E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 144, August 1, 2000.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 144,  August 1, 2000

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  NICONET Newsletter 5 available.
        3.2  Mailing list for CDS Panel announcements
        3.3  IFAC Proceedings recently published

4.      Positions
        4.1  Faculty position University of Newcastle, Australia
        4.2  Research position City University of Hong Kong
        4.3  Postdoctoral fellowships Weizmann Institute
        4.4  Job Openings at United Technologies Research Center in Controls
        4.5  PhD studentship Polytechnic University, New York
        4.6  Postdoctoral positions CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
        4.7  Fellowship applications ERNSI network
        4.8  Faculty position University of California, Riverside
        4.9  Faculty positions at University of Sheffield, UK
        4.10 Lecturer positions Queen Mary and Westfield College, London

5.      Books

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC Automatica, 36:10
        6.2  Invitation Special issue LAA
        6.3  TOC Asian Journal of Control, 2:2
        6.4  TOC J. of the Franklin Institute, 337:4
        6.5  CFP special issue Fuzzy Sets and Systems

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CFP MED 2002, Portugal
        7.2  CFP CIC INDI 2000, Mexico
        7.3  CFP Workshop on the Dynamics of Neurons and Vision, Belgium
        7.4  CFP IEEE CCA and IEEE ISIC, Mexico
        7.5  CFP 5th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Belgium

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 144 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear September 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

-2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message
    to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You
    will be automatically subscribed and included in our mailing list.
    To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to
    "eletter@win.tue.nl" with the subject 'remove', 'delete' or

-3- If your address changed first unsubscribe (using your old E-mail address)
    and then subscribe again (using your new E-mail address). If you can not
    use your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to
    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and your old address will be removed
    manually. In case of any problems please send an E-mail to
    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and we will try to resolve the problem.

-4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an
    (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject
    'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.win.tue.nl"

-5- If you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you
    wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching
    for the string: *.**

              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: John Thistle 


My affiliation and contact details have changed to:

John G. Thistle
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada  N2L 3G1

tel.: + 1 (519) 888-4567, ext. 2910
sec.: + 1 (519) 888-4567, ext. 2097
fax : + 1 (519) 746-3077


              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Ad van den Boom, Eindhoven University of Technology.

NICONET Newsletter 5 available.

NICONET Newsletter 5, dated July 2000, is now available and can be downloaded
as compressed postscript file from the World Wide Web URL:

http://www.win.tue.nl/niconet/ and choose: Newsletters

or from the WGS ftp site:

ftp://wgs.esat.kuleuven.ac.be (directory pub/WGS/NEWSLETTER/)
( filename: issue-2-00.ps.Z)

1. Editorial
2. The SLICOT benchmark library
3. Basic numerical SLICOT tools for control
4. SLICOT tools for controller reduction
5. SLICOT tools for subspace identification
6. SLICOT tools for robust control
7. SLICOT tools for nonlinear systems in robotics
8. Polynomial factorization of large MIMO systems using SLICOT
9. SLICOT: a useful tool in industry?
10. NICONET information corner
11. Upcoming third NICONET workshop in Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium

NICONET is an acronym for Numerics in Control Network. NICONET promotes the
development and evaluation of numerically reliable software in control
engineering and its implementation in production technologies.

Thank you very much!!

Contributed by: Richard Murray (murray@cds.caltech.edu)

                Mailing list for CDS Panel announcements

A mailing list has been created for people who are interested in receiving
announcements regarding the Panel for Future Directions in Control and
Dynamical Systems.  This mailing list will be used to send out occasional
messages regarding major stepping stones as the panel report is written, so
the e-mail volume should be no more than a few messages a month. The list
is moderated, so postings are controlled and will remain relatively
infrequent.  A separate mailing list will be created for discussions
related to the panel's activities.

If you would like to subscribe to the mailing list and receive additional
message regarding the panel activities, send a message to
majordomo@caltech.edu with the following line in the body of the message:

        subscribe cds-panel-announce

This list will eventually be archived on the web so that you can retrieve
items that have been posted to the list. If you know of other people who
might like to receive information about the panel activities, please
forward this message to them.

The panel had its first meeting in mid-June and will be working on its
report over the summer and fall.  In addition to the mailing list, a
bulletin board has been created to collect ideas and comments from the
controls community.   More information on the panel and a link to the
bulletin board is available on the panel homepage:


A summary of the first panel meeting is also available on the web.

Contributed by: Martin Ruck

IFAC Proceedings recently published

The following IFAC Proceedings volumes have recently been published and are
available from IFAC Publications/Elsevier Science:

Computation in Economics, Finance and Engineering: Economic Systems
29 June - 1 July 1998, Cambridge, UK
Edited by: S. Holly
ISBN: 0 08 043048 1
Web page: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/isbn/0080430481

Multi-Agent-Systems in Production
2 - 4 December 1999, Vienna, Austria
Edited by: P. Kopacek
ISBN: 0 08 043657 9
Web page: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/isbn/0080436579

Programmable Devices and Systems
8 - 9 February 2000, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Edited by: V. Srovnal and K. Vlcek
ISBN: 0 08 043620 X
Web page: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/isbn/008043620X

To order, please visit the web pages mentioned above.

For more information about IFAC Publications, including a complete list of
all Proceedings volumes available, please visit the web page:

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Reza Moheimani


The University of Newcastle
Faculty of Engineering
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
Specializing in Mechatronics
Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department offers undergraduate degree programs in Mechanical
Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering, the latter in partnership
with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. It also
has a strong research tradition. It is now looking to strengthen
and consolidate its activities in Mechatronics.

The Position

The successful candidate will teach in Mechatronics and related
subject areas within the mechanical and mechatronics programs.  You
will also be expected to contribute to graduate teaching, in terms of
both the supervision of graduate students and post-graduate course
work. You will also be expected to routinely apply for competitive
grant funding in your area of research, and to develop links with
relevant local industries.

It is likely you will have a background in one or more of the following
areas: automatic control, dynamics, vibration, acoustics or sensors
or actuators, particularly related to electro-mechanical systems.
Applicants with some industrial experience of these systems will be
especially welcome.

The appointment will be made at either lecturer level (level A or B)
or senior lecturer level (level C) depending on the qualifications and
experience of the successful applicant.

The Person

Essential criteria

1.A first degree in mechanical engineering, or equivalent.
2.A completed or nearly completed PhD in a relevant area of research.
3.A proven commitment to research at an international level, as
demonstrated by publications in refereed international journals.
4.Good communication skills.
5.For appointment at level C, a track-record of academic leadership
in mechatronics.

Desirable criteria

1.Proven ability to work effectively as a member of a team.
2.Industrial experience.
3.Previous success at winning competitive grants.


Academic Level C (Senior Lecturer $58,752 to$67,746 per annum
Academic Level B (Lecturer) $47,961 to $56,955 per annum
Academic Level A (Associate Lecturer) $33,574 to 45,562 per annum

Subject to Enterprise Bargaining certification a 2.5% increase will
be effective 1 March, 2000 with total increases of 12.65% (cumulative)
payable by 1 February, 2003.
Compulsory contributory superannuation is a condition of employment
plus generous employer contribution of 17%.

Further Information

This position is available on a full time (continuing) basis.  For
additional information contact the acting Head of Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professsor David Wood by telephone
on (02) 4921 6198 or email medhw@cc.newcastle.edu.au

Closing Date

Applications close on Tuesday, 15 August, 2000.

Application Procedure

Six written applications must be provided which quote the position
number; address the essential and desirable criteria as detailed in
the advertisement; provide details of qualifications and experience,
and the names, addresses, phone and fax numbers of three referees;
and be forwarded to:

Client Service Teams
Human Resource Management Branch
The University of Newcastle

Contributed by Chi-Sing Leung 


at City University og Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Project: Multidimensional Data Compression.

About 15000-17000 HK$ per month.

In the applications of computer graphics and vision,
we usually need to synthesis  different scenes of
the same object.   In the conventional 3-D model
approach, the rendering time depends on the scene
complexity.  Image-based rendering techniques
can produce a new scene based on the original images.
Also, their rendering time is independent
The core of this project,  we will study how to exploit
two types of data correlation, the intra-pixel and the
inter-pixel correlation, in order to achieve a
manageable storage size.


The ideal applicant would have relevant experience
with image compression, transform coding, wavelets,
computer graphic, Visual C++,  probably with a doctoral
degree or equivalent. The applicant with good
undergraduate/master degrees may also be considered.

She/he would be supervised by DR. Chi Sing LEUNG
Interested persons should contact:
Dr LEUNG by e-mail at eeleungc@cityu.edu.hk

Contributed by: Harry Dym 


A number of postdoctoral fellowships in pure and applied mathematics,
computer science, physics, chemistry, lifesciences and a number
of interdisciplinary areas are available to suitably qualified
holders of the PhD degree. Applications are considered twice
a year. The deadlines for applying are  January 1st and May 15th,
respectively. Application forms and additional information  may be
downloaded from


or by writing to:

The Feinberg Graduate School
The Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100, Israel

Contributed by: Scott A. Bortoff  (bortofsa@utrc.utc.com)

Job Openings at United Technologies Research Center in Controls

The Controls Technology Group at the United Technologies Research Center
invites qualified individuals to apply for several open positions.

United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) is an internationally recognized
R&D organization that conducts research across a broad range of technology
areas in support of operating units of United Technologies Corporation  (UTC).
These include Pratt & Whitney (aircraft engines), Sikorsky (helicopters),
Otis (elevators), Carrier (heating and air conditioning) Hamilton-Sundstrand
(Aerospace products) and International Fuel Cells (fuel cells).  The Systems
department at UTRC is responsible for research activities at UTC on dynamic
systems and control. The activities include control algorithm design and analysis,
control implementations, and reduced order modeling and analysis of dynamic systems.

More information on UTRC can be found at

Expertise is desired in system modeling and control system design, analysis,
and implementation. The applications currently studied include the control of
fluid flow systems, the active control of combustion processes, the control of
flight systems (helicopters), and the control of power generation and distribution
systems (fuel cells and airborne power). Specific duties will involve the
development of system level models, application of robust control theory, analysis
of actuation strategies in terms of requirements and fundamental limits, and
development of multivariable and optimization based control design methodologies and
subsequent simulation and hardware implementation.

Each individual in the group participates in one to three different projects
all directly contributing to the solution of practical engineering problems.
The minimum requirement is a strong background in control theory, mathematics and
modeling of dynamic systems. The typical candidate would have a master's degree in
control engineering or a relevant engineering discipline plus three years of
professional experience developing and implementing control systems. A Ph.D in a
related engineering discipline is very desirable. Preference will be given to
candidates with expertise in:

1) control system implementation including hardware experience and measurement
   based modeling (system identification),
2) optimization techniques and optimal control methods particularly as used in
   model predictive control,
3) analysis and design of control systems for electric drives and/or power generation
   and distribution systems,
4) feedback design  theories related to dynamic inversion and differential flatness,
5) aerospace applications including modeling and hardware (actuation) experience, and
6) demonstrated ability to work both independently and as a member of a team.

Inquiries should be directed to:

Dr. Clas A. Jacobson
Manager, Systems Department
860-727-7852 (fax)

United Technologies Research Center
Mail Stop: 129-15
411 Silver Lane
East Hartford, CT 06108


Dr. Scott Bortoff
Group Leader, Controls Technology
860-610 -7284
860-610-7909 (fax)

United Technologies Research Center
Mail Stop: 129-15
411 Silver Lane
East Hartford, CT 06108

Contributed by: Polytechnic University, New York

A PhD studentship in "Nonlinear Control Design and Applications"

Outstanding students with a degree in automatic control, or other areas
of Electrical Engineering, are invited to apply for a PhD studentship
in the general area of nonlinear control with practical applications
in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Polytechnic University,
New York. The successful candidate should have a strong background in
control theory and will be given an opportunity to work in his/her
favorite field. Our graduate program in Electrical Engineering combines
the best of its distinguished history with new vital and exciting programs
geared specifically to the New York area's professional and industrial

For further details please introduce yourself to: (your detailed resume,
research statement, and academic transcripts are required.)

Dr. Z.P. Jiang
Department of Electrical Engineering
Polytechnic University
Six Metrotech Center
Brooklyn, NY 11201

e-mail: zjiang@control.poly.edu
fax:    +1 +718 260 3906

Contributed by: Jan H. van Schuppen (J.H.van.Schuppen@cwi.nl)


Project Coalgebra and Control at CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

At the CWI Departments `Software Engineering', and `Probability, Networks,
and Algorithms',  there are vacancies for two post-doctoral researchers.
The project Coalgebra and Control (COCON) is carried out under supervision
of Dr. J.J.M.M. Rutten (CWI.SEN) and of Prof. J.H. van Schuppen (CWI.PNA).

The aim of the project is to develop:
- coalgebra partly for problems of control theory; and
- control theory for discrete-event systems by methods of coalgebra.
The research is expected to result in journal papers, conference papers,
and reports.

The project COCON is financially supported by the Netherlands Organization
for Scientific Research (NWO). There are financial means in the project for
two post-doc positions, and for each position for at most two years
(24 months). One post-doc of the project will cooperate with Jan Rutten,
for research in coalgebra, the other with Jan H.  van Schuppen,
for research in control theory.

A candidate for the post-doc position in coalgebra ideally has
a background in both mathematics and theoretical computer science.
He or she should preferably have a Ph.D. degree or about
to complete a Ph.D. degree in computer science or mathematics.

A candidate for the post-doc position in control theory is expected to have
a background in control of discrete-event systems combined with an interest
in algebra. He or she should preferably have a Ph.D. degree or about
to complete a Ph.D. degree in either engineering, mathematics,
or computer science.

For further information on the post-doc positions contact:
- Jan Rutten, Tel. +31 20 592 4116, Email Jan.Rutten@cwi.nl,
- Jan H. van Schuppen, Tel. +31 20 592 4085, Email J.H.van.Schuppen@cwi.nl.

A formal application is to be addressed to:
The Personnel Department, CWI, P.O. Box 94079, 1090 GB Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
An application contains a cover letter, a curriculum vitae,
and preferably a recent publication or report authored by the applicant.
The position is open till it is filled, there is no due date for applications.

Contributed by: Jan van Schuppen (J.H.van.Schuppen@cwi.nl)


issued by the European Research Network System Identification (ERNSI)

Applications are invited for fellowships at the post-doctoral and at the
Ph.D. student level with the research teams of ERNSI. The positions are
financially supported by the European Commission through the EU TMR Project
System Identification (ERB FMRX CT98 0206).

Research teams of the network with vacant positions are located at the
following universities and institutes:

- Team with Jan H. van Schuppen.
  CWI, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Team with Manfred Deistler.
  Technische Universitaet Wien in Vienna, Austria.
- Team with Michel Gevers.
  Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Team with Laurent Baratchart.
  INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France.
- Team Jean-Jacques Fuchs.
  IRISA, Universite de Rennes, France.
- Team Jan Maciejowski.
  Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Great Britain.
- Team leader is Giorgio Picci.
  LADSEB, CNR in Padova, Italy.
- Team with Anders Lindquist.
  Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Team with Lennart Ljung.
  University of Linkoeping, Linkoeping, Sweden.

Please show this call to potential applicants and
post it at your institute. A version of the complete call
with the conditions for application (only EU citizens are eligible)
is available on the web at the address:


Contributed by: Janet Harshman 

Position University of California, Riverside

 The University of California, Riverside is seeking applicants for
immediate Lecturing and Visiting Faculty positions with teaching
responsibilities in the areas of Digital Signal Processing, Computer
Engineering, Control Systems, Digital and Analog Circuits and Senior Design
Projects. Level of appointment will be commensurate with applicant's
qualifications. A Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering or the equivalent is
required with appropriate teaching experience.

Please send your resume to Janet Harshman, Electrical Engineering
Department, A220 Bourns Hall, Riverside, CA  92521 or email to
:harshman@ee.ucr.edu.  EOE

Contributed by: David Owens

        Faculty Positions in Control and Systems Engineering,

Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering,
The University of Sheffield, UK

Applicants are invited for TWO permanent full-time Lectureships in
Systems and Control Engineering tenable as soon as possible.
Experience of any area of Control and Systems is of interest but
evidence of successful independent research and research output
are essential. One post is funded by the University to aid the
development of our recently awarded EPSRC-funded postgraduate
Masters Training Programme. The other is intended to provide
research & teaching support in an area related to the general
interests of the newly appointed Head of Department, Professor D
H Owens.  There is funding for either post to be offered at Senior
Lectureship level for an appropriate candidate.

Closing Date for applications is 28th August 2000.

For details of this post, either email: jobs@sheffield.ac.uk
or tel: intl + (0)114 222 1631 (24 hr)

Please quote the post reference R2089 in all enquiries.

Additional Information:

Vacancy Website: http://www.shef.ac.uk/jobs/
AC&SE Home Page: http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/academic/A-C/acse
University Home Page: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk
Professor David H Owens,
Head of Department,
Automatic Control and Systems Engineering,
University of Sheffield,
Mappin Street,
Sheffield S1 3JD

Tel:   + 44 (0)114 222 5134 (Secretary Debbie Proctor)
Fax:   + 44 (0)114 273 1729
Email: d.h.owens@sheffield.ac.uk

Contributed by: R.J. Crookes 

                        TWO LECTURER POSITIONS

At the Department of Engineering
Queen Mary and Westfield College
London, United Kingdom

Queen Mary and Westfield, one of the largest multi-faculty Colleges of the
University of London, is committed to strengthening and developing its
established excellence in teaching and research in the new millennium.  With
this objective, the Department of Engineering is seeking to appoint Academic
and Technical staff in the broad field of Design and Systems with effect from
1 October 2000.

Candidates should have demonstrated research ability in any of the following
fields: Avionics, Robotics, Control, Instrumentation and Manufacturing Systems
and complement current strengths in the department.  We wish to expand these
areas across the discipline boundaries of Aerospace, Mechanical and Medical
Engineering to enhance and interlock our strong activities in these streams.
These mainly include computational and experimentally-based thermo- and
bio-fluid dynamics and structural mechanics.

Lecturers appointed will be expected to contribute to core teaching, including
design and manufacture and to develop specialist courses in the Avionics, Control
and Robotics field. You should hold a PhD degree in a related discipline and be
able to demonstrate a developing research profile as well as a commitment to
high-quality teaching.  Experience in design and in teaching design processes would
be an advantage.

Appointments will be made on the Lecturer A/B scale with a salary in the range of
19,372 - 32,199 per annum inclusive depending on experience.

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Roy Crookes on 020 7882 5189 or
email: R.J.Crookes@qmw.ac.uk

For further details and an application form, please email coll-recruit@qmw.ac or
telephone our 24 hour Recruitment Line on 020 7882 5171 quoting Reference 00115.
Completed application forms should be returned by 18th August 2000 to the Personnel
Office, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS.

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

      >>> No contributions for this section in this issue <<<<

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak


                                Table of contents

October, 2000                                             Issue    36:10

Survey Papers

W. J. Rugh, J. S. Shamma      A survey of research on gain scheduling

Regular Papers

J. S. Gibson, G. H. Lee,      Least-squares estimation of input/output
C-F. Wu                       models for idistributed linear systems in the
                              presence of noise

A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi,  Performance with regulation constraints
 P. Sannuti

T. Asai, S. Hara, T. Iwasaki  Simultaneous parametric uncertainty modeling
                              and robust control synthesis by LFT scaling

F. Amato, M. Mattei, A.       Solution of the state feedback singular
Pironti                       H(infinity) control problem for linear
                              time-varying systems

Brief Papers

S. H. Park, P. S. Kim, O-K.   Estimation and detection of unknown inputs
Kwon, W. H. Kwon              using optimal FIR filter

E. H. Abed, D. Lindsay, W.    On participation factors for linear systems
A. Hashlamoun

Y. I. Lee, B. Kouvaritakis    Robust receding horizon prodictive control for
                               systems with uncertain dynamics and input

D. Angeli, A. Casavola, E.    Predictive PI-control of linear plants under
Mosca                         positional and incremental input saturations

X. Zeng, J. Zhou, C. Vasseur  A strategy for controlling nonlinear systems
                              using a learning automaton

A. Ray, S. Phoha              Calibration and estimation of redundant

Yeong-Chan Chang              Robust tracking control for nonlinear MIMO
                              systems via fuzzy approaches

Technical Communiques

L. Jaulin                     Interval constraint propagation with
                              application to bounded-error estimation

C. Bohn, H. Unbehauen         The application of matrix differential
                              calculus for the derivation of simplified
                              expressions in approximate non-linear
                              filtering algorithms

Book Reviews

P-O. Gutman                   R. C. Dorf, R. H. Bishop: Modern control

A. Garulli                    Robust control: The parametric approach, by S.
                               P. Bhattacharyya, H. Chapellat and L. H. Keel

Contributed by: Jesse Barlow.

       Special Issue of Linear Algebra and Its Applications

In the last several years, there have been a number of advances in the
accurate solution of eigenvalue problems. Many of the results have come from
the realization that eigenvalue algorithms that exploit the structure of the
problem can lead to more accurate eigenvalue and eigenvector computations.
Well known examples include faster and more accurate methods for solving the
symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem, more accurate methods for computing the
singular value decompostion, and further understanding of the conditioning
theory for the non--symmetric eigenvalue problem.

To recognize these advances and to encourage further advances, we are
proposing to have a special issue of Linear Algebra and Its Applications on
Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems. This is the second such special
issue. The first was volume 309 of Linear Algebra and Its Applications,
published in early 2000.

This special issue is in coordination with the International Workshop on Accurate
Solution of Eigenvalue Problems  III held in Hagen, Germany on July 3-6,2000.
The participants in the workshop have been strongly encouraged to submit papers
to the special issue. Submissions are alsowelcome from non-participants as long
as they are consistent with the themes of the workshop.

The editors for this special issue will be

Jesse L. Barlow
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802--6106

Beresford N. Parlett
Department of Mathematics
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720

Kresimir Veselic'
Fernuniversitaet Hagen
Lehrgebeit Math. Physik
Postfach 940
58084 Hagen, Germany

Please submit three (3) copies of your manuscript to the editor of your
choice. However, if another editor is deemed more qualified to handle your
 manuscript, it may be forwarded to that editor. Manuscripts submitted to
this special issue will be refereed according to standard procedures for
Linear Algebra and Its Applications.

All papers for this special issue should be postmarked by February 1, 2001.

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, Editor-in-Chief
                Hidenori Kimura, Editor-in-Chief

                              Asian Journal of Control

                        Vol.2, No.2 (June Issue of  2000)

Regular Paper

1. Title: "Singularity Computation for Iterative Control of Nonlinear
              Affine Systems,"
    Author:Dan O. Popa and John T. Wen
2. Title: " Backlash Compensation in Nonlinear Systems Using Dynamic
               Inversion by Neural Networks,"
    Author:Rastko R. Selmic and Frank L. Lewis
3. Title: "Implementation of a Driving Simulator Based on a Stewart
             Platform and Computer Graphics Technologies,"
    Author: Hung-Lung Tseng and I-Kong Fong
4. Title: " Iterative Learning Control in Feedback Systems Based on
              an Objective Function,"
    Author:Chong-Ho Choi and Tae-Jeong Jang
5. Title: "Robust Nonlinear Controller Design for a Longitudinal Flight
             Control Problem,"
    Author: Shr-Shiung Hu, B. C. Chang, H. H. Yeh and H. G. Kwatny
6. Title: " On Stability and Performance of Induction Motor Speed Drive
               with Sliding Mode Current Control,"
   Author: Jong-Link Lin and Lin-Goei Shiau

Brief Paper

7. Title: "Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Non-minimum Phase Systems,"
    Author: Daizhan Cheng

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

    Trend and Advancement in Neural Networks Based Control Designs

                A Special Issue of Asian Journal of Control

      Integration of neural networks with main stream control design
methodologies such as feedback linearization, backstepping, output
regulation theory, or H-infinity control, etc., has become a notable
trend in recent neural network control research. Such an integration
has not only significantly enhanced the capability of the main stream
control methods in handling practical systems characterized by
nonlinearity, uncertainty and complexity, but also elevated neural
networks control research into a new horizon featuring rigorous
mathematical analysis. The goal of this special issue on "Trend and
Advancement in Neural Networks Based Control Designs" is to
provide a forum for control researchers to report their latest research
results in the area of NN control. Priority will be given to original
contributions whose results are justified by rigorous mathematical
analysis. Application oriented papers featuring novel applications of
neural networks to practical engineering systems are also sought for.

Guest Editor:

        Prof. Jie Huang
        Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
        The Chinese University of Hong Kong
        Shatin, Hong Kong
        Tel:+852-2609-8473, Fax:+852-2603-6002

Important Dates:

       May 10, 2000                    Call for Papers
       September 10, 2000           Deadline for Paper Submission
       December 10, 2000           Completion of First Review
       March 1, 2001                   Completion of Final Review
       June, 2001                         Publication

        Potential authors can either submit four copies of manuscripts or
send its electronic file(in Postscript, PDF or Word format)to Prof. Li-Chen
Fu, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Control at the following address:

       Prof. Li-Chen Fu
       Department of Electrical Engineering
       National Taiwan University
       Taipei 106, Taiwan

       Prof. Hidenori  Kimura
       Dept. of Mathematics Engineering and Information Physics
       The University of Tokyo
       7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
       Tel: (+81-3) 5841-6890

       All submissions should include a title page containing the title of the
paper, full names and affiliations, complete postal and electronic address,
phone and fax number, an abstract, and a list of keywords. The contacting
author should be clearly identified. For more detailed information about
manuscript preparation, please visit the web site of Asian Journal of Control
at http://ajc.csie.ntu.edu.tw.

Contributed by: Tricia Manning
Managing Editor, J. Franklin Institute

For information about submitting papers to The Journal of The Franklin
Institute, please contact Tricia Manning at tmanning@fi.edu or see

               Journal of The Franklin Institute
               Volume 337, Issue 4, July 2000

Special Issue on Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and its Applications

Guest Editors: Luis F. Chaparro (University of Pittsburgh) and Aydin Akan
(University of Istanbul)

pp 287-289
L.F. Chaparro, A. Akan

pp 291-301
Gabor's signal expansion and the Gabor transform on a non-separable
time-frequency lattice
A.J. van Leest, M.J. Bastiaans

pp 303-316
Definitions of Instantaneous Frequency under physical constraints
P.M. Oliveira, V. Barroso

pp 317-328
Signal synthesis and positive time-frequency distributions
S.I. Shah, A. El-Jaroudi, P.J. Loughlin^1, L.F. Chaparro

pp 329-346
Instantaneous frequency and group delay of a filtered signal
L. Cohen

pp 347-364
Discrete evolutionary transform for time-frequency signal analysis
R. Suleesathira, L.F. Chaparro, A. Akan

pp 365-378
Joint fractional signal representations
O. Akay, G.F. Boudreaux-Bartels

pp 379-388
The statistics of time-frequency analysis
J.W. Pitton

pp 389-401
Pseudo-power scale signatures: frequency domain approach
J.L. Aravena, V. Venkatachalam

pp 403-419
Minimax robust nonstationary signal estimation based on a p-point
uncertainty model
G. Matz, F. Hlawatsch

pp 421-436
Instantaneous spectral moments
K.L. Davidson, P.J. Loughlin

pp 437-451
Time-frequency analysis and classification of temporomandibular joint
A. Akan, R. Basar Unsal

pp 453-467
Decomposition of biomedical signals for enhancement of their
time-frequency distributions
M. Sun, M.L. Scheuer, R.J. Sclabassi

pp 469-481
On local time-frequency features of speech and their employment in
speaker verification
R.M. Nickel, W.J. Williams

pp 483-497
Time-frequency maximum likelihood methods for direction finding
Y. Zhang, W. Mu, M.G. Amin

NOW ONLINE at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jfranklin

Contributed by: Changjiu Zhou (zhoucj@sp.edu.sg)

Call for Papers

Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Elsevier)

Special Issue: Fuzzy Set Techniques for Intelligent Robotic Systems

Guest Editors:
Da Ruan (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Belgium)
Changjiu Zhou (Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore)
Madan M. Gupta (University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada)

In recent years there has been a growing interest in the need for designing
intelligent systems to solve problems in control and planning for robotic
systems. The most challenging problem for the intelligent robotic systems
that there are always uncertainties in the real world. These uncertainties
are primarily due to sensor imprecision and unpredictability of the
environment, that is, lack of full knowledge of the environment
characteristics and dynamics. Soft Computing techniques including fuzzy
logic, neural network, genetic algorithms, and others, on other hand, have
shown their great potential to solve demanding real-world problems with
uncertain and unpredictable environments. They have provided with important
practical tools for constructing intelligent systems. Therefore, it is
interesting to gather current trends and provide a high quality forum for
scientist and engineers working in soft computing & robotics areas.

This Special Issue will be in part based on a special session on
intelligent robotic applications at FLINS2000 (the 4th Int. FLINS conference
on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing in Nuclear Science and
Engineering, August 28-30, 2000, Bruges, Belgium), that will report recent
research results. However direct submissions to the special issue are also

The main objective of this special issue is to gather a peer-reviewed
collection of high quality papers in the relevant topic areas. The focus
will be especially on those papers that provide theoretical/analytical
solutions to the problems of real interest in Fuzzy Set techniques possibly
combined with other soft computing tools, for intelligent robotic systems.
It is not easy to present a full review of this growing field in a single
issue. Thus, this special issue will include the most recent advances of
Fuzzy Set and/or combined with other soft computing techniques in robotics.

The Special Issue will consider papers addressing the role if Fuzzy Logic
in the framework of soft computing techniques for the design, analysis,
optimisation, control, learning, motion planning, obstacle avoidance,
navigation, localisation and mapping, vision-based control, gait
generation, sensor fusion, and etc., for robots.

The following criteria will be used in screening the papers:
- Quality and originality in theory and methodology,
- Application oriented papers exhibiting originality with reasonable theory
- Relevance to soft computing and intelligent robotic systems.
  Prospective authors are invited to send the paper until the 15th of
  November 2000 by email (ps, PDF, or MS files) or mail (4 copies) to:

Da Ruan
Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK.CEN)
Boeretang 200
2400 Mol, Belgium
tel.: (32-14) 332272
fax: (32-14) 321529
e-mail: druan@sckcen.be

Paper submission due: 15th of November 2000
Notification of acceptance: 15th of March 2001.
Camera Ready copy due: 15th of June 2001.


              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by:  Michael Athans

                          COME TO PORTUGAL IN 2002!
                 Campus of the Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal
                                     July 9-12, 2002

We are in the early stages of planning MED2002.  We solicit regular papers
and proposals for invited sessions in all aspects of the theory,
algorithms, and applications of systems, control, automation, robotics,
operations research, signal processing and related disciplines.

We plan to have special plenary lectures from eight outstanding
international experts and a rich program of special invited sessions and
social events.

Tentative deadlines are as follows:
Papers and Proposals for Invited Sessions due:          Feb. 1, 2002
Author Notification:                                    April 15, 2002
Final Manuscript due:                                   May 7, 2002
Conference Starts:                                      July 9, 2002

Updates  and details can be found at:  http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/MED2002/
or contact us at:  med2002@isr.ist.utl.pt

Contributed by:  virgilio@cic.ipn.mx

Deadline dates extension and second

Call for papers to participate in:

  Second International Conference on Control and
           Digital Instrumentation 2000
               CIC INDI 2000
           September 18-22, 2000
     Queretaro (World Heritage

http://www.queretaro.org/), Mexico

Important Dates
Submission deadline:             August 11, 2000
Notification of acceptance:      August 31, 2000
Deadline for final papers:       September 15, 2000
Tutorials                        September 18-19, 2000
Conference:                      September 20-22, 2000


The Committee of the program of the International Conference on Control and
Digital Instrumentation (CIC INDI 2000) invites your submission of technical
articles in Spanish or English reporting results or investigation works on
the development of Control Theory, Digital Systems and Instrumentation, and
Digital Signal Processing. Specialists in every topic will aim plenary
conferences or tutorials. Finally, another purpose it is developing friendship
and professional contacts among national and international groups.

The Conference involves all the areas of the  Control Theory, Instrumentation
and Digital Systems as well as Digital Signal Processing covering as much the
theoretical aspects and their applications.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

process control, signal processing, measurement and sensing, intelligent
control, hybrid systems, system observers, modeling and advanced simulation,
robotics, power systems, industrial applications.

Both contributed and invited papers will be included in the program, available
in a CD-ROM and, if required, a hardcopy of the Proceedings.

Program committee should select papers of high quality among the accepted papers,
in order to be published in an International Journal.

Conference  Information: Please visit


Contributed by: Vincent Blondel 

                           CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

               Workshop on the Dynamics of Neurons and Vision


                            September 4-5, 2000


A two days interdisciplinary workshop aimed at bringing together researchers
from medical and computational sciences.



September 4. One day minicourse by:

 H. R. Wilson  (Visual Science Center, University of Chicago, USA)

Author of the recent book "Spikes, decisions and actions: The dynamical
foundation of neuroscience", Oxford University Press, 1999.

September 5. Invited lectures by:

 P. Lefevre (Cesame and Laboratory of Neurophysiology, UCL, B)
 Z. Li (Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, UK)
 B. Rossion (Cognitive Neuropsychology Unit, UCL, B)
 R. Vogels (Laboratory of Neuro- and Psychophysiology, KULeuven, B)
 H. R. Wilson (Visual Science Center, University of Chicago, USA)

Introduction by (to be confirmed):

 G. A. Orban (Laboratory of Neuro- and Psychophysiology, KULeuven, B)



Registration is free of charge but is mandatory. Please send an E-mail at
vision@montefiore.ulg.ac.be with your name and surname, affiliation, and
E-mail address. The complete program with the titles of the lectures and the
schedule will be sent by E-mail to registered participants.

Organizing committee

 Vincent Blondel, blondel@inma.ucl.ac.be
 Philippe Lefvre, lefevre@csam.ucl.ac.be
 Rodolphe Sepulchre, r.sepulchre@ulg.ac.be

Contributed by: Raul Ordonez 

and the

5-7 September 2001
Presidente Inter-Continental Hotel
Campos Eliseos 218
Mexico City, Mexico



Both conferences will be held in Mexico City at the famed Presidente
Intercontinental Hotel which is in the Polanco district across from the
famous Chapultepec Park, close to lakes and gardens, renowned museums,
and historical sites. This is a prime area and provides a safe and pleasant
venue to have a conference location. The meeting will highlight the
exciting and multidisciplinary areas of control systems applications
as well as Intelligent Control. The general theme of the conference is:

Eclectic Applications and Intelligent Control In The New Millennium

The program committee solicits papers presenting original contributions
in all areas of control applications and Intelligent Control including,
but not limited to:

. Applications of adaptive and robust control  sensor based control
 nonlinear control  sliding mode control  modeling and system identification
 fuzzy logic control  expert systems  distributed systems
 manufacturing systems mechatronics  motion control  robotics
 vibration control  structure control  fault detection and fault
tolerant control
 man/machine interface  aeronautical, aerospace and space systems
 automotive systems  vehicle control  traffic and network control
 chemical and steel process control systems  biomedical systems
 data fusion  power electronics systems  computed aided design.

. Intelligent Control architectures and methods  knowledge based systems
and learning control  temporal logic for control  path planning systems
 reactive multi-agent systems  machine learning  neural networks
 fuzzy logic  genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing
 hybrid dynamical systems  pattern discovery  distributed or decentralized
control methods  discrete event systems  supervisory control
 probabilistic approaches  knowledge-based sensor fusion
 neuro-fuzzy approaches  neural-adaptive control systems
 intelligent sensors  intelligent machines.


Both conferences will run in parallel. The sessions will be held Wednesday,
5 September - Friday, 7 September, 2001 with workshops on Tuesday,
September 4. There will be only one registration fee for both  conferences
and all attendees will receive proceedings from both conferences.


 January 31, 2000: Papers, Session and Workshop Proposals Due
 March 20, 2001:    Notification of Acceptation/Rejection
 May 4, 2001:          Final Camera-Ready Papers Due


The Program Committee invites authors to submit their papers electronically
(either PDF format or PostScript format) by 31 January, 2000.
The first page of each manuscript  must contain the title of the paper,
the names and affiliations of the authors, and
four keywords,/phrases. In addition, please identify the corresponding author
with full contact information, including fax and e-mail, if available. Your
manuscripts should be sent to one of the Technical Program Chairs:

       D. W. Repperger (for CCA Submission), Email: D.Repperger@IEEE.ORG
       T. Parisini (for ISIC submission), Email: parisini@elet.polimi.it


The Program Committee also solicits proposals for invited sessions in the
above areas of applications. Each proposal for an invited session should
describe the theme and scope of the proposed session and should include
extended summaries (at least four pages in length) of six papers.
In addition, the proposal should contain the name, affiliation , and complete
address of the session organizer)(s) and of the authors of all included papers.
Five (5) copies of the invited session proposals should be sent to the Chair of
Invited Sessions  Linda G. Bushnell.

Linda G. Bushnell
Army Research Office
P. O. Box 12211
RTP, NC 27709-2211
Phone: (919)-549-4319
Fax: (919)-549-4354
Email: bushnell@ieee.org


The Program Committee is also soliciting proposals for workshops related
to the theme of the conference. Persons interested in organizing a
workshop should contact the Workshop Chair: Eduardo A. Misawa

Eduardo A. Misawa
Oklahoma State University
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Eng.
218 Engineering North
Stillwater, OK 74078-5016
Phone: (405)-744-5900
Fax: (405)-744-7873
Email: misawa@master.ceat.okstate.edu

For more information, visit http://www.control.rice.edu

Contributed by: Rene Boel

                   Call for participation for WODES2000

                 5th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems

                    August 21-23, 2000, Ghent (Belgium)

This is a last announcement for WODES2000, the 5th Workshop on Discrete
Event Systems, which will take place in Het Pand, a historical building
in Ghent (Belgium) on August 21-23.
The final programme looks very interesting indeed
- with 45 contributed lectures;
- with plenary lectures by Dr. Bertil Brandin (Siemens), Dr. Akash
Deshpande (Teja Technologies) and Prof. Edward Lee (U.C. Berkeley);
- with three and a half hour mini courses on Hybrid Dynamical Systems
(C. Cassandras and Y. Wardi) and on Sensitivity Analysis (F.
- with a tools demonstration session where some of the most recent
software implementing DES algorithms will be presented;
- with a closing discussion session on the past and the future of
discrete event research with an expert panel, followed by a summing up
by Prof. W. M. Wonham.
For further details see the conference web page at

The conference will also include plenty of opportunities for informal
discussions, including a social programme with a conference dinner on
Tuesday evening, a boat tour or a guided walk through Ghent, and a
welcome reception. The conference will start on Monday August 21 at 9h00
and will end on Wednesday August 23 with a final coffee at 16h30.

We look forward to welcoming many of you in Ghent in a few weeks.

Rene Boel and Geert Stremrsch.

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *