E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 143, July 1, 2000.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 143, July 1, 2000

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  George Montefiore International Prize
        3.2  Tools for LabVIEW
        3.3  "Optimization and Control" category, arXiv Scientific Archive

4.      Positions
        4.1  Post-doctoral research position, Israel Institute of Technology
        4.2  PhD position, Delft University of Technology.
        4.3  Visiting positions, Technical University  of Valencia
        4.4  Post-doctoral research position, Lab. of Autom. Control Grenoble
        4.5  Post-Doctoral position, Lab. of Autom. Control Grenoble
        4.6  Post-doctoral research position, Cranfield University, U.K.
        4.7  Post-doctoral research position, MIT
        4.8  Two Research Positions, University of Strathclyde
        4.9  Post-doctoral position, Beijing University
        4.10 Post-doctoral research position, University of Southampton
        4.11 MSc fellowships, University of Sheffield
        4.12 Graduate assistanships, Louisiana State University
        4.13 Permanent Position at Buhler Corporate Technology
        4.14 PhD position, Bristol University
        4.15 PhD position, University of Southampton

5.      Books
        5.1   Positive linear systems: theory and applications,
              L. Farina. S. Rinaldi
        5.2   Dissipative systems analysis and control,
              R. Lozano, B. Brogliato, O. Egeland, B. Maschke
        5.3   Handbook of analytic-computational methods in applied
              mathematics, G.A  Anastassiou, ed.

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC Int. J. Control, 73:8-10
        6.2  TOC Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 13:4
        6.3  TOC Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 6:3
        6.4  TOC Lin. Alg. & Appl. 313:1-3
        6.5  TOC Asian J. of Control, 2:2, CfP Special Issue Neural Networks
        6.6  TOC Modeling, Identification and Control, 21:3
        6.7  CfP Special Issue Dissipativity of Dynamical Systems,
             European J. of Control
        6.8  Applied Mathematics Reviews, 1
        6.9  TOC Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 13:2
        6.10 Electr. Submissions IEEE trans. on Control Systems Technology

7.      Conferences
        7.1  Workshop on edutainment robots, Sankt Augustin, Germany
        7.2  International Linear Algebra Conference, Haifa, Israel
        7.3  Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Como, Italy
        7.4  Workshop Hybrid systems: computation and control, Rome Italy
        7.5  IFAC Conf.: Control Applications in Marine Systems, Glasgow, U.K.
        7.6  Short Course on Power Electrical Systems  and Bioreactors,
             Valencia, Spain
        7.7  2001 IEEE conference on control applications, Mexico City
             2001 IEEE international symposium on intelligent control
        7.8  Conference on Automation of Mixed Processes, Dortmund, Germany

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 143 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
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contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Sung Kyung Hong 


As of March 1st, I have accepted a faculty position
at the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering of
the Sejong University, Seoul,

Contributed by: Erjen Lefeber 

Contributed by: anfredi Maggiore 


We would like to inform CSS members that an "Optimization and Control"
category now exists in the arXiv Scientific Archive. Below, we provide an
explanation of some of the features of this valuable technical resource.

In 1991, Paul Ginsparg created arXiv, an Internet database for physicists
interested in making their preprints available to all. Since then, this
database has grown significantly to the point of representing the primary
means of communication for physicists and mathematicians today. Recently, a
new section on Optimization and Control has been included in the math

The archive can be found at http://xxx.lanl.gov/. Authors interested in
circulating their own research can post preprints of submitted/published
work in the archive by following the easy instructions found on this site.
Papers can be retrieved in various formats (postscript, pdf, and latex
source among others). For example, to find a paper in the Optimization and
Control section, first form an "interface" to the math archive: click on the
dropdown box at the top of the page and select "math" from the menu. After
that, click on "Form Interface" to display another page where you can
specify any parameter you wish to search on. Click on the "Subj-class"
dropdown box and select "OC Optimization and Control." Enumerated below that
(on the screen you are looking at) are four display options:

1. You can view the new or recent abstracts or a help screen.
2. You can view the complete title/author listings in the selected
   subject class, corresponding to a particular month and year.
3. You can view the abstract of a paper with a given archive number.
4. Within the selected subject class, you can perform a search by
   author, year, title, subject, etc.

After setting the parameters and clicking on the most appropriate option for
your search, the results will be displayed in another page. From there you
can easily view the entire abstract of a paper or download it in the format
you prefer. Additionally, in that page you will find links to the general
archive page, the math archive page, the search engine, and the abstracts

Another way to access the archive is to connect to
http://www.theorem.net/control.html (a Web site containing many useful
resources in control) and click on "Los Alamos" in the "Resources" section.
This link provides a direct connection to the Optimization and Control
section of the archive and an easy-to-use graphical interface. Among several
other resources, theorem.net also contains the complete E-letter archive
(click on "Electronic Newsletter" under "Resources"). For those who are not
familiar with this newsletter, it contains the latest news of interest to
the control community (conferences announcements, open positions, new books,
and so on).

The power of the search engine and the possibility of cross-referencing your
paper with other groups (such as physics, computer science, and nonlinear
sciences) are particularly interesting for members of the control community.
Because of the large number of researchers and the increasing number of
monthly submissions to many journals in the control area, the
submission-to-publication time may be quite long. On the one hand, having a
tool for making your preprints available online is useful if you are
interested in sharing your work with the scientific community before it has
been accepted for publication; this is a much faster way to "close the loop"
between submission and dissemination of your work. On the other hand, the
availability of a large database where you can find preprints, as well as
published papers by other researchers, provides an invaluable source of
information whose potential cannot be overstated.

The arXiv archive is an ideal tool for expediting the dissemination and
sharing of research results within scientific and engineering fields.  The
physics and mathematics communities are already availing it extensively and
realizing its benefits. By submitting their papers to arXiv, controls
researchers can similarly help realize an invaluable resource for the
controls community.

Manfredi Maggiore, Eduardo Sontag, Kevin Passino*
*VP Technical Activities, IEEE CSS

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Ido Seginer (segineri@tx.technion.ac.il)

Post-Doctoral Research Position in Modeling and Identification

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Technion, Israel Institute of Technology

Haifa 32000, Israel

A European-sponsored project on dynamic modeling of greenhouse lettuce is
now in its second year. The objective is to predict the concentration of
(undesirable) nitrate in the crop at harvest as a result of the crop's
environmental history (light, temperature, nutrient supply etc.). The
lettuce model is intended to be used as a basis for optimal greenhouse
control. The original model is described in the following two papers, which
can be sent electronically upon request.

Seginer I., Buwalda F., van Straten G. 1998. Nitrate concentration in
greenhouse lettuce: A modelling study. Acta Horticulturae 456:189-197.

Seginer I, van Straten G, Buwalda F. 1999. Lettuce growth limited by nitrate
supply. Acta Hort. 507:141-148.

The first stage of the project involved modifications of the original model,
based on data and ideas from the horticultural literature. In the current
stage these models need to be fitted to experimental data obtained by our
partners. The identification activity will be dominant over the next year.

At this point we offer a post-doc position for one year, starting as soon as
possible. Candidates should have attained their doctorate degree within the
previous 4 years, should have good knowledge of English (reading, writing
and conversation; work requires considerable interaction with other members
of the team). Interest in environmental issues and experience with Matlab
and Simulink are desirable.

For further information, please contact

Ido Seginer

Agricultural Engineering Department, Technion
Haifa 32000, Israel
phone 972 4 829 2874       fax 972 4 822 1529
e-mail             Segineri@tx.technion.ac.il
Technion Information: http://www.technion.ac.il

Contributed by: Yudi Samyudia

A PhD position on "Control of Integrated Plants" in the Section of Process
Systems Engineering, Department of Chemical Technology, Delft University of


Process Systems Engineering (PSE) section involves the scientific aspects of
the design and operation of a chemical process as an integrated dynamic
production system. The integration addresses multiple scales, ranging from
product quality control to optimisation of production at the plant level. On
the average, the group consists of twelve persons: a mixture of PhD
students, research assistants, post-docs and staff members. There is a close
co-operation with several industries. Overview of PhD Project

Current modern chemical plants are governed by multiple unit operations
coupled by recycle streams and/or heat integration (or integrated plants).
Considering the integrated plants as a large multivariable process would
lead to a complex, centralised multivariable controller, which is commonly
impractical from the implementation point of view. Ideally, one would like
to design a simple, but high performance controller for such a plant. This
can be accomplished only if the effect of recycle streams (and/or heat
integration) is not significant on the overall plant dynamics.  Different
effects of recycle streams (and/or heat integration) could be produced for
different plant decomposition and control structures.  Hence, the selection
of the most feasible plant decomposition and control structure plays a key
role for designing high performance controllers for an integrated plant.

The objective of this research is to develop a systematic procedure for
plant decomposition and control structure design that considers the
achievable closed-loop performance as well as plant non-linearity.  The
following issues are important to be addressed in order to attain the
research target:

1. Understanding recycle dynamics and its implication to control design 2.
Plant decomposition (either based on process dynamics or physical unit
operation) 3. Control structure generation and selection 4. Design framework
for optimising decentralised (or hierarchical) controller.

The developed methodologies will be applied to different applications, such
as reactive distillation systems, heat integrated-distillations and
reactor-separation processes. Requirement

The candidates should have a degree in chemical engineering with a solid
mathematical background and had experiences in process dynamics and control.
The selected candidate should participate in some extent in education.

The PhD assignment will last for a period of four years. During that period,
the PhD candidate is employed by Delft University of Technology. The gross
salary starts at DFL 3950 in the first year and increases to DFL 4559 in the
fourth year. Contacts

Prof. ir. Johan Grievink, tel. +31 15 278 4351,
j.grievink@tnw.tudelft.nl Dr. Yudi Samyudia, tel. +31 15 278 6327,
y.samyudia@tnw.tudelft.nl Address: Delft University of Technology,
Department of Chemical Technology Process Systems Engineering Section,
Julianalaan 136, 2628 BL Delft fax: +31 15 278 4452

Contributed by: Jesus Pico' 

                                  VISITING POSITIONS

At the Department of Systems Engineering and Control (D.I.S.A.) of the
Technical University of Valencia (http://www.upv.es), Spain, there are
several vacancies for doctoral and post-doctoral students interested in the
fields of


The main purpose of our research in the group is to evaluate control designs
for integrating: local models/controllers, no homogeneous descriptions
(quantitative/qualitative), parametric and structural adaptation and use of
scarce measurements in order to cope with processes with multiples modes of
operation and control requirements, estructural and parametric uncertainty,
nonlinear behaviour, and scarce/missing data. An important practical goal is
to test the developed designs on bioreactors for enzimes production.

The positions are funded by the European Comission within the framework of
the Network "Nonlinear and Adaptive Control--2}'"
(http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/naco2/). It may involve cooperation with other
members of this European research project, and with other local
laboratories. The positions are available now for visits of at least one
month and up to a period of 2 years. The stipendium will depend on
qualificacions of the candidate, but with range in 1400--1800 Euros per
month. Aid is also provided to cover travel expenses.

The positions are restricted to nationals of a Community Member State (other
than Spain) or an Asociated State, or must have resided in the Community for
at least five years. They should be aged 35 years or less. Interested
candidates should send a C.V. to the address below, where further
information can also be obtained.

Proff. Pedro Albertos
Departamento de Ingeniera de Sistemas y Automtica.
Universidad Politcnica de Valencia.
P.O.Box 22012
E-46071, Valencia, Spain.
Tel: (34) 963879570
Fax: (34) 963879579
E-mail: pedro@aii.upv.es

Contributed by: Carlos Canudas de Wit 

Post-Doctoral Research Position in Estimation Systems in:

        Application to walking mechanisms.

at the Laboratory of Automatic Control of Grenoble, FRANCE.

CONTEXT: This position is funded by the European Commission's Training and
Mobility of Researchers (TMR) Programme NACO2, on: Nonlinear and adaptive
control: theory and algorithms for the user, and will involve carrying out
research in conjunction with Professor C.  Canudas-de-Wit on the topic of
Periodic balance of underactuated mechanical systems: application to walking
mechanism. The successful applicant will be appointed for a period between
12 and 18 mouths.

JOB DESCRIPTION. The projet aims at studying a new problem of periodic
stabilization of nonlinear underactuated mechanical systems. In opposition
to problem of stabilization of underactuated systems to a fixed equilibrium
(like pendubots or others), the problem of balancing underactuated systems
consists first in studying the conditions under which a feedback control can
ensure the existence of closed-loop periodic orbits, and then in modifying
the nominal controller so as to make these orbits stable.  The problem is
relevant to a class of mechanical systems aimed at operating under periodic
motion.  Typical examples may be found in the class of walking mechanisms.

Further information can be obtained at by looking at the webpage:


REQUIREMENTS.  Applicants should have a Ph.D in Engineering or Mathematics
with a specialization in Control Theory. They should also have a
demonstrated ability to carry out research in one or more of the following
areas: Control of Mechanical Systems, Adaptive control, Nonlinear Systems,
Robotics. Salary is about 2 000 ECU/mouth (net). Applicants should have
Western Europe Nationality (plus Malta, Turkey and Switzerland).

STARTING TIME. (tentatively) and duration: second semester in 2000. Duration
between 12 and 16 mouths.

Applications: Written applications should be sent to:
                                C. Canudas-de-Wit
                        Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble
                      BP. 46, 38402, ST Martin D'Heres,France.
                          email: canudas@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr,
                             TEL + 33 (0) 4,
                             FAX + 33 (0) 4

Applications (including a CV) can also be sent via email or FAX.
Applications should include the names, addresses,and email or FAX numbers of
two referees.

Contributed by: Bernard.Brogliato@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr

Post-Doctoral Position on Contact Mechanics

A two-year post-doc position is open at the Laboratoire d'Automatique de
Grenoble (France), in collaboration with the company Schneider Electric.
The topic is centered around impact modelling, and is motivated by the
development of a nonsmooth multibody simulation software by Schneider

The work will be divided in two parts: 1) restitution coefficients for
simple impacts, 2) Modelling of multiple impacts. Each part should last
approximately 1 year. The first part will essentially be devoted to the
determination of suitable expressions of the restitution coefficients for
various types of simple impacts between two bodies (central imapcts,
impacts with friction), using elasticity and plasticity theories. It will
mainly be a literature survey, with FEM and experimental tests. The second
part will be more academic and will concern the difficult problem of
multiple impacts between rigid bodies (i.e. when several contact points are
attained simultaneously).

The applicant should possess a strong mechanical engineering background.
This position is open to PhDs who passed their thesis between July 1999 and
September 2000 (the post-doc has to start at most one year after the PhD
defence), and it can start from July 2000. The salary is 11500 FF (6.5 FF =
1 Euro). There is no nationality constraint.

For all informations please contact

Bernard Brogliato
BP 46
Domaine Universitaire
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres, France

tel: +33 (0) 4 76 82 63 80
fax: +33 (0) 4 76 82 63 88
e-mail: brogli@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr


Michel Abadie
Schneider Electric
Centre de Recherche A2
rue Volta
38050 Grenoble cedex


Contributed by: Rafal W Zbikowski 

              Post-doctoral Research Fellow in
           Global and Multi-objective Optimisation

The Department of Aerospace, Power and Sensors at Cranfield University, The
Royal Military College of Science (RMCS) Shrivenham, England invites
applications for the above three-year research post, with the salary range
16,969-25,503 (depending on qualifications and experience).  The post is
related to a project, funded by the UK Ministry of Defence, aiming to use
modern methods of global and multi-objective optimisation to generate,
evaluate and improve novel guidance laws. Applicants with background in
mathematics, optimal control and optimisation techniques are preferred.

The expected start date is 1 October, 2000.

For further information, contact:
       Professor Brian White
       Department Aerospace, Power and Sensors
       Cranfield University
       RMCS Shrivenham
       Wiltshire SN6 8LA
       ENGLAND, UK
       Tel. +44 (0)1793 785241
       B.A. White@rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk

Closing date for applications: 28th July 2000

Contributed by: Eric Feron, MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision

Multi-vehicle guidance system analysis and design
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A Post-Doctoral Position is available in the general area of Guidance and
Control of multiple manned and unmanned vehicles

Candidates with related theoretical, practical and/or computational
experience in this area will be given preference. The candidate must hold a
Ph. D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Electrical Engineering or a related
discipline.  Specific problems include airborne separation assurance,
cooperative planning, path planning, real-time airborne resource allocation.
Excellent written and oral communication skills are expected.

The initial appointment will be for 1 year, beginning as early as July 1,
2000 Please send a CV, a short statement of research interests, and the
names of 3-5 referees to

Prof. Eric Feron
Room 35-417
Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge MA 02139
email: feron@mit.edu

Contributed by: Dr Reza Katebi, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,

Two Research Posts in Control of Wastewater Systems

Industrial Control Centre
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, Scotland

Two research positions are available in the area of modelling, control and
real time applications in wastewater systems including the sewer network and
the treatment plants. The posts are funded by the European Commission under
the Framework V programme to work on the project Smart Control of
Wastewater Systems (SMAC). The project is in collaboration with a number of
universities and companies in Britain, Denmark, Poland and Germany.

Candidates must hold a good degree in Engineering or a related discipline.
The successful candidates will also have excellent written and oral
communication skills.

The appointment will be for 3 years, beginning as early as October 2000.
The starting salary for the Research Assistant Posts will be in the range of
18,000.00.  The PhD researcher post starting salary is 11,500.00 plus PhD

Please email a CV to Dr Reza Katebi at address: r.katebi@eee.strath.ac.uk
Or post your CV to:
Dr Reza Katebi / Prof Mike Johnson
Industrial Control Centre
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, G1 1QE, Scotland

Tel: +44 (0) 141 548 2880
Fax: +44 (0) 141 548 4203

Contributed by: Long Wang 


The Center for Systems and Control at Beijing University has several
immediate openings for post-doctoral positions in the area of systems and
controls. The appointment duration is approximately 2 years.

The specific areas of interest are robust control, nonlinear control, hybrid
systems, network systems. Persons with a strong analytical and computational
background are desired.

Interested applicants may e-mail:


or write to:

Professor Long Wang
Center for Systems and Control
Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science
Beijing University (Peking University)
Beijing 100871

Contributed by: Sandor Veres (sandy@mech.soton.ac.uk)


Topic: Robust Frequency Selective Adaptive Control of Enclosure Vibration
Institution: SES & ISVR, University of Southampton, England

A Postdoctoral Research position is available in the area of active
vibration control of acoustic enclosures to reduce noise pollution.

Candidates with previous theoretical, experimental, and/or computational
experience in active vibration control are preferred. The candidate must
hold a Ph.D. in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, or a related
discipline.  The initial appointment will be for 3 years, beginning on
September 1, 2000 or nearest suitable date. The work will be carried out in
the laboratories of the School of Engineering Sciences in collaboration
with the Institute of Sound and Vibration Control.
Salary will be around  25,000.

Further information can be found at   www.mech.soton.ac.uk/smv/vacncies

Please send a CV, a list of publications, a short statement of research
interests, and the names of 2-4 persons who are willing to serve as
referees to the above email or to postal address: Dr S M Veres, Mechanical
Engineering, SES, University of Southampton, Highfield, SO19 9TE, UK.

Dr S M Veres
Reader in Digital Control
School of Engineering Sciences
(Lanchester Building - Mech Eng)
University of Southampton
Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ
Tel: 44-(0)2380-597754
Fax: 44-(0)2380-593230

Contributed by: Neil Mort

EPSRC Studentships

The following information about EPSRC studentships at The University of
Sheffield may be of interest to final year students who have recently
completed their undergraduates studies and would like to continue studying
an MSc in Control Systems during the next academic session 2000/01.

If you know someone who may benefit from this excellent opportunity please
forward or display this information.

MSc in Control Systems
Academic Session 2000/01

The University of Sheffield is able to offer EPSRC-funded Studentships to
suitably qualified United Kingdom and European Union Students as part of the
new Masters Training Programme in Control and Systems Engineering.

The MSc in Control Systems has a duration of one-year full time study and
offers three option streams, Advanced Control, Information Systems and
Manufacturing Systems. Past Students have readily found employment in fields
as diverse as international finance, telecommunications, aerospace, ground
transport and manufacturing.  The Department of Automatic Control and
Systems Engineering was awarded the highest possible score of 24 points by
the UK Quality Assurance Agency in its recent assessment of teaching
provision and achieved a grade 5A in the most recent Research Assessment

Funding for UK students: Payment of course fees of 2740 and a maintenance
allowance of 6800

Funding for EU students: Payment of course fees of 2740

Eligibility: Prospective students should have a minimum 2.2 Honours
undergraduate degree or equivalent in a relevant subject from an approved

All correspondence should quote:  ACSE/MTP/AD/4

The Graduate Taught Programmes Office
The University of Sheffield
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
Mappin Street
S1 3JD

+44 (0)114 22 25248

Contributed by: Marcio S. de Queiroz (dequeiroz@me.lsu.edu)


Assistantships are available in the Mechanical Engineering Department at
Louisiana State University (LSU) for graduate studies (MS and PhD) in the
area of nonlinear control with applications to mechanical,
electromechanical, aerospace, and distributed parameter systems.  Candidates
should have an interest in control theory and/or experimentation. A good
mathematical background is desirable for PhD candidates, but not required.
Qualified candidates with degrees other than in Mechanical Engineering are
also strongly encouraged to apply.

Applications from qualified students are invited for the Spring 2001
semester or later. Interested candidates should submit a resume by
regular mail or preferably e-mail to:

Prof. Marcio S. de Queiroz
Mechanical Engineering Department
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6413
E-mail: dequeiroz@me.lsu.edu

The LSU campus is located in the state capital of Louisiana ? Baton
Rouge. The city is cradled between the beautiful Atchafalaya Basin and
the city of New Orleans, with trips to either location taking just over
an hour. Mardi Gras, said to be one of the world's biggest parties,  is
just one of the many celebrations in south Louisiana. With a
metropolitan-area population of more than 500,000, Baton Rouge is an
important industrial center and the fifth largest port in the U.S. Baton
Rouge boasts a zoo, two arboreta, an opera company, a symphony
orchestra, a modern civic center, and several large shopping centers.
The Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport provides service to all major
cities. Summers are hot and humid, but a delightful fall extends from
September until late December, and a beautiful spring begins in
February. Winters are very mild and pleasant.

Contributed by: Mukul Agarwal (mukul.agarwal@buhlergroup.com)

          Permanent Position in Process Control & Optimization
          at Buhler Corporate Technology in Uzwil, Switzerland

For creative, varied activity in the central R & D department at its
headquarters in Switzerland, the international machine manufacturer Bhler
is seeking a

                        Process Engineer

The research unit Process Optimization is concerned, in a broad sense, with
the improvement of numerous physical and planning processes through
well-founded modelling, control, fault diagnosis, production optimization
and the like.  This is achieved by using classical methods of control
engineering as well as the so-called intelligent methods (neural networks,
fuzzy logic, expert systems, genetic methods, etc.) that are specially
suited for the complex conditions governing our processes.

For general information about the firm, please visit us at
www.buhlergroup.com.  The challenge and the fascination of this work lie
also in the extensive diversity of the processes concerned (e.g., processes
in the food-processing, paints, plastics, extrusion, and die-casting
industries), each of which poses very different problems and therefore
requires accordingly customized solutions.  Laboratories available on the
premises for each process on an industrial scale as well as access to
routine production in real industrial plants allow a thorough investigation
in each case of the various possibilities for process improvement.


Bachelors/Diploma (e.g., in electrical, chemical, or mechanical engineering).
Solid background and experience in one of the following three areas -
     1. Control engineering (modelling, control, fault diagnosis,
     2. Chemical engineering (unit operations, physical processes)
     3. Intelligent technologies (neural networks, fuzzy logic, expert
and good knowledge of a second area.
Willingness for continued learning in all the three areas.
Ability and willingness to work in a team.
Fluency in German (or basic ability, and willingness for intensive

Advantageous, but not essential -
Masters degree or Doctorate.
Knowledge and experience also in the third area.
Industrial experience (technical implementation, project management,
                               R & D applications).
Experience with programming languages and software tools for the areas 1 and

Employment      Full-time
Begin           As soon as possible
Deadline        Open (the team will grow further in the long term)
Workplace       The place of work is at our headquarters in Uzwil, Switzerland,
                which lies in picturesque countryside less than an hour away
                from big lakes and mountains, from the cultural activities
                of cities like Zurich and from the borders to Germany and

Contact         For application and information -
                Dr. Mukul Agarwal,
                Head, Process Optimization,
                Corporate Technology,
                Buhler Ltd.,
                CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland
                Tel.   +41 71 955 36 67
                Email: mukul.agarwal@buhlergroup.com

Contributed by: D.J. Walker

                          (Ph.D. Industrial CASE Studentship)

Industrial CASE Award: (GKN Westland Helicopters/Bristol University).
Recent research has highlighted the importance of more accurate mathematical
models, if better helicopter handling qualities are to be achieved. This
project will involve modelling and identification of the DERA/GKN Westland
experimental rotor rig. The aim: to pinpoint deficiencies in and improve the
accuracy of currently available helicopter models, in order ultimately to
enable better control systems to be designed. We will develop a range of
mathematical models, and use these to design new types of control system.
These will be tested on the experimental rig.

Applications are invited from individuals having a First or Upper Second
Class Honours degree in a relevant branch of Engineering, Physics or Applied
Mathematics, and having a strong interest in control systems,
identification, and dynamics. The successful candidate will register for the
degree of Ph.D. in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Bristol

Applicants should email a c.v. and names and addresses of two
referees to Dr. D.J. Walker (wjd@le.ac.uk) by July 24th.

This studentship can only be awarded to UK and EU nationals,
to whom its value is as follows:-

UK nationals:- fees + standard EPSRC maintenance grant + industrial

EU nationals:- fees  + industrial top-up

The value of the industrial top-up will be at least GBP 3000 p.a.

Contributed by: Sandor Veres (sandy@mech.soton.ac.uk)

                       PhD STUDENTSHIP

Topic: Real-time DSP and Sensor/Actuation  System for Active Vibration

Institution: School of Engineering Sciences & ISVR, University of
Southampton, England

Project funding is from the EPSRC.

Grant: In line with EPSRC  maintenance grant, i.e. around 600 pounds per

The project involves an indusrial collaborator who are a well known name in
the transport industry.

The candidate must hold a degree in Electronic or Electrical Engineering,
or a related discipline.  The studenship will start on September 1, 2000 or
the nearest suitable date.

Further information can be found at   www.mech.soton.ac.uk/smv/vacncies

Please send a CV and a short statement of research interests, and the names
of 2-3 persons who are willing to serve as referees to the above email or
to postal address: Dr S M Veres, Mechanical Engineering, SES, University of
Southampton, Highfield, SO19 9TE, UK. Further enquiries can also be made on
the phone at 44-2380-597754.

Dr S M Veres
Reader in Digital Control
School of Engineering Sciences
(Lanchester Building - Mech Eng)
University of Southampton
Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ
Tel: 44-(0)2380-597754
Fax: 44-(0)2380-593230

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Lorenzo Farina (farina@dis.uniroma1.it)

                         NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT


                  Lorenzo Farina (Univ. of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy)
                       Sergio Rinaldi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

                             Pure and Applied Mathematics
          A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts, Monographs, and Tracts
                           John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000
                             ISBN: 0-471-38456-9,  Hardcover

This book is concerned with positive linear systems, a remarkable class of
linear systems. In fact, positive systems are, by definition, systems whose
state variables take only nonnegative values. From a general point of view,
they should be viewed as very particular, but from a practical point of view
such systems are anything but particular since positive systems are often
encountered in applications. Positive systems are, for instance, networks of
reservoirs, industrial processes involving chemical reactors, heat
exchangers and distillation columns, storage systems (memories,
warehouses,...), hierarchical systems, compartmental systems (frequently
used when modeling transport and accumulation phenomena of substances in the
human bodies), water and atmospheric pollution models, stochastic models
where state variables must be nonnegative since they represent
probabilities, and many other models commonly used in economy and sociology.
In the we first discussed the classical properties of dynamical systems,
that is, stability, reachability, observability, input--output maps, and
minimum phase. Obviously, other properties of peculiar interest for positive
systems, such as cyclicity, primitivity, excitability, and transparency will
also be considered.  These properties will enable us to give a better
physical interpretation of the various results presented in the book.
Following the exposition of the theory, we will consider a number of
applications tied to models widely used by researchers and professionals
during the last decades. We will discuss, in particular, the Leontief model
used by economists for predicting productions and prices; the Leslie model
used by demographers to study age-structured populations; the Markov chains;
the compartmental models; and the birth and death processes, relevant to the
analysis of queueing systems.  At the end of this book, we will present a
detailed guided bibliography and two appendixes concerning linear algebra
and linear systems theory in order to make, if needed, the reader familiar
with the mathematics used throughout the book.

Table of Contents:

   I Definitions:

   Definitions and Conditions of Positivity.
   Influence Graphs.
   Irreducibility, Excitability and Transparency.

   II Properties:

   Spectral Characterization of Irreducible Systems.
   Positivity of Equilibria.
   Reachability and Observability.
   Minimum Phase.
   Interconnected Systems.

   III Applications:

   Input-Output Analysis.
   Age - Structured Population Models.
   Markov Chains.
   Compartmental Systems.
   Queueing Systems.
   Annotated Bibliography.

Contributed by: Bernard.Brogliato@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr


by R. Lozano, B. Brogliato, O. Egeland, B. Maschke

Springer London, Communications and Control Engineering, May 2000.

This book deals with the analysis and feedback control of dissipative
dynamical systems. It constitutes an advanced introduction to the topic, an
introduction that is aimed at readers interested in the applications of
dissipative systems theory within systems, control, and robotics. It
presents the reader with thorough treatment of the background to
dissipative systems theory. It examines linear and nonlinear systems,
providing comprehensive examples of these in each chapter. Some
infinite-dimensional and nonsmooth examples are also included.

Throughout the book the emphasis is placed on the application of
dissipative dynamical systems towards the design of stable feedback control
laws. The theory is consistently ilustrated by physical examples,
(Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems are throroughly covered, as are
adaptive controllers). The book shows how the dissipative properties of a
system can be used in the design of stable feedback controllers. These
theoretical developments are backed up by experimental results. It includes
chapters on:

Positive Real Systems

The Kalman Yakubovich Popov lemma

Dissipative systems

Passivity-based control

Adaptive control

Contributed by: Anastassiou 

 Just published by CHAPMAN & HALL/CRC-June 2000
 Edited by GEORGE A  ANASTASSIOU,University of Memphis,USA

This Handbook contains 22 long chapters,that is long survey articles
including also original results,written by top world's experts in the
following areas:Approximation theory,Approximations in
Statistics,Inverse problems,Numerical analysis,Numerical Functional
Analysis,Classical inequalities,Computational Harmonic analysis,Wavelet,
Optimization,Randomness,Fuzzyness,Global smoothness,Orthogonal
polynomials,Digitized PDE Methods,Quadratures,Math.Finance methods,
Bernstein polynomials applications to real life sciences,and Splines.

Handbook is suitable for quick start in various areas of contemporary
research in Applied Mathematics and its related Fields.

Also suitable for libraries,researchers,and very appropriate for

AUTHORS:G.A.Anastassiou,I.K.Argyros,J.Marshall Ash,K.Bittner,Jesus de la
Cal,M.Campiti,P.Cerone,Marco Dall'Aglio, S.Dragomir, F.Filbir, S.Gal,
M.Ganzburg, C.W.Groetsch, Tian-Xiao He, Don Hong, I.Khindanova, R.Lasser,
J.Obermaier, S.Osher, C.E.M.Pearce, J.Pecaric, S.T.Rachev, J.Shen, M.Tasche,
Y.Tokat, A.M.Valle, S.Varosanec,and H.Zeuner.

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: sara-info@catchword.co.uk

Volume 73, Number 8 of:

International Journal of Control a journal from Taylor and Francis

is now available online via the Catchword service, and contains the
following articles:

Non-linear position-force control of objects grasped by multifingered
mechanical hands (pg. 639)
  Anirvan Dasgupta; Himanshu Hatwal

Constrained exponential stabilizability of marginal and/or unstable linear
systems (pg. 652)
  Jinhoon  Choi

Output-feedback predictive control of constrained linear systems via
set-membership state estimation (pg. 655)
A.  Bemporad; A.  Garulli

Model reference robust control for SISO systems with unmatched disturbances
(pg. 666)
Xinkai Chen; Toshio Fukuda

Sliding mode-based adaptive learning in dynamical-filter-weights neurons
(pg. 678)
Hebertt Sira-Ramirez; Eliezer Colina-Morles; Francklin Rivas-Echeverria

An algorithm for polynomial matrix factor extraction (pg. 686)
Didier Henrion; Michael Sebek

An LMI approach to stabilization of linear discrete-time periodic systems
(pg. 696)
Carlos E. De Souza; Alexandre Trofino

Sampled-data non-linear H infinity estimation and control (pg. 704)
M.  Shergei; U.  Shaked

Designing dynamic consistency relations for fault detection and isolation
(pg. 720)
Janos Gertler

Volume 73, Number 9 of:

International Journal of Control a journal from Taylor and Francis

is now available online via the Catchword service, and contains the
following articles:

General solution to systems in polynomial matrix form (pg. 733)
M.  Hou; A. C.  Pugh; G. E.  Hayton

Lyapunov design of global state and output feedback trackers for
non-holonomic control systems (pg. 744)
Zhong-Ping  Jiang

Quadratic guaranteed cost control for uncertain dissipative models: a
Riccati equation approach (pg. 762)
D.  Arzelier; D.  Peaucelle

Robust stability of the systems with mixed uncertainties under the IQC
descriptions (pg. 776)
Zhiyong  Geng; Lin  Huang

Observer-based fault diagnosis for a class of non-linear systems -
Application to a free radical copolymerization reaction (pg. 787)
P.  Kabore; S.  Othman; T. F.  Mckenna; H.  Hammouri

Control of an antagonistic biomimetic actuator system (pg. 804)
Richard  M.  Kolacinski; Wei  Lin; Howard Jay  Chizeck

Volume 73, Number 10 of:

International Journal of Control a journal from Taylor and Francis

is now available online via the Catchword service, and contains the
following articles:

Editorial: Special issue on iterative learning control (pg. 819)
Kevin  L.  Moore; Jian-Xin  Xu

Equivalence relations between learnability, output-dissipativity and strict
positive realness (pg. 824)
S.  Arimoto; T.  Naniwa

Linear quadratic optimal learning control (LQL) (pg. 832)
James  A.  Frueh; Minh  Q.  Phan

Non-linear iterative learning by an adaptive Lyapunov technique (pg. 840)
M.  French; E.  Rogers

Error convergence in an adaptive iterative learning controller (pg. 851)
D. H.  Owens; G.  Munde

Robust learning control for robotic manipulators with an extension to a
class of non-linear systems (pg. 858)
Jian-Xin  Xu; Badrinath  Viswanathan; Zhihua  Qu

A generalized iterative learning controller against initial state error (pg.
Kwang-Hyun  Park; Zeungnam  Bien

An iterative learning controller with reduced sampling rate for plants with
variations of initial states (pg. 882)
Stefan  Hillenbrand; Madhukar  Pandit

On D-type and P-type ILC designs and anticipatory approach (pg. 890)
Danwei  Wang

A sampled-data iterative learning control using fuzzy network design (pg. 902)
Chiang-Ju  Chien

Internal-model-based design of repetitive and iterative learning controllers
for linear multivariable systems (pg. 914)
Dick  De Roover; Okko  H.  Bosgra; Maarten  Steinbuch

Iterative learning control and repetitive control for engineering practice
(pg. 930)
Richard W.  Longman

A non-standard iterative learning control approach to tracking periodic
signals in discrete-time non-linear systems (pg. 955)
Kevin  L.  Moore

Synthesis of robust multivariable iterative learning controllers with
application to a wafer stage motion system (pg. 968)
Dick  De Roover; Okko  H.  Bosgra

Learning optimal trajectories for non-holonomic systems (pg. 980)
Giuseppe  Oriolo; Stefano  Panzieri; Giovanni  Ulivi

Practical implementation of a real-time iterative learning position
controller (pg. 992)
A. D.  Barton; P. L.  Lewin; D. J.  Brown

Contributed by: Clarence de Silva, Regional Editor (desilva@mech.ubc.ca)

Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
                (International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time Automation)
ISSN   : 0952-1976
Volume : 13
Issue  : 4
Date   : 01-Aug-2000

pp 381-390
An implementation of genetic algorithms for rule based machine
S. Sette^a, L. Boullart^b

pp 391-396
Combining a neural network with a genetic algorithm for process
parameter optimization
D.F. Cook, C.T. Ragsdale, R.L. Major

pp 397-406
Toward a heuristic optimum design of rolling schedules for tandem
cold rolling mills
D.D. Wang^a, A.K. Tieu^a, F.G. de Boer^a, B. Ma^a, W.Y.D. Yuen^b

pp 407-418
Automated fault detection in power distribution networks using a
hybrid fuzzy-genetic algorithm approach
D. Srinivasan^a, R.L. Cheu^b, Y.P. Poh^a, A.K.C. Ng^c

pp 419-430
PID plus fuzzy controller structures as a design base for industrial
L. Reznik^a, O. Ghanayem^b, A. Bourmistrov^c

pp 431-439
Fuzzy intelligent system for the operation of fossil power plants
G. Arroyo-Figueroa, L.E. Sucar, A. Villavicencio

pp 441-450
Fault-diagnostic system using analytical fuzzy redundancy
F.J. Garca^a, V. Izquierdo^b, L.U. de Miguel^a, J.R. Peran^a

pp 451-458
A neuro-fuzzy tool for CT-PT contact detection in a pressurized heavy
water reactor
A. Mukherjee^a, K. Shivaprasad^a, R.I.K. Moorthy^b, A. Kakodkar^c

pp 459-464
A novel neuro-estimator and it's application to parameter estimation
in a remotely piloted vehicle
M.B. Menhaj, F. Rajaei Salmasi

pp 465-475
An integrated expert system/operations research approach for the
optimization of natural gas pipeline operations
C.K. Sun^a, V. Uraikul^a, C.W. Chan^b, P. Tontiwachwuthikul^a

pp 477-484
Fault diagnosis for gas turbines based on the control system
A. Guasch^a^1, J. Quevedo^a, R. Milne^b

pp 485-494
An intelligent system for distributed control of an anaerobic
wastewater treatment process
J. Flores^a, B. Arcay^b, J. Arias^a

Contributed by: Yuri L. Sachkov 

                       Vol. 6, No. 3  July 2000

Piotr Mormul
Goursat Flags: Classification of Codimension-One Singularities
pp. 311--330

S.A. Schapovalov
A New Solution of  One Birkhoff Problem
pp. 331--339

V.S. Afraimovich, T. Young
Mather Invariants and Smooth Conjugacy on S^2
pp. 341--352

P.O. Schorygin
On the Controllability Problem Arising in Financial Mathematics
pp. 353--363

A.A. Agrachev, G. Charlot, J.P.A. Gauthier, V.M. Zakalyukin
On Sub-Riemannian Caustics and Wave Fronts for Contact
Distributions in the Three-Space
pp. 365--395

A.Yu. Zhirov
Complete Combinatorial Invariants for Conjugacy of Hyperbolic
Attractors of Diffeomorphisms of Surfaces
pp. 397--430

V.V. Filippov
Remarks on Periodic Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations
pp. 431--451

Dirk Mittenhuber
Controllability of Solvable Lie Algebras
pp. 453--459

Contributed by: Hans Schneider 

             ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science

Journal: Linear Algebra and its Applications
ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 313
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 01-Jul-2000

Please note that only subscribers can access full text and abstracts
through the provided URLs.

Visit the journal at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

pp 1-20
Matrix pencils and a generalized Clifford algebra
C.J. Pappacena

pp 21-40
Linear systems with signed solutions
S.-J. Kim, B.L. Shader

pp 41-51
A new relative perturbation theorem for singular subspaces
R.-C. Li, G.W. Stewart

pp 53-100
Inner-outer factorization and the inversion of locally finite systems
of equations
P. Dewilde, A.-J. van der Veen

pp 101-105
A correction: orthogonal representations and connectivity of graphs
L. Lovasz, M. Saks, A. Schrijver

pp 107-114
Fast and stable eigendecomposition of symmetric banded plus
semi-separable matrices
S. Chandrasekaran, M. Gu

pp 115-126
On the digraphs of sign solvable linear systems
J.-Y. Shao

pp 127-139
On vector Hankel determinants
A. Salam

pp 141-154
The cycle completable graphs for the completely positive and doubly
nonnegative completion problems
J.H. Drew, C.R. Johnson, S.J. Kilner, A.M. McKay

pp 155-161
Reducibility theorems for pairs of matrices as rational criteria
Y.A. Al'pin, K.D. Ikramov

pp 163-171
Inverses of Perron complements of inverse M-matrices
M. Neumann

pp 173-192
Inverse M-matrix completions of patterns omitting some diagonal
L. Hogben

pp 193-201
On a discrete nonlinear boundary value problem
S. Sun Cheng, H.-T. Yen

pp 203-206
A test for copositive matrices
W. Kaplan

pp 207

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu, Editor-in-Chief
                                    Hidenori Kimura, Editor-in-Chief

                              Asian Journal of Control

                        Vol.2, No.2 (June Issue of  2000)

Regular Paper

1. Title: "Singularity Computation for Iterative Control of Nonlinear
              Affine Systems,"
    Author:Dan O. Popa and John T. Wen
2. Title: " Backlash Compensation in Nonlinear Systems Using Dynamic
               Inversion by Neural Networks,"
    Author:Rastko R. Selmic and Frank L. Lewis
3. Title: "Implementation of a Driving Simulator Based on a Stewart
             Platform and Computer Graphics Technologies,"
    Author: Hung-Lung Tseng and I-Kong Fong
4. Title: " Iterative Learning Control in Feedback Systems Based on
              an Objective Function,"
    Author:Chong-Ho Choi and Tae-Jeong Jang
5. Title: "Robust Nonlinear Controller Design for a Longitudinal Flight
             Control Problem,"
    Author: Shr-Shiung Hu, B. C. Chang, H. H. Yeh and H. G. Kwatny
6. Title: " On Stability and Performance of Induction Motor Speed Drive
               with Sliding Mode Current Control,"
   Author: Jong-Link Lin and Lin-Goei Shiau

Brief Paper

7. Title: "Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Non-minimum Phase Systems,"
    Author: Daizhan Cheng

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

    Trend and Advancement in Neural Networks Based Control Designs

                A Special Issue of Asian Journal of Control

      Integration of neural networks with main stream control design
methodologies such as feedback linearization, backstepping, output
regulation theory, or H-infinity control, etc., has become a notable
trend in recent neural network control research. Such an integration
has not only significantly enhanced the capability of the main stream
control methods in handling practical systems characterized by
nonlinearity, uncertainty and complexity, but also elevated neural
networks control research into a new horizon featuring rigorous
mathematical analysis. The goal of this special issue on "Trend and
Advancement in Neural Networks Based Control Designs" is to
provide a forum for control researchers to report their latest research
results in the area of NN control. Priority will be given to original
contributions whose results are justified by rigorous mathematical
analysis. Application oriented papers featuring novel applications of
neural networks to practical engineering systems are also sought for.

Guest Editor:

        Prof. Jie Huang
        Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
        The Chinese University of Hong Kong
        Shatin, Hong Kong
        Tel:+852-2609-8473, Fax:+852-2603-6002

Important Dates:

       May 10, 2000                    Call for Papers
       September 10, 2000           Deadline for Paper Submission
       December 10, 2000           Completion of First Review
       March 1, 2001                   Completion of Final Review
       June, 2001                         Publication

        Potential authors can either submit four copies of manuscripts or
send its electronic file(in Postscript, PDF or Word format)to Prof. Li-Chen
Fu, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Control at the following address:

       Prof. Li-Chen Fu
       Department of Electrical Engineering
       National Taiwan University
       Taipei 106, Taiwan

       Prof. Hidenori  Kimura
       Dept. of Mathematics Engineering and Information Physics
       The University of Tokyo
       7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
       Tel: (+81-3) 5841-6890

       All submissions should include a title page containing the title of the
paper, full names and affiliations, complete postal and electronic address,
phone and fax number, an abstract, and a list of keywords. The contacting
author should be clearly identified. For more detailed information about
manuscript preparation, please visit the web site of Asian Journal of Control
at http://ajc.csie.ntu.edu.tw.

Contributed by: Lars Imsland 

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
Modeling, Identification, and Control (MIC), Vol. 21, No. 3, July 2000

Thor I. Fossen, "Nonlinear Passive Control and Observer
   Design for Ships" ........................................ 129

Accumulated index and more information about MIC is available at

Contributed by: Ioan-Dore.Landau@inpg.fr

European Journal of Control

Call for papers

Special Issue:

``Dissipativity of Dynamical Systems: Application in Control.''

Dedicated to Vasile Mihai Popov

Guest Editors : B.D.O. Anderson, P. Kokotovic, I.D.Landau, J.C. Willems

The work of V.M. Popov in the late 1950's initiated the development of
frequency domain stability criteria for nonlinear systems. It introduced a
powerful new approach for stability analysis. It pointed the way to the
important notions of passivity and dissipativity, which had a deep
influence in
design techniques of control systems. Among the highligths is the celebrated
Popov-Yakubovitch-Kalman lemma, one of the key results in control theory.

The objective of this special issue is to publish papers related to these
concepts and that reflect their use in the analysis and design of control

Tutorial papers providing a perspective in this area are particularly welcome.

The deadline for paper submission is January 15, 2001.

Prospective authors are asked to contact:

I.D.Landau (landau@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr)
Ioan D. Landau                          Ph : + (33) (0)4 76826391
Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble   Fax: + (33)(0)4 76826388
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres, France

Contributed by:  George Anastassiou 

   Editor:George A.Anastassiou/University of Memphis,USA
     World Scientific Publ.Co.,pp.611

 Contains 14 survey articles,including original results on:Applied
Analysis,Approximation theory,Fuzzy theory,Sampling,Financial
Statistical Functionals,Dynamical Systems,PDE,Wavelet.



X.Shen and X.M.Yu.

The editor intends to produce subsequent volumes every 3-4 years.
So this Volume1 is the beginning of a new periodical sequence of volumes

on Applied Mathematics.

Contributed by: Jan H. van Schuppen (J.H.van.Schuppen@cwi.nl)

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)

Volume 13 (2000), Number 2

A.R. Teel and L. Praly,
On assigning the derivative of a disturbance
attenuation control Lyapunov function.
MCSS 13 (2000), 95-124. E. Zerz,
MCSS 13 (2000), 125-139. F. Silva Leite, M. Camarinha and P. Crouch, Elastic curves as solutions of Riemannian and sub-Riemannian control problems.
MCSS 13 (2000), 140-155. A. Gombani and M. Olivi, A new parametrization of rational inner functions of fixed degree: Schur parameters and realizations.
MCSS 13 (2000), 156-177. INFORMATION Information on MCSS including tables of contents is available at its home pages: www.cwi.nl/~schuppen/mcss/mcss.html www.math.rutgers.edu/~sontag/mcss.html Address for submissions: J.H. van Schuppen (Co-Editor MCSS) CWI P.O.Box 94079 1090 GB Amsterdam The Netherlands Bradley Dickinson, Eduardo Sontag, Jan van Schuppen (Editors) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: bodson@ee.utah.edu (Marc Bodson) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY NOW ACCEPTING ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS Papers may now be submitted for publication by sending an e-mail to: editor@tcst.elen.utah.edu. Authors should attach the file of their paper to a cover e-mail message indicating their desire to submit the paper for publication in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. Only Postscript and PDF files are accepted. In the case of PDF files, authors should make sure to embed all the fonts needed to print the paper. Printed papers can still be submitted for publication by sending 7 copies of the paper to the editor at the following address: Professor Marc Bodson Editor, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology University of Utah, Department of Electrical Engineering 50 S Central Campus Dr Rm 3280 Salt Lake City, UT 84112 U.S.A. ****************************************** * * * Conferences * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Giovanni Indiveri Preliminary Announcement WORKSHOP ON EDUTAINMENT ROBOTS ======================================================================== Location : Institute for Autonomous intelligent Systems (http://ais.gmd.de) GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology (http://www.gmd.de) Sankt Augustin (near Bonn) Germany ======================================================================== Duration : 2 days Date : September, 27th - 28th, 2000 Organizers: Thomas Christaller Giovanni Indiveri Axel Poigne ======================================================================== SCOPE AND FORMAT OF THE WORKSHOP The idea of the workshop is to have a first meeting of researchers and practitioners in the emerging field of "edutainment robots". Contributions should be short talks at the meeting and a short paper for a written handout at the workshop. The intention is to define the field, to understand its scientific and practical challenges, and eventually to produce a white paper that summarizes the findings of the workshop and that, if feasible, recommends a road map for future research and development. WHY EDUTAINMENT ROBOTICS ? Let us cite Toshi Doi, Vice President of Sony Corp: "We are creating a new industry out of electronic dogs and cats, and toys that can serve both as a technology playground and, potentially, as a platform for consumer electronics. Entertainment Robots offer a proving ground where engineers in software, computers, sensors, communication - all things electrical and mechanical - can test, develop and apply their latest technology." This indicates that Entertainment,more generally, Edutainment Robotics should be considered as the field where the most advanced ideas in robotics will be tested and put to operation. We expect that leading technology will emerge here that will later transfer to other application areas of robotics. WHAT IS EDUTAINMENT ROBOTS ? There is a growing market of robotic application in the areas of - Play/Hobby - Education - Information - Entertainment. There are many closely related notions such as "hobby robotics", "electronic pets", "amusement robots", "animatronics", "smart toys", etc. depending on the application area. Rather than to give definition of what a "edutainment robot' might be we may have a look at clusters of products marketed today that show some form of autonomy of artificial intelligence: - Electronic toys ("electronic pets"), Kits ("Lego Mindstorms"), computer games (targeting "Play/Hobby") - robotic kits, electronic components, control software, robot teacher (targeting "Education") - robots impersonating animals/etc. (in entertainment parks), robots in advertising, robot fish, museum guides (targeting "Information/Entertainment") This market is fast growing and one might be surprised by the number of products already in the market. THE CHALLENGE There seems to be a high demand in research and development since many of the companies involved have no or little capacity or experience. We should establish a research community in the area of Edutainment robots in order to take part in and to influence future development, promoting and testing advanced ideas and technologies. Beside all the necessary themes of robotics such as control architecture, adaptavity, learning, physical realization, interaction, here are particular points of interest concerning system design such as miniaturisation, real time constraints. We hope to find contributions from all these areas. ======================================================================== If you are interested, please mail back to our secretary Heidi Szameit Please indicate in keywords which interests and background you have. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Hershkowitz Daniel PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT International Linear Algebra Conference June 25-29, 2001 Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel We are happy to announce the International Linear Algebra Conference, to be held at the Technion, Haifa, Israel, on June 25-29, 2001. The conference will be held under the auspices of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Mathematics at the Technion and the International Linear Algebra Society. This is the 9th conference organized by ILAS since 1989. It is also the 12th conference in a sequence of matrix theory meetings organized by the Technion since 1984. The organizing committee of the conference consists of Moshe Goldberg (co-chair), Daniel Hershkowitz (co-chair), Raphael Loewy (co-chair), Abraham Berman, Richard A. Brualdi, Ludwig Elsner, Leonid Lerer, Uriel G. Rothblum and Abraham Zaks. Further details can be obtained by e-mail from Danny Hershkowitz at . *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Thomas Parisini (Politecnico Milano, Italy) Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000 (URL: http://www.ims.unico.it/conferences/conferenze/2000ijcnn/) Panel Session: PERSPECTIVES ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL Tuesday July 25, 11am-1pm Organizers and Moderators: Thomas Parisini (Politecnico Milano, Italy) Marios Polycarpou (University of Cincinnati, USA) Panelists: Alex Meystel (National Institute of Standards and Technology-NIST) Enrique Ruspini (SRI International) Tariq Samad (Honeywell) Noel Sharkey (University of Sheffield, U.K.) Paul Werbos (National Science Foundation) Gary Yen (Oklahoma State University, USA) After a tremendous amount of research activity since the pioneering days, Intelligent Control is becoming a more mature field. This panel session will provide a unique forum for open discussion on current and future issues in intelligent control. The panelists, who are well-known researchers in intelligent control, come from the industry, academia and government organizations. They form a unique group that works in different and complementary research areas. Issues for discussion include: 1. What is Intelligent Control? Is it possible to define it? 2. Is Intelligent Control a mature field? 3. It is common to think of Intelligent Control only in terms of neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, or combination of them. Is this a restrictive viewpoint? 4. Has Intelligent Control fully exploited the possible and promising synergies between different research areas (AI, Computer Science, Control Theory, Information Theory, etc.)? 5. What has been the real impact of Intelligent Control on industrial applications so far? What will be the impact in the near future? 6. How should one evaluate Intelligent Control techniques in terms of: (a) learning; (b) exploiting data and measurement of different nature (sensor fusion); (c) cooperation and coordination between different decision makers (controllers, agents); (d) autonomy; (e) optimizing performances; (f) fault tolerance. 7. Can we provide a measure of intelligence for Intelligent Control systems? 8. What are some of the key research challenges in Intelligent Control for the near future? *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Andrea Balluchi, balluchi@parades.rm.cnr.it CALL FOR PAPERS HYBRID SYSTEMS: COMPUTATION AND CONTROL (HSCC 2001) Fourth International Workshop Rome, ITALY http://www.parades.rm.cnr.it/hscc2001 Important Dates Submission deadline: October 15, 2000 Notification of acceptance: December 15, 2000 Final versions due: January 15, 2001 Workshop: March 28-30 (Wed-Fri), 2001 Aims and Scope The Workshop on Hybrid Systems attracts researchers from industry and academe interested in modeling, analysis, and implementation of dynamic and reactive systems involving both discrete (integer, logical, symbolic) and continuous behaviors. It is a forum for the latest developments in all aspects of hybrid systems, including formal models and computational representations, algorithms and heuristics, computational tools, and new challenging applications. The Fourth HSCC International Workshop continues the series of workshops held in Grenoble, France (HART'97), Berkeley, California, USA (HSCC'98), Nijmegen, The Netherlands (HSCC'99), and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (HSCC 2000). Proceedings of these workshops have been published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer-Verlag. Scientific Program and Topics Sessions will include presentations of contributed and invited papers. In keeping with the tradition of previous workshops, there will be ample time and space for informal discussions. Submissions are invited in all areas pertaining to the design, analysis and implementation of hybrid systems. Topics include, but are not limited to: - modeling and representations - control methods and algorithms - optimization - formal methods for analysis, synthesis and verification - computer-aided design - engineering applications. Reports on case studies and tool development are particularly encouraged. Venue The workshop will be held in Palazzo Lancellotti, Via dei Coronari, Rome, Italy. This palace was erected on the site of other constructions, in the end of the 16th century, by the order of Scipione Lancellotti. The project belonged to F. da Volterra and C. Maderno. Domenichino created the main door with the columns supporting a balcony. The courtyard is among the most interesting things characterizing the palace. It has a portico and a loggia decorated by ancient marbles and stuccoes. In the halls of the palace there are paintings by Tassi and Guercino. Submissions Researchers are invited to submit either a postscript or pdf file of an extended abstract via e-mail to: hscc2001@parades.rm.cnr.it. The abstract should not exceed 10 pages. The first page should contain: - the title of the paper, - each author's name and affiliation, - complete contact information for the corresponding author (postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers), and - a one-paragraph summary of the contribution. Full versions of the accepted submissions will be published in the Springer LNCS series. The proceedings will be available at the workshop. Workshop Co-chairs Maria Domenica Di Benedetto Alberto L.Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Program Committee Rajeev Alur, Eugene Asarin, Jean-Pierre Aubin, Andrea Balluchi, Luca Benvenuti, Antonio Bicchi, Gautam Biswas, Rene Boel, Michael Branicky, Christos G. Cassandras, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto, Mark Greenstreet, Thomas A. Henzinger, Stefan Kowalewski, Bruce H. Krogh, Alexander B. Kurzhanski, Gerardo Laferriere, Michael Lemmon, Bengt Lennartson, Nancy Leveson, John Lygeros, Oded Maler, Manfred Morari, George Pappas, Anders Rantzer, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Roberto Segala, Eduardo Sontag, Claire Tomlin, Stavros Tripakis, Frits W. Vaandrager, Arjan Van der Schaft, Jan H. van Schuppen, Tiziano Villa, Howard Wong-Toi, Sergio Yovine. Steering Committee Panos Antsaklis, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto, Bruce H. Krogh, Nancy A. Lynch, Oded Maler, Amir Pnueli, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Frits W. Vaandrager. Organizing Committee Andrea Balluchi, Luca Benvenuti, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto, Alberto Ferrari, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Donatella Santillo, Tiziano Villa. Additional Information To stay informed about HSCC 2001, register for e-mail announcements by sending e-mail to hscc2001@parades.rm.cnr.it . Also, please refer to the Workshop web-page at http://www.parades.rm.cnr.it/hscc2001. Maria Domenica Di Benedetto Alberto L. Dip. di Ingegneria Elettrica Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Universita' de L'Aquila PARADES G.E.I.E. Poggio di Roio Via di San Pantaleo, 66 67040 L'Aquila, ITALY 00186 Rome, ITALY ph. +39-0862-434449 ph. +38 06 6880-7923 fax +39-0862-434403 fax +39 06 6880-7926 e-mail: dibenede@ing.univaq.it e-mail: alberto@parades.rm.cnr.it *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Reza Katebi, University of Strathclyde: IFAC CONFERENCE: CAMS2001 Control Applications in Marine Systems University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK 18-20th July 2001 CALL FOR PAPERS SPONSORS: IFAC TC on Transportation Systems, IFAC TC on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles WORKSHOP SCOPE: Marine Control Systems: Ship Control, Autopilot Systems, Dynamic Positioning Systems, Tracking Systems, Roll Stabilization, High Speed Crafts, Underwater Vehicles, Robotic Off-shore Systems, Electric Ships, Ship Manoeuvring Model: Modelling, Identification, Control Navigation Systems: Positioning Systems Using Satellite, Collision Avoidance Systems, Intelligent Navigational Aids, Integrated Navigation Systems. Traffic Guidance and Control Systems: Guidance and Control Systems, Traffic Flow, Weather Routing, Communication Systems Engine and Machinery Control Systems: Design, Control Systems, Marine Engine and Machinery Safety and Fault Tolerant Control: Faults Detection, Risk Control Systems, System Integration, Machinery Surveillance, Condition Monitoring and Quality Control Systems: Supervision and Condition Monitoring Systems, Hull and Cargo, Performance and Maintenance of Hull and Machinery. Training and Vehicle Simulation: Ship Handling, Man-Machine Interface, and Simulation. MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION: Authors of accepted papers will be required to prepare a manuscript in camera ready form (IFAC document style) for inclusion in the Conference Proceeding and CD. Details for manuscript preparation will be sent to authors by 15 January 2001. VENUE The Workshop will be held at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. IMPORTANT DEADLINES Submission of Draft Papers: 27 October 2000 Decision Deadline: 2 February 2001 Full Paper, Early Registration: 16 May 2001 Workshops / Invited Sessions: 15 March 2001 CAMS2001 Secretary: Mrs Sheena Dinwoodie Industrial Control Centre, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1QE, U.K. Tel +44 (0) 141 548 4297 Fax +44 (0) 141 548 4203 Email: sheena@icu.strath.ac.uk Copyright Conditions The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC meeting must be original. Authors will be sent a copyright transfer form. WWW HOME PAGE: Http://www.cams.icc.strath.ac.uk/~cams2001 ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION: Email your paper in *.doc (zip), *.pdf or *.ps to: cams2001@icu.strath.ac.uk *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Jesus Pico' Short Course on Power Electrical Systems and Bioreactors. Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Network (NACO 2) Valencia (Spain), September 30th to October 2nd , 2000 Objectives: To present and discuss two main application fields suitable for the research subjects of the Network, namely: Power Electrical System and Bio-reactors. Open to non members of the network (see details below). Program: Topic by day, including: Presentation of the process, models and characteristics Basic control applications Open research lines Discussion Schedule: Saturday September 30th PES 8.30-8:45 Welcome and local arrangements, P. Albertos, J. Pic 8:45-9:00 Technical introduction to the subject, R. Ortega 9:00- 11:00 Theme 1. George Verghese (MIT). 11:00- 11:20 Coffee break 11:20- 13:10 Theme 2. Peter Terwiesch (ABB). 13:10-15:00 Lunch 15:00- 17:00 Theme 3. PWM control of AC drives. Marian Kaczmierkowski. 17:00-17:20 Coffee break !7:20-18:30 Open discussion Monday October 2nd Bioreactors 8:45-9:00 Technical introduction to the subject, J. Pic 9:00- 10:30 Theme 1. Enzimes production by microorganismes. J. Lafuente (U.A. de Barcelona) 10:30- 10:50 Coffee break 10:50- 13:00 Theme 2 George Bastin (UC Lovain). 13:00-15:00 Lunch 15:00- 16:00 Theme 3 George Bastin 16:00- 16:30 Local research. J. Pic and RG 16:30-16:50 Coffee break !6:50-17:50 Other topics (members of the Net) !7:50-18:30 Open discussion and future actions Attendance: The course is free for members of the Network. Otherwise attendace is welcome. In this case a fee of 150 EUROS is required, which includes lunches of Saturday and Monday, course notes, and coffee breaks. For additional information and registration, contact with: Jess Pic or Pedro Albertos Dept. of Systems and Control Engineering. Polytechnical University of Valencia. Fax: (+34) 963879579 E-mail: jpico@aii.upv.es pedro@aii.upv.es *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Fathi Ghorbel (ghorbel@rice.edu) 2001 IEEE CONFERENCE ON CONTROL APPLICATIONS (CCA) and the 2001 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL (ISIC) 5-7 September 2001 Presidente Inter-Continental Hotel Campos Eliseos 218 Mexico City, Mexico http://www.control.rice.edu SCOPE AND TOPICS Both conferences will be held in Mexico City at the famed Presidente Intercontinental Hotel which is in the Polanco district across from the famous Chapultepec Park, close to lakes and gardens, renowned museums, and historical sites. This is a prime area and provides a safe and pleasant venue to have a conference location. The meeting will highlight the exciting and multidisciplinary areas of control systems applications as well as Intelligent Control. The general theme of the conference is: Eclectic Applications and Intelligent Control In The New Millennium The program committee solicits papers presenting original contributions in all areas of control applications and Intelligent Control including, but not limited to: CCA . Applications of adaptive and robust control sensor based control nonlinear control sliding mode control modeling and system identification fuzzy logic control expert systems distributed systems manufacturing systems mechatronics motion control robotics vibration control structure control fault detection and fault tolerant control man/machine interface aeronautical, aerospace and space systems automotive systems vehicle control traffic and network control chemical and steel process control systems biomedical systems data fusion power electronics systems computed aided design. ISIC . Intelligent Control architectures and methods knowledge based systems and learning control temporal logic for control path planning systems reactive multi-agent systems machine learning neural networks fuzzy logic genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing hybrid dynamical systems pattern discovery distributed or decentralized control methods discrete event systems supervisory control probabilistic approaches knowledge-based sensor fusion neuro-fuzzy approaches neural-adaptive control systems intelligent sensors intelligent machines. FORMAT OF THE CONFERENCE Both conferences will run in parallel. The sessions will be held Wednesday, 5 September - Friday, 7 September, 2001 with workshops on Tuesday, September 4. There will be only one registration fee for both conferences and all attendees will receive proceedings from both conferences. IMPORTANT DATES January 31, 2000: Papers, Session and Workshop Proposals Due March 20, 2001: Notification of Acceptation/Rejection May 4, 2001: Final Camera-Ready Papers Due PAPER SUBMISSION The Program Committee invites authors to submit their papers electronically (either PDF format or PostScript format) by 31 January, 2000. The first page of each manuscript must contain the title of the paper, the names and affiliations of the authors, and four keywords,/phrases. In addition, please identify the corresponding author with full contact information, including fax and e-mail, if available. Your manuscripts should be sent to one of the Technical Program Chairs: D. W. Repperger (for CCA Submission), Email: D.Repperger@IEEE.ORG T. Parisini (for ISIC submission), Email: parisini@elet.polimi.it INVITED SESSIONS The Program Committee also solicits proposals for invited sessions in the above areas of applications. Each proposal for an invited session should describe the theme and scope of the proposed session and should include extended summaries (at least four pages in length) of six papers. In addition, the proposal should contain the name, affiliation , and complete address of the session organizer)(s) and of the authors of all included papers. Five (5) copies of the invited session proposals should be sent to the Chair of Invited Sessions Linda G. Bushnell. Linda G. Bushnell Army Research Office P. O. Box 12211 RTP, NC 27709-2211 Phone: (919)-549-4319 Fax: (919)-549-4354 Email: bushnell@ieee.org WORKSHOPS The Program Committee is also soliciting proposals for workshops related to the theme of the conference. Persons interested in organizing a pre-conference workshop should contact the Workshop Chair: Eduardo A. Misawa Eduardo A. Misawa Oklahoma State University School of Mechanical and Aerospace Eng. 218 Engineering North Stillwater, OK 74078-5016 Phone: (405)-744-5900 Fax: (405)-744-7873 Email: misawa@master.ceat.okstate.edu For more information, visit http://www.control.rice.edu *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Heinz Treseler The preliminary program, registration form and further information on ADPM 2000: The 4th International Conference on Automation of Mixed Processes: Hybrid Dynamic Systems 18-19 September, 2000, DASA, Dortmund, Germany are now available on the web site http://astwww.chemietechnik.uni-dortmund.de/adpm2000/ ADPM2000 will be the 4th event in a series of biennial international conferences on hybrid dynamic systems, i.e., systems with both continuous and discrete dynamics. The conference will provide a survey of the advances in this field, including topics such as modelling, analysis, verification, synthesis, simulation, and the application of these methods in the design of automation systems. The aim of the ADPM2000 conference is to bring together researchers and practioners with backgrounds in control, electronics or computer science and to initiate discussions on how concepts from these different domains can be integrated to improve the existing engineering methods for hybrid systems. This next event in the series will be organized by the Process Control Laboratory at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Dortmund, Germany and take place at the DASA in Dortmund. The French Group on Hybrid Dynamical Systems of SEE/Club EEA also provides a major contribution to the organisation. It follows the conferences ADPM'92 in Paris, France, ADPM'94 in Brussels, Belgium, and ADPM'98 in Reims, France. For further information or questions, please, do not hesitate to contact the organization secretary. Secretary: Stefan Krmer, Heinz Treseler Process Control Laboratory Department of Chemical Engineering University of Dortmund, 44221 Dortmund, Germany, Phone: ++49 (0)231 755 5127 Fax: ++49 (0)231 755 5129 Email: adpm@ast.chemietechnik.uni-dortmund.de ****************************************** * * * THE END * * * ******************************************