, Maryland
	3.17	Research Scientist, Virginia, USA
	3.18	Vacancy For Technical Consultant, Scotland

4.	Books
	4.1	Classical Feedback Control with Matlab

5.	Journals
	5.1	Contents List: Asian Journal of Control
	5.2	Contents List: Automatica
	5.3	Contents List: Control Engineering Practice
	5.4	Contents List: European Journal of Control
	5.5	IJC call for papers - Switched piecewise & polytopic Lin Sys
	5.6	IJSS Call for Papers: Support Vector and Kernel Methods
	5.7	Content List: J. Franklin Institute
	5.8	Content List: Engr Applications of Artificial Intelligence
	5.9	Content List: Modeling Identification and Control

6.	Conferences
	6.1	12th Baikal International Conference on Optimization Methods
	6.2	2001 Int Symp on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems and Control
	6.3	25 Years of Nonlinear Control at Ecole des Mines de Paris
	6.4	ECC2001 - Student Forum
	6.5	Fourth Nonlinear Control Network Workshop
	6.6	Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
	6.7	IFAC Advanced Fuzzy/Neural Control 2001
	6.8	International Workshop on Control Theory
	6.9	The 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
	6.10	World Manufacturing Congress/DI-TESA 2001

              *                                        *
              *                                        *

Welcome to the 150th issue of the E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and
Signal Processing. As always, search for .** to navigate.

When switching to web based submission, we were apprehensive about
contributors reaction. I was indeed heartening to note that web based
submission has not deterred any of the regular contributors.

A web version of the e-letter with Table of Contents hyperlinked to
contents can be found at:

IMPORTANT: The intent of e-letter is to accomodate as many announcements
of intersest to our subscribers as possible. However, please note that
in order to maintain efficiency of this media for information
dissemination, the size of e-letter must remain manageable. Submission
of very lengthy articles unduly increases the length of the e-letter
and forces the editorial scissors to become active. Please try and keep
your announcements to less than 100 lines of text. 

              *                                        *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Michael J. Piovso, (Piovoso@psu.edu)

My new address is:

Michael J. Piovoso
Penn State University
School of Graduate Professional Studies
30 E. Swedesford Road
Malvern, PA. 19355

Phone: 610-648-3356
Email: Piovoso@psu.edu

Michael J. Piovoso
Penn State University
School of Graduate Professional Studies
30 E. Swedesford Road
Malvern, PA. 19355

              *                                        *
                          General Announcements
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Jessy W. Grizzle, (grizzle@eecs.umich.edu)

Nominations for the grade of `Fellow of the IEEE' are due to at IEEE 
headquarters by March 15, 2001. I encourage members of the IEEE Control 
Systems Society to consider nominating a colleague for Fellow grade. From the 
IEEE bylaws, "The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in the 
profession and shall be conferred only by invitation of the Board of Directors 
upon a person of outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience 
in IEEE designated fields and who has made important individual contributions 
to one or more of these fields." Exactly what this means is to be determined 
by the IEEE Fellow Committee, but, loosely speaking, in the case of an 
academic, a successful candidate is usually a full-professor (or equivalent 
for non-US members) and has several publications that you can easily point to 
and say that such-and-such exceptionally interesting result was established 
here by the candidate. The Control Systems Society is also very interested in 
getting more of its industrial members promoted to Fellow grade. Successful 
nominations can be built around exceptional accomplishments in product 
development and technical management, as well as technical contributions. The 
nomination process is quite straightforward and is explained clearly at 

All forms are available on-line. Note that you do not have to be an IEEE 
member in order to nominate someone. The nominee must be an active Senior 
member of the IEEE and have been an IEEE member for at least five years. 
Letters of recommendation from five (5) active IEEE Fellows are required to 
support the nomination. If you know of an outstanding individual who is worthy 
of Fellow status but is not a Senior member of the IEEE, then by all means 
encourage them to initiate that process themselves by going to 
http://www.ieee.org/about/awards/fellows/senior.htm so that you can nominate 
them next year.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact me either by email or by 
phone (734)-763-3598.

Contributed by: SIAM, (bogardo@siam.org)

 The deadline is drawing near for the Kleinman Prize. Here are the details.

                            Call for Nominations
                         The Ralph E. Kleinman Prize
SIAM will present the Ralph E. Kleinman Prize at the SIAM Annual 
Meeting in San Diego, July 9-13, 2001. The award honors the late 
Ralph E. Kleinman, a long-time SIAM member and UNIDEL Professor of 
Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware and Director of 
the Center for the Mathematics of Waves.
The prize, established in 1998, is awarded to an individual for 
outstanding research or other contributions that bridge the gap 
between mathematics and applications. Work that uses high-level 
mathematics and/or invents new mathematical tools to solve applied 
problems from engineering, science, and technology is particularly 
appropriate. The prize may be awarded for a single notable 
achievement or for a collection of such achievements. Any member of 
the scientific community who meets the general criteria for the prize 
is eligible to receive the prize.
Description of the Award
The prize will consist of a hand-calligraphed, framed certificate and 
a cash award of ,000 plus travel expenses to the meeting.


A letter of nomination, including a curriculum vita and description of 
the achievement(s) should be sent by February 15, 2001, to:
                Ralph E. Kleinman Prize Selection Committee
                Professor Michael S. Vogelius, Chair
                c/o A. G. Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
Supporting letters, or names of knowledgeable persons from whom such 
letters might be solicited, also are welcome.
Selection Committee
The members of the selection committee for the award are Michael S.
Vogelius, Chair (Rutgers University); Douglas N. Arnold (The 
Pennsylvania State University); Robert V. Kohn (Courant Institute of 
Mathematical Sciences, New York University); Jean Claude Nedelec 
(Ecole Polytechnique, France); and Ivar Stakgold (University of Delaware).

Contributed by: Michel Gevers, (gevers@csam.ucl.ac.be)

The Board of Governors of the IEEE Control System Society has approved an 
ambitious program of financial support that will make it easier for people from 
developing countries to attend the annual CDC and CCA conferences. An amount of 
,000.00 a year (,000.00 in the initial year 2001) will be allocated for 
this program. 

Under this program, IEEE members from a selected list of eligible countries, 
who have a paper accepted at CDC or CCA, will be able to apply for financial 
support. This support will be in the form of free registration as well as 
coverage of hotel costs for the duration of the conference plus one day.

All details about the program and the eligibility conditions, as well as an 
application form, can be found on the Control System Society web page at the 
following address: http://www.ieeecss.org/MAB/devsupport.html

Vice-President for Member Activities of the IEEE Control Systems Society

              *                                        *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Prof. Joseba Quevedo, (joseba@esaii.upc.es)


Two vacancies exist (to be filled as soon as possible) for PhD students to 
carry out research in fault diagnosis by means of quantitative and qualitative 
models  (interval linear models) for fault diagnosis of complex process 
plants. This provides an opportunity to show the performances using 
model-based methods for fault detection and isolation in a real industrial 
application.  The research will be focused on the training aspects of the 
research training network and will make use of data from a sugar factory.

These doctoral positions will be filled by the Advanced Control Research 
Systems Engineering (SAC) Research Group of the Automatic Control (ESAII) 
Department in the Campus of Terrassa (Barcelona) at the Technical University 
of Catalonia (UPC), which has experience in the development and use of both 
quantitative and qualitative models for fault diagnosis of controlled 

Candidates should have the following qualifications:
- Master in Control Engineering or a similar field
- Basic know-how in model-based fault diagnosis (either from control 
engineering methods or from Soft Computing/Artificial Intelligence methods)
- Interest in practical applications of new theoretical results
- English 
- Ability for teamwork

The salary will be fixed according to the  Universities salary scale for 
University Research Assistants  and it is approximately 275.000 PTA/ month.

According to the rules of the EC F5 RTN Programme, candidates must be aged 35 
years old or less at the time of appointment, or if over 35 years but under 37 
and have served in national service in their own country or have spent a 
period of time at home nursing children.

He or she must be a national of a Member state of the European Community or of 
an Associated State or have resided in the European Community for at least 
five years prior to the appointment. He/she must not be a national of Spain 
and must not have worked in Spain for more than 12 of the 24 months prior to 
the appointment. The Technical University of Catalonia is an Equal 
Opportunities Employer.

Please address your application to:

Prof. Joseba Quevedo. Automatic Control Dep. Universitat Politècnica de 
Catalunya Rambla Sant Nebridi, 10. 08222 Terrassa (Barcelona). Spain
e-mail: joseba@esaii.upc.es

Contributed by: Joao Hespanha, (hespanha@usc.edu)

The University of Southern California haptics group invites applications
for a fully-funded post doctoral fellow/research scientist position in

The position is supported by a grant from NSF as part of the Integrated
Media Systems Center (IMSC) at USC. We are interested in the development
and characterization of algorithms for haptic interfaces particularly with
regard to low level control and haptic collaboration.



software design, development, and evaluation
experimentation with haptic hardware
preparing reports and scientific papers
occasional interaction with sponsors


a PhD or equivalent in computer science or electrical eng. desired hands-on
experience in haptics or robot manipulators excellent English skills
(written and spoken)

Applicants should send (by email):

curriculum vitae
names and emails of 2 references
1-page summary of previous research experience
pre-prints of any relevant publications
email contact information

Send the above to:

Joao Hespanha           hespanha@usc.edu
Gaurav Sukhatme         gaurav@usc.edu

Salary: negotiable

Application deadline: April 1, 2001 (applications will be reviewed as they
are received; we will continue to consider applications until the position
is filled)

Contributed by: H.T. Saliba, (Henri.Saliba@lakeheadu.ca)

The Faculty of Engineering at Lakehead University invites applications for 
tenure track positions at the Assistant or Associate Professor level in all 
areas of Electrical Engineering and Software Engineering.
In Electrical Engineering, preferred areas of specialization are: 
communications, computer engineering, microelectronics, digital signal 
processing, analog and digital electronics, power electronics and control 

An earned Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering or related 
fields is essential. Successful candidates are expected to carry out 
externally funded research, be dedicated to engineering education, work 
effectively with colleagues and must be, or be qualified and prepared to 
become, licensed Professional Engineers in the Province of Ontario. If 
desired, term appointments may also be considered.

Lakehead University is located at the head of the Great Lakes in Thunder Bay, 
Ontario, Canada, and offers a comprehensive array of programs with an 
enrollment of over 6500 students. The university has some 260 faculty engaged 
in teaching and research, and a staff of 360. A strategic plan has been 
developed to position Lakehead University for future growth and development in 
a changing environment. The Faculty of Engineering offers a unique combination 
of accredited Engineering Technology and Post-Diploma Engineering programs 
leading to a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Chemical Engineering, Civil 
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Software 
Engineering. The Faculty of Engineering offers also an interdisciplinary 
Master's Degree program in Control Engineering. 

Rank and salary are commensurate with the candidate's qualifications and 
experience. Applicants should submit a letter of application, resume, 
statements of teaching and research interests, and the names, addresses, phone 
numbers and e-mail addresses of three referees to:

Dr. H.T. Saliba, Dean,
Faculty of Engineering, Lakehead University
955, Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, P7B 5E1 Ontario, Canada.
Phone: (807) 343-8321
E-mail: Henri.Saliba@lakeheadu.ca

The screening of applications will begin immediately and the search will 
continue until all the positions are filled. For further information about the 
University and the Faculty of Engineering, visit us at: 

Lakehead University is committed to employment equity.

Contributed by: Jan Lunze, (Lunze@tu-harburg.de)

ABB Corporate Research HEIDELBERG
(Contact: Manfred Rode)
Institute of Control Engineering
(Prof. Dr. Jan Lunze)

announce an open position for a

                            PhD STUDENT

in the field of


The work focusses on the supervision of industrial controllers during
the operation where qualitative and quantitative information should be
used in order to detect faults that cause a deterioration of the
control performance.

The project will be carried out at the Technical University
Hamburg-Harburg, where the Institute of Control Engineering has major
experience in the diagnosis of continuous as well as discrete systems
(for further  information about the institute cf.
http://www.tu-harburg.de/rts).The work is a challenge for engineers,
particularly for control engineers with background in systems theory,
electrical or mechanical engineering or technical cybernetics. The
application-oriented part of the project is motivated from industrial
applications dealt with by ABB Corporate Research in Heidelberg (for further
information http://www.abb.com or contact Manfred.Rode@de.abb.com)

Required documents:
* Letter of application
* Cirriculum vitae
* Certificates of the final university examination

Please address your application to

Technical University Hamburg-Harburg
Institute of Control Engineering
Prof. Dr. Jan Lunze
Eissendorfer Strasse 40
D-21071 Hamburg

Tel. (040) 42 878 30 15
Fax: (040) 42 878 21 12
email: Lunze@tu-harburg.de

Contributed by: Victor Sreeram, (sreeram@ee.uwa.edu.au)

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (Ref:A10/01)
Machine and Power Electronics, 
Industrial Control and Instrumentation, 
and Mechatronics 

Applications are invited for the above tenurable position. Applicants for 
the position should have appropriate engineering research experience in 
university and/or industry in the areas relevant to Machine and Power 
Electronics, Industrial Control and Instrumentation, and/or Mechatronics. 
Current research programmes in the Department in the above areas include 
power system planning, operation and control; intelligent systems in power; 
control system theory; model and controller reduction, and robotics. 
The applicant will be expected to contribute to the above research by 
activities in one or more of the areas of power electronic devices and 
circuits, applications of power electronics in machine drives, power 
system operation and control, power quality, industrial applications of 
control, and mechatronics/robotics.

Duties include development and delivery of lectures and laboratory courses 
in the relevant topics of the Department's undergraduate courses. 
Applicants must play an active role in the research activities of the 
Department in the above fields, and must have a strong commitment to 
supervision of postgraduate students. Applicants should have  a PhD and 
should be able to demonstrate their potential as a lecturer and researcher. 
Applicants must address the selection criteria and applicants with 
teaching experience are requested to submit a teaching portfolio as 
part of their application. 

For further information and copies of the selection criteria, please 
contact Lisa Brucciani, Administrative Officer on (08) 9380 3894 or 
e-mail lisa@ee.uwa.edu.au. 
Access the web links http://www.ee.uwa.edu.au/research/

SALARY RANGE:	Lecturer Level B  ,885 - ,428 p.a.
              	Senior Lecturer Level C  ,334 - ,877
CLOSING DATE:	7 March 2001

Benefits include generous superannuation, fares to Perth (if applicable) 
for appointee and dependent family, removal allowance (if applicable) 
study leave and long service leave. Conditions of appointment will be 
specified in any offer of appointment which may be made as a result of 
this advertisement. Written applications quoting reference number, 
telephone number, qualifications and experience and the names, 
addresses (including mail) and fax/telephone numbers of three 
referees should reach the Director, Human Resources, The 
University of Western Australia, Nedlands WA 6907, by the closing date.

Contributed by: Devendra P. Garg, (dpgarg@duke.edu)

                DUKE UNIVERSITY, DURHAM, NC                    

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for a post-doctoral 
position in the area of multiple robot manipulation and control. The 
successful candidate would participate in various facets of robotics research 
including modeling, analysis, design, and implementation of innovative control 
strategies using state-of-the-art robots located in the ROBOTICS & 
Applicants with a Ph.D. degree and expertise in areas such as Multiple Robot 
System Modeling and Identification, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and 
Nonlinear Control are strongly encouraged to apply. Skills in mathematical and 
computational sciences and knowledge of scientific and technological aspects 
of sensors and sensor integration are required. The research project would 
involve a balanced blend of both analytical and experimental work. 

The Post-Doctoral Fellow will collaborate with members of the robotics 
research team and fully participate in preparing scholarly publications, and 
advising graduate and undergraduate students. The initial appointment is for 
one year, starting immediately. However, there is a strong possibility that 
it could be extended beyond the first year. 

To apply, interested candidates should submit (preferably via e-mail) the 
following items to Professor Garg at the address given below:

 (a) An updated curriculum vitae
 (b) A list of publications
 (c) Details of projects completed before
 (d) Contact information including names and e-mail addresses of three 

Dr. Devendra P. Garg
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
223 Hudson Hall
Box 90300, Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0300

E-mail: dpgarg@duke.edu
Phone: (919) 660-5330
Fax:   (919) 660-8963

Contributed by: Humberto E. Garcia, (garcia@anl.gov)

Nuclear Technology Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, Idaho USA

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) - West is seeking a Post-Doctoral candidate 
to conduct research and development (R&D) activities in discrete event systems 
(DES) theory and application. The opening is initially intended as a 
post-doctoral appointment, with a strong possibility to become a permanent 
staff position. Efforts will be directed toward real-world problems in the 
areas of DES modeling, analysis, control, optimization, and simulation, with 
emphasis on nuclear industry applications. R&D activities include using DES 
supervisory approaches for integrating online safeguards information of 
nuclear material in order to improve remote process observability and 
transparency of nuclear operations. DES theory provides a mathematically 
rigorous approach where safeguards attributes, such as observability, 
detectability, and diagnosability can be formally defined, analyzed, and 
optimized. The position requires a highly motivated individual with the 
ability to effectively carry through a research project under minimal 
supervision. Good communication skills are desired. Potential candidates 
must have expertise or extensive experience in DES theory and application, 
with an emphasis on timed supervisory control and monitoring strategies. This 
experience is typically achieved through studies in DES formalisms.

The candidate will be able to use a variety of computing equipment, including 
personal computers, workstations, and supercomputers. ANL staff actively 
participates in several professional societies including the ACS, ANS, ASCE, 
ASME, ASTM, IEEE, MRS, and SCS. ANL - West site is located near Idaho Falls, 
Idaho, in the heart of one of the most scenic recreation areas in the USA with 
Jackson Hole, Sun Valley, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton National Parks nearby.

For more information, please visit ANL Human Resources, Employment and 
Placement web site: http://www.hr.anl.gov/employment2.htm under Employment 
Opportunities, Postdoctoral Openings, and then choosing the 2nd listing of 
(AW) Argonne National Laboratory West - postdoctoral appointment. If you have 
further questions, please contact Dr. Humberto E. Garcia at ANL-West, tel. +1 
208 533-7769, E-mail: garcia@anl.gov. Send your inquiries, which should 
include a resume with a publication list, to: Dr. Humberto E. Garcia, Argonne 
National Laboratory-West, P.O. Box 2528, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83403-2528, USA. 

Contributed by: Douglas Leith, (doug@eee.strath.ac.uk)

Applications are sought for two positions, one at post-doctoral level and the 
second a PhD Studentship. The project involves the application of modern 
ideas from off-equilibrium linearisation theory and non-parametric Bayesian 
statistics to the modelling of nonlinear dynamic systems from measured data. 
The project is a challenging and interdisciplinary one with major 
applications in industry. The successful applicant will join a vibrant and 
active interdisciplinary research group.

The project is a collaboration between researchers at the Universities of 
Strathclyde and Glasgow, within active research groups and programmes in 
nonlinear dynamics, system identification and control theory. The project is 
funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the 
posts carry competitive salaries/stipends, cover university fees (in the case 
of the PhD position) and offer research related travel.

For further details, please contact Dr. Douglas Leith, Dept. of Electronic & 
Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, 50 George Street, Glasgow 
G1 1QE, U.K., Email. doug@eee.strath.ac.uk

Contributed by: ZP Jiang, (zjiang@control.poly.edu)

PhD position in "Nonlinear Control Design and Applications"

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
Polytechnic University (New York) seeks outstanding applicants
for a RA position towards a PhD degree in the general area of
nonlinear control with practical applications. Preferences will
be given to students with a strong background in control theory
or mathematics. Our university is conveniently and safely located
in downtown Brooklyn and close to Manhattan.
Our graduate program in Electrical and Computer Engineering combines
the best of its distinguished history with new vital and exciting programs
geared specifically to the New York area's professional and industrial

The position is available starting from June 1, 2001.
The application forms can be downloaded from:
For hard copies, please send an email to Ms. Lino at: clino@duke.poly.edu

For further details about the research fellowship please contact:

Professor Zhon-Ping Jiang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Polytechnic University
Brooklyn, New York 11201
e-mail: zjiang@control.poly.edu

Contributed by: Victor Solo, (v.solo@unsw.edu.au)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Research Fellow Position


FIXED TERM: - Salary Postdoctoral Fellow: ,268 - ,591 per
year (plus up to 17% employer superannuation plus leave loading.) 
Salary Research Fellow: ,150 - ,742 per year 
(plus up to 17% employer superannuation plus leave loading.)

A vacancy exists for a Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Fellow to 
work on projects in one or more of the following areas: Nonlinear
Control, Robust Control, Hybrid Control, System Identification. 
These projects are concerned with developing new theoretical, 
computational and statistical methods and algorithms. 

Essential criteria for both positions:  nearing completion, or 
a completed PhD in an area related to one or more of: Control, 
Dynamical Systems, System Identification, Signal Processing; 
and a knowledge of EEO/AA principles. 

Essential criteria for Research Fellow:  outstanding research 
accomplishment. Desirable criteria:  knowledge of C programming, 
UNIX systems and Matlab.

Preference will be given to applicants with an Electrical 
Engineering background however applicants with backgrounds in  
Mathematics or Statistics or Physics are encouraged to apply.
This is a fixed term position, initially available for one year
 with the possibility of renewal dependent on funding. 

Enquiries may be directed to: Professor Victor Solo on 
telephone (02) 9385 4010 or email: v.solo@unsw.edu.au or to
Professor Andrey Savkin on telephone (02) 9385 6359 or 
email: a.savkin@unsw.edu.au or to Dr D. Clements on 
telephone (02) 9385 4015 or email: d.clements@unsw.edu.au.
For further details see our web page: 

Applications close 31 January 2001.

Contributed by: Dr. Jie Bao, (j.bao@unsw.edu.au)

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (ARC)



FIXED TERM: Total Remuneration: ,268 - ,591 per year plus up to 17%
employer superannuation plus leave loading.

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the field
of Decentralised Process Control. Based on the Passivity Theorem, this
research will develop a new approach to fault-tolerant decentralised control
schemes for both linear and control-affine nonlinear processes in a unified
framework. The work will be supervised by Dr J Bao and Professor P L Lee.

Essential criteria:  a PhD in Engineering or Mathematics; good knowledge of
and research experience with modern control theories; strong mathematical
skills; ability to work independently; excellent oral and written
communication skills as well as a knowledge of EEO/AA principles.

Desirable criteria:  knowledge of nonlinear process control, robust control
and the Passivity Theory.

This is a fixed term position for 2.5 years, available immediately, with the
possibility of renewal for a further six months dependent on funding.

Enquires may be directed to Dr J. Bao on telephone +61 (2) 9385 6755,
facsimile +61 (2) 9385 5966, Mobile: +61 410565038 or email

Applications close 14 February 2001.

Applicants should submit written applications systematically addressing the
selection criteria, QUOTING REFERENCE NUMBER. Include business and private
telephone numbers; a complete resume, (copies of academic transcript and
qualifications where appropriate); and the names, addresses (and preferably
facsimile numbers) of at least two referees to:  The Recruitment Officer,
Human Resources, UNSW Sydney 2052, or email: recruitment@unsw.edu.au by
applications close date.

Contributed by: John Thistle, (jthistle@kingcong.uwaterloo.ca)

Postdoctoral Position in Discrete Event Systems  
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario

Applications are invited for a 12-month postdoctoral research position. 
Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in control or computer science, and have
a strong background in control of discrete event systems or related areas
in computer science such as concurrency theory, semantics or formal 
verification. The project will centre around control synthesis via 
fixpoint calculus, decidability issues in decentralized control synthesis, 
and algebraic questions in hierarchical control.

Waterloo is a two-university city approximately 100 km (60 mi) west of

   Starting date:  as early as possible.
   Salary:  negotiable.
   Supervisor:  John Thistle, Associate Professor. 

Application procedure:  Send a curriculum vitae, a list of
three references and a cover letter to:  

   John Thistle
   Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   University of Waterloo
   200 University Avenue West
   Waterloo, Ontario
   Canada  N2L 3G1


Contributed by: National Univeristy of Ireland, Maynooth, (cs.search@may.ie)

Professor of Computer Science
The National University of Ireland, Maynooth invites applications for 
appointment to the post of Professor and Head of the Department of Computer 
Science. Established in 1987 the Department has a vibrant team of active 
researchers. It is ideally located within the core region of the computer 
industry in Ireland. The successful candidate will lead the ongoing 
development of the Department in both research and teaching.
Applicants should have a proven background of excellence in research, 
including a substantial record of scholarly publications. They should also 
have experience of providing leadership in teaching, and in academic 

Salary Scale (new entrants): »53,146 - »68,672 (6 points).
Further details of the post may be obtained by writing to the Personnel 
Officer, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, 
Ireland (confidential fax +353-1-7083940). 

Applications, including a full Curriculum Vitae and details of three referees 
(including addresses, telephone and fax numbers), should be forwarded to the 
Personnel Officer, so as to arrive not later than 15th March 2001. 
Further information on the Department of Computer Science is available on the 
web at www.cs.may.ie. Inquiries may be made to Mr Stephen Brown, Search 
Committee for Professor of Computer Science;                 
Telephone: +353 1 7083936 or by e-mailing to cs.search@may.ie

Contributed by: Ford Research Center Aachen, (dkok@ford.com)

Open Positions:
1. Research Engineer Powertrain Simulations
2. Technical Specialist Powernet Control
3. Technical Specialist Energy Storage

The Alternative Powertrains department at Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH
(Ford Research Centre) researches the potentials for lowering 
energy consumption and emissions by introducing ecologically and economically 
smart energy management systems for conventional, electric, hybrid-electric 
and fuel cell vehicles. On the basis of subsystem data, the energy economy of 
the entire vehicle is managed and power supply to devices is prioritized. 
Since vehicle energy management requires an optimal control architecture in 
which the individual vehicle subsystems exchange data with maximum 
efficiency, research on control architecture is one of the team's 
mainstreams. The Alternative Powertrain department already successfully 
implemented these processes and technologies in the technology demonstrator 
electric kA vehicle.

Your Opportunities

We are looking for a new colleague in the area of Energy Management. The 
position includes:
-Design and execution of longitudinal vehicle dynamics computer 
 simulation experiments for fuel consumption and emissions calculation of
 conventional, electric and hybrid- electric powertrains.
-Responsibility for the design and administration of subcomponent 
-Interdisciplinary work with Ford global colleagues.
-Contacts with Universities, sub-contractors and suppliers. 

Your Profile

Ideal candidates understand the value of teamwork, but also have the ability 
to work independently. You should prefer working in a divers environment - 
your colleagues in the Forschungszentrum Aachen come from 20 different 
countries. We expect that you have a graduate degree or equivalent level of 
functioning, preferably in Automotive Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or 
a corresponding education. Although the open position focuses on Matlab 
Simulink computer simulations, candidates are expected to prove their 
interest in automotive powertrain hardware. Industrial experience is welcomed 
but not mandatory. 

Join our vision

If the challenge appeals to you, please send your complete application 
(including detailed CV, copies of your certificates and reports of your 
university education and work experience) -"re. Alternative Powertrains"- to:

Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen
- Human Resources -
Süsterfeldstr. 200
52072 Aachen
or e-mail it to: ddreyer1@ford.com

For further information please contact
Dr.Ir. Daniel Kok +49/(0)241-9421-239

Contributed by: Dr Reza Katebi, (r.katebi@eee.strath.ac.uk)

Research Posts in Control of Wastewater Systems

Industrial Control Centre
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, Scotland

Two research positions are available in the area of modelling, control and 
real time control of wastewater systems including the sewer network and the 
treatment plants. The posts are funded by the European Commission, the 
Framework V Programme under the project ‘Smart Control of Wastewater Systems 
(SMAC)’. The project is in collaboration with a number of universities and 
companies in Britain, Denmark, Poland and Germany.

Candidates must hold a good degree in Engineering or a related discipline. 
The successful candidates will also have excellent written and oral 
communication skills.

The appointments will be for three years, beginning as early as March 2001.
The successful candidates will also be able to register for a PhD degree. 

Please email a CV to Dr Reza Katebi at address: r.katebi@eee.strath.ac.uk

Or post your CV to:

Dr Reza Katebi 
Industrial Control Centre
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, G1 1QE, Scotland

Tel: +44 (0) 141 548 2880
Fax: +44 (0) 141 548 4203

Contributed by: Vikram Manikonda, (vikram@i-a-i.com)


Intelligent Automation, Inc. (IAI) is a small business headquartered in
Rockville, Maryland and conducts state of the art research and product
development in the fast evolving areas of Autonomous Agents, Robotics,
Signal Processing and Control. We have several openings for  Research
Scientists/Engineers to perform research and development in the areas of
Multi-agent Systems, and Distributed Control and Optimization. IAI  is
actively involved in the development of agent execution environments for
past five years. We use our agent design and implementation tools to conduct
studies, provide novel solutions, and develop and implement
multi-agent-based systems for a number of application areas, including
manufacturing and on-line scheduling, military  logistics, highway and
artillery traffic simulation, traffic signal control and routing, and
modeling air traffic management. Visit us at www.i-a-i.com and
www.i-a-i.com/newagents.asp and learn more about IAI.

Description and Responsibilities:  Candidate must have must gave a strong
technical background in one or more of the following areas:
(i) Dynamical Systems, Modeling and Analysis and Control
(ii) Scheduling/optimization/supply-chain/logistics
(iii) Multi-agent Systems (agent development infrastructures/MAS

A Research Scientist will be responsible for conducting original research,
new business development, technology transition, and assist in program
planning. Must be capable of working independently and as a member of a
team. Strong technical writing, presentation and communication skills are

M.S. (with minimum 3 yrs of experience) or Ph.D. in Computer Science,
Electrical Engineer, Industrial Engineering, Operation Research or related
field with experience in the areas mentioned above. (Recent Ph.D. graduates
are welcome to apply)

Additional experience in the following areas will be beneficial
(i) Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos theory; (ii) Application of MAS to Air and
ground Traffic Control,  or Military Logistics; (iii) Modeling simulation
and optimization tools; (iv) Software integration/Distributed Computing; (v)
Expertise in Java, C++, OOP and UML

U.S Citizenship or Permanent Residency NOT required. IAI is an equal
opportunity employer and offers its employees an excellent benefits package.

E-mail, fax or mail a copy of your CV with a cover letter to:
Attn:  Dr. Vikram Manikonda
Intelligent Automation, Inc.
7519 Standish Place, Suite 200
Rockville, MD 20855
Fax: 301-590-9414; E-mail: vikram@i-a-i.com

Contributed by: Zongli Lin, (zl5y@virginia.edu)

The Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of
Virginia is seeking a research scientist to participate in the
development of analysis and design tools for systems with saturation
nonlinearities. Candidates should have a doctorate in a systems and control
related discipline with research backgounds in nonlinear control and/or 
robust control. Interested persons should send curriculum vitae with at 
least 3 names of references to: Prof. Zongli Lin, Dept. of Elec. & Computer
Engr. PO Box 400743, Univ. of Va., Charlottesville, VA 22904-4743, USA, 
Job Ref. #5788,  Tel. 804/924-6342, Fax. 804/924-8818.
Additional info on the dept. can be found at http://www.ece.virginia.edu.
See http://minerva.acc.virginia.edu/~provost/profres.htm for terms and
conditions of employment.

This position will remain open until filled. The University of Virginia is
an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Applicants must be able
to lawfully accept employment in the United States.

Contributed by: Andy Clegg (ISC Ltd.), (andy@isc.eee.strath.ac.uk)

Over the last 12 years Industrial Systems & Control Limited (ISC) has become a 
leading supplier of control engineering consultancy services.

The company owns and operates a very successful technology transfer Club - the 
Advanced Control Technology Club. In addition the company provides control 
consultancy services to industry at large.

As a result of outstanding growth over the last three years, an Engineering 
Consultant is required to join the staff of ISC.

The vacancy involves working with members of the Advanced Control Technology 
Club to ensure their needs are met. There will also be opportunities to 
participate in consultancy contracts of varying size. The work is both 
technically interesting and diverse. Customers and Club members range from 
large blue chip companies to SME's.

The successful candidate will have a good first degree in an engineering 
discipline. Inter-personal skills and experience in control engineering are 
key requirements. A higher degree or industrial experience and capability in 
administration would be advantageous.

Please send your CV to :

Andrew Buchanan
Managing Director
Industrial Systems & Control Limited
50 George Street
G1 1QE

Tel:	     0141 553 1111
Fax:	     0141 553 1232
Email:	     iscmail@isc-ltd.com
WWW:         http://www.isc-ltd.com

              *                                        *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: B. J. Lurie, (B.J.Lurie@jpl.nasa.gov)

Contributed by: Boris Lurie (B.J.Lurie@jpl.nasa.gov)
With permission of the publisher, parts of the book CLASSICAL FEEDBACK CONTROL 
with MATLAB by B.J.Lurie and P.J.Enright, Dekker, 2000, are now placed on the 
webpage (luriecontrol.com):  Chapter 4,  Shaping The Loop Frequency Response 
(applications of Bode integrals to loop shaping, with space-system 
control examples); Appendix 11, Discussions; Appendix 14, Bode Step MATLAB 
toolbox; and Contents.

              *                                        *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu (Editor-in-Chief), (lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw)

Important News: Asian Journal of Control will be included in Compnedex        
                Database of Engineering Index starting from January 1st,

                                  Asian Journal of Control 
                                         Vol.2, No.4

1. Title: "Steering a Mobile Robot: Selection of a Velocity Profile  
           Satisfying Dynamical Constraints," 
    Author:M.A. Benayad, G. Campion, V. Wertz and, M.E. Achhab

2. Title: "A Global Exponential Output-Feedback Controller for Induction 
    Author:M. Feemster, D.M. Dawson, P. Aquino and A. Behal

3. Title: "Guidance Laws Evaluation for Missile Guidance Systems,"
    Author:Chih-Lin Lin, Jiun-Fei Shiu, Shing-Kuo Chang and Rong-Jong Wai

4. Title: "H-infinity Almost Disturbance Decoupling for MIMO Bilinear  
    Author:Yufan Zheng, Daniel W.C. Ho and Guoping Lu

5. Title: "A Modified Method for Supervisor Specification and Synthesis of a 
           Class of Discrete event Systems,"
    Author: Yeong-Chang Ou and Jwu-Sheng Hu

6. Title: "Ecological Systems Control by Fuzzy Logic Controller,"
    Author:Chih-Lin Lin, Yi-Jen Mon and Jiann-Hwa Maa

7. Title: "A Note on the Solution of the Stochastic Algebraic Riccati  
    Author:Wei-Hai Zhang and Lei Jia

8. Title: "Discrete Output Fuzzy Controller Design for Achieving Common 
           Controllability Gramian,"
    Author: Wen-Jer Chang, Chein-Chung Sun and Chyun-Chau Fuh

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak, (automatica@math.utwente.nl)

                                Table of contents

April, 2001                                               Issue    37:4

Survey Papers

M. van de Wal, B. de Jager    A review of methods for input/output selection

Regular Papers

M. Mossberg, L. Hillström,    Non-parametric identification of viscoelastic
T. Söderström                 materials from wave propagation experiments

Brief Papers

J. Blot, N. Hayek             Conjugate points in infinite-horizon control

E. Mosca, T. Agnoloni         Inference of candidate loop performance and
                              data filtering for switching supervisory

C. Bonivento, L. Marconi, R.  Output regulation of nonlinear systems by
Zanasi                        sliding mode

E. Fridman                    A descriptor system approach to nonlinear
                              singularly perturbed optimal control problem

Y. Zhang, C. Wen, Y. C. Soh   Robust adaptive control of nonlinear
                              discrete-time systems by backstepping without

H. Akcay                      Synthesis of complete rational orthonormal
                              bases with prescribed asymptotic order

G. Zhai, M. Ikeda, Y.         Decentralized H(infinity) controller design: A
Fujisaki                      matrix inequality approach using a homotopy

G. Calafiore, L. El Ghaoui    Worst-case maximum likelyhood estimation in
                              the linear model

M. Akar, M. Erol Sezer        Associative memory design using overlapping

A. Bonchis, P. I. Corke, D.   Variable structure methods in hydraulic servo
C. Rye, Q. P. Ha              systems control

D. Henrion, S. Tarbouriech,   Control of linear systems subject to input
V. Kucera                     constraints: A polynomial approach

Technical Communiques

S. T. Impram, N. Munro        A note on absolute stability of uncertain

S. N. Huang, K. K. Tan, T.    A combined PID/adaptive controller for a class
H. Lee                        of nonlinear systems

A. Czornik, A. Swierniak      Lower bounds on the solution of coupled
                              algebraic Riccati equation

C. Mosquera, F. Perez         On the strengthened robust SPR problem for
                              discrete-time systems

Book Reviews

J. Shinar                     Performance, stability, dynamics and control
                              of airplanes, by B. N. Pamadi

S. P. Banks                   An introduction to infinite-dimensional linear
                              systems theory, by R. F. Curtain and H. J.

A. L. Stevens                 Quantitative feedback theory, by C. H. Houpis
                              and S. J. Rasmussen

B. M. Chen                    Robust stabilization and H(infinity) problems

CONTENTS LIST: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: George W Irwin (Editor-in-Chief), (cep@ee.qub.ac.uk)

IFAC Journal: Control Engineering Practice
ISSN   : 0967-0661
Volume : 9, Issue :1, January 2001

pp 1-10
Evaluating H~ controllers on the NRC Bell 205 fly-by-wire helicopter
A.J. Smerlas^1, D.J. Walker, I. Postlethwaite, M.E. Strange, J.
Howitt, A.W. Gubbels

pp 11-21
A design of gain-scheduled control for a linear parameter varying
system: an application to flight control
C.H. Lee, M.H. Shin, M.J. Chung

pp 23-36
A pneumatic muscle actuator driven manipulator for nuclear waste
D.G. Caldwell, N. Tsagarakis, G.A. Medrano-Cerda, J. Schofield, S.

pp 37-49
On-line evolution of robust control systems: an industrial active
magnetic bearing application
P. Schroder, B. Green, N. Grum, P.J. Fleming

pp 51-65
Identification in closed loop: a powerful design tool (better design
models, simpler controllers)
I.D. Landau

pp 67-77
VSS motion control for a laser-cutting machine
Ales Hace, K. Jezernik, M. Terbuc

pp 79-87
Torsional displacement compensation in position control for machining
H. Lim, J.-W. Seo, C.-H. Choi

pp 89-95
Implementation of indirect neuro-control for a nonlinear two-robot
MIMO system
J. Oh Jang

Contributed by: Gabriela Stroian, (ejc@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr)

Contents European Journal of Control Vol.6, no. 4, 2000


A backstepping-like approach to adaptive control in discrete time
S. Monaco, D. Normand-Cyrot and A. Madani

Impact control of a single-link robot striking different environments: 
theoretical and experimental investigation 
M. Indri and A. Tornambè
Discussions on the paper by B. Brogliato and J. Xiao and N. Xi.

A sliding mode observer based FDI scheme for the ship benchmark
C. Edwards and S.K. Spurgeon.
Discussions on the paper by M. Kinnaert and J.P. Barbot.

A global optimization approach to scalar H_2/H_inf control 
C. Guarino Lo Bianco and A. Piazzi
Discussion on the paper by R.H.C. Takahashi and P.L.D. Peres. 

Robust output tracking with structured perturbations: a multiple model 
control based approach
M.L. Corradini and L. Jetto.

Robust stabilizing solution of the Riccati difference equation
J. Zou and Y.P. Gupta

Information on European Journal of Control is available at its home page:

Address for submissions:
	I.D. Landau
	European Journal of Control
	Laboratoire d'Automatique 
	38402 Saint Martin d'Hères
	E-mail : Ioan-Dore.Landau@inpg.fr	

Contributed by: Tor Arne Johansen, (Tor.Arne.Johansen@itk.ntnu.no)

                  CALL FOR PAPERS

          International Journal of Control 
                  special issue on

 Switched, piecewise and polytopic linear systems

                  Guest Editors

     Tor A Johansen, Norwegian Univ. Sci. Tech.
   René van de Molengraft, Tech. Univ. Eindhoven
        Henk Nijmeijer, Tech. Univ. Eindhoven

 Recent years have shown a fastly developing body of
 general results on system theory, modelling and control
 of fairly general classes of nonlinear and hybrid 
 systems. One special class which is currently 
 receiving significant attention is that of
 composite linear systems, where the dynamics are
 described by some form of switching, blending or
 parameter-varying combination of linear systems.
 An important reason for this interest is that this class
 is sufficiently specialized to yield strong results
 and allow for efficient computational algorithms to be 
 derived, while at the same time it is sufficiently 
 general to be of interest. One additional feature is 
 that some concepts and ideas of linear systems theory 
 can be applied or extended in a straightforward manner.

 The IJC special issue invites papers contributing to
 the study of this class of systems. Some relevant
 topics include

 - Analysis: stability, controllability, observability,
   approximation and complexity issues
 - Computational algorithms: LMIs, computational 
   geometry and mathematical programming
 - Experiment design and implementation issues
 - Modelling and identification
 - Piecewise linear systems
 - Adaptive control, multiple model methods
 - Optimal and constrained control
 - Uncertainty modelling and robustness
 - Supervisory control

Papers should be submitted by 1 July 2001 to one of the
Guest Editors at the addresses given below, by mail (6 copies)
or electronically as a postscript or pdf file. The 
target publication date for the special issue is June 2002.

Tor A Johansen
Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
N-7491 Trondheim

René van de Molengraft / Henk Nijmeijer
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Postbus 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
M.J.G.v.d.Molengraft@tue.nl / H.Nijmeijer@tue.nl

Contributed by: Robert F Harrison, (r.f.harrison@shef.ac.uk)


Special Issue of the International Journal of Systems Science on Support 
Vector and Kernel Methods

This Special Issue on Support Vector and Kernel Methods will include papers 
that present significant new results on the theory and application of these 
ideas for solving problems in systems and control. The area of support vector 
and kernel methods is rapidly growing and is fast reaching maturity. In view 
of this, it is timely to consolidate aspects of the topic germane to the 
systems and control community. In line with the thrust of the Journal, 
emphasis will be on issues involving dynamical systems rather than pattern 
recognition although it is accepted that there may be some overlap. 

Typical areas of interest are as follows:

- non-linear systems identification and time series analysis
- feedback and predictive control of non-linear systems
- non-linear filtering and signal processing
- adaptive kernel-based algorithms.

Both full research papers and short communications will be published 
describing significant contributions to the theory and its application to 
engineering systems.

Author guidelines are given at



Submit the manuscript by:            May 15, 2001
Authors will be notified by:            October 15, 2001
Final manuscript needed by:            January 15, 2001
Planned publication date:            August 2002 Issue

Four copies of complete manuscripts should be submitted to:

Dr Robert F Harrison, Guest Editor
The University of Sheffield,
Department of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering
Mappin Street              
Sheffield S1 3JD
Tel:  +44 (0)114 222 5139  Fax: +44 (0)114 222 5661
Email: r.f.harrison@shef.ac.uk

Contributed by: Tricia Manning, (tmanning@fi.edu)

For information about submitting papers to The Journal of The Franklin
Institute, please contact Tricia Manning at tmanning@fi.edu or see 


Journal of the Franklin Institute
Volume 337, Issue 7, November 2000 

Special Section on The 2000 Franklin Institute Awards
Roger A. Grey 
The 2000 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry presented
to Robert H. Grubbs 
pp. 793-805

Lucian Platt 
The 2000 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Earth Science presented
to Eville Gorham 
pp. 813-816

Lawrence W. Dobbins 
The 2000 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Engineering presented
to Antoine Labeyrie 
pp. 817-826

William W. Dickhart III 
The 2000 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Engineering presented
to James R. Powell and Gordon T. Danby 
pp. 827-833

Elias Burstein and Lorenzo M. Narducci 
The 2000 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Engineering presented
to Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell and Wolfgang Ketterle 
pp. 835-843

Bradford A. Jameson 
The 2000 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science
presented to Alexander Rich 
pp. 845-856

The 2000 Bower Award to Business Leadership presented to
William J. Rutter
pp. 857-858


Pablo A. Iglesias and Marc A. Peters 
An entropy formula for nonlinear systems 
pp. 859-874

Y.L. Guan and L.F. Turner 
Information-theoretic comparisons of cellular multiple-access 
systems with bandwidth-dependent fading considerations 
pp. 875-905

Peter J. Gawthrop 
Sensitivity bond graphs 
pp. 907-922

Brief Communication

Edwin Engin Yaz and Yvonne Ilke Yaz 
Reduced-order filtering of jump Markov systems with noise
-free measurements 
pp. 923-928

Volume contents/subject and author index

JOURNAL CONTENTS: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Contributed By: Clarence de Silva, Regional Editor (desilva@mech.ubc.ca)

Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
        (International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time Automation)
ISSN   : 0952-1976
Volume : 14
Issue  : 1
Date   : Feb-2001

Please note that abstracts are freely accessible by all, full text is
restricted to subscribers only.

Visit the journal at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/00975

pp 1-14
Genetic adaptive control for an inverted wedge: experiments and
comparative analyses
M.L. Moore, J.T. Musacchio^1, K.M. Passino

pp 15-21
An integrated neural-fuzzy-genetic-algorithm using hyper-surface
membership functions to predict permeability in petroleum reservoirs
Y. Huang, T.D. Gedeon, P.M. Wong

pp 23-33
A qualitative shape analysis formalism for monitoring control loop
R. Rengaswamy, T. Hagglund, V. Venkatasubramanian

pp 35-41
A methodology for document processing: separating text from images
N.G. Bourbakis

pp 43-49
Image matching with fuzzy moment descriptors
B. Biswas, A. Konar, A.K. Mukherjee

pp 51-60
An artificial neural network approach for routing in distributed
computer networks
S. Pierre, H. Said, W.G. Probst

pp 61-75
Knowledge-based approach and system for assembly oriented design,
Part I: the approach
X.F. Zha, H.J. Du, J.H. Qiu

pp 77-85
A predictive system for blast furnaces by integrating a neural
network with qualitative analysis
J. Chen

pp 87-94
Disturbance aspects of iterative learning control
M. Norrlof, S. Gunnarsson

pp 95-103
A new signature verification technique based on a two-stage neural
network classifier
H. Baltzakis, N. Papamarkos

pp I-IV
Conference Calendar

Contributed by: Lars Imsland, (mic@itk.ntnu.no)

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
Modeling, Identification, and Control (MIC), Vol. 21, No. 4, October 2000

Bjørnar Vik and Thor I. Fossen, "A Nonlinear Observer for 
   Integration of GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems" ...... 193

Truls Larsson and Sigurd Skogestad, "Plantwide control - A 
   review and a new design procedure" ....................... 209

Bernt Lie and David M. Himmelblau, "Catalyst Deactivation: 
   Control Relevance of Model Assumptions" .................. 241

Accumulated index and more information about MIC is available at 

MIC is now available online for subscribers and for others on a 
pay-per-view basis, at EBSCO Online, http://www.ebsco.com/online/.

              *                                        *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Denis N. Sidorov, (dsidorov@isem.sei.irk.ru)

First Announcement
12th Baikal International Conference

24 June - 1 July, 2001
Irkutsk, lake Baikal, Russia

Sponsored and organized by

Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory, Siberian Branch of RAS
Institute of Energy Systems, Siberian Branch of RAS
Computer Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Irkutsk State University
Irkutsk State Economical Academy
Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy
Irkutsk Regional Administration
Russian Foundation of Basic Research

RUSSIA, 2001

The 12-th Baikal International Conference Methods of Optimization and Their
Applications is dedicated to the memory of academician N.N.Moiseev who was
the organizer of the first Baikal school-seminars together with academician
L.A.Melentiev in 1969.

International Program Committee:
V.P.Bulatov (Russia) - Chairman
Yu.G.Evtushenko (Russia) - Co-Chairman
E.N.Yaskova (Russia) - Secretary

In the framework of the conference it is planned to hold the following
1. Mathematical programming
2. Optimal control
3. Mathematical economics and applications
4. Inverse and ill-posed problems of applied mathematics
(contact address: Dr. Denis N. Sidorov dsidorov@isem.sei.irk.ru
5. Discrete analysis and coding theory

and the seminars Mathematical modeling in agricultural production,
Control of aircraft.

Those wishing to take part in the conference are kindly requested to send a
registration form to the organizing committee no later than January 15,
2001. Papers should be sent at the address of the organizing committee no
later than March 15, 2001.

Invitations and additional information will be sent after consideration of
the submitted papers.

Proceedings are planned to be published by the beginning of the conference.
Papers of 5 pages in length should be mailed to the organizing committee in
the printed form and e-mail. Section and plenary papers will be published in
book form. Style file and requirements to the papers are available in
Internet on link http://www.idstu.irk.ru/Style.zip or an inquiry can be sent
to e-mail: elv@isem.sei.irk.ru

Detailed information on the conference will be available in Internet on
site: http://www.idstu.irk.ru.

Address organizing committee:

Bulatov Valerian Pavlovich
Institute of System Dynamics and
Control Theory of SB RAS
134, Lermontov str.,
Irkutsk, 664033, Russia
E-mail: secr@icc.ru

Yaskova Elvira Nikolaevna
Institute of Energy Systems
130, Lermontov str.,
Irkutsk, 664033, Russia
Phone: (3952) 464-711
Fax: (3952) 462-796
E-mail: elv@isem.sei.irk.ru

Contributed by: Gang Tao, (gt9s@virginia.edu)

              Call for Submission and Participation in 

                 the 2001 International Symposium on
             Adaptive and Intelligent Systems and Control

        University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
                     Thursday, June 28, 2001


As researches in adaptive systems and control and that in intelligent systems 
and control have experienced tremendous successes in both theory and 
applications and are developing rapidly with emergence of new encouraging 
solutions to open challenging problems, this symposium is aimed at acting as 
an international forum for researchers in these areas to present recent 
results, discuss new ideas, and expand future directions. The symposium is to 
take place on the day after the 2001 American Control Conference to be held 
on Monday, June 25 - Wednesday, June 27, 2001, in Arlington, Virginia, USA.


Any topics in theory and applications of adaptive system and control, and of 
intelligent systems and control will be welcome.


Submission of extended abstracts (2 pages): before April 20, 2001
Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2001
Conference time: June 28, 2001 (Thursday, the next day after ACC2001)

A proceedings of abstracts for all presentations will be distributed. 
Selected full papers are to be published as a monograph if interested.


Organizer and Chair: Professor Gang Tao
                     Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                     University of Virginia
                     Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA

                     Tel: 804-924-4586 
                     Fax: 804-924-8818
                     Email: gt9s@virginia.edu

City of Charlottesville, where the 1981 Joint Automatic Control Conference 
was held on University of Virginia's campus, is located in Central Virginia, 
approximately 100 miles southwest of Washington, D.C. (Arlington, Virginia) 
and 70 miles northwest of Richmond, Virginia. It is situated at the foothills 
of the Blue Ridge Mountains and near the Shenandoah National Park, with a 
local area population 150,000. It is a unique place in the United States that 
combines a picturesque and cultivated countryside so rich in historical 
associations with the proximity of a national park and a wide array of 
cultural opportunities, as named by the Money Magazine in 1998 as a top 
beautiful and livable city in the US, with many attractions including:

Monticello Home of Thomas Jefferson, third U.S. President, author and
founder of the University of Virginia. Ash Lawn-Highland, the home of the 
fifth U. S. president, James Monroe. University of Virginia, recognized as 
one of the nation's outstanding universities, as well as a supreme 
architectural achievement. Montpelier, celebrating the life and legacy of 
U.S. President Madison, the Father of the Constitution, and Dolley Madison, 
America's first First Lady. 

Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway meet at the top of the Rockfish Gap, 
through Shenandoah National Park. Natural Bridge of Virginia, one of the 
seven natural wonders of the world. Underground Wonders of Virginia: Grand 
Caverns, Caverns of Natural Bridge, Luray Caverns, Endless Caverns, some of 
the most popular and beautiful caverns in the US. Tours of museums, 
battlefields and Jefferson Vineyards near Charlottesville, Buckley Moss 
Museum, Hall of Valor Civil War Museum, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 
Museum and White House of the Confederacy, Berkeley Plantation (the original 
Thanksgiving site), and the historic and scenic city of Williamsburg.

For more information, go to 

Contributed by: Laurent Praly, (praly@cas.ensmp.fr)

Meeting in Paris on March 21-22, 2001 

The Centre d'Automatique et Systeme of Ecole des Mines de Paris is very happy 
to invite you to attend on march 21-22, 2001 a two days meeting, chaired by 
Jean Levine, Laurent Praly and Pierre Rouchon, entitled: "25 years of nonlinear 
control at Ecole des Mines de Paris".

The objective of the first day (march 21), in Carre des Sciences, in Paris, is 
to bring together people from academia, industry and possibly government and to 
establish an exchange with non specialists. Accordingly the programme of this 
day is split into two parts:

- Lectures by keynote speakers in the following list:
  J. Ackermann (DLR, Germany),
  M. Cohen de Lara (ENPC, France),
  J.-M. Coron (Universite Paris-Sud, France),
  M. Fliess (CNRS, France),
  P.K. Kokotovic (University of California at Santa Barbara, USA),
  P. Martin (CAS/ENSMP, France).

- A panel discussion session with representatives of industries and government 
agencies involved in collaborations with the lab.

The second day (march 22) will be devoted to more technical scientific 
discussions and will take place in our lab in Fontainebleau. A series of 
lectures will be given by:
D. Bonvin (EPFL, Switzerland),
F. Colonius (Universitaet Augsburg, Germany),
R. Marino (Uiversità Tor Vergata, Italy),
D. Mayne (Imperial College, United Kingdom),
M. Morari (ETH, Switzerland),
A. van der Schaft (Twente University, The Netherlands)
and shows of our lab experiments will be presented: robot arm 2kPi, small size 


- The attendance at the meeting is free of charge but a registration will be 

- A tranportation to Fontainebleau from Paris for the second day may be 

- If you want to be kept informed about this meeting, please send to
  your name, affiliation, position and email.

- It is also recommended that you regularly look at

Contributed by: Dr. Miguel Ayala Botto, (migbotto@ist.utl.pt)



Porto, Portugal, September 4, 2001
SATELLITE EVENT OF ECC 2001 - The European Control Conference

Scope of Student Forum 

The purpose of this forum is to provide a place where students can present 
and discuss topics on Control and its applications, and related areas. It 
will be held in parallel with a major technical meeting, the European Control 
Conference, ECC 2001. This conference has, in its technical program, more 
than 600 papers in the regular and special sessions, more than 240 papers in 
the posters sessions, three plenary lectures delivered by:

M. Aioun and P. Seigle (PSA-Citroen Peugeot, France)
Sanjoy Mitter (MIT, USA)
David Mayne (Imperial College, UK)

six semi-plenary lectures by,

Rolf Isermann (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany)
Salvatore Monaco (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy)
Tamer Basar (University of Illinois, USA)
L. Ljung (Linköping University, Sweden)
Francis Clarke (Université Lyon I, France)
F. Lobo Pereira (University of Porto, Portugal)

and three mini-courses by,

Rogelio Lozano (Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France)
M. Vidyasagar (Tata Consultancy Services, India)
Ron Patton (The University of Hull, U.K.)

The students participating in the forum will be able to listen to all these 
presentation, at no additional cost. Additionally, on the 3rd of September, 
the following six Tutorial Workshops will be offered (enrolment fee: 120 

- Modelling of Physical Systems for the Design and Control of Mechatronic 
  Systems (Job van Amerongen) 
- Performance Assessment and Benchmarking of Control Loops (Mike Grimble and 
  Andrzej Ordys) 
- Quantitative Feedback Theory (C. Houpis and S. Rasmussen) 
- Nonlinear Dynamic Models for Computer Control (Ronald K. Pearson) 
- Analysis and Control of Constrained Mechanical Systems (A. Tornambe, B. 
  Maschke, B. Brogliato) 
- Finance for Control Engineers (M. Schumacher, M.H. Vellekoop) 

The forum will have fourteen technical areas:

Automation: Factory modeling and simulation, Instrumentation systems, Man-
machine interactions, Manufacturing systems, Process automation,. Supervision 

Biotechnological and environmental systems: Agriculture processes, Bio-
technical processes, Biomedical systems, Environmental and safety systems. 

Complex systems: Bifurcation and chaos, Decentralized systems, Distributed 
systems, Infinite dimensional systems, Large scale systems, Complex adaptive 
systems, Control of complex systems. 

Computer control: Algorithms and software for real-time control, Fault-
tolerant control, Hardware architectures for control, Parallel and 
distributed control systems, Software design methodologies. 

Control applications: Active control of structures and space stations, Active 
noise cancellation, Industrial processes, Marine/offshore systems, Micro 
systems, Oceanic engineering, Power systems and power plants, Vehicles and 
transportation systems. 

Design methodologies: Adaptive control, Control and optimization, Dissipative 
and energy-based design, Fuzzy systems, Learning systems, Lyapunov design, 
Multirate control, Multivariable control, Neural networks, Neuro-Fuzzy 
systems, Optimal control, Predictive control, Repetitive control, Robust 
control, Variable structure control. 

Discrete event and hybrid systems: Applications, Design tools, Petri nets, 
Fault detection and diagnosis, Modeling, control and verification, 
Scheduling, Supervisory control. 

Fault diagnosis and systems: Quantitative and qualitative methods to fault 
diagnosis, Statistical approaches to fault diagnosis, Fault and uncertainty 
modeling in dynamical systems, Fault detection and diagnosis in bilinear and 
nonlinear systems, Process supervision, Case studies and implementation. 

Linear systems: PID control, Sampled data systems, Singular systems, 
Stabilization, Stochastic systems, Time delay systems, Time varying and 
periodic systems. 

Non-linear systems: Bilinear systems, Control of non-linear discrete-time 
systems, Control of systems with input non-linearities, Controllability and 
observability of non-linear systems, Feedback linearization of non-linear 
systems, Flatness, Geometry and structure of non-linear systems, Non-linear H-
Infinity, Non-linear observers, Non-linear oscillations and chaos, Stability 
analysis of non-linear systems, Stabilization of non-linear systems, 
Stochastic systems, Trajectory tracking in non-linear systems. 

Robotics and mechatronics: Flexible robots, Learning robot control, 
Manipulators, Mechatronic systems, Micro-robotics, Mobile robots, Redundant 
manipulators, Robot adaptive control, Robot applications, Robot force 
control, Robot motion control, Task and motion execution control, Task and 
motion organization, Tele-robotics, Undersea robotics, Vision systems. 

System identification and signal processing: Bounded uncertainty and errors 
in variables, Estimation, Frequency domain identification methods, 
Identification for control, Identification methods, Identification of non-
linear systems, Observers, Robust filtering, Set-membership estimation and 
identification, Signal and systems, Signal processing, Subspace methods. 

Vehicles and transportation system: Aerospace systems, Automotive systems, 
Autonomous vehicles, Hybrid and electric vehicles, Marine systems, Rail 
systems, Traffic control automation, Transportation systems. 

Other topics: Behavioral systems, Emerging control technologies. Other.

Submission Format 

Diploma, MSc, or early stage PhD registered students are invited to submit 
one copy of a full paper, in English, with 4 pages, to be presented in a 
Poster Session. Electronic submission in PDF is required. The submitted paper 
should be in final format and should include: title, authors' names, 
affiliations, postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses 
of each author. Papers submitted to the Student Forum should describe 
original, unpublished work in progress. It should include a clearly defined 
problem statement supported by the relevant references. It should state why 
the work was undertaken and the expected deliverables. The development 
description should be comprehensive enough to allow the assessment of the 
work's originality and contribution to the technical area and should also 
provide conclusions. For student papers presenting joint work, all co-authors 
must be students. Concurrent submission to conferences (including ECC 2001) 
is allowed, but this must be clearly indicated on the submission email 
message. If accepted at the Forum, the paper must be withdrawn from all other 
conferences or, alternatively, it should be withdrawn from the Forum. 
Submission e-mail message must include the following: title, authors' names, 
affiliations, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail 
addresses of each author, designated contact author and indication of 
submission to other conferences ("none" or a list), and up to five keywords. 
Paper's format can be found on: 


Papers outside the specified length (4 pages) or that do not meet the 
formatting guidelines are subject to rejection without review. Late 
submission will not be accepted. Notification of receipt will be e-mailed to 
the designated contact author shortly after receipt with the indication of 
the paper id.

Paper Acceptance 

Each accepted paper will be included in the booklet of the Student Forum and 
will be presented in a poster format. The Student Forum booklet will be 
printed in a volume separate from ECC 2001 proceedings and distributed to all 
participants, including ECC 2001 participants. 

Poster Format 

Dimensions of 160cmX120cm (height X width) maximum. They must include title, 
authors, mailing address of each author, e-mail addresses, text, figures and 


For the paper to be included in the Forum booklet at least one of the authors 
must register and pay the registration fee till 1st of June 2001. The Forum 
Fee is 100 Euro. This fee includes the Student Forum booklet, and right to 
attend all the sessions of ECC 2001, Tutorial Workshops excluded. 


  April 30, 2001 Submission of paper to Student Forum. 
  May 21, 2001 Notification of acceptance. 
  June 1, 2001 Deadline for registration. 
  September 4, 2001 Student Forum. 

Submission Email Address: SFecc2001@ist.utl.pt

For further information contact one of the Student Forum Co-Chairmen, or 
email to: SFecc2001@ist.utl.pt 

For more information about ECC 2001 - European Control Conference please 
visit the site: http://www.fe.up.pt/ecc2001/ 

Associacao Portuguesa de Controlo Automatico (APCA)

General Chairman:
J. L. Martins de Carvalho, University of Porto, Portugal (ecc2001@fe.up.pt) 

Program Chairman:
J. M. G. Sa da Costa, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal 

Student Forum Co-Chairmen:
M. Ayala Botto, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal (migbotto@ist.utl.pt)
J. M. Sousa, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal (jsousa@ist.utl.pt) 

Contributed by: Alan Zinober, (a.zinober@shef.ac.uk)


                           "Nonlinear and Adaptive Control"
                                     25-28 June 2001
                              The University of Sheffield

Call for papers:  submit abstracts by 15th March 2001
Full details:     www.shef.ac.uk/~ncn4
Email:            a.zinober@shef.ac.uk

Contributed by: Andrea Balluchi, (balluchi@parades.rm.cnr.it)
Fourth International Workshop
March 28-30 (Wed-Fri), 2001
Aims and Scope

The Workshop on Hybrid Systems attracts researchers from industry and
academe interested in modeling, analysis, and implementation of
dynamic and reactive systems involving both discrete (integer,
logical, symbolic) and continuous behaviors. It is a forum for the
latest developments in all aspects of hybrid systems, including
formal models and computational representations, algorithms and
heuristics, computational tools, and new challenging applications.
The Fourth HSCC International Workshop continues the series of
workshops held in Grenoble, France (HART'97), Berkeley, California,
USA (HSCC'98), Nijmegen, The Netherlands (HSCC'99), and Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA (HSCC 2000). As in the case of the previous
editions, proceedings of the workshop will be published in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer-Verlag (LNCS

Scientific Program and Topics

Sessions will include presentations of contributed papers on:
 - modeling and representations,
 - control methods and algorithms,
 - optimization,
 - formal methods for analysis, synthesis and verification,
 - computer-aided design,
 - engineering applications.

There will be three invited presentations:

                       Manfred Morari 
                      (ETH, Zurich, CH) 
             "Control as an Embedded Technology"  

                     Costas Pantelides 
               (Imperial College, London, UK) 
   "Optimisation of Hybrid Processes and Hybrid Controllers"

                     Janos Sztipanovits
            (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA)
   "Embedded Software and Systems: Challenges and Approaches"

The workshop will include also a panel discussion to assess the
achievements and limitations of current research on hybrid systems to
handle industrial-strength examples.


The workshop will be held in Palazzo Lancellotti, Via dei Coronari,
Rome, Italy. This palace was erected on the site of other
constructions, in the end of the 16th century, by the order of
Scipione Lancellotti. The architecture was conceived by F. da
Volterra and C. Maderno. Domenichino created the main door with the
columns supporting a balcony. The courtyard is among the most
interesting things characterizing the palace. It has a portico and a
loggia decorated by ancient marbles and stuccoes. In the halls of the
palace there are paintings by Tassi and Guercino.

Important Dates

Workshop: March 28-30 (Wed-Fri), 2001
Workshop Early Registration Deadline: February 28, 2001
Hotel Reservation Deadline: February 26, 2001

Additional Information

To stay informed about HSCC 2001, register for e-mail announcements
by sending e-mail to hscc2001@parades.rm.cnr.it . Also, please refer
to the workshop web-page at http://www.parades.rm.cnr.it/hscc2001.

Workshop Co-chairs
 Maria Domenica Di Benedetto       Alberto L.
 Dip. di Ingegneria Elettrica      Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
 Universita' de L'Aquila           PARADES G.E.I.E.
 Poggio di Roio                    Via di San Pantaleo, 66
 67040 L'Aquila, ITALY             00186 Rome, ITALY
 ph. +39-0862-434449               ph. +39 06 6880-7923
 fax +39-0862-434403               fax +39 06 6880-7926
 e-mail: dibenede@ing.univaq.it    e-mail: alberto@parades.rm.cnr.it

Contributed by: Jesus Pico', (jpico@aii.upv.es)

               IFAC Workshop Advanced Fuzzy/Neural Control 2001

                       ** Preliminary announcement **                

                              Valencia, Spain
                            October 15-16, 2001


The scope of this workshop is to review and discuss the impact of Fuzzy 
Logic and Neural Net Control design techniques, with special emphasis on
specific achievements of these approaches when compared to other 
techniques. Evaluation of performance assessment, design criteria, results
comparison and future perspectives of these methodologies are the 
underlying goals of the meeting, from a scientific and an industrial point of 

The sessions will consist of a keynotes lecture followed by the presentation 
of contributions, and will be organized according to the following topics:

   Fuzzy Logic Controllers: analytic versus heuristics 
   Stability issues in Fuzzy Control 
   Structures and architectures for neural control 
   Reinforcement learning in neural network control 
   On-line learning control 
   Neural/fuzzy tools for control design 
   Specific achievements of fuzzy/neural results compared to other techniques 
   Implementation of neural and fuzzy control solutions 
   Tailored NeuroFuzzy Control applications


April 15, 2001: Deadline for electronic draft paper submission.
July 15, 2001: Notification of acceptance of submitted contributions
September 1, 2001: Deadline for reception of final papers 
September 1, 2001: Deadline for registration.
October 15-16,2001: Workshop sessions

Registration information will appear at the call for papers and preliminary 
programme. More information can be obtained at:

         ANFC'01 Web page: http://www.isa.upv.es/~afnc01
         Email: afnc01@isa.upv.es
         Prof. Pedro Albertos
         Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática
         Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
         P.O.Box: 22012. E-46071 VALENCIA. Spain
         Phone: +34-963879770
         Fax: +34-963879579

Contributed by: L.H. Keel, (keel@gauss.tsuniv.edu)

                    IN HONOR OF J. BOYD PEARSON
                         March 9 - 10, 2001
                           Rice University
                         Houston, Texas, USA

The field of automatic control matured into an advanced and rigorous 
discipline in the 20th century as a result of intensive developments 
in both theory and practice. The purpose of this workshop is to assess 
the present and future prospects of this vital engineering and 
scientific field.

The workshop will honor Professor J. Boyd Pearson for his lifelong 
contributions to Control Theory. Boyd Pearson actively contributed to 
almost every phase of development in this field since the early 1960's 
including optimal control, geometric control theory, robust control, 
H-infinity, and L-1 optimal control.

The list of invited speakers includes many pioneers and renowned control 
scientists, Boyd's colleagues and former students. The workshop will focus 
on the present state of control, new developments and emerging concepts. 
It promises to provide an exciting panoramic view of the field in 2001.

                            Invited Speakers

A.C. Antoulas (USA)				M. Ikeda (Japan)
P.J. Antsaklis (USA)				L.H. Keel (USA)
B. Bamieh (USA)					M.H. Khammash (USA)
S.P. Bhattacharyya (USA)			H. Kimura (Japan)
R. K. Baheti (USA)				N.H. McClamroch (USA)
T. Basar (USA)					A. S. Morse (USA)
B.C. Chang (USA)				J.B. Pearson (USA)
M.A. Dahleh (USA)				Y. Ohta (Japan)
E.J. Davison (Canada)				M.G. Safonov (USA)
J.C. Doyle (USA)				A. Tannenbaum (USA)
B.A. Francis (Canada)				M. Vidyasagar (India)
K. Furuta (Japan)				J.C. Willems (Netherlands)
T.T. Georgiou (USA)				W.A. Wolovich (USA)
S. Hara (Japan)					W.M. Wonham (Canada)
J.W. Howze (USA)				Y. Yamamoto (Japan)

We invite you to attend the workshop.
Registration is free but since the number of attendees is limited, 
we encourage you to register by February 9th, 2001 by contacting one of 
the organizers.

Organizers:	A.C. Antoulas			S.P. Bhattacharyya
		ECE Department			EE Department
		Rice University			Texas A&M University
		Houston, TX 77251		College Station, TX 77845
		aca@ece.rice.edu		bhatt@ee.tamu.edu

				Sponsored by:
			National Science Foundation
     ECE Department and Office of the Dean of Engineering, Rice University

Contributed by: C.V. Hollot, (hollot@ecs.umass.edu)

The 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress
Orlando, Florida, December 4-7, 2001

The IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Conference on Decision and Control 
(CDC) is the annual meeting of the IEEE Control Systems Society, conducted in 
cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) 
and the INstitute For Operations Research and the Management Sciences 
(INFORMS). The fortieth CDC will be held December 4-7, 2001, with tutorial 
workshops preceding the Conference on Monday December 3. The venue is the 
Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, in Orlando Florida. 

Contributed papers are solicited in all aspects of the theory and 
applications of systems, including decision-making, control, adaptation, 
optimization, industrial automation, and manufacturing. Invited sessions are 
also solicited in new developments in these and related areas. All 
submissions are due MARCH 1, 2001. 

The submission procedure for Contributed Papers and Invited Sessions is on-
line via the internet. Complete instructions of the submission procedure are 
given at the Conference web site. Conference information will be posted on 
our web site (http://www.ecs.umass.edu/cdc2001) and regularly updated.

Contributed by: Jeanny Ryffel, (planning@icsc.ab.ca)

(extended deadline: January 31, 2001)


Distributed Intelligence in Technology, Economic and Social Applications
(extended deadline: January 31, 2001)

September 24 - 27, 2001
at the Rochester Institute of Technology RIT 
New York, USA

also, please visit our web sites for:

Neuro-Fuzzy NF 2002, Cuba

Int.Conference on Autonomous Intelligent Systems ICAIS 2002

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                          End of E-LETTER 150
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